Beer Blast
- 2 years ago
- 20
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I could hear the band three blocks away as I walked down the sidewalk, past the power tower, toward Fraternity row. The weather was warm for the first weekend in December, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for a party after returning to school from Thanksgiving break.
Although I wasn't often among the beer-chugging crowd, I went to one or two of these beer blasts each semester for fun. It was a Friday evening, and I had just escaped from my last class an hour ago. After stopping off at the dorm for a quick shower, I headed out.
After paying my five bucks to get in, I passed through the frat house to the back yard where the crowd was already well on its way toward a drunken stupor. Sloshing across puddles of spilled beer in the grassy mud through the crowd of guys and girls, I made my way to one of the tables and paid another dollar for a plastic cup filled with the cheapest, palest, panther piss ever to call itself beer.
Being one of the few frat houses that had a pool, it had a tiny cabana out by the side of the pool for changing and I caught a glimpse of a guy and girl sneaking into it. Good for them I shrugged, and continued to mingle.
I tried to talk to a few girls I knew from some of my classes, but it was near impossible to have a coherent conversation. God! Those speakers towered over me by several feet! I stood and watched the band play for a while, just grooving to the music.
My roommate, the stereo-head that he is, showed me in Rolling Stone a few days earlier that their first CD just made platinum and a couple of big-time rock stations in New York and L.A. picked one of the tracks to be the next hit single.
"If you go to that beer blast," he told me, "enjoy them up close and personal while you can."
The guitar player's fingers were just a blur on the strings, and I thought the drummers sticks would punch through those drums if he beat them any harder. The singer was hot--a tall beauty with long black hair in a satin-red dress that had a neckline that plunged to her bellybutton. And what a sexy, throaty voice! Tch, way out of my reach!
After my second cup of panther piss, er, beer, I needed to take a whiz. One of the perks of being a guy was that I walked past the line of about ten females waiting to use the women's bathroom in the basement of the frat house. I walked down the steps that led from the back yard into the basement, and right into the men's room, did what I had to do, and headed back out again. The band had taken a break, and it was relatively quiet just then.
"Damn! That's not fair," a female voice slurred out.
Turning to see a vacant-eyed girl with shoulder-length brown hair in a beer-stained white tee-shirt swaying in the mud at the end of the line, I replied, "Huh? You talking to me?"
"I've been waiting five minutes and there's ten people in front of me. I can't hold it in no more!"
"Yeah, that sucks," I said.
"But you guys don't have to wait. It ain't fair!" She smacked my arm.
"Hey!" I rubbed my arm. I figured I'd try to gross her out and get away, so I said, "What do you want me to do about it--let you pee in my mouth in the bushes or something?"
Her eyes brightened. "Hey, yeah! That's sounds like a plan. C'mon!"
In that instant, she grabbed my arm again and pulled me through the crowd. She had to be kidding, but we made our way to the side of the frat house that was somewhat secluded in hedges.
"C'mon-n-n," she said as she wobbled in place. "I gotta go-o-o. What are you waiting for?"
"So pee if you gotta," I said. "What do you need me for?"
"I can't pee against the side of the house, asshole. C'mon! Get on your knees."
"What!" I gasped.
Before I could think, she pushed down on my shoulders and I got down on my knees. Then--I couldn't believe it! She dropped her jeans and slid her panties down her legs. I was staring straight into her crotch! And then she started walking bow-legged toward me. The two tiny mounds on each side of her dark slit buried in her muff hair jiggled with each step she took toward me. My cock suddenly came to attention, though I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy what was about to happen to me.
"Hey! Wait!" I stammered as I crawled backward on my knees.
"Don't be chicken, it ain't gonna kill you. Hell, I bet you'll like it. My last boyfriend did."
At that, I backed up against the side of the house, and she kept walking forward until she had her muff pressed against my face. "C'mon! Tilt your head back!" she demanded as she arched her back aiming her pussy at my mouth.
I took a breath, and then she did it! A stream of hot, salty liquid splashed against my tongue. It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. It was relatively tasteless and I swallowed small gulps as she slowly peed into my mouth.
After she finished, I stood and spat the rest of her pee out while she pulled her jeans back up.
"Hey! Don't spit that out there!"
"What? You expect me to hold it in my mouth while I walk to the men's room?"
"No! Swallow it!"
"Swallow? Pee!"
"Yeah! You guys want us to swallow your cum! You can swallow my water."
"Well, I swallowed some of it."
"Okay, thanks," she said and walked away.
I waited for her to leave and then I made my way out from behind the bushes on the side of the house. It was then that the taste hit me. My mouth suddenly tasted they way I remembered a dirty restroom in a gas station once smelled. I made my way back to get another beer to get the taste of piss out of my mouth.
Mingling with beer in hand again, that girl whose pee I just drank caught my eye. She was walking toward me with another glassy-eyed girl, both carrying cups of panther-piss beer. I walked up to her--we practically had sex, and I didn't even know her name--and she leaned up against me, putting her hand on my shoulder, and whispered into my ear, "Karen needs to pee too."
"Uhm..." I stammered and checked out Karen. Super cute with short blonde hair and a tight green sweater showing her bare midriff.
"You have to! Look at the line," she said while pointing at the line that must have had at least 15 women standing in it. There were even three men waiting to use the men's room.
I shrugged, "Okay."
Karen and I headed off to the side of the house amongst the bushes again, while the first girl disappeared back into the crowd.
"How do we do this?" she asked in a slightly slurred voice.
Having established the procedure, I got to my knees and tilted my head back. "Uhm, just walk up to me," I said, shocked at myself that I was explaining to her how to use my mouth as her urinal.
"Okay," she said. She dropped her jeans and shuffled up to me with bowed legs, pressing her twat against my mouth like it was a urinal for females.
Again, it was over quickly. I stood and swallowed the last of her pee while she pulled her jeans up and left. She didn't even say, "Thank you."
Having near-oral sex with two women within a matter of minutes was a brand new experience for me. But I had the taste of a dirty restroom in my mouth once again. Then, urp! My stomach convulsed and a flood of yellowish puke gushed out of my mouth onto the ground against the house, leaving the most horrid taste in my mouth--worse than piss. By morning, I knew there would be more than this one puddle of puke around here, so I didn't worry too much about abandoning it there.
I stood there for a moment taking slow breaths to clear my throat, then headed to the men's room to take a drink of water. A few other guys at the sink gave me knowing looks--everyone knew that puking was an unavoidable consequence of attending beer blasts.
I figured my wow-meter was redlining after what had just happened, so at the top of the basement stairs I headed back into the house to leave. But someone grabbed my arm as my foot stepped into the doorway. "Hey!" Karen slurred, sloshing her beer as another girl gazed at me with vacant eyes.
"Uhm, I'm leaving," I said.
"No! You can't leave. I gotta pee again. And so does Cynthia."
I considered bolting, but Karen had a firm grip of my arm with both hands, and Cynthia just grabbed my other arm. "Okay," I said.
"Ewwww!" both girls said when they saw that puddle of vomit on the ground between the bushes that had become the ad-hoc girls' bathroom. I had forgotten about that.
"Now what?" I asked, relieved that I might get out of urinal duty.
"I know!" Cynthia said looking to the rear of the yard. "Over there."
It had become dark, and the back yard was lit by a few floodlights on the upper floor of the house. The line of females waiting to use the women's room was snaking halfway around the house by then. Karen and I followed Cynthia out back to where the crowd had thinned and entered that cabana by the canvas-covered pool.
Tiny, it was, too. Lit inside by a single bare bulb on the ceiling, it was just big enough for one vinyl padded bench pushed against one wall and a couple more square feet of floor space to stand and turn around in. A rusty pail and other junk were tossed in the corner.
"C'mon!" Karen said. "Hurry up! I gotta pee!"
I got on my knees and Karen dropped her jeans and panties once again.
Cynthia pointed to the bench and said, "Wouldn't it be easier if he lied on his back on that?"
"Okay, but hurry up!" Karen said.
I wasn't sure how that would make it easier for them, but I pulled the bench a little away from the wall on a diagonal and lay on it with my head at one end and my feet flat on the floor at the other end.
Karen walked around and straddled me, facing my feet. For a moment, she straddled my head between her thighs, giving me a close-up view of her ass and cunt as I stared straight up into her hairy crack. I hope she didn't plan to stand like that and pee on me.
Nope! A split second later, she sat. On my face. I suddenly couldn't breathe, and it felt like my skull would crack open any moment from the weight bearing down on it. Then she started to pee. Her stream of hot, salty piss splashed against my tongue and collected at the back of my throat. I managed to take a swallow while she peed, but it was painfully difficult to do so while holding my breath as 100 pounds of fem-ass rested on my face. My cock got hard again, and stayed that way.
She stood immediately after she finished peeing, and I swallowed the remainder of her piss then sucked in a lungful of cool air. I managed a couple more breaths before Cynthia took Karen's place on my face as I heard Karen leave.
As Cynthia also faced my feet, her ass cheeks were mashed against my eyelids and forehead while her pussy bore down on my mouth. My nose had slipped into Cynthia's anus, and she gave it a squeeze with her sphincter. I knew I'd need to need to wash my face when Cynthia was done with me. She relaxed her sphincter's grip of my nose, and she began to flood my mouth with piss. Again, I managed to swallow once while she peed, and then again after she stood.
I sat up and Cynthia said, "Thanks!"
She set her empty cup on the floor in a corner of the tiny room, reached into her purse, and jammed a dollar bill into the cup.
"What's that for?" I asked.
"A tip," she said and giggled.
Leaving the dollar in the cup, I was about to follow Cynthia when she opened the door and paused.
"C'mon, let's get out of here!" I urged.
"I think you got a waiting line," she said.
I peered out the door to see three women waiting in line. That first girl who used me (I still don't know her name) was second in line.
I bit my lip and tried to follow Cynthia back into the crowd.
The first girl in line grabbed my arm. "Hey!" she said. "You can't leave now! I gave up my place in line for the bathroom and been waiting in this line for five minutes!"
I sighed and went back inside the cabana. I looked at her. She was cute--short and skinny, with short ruby-red hair. I could sort of make out my reflection in the pinkish lenses of her wire-frame glasses.
"C'mon! I gotta pee!" she said.
Now where did I hear that before? I lay on the bench again exactly as I did a moment ago. She pulled her jeans and panties off and sat on my face like the two women before. Where did these women suddenly come from whom so easily show their bare bottoms and cunts to a guy they never met before?
The details were the same: my skull felt like it would cave in under her weight any second, she peed, I swallowed, she finished peeing, she stood, I swallowed again, she pulled her pants back on, and left. Oh--she also shoved a dollar in that cup.
That first girl with the brown hair who got me into this predicament came in right after that redhead left.
She took a seat on my face and said, "Ohh, this is a lot easier than standing up against your face."
With her 100-or-so pounds pressing down on my mouth and nose, I couldn't answer. She even added another dollar in the cup before she left.
The third girl in that line came in and--oh gross! I saw a smear of blood on her pussy lips just before she sat. She gave me a drink and another dollar.
Finally! I sat up to leave as she walked out the door--then another girl came in behind her.
"Where'd you come from?" I asked.
"Me? I've just been waiting in line."
"What? Wasn't that last girl the last in line?"
"No. There's about five people in line behind me."
"Five?" I sputtered.
"Yeah! Sure beats the line for the bathroom. God! There's got to be 20 people in line! Why don't they ever have enough bathrooms for women at these things?"
By then, I had to pee, myself. "Uhm, I've got to pee first, okay. Close the door."
Next to the pail in the corner was a rusty gas can that was a catalyst for cobwebs. It didn't seem to have been used in years and it was completely empty. I dropped my pants and slid my wiener into the cap opening. It felt weird to be taking a leak while a strange woman I never met before stood in the same room watching me pee, but considering what she was about to do to me, I guess it wasn't so strange after all.
I finished my business and got on my back once again. The band had just started to play another set while I got a face full of fem ass.
Holy shit! Something was dripping into my mouth, and it wasn't piss. I knew that taste. I smelled it every time I spanked the monkey. I lifted my arms up and tried to push her off. "Hey!" she giggled. My head was pinned under her ass, and I was completely immobile. I was stomping my feet on the floor and kicking against the bench, but that accomplished nothing. I reached over my head and back and tried to grab her by the buttocks and lift her off me. "Stop that!" she giggled again, then the piss began to flow.
There was nothing I could do but hurry up and swallow before she filled my mouth. I felt more nauseous from that one woman than from all the women before her--including the one having her period. As soon as she finished and stood, I jumped up and leaned over a rusty pail and puked--and not from drinking her piss. That made me feel a little better, but I still felt queasy, just knowing what else I swallowed in addition to her piss.
After she left, I counted five more women. Then another five women. Then I lost count. But, God! How come I never got lucky at one of these things? I had to swallow at least five pussy-loads of spunk, and I even lost count of that. After swallowing spunk from different women's cunts a few times, the few who were having their periods didn't seem so gross.
Every so often, I got up to pee in that gas can. It was still a weird feeling to have a strange woman stand there watching me pee while she waited for me to finish so that she could pee into me. That cup was jammed with dollar bills and someone had started a new cup with a couple of dollars in it.
The band had taken another break between sets, and it had become quiet again.
"How long is the line for me?" I asked one of the women who came to use me, since conversation was possible once again.
"The line for you is about 20 people."
"Holy shit! How long is the line for the regular women's room, then?"
"Uhm," she thought for a moment, "I guess about ten or so."
Wow! I didn't know what to make of the revelation that a majority of the women would prefer to use me instead of the normal bathroom. My stomach already felt bloated, and I had no idea how I was going to be able to consume all the fluid that was currently being stored in the bladders of ten women just outside that door.
A few more women used me, then--holy shit--a black woman came in. Of course, there's nothing wrong with black women. Just coming from a rural area, I never mingled with black people--never even knew any--though there were a couple of black kids in high school.
My first glimpse of her was of hair all in cornrows and braids, and wearing a bright purple sweater. The whites of her eyes gleamed brightly against her coal-black skin, though she didn't make eye contact with me. Like most of the others, she dropped her jeans and took a seat on my face. For a split second, I got a view of the utter blackness of her ass-crack between her dark brown cheeks, and the thin pink slit of her pussy shown brightly against her black hairy pussy lips. After that, it was all the same: she peed--I swallowed.
My stomach still felt bloated and I had no idea how I had managed to keep up with all the women who had used me so far. It seemed that I had been peeing in that gas can after almost every woman lately--so it was just flowing through me at that point. A few women later, one finished peeing and said, "I spent my last buck on beer, but I can pay you some other way. Okay?"
"Uhm, sure," I said, having forgotten that I was accumulating quite a stash of cash. She fell forward onto me, leaving me looking up at the ceiling past her twat still pressed against my chin and up through her ass crack. She unzipped my jeans and whipped out my, still hard, cock. At first, she licked and tickled my cock-head with her lips and tongue. After tasting the pussies of an army of women that night, I was on the brink of coming, though my cock was sore from being hard almost continuously since Karen and Cynthia used me at the start. Then, "Ah!" I gasped as she engulfed my cock with her mouth. She began to slide her lips up and down the length of my shaft, and that was all it took for me to explode into her mouth. I began bucking rhythmically as she rode me, grasping tightly onto my cock with her mouth.
ISS ke sabhi readers specially hot girls and bhabion ko mera hot hot Hellooooooo, doston ye meri first story he vese me iss ka bahut bada fan hun or pichle 4 saalo se regular reader hun or har roj 2-3 stories padta hun, kai readers ki tarah me bhi bahut time se soch rha tha ki me bhi ek story post karu par aalas or time nahi milta tha kai baar to likh kar chhod di bich me. Me apne bare me bata dun me 32 years ka male hun, bilkul fair colour he, achhi body he, sex chat ka bahut shok he mujhe, or...
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Hi, the name is AJ. At the time this takes place I was a junior in high school. I was single and not very experienced when it came down to getting to it. Needless to say, I was a late bloomer in the sex department. At the time I had only been with one girl in my life. It was the beginning of September and I was living at my Dad's. It was around 11 pm on a Saturday night, and being a junior in high school and a video game playing nerd, I didn’t have any place better to be than at home. Everyone...
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Ellie: I went back to work really confused. I knew this old guy, Pete, from the neighborhood and his being a frequent customer at the store. I couldn't believe all I'd just talked to him about and that I was so honest with him. By the time I got off work, I'd calmed down and accepted all the 'weirdity' of it. I went home, showered, had a bite and went into my room and watched tv. Or at least had the tv on. I kept thinking of my 'Rick fantasy' and the possibility I was actually...
Rick showed up, right on time, at 1:00. We went through an old 'Employees Manual' I'd kept around and I explained the 'rules of engagement' so to speak. Covering the usual like 'always courteous, never lose temper, let the customer vent and dontdon't argue'. He thought that was weird. Guess he'd never bitched at a customer service person ... but I let it go. There was a knock at the door and I glanced at the mantle clock. 1:15, she was right on time. I looked Rick in the eye and...
The memorial service for Rodney Barack and Deadan took place almost immediately after our return to the Academy. It was a solemn affair and it brought home to me just how serious the affair on Archilerb really was. I was certain the affair was far from over as far as it concerned the fleet, the Yokuta and the level of hostilities between Union and the Galactic Council. I shot two of the Kermac bastards but I knew there had to be more. The Yokuta I fought were still under psionic control...
M led J to the bed and gently pushed him down to a seated position. “Dude…this is crazy!! What are you doing?” J asked. “I am about to blow your brains out, get ready…”M popped a video into the VCR; a four hour epic of lesbian love. It depicted nothing but gorgeous busty women licking and sucking their lovers. Each scene started slow but reached a crescendo with the women sucking and fucking their partners to amazing orgasms. Something about lesbians appealed to both M and J, they loved the...
I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I had been able to fall asleep for maybe two hours before my brain took off like a runaway train once again. I wondered how Derek was and wondered if he missed me. I wondered where Donnell was and how he was able to cut off ties so easily. I thought about how many good times I had with Courtney. I also thought about how easily she had turned on me - embracing my sexuality one day and then shaming me for it the next. I concluded she was just...
TrueHi friends, I am Alvin from Mumbai. I am 21 years old, studying in engineering college. Please mail me on I would really like to hear from you. Thank you for your responses on previous stories, which encouraged me to write another story. This is my sex third story. Ye story meri aur mere baju wali bhabhi k bich ki hain. Unka naam hain dipti. Log unhe pyaar se deepa bhabhi bulaate the. Unke umar hain 33 saal. Unka rang gora hain and figure 38-34-36 hain. Unke 2 baache hain, fir bhi vo bohot...
Flashback – Jack and Ben – The trip to hell ... at the hospital. I had just ordered (or maybe just tried to order) Banzai to not go off crazy like he did in Russia, but he grinned at me and said, "Jack, that's a great fucking idea! I hadn't thought about taking off like I did in Russia until you mentioned it." Son of a bitch! I sure as hell didn't want to give him the idea. I continued my caution, "Banzai, Colonel Maggie won't put up with that bullshit like Major M did!" He laughed...
The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...
SupernaturalI guided Janet to the bedroom. She flopped on the bed and said she was ready to feel my cock inside her. I walked over to her and ran my finger from the bottom of her slit to the top. She was wet but I did not think she was wet enough. I licked my finger and smiled. She tasted so good.I stretched out next to her and kissed her lips, then smiled and told her that we have time. I wanted to make sure her pussy was ready for my cock. I traced my fingers down her chest and circled her nipples with...
Straight SexLlevo pocos años de casada, soy una mujer joven y según me dicen atractiva en rostro y cuerpo. Mi esposo fue el único novio que tuve, del visto bueno de las 2 familias, por cierto muy conservadoras. Un día me tocó ir a otro salón de belleza del que usualmente yo acudía. Habían sólo mujeres, pero todas mayores que yo, de 55 años en adelante. Entre ellas todas se conocían incluyendo la propietaria. De repente resultaron hablando de sitios donde...
Tyler entered the wardrobe at the far end of the printing press and immediately saw someone else in there, riffling through the plastic- covered clothes hangers. A shock of red hair turned to see who had just entered. "Hey, Violet," the redhead said. Well, speak of the devil, Tyler thought to himself. There she was. "Hey, Zoe," Tyler said. He walked between the racks of clothing and came alongside her. "How's it going?" "Good, good," Zoe said, grinning mightily back at him. She...
So carrying on from where I left off..... I regularly went round to my friends Mum ...Mrs H ....strategically when he was out an d he seemed to be packed off to his grandparents more than he ever had I realise why ! LolI wa slaways welcomed by Mrs h clad in nylons and heels and sexy undies, more ofthen than not an obg in black to match her stockings and heels and she was always in artistic harming points that time they were still freely available which started my passion for...
There was a big surprise waiting for me on the porch when I got home. The FedEx folks had been by and two very large boxes were sitting against the front door. "That's my stuff from Camp Gonsalvez," Cooper said. I drove the bike into the garage and parked it, but took the two helmets and the two beers in with me, dropping the first two on the breakfast bar. I opened one of the beers and put the other in the fridge. I took a long, refreshing pull from my open beer and immediately began...
Betty Bumstead was born in one of those northern States where the farm girls were all of Scandinavian stock and their DNA was so pristine white that most eyes were blue and most hair was blonde as sure as the sun always rises. She was about five foot two and with eyes of blue and lips of cherry red. Her feminine assets were definitely in the “ten” category in almost every respect. The only exception was that some males might complain that her breasts were not a big as one would expect...
“Hey mom! I’m home.” Alex the shortish brown haired, green-eyed girl called as she dropped her school bag at the kitchen door. “Mom?” She called again. “She’s not here.” A strange voice said from behind her. Alex jumped back from the stranger. “Who are you?” She demanded. The woman she was confronted with simply smiled. “Where’s my mom?” “Relax Alex.” She said monotone. “How do you know my...
When the other clan leaders came in I showed them the web page and explained that I had checked on updated web pages. The web page I was looking at belonged to the MS13 gang out of Los Angeles and they were talking of the problems they were having getting enough food for the winter. They apparently knew of the clans up north and were talking about raiding them for food and slaves in November, which was about four months away. They were talking on-line as if they had no worries about anyone...
I had been serving Bill and Jane for several weeks when they told me that they had volunteered to put on an evenings entertainment for their local fetish group. They told me to come to their house early on Saturday where they would prepare me.I was met as usual at the station by Mistress Jane and was soon at their house. Once inside I was led to "my room" and told to prepare myself. I entered the on-suite bathroom and went through my by now will practiced transformation. I removed what little...
When horny hottie Stacey Saran gets ready to relax on the massage table, she already senses that handsome massage therapist’s attraction towards her. The well-built young man named Marc Rose lays his hands on her and gently puts some pressure on her neck. Oh yes, this feels amazing! The curvy British hot babe can’t wait for him to touch her entire luxurious body. Just seconds later, he starts massaging her butt and notices her willingness to let go of that towel. Once she reveals...
xmoviesforyouI married at age twenty-five. My wife was only my third sexual partner. Early into my marriage I begun visiting internet chat rooms. I became hooked the first time I was sent a private message by another female. I was instantly hooked on cyber erotic chat. But it also awakened me to my inexperience sexually. The hot conversations with other women brought to my attention things that I had never done or experiencedMost of the women I met online were far away, nothing but a cyber affair. But I did...
CheatingJust a little background. My husband and I have been together for 8 years, married for 7 of those years. I feel as if I am finally hitting my sexual peak as I am thoroughly enjoying all aspects of sex more than I have in the past. This is a story of one of my first experiences of truly trying to pleasure my husband to the fullest. The night is winding down and the house is finally quiet, no longer interrupted by the sounds of the kids running around. We sit and relax, watching a movie as we...
Oral SexMy wife kept telling me that I had a drinking problem. I do drink a lot, but I am not an alcoholic and I never have been. I am not a "drunk" drunk, that is I don't start drinking the first thing in the morning and sneak drinks all day and then sit in a bar and get sloshed at night. Well, maybe the last part, but it wasn't because I couldn't leave alcohol alone, it was because I had to be sociable. It was part of my job. Most of my customers flew in from out of town and they would always...
Arianna, Layla, Mira, and Sandy had embarked on their risky adventure with the best of intentions. Working for an NGO aid group called 'Hearts Healing Conflict,' they had volunteered to help bring in humanitarian supplies to the tiny, struggling third world nation of Ajikistan, which was in the midst of a civil war. Unfortunately for them, the young women had no idea how dangerous the job of driving the supply trucks really was. They had been told that as long as they stayed on the main...
I’ve had the hots for the guy at our local post office for some time now, but since we are both married I never acted on it. I have flirted with him on numerous occasions and he seemed receptive and even responded with some flirting of his own. But like I said, it’s a small town so you have to be careful. I remember once he commented on my tan and now nice I looked. It made me feel like he really did notice me. I responded by saying I used to go to a tanning booth but now I have one at home. ...
MatureI proudly stood looking at myself in the mirror. I felt beautiful. My long straight brunette hair was styled to perfection, my makeup was flawless, and my body never looked quite as wonderful as it did that particular night. The sparkles on my dress danced in the dim light glowing from my lamp. The dress itself was a glamorous, aqua blue, strapless ball gown that extended all the way to the floor. Underneath I had chosen to wear lace undies with a skimpy, white, under wire bra, which was also...
Love Stories*NOTE* This is not a quick get off story, if you are looking for one I suggest leaving this story. Hi, I'm Jesse, I will not mention my last name because of my hate for it, not for the name itself, but for the family who bears it. I am 14, white, 5' 8", skinny but built and strong, a current gang member, and lastly entering high-school as a freshmen. ------------------------------------- "'Ey man get up." I heard D-Dub say. I had been sleeping on his couch for over a...
After taking tasty teen Tamara to the train with my three sexy slaves I have a sexy surprise for themI take them from Central Station to the airport and tell them about my fine friend Birgit, my beauty!After we take Birgit to my private place I send my slaves to do their chores so we can be in privateI intimately inspect Birgit from as close as possible - as she stands bent over right in front of meAfter her sexy inspection her daily duty is to masturbate for me right in front of my eyes at her...
I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or all four of them. They are not jealous because they know each other and know I love all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant. I can just fuck for...
You are a mysterious stranger, extremely fit, with a hard-sculpted fit body from years of weight training, running, martial arts, gymnastics, yoga, etc. You are ruggedly handsome, with piercing eyes, a strong chiseled chin and a hypnotic, charming personality that women around the world find irresistible. You've fucked your fair share of sexy babes here and there (thanks to the special device you invented - due, in fact, to your natural mechanical brilliance) - which allows you to 'teleport'...
"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...
Ella Knox is one horny ass chick. She got so turned on while talking to her boyfriend on the phone that she started masturbating on the spot. She quickly hung up on him so that she could finish. At this point, her step father happen to walk by her room and noticed what was happening inside. After spying for a little bit, he got closer and closer. Ella eventually noticed him and called him out on it. As he was apologizing and walking away, she called him back in and told him to pull his cock...
xmoviesforyou** AUtHOR'S NOTE: based on the ratings, part 2 was a little disappointing. It was a transitional chapter, not a lot happened. I hope that this one more than makes up for it. ** Dinner and two glasses of wine did little to calm Peter down. The steak was overcooked and the dessert skimpy. The waitress was a bitch and on top of it all, there was a ticket underneath his wiper when he got back to the car. Lauren said little during or after the meal. She'd watched him change gradually...
My wife and I have been sending some pretty hot texts to each other all day while at work. We have a date tonight and we are trying to get the other one as hot as possible. As the evening comes to a close after dinner we head back to the house ready to have a lot of fun! We arrive at the house and I immediately grab a black teddy out of her drawer and ask her to put this on now. She undresses and slides into the teddy and looks so scrumptious! Then, I blindfold her and lead her to the doorway...