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Anne Gray

It was the last day of the Cheerleader Championships and, as a member of thepress, I had a prime view from my seat in the stands. Things worked out perfectlywhen the team I had my eye on came in fourth place. That would take them outof the spotlight while everyone focused on the winning three teams.

The program told me their names were Nina, Panni, Anita and Laura and theywere from a college on the East coast. My phony media credentials also gotme in to the closing dinner and it was no problem working things to end upsitting at their table.

They were naturally disappointed with the results of the contest but put onbrave faces while the presentations were made. Since they were no longer intraining they all let their hair down a bit and I bought some wine for thetable making sure each girl had a couple of glasses.

When the event was over Laura suggested skipping the private parties beinghosted by the winning teams and just heading back to the dormitory cottagethey had been assigned to pack ready for leaving early in the morning.

My suggestion, as everyone was pulling on coats and jackets, that I bringanother bottle of wine over was greeted with thanks and un-needed directionsto the cottage; I knew exactly where it was.

Half an hour later I parked the van out of sight behind the cottage and walkedaround to the front door. Nina answered my knock and took the bottle of wineafter closing the door then held my purse while I took off my leather jacket.

The cottage had only one level with a double bedroom on each side of a fairlylarge central living room; we all gathered there while Nina pored the wine.No one raised an eyebrow when I indicated that I would not be joining thembecause I was driving. Five minutes later the only one standing was me; thefour girls sprawled in chairs and on the sofa, fast asleep from the knockoutdrops in the wine.

I'm not exactly a small woman and I do stay in good shape but the next hourwas a testing one. At the end of it the cheerleaders were securely bound handand foot lying side-by-side in the van. Multiple straps from tie down pointsin the floor held them in place. They were not gagged yet but would be whenit got close to the time for them to be waking up. Their luggage was also inthe van and the cottage left clean and tidy.

I locked the door, pushed the key back through the letter slot, and droveoff with my new recruits.

A couple of hundred miles later I pulled over to the side of the highway andfitted very effective ball gags in each mouth before continuing south and westtowards my home, some help and some sleep.

Just as the sun was coming up the gate at the end of the road leading to mylodge was a very welcome sight and, after locking it again behind me, the lastthree miles of the journey passed quickly. As I pulled up in front of the stableSelena came out of the main house to meet me.

Turning off the van I reached up and gratefully peeled off the black wig,shaking my blonde pageboy loose. It needed a damn good wash having been coveredfor the last five days since we had taken the shot for the fake media pass.The crimson fingernail was my own and I hooked it under the thin membrane holdingthe padding against my nose. God it felt good to get rid of that too.

Selena had taken advantage of my rule that, when it was just the two of us,she stayed in her place as a sub' and my personal ponygirl; but, when I neededhelp with new recruits for the business she was allowed to pretend otherwise.

Right now she was pretending in a black leather cat suit, stiletto heeledboots and a crop hanging from her belt. She looked very realistic but I wouldnever tell her that, it would spoil our relationship!

I was nearly dropping but between the two of us we soon had four wrigglingcheerleaders in the stable and put to bed for a few hours. Well, what we actuallydid was strip off their jeans, sweaters and underwear then drape them nakedover a hitching rail. Each pair of wrists was crossed behind the back and tiedsimply, but effectively, with white cord. More cord around the ankles ran underthe rail to simple collars around their necks holding them in position; thegags were still in place.

They were now fully awake and, before going for some rest, I pulled on a rubberglove, scooped two fingers worth of lubricant out of the big waiting jar and,while Selena pulled her ass cheeks apart, worked it in Laura's rosebud.

She squirmed as much as the restraints allowed but only managed to make theothers wonder what the hell was going on. They soon found out because we movedalong the line until they were all well greased. My pretend dominatrix handedme thick butt plugs to be worked in each helpless girl. There was a threadedopening in the base of each plug and in these we screwed large plumed ponytails.Looking good; it was the start! I went to bed; Selena would keep an eye onthem.

Three days later I watched as Selena, this time dressed in a duplicate outfitto mine, put the girls through some initial training. We were wearing fittedred leather ?hunter? jackets with white leather jodhpurs and black knee highriding boots to set the scene.

With Laura leading them Nina, Panni and Anita were in line ahead high steppingin a wide circle around Selena who held the four lead reins attached to collarson each of them. At this early stage my cheerleading team was just gettingadapted to the tightly laced ballet boots on their feet. Simple leather doublearm binders held their forearms behind their backs with just enough stresson them to make the chests jut forward proudly.

Thin straps from the tip of the arm binders went through the crotch, holdingin the butt plugs, then cleaving each vagina before being buckled to the frontof a waist belt. Instead of gags they each had a 1½? diameter hard rubberbit pulled between their teeth and strapped at the back of the head. Theirhair was held with braided leather thongs in, what else, ponytails.

A thick cord ran from the back of Laura's collar to the front of Nina's andso on back to Anita to keep them in line. We were concentrating on making themhigh step in exact co-ordination together and the riding crop I carried wasnot getting quite as much use as it had the previous couple of days.

Every so often one of them would have a crying fit; this time it was Panniwho just stopped and dropped to her knees dragging the others with her. Ithad to be forcefully driven home that I was demanding the same teamwork theyhad in the cheerleader routines; the one for all and all for one mindset.

After telling Selena what was to be done we unhitched Nina and Anita fromthe sobbing girl then led them, with Laura, over to the fence of the corralleaving Panni where she was.

In short order the three were bent through the fence over the third rail withtheir ankles tied to the bottom rail and the crotch straps unbuckled so a lengthof cord around their wrists and over the top bar pulled the arm binders upout of the way.

My lecture was short and sweet, ?When one of you screws up the others getpunished.? I handed Selena my riding crop and, with the furiousity of one usuallyon the other end of the crop, she proceeded to stripe each presented ass withten of the best.

Part way through this process Panni scrabbled to her feet and tried to getbetween Selena and the recipients. I pulled her out of the way then stood behindher, wrapped the girl in my arms and made her watch the punishment she hadcaused her friends. As she wailed around the bit and shook her head I whisperedin her ear that the next time it would be twenty each until they learned todo as they were told.

The lesson seemed to be effective and by the end of the week they could performin perfect unison; time for the next step.

We changed the ballet boots for pony shoes!

Knee high with the heavily boned leather locking their ankles, the shoes wereheel-less with curved metal strips under the feet forcing the insteps to archgracefully down to the three inch thick toe pieces. Small horseshoes underthe toe pieces allowed them a semblance of balance but it took another weekbefore they were handling them with any sense of ease.

By this time the nipple and nose ring punctures had healed nicely and I movedon with the program.

The flat, stainless bars had metal cuffs at each end that were riveted aroundtheir arms just above the bicep. These were short enough to really brace theirshoulders back and force the four very well endowed chests to display themselvesbeautifully. The inside of the cuffs were lined with rubber to avoid any irritationto the skin and, with the stainless steel, it meant that the girls could behosed or washed down and there would be no rust.

Two additional cuffs on each bar allowed me to cross their forearms and lockthe wrists in them. What I was beginning to think could become a very acceptableteam of ponygirls had lost the use of their arms permanently unless a skilledblacksmith removed the rivets.

At every opportunity I exercised the team, concentrating on them moving asone, until it got to the point where they were ready for the final test.

Selena had them up, fed, watered and washed down when I arrived in the stablewith the other components for their outfits. The gold studded leather strapsof the breast harnesses attached to the ends of the arm bars. The head tack,with 3? square blinders, only allowed them to see forwards.

After tightening the bit straps and brushing out the ponytails on top of theirheads we moved lower to fit wide heavy leather belts around each waist andused straps from them to hold in a new treat - rubber dildos. The crotch strapssplit so that as they came up between the pony's ass cheeks the butt plugswere also held in but the opening left to screw in the plumed tails.

We lined them up, Laura in front as usual, then Nina, Panni and Anita andfitted the two pieces of 10' long black fiberglass so that the four half circlesin each one met around their necks. The pieces were 3? high forcing their chinsup; several short bolts locked the two pieces together and, therefore, theponies in line.

The other pieces of black fiberglass looked like 10' skis. I fitted Laura'sleft pony shoe in the first flange near the front tip and locked it in place.Then Nina's about 2' back and the other two. Their right hooves got the sametreatment. Now we had to find out if the system worked; it would but only withprecise teamwork from the four.

The footboards had very short studs along the undersides to give the poniesa grip and I walked slowly backwards in front of Laura, pulling on temporaryreins to see if they could handle the setup. They could and after two daysI began to teach them how to turn.

On command the right legs moved outwards slightly allowing the left boardto come down on a gentle angle to the left and in this manner they were ableto make a complete circle.

The last piece of the picture was to hook the tongue of the lightweight two-wheeledtrap to the end of the bar behind Anita's neck. With the weight evenly distributedall four contributed to pulling it, and me, around the corral.

The four were high stepping in perfect time, they had to because one kneenot lifted to the exact right angle at the exact same time would throw theentire team of balance. An added touch were the small gold bells hooked oneach of the eight nipple rings.

After hitching them this way for a few more weeks until it became second natureI was satisfied enough to make a phone call.

A regular customer had requested something different to pull a personal traparound his farm and I knew he would fall in love with these four champions- even at the price I was asking.

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Champion of the KingdomChapter 8

The Mask Asiara's eyes fluttered open briefly, then immediately squinted shut as the sunlight threatened to blind her. Turning her face away from the open sky, she blinked a few times before sitting up, enjoying how her body still hummed with the afterglow of the climax she had just experienced. A bit dazed, she looked around her. She was lying on a single large animal fur, surrounded by wounded soldiers in various states of distress. Some, she could see, were recovering from only minor...

5 years ago
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Champion of the KingdomChapter 10

Asiara's eyes were suddenly free to move, and they fluttered open to a sight that was utterly breathtaking. She was kneeling before the throne, her fingers laced together behind her head, and her knees spread wide apart. The Queen still sat upon her throne, and was now looking down at Asiara – a look that seemed a mixture of admiration and condescension on her face. But the light in the chamber had changed. Gone was the midday brightness that had nearly blinded her when it struck the...

4 years ago
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Shibuya Witch Birthday Blast

Shibuya Witch: Birthday Blast Jim Simmons and Larry Winston were good friends working at the same small company. The two met in training four years ago and their relationship had grown ever since. Neither of them had much luck with the ladies and that was one of the things they had in common. Something else they had in common was their birthday. Both men turned thirty this year and wanted to celebrate the occasion by doing something completely out of the ordinary. When Jim...

2 years ago
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Beer Blast

I could hear the band three blocks away as I walked down the sidewalk, past the power tower, toward Fraternity row. The weather was warm for the first weekend in December, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for a party after returning to school from Thanksgiving break.Although I wasn't often among the beer-chugging crowd, I went to one or two of these beer blasts each semester for fun. It was a Friday evening, and I had just escaped from my last class an hour ago. After stopping off at the...

3 years ago
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Beer Blast

I could hear the band three blocks away as I walked down the sidewalk, past the power tower, toward Fraternity row. The weather was warm for the first weekend in December, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for a party after returning to school from Thanksgiving break. Although I wasn't often among the beer-chugging crowd, I went to one or two of these beer blasts each semester for fun. It was a Friday evening, and I had just escaped from my last class an hour ago. After stopping off at...

2 years ago
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Cathy A Great Fuck While It Lasted

I'd known Cathy Winston for about 23 years; she had been my late wife’s best friend from school but at 43 had never married. Although I'd often looked at and vaguely fancied her in a way, I'd never done anything or made any suggestion. But even before I split with my girlfriend Anna I can remember going to Canazzaro Park with Cathy on a lovely summer’s day, lying on the grass while she remained sitting, looking up at her tits which I started to want in my hands; she looked at me and probably...

3 years ago
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Free at Last

I was supposed to sleep, but who could possibly sleep after the beating I had endured.  I was sure they had tried to kill me.  I didn’t want to sleep; this was the night I had waited for—the night I had prayed for--after more than eighteen months in captivity. It was still dark—dark as pitch-- and very early.  I leaned up from the floor to try to see the clock—3:27—perfect, or so I prayed.  Rebecca and Mark were drunk after their celebration when they went to sleep last night—maybe passed out...

3 years ago
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Lucias Slave United at Last

(Any mistakes in grammar or sentence structure are regretted. English is the author’s second language and not his mother tongue).LUCIA’S SLAVE – UNITED AT LAST (1)Twenty five years ago things in life here were not so free and easy as they are now; there were no open adverts of dominas or even pro ladies. My desires as a sub go back to my early youth and in the eighties, at the peak of my virility, were giving me a lot of frustration. Finding a pro-domme was very much a matter of luck; however,...

4 years ago
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Im me at last

I recently learned to never reveal your inner most secrets to your wife, even if you've been married for five years. Connie and I had been married for just over five years after dating for about sixteen months. Even though our general interests were different we always got along great. Our greatest difference, however, was our social lives. She enjoyed being with others all the time but I enjoyed being at home. Connie works as a receptionist for a plastic surgeon and therefore...

3 years ago
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A girl from the past rides like a blast

Hi, the name is AJ. At the time this takes place I was a junior in high school. I was single and not very experienced when it came down to getting to it. Needless to say, I was a late bloomer in the sex department. At the time I had only been with one girl in my life. It was the beginning of September and I was living at my Dad’s. It was around 11 pm on a Saturday night, and being a junior in high school and a video game playing nerd, I didn’t have any place better to be than at home....

3 years ago
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Long Car Journeys are a Blast

This is just a short story inspired by a good friend of mine's very sexy story!Please note this story is mainly just for fart-lovers everywhere so, you know, don't say you haven't been warned! heheEnjoy :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hurry up, Sam, I want to get there today!"Danni playfully urged me as she sat in the driver's seat of her car."Hold on, I'm coming!"I chuckled, putting my small suitcase into the boot of said...

3 years ago
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A girl from the past rides like a blast

Hi, the name is AJ. At the time this takes place I was a junior in high school. I was single and not very experienced when it came down to getting to it. Needless to say, I was a late bloomer in the sex department. At the time I had only been with one girl in my life. It was the beginning of September and I was living at my Dad's. It was around 11 pm on a Saturday night, and being a junior in high school and a video game playing nerd, I didn’t have any place better to be than at home. Everyone...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Hot Tub Birthday Blast

This event happened a few weeks before my birthday in February. My wife and I, along with 2 other couples went out to dinner. I'm 5'8" tall, work out regularly and am in pretty good shape. My wife Pam, a personal trainer, is in excellent physical shape. Her flat muscled abdomen is especially attractive. She has a flower tattoo around her belly button and often wears crop top shirts to show it off. The other couples with us were Mike and Cathy, and Dave and Julie. Cathy is tall, blond, and...

4 years ago
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A guy and His 69 Last

Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker Mary - Boss’s daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen’s mother Hakiem, Doctor - the Jinn doctor (aka Hime) Rasmir - Gen’s father Rosalinda - Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama, sex Jinn Rashala - Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn - elite Jinn Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir Sheeka - former evil female...

4 years ago
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My Life a foursome at last

Introduction: After a year we get together as a foursome at last My life – A Foursome at last It had been almost a year since I had done anything with Susan or Lynne. Susan and I would occasionally kiss and cuddle but she was making friends elsewhere and on my 17th birthday I made a decision to put all that behind me and try and get into a relationship with a girl from college. This, of course, led to the relationship with Ann (see separate story…) but before that there was, if you like, one...

3 years ago
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Evacuee 13 David takes his Mum at last

Caroline attended a private school in London which had been evacuated to North Wales for the duration and in a week’s time she was due to take the long train journey ready for the next term. She idly wondered where David would be going once the new school term came around. Helen had said something about him attending a local village school, if a space could be found for him, as his own school in Southampton had been damaged in recent bombing. She knew of course what she longed for. She...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Part Last

Ben thought of Lora’s beautiful face just before pulling out onto the main highway that made up US-82 East and US-287 South. Just then a large SUV swerved around Ben’s rig and blew the horn. Ben was taken by surprise and all thoughts of Lora vanished as Ben hit the brakes and steered right to keep the SUV from swiping his left front fender as it came over hard and fast in the typically stupid maneuver many 4-wheeler’s make to show their hatred for trucks. Regaining control of his lane Ben...

4 years ago
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Release At Last

The house was dark, not a sign of life coming from inside. Slightly disappointed, I frowned to myself before turning off the car. I knew Jeff had to work today, I’d had to work too. But still, since I’d gotten off early, I’d secretly hoped that he would be home to greet me. It was our last Valentine’s Day together before we had children. The newest edition to our family was growing in me every day. My once slender body had taken on new form. Feeling larger and more awkward than ever, I got out...

4 years ago
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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction: My fantasy about to members meeting Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite. For reasons of my own, I can no...

4 years ago
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Saving the Best for Last

Introduction:My fantasy about to members meetingRecently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite.For reasons of my own, I can no longer...

2 years ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 7 of 7 Allie at Last

Author's Note: As always, this story is hard to categorize... a little group, bondage, and bi overtones. But mostly it's a story of loving wives. As always, if you'd like an illustrated version just email me at ********They say that confession is good for the soul. In this case at least, it was certainly proving to be good for the libido. Even after spending most of the morning and a good part of the afternoon telling stories and making love, I found myself still hungry with desire for my wife...


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