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Hi folks. MTB and I are glad that most of you liked last week's story. I almost wish that I could put out part 2 of it this weeks and keep that good feeling going. But that would be boring after a while. I also knw that a lot of you probably won't like this week's piece, but there's always next week. As I look back over this year and what I wanted to do, I think that for the most part I was successful, but I failed in others. I think that this year I wanted to take a step towards growth and becoming a better storyteller. I've been here for a little bit over 2 years now and I started the year thinking that I wanted to write a few stories without all of the gimmicks like time travel or stories set in the future or the past. I wanted to write stories about regular people like those two writers here that I look up to. So in that aspect maybe I was successful. But I think that next year all bets are off. we are going to get bizarre in 2013. SS06

My name is Mark Dawson. I'm fifty five years old and retired. I retired early because I busted my ass during my younger years and got ahead. For years, every bonus and every stock option went into my retirement account. When my peers drove BMW's or their Benzes, I stuck with my Mustangs. While my coworkers moved into their Mc-Mansions in the country, I stayed in my modest home in the suburbs.

The result of all of that frugality is that I have more than enough money for my wife and me to continue spoiling our college aged son while we live the life we've always wanted. We have several vacations planned for the next few months as I settle into retirement.

But first, we have to let Mark Jr. get used to college. He still comes home every weekend. Not that we mind, but it's going to take some time to cut the chains. I guess you thought I was going to say apron strings huh? Nope, my son and I are very close. He's a chip off the old block and yep, he was home for the weekend on that fateful day when my life changed. My life was changed by four fucking words.

As hard as it is to believe, four words ruined all of those years of hard work. And as fate would have it those words, "When ... Wait a minute! I'm not telling you the words yet. That would give the story away too quickly. Some of you guys have been whining about me revealing the gist of the story too soon. So even though I'm pretty sure you already know what the words are, we're going to wait a bit. So let's go back to that morning before the words were said so you have some context.

I used to be 5 foot 10 inches tall. And I used to have ruggedly handsome features. My hair used to be a medium brown shade. I guess some of it still is brown but there's a lot of gray mixed in with the brown. My eyes are still blue and I can still get the odd woman or two to look my way when I want. But I haven't wanted that in almost thirty years.

You see, I fell in love back in my late twenties and never looked back. For most of my life only one woman has ever owned my heart. And she's sleeping right next to me as she should. Miriam, my wife, is still as beautiful today as she was the day I met her. Okay, she has a few more lines on her face, but when I look at her now, I see her as she was. Miri was built like a brick ship yard then and she is to this day. Maybe the bricks have shifted a bit, but they're still there.

I woke up that fateful day thinking that I was still dreaming. I was dreaming that I was in Heaven, but it was like no Heaven I'd ever seen in any church. In this version of Heaven, an angel was giving me a blow job. The dream was so vivid that I could feel those velvety lips surrounding my rapidly engorging dick. Those lips were warm and wet and I felt love oozing from them. That angel apparently loved what she was doing.

"Mark, stop pretending you're asleep," she said laughing. I opened my eyes and realized that it wasn't a dream.

"Miri ... I was in Heaven," I sighed.

"Well, this thing is hard enough to do me some good now," she laughed. She gave my blood filled appendage one last loving lick and climbed into the bed beside me. Her slim arms snaked their way around my neck even as she pulled me to her. One leg snaked across my hip opening herself up to me. Our mouths found each other in the darkness of the early morning. After so many years together, our bodies knew what to do and where to go. More importantly, we knew what to do to give each other pleasure.

I knew, for instance, that she was more aroused by gentle kisses on the front of her neck than on either side. I also knew that if I blew on her nipples, they responded better than if I tweaked them or sucked on them. Miri liked sex period, but when it was gentle and filled with love, it didn't take very much or very long to send her into orbit.

"Mark, there's something you need to know," she said seriously.

"Oh shit, not the words," I said as I gently stroked her sides.

"What words silly man?" she asked. She took my still rampant dick and pushed the head of it inside of her opening. We both savored the magic of the feeling of that first penetration. Just the feeling of having my dick inside of her was making me crazy. I wanted more than anything to push my way inside of her until only my balls were left outside. I waited because we both wanted to savor the feelings and make the pleasure last.

"I have a feeling that you're about to say the words again," I said. "You know, like you told me twenty years ago. You said, "We're gonna be parents."

"We're a little old for that," she said and kissed me. As she said it, she pushed her hips forward until half of my dick was inside of her. "Besides, bearing your son kind of messed up my insides so having another, as much as I'd love to give you another baby, would probably kill me."

"Okay, no more babies," I said. "That means we're just doing this for fun then." I softly pushed forward until I'd bottomed out in her. She rolled over until I was on top of her. She pulled my head down and stuck her tongue in my mouth. She started thrusting her hips and rolling them at the same time. I'd been with a few other women before her and I'd seen my share of porn but I've never seen a woman move the way she did. And it wasn't only the moves, it was the way she squeezed my dick with her vaginal muscles. For all that the blow job felt like Heaven, it paled in comparison to being inside of her.

She started to moan and clutched herself to me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed the head of my dick even tighter.

"Mark, please baby, cum in me. I can't hold out much longer," she gushed. I started fucking her back, but even faster. Not harder, because that would have ruined it. I just started moving faster.

"I love you Miri," I said softly. It was the wrong thing to say because it drove her over the edge way too soon. Her legs clamped around my waist so tightly that I could barely move. I felt every spasm of her vagina as it fluttered over and over again trying to milk sperm from me. The fluttering was so intense that it drove me to my own orgasm. I started pumping my seed where it was supposed to go.

Neither of us moved. The only movement necessary happened inside of her. We continued to kiss and I had the feeling that we were linked. I knew in that moment that I loved her more than it would ever be possible for me to love another human being and I knew in the bottom of my soul that she felt the same way.

"What the hell are you guys doing in there?" yelled my son, Mark, from just outside the door. "All I hear is breathing and slurping and smacking."

"Rape," I yelled. "I was asleep and then this woman attacked me."

"Mark Jr., get back in your bed and don't come out until morning or I say so," yelled Miri.

"Uhm, Mom, that worked really well when I was four," said Mark. "But, number one, it's already morning and number two; I'm kind of grown now. Besides, aren't you two too old for what I think you were doing?"

"Okay, then," she said smiling at me. "Go back to your room or I won't make your frigging raspberry pancakes and I won't let your dad do whatever stupid thing that you had planned for the two of you to do before the barbecue."

"Oh, shit," said Mark Jr. "I'm going to my room, Mom. When exactly will those pancakes be ready?"

"Screw him," she said. "Let's get back to what we were doing. I'm sure I can squeeze another one out of you if I..."

"Honey, what were you about to tell me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," she said. "It's something you already know, I guess. But I've been thinking a lot lately. Maybe I'm just getting old, but, shit you are too. Anyway, I've been thinking about my life and it's been perfect. What I mean is that if I had to plan my life out and pick the person to spend it with, it would be you. I love you Mark, with all my heart and soul. I belong to you."

"I know that, Miri," I said. "I've always known that."

"No Honey you don't," she said seriously. "People say it all the time. You and I know people who've been married for longer than we have who are only together for their kids and they say it. We know people who can't stand the sight of each other and they say it. Everyone says the words Mark, but very few people actually mean it. And I just want you to know that I really do."

"Well, thank you Miri, now about those pancakes ... You did say raspberry, didn't you?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to say something back, mister?" she asked.

"What kind of syrup goes with raspberry pancakes?" I asked. She bit her lip. "Miriam, I didn't say it because there's really no need for me to. When we were together a few minutes ago, we were truly one. I could feel everything you felt and every breath you took. How you felt about me came through loud and clear and I'm pretty sure the way I felt went through to you. That's why people make love, Miri. That feeling of closeness and being one is what it's all about. If you don't get that feeling, you're just fucking and it doesn't really matter who you're doing it with."

"That's exactly how I feel," she said, "You do understand." There were tears running down her eyes and I wondered about women sometimes.

"Mark, I've never made love with anyone except you," she said.

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "What about those pancakes?" As she started to get out of the bed, I grabbed her and ran my hand over her pussy.

"I'll be wanting some more of this later Missy," I smirked. As she moved her leg, a bit of our mixed fluids dripped out. She reached over and grabbed my hand and scooped some of it up on my fingers. Then she licked my fingers and smiled at me.

"Anytime you want it, Mark," she said seriously. "It, like all the rest of me, belongs to you."

I took a shower while she started breakfast. When I got to the kitchen my son was already eating. As his mom brought another stack of pancakes to the table, he reached for them. I swear I saw sparks coming from his knife and fork.

"MJ, those are for your Dad," said Miri sharply. "You're already working on your second stack. Don't they feed you at school? Why are we paying all of that money for room and board if you're starving?"

"Dad, you're only going to eat three pancakes," said Mark Jr. "Do you want me to eat the other three for you?"

"Uhm, did you ever think that maybe your mother might like to eat something herself?" asked Miriam.

"When did you start eating mom?" laughed Mark Jr. "Isn't that how you stay so slim and trim? Don't you skip breakfast?"

"No, I don't skip breakfast," said Miri.

"Then maybe you should start," said Mark Jr., reaching for the pancakes. After he finished eating he just sat there staring at me like a puppy waiting to go out.

"Okay son," I said. "What are we doing?" Whenever Mark was home, he and I always did something for fun. We alternated who got to pick the activity and we always tried to do things that we'd never done before. Just as he was about to tell me there was a knock at out back door.

I looked at the door and my next door neighbor and longtime best friend, George Wilson stepped in. George had been the COO of a medium sized marketing firm for most of his career until he'd retired four years earlier. George was ten years older than me at 65 but was still pretty active. If Miri and I were ecstatic about my retirement, George was equally so. Being retired alone was no fun. He had all of that free time and no one to spend it with.

He'd already made plans for the two of us to go golfing and a bunch of other things that we liked to do. Our families had always been very close. We spent most holidays together. It was only a question of which house or which yard.

"Knock-knock," said George. "The neighbors are here early. Well, one of them anyway. Cora is still putting her face on." Cora was George's wife. Cora is, at forty eight, seven years younger than I am and seventeen years younger than George. They'd never had any kids. George had scandalized his family and most of his friends when he married an eighteen year old girl a few days past his thirty-fifth birthday.

Many people thought that she was only after him for his money. And others felt that he'd robbed the cradle, but the two of them had stuck together through thick and thin for thirty years now. I guess a marriage that survives proves all of the naysayers wrong.

George had been a very dynamic business man before he retired. He was as smart as a whip and very outgoing. Cora, on the other hand, was as smart as a box of rocks, but as sweet as the day is long. She and Miri are best friends and probably couldn't be more opposite if they tried.

Miri is tiny and compactly built. She has breasts that are big for her frame but really not very large at all. She has a tiny pouch on her stomach and a few veins on her legs but she's fifty-four years old. Cora is a lot taller and very busty. Cora proves that God has a sense of humor.

She has the biggest boobs in the world and absolutely no ass at all. In fact, sitting must be painful for Cora, because there can't be enough flesh over the bones in the rear of her pelvis to even cushion the contact with a chair. If Cora didn't have an ass crack, no one would know where her legs stopped and her back began.

As George sat down at the breakfast table, Mark continued speaking.

"Okay Dad, here's your iPhone back. Or do you want mine?" he said.

"Does it make a difference?" I asked.

"Nope not at all," he said. He was so excited, I was sure he was going to explode. I took my phone. Mine was an iPhone 4GS just like his. Neither of us had upgraded to the iPhone 5 yet because when the 5 came out we were both only one year into our two year contract. Miri still used an iPhone 3G. She didn't care about improvements in technology, so her 4 year old phone was still fine.

"Turn on your GPS app," said Mark Jr.

"Do you see that set of coordinates in your destination folder?" he asked.

"Yep," I said, wondering what he had in mind. "I have a similar set of coordinates to another spot in the same area. Notice that they are the exact same distance away from where we are now."

"Oh, shit," I said. "What's there?" I knew now that this was another kooky race that Mark had planned out for us. He was obsessed over whose Mustang was faster. My son drives a 2004 Mustang GT. His car is midnight blue with Lemans stripes. He has customized nearly everything on the car.

I have a 2010 Mustang GT. Mine is midnight blue as well, and I have to admit that I've added a few bits and pieces to my car, but only in self-defense. I mean, when Mark added a three inch exhaust system to his car, I had to do it to mine. I bought him a big brake kit for Christmas last year, so naturally just to be fair, I had to have one too. It was like the cold war between the US and the Russians, only ours was friendly.

"Well, Dad, since you asked," he smirked. "There's a small metal box chained under a picnic table at exactly those coordinates. Inside of the box, there's one of those cupcakes that Mom made yesterday. You will also be able to see the large clock in the park there from your coordinates. You have to drive there and take a picture of the clock which will show what time you got there. Then eat half of the cupcake and take a picture of it. Then eat the other half of the cupcake and take a picture of the empty wrapping. Finally, take a picture of the clock when you're done with the cupcake and then drive home. The person with the shortest drive time wins. If we tie, I win."

"Wait a minute," I said. "Why do you win if we tie? You have an advantage over me. You eat a hell of a lot faster than I do. You'll probably inhale that cupcake."

"Yes, but you have more horsepower," he said.

"But your car handles better," I countered. "Our cars are probably evenly matched."

"Well, you always win when we do these things," he spat. "And I think I deserve an advantage. I want to win a couple of these things before you're too old to have them anymore. I am a winner, Dad."

"You're more of a whiner, son," I smirked.

"Oh yeah," he said.

"Yeah," I snapped right back.

"Uhm can I..." began George. Mark Junior looked at him as if he'd just shit in the punchbowl. As our eyes turned towards him, George smiled nervously.

"Can I get into this?" he asked.

"Mr. Wilson your BMW is cute," said Mark. "I'm sure you paid a lot of money for it. But that car has no balls and no soul. You wouldn't stand a chance. Besides that we only have two targets set up and you don't have the coordinates to either. How good is the GPs on your phone?"

"How do you know that my car can't keep up?" asked George.

"Two years ago, before I did most of the upgrades on my Mustang," began Mark Jr. "Your nephew, Carl, was here for the summer. Do you remember that?" George nodded his head.

"You gave Carl the car so he could drive it to the movies. He raced against me and a couple of my friends. Carl had an advantage because I love my car. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, EVER..."

"I wonder who he gets that from," yelled Miri, from the other room.

"Anyway, Carl drove your car like he stole it. If you remember, when he left you had to get your brakes redone and some engine work. I smoked him, Mr. Wilson. It was not even close. And my car is a lot faster now," said Mark Jr. "You should..."

"Well, what if I just ride along with you, or your dad?" said George. "Come on, I want to play too."

"Uh uhn. No way," said Mark Junior. "That's all I need is to have him calling for a foul because you weighed his car down. His car is already heavier than mine, which helps with the horsepower differential."

"Then I'll ride with you," said George.

"You'd throw up before we ever got there," said Mark. "I gave Batman driving lessons." Then he looked over at me.

"Dad, here's your keys," he said.

"Thanks junior," I said. "I'll have a beer waiting for you when you get back."

"Ha, ha ... GO," he yelled and then we were both scrambling to get out of the house and into our cars. I got into my car a second after he did, but I got moving faster. I was clear of the driveway a fraction of a second before he was and pulled into the lead. Both of us kept our cars at twenty-five mph as we drove through the neighborhood. But as soon as we got onto a main road, he swung wide and tried to over take me. I floored it and even though the car was already moving, the sudden increase in torque caused the ass end of my car to fishtail. Mark Jr. shot past me.

"Ha, ha, too much horsepower old man," I head him yell through his window. We hit the freeway with me right on his bumper and him jerking his wheel from side to side to keep me from passing him on the ramp. Mark Jr. knew that once we got to the freeway, I'd over take him on the long straight sections. He was using the twisting sections of the freeway to build a small lead. I saw his plan already. He wanted to get a lead and keep it through the slower sections of the park as we found our destinations. I had to admit the boy could eat like Jethro Bodine, so he'd probably beat me on the cupcake eating part; especially this close to breakfast. He'd be back in his car before I was and he'd have increased his lead. This all hinged on whether or not I could walk him down at full speed on the freeway on the way back.

As soon as we got onto the freeway proper, I ruined his plans. I floored it again and my car shot forward like a scalded cat. In the blink of an eye, we were both doing north of 100 and smiling from ear to ear. Over the course of a few seconds, I pulled ahead and then farther ahead. Even though Mark couldn't see me, I was grinning like a Cheshire cat as I pulled off of the freeway at our exit. I turned right and saw him turn left at the first intersection. I glanced at my phone as I drove through the gate and into the park. I saw the clock but not the picnic tables. They were about fifty yards past the parking lot. I didn't see anyone around so I drove through the parking lot and onto the grass. I drove right up to the picnic tables and finally spotted the box. I took a picture of the clock on the run and then the cupcake as soon as I opened the box. I ripped the cupcake in half and took another picture. Then I took another picture of the clock and headed for my car which was only a few steps away. Okay so I cheated. I didn't eat the fucking cupcake. I popped half of it into my mouth. I'd eat the rest during the drive.

I drove slowly out of the park and through the streets that surrounded it. I hit the freeway and didn't see or hear Mark's car anywhere. My goal for the trip back was to get the car over 150. I had to assume that Mark was ahead of me. If I knew him, he'd cheated with the cupcake too. My speed-O was at 145 and climbing, with the sound of my Pype bomb exhaust system crooning like music to my ears when I heard the alarm. It was my radar detector. I saw a group of cars ahead of me and slowed down till I was just behind them. The newer long range radar detectors let you know a lot farther in advance so I was sure I'd be okay. I tucked in behind a Volkswagen Jetta and a guy in a minivan. I smiled because I knew what would happen.

Like clockwork, the guy in the minivan looked over at me and started driving faster. It was as predictable as spring rain. Put a regular guy in a minivan and he just has to start driving like he's Mario Andretti. I think it's some kind of reaction to the concept that minivans were invented for soccer moms. So when you get a guy in a minivan, he just has to prove, probably to himself because no one else gives a fuck, that he still has balls. So to prove that he has balls he drives like an asshole. As we round the bend, he's doing about eighty and his minivan is shaking like the Starship Enterprise at warp nine. I could just hear his kids in the back screaming, "Daddy, she's breaking up." If that guy didn't slow down the rubber band that powered that thing was going to snap and he'd have to walk home carrying his rug rats.

But it was not to be, because as we rounded that bend, one of the three police cars hidden there flashed its lights and the cop inside yelled over his loudspeaker, "You in the minivan. Pull over."

Before I could laugh at the minivan, I noticed Mark Jr. sailing past me in the fast lane. He had his passenger side window down and his middle finger extended. "Ya snooze, ya lose, Dad," he smirked.

His laughter was cut short though as another police car pulled up behind him and turned on his siren. The rest of my drive home was leisurely. I pulled into the driveway got slowly out of my car and started laughing. I sprinted into the kitchen and grabbed a beer, not from the fridge but from the box stored in the pantry. I also grabbed an empty bottle. I ran outside into the yard and sat down on the deck in one of the lounge chairs.

Miri and Cora were there already trying to set things up for our barbecue.

"Mark, the least you could do is to start the grill," said Miri.

"Mark, why is Georgie angry?" asked Cora. "I was coming over just as you and little Mark left this morning. He acts like those little kids on the playground who don't get to play with the big kids."

"I'll tell you later Cora," I said. I leaned back in my chair and pretended that I was asleep as we heard the low growl of Mark's car pulling into the driveway.

I started snoring loudly and George came and sat down at one of the tables near my lounge chair. "What're you..." he began.

"Shh, here he comes," I whispered.

Mark came storming into the yard, with the biggest smile on his face clutching a rolled up ticket. "Where are you, cheater?" he yelled. He looked around the yard and didn't see me over the back of my chair.

Miri came back into the yard with a big tray with five steaks on it. "Mark, your father is asleep. You must've tired him out. Someone needs to start the grill, if we're going to eat on time."

"I'll do it," said George.

As Mark continued looking around for me, George spoke to him. "I'm about to do one of your chores young man. Shouldn't you say thanks or something?"

At that same moment, Mark saw me and came over and kicked my chair. "Stop pretending you faker. If you hadn't cheated, I'd have won," he said.

"Now Mark. Your father doesn't cheat," said Miri.

"Well, he could have warned me about the speed trap," snapped Mark. "He's paying for half of my ticket."

"What, whoa. How long was I asleep for? Is it still Saturday? Oh Mark, you're finally home," I said. "I saved you a beer."

"You're really funny Dad," he said, taking the bottle. He popped off the top and took a long drink. "Hey, this is warm."

"Sorry," I said. "It was ice cold when I brought it out here. I already drank mine while I waited for you. But that was before I fell asleep."

"You liar," he snapped. "When I took my last picture in the park, it was eleven thirty-five. The cops probably delayed me by ten minutes and it's not even noon yet. The beer wouldn't have had a chance to get warm. You owe me sixty dollars."

"Wait a minute," I said. "A ticket for going ten over is only a hundred dollars."

"I've only got eighty," he said. "And I need at least forty for my date tonight."

"Maybe you should pay the ticket and stay in tonight," I said.

"Dad, warm beer sucks," said Mark. "I want another one."

"No, Mark," I said. "You know the rule." He nodded. And out of nowhere George leaped into our conversation with both feet.

"I'm not sure I like the idea of him drinking period," said George. Miri looked at him as he spoke. Cora smiled and looked at him too.

Mark shot a pissed off look at George.

"After all, he's only twenty years old. He won't be legally old enough to drink for almost a year. He shouldn't be drinking period," said George.

"How is it any of your business, Mr. Wilson?" asked Mark Jr.

"George, a lot of kids start drinking by the time they're sixteen," I said. "Mark at twenty, lives on his own at college. If he wanted to, he could be walking around drunk half of the time that he's there. We let him have one beer a day, while he's home. It doesn't hurt anything and it gets him to the point where in ten months, when he can drink, it's not some terrible forbidden thing that he's going to go crazy doing."

My, I believed, rational explanation went unheard, though. I don't think that George heard a word of it.

"That makes sense," said Cora.

"Will somebody turn the God damned grill on?" yelled Miri. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what she was angry about.

"When I was in college ... Well, I didn't get to go to college, but when I was about to go to college before I got married, we were drunk all of the time," said Cora. "The guys at the college used to come and bring us drinks all of the time. At least they brought drinks for all of the girls. I was a girl then. Well I'm still a girl now. At least I feel like a girl. But I guess technically I'm a woman. I wonder why those college guys didn't bring any drinks for the boys..."

There was a tension in the air. I could feel it. Something was about to happen and I knew that it was going to be bad. I had no idea though of just how bad it was going to be. I guess I envisioned my Saturday afternoon being ruined because either George or Mark Jr. would stomp off and leave the rest of us to eat without one of them. Maybe they'd both leave. But again as I tried to defuse the situation I had no idea what would happen.

"I'm tired of you showing me such disrespect," said George to Mark.

"I'm tired of you inserting yourself into everything we do," spat Mark. "Why can't you just sit there and eat and tell us stories about the time of the great depression when you were young. Ever since I was a little kid, you've been following me around like a God damned pedophile or something."

"I've been studying my ass off at school to make my parents proud of me and so I can have a great career. I have a lot of friends on campus but I missed my MOM and DAD. I came home this weekend to relax and spend time with my family. I wanted to eat my mom's cooking and do nutty things with my dad. Ever since we got up this morning, there you've been. I don't mind you visiting, but shit, can you at least be a good guest and try to stay out of the decision making process?"

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Souvenir Paddles

Souvenir Paddles I’d passed this place several times in the past. As a traveling factory rep, I had occasion to find myself in this part of the state, perhaps every six months, or so. This time, I had some time to kill — actually the rest of the day free — and yielded to my curiosity, pulling into the gravel parking lot spanning the front of the building. The building itself was old and made of concrete block. With windows fronting the store, it looked like it had once been a market — IGA, or...

1 year ago
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Souvenir PaddlesV

Souvenir Paddles – V And, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before. My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...

2 years ago
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Souvenir PaddlesV

Souvenir Paddles - VAnd, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before.My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Birthday Paddling

Synopsis: Very Long story. Jennifer and her friend Linda get a paddling, and Jennifer gets her rectum pleasured by her friend.---------------------Jennifer's Birthday PaddlingJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'.I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit...

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Jennifers Birthday Paddling

Jennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...

3 years ago
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Paddling After A Paddling

“You totally pushed me into that rock!” Rebecca shouted as she floated in the calm eddy, with her life jacket making her bobbing head a buoy in the river.“Girl please, that kayak is no good on the river and you know it,” I protested, hiding the fact that it was my bow that moved her away from the channel and into the rock.“Well, ugh,” she said, struggling to get back into her vessel.“I’ve never had a problem with it before,” she argued as her small impish body flopped back into the boat, giving...

3 years ago
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The shock of my first paddling

I was working on something else last night and my mind started to wander a little. I was thinking about the first time I was really punished – my first time being paddled by my father.I’d been spanked more than a few times before this. The first paddling was when I was between twelve and thirteen.Other than being just disobedient; some of the spankings were because I was a sissy, loved sucking cock and being fucked, and he did hear some rumors about me being with other boys. My sister and I...

2 years ago
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Ping Pong Paddling

It was raining and I was next door playing table tennis in Erica's basement. We'd been neighbours for so long we almost thought of each other almost like brother and sister but recently I'd started noticing how her tits filled out her t-shirt nicely and her ass was magnificent in her tight jeans. I knew she'd caught me looking and it had made things a bit awkward.She'd always been a tomboy and was hyper-competitive though now we had both turned eighteen I was a lot stronger and the only thing...

2 years ago
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Without Love edited reposted

Part one First time With her knees clasped together; a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips gently rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped; the sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex. It had been an accidental discovery, bathing her body, making sure her sex was clean. A touch of the soap...

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Without Love

Without love.   Part one   First time     With her knees clasped together; a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips gently rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped. The sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex.   It had been an accidental discovery, bathing her body, making sure her sex was clean. A...

First Time
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Jennifers Birthday Paddling

Jennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89′. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...

2 years ago
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Without Love

Without Love     Part two.     The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed, the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet.   It was not long before the freedom she had tasted, became a desire to move...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 29

****** Sunday The day dawned wet and dreary and the cold wind howling around the motel seemed to find its echo in Peter’s soul. He spread the diaries, the ledgers, the DVDs and videos across his bed. Breakfast had been a riot of laughter as the girls – closely guarded by Susie and Maria began to organize a shopping trip. Peter unable to deal with the hilarity returned to his room where he brooded alone. Then his morbid silence was shattered when the girls entered the room. With their faces...

1 year ago
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Without Limitation

You, Jane Doe, are a very unique teenage girl... in fact, you are technically not a human girl at all. You were genetically engineered using material from numerous super-athletes, artificial gene sequences, animal DNA extracts and samples from the various physical and mental elite of human-kind, and you were originally intended by your creator-mother, Professor Natalie Doe, to be the next great leap in evolution; far beyond human ability in every respect. You have two human siblings, Ashley Doe...

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Without Love

Without Love     Part two.     The transition from College, armed with all the relevant qualifications for a life in the drudge of office administration, to a job that promised just that as a future, was quite easy. Michelle enjoyed the freedom her meagre wage allowed; the freedom to buy clothes she wanted, rather than those chosen for her by a mother so far out of touch that she may as well be on another planet.   It was not long before the...

First Time
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 13

The phone interrupted Peter. ‘You’re wanted. It’s urgent and I can’t handle this one.’ Mark sounded worried. ‘I’ll be back in a minute.’ Peter tossed the words back at Jennifer and Andrew as he charged down the stairs to his office. Mark held out the phone. It was Susie calling from next door. ‘Get in there and fight. I saw her enter the workshop. You know she’s special, so fight for her.’ ‘I am fighting for her, and yes, she certainly is special.’ Peter threw in a quick reply but Susie had...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 21

Sadly, Bob and Ted felt a little neglected through all these preparations, although at times Jennifer and Peter joined them to all go out together with Ruth and Karen who seemed to be the permanent partners for Ted and Bob. Things were changing in Peter’s apartment, too. The place was subtly altered and Jennifer’s clothes seemed to take up all the available space. Eventually April arrived and Peter’s bachelor days were almost at an end when he drove Jennifer to Mascot airport. ‘Goodbye,...

4 years ago
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Without Remorse Ch 04

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten chapters long it follows the story of a group of people involved in an investigation into the serial attacks on homeless women. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 09

Sunlight streaming into his eyes brought Peter around. Into the pain flooded the thought, ‘My head aches. Why are the drapes open? The light is too strong.’ The thoughts seemed to smash pound behind his eyes like a blacksmith’s hammer forging a horseshoe as he staggered under the shower. He knew his hangover was causing pain. With the hot needles of spray stabbing his skin, he retraced the events of the previous night. ‘Can’t I get anything right? I’ve insulted the one girl who attracted me,...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 31

Three weeks had passed without any further contact from Peter. His lack of communication confused Jennifer’s family. They wondered if he would ever return. In her familiar surroundings, Jennifer was recovering, but without Peter’s presence, she was unable to accept that he was alive. To avoid the possibility of upsetting Jennifer, Elizabeth, Eric and Andrew could only talk of Peter when she was not present. Then things seemed to change, when early one morning the RSM handed Elizabeth a...

4 years ago
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Without a Reason

JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the...

2 years ago
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Without You

5:27 - Jessica is walking down her own street when she suddenly sees Wayne. He is wearing camo and running shoes. “You’re violating the order of protection.” “Life isn’t worth living without you.” 5:28 - She is running away. 5:28:37 - Much too late, she is screaming. 5:28:43 - Wayne is grabbing her shoulder and covering her mouth. 5:28:49 -- She is feeling a pinprick on her shoulder. Then, for a period she can’t measure, she is feeling nothing. 6:17 - Jessica is slowly waking up lying on...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 24

They spent the night in restless sleep and with periods of intense loving. As the boom, boom, boom of the local mosque calling the faithful to prayers shattered Jennifer’s nap she felt the warmth of Peter cuddling her back and the determination of his little one to go exploring again. Very aware of her nakedness, she was startled as she heard him chuckle. ‘So trying to seduce me again, eh? We have no time for that. Come on – there’s a water shortage in Singapore so we’ll shower together, but...

1 year ago
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Without Remorse Ch 01

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy reading about. It has ten chapters, and I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * He stood panting, feet wide apart, staring down at the sprawled out figure...

3 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 16

Peter woke the next morning and lay still with eyes closed and his breathing rate unchanged. His years of jungle living could not be shaken off as he lay listening carefully to the sounds of gentle tapping at his door. He heard the sounds of someone placing a tray on the bedside table and he knew by the soft footfalls a woman was standing beside his bed. Knowing that Jennifer was in for a shock, he lay still as he grinned into his pillow and waited until she was in easy reach so he could grab...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 27

‘Friends of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra request the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. P. O’Brien.’ The invitation had arrived weeks earlier and reluctantly Peter had accepted. Immediately after Christmas, they flew to Sydney and Jennifer went shopping for an evening gown by herself. She adamantly refused to tell Peter what she had purchased or to model it for him. He tried to entice her to reveal her secret as he stood with her on the balcony with his hands slowly massaging her neck and shoulders,...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 20

Towards the end of January, Peter returned to his workshop with Jennifer on his arm. Joe noticed the change in Jennifer and the ring on her finger. Smiling broadly, he bellowed his welcome for all to hear. ‘So here’s the blushing bride-to-be! I’m very pleased for the two of you.’ Dragging Jennifer from the office, he took her into the workshop where he spread the news. It wasn’t long before Bob and Ted arrived. They weren’t surprised when Joe broke the news of the engagement by returning...

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without limits part 2

during the evening the four friends were in the pool, swimming or tanning, Yvonne looked very sexy with her pink bathing suit, too short, his body wet and her nipples outstanding success to the rest of his friends. Rolando in while preparing some drinks for the company observing the scene, Ivonne approaches, gives the drink and passes his hand through the vagina, and then leaves, glass sinks in the water inside, and rubbed her breasts stroking the ass, but the magnate sack to force the water,...

3 years ago
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Without a Sound

Without a sound she lies on the floor. The tears roll down her face, as herwhole body trembles. Pressing her arms tightly to her chest, pulling her kneesup, she tries to curl into a ball, but once again the uncontrolled sobbingrips trough her body. "My God….." The whisper is hoarse, coming from a throat damaged by screaming. "My God…" The sound of her voice is not the only thing she can hear, there is a televisionset going on softly in the background, a chirrup of commercials, all excitedvoices...

4 years ago
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Without a Reason

JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the occupants. Two...

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Without a Scratch

This story is dark. Hurtling along in the dark midnight hours at 75 miles per hour, down a long straight stretch of Arizona Interstate 10-a road to nowhere in particular and everywhere specifically-I become lulled by the monotony of the ride. I'm Bill Dolezol. I'm about 6' around 200 pounds, a little bit overweight, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. I began dreaming, dreaming of my wife at 22 years old when we were married. She was so pretty, ripe with innocent sexuality, playful, erotic,...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 10

It was when the magic of the day was ending and they sat in Peter’s car outside Jennifer’s apartment that Peter put forward a suggestion hoping she would agree to his plans. ‘Would you like a weekend away from the city say up in the mountains or a secret place? Pack a bag, just a few things.’ The words tumbled out. ‘That new car needs a long drive in the country to make that motor work. We’ll head north where it’s warmer and not so crowded.’ Peter waited for an answer but there was none....

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 06

That same night when he returned to the workshop, Peter’s mind was too full of the job in hand to even think about women until, as if waking from a nightmare he noticed the workshop was flooded with sunlight. Sunday had dawned, his body was aching, his mind was black with self-disgust. Yet, Bob and Ted expected him to go surfing with them. Barely had Peter arrived home when the lift arrived at his door. ‘God, you look terrible. Out on the tiles all night, eh?’ Bob thrust his cheery face into...

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Without Remorse Ch 05

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten stories long it will take you down a path as you follow Ben, Jake, Kelly and the villain of the piece along the investigation into the serial attacker of homeless women. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * ...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 23

Peter enjoyed Thursday’s early morning swim, taking this time alone to plan the day. The air hadn’t warmed yet and the water, though tepid, was refreshing as he floated idly awaiting Jennifer’s arrival. ‘Got cha!’ Peter heard the shriek as two soft hands sent him to the bottom. Spluttering and coughing he surfaced to see Jennifer’s face close to his. ‘Jennifer, I love you so damn much it hurts, but that won’t save you!’ and he dived to catch her. Lifting her high against his chest he growled,...

1 year ago
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Without a Compass

I thought of it as 'either or', not 'something and'. Sex I mean, specifically sexual relationships. You navigated through sex because certain things were a given. One of those was that my wife Jilly was not a lesbian. I mean, she had never shown the slightest sexual interest in women. Lesbian themes on TV or film appeared to be distasteful to her. But then she met Adele and my life became unhinged. Unhinged because I didn't believe that I knew Jilly anymore. Unhinged because I didn't understand...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 18

So much laughter and fun filled the family’s return trip from Melbourne that the time quickly passed. It was twilight as Andrew drove into the grounds of what he believed was his home and stopped, disoriented by the sight before him, unable to comprehend this was their driveway and their house. Fascinated, the family could only stare at the myriad fairy lights bordering the driveway scattered in the trees and around the garden. The lights took their attention totally, so amazed were they at...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 30

It was late the following morning. Jennifer was lying on her back, eyes open, staring at the ceiling, making no sound at all. Even when Peter spoke, it was as though she was deaf, as she didn’t react. Her eyes showed no brief gleam of recognition and she didn’t answer. The surgeon ushered Peter out of the room as the nurse prepared Jennifer for surgery. On the verandah, the surgeon explained. ‘Whoever did this to her needs to be brought to justice. The bastards have done extensive damage....

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 07

Saturday arrived after a week of hectic rehearsals. Growing even closer to Jennifer, wanting her so much it hurt, Peter could not help walking around with a huge grin on his face as he wondered how Jennifer was coping. His thoughts showed his plans were falling into place. In the taxi, he began muttering to himself. ‘It’s so naughty of me not to tell her but it will be so delicious to see the surprise on her face.’ Sitting in the barber’s chair, he waited for a shave and haircut. He knew...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 32

Ignoring Elizabeth’s horrified reaction Peter, Andrew and the guards dragging the prisoners made their way to one of the farm trucks where the guards unceremoniously dumped all the prisoners in the back oblivious of the screams of agony from Pretty Boy. With the prisoners secured in the truck Peter, Andrew and the Ghurkhas changed into rags under the shearing shed. Khukuris were still prominent. Standing to one side, Peter and the RSM quietly reaffirmed the strategy for the remainder of the...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 15

Peter didn’t have to tell Jennifer the drive from the hospital to his apartment tired him. She watched him creep from the car to the elevator holding his body stiffly, fighting the pain in his chest. In the third bedroom, Jennifer dragged the twin beds together. ‘A shower will make you feel better. Then, get into bed,’ she reassured him. Gently, she tugged him to the bathroom. ‘Do you need help?’ Peter was too tired and too sore to make a comment. After showering, he studied his face in the...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 17

Fuzzy headed and blinking in the morning glare, one by one the family gathered in the kitchen. Elizabeth had laid out a late, light breakfast and fussed over her brood, which now included Peter, checking they all looked respectable as they climbed into the car. ‘Church is not all that far away,’ she told him, but Peter didn’t hear. He was too busy holding Jennifer’s hand and drowning in the depths of her eyes. For once, Andrew was silent, possibly, because that damned duck’s head had pointed...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 25

In the darkness of early morn, Peter lay awake, thinking of the day ahead. Yes, his sisters had told him they had arranged helicopter transport to take them up country. Yes, he was prepared and yes, he was with his wife. Looking at the clock he realized it was almost time to leave. He nudged Jennifer until she groaned, ‘Let me sleep, I’m so tired, just let me sleep.’ ‘Sweetheart, I’ve been a demanding arrogant husband – bossing you around – buying your clothes – being a real male chauvinistic...

1 year ago
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Without Remorse Ch 08

This is a crime thriller some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * The girl walked past the blue boarded up area next to the quiet street where she walked along at two o’clock in the morning. She had been working on the late shift at the call...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 01

The dimly lit bar was smoky, huge, well organized and over-crowded with tables full of happy, boisterous people dressed for their ‘Friday Night’ drinks and socializing. Obviously, a popular meeting place in the Sydney Hyatt, the room was a constantly moving kaleidoscope of suits and skirts as late arrivals sought seats. Busy waiters dashed back and forth while friends mingled between tables. The noise was deafening, even without the music from the large band. Those couples on the...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 28

Resuming his position at the kitchen doors, the old Chinese carefully controlled the waiters as they successfully served Dingo’s guests. Then, tiring of the charade, he turned, pushed on the swinging doors into the kitchen and grunted an order in Cantonese. Carrying a roasted pig’s head on a huge platter, two waiters appeared. They followed the old Chinese as he painfully hobbled to stand behind Jennifer. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Peter placed his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder as he...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 11

‘Hey Boss!’ Turning the buffing machine off, Joe pulled at Peter’s arm. ‘There’s an angry customer in the office.’ His grin broadened into a laugh as Peter stared at the lipstick on his cheek. After washing his hands free of grime and grease so that Ted would have nothing to complain about, Peter slowly made his way to the office. Angry customers meant bookwork. ‘Jennifer!’ Racing around the counter, Jennifer hurled herself into Peter’s arms and kissed him. Surprised by her actions, Peter...

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Without Remorse Ch 02

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Ten chapters long it tells the story of an investigation, with many characters weaving in and out the story. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Under the Arches near the Embankment a handful of people started...

2 years ago
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Without Remorse Ch 10

This is a crime thriller, and like all good crime thrillers the ending isn’t always as we want it to be. I love writing about characters, and I hope you have enjoyed reading about them. Definition of a Sociopath – someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * The crowds stood around watching as the ambulances were loaded with the wounded and injured, and the police swarmed around the roped off area as the two white...

1 year ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 12

Susie didn’t speak until they arrived at the railway station. Suddenly she stopped, sensing a strangeness come over Peter once more. Clutching her little bag to her chest, she turned and watched, realizing it would take some time before the last of the effects of the drugs left him. Once again, something weird was taking hold of Peter who now seemed to be staring at Susie as if mesmerized. He was seeing visions again. He could see beside her, standing there in the light streaming through the...

3 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 26

There was a crowd to meet them as they stepped into the arrivals’ lounge at Melbourne airport. Tearfully, Jennifer’s Mum raced to hug her and welcome her home. The three months they had been away had seemed such a long time. Eric and Andrew were just as happy to see them. Eric hugged his daughter, while Andrew was his normal teasing self. ‘Why didn’t you bring Jennifer home with you Peter? Who’s this new woman? Look, she’s laughing and she’s so happy. That isn’t my sister, Jennifer. Did you...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 04

A hammering on the shutters brought Peter back to reality. ‘Is the car loaded?’ Bob was bright and cheery and Ted waved from his car. ‘My God, you look as though you’ve not been to bed at all. Hook up the trailer and let’s get going. We have a busy day ahead.’ It was Sunday. The night had flown. Peter had been so busy thinking of Jennifer and what he would say, when next they met – if they met – so busy checking the car he had not noticed the sunlight streaming into the workshop. The...

1 year ago
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Without Remorse Ch 09

This is a crime thriller with some romantic sex, and a smidgeon of violent non consensual sex and interesting by-play between various characters whom I hope you’ll enjoy. Definition of a Sociopath — someone unconcerned about the adverse consequences for others of one’s actions and with a total lack of moral compass. * Archie the contract killer wandered around the Embankment area of London where the two detectives had led him to yesterday. He looked at every girl as he passed them,...

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