Beer Run - The Corruption Of Taylor free porn video

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Sometimes, when I'm away on business, I have to find ways to satisfy my urgeson a whim.

This time was no different.

Friday night I found myself in the darkened hotel room, closing in on 3am,with a 20-year old cocky little thing trussed up and gagged, recently penetrated,humiliated, and looking to me for some answers as to why he felt the way hedid Broken, vulnerable from his surrender, he surely would never been the same.

The semen was still fresh on his lips, and his lashes were still wet withtears.

How it all came together still amazes me.


I found Taylor at a liquor store.

I had not gone out that night with the intent of finding a man to bring backto my hotel room and seduce and torture. I had simply gone out for a walk,to gather my thoughts, to try to find some serenity in the cool Chicago air.

The concierge at the hotel told me there was a music store a few blocks away.Music is always a nice diversion, so I decided to go pick up a few new compactdiscs. The day had been hell for me - back to back meetings with clients, afew horrific presentations and barely being able to slip out of entertainingfor the evening because I was just too exhausted.

Instead I wandered down the avenue and was half way to the music store whenI saw Taylor standing outside a liquor store, smoking, alone.

The only urge that I have which is sometimes as unbearable as the urge todominate is the desire, randomly, for chocolate. Not a lot of chocolate, nota specific kind of chocolate, but something sweet. So I detoured into the liquorstore and b-lined for the candy aisle, only to find Taylor lurking behind me.

He was following me.

This was odd to me, because he hardly looked like the stalker type. He lookedto be about 18 or 19, in torn jeans and a black short sleeved t-shirt. Hishair was dirty blonde and he had great blue eyes. As sort of a grungy type,he also needed a shave - but I guess that look is still in.

Taylor watched me pay for my small black bag of plain M&Ms and then followedme out of the liquor store.

I wasn't really worried; after all, he looked harmless.

We only got about half a block before he sped up to me, to my side and said "Excuseme."

I stopped and turned to him.

"Can I ask you for a favor?"

I wonder if Taylor ever wished he had not asked that question. Because that'swhat started it all.


Taylor wanted me to buy him a six pack of beer.

He explained this to me nervously, his hands shoved down as far into his pocketsas they could go. And all I could keep thinking when I was listening to himexplain how he lost is ID was, "Those are beautiful eyes."

He stammered a few times, tried small talk when I just stared at him blanklyafter his initial request.

"You're from out of town," he observed. People have told me I looklike I'm either from LA or New York , depending on what I am wearing. I guessI didn't look Midwestern enough, even for downtown Chicago . Or maybe it wasthe fact that I was in a business suit.

"You aren't 21," I told him. "You didn't lose your ID. Youjust want someone to buy it for you. Don't lie to me. That isn't a good wayto start this off."

He chuckled a little, looked down, and was shuffling his feet in that kindof "oh shucks" kind of way. Good lord, I thought to myself, is thisan act, or is he really that nervous? The vibes from him were inundating me.I was totally overstimulated, to say the least.

The only thing I can compare it to is being like a starving, hungry predatorycat, wandering through the brush feeling sorry for herself, only to come upona venison with a broken leg.

He was just asking to be captured.

"If I walk in there and buy you liquor," I pointed out to him. "It'dbe on camera, and I'm sure that guy working there has seen you pull this before."

Taylor was about to defend himself, but I cut him off.

"If you want a beer, come up to my hotel down the block. I'll take afew out of the bar in the room."

Of course, I didn't expect that he'd go with that. After all, he probablywanted to go take a six pack home and party with his grunge buddies.

He bit his lip, looked at me, and said, "Which hotel?"


Taylor was 20.

I got him to admit that to me on the walk to the hotel. In fact, as soon asI got Taylor talking, he wouldn't shut up. He was pleasant enough, but he definitelytalked too much (nervous, I would imagine).

I knew the gag would come in handy.

In fact, as Taylor probably excitedly pondered that he was about to scorea few free beers, I was pondering about how I was going to score Taylor .

I went through all the thoughts in my head. How he would look bound and gagged.How he would endure pain. How he'd handle being totally used as a sex object- this hormonal, sweet little 20 year old who stands outside of liquor storesasking women ten years his senior to buy him a six pack.

Taylor had a lot to learn.

And I felt like I had struck gold.


Of course, the moral side of me kicked in, and I reasoned that the boy wouldhave no more than two beers over the course of the evening, because there wasno way in hell I'd deal with an inexperienced, naïve, horny kid agreeingto all sorts of humiliating acts while bombed out of his head.

No, I'd have to be careful with Taylor . And also, I didn't know if he wasdamaged goods.

In the hotel elevator, Taylor looked up at the illuminated room numbers withbig, blue eyes. Staring at him, I noticed that he had underlying features thatwere quite striking - he had amazing cheekbones, for a start, and really nicelips. His face was somewhat hidden by a mop of hair and he needed a good shave.But other than that, he was quite striking.

And boy, was he nervous.

When we entered my room, I could sense that he was trembling.

Grade A venison. Ready to be devoured.


When I travel, I tend to stay in fairly nice hotels. After all, if I am goingto be away, I at least want to be comfortable. I have learned to hate two thingsin the last five years: airplanes and hotel rooms.

This hotel was marginal. I'm drawn to luxurious bathrooms, large bathtubsand really nice beds. This one had all three.

Taylor , apparently, had never been inside anything other than a dark motelroom for $29 a night. He tried to hide it, but his eyes were drawn around theroom and I could hear him clearing his throat.

My room was equipped with a full bar, in case I needed to do any entertaining(and I guess that was good planning, on my part). I rummaged through the refrigeratorand pulled out a Corona for the boy, fixing myself a Stolichnaya on the rocks.

When I handed him the beer he said "Thanks."

Then I said, "Take off your clothes."


I guess I prefer the direct approach. But I figure that even a naïve20 year old has been around the block enough to know that if a woman inviteshim up to her room to give him a beer, she probably has some other things inmind as well.

It felt, suddenly, like a scene out of The Graduate.

Taylor was holding the beer bottle tightly, half chuckling, looking at me,as if waiting for me to bust out laughing and say "Just kidding."

But I just stood there, sipping my cocktail, and waited for him to react.

"Are you serious?" he finally asked, in almost a whisper.

"I'm completely serious," I responded.


Taylor finally snapped out of his daze, probably because the shock wore offand the hormones kicked in. He set his beer down on the nightstand and crossedhis arms over his chest to pull the black t-shirt off.

I pulled my hair out of its large, black clip and went to the closet. I never,ever travel without an arsenal of toys, and this trip was no different - eventhough I knew I would only be gone two days.

When I opened my black leather bag it all started to really sink in.

I was going to have him. I was going to have him in my way, and he was goingto learn to submit. I was going to use him and humiliate him and force himto make me cum, then hold him and rebuild him and make him understand why Ihad to do it.

I'll never forget the look in his eyes when he saw what I was holding.


Taylor had never seen anything like what I had. The shackles, the gags, thevibrators and of course the strap-on. I'd taken off my business suit and wasjust in stockings and bra at that point, and the leather strap on harness washanging off my fingertips.

:"Oh, shit," was all Taylor could manage.

Before he could weasel away, I took his face in my hands and kissed him. Hewas just wearing jeans now, after managing to remove his shirt and shoes. Ikissed him hard, holding his chin with one hand and moving the other hand aroundto his ass, pulling him close to me.

Of course I could feel how hard he was in his jeans at that point. I reacheddown, and under, and rubbed him through the jeans, making sure I massaged himto complete erection before parting lips and whispering, "I want you tosubmit to me."

His eyes were shut, his lips were still parted and he was breathing softlytoward me. He was in a daze. I started unbuttoning his jeans and then he startedto tremble again. He was shaking, breathing uneven now, and he was reachingaround, blindly, for the beer bottle he had left on the bedside table.

I pushed it just out of his reach and said, "In a minute."

Then I reached down into his briefs and took him full in my hand.

I knew I had him. Literally.


It was about fifteen minutes later that I had sweet Taylor hogtied, his ballstrussed up and my soiled panties tucked carefully into his mouth,. He'd throwna bit of a fit about that, until he tasted them of course, and I quieted hisprotests by lowering my body onto him and resting my soaking pussy right onhis nose and mouth.

I knew he couldn't breathe.

"IF you stop being such a brat about this," I said sympathetically, "I'llbe much easier on you."

His legs flailed a bit, what they could with his ankles tied together andpulled up behind his back. When I eased up, I lounged momentarily in the feelof his ragged breathing at my thighs, up against my pussy. I took his facein my hands as I slid down, I looked into his eyes and I said, "Do youwant to make me cum?"

He nodded. Taylor nodded with boyish enthusiasm, trying to ease up onto hiselbows, find any way to get leverage, thinking he was about to be freed sohe could fuck me like mad, or that the gag was going to be removed so he couldlick my pussy for the next half hour.

Instead, Taylor got to watch me reach back to the dressing table and pickup the heap of leather straps, silver buckles and single, shining black dildo.

His eyes widened, he shook his head and his sweet, muffled voice said, "No."


Taylor was terrified. I took his face in my hands again, this time kissinghim all around his lips, my hand between my legs masturbating practically onhis lap. He was breathing hard, whimpering a bit, and his eyes, when they weren'tscrewed shut, were pleading with me.

Using my mouth, I bit down on the panties that were spilling from his mouthand pulled them out slowly. He let out a gasp and said at once, "I can'tlet you do that to me."

Kissing him, holding him, I reached down with the panties and started rubbingthem all over his erection. I stroked him with the panties until he was drippingwith pre-cum, twisting, moaning, agonizing over the need to cum.

When he looked at me, his eyes had a sweet, innocent glisten to them. I wasalready in my own world - just one sip of my stoli cocktail had been consumed,so I knew it wasn't the alcohol. No, I was consumed with Taylor , and his innocence.I wanted to have him

I needed to have him.

But because I was in that intense, passionate femdom mood, the one that iseven more demanding that my usual mode, I wanted more than that. I didn't justwand Taylor to surrender to me, to let me fuck him in the ass and to beg formore.

I wanted him to kneel before me and fasten the buckles. I wanted him to putthe harness on me, knowing full well what was going to happen. Virginal, staringright at the big, black cock that would be soon pounding into him. Methodically,gently tightening each of the leather straps so that the harness rested righton my hips and the base of the cock was positioned right at my crotch for thebest stimulation.

Looking into Taylor 's eyes, which were starting to well up it with tears,I knew it was going to take some careful planning and a lot of patience.

But, I reasoned, it was only 11:30pm?


I released Taylor .

I released him because I knew he was on the edge of freaking out, and I knewthat he was dealing with an overload of feelings and sensations. But as soonas he was freed, I locked him into handcuffs, his wrists in front, and madehim kneel before me.

I made him kneel while I sat on the edge of the bed, and I reclined and orderedhim to go down on me. I told him just how I wanted it, and just how long hewould have to do it, and I used both hands in his hair, at the back of hishead, to give further direction. By pushing, clenching my fists, pulling hishead back.

Taylor was moderate in his abilities. The young ones, I noted, were alwaystoo eager and too sloppy. But he showed good promise, and I was patient. Afterall, this was not the end for me, this was just a step to getting what I reallywanted - which was him bent over, vulnerable, begging me fuck him deeper, harder,to show him no mercy and to use him like a total whore.

While Taylor was going down on me, I told him about why I liked my harnessso much.

"You need to see what it looks like," I breathed heavily, "Toreally appreciate it."

He just kept licking. Licking, diligently, probably to try to drown out whatI was saying to him.

"When I fuck a man in the ass, I cum," I added. "And nothingexcites me more than holding him by the hips, pulling him back with each thrust,feeling him open up to take me, seeing the humiliation in his face.."

By then, I was clenching Taylor 's hair so tight with both hands that I felthim wince. His whimpered were muffled by my thighs, pressed tightly aroundhis head. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around tight, moving my hips toraise my body so he could go deeper, deeper with his tongue and bury himselfright into me.

By then, I was essentially fucking his face.

In fact, the one-sided conversation was enough to set me off. I pushed himoff of me, into the floor on his back, watching him raised his shackled wristsdefensively, unsure of what was going on. His face was wet from going downon me, his eyes half shut, his cheeks slightly pink. Without warning, I mountedhis face.

Reaching around with my hand, I took his cock full in my palm and grippedhim as I fucked his face. This time, it was ruthless, unforgiving. "Tongueout," I ordered. "Keep sucking. Lick harder."

He moaned. He moaned as if it hurt, but his cock was already spurting bitsof pre-cum. Taylor produced more precum than I had ever seen. I coated my palmand fingers with it and lifted my body off of him to rub it all over his lips.

He had no idea what I was doing until he licked it and tasted it, making himnearly gag from the realization, but by then I was kissing him on the lips,devouring his mouth. And I didn't give him time to complain out loud, becauseimmediately, after that, I was sitting on his face again.

This time, I rode him until I came.


I think Taylor believed he was off the hook at that point. After all, I hadcum - didn't that mean it was the end? And that we could move on to HIS orgasm?

Apparently Taylor had never been with a woman in her 30s.

The night was not even close to over. After all, I still had not receivedwhat I really wanted - the chance to fuck him mercilessly in the ass. I wantedto put my harness on and take him completely, to take his virginity, to usehim in a way that he would never forget.

Taylor was so turned on, so desperate, I knew I could get just about anythingfrom him. It was just a matter of time, and proper pacing. His face was stillglistening with my juices, his lips were slightly swollen. His hair, disheveled,made him look even younger than his 20 years.

I tied Taylor up again. I tied him up this time so that his wrists were lockedaround his knees, his ankles together, his legs pressed to his chest. He wassitting on the floor and looked delightfully helpless.

So much so that I told him that once again I would masturbate. This time,for him to watch. This time, so that he could learn to please me. To want memore than anything.

Taylor looked at me apprehensively when I unfastened the black dildo frommy strap on hardness. I brought it to his face and he turned away, inhalingsharply, nervous, unnerved by what he saw.

"Do you want me to stick this in my pussy?" I asked clearly.

Naked, I could see his cock start to once again stiffen. Just the naughtywords did it to him.

I held him by the hair, holding his head terribly still, and started to strokehis cheeks with the dildo. I will admit, at that point, I wished it was strappedinto my harness. Because I wanted to hold my hands on my hips and torture himby slapping him square across the face with my latex dick, to tease and humiliatehim.

But I needed to be gentle with Taylor .

His breathing was ragged, his eyes were shut tight. I could see him clenchinghis fists, and the mere sight of him made me ache once again. So vulnerable,so nervous and scared. I pressed the tip of my latex dick to his lips and heshuddered and turned away.

"You will learn," I told him. "It just takes time."


Right then, I considered, seriously, the long term potential for Taylor .After all, I had a few slaves strewn across the United States - because I travelso much, sometimes I like to know I have a whore in a city just in case I needto use someone while on business.

Taylor had all the qualities I wanted in a whore-slave. He was young, impressionable.Passionate, a little bit nervous. He was someone I could mold into the perfectlittle cunt sucking whore, if I wanted.

And he was completely unable to hide his emotion - or his arousal. His cockwas now fully erect, bobbing precariously even though it was tucked betweenhis thighs and front of his body, in the tucked up position I had him in.

I was masturbating with one hand, two fingers massaging my pussy, while Ipressed the dildo, again and again, to his virgin lips.

"Suck on it for me, Taylor."

I could see him shuddering, trying to speak. He was so terrified. Terrified,I know, because his dick was rock hard.

And it wasn't because I was there massaging my own pussy near his face. Itwas because he was turned on at the idea of being fucked in the mouth withmy dildo.

"You're hard," I said, stating the obvious. "You need to loweryour resistance, Taylor. Accept it. You want it."

I was sweet to him. Sweet and reassuring. I crouched down to be eye-levelwith him, put my hand against his cheek and he looked at me. I saw what lookedlike tears in his eyes, but it might have been his gag reflex kicking in atjust the mere thought of having a nine inch latex dick shoved down his throat.

He said to me, sweetly, softly, his words barely coming out. "Can I havea sip of my beer?"


Taylor was terrified. He was terrified, but totally turned on. I fed him hisbeer - two large sips, that was all he could have, right out of the bottle.The feeding process turned me on, of course, and led to a whole side-eventof me masturbating with the head of the beer bottle while he watched, onlyto make him suggestively, eagerly lick the rim while I mocked him.

Then I made him start with the beer bottle. Licking it. Licking all aroundthe head of it, sticking his tongue in the whole. He had his eyes shut tight,nervous, but I encouraged him with words, and sometimes by reaching over andmassaging his cock.

"Lick slower," I ordered. "Wrap your tongue around, slowly.All around. Suck on it now, suck on the tip. Deeper."

I pushed it in slowly, watching the neck of the bottle disappear more andmore into his mouth. The sight of this made me so hot, I was soaking wet. Istopped, wet my fingers by moving them between my legs, over my pussy, andthen brushed them over his lips.

He gasped, startled, tasted my wetness, then opened his eyes. They were glazed,shy. Terrified, still, but now so turned on again.

"I loved watching you suck on this," I said to him, looking carefullyat the beer bottle. I hesitated a moment, then took a sip from it, suggestively,letting my tongue linger. Then, I added, "If you suck my dick, I'll cum.You do want me to cum, don't you?"


That's the ultimate question for a man. Any man. I don't care if he is 18or 58.

He wants to make a woman cum.

Watching her writhe, moan, gasp. And knowing he did it to her.

Taylor wanted me to cum. There was no doubt. He wanted it bad enough, thathe was starting to consider, even desire, things he thought were unthinkableonly an hour before.

His eyes were so soft - timid, anxious. But not on fire anymore, not bouncing.Just staring, thinking. Shaking, only slightly.

He looked beautiful.

I held his face in my hands, this time holding the straps of my harness betweenthe fingers of my right hand, letting it dangle next to him.

"Can I have you, Taylor ?"

He swallowed, staring at me.

I wet my lips, looked at him sweetly, and asked again, "Can I have you?"

Again, he swallowed, this time closing his eyes briefly, then nodded, andsaid, in a barely audible whisper, "Yes."


Taylor was kneeling beside me, fumbling with the buckles of my expensive,all-leather strap on harness. I stood, feet separated slightly, having to lifteach leg, slowly, delicately on the spiked heels, to allow him to pull theharness up around my thighs.

He had this sweet look of concentration on his face, obviously unsure of whathe was doing, watching me point here and there, at which end of which strapwent into which buckle.

He was visible shaking the entire time. When the cock bobbed precariouslyin his face, he shuddered a bit and turned the other way.

Taylor fastened each of the buckles on either hip, making them tight, theway I like it. Then I ordered him to ease back, on the floor, and admire mefrom afar as I stood before him, in spiked heels and a leather strap-on harness,but with nothing else on at all.

Obviously, Taylor was speechless.

But his hard cock gave it all away.


Needless to say, taking Taylor 's virginity was the highlight of the evening.And probably enough for its own piece - I could write for pages about the soundshe made, how he tensed his body, how it took me twenty five minutes to lubricatehim enough to even accommodate the head.

He was passionate, and innocent, and he made me want to possess him entirely.

I fucked him for a half hour. I rode his face once more, and then I tied himup and made him sleep at the foot of my bed.

In the morning, I made him bathe me before work, and then I shoved money intohis palm for a cab and told him to be careful who he asked for beer when standingin front of a liquor store.

In my own taxi, on the way to my first meeting, staring idly out the cab windowand reflecting on the night, I was a bit sad. Sad that I had not found outanything more about this mysterious boy, not taken down his email address,anything, to keep him touch with him for my future travels.

Until I opened up my briefcase to find a slip of hotel paper among my notesfor the meeting. It said, simple, " Taylor " with a phone number.He'd obviously put it there when I had gone to sleep.

Needless to say, I found reason to be in Chicago in two more weeks.

And this time, I'm bringing a girlfriend.

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This is a story that I am going to narrate here is about a female whose age would be around 30 and she was married. Hi, my self-working at a MNC and my posting was at Kolkata. I was appointed there as investigation officer as there was lots of corruption from the Kolkata office and the board told me to tackle it as they know it I had solved few cases at my company. When I joined my office at Kolkata there I saw lots of people were there in the office that was more than the need and the HR was a...

4 years ago
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Heroine Corruption Inc

The Organisation was a dark secret known only to an elite few, and it had been created with one goal in mind. To abduct, seduce, corrupt and indoctrinate super-powered females, so that they became the ultimate sexual creatures, insatiable whores who craved sex and depravity. There was a vast untapped market for such creatures, and the Organisation planned to exploit it to the full. It had begun slowly and carefully. First, the Facility was built in a top secret and isolated location. This...

3 years ago
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Corruption Chapter 7

Corruption -- Chapter 7 By Marcia St. Denis Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. I originally wrote this story (with my then co-writer Erica Wright) - with connoisseurs of erotic transvestite and transsexual fiction, (and your insatiable desire for the bliss of release), uppermost in my mind. I sincerely hope my tale will bring you repeated pleasure over many sessions. It is why I write and if I have been successful in turning you on and helping you get off I would love to hear from...

2 years ago
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The Taking of Taylor

My mind was awhirl when I knocked on Taylor's hotel room door. I was curious about what would happen, perhaps a bit anxious about how she would react to actually seeing me in the flesh for the first time. When she opened the door, my first look at Taylor's face immediately settled all issues for me. This was the face that had appeared in my dreams, a face that was as familiar to me as it would have been if I'd known her all my life. And her body ... Ah, she looked impossibly alluring in...

4 years ago
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You and Taylor

"Come on, Aiden! Let's go!" Duncan yells. You rush around in your room, looking for a shirt to put on. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a sec!" You yell down at Duncan, who's waiting with Kara to go to a party with you. "Yeah, hurry up!" Yells Kara. You rummage through your closet, looking for a short-sleeve with a few holes or an older shirt, one that doesn't matter if you lose it. Taylor was going to this party, really the only reason why you're going there in the first place. You pull out an old red...

2 years ago
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Call me Karen said Mrs Taylor

Ed was sat in the passenger seat of the car that belonged to his brother, Dan. Dan was back from uni and whilst the two brothers were once best pals, since he moved away, they felt like they were on two different pages now. Dan dawdled back to the car from the shop, holding a sausage roll and coke in one hand, checking his phone with the other. He got in and the car shifted with his weight. Ed's slight, slim frame was almost thrown up in to the roof by his Rugby player sibling flopping down on...

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Corruption Chapter Three

Corruption - Chapter Three "OK Tony. What is it you want from me?" Tom knew he was in trouble the moment Tony popped the tape into the VCR. The first few 'scenes' were of him sucking Sami's veined shaft. He knew what he was watching would be considered perverse and sick by any of his friends or family but such was the level he had sunk to that as he watched himself slide deeper and deeper into depravity he couldn't help but get aroused. He couldn't believe what a turn on it...

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Corruption Samanthas Story

Corruption Samantha's Story By Erica Wright, with very special consultant, Marcia St. Denis 05/02/02 - 08/14/02 Faithful readers, I thought you needed some background information on Samantha in order to justify the storyline in later chapters of Corruption. Thankfully I was able to convince Marcia to allow me to 'investigate' Samantha's younger years. This is a stand-alone story but fits nicely with the original story. Take heart, more chapters of both stories are in the...

2 years ago
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Corruption Chapter 6

Corruption -- Chapter 6 By Marcia St. Denis Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Erica Wright and I had started this story a long time ago and things just somehow got in the way of getting back to it before now. She has decided she just can't devote the time to writing and for a long time neither could I. However, I have been inspired by the continuing devotion of many fans who keep asking about a new installment and so I have decided to take it up where we left off. We originally...

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Stages of Corruption

Stages of CorruptionI graduated from high school a few days ago. My final semester was full of class projects. But my most challenging and rewarding semester project has been the gradual corrupting of my best school girlfriend Erica. In the BeginningI've known Erica for as long as i can remember. We live only a few blocks away and we have been going to class together since elementary school. Physically, Erica is a stunner. 5 foot 8 inches, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes, a very fresh and cute...

3 years ago
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Skinsuit takeovers corruption and stealing clothes

"Dont you think wishes are the same as Geass? Things that you cant accomplish with your own powers, you ask for the assistance of others. I shall gamble on the Geass known as people's wishes..." Lelouch vi Britannia Cover made by Prinny77. All characters in this story are 18+.( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) You can follow me (free) or give a tip on Boosty! I would really appreciate and you will find some new stuff in the future! Contact me there if you want suggest or commission something. (Free follow from...

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The Corruption of Princes

The corruption of Princes By Argus Chapter 1: The Black Prophecy Rising from amongst the towering cliffs like some brooding elemental beast of old, the great castle of Regent stood tall and firm against the encroachment of the centuries. Beneath it's ancient grey walls huddled the inner city, it's own encircling walls a mere shadow of the castles grandeur. Huge barges laden with goods creaked down the mighty river Raine, as crowds bustled and jostled in the markets....

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Corruption of Champion ch21

X awakes and stretches. He gives and yawn and looks around the unchanged land. He gets up does a couple of stretches. He grabs a flat rock and gets to work carving one of the giant stick he has for a spear. After the work he takes off his white shirt with a green snake on it and makes a hole big enough to put the spear in and walk around. He reputs the shirt on and puts the spear in its hole. He looks around the encampment wondering what all he can find in this land and hopefully find other...

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Corruption of Champion ch20

X awakes and stretches. He gives and yawn and looks around the unchanged land. He gets up does a couple of stretches. He grabs a flat rock and gets to work carving one of the giant stick he has for a spear. After the work he takes off his white shirt with a green snake on it and makes a hole big enough to put the spear in and walk around. He reputs the shirt on and puts the spear in its hole. He looks around the encampment wondering what all he can find in this land and hopefully find other...

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Corruption Chapter 4

Finally!!! Can you believe it? We are finally getting a new chapter out! We are soooo sorry that it took us almost a year to get this next installment of our story into your greedy little hands. When we sent off our third chapter we had no idea that we would try your patience to this degree. We are extremely apologetic and we can only hope that you will find our newest collaborative offering to have been worth the wait. We wrote this story with you, as a connoisseur of erotic...

2 years ago
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My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi Taylor

My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi TaylorThere were times, and I am sure it was my imagination, that she enjoyed teasing me by having sex while I was in the house.I am only human and have to admit that looking at Jodi's hot body turned me on like any red blooded canadian boy, but I never forgot that she was a porn star.So, this is where my story starts. Jodi Taylor the woman of my dreams. She is sexy, smart, loves sex, and has the most beautiful long white brown hair you have ever...

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Enslaving Taylor

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to be Taylor Swift's agent. No, really. It's true. I was her agent for about five years. And a damn good one, too. So what happened to get me fired? Nothing I did, I assure you. Taylor just wanted me fired because I was a 'lazy good-for-nothing', ignoring the fact that I had gotten her some gigs which improved her public reception. Okay, okay, maybe I had spied on her in her dressing room once....or twice...or four times...but can you blame me? She does have a...

Mind Control
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The Corruption of CeCe Part III

The Corruption of CeCe, Part III by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers and/or consenting adults. -First Day of High School- My alarm woke me up at 5:30am so I had about 2 hours before mom dropped me off at school. I went into the bathroom, used the toilet, brushed my teeth, and got into the...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part VI

The Corruption of CeCe, Part VI by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. The elevator doors opened into the lobby and we entered it. We passed the front desk and Bobby picked up a large bulging orange envelope addressed to him. The doorman held the door open for us as a driver, who looked like he...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part V

The Corruption of CeCe, Part V by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. I received a nice email from a fellow reader. Her dream girl is a sexy bimbo type by the name of Sophie Dalzell (mine was Courtney Stodden) and after seeing pictures of her I can only say that she is exactly like someone I...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part VII

The Corruption of CeCe, Part VII by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. I slowly came to but my eyes weren't open yet. My whole body felt sore and ached. I was still barely conscious and couldn't yet talk or even moan. I could hear Bobby and Dr. Calderon having a conversation somewhere away from...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part IV

The Corruption of CeCe, Part IV by Carly I. and Edited by Michael Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this part of the story also contains drug use. I would like thank Michael for assisting me and editing this story. I was awoken mid-dream by my alarm clock and brought back to reality. Mmmmm, I still wanted my cunt and ass filled by RayRay and Smiley. Like gosh, I wanted...

2 years ago
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The Corruption of CeCe

Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers. The Corruption of CeCe by Carly I. Part I My name is James Carter or at least it was. I was 19 years old, 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. I had brown eyes and dark brown hair and average features. I had finished my a freshman year at Dartmouth but didn't have any...

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The Corruption Of Suzy

Believe it or not, I used to be very prude. I never considered myself promiscuous in any way. My husband always warned me that a woman reaches her sexual prime in her late twenties while men peak between eighteen and twenty-one. Boy, was he right! Things that seemed perverted started to seem interesting. The first time he brought home my 12-inch vibrator I was pissed at him. I thought vibrators were perverse and I had no interest in a fake cock. He had to wait until I was drunk on night to...

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The Corruption of Cindy Chapter 2

The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter Two: A New Morning The next day when I woke Cindy was sleeping soundly beside me. It was early; sunlight was just beginning to peek through the curtains. Wanting more of what I had last night, I began considering different scenarios. Thank God it was Saturday! The children would sleep late or if they did wake up, would watch television. Now what to do with this opportunity? I decided that breakfast in bed for two would be a nice...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part II

The Corruption of CeCe, Part II by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers. I wanted to thank all my readers for their support and encouragement. I've been a longtime fan of the site but this is my first time contributing. XOXO!! We got into Traci's little metallic purple Scion tC and drove for...

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The Corruption of Cindy

The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter One: Beginnings I had been living as a woman full-time for almost two years when I met Cindy. We were both working for a major insurance company. She had been a secretary there ever since graduating high school and I was an IT support person. Our friendship began when I rescued her PC from a particularly nasty virus. She hadn't backed up in a while and a lot of documents were at risk if I couldn't affect a cure. After...

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House of Corruption

__ **Author's Note - I am more than happy for other writers to add chapters, subject to my approval. I am also happy for the story to take multiple alternate paths, so don't worry too much about derailing things! However, if your chapter is just too wold and crazy for my liking, I won't approve it! :) ** Nick Valen knew the fates were smiling on him when he found out he’d be staying with the Burnwell family for the foreseeable future. He was just starting his studies and as Tracy Burnwell...

Mind Control
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Arena of Corruption

Relief floods you as you step out of the dark caravan, the stench and humidity of sweat and shit finally giving way to fresh air and light. Then the crowd bursts into life. Demons, goblins, elves, vampires, lizard morphs, and even other humans, all rouse into an insatiable frenzy, their bloodlust hanging thick in the Arena, a behemoth structure of demonstone and souls, the stands are lined with rows and rows of writhing mass, going so high into the sky, the spectators up their must be grazing...

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We wrote this story with you, as a connoisseur of erotic transvestite fiction, and your insatiable need for the bliss of release in mind. We hope our tale will bring you much pleasure over many sessions. Write to us if we have been successful. We would love to know that you enjoyed our perverted little world of depraved people and sordid affairs. Corruption By Marcia St. Denis and Erica Wright Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. Chapter One At 16, little Markie...

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Corruption Chapter 5

Corruption - Chapter 5 By Marcia St. Denis ([email protected]) and Erica Wright ([email protected]) Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. Please feel free to send this on to any other fiction site that features transgendered stories. All we ask is that you attribute it to us as the authors and keep this preamble intact so fans can write to us. We wrote this new chapter of our continuing story with you, as a connoisseur of erotic transvestite fiction, and your insatiable desire...

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Corruption of Cindy Chapter 3

The Corruption of Cindy By Geena Cumsalot Chapter 3: First Date Sunday was another beautiful autumn day. I had gotten up later than usual; it was almost eight. I think fall is my favorite season because the chilly weather invigorates me and the autumn colors are just so pretty and calming. A good night's sleep also does wonders to settle the mind. I was beginning to feel like my old self when it hit me; I'm falling in love! This really can't be happening; I was,...

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CorruptionChapter 9 Twisted

Abdul Ali Hassan, AKA Robert Sinclair, AKA General Robert Branch, stabbed the End key angrily to terminate the call. The men sent to assassinate the Senator couldn't confirm that they had killed him. That was irritating, but it wasn't why he was so angry. He wanted the Senator dead for what he had done, but he was angry over more than that. The civilian, Caleb Connor, had been with the Senator. The snipers had shot Connor, and they couldn't tell him if they had killed the man. Robert was...

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 12 Corruption

Cassie and Julie had never felt closer. They talked about everything now, and the reserve which had always separated them was gone. Living was a joy, and every day they felt closer, and Julie knew that she would soon let Cassie know of the commitment she had already made in her heart. But there was no hurry, she was enjoying this gentle time, the sunset of her life as a free woman. Cassie and Julie were enjoying the morning together in their apartment, each quiet in themselves, the spring...

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Corruption of Worlds

There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Nerd Goes to UniversityChapter 9 Jill and Jane Taylor

I was visiting my lover Virginia (Ginny) Elsworthy's uni office when her boss Beth Taylor came into the office. It was strange meeting her for the first time in my normal guise - previously I'd met her, dated her and fucked her in my 25 year old black stud guise. "Oh hello ... and who is this handsome young man Virginia?" Beth asked. "This is one of my former French language students from my previous school" Ginny explained. "Oh..." Beth exclaimed and continued asking "Is he any...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Alice runs away with Mathew and gets herself filled

I am begining writer so please don't judge to harshly! Enjoy! I can't belive this is happening again, I thought. Why can't they just get divorced if they hate each other so much! I've lived with their stupid fighting long enough!  I was running away that night. Not for long, but for a while. I was getting awfully tired of their constant yammering. I was going to my boy friends house for the weekend, mom and dad didn't know. They wouldent care. I shoved tons of clothes into my bag;...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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