Knecht indian porn

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 3 Joerg Isebrand Becomes a Landsknecht and Fights the Danish

They took an eastward road from Elmenhørn, marching at a moderate pace. Joerg was happy with that; his legs hurt from last night's march. He tried to get to know his companions. There were twenty-two of them, once they picked up another dozen men at a different inn. They marched until late afternoon. There was no village on the way where they could spend the night, and they asked for quarter at a large farm. The farmer and his armed knechte made them leave, however. They ended up sleeping in...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

3 years ago
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K nigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

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Am Pranger

Dumpfe Schritte hallten durch das steinerne Gemäuer und verloren sich dann in dem von sakraler Dunkelheit geformten, weitläufigen Raum der Kirche. Dunkle Wolken hatten den Himmel verhangen und so erreichte kein Sonnenstrahl durch die kleinen Fenster des Gotteshauses. Nur wenige Kerzen schenkten drinnen ihr diffuses Licht, in dem sich eine junge Frau zum Beichtstuhl bewegte. Es war Sonntagnachmittag und selbst eine Magd hatte an diesem Tag des Herrn ein karges Stück Freizeit. Das Mädchen trug...

4 years ago
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Die Erlebnisse der Gutsherrin

Meine schönsten Erlebnisse (Gutsherrin - Erlebnis 1) wieder einmal war es heute nachmittag soweit, daß ich, eine frau vonmitte 30, einer bestrafung beiwohnen durfte. Unsere 42 jährige dicke köchinhatte schon zum zweiten mal den sonntagsbraten anbraten lassen, so daß dieserweggeworfen werden musste. Damals in der schwierigen zeit im 19. Jahrhundertein hartes vergehen der untertanen. Ausserdem war marta unsere köchinin letzter zeit sehr störrisch und frech und hat sogar mal etwas gestohlen.Mein...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

2 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandPreface

This is historical fiction. I have included historical events into this tale and some historical persons. The events, deeds and quotes are purely fictional and do not reflect the characters of those persons. Wulf Isebrand was the military leader of the peasants in the Battle of Hemmingstedt, in 1500. Historians have differing views of his true person. Even his Dutch origins have come into question. Certainly, nothing is known about his offspring, and I took artistic licence to spin my tale...

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Converted from "Simona_01.txt" on 21-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 SimonaSeinem Rang entsprechend hatte Drusus direkt hinter den Senatoren seinen Platz eingenommen. Frühzeitig hatten sich die Ränge der Arena gefüllt, denn heute war der erste Tag, an dem die Anhänger der neuen Sekte ihrer gerechten Strafe zugeführt werden sollten. Flüchtig dachte Drusus an seinen Freund Licutus, der ihn erst so richtig aufdiesen Beginn der Spiele aufmerksam gemacht hatte. "Das werden die grausamsten und...

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Der Sklave meiner Sekretarin Story in German

Der Sklave meiner Sekret?rin (Muriell 2007)FF/m, Humliation, Femdom, Feet, Stockings, Socks, Spanking, AgeplayGedankenverloren stand Peter Kaiser an der Strassenecke Maximilianstrasse, Lindenstrasse und betrachtete die noble Fassade des neuen, grossen Gesch?ftshauses. Es war sein neuer Firmensitz, der vor wenigen Wochen erst fertiggestellt wurde. Es war sein Werk, sein ?Kind?. Wohl das, was man eine klassische?Juppykariere? nennen k?nnte. Peter Kaiser war mit seinen 23 Jahren bereits eine fixe Gr?...

2 years ago
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Pelle the CollierChapter 15 How Tjark Wins a Wife

Another two hours passed during which a steaming Helge spoke the prayers until Father Ortwinus was satisfied. Again, the villagers had returned to their dwellings. Finally even the young men and Margrite resigned themselves to the facts. Meanwhile, Luise was getting increasingly cold. Her knees were numb by now after spending hours in the stocks, and her back hurt terribly. The nagging fear was still there, the fear that once darkness fell, somebody would sneak up behind her without her even...

3 years ago
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Part One   Schwestern  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 2 How Young Joerg Isebrand Was Banished from the Marshes

Joerg Isebrand was tired. He, his father and his brothers had been working the whole day to bring in the hay from the first cut of the year. With three strong sons and two daughters, the Isebrands prospered. They all worked hard, the land was good, and there were no taxes or rent to pay. The Marshes were still free, and all the Isebrands paid was the tithe for the poor, like everyone else. Joerg, at sixteen years of age, was the second youngest in the family, but in the last two years he had...

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Part One   Xenia?Teil 1?Vielleicht finden wir deine Xenia unter denen, die heute gekreuzigt wurden?? Von der Seite sah Lucius seinen alten Freund Crassus leicht mitleidig an: ?Wenn sie bei den rebellischen Sklaven war, dann haben wir sie mit gro?er Gewissheit gefa?t und wir finden sie hier an der Via Appia oder in einem meiner Verliese.?Schon von weitem sahen sie die Reihe der aufgerichteten Kreuze.?Nicht nur dass ich f?r diese geile Schlampe ein halbes Verm?gen bezahlt habe und dass sie ...

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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

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eines Abends in der Wirtschaft

Eines Abends in der Wirtschaft Von Ricky Zimmermann Peter Grassky hatte sich den Verlauf des Abends nicht ganz so einschneidend fuer sein weiteres Leben vorgestellt. Prof sitzt fuer seine Verhaeltnisse eigentlich schon ziemlich lange mit seinen Dienern Wilhelm und Ernst in der Wirtschaft. Ab und zu steht einer von Ihnen auf und kaempft sich durch Mief und Dunst. Entweder an der Bar oder auf dem Weg zur Toilette werden mit irgendwelchen Leuten Sprueche geklopft. In der ganzen Kneipe...

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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

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Lucilla                                                                       "Aaarrghhh niiiicht bitte niiiiiicht!!!" Verzweifelt winselte Lucilla auf. Die Schergen, die ihre Fesseln gel?st hatten, stiessen sie vor das leicht schr?g stehende klobige X-Kreuz. Sie drehten sie  vor die dunklen Balken  und durch den d?nnen, kurzen Fetzen, den sie trug, sp?rte sie das harte, warme Holz. Wie Schraubst?cke waren die F?uste der M?nner, die ihre Arme hochrissen und ausstreckten, nachdem man sie auf...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 14 How the Holy City of Rome Is Taken With Much Cruelty Visited Upon Its People

Joerg returned to his men and reported. They decided to wait until the next day, to see what the Duke had to say. The mood was subdued in the camp that night, as the men thought of their field captain, who had led them to two resounding victories. News spread rapidly on the next morning that Georg von Frundsberg had suffered from a stroke. He was being transported home already, and the Duke of Bourbon now held the command. From the Duke came the summons to the captains for another...

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Evelyn s Exekution

EVELYN´S EXEKUTION Im November 1944 war es der Gestapo nach wochenlangen vergeblichen Bemühungen gelungen, endlich den Aufenthaltsort von Evelyn Petschnik, einem Mitglied des im Untergrund agierenden Widerstands gegen Adolf Hitler, zu eruieren. Um fünf Uhr morgens läutete es an der Wohnungstür von Evelyn. Sie war erst spät von einem Widerstandstreffen in ihre kleine Wohnung zurückgekehrt und schlief tief und fest. Als niemand öffnete befahl der SS-Offizier Heinz Offer die...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 15

"Ah ... that won't work either ... nor yours Junior." Connie and Junior had the same idea at the exact same moment. The disk was right ... damn it all. Juniors watch sent out the, "I'm being interfered with," alarm. That woke up over three thousand watches on over three thousand watch owners wrists, in pockets and on neck chains all over the known world ... and some of the Unknown world ... at the same time ... no matter when that time was. Tim and Violet were the first to arrive ......

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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 18

I was woken during the night by the windows in my room rattling. My old brain knew that this was caused by Russian Migs breaking the sound barrier over west Berlin – just part of the continuous intimidation against this western enclave in the Soviet empire. I drifted off to sleep wondering what it must be like to live every day with the fear of Soviet forces appearing in your city. That unease must have worked on my brain as I woke up in a fright. What had I been thinking, bringing...

3 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 4 How Joerg Isebrand Becomes Known as The Butcher of Warnesund

The winter in the warm quarters in Lubeck had made the men lazy and short of breath, but the long march eastward shaped them up somewhat. The welcome in Warnesund was nothing like what they had enjoyed in Lubeck. There were only tents as quarters for the men to begin with, and the food they were given was neither good nor plentiful. The City had some trouble with the Count of Schwerin to the South, and they wanted to beef up their garrison with the hired soldiers. From what Gernot's men...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 11 How the Isebrands Go to Italy to Fight for the Emperor

Reinhardt, Count of Merseburg, was a cautious man. He had to be. With three younger brothers, all of them by his father's second wife, he stood in their way. He feared his stepmother, and he feared his three half-brothers. No, that was not true, he was wary of them. None of them was allowed to serve in his troops, let alone his guard. All his guard was composed of men he trusted, men without ties to the local nobility, for his stepmother was kin to most of them. He watched his favourite...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 18 How Arnulf of Erlenburg Finds Soldiers for his Brother

The Castle of Erlenburg was in deep mourning. Rudger, Lord of Erlenburg had died the night before, at fifty years of age. When his wife, Helga, had gone home to the Divine Maker one year ago, it was as if she had taken his will to live with her. He simply wasted away. His three sons sat with their father's trusted advisors, discussing the difficult situation. The oldest, Gøtz, was the heir to the castle and the lands. He was close to thirty, and he was admired as wise beyond his years. He...

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Die Eselswirtin

© Petiteepona 13.2.1997 Die Eselswirtin Ich der Eselsknecht Nar, des Kaufmann Haglisch aus Ur, war auf einer Reise mit meinem Herrn zum Goldland Poot. Wegen unseres Ziels, edle Metalle zu kaufen und Gesch?fte zumachen, war mein Herr reichlich mit M?nzen versehen und wir allesamt gut bewaffnet. Nach sechs Wochen Reise und verschiedenen Stationen kamen wir zu einer Sch?nke.Schon vor unserer Ankunft h?rten wir weithin das kr?ftige I-A Geschrei der Esel. Offenbar eine Eselszucht. Zahlr...

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AnnaKapitel 1 Lange hatte ich die Entscheidung hinausgez?gert, hatte, wie viele unverheiratete M?nner der unteren und mittleren Einkommensgruppen, die ?ffentlichen Bordelle und sogenannten Clubs frequentiert. Gr??tenteils aus finanziellen Erw?gungen: ein Auto, eine halbwegs anst?ndige Wohnung verschlangen schon einen nicht unbetr?chtlichen Anteil meines Einkommens, den frei verf?gbaren Rest wollte ich eigentlich so gro? als m?glich halten, da war an eine erhebliche Kreditaufnahme zur Finanzierung eines S...

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Yellowstone Discovery

I was having my second cup of coffee, rubbing the stubble on my face and contemplating the unpleasant task ahead of me. My wife and I had just returned late last night from a road trip to Yellowstone Park with another couple. When we finally pulled into the driveway we had just enough energy to drag ourselves out of the van and into bed. Debbie had to work this Monday morning but I got to sleep in a couple more hours. I didn't have to report for my shift until four this afternoon. My name is...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 9 How Joerg Isebrand Returns to the Marshes and Gets His Revenge

It took almost two weeks, but in the end, the ransom was delivered and the Merseburg soldiers left Theilheim with their spoils. Joerg rode at the Count's left side now, as befit the Feldweibel of the bodyguard. He was rich now, rich beyond his imagination. One hundred guldengroschen were now added to his earlier winnings from Warnesund and his saved pay and bonus rewards. With almost two hundred guldengroschen, he was set for life, if he did not take to gambling and drinking - a laughable...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 13 How Georg of Frundsberg is Betrayed by his Liege

Winter was pleasantly mild in flat country along the River Po, nothing at all like the fierce storms of the North Sea, or the bitterly cold eastern winds of Saxony. The Saxon fähnlein in Casale were quite content with their lot, living in a largely peaceful region and in reasonable accord with the civilian population. Captain Joerg Isebrand showed an unexpected aptness as administrator. His deeply ingrained sense of honour, honesty and fairness made him well liked among the soldiers and...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 24 How Joerg Isebrand Is Condemned and the Maid Hildburg Loses Sleep

"Hildburg, are those shirts washed yet?" Hildburg Lauritz sighed inwardly. Her uncle had been dripping sauce on his shirts, ever since his stroke, and to clean them was not easy. "In a moment, Aunt Helga," she called back. "Well, don't dawdle, girl! There's butter to be churned when you're done with those shirts!" Hildburg's groan was open now. Churning butter was hard work, as was laundering sauce-splattered shirts. There was no way around this, though. Her uncle could not...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 12

(Authors note: I know I made it sound like Bill Slagle knows about the watch ... he doesn't.) The welcome home was enthusiastic ... satisfying and thorough. Changing the sheets for a dry spot and opening the windows on both ends of 'the attic' dissipated the 'freshly fucked' atmosphere. Our happy lovers showered and headed out to replenish depleted energy sources ... PIZZA! Anyone watching the pair would never expect they were married ... married couples don't cuddle on one bench in a...

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Der dreissigjaehrige Krieg

Wir schreiben das Jahr des Herren 1625. Es ist ein diesiger Morgen im September. Die Bewohner des kleinen Bauernhofes liegen noch schlafend auf ihren Strohsaecken. 30 Paar Augen starren gierig durch die Daemmerung. Sie sind 3 Tage am Stück maschiert und haben keine Beute machen koennen. Ihre Vorraete sind fast vollständig verbraucht. Aus dem Stall hoeren sie das Muhen einer Kuh, Schweine sind ebnfalls zu hoeren. Hungrig werden sie hier nicht weg gehen. Noch ahnen von all dem der 40 jährige...

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Cassandra dem tigen und gedem tigt werden

Prolog Männer sind jämmerlich. Sie sind so einfach zu durchschauen und zu manipulieren. Denn sie denken nur ans Ficken und wenn Du weißt, wie Du als Frau das ausnutzen kannst, hast Du gewonnen. Aber auch die meisten Frauen sind jämmerlich. Sie denken, dass sie sich von einem Mann ficken lassen müssen, um an das zu kommen, was sie wollen. Manche Frauen wollen sogar nur eines, den Mann selbst. Oder – noch schlimmer – sie wollen nur einen bestimmten Mann und keinen anderen. Eines schlägt dem Fass...

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How Lieke Became Mistress Ginger 2

Su Lin's eyes blinked open with a start, but she froze, fearing to move. Against her small behind she felt the soft warm pressure of larger buttocks. Hearing Mistress Ginger's slow breathing, she felt protected, but was disappointed that after Mistress had come to her room and asked her to share her bed, they had just gone to sleep in each others arms. Then she remembered that she had been told to release Mike at dawn. Wondering if she had overslept, she slipped slowly from under the duvet,...

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Partyfolgen 2

Vorwort Dies ist eigentlich eine Femdom Geschichte, wurde mir erstaunt klar. Wo ich doch Femdom nicht mag. Aber da sind vor meinem geistigen Auge die unz?hligen Geschichten, wo eine Frau ihren Mann knechtet. So eine Geschichte ist dies garantiert nicht. Trotzdem - ein Mann wird feminisiert. Nicht freiwillig, aber auch nicht so richtig gezwungen. Er wird manipuliert, stolpert von einem Ereignis ins n?chste. Aber ist nicht so unser ganzes Leben, manipuliert von der Werbung? Tina ...

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

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Somalia One Way Only german

WARNING: This story is strictly for adults! If you are a minor or offended by BDSM, torture, talking about or inflicting serious pain and the like, don't read any further. Please keep in mind that this story is a pure work of FICTION. Nothing more.This is part one / version 4, written by kimber22 in March 2010. Drop me a line at: [email protected], One Way Onlyby kimber22Es war kurz nach meinem Abschluss an der Universit?t, dass ich auf Weltreise gehen wollte. Ein Mal so richtig P...

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Die Zeitreise

Die ZeitreiseIn einer anderen Welt:Anna hatte die Geschichte von einem guten Freund geh?rt und dar?ber gelacht. F?r wie naiv hielt der sie?Eine Zeitreise in das Mittelalter, das war nat?rlich v?llig unm?glich, der wollte sie veralbern.Sie hatte die Maschine gesehen und glaubte es nicht! Diese Plastikkapsel sollte jemanden in die Vergangenheit bringen? Unfug.Dann hatte dieser Typ, Hans nannte er sich, ihr einen Handel angeboten. Sie w?rde das Kost?m, dass er f?r sie aussuchte, anziehen und...

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Isabels Folter German

Isabels FolterIsabel war gerade eingeschlafen als sie h?rte, wie die Zellent?r sich ?ffnete. Sie h?rte Schritte auf ihre Liege zukommen. Eine Hand griff sie am linken Oberarm und riss sie hoch. Ohne dass man sie selbst gehen lie?, wurde sie jetzt auch am rechten Arm gefasst und nach r?ckw?rts gezerrt. Isabel hatte den Eindruck als st?rze sie hinterr?cks eine Treppe hinunter, ihre Fersen schleiften ?ber Betonboden. Die H?nde lie?en sie los, sie st?rzte nach hinten, wurde wieder hochgehoben und weiter ...

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Die traurige Vampirin

Die traurige Vampirin Die traurige Vampirin von Patrizia Panther [email protected]  Claire bahnte sich ihren Weg durch die Party, schl?ngelte sich teilnahmslos durch die Gesellschaft und taxierte ohne spezielle Hoffnung die Menschen um sich herum. Sie wusste nicht, wieso sie hier war, es erschien ihr ein guter Weg zu sein, ein wenig der Zeit totzuschlagen, von der sie unendlich hatte. Sie musste ein wenig dr?cken und schupsen, denn wegen ihres unscheinbaren Auftretens wurde sie oft ?...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 46

"That man is still in the water because he shot at my captain," said Andrea. She was watching him still. "Why did he shoot at your captain?" The questioner was wearing the uniform of a petty officer, first class. Julia stepped out from the pilothouse, "Probably because he was trying to get rid of witnesses." She had her camera ... and a PRESS badge? She started taking photos right, left and center. "Before we get too far along in the whys and wherefores," David said, "Can I get...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 20

It took quite a while ... but ... eventually ... someone remembered the Austin's and the tent and the high bluff looking over Pearl. The 'quite a while' was early 1943 ... the war was getting organized. Production was up. Men were training, new aircraft were coming off the lines ... yeah. The MP Lieutenant ... newly Captained ... was finally returned to the islands. Immediately after the attack, he had been called to Washington ... lots of officers had been called to Washington ... the...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 61

Auntie Elizabeth couldn't come to the ceremony but her sister was cruising the British West Indies and happened to be in the neighborhood. It is often the case that a spare Royal just happens along to take on the duties of the Commonwealth. Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowden, Viscountess Lindley, Companion of the Imperial Order of India, Grand Dame of the Victorian Order, Grand Dame of St. John of Malta, stepped up to the bow of the boat and smashed the bottle of...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 65

"No! No! No! No! ... You stupid bird ... come back with that! Damn it all to hell, David, that wasn't supposed to happen!" Andrea shook her fist at the gull. He did circle back ... and shit on the deck ... missed her by inches. So ... let's do a little time travel of our own. The Pretty Penny had out run the storm ... not exactly ... the Penny had outlasted the storm. It had become necessary for them to sail to Houston Texas to pick up new cameras. National Geographic had won their suit...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 50

There remained the question of the Goose. It was still sitting on the hard by the ramp. She could use the watch ... and she had used the watch but it seemed she ought not use the watch since she planned on bringing the Grumman seaplane back to Darwin. A US marked Navy aircraft just shows up... ? Then again ... she could time it to Pentwater and 1988 ... and what? She was Supposed to be in the Pacific. A Grumman Goose it a pretty big aircraft ... bigger than a Widgeon. But Pentwater in the...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 57

The show was over. It was so real the delegates could feel the flesh melting from the bones as the heat from a thousand suns cooked their sons and their daughters. There was complete silence as the aircraft made its escape out over the Great Lake, Gitche Gumee. There was a shout when the aircraft exploded and thousands upon thousands of pieces rained on the waters. The delegated representatives of the countries of the world began calling out, "Why?" Junior raised her hand and whistled...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 18

"Do you want to talk about your feelings?" Helen asked her Queen. "No, Dear," Diana replied, "I think I should broach the subject with our husband, though." Helen nodded as Diana headed out the kitchen door. Her radar would take her directly to her Prime. Diana found Jeff in the basement office a short walk later. He was looking over some of the plans for the new development at the ski resort he purchased. Jeff looked up as Diana entered. "I think the ski development will be quite a...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 51

“He’s an elder,” Junior explained. “Well,” she twirled a toe on the dock. “I don’t trust the people who used to be in charge ... and I’m not sure of the competence of the people Too ... mom ... put on the advisory board.” “Grandmothers ... assign a council of post menopausal grandmother residents of each county ... they know everybody,” I suggested. “Beside that ... they have an axe to grind.” “Axe?” “Grandfathers.” “Ah ... I see.” “You could even have elections ... what?” “They’ll buy...

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 53

“Ok,” I said. “Now ... go talk to Unca Dave.” “Why?” Junior said, “You have basic differences ... I don’t think you knew his side before today.” “I think you’re right.” She went out on deck, walked to the bow ... David was standing out there gazing at the not so distant beach. They began to talk. I set the autopilot and headed inside. I made a thorough search of the food situation. For a man ... David did a good job. Ludington could supply the fresh we needed. I made a list. I’ve...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

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Mind the TimeChapter 24B Translated

Mind the Time: 24 ... loosely translated. Very loosely. "Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," Hold on chickiepoo ... stop right there. They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the...

3 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 21 How Joerg Isebrand Meets the Noble Barbara

Barbara of Meiningen looked at her advisers and sighed. These were the men her husband had trusted, and he had given them important tasks in his lands. And seemingly, they had performed to his satisfaction. To his widow Barbara, however, it often seemed like their allegiance was not to her, but to an ominous "well for the lands". She felt like a pawn in the struggle, a commodity to be traded off for other gains. Her husband's death, a year ago, had offset the local balance of power...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 27 How the Isebrands Get a Head Ache

Hildburg Isebrand woke with a start. Her eyes, accustomed to the pitch black of the night, made out the faint grey that filtered through the heavy curtains. With an effort, she recalled where she was, in a tavern in Schoenberg, in the alcove of a sleeping chamber. She was feeling warm and relaxed, her back snuggled comfortably against her husband's front, and she felt his maleness press into the cleft of her behind. She felt his even breathing at the skin of her neck, moving a few loose...

4 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 11

It seems like everything comes in bunches. That and ancestry. Suddenly, Andrea NEEDED to know her roots. Not wanted ... NEEDED. How and why did the Koenigsknecht's end up in Michigan? If you have a watch that travels in time, going back is easy. Time may travel but it only transports going home ... unless you have one of 'those' watches. Time is supposed to go forward. Science says so. Yesterday, last week, last month, year, century ... they all are in the past ... and the past is...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 28

It was like slow sand. Quicksand sucks one under ... slow sand spits out the dead. She had been dead ... she was sure. She was positive dead was going to be more comfortable than alive. She was coming up from a long time down. She ached ... all over more than any one place. "You're awake. Here, suck on this." It was a melodious voice, one that had practice speaking to survivors. 'This' was cold and wet ... it felt good on an unused throat. "Do you remember what happened?" "No,"...

4 years ago
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My first experience

I had been dressing for a while but kept it very secret. I am a 5’11, 175 lb gurl who feels very sexy when I was dressed up. When I was alone in my dorm room I would put on sexy little outfits, make-up, and a wig and play with dildos that I had hidden in my dresser. No one in the dorm knew that I dressed up. I tried to keep it very secret. It was hard to do. I was on an all-male floor with a communal shower. There would sometimes be 5 or 6 guys showering at the same time. I would try to keep my...

2 years ago
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Straight guy gets talked into cross dress situation by a MILF

I was introduced to cross dressing when I was about 18. I was picked up by a local divorcee who was sex mad. After I finished shagging her on her bed and was having a break before having another go, she opened a drawer in her room and pulled out a dark pink camisole top. I thought she was going to change into it but instead pulled me up to the side of the bed and began putting it on me. It was a bit of a tight fit but felt silky soft. I was then sitting on the side of her bed in a pink...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 6

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 6 "First position, ladies and gentleman," Madame Ruth said at the beginning of the ballet class. Nicole's boys' dancewear had not come in. She was still wearing a pair of Amber's tights and a leotard. The class was bliss for her. She wasn't wearing the earrings. For all everyone knew in the class, except Amber, he was still Nicholas. "Demi-plie, releve, demi plie, grande plie," Madame Ruth said as the music played. The words were foreign to...

2 years ago
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Champions at Last

CHAMPIONS AT LAST By Anne Gray It was the last day of the Cheerleader Championships and, as a member of thepress, I had a prime view from my seat in the stands. Things worked out perfectlywhen the team I had my eye on came in fourth place. That would take them outof the spotlight while everyone focused on the winning three teams. The program told me their names were Nina, Panni, Anita and Laura and theywere from a college on the East coast. My phony media credentials also gotme in to the...

4 years ago
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Max is a Master of Older Babes

In a cage watching her master/son Sonia was ballgagged ,collared & leashed , Max had hypnotized her 3mths earlier & now she & Max's stepdad Bill were at Max's mercy. buttplugged with 5inch thigh hooker boots , Sonia was locked in the human cage , that Max had his stepdad Bill buy. Sonia knew she'd be out soon cuz she just watched Max urinate all over Monique's face tits, & hair. It was one of her master/son's favorite things to do to his submissives . Proof of that were all the...

2 years ago
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The High Times In Balcony With A MILF

Hi to all horny ISS readers.This is Brando studying in Mangalore (Manipal to be precise) but actually from Hyderabad. I have been following ISS for two years now and is very much fascinated about the website. Please post your feedback & comments to First of all, let me tell you about myself. I am 22years old, 5ft 11inch, fair and have an athletic body. I am a person with high sexual instinct. I am a shy person and I don’t normally talk with girls. I stopped talking with girls after i had a...

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my first camping trip part 1

like many other stories of this nature, this is a complete work of fiction. nothing more. a story dreamed up by me at one point. please take as nothing more, and hopefully, enjoy. a camping trip in the desert My name is Cindy. in this story, i was eleven years old. a little back story, my parents died when i was 7, and, because my older sister is 11 years older than me, putting her at 18, she managed to gain custody of me. by 18, she already had a good job, was living on her own, and that,...

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Nicola story

hi all my name is nicola and it all started when i was Thir*** and my brother started to take my use panties and wanking in to them i did not know he was doing this i just missed them when i would go to do a wash and they would then turn up a few days later at first i though i just missed them when i did the wash but then one day i came home from school and change to go shopping with my girl friend but after i left the house i remembered i left my money behind and went back for it and when i...

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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 31

Marie was almost unable to focus on her daily activities of food shopping, cooking, and cleaning as she waited to receive a phone call from Hiroshi giving her instructions about where she should go for the video shoot. In fact, she had to wait for almost two weeks before her phone rang with the information that she needed – and longed – to hear. The instructions were clear and precise. Hiroshi gave her an address, a day, and a time. He told her not to wear anything special – her outfit would...

3 years ago
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Yewanna the Whore

The scrawny and unkempt young girl thought her name was Yewanna for the longest time. She was almost always addressed by the woman she thought was her mother starting with that group of sounds, as in “Yewanna git a whippin?” or “Yewanna git somethin to eat?” or “Yewanna git yer ass out of here fer a whal?” The last one she would hear when some man she didn’t know came to the door. She knew from lots of happenins that he wanted to git on top of her Maw and move his ass up and down while they...

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Battlemage Book 2 Scarlet RedemptionChapter 6

At the end of the mornings training, and while they were both seated enjoying breakfast, Brianna quietly asked "Honey, Aric, what circle mage are you?" "I don't really know," responded Aric "maybe second or third." He wasn't really listening to her. He was really excited about having a good day today. Brianna was unable to knock him down or disarm him even once today and they switched hands back and forth easily. Even though she got in some good shots at him, and his shoulders and...

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Nightmare change Reality

You had a normal day. You come home eat dinner watch a movie and before bed you turn on the computer look through all the social media sites. Then look at porn you masturbate for alittle while. Then you go to bed and you have an erotic Nightmare.

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Beach habits

Due to the condition New York was in and given the ability to work remotely, Aran decided to head to Florida. The move was influenced by a number of friends who also followed suit given all of the lockdowns and the overall social climate of NYC. Standing at around six feet and having a decent build, Aran was of Indian descent and looked like Rohit Khandewal.After a couple months, Aran got used to working remote in Florida and was glad he made the decision given that winter was approaching. As...

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Our Spanking Ritual Part One M F

Our Spanking Ritual M/F This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Our Spanking Ritual M/F How I see it: Lately I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work. This has meant that when I finally get home, I eat late, and I don't get to spend very much time with my lovely wife. I usually call her on the phone about one o'clock to let her know if I will be arriving home on time, or if I need to...

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EdenChapter 67

Time was closing in on their departure from Eden. They'd been at the planet for nearly fourteen Earth months, on the surface for the great majority of that time, and Captain Ziang had set a deadline of only two more weeks before the journey home would have to begin. All the scientists were hurrying to cram as much additional research as possible into the remaining time. Many were already drafting the breakthrough papers they would publish after their return, papers that would forever...

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Mumbai Train Se Lekar Latur Tak Unknown Aunty Ko Jamkar Choda

Hi friends this is Ritesh, I’m from Latur (Maharashtra)..This is my first story so please forgive there is any mistakes… Now story continue in Hindi. Mai latur me rahta hu aur kuch 6 mahine pahle apne bua ke paas chala gaya mumbai me, aur waha se loutate smay mai train ae aa raha tha, waha pe apni seat ke paas baith gaya, kuch der waha par kuch log chad gaye aur usme kahani ki heroine bhi thi, wo use apne seat dene ke liye kah rahe the but ek aadmi ne apni yaha thodi jagaha de diya but wo...

1 year ago
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Reddit GWcumsluts, aka r/GWcumsluts! Anyone reading this and doesn’t know what Reddit is about? Where the fuck have you been, and what have you been doing with your miserable life? I swear this is the last time I’m explaining Reddit to y’all horny fucks. It is one of the largest online platforms where porn lovers converge to browse, interact, and talk about practically all porn fantasies. Reddit has many topic-specific platforms, known as subreddits. If you know what you are looking for,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Simply Irresistable

SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE Creamy satin and silk Smooth nylon and lace To girls wearing these Men so often give chase So quick to remove them They sometimes don?t see Another sensation That is theirs, just for free Eye shadow and perfume Lipstick deep, shiny pink So much more exciting Than a young man might think Cotton, Lycra and leather Soft Angora wool Girls wardrobes with these things Are often quite full Bras, panties and stockings High heels and low There isn?t a...

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Swimming Pool

Erica and Andrew were best friends. They'd known each other for years. Erica was 18, and had just graduated from high school. Andrew was 19, and had graduated from the same high school. Erica was a beautiful girl, with long, flowing brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a marvelous smile. Andrew was the athletic type. He played high school football and baseball. He was tall, blond, and gorgeous. All of the girls always wanted Andrew, but none of them ever appealed to him. He always seemed like he...

First Time
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Scarface Tamed Part I

Scarface tamed Part I By Faye Croft Rebecca and Scott lived together in a small flat in London, not married but now a year into a relationship which seemed to be working. At least Scott thought it was, but Rebecca seemed to dominate the space they lived in. His clothes had been confined to ever more small sections of the drawers and wardrobe. His books had to be taken to the local charity shop when he had read them, there was no room on the shelves for books which had been read....

1 year ago
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Pressed on the Train

I was on a train journey. I got touched. And I enjoyed it! I was taking a train ride to one of the south Indian cities. It was for my holidays, I was doing my college at that time. I was around 19 years old. It was a night train, with the final destination expected to be arrived at in the morning. My destination station was not the last stop.I had caught fever a day before the journey. Though I was asked not to go, I wanted to make the trip because I could enjoy my holidays instead of staying...

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Earth s CoreChapter 32 Scary Voice

Late afternoon. The family consisted of Zax’s parents, grandparents and sisters put aside all unrelated business they had and were idly enjoying each other company in the farm until their beloved son, grandson and brother would return. “Mm...” Liz mused with a smile while putting her elbows on the picnic table and holding her cheeks up. “What is it, sweetheart? Do you want me to cut you into squares another watermelon?” Noticing the youngest of her grandchildren daydreaming blissfully,...

4 years ago
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Forcefully Seduced Bhabhi And Finally She Gave Up

This story is purposely written in English + Hindi language. Story is little long as I like to be detailed oriented. But I am sure you will enjoy it. I still get boner when I think of that incident. Hi, after lots of struggle, I managed to created my account on ISS and now sharing my first story with you guys. This incident happened with my bhabhi. Just to give you a little background,I am Sunil from Mumbai. My cousin brother stay 10 min away from my place. unke ghar sirf mera bhai, bhabhi and...

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The DilemmaChapter 17 Jennifer Chancelor Wednesday Evening

After school, I picked up Bonnie and we went to the hospital to check on Mum. She comes home tomorrow morning so that’ll be good. Dad was sitting there as well, and they were watching a farming show on TV. We get a lot of farming shows on TV in this part of the country. Dad switched off the TV when we came in and we spent time catching up with each other. Dad told us how Mum’s outbursts when she screamed nonsense at us were a brain thing called IED that was probably related to the cyst that...

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Martha and the Bard

... Then will I swear beauty herself is black And all they foul that thy complexion lack. Shakespeare, Sonnet 132 I'll never forget the first time I met Martha. I had never seen a woman so ... so beautiful, so well-proportioned, so words-failing-me-ly amazing to look at. I had also never seen anyone with skin that dark. Martha was the color of fresh-brewed coffee. Not mocha, not tan, not any variation on the theme. She was black. Totally, completely black. It's not a criticism. It's...

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CHAPTER 61: JULI GETS HER DOG AND MOM GETS AN OFFERCarlos followed up a few days after Nikki and Joe left to again seek to have Mom come to the island for a visit. He wanted to confirm that she still wanted to come, which she did. She expressed her excitement and I felt it was genuine. He said the company jet would be in the States on its way back after delivering some customers. If she was available the following Tuesday, she could come down on it. He then was hoping to bring her back on the...

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Husband watches his wife with her black lover

My wife rose-up slowly, before lowering herself down his length again. Her head tipped back, she squeezed her breasts, playfully teasing her own nipples. Her eyes opened, lustfully admiring the chiseled ebony body of her lover. Balanced skillfully on her stockinged toes, she began picking up the tempo as she rode him cowgirl style. Gently biting the corner of her lip, she slid upwards slowly almost to the end of his length, before plunging herself downwards, impaling her moist sex on his hard...

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Sister In Law And Niece Fuck My Brains Out 8211 Pt 3

On our way back to Anu’s home, I stop at a medical store. Anu: Why are we stopping here honey! Me: Because, I don’t want you sluts pregnant. I go to the pharmacy and get two i-pills and then we drive back home. I keep the i-pills in the refrigerator for later use and we sit on the sofa. Vaishali is again in heat and sits cross-legged on my lap, kissing me hard on my lips while grinding her crotch on my dick. I get turned on by her aggressiveness and kiss her back, equally passionately and my...

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Master s First Training Session

I am newly single, and Master has moved into my house for a few weeks. My son is away at college, and the eventual plan is Master's c***dren to move in with us, but I have been informed that my daughter and I need discipline first. Master's c***dren know that he is in charge, but we are both far too used to getting our own way, and have to be trained. I have taken a couple of weeks off work, as I need more undivided attention. My daughter is able to have a certain amount of freedom at...

2 years ago
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The Life of a SexBot

(This story contains LGBTQ+ characters, including gay/lesbian, nonbinary/trans, and the like. If you're not interested in any of that, have fun by not reading this. You can opt in and out of what you want, but the story is basically fully under my control, so leave a comment if you have a certain path you want in mind. In fact, most of the story is surrounding funky gender stuff. Also note that there's to be quite a few fetishes, but I'm not entirely okay with all of them, and there are some I...

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2nd BiMMF Threesome

So I have finally gotten around to writing about our second BiMMF encounter. Just a little background on us. We are in our late 30's and wife is a BBW. I really haven't had that much experience with other men, but have enough to know what I am doing. We put an ad up on Craigslist and sorted through all of the replies. We received a reply from a much younger guy (21) that had a huge cock. He was built fairly well and we figured what the hell, why not.We had texted back and forth a few...

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It was agreed Wife mate

She once picked me up from the airportit had been okay, on the drive to their house she told me she was wearing no knickers, I so I wish I'd told her to pull over & prove it. It was that I started to think it might've been sanctioned. Later I discovered it had been sanctioned; in the past my friend had green-lighted his wife & I enjoying each other's mutual interest in intimate pursuits with each other. We had done so on quite a few occasions, at times with him in the room next door....

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Sabki bhabhi Sapna bhabhi Part 3

Hello there, my name is Raghav and those who don’t recognize me I insist you study the previous part before proceeding to this one. Before going into the story there are some key points for the viewer likes my Sapna’s assets – fair complexion, fit and in shape even after her pregnancy, 34d-26-39 a nice booty to enjoy. For ladies when fully erect 6.1 inches, brown complexion and partial build body that could attract any woman. So enough with the introduction coming back to the plot so at the end...

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Prince Of Pleasure Part 8211 3

Hi busty babes and fellow jerkers. Please read the previous story to catch up. In the 15th century there inside the most powerful kingdom kamaran , the 17 year old prince vijay was waiting for news from his friend chatur. His cousin vir was beside him. He knew vijay had come up with this plan after a lot of plotting and today was its first phase. The doors to the chambers opened and in came chatur with his witty smile. Vijay : is it done? Chatur : yes! His mother gave in. Let me explain what...

2 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder part 4 Yin and Yang

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - Part 4 - YIN AND YANG This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. NOTE: Thank you to readers who leave comments! I've tried to incorporate some of your suggestions in this final chapter -- a little less rushed (I hope), a little more description. It's still a quick read; sort of like a comic book. The loose ends are...

1 year ago
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When Seduction is Done Right

Her breasts moved to the rhythm of her hips. Even her long, dark hair danced to the same drumbeat. His younger self would have gawked, but experience tempered him. There were other beautiful women. But she had sass. He liked sass. The game was afoot. This would be fun... The rain came down in buckets, and it was near opening time at Fascination in Seoul. The other girls stood around the front in a small group. Laura felt they were a good group for the most part. Half were foreigners like her...

2 years ago
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A bi guy going the next level

This is all true and happened over the last six months.I met John at the 'men's massage' session that a guy held in his home one afternoon. John was about my age, a bit thinner maybe, a couple inches shy of 6ft with dark cropped hair. I watched him and the other guys as we all undressed in the massage room, set out with two portable massage benches and a fan on a stand. I guess it was going to get hot.As he undressed I saw John had a smooth slender body, silver rings pierced his nipples, but...

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Caught in the Act

It has been a hard day, traveling always is so tiring. You go to an airport, get on a plane, leave an airport, visit 4 or 5 customers make presentations, go to a hotel, from the hotel you have to read and return email, listen to VM make calls, maybe get to sleep late, up early start all over again. This had been a brutal trip, on the road 3 days, how many places have I been? I've lost count is 4 airports in 3 days or 5. The only thing bright about the day is at least I know this Hotel, I can...

4 years ago
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Tom s DiaryChapter 10

Sunday, March 24, 2002 I woke up, then went downstairs to the family room; dug out a newspaper, and went through the want ads. I knew enough about Phoenix to know which were good neighborhoods; I wrote down a list of twenty apartment rents, for three bedroom apartments. I added them up, came up with an average rent of $975 a month. Doable, I thought. I went in the kitchen, found the little ledger book Mom kept of the household expenses. I'd been curious a few times, looked at it, but it...

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