Bauernhof indian porn

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Ab auf den Bauernhof

Der 19 jährige Sebastian war mal wieder bei seinem Onkel Manfred 55 und Tante Brigitte 41, genannt Biggi zu Besuch. Er sollte die Ferien bei den Verwandten auf dem Land verbringen. Da Biggi gerade einen kleinen Jungen bekommen hatte, sollte er der Tante im Haushalt zur Hand gehen. Für die dick-tittige Biggi schwärmte Sebastian schon, seid er seinen Schwanz das erste Mal abgewichst hatte. Er hatte seine Tante oft heimlich beobachtet. Biggi war die Frau, die seine Wichsfantasien immer wieder...

3 years ago
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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

3 years ago
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Sexy Alm

Die Freundinnen Julie, Schnuggie und Kina aus Hamburg wollten eigentlich einen richtig ausgelassen Partyurlaub auf Mallorca machen, doch je näher der Sommer rückte, umso mehr wurde klar: Das Geld würde einfach nicht reichen! Was für ein Schlamassel, wollten die drei doch UNBEDINGT zusammen in den Urlaub fahren. "Wisst ihr was" hatte Julie eines Abends gesagt "mein Cousin Alois hat einen tollen Bauernhof in Südtirol. Da ist es im Sommer auch schön warm und es ist viel billiger als Malle." Kina...

3 years ago
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Vier M dels und ein Einsiedler

Es regnete in Strömen und die Nacht war hereingebrochen trotzdem war die Stimmung in dem klimatisierten 7er BMW neuster Bauart und Ausstattung auf dem Höhepunkt. Caroline Berger hatte letzte Woche ihre Führerscheinprüfung bestanden und war nun neben Katharina, die schon bei Ihrem Austauschschüler Jahr in der USA die Prüfung abgelegt hatte, die Einzige aus der vierer Mädels Gruppe die fahren durfte. Nach ganz viel Überredungskunst von Caroline hatten ihre Eltern ihr eines ihrer Autos geliehen,...

4 years ago
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Apokalypse Das ist das Ende oder etwa nicht

Ich erwache aus einem traumlosen Schlaf, als ich meine Augen öffne blicke ich mich in dem mir fremd erscheinenden Zimmer um. Einen Moment bin ich verwirrt. "Wo bin ich, was mache ich hier?" fragt sich mein schlaftrunkendes Gehirn. Nach weiteren Sekunden des Sammelns finde ich langsam zur Realität zurück. Dieses fremdwirkende Zimmer, ist mein neues Zuhause. Spärlich und altertümlich eingerichtet mit einem alten Holzschreibtisch und einem noch älteren Bett, wirkt hier nichts jünger als 30 Jahre....

3 years ago
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Sabina II Freundschaften halten nicht ewig

Die 31 j?hrige rotblonde Sabina hatte ihren Ehemann betrogen. Als ihr Mann Sven dahinterkam, zwang er seine Frau sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Mit striktem Sex- und K?rpertraining erzog er sie zur gehorsamen Sklavin. Doch nachdem er Sabina von einem Hund hat nehmen lassen und sie zwang Pferdesperma zu schlucken hatte sie Rachegef?hle. Wird Sven die Angelegenheit aus der Hand gleiten? Wen die ganze Geschichte interessiert, der findet sie in der Story Sabina und ihr neues LebenDanke f?r das positive F...

2 years ago
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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

3 years ago
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Eva eine unendliche Geschichte

Disclaimer: Die folgende Geschichte enth?lt erotischen Inhalt mit SM-Hintergrund. Sie ist f?r Leser unterhalb von 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Ich bitte euch: Legt die Geschichte weg, wartet bis ihr 18 seid, dann k?nnt ihr sie lesen. So gut ist sie auch wieder nicht, dass man sie gerade jetzt lesen m?sste;o)Dieses Werk ist Ergebnis einer Fiktion, die dargestellten Personen sind frei Erfunden jede ?hnlichkeit mit real existierenden Personen ist rein zuf?llig.Herkunftsnachweise: *Das Zungeschnalzen kommt ...

4 years ago
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geiler Sex mit nem reifen Bauern

Warum ich schon immer auf alte geile Kerle stehe…. Es ist jetzt über dreißig Jahre her, aber den Abend vergesse ich nie, an dem ich das erste Mal mit dem alten Ewald rumgemacht habe….. Ewald war mein Onkel, er war früher mit der Schwester meines Vaters verheiratet gewesen und schon seit ein paar Jahren Witwer, bei dem ich jedes Jahr die Sommerferien auf seinem Bauernhof bei Osnabrück verbrachte. Damals war ich so sechzehn, hatte schon ganz früh gemerkt, dass mich Kerle und alle Art von...

2 years ago
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Es war ein sehr warmer Abend, die Sommersonnenwende, und meine Nichte hatte eine Gruppe ihrer Freunde hier auf den Bauernhof eingeladen, um eine Party zu feiern. Ihre Freunde, einschließlich ihres Mannes Jeff, sind keine Partylöwen. Ungefähr zwei Dutzend versammelten sich vor der großen Scheune und machten nicht wirklich viel, außer Unsinn und zu trinken. Ja, es gab Alkohol, da die meisten weit über 21 Jahre alt waren, war das kein Problem. Ich hatte vorgehabt, sie in Ruhe zu lassen, während...

Group Sex
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Essen auf R dern

Mein Name ist Nina. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt, habe kurze blonde Haare und trage eine neckische Brille. Meine Figur ist wie soll ich sagen ganz normal. Aber dies einfach einmal zu meiner Person. Meine Geschichte beginnt an einem Freitag im Sommer des letzten Jahres. Mein Chef kam zu mir und teilte mir mit dass es auf meiner Tour einen zusätzlichen Kunden gab. Ich arbeite bei einer Organisation die Essen an ältere Menschen liefert. Ich mag meinen Job, denn ich mag ältere Menschen über alles. Ich...

2 years ago
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Tante Gerti lsquo s Beichte Teil 3

Teil 3Diesmal haben Tante Gerti und ich uns nicht in ihren Wohnzimmer verabredet sondern zu einem Spaziergang. Die Tante ist ja trotz ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters noch richtig gut auf den Beinen. Ziel ist ein kleines Ausflugsgasthaus das ein bis anderthalb Stunden weit entfernt ist.Paul: Na, wie war das jetzt mit deinem Schotten. Du kannst ja kein Englisch, wie habt ihr euch verständigt?Gerti: Als erster sind ja die Franzosen bei uns im Ort gewesen. Wir waren wohl eine der ganz wenigen...

3 years ago
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Das Haus am See

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: TS, Shemale, Romance Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielf?ltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erkl?rung unver?ndert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebr?uchlich sind und ?ber Kreditkarten funktionieren oder auf andere Weis...

3 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

4 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

4 years ago
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Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Br dern

Ich bin Erkan und bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich lebe mit meinen 3 ?lteren Br?dern auf dem Bauernhof meiner Eltern in einem verschlafenen Nest am Ende der Zivilisation in der T?rkei.Wir Kinder werden nach sehr strengen Richtlinien erzogen.Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Br?dern.Ich bin sehr fitt, gro? und muskul?s wie alle meine Br?der. Haupts?chlich durch das gesunde selber angebaute essen und die harte Arbeit auf dem Feld. Aber als j?ngster bin ich trotzdem der "Sklave" meiner Br?der.Unser Vater legt wert dara...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

3 years ago
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Der dreissigjaehrige Krieg

Wir schreiben das Jahr des Herren 1625. Es ist ein diesiger Morgen im September. Die Bewohner des kleinen Bauernhofes liegen noch schlafend auf ihren Strohsaecken. 30 Paar Augen starren gierig durch die Daemmerung. Sie sind 3 Tage am Stück maschiert und haben keine Beute machen koennen. Ihre Vorraete sind fast vollständig verbraucht. Aus dem Stall hoeren sie das Muhen einer Kuh, Schweine sind ebnfalls zu hoeren. Hungrig werden sie hier nicht weg gehen. Noch ahnen von all dem der 40 jährige...

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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

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RoadhouseChapter 9

Four thirty the alarm went off dragging me out of a dream about Trish, we were making love in the sun, the result was a stiff cock. No time to beat off so I dove into the shower and cooled it off. Semi erect I stuffed it into my pants and dressed in my fatigues ready for work. I stepped out of the barracks to be greeted by a frosty morning. Puckapunyal in winter is bloody cold and in summer bloody hot. I was to experience both, the end of winter and the start of summer. Entering the cook...

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Holiday Hotness How it started

I have always had good luck buying things and selling them online to make a little extra cash. It was a nice hobby and a good stress release from my taxing job. Needing to burn through my vacation for the year I decided to treat my self and take a few weeks off between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have found in the past this is a great time to sell things as hard to get item are in real demand. I never look to price gouge people, just usually charge a little extra for my time. Since I dont...

4 years ago
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Fact or Fiction Part 1

Introduction: A night at a club I cant believe they left me!!! Fucking hethans!!! I have looked everywhere in this damn club and I cant find them. I know this will be the last time I go on vacation with those chicks. Damn… I need to pee. I know once I pop the cork it will never end. But damnit… I have to go. Where the hell is the bathroom? I think I remember it being over here somewhere… I wish I wasnt so fucking drunk. The walls feel so nice… Is that velvet? Why would they put velvet on the...

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The Cuckold s Comeuppance The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty

The Cuckold’s Comeuppance: The Secret Revenge of Walter Mitty  The soon to be ex Mrs. Miller was at lunch with her lawyer.“Bob, what the hell is taking that god damned judge so long?”“Relax Carol. You know this is the divorce and criminal trial of the century. The judge did say she’d have a decision today. It’s not even noon.”“Listen, mother-fucker, you said my name wouldn’t be dragged through the mud.”“I’m a lawyer and I told you that Ben is probably behind it. Remember that there was only a...

5 years ago
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First gay experience with my friend

Steven is the younger nephew of my best friend, and we met essentially the same way as any other normal friends do. We would all hang out together and run amok and generally get up to boyish mischief - chap door run and climbing trees and all that shit. One day as we were messing around in a wooded area we stumbled across a pornographic magazine. Whether it had been dumped there by some horny guy and left to rot or found by a group of young guys like us and hidden there didn't matter, it...

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special evening

It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...

1 year ago
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What the

There is a dick sticking through a hole in the wall! What is going on over there? Here I am in an blonde give a very loving blow job and now this. I could not help but stare at the dick for a minute. I had to admit it was a good looking dick, not large but very well formed. I then tried to ignore it and returned my attention to the movie. After a while the dick disappeared . I surprised myself by sort of missing it. Curiosity began to overrun my mind. I just had to look at the owner of the...

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BellesaFilms Khloe Kapri Emergency Contact

If ever Khloe needs help, she knows she can count on Nathan to be there for her. He proves this yet again when she calls him in the middle of the night with an emergency and he comes over without hesitation. Nathan notices the signs that another guy has been around, but they both know who Khloe really wants in her bedroom. With her emergency handled and safety restored, the comfort Khloe feels with Nathan is made all the more obvious until their walls break down and they’re tumbling back...

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The Branson KidChapter 9

I figured that tonight would be a repeat of last night, but I was in fer a surprise. Sarah pulled off her dress over her head, an' I immediately saw a change—all of her pussy hair was shaved off. I was starin' at a very attractive pussy that I could see every bit of. Sarah did not have those inner pussy lips that stuck out past her outer lips, so she looked much like a piece of split fruit. She was right puffed up, an' I think that meant that she was already aroused an' ready ta fuck. I...

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Best Friend Carl

My first blow job was in the summer before my senior in High School while I was on a camping trip with my best friend Carl. We were camping out in the woods near his house. At eighteen, Carl wasn't tall, only about five-foot eight, nor was he big-shouldered, but he was well proportioned. He had strong shoulders and arms, green eyes, light brown curly hair, and a wide, firm mouth. And I in contrast am five-foot five, small framed, with blackish hair, and not much body hair though.Carl got his...

Gay Male
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la conqu te de Jessica Rabbit

Roger Rabbit était un gringalet, à peine grand d'un mètre, doté d'oreilles trop longues, d'un nez trop large et de pieds trop grands. Ses vêtements étaient aussi ridicules que son physique. Il ne portait jamais qu'une paire de salopettes rouges bien trop amples, une paire de gants citron et un ridicule noeud papillon bleu et jaune. Mais, heureusement pour lui, Roger Rabbit était un toon, un dessin animé doté de vie. Son physique de lapin difforme, couplé à son étonnante habileté à endurer avec...

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EvilAngel Alexis Crystal Cherry Kiss Vyvan Hill Solstice Sc 5 Lesbian Strap On 3 Way

In Serbia to celebrate the Summer Solstice, co-director / hot blonde performer Cherry Kiss and European starlet Alexis Crystal find themselves in a lesbian romp. That’s when cute, young Vyvan Hill steps in to make it a threesome! Cherry wears a strap-on dildo, so Alexis and Vyvan give her an all-girl double blowjob! Next, Cherry stuffs her protruding phallus up Alexis’ asshole for an anal reaming! Alexis eats Vyvan’s slit as Cherry drills her sphincter from behind. Vyvan and...

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Deborah s retarded morning

Deborah left the family home to live with her elder sister Hannah, as Hannah had just given birth to her first c***d Tommy, with her husband Stuart. ‘Come live with us’, suggested Hannah; ‘and you could help me around the house and with the baby, and best of all its living rent free’. It sounded like a great offer and idea, Deborah thought; with wanting to move out of the family home she grew up in for the past 24 years. It will give her parents their well-earned space, and enable her to spread...

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Just Wait Epilogue The Weding Gifts

JUST WAIT--- Epilogue: the wedding gifts By "C.C." So I, once the powerful, wealthy businessman Ed Johnson, am now the feminized Sweetie--MRS. Ed Johnson! It's been hard getting used to my new role in life, cooking, cleaning and serving my Husband, who ironically is a wealthy and powerful businessman. But it's even harder because of the "wedding gifts" from my three Bridemistresses.... Carla's gift was an expensive and ingenious faux puss that bonds to the skin with advanced...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 4 Gifts From And For Uncle

Vijay uncle pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck, sniffing deeply. It caused tingling shivers in my body that originated at my neck and radiated all over my body. I loved the sensation. “Ah, Sweta,” he said in a guttural voice, “I have waited for so long to enjoy your body.” I could not help but reply, “Me too, uncle.” He laughed and turned my face towards him. He kissed my lips lightly and replied, “You smell so nice Sweta, like a flower in its bloom.” I giggled at the way...

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Sav In The Lav

I stuttered a hello and asked her what was going on. She told me that she was not the good innocent little girl that everyone thought she was. She was in fact a horny teen submissive and had wanted to fuck me ever since I arrived at school. She told me about how her little brother had found her masturbating to my picture and start blackmailing her. She told me how he told her to give me up skirts and wear those tiny little panties and eventually to wear none. He then moved on to using butt...

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Apology to the One I Loved Hurt

I think Elton John said it best: ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word.’ A couple of months ago I posted a story on here called Dear Journal. I never should have done so. What I posted was an actual transcript from my MSN messenger between myself and someone I dearly love. I posted that story because I was angry at him and it was the only transcript I had not erased. I honestly gave no thought to him when I posted it. I wish now that I had done so. So, what do I do to repair what I did? I’m not...

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A Lifetime of Love Ch 03

It was a long drive, they were meeting in Pennsylvania for a romantic getaway in the Poconos. All the while Jenna’s mind raced, thinking about Patrick and their last weekend together. How gentle he was, how romantic, how udderly he’d captivated her heart. Jenna’s heart skipped a beat for a moment as she thought of his smile, that warm glow that he had when he’d look into her eyes. Aahhhh, I am so unbelievably lucky to have found you, Jenna thinks to herself. She looks ahead and notices to her...

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Lover s ShadowChapter 13

I was dripping. That was unsurprising: even after a shower I was still dripping Morgan’s cum. However, now, I was dripping from the fresh excitement of Mane and Lucinda’s fucking shared through the web. My hands drifted between my tits and cunt. I was reminded of my first experience of the web. One night, making boundary offerings as a child, I had connected and found myself experiencing strong echos of all Oak leaf’s lust. Morgan, beside me, was distracted with excitement warring with...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 28 Preparations Parents Discovery

Owen looked on, “This is a big problem in some way?” “The biggest,” Alice said. “They have no idea how we live or how we’ve loosened up. They don’t know about Pam or Heather, and certainly not about YOU, my loving boyfriend.” Dave added, “It’s even more than just that they don’t know. It’s what is likely to be their extreme and severe disapproval of every aspect of how we live these days, and I mean EXTREME.” He was practically shouting in his nervousness. Owen said, “Pam and Heather could...

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Two DiariesChapter 9 Drawing Fine Distinctions

Fiona’s diary: Before I went to school, I had breakfast with my parents. They were rather impressed with Amanda, to say the least. After that uncomfortable talk we had, they were happy to see me genuinely interested in someone of substance. Mother saw how much I liked her, though I tried not to show it, and she kept smiling fondly at me, teasing me about my new girlfriend. We weren’t, though; not yet. My parents were very flexible, and didn’t try to control me, but they were awfully...

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My brother has this well fit mate called Lucian. Anyway he came to pick up a dvd my brother lent off him. He said he was rollin a spliff and did I want some. I said ok and let him in. I wasn’t dressed yet I was still wearin pink and white pyjama shorts and top.Hes a couple of years older got short blonde hair and was wearing white trackies nd a light blue t-shirt. He always acted tough. was a proper chav and fit fucker wit a nice six pack. We’d already shagged once before. His dick was ded...

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MonstersOfCock Natasha Nice Busty Chick Takes The Biggest Cock

Natasha Nice tells her friend how she has notice how big her boyfriend’s visitor cock was big. She walks into the house with Mandigo sleeping on the couch with his dick hanging out. She notices it and is in shocked that it could be that big. He wakes up and is embarrassed but she lets him know that is okay and that she never seen something that big. She ask if she can touch and suck it. This chick gives a great sucking and tit fucking before getting her pussy stretched. She takes his big dick...

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The nun

THE NUN As far back as sister Mary Angela could remember, she was never interested in sex. As a teenager she developed large breasts at a very young age and was curvy and beautiful. Despite the fact that she always dressed very conservatively. In her youth, boys and even some girls, treated her very nicely. She, however was never interested and as soon as she turned 18 she started her career as a woman of god. It’s all she ever wanted to do with her life. Many years later, in her early 40s she...

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All you need to know about the Virtual Reality Por

All you need to know about the Virtual Reality PornOver the past some years, the virtual porn has become the latest technology to enjoy masturbation. It has become a trendy medium for the porn industry to capitalize on this competitive world. When it comes to viewers, it not only makes their dark activities better but change their perspective about the sex. In this post, we will go through each of the characteristics of VR Porn about which you should be aware. Read this complete post & then...

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Tax Day

I would love to hear your thoughts on my story. If you like it feel free to check out the other stories I have posted. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it!Tax DayHannah hated tax time. She worked hard as a waitress to support herself but was living paycheck to paycheck with little left over. She had been saving since January so she could get her taxes done but then the alternator went out on her car and she had to use every penny she had squirreled away to get it fixed. Now it was down...

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Dorm Room Access

You're a few weeks into your first term as a college freshman. You live on a co-ed floor, and have really enjoyed the company of your floor-mates so far. You've spent many evenings in the common room, playing games, getting drunk, and getting to know each other. Among them are your next-door neighbors; Emma and Sara. Emma is cute, and you get along with her very well. She was initially soft-spoken and shy at the start of the term, but the more time you've spent with her, the more she's come out...

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The Making of a SlutChapter 6

Sunday afternoon I told BJ to dress as slutty as she could. "High heels, the shortest skirt you have, low cut blouse and no bra or panties. Oh, and no hose. Nothing looks sluttier than 'come fuck me' pumps and bare legs. As we drove across town she asked me where we were going. "To visit a friend of mine sweetie. I know how much you loved Claude's big dick and Dave tells me that his is pretty big so I thought I'd give you a chance to do some comparing." "How big is he?" "He...

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Broken Strap by loyalsock

Stella Bordon sat at her desk and reviewed the testimony in a divorce proceeding that her client was involved in. "Geesh," she thought to herself, "this guy is lying through his teeth, Edie is right, he is hiding assets some place!" For the next ten minutes she poured over the deposition of Edie's husband, and all at once a light bulb went off in her head, and she spun around in her desk and reached for a law book on the top shelf of her book case. As she stretched up to retrieve it, snap, her...

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School Gone Bad

By Jolieanna This story begins in Southern California on a hot day in June, were school is yearlong with breaks, every three months. Roni is 9 and living with his Aunt Val and Cousin Vonnie, because of his parents move to Mexico, for work and they wanted Roni to go to a good school. Roni was kind of excited living with his older cousin Vonnie, who was in High school. Vonnie was like a Big Sister to Roni or so he thought. Starting school wasn't so bad, and Roni mad good friends with a...

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The Girl Stories Mission 9

Lilly didn't know if people coming there did not know, or did not care, that the whole operation was build on trafficked girls, which were not paid a dime of what they earned, and were kept in cages in the basement. Surely most of the men did not mind forcing themselves on girls, half their ages, that were clearly not there by their own will, and that could not even speak the local language. Lilly realized on the first day, most of the men coming to the brothel even enjoyed this aspect. Many...

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Sex With My Sister

This story goes back to many years, when we were a big joint family comprising of my grand-mother, my parents, 3 sisters & 3 brothers (including myself), i.e. 9 family members. We stayed in a 3 BHK Flat. As such, many a times some of the members had to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Sometimes we slept in some order and sometimes in another order. Quite a few times, the youngest of my 3 sisters, who is also just elder to me, slept on the floor with me on one side and my younger brother on the...

3 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 5

I woke up feeling pretty nervous, today was the date with Shaun and Caitlyn. I was still not sure exactly what my feelings on the matter were. I didn't want to lead anybody on, so I resolved to make my mind up. I got up and got on with the business of prettifying myself. I had a quick shower then returned to the room, passing a sleepy looking Nat on the way. After dealing with my hair I went through my outfits. My mother's advice fresh in my mind, I resolved to dress to impress, picking a...

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Two Can Play Ch 11

Rumours were rife. A take-over of Trends Radio parent company was imminent. The international consortium involved were known to be ruthless cost-cutters. Nobody and nothing would be safe. Jobs were on the line and employees eyed their colleagues with suspicion. Plotting and double-dealing became the norm with everybody looking out for number one. After a month of uncertainty rumour became fact and redundancy notices began to be issued. Rachel knew she was doomed. Desmond had grown colder...

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Bromfield s Temptations Ch 07

Chapter 7: In For a Penny Our second night at the studio was much like the first, except that nobody had to disrobe since none of us had dressed. We gathered again in the room furnished with tumbling mats and soft furniture, and watched another tableau. I suppose it was a variation on an old theme — the family that plays together stays together. In this case, the family consisted of mother and son. Blair led his mother out on the stage and showed the audience how rewarding it could be for...

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Choot Phad Diya

hello dost mera naam dhiraj hai.aur main jo kahani sunanay ja raha hoon woh aaj se do mahinay pehalay ki hai. meri umar 24 saal hai aur main orissa main rehta hoon. hamaray mohallay main hi meri khala ka ghar hai aur wahan meri khala aur un ki baiti erum akaili rehti hain. erum ki umar taqreeban 26 saal hai aur ghair shadi shuda hai. erum k do chotay behan aur bhai b thay. magar behan ki raipur shadi ho gai aur bhai delhi main hota hai aur wahin shadi kar rakhi hai. ab aata hoon main kahani ki...

2 years ago
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One Wish

Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape a...

3 years ago
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Ramneet Ki Raabhara Prem

Author: Rahaat Hi i m Rahaat from Haryana (Faridabad city).i m a regular reader of iss. Main aisa koi bhi story nahi chhoda hoon. Har story mein padh leta hoon. Kuch kuch story toh mujhe fantasy hi lagta hai. Lekin kuch story aisa bhi hai jo real lagta hai. Ok bahut ho gaya direct story par ata hu. Mera naam rahaat hai. Meri umar abhi 23 hai. Main abhi padhai kar raha hoon. Main 5’10” ka hoon. Mera lund ka size to nahi jyada bara hai nahi jyada mota hai. Mere lund ka size 8″ ke kareeb hai aur...

3 years ago
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dominant wife and her sissymaid

My wife is 50 but is in very good condition. She goes to the gym twice a week and spends a lot on beauty treatments. She has been cuckolding me for about 10 years. I have not had sex with her for nine years. She keeps me in a CB6000 most of the time and when I am not working to earn money to keep her in luxuries I am dressed in very sissy clothes. My wife began to cuckold me because my cock is small and I could not satisfy her. I encourage her to cuckold me because it excited me to see her...

4 years ago
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Anthea s Baby Part III

Jack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...

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Brother Sister Support Group

If your lover is also your brother or your sister there are usually things that you cannot do that most folks take for granted. You probably can’t talk to your family about your love life. You might even be living a double life, with friends and acquaintances who know that you are a couple, but who don’t know that you are related to each other. I know a woman who has been in a monogamous relationship with her brother for thirty years. Together, they raised their two children created through...

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First Gay Experience In Mumbai Bus

Been here as a long-time reader and finally decided it was time to share my own real life experiences. As a bi-guy, I enjoy sex with women and sometimes with older men. The older man fetish comes from one of my experiences with an older guy who reminded me of how good gay sex was. I say ‘reminded’ because my first ever gay experiences were with my cousin brother when I was barely 6 or 7 years old, then later with another cousin from age 12-14, but those stories are for another time. This...

Gay Male
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First time sucking dad

After my parents got divorced I didn't want to move away from my job or my friends so I stayed with my dad and saw my mum every other weekend. My dad and I pretty much kept to ourselves, he wasn't the most talkative guy and he worked a lot so we didn't see much of each other.I'd known I was gay for a few years, but I'd never done anything with a guy. My sex life consisted of porn and masturbation. When my dad was at work I'd use the computer in the living room to watch porn, private browsing...

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My Best Friends HOT MILF MOM

Ok, I know lots of stories on here may be bull shit but this one is for real! Everybody has friends that you grew up with that had really hot mom's and at one point or another, you would have fucked them if you could! My time DID come one day and I got to do what every boy's dream is!I was in high school and my buddy Steve Bussey, had a mom, Mrs. Bussey, that was absolutely AWESOME! She had a perfect body, big tits that stuck straight out, long legs, blonde hair, blue eyes and an ass to die...

2 years ago
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Jerome usus me as a present for a friend

Jerome uses me as a present for a friend My dear hubby was out of the town and my black lover Jerome called me that Tuesday morning. I was so glad to hear he was in town again… “How is my white slut today… your ass is ready for some action?”. He asked me. Of course I answered my ass was always ready for him, but then he told me that he was planning to give me as a present to one of his friends, the guy had divorced recently and had some trouble also with his work. “My friend needs a good...

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Drunken Delight II

Drunken Delight-II Hi folks [On popular demand, I am adding a second part to 'Drunken Delight' Thanks for the support] [First a quick recap. Ron is married to Sonya but thinks she's quite vanilla. Then, on one magical night when their hot neighbour Debbie comes over, the trio get drunk and the two girls dress up Ron and make him their slavegirl for the night after a dare. The story ended with Sonya saying goodnight to Debbie with Ron in tow in a dress with his wrists tied...

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Essie s New Employee

As I left the main gate of the base, I gave the guard a final salute. With my Honorable Discharge in hand I headed for San Antonio. I would be spending the night at Essie's condo and then on Thursday I would apply for a job at Ward and Ward Co. Ward and Ward Co. is wholly owned by Essie Ward. 'Who is Essie Ward', you may ask? If you haven't been following my story from the beginning, Essie is my love. What started out as a cougar/cub relationship is now a full blown romance. I fell in love with...

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When The Moon Is Full

Before he could knock the door was thrust open. A slender hand with long manicured nails grabbed him by the ear and with a twisting motion pulled him inside. Kimberly Dawson was not particularly tall, but Larry Marx was short for a boy and the way she held his ear forced Larry to crouch. Kim towered over him. "What are you doing here?" she demanded. Larry held flowers in front of her with one had. With his other hand he pulled a crumpled note from his breast pocket, holding out...

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Sissy con carne

You've always known inside that you we're far less heterosexual than everyone might think. It's been a long time since you imagined you were the man getting sucked and fucked in the porn you watch you can't help but imagine taking delicious juicy cock into your mouth and even your ass you'd love to feel these pleasures for real. Luckily fortune seems to be in your favour. You've been invited to a chilli night by your friend and for all it sounds like a casual get together there's much more in...

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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 14

Hi, Pramod here. As all of you have read my other part of the series, I think there is no need for my introduction. Let me introduce the girl of this part of the incident. I had mentioned earlier in a part that I was having a crush on Sujata. After breaking up with Bindu she was in contact and I constantly enquired about Sujata. I didn’t get much information about her. Then I somehow got Sujata’s number from another friend of Bindu. Sujata is a typical Gowda girl. Little on the rough side of...

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John and JoChapter 5

Shortly after she had sent her letter, Jo received a reply from her mother, which she read eagerly, before handing it to John: Dear Jo, We was so glad to get your letter. I am glad that you are safe and happy. You probably won't be surprised to hear that our Billie has got himself locked up in Strangeways. He's not a bad lad, but he's easily led, and was trying to be the big man in front of his mates. Your dad is well and is still working, and our Julie is now married to a lad from...

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My unexpected journey part 6

Life with Kendra and Violet has been wonderful as well. My girlfriend, Kendra, and I have been getting closer and closer every day. Violet and I have had the occasional fooling around but she understands that I am with Kendra and that she has my heart. Not to mention I’m pretty sure that Kendra and Violet have fooled around a bit here and there as well while I’ve been out but we all have a deep understanding of each other. Kendra and I always enjoyed going on shopping sprees here and there....

1 year ago
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Hank Wakes Up The Neighbors Part Six

The next morning, Connie was in the shower, when she suddenly felt a hand massaging her butt, followed by another- it was her sister, Mina. "Hi, sis. I've wanted to fuck you for years- now I get my chance; what do ya say we go for it?" "Ok, but who will dominate whom?" "Let's not worry about that, right now. We've both experienced each side, so let's fuck as equals- sisters." "Alright, sis, but how do you want to fuck me- eating, strap-ons, or both?" "Both, of course. I want to have you several...

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EarthquakeChapter 3

Except for a few dollars, none of these creeps had anything we wanted. Even their guns were not worth taking. We now had enough fuel to reach Cairo, so that problem was solved. Mostly, all we had to worry about now were pirates and snags from sunken vessels. It was strange to me that we had not seen any sign of government help moving to clean up the river. The Mississippi River was too important to ignore. We began to wonder if the disaster had been more than just an earthquake near us and...

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WebYoung Keisha Grey Abella Danger I Really Have To Pee

When teen Keisha Grey gets called away from a night on the town to pick up her step sister Abella Danger, she reluctantly reroutes her cab to Abella’s location and brings the desperate teen home to pee. Troublemaker Keisha thinks it would be funny to mess around with Abella and she blocks her entering the bathroom. But Abella’s bladder can’t wait any longer, she really has to pee. She begs her to let her use the toilet, then pisses her pants, soaking her jean shorts with...

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Janey and the good time

Janey moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was lying naked on her bed, her legs spread widely. She had been so horny all day. Her clit was aching, throbbing for relief, for the feel of a hard cock stuck up her tight, wet cunt. Janey rubbed her nipples, wishing she had a strong, sexy man on top of her to nibble and suck on them instead. She then moved one hand to her clit, which was already dripping with her hot arousal. Her wetness was running all over her legs, soaking up...

Group Sex
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Road Trip with In Laws

Heres a real story. Its from right after me and my MIL started fooling around together.So my wife said she wanted to take a trip to Colorado. My wife hates flying and had mentioned the trip to my in laws and they both thought it would be fun to do. So we loaded up the car and hit the road. I thought perfect my MIL will have to interact with me which she had be reluctant to do since I found out about her affair and been very distant ever since we fucked for the first time. We'll about half way...

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Part 2 of Cabin story my 1st time

Randy and went to the river to fish it got dark on use>, Randy said it be better to stay overnite by river. Than to try to find way back at nite>, He had a 2 man tent is his backpak he set it up I wanted to go back to cabin he foght me down to the ground strip off my colths and started drinking beers he was siting on me as he was drinking after about 3 beers that he drank. He made me drink one (I was d***k i mean i was only 14). he sat on my chest and shove his huge cock down my mouth told...

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Slut Cop Kate Chapter 01 Turned Into A Slut By The Virus

Don’t get me wrong, my city had its fair share of scumbags. And that was why I was in my car in the late hours of the evening, hoping to rid my town of one less scumbag. “Car coming up,” my radio squawked. A non-de*********** 90s Honda Civic rolled up and parked outside the building. “See it.” I pulled out my binocs, watching a line figure come out of the car. What stood out to me was the fact that he was wearing a white jumpsuit and carried a briefcase. He looked around. Satisfied, he let...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2 Chapter 12

We both woke up in the middle of the night to a crashing, raging, howling storm blowing outside. The rainy season had begun with a vengeance. We’d fallen asleep without closing the French doors, which were still standing wide open. Gusts of wind came blowing through periodically, causing the curtains to billow up and swirl around the doors. I got up to close the doors and Anna asked me to leave one of them open, so we could hear the rain and watch the lightening. I returned to bed to find...

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The Awakening Of Mary Part Two

We drove home in virtual silence. I was so horny because of what we had just done but couldn’t help wondering if Mary felt the same. I was now hooked on watching my wife with another man. I was unsure what I would do if she didn’t want to go on.When we arrived home Mary got out of the car saying, "We need to talk" as she disappeared into the house leaving me to put the car away. That’s it, I thought, she’s embarrassed by what’s happened and wants to stop. Damn. I had to try and talk her back...

2 years ago
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Our 1st FULL swap

GF story: He he, we did it, we had our 1st experience with another couple, all the way. As written in previous post, we said we would be visiting Mark & Lisa in Calahonda and so we did.At first we talked for a few hours, just to see how we got along, get a feeling about each other and once that was done and we all had a really good feeling towards all, it happened…..Julie and Lisa went upstairs to change and a few minutes later they both got back downstairs with sexy outfits, Julie laid...

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The Masked Revenge part 1

Okay, so my name is Mindy. My piece of shut husband, John, contacted this dude online and asked him to PhotoShop some pictures of me doing naughty stuff. John has always thought I had a thing for his brother-in-law, but he has no clue. He is a pervert in all the wrong ways. If I ever thought about sex with another man it definitely wasn't him.So, one day, I'm using John's phone and I find these x-rated pictures of me sucking a big, black dick. What the fuck!? I was pissed as hell (as well as...

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Reginald s WivesChapter 7

He mused, “Just like the others” What did she mean by that? He shook his head to clear it, thinking that he read too much into things. He turned back to Reg. “Thanks you for your help, Mr. Robertson; in fact, you and the ladies. You were all helpful, one way or another. I’ll let you know if we have anything to go on.” He left, shaking his head at the oddities of this group of university students, nice as they seemed. Once back at the station, he spoke to the station commander about the...

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This recollection is not about me or my daughter as my wife is still very much alive, but a good friend who liked to confess over a few strong whiskeys. Why he confessed to me I can only guess because I,m a good listener and yes from time to time I had an affair with my daughter Christina though that was some while ago and she is now happily married and has c***dren of her own. I,ll call my friend John though of course that,s not his real name. None of the names I used are real names for...

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Team Photos 12 Lauren

Enjoy PART 12: LAUREN We all just lay there, slowly coming back to our senses after our first little group session. I was desperate to orgasm myself but I figured I could wait for now, I was sure it wouldn’t be long before I got some attention as well. I was so proud of Caitlyn; she seemed to finally be getting over her hang ups about boys and cocks. After a couple of minutes of silence, Caitlyn reached out and lightly touched Alex’s cock, still sticky and shiny from the blowjob...

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My 84 Year Old Lover

So how did I end up living with my 84 year old lover? It started when our clarinet choir was looking for a new practice venue. We booked our local community hall, and there was Mabel to open the hall and lock up when we finished. Mabel was the stand in as Anne the usual hall keeper was away. Mabel would have been stunning in her prime, still naturally blonde, petite, a quiet and private person and she had definitely caught my eye. I made sure I was last to leave and Mabel was in the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Jan Is A Bad Mom

My name is Jan, I’m thirty-three, have long wavy brown hair, trim body, and D-cup breasts. I had my son not long after I turned seventeen and we kinda grew up together, I guess. I live in a fairly small rural community and teen pregnancies were rare to say the least! I started noticing my son Jay’s friends staring at me when they were about sixteen, I guess. Boys that age become very curious about women and their bodies as demonstrated by my son who had a stash of girlie mags under his bed. I...

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Jennifer s Tale Part IV

This story will make much more sense if you read parts I, II, and III first.  Success in Sight. For the rest of that winter after I turned 18, Jamie continued punishing me every Saturday night, supplemented by many impromptu sessions over the living room chair and elsewhere. The Saturday night ritual Jamie had established remained pretty much unchanged. He did add something he called the ‘warm up’ that consisted of maybe 30 or 40 hand spanks before he started with the strap. It didn’t make...

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The Indebted Butler

It had been almost two years since I had loaned Jake money so that he could travel overseas that summer with his friends. I knew then that he may never really be able to pay me the money back, but I didn’t want to deprive him of the experience of going abroad with his friends. One of the things an eighteen year old needs to do is see what other countries are like, so one can appreciate your own country more. Well that and the lifetime camaraderie one builds with your friends on such a trip. As...

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Jessie s Journey Her Final Reward Part 1

Naked, sweaty, and belly-down on the overturned chair, Jessie nonetheless basked in the pleasure of the assembled guests. Despite the bizarre scene, their applause filled her with an enormous sense of pride. Even greater pride than she felt at the office when receiving one of her numerous awards and recognitions. The corners of her mouth curled in a satisfied smile as she realized how strange it was to feel this way.Her thoughts were interrupted when Derek’s fingertips lightly traced patterns...

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The Wayward Daughters

Jack and Sam had been neighbors and best friends since high school, and for years had worked together and played together.  They even arranged to get married together at a double ceremony.  They made a lovely foursome, Jack and Joanne being Caucasian and Sam and Sandra being black.  The guys even lost their wives at the same time, in a freakish bus accident.  Their wives had been passengers on that ill-fated bus.  And both men were left with one child each -- daughters -- their birthdays only a...

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The wonderful feeling of a sissy penetration by yo

Nothing like that initial penetration is soo wonderful however there is so much more for me. just knowing that i intend to give myself to him submitting to his Big Hard Man Cock is a turn on. He wants me ready for him so he can show me his love and make me his girl.The act of preparation, the douching and initial lubing, knowing I'm going be taking a real man cock inside me builds on the sexual emotion and makes me feel so submissive and feminine.laying there in my nighty and panties and...

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The WalletChapter 3

The master suite was a marvel. The main point in the room was the sleep comfort bed. It was a super king. There's plenty of room for my legs. All the furniture was Queen Anne style. It just happened to be my favorite style. Two dressers, and a mirrored chest lined the walls. There also was a piece of furniture that looked like the others. When I opened it there was a full TV Stereo setup. The TV was at least 50 inch. Looking at the wires from the set, the Stereo had to be a Dolby sound...

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Zariya Lakhani s email

The aggressive titles of Zariya's email catches your eye. "Fuck. You. Pig." the titles reads, and you open it up with a wide smile. "I'm literally trembling as I type this. For the better part of your lecture I thought that you were joking, paraphrasing all the things ignorant people have believed for centuries. But you were fucking serious! I've read up about you, and you've got a history or hating on both women and minorities. As a Pakistani woman of colour, I'm sick and tired of hearing old...

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My Daughter s Black BF PT3 Blacken

Kimberly waited over a week for him to visit again. Every day she anticipated it, she even made sure to be dressed for it, but to no avail. Jordan kept her dangling on a string. She finally had to do something. One night when Taylor was showering, she grabbed her phone and got Jordan's number. The next day she called and left a message. Nothing.She called again the next day.Nothing.She called again the next day, this time she left a very dirty message, desperate to get what she wanted, not even...

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