- 2 years ago
- 30
- 0
Duke walked out of the restaurant. On his arm was a tall, beautiful and long-legged lithe blonde with breasts pushing out the top of her tight blue gathered dress with a prim neckline. The woman couldn’t keep her eyes off Duke and she was talking to him animatedly.
He said to Sandi, ‘You appear on heat.’
‘Oh god Duke, am I that obvious?’
‘Here’s a check: is your pussy dripping?’
She couldn’t hold his gaze without blushing. ‘Possibly, but I know it’s really lubed.’
‘Well two days to Saturday and then two Saturdays after that and I’ll give you what you want.’
She glared at him.
He smiled. ‘I guess I’m open to negotiation.’
‘Tonight… now.’
‘I can live with abandoning our agreement.’
He was driving towards his home when she poked a finger under his nose.
‘Yes, good lube and so this is your scent?’
‘Yes,’ she gurgled.
‘Now suck that finger.’
‘Go on. I want you to do it.’
She obliged.
Duke said, ‘I want you to get used to the taste of yourself because when I lick you I want to be permitted to kiss you and tongue you without first being sent off to brush my teeth.’
‘Oh god.’
‘Just get used to it baby. Actually I can tell you your scent is up there with the best I’ve come across. You must understand some taste like drainage from a silage pit.’
‘Oh Duke,’ Sandi shrieked without wondering how he could make such a comparison. ‘Please don’t talk to me like that.’
‘Okay I was just attempting to turn you on.’
‘Turn me on,’ she said disbelievingly. ‘What do you know about turning a woman on when you talk to here like that?’
Sandi didn’t appear aware she already was highly arouse when entering the house until Duke brushed a hand over her breast, they both were conscious of his hand bouncing over a very erect nipple.
‘Oh Duke, let’s look at the house later,’ she said, attempting to pull him to the floor.
Being a gentleman he submitted and her hands were all over him as she kissed him open mouthed.
She obviously knew what she was doing so he grabbed a handful of pussy, pushing under her briefs, and her legs opened. He moved between them and her legs opened right out, almost as wide as a ballerina doing the splits.
Duke removed his jacket and shirt and soon had her pulling his hair as he gobbled her.
She puffed and moaned and puffed and then screamed.
He lifted, mouth and chin dripping and said, ‘Kiss me.’
Gamely she closed her eyes and smashed her mouth against his and if riding a wave of ecstasy began licking his face and moaning. That so excited him that he almost came without being touched.
‘So you suck dick?’
She nodded and snapped her teeth together hard.
‘Er let’s fuck,’ Duke said, having second thoughts about fellatio.
She was great and when he appeared to flag the third time she shot a wet finger in his rectum and he blew like Moby Dick.
”God you are wonderful,’ he panted, drenched in sweat.
‘Oh I could really get to be very fond of you if you keep on treating me this well. Are you ready to go again?’
‘Oh I need to take a wee breather honey.’
Neville and Jean were almost asleep when they heard a vehicle door slam and their daughter cry, ‘Good night you wonderful man.’
‘Ah yippee,’ Neville sighed. ‘It appears our daughter has her head above the water at last.’
‘Well she has been out with a very lovely man. He’s probably given her some loving cuddles to help get her confidence back.’
Neville disagreed with that. ‘That lovely man as you call him cannot put a finger on a woman without proceeding to have sex with her.’
‘Rubbish. That’s the last thing Sandi wants right now. In time yes but not right now. She is still grappling with a deep-seated crisis.’
They heard the vehicle drive off and the next thing they knew their bedroom light went on and Sandi jumped on to the bed and was doing a hula.
‘I’ve had sex, I’ve had sex. Oh god he’s good. Look at your pathetic younger daughter now oldies… cheeks flushed, body tingling, on a total high. Oh mummy find another half dozen guys like Duke and I’ll drive myself bananas.’
Sandi caught the shocked look on her parents’ faces and slowed and then stopped her bed-top cavorting.
‘Oh please disregard that last bit what I said. I was just fantasizing. All I need to do is to lower my expectations and Duke will be totally adequate for me.’
She jumped off the bed. ‘Well I best get some shut-eye and allow you two to fuck.’
‘Sandi you’re drunk!’ scolded her mother.
‘Rubbish, I only had four drinks the entire night. I’m been swept along in euphoria mum. I believe Duke has freed me of my chains. I thought it would take weeks but he has a large dick and knows how to use it.’
‘Oh god,’ Jean said, hiding under the sheet to smother her laughter.
‘Go to bed and behave,’ said he father sternly. ‘We are left with the impression you enjoyed yourself tonight.’
Three weeks later Sandi announced, ‘Mom I’ve been hired to work in real estate as personal assistant to a woman Duke knows, Isabella Street. You know her parents Kim and Ivan Street.’
‘Oh yes the Streets but are you sure you are ready to return to work?’
‘Yes mom but that’s not all. Duke wants Bonnie and me to move in with him.’
Jean gripped the bench and said she thought that might be coming.
‘You have been seeing a great deal of Duke and your father and I are aware Bonnie absolutely adores him and he’s so good with her. Um has there been any hint of where this could lead to?’
‘No mom, from the outset Duke and I agreed to take our relationship one step at the time. Moving in is just another step and no time limit on it has been discussed. I am to share the cost of house running and pay half the cost of completely fencing the property and fencing the pool.’
‘God he strikes a hard deal.’
‘No mum, he offered to support us. I insisted I pay half of all outgoings or else I would not agree to move in with him. He said the fencing was capital expenditure and I said so what and he finally buckled. Mum I’ll be on a salary of $33,000 and because I will be assisting Bell with Open Homes and servicing clients and will receive a percentage of Bell’s net commission earnings that will take my income past $45,000, well past that figure if she has a great year.’
‘Well that’s lovely darling and you know if you run short of money you only have to ask me for whatever you need. Now what about a car?’
‘Too late mom. Duke has already offered.’
‘Well let me match what he’s offering and put you into a more luxurious and safer vehicle.’
‘Okay mom, thanks. Let’s meet dad and Duke somewhere for early dinner so we can take Bonnie. Oh Julie Black who lives next to Duke has a six months old baby and has agreed to look after Bonnie and to take and collect her from preschool as she needs the money and is wildly happy about having Bonnie for company because she gets so lonely at times because her husband works from 9:00 to 7:00.’
* * *
As Sandi left the office Bell called Duke.
‘One very happy woman has just left our office but let her tell you the news rather than you saying you already know.’
‘Okay I’ll do that. Will she be working on data input or accounts?’
‘Like hell she is. I interviewed her and was blown away when going through her CV, work record and reading references from satisfied employers. Were you aware she has a degree in marketing?’
‘No, I never thought of asking about qualifications. She said she’d like to find office work with senior responsibilities so that’s when I thought of referring her to you as your office appears to have a large admin section.’
l I’m hiring her as my personal assistant and she’ll need to qualify to become registered to work in the real estate industry. She knows far more about business management that I do so will be preparing my business finances for my accountant and doing the marketing for my clients and servicing them, leaving me free to concentrate on selling my listings and managing the residential sales team with Sandi’s assistance. Once Sandi settles in and becomes completely familiar with property transactions, with her assistance I reckon I’ll have capacity to boost my personal sales by up to 50%. That will be a win-win situation for both of us.’
* * *
Sandi and Bonnie shifted into Duke’s house on a Saturday morning and Jean and Neville came to dinner that evening to assist Bonnie adapt to her new environment but there was no need for that. Bonnie had been to the house on numerous occasions and had been told which room would be her bedroom so had great expectations when she moved into her new bedroom, knowing no one had slept in it since it had been renovated.
During dinner Bonnie began yawning and rubbing her eyes and Sandi took her to bed.
A few minutes later Sandi arrived at the dinning room white-faced. She looked at Duke almost panic-stricken. Her parents looked at her concerned.
‘Bonnie has just asked for daddy to read her a story.’
Duke smiled and shook his head. ‘The little tyke has disclosed our secret. She’s been calling me daddy for two or three weeks and I asked her to not say anything about that to anyone. She promised not to tell.’
Sandi said wide-eyed, ‘You should have told me.’
‘Why? It could have upset you.’
‘You should have told me and allowed me to be upset or delighted, that’s why.’
Ten minutes later after having read Bonnie asleep Duke returned to the kitchen, assembled the dessert and took it in on a tray.
‘Oh this is wonderful, a real culinary delight,’ Jean said, smacking her lips at the sight of the tall glasses filled with white chocolate and cherry parfait. ‘And your roast dinner was superb Duke, an astonishing accomplishment for a male who is self-taught.’
‘Necessity brings out the best qualities in people Jean,’ he smiled.
‘Well hearing that from your lips I can believe it. Sandi has something to say to you.’
‘What, that you like my cooking now that your mother has lauded my efforts?’ he joked.
No smile brushed aside Sandi’s serious expression.
‘Duke, mum and dad agreed you did the right thing by not telling me Bonnie was calling you daddy. They said the shock would be less if I heard Bonnie calling you daddy and I accept that logic. You handled this sticky problem magnificently and I am very proud of you and pleased at the way you attempted to cushion my shock.’
‘Thanks baby. I’m pleased the situation has resolved itself and I’m glad you see me in a good light in respect of nondisclosure. I thought I was doing my best. I regarded her calling me daddy as being inevitable as most of the other kids at preschool would have daddies. Who can blame Bonnie for not missing out?’
Two days later Neville came into Duke’s office, looking embarrassed.
‘Mate Jean wants me to ask you about your intentions with our daughter.’
Duke looked at Neville sternly and when Neville hooked a finger under his shirt collar Duke grinned and Neville looked decidedly relieved.
‘Listen carefully Neville, tell Jean to pull her head in. My plan is to let nature take its course.’
‘Jean will want to know exactly what does that mean?’
‘Mate here is something she’ll understand. Tell her I said to butt out.’
‘What about using stronger language?’
‘No butt out is a relatively friendly warning. I want to keep Jean as a good mate.’
Neville smiled and said, ‘Sounds good to me mate.’
Although Sandi had slept with Duke in his home many times, this night was different. She was now in permanent residence with her daughter who called the landlord daddy.
‘Wow that’s a cute shortie nightdress,’ murmured Duke, on his back in bed with his hands tucked under his head and tired of wondering what the fuck Sandi was doing fiddling around so long in the bathroom. Well she had reapplied makeup, had pulled out the pins in her hair and obviously had combed it and had on this pretty thing in pink and white lace.
‘You look gorgeous.’
She blushed.
Duke had expected a reply so said, ‘Tell me what you’re thinking?’
She looked startled and then uneasy and he said hey there was no need to reply if he were intruding on privacy.
She ran across to Duke and fell on to his chest and kissed him.
‘I was thinking you are such a handsome man and I suddenly realized I felt… I felt I was home at last.’
‘Crikey girl, that’s the caper if you’re out to excite a guy who has the intention of ravishing you.’
She gave a wee cry and went to go down on him but Duke said, ‘First let’s talk. I now have you were I want you and so it’s time to discuss the next step. I think we need to formalize our relationship if that’s what you want.’
Sandi’s breath caught and she asked why.
‘Because I’ve fallen in love with you and I think you are aware of that. The way we care about each other has developed significantly in the past couple of months.’
‘I feel that way too,’ Sandi said, stroking Duke’s face.
‘So you don’t want me to back off?’
‘No keep talking.’
‘You have no idea how I was hit between the eyes the first time I heard Bonnie call me daddy. I knew then I had the choice to run or to stay and I dropped the idea of running as if I were holding a hot brick. She was so casual about it and she was pointing to a book so I accepted she was not out to test me.’
‘Oh I wish I had been there,’ Sandi said. ‘It must have been such a sweet moment, very touching. So what happened?’
‘Well nothing immediately but over coming days with some interjections of ‘daddy’ I had my quiet talk with her not to call me daddy if anyone else was with us, that it should be played like our secret game. I was very aware her association with me was not by choice like the choice you had made. But now she’d made the choice to call me daddy and I felt I had a joint responsibility with you over Sandi’s welfare and knew I was thinking like a surrogate father.’
‘Oooh how cute,’ Sandi said softly, cupping Duke’s genitals. ‘So the next step as you see it is to marry me and give Bonnie a stepfather?’
‘Well it’s a logical step because you will be a great father to her. You are a very lovely man and I love you. And so I agree, yes we should marry. May I request we don’t take two long about it?’
They kissed and then Sandi climbed over Duke and went down on him, but in that process moving to lay her very moist peach right over his mouth.
* * *
Bonnie liked her new preschool and that made Sandi very happy. She explained to Duke it meant when she started primary school in about month she would already know some of the children in her first-year class who would have been promoted ahead of her as well as two who would be promoted with her.
Sandi had finished her eLearning studies to gain certification to work in the real estate industry and began to put her studies into practice under Bell’s guidance. With the wedding coming up she decided to delay her studies to obtain higher qualifications because she was already qualified sufficiency to have complete involvement in sales under Bell’s supervision because Bell was fully qualified.
Neville and Jean arrived at a restaurant for Sunday lunch to meet Sandi, Bonnie and Duke.
After the greetings they all sat for a drink. As time wore on Sandi became twitchy, the sunlight produced a glint and Jean screamed, ‘Omigod’ and grabbed Sandi’s hand to look at the ring finger.
Sandi beamed and Neville shook Duke’s hand and
said, ‘Well done mate.’
* * *
Duke had found out from Jean that Sandi had only had a small wedding in England. They agreed this time she should have a big wedding with all the trimmings. The three of them insisted over the delighted Sandi’s half-hearted protest she should wear white.
Sandi’s sister Eva and family arrived for the wedding and her youngest son partnered the flower girl Bonnie and they both performed their roles very well and even kissed when asked to do that by the wedding photographer.
Nikki Armstrong, with her piercings temporarily removed, arrived with her parents and Lisa Fulton arrive with her partner Dr John Drummond, one of the young doctors on the kayak over-nighter with them some months earlier. With them were Lisa’s parents Bert and Patricia. Duke’s parents had arrived from Queensland and his other Australian and New Zealand relatives dribbled into the city for the big event.
The wedding breakfast was sumptuous and late afternoon the 120 guests farewelled the bride and groom and Bonnie who, after changing at home, were driven to the airport to fly to Sydney to connect to a flight for the honeymoon in Hawaii.
On the aircraft Duke chuckled, ‘When I stopped in the middle of my speech to make a special toast to all girlfriends I’ve known, at least half the guests, mostly female, appeared stunned, but they rocked in laughter when you shot to your feet and made a toast to all your past boyfriends.’
‘Well Duke, that really was funny. So how about a big laugh for this: ‘I found out Thursday I’m pregnant.’
Duke smiled and kissed his wife. ‘Well done honey.’
Sandi was disappointed, thinking the big announcement had gone down like a lead balloon.
But she screamed in laughter when Bonnie piped up, ‘I heard you telling grandma the news mummy. I told daddy your secret but he made me promise to tell no one else until you told daddy.’
‘God you two are a scream,’ Sandi laughed.
Duke nodded to a pretty flight attendant and half a minuted later she arrived with a bottle of champagne and Bonnie’s favourite drink. The three of them were now really settling into being a new family.
Bonnie was seated between them and Duke looked at the beautiful and relaxed face of his wife, thinking of the drawn and hollowed-eyed near wreck Sandi had been when she’d first arrived from England. He sipped some champagne and thought, yes he was really great with women: they appeared addicted to responding to him.
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The evening has come. Finally I’m done with work and I can leave my laptop. The food delivery guy arrives. I’m knocking on Ava’s room: “Dinner is ready!” “Come in, dad. I’ve just finished my study-from-home work for today.” “Good timing. College going well, you being bedridden for a few weeks and all?” “Yeah I’ve managed to catch up with online materials. It’s a bit lonely like this but I’m in touch with my friends and professors over the web. It could be worse.” “I’m glad you’re making the...
"How do I look, Kenny?" Dannie asked as she rushed into the kitchen where her brother was snacks ready for their expected company. "You look like a little slut who's hungry for new cock," Ken said glancing up from the bowl of pretzels to look at the skimpy halter top and short shorts. His sister's shorts were so tight that he could tell she wasn't wearing any panties. Not only that, he could see the wet spot in the crotch of her tan shorts where they outlined her pussy...
Karin closed her front door in his face and locked it leaving James standing on the door step, unsure of what to do next. Only then did he realise that he’d left his bag inside her flat. Being separated from a few dirty clothes wasn’t a problem, but she now had his passport which made returning home even harder. He knelt down and looked through the keyhole just as Karin inserted her key and all he could do was listen as she engaged the deadlock. “Karin, my bag?” She giggled as she withdrew the...
BDSMAcross the small hotel dining room, there were three well-dressed men wearing tall white hats, drinking coffee and smoking fat cigars. One of them moved closer to sit at the table nearest the Young Bucks. “Excuse me please, but did I hear you say you have an exceptionally fast horse bred from Cheyenne horse blood?” The man asked from behind Eli. Eli turned to look back at the man, “Yes Sir, we sure do. He’s never been beaten in about thirty races,” he told the man. “We’re here to meet the...
She reached over and casually let her fingers interlock with his as she sipped the drink, patiently awaiting his next request. The heat between her legs was exquisite and well worth savoring – she could wait as long as he wanted her to this evening for her turn – this one was for him. As her finger slid over his wrist, she whispered across the table “Feeling better yet?” the tremor the words sent through him rippled all the way to his fingertips, and she smiled at his response. She raised her...
I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn’t full of pretense as so many...
“Ah, Brother Michael, come in, come in. Let us dispense with formalities; you know why you are here? Yes” The abbot paused “Brother Michael, you are a good monk, a good man -” “Please my Lord Abbot, I am no better than others, do not build me up with false pride. I pray” “-of course, yes. I mean you try hard to serve our Lord as well as any monk. How can I say this? You have one flaw ... you tell the truth, unvarnished, to all” “And that is a flaw my Lord Abbot?” “It is when the person you...
Grace Black calmed Vera down by telling her that she could call her anytime. The shelter manager wasn't the brightest bulb in the lighting store, but she was tenacious, gnawed on a problem like a dog with a bone until she solved it, and after moving through a problem, if the same problem happened again, or one similar to it, Vera fixed it using what she'd learned. What Vera couldn't do is fix a problem the first time it surfaced, not without help, and Grace had been her security blanket...
Hi friends. This is Bharati again. This is a story I received from Anna by e-mail. He requested me to post it. I found it quite exciting and different, and it made me horny as hell. This is the first time I am writing something and posting it on this site. I am Anna (male) staying in Mumbai. I am planning this story in many interconnected parts – depending on the response from you’ll. This story is of my own family, living in a remote village in Maharashtra. My grandfather is 50 years old and...
Finding the real me I have written about two or three stories and all have been total fiction, this one is part fiction-part fact. Hope you enjoy and reminds you all of yourselves. I live in Perth, Western Australia and go to a place called Perth Steam Works. It's a small building down a side street and not much to look at. It's a place where Gay men can go, it's clean, discreet and unobtrusive. I don't consider myself gay as I have no interest in men that is until I am dressed....
Most people Sarah knew were constantly lamenting their fate since the collapse but for her everything had gotten a hundred times better. Eight hours less in front of desk, no idiot colleagues unless she teamed up with other scavengers who then where actually good at their job because if you weren't you didn't make it home.Today she was all alone though, just her trusted, rusted rifle and her backpack full of goods accompanying her on the long way home. She had spent a little too long setting...
Hello friends. It is my first attempt to write a sex story. I have been visiting ISS for one year and I have read several superb sex stories. Now I thought to write one of my own. Well, I must mention that this story is not a fiction. It truly happened to me. As you may have guessed by the title, I will narrate to you a set of incidents that led to that erotic night between me and my cousin sister. Before I start the main story, I will tell you about my relations in slight detail so that you...
IncestWhen we moved in one of the first things that I noticed was that our neighbour liked to smoke out of one of her roof windows which over looked our sitting room. Sometimes I would be sitting on the sofa watching TV or browsing the internet, well lets be honest, looking at porn!!!!, I would see her swing the window up and light up. Once or twice I had thought she might have caught me stroking my cock as I looked at porn. I do this sometimes when my wife is at work,, well don't most men!!!. Of...
Introduction: Every holiday, she finds a new special playmate I entered the somewhat hidden back-entrance of the wash house. God knows why the thing had two entrances, to two non-connected parts, and one was in the back where no one ever went. Sand and pine tree needles on the floor spoke of disuse, as did the damp and mildly musty smell. The shower was running in one of the cubicles, the other doors were either open or at least unlocked. Leonie? I asked tentatively. You there? Fynn? Her voice...
It was about a week later when I got a call on my cell while I was at work. It was the Shaker Heights Police. Caller ID’s a great thing. After verifying who I was, the officer asked to speak with me about the police report on the theft of the two necklaces. Were they mine? Yes. Did you give them away or lose them, No. I told her the story of finding the hidden compartment of my jewelry box disturbed and that both necklaces were missing. They were custom made and I had pictures of the necklaces...
This world of medieval fantasy is filled with opportunity, for the wicked and cunning, so go forth, pillage and plunder, subjugate and dominate. You start you journey on the continent of Vileria, a land filled with numerous ruling kingdoms of various origins, and all manner of people and fantastical creatures. Being at the bottom of society, in the shadow of monarchs and warlords are those that swipe the coins from pockets, deal with matters under the table and slide their knives in the dark,...
FantasyDebbie was basically a normal girl. She was 19 and out on her own with her own job and a nice boyfriend to play with her nipples at the movies. Well, maybe not quite out on her own, since she still lived in her parent’s basement with her very own TV and furniture. Her hair was long and naturally red, and she liked to wear high heels because they made her legs and her ass cheeks look so toned and young. Recently, she had gotten into the habit of not wearing panties to work because they made her...
The prom was going on without them, the entire class and all the staff looking around confused as they announced the prom king and queen, and neither Diago nor Brittany were there to accept the honor. *** Diago tried for over 20 minutes to reach his cousin Jake, it was the only safe place he knew. Jake’s mansion was in the middle of nowhere, he had no neighbors for miles, they would never be found there and if by some chance they were, he knew with out a doubt, Jake had his back. Jake was...
I became very curious about the female anatomy at a very young age. I had a brother that was 2 years older than me that I inherited the dirty magazines from but better yet, I also had a sister that was 5 years older than me that was really hot !! I'll call her Shelly. Now Shelly was cool and we hung out a lot. She was always very comfortable walking around the house in her panties and either a bra or tube top or something revealing, especially after she started growing boobies! I...
Hello, welcome to my new story. In this one I decided to try and get everyone involved and share their own story’s. So in this story anyone is welcome to add their own story of when they were humiliated for their penis being on the small side. Your story has to be true and follow the Chyoa guidelines. Other than those two things everyone is welcome to share how their story goes on here. If you want to add a new type of series of any type of experiences you have, feel free to message me and tell...
303 The padlocked part 1Mandy is a nurse, she has been for quite a while, well since school anyway, wanted, like most girls to be one as a c***d, but never grew out of the idea. John, her husband of four years now is a chief-clerk at an engineering factory, they are very much in love, and she worships the very ground he walks on. Sadly, after extensive tests in the second year it was found that she could not bear c***dren, which suited John, (though he said the was heartbroken), as he had had...
I knew I was in for an interesting evening with Jack because he bought the first round at Lynch's Tavern. We were supposed to meet the following after noon at his secret room for some prime time fucking, and I supposed he was anxious to fill me in on tomorrow's pussy. "Jack... first off, I gotta tell you I'm not up for and fucking around for a few days." "How come?" "I'm just getting over the clap." "You're shitting me!" Then he got a worried look on his face and asked, "Was...
WILE E. COYOTE: THE WAY IT SHOULD BE By C. In the western mesa-lands of Mythica, there lives a clever, shrewd, indeedwily Coyote. He has lived long and fairly well by using his wits--plus productsgenerously donated by the Acme Company, for which he is principal spokesbeast. He'll eat almost anything, but his favorite food is female roadrunner. InMythica, this is not the scrawny, ill-tempered bird that you and I know inthe land of Dismal-Realia. Here, she is a beautiful, cinnamon-skinned...
MomsTeachSex! In the words of the late great Dr. Sigmund Freud: “There’s no pussy like mom pussy”. Now I certainly wouldn’t give my mom a ride, but your mom? I’d fuck your mom like there’s no tomorrow, and so should you. Now if you’re gonna be a pussy about it and you’d rather keep fantasy from becoming reality, you can head over to MomsTeachSex.com. They will hook you up with the hottest, horniest moms on the planet. Seriously, these moms are so fucking hot that they’ll have you thinking that...
Premium Incest Porn SitesIts 11 am when you wake up. You have been 18 for a few weeks and you finally want to feel how it is to receive a footjob, lick the soles of a girl or suck her toes. Today is Saturday, so you will have a while to do this, but first, what girl helps you indulge in your fantasy?: Kate - Your best female friend. Red hair, green eyes, C-cup tits. Sky - That sexy girl across the street that has beautiful feet. Brown hair, blue eyes, B-cup tits. Sarah - The girl you have had a crush on for years....
FetishHi Iss readrs kaise hai maine ise side ka bahut purna readrs hu aur aaj maine apni bahut hi impotrant story submit kar raha hu meri ye story bilkul real hai aur koi bhi edition nahi hai shyad is liye thodi lambi. Hai par kahi aap bor nahi hoge.Mujhe school ke time se hi naye dost banane ka bahut shouk hai aur meri kai ladkiya dost hai par aab meri shaadi ho chuki hai par aaj bhi mujhe ye shouk hai aur bhi kai ladkiya meri dost hai kuch real kuch mobile par. Yane baat to hoti hai par mulakat...
I flew into London/Gatwick with nothing but a backpack, a Eurail pass and a few hundred dollars in cash. I toured the country by train, bus, hitchhike and foot. I slept mostly in hostels, which were packed with kids like me trying to see the world on a dime. I think somebody stole my shampoo at the hostel in Bristol, but for the most part, it was lots of fun. We played cards late at night, passed around cheap bottles of wine, smoked some occasional pot, and pretended we were sleeping while...