Beer Goggles free porn video

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I don't suppose I was any different than thousands of other guys in the mid-sixties except for the fact that I was still somewhat 'socially retarded' when I got my discharge from the Army and went back home to Evansville to begin my adult life. The unusual part was that most of my peer group was either away at college or still in the service, save the few who were working construction on housing plats for the upwardly mobile WWII generation.

So the people I ran around with, socially, were a mix of early twenties and late teens, including some still in high school. The major difference was that having been around the nearer parts of the world ... meaning western Europe and pretty much of the US, I was more worldly wise than most.

So I could recognize a significant change in how young adults socialized and the leeway given by parents of those late teens. The guys in our group were almost all of drinking age which was then 18 for low-alcohol beer — a misnomer, because 'high power' beer was then only a % point above what we called '3.2', the legal limit for 18 to 21. The girls, on the other hand, ranged mostly from 16 to 18, and with a few exceptions were still in high school

Now this caused me some problems because I was 21 and the age of consent in our particular state, though laxly enforced, pretty much dictated that I should not date anyone under 18. Fortunately I was cursed with a baby-face and I actually looked about 16. So, unless a girl's parents knew my family, I didn't have problems picking up a 17 year old for a date and meeting her parents. I simply hoped the subject of my age or what year of school I was in didn't come up and it almost never did.

Now the typical reader thinks he knows where this is going, right? Having spent a full tour in the service I was well aware of 'age-ism'. In all those years I only got laid by dint of a 'birthday surprise' from the guys in my company, they having taken a collection to get me an hour with a 13 year old baby hooker above a seedy San Juan bar. A wholly unsatisfactory experience. If you ever hear of a guy 'getting his pecker stuck' in a whore's cunt, believe me it can happen. It did to me. After taking a full fifteen minutes getting all the way in her, my cock was in a fleshy Chinese finger trap.

"Come, you sumbeech!!!' was the closest she got to a term of endearment. Since I couldn't even stroke, the culmination was simple deflation instead of ejaculation. The rest of my 'sex action' in various bars was fending off gay chicken-hawks.

But I became aware that people put too much emphasis on outward looks. On the fringes of my social group were those girls who the hot chicks hung around with, partially to make themselves look good and often to help them out socially. Not every good looking girl was as shallow as they are portrayed, quite a few are good-hearted.

These girls ranged from overweight to plain or homely and I went out of my way to talk to them and include them in plans we made for the impromptu beer parties we held, mainly in summer at some outdoor location.

But I had no designs on them romantic or sexual, despite some hints they threw out. A guy's gotta maintain an image, you know. And I had no plans to be a perennial 'wingman'.

That is until I was messing around with a power cable to a piece of equipment on the farm. It was a cobbled up long power supply to a grain conveyor. We were trying to unload a load of hay into a second story mow and the motor wouldn't run. I got into the connection box and was wiggling the wire connection when my fingers came into contact with a hidden bare wire and I got 110 volts up one arm and out the other with which I was bracing myself on the steel of the conveyor.

Now, you really have to try hard to electrocute yourself using 110 volts. The fact that the wiring was nominal 220 volt service means nothing ... it's two 110 volt wires with respect to ground.

But, as is well known, it's the secondary effect that gets you. The normal reflex, combined with the current induced muscle twitch caused me to fly back away from the source, and I hit the back of my head on something, knocking me out. The next thing I knew I was on a rolling bed in the ER. Understand this was the sixties and there weren't scanners to look inside my skull to determine damage, and the doctor on call diagnosed concussion and kept me 24 hours for observation. Other than a really severe headache and a little numbness in my hands, I felt fine ... or as good as you can feel lying in a hospital ward.

The best part though was there were some cute nurses. All shapes sizes and ages but all cute and friendly. I recall thinking I was going to have to start hanging out in that area of town to meet some of them.

The next day I was released, with only a dull headache and a big knot on my skull; but otherwise none the worse for wear. The doc only said I should take it easy and not exert myself and no drinking or taking aspirin for a few days.

I could follow the orders on the exertion and aspirin easily enough but no drinking?!!!

Fat chance of that! We had a party set up for that night on the farmyard of one of our properties and it was to be the blowout of the summer. So I self-interpreted the order to be 'only one or two beers'.

Came the night of and, I against the wishes of my mom, went out as usual. I told her I wouldn't drink, meaning to me wouldn't get drunk and she reluctantly assented. I WAS 21 after all. There was a good crowd of about 50 or 60 and we were really buzzing along just fine. I did limit myself to one beer an hour and was having a lot of fun flirting with all the girls, whether they came with their boyfriends or not and even with the unattached girl's 'best friends', which I described above. I was pleased that I had a buzz on only one or two beers because the beer goggle effect was setting in early and even the plainer girls seemed cute and cuddly and said witty things to me. Normally I considered that just flirting but I found I was also getting a reaction in my pants.

Still, I ignored that because as the unattached host I had to make sure no one got out of line and did anything stupid like smoking in the barns. All the 'kids' understood they had no right to privacy at our parties because someone had to be on patrol. Previously there'd been more than one incident of having to kick people out for cause. Such as fighting or, like I said, smoking in a dangerous place.

Sometime in the middle of the party, I noticed an old 55 Pontiac drive into the yard and in it were two high school girls I only knew by sight. I walked over to greet them and the driver, Monica, asked if it was okay for them to stay.

"Sure, if you have the door charge."

"Oh? I didn't know there was admission. How much?" Her friend, Sarah, looked worried.

"BYOB ... or two bucks each." I laughed.

They both looked relieved.

"We brought a six-pack, okay?" She showed a carton of Miller.

"Well, actually that's a five-pack." I held out my hand, palm to the side and fingers slightly curled.

They looked at each other and laughed. I took the cold can and walked away to put it in the ice tub. I hate Miller's now. I hated it then.

About a half hour later, I noticed the two girls sitting by the fire by themselves.

I plopped down beside them.

"Having fun?"

"Y-yes." Said Sarah

"No." said Monica.

I looked at them. Sarah blushed, Monica laughed and smiled. She had a really cute unique smile.

"So ... how did you find out about this?"

The two looked at each other.

"We were at the Shoney's and there were two cute guys. We followed them."

"Oh ... I thought you came in by yourselves."

"We stopped when we saw it was a party. Then we went back to town and bought a six pack to bring."

Aha ... at least they had the necessary social graces. A big plus over a lot of the younger girls.

"So ... who was it you were following?"

"We don't know their names, but they're about 19 and they're cute."

That didn't help much. Several pairs of guys had come in late. And how the hell do I know who is 'cute'.

"What kind of car were they driving?"

"ummm ... red."

I chuckled to myself.

"Well that sounds like Terry and Sam. Want me to introduce you?"

"Err ... no. They're with those girls over there." That was Sarah, finally speaking up. She pointed across the fire. Just then Sam got up and he and Marylou walked toward the barn, hand in hand. Terry was making out with Sally, he had his hand on the swell of her tit.

"Oh ... sorry about that. I should have offered earlier."

"Doesn't matter. They been with them since we got here." Monica had somewhat of a disappointed look.

"There's other guys."

"Not two that we think are cute."

"Well ... I have to make my rounds. If you two want to walk with me, that would be great."

I figured I would introduce them to a few guys ... maybe someone would get lucky.

They looked at each other. Damn I hate that ... why does everything have to be mutual consent.


We walked toward the barn in a roundabout way. I wanted to make sure I knew as much as possible where everyone was, and that, wherever they were, that they wanted to be there ... yeah, date rape was fairly common even then.

When we got to the barn door I announced myself.

"Just Pete ... remember no smoking and no matches or lighters in the barn." All the regulars already knew this but I couldn't keep track and wanted to make sure that there was no doubt.

We heard a loud giggle from some girl in the darkness.

"How about just friction?"

That had to be Marylou. She was a comic and didn't mind making that sort of comment.

I chuckled. "Try to keep things damp, everyone."

Several other chuckles and giggles. More than one couple in there.

Monica and Sarah were whispering to each other. I picked up ' ... screwing... ' I walked across the floor to the ladder at the back, they followed.

"Do you want to go down first or follow me?"

They hesitated, I turned my flashlight on and started down the ladder.

Sarah followed once I got down. I shined the light on the ladder. She had a nice butt.

Monica said something softly. I asked her to repeat.

"Don't look up my dress." She was wearing a lightweight summer dress.

"I've seen panties before. I have to shine on the ladder."

" ... not wearing any panties." She didn't giggle but she didn't whine either.

Wow. But the beer I'd had gave me a certain glib ability.

"Then that's my fee for guiding the tour."

"I guess that's fair." Monica laughed outright.

I didn't shine the light directly up her dress, and she kept her upper thighs together so I didn't see anything but a nice pair of buns.

We finished the barn rounds and I took them around the bunch of parked cars. There were several of them rocking and some fogged windows ... evidently shy girls, considering it was seventy degrees.

"So Monica, why no panties?" Yeah, I was forward. But I figured what the hell.

Whispering and giggles.

"I thought we might get laid. Am I ... are we ... bad?"

I just swept my hand around in an arc.

"Evidently not."

"So ... everyone comes here to have sex?"

"Not everyone. I think it's mostly just making out but we have to come out the morning after and clean up and we usually find a few rubbers."

Actually more than a few but I didn't want them to think screwing was required.


"What's that, 'ewww'?"

"You have to pick up other people's rubbers?"

"Someone has to."

They giggled again.

"You girls are cute. You're fun."

I meant it, they were cute, and I'd only had two beers now. I wondered why I hadn't noticed that before.

"You really think so?" That was Sarah.

"Yeah ... where've you been? I mean I noticed you at Shoney's but I thought maybe you were from out of town."

"We noticed you lots of times."

"Oh ... then why didn't you flirt with me?"

Monica dragged Sarah back, they whispered.

"Does now count?"

I laughed. "I guess it does."


"So ... if you see us at Shoney's or around town, you'll talk to us?"


"When you're not drunk?"

"Well, yeah..."

"You're sure?"

I thought a minute. I was fully aware of girls' self esteem issues even back then but I thought this was a little out of the ordinary.

"What's this about?"

They looked at each other then Monica piped up.

"We know you date a lot of the popular girls here and we're not stupid."

"They're my friends ... if you notice they ride around with a lot of these guys. Besides, none of them are my 'girl friends'. I'm not dating anyone regularly."


I had another thought.

"Besides that ... you chased Sam and Terry out here. They date those girls too. More often than I do."


"Well, what?" It wasn't the beer, I'm sure, but I was just a little annoyed, now.

The girls looked at each other again.

"Those two aren't as good looking as you are."

That was the best possible response, I was thinking.


"Well, that's why we asked if you would date us ... or talk to us around your friends."

I shrugged.

"Well, next time I see you at Shoney's, I'll make a point of talking to you and ask one of you for a date."

They looked at each other again.

This time Sarah spoke up.

"We don't want to wait until next time."

I looked from one to the other. Saying nothing.

"Sarah thinks you're really something. She wants you tonight."

Rather than respond, I leaned toward Sarah and kissed her lightly on the lips.

I told the girls to get in their car and I'd be back in a minute.

I walked over to my cousin Randy, and told him he had the next round. He'd already been in the barn with one girl, she'd left and now he was chatting with another. He was like that.

"You can do it from the hay mow, idiot. Just go through the drill."

He nodded okay and turned to Jill, his hopeful second of the night, and asked if she'd like to sit in the hay mow and keep watch.

I could only shake my head that girls were that gullible.

I got back to Monica's Pontiac and motioned for her to move over. Then, with the lights out to avoid drawing too much attention, drove out to the other end of an adjoining hayfield.

As soon as I stopped, I leaned over and kissed Monica. She responded nicely, but after a few seconds pushed me away and whispered in my ear.

"This is Sarah's big night, I'm already ready."

I got out and went around the car, opened the door and put out my hand to Sarah. I opened the back door as I plastered myself to her, giving her a full french kiss after she initiated the tongue action. Still joined at the lips, I sat her on the back seat and nudged her to move over so I could sit too. All the time I was softly rubbing her and didn't waste much time till I cupped her tit, running my thumb over her hard nipple. She sighed into my mouth and I knew I was on the fast track. In a few seconds I moved my hand to her crotch and she opened her legs at the first touch on her mound. The crotch of her jeans was wet and slick. Not damp and slick, wet.

Now, here's the news, gentle reader: at the time I was a technical virgin. If you didn't count the San Juan baby-whore, which I didn't. But I'd done plenty of stink-finger and dry fucking and I knew for a fact Sarah was as ready as she ever would be.

I undid the snap and zipper on her jeans and pulled them off her as she raised her hips to assist. Surprise; she wasn't wearing panties either. I looked and marveled at her pretty mound.

"I don't like to wear panties."

I didn't say anything. Maybe it was a pact or dare they had going.

"Hey you guys, I'm taking a walk." That was Monica of course.

"Watch where you step, don't fall in a ground hog hole." I warned her. There was almost a full moon so that's all I needed to caution her about. Almost.

"And don't sit down. Chiggers."

I undid my jeans and pushed them and my jockey shorts down. Sarah had already laid back on the seat and propped her feet over the rear shelf and back of the front seat. She was ready and waiting and I marveled that a girl could be that eager for me. I looked at her pussy, a full bush of light brown hair and a glistening gash and it suddenly occurred to me that I would make a big impression if I kissed it. I'd done that before though most girls resisted it. Remember this was the early sixties and it 'was dirty down there'. In fact Sarah tried to push me away but I was only an inch from it and it wasn't at all dead fish, just a strong musk, but clean smelling.

I persisted and in just a few seconds she was humping up at me. I pushed a finger into her pussy and was surprised at how tight it was. She gave a little jerk when I got too enthusiastic.

"Go slow ... I ... I never did this before."

"Are you a virgin?" I looked up at her face.

"er ... yes. Is that okay?"

I had my doubts, then. But I considered everything, especially her eagerness and decided the hell with it.

"Sure. I'm a virgin too."

I remembered then I needed to put on a rubber. I reached down to fish around in my pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting on a rubber."

"ummm ... I just finished my period yesterday. Isn't it safe to do it now?"

Well, I wasn't sure back then but everything I'd read said it was safer than pulling out to come in the middle of the cycle. Besides, I'd practiced with rubbers and I knew I wouldn't get the same feeling.

I leaned forward over her and put the head of my cock at her pussy but it was uncomfortable because it was a little low and my legs were hobbled by my jeans and briefs. I stood back up and kicked off a loafer, then pulled my right leg out of my pants then put the loafer back on. Now I could adjust my attitude better.

I leaned in again and Sarah reached down to guide my cock to her slit. I felt the tip hit a notch and pushed.


I pulled back. She swept the head through her slit and positioned it again.


I pushed. I felt a beautiful tight warmth around it. I pushed more ... it was tight and resisted. Sarah gave a little gasp but her hands on my back were pulling me toward her. I went in about another inch. Then I knew I had to start a little pumping to get everything wet and lined up. That was better. But it got even tighter right around the tip and everytime I went in Sarah gasped. I wasn't sure whether it was pain or pleasure.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Give me a second."

I didn't tell her but I didn't have much more than a few seconds before I would come. I hadn't been jacking off several times a day for over ten years without knowing the feeling...

And then I made the mistake of looking down at my cock going into her pretty pussy. Bad idea. Then quickly tried to think of disgusting things, like shoveling hog shit ... or eating raw oysters after drinking a glass of port wine. Urp ... that went too far.

Well, whatever ... I was now at least a few strokes away from coming.

"Okay ... more." Sarah whispered. I pushed. Nothing happened.

I drew back and rammed my rigid cock into her. She cried out, as I'd expected, but I figured it was kind of like pulling a bandaid off. Get it done quick.

I stroked a couple times gently and I was all the way inside her. I looked down and she was biting her lip, eyes closed tight, tears streaming down her the side of her face.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. Are you okay?"

My cock was thrumming and full of glee belying my emotional concern. I felt my pubic bone against hers and it was glorious!

"Yes ... it's okay. I knew it would hurt. Monnie told me it would,"

"Tell me when it starts feeling good, okay?"

"It feels good now. It's kind of a good hurt, now."

I kissed her. Actually I HAD been kissing her all along but that wasn't the focus at the moment.

I toyed with her tongue and sucked on it as I began to stroke but it wasn't a few seconds till...

"I'm gonna come Sarah. It just feels too good." She was breathing heavy but I could tell she wasn't near climax.

"That's okay..."

I kept our lips locked and stroked gently till I felt the first spasm, then shoved it roughly all the way into her. I felt my balls on her ass and my pubic bone was hard and fast against her ... almost to hurting.

I felt the first spasm then I began to empty my seed deep in her belly. She must have felt it because I felt her begin to move against me, in a rhythmic wave of hunching.

She pulled her lips from mine and gasped deeply.

"huh ... huh ... huh ... OOOOOHHHHH!"

With that last gasp, she actually lifted my hips what seemed to be a full six inches.

We laid there still a few seconds and, then, the most remarkable thing. She peppered me with kisses. Little kiss after little kiss all over my face and neck. For, I would bet, a full half a minute.

I've never had a lover, since, demonstrate so obviously that she enjoyed it as much as I did.

"Wow ... that was beautiful." Monica had sneaked up to watch us fuck. I didn't care or even look around, I just looked into Sarah's smiling eyes and smiled back.

At that moment, Sarah was the most beautiful woman in the world, and it wasn't the beer that made me think that.

Though I figured out, later, that it was something like that. That concussion had given me permanent 'Beer Goggles'. Indeed a life-altering occurrence.

"Geez, Sarah, you're a mess."

I looked down. Monica was right, even in the faint light of the moon I could see there was a pool of blood-tinged come between Sarah's thighs.

I shucked off my jeans and briefs. And offered the jockey shorts to Sarah. She wiped herself but there was still a lot on her thighs and the seat. Monica opened the trunk and came out with shop rags.

"These are clean."

She poured some beer over one and handed it to Sarah. She wet another one for me.

"Better smell like spilled beer than sex."

Once cleaned up, Sarah got dressed. She never quite quit smiling, though and that made me feel good.

Monica turned to me.

"I never watched anyone having sex before. That was neat!"

I smiled at her.

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Two months into my second year of college, I was sharing an apartment with three other girls. There were two to a bedroom, each of us with single beds. I was a week away from turning nineteen. Saturday morning I was roused from out of my sleep by knocking at the door. My roommates were off somewhere and there stood two guys, about my age, looking for one of them. I was still in my sleep ware; an over sized tee shirt and worn out baggy shorts, of course no bra or panties. Not to brag - to much -...

Group Sex
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I was in a neighbouring town shopping when I fancied a drink, I popped into a pub and ordered a pint, after sitting down and drinking a third of it I asked the barman if they had a smoking area, he told me it was out the back pointing to a door. Taking my drink I headed off, as I stepped out into what looked like a rundown beer garden I got my cigs out.As I sat down and was minding my own business a young man of around 22 came through clutching a drink, we made small talk and then he said “Do...

2 years ago
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Beer Store Threesome With a Drunk

My wife Elle and I have been having some problems for quite some time now. We were married for almost 5 years and most of the spice was completely out of our sex life. During the early years of our relationship we didn’t take our hands off one another. We often talked about sexual fantasies, both realistic and unrealistic. One of our fantasies was to bring another guy into the bedroom. I pushed the limits even further, saying it would be an old or fat guy, something unconventional. There was...

4 years ago
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Beer And PussyBois Part 2

I posed a frightened expression to get them even more riled up and quickly I was surrounded. Hands began grasping at me. A spank on my bunns. Fingers in my hair. Bulges began forming. I, of course, was locked in a CB-6000. One of them forced me to my knees while another pulled on my arms putting me in doggie. That's when the unmistakeable sound of flies unzipping filled the room. My legs were spread wide by a set of knees behind me, a large cock displayed in front of my face as the tip of...

3 years ago
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Beer Goggles II MindbenderChapter 3

Ellie: I went back to work really confused. I knew this old guy, Pete, from the neighborhood and his being a frequent customer at the store. I couldn't believe all I'd just talked to him about and that I was so honest with him. By the time I got off work, I'd calmed down and accepted all the 'weirdity' of it. I went home, showered, had a bite and went into my room and watched tv. Or at least had the tv on. I kept thinking of my 'Rick fantasy' and the possibility I was actually...

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Beer Goggles II MindbenderChapter 4

Rick showed up, right on time, at 1:00. We went through an old 'Employees Manual' I'd kept around and I explained the 'rules of engagement' so to speak. Covering the usual like 'always courteous, never lose temper, let the customer vent and dontdon't argue'. He thought that was weird. Guess he'd never bitched at a customer service person ... but I let it go. There was a knock at the door and I glanced at the mantle clock. 1:15, she was right on time. I looked Rick in the eye and...

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Destinys RoadChapter 40

The next morning I was up and ready by the time Megan came to pick me up. Andrea was already in the car and we were both dressed in running clothes. I was pretty calm, since honestly I was running this thing more out of support for Andrea than for myself, but she was keyed up. She started to go into our running strategy for the race, something we had gone over many times. I cut her off after about five minutes. "Andrea, it's ok. You can do this in your sleep, you're just nervous. You need...

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My Mom The Dom

Back up list Back up list ??????????????? I had the house to myself. Mom and Dad were away for the weekend and my bratty little brother was spending the night on a boy scout camp out. It was raining, one of those long steady rainy nights that always make me feel romantic. I decided to have some fun all by myself.??????????????? I started by stripping naked, then I walked up to the ?great room?. That?s what we called the huge room at the top of the house. It could also could have...

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After leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him.  Actually, we went to laugh at him.  What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover.  If you remember, Barry was wearing only a pink thong panty.  We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried.  Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him.  Barry quickly jumped into the bushes and straight into...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 24

At first, the logistics for Christmas Eve appeared impossible, mostly because of the number of gifts that needed to be delivered, but Mary took charge, divvied up the gift giving, and made the day manageable. Grace delivered the paintings to Desmond, our stockbroker, our accountant, the executor of Mom and Dad's estate, and her writing tutor, as well as a number of personal gifts to others from her only. Mary handled the shipping for the nine out-of-town gifts and volunteered to deliver...

3 years ago
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Slutingit for GangBangers

I was 18 at the time, and it was time to go shopping which brought a delight and pleasure to me and a lifting of my spirits. I was outrageously wearing a short skirt and no panties along with long socks and a jacket and made-up to look cute. My hair was in pig-tails for fucks sake! Maybe it was a phase but it was a hot one. As I walked towards the shops I had to pass this residential area and in my delight at the day before me, I suddenly felt my cunt have a silly-fit and began to...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Verronica Kirei Serene Siren Peace And Protection

The first second that Linda (Carter Cruise) enters her jail cell she knows that a life sentence will not be easy. Lucky for her, Hope (Ana Foxxx) her new inmate helps her to understand, the way things work here. She warns her to be aware of the prison bully Elvira (Alison Ray) or Eleanor (Sinn Sage) the heartless warren. But more than anything to never accept the help of the head nurse Bette (Serene Siren). The price to pay for her protection is way too high. This piece of information can be...

4 years ago
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Swimming Towards the Secretarial Pool

Swimming Towards the Secretarial Pool Belladonna [Authors Note: This story is loosely based on a caption made for me over at Rachel's Haven by the great Dee Mentia of Dee'lusions of Grandeur at I was looking to write something out of my comfort zone and her caption provided me with an angle I do not typically use]. A triumphant smile crept across Geoff Niekro's face while he stared at the open bedroom door. He rubbed his hands...

1 year ago
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Dear Boys And girls

Dear boys -and girls.I want to tell you about an idea I had many years ago.It was 01:10 on a Thursday evening and I was at a train station. I was on my way home from a meeting in my union.The station was empty and my train would not be leaving until 01:45. I had a women’s magazine in my purse which I began reading. I had only just begun reading a novel in the magazine when 3 boys about 16 – 18 years old entered the station. They were a bit loud and began commenting me. Things like ‘wow she has...

3 years ago
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Sandra Ottershaw Ponygirl 314

Sandra Ottershaw Ponygirl 314 pt 1The scene, a small island among the stunningly beautiful Isles of Scilly in the Atlantic Ocean off the southwest tip of the Uk, its two thirty on a warm sunny afternoon with just enough breeze to send the waves crashing against the shore and Sandra, Ponygirl 314 stands patiently admiring the view as she awaits the arrival of the afternoon boat from the mainland.================================="It's funny how you get stuck in a rut," Andy mused as the speedboat...

3 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 28 Alternate Prom

Duke and I walked out my backdoor to run, when he darted into the backyard to do his business. I heard the low rumble of him growling, so I decided to go investigate. I found Precious guarding something, something furry. Oh Dear Lord, she caught one of Duke's squirrels. You have to understand, there was a sacred bond between dog and squirrel. It was the squirrel's job to torment the dog by bouncing around and then running up trees. The squirrel then twitches its tail and chirped at the...

4 years ago
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Maesons AssistantChapter 5 Kimberrsquos Agreement

As the movie continued and began to show Mr. Grey and Lee’s relationship start to deepen and rituals develop between the two characters, Maeson’s fingers continued to work his little sister’s shoulders, neck, and back. He watched as the spanking developed from a form of discipline to other acts of submission. He watched how Lee developed positive qualities of confidence with the structure that Mr. Grey offered. He certainly loved the bondage like the restraining bar he forced Lee to work...

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The Invitation Gabriels Beginning

(This is the story of my first introduction into a BDSM poly family, it was the beginning of my journey into the kinkiest time in my life. It is a true story, and I will follow it with others as I learned and grew in my role)Remembering back, hoping my memory is strong enough, it was in the late fall, just before Halloween in 1975. My entrance to that world so many cherish and so few understand. I was so green I almost glowed. I was from a small farming town in Indiana and was now in Columbus,...

2 years ago
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Kelly Girl 24 Dixie Cup Love

Kelly Girl 24: "Dixie Cup Love" The three taller girls sat with Kelly on the bus bench at Bristol and MacArthur. The fading summer turquoise of an early evening sky in Southern California promised a gorgeous sunset. Valerie, the slender brunette, sat half turned around to watch the western sky. Flotillas of birds had begun seeking their rest; seagulls heading toward the shore from a hard day at the landfills; crows heading from shopping malls and athletic fields toward Disneyland where...

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Erotic Moments With My Dearest Love

Well hello, there my fabulous readers. I, the Greywolf is back here in front of you guys presenting another fantasy to you guys. This time the story narrates the incidences that how I and my girlfriend share some extremely erotic moments but with an extremely high risk also. Disha, my girlfriend’s name is Disha. Well if we come to her physical features, she is extremely fair first of all. She is quite short by the way, only 5 feet 4. Her figure is quite on the chubbier side. But luckily she is...

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She is amazing Part 1

It was a Friday, we had dinner planned in the evening. I get off work and go home to change into a blue jeans, white t-shirt and a grey jacket with sleeves rolled up. I get back in the car and drive to the restaurant she chose. It was a chilly evening, it had rained earlier so there was this pleasant smell of soil in the atmosphere. I take a deep breath,giving a pat to my pocket I go inside and take the table we had reserved. She will be here any moment now.It’s been 15 minutes now, Finally she...

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Moms Best FriendChapter 11

As a form of adjustment to eventually living together in Adam's house, the two families met almost daily, usually at Adam's home. Dean sensed that there was something happening that he didn't understand, and Adam and Mary agreed that they should bring him into the sexual circle before too long, but that first, there were two items to be attended to: Emily had to be introduced to lesbianism, and Sharon had to have her cherry popped. After that, it was up to Mary to take the innocent little...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 405 Birthday Guests

So, did she figure out the riddle? “I think you are messing with my head, David,” Emily told me. “It doesn’t make sense that two girls and two boys are siblings. One of the girls is the niece to two siblings and her own aunt, but all four kids have the same parents. The girl is the daughter of one of the boys, but he isn’t her dad, and she isn’t her mother’s daughter.” I let her stew on it as we followed the gravel road around the neighborhood about to get excavated to the previously poured...

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Extending the FamilyChapter 7 Allie

My plan worked. I'd deliberately sent Paul away with a hard-on, thinking he might take out his frustration on one of both of his sisters. I'd also introduced him to the idea of massaging them – with baby oil! I was pretty sure he didn't realise that baby oil is the kiss of death for condoms. I left the bottle where it was clearly visible and went to clean myself up in the bathroom. I took a few minutes to rub myself into a nice little cum, during which I heard Paul and the girls go past...

4 years ago
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KellyChapter 4

The next morning Mike was the first to awaken. He was holding the beautiful golden girl in his arms. When he kissed her cheek softly, he instantly felt her fingers start to move on his body. She moved her head and kissed him softly on the lips. “Good morning, darling,” she whispered. “How does your leg feel?” “It’s fine, honey. I want to make love to you, but I’m scared. We have to go through a small town to get to the pickup point. There’s sure to be a garrison there, and after your fun...

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Monkey Mia

We’d made the plans. We’d meet at Perth Airport and fly to Port Hedland and then charter a helicopter to take us to isolated Monkey Mia beach. At last the day has come. As the Cessna landed on the beach we could see that we were alone. We jumped down and waved the pilot goodbye. He wouldn’t be back until 1 hour before sundown. Monkey Mia is beautiful. Gleaming white sand, crystal water glistening blue, and dolphins! We glanced at each other and immediately threw off our clothes and raced to...

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The EnablerChapter 2

The wipers swung in an arc clearing the droplets of water from the windshield. It was drizzling hard enough to allow the water to accumulate between the wiper’s intermittent swipes sufficiently to make the visibility poor, but not hard enough to justify running the wipers full time. It was a choice of putting up with a speckled view of the world, or the squeak of the wipers on glass. Paul hated that in-between kind of drizzle. Either it should rain or just not bother. As it was, the road was...

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The Bet Chapter 61

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 61(Wednesday - week 9) She squirmed. Her dream-self watched intimately as Sissy reamed his own ass with the penis shaped dildo. "Deeper now!" she commanded - and watched as he pushed the phallic shaped toy all the way in to the hilt. All the way in until the fake balls at the end of it were touching his shaved-bare backside. And she squirmed again at the pleasure of the power she felt because she could literally force him to fuck himself. She...

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I was in that misty place between slumber and full consciousness. I knew it was early morning and the memories of last night had me aroused back to complete stiffness. I was laying on my belly, my cock pressed hard on the soft comforter. I felt two hands spreading my ass apart and a wet tongue lick my hole. It was quickly replaced by a finger. The tongue again and then the finger. Then it turned into fingers massaging my prostate and opening my man cunt for an eventual pleasure probe. But...

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A woman is forced into a lesbian relationship with a coworker

As usual, I went to lunch just before noon. As usual, I got on the elevator. As usual, I pushed the button for the ground floor. And, as usual, I had to stop for someone else. The doors opened and a woman got on. I’d seen her around before, and I knew that men at work found her attractive. I myself was a bit jealous of her. She was my age, late thirties, well-built. In the past, I had always tried to ignore her. Not today. She glanced casually around as the doors closed. She pushed the...

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Family Fuck Fest

Note : This story is completely fictional! Word from the Author: Well, it's my first attempt to write bi insest family stories. So let me know what you think, all feedback and suggestions will be read and answered. This is FICTION!!! My name is Laurie MacIntosh. I'm a normal 18 year old boy, I have a wealth of video games collect and read comic books and baseball cards. I'm a master on my hockey team at school and I love horror movies. I also love a good blowjob in morning when I wake up. But...

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Leanne and the old folks home

Leanne walked up to the old people's home and looked at the sign; 'Rosefield Manor'. The building was dark and grey, sending a chill down her spine just looking at it despite the relatively mild autumnal afternoon. The bare trees outside, as black as the gothic looking stone the building was made out of, did nothing to ease her worries. There was always something odd about this place, she remembered it freaking her out when she was younger and it still had a bit of a hold over her now. Ancient...

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feet suck

I woke up with my cousin ive always thought she had sexy feet. one day i went to her house to play. and she was alone and bare foot. i walked in to her room and i sat on her bed slowly reaching for her feet. i grabed her feet and started sucking on them and spitting on them she got horn and started to suck my perfectly painted hot pink toes. and we suck on eachothers feet for about two hours. she then asked me if she could call her boyfriend to come and fuck us and i said yes.he walked in and...

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A Peachy Adventure

Your name is Princess “Peach” Toadstool. You have long blonde hair, blue eyes, soft white skin and although you hide it well under your dress a very sexy body. Large breasts, a thin waist, and an ass on the round side. The kingdom you rule is the Mushroom Kingdom, populated by mushroom people commonly referred to as Toads. You and your allies are at war with Bowser, King of the Koopas. It is more a civil war then anything else as his territory is in the Mushroom Kingdom. He has a bad habit of...

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Daddys Little Cumslut Chapter 3

*************** My legs felt like rubber as I rose from the couch and walked to my bathroom with Daddy’s warm cum running down my legs. I turned on the shower and sat on the edge of the tub waiting for the water to warm up. My thoughts drifted to earlier in the morning when Daddy had made me suck and ride his fat cock. I knew it was so wrong but it made me feel so good when he used my body and called me his slut. I loved when he was rough and degraded me. As I replayed the events from earlier...

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Choices and Consequences Ch 02

A few days after the incident at her parent’s party, Lili found herself getting ready to go out again. This time it was a small dinner with the O’Neils. Her mother had forced it upon her, demanding that she apologize to the family, especially Ms. Olivia Braxton. Lili frowned at the thought of apologizing to her. Aidan’s bride to be was far from polite, and Lili suspected she didn’t have a forgiving bone in her body. Yet, the worst part of it all was having to do it in front of Aidan…and Dave....

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Student Spanked 10 AfterParty 1

Cute Confession Turns Into An Interesting Insemination Invitation, Which Turns Me OnSlender shy small-breasted Suzanne washes me with her kisses in a sweet session under the shower. BOOBy Beatrice and Lisa-love join us as soon as they can, after doing the dishes as I asked them.Take turns for your enemas you yummy young three tasty lovely looking ladies, be also clean inside.Lisa, you learned from me how to do that properly. Please perform first now on Beatrice's big bums!Sweet shy Suzanne, you...

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Eye to Eye

The motel room was small but it was clean (since it was clean enough for Becky, it was certainly clean enough for me) and it fit our limited budget. The show at the casino (an additional twenty miles down the road) was not going to be anything spectacular, but it was away from work, home, children, in-laws... We were somewhat worried about leaving the thirteen-year-old in charge of her siblings for the first time overnight, but Grandma and Grandpa were on speed dial and live nearby. To be...

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The Wife

Conrad would do anything to get invited to the game with the guys he worked with. It wasn't just a matter of the game. Dave, Joe and Danny were the three founding owners of the company. The three had all met during their years playing for the Dallas Cowboys. Joe and Danny were tight ends. Dave had been a nose Guard. Once they left playing football, they decided to start a company making applications for cell phones. Since their degrees were all in business, they had hired Conrad to write...

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Jill visits Home

Jill Goes Home The word spread quickly of their engagement. Many expected it, some were caught off guard. She decided to go home and tell her parents personally. She and the boys drove 2 hours to her mother Mabel and step dad Ned's farm. Ned pulled up on his tractor pulling a flat wagon. She ran up to the tractor as he shut it down, giving him the news and introducing the boys. He told the boys to get on the wagon and asked Jill if she could still drive a tractor? Reaching out his hand, Jill...

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Threesome Wresting Sex

Ellarukum vannakam. This is Mathan from chennai. I am a 23 year old virgin guy. I am a follower of ISS for the past 8 years. This is my first story in ISS so kindly tolerate me with any errors and if the story is too long. This is my fantasy story. Any girls from chennai who wants to check me out send a mail to Now coming into the story, this is between me and my two friends. Some of the conversation is in Tamil. We three study in a college in chennai. We got introduced and one fine day we...

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Another Gloryhole Adventure With My Wife

My wife and I often tell each other our favorite sexual adventures. Sometimes they are about each other and sometimes they are about other people we have either fucked, sucked or both. This adventure is about both of us at a gloryhole in Corvallis. She reminded me of this adventure that we had in 2017. When we go to the gloryholes we go to suck and drain cocks. I hardly ever get my cock sucked and my wife hardly ever gets fucked. We had made the rounds in Salem and visited a couple of the...

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