- 2 years ago
- 30
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After dinner on Nikki Armstrong’s first night in the farming and mining servicing town of Thompson, situated around 225 miles south-west of Sydney, her host Duke Caine insisted Nikki call home to tell her mom where she was and what she was doing.
‘Mom will hit the roof when she finds I have left Sydney and when I tell her I got your phone number from Angela, and you invited me to stay with you, she’ll keep on asking questions until she squeezes everything out of me.’
‘What’s wrong with that? You are twenty-three, an adult, and are entitled to screw me if you wish and your mother will know that. Actually she might even remember meeting me. You have to ride through that and not lose your cool too much but remain confident and unyielding. When she knows she’s screwed everything out of you she’ll ask to speak to me.’
‘No, I can’t do it.’
‘If you don’t then forget about sleeping with me.’
‘Duke don’t be such a bastard. If we stay low she’ll never know.’
‘So you have no respect for your mother and no gratitude toward her since she gave birth to you and reared you?’
‘Christ Duke, you are so unfair pressuring me like this.’
Duke smiled, knowing he was winning. ‘I’ll tell you what Nikki, forget about me asking to call your mom and being honest with her.’
‘Thank Christ for that,’ Nikki sighed.
‘All I ask is for you to do the right thing.’
Her relaxing look vanished and she glared.
‘You bastard.’ Her shoulders slumped.
Fifteen minutes later when Duke was drying the roasting dish, Nikki called, ‘I’m making the call now. Come hold my hand.’
Duke walked into the room and stopped. Nikki was bare to the waist.
‘Christ what are you doing?’
She smiled. ‘Would you like to get your mouth buried into this pair? The truth please.’
‘Well yeah.’
‘Oh Duke your bubbling enthusiasm really excites me. You used the same tone as if replying after I’d asked you the time or to empty the trash can.’
‘Nikki you are making me nervous. I replied cautiously in case you were setting a trap. Of course I want to lick and saliva all over your tits and belly, lick and bite your pussy and bang you till your ears are ringing and your eyes are popping.’
Nikki’s face and neck coloured hugely and she said hoarsely, ‘Steady on Duke, you’re making me all hot and bothered and mom will ask have I just had sex.’
Duke grinned and said then why did she display her tits?
‘Because I want you to see what you’ll miss if we don’t handle this phone call well and mom orders me home immediately or say she’ll never wish to see me again.’
‘Do parents still excommunicate their kids these days?’
‘Of course they do and the misdeeds have intensified in both number and seriousness over the decades.’
‘Well why not just phone your mother and deal with an actual potential crisis instead of us dwelling on worse-case scenarios?’
‘I agree so give me mom’s phone number.’
‘What are you getting at? I have no idea of you mother’s phone number or why you are asking me for it.’
‘It really was a test. You expect to have lots of sex with me and yet you don’t know anything about me and don’t even have my mother’s phone number.’
‘Right,’ Duke snorted. ‘Let’s agree here and now we’ll not have sex for thirty days, the pause being used to find out about each other and for me to memorize your mother’s phone number.’
Nikki looked dismayed. ‘Um Duke let’s just forget about what I just said. I’m phoning mom right now.’
Duke sat beside Nikki and pulled her against him and began playing with one of her breasts. She’d not covered them up. The both watched the nipple begin to stiffen under the attention it was received and then she connected through to her mom.
Duke began licking the nipple and Nikki began sweating.
‘I met him at a Building Trades Show in Sydney, remembering he was the Aussie who was Angela’s uncle. You must remember him, you met him when he visited Ashburton about seven years ago with his parents. His mom and Angela’s mom are sisters. He’s been back twice since then.’
‘I can’t say I do.’
‘Tall, almost blond curly hair, great tan and very good looking. He’s thirty-four now.’ ‘Oh yes, vaguely.’
‘Well he’s an electrical contractor,’ Nikki lied. ‘I was on the train going to Dubbo for a look around when I saw him on the station at a place called Orange. On the spur of the moment I jumped off and greeted him and the train moved off and I couldn’t get back on. He just laughed and said I could also get a train later if there was one or the next day but why not come and visit Thompson where he lives and is doing some work for a gold mining company.’
‘That is a very strange and rather irresponsible thing to do darling.’
‘Well I loved Thompson and returned to Sydney to collect my things and have just shifted into Duke’s home. He has a pal who’s an architect and I have already been hired for full time work,’ Nikki said, continuing to lie.
‘Who else lives in the house with Duke?’ Nikki’s mother asked suspiciously.
‘Oh Misty.’
‘Darling I don’t like the sound of this at all. I…’
‘Mom I’ll put Duke on. He’s here with me.’
Nikki spread her knees, pulled up her dress and placed the hand from on her breast on to her pussy and handed the phone to the fascinated Duke who began working his fingers in.
‘Oh hi Mrs Armstrong. I asked Nikki to phone you because I know how mothers might worry if their daughter was already alone in Sydney in a not favourable situation and now had left the city under this new arrangement.’
‘We’ll yes. I…’
‘Mrs Armstrong what with the druggies, pimps doing everything to recruit young women as prostitutes and warring street gangs, I can tell you I’m so relieved that your vulnerable daughter is out of that hellhole where she was staying. Thompson is such a conservative community and Misty has taken a great liking to Nikki and I have introduced Nikki to our close neighbours Mrs De Vito who is so excited at having an architectural draughtswoman living so close to them because her husband is a builder. Nikki has also met Mrs Debra Collins who is so keen to learn about New Zealand and German-born Mrs Gretchen Collins is so keen to converse in French with your daughter.’
‘Omigod this is such a huge turnaround from the gloom and doom I was hearing from Nikki in Sydney… no job, not meeting people… a little scared. I’m so happy she’s met you and Misty. Um what sort of relationship do you have with Misty?’
By this point Duke’s fingers were sloshing and Nikki had a hand over her mouth to stop emitting noisy gurgles.
‘Well to tell you the truth Mrs Armstrong I can’s keep my hands off Misty.’
‘Oooh,’ said Mrs Armstrong and at the same time Nikki puffed, turned very red and came over Duke’s fingers.
‘I’ll put you over to Nikki Mrs Armstrong. It’s a hot day here and she might sound a little short of breath. I must switch on the air-conditioning.’
‘Hi mum,’ Nikki said, taking the phone and looking at Duke murderously.
‘I’m so happy for you. It appears you have fallen into a great niche. I’ll no longer worry about you and please just do everything Mr Caine asks you to do as he’s being very generous to you. He sounds a lovely man. Please keep in touch darling and unless there are more things you wish to discuss I must let you go to get on with it.’
‘Thanks and bye mum,’ Nikki said, looking astonished.
She smiled at Duke. ‘Did you hear mum say I’m to do everything you ask?’
‘Yeah I heard it loud and clear. I wonder if she knows you lie to her? It doesn’t really matter. It’s game time. I want you to call me daddy and to unzip me. At your age you ought to know what to do after that.’
‘Yes daddy. I’m expected to lick your engorged pecker and proceed from there but first I must go to the bat
hroom. I’m soaking around my pussy and it’s run on to the sofa.’
‘Stay where you are because there’s not problem. That’s why men and sexy women who make the buying decisions choose leather sofas and leather armchairs. They are so easy to clean.’
Nikki fluttered her eyelids and said oh daddy.
She unzipped Duke and struggled to get it all out and said, ‘Omigod I can’t take all this up my butt.’
‘Relax dear, one step at the time, huh?’
‘Yes daddy. I love you. I’ll kiss you now daddy and later when I have a mouthful of cum and pussy juice.’
‘Oh you are such a grateful young bitch Nikki… do you think we might have less talk and more action?’
‘Yes daddy.’
Nikki formed her lips into a big O and hitched up her dress fully so was all gathered in a band round her waist and took the head of the dick into her mouth. At the same time she swivelled, hoisting her butt into the air alongside daddy. He wet a finger in pussy and it slid quite easily into her butt hole.
Nikki grunted, pulled off his dick and said, ‘Angela and I have horsed around for years with dildos and vibrators so I’m not tight in the butt. We thought we were committed lesbians but both moved into men about three years ago.’
‘So you have taken a real dick up the ass?’
‘Yes but nothing like your size so forget it.’
She later pulled off her dress and went on to the sofa on her knees, leaning her tits over the back of the sofa and playing with them as daddy licked up and down her butt crack and into her fat, bald pussy. With that done he worked in his dripping erection and they both groaned in satisfaction and felt the heat generating between them.
Daddy soon found his little darling was experienced at thrusting to bang in hard against him as he ended his thrust. Either that or she had an innate sense of good timing. She took all he had, leaving him feeling his balls were left gasping each time he plunged forward. When the time came to pick up the pace she yelled, ‘Pull my head back by the hair daddy.’
Daddy obliged, taking care not to hurt her but she yelled ‘Harder’ and so she got it harder in hair pulls as well as cock thrusts and she came hugely. A big smile appeared on his face as his eyes closed and he bit into his bottom lip and flooded her.
‘Christ you can fuck,’ she said in awe, gazing at him.
The reply was modest. ‘I always try to please a lady. Have a doze while I run a bath for you and we’ll then go out for dinner.’
Returning from her bath Nikki took a call. It was Angela.
‘What kind of stunt are you pulling on your mother? She just called me to ask was Misty a nice woman. I only just avoided landing you in the crap.
‘Oh shit, sorry. What was said?’
‘Fortunately she began by saying your were staying with Duke. Oh hello I thought. I bet that little tramp has plans for my uncle. And then your mother said she was pleased you were out of that hole you’d landed in at Sydney and gave me brief details how you’d found Duke in Sydney and then again standing on a rail station platform way out in the wops towards Dubbo. Oh hello I thought to myself, this sounds like bullshit to me. So when she said what did I know about the woman called Misty I knew what to say.’
‘Well you always were intelligent.’
‘Thanks you slut.’
‘I asked your mum what did she want to know. She said she was happy for you to be staying with my young Uncle Duke providing he had a woman in the house with him and that told me Misty the cat had been made to sound like an adorable woman. I said my uncle was conservative and only liked screwing one woman at a time and she had to be reliable, loyal and clean around the house, from what I’d heard. Your mom said well it was a relief to hear that and of course I then had to tell my mom confidentially her brother in OZ was probably screwing you.’
‘Oh god, the noose round my neck tightens.’
‘No it’s okay you lucky bitch. She promised to maintain the pretence provided I promised never to allow Duke to screw me. I did that, sadly. Often when I play in bed I think it’s you or Uncle Duke. If you haven’t fucked him yet when will you do it?’
‘Tonight I hope. He’s awfully cute and I think he’d beginning to catch on that I’m not too young for him,’ Nikki lied because the age difference had not been discussed.
Nikki then had an idea how she might be able to reward her friend. ‘I can call Roy and suggest he dates you.’
‘Nah, he’s a big young for me.’
‘Darling you must not say a word to anyone about this, promise?’
‘What about Roy’s dad.’
‘God you slut, you’ve also been fucking Charlie White?’
‘I can’t believe it. Wow, yes please. Please give him a call and say I’m very, very interested and can be trusted to keep my mouth shut and move about discreetly.’
‘Okay you slut,’ Nikki giggled.
* * *
Duke looked forward immensely to Saturday’s barbie. He’d always wanted to host one since arriving in Thompson but believed being unattached it was not suitable for him to invite families. ‘Duke and his cat Misty invited you to a barbeque did not suggest a ring of confidence but Duke and Nikki certainly did. YES! On Thursday he distributed the formal invitations to the letterboxes of the three invited families and next afternoon the women on the way to the school gates confirmed acceptance.
Then the demands began and Nikki found that intriguing.
Debra said, ‘Our husbands want to bring beer, saying they won’t feel right going to a barbie without taking beer.’
‘Well I was buying a full range of beer to cover all tastes,’ Duke mused. ‘Okay we don’t wish to offend the blokes. Tell them they can bring beer.’
Gretchen said, ‘I wish to bring dips and snacks the kids will like. You two are not married so won’t be up to speed catering for children.’
‘Oh that’s a perfect solution,’ Nikki cooed, giving Duke no option but to agree and then Gina said, ‘It’s traditional for the women guests to arrive with salads. I’ll arrive with a half dozen salads.’
‘Fine,’ sighed Duke, now wondering if it really would be his barbecue.
He and Nikki went to a fish vendor on Saturday early afternoon, Duke knowing fresh supplies would have arrived by truck from Sydney for the weekend. They then went to the supermarket and purchased sauces, red and white wine, a selection of meats and some frozen prepared fish. They arrived home with several pounds of snags (sausages), steaks, salmon cutlets, beef rissoles, prawns, squid rings and a range for fish plus bell peppers, onions and firm tomatoes to make into fish kebabs.
Nikki made a non-alcoholic punch and they had a couple of hours’ sleep and arose at 4:00 refreshed and after a shower dressed and were ready to greet their guests.
The event was a raging success. Nikki was welcomed and that pleased her and as a result of that evening Duke felt at last he was entrenched in his local community. He proved to be an accomplished chef and received high praise. Later, with most of the kids asleep or almost asleep inside the house, he had to withstand several determined attempts by the drunk Gina to grope him. Her husband didn’t appear to mind, in fact he was busily playing his guitar, but he kept an eye on them to ensure they didn’t slope off. When Gina tired of getting nowhere she led the communal singing and a couple of the older kids came out and joined in.
Gretchen and her husband Bevan stayed behind to help clean up and when Bevan was walking off with Pauline and Frederick she kissed Duke good night, pushing a leg between his thighs and ramming her tongue into his mouth, confirming what Nikki had said about Gretchen keeping a sneaky eye on him. Well, well.
Duke had never had so much sex like this but sadly it seems all good things must end. Three weeks after the barbie, Gina and Carlo hosted a farewell party for Nikki. She’d been unable to find work
locally but had applied for a position in an architect’s office in Melbourne and was hired on the spot when she went down to be interviewed.
Duke was unhappy about her leaving but knew she wanted to continue her career and it appeared she preferred a bigger place than Thompson to live happily. He took the weekend off and drove her to Melbourne, Misty going with them.
On Monday afternoon the three mothers arrived outside Duke’s home five minutes early and he went down and chatted to them, accepting they were attempting to cheer him.
‘Thanks girls but I’ll live.’
‘Gina and I are prepared to take turns to visit you occasionally to ensure you don’t forget what a women in like,’ Gretchen said. ‘Understandably right now in her condition Debra regrets…’
‘It’s okay and thanks for your offer of such outstanding support but no way do I wish to be involved in anything that could land you guys in trouble with your husbands. We’d never get away with it long term. Something will turn up, you’ll see.’
The next day Duke ordered materials to build the laundry at the rear of his home alongside the small porch. It had been approved already, being incorporated in the plan for the original modifications he’d submitted to the local authority. It was something to do to keep himself occupied and burn up some energy.
Remarkably, something turned up on Friday, just as Duke had prophesised.
Duke was called to the office of the mining company’s general manager in Dubbo who controlled operations at the company’s three mines in the region. The city of 30,000 people and some 250 miles west of Sydney, was almost a two and a half hour drive from Thompson.
‘Hi Duke,’ said the white-haired GM, Terry Bolt, shaking hands. They’d met occasionally, usually at planning meetings, internal enquiries or on social occasions involving senior personnel. He turned and said, ‘I’d like you to meet Mrs Wilson, our new admin officer at Thompson Mine. She takes over when Ralph retires on Friday week.’
‘Hi Mrs Wilson.’
The good-looking woman of around forty smiled and said, ‘Hi Duke, please call me Thelma. I’ll get straight to the point. I have separated from my scurrilous husband and have filed for divorce. The bastard has been threatening me so I decided to bury myself towards the outback and applied for this position but only just got it because Terry here considered I was over qualified. I’d been a public accountant in Sydney. I need a safe house here and your mine manager, Terry and I went through all the possibilities.’
‘With that done I wish to proposition you. I would like to rent a room from you for $400 a week that I’m told is well in excess of the going average rental for a room in Thomson which I understand is $140.00. I will pay half the running costs of your home as well including food and liquor bills. This is a good deal and in return I require you to protect me in the unlikely event of my husband tracking me down to Thompson. He’s not a violent man, just a bully and can’t bear the thought of me walking out on him. Well that’s it.’
‘Well this is an unusual request. I take it you will get an attractive settlement when the divorce process concludes?’
‘A very attractive package but you need not worry. I already have my own money and will be paid a good salary here and the fact is what I’m suggesting would cost me less that buying my own cottage and paying 100% of all outgoings.’
Duke looked thoughtful and said, ‘I live in a close community. My neighbours will probably think you and I are having it off.’
‘Well if you’re worried about what the neighbours think don’t enter into an arrangement with me. It’s as simple as that.’
Duke smiled and said it was Thelma’s reputation that he was worried about.
‘My mother operates a brothel in Sydney and many of my clients were aware of that because she is such a character. So do you think I worry about my reputation? My clients were more interested in my performance as their personal accountant or their business’s external auditor.’
‘Yeah I’m happy to be your landlord.’
‘That tone doesn’t sound very enthusiastic?’
‘Thelma that’s how I am. You’ll get used to it. I’ll also tell my neighbours you are my auntie.’
‘Well then we have a deal?’
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It started simple enough, while looking for a present for mothers day you were wandering around Bed Bath and Beyond. Well over your head you had no idea what to get or what was good, but didn't have the common sense to ask anyone. It was then that you noticed the Beyond section. Odd that nobody else seemed to notice. Thinking to yourself what the heck why not you head in. This area looks more like a factory then a store, a stark contrast to the rest of the place. So you continue down. "Ah good...
Mi allungo verso la figa aperta e tumida di Chiara mentre Carlo, in piedi al lato del letto, dietro di me, mi prende per i fianchi e sistema il mio culo in direzione del suo cazzo incappucciato. Chiara scivola sotto di me, spalancando le gambe e spingendo coi talloni sul materasso: il plug anale nero che indossa si muove quando lei contrae l'addome muovendosi sul letto, e il movimento del giocattolo mi eccita da impazzire. Le mie labbra incontrano la sua figa nello stesso momento in cui le sua...
Don, for those of you who haven't yet read my earlier journal entries, Don is my father. As a child, he was something of a Boy Edison and had acquired his first pattern by the age of sixteen. He had two more by the time he graduated from high school. He's never invented anything that changed the world, like Edison's light bulb or phonograph, but they did earn him a sizable income. Like Edison, he started out with a tiny workshop but now has several large buildings behind our beautiful, old...
IncestIn the mid-nineties, on a foggy winter morning I along with my wife arrived at Amritsar. We wanted to visit the Golden Temple and Wagah border gate closing ceremony. I was working in Indian Air Force and was moving on transfer from my place of posting at Srinagar. Before joining in my next place of posting at Air Force station, Bagdogra, we had decided to visit the Golden Temple. Upon reaching Amritsar, we directly went to the Golden Temple. There were free lodge and board facilities. The...
“How are you doing?” Patrick asked as he arrived home. “Good. I wrote some and had a long talk with Sayuri.” “Ooh?” “She really likes Al. Possibly seriously. But she thinks her father will explode. She also knows that Al has been sexually active and she’s quite virginal.” “Not my problem.” “No. But it may be mine. I’m going to call Al and ask about his intentions.” “You sound like a Victorian parent.” “No, I’m here in New South.” Patrick stared at her for a moment. “You’re not...
I had tried for some time to entice my hunky neighbor into a sexual relationship without success. So, you can imagine my shock when I walked into our pool room and found my husband down on his knees sucking that hunky neighbor’s cock.My husband Stanley was a successful businessman who had grown his father’s wholesale toy business into the premier company of its type in the country. He also was well known for being a horny dude with a long string of successes in bedding numerous hot and sexy...
CheatingThe morning after my first fuck with Sam, I woke up with a raging hardon. I reflected on how lucky I had been that he was interested in trying sex with me. It could have ended badly if he had been insulted or homophobic. I relived the feeling of his hairy body against mine, his thick veiny cock fucking both my mouth and ass and I jacked off in my bed. We had left it open-ended without any commitment to meet again, so I wondered if he would still be interested. I decided to give him a couple...
Gay MaleLast night several things happened that were new and felt very good. One started when, after a bunch of handgasms, I was lying beside the Caveman and he let me touch his cock. Often, when he’s concentrating on giving me orgasms, he keeps my hands from his penis (despite my best efforts to sneak down there). I’m slowly learning to accept this concept of uninterrupted concentration because I’m quite different. I like the sensations to be happening all over the body. I’ll gladly have a penis in...
I was flying back from a job assignment for which I could have fix from my home if they allowed VPN. I was annoyed with them so I tripled my fee and charged them the travel costs and time. Then the aircraft announcement. Due to changes in the government travel all incoming travellers must now be isolated at a hotel at the government costs. Damn I was to stay at an inner city hotel for 14 bloody days. Damn, Damn, Damn. I added the cost to the client bill as they demanded a physical...
Carol entered the building looking around at the large number of people that were already at the unveiling of the new art exhibit. Normally Carol wasn't interested in this sort of highbrow event, but she wanted to get out and mingle. It had been too long since she'd broken up with her boyfriend, and needed some human contact. She paused and look at her reflection in the mirrored display case. She was wearing a black dress with a plunging neck line, and no bra. The dress clung to her every curve...
BisexualChapter 7Al handed me one last green drink, “For the road,” before my escort of big black men walked me out to a cab awaiting us.I climbed in after Levant, before Al, and behind Geo. I slurred my words a bit but managed to ask, “Arer you taking me homemm? I, ah, need tu guo home now.”Al said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, “Yes, the party’s over and we’re taking you right home now,” just as Keith climbed in behind the wheel.Al said, “Geo, make the call.” I remember that, I...
It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. She slipped on her little cotton dress, it was simple but she knew it was one of His favorites. Her excitement showed in her face, as she carefully packed all His favorites for their picnic. Breadsticks, cheese, strawberries and melon. Finally two wine glasses and their favorite white wine. Checking in the mirror one last time knowing He would be pleased, she went to meet Him.As she crossed the lush grass in the park, she saw Him waiting there, watching for...
I lay there beside Lori, still with my prick inside her little blue cotton knickers and her hot wet pussy till she slowly opened her eyes and groaned, ‘Fuck, Adam, that was out of this world – you almost drove me wild when you put your prick inside the leg of my knickers and into my hot wet little pussy then, when you came inside me, that was it.’ ‘So you liked it then, Lori?’ I asked, gently easing my prick first out of her pussy then her knickers, ‘You liked having my prick inside you like...
Not So Little Little Girls Players: Mark McLuhan, (Cindy Sue) first year collage student and marketing intern at Little Miss Muffin, Inc.; Ms. Helen Pennyworth, owner and president of Little Miss Muffin Inc.; Carol Winters Vice President of Marking for LLM; Susan Evans, Product Manager of LLM; Julie Pennyworth, sister to Helen and professional dominatrix and practicing nurse. Tracy Manchester, Mark's School Advisor; Hazel Worthington, dress designer for LLM. Terry Weathers and...
"Many sounds can be heard. The sounds of the environment such as flowing lava, erupting volcanoes, burning forests, firestorms, and sounds from the creatures living within these areas, such as roars, hisses, screams, howling, and many more. What place can harbor such conditions? It is none other than Hell. The skies are colored red with blood colored clouds strolling by the flaming sun. The realm is full of demons and sinful souls, as punishment for committing sins in the land of the living....
FantasyIt was August 6th when Harry and Hermoine left for Kings Cross Station. Hermoine’s mom had already bought all their supplies so they did not need to go to Diagonal Alley. At the station, they met Ron and Ginny, the only two Weaselys left to go to school. On the train Ginny went to sit with her friends and Hermoine went to sit with Seventh-year Guys, which left Ron and Harry alone in the last compartment. As the train continued towards Hogwarts, Harry and Ron talked about their summers...
I had been married 27 years and my sex life had been pretty pitiful, being rejected by my sex addict husband who didn't want me. When we split up I hadn't dated since the late 80s. I was feeling pretty rough, unwanted and and not sure if I'd be desirable. I met a guy online and we started talking, this 29 year old gorgeous intelligent personal trainer who happened to be black. I'd never been with a black guy before, not because that mattered, I'd just never had the opportunity. When I finally...
I summoned all the strength in the suit, and when I hit the door, I didn't just knock it down, I shattered it, with pieces of it preceding me into the room like shrapnel. I charged into the room beyond like a runaway semi, taking in the scene inside as I went. There were about 15 or so people inside, with guards where Jim had told us they were. I ran right over the one stationed at the door I'd demolished, staightarming him into unconsciousness. His weapon spiraled away somewhere,...
This chapter is essentially, all about Harry and Susan as their relationship develops to a new level and a new understanding. Lois and Carol return, briefly, and give Diane the chance to add two and two together. ‘So who else went to Byron,’ asked Aunt Diane, ‘was it just you and Al with Garry and Emma?’ ‘No, there were two others, Lynn, who is Al’s new girlfriend, plus Freddy, Al’s sister.’ ‘Odd name for a young woman,’ ‘Short for Alfreda, she reminded me of you.’ ‘Why do you say that?’ ...
The summer of 2012 held promise, far beyond anything Hollie had ever had the nerve to imagine. It had started in the most inappropriately innocent way, with a smashed wing mirror, clearly the work of the latest preteen daredevil gang. That had caused a trip down to the nearest scrap yard and it was there, amongst the totalled convertibles and the old Fords, that she’d reconnected with Daniel Evans. He was one of those men that her father would have instantly disapproved of, with his smudged...
Once she let me out, I stood as I normally do and watched her drive away. She wasn't going to go to my house today, but had told me to expect an email later. In it she would explain why she had me dress as a normal girl for a few days. She also said she would tell me what to wear in the morning to walk to school. I stood and waited until I no longer saw her car and then slowly walked to my house. My bells were ringing as I walked and I think if anyone had been out they would have heard...
The door to the club opens and Mr. Glass walks in, tall, good-looking; trench coat damp from rain. Amber's running her third set on the main stage behind me while Kat works the side stage. The music is loud, heavy with beat. I watch him stroll across the floor to the manager' office as my customer plays with my ass. We're not supposed to let them touch us like this but hard times have made us desperate. Management looks the other way as much as they can. Mr. Craven gets word that the man has...
ReluctanceThe next morning I showed up at her door 20 minutes before school started. The door bell didn't work so I knocked. A grossly obese woman - probably only in her early or mid thirties, but it was hard to tell, opened the door. "Who are you?" she demanded, "and what do you want?" She had only a slight resemblance to Fran, but it had to be her mother. "My name is George, Ms. McNair," I replied civilly. "I am a class mate of Fran's and we're riding to school together." "You're the...
Hello, Jane here. It’s Saturday morning and I’m running round as usual doing all the old dears’ hair ready for their weekly big night out. Mrs Jordan is 92 and I have just put her under the dryer and she has fallen straight asleep. I need to keep on top of all my hairdressing appointments today, as Mr J is coming to visit tonight. The text message came in yesterday, fancy a visitor? And I do fancy this particular visitor - very much indeed.It has been a harrowing week at my regular quality...
Straight SexGod was still scowling when Michael ushered a stoop shouldered, little old man into His office. An unruly shock of white hair rimmed a ruddy scalp with age spots. The old man's looks didn't match his spry step and bright eyes. "You may sit there, Sir" Michael instructed courteously. God's eyes widened when the old man said, "Thank you, Sonny. If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know." "I think..." and at the man's raised finger, choked as if swallowing what...
We were going to the performance of a stage hypnotist. My roommate, Leslie, had been given two tickets -- for free -- by some guy she met in a mall. He told her he was a 'front man' for the hypnotist and that giving away the tickets was some kind of media thing. A lot of folks would have simply accepted that. I was skeptical. "You're always suspicious of everything, Rhonda," my roomie said with a pout. "I suppose it keeps you out of trouble, but it also keeps you from having any...
That was the most erotic experience to date having my chance to help Nathan and Julia. The memories would flood back at me with very little help in bringing them on. Yet with good memories there were the bad ones. The one you compared to having an extraction without Novocain still it wouldn’t come to the bad memory with some case. I immediately realized I was good at this. The whole process was just momentous when it was on target. Never having contact with the subject after it made the sexual...
Desert Heat – Part 12Monday morning came early and neither Ginger nor I felt like hitting the road for another 10 days out in the small dusty desert town, but duty called and we loaded up and hit the road. On the way down, Ginger talked about Bill and Olga. She said she liked them and was grateful for them helping her to get out of her shell and she enjoyed what happened with them last week. However, after what happened this weekend at home, she asked if it would be okay if we took things...
=================================== I was depressed over the next few days, as all I could think about was Lela's pregnancy, and how sad she'd looked as she'd left me. Lela still took me every night that Gina didn't sneak into my room, but never showed herself again. If my math was correct, I was getting close to being done with my strengthening treatments as it was nearly the end of the promised two weeks, and I was afraid she would abandon me after that. I still feared that my...
After our morning sex, mom would go put her makeup on. By this time in our new relationship, my mother had become a creature of my making. Over the past several months I had made her buy a whole new wardrobe. I'm proud to say that my mother no longer owned any white or pink underwear of any kind. All her bras and panties, when I let her wear them, were all brightly colored and very sultry, slutty, one or the other or both! After the first month of our new relationship I had made her get her...
I know he’s there, even if he isn’t.What I mean is that I can never know if he’s there, but he’s so real in my mind that he’s always there when I perform.Oh dear, I’m not explaining this very well, am I?It’s like this. My husband, John, spends every other working week abroad. I’ve never had any reason to imagine that he’s been anything other than completely faithful to me, but at the same time I’m a realist. I know that things can happen, that temptation can ensnare. Where does that line come...
Wife LoversChapter II The adventure continues with Terri and Mike spying on their neighbors and getting aroused themselves and fucking twice in one day, something they haven’t done in sometime. Mike rolled over to snuggle with Terri when he discovered she was not here. Sitting up he looked at the small clock located next to the bed. The large red numbers indicated it was only 2:00 AM . Thinking that maybe she went to the bathroom Mike looked in that direction but there was no light coming from under...