Duke & Dana Pt. 3 free porn video

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Part 3

She had known Karen since grade school but they hadn’t become really good friends until half way through high school. Dana thought she knew everything about Karen but apparently not.

“Well when was your first time?” Dana asked.

Karen didn’t answer immediately. She considered what may happen if her friend new the details of her first encounter with a canine, but then she realized what they had just shared. Why would it matter if she knew?

“Back during the summer before we went to college,” she began, “I was dating Jason Henley, remember?”

“Ya…He was a real jerk. You only were dating him because he was hung like a horse.”

“That’s beside the point. Anyway, his grandfather passed away and he and his parents flew back east for the funeral over a weekend. He called me to house sit, so I went over to their house…”

Karen pulled up in front of Jason’s house at just before 9am Friday morning. She could see his dad loading luggage into their BMW. She walked up the sweeping drive to where he was just as he closed the trunk.

“Hi Mr. Henley,” she said giving him a hug, “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I hope you’re doing ok?”

“Thank you for you concern but I’m fine,” he replied, “JASON! Karen’s here.”

Karen continued up the walkway toward the front door and met Linda Henley. They didn’t say anything as they passed because Jason’s mom didn’t like Karen for whatever reason. Jason was at the front door holding some keys and a piece of paper with a somber look on his face.

“Hey baby,” Karen said jumping into his arms and kissing him full on the lips, “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m gonna miss you too. Jack’s in the back yard. Here are the instructions on how to take care of him, the birds and fish. The first number is for my aunt’s house where we’ll be staying and the other is my dad’s cell phone. If Jack gets out, the first place to look is down there at the Peterson’s,” Jason pointed down the block toward a big two story home on the corner, “That’s his girl friend’s house.”

“His girl friend?” Karen asked with a funny look on her face.

“Ya…they have a female Shepard that he goes down to visit and they knock it out, but we raised the fence so I don’t think he'll be able to get out now.”

“She’s gonna miss his cock,” she said stepping close to Jason and caressing his cock through his jeans, “Like I’m gonna miss yours.”

They kissed passionately until the horn of the car made them stop. Jason jogged to the rear passenger door and waved before climbing in. The Henley’s pulled out of the drive way and headed down the street while Karen watched them go. She was very horny knowing she wouldn’t get any of Jason’s big cock for at least the next three days. She looked at the paper Jason had given her and walked into the house.

The Henley’s were very well off and had a magnificent home. Karen loved being there and would enjoy feeling like this house was hers for the weekend. She went to the back yard to see Jack, their 4 year old black lab and mastiff mix. He was a 145 pound pussy cat around Karen. He never jumped or barked at her and always lavished her with ‘kisses’ when she was over. She scratched his head as she walked around the pool to the shed where the pumps were and turned on the pool heater. She planned on using the facilities to their fullest. She returned to her car, got her bag and put it in Jason’s room, planning to spend every night in his bed rather than the guest room, then began to get undressed.

Karen laid a towel on one of the chase lounges by the pool and stripped off her wrap revealing a very skimpy bikini. She saw Jack lying in the shade, gnawing on a bone she gave him earlier as she walked to the pools edge. She dove into the cool water and made a quick lap before climbing out to catch some rays. Karen kept hearing Jason’s words about Jack and his girl friend and it made her feel funny but she wasn’t sure why. She noticed the warmth in her pussy still lingering after the hasty goodbye she and Jason had. The feel of his cock through his pants in her hand made her very horny. It wasn’t long before her fingers found their way to her pussy and began massaging her erect clit. She bucked her hips and ground her sex against her fingers as a huge orgasm began to build. Karen dipped a finger into her frothing valley, then another. She was about to cry out in pure ecstasy when Jack licked her face.

“Oh Jack! Yuck, you slobbered all over me!”

Her moans had gotten his attention and he had come over to investigate. Karen removed her hand from her bikini bottoms and sat up, wiping his drool from her cheek and neck. She was mad for being interrupted but not really. She loved Jack and his playful nature. She scratched his ears and he laid his head on her stomach.

“This isn’t gonna work Jack. Go lay down,” she told him.

He raised his head then began sniffing the air. He found Karen’s damp fingers intriguing. His tongue shot out to taste the wonderful smelling digits. Karen thought it was cute at first then was fascinated at how his tongue moved over, around and between her fingers. It was very stimulating to her. Once he was satisfied he had gotten all that was on them he searched for more. When his head went to her crotch, she pushed him away. He moved around the end of the lounge and tried again.

“No Jack!” she shouted, pushing him away more forcefully.

His persistence was admirable but she needed to finish what she started or she would go crazy. Karen finally decided she would have to go inside and reached for her wrap. Jack took her momentary distraction to stick his nose in her crotch and have a taste. His broad tongue swept up her bikini covered sex making her jump.

“HEY!” she shouted and stood up quickly, causing the lounge to skid loudly on the concrete.

Her sudden movement startled Jack and he moved back. Karen had shuddered from his sudden unwanted advance. Disgust and embarrassment surged through her along with a strange feeling of arousal. That arousal concerned her. ‘There has got to be something wrong with me. It’s wrong to feel like that from a dog. Why am I thinking about him?’ she thought as she backed away from Jack. He watched her leave but didn’t move to follow.

Karen walked into the air conditioned house and went straight to Jason’s room. She sat on the bed for a moment as her thoughts ran wild. She felt dirty and depraved, horrified and yet aroused all at the same time. Her pussy nagged to be satisfied but her mind grappled with the moral dilemma over her unnatural urge to explore what Jack had done to her. She decided to take a shower in hopes it would clean away more than just the chlorine from the pool.

After drying off, Karen opened her lap top and began to search the internet for more on the subject of sex between humans and dogs. The shower had cleansed her body but not her mind. She quickly found more than she bargained for. Lots of pictures and videos of women engaging in all forms of sexual acts with animals, not just dogs, but she focused on the canine side of this new perversion of hers.

The images assaulted her senses, making her wet and feel repulsed. She found herself seeking the ones with dogs giving women oral satisfaction. The looks of ecstasy on their faces and the cries of pleasure tore down the remnants of her moral resistance, but then Karen saw a video of a woman jacking off a large Shepard before he mounted her and fucked the day lights out of her. The shock she felt was equaled by the flood of arousal. She mindlessly reached for her drenched sex and the moment her finger came in contact with her stiff clit, she came.

The intensity of her orgasm surprised her as she nearly bucked her computer off her lap. The flood of her juices soaked the towel she sat on and the bed spread below. When Karen finally recovered, she felt ashamed but that passed quickly. Now she wanted to see if Jack could please her like she had witnessed other canines doing for the women on her computer. She read some ‘How to’ articles on the subject then put on a robe and went down stairs to get Jack. She made a stop in the kitchen for some peanut butter, just in case, then called Jack to her.

He ran to her call and rushed into the house. Jack was excited to be inside and was jumping around as Karen led him to Jason’s room. He was sniffing the air, following her closely. Once in the room she closed the door as he roamed around the room and eventually zeroed in on the towel on the bed. His sensitive nose took in the powerful aroma and he even licked at the material a few times. Karen removed her robe and sat back down on the towel then leaned back on the bed. Jack licked at her thighs then her wet pussy. She gasped at his warm tongue passing over her moist folds.

“Mmmmmm…that’s a good boy,” she cooed softly.

She spread her legs as wide as she could, holding them open for her four legged lover. She could feel his tongue plunge into her depths then bathe her lips and clit in warm saliva. Karen began to quake with tremors of pleasure as a new orgasm shook her very core.

“OH GOD YES!” she screamed.

Jack continued to lap at the fresh flood of womanly nectar, but soon Karen had to push him away from her over stimulated pussy. She lay panting on the bed for several minutes in the euphoric after glow of her first canine induced orgasm. Jack sat softly whining as if he wanted more. Karen sat up and looked at him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted but the sight of his bright red cock poking out of its sheath captured her attention. It was only out a few inches but she could see how big and thick it was. Karen had always been a bit of a ‘size queen’, that’s why she liked Jason so much. Now she was seeing something even bigger and it was making her uncomfortably horny.

Jack stood and moved closer. She lovingly scratched his head and stroked the soft fur down his body, moving her hands closer to his mighty penis. Once she reached his sheath, her hand closed around the furry cover. The heat of his cock was intense and she slowly stroked him. His hips began to move, turning into violent thrusts. Her wrist and arm were being coated in his hot pre cum. She was beside herself with excitement at the prospect of feeling this huge cock being thrust into her. She released him and got onto the floor. He began to jump around her excitedly as if they were going to play. He pounced and pawed at her, knocking her over a couple times.

Karen finally got on her hands and knees and crawled around like she had seen the women in the videos do. Jack jumped and continued to paw at her playfully. She wantonly displayed her drooling vagina to him and he would lick her but didn’t try to mount her. When he stood beside her, she reached for his cock and gave him a few strokes, making him hump the air vigorously, then turned her backside to him. He mounted her immediately and began humping but dismounted after only a half dozen thrusts. This happened again and again. Karen was getting frustrated and tired trying to support his weight. On the next attempt she reached between her legs to help guide him in. This was more productive. He managed to get the tip in but had trouble maintaining a coupling.

“What am I doing wrong?” she wondered out loud.

Her pussy was hungry for cock and she needed to cum so once again she tempted Jack to mount her. This time when his flaming hot cock pushed into her pussy she dropped her shoulders to the floor. Jack thrust forward and drove about half of his 9” penis into Karen’s creamy hole. His grip tightened and he yanked her backward, impaling her fully on his cock.

“OH GOD!” she cried, “Yes…yes…YES!”

The powerful orgasm, lurking just beyond her grasp, exploded within her. Jack’s thrusts were erratic and he was jerking side to side. Karen could feel his knot slapping at her entrance but he wasn’t able to bury it in her before it was too large to enter. She could feel the scalding hot cum gushing into her convulsing canal. She came hard again. Jack suddenly pulled out and squirted his seed on her thighs, ass and calves. She collapsed to the floor as the flood of cum drained from her opening. She had hoped to feel his knot inside her but they could work on that since it was only Friday afternoon and the Henley’s wouldn’t be back before Sunday evening.

“So did Jack tie with you?” Dana asked, excited to hear more.

“Well not that day. I was a bit sore and tired. He was a BIG dog. I did get his knot in me a couple times before they came home but we never tied. He was just too erratic. I would have loved to have that monster in me, because he was even bigger than Duke here,” she said pointing to the Dane lying on the floor near by, “And that’s how I know Duke is trained. He didn’t need to be told what to do, was very calm in what he was doing and when Jack finished, he gave me a couple quick licks then went to lie down. Where as Duke licked us both clean afterward. Now to the real question. Do you think Kara trained him by herself or did Danny help her? Does he even know?”

Dana couldn’t answer. She sat and stared at Karen who had a cynical look on her face. It was plain that she believed Kara had done the training without Dan’s knowledge.

Dan worked on an off shore drilling rig and he would be gone for two weeks then off for two. That’s a long time to go without sex. She had always struck Dana as a nympho too. She had also been surprised that Dan even let her get a dog as he really wasn’t into pets, saying they made it difficult to go anywhere because you always had to make arrangements for them. It was beginning to look like Karen’s assessment was right. Kara may have done this herself and Dan doesn’t know of her sexual escapades.

“I just can’t believe it,” Dana finally said with a look of dismay, “I guess if she did do this to fill in the time without Dan, I should be thankful. It’s better than her cheating on him with another man. If she is fucking Duke, how can she take that huge thing? We’re both nearly six feet tall but she’s barely 5’-2” and very petite. I’d think he’d split her in two.”

“I don’t know but she’s no innocent virgin. Maybe she’s a size queen too. Are you gonna confront her over this?” Karen asked.

“I’m not sure. At least we can enjoy Duke’s training for now. They’ll be back a week from today so I’ve got time to think about it.”

They both considered the possibilities for their weekend together with Duke. Dana would have to make a decision at some point and that could make things between her and her sister-in-law very tense.


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Duke Gerhardts SolutionChapter 3

That bastard, Gerhardt! How dare he! The cheek of it. Telling me I have to work for a living! All I did was borrow a car for an hour. How was I to know it belonged to the British Consul? Okay, there were a few other things, like, you know, picking up some money people left laying around. In their back pockets. And why can't I have a drink or two? Drunk and disorderly, my eye! Anyway, there I am in front of the magistrate, who was reading out a great long list of things. First time round, he...

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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 3 Rocky Lovin

In the first three months of my being Johnny "The Duke" Dukes' sex slave, he had fixed me up with over a hundred gay "dates." He made $20-25 a pop and would give me a fiver from each. I didn't complain. He didn't have to give me a dime, had he chose not to. After all, I was The Duke's "boy." On one such date, as we sat in Duke's car outside the guy's apartment house, he gave me his usual instructions: "Do everything he tells you to do, Scooter! Don't embarrass me." I said sure...

2 years ago
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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 4 Suck or Sink Sucker

I had been The Duke's personal sex slave for about a year and I had been with many different gay men each and every weekend. "Be obedient, Scooter, and do what they tell you and make me proud!" was The Duke's oft-repeated phrase just prior to the meetings. I made him proud, too! Why not? I loved sex and was good at it. While he made twenty, twenty-five bucks per pop, the five bucks he doled out to me helped financially. If that sounds like rationalization, so be it! I have no guilt or...

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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 6 Gettin Rich

A few days after The Duke had told me all about my friend Richie, how Richie had sucked The Duke off and taken it up the ass, I was still flabbergasted. It was like learning that your best friend really has two heads, but you can only see one of them. Richie, for crissakes! I had never thought about Richie in any way but as a pal, but now that I knew his little Dukie secret, he took on a different aura. We had, as mentioned, masturbated together while leering at my French playing cards, and...

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Fucking My Angel Maasi Vandana

Hi, Girl’s and Boy’s hope all are you doing well !! Myself Ricky and I are from Delhi. I have been reading ISS stories from past 10 years and I’m a huge fan follower of this website and used to read stories whenever I get a time out from my busy work schedule. Finally. Today I got a chance to share my real life true experience with all my dear ladies and gentlemen. Feedbacks, comments and compliments are most welcome. Any girls or unsatisfied women can contact me for any kind of help or...

3 years ago
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Halloween Disguise prestory by DanaWu

an original story by me. its not true more of a fantasy...this story starts october 14th. first of all i am a 23 year old boy, i just moved to a different state to go to college, i dont have many friends and have only been her a couple of months.today was like any other day, had to wake up early and go to work for a couple hours before school. julia, one of the first people i met here, approached me today and told me about an "awesome" party tons of the students have every halloween. she tells...

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Had A Great Time In Bangalore With My SisterInLaw Chandana

Hi friends, hope all are doing well. I am Arjun 5.9 height and good physic from Hyderabad this is my second story after “lovely journey with my Sandhya Rani”. This is story with sandhya’s sister chandana got sex with me last year i.e. 2012. Coming to story, chandana is younger sister of sandhya and now she is working for big MNC in Bangalore. She was in love with her classmate while engineering. They got some misunderstanding bet’s them and she called me and told all happened and I went to...

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Bhai Ki Mardanagi

Hi i am Huma, a woman from punjab. i am sexy, with a voluptuous body, oozing sex appeal and extremely hot. My email id is If you like my story, please write your response and i will send you a reply at least. Now coming to my actual story which is a real happening in my life when i was aged 20 years. Let me tell you about my family. I have a brother two years younger than me, Farhan and my mother, Saima, 45 years and my youngest sister Nazo younger to me by 5 years So here it begins. Main us...

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Incident in Mindanao

INCIDENT IN MINDANAO By Shabbadew2002 Email me at [email protected] Item in a Manila newspaper (March 27, 2007) Professor, writer and peace advocate, Maricel Castaneda, 41, filed a formal complaint today alleging the military illegally arrested her during the Women’s Day on March 8, 2007 and subjected her to molestation and torture.  She claims her 17-year-old son was detained, bound and forced to witness her interrogation. ?I pleaded for mercy for me and my son,? Castaneda said in her...

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Yeattathi yude nanni praghadanam

Abhi vazhi ninghal brijre+pinki ye parijaya pettille, yini namukk ami ye koodi visadhamaayi parijaya pedaam, adhinidayil mel parayunnavarumaai nearil undaaya anubhavam onnu yeadukal marichu noakkam. 2007 avasaanathil singapore tele communications nte jaipur officeil oru 6 maasam jhaan work cheydhittundu (secretariate nte b-annexil), thamassam cousin babu yeattante familyodoppam townil thanne; yeattathi, elssa (revenue dept.) Yidakk sirohikk transfer undaayi ippol veendum aal jaipur yethi; avar...

2 years ago
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De Danann

It was cold, even with the fire banked up we were only just keeping the cold at bay, just beyond the ring around the fire, it would be waiting for us. The fire was burning in the centre, producing as much smoke as heat, so it felt. The billowing clouds of smoke were left to find their own way out; which they were failing to do very effectively. We could hear the wind outside. No-one spoke, but we were all thinking along the same lines, I could tell. We’d been here a couple of weeks, the gold...

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Dukes Hardcore Honeys

Ever wish that porn comics weren’t so vanilla? I mean, come on, we’ve all seen comics of a couple of lesbian bitches scissoring a hundred times by now. It’s nothing new. And it leaves fetish fanatics like me craving for something different. I want to see hardcore porn of sluts getting wrecked, but I want it in comic form. It seems like it’s a tall order to get that lately. Hentai has it. Animations have it. But sometimes I want to settle down with a comic and bust a nut that way. I did some...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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No one can remember when the street lights last worked. Now the corner is only lit by the garish glow from the 24-hour laundromat and Mr. Chow's Chinese neon across the street. I park in front of the heavily shuttered shoe store and turn off the car."Ahhh... what the hell?" you mutter, leaning forward to peer out the window at the dark, deserted street, sparkling with jewels of false hope after the evening's short rain."We're here.""We're where, exactly?""Club.""I do not see any...

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Dukes Rescue Journey to Terrellia

Duke's Rescue, the Journey to Terrellia By: Malissa Madison All the way forward they were explaining that while no one really understood how it worked, unless they were actually going to meet another driver, the passageway through the trucks would bypass everyone else leading to the Diner itself. She looked around wide eyed at the interior space. "How is this possible?" she asked. Giggling Daisy said, "Magic, that's the easiest explanation. You do believe in Magic,...

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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 2 Teddy Bare

I had been servicing The Duke sexually every day for about three or four weeks when I, by accident, added another guy to my sex calendar. Teddy N. My father was the superintendent of the building we lived in so I picked up a few bucks here and there by cleaning people's bathrooms. I charged $2 a pop. I didn't have too many customers, maybe four at any one time, so it was easy to squeeze them in with my going to New York City to service The Duke's gay guys. Teddy N. had moved into the...

3 years ago
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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 5 Duke Daze Continued

As previously mentioned, The Duke led me into a world of sex not seen in too many books. And I loved it! Which, over time, made me very good at giving sexual pleasure. I found that the more of a "giver" I became, the more I enjoyed it myself. To hear someone, man or woman, moan in appreciation as they unloaded because of my manipulations was beyond heaven to me. And it was way more real. The Duke once had me suck off an elderly black cab driver when we didn't have quite enough money for...

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I had married Guriya, a beautiful 22 year old big boob woman last year and was madly in love with my wife. Guriya was a whore in bed and I loved my whore. She is 5 feet 4 inches, round ass, nice big tits with brown nipples that she loves getting sucked. She keeps her cunt shaved for me and loves my 7 inch cock. She likes everything dirty in bed.She talks dirty and loves to be talked dirty too. She often asks me to call her Mama when I am fucking her brains out. She would pull my mouth on her...

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Dukes bitch

when our dog Duke was constantly trying to paw her and hump her leg when she was on the couch watching tv. She would scratch his huge head and talk to him lovingly. She treated him like a person. When our daughter was born she was more horny than usual. When she breastfed our daughter she would get extremely wet and when I touched her between her legs she would be soaking wet. Lauren is 5'2", about 120 (She managed to keep it around 120 even after the kids were born), shoulder length...

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Die Welt danach

_Der Krieg war vorbei. Nach einer schrecklichen Eskalationsspirale, die zuerst Europa, dann Asien und schließlich die ganze Welt mit in einen Strudel aus Gewalt und Horror zog, schreckten die enthemmten Kriegsmächte bald vor keinem Mittel zurück. Es wurde nie aufgedeckt, welche der vielen Seiten das Virus in Umlauf brachte - es hätten alle sein können. Die Möglichkeit, Viren auf spezielle DNA-Sequenzen zu programmieren und so gezielt einzusetzen waren schon lange bekannt, aber...

4 years ago
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Der Morgen danach

Es ist ein ganz normaler Samstagmorgen. Ich wache in meinem Bett auf und kann mich zunächst nicht erinnern, was letzte Nacht passiert ist. Im Normalfall kommt die Erinnerung wieder, wenn ich nachsehe, wer neben mir liegt. Aber erstmal will ich mich gebührend vorstellen: Ich heiße Alex, bin 22 Jahre alt und Student. Ich konnte mir erst keine eigene Wohnung leisten, aber als vor einem Jahr meine Schwester Tessa, die mittlerweile 20 ist, auch anfing zu studieren, beschlossen wir, gemeinsam...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 05

“Hey Dylan, enjoy the rest of your day?” Rebecca asked. “By which we mean did you fuck anyone else?” Olivia asked. “Of course not, I’m a model pupil,” Dylan replied. “I’m hurt you’d suggest that.” “Yeah, I bet you are,” Olivia said. “Anyway, me and Becky were wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover tonight.” “You mean I finally get to sleep with my girlfriends?” Dylan asked. “We’re not your girlfriends. We’re your friends who are girls.” “And who I get to fuck.” “Well yeah. Power’s...

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Black Paradise On Earth

My name is Jennifer Saint Hill. Just a tall, voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I write this because I want to give thanks. I’m thankful for what I’ve got. The Good Lord gave me intelligent, health and good looks. He also gave me a wonderful family. I am grateful for my father, Franklin Saint Hill. He’s a stocky black man who works as a police sergeant in Boston. My mother Elise is a guiding light in my life. A fine complement to my father’s discipline and...

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Matt and Milf Gets Deeper

As time would pass by and I got closer to Matt, I was becoming very distant from my husband. We would no longer spend time together or do anything together for that matter. All my good times and orgasms were coming from Matt and him only. I had a long conversation with my husband one night and we came to a mutual agreement that it be best if we took some time apart from one another to see if our lives get better. I started to look for an apartment since I didn’t want to stay at my house. It...

Cheating Wifes
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The good girl

My ass had such a strong penetration that I couldn’t avoid resulting pain and aching off my already enlarged small hole. This had been my first year of career at college, and I was late on my first day.  As I got there, I stepped secretly into the classroom, a little ashamed, but ignored, and stayed put while trying to catch up with the class.  This professor would be talking about subject contents, perhaps, but seconds later, I was followed by another student -who was late on his way to class...

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The night before my Wedding

Introduction: I took pre wedding jitters to the extreme. This is the story of my wedding day. Like most brides I had that mixture of emotions ranging from excitement, to nervous, to fear I was doing the right thing with the right guy. I was driving everyone close to me crazy, especially my maid of honor Amy. She kept telling me I just needed a good fucking to settle my nerves. I had no idea she was serious. After the rehearsal dinner we split into two groups, the three groomsmen took me out...

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The Chance

The Chance by Melanie Southgate Translated from the German by Leah Since I was seven I had had just one real wish, to be a girl. In the following years this wish grew stronger and stronger, and as I entered into puberty, this problem became ever more difficult. I saw how the girls developed into women with their wonderfully shaped bodies and breasts. I wanted to look like that too, but instead I developed into a man with an abominable body and this thing between my legs...

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