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Corruption By Julie O. Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Faith Collins poured herself another mug of coffee and returned to her computer. Like many writers, Faith had a routine she followed while she was working on a book. It was nearly nine at night, but this didn't bother Faith, as she enjoyed working late into the night. Presently she was working on the fifth book of her detective series. To her amazement, all four of her previous books had rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists. She paused and listened to the early June rain beating off the roof of her Stonington, Connecticut home. It had been raining all day, and from what the weatherman had said it would continue raining through the night. Faith didn't mind, as the sound of the rain created a peaceful background noise. Faith had just switched from her old electric typewriter to an Apple Macintosh personal computer. Her editor had recommended it to her. "Come on, Faith, it's 1985!" stated her editor. "You need to accept the future and use a computer!" So, Faith had reluctantly agreed to try it. Now she couldn't imagine working without it. It made writing so much easier, and she wondered how soon personal computers would become an everyday tool. Her lead character was a female detective based in Boston. Erin Flynn quickly joined the ranks of other popular fictional detectives. Faith had picked Boston as she had worked there for ten years as a reporter. She'd quickly become one of the best investigative reporters in the city, but she'd burned out after tale after tale of corruption and just a whim, something to do, as she recharged her batteries. Now she had a contract for ten more books, and there were rumors of a TV movie based on her stories. Faith loved living on the Connecticut coast, having been raised here. Her father had worked at Electric Boat in Groton for forty years building submarines. Her parents had moved to Florida right after he retired, as they had tired of winter, but not Faith. She reveled in the four seasons, especially fall, and had immediately made the decision to move back after she quit her job at the Globe. Faith kept in shape by riding her bike daily, often down to the docks to pick up a fresh lobster. She was very proud of her figure and that at forty she could still fit in a size six. The house was paid for by the royalty checks from her first three books. It was only half a mile from the ocean and was fairly secluded. The nice thing about the locals was that they respected privacy and weren't overly impressed with celebrities, especially one as minor as Faith. One neighbor, who had once lived in Old Saybrook, told her that if she didn't get excited about living next to Kate Hepburn, then why should she get excited for a writer of detective stories, no offense intended. Faith still got a smile out of that. As Faith set down her mug of coffee, she heard her doorbell, followed by knocking. While she wasn't exactly a recluse, she rarely got visitors at this time of night; so with great curiosity she got up to answer the door. Standing outside in the rain was her nephew, Darren. He was soaked like a drowned rat. "Darren, what are you doing here?" she asked as she motioned him inside. "I'm sorry, Aunt Faith, but I had nowhere else to go," he replied softly. Once inside the house, Faith was shocked by his appearance. Her sixteen- year-old nephew had never been big or muscular, but he looked emaciated now. His hair was longer than she remembered, and it draped around his face. His face was stained and he had dark circles under his eyes. She also wondered when was the last time he'd had any sleep. She immediately gave him a hug, and she noticed how long he clung to her. Darren was the only son of her sister Hope. Faith was always grateful that her parents never had another daughter. Hope now lived with her husband Art in a small town called Carbonville in northern Maryland, near the Pennsylvania border. Faith never could understand what her sister saw in him. Art had been a sailor on one of the submarine tenders - repair ships that fixed submarines. He was a large man, and slightly overbearing and somewhat sexist; still Hope had fallen deeply in love with him. "When did you last eat something?" she asked Darren. He sighed. "I had a slice of pizza at the Amtrak station in New York earlier today." "Well, come on into the kitchen; you look like you could use a meal. Wait, before that happens you need some dry clothes. Is anything in your bag dry?" "Yes, it should be, the bag is supposed to be waterproof," he replied. "Well, follow me to the guest room and change." She showed him into a cozy bedroom. It had a single bed, a dresser, and a desk. Off to the side was a private bath with a bathtub. "Sorry the room is so small, but these old houses often have small rooms. Now, when you get changed, come back to the kitchen. I'll have something ready for you." "Don't you want to know why I'm here?" he asked. Faith smiled. "In due time, Darren. Now change before you catch a cold." Chapter 2 A short time later, Darren walked into the kitchen. He was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. His shoulder length brown hair hung down to his shoulders. Faith noticed that the shirt wasn't tucked into his pants, and it seemed two sizes too big. "I'm heating up some Irish stew; is that okay?" she asked. Darren smiled slightly. "It smells wonderful." "I'll take that as a yes," she replied. Darren sat down at the large oak table in the kitchen. Most of the guests that ate here were old friends, so dinner was served in the large kitchen. It was just as well, since the dining room had been converted into Faith's library and office. Faith filled bowls of the stew and sat down at the table next to her nephew. He ate two full bowls in silence. "Do you want some more?" she asked. She was pleased to see that he had an appetite. Darren shook his head. "No, thank you." Faith waited for him to start. He took a deep breath and let it out in a big rush. "I guess I owe you an explanation of why I'm here." Faith nodded as she got up to fill her mug with coffee. "You want any?" "No, I don't drink coffee, but I'll take a glass of water." Faith poured him a glass and set it down in front of him. "I ran away from home three days ago. I'm in big trouble, and I had nowhere else to go," he stated softly. Faith couldn't imagine what sort of difficulty Darren could be in. He was an honors student and while a bit shy, had never gotten into real trouble. "Your parents will be worried, I think we should call them," suggested Faith. Darren looked up with panic in his eyes. "No, please! They want to put me in a mental institute!" "That can't be right," replied Faith. "No, please listen to me. When I get done, if you also think that I should be put away, I won't fight it. I figured that you were the only one who would believe me." "Okay, dear, I won't call them. Do you want to wait until morning? You look exhausted." Shaking his head vigorously, Darren stared at his aunt. "No, I want to tell you now." Chapter 3 "It started in the fall, when I was assigned to Mr. Cameron's creative writing class. He's one of the most popular teachers at Carbonville High and supposed to be one of the best. I felt lucky to be assigned to his class," explained Darren. Darren went on to describe how one of their first assignments was to write about something very personal. Mr. Cameron had explained that the papers would not be shown to anyone else and that they weren't for a grade, rather it would give him an idea of each student's writing style. "He said that we should write about some deep aspect of our lives, even something that we haven't told anyone else before," continued Darren, "and that's what I did." He took a long drink from the glass. "He said that we could trust him...." Faith noticed tears slowly running down his cheeks. He then let out another sigh. "I've always felt different, so I wrote about that," he stated. "What do you mean?" He wiped the tears away with his palms. "I sometimes... well, make that most of time, wish I had been born a girl... I wish I was a girl." It wasn't exactly what she had expected, but she wasn't totally surprised; she had always suspected that Darren was different. "That doesn't freak you out or anything?" he asked. "No, it doesn't, Darren. I've met some transsexuals in my job as a reporter." "Transsexuals? I thought the term was transvestite," he replied. "That's what our health book called it." "I'm not a doctor, but if you feel that you should have been born a girl, the correct term is transsexual." "Oh. Mr. Cameron called me a sissy, but that came later," he replied. Darren went on to describe how Mr. Cameron had befriended Darren and talked to him after school. He seemed genuinely interested in Darren's feelings. For the first time, Darren could talk about his feelings, and he totally opened up to his teacher. "Tell me about Mr. Cameron; what does he look like?" asked Faith. "He's tall, over six feet, athletic, short black hair with a moustache -- sort of like the kind that Magnum has." Faith smiled. "Okay, how old is he?" "I think he's twenty-seven, why?" "It helps me better understand him; please go on, I'm sorry to interrupt." "He invited me over to his house after school. He said he had a surprise for me. I'm so stupid for trusting him!" stated Darren angrily. "It's okay, Darren." "We just sat and talked; then Ms. Morris, my guidance counselor, arrived. She then took me into another room and helped me get dressed in girls' clothes." There was another long silence. "She helped me with everything, including makeup and a wig." "Was this the first time you had been dressed?" "Other than Halloween, yes." "Then what happened" asked Faith. "Nothing that time, I was just treated like a girl. He didn't do anything to me that time." "There were other times?" Darren nodded. "Did you just dress up during the other times?" "No." His voice was soft and barely audible. "What happened, Darren?" she asked. "He... he used me," replied Darren. "How?" "He told me that I was a real girl, and then he kissed me. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. He then forced me to suck his dick." Faith reached over and took Darren's hands. "He forced my head down over his cock and made me suck him off. He then told me that I was now his sissy." Faith felt a growing rage building up inside her. "When was this?" "November. He continued to use me until last week." "Why didn't you tell anyone?" "I couldn't. He took photos and videos and threatened to show them to my parents and to the rest of the school." "What else happened?" "He used me more and more. I became his girl." "When you say used you, do you mean he had sex with you?" "Yes," replied Darren. "He also shared me with others." Faith stared back in disbelief and anger. "He would have parties, and he would have me dress up. Sometimes I was blindfolded, and other times the guests wore masks. I later found out that he was also doing this to other students," continued Darren. "Why didn't you tell the police?" "I couldn't. You'll understand later." "Okay, please continue, my dear." "He also made me take pills. He insisted that I come to his classroom and take my medicine every school day." "What kind of pills?" "He later called them my girlie pills," replied Darren. "Hormones?" asked Faith. Darren nodded. "Let me show you." He unbuttoned his shirt and opened it up. He had two small breasts. Faith was shocked. "Tell me the rest." "I begged to be let go. I threatened to tell my parents. May I have some more water?" Faith took the glass, refilled it, and handed it back to Darren. "Thanks. Two days later I was called into the principal's office. I was shocked to see Mr. Cameron there, along with Ms. Morris, my parents, and two policemen. I was told that I was in big trouble, that I was telling lies about a teacher, that I was a pervert, and that I was a drug dealer." "Drug dealer?" "Yes. They had a big bag of dope that was supposedly found in my locker. The police wanted to arrest me, but were willing to let the school and my parents come up with another solution. Ms. Morris told them that I had told her of my sexual thoughts. Mr. Cameron showed my initial paper to my parents. It had been changed and was much more sexually detailed. They were shocked." "Didn't you tell them your side?" "I tried, but they never gave me a chance. Dad told me to shut up, and Mom was crying." Faith bit her lip. Art was such an ass, and Hope was such a nervous wreck at times. "The principal went on to say how something like this could become a real scandal and, being Carbonville is so small, there would be repercussions. He then asked Dad if he still worked at the machine shop." "So he threatened Art's job?" "Yes. He then suggested that I be given a psychological evaluation. Ms. Morris added that I was showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia." "She said what? That's totally out of line!" "It may have been, but everyone seemed to be nodding in agreement. Anyway, the principal stated that I was now suspended for the rest of the year and that he would recommend my being expelled. Ms. Morris gave Mom and Dad the card of a doctor who she recommended. Mom was still crying, and Dad took the card. He just glared at me." "When did this happen?" "Last week. Anyway, we drove home, and I was sent to my room. I pretty much stayed in there until a few days ago. That's when a bunch of people came over to the house to talk to Mom and Dad. Our house has a ventilation system that allows you to hear things in other rooms. I leaned down by the vent and listened." "Who was there?" "Rev. Greenwell, Mr. Cameron, and a man they called Dr. Lang." "So your teacher was there?" "No, it was Dad's boss; he's my teacher's uncle." "Oh." "The Camerons run the town. The mayor is my teacher's father, and I believe a cousin is the police chief." "Interesting." "At first all I could hear was my dad talking. I suddenly realized that they were talking about sending me to an institute." "Wait a minute, had you seen a doctor?" "No. Dr. Lang said that it wasn't necessary as he was ready to sign the commitment papers based on the observations of the school staff." "Okay, please go on." "Then the Reverend spoke and offered to help my parents through this awful ordeal. His voice sounded familiar, and before you say it, he wasn't our minister. I couldn't place the voice, until the doctor spoke again...." Darren began to tremble and cry again. "What is it, my dear?" "They were some of the men who... who had used me. I recognized their voices. I then heard Dad's boss speak, and he was also one of the men. I knew I had to get away immediately." Faith passed Darren the tissues again. He blew his nose. "Thank you. So, I packed up some clothes and some personal things and left that night. I had some money, and I stole some from Dad's wallet. I hitchhiked to Hagerstown and then caught a bus to Baltimore. I didn't know where I was going at first, but then I remembered you lived in Connecticut. I bought a map in New York and found were you lived. I had enough money to catch a train to Mystic." "How did you get here from Mystic?" asked Faith. "Hitched a ride part of the way and then walked the last four miles." Faith got up and wrapped her arms around Darren. They hugged for a long time. When they released, Faith stared Darren in the eyes. "I'm going to help you." "So you believe me?" "Yes." "Do you want to read my journal?" "You mean you wrote it all down?" she asked. "Yes. I would have showed it to Mom and Dad, but I was afraid they would have taken it from me." "Yes, I think I need to read it." "I have it in my backpack. I'll go get it." Darren returned and handed Faith a leather-bound journal. She immediately recognized it as one she had bought Darren for his birthday the previous year. "Now, I think you should get some sleep. Don't worry, Darren, you're safe here." A few minutes later, Darren was sound asleep. Faith made a new pot of coffee and sat down to read Darren's journal. Chapter 4 Darren had begun the journal at the start of the school year. The first couple of entries were routine, then came the first entry referring to the English teacher, Mr. Cameron. Faith began to read how Mr. Cameron had slowly pulled Darren in. My English teacher seems pretty cool. To be honest I was a little surprised to get into his class, as it's the most popular English elective class. My guidance counselor said that she personally recommended me for the class. I'm one of only three juniors in the class. Our first assignment is for us to write about our deepest personal secret. Mr. Cameron has promised that no one else will see the papers. He explained that for someone to become a true writer that they must be able to express themselves. The question is can I risk telling him my secret? I try and I try, but I can't purge myself of these feelings. Why do I want to be a girl? It's not normal! I wish I could talk to someone, anyone about it, but who? Dad would freak out. He thinks I'm a wimp as it is and can't understand why I want to be a writer. Mom, well, Mom is nice, but she's not someone I could talk to about this. She doesn't seem to care what's going on in the world, unless it's related to entertainment. Maybe I could tell Aunt Faith someday, she's pretty cool. I'd love to be a writer like her some day. Faith couldn't help but smile at Darren's reference to her. She took a sip of coffee and returned to her reading. The next entry was two days later. Well, I did it. I wrote about my feelings and how I've always had them. I wrote about my struggles to keep them repressed and a secret. I can only hope that Mr. Cameron is understanding and keeps his promise. It took me longer to do the paper, as Mr. Cameron wants all papers typed. Thankfully, we have an electric typewriter, so I didn't have to go to school to type it out. The next entry was a week later. Mr. Cameron asked me to stay late after class today. After everyone left, he closed the door and began to talk to me about my paper. He told me that it was very brave of me to reveal my secret. We talked for several minutes and he assured me that he wouldn't expose me. He also said that he wanted to help me. I'm so excited! I finally have someone I can talk to about this. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest! Faith read the next few pages as Darren joyfully wrote about how Mr. Cameron had become a friend and mentor to him. Mr. Cameron promised that he might be able to help Darren get a scholarship, but it would require him to work extra hard. So far it was all pretty innocent stuff, but Faith could see what the teacher was doing; he was slowly building up both a level of trust and a desire to please him. She had seen this during her days as a reporter when she'd covered the case of a pedophile ring in Boston. Once the victim's trust was fully gained, then the trap was sprung. She then found where Mr. Cameron started to pull Darren in. Darren's next passage started. I'm not sure how to express exactly what has happened. I went over to Mr. Cameron's house this morning. Mom and Dad went down to Baltimore for a wedding. He said that he wanted to help me find the true me. When I arrived, I was surprised to find Ms. Morris with him. He quickly explained that she was there to help me and that she was completely trustworthy. I asked her how could she help me and she smiled and led me to a bedroom. Inside the room there was an entire outfit of girl's clothing lying on the bed. Ms. Morris told me that since we weren't at school it was okay for me to call her Jodi, and she then asked me if I had a name that I would prefer over Darren. I sort of shrugged my shoulders and mumbled something about I hadn't thought about it. She smiled and suggested the name Debbie for now. I just nodded softly. "It's okay, Debbie, I know you're nervous, but we're here to help you. Now, I'd like you to try on these," she said, as she pointed to the clothes. "They should fit you. I'm sorry that I didn't get you any shoes, but I wasn't sure of your size. I'll get you some for the next time." There was a pair of white cotton panties, a bra, a short skirt, and a short sleeve floral pattern top. There were also two small pads made of some plastic. Jodi said that they were silicone breast pads and that they should go in my bra. She then suggested that I get dressed and when I was ready she would come back in and help me with my makeup and wig. "It's okay, Debbie, deep down you know this is right," she said. "Why fight these feelings anymore?" I did as she suggested and got dressed. I had a little trouble with the bra, but eventually figured it out. Even without makeup and the wig, I was stunned at how I looked. Jodi came back and sat me down at the desk. She set up a makeup mirror and proceeded to apply makeup to my face. She seemed very pleased that I didn't shave. "Debbie, play attention to what I'm doing, as someday you'll have to do this for yourself," she explained. I replied that I understood and took careful note of what she was doing. She even put pink nail polish on my fingernails. She then set a wig on my head. It was blonde, curly, and sort of poofed out. Jodi explained that it was a good style for me. I wasn't sure, but it sure made me look like a girl. I looked like so many of the girls in my classes at school. I was so thrilled. Mr. Cameron was very pleased with my appearance. Jodi explained to him my new name and he just nodded in approval. "Now, Debbie, I'd like you to write an essay for me. Tell me how you feel about the way you're dressed and what it would be like to look like this all the time." I did as he asked and wrote out several pages on how wonderful I felt dressed in girl's clothing. I gushed about how much I would love to be a girl and to dress like this all the time. When I finished, he told me to join Jodi in the den and that after he was finished reading my paper, he would tell me what he thought about it. I did as he said and I watched MTV with Jodi. She pointed out the fashions of the girls we saw on the TV. She said that now that she knew my sizes, she would help me look so pretty. It was all too good to be true, I thought. An hour later Mr. Cameron came in and told me how much he enjoyed reading my paper. He said that it truly came from my heart and that's what it took to be a real writer. He then told me that it was time for me to go and that I should go change. Reluctantly I obeyed. Seeing the disappointment in my face, he promised that we would do this again soon. The next major entry was a week later. It was very similar to the previous one. Darren was dressed up by Jodi and then coached on his appearance. Darren wrote another essay for his teacher on what it was liked doing his makeup. Every week, Darren would spend some time at Mr. Cameron's house, dressing and receiving lessons from Jodi. However, there hadn't been any sexual contact yet. Faith closed the journal and looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight, and she was feeling weary. Even the caffeine wasn't helping, so she decided to grab some sleep. First she checked in on Darren, who appeared to be sound asleep. A short time later Faith too was asleep. Chapter 5 It was still raining when Faith woke around six, and after making a pot of coffee, she started reading the next entry in Darren's journal. Mr. Cameron asked me if I could stop by his house after school. I didn't see the harm in it, so I rode my bike over to his house. "Please come in, Debbie. You look like you could use a drink, would you like a soda?" he asked. "Sure that sounds good," I replied. "Okay, I'll get you one. Why don't you go in the other room and change?" he said. I did as he said and found that he an outfit laid out for me. It was a short black leather skirt, a red blouse and black high heels. It was a bit dressier than the outfits that I had been wearing, but I couldn't resist. He came in and handed me the soda. I took a long sip and started on my makeup. He sat back and watched me apply my makeup, taking the occasional photo with a Polaroid. I didn't mind as he always let me keep the photos. I drank more of the soda and began to feel a little strange, sort of lightheaded. Mr. Cameron walked over and checked on my drink. "That was quick, would you like another one, Debbie?" "Yes, please," I replied. A minute later he returned with another drink. My makeup skills had improved drastically over the past few weeks and I was very pleased with the results. "Very good, Debbie, but I'd like you make yourself up a bit heavier, you know, like the bad girls do at school." I turned slowly towards him and nodded. "Okay." "Very good, Debbie." I put on more eyeliner and eyeshadow; I also used some lip gloss to make my lips sexier. "Yes, that's much better. Debbie, you're way too pretty to be dressing up as a boy," he said. I smiled at the fact that he called me pretty, as I put on my wig. He walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Debbie, you will do exactly as I tell you, isn't that right?" I was caught off guard by this, but instead of questioning him, all I could do was nod. "You're now my girl, my little sissy girl. Say it; tell me that you're my sissy girl." I turned around and looked up at him. "I'm your sissy girl," I replied. "Speak softer; make your voice more feminine, Debbie." I did as he commanded. His hand came down gently against my face and stroked me. I could feel myself breathing faster. "You will do whatever I tell you, Debbie. You cannot resist." He took me by the hand and led me to the nearby bed. He sat me on his lap and began to kiss me. I offered no resistance and he kissed me on my lips. His strong arms surrounded me and pulled me close. It was all so confusing, yet I couldn't resist. He kissed and touched me all over, rubbing his hands over my chest. He then moved me down to my knees in front of him. I was facing him looking up from the floor as he undid his belt and unzipped his pants. He pulled his dick out and placed in right in front of my face. "Kiss it, Debbie." I couldn't resist and did as he ordered. "Good, keep kissing it." I did what he told me. I kissed it, I then licked it, and... and then I sucked it. Afterwards he told me to change and to go home. I rode home in silence and then went right to bed. I woke up with an awful headache, as if my head was going to explode. I also felt sick to my stomach when I realized what I had done. I had sex with a man! I never even kissed a girl and I've sucked a dick! I can't believe this has happened to me. I wish I knew a way out, but who can I tell? I hope this doesn't get worse. The next entry was more disturbing. It was from a few days later. Mr. Cameron told me he wanted to see me after school. I knew that I had to be there. I was there right after school ended. He didn't say a word, as he closed and locked the door. "Well, Debbie, I imagine you have a lot on your little mind," he said. I cringed slightly hearing my girl name spoken in the classroom. "I'm confused about what happened the other day." He chuckled. "You really should be a real blonde. I slipped a drug into your soda, it made you very obedient. Still it didn't take much to have you on your knees, you little sissy slut." I felt a stab of fear deep into my body. "You belong to me now, slut. I own you. I have the photos of you dressing and if I wanted could have them spread around school. I have your essays that I could turn over to your parents. I'm telling you this here in school to show you how much power I have over you. I don't fear you, Debbie, as I own you, one hundred percent." "What are you going to do to me?" I asked meekly. "Anything I want. You suck cock really good and you will get even better. Now, whenever I want, you will come to my house. As soon as you arrive I want you to change into whatever outfit I have laid out for you. Is that clear?" I nodded. "No, slut, say it, say 'Yes, Mr. Cameron, I understand and will obey you'." "Yes, Mr. Cameron, I understand and will obey you." "Excellent, you really are a fast learner. Now, before you go, I want you to take this," he said as he extended out his hand. There was a large pill in it. "Don't ask, just take it and swallow it." I did as he ordered. I wondered what it was, but didn't dare ask him. There was a knock on the door and Ms. Morris entered. She sat down on the desk next to Mr. Cameron and wrapped her arm around his waist. "She turned out so much better than I ever could have guessed," she said to him. "I thought he might be gay, but I had no idea he was just a sissy." I felt like crying right there, but somehow held back the tears. "Debbie, you'll be pleased to know that I've taken care of your schedule and you won't have to worry about PE class ever again," she stated. Somehow I knew this wasn't good news. "Since you don't have to worry about showering with a bunch of real boys anymore, I guess you can start shaving your legs and underarms, just like the other girls," interjected Mr. Cameron. I nodded my compliance. "I think she should also shave her pussy, don't you?" suggested Ms. Morris. "Of course!" replied Mr. Cameron with a laugh. "I will check tomorrow, Debbie. You don't want to disobey me." "And since she doesn't have to worry about gym class anymore, she should wear panties to school from now on," she added. "Exactly. In fact I have a bag of them for her right here," he stated. He got up from the edge of the desk and retrieved a bag from his desk drawer. "Make sure you wear these from now on. I will check." I wanted to argue, but couldn't. My mind couldn't function, and all I could do was nod like some dummy. "That's all for now, Debbie, you can leave now," he said. I went home, went up to my room and cried. I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom trying to think of some way out of this mess. I drew a complete blank. If I came forward I would be ridiculed. If Mr. Cameron released those photos I could get the shit beaten out of me. Mom and Dad would suffer because of my weakness. I could run away, but where? There are other options but I don't want to go there, I don't even want to mention it. I finally decided that I would just do what he says and hope for the best. Then I got up and went into the bathroom and did as they told me. I shaved my legs, my underarms, and then my pubic hair. When was I finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like I was twelve or younger. I then wondered what was in the pill he gave me. I also knew that I was in deep trouble. Faith closed the book. She felt her rage growing towards the two monsters who had abused her nephew. Looking at her watch, she saw that it was almost eight. She checked in on Darren, and found he was still asleep. She then pulled out her Rolodex and thumbed through it. Dialing the number, she was pleased to get a response by the third ring. "Sorry to bother you so early, Patsy, but I need an immediate favor." "What is it, Faith?" asked Patsy. "I need you to conduct a complete physical on my nephew. I suspect that he's been sexually abused." "Oh God, I'm so sorry to hear that. Tell me more," stated Patsy. Faith told her want she knew so far. "What time do you want to come over?" asked Patsy. "Darren's still asleep. I'll call you back, but I just wanted to give you a heads up." "If you're right about this, what do you want to do about it?" "I don't know yet, but someone is going to pay for this." She then searched for another number and dialed it. She got the answering machine for Sanders, Sanders, and Harrison, Attorneys at Law. She then dialed the extension for Gabriel Sanders. "Gabby, this is Faith; please call me as soon as you get in." Chapter 6 Darren was still asleep, so Faith returned to the journal. The next few entries documented more sexual abuse, all of it oral. Mr. Cameron also continued to have Darren take a pill every day. Faith knew these must have been some sort of hormone and were the reason for Darren's physical changes. Somehow Darren continued to function in his double life. He wrote of how no one seemed to notice what was going on. Then Mr. Cameron took it up a notch. After school I picked up my pill. It had been a month since I first started taking them and there are some "things" happening to me. My nipples are tender; they also seem bigger, as if they're slightly swollen. I don't dare ask Mr. Cameron about this. Anyway, when I stopped by to take my pill, Mr. Cameron told me to be at his house at seven. "I know your parents will be out of town this weekend. So, you'll be able to spend the night with me. Won't that be fun?" I wondered how he knew about my parents, but again I couldn't question him. "Yes, Mr. Cameron." He smiled. "Very good, Debbie. You're a fast learner and I want to help you as much as I can. Now, I want you ready by seven. I'll pick you up at the bus stop down from your house." I froze; did he just say that he was picking me up? As if he could read my mind, he nodded. "Yes. Your outfit is in this bag. Change at home and be at the bus stop by seven." There was no room for argument. "Yes, Mr. Cameron." I took the bag and left for home. I didn't dare open it until I got home. Mom and Dad had already left for his navy reunion. They left a note with the phone number of the hotel in Baltimore. I went up to my room and opened the bag. Inside were a short spandex skirt, a garterbelt, stockings, high heels, and a red silk top. There was also a jacket, purse, wig, and makeup. I stared at the outfit and realized that once I dressed I would look like one of those whores that I saw in the movies. Still, I knew I had to obey, so I got dressed. I took special care in doing my makeup. Mr. Cameron was very critical of my appearance and I made sure that I looked perfect for him. Next I clipped on my earrings. They were big gold hoops. I had a little trouble with the fake nails, but I got them all on. I stared at myself in the mirror before leaving. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself. In my short skirt and big hair, I was a different person. That was good, as even if someone saw me, it was very unlikely that they would know it was really me. Before leaving, I packed up my makeup and scanned my room to make sure I left nothing out. It was so cold outside. I was shivering as I walked quickly down the street. Actually it wasn't that cold, it was just my nerves. Thankfully, I didn't see a soul, as I was so afraid that someone would see me. I stood near the bus stop, and glanced at my watch. It was seven and I prayed that Mr. Cameron would show up soon. I saw a car approaching, it slowed down as it pulled up to the bus stop. The door opened up as soon as it came to a stop. "Get in, slut," ordered Mr. Cameron. I gratefully obeyed. "Very nice, Debbie. You make a very attractive whore." I didn't know what to say so I just turned and nervously smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Cameron." We drove to his house and pulled into the garage. He led me inside and told me to sit on the couch. He then poured me a drink, it was champagne. I had tasted it once before at my cousin's wedding the previous year. "Drink, Debbie. This is a good drink for a girl like you." I obeyed and found that it didn't taste too bad. I lost track of how many glasses of champagne I drank, but he never let my glass get empty. He then began to strip me, starting with my blouse. He seemed very pleased to see that my nipples were growing. When he rubbed them I felt all tingly, and as I reacted, it made him happy. "Your girlie pills are working nicely, it's so nice to see you growing little titties," he remarked. We kissed and I responded to him the way I knew would please him. I got no pleasure out of it, but I knew that I had to act like I was enjoying myself. I rubbed against his cock with my hand and could feel it grow. I waited for him to give me the order to start giving him another blow job. I just wanted to get it over with. "It's time, Debbie," he said, as he stood up and led me to his bedroom. Between the heels and the champagne, I had a hard time walking. We got into his room and he undressed. I was still in my stockings, heels and garterbelt. The rest of my outfit was scattered around the living room. What happened next is sort of blurry; it was like it was happening in slow motion. He then had me get on all fours and he then began to rub something between my legs, his fingers began to rub against my asshole, his fingers began to enter me. Then he pressed his cock against me and.... Sorry, I can't put it down in words. Crap! I can't even be open with myself! The next morning he had me dress in jeans, a sweater, bra and panties. He didn't have me put on makeup or my wig, but I still looked like a girl, as my hair was getting so long, and he styled it so it looked feminine. "You became a real woman last night, Debbie. You cannot be a boy now. I made love to you, as I would any other woman, and you responded like a woman. There is no turning back now." I bit my lower lip and tried to fight back the tears. "See, you're crying just like a real girl. Now, just in case you get any silly thoughts in your head, I have something for you to watch." He inserted a tape in his VCR and hit play. It showed me dressing in my bedroom; somehow he videotaped me getting dressed! "That's right, I watched you dress last night. Now imagine what would happen to you... and your parents, should this tape get out, it wouldn't be very nice, would it?" I began to cry and beg him not to show it. I promised I would obey him and he just sat there and smiled. "Very good, Debbie, but I'll hold onto this tape for now, along with everything else I have on you. Now, I have something for you to do today. Jodi will be by shortly and you will go with her and get your ears pierced. Don't worry; so many real boys have their ears pierced, so no one will notice you." I didn't argue; how could I? Jodi arrived a short time later and we drove out of town. I asked her where we were going. "There's a mall thirty minutes from here. I didn't think you'd want to get your ears pierced in town," she replied. I didn't say a word the rest of the way. My ears were pieced and we headed home. I finally got the nerve up to speak. "Why are you two doing this to me?" I blurted out. Jodi turned to me; there was a look of real sadness on her face. "Like you, I don't have a choice. Maybe some day I can talk to you about it, but not now. Try and be strong." I don't know if I believe her or not. I have a hard time trusting anyone right now. She is the one who is the reason why I'm being abused; she's the one that put me in his class in the first place, but maybe she's under his control too. I wish this had never happened! This has to be punishment for my feelings about wanting to be a girl. There is no other explanation for it. If I hadn't been so weak, then I wouldn't be in this predicament. I hate my life and I hate myself. I only wish I had the strength to do something about it. I sat at home the rest of the weekend. I had been used by a man. I really was becoming the sissy-slut he called me. He had fucked me and I had his sperm in my body, and I hadn't resisted one bit. There I said it, he fucked me. Shit. How could I be so stupid to have fallen into his trap? Am I really a slut? Maybe the real reason I didn't resist is that I wanted him to fuck me? NO. I can't stand the fact that he used me! I may not have a choice, but I don't have to like it. If Jodi is also owned by him, does that mean that he'll use me for the rest of my life? Faith stared at her nephew's words and wondered how he'd managed to survive his abuse and torture. The phone began to ring, and Faith set down the journal to answer it. "Hello?" "Faith, this is Gabby, what's wrong?" asked Gabby. She had been Faith's lawyer for nearly six years. They had met while Faith was still a reporter. Gabby had provided information that helped Faith expose several corrupt politicians. Faith told her about Darren and the journal. "What do you want me to do?" asked Gabby. "For now, I just want to protect Darren. I'd like you to look into what it would take for me to gain custody of him. Can you get ahold of Max for me?" "I'll see what I can do; he's not the easiest person to track down." Max Bowie, if that was even his name, was a sometime PI, sometimes bodyguard, who did work for Gabby's firm. Faith had met him through Gabby. They were both too independent to have a relationship with each other, but there was definite chemistry between them. "I'd appreciate it." "You want him for investigating your nephew's story or for protection?" Faith hesitated. "Both." "I understand. I suppose it would be pointless of me to suggest that you turn this over to the authorities," stated Gabby. "I need to find out how deep this goes. Darren told me that there were sex parties and that several important people in town were involved. I suspect that the town may be very dirty," replied Faith. "Sounds like you haven't lost your reporter's sixth sense." "True. Anyway, I want to protect Darren and uncover this mess, but I need to know how deep it goes. If I just go to the police, some of the scum may get away. I'm also worried about my sister." "Okay. I'll see if I can find Max. Call me if you need anything." Faith hung up the phone. She then looked in on Darren. He was just waking up. "How're you feeling?" she asked. "Better. I can't believe how long I slept," replied Darren. "Why don't you take a shower and get dressed. I'll fix you some breakfast, or if you prefer, lunch." Darren smiled. "Either will be fine. Thank you for letting me stay here." "It's okay, Darren. After you eat, we'll talk." Chapter 7 While Darren showered, Faith read some more of his journal. The abuse became almost routine; Darren would go over to Mr. Cameron's home once or twice a week. The sex got more frequent and kinkier. Bondage was added as Darren was restrained and assaulted by Mr. Cameron. Then came the first party where Darren was abused by others. Mr. Cameron told me that he wanted to see me Saturday afternoon. I had no choice but to obey. I told Mom and Dad that I was going to the movies. I arrived at his house and he told me to go to "my" room to change. The outfit on the bed was a Carbonville cheerleader's outfit. Debbie was embroidered over the left breast. There was also a note telling me to make sure my makeup was done extra heavy. The dress fit perfectly - why wouldn't it? He thinks of everything. There was even a new wig, styled to have two pigtails with ribbons matching our school's colors, red and blue. Mr. Cameron came in and began to take my picture. Another brick in the wall, I thought. "Now, I'm going to blindfold you and lead you out. You will obey everything I tell you to do, is that clear, Debbie?" "Yes, Mr. Cameron." He put the blindfold on me and led me out of the room. It was so quiet as he led me around his house. I was a little disoriented, but I think we ended up in the den. He then tied me down over what felt like a table. My arms were stretched out in front of me as I lay on my belly. My legs were spread apart and tied down. I was confused by what he was doing. He had fucked me many times, but he had never taken such precautions to keep me tied down, usually the bondage was light. I was in this position for a few minutes before I felt him touching me. His hands ran over my ass and began to pull down my panties. Something seemed different, but I couldn't figure it out at first. His hand began to rub against my ass. I could feel the lube being massaged in. "Damn, she's tight!" Oh my god! There was someone touching me. I instinctively tried to pull away, but couldn't. "Well, seems your little surprise is complete!" laughed the man. "Pay her no mind, she can't get away," stated Mr. Cameron. "She's a good fuck, so enjoy her." I felt the man's cock press against my ass and slip in. I gasped as his cock seemed thicker than Mr. Cameron's. He fucked me long and deep. I could hear Mr. Cameron's comments the whole time. I could also hear his camera clicking. Tears began to run down my face. The other man finished and told Mr. Cameron that he had done a good job training me. "She'll be a popular addition to our parties. I know she'll attract a lot of attention. How are her titties coming along?" "Here, I'll show you," replied Mr. Cameron. He untied and repositioned me. He then stripped me, so that all I had on was the blindfold. "Oooh, nice. Can you make her a girl scout next time?" "That's not a problem; she's so petite that she could be a brownie!" "How do you keep her so slim?" the man asked. "The hormone pills have a weight loss additive mixed in. I plan on keeping her looking young." "Oh yes, that will be nice. She's a cute little sissy. I can't believe she's really sixteen." "I know, I got lucky with her." Faith then heard Darren's footsteps. She made him pancakes and bacon. Darren ate three helpings. He looked over and saw his journal. "How far have you gotten?" he asked. "The first time he let someone else use you," she replied softly. "Oh." "Darren, do you remember who the other man was?" she asked. "It was my dad's boss," he replied meekly. "I recognized his voice later on." "Okay, well, I want you to know that I'm going to help you. We're also going to put a stop to this." "How? No one back there believes me. If I go back, they'll throw me in the loony bin!" "No, they won't. I'm going to have some friends help me," replied Faith. "Listen to me, Darren; no one is going to hurt you." "I wish I could believe you," answered Darren. "Trust me, Darren. Now, I called a friend of mine; she's a doctor, and I want her to examine you." Darren stared back. "When?" "As soon as possible," she replied. "This afternoon?" "Is it necessary?" "Yes. We need to make sure that you haven't been injured. There's also the issue of the pills you've been taking." "I have some of them," replied Darren. "How? From what I've read Mr. Cameron watched you take them." "I palmed one or two. I have them in my bag." Faith smiled. "Darren, you're pretty slick. I'm proud of you!" "Thanks, Aunt Faith." "Darren, may I ask you something?" "Sure." "Do you still want to be a girl?" He stared back at her. "Even after everything that has happened, the answer is yes." "Okay, we'll have to tell Patsy that; she may be able to help." "Do you think they'll come looking for me? I don't want to go back there!" "Darren, no one is going to force you anywhere." Chapter 8 Faith and Darren drove into Mystic in her white Volvo station wagon to the office of her friend Patsy. Dr. Patricia Neves had been friends with Faith since they were in grade school. She was third generation Portuguese-American. She was also the first member of her family to go to college. Her father and four brothers were all lobstermen. She was a slight woman with long dark brown hair. She had piercing eyes that never missed a detail. "Patsy, this is my nephew, Darren," introduced Faith. "It's a pleasure to meet you," replied Patsy with a smile that made Darren feel right at ease. They sat down in her office. "Now, Darren, your aunt has told me that you've been sexual abused. I want to do a full exam on you. I will tell you everything that I'm doing and why. Is that okay?" "Yes, Dr. Neves." "Please call me Patsy." "Okay, Patsy." "I will have to take some blood for testing. I'll have to send it away to a lab, but don't worry. I can protect your privacy." "What sorts of tests?" asked Faith. "Sexually transmitted diseases," she replied. "We finally have a test for HIV that I would like to run too." "HIV? You mean AIDS?" asked Darren with a horrified look on his face. He began to tremble slightly. "Darren, it's just a precaution. I don't know a nice way of asking this, but how many different sexual partners have you had?" Darren seemed to be calculating the number in his head. "Maybe twenty- five, it could be higher, as I was blindfolded some of the time." Patsy cast a glance at her friend. "Okay, we need to make sure that none of these men passed something on to you." "If it's AIDS, what can you do?" "Let's just run the tests first, okay?" Darren bit his lower lip. "Okay." "Patsy, there's something else you need to told; Darren's most likely a transsexual. His teacher has been giving him hormones," interjected Faith. "I have one of the pills here," added Darren. "Okay, that will help. I have a friend who's a therapist; she's very knowledgeable on gender issues. Would you like to see her?" "Maybe," replied Darren. "Well, we have time, so why don't you follow me into my examination room, Darren. Faith, why don't you wait in here?" "Is that okay with you, Darren?" asked Faith. "Yes, I trust her," replied Darren with a smile. "Well, thank you very much, Darren. I really appreciate that," interjected Patsy. She then winked at Darren. After they left, Faith took out the journal from her bag and began to read again. Chapter 9 Over the next few months Darren was dressed in a variety of outfits. There were notes written to the side of the journal entries, obviously written by Darren at a later date. He assigned nicknames to the men who used him. In some cases the nicknames had been crossed out and the man's actual name was written in. She took out her notebook and began to record the names. Her final tally was twenty-five different men. Max would find these very useful, she hoped. Faith then reached the first entry where Darren found out that there were other teens being used as sex slaves. Mr. Cameron told me to be at his house after school. I wish this was over, but wishing hasn't worked yet and so I obeyed his orders and went to his home. My outfit today was the uniform of the local Catholic high school. I put on my training bra, panties, white short sleeve blouse, and plaid skirt. There were also white knee socks and patent leather shoes. I put on the blonde wig that has two pigtails. I wondered who would use me today as I did my makeup. Mr. Cameron knocked on the door and asked me if I was ready. I told him I was ready for his inspection. He was very pleased with my appearance. "Follow me, Debbie; I have some very anxious guests who need your services. But before we go out there I have a warning for you; there are some other sluts working the party, if any of you talk to each other about this, I will find out and punish you severely." "Yes, Mr. Cameron." "I know that many of your fellow students have noticed how you've changed, but you know why none have picked on you?" I shook my head. Considering how some of the kids were picked on at school, I was surprised that I hadn't become a target. "You have bodyguards. There are other students who work for me. They protect you and my other girls. However, they also report to me if you have been misbehaving. So, remember that, slut." It made sense. I was now a real wimp; my hair was longer than some of the girls, and I had pierced ears, yet no one ever bothered me. I also knew that these so- called protectors could also be used to punish me at the orders of Mr. Cameron. "I will, Mr. Cameron." Once out in the den, I saw two other girls dressed in similar outfits. I recognized both from school, but didn't really know either of them. Both were seniors and they wouldn't talk to a junior. I was slightly surprised that they were real girls. I guess I was expecting to see more girls like me. I had sex with two men, both orally. They were wearing masks, but I recognized them. One was Joker and the other Dopey. Faith looked at the notes on the side, Joker was listed as Coach Thompson, and Dopey was identified as Mr. Knox. She would ask Darren who they were later. She wondered how big the sex ring was in the town. She then returned to the journal. I can't believe that these guys can do this to us, and they act like nothing happened back in school. I hate them; I hate them with all my heart! "Faith, we're done," announced Patsy as she walked back into her office with Darren. "How're you doing, Darren?" "She says pretty good, all things considering," he replied. "I'd like him to put some pounds back on, he's underweight," interjected Patsy. "When will you get the test results back?" asked Faith. "I should have them by the end of next week. I can push for faster results, but it's expensive." "Send me the bill," replied Faith. The extra cost would be money well spent for Darren's peace of mind. "Okay, I should have them back in three days. I'll call you when they get in." "What about the pill?" "I'll send it in to be analyzed. It's a custom job, as it doesn't match anything I've ever seen. Obviously, it has a high dose of female hormones," replied Patsy. "I would like to suggest that Darren stay on hormones for now. I don't want to shock his system by total withdrawal. I'll write out a prescription." Faith looked at Darren who nodded his approval. "Okay, that sounds good." "I'll adjust your dosage, Darren, as soon as I get the lab reports back. I should have it back tomorrow, as I have a friend who works at Pfizer over in Groton," continued Patsy. "Thank you, thank you for everything," replied Darren. "Oh, Faith, Darren and I talked about my creating a file for him. It can be used as evidence when you catch those who did this to him." "Great, I appreciate this, Patsy." Patsy smiled and gave Darren a big hug. "I'll see you both around." Chapter 10 Back at Faith's house, they sat down in the living room. "I'm still reading your journal, but I have some more questions for you, if you don't mind." "I don't mind, Aunt Faith." "Who are these people?" she asked as she showed him a list of names that she had copied form the journal. "Coach Thompson is the baseball coach and health teacher. Mr. Knox is my principal. I wrote those in while I rode the bus out here." "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to write out who each of these men are. If you want I can let you do it on my computer." "You have a computer?" Faith smiled at his response. "Yes, I've been using one for a few months." "Is it a Mac?" Faith nodded. "Cool." The rest of the afternoon, Faith and Darren sat at her desk compiling a list of men who had used him. Eighteen men were unidentified; all had been with Darren more than once. "What I'd like you to do for each of the men you can't identify is to write as much as you can remember about them," explained Faith. "You mean like their size, voice, stuff like that?" "Exactly, my dear Watson," replied Faith. Darren laughed. Over the next hour, he complied workable descriptions for seventeen of the men. "This one is a problem. I called him the Ghost, because I never saw him. I was always wearing a blindfold when I was with him." "So tell me what you do remember?" she asked. "He never spoke, he was fat, and he smelled like cigars." "That's good, was it always the same aroma?" "Aroma? No, it was always the same stench! He smoked those cheap stinky ones like Uncle Harold did." Faith chuckled. Harold was Art's brother. He used to smoke cheap stogies, until the doctors made him quit. He was also in the navy and was currently stationed in Holy Loch, Scotland. "Okay, that's a good start, what else can you remember?" "He has false teeth," added Darren. "I know that's pretty gross." "It is, but it is also very useful. How many times were you with him?" "Five times," replied Darren. "How did you get through it?" asked Faith. "I concentrated on something else. I tried to take myself to another place. It didn't always work, but I did everything possible to distract myself from what was happening to me." "Okay, this is good enough for now. What do you say that we go out and get some lobster; does that sound good to you?" "Lobster? I don't have any fancy clothes," replied Darren. "The last time I had lobster was when we went out to dinner in Hagerstown." "You're dressed fine. This is New England, and we're going to a lobster house. The food is great, but it's not fancy." Chapter 11 Just as Faith promised, the food was excellent. They ate inside, as it was still raining. The tables were wooden picnic tables, covered with paper tablecloths. The other half of the restaurant was a fish market. "Wow, this is the best lobster I've ever had," Darren stated, as he dipped another piece of claw meat into the drawn butter. "It should be, it was in the sound until this morning," replied Faith, as she cracked open a claw. "So what happens next?" asked Darren. "I'm waiting for a friend to call. I'm going to ask him to nose around in Carbonville and see what he can turn up," explained Faith. "And then?" "Once we know how deep it goes, we'll expose it." "The police won't do anything." "I'm not talking about the local police; judging by the amount of corruption in the school, they're probably involved. This sort of thing is too big not to be noticed by an honest cop. No, I'm talking about the state police, and if we can find that there was any interstate transportation of teens, then we'll get the Feds involved." "I was taken to parties at places other than Mr. Cameron's house a few times. We once drove nearly an hour before getting there." "How far is it to Pennsylvania from Carbonville?" "Twenty minutes." "That could be the key to busting this ring up." Darren leaned forward. "What will happen to me? "Obviously, the charges against you are false. But you're still just sixteen. I will try to gain custody of you, if you'd like." Darren sat in silence. "I don't hate my parents, even after they wanted to send me away. But I can't go back there if they hate me either." "You have time to make up your mind. I've contacted my lawyer, and she's pretty good." "Do you think that they'll come here to get me?" he asked. Faith realized that he wasn't talking about his parents. "No, I doubt they'll come out here." "I know you're lying, but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better," added Darren. Faith grinned. "Don't worry; my friend can handle anything they try." "I guess we also need to address my gender issue too." He then let out a big yawn. "All in good time, Darren. I suggest for now we head home and you get some more sleep. "No argument here," he replied. "I want to say that I love you, Aunt Faith." "I love you too, Darren." They drove back to her house, and Darren went immediately to bed. Faith read more of his journal. Darren had finally gotten the nerve to speak to his parents; somehow Mr. Cameron must have sensed what was about to happen. She read the despair in Darren's words as he wrote about the meeting with the principal and his parents. Faith had to begrudgingly admit that drug charges were a nice touch when it came to framing Darren. She finished it just as the news was ending. It stopped right before his running away. She switched over to NBC to watch The Tonight Show. Johnny Carson's nightly monologue was one of her guilty pleasures. Just as it ended, her phone rang. "Faith, I heard you need some help," a man's voice greeted her. It was Max Bowie. "Yes, Max, I need your help." "At the usual rate?" "Double," replied Faith. "Well, it must be important then; you've never offered me two dinners before. I'll be there tomorrow morning." "Don't you want to know the details?" "No, they can wait. Knowing you, this is something serious." "It is, and it involves family." "Okay, see you tomorrow morning for breakfast." Faith hung up the phone. She felt good knowing Max would be helping. She turned off the TV and checked the locks before going to bed. After checking in on Darren, she retired to her room. Before she turned off the light, she pulled out the .38 Smith and Wesson from her nightstand. Max had given it to her when she was writing an article on corruption involving tow trucks in Boston. She had received several death threats after the article was published. Max had taken her to the range until she became fairly proficient. She still went to the range every few weeks, as it was a way to release stress. Faith held the gun

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Mara The Warrior

Mara The Warrior A Note Before: In the period when Fictionmania was "off the air" I was reading a lot of sword and sorcery fantasy books, including some by Terry Pratchett. So I decided to try my hand at the genre, keeping in mind that I dislike stories that "poof" change the hero into a heroine at the beginning for no logical reason. Prologue: Captain Andrus walked between the cells in the dungeon making sure the three remaining prisoners were securely locked up and...

3 years ago
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First time I wore a topless dress in public

I will never forget the first time I wore a topless dress in public. It was at a dinner dance at my husband Richard’s company Christmas celebration. To be honest it wasn’t exactly an official topless dress, just a black lace evening dress with a scooped back that I was wearing back to front, to allow both breasts to hang out completely free and fully exposed. I can’t really take credit for deciding to wear it that way though, as it had been totally Richard’s idea, and also his idea for me to...

2 years ago
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Domination Pt 01

Walking briskly towards the office building, I smiled to myself eager to test out my new gift. Only a week had passed since my near death experience and I never felt so alive. Something had happened to me as I hovered between life and death and when I had finally awakened there was a power in me I had never known before. Just by gazing into someone’s eyes I could influence their psyche, hypnotize them, control their actions as I wished. It only took an instant and I could take anyone’s will for...

1 year ago
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Work Out Of The Office Part 2

It had been a month since Janine and I started having our out of office meetings.All seemed to be the same but I still enjoyed them. I sat in the office and began to work when my moss, Ms.Walker walked into my office with a girl. "Cheyenne I'd like you to meet our newest worker. This is Ahn Mei Sitake.Ahn Mei this is Cheyenne Lee." I looked at Ahn Mei.Asian with the longest hair I had ever seen.It went down to the end of her hips.Her body was perfect,nice curves but not fat at all.Her breasts...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 14 Party Till You Drop

Author's Note: As always, if your interested in seeing what happens next, I have several more of this very story posted at and at Warning, this chapter includes new protagonists, old protagonists, strap-on dildoes, sex dungeons, boobs, tits, jiggling, clothing that is as bad or worse than strap-on dildos, dancing, beer pong, stripping, cute boys making out, cute girls making out, clothing, progressive feminization, social feminization,...

2 years ago
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Mommy And Her Boss US Guest

Cheer! Again this is Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad and this time a US. friend of her Boss and that too a Negro one in a session of broad day light. Keep waiting for my session too. My Mom, with a great exhaustion of 31st Dec. 2011 (a dusk to dawn of new year) with Habib uncle she took a complete rest for a week and then rejoined her office with her Boss from 10.01.2011 and the routine was well going. At the time of return back to Dubai, Habib uncle gifted us 2 mobile handsets one for me and...

2 years ago
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Sarah Redux Part One

I received my degree, accepted a position at the University, and bought a house bordering on a golf course in the little college town. There were sexual encounters over the next two years, some of which were one time affairs and others which were of longer term and which the reader can explore in some of my other stories. An opportunity arose in which I could work and also pursue another graduate degree at little or no cost. I sold my house, moved to the city and bought a condominium facing a...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Girl and her Father

A Girl and her Father Mf, teen, incest, love, romance Julie was just finishing her shower when she remembered she did not have, by plan, a clean towel in the bathroom with her. She had done the laundry that day and had not put the clean towels away they were still on the folding table in the laundry room. She had planned this as she knew her dad was home so she yelled out to him asking him to bring her a towel as she had forgot them in the laundry room. Bill, her dad, got up and as he was...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 164

"You'll love what I have in mind!" Katey gushed. "Let me guess, Las Vegas has a baseball team," Adam remarked. Katey offered him a glare worthy of anyone who shared his bed. She was good at glaring. "Do I appear to be that predictable?" she asked. "Uh, yeah," Adam answered with a laugh. "I have two words for you, Mister," Katey began. "I know, 'bite me, '" Adam interrupted. They were talking in low whispers because Sarah had already shushed one group for discussing plans...

3 years ago
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a sick day from school

Hi my name is Katie, and this is a real story. I'm 24 now but this happened years ago.What happened wasn't my first sexual experience but my first with another person which happened to be my step mum.When I was 8 my real mum went off with another man leaving me with my dad, my dad is the most special person in my life, he is so generous, kind and loving, so when he met my step mum I was really happy for him. I can see why he fell for her as she was beautiful(still is) 5.4", a lovely slim...

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The Boy Next Door

[Note: This is very long and detailed. Some who prefer to just get to the "action" may want to scroll down to where you see this: *****. Others who may enjoy a detailed backstory/preamble may appreciate the effort. Either way, enjoy...]Jason almost ignored the opportunity he'd been waiting for since as long as he can remember. His iPhone vibrated on the futon next to him as he mowed down the enemy while playing Call of Duty, listening to young dudes barely old enough to pee straight cursing...

2 years ago
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Florida Is for LoversChapter 3

Iimja and Yssup spent most of their time in their surrogate bodies. A growing group of followers who had the substantial resources to afford the customized bodies created a small private community to use them. The larger and more sexually developed physiques were an oddity to the general public even though the research project had received quite a bit of publicity. Those adventurous individuals who followed in the researchers’ footsteps absolutely loved it. The directors of the Sex...

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Having Sex With Virgin Ananya

Hello everyone, I know it’s been several months since . But I’m finally back. The series about Shruti aunty is formally over. I would now like to move on to other experiences, which I’m sure you’d love to hear about my sex with virgin Ananya. After frequently fucking Shruti aunty during my first year of college, I had a rather dry spell. I was pretty introverted. I didn’t interact with too many girls at college in Delhi during my first year. If I’m honest, I spent most of my first year at...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 3 Storm

Crash, the lightning crackled through the sky. Heather watched out the window, as it poured. It was hot and humid, and with the rain, no one wanted to go out, and the pool wasn't an option. Mom was at work, and it looked like it was going to be one of those days. Mom was working a double, and there was nothing on television. I flipped the channels but it was infomercial after infomercial. I've never understood, how, during summer break none the less, all the normal television channels air...

4 years ago
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Senji Raja Kotaiyil Vibachaariyai Oothen

Ithai antha mallu udan vanthu iruntha aan ketathum ini enal mele vara mudiyaathu endru solinaan. Appozhuthu antha mallu innum konja thuram thaane vaa endru azhaithaal, aanal antha 40 vayathu aan ennal kandipaaga vara mudiyaathu endru soli vitan. Athanaal mallu sari naan intha thambigaludan mele sendru varugiren endru solinaal. Ithai naan keathum en manathirkul oru sugamaana unarvu ear patathu, athanaal naan malluvai paarthu vanga aunty naan ungalai batharamaaga mele azhaithu sendru keezhe...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...

4 years ago
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My New Bull part 8

"Kath", I hear my husband calling me."In here, taking a bath"The door opens and Brian sticks his head in."I brought some dinner home. It's from that new Thai place we have been wanting to try, and don't worry I didn't get the spicy stuff.""Thanks babe, just give me a minute and I will be right there. Hey, why don't you open a bottle of wine to go with it."Brian smiles and nods and then he is gone. I climb out of the tub and grab my towel. Standing in front of the full length mirror I realize I...

2 years ago
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Mindys New Job

Author: [email protected]: 9/9/11Title: The Dream Job                Friday 1pm.Mindy was relaxing at home and drinking a soda. She had just got off the phone with the secretary at St. Paul private school. She just accepted a job offer to be the new school counselor, and that was no easy feat mind you. Mindy had 3 interviews, 2 of them with more than one person, and went out of her way to make friendly with those who interviewed her. Mindy even went as far as finding out through word of...

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Game of Thrones CYOA

You are standing in the great city of King's Landing on the continent of Westeros. King Robert Baratheon has reigned as ruler of the 7 kingdoms for 5 years now. There is slight unrest at his poor performance as king, but for the most part it is peaceful in the realm. Lots has been happening though, as more and more citizens find themselves being "changed" by some dark magic. Some suspect witches who practice the dark arts are making a re-entrance into society, others think these rumors are all...

1 year ago
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Sex on a horse ranch

Bubba was a lonely boy. He lived with his mother on a horse ranch in the sand hills of Nebraska. There were no girls for miles around. He spent his time fishing and hunting. One day Bubba mother Doris told him that her sister was coming to live with them for a while. Bubba liked the idea of another woman around, even if it was his moms sister.His moms sister was arriving by train Tuesday. Bubba drove his pick up truck to the train station to meet her. He was told that she would be a tall blond...

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My Amazing Mason 5

It all started when my mom, Diana Janell and April came over to my apartment while Mason was at work. He picked up an extra shift so he was working for someone. Anyway, they came over and told me that they were kidnapping me for the day, they didn't even let me get dressed and stuff and I was confused. They just woke me up, and since I fantasized about my boyfriend and got myself off every single night, I just started to sleep naked every night. So when they tried to pull my blankets off, I...

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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch7

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter 7 "On the Eve of the Beginning" Olivia paced the floor nervously in his red 5" spike high heels. His husband and his girlfriend were coming to visit him today and this always made him very uneasy. Olivia had not seen his husband in several months. He both hated and feared the most sadistic and unkind human he had ever met, then forced to marry, and he hated the girlfriend even more. She relished...

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The Coachs Wife

It had been a long a boring summer and I had to start a new year at another new high school. My dad was in the Navy and we had to move every 2 years to another base. This one would be different because we would stay 4 years and I could get to graduate at this High School. I was working out 3 times a week and just got a play book to study before summer football season would start. The coach was nice and he liked I could play both offense line and defense line. I was about 6ft 4 and 255 pounds...

2 years ago
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Summer 20001

Summer 2000 My mobile phone rang and vibrated on the desk in my site office. I picked it up and glanced at the screen to see if it was a recognised number, perhaps even the caller’s name. The screen told me it was the office calling. “Hello?” I said a second after hitting the green answer button. “Hello Brad, its Lucy here, I have Mr. Ash on the line for you. Just putting you through.” The line went quiet for a moment. Mr. Ash was the Managing Director of Ash Construction...

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I like big ass licking

Hi friends I m water (delhi se) fir me aap ke samne ek nai story lekar aaya hoo mere baju me ek femly rehta he unke yaha hasband wife aur unki do ladkiya he badi wali ka name puspa he aur choti ka name rupali he puspa ki umer saal he aur rupali ki umer karib 10 saal hogi wo hamesa mere guer par aate jate the to unko mer guer me koi bhi baat ki pabandi nahi thi mera guer 2 manjil ka he uper to mera room uper me aksar uper room par hi rehta hoo hoo aur pc par kaam karte rehta hoo kaam karte thak...

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 06

I wake up at 8:20 a.m. to the pleasurable feeling of Judy sliding her damp pussy along my stiff dick. We’re still in a spoon cuddle. My dick had awakened during the night and is now sticking between her legs. It’s nestled nicely along her pussy, with the head touching her clit. Judy is gently moving herself back and forth to rub her clit with my dick; as I said, nice. I squeeze her tits, saying, “Now that’s what I call an alarm clock. Practical, multi-functional, discreet, and pleasant to...

1 year ago
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Building It Up

Of all places to meet my significant other, I met mine at a trade show at the convention center a year ago.  She works at an architectural firm and I was doing landscaping and wanted to talk to several real estates and architect firms looking for more work.  Landscaping allowed me to work during the day so I could take classes in Security and Investigations. Katelynn is a beautiful woman.   She’s about five-feet-seven-inches tall, blonde with killer red highlights.  She has great curves and a...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 17 Strengths and Weaknesses

August 21, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “When’s your last day?” Grace asked on Tuesday morning. “Tomorrow. I need to participate in checking in Freshmen starting Thursday. Are you working Thursday and Friday?” “Thursday, because it’s check-in. Friday I’ll be at orientation. Do you think we could keep our chess dates?” “Evenings are out because of studying, but Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are completely free, except for my guitar lesson on Thursday right after lunch.” “What about Tuesday...

4 years ago
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Sex With Beautiful Maid In Pune House

Hi friends I am raju , I thought of writing my experience after reading a lot of stories in ISS . well I would like to say this is not at all my fantasy but it actually happened with me few days back , when I was doing my engineering near pune , but I went to do my engineering in pune . my college didn’t have a hostel so most of us stayed in some PGs near the college or had their own flat shared with another 2-3 students . I always preferred staying alone , since the area was not very urban so...

4 years ago
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A tale of a family PART 2

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Slowly and steadily Katy started licking down Martha’s voracious body, not wanting to leave any corner of her mother’s delicious body. Martha moaned as Katy licked on the nape of her neck. Moving her tongue in circles, Katy came down and started licking the awesome cleavage of her mother’s large tits. “Ohhh… honey, it feels soo good.” Martha moaned. Soon Katy’s hands were at work, as she pulled the only black bra her mom was wearing,...

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Lake Estate2

Before I knew it, I was gently hunching my hips against Pandora’s warm body. I did remember the horrific guilt I’d felt after I’d finished doing what I did the night before, but I was always so horny in the morning, I couldn’t help myself. I heard Pandora groan, as I moved my mid-section against her back and a second later, I felt her stubby, little tail wagging, right against my morning hard-on. Logic was fading, as lust began to take over. One of my arms was wrapped around Pandora’s neck,...

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A Wakeup FallChapter 9

It was a warm night. Elena and I enjoyed “camping out” for the night. I think both of us were reminded of our early time together. Honso was keeping most of our village away and hidden. I went into the village to check the radio and the captives along a few other men and women of our village. They were untying them. The captives were then given food and water. None were allowed to have clothing. I went to the radio. I heard, “Abide, this is Kingston calling. Abide, this is Kingston. Come in...

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My Friend8217s Hot Mom Best Friend Vala Amma Tho Sex

Na peru deepak..Nenu btech 4th year chaduvuthunna..Madhi vijayawada kani vizag ma ammamma vala daggara undi chaduvukuntunna.1st year join ayinappudu oka ammayi parichayam ayyindhi, thana peru spoorthy.Chala andhamga untundhi..Nenu 1st sight ke padipoyanu.Thanatho parichayam penchukunna.Sincere ga ne chesanu.Weekly once vala intiki vellatam, thanaki roju rojuki daggara avatam jaruguthundi.Thanu naku best friend ayipoyindi and vala intlo kuda naku baga alavatu ayipoyindi. Nenu thanaki proposal...

4 years ago
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College Days Ch 09

We'd had a long talk the day before, as I knew we would, concerning my little threesome with Jen and Tammy. She understood I didn't do anything wrong really, she'd expressly told me even after getting involved that it was ok for me to date other girls, that I wasn't really bound to her in any formal way. She had just become so attached to me that she was a bit jealous. Understandable considering how close we were. In the end, I told her I wouldn't do anything like that again if it upset...

2 years ago
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Dream Sex With Accounts Teacher

Let me tell u about my incident in my college days. I will not call this a relation but it just happening when I was 21 years old and studying for my Degree. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time and the information was limited to the casual talks with friends and I never had the faintest of idea what all is done during sex. Yes I knew they kiss and caress and just how intercourse is done, but I had confusion and doubts about many things of sexual act. At that time my lecturer...

1 year ago
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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 3

New characters appearing in the next several chapters: Short Round Friend of Bill’s, 5’-9” tall, 145 pounds, 21 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Ear Company clerk, tall thin young man, 20 years old, red hair and freckles SSG Williams, Willie S-2, 83rd RRSOU, 5’-8” tall, 170 pounds, 31 years old, very short blond hair, blue eyes First Sergeant Never named other than his rank, tall, thin, balding, reddish completion 44 years old Major Taylor Commander, HQ Co, 83rd RRSOU, 5’-4” tall,...

2 years ago
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A New Pathway

I called Jim. He was busy so I quickly told him that it got out of hand and that was not me, or what I wanted. He apologized and said he had just felt a connection and assumed I was into guys. He offered, if I ever wanted, to make it up to me with a free ninety minute massage. I said, “See everything is clear, understood and good,”  I called the next week to take him up on his offer, and that led to my sexuality spinning out of control. Jim greeted me at the door. I showered and climbed onto...

Gay Male
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Pelle the CollierChapter 3 How the Maid Ingeburg Is Given Lessons by Hunold

Ingeburg woke up and flinched in pain. Her backside hurt fiercely where Hunold had kicked her. She had never seen him in such insane rage, and for once he had enforced a punishment on Ingeburg. Her mother had defended her of course, but even she shrank away when Hunold told her in a cold voice to keep her mouth shut or take to the road with her spoiled daughter. Ingeburg still could not understand the reasons for her stepfather's seemingly blinding rage. Her stomach growled for she had been...

1 year ago
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Sudden Urge

‘You know, I really think I need some cock right now.’ I nearly splurted out the hot chocolate I was sipping on. I’d never heard Catríona say anything like that before. She was always ever-so polite and somewhat of a goody-two-shoes. So when she said that, especially in context, it was incredibly hard to believe. I had know Catríona for years. We lived in the same small city in the south-east of Ireland. I’d first met her through local drama classes, and to be honest I developed quite a little...

3 years ago
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Mystic kiss

The summer was crimson ,my teacher was marking me easy, but why did I need summer school? I thought. I was always a a student.such a bummer being here. In summer school. Misserable( I thought)* what was I doing in summer school. I was always good. A honner role student. A average. summer class was upsetting enough. Without a teacher having a problem with me. ‘ why’ I asked myself. When ms black asked why I was in summer class’ make up’ I responded. Ms black was the only bright...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 10

The meeting with Winifred Clark was anything but boring. “Nice to meet you she said. Nathan told me you’ve got a really, what, complicated situation,” said Miss Clark. “Oh yeah, I said. Really complicated and I didn’t know where to turn. Anyway, I explained my problem to my boss, Nathan’s dad, last Saturday, and he, well, here I am,” I said. “Yes, here you are. Why don’t we begin by you giving me an overview of your situation if that’s all right,” she said. “Then, I’ll ask you some...

4 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 39

“Who IS THAT!!?” Max asked. “Liz,” Jw said. “Never seen her before,” Max said. “And I would remember.” “You have, you know,” Jw said. “I would never forget THAT,” Max vowed. “Sure ... she complained about the kid feeding ice cream to the stray cat.” Max rumbled around in his mind ... lightning. His jaw dropped.,.and Elizabeth Anne Boleyn walked through the salon front hatch. “Hi Max ... you’re staring.” “Miss Social Worker?” “Yes,” she said. “Up here ... my face is up here. Max ......

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Getting a job

Hi I have got amazing response about my earlier stories. So writing a new one. This one is not experienced by me but the one who is experienced is very close to me and have told me personally. I am using my name instead of her as per her instruction. Anyway guys enjoy. Comments at Back to part 2 of story … I finished school, and grew lovelier, my breasts filling out, my curves getting more accentuated. In college, I took a polytechnic course in hotel management and did reasonably well. There...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 207 Youll Look Sweet Upon the Seat

"I know food is of no importance to you, but I need to eat. We have to find an out of the way place to eat while we are here," I suggested. "There are several restaurants listed in the travel guide," Lucy volunteered. "If they are listed, then the company can find them easily. What we need is a restaurant no one would expect. Something small and local would be nice," I suggested. "How do we find such a place?" Lucy asked. "We ask someone, you tell me, who should we ask?" I...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ryan Conner MILFlife Crisis

Curvy MILF Ryan Conner wasn’t experiencing the excitement and joy she thought being a librarian would bring to her life. People barely visit the library these days, but when they DO come in she imagines stories about them, just to keep things interesting. When hot piece of young man Owen Gray strolls in asking about motorcycle parking instead of books, she can’t help but want to teach him the DO-ME Decimal system, slipping off into a daydream of being his slutty biker mama....

3 years ago
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Sperm storage with mom help part 2

On Sunday my s*s was back home so I jerked off into my room alone. I jerk off before breakfast looking at my favorite pornstar Bobbi Star. In the scene she got gang bang by a bunch of guy on a sofa, we can see her getting ass fucked like crazy and she almost faith. She looked a little bit like my mom but mommy got bigger tits and was a little fatter. But the smile was identical. I was looking at the scene and thinking back on the day before when mom was blowing on the tip of my dick to make...

4 years ago
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Carlton Cline

CARLTON CLINE by Throne It was a simple enough case, at least on the surface. Carlton Cline got the call and a sultry female voice told him that her lover had gone missing and that it would be his job to find her and bring her back. Well, he thought, a lesbian couple would certainly make for an interesting job. He had always had a special attraction to lesbians, probably because they were ultimately unavailable. And the idea of two lovely women together, being physically intimate,...

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The Book of Reality

Authors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...

Mind Control
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Cottage 13 Part 1

I appreciate private messages that provide constructive feedback and/or ideas... NOTES: For the purposes of this story, Geosexing defined as a variant of geocaching, in which men and women use Global Positioning System (GPS) to designate or seek out locations in which to have sex with a consenting individual. This in no way is an attempt to redefine, interfere with anyone else’s use of these terms or web sites… I’m Becky, this story begins 11 years also, when at the age of sixteen...

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The Art of stockings

Yes it's the weekend and I'm getting myself pampered for a night at the club.I get so excited even days before hand ,imagining just what might happen.It's sorted my pussy shaved ,legs waxed and all the little bits taken care of ,I didn't worry what I was going to wear,I knew I had something perfect for my naughty night out .Corset this time I think,it's cream with lace flowers along the cup line if where my breast should sit ,I liked to make sure everything I put on has an effect,I knew when I...

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