The Boy s Story another chapter 17 Soundi
- 2 years ago
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Without a sound she lies on the floor. The tears roll down her face, as herwhole body trembles. Pressing her arms tightly to her chest, pulling her kneesup, she tries to curl into a ball, but once again the uncontrolled sobbingrips trough her body.
"My God….."
The whisper is hoarse, coming from a throat damaged by screaming.
"My God…"
The sound of her voice is not the only thing she can hear, there is a televisionset going on softly in the background, a chirrup of commercials, all excitedvoices and frantic music ricocheting around the house. But to her this is asound from another world. Her whisper is the only thing real enough just now.
"My God, my God…"
She isn't talking to anyone in particular. There isn't anyone around. Sheis the only person in the house.
Her throat tightened yet again as the tears gush forth. She spits on thefloor, trying to free her self from the taste in her mouth. Her body is tremblingand she can not stop it. There is no getting up or even leaving the foetalposition, she doesn't have the strength or courage to try.
"My God…" She closes her eyes as if that could erase the reality forlong enough to allow her to compose herself. But the images come back the samemoment.
"My God…" she cries, this time in a louder voice, before it subsidesto a painful whisper again. "He raped me…"
The music and voices on TV continue unimpressed. She isn't addressing anyonewith her confession anyway.
"He raped me. He raped me. He raped me. He raped me."
She repeats the words over and over in a monotone, gravid whisper. It hurtsher throat to form the words but still she repeats them. There is no otherway to face the fact. She repeats the words, soaking herself in pain and shameof it all. She was raped. She was raped in her home. She was brutally rapedin her home by a youth less than half her age. She was brutally raped in herhome by a mere boy. She was brutally assaulted and raped in her home by herson's friend, Jeremy.
"Yes Ms. Evans, I would like a cup of coffee, that would be nice."
She was aware of the way Jeremy was looking at her. All of her son's friendswere looking at her that way, when they thought she wasn't noticing. It madeher feel different things. Guilt and lust. Getting horny from being eyed bya bunch of teenagers was bad. It had to be bad. Touching herself afterwards,imagining how they must be masturbating thinking of Ms. Evans' still attractivebody had to be bad. She felt guilty. She felt torn between her instincts andher upbringing, between her role of a mother and housewife and the desperateheat she felt between her legs. Her husband never understood and she knew henever would. She was a good wife and mother and he was a good husband and father.But she could not help getting aroused by seeing her son's friends look ather candidly, when they thought she was not aware.
Jeremy was different than others. He did not seem to care that she couldtell he was looking at her. He was the same age, as others, yes, but he lookedolder, bigger, stronger, more mature than any of her son's friends. He playedfootball. He had a short, spiky hair and a tattoo on his right arm. He didnot seem to care that she could tell, he was looking at her, eyeing her, strippingher with his eyes.
It was bad. It was bad to feel this way. Jeremy was just a boy and he hadno business looking at her the way he did. He made her feel like a slut sittingon that sofa, staring at her legs, his arms casually on his thighs, as if hewas getting ready to peel his combat trousers any moment. She walked into thekitchen to get him coffee. She knew his eyes never left her body.
Her son was out. Didn't Jeremy know about that? Apparently no. He didn'tseem to mind, though, unlike other kids, he had no problems inviting himselfin and placing his large body on the sofa in the living room. It made her feelawkward. He was acting like an adult, which was wrong. He stared at her asif she was a whore. That had to be wrong.
She tries to prevent herself, but finally it all comes out. It was a smallwonder she did not throw up during the rape. There was plenty of opportunitiesthere. But only now, lying on tiles in her kitchen, crying with barely anysound, her body gives in gives out. The taste is bitter and her whole bodyhurts as convulsions make her thrash on the floor.
There was no sound as he followed her into the kitchen. Maybe it was thenoise from the television set in the living room that masked his movement.Or… Maybe he was just extra-silent, like a predator stalking his prey.
"MY GOD, Jeremy, you scared me!!"
She jumped when she felt his hand on her back. She never knew he was behindher before he touched her through her dress.
"Oh, I am sorry.", his voice went down a few tones and he added a few extravowels to 'sorry'. "Didn't know you were so easily scared."
"What is it?", she asked. This was a stupid question, but she could not thinkof anything else. The surprise of his hand touching her, the unease of havinghim so near. The… fear. He was not supposed to be here, he was not supposedto follow her into the kitchen. He was not supposed to touch her, by God, shecould be his mother. He was not supposed to put his hand on her. He was notsupposed to have his hand on her. He should have removed it.
"Jeremy, what do you want?"
Instead of answering her question, his smile widened as he moved his handdown her back. Sliding it down her ass made him chuckle smugly.
"I like the way you play this game, Ms. Evans. You're a real actress."
The rage. This is what she should have felt.
"What do you think you're doing?"
Her voice should have been firm, strong, authoritative. She was an adult,he was just a teenager. Her voice alone should have put him in his place. Butit was not firm or strong or authoritative. It was trembling along with herthroat, along with the rest of her body.
He did not answer her question. Instead, he pressed his lips against hers.
The rage. This is what could have helped.
She tried to back away, but there was really no room for that where she wasstanding. She pulled back violently. Fear and not rage. Fear. Not rage.
She pulled her had back violently.
His cheek went red. She has never hit her son with this much force. She wasnever enraged at her son. No. She was never scared of her son. She was neverscared like this.
Jeremy smiled.
"That's just my cue, Ms. Evans, I believe."
His… cue?
Her head snapped back when the flash before her eyes exploded out of nowhere.He hit her. Then he hit her again, with his open hand. Once, twice, three times.Her head bounced right, left and right. No, this could not be happening. Thiscould never happen.
"You like it when I hit you?" asked Jeremy. His voice was unbelievably calm.Confidential even, like they were secret lovers, hiding their passion fromthe world.
"You… You… animal!!!! Leave me alone THIS INSTANT!!!"
Her words carried the command with them, but her voice sounded more likea plea.
"Oh, no, Ms. Evans, that would be no fun, no fun at all, would it?"
He grabbed her hair and pulled her head to the back. His lips pressed againsthers once again, but this time he was not kissing her. This could not be akiss, no one has ever kissed her like this. He forced his tongue through herlips, pressed together tightly, pulled her hair savagely until she allowedhim to French-kiss her. He used his teeth on her lips, biting her as if hewanted to bite them off. He pressed her against the wall, pushing his crotchinto her, he pulled her hair hard, he breathed hard, he was hard all over.
As soon as her mouth was free she was screaming at him. But Jeremy kept hiscalm. Holding her tightly pressed against the wall, he took a handful of fabricof her dress and looked straight into her eyes. Then he made one violent move.
The sound is frightening. She can hear it in her head. It burns through hermind. The sound of tearing fabric is frightening. Paralysing.
He tore her dress off in one violent move. There was nothing, there was nothinglike this that she ever felt before. Complete helplessness, complete and uttershame. She was more naked in front of him than she was ever naked before. Naked,in her underwear, in front of a violent, strong big teenager that was her son'sfriend.
She covered her breasts with her arms, but Jeremy had other plans. Her armswere pushed to the side, her bra was torn off her body.
Now she was screaming. No more words, there was nothing to be said and nothingthat would make any sense. There was no sense. There was just panic. She knewnow. She knew. The word formed in her mind. She knew what he would do. Sheknew what he would do to her.
She was screaming.
Then he hit her again. This time it was with more force. It felt as if hewas losing control. It felt as if he really wanted to hurt her this time.
"Shut the fuck up!!! Shut the fuck up, bitch!! Do you want all your neighboursto bang on your door, eh?"
"Jeremy!", she was gasping for breath. The pain and the fear were takingover, yet the fact that he addressed her gave her some hope. That she couldtalk with him. That they could talk this over. That she could convince himnot to… Not to.
"Jeremy, stop it please, please" When did she start crying? Her face waswet from tears. It must have been after he hit her again. Yes, must have beenthen. "Please, Jeremy, you don't know what you're doing."
Jeremy took one of her nipples between his fingers and twisted it savagely.
"Don't fucking tell me I don't know what I'm doing, bitch!!" he twisted thenipple to the other side. "Do you hear me? Don't fucking tell me I don't knowwhat I'm doing. I know perfectly well, do you hear me? And you know what? Iknow what you're doing too!"
"no.." He was hurting her. He was going to… He was...
"no, please, please, I am begging you, stop it, please, let's talk aboutthis, please" The words raced one another, stumbling over her tongue and lips,hurrying to gush forth, hurrying to reason with her tormentor. "please, don'tyou understand, I could be your mother, please Jeremy."
Jeremy took hold of her breast and squeezed it brutally. She cried in pain.
"Ms. Evans, you could NOT be my mother. My mother does not dress and actlike a slut. My mother is not a sex-hungry whore like you. So shut up and getready to be fucked the way you only dreamed of."
With these words, he started forcing her to turn her face against the wall.
The taste of bile in her mouth is a blessing. It erases the taste that ismaking her hate herself.
She struggled. She did. He wanted to have her from behind. She struggled.
"Jeremy, no, please, you're mad, how do you think you'll get away with this?Please, PLEASE, STOP IT!!!"
The words were something she should have thought about sooner, weren't they?He was a child, her son's friend. Her son knew his family, her son visitedhis home. How did he think he'd get away with this?
"And you'll do what? Ha?" he grabbed her lower jaw with his big, strong handand pulled her face towards his. As he spoke with rage and lust, tiny dropsof his saliva ended falling on her face. "What are you going to do, bitch?Tell me!! Are you going to tell your husband and your son how you acted likea slut in front of me? Are you going to explain to the hubby how his respected,church-going wife goes around teasing her son's friends? Are you going to tellhim that he should fuck you a lot harder and a lot more often than he apparentlydoes and that THAT might prevent you from acting like a whore in front of schoolboys?"
He pushed her to the floor, violently. He started unbuttoning his combattrousers.
"Is that what you're going to tell him? Is that how you'll explain this toyour son when he learns you have fucked his friend?" He pulled the trousersdown and his boxers went down with them. His massive erection surfaced.
She was crying. Her throat was tightened, hurting, spasms making her voicebe barely heard. Choking on her own shame, on her own kitchen floor.
"I thought so. Now let's see some of that pussy, Ms. Evans."
When her hands grabbed her panties shame stepped back and the fear kickedback in again. Good old fear, good old friend panic. Stripped. Not only ofher clothes and her dignity. She was stripped of humanity, she was an animal,kicking and screaming as he preyed upon her. No words, just screaming and screamingand screaming.
He was about to rape her, in her own home. This boy was going to rape herand there was no one in the world who could help her.
More spasms but nothing else to throw up, she spits on the floor in pitifuleffort.
"I said SHUT UP, bitch!!!" Twice more his hands slapped her face. "I don'tneed your neighbours over here, I am a shy boy. I am sure they know by nowwhat kind of a slut their soccer-mom neighbour is anyway."
But she couldn't. Not that he could understand it. He was the predator, shewas the prey. How could he understand? She carried on screaming not becauseshe wanted. The pain from the slaps only made her scream louder.
"Right, you were asking for this, whore!! I tried to be reasonable with youand we could have had fun, but you seem eager to spoil all the fun."
He pinned her to the floor, pressing her down with his knee and his handgrabbed her face brutally once again. She shook her head violently, but therewas nowhere to escape. Jeremy pushed her torn panties into her mouth, all ofthem, pushed them in with his fingers.
"That's a lot better now, eh, slut? A lot better. With that annoying noiseout of the way we can finally concentrate on pleasure."
She carried on screaming. How could she not? How could she stop? Only nowit did not matter. It did not matter to anyone, Jeremy the least. Only muffledpleas for mercy came through as his large body pressed her to the floor. Shefelt as helpless and fragile as never before in her life while he was adjustinghis position on her. Her arms and legs were free but there was nothing shecould do. Nothing. His weight alone was enough to keep her down, firmly underhis control.
She turned her head back, tried to look into his eyes, saliva soaking thefabric of the panties in her mouth as the silent screams went on. She triedto look into his eyes and send him one final plea for mercy. But on his faceshe saw only lust. Nothing else. His smile was a smile of a man enrapturedas he was struggling for a better position on top of her.
Yes. He was going to rape her. Like an animal, from behind. He put his handon the back of her head and pushed her face down on the kitchen floor.
"Oooh, Ms. Evans, I know you'll love this!!! I know how much you dreamedof this moment. Let's make it special for both of us, shall we?"
With these words, he penetrated her. His large, hard penis started slamminginto her with animalistic passion as his hips rocked back and forth.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. Why why why why why? On the floor, in the kitchen.In her home.
Pressing her against the floor, he sweated and growled as his erection impaledher.
"Fucking bitch, fucking dirty slut, I knew you'd be this hot.. Oh FUCK, Ishould have fucked you sooner, I knew you wanted this the first time I sawyou, bitch."
He was pulling out almost all of his length then slamming violently backinto her. She pressed her eyelids tightly together, screaming into her gag,begging heavens for this to come to a quick end. His right hand found its wayunder her and grabbed her breasts.
"You slutty, slutty girl, look at your tits!! You like them squashed likethis, don't you? Don't you Ms. Evans?"
She tried shaking her head but the pain he was causing her made her wholebody thrash beneath him.
No. The only word she could think of. The only word she could scream intothe gag. And he couldn't hear it. It is too late now, yet she repeats it, herthroat hurting from whispered plea. If only it could go back in time.
"no… no… no…"
No. No. No. But no sound she could make was loud enough to be heard againstJeremy's groaning.
"Ohh, Ms. Evans, your cunt is so fucking hot, you are going to make me cumso fucking hard. You fucking slut, does your husband know how eagerly you fuckyoung innocent boys?"
Crying from shame she was praying for him to finish. She just wanted thisto end before he could hurt and humiliate her more.
When he pulled out of her, her thoughts raced. This is it. He is done. Please,God, please, make him come, please. Please.
She felt him adjust his position on top of her. He pushed her head to thefloor once again, and spread her bottom cheeks.
"You know, Ms. Evans, I've never fucked such a hot slut before. And you knowwhat else? I have never fucked any slut in the ass."
His words left her breathless. Her heart stopped. No, no. No, he couldn't...he couldn't, no, no, no, he couldn't, he couldn't.
"I bet you just loooove to have your ass fucked, don't you, Ms. Evans? Everyslut loves her ass banged with a nice hard cock, doesn't she? You want me totear your asshole apart with my cock, don't you?"
Her body shook hard and then she lost control.
"Oh GOD! Oh, GOD, you dirty fucking SLUT!!!!"
It hurt when he hit her. He was truly enraged, he hit her several times,not even looking where his slaps fell. But the pain was temporary and miniscule,compared to the shame she still feels.
"You bitch, you dirty fucking bitch, I don't believe you pissed yourself!!!Fucking whore, you do this just to piss me off, don't you" He hit her severaltimes, over the face and then pulled her head back.
"Listen to me." His voice was low now, his mouth pressed to her ear. "Listento me, I know how bad you need my cock in your ass right now and this is theonly reason I won't beat you senseless for pissing yourself like this. Do youunderstand?" he turned her head violently towards his face so that she couldlook into his eyes.
"I asked you a question. Do you understand?" The threat in his voice wasdeep. She closed her eyes. She trembled so hard she thought she would faint.
Then she nodded once, twice, three times. She wanted to make sure he gotthe message. Yes. She understood.
"Good, I am glad you understand how caring I am being. Now let's get downto business."
He hurt her in more ways she could ever think of. And to him, it was justa game. This is what hurt the most. He joked through it, he acted upon hisfantasies and had her all the ways he wanted. This is the pain she feels rightnow, sobbing on the floor.
He slammed into her anus with such force that she thought he'd literallyrip her apart. Her eyes almost burst out of her sockets as she screamed intothe gag, feeling his thick penis impale her tight hole.
"Ooooh, whore, you are tight, aren't you? I bet you have fucked hundredsof men this way, so that means you are making it tight just for my pleasure,right? I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do."
The pain and humiliation were battling for supremacy. The veins on her neckand forehead were thick and red with blood as she screamed and screamed frompain and shame. There was no room on the floor to get away from his savagepounding, yet she was trying, pushing her hips into the tiles.
"That's it, baby, rock me, you know daddy likes it that way!!! Come on, makedaddy cum!!!!"
She didn't know how long he raped her anally like that, the time itself bentand lost meaning as his body on hers rocked with foul pleasure and effort.Then, suddenly, he was out of her.
There are more ways to break a human being than one can think of. She knowsthat now. Broken, inhuman as she is now.
"I said GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES!!! NOW, slut!!!!"
He grabbed her hair and pulled her to her knees, holding his penis in hisother fist.
This. This must be it. He is finished. Please, sweet lord, make him be finished.
Jeremy stuck his fingers into her mouth and pulled the wet ball of fabricout. Before she could take one deep breath, he pushed his penis savagely in.
"Ohh, yes, baby, you think I'd miss the opportunity to fuck your pretty face?Now, you must know me better than that." He forced his flesh brutally deepinto her mouth and down her throat, grabbing her head from behind. She thoughtshe'd choke as her gag reflex activated.
"Yeah, bitch, I'll fuck your mouth last. AFTER I have fucked your cunt andyour ass."
He pulled out of her just before she thought she was going to throw up. Shespat and coughed and struggled to breathe, but he grabbed her head again andstuck his penis back into her mouth.
"And you know why? Because I know you were DYING to taste your own ass onmy cock!!! Because you are just that kind of a dirty whore"
He moved his hips back and forth, getting deeper down her throat with everysubsequent move.
"Oh, that's it, bitch, that's it, I knew we'd cooperate beautifully, youwere born for this, baby, you were born to be a whore, to be raped and facefucked,I wish I had a camera to show your hubby how much you're enjoying yourself."
She was trying to push his body back, but against him, she was like a childtrying to fight a bear. He was having her the way he wanted, raping her, chokingher, mocking her.
He spat on her face and used his fingers to rub the spit into her skin. Hepulled out of her mouth and spat into it. Then he pushed his penis back in.
"That's beautiful baby, no whore has sucked my cock the way you do. You aremaking me jealous of your hubby who gets this kind of thing all the time."
His movements became quicker, more nervous, less controlled, as he was nearinghis climax. Her nose was buried into his bush every time he pushed in, hisscrotum hitting her chin. His hands held her head firmly in place. The smellof his sweat was overwhelming.
"Did you cum yet, baby? Ha?"
The cruelty human beings are capable of. Jeremy started moaning from pleasure,his penis twitching.
Jeremy pulled out and she barely had time to close her eyes before the firstload of thick, white semen hit her face.
"Ahhhh, ahhh, you fucking whore, take it, take it all!!!!"
He was ejaculating with no end, spraying her face, neck, breasts and hairwith his load. This was an eruption, a loud, red exclamation mark at the endof his savage performance.
She hit the floor hard when he pushed her back. He was done.
He was done.
She lied down. He was done. He will be gone now. Yes.
"Well, bitch, I have to say, you have lived up to the expectations and thensome. I hope I was as good as in your fantasies."
He pulled his trousers up. But he didn't button them up.
"Only one thing more."
"I have to punish you for pissing yourself. I didn't like that and you gotaway with it just because I am a nice guy and didn't want to interrupt ourlovemaking to teach you a lesson. So, here's the lesson now"
Holding his softening penis with his fingers, Jeremy aimed at her face.
No. No. No. No. Nobody. Nobody.
He left her in the pool of his own urine. It was on her face, in her hair,in her nostrils, in her mouth. He was in no hurry as he was getting dressed.
"You know what the funny thing is? I bet you even liked me pissing all overyou. I am sure you dreamed of this, didn't you?"
She lied on the floor, her eyes shut. No words, no moves.
"Don't feel like talking, eh? Say no more, I'll leave you to sort out yourimpressions."
Casually he made for the door. Then he turned around again.
"You know, next time, I think I'll bring some friends. It's not that I doubtmy own capacities when it comes to pleasuring even such an insatiable whorelike you, you know, but I wonder how you'll react when you get two or morekids to fuck all your holes at the same time and then piss all over your sluttyface.. Hmmm I MUST remember to bring a camera next time. Good bye, Ms. Evans,We'll get back together soon."
He left and then the silence came.
She lied on the floor. Without a sound. The tears, the semen, the urine hurtingmore than the real damage to her broken body could ever hurt. She lies on thefloor. Without a sound.
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****** Sunday The day dawned wet and dreary and the cold wind howling around the motel seemed to find its echo in Peter’s soul. He spread the diaries, the ledgers, the DVDs and videos across his bed. Breakfast had been a riot of laughter as the girls – closely guarded by Susie and Maria began to organize a shopping trip. Peter unable to deal with the hilarity returned to his room where he brooded alone. Then his morbid silence was shattered when the girls entered the room. With their faces...
You, Jane Doe, are a very unique teenage girl... in fact, you are technically not a human girl at all. You were genetically engineered using material from numerous super-athletes, artificial gene sequences, animal DNA extracts and samples from the various physical and mental elite of human-kind, and you were originally intended by your creator-mother, Professor Natalie Doe, to be the next great leap in evolution; far beyond human ability in every respect. You have two human siblings, Ashley Doe...
FetishWithout Love Part two. The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed; the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet. It was not long before the...
First Time‘I love the sounds you make,’ she said. ‘It’s like you’ve entered heaven when you penetrate me. ‘Did you know that the sounds you make are different for each hole you fuck?’ ‘Are they, my little slut?’ ‘Oh, yes Sir, they are. You moan when you fuck my pussy.’ ‘Whose pussy, slut?’ ‘Yours, Sir. I am sorry, Sir.’ ‘No need to apologize. I just want to make sure you remember who you belong to.’ ‘Oh, yes, Sir. How could I forget when you have me at such a disadvantage?’ Her predicament was clear....
The phone interrupted Peter. ‘You’re wanted. It’s urgent and I can’t handle this one.’ Mark sounded worried. ‘I’ll be back in a minute.’ Peter tossed the words back at Jennifer and Andrew as he charged down the stairs to his office. Mark held out the phone. It was Susie calling from next door. ‘Get in there and fight. I saw her enter the workshop. You know she’s special, so fight for her.’ ‘I am fighting for her, and yes, she certainly is special.’ Peter threw in a quick reply but Susie had...
Sadly, Bob and Ted felt a little neglected through all these preparations, although at times Jennifer and Peter joined them to all go out together with Ruth and Karen who seemed to be the permanent partners for Ted and Bob. Things were changing in Peter’s apartment, too. The place was subtly altered and Jennifer’s clothes seemed to take up all the available space. Eventually April arrived and Peter’s bachelor days were almost at an end when he drove Jennifer to Mascot airport. ‘Goodbye,...
This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten chapters long it follows the story of a group of people involved in an investigation into the serial attacks on homeless women. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling...
Sunlight streaming into his eyes brought Peter around. Into the pain flooded the thought, ‘My head aches. Why are the drapes open? The light is too strong.’ The thoughts seemed to smash pound behind his eyes like a blacksmith’s hammer forging a horseshoe as he staggered under the shower. He knew his hangover was causing pain. With the hot needles of spray stabbing his skin, he retraced the events of the previous night. ‘Can’t I get anything right? I’ve insulted the one girl who attracted me,...
Three weeks had passed without any further contact from Peter. His lack of communication confused Jennifer’s family. They wondered if he would ever return. In her familiar surroundings, Jennifer was recovering, but without Peter’s presence, she was unable to accept that he was alive. To avoid the possibility of upsetting Jennifer, Elizabeth, Eric and Andrew could only talk of Peter when she was not present. Then things seemed to change, when early one morning the RSM handed Elizabeth a...
JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the...
‘Alexa!... get over my knee!’ ‘Oh no!’ ‘Over my knee now’ ‘Please no’ ‘If you don’t get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking, I'll cane, strap and tawse you before you leave’ 'What about the slipper?' 'That as well' 'What about the paddle?' 'Oddly enough in the circumstances, I haven't got one with me!' This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and...
Mary!... get over my knee!Oh no!Over my knee nowPlease noGet get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking!!What about the slipper?That as well'What about the paddle?Oddly enough in the circumstances, I haven't got one with me!This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and after a few light smacks started to spank her properly. After a minute or so of spanking, smoothing of the...
5:27 - Jessica is walking down her own street when she suddenly sees Wayne. He is wearing camo and running shoes. “You’re violating the order of protection.” “Life isn’t worth living without you.” 5:28 - She is running away. 5:28:37 - Much too late, she is screaming. 5:28:43 - Wayne is grabbing her shoulder and covering her mouth. 5:28:49 -- She is feeling a pinprick on her shoulder. Then, for a period she can’t measure, she is feeling nothing. 6:17 - Jessica is slowly waking up lying on...
Chapter 1 This all started the day I was leaving school to walk home and passed the middle school right next to my high school; there was Sara, my best friend Mike's girlfriend, standing waiting for her mother to pick her up. I said hello and she just sniffled and mumbled something, then wrote her phone number of a piece of paper and said for me to call her later. I'd almost forgotten it when, about five o'clock, I saw the note sitting on my bed. So, I called the number and she answered,...
They spent the night in restless sleep and with periods of intense loving. As the boom, boom, boom of the local mosque calling the faithful to prayers shattered Jennifer’s nap she felt the warmth of Peter cuddling her back and the determination of his little one to go exploring again. Very aware of her nakedness, she was startled as she heard him chuckle. ‘So trying to seduce me again, eh? We have no time for that. Come on – there’s a water shortage in Singapore so we’ll shower together, but...
This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy reading about. It has ten chapters, and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * He stood panting, feet wide apart, staring down at the sprawled out figure...
Peter woke the next morning and lay still with eyes closed and his breathing rate unchanged. His years of jungle living could not be shaken off as he lay listening carefully to the sounds of gentle tapping at his door. He heard the sounds of someone placing a tray on the bedside table and he knew by the soft footfalls a woman was standing beside his bed. Knowing that Jennifer was in for a shock, he lay still as he grinned into his pillow and waited until she was in easy reach so he could grab...
‘Friends of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra request the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. P. O’Brien.’ The invitation had arrived weeks earlier and reluctantly Peter had accepted. Immediately after Christmas, they flew to Sydney and Jennifer went shopping for an evening gown by herself. She adamantly refused to tell Peter what she had purchased or to model it for him. He tried to entice her to reveal her secret as he stood with her on the balcony with his hands slowly massaging her neck and shoulders,...
Towards the end of January, Peter returned to his workshop with Jennifer on his arm. Joe noticed the change in Jennifer and the ring on her finger. Smiling broadly, he bellowed his welcome for all to hear. ‘So here’s the blushing bride-to-be! I’m very pleased for the two of you.’ Dragging Jennifer from the office, he took her into the workshop where he spread the news. It wasn’t long before Bob and Ted arrived. They weren’t surprised when Joe broke the news of the engagement by returning...
during the evening the four friends were in the pool, swimming or tanning, Yvonne looked very sexy with her pink bathing suit, too short, his body wet and her nipples outstanding success to the rest of his friends. Rolando in while preparing some drinks for the company observing the scene, Ivonne approaches, gives the drink and passes his hand through the vagina, and then leaves, glass sinks in the water inside, and rubbed her breasts stroking the ass, but the magnate sack to force the water,...
JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the occupants. Two...
This story is dark. Hurtling along in the dark midnight hours at 75 miles per hour, down a long straight stretch of Arizona Interstate 10-a road to nowhere in particular and everywhere specifically-I become lulled by the monotony of the ride. I'm Bill Dolezol. I'm about 6' around 200 pounds, a little bit overweight, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. I began dreaming, dreaming of my wife at 22 years old when we were married. She was so pretty, ripe with innocent sexuality, playful, erotic,...
Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned into a relatively functional shower, complete with shampoo, soap, and even a razor.Sienna was starting to feel more comfortable here. It helped that she had sent Jasper to grab a few things from her apartment. And with so few personal connections, and the...
ReluctanceIt was when the magic of the day was ending and they sat in Peter’s car outside Jennifer’s apartment that Peter put forward a suggestion hoping she would agree to his plans. ‘Would you like a weekend away from the city say up in the mountains or a secret place? Pack a bag, just a few things.’ The words tumbled out. ‘That new car needs a long drive in the country to make that motor work. We’ll head north where it’s warmer and not so crowded.’ Peter waited for an answer but there was none....
That same night when he returned to the workshop, Peter’s mind was too full of the job in hand to even think about women until, as if waking from a nightmare he noticed the workshop was flooded with sunlight. Sunday had dawned, his body was aching, his mind was black with self-disgust. Yet, Bob and Ted expected him to go surfing with them. Barely had Peter arrived home when the lift arrived at his door. ‘God, you look terrible. Out on the tiles all night, eh?’ Bob thrust his cheery face into...
This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten stories long it will take you down a path as you follow Ben, Jake, Kelly and the villain of the piece along the investigation into the serial attacker of homeless women. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * ...
Peter enjoyed Thursday’s early morning swim, taking this time alone to plan the day. The air hadn’t warmed yet and the water, though tepid, was refreshing as he floated idly awaiting Jennifer’s arrival. ‘Got cha!’ Peter heard the shriek as two soft hands sent him to the bottom. Spluttering and coughing he surfaced to see Jennifer’s face close to his. ‘Jennifer, I love you so damn much it hurts, but that won’t save you!’ and he dived to catch her. Lifting her high against his chest he growled,...
Hi folks. MTB and I are glad that most of you liked last week's story. I almost wish that I could put out part 2 of it this weeks and keep that good feeling going. But that would be boring after a while. I also knw that a lot of you probably won't like this week's piece, but there's always next week. As I look back over this year and what I wanted to do, I think that for the most part I was successful, but I failed in others. I think that this year I wanted to take a step towards growth and...
I thought of it as 'either or', not 'something and'. Sex I mean, specifically sexual relationships. You navigated through sex because certain things were a given. One of those was that my wife Jilly was not a lesbian. I mean, she had never shown the slightest sexual interest in women. Lesbian themes on TV or film appeared to be distasteful to her. But then she met Adele and my life became unhinged. Unhinged because I didn't believe that I knew Jilly anymore. Unhinged because I didn't understand...
LesbianSo much laughter and fun filled the family’s return trip from Melbourne that the time quickly passed. It was twilight as Andrew drove into the grounds of what he believed was his home and stopped, disoriented by the sight before him, unable to comprehend this was their driveway and their house. Fascinated, the family could only stare at the myriad fairy lights bordering the driveway scattered in the trees and around the garden. The lights took their attention totally, so amazed were they at...
It was late the following morning. Jennifer was lying on her back, eyes open, staring at the ceiling, making no sound at all. Even when Peter spoke, it was as though she was deaf, as she didn’t react. Her eyes showed no brief gleam of recognition and she didn’t answer. The surgeon ushered Peter out of the room as the nurse prepared Jennifer for surgery. On the verandah, the surgeon explained. ‘Whoever did this to her needs to be brought to justice. The bastards have done extensive damage....
Saturday arrived after a week of hectic rehearsals. Growing even closer to Jennifer, wanting her so much it hurt, Peter could not help walking around with a huge grin on his face as he wondered how Jennifer was coping. His thoughts showed his plans were falling into place. In the taxi, he began muttering to himself. ‘It’s so naughty of me not to tell her but it will be so delicious to see the surprise on her face.’ Sitting in the barber’s chair, he waited for a shave and haircut. He knew...
Ignoring Elizabeth’s horrified reaction Peter, Andrew and the guards dragging the prisoners made their way to one of the farm trucks where the guards unceremoniously dumped all the prisoners in the back oblivious of the screams of agony from Pretty Boy. With the prisoners secured in the truck Peter, Andrew and the Ghurkhas changed into rags under the shearing shed. Khukuris were still prominent. Standing to one side, Peter and the RSM quietly reaffirmed the strategy for the remainder of the...
Peter didn’t have to tell Jennifer the drive from the hospital to his apartment tired him. She watched him creep from the car to the elevator holding his body stiffly, fighting the pain in his chest. In the third bedroom, Jennifer dragged the twin beds together. ‘A shower will make you feel better. Then, get into bed,’ she reassured him. Gently, she tugged him to the bathroom. ‘Do you need help?’ Peter was too tired and too sore to make a comment. After showering, he studied his face in the...
Fuzzy headed and blinking in the morning glare, one by one the family gathered in the kitchen. Elizabeth had laid out a late, light breakfast and fussed over her brood, which now included Peter, checking they all looked respectable as they climbed into the car. ‘Church is not all that far away,’ she told him, but Peter didn’t hear. He was too busy holding Jennifer’s hand and drowning in the depths of her eyes. For once, Andrew was silent, possibly, because that damned duck’s head had pointed...
In the darkness of early morn, Peter lay awake, thinking of the day ahead. Yes, his sisters had told him they had arranged helicopter transport to take them up country. Yes, he was prepared and yes, he was with his wife. Looking at the clock he realized it was almost time to leave. He nudged Jennifer until she groaned, ‘Let me sleep, I’m so tired, just let me sleep.’ ‘Sweetheart, I’ve been a demanding arrogant husband – bossing you around – buying your clothes – being a real male chauvinistic...
This is a crime thriller some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * The girl walked past the blue boarded up area next to the quiet street where she walked along at two o’clock in the morning. She had been working on the late shift at the call...
The dimly lit bar was smoky, huge, well organized and over-crowded with tables full of happy, boisterous people dressed for their ‘Friday Night’ drinks and socializing. Obviously, a popular meeting place in the Sydney Hyatt, the room was a constantly moving kaleidoscope of suits and skirts as late arrivals sought seats. Busy waiters dashed back and forth while friends mingled between tables. The noise was deafening, even without the music from the large band. Those couples on the...
Resuming his position at the kitchen doors, the old Chinese carefully controlled the waiters as they successfully served Dingo’s guests. Then, tiring of the charade, he turned, pushed on the swinging doors into the kitchen and grunted an order in Cantonese. Carrying a roasted pig’s head on a huge platter, two waiters appeared. They followed the old Chinese as he painfully hobbled to stand behind Jennifer. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Peter placed his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder as he...
‘Hey Boss!’ Turning the buffing machine off, Joe pulled at Peter’s arm. ‘There’s an angry customer in the office.’ His grin broadened into a laugh as Peter stared at the lipstick on his cheek. After washing his hands free of grime and grease so that Ted would have nothing to complain about, Peter slowly made his way to the office. Angry customers meant bookwork. ‘Jennifer!’ Racing around the counter, Jennifer hurled herself into Peter’s arms and kissed him. Surprised by her actions, Peter...
This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten chapters long it tells the story of an investigation, with many characters weaving in and out the story. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Under the Arches near the Embankment a handful of people started...
This is a crime thriller, and like all good crime thrillers the ending isn’t always as we want it to be. I love writing about characters, and I hope you have enjoyed reading about them. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * The crowds stood around watching as the ambulances were loaded with the wounded and injured, and the police swarmed around the roped off area as the two white...