Souvenir Paddles
- 2 years ago
- 34
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I’d passed this place several times in the past. As a traveling factory rep, I had occasion to find myself in this part of the state, perhaps every six months, or so.
This time, I had some time to kill - actually the rest of the day free - and yielded to my curiosity, pulling into the gravel parking lot spanning the front of the building.
The building itself was old and made of concrete block. With windows fronting the store, it looked like it had once been a market - IGA, or whatever.
The sign read “General Store” with another, smaller sign that read “Everything from scoop to nuts” hanging below. I have always enjoyed digging through such a place, looking for that gem that could never be found in a WalMart of Kmart.
As I parked, I noticed that the place was virtually deserted. My car was the only one in the lot and I assumed that employees must park behind the building.
Entering the store, I was charmed by the sound of tinkling bells which announced my entrance to the proprietress, an attractive lady, maybe forty years old, standing behind a sales counter, looking in my direction to see who had rung the bells.
I smiled at her and told her that I just wanted to browse. Not waiting for an answer, I took a quick turn down an aisle and was soon focused on the outstanding collection of eclectic merchandise, putting the lady out of my mind.
Although I was entertained by the variety of bric-a-brac and toys, camping gear and fishing tackle, pet food and horse tack, I’d not found anything to truly appeal to my taste. Until I wandered into the souvenir section.
Immediately I thought back to years past when I’d stop at a Stuckey’s for breakfast and look, always, for the souvenir paddles. They’d always have several choices, all highly varnished, each displaying its saucy message; “Apply To The Seat Of Learning”, “For Naughty Boys”, and so on.
I guess that, as political correctness took hold and ‘spanking’ fell out of fashion, the chain chose to discontinue sales of the paddles and they’d all but become a thing of the past.
Here, though, was a display of perhaps twenty different paddles, all identical in shape and size, all with the highly-varnished finish, all thin and, I imagined perfectly suited to sting and burn a naughty male’s posterior.
Without volition I found myself reaching out and picking up one of the paddles. I could feel my heart pounding and my penis stirred in my trousers, aroused by my immediate fantasy of a stern, strict woman applying this very same paddle to my bared bottom.
Holding the paddle by the handle end, as if I was preparing to use it, I tapped it against the palm of my left hand. As I tap, tap, tapped my palm, I drew a mental picture of removing my clothes, preparing myself for a severe paddling by this woman who was prepared to fulfill my fantasies.
I’d been so absorbed in my thoughts, I’d not noticed the shop keeper’s approach until she was standing next to me.
“You’re not the first to find themselves standing before these paddles. Many travelers have told me that they’ve not seen these for sale for years. When he was still alive, my husband bought a close-out crate of 1,000 of these and I’ve been selling them ever since.
“We liked using them ourselves. We didn’t have children, but my husband, like most men, was part man and part little boy. I found it satisfying to strip him naked and paddle his bubble butt until my arm was tired, his bottom was bright red, his face covered in tears, and his chest heaving from his sobs.
“After this spanking, I’d have him kneel in front of me and give me pleasure with his mouth. I adored the feeling of his tears on my thighs as he licked me and between my cheeks as he rimmed my butt hole.
“His erection would pulse throughout these activities, dripping a steady stream of pre-cum as evidence of his approval of my methods.
“When I’d had enough of his devotions, I’d have him beat off and ejaculate on my ass-crack. After he had cum, two things would happen. First, he knew that he was to clean up his mess - with his tongue, licking the semen from my crack and swallowing every drop.
“Secondly, and this is the truly wicked part, he knew that after he was done licking me clean, he would be bent over for another paddling. Coming so soon after his first paddling, and immediately after his orgasm, this paddling was exponentially more painful.
“He would cry. He would beg. He would sob like a little boy. And, I would paddle harder and faster. After he’d been reduced to a pitiful state of sobbing and crying, I’d cease, pulling his tear-stained face between my thighs once again, eager to feel the slickness of his tears on my skin and the devoted worship of his tongue in my vulva.”
While this woman spoke, I wondered how she knew. How she knew that I would approve of her story. I suddenly felt the tightness behind my zipper and realized that my erection was pressing against by fly, wanting to escape. Wanting attention. Wanting to be the cock in the story she’d told.
“Look at me.”
Her voice was feminine and commanding both. I felt compelled to turn my head to look her in the face and did so, shuddering as I looked into the depths of her eyes, feeling that she owned me.
“I want to use the paddles on your ass. I want to make you cry. I want to make you cum. I want to have you serve me - front and rear.
“If this is what you want, you need to say only two words - yes ma’am. Nothing more. Is this what you want?”
“Yes, ma’am.
My head was dizzy with excitement. My legs were shaky. My cock was hard and throbbing - the pre-cum flowing copiously and filling the pocket of my jockey shorts as if I had peed my pants.
I felt like I was a character in a porn movie - or at the least, a naughty story. I was astonished, though, at the reality. The reality that I was following the lead of a woman that I’d ‘known’ for less than ten minutes.
I didn’t know if I was only imagining the stern look to her countenance; I thought not - the look on her face bespoke determination and resolve. As we walked, she spoke.
“I’ve already locked the doors and turned on the ‘Closed’ light. My husband was very heavily insured with term insurance and I have no need for income now. I maintain the store only as a hobby. I often leave it closed for days or even weeks at a time.
“I maintain one of my residences in the rear of this building. As we pass through this door, we will be totally sound-proofed for your discipline. Trust me, this is important.
“The sound of my wooden paddles connecting with your bare bottom will sound like
gun fire. Further, I will be paddling you very hard and very long. Many, many
times the paddles will connect with your flesh and each and every time they will
resound with the impact.
As she had been speaking, we’d progressed through a foyer into the main living area of her place, stepping down into a sunken living room that was heavily carpeted in white, wall-to-wall carpeting, looking almost like snow.
“Remove your clothing and place it on one of the couches. I’m going to shower and change and I’ll join you shortly. After you’re nude, I want you to assume a position of the carpet, on your knees with your elbows on the floor in front of you.
“When I return, I expect your bottom offered up, the small of your back ‘dipped’, and your knees spread, shoulder-width.
“By the by…. You don’t yet know my name and I’ve deliberately avoided asking yours. I don’t want to know you by name before I first test your sincerity. It’s one thing to say that you are ready to submit to a genuine thrashing; yet another to experience.
“I promise you, you’ve never met a woman like me. I will delight in ‘breaking’ you; like a horse person would break a wild mustang. I will change you today, forever..
“You will cry and beg. You will howl and sob. When I am through you will belong to me. Make no mistake, I am going to hurt you terribly. The payoff for you is two-fold. First, by suffering for me, you will earn the privilege of serving my body.
“I’ll have you lick my vulva until I’ve experienced multiple-orgasms. I’ll have you worship my ass by licking the crack and rimming my butt hole. This is what I like to think of as the ‘submissive kiss’. My late-husband learned to spend literally hours tending to my rear. I always felt that, after his beatings, this act of submission was the next best exercise for his attitude.
While she’d been talking, I’d removed my clothes and placed them on a nearby couch as she’d instructed. As I stood in front of her, nude, ready for her threatened chastisement, my erection pointed at her, its tip oozing a steady stream of pre-cum.
With a look of amusement, combined with a rebuke of a frown, she instructed, “When we are together, there are rules. One of those rules - an important one - is that any pre-cum and cum that you leak or shoot will be eaten by you.
“When you are dealing with your pre-cum, you will accomplish this by running the side of your right-hand, index finger beneath the head of your penis and collect the pre-cum on that finger. To you mouth, then, immediately, and suck off the residue from your finger. However many times this is necessary, you will continue this exercise until your cock head is clean of your arousal.
“Do this now.”
I didn’t even consider disobedience but simply reached down and followed her command. The taste that met my tongue was foreign. Like most men, I guess, I’d often wondered what semen would taste like but never had the courage to taste it - my own or another man’s! A bit salty and definitely runny. While it wasn’t particularly pleasant, I felt a frisson of perverse excitement at this overt evidence of my submission to this woman who’d all but cast a spell over me.
Walking to the couch where I’d left my clothing, she picked up the pile and took them with her. As she left the room to shower and change, she spoke over her shoulder.
“It’s been a while since my husband died and I’ve not had an opportunity since then to master a man. While I’m showering, think about what will happen when I return to the room. The description that I gave you of my time with my husband was pretty close to what you will experience today.
“I guess that the main difference will be a question of severity. I intend, as I said, to break you. To do this I will need to paddle - and possibly whip - you severely. Think, then, while I am changing, about how you will be unmanned. How you will cry and sob like a little boy. How you will beg - to no avail - for mercy. How you will be my personal property - should I care to use you again or not. Not only will you look at me differently after today; you’ll never look another woman in the eye without respect and fear.
“On the carpet now, and don’t you dare get any drippings on my carpet.:
So saying, she left the room and I - nude and on the floor now - wondered anew if I was making a mistake. I knew that this ordeal would hurt a lot. I knew that she was as genuine as a woman could be. Ready to dispense corporal discipline in an amount that I’d only fantasized about in the past.
Twice married, I’d asked both of my wives to spank me. And spank me was about it. Both were too timid to truly punish me and I’d never submitted to a ‘real’ spanking - let alone, ‘thrashing’ - by a woman who seemed ready, willing and able to deliver the goods.
I found it amusing in a little-brain controlling the man, to note that as I imagined the upcoming discipline that my new-found instructress had promised, my cock was still rock-hard. Rock-hard and dripping.
I became aware of a quivering in my buttocks and legs. Almost like what I’d seen of a puppy as it cowered in fear. It seemed that, even if my penis was pleased about the immediate future, my bottom had the good sense to realize that trouble was on the way!
I suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female.
Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured it wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption.
The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two other voices speaking with my lady. As they entered the room, she spoke,
“Stay as you are on the floor but you have my permission to look up.”
When I looked in the direction of her voice I was stunned by the sight of two absolutely beautiful young ladies, girls more like it, perhaps teens.
“These are my twin daughters, Tammy and Tiffany. They’re only now, 18 years old. They never had a chance to learn to discipline a man when their father was alive as they were too young and I thought it ill-advised to expose them to our intimate relationship.
“They told me when they were older - after their father was gone - that they’d heard me spanking and paddling their dad but were afraid to say anything to me.
“I promised them that when I next thrashed a man, I’d let them observe. If they wish to, they are also allowed to use your mouth. You will obey their instructions as if it they were coming from me. Believe me - if you give me the slightest reason, I’ll turn your whipping over them and give them an opportunity to experience of hearing a man cry as a result of their discipline.
Speaking to her daughters now, she told them to take seats in two arm chairs and strode to where I was kneeling. I hadn’t noticed at first, but now I saw that she was carrying one of the souvenir paddles that I’d admired in her store. She saw me looking at the paddle and smiled an imperious smile.
“Well, little man, it’s time. Do not move from where you are. You are permitted to cry and scream - and I promise that you will. Ultimately, you will be permitted to sob and the three of us look forward to hearing that sound of you begging for mercy and crying like a little boy.”
Without another word, she moved like a flash and I felt the flat of the paddle connect with my right buttock. The sting imparted by that one swat was a harbinger of what was to come and I trembled in terror as the full import of what I had submitted to come home. I didn’t have time to ruminate though, as she quickly directed the paddle’s attention to my left buttock and then continued with a steady barrage of swats, left-right, left-right - and my bottom quickly took on a sting and heat.
I’d thought about this fantasy so many, many times over the years. I’d masturbated with a vision of this moment in my mind’s eye, never realizing how incredibly painful it would be. The reality, needless to say, caused the fantasy to pale in comparison.
Souvenir Paddles - VAnd, so I found myself kneeling on the floor, beaten into what I felt was total submission. My face was covered with tears, which still streamed out of my eyes, seemingly unaware of the cessation of my discipline. My buttocks and thighs burned and throbbed in pain. Pain like I’d never ever experienced before.My sobbing seemed to be subsiding along with a slowing of my breathing. I wondered if I would be made to wait before being given the privilege of serving Tiffany, who...
SpankingSouvenir Paddles - IIII suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female. Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured I wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption.The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two girls speaking with my lady. As they entered the...
SpankingSouvenir Paddles – IV If asked, I’d have said that nothing could hurt more than her so-called ‘warm-up’, and, I’d have been wrong. So wrong!! This was difficult to describe. I was torn between the heavenly feeling of my face buried in the ass of a hard-bodied teen and the relentless swat, swat, swat of the fiendish ‘souvenir’. Competing with the two sensations of my face and bottom was the voice of my new ‘friend‘. “Do I have your attention? I hope that you know how fortunate you are to be...
Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she’d waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he’d be bunking up with his younger brothers. “Meet us in the hall as soon as you...
Souvenir Paddles – III I suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female. Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured I wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption. The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two girls speaking with my lady. As they entered...
Souvenir Paddles – II My head was dizzy with excitement. My legs were shaky. My cock was hard and throbbing – the pre-cum flowing copiously and filling the pocket of my jockey shorts as if I had peed my pants. I felt like I was a character in a porn movie – or at the least, a naughty story. I was astonished, though, at the reality. The reality that I was following the lead of a woman that I’d ‘known’ for less than ten minutes. I didn’t know if I was only imagining the stern look to her...
Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she’d waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he’d be bunking up with his younger brothers. “Meet us in the hall as soon as you...
MILFSouvenir Paddles - IVIf asked, I’d have said that nothing could hurt more than her so-called ‘warm-up’; and, I’d have been wrong. So wrong!! This was difficult to describe. I was torn between the heavenly feeling of my face buried in the ass of a hard-bodied teen and the relentless swat, swat, swat of the fiendish ‘souvenir’.Competing with the two sensations of my face and bottom was the voice of my new ‘friend‘.“Do I have your attention? I hope that you know how fortunate you are to be serving...
SpankingSouvenir Paddles - IIMy head was dizzy with excitement. My legs were shaky. My cock was hard and throbbing - the pre-cum flowing copiously and filling the pocket of my jockey shorts as if I had peed my pants.I felt like I was a character in a porn movie - or at the least, a naughty story. I was astonished, though, at the reality. The reality that I was following the lead of a woman that I’d ‘known’ for less than ten minutes.I didn’t know if I was only imagining the stern look to her...
SpankingKevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she'd waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he'd be bunking up with his younger brothers. "Meet us in the hall as soon as...
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‘Alexa!... get over my knee!’ ‘Oh no!’ ‘Over my knee now’ ‘Please no’ ‘If you don’t get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking, I'll cane, strap and tawse you before you leave’ 'What about the slipper?' 'That as well' 'What about the paddle?' 'Oddly enough in the circumstances, I haven't got one with me!' This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and...
Or Without a Paddle. ‘Alexa!... get over my knee!’ ‘Oh no!’ ‘Over my knee now’ ‘Please no’ ‘If you don’t get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking, you will be caned and strapped before you leave here’ This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and after a few light smacks started to spank her properly. After a minute or so of spanking, smoothing of the...
Mary!... get over my knee!Oh no!Over my knee nowPlease noGet get over my knee immediately, and take your spanking!!What about the slipper?That as well'What about the paddle?Oddly enough in the circumstances, I haven't got one with me!This had been the scene some twenty minutes previously. She had carefully positioned herself over my lap and I had smoothed her dress over her bottom and after a few light smacks started to spank her properly. After a minute or so of spanking, smoothing of the...
Jennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89′. I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit older than me (closer to 40 I guessed). I have always enjoyed the company of older women since my mid twenties. The have their act together, know what they want, and are at...
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Hi friends I am Anand with an incident happened during diwali. I am thankful to all the readers of my stories and appreciating me, the best thing is that so many women are now ready to share a lot of their fantasies and some are ready to explore this world and other guys who are ready to satisfy them in any way. I also received many short e mails from married wives from pune for my earlier story. They were all appreciating the story that i had posted.i replied back with a small thank you note...
She walks into the bedroom in her tight jeans, hugging her beautiful round juicy ass. I watch her as she takes off her jacket wearing a tight see through shirt and I can make out the size of her full, round breasts. Blood rushing to my cock, throbbing from excitement, of the thought of having my way with her. She sits at the edge of my bed. I watch her eyes glance at the bulge of my pants and she knows I’m going to fuck her. She slowly reaches over and grabs onto my pants and brings me close...
Mein Sissy Leben. Es fing vor 3 Monaten an. Ich erz?hlte meiner Freundin (Claudia) das ich einen Windel-Fetisch habe. Sie fand es erst etwas merkw?rdig aber wir spielten am Wochenende etwas Baby. Und ich merkte wie sie direkt unglaublich in dieser Rolle auf ging. Von Woche zu Woche wurde es immer etwas mehr. Sie wollte auch pl?tzlich das ich zum Babym?dchen werde was f?r mich aber auch ok war. Zum Gl?ck waren wir durch Ihre Familie nicht auf Arbeit angewiesen und so k?ndigte ich meine ...
I decided to fore-go the perfunctory trip home for the holidays and spend it with my girlfriends. After a less than appetizing dinner, we threw on our best club gear and set out for a night on the town. The Blue Room, a trendy after hours hangout, pulsed with energy, and most importantly in my opinion, rock solid Servicemen. Trapped on our soil, those unfortunate foreign students of The International Air War College gathered together, as we had, to party their troubles away. We quickly formed...
Pokemon and its related characters are the property of Nintendo and no infringement is intended. This story may be posted on free sites, including Fictionmania. Ketchum? You Betcha! By Scott K. Jamison Marcus was too old to go trick or treating, or so he'd been told, but he was still young enough to be enamored of the idea of loads of free candy. That's why he was lurking by the sidewalk in the dark part of the block near the Van Owen place. It was the farthest point from...
"Wake up, wake up," multiple voices were sounding off in my head. Rising up to look at the clock, I was surprised to see it was already a little after seven. I groaned and sat up patting my sleeping beauty next to me on the butt to get her going. Once I was halfway coherent I looked at where the voices were coming from. Pink and Flower were joined by two orange and two big purple dragons hovering in the air at the end of the bed. This wouldn't be that big of a deal but Fun's bedroom...
One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle. Water began spraying everywhere. As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door. Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?” You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine. He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...
Without using her hands, she managed to raise my cock with her mouth and suck nearly all of it down her throat. She stopped there, and I thought that was it. It wasn’t. With her eyes fixed on me as I raised my head to look down across my belly, and watch, she pushed forward, taking more and more of my cock until she had all of it inside her throat ... all the way to my balls. Then, she swallowed and the sensation was so great, before I could control it - or make her stop - I blasted my cum...
My hotel room door opens as Shelley uses the key I'd passed her at the memorial. It had been a lovely service. I saw all the family I'd avoided for the last twelve years. They were a little surprised and less than pleased to see me, but no one was going to cause a scene, disturb the memorial. That was fine with me, I kept right on avoiding them and they returned the favor by ignoring me. That kept it a peaceful serene service that Ray would have hated, but it had been for the living, not for...
Been some time since I have written my sexperiences in ISS. Today is Saturday, 17th of September, like any other weekend its a holiday for me – me am Abhi – I work in a mnc, and I am a lover by heart, I prefer to make love rather than have sex, to me it’s more of an emotional desire than a physical hunger. In the afternoon had a proper three-course meal and then laid down on the couch wondering what to do next, no upcoming projects, clients are pretty settled down – no new affair – thought of...
Tom is new at Wilson High. His family just moved from San Francisco and tomorrow will be his first day at his new School. He and his twin sister Tracey aren't sure how they will get along with people at Wilson High, but since they can't meet their San Francisco-friends anymore and don't want to spend their last year in High School lonely, they have to make new friends. Soon! The twins never had problems with making friends. They were self-confident, good looking and they knew that. While Trace...
Hi to all and this is my first story ever so please is kind in your judgement and as I starting off with a brief intro about myself. My name is Richa Bannerjee and I was born and brought up in India and India as you all know is a pretty conservative country even wearing shorts in public is a big deal. I came from a small town in west Bengal named Murshidabad so I was pretty backward at the beginning. My father sent me to Delhi for my high school in Delhi and I made friends and was enjoying my...
An empty beer bottle arced through the air then broke the smooth surface of the water with an unimpressive splash. Mike watched the ripples spread out across the pond until they lapped against the shore at his feet. He reached into the cooler, the cold felt good to his hand, and pulled out another bottle and twisted the cap off. The ice-cold liquid gurgled down his throat. He heard a car coming down the dirt and gravel the road behind him. It stopped, and a door opened and closed. The breeze...
As you roll over in bed trying to get just a little more sleep, the sun slowly creeps up along the bed. It touches first your feet then your legs then your waist. Each part of your body it touches warms up. It slowly creeps higher and higher. You struggle to maintain sleep, but it is no use. You will just have to wake up. You grumble softly as you push back the covers and sit up. You may not want to wake up, but now that you are awake, you look forward to your day. You slip your feet out of bed...
Ariella Ferrera always makes her pool boy wear speedos. Why? Because it makes her get off and her pussy becomes significantly more moist. She likes to tease him too by wearing some of the sexiest bikinis she owns. He always manages to a chubby when he sees her. One day his boner situation became so dire that Ariella had to help take care of the situation like only a bodacious mylf could. She fucked this poor poolboys brains out and let him fill her with cum on this outrageously special one time...
xmoviesforyouThe Sunday after Easter By Sunday morning, word had spread as far as King City and, as the kids started to gather at the old Willow Lane Elementary lot, people had started to gather along what had become known as the parade route. While it could not be stated with any degree of scientific accuracy, there was a certain air of distinctiveness that set Manatee Bay residents apart from outsiders. Maybe it was the residents were more evenly tanned, maybe it was that the women, if not all...
Juicy Lucy's Grand Jeté By Estaban Bacca 1. It was only a short walk from the Covent Garden tube. When the young girlwith the backpack turned onto Bow Street, the gleaming Greek portico of theRoyal Opera House seemed to beckon her. Arriving across the street from itssix tall, white columns, she halted, gazing up in awe. By chance, she stoodbeside Enzo Plazzotta's sculpture 'Young Dancer'. Had anyone noticed her thereand compared its bronze features to hers, they might have concluded...
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Growing up on a farm in Wisconsin Linda learned two important skills: how to repair any piece of machinery and sex. She learned about sex from one of the farm hands behind the old barn a few hundred feet from her parent’s house. When he left, she learned from other workers on the farm, most times in the barn, but other times out in a field, in the woods, or the backseat of a car. College expanded her interests in and experiences with sex. She experiment with other women, had multiple...
It had been quite a heavy night I reflected as I made my way home. I had certainly had too much to drink, especially when I wasn’t used to drinking but it was Mike’s, my best friend’s birthday party and to just drink coke would have made me look a real nerd, I already had that reputation so I definitely didn’t want to reinf***e it. My parents were not exactly happy about me staying out all night but I managed to reassure them I would be fine staying over at Mike’s and that I would be home by...
Always horny Anna Mae doesn’t know her stepdad is in the bathroom jerking off when she climbs onto the counter naked so she can trim her landing strip. Anna sees an opportunity to get some help fixing the strip, so she asks her stepdad for help making it even. Handing her daddy the razor, she shows him where she needs help. Instead of fixing it, Anna’s stepdad just makes it worse. He offers to get out and leave her to it, but that’s when Anna spies his hardon. She teases him,...
xmoviesforyouHi this is Vignesh from chennai 28 years of age working in mnc Charming athletic built, If anybody interested in meeting me in real contact me through this mail id “” (Only ladies). This is a real incident its all about meeting a stranger and having some hardcore fun. Let me describe the lady. Her name was Hema(Name changed) She resides in chennai, some 10 mins ride from my place. Her age is 35 and she have attractive structure 36 30 34. The beauty got married with Chartered Accountant. And She...