AfricaChapter 12 free porn video

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With some trepidation I exited the Pereire family limousine. Only Consuela's sly grin and her enthusiastic embrace lessened it, at least enough to put on a better game face. My wife chuckled beside me and pronounced my Spanish lover a slut.

The Helen clone didn't disagree. She giggled and winked instead and pulled me into motion with her hand in mine. My other hand pulled Helena behind me.

Entering the basement studio didn't help my nerves. Bob sat in the raised platform that served as the place for a small audience, the place where four generations of Jewesses had watched with him the morning before. And one of them, the youngest, sat beside him, looking intimate with him and well fucked. On the other side sat Michiko, looking dazed and confused. "Fuck," I thought.

I pulled up a smile and approached her. "Hi," I said, pulling her to her feet for an embrace. She relaxed in my arms. "Do you want to talk?" I asked her in a whisper into her ear. I felt her nod. "Excuse us," I said to Bob who nodded distractedly.

Meanwhile, Eva and Lindy revealed no concern, instead excitedly extracting Sheila from her seat and bringing her to the middle of the studio floor. "Just a second," Lindy said to the Scots Amazon, and scooted into a neighboring space where the Helen clones hid their instruments. A second later, she emerged with Consuela who carried her viola in one hand and a sheet of music in the other.

I led Michiko to the farthest corner of the studio from anyone else and we sat on the hard wooden floor. "You okay?" I asked her.

She shrugged. She cried, sniffling. It wasn't sobbing. Just a gentle flow dripping from her pretty brown eyes, like a mild summer rain. "I guess not," she chuckled through her tears.

"Can you talk about it?"

She nodded and shrugged again. "I can but I can't. I don't really understand it. Last night was ... very confusing emotionally. At first I felt intimidated by this grand place. And then the women here relaxed me. Very charming women. Except the old one. I could hardly look at her, her eyes were so piercing, and yet I couldn't not. And then ... her old husband arrived with his cold eyes and still handsome face despite being at least in his eighties. He looked disturbingly familiar, and his voice..."

"Ssh," I breathed, my thoughts debating truth over the utterly unbelievable and probably inadvisable results of speaking that truth.

"It chilled me, like some weird sensory experience where a song or a scent brings forth an emotion from something that must have happened sometime in the past but has been completely forgotten except for some sort of trauma it must have brought me. It made me chug down the red wine most unladylike," she chuckled. "Embarrassed, I looked at Bob and at the beautiful woman sitting beside him, her," she gestured towards the twenty year old, statuesque and gorgeous Jewess. "He gave me a slightly embarrassed grin, but not a resentful one. More he empathized I guess, which, as is his way, was sweet. Her reaction actually made me feel better. She giggled. 'Thirsty, ' she said in her sexy accent. I suddenly found myself very attracted to it and her. And we chatted, the three of us, Bob and her and me, throughout the dinner. The more we talked, the hornier I became for her. I noticed Bob's attention as well, and it didn't even bother me. In fact it excited me more. The thought of Bob and I sharing her excited me.

"When dessert was announced, almost rudely in that most elegant of dinners, Seraphine, pronounced we would have it later and she practically ordered us to follow her. 'Come, ' she said, and I somehow knew the double entendre within that word and almost came right there.

"And cum we did, many times, with Bob filling Seraphine's pussy twice, and mine once, but at the end so it was a rather lengthy and wonderful fuck. Rarely did my fingers or tongue separate from Seraphine's pussy and nipples, nor did hers leave mine very often. I loved her deep, throaty moans, her French swear words, her climactic, ecstatic shouts. And in between, when we needed to raise up Bob's cock again, intimate conversations and that sexy voice just kept things at a continuous level of excitement and even the stirrings of love. We even had a most intimate dessert in bed with the male servant getting an eyeful of naked female flesh, though he seemed more interested in the damp male appendage at the center.

"But in the morning, too early of course, that voice and that face reappeared to haunt me. And I looked for comfort in the arms of Bob, and saw his interest ... in her. I wanted to scream. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to gouge her all too elegant face. Instead I grabbed her arm, the hand at the end having enclosed Bob's morning wood, and rather too forcefully perhaps, pulled it away. My excuse? We had to get dressed and go down here."

We looked at Bob and Seraphine and the intimacy couldn't have been more obvious, especially when they kissed, lightly but warmly, and Seraphine giggled, seductive in its femininity, in its softening of her regality.

"Talk to him," I said. "Open his eyes to her seduction."

"But she seduced me as well."

"All the better. More empathy and less jealousy. It will prove her manipulations."

"But how could she ... How come I ... so lost ... but now..."

"The wine," I said.



"What do you know of these women?"

"I think they're very dangerous."

"I think you're right," she said. "I think I knew that from the start. But Bob..."

"I think he would agree with you. I think it fascinates him."

"I think you're right." She climbed into my lap, straddling it, and hugged and kissed me.

"Trying to make Bob jealous?" I asked her afterwards.

"I doubt he noticed. Call it a spur of the moment necessity. I told you before I feel so wonderfully comfortable with you, and just now, just this little conversation, makes me realize how much I appreciate you in my life. Not only did you bring my clueless love to me, but your presence as well in my life and in Christa's. I think I'm a teensy bit in love with you Joe, and it has nothing to do with drugs."

"I love you too, Michiko. I'm glad I was the catalyst for Bob to meet you. You make for a sweet couple, two truly good people together."

A throat clearing made me look up from Michiko's adorable face. My wife, looking a tad concerned, told me, "Lindy wants you."

"Sorry," said Michiko, letting Helena help her to her feet.

My wife pulled her into an embrace. "Nothing whatsoever to be sorry about. Do you still need to talk, or..."

"I'm ... fine."

"Good. Joe's pretty special, hunh?"

"Yeah. You're lucky."

"I know."

"Hey, I'm the lucky one," I objected.

"Of course," both spoke and giggled.

"Did you give her the poem?" I asked Helena.

"Unh-hunh," she responded. Remarkably, she had composed it earlier in the morning, having slept little and Miwa waking her to tell her of Lindy's request for the pas de deux. In fact she finished it during the trip in the limousine, reading it over finally while I helped out Michiko. "She'll look at it later. Now go," she ended with a slap on my butt and another giggle, in duet with Michiko's. The cute and happy noise from the adorable Japanese woman cheered me.

Though distracted, I had noticed the notes played by Consuela on her viola. It sounded like a sort of disrupted tango, the two or four beats per measure becoming five or six. It turned out to be actually, according to Angelique, one very long measure, abundantly quirky, repeated several times, it's complexity, and the way Consuela played with the timing and intensity of each note, made the repetition subtle, almost unrecognizable.

"I wrote it ages ago," Angelique explained to me as she gathered with Eva, Vance, Sheila, Lindy and I. "It is titled 'La Femme qui marche' or 'Woman Walking'."

"Eva and I worked on the choreography together," Lindy told me. "I danced it with Vance, but something was missing. Actually two somethings. It needed another male, a stronger, bigger male, and a woman with a more powerful presence physically and sexually."

"Meaning me," Sheila grinned, obviously excited to dance Modern. "The movements are brilliant," she gushed.

Lindy bowed her head humbly while Eva smiled and winked at me. I think she communicated how silly that humbleness was, how undeserved. I nodded my agreement.

Looking at the thinner and shorter Vance, whose presence definitely powered over mine, but whose stature certainly didn't, I sighed. "Meaning me as well."

Eva slugged my shoulder just like Helena would with just as much force. "You know you love it. Admit it."

"It's exhilarating when it doesn't scare me to death," I admitted.

"What's scary?" asked Lindy.

"That you'll kill me when I fuck up your brilliant choreography."

"Would you stop worrying about that?"


"And have you fucked up, I mean when it matters, when there's an audience?"

I paused. "Nope," I responded, surprised.

"Joe, you are remarkably devoid of stage fright. In fact it seems to intensify your performances several fold, including your acting. And it's like everything comes together for you like the missing ingredient had been the audience. It's powerful, your presence on stage, in the lights, with the audience."

"And sexy," Eva added.

"Maybe its stage fright that drives me to being in the moment as much as possible, a defense."

"Whatever," Lindy smirked. "Anyway..."

The choreography began, led by Lindy, but Eva added things, usually sexier moves. The piece revolved around temptation. Like my play, "The Perfect Drug," a man seduces a woman from another man, resulting in a sort of fight for her. Her original lover, me, acts submissive towards her powerful presence and sexuality. Vance pulls her away with his dominance. I have to find mine to win her back. Unfortunately, being much bigger makes me seem like a bully. I have to somehow let him win, using his manipulative cleverness to reveal his character. And I have to sustain dominance to keep her interest. In the end, dominance and submission gets switched back and forth between me and Sheila. And at the very end, Vance appears, and their eyes meet unbeknownst to me.

The dance lasted for ten minutes. Each scene happened for the length of the long measure. Sheila walked slowly and incredibly sexily across the stage in a single direction during each measure, reversing the direction with the next, Vance and I interacting with her and each other appropriately. Between each measure would be a moment of darkness of varying though always brief duration, between one and two beats. Blackouts like in Burlesque.

After working a couple hours on it, we worked on Cloudburst, Lindy adding Sheila to the mix of tumbling and embracing and cringing, and added herself as well, seeing her place better with Sheila in it, and her addition actually pulled it together. Her presence brought focus, towards her, but spreading to the rest of us like the way an abstract painting pulls you in and sends your eye in a whirl throughout the piece. I saw this because a Pereire servant recorded our rehearsals.

Between rehearsals, the Jewesses provided sandwiches and drinks. I noticed Bob having a more balanced attentiveness towards his two women. Michiko shrugged at me, not quite happy, but getting there.

When we finished, I couldn't have been more pleased to see Michiko occupying Bob's lap, and his affection for her, with fond glances and light kisses at her neck, made the transition obvious. Seraphine remained beside him, and the conversation seemed friendly, even intimate, with moments of comfortable laughter shared.

However, comfort in her company did not translate into comfort in staying at the chateau, and Michiko refused the invitation to remain there. She had her day bag with her, ready to leave. Bob seemed to have emerged from whatever spell Seraphine had used on him, whether a robust combination of beauty, elegance and charm or a bit of Simon impelling I couldn't say, and refocused on his absolute interest in Michiko and the desire to spend time with her exclusively.

I ended up escorting my two old high school friends and their newly found lovers to the Pereire limo, watching the large car drive away, leaving me in the company of a very horny Consuela.

"Come," the Spanish beauty insisted, pulling me by hand to the grand entrance of the chateau.

Curiosity overruled apprehension in my agreement to have Consuela show me the place. I had no illusion of course that her expectations had much to do with the tour. Not that I minded her obsessive need for sex, and she told me I tended to stir her up even more than usual. I in fact enjoyed her enthusiasm as much as I enjoyed her perfect body and face, the body and face of a Helen clone. But having three lovers whom I actually truly loved, the inevitable ending had more to do with doing her a favor, sating her need, than any need of mine. And, well, I was curious about the grand manse.

"Go," my wife had insisted, chuckling. "Lindy wants to work with the poem with Angelique, and Eva and Miwa as Barnaby and Sam substitutes. Go explore. Go have fun."

"You know you're crazy," I told her. "You know what Consuela wants, what she expects, and you're practically kicking me into the seductress's arms."

"I'm not worried, and I can tell she's fun," Helena grinned. "Are you worried?"

"About what?"

"That I'm not jealous?"

"Of course not."

"Then go," she said, and kissed me, her arms hugging me, her groin pressing against me.

"Whoa," I said as soon as our bodies separated, actually staggered by the moment.

Eva followed with her own embrace and kiss, only less staggering in comparison to Helena's. Lindy's had several degrees less heat to it, her being only mortal, but it added to the overwhelming moment from the receptiveness the other two had given me.

Consuela giggled throughout the profound displays of love. "Thanks," she beamed, kissing each of my ladies on their mouths. She pinched the lump in my pants. "I will use this present well."

The entrance hall impressed me. It had vastness yet warmth. Stone had been tamed by softness, by a huge Persian rug and very old, probably priceless tapestries on the wall. The chandelier, while broad, had a simplicity to it: three levels of large, crystal shaped glass; and it had the soft curve of Art Nouveau. Any attempt at stopping to admire the tapestries became immediately thwarted. "Later," Consuela giggled, pulling me up the curving staircase.

Though small, her room had a welcoming air, even homey. The rich burgundy hue of the bedspread and the rug, with the maple chest of drawers and vanity, kept it dark. Even when she opened the burgundy drapes to let in the day, since the room faced the shadowed side of the chateau, the illumination remained dim.

"Close the door," she said, removing her blouse and skirt. Once I did, she beckoned me to her, and knelt at my feet.

A few quick tugs, and my cock became free. I stepped out of my pants and underpants puddled at my feet as her lips enveloped my glans. "Ooh," I moaned. Her eyes smiled at mine.

Reaching down, I unclasped her satin and lace bra, matching her panties, and immediately took hold of her perfect handful tits. Her hum of pleasure increased mine.

After removing my shirt, making us both naked, I pulled her to her feet and into my arms for a steamy kiss. Her pussy slid wetly against my thigh as my cock pressed its bottom surface against her tummy. We gave friction to these opposite genitalia, subtle but effective, as our tongues played in each other's mouths.

I knew she needed more, so I backed up against the edge of the bed, no more than twin-sized, and let myself fall onto it. I had plans. For one, I wanted to taste her sweet pussy and steer her into a sixty-nine, but her plans took over.

Somehow, instead of lying on my back, she guided me enough so I ended up sitting. Grabbing my cock, she held it steady and lowered her hot pussy onto it. "Yes," she gasped. "Fuck," she added after sending my glans to the farthest place within her, tapping her cervix.

"Can you lift up?" she asked me. "Just a little?"

When I did, I had to steady us as she unbalanced us by reaching down and taking hold of the bed cover and pulling it off. "One more second," she murmured, and pulled the blanket to the foot of the bed. "The sheets feel heavenly," she explained.

"Wrap yourself around me," I requested, and when she clung to me with arms and legs, I steered her onto her back.

"Such a sweetheart," she murmured, pulling my head down so our lips met.

As horny as she was, I knew she would have had no objection to me pounding unmercifully into her. Somehow, probably the depth of the kisses we shared, suggested she preferred the more delicate and measured and focused choice of being gentle and slow, of making love. "Yes," she murmured, affirming my choice as I pulled back and penetrated slowly. Though slow, I did it with intensity, like penetrating slowly with a knife to bring forth the most pain, but of course having the exact opposite result.

I felt every nuance of flesh I slid across, and I think she felt it too. Perhaps neither of us had that sort of sensitivity, but it seemed so. I pushed across her clit and pulled against her g-spot. Her interior muscles fluttered and pulsed around my shaft and glans, adding to the already amazing friction I felt.

And somehow, even as we kissed and my mouth and tongue had only hers to stimulate, and even with just my fingers playing with her nipples, and even with my other hand just squeezing her sweet butt flesh and not even entering her smaller hole or adding in any way to the friction my cock provided her pussy and clit, she became completely overwhelmed by orgasm.

The kiss ended abruptly, and I watched her eyes go wide and her face go taut. Her mouth opened to let out a scream, but nothing came out, not even breath. Then her body trembled as if shocked, and the shock moved through her from center outwards. At the same time, I felt a similar trembling surround my cock, directional undulations that moved inwardly. I stopped my retreat and kept my cock deep so I could feel these muscular vibrations, although I moved inside her, just in fractions of an inch, mostly just pressing in and relaxing, enough to help sustain this remarkable orgasm.

"Fuck," she gasped finally, immediately relaxing beneath me. Little aftershocks occurred, more around my cock than affecting her body, but I saw and felt her body tremble two or three times.

"That was amazing," I told her.

She giggled breathlessly. "So sweet," she said, pulling me into a kiss again, her lips several degrees warmer than the last time, and much more relaxed.

I began fucking her again. It started slow again. Soon, her hand on my ass encouraged more speed. She lifted into my thrusts encouraging even more. "Fuck me harder," she encouraged me. "Harder! Yes!" exploding with pleasure as soon as I reached maximum speed and effort.

I gave her a moment to calm down before I pulled out and helped her turn over onto her hands and knees. "Yes!" she exclaimed when I immediately impaled her and accelerated the fuck. I held her up by her pussy, my hand grasping it at its crown, stimulating her clit. The fingers of my other hand pulled on her nipples. I had become extremely aggressive. She loved every second of it. She became inundated with wave after wave of orgasms, each cresting sooner than the last.

Within one or between them, I couldn't even tell anymore, I finally came. "Oh God," her voice trembled. "At last."

We both laughed, hers breathless and mine a bit tremulous. We had collapsed into sideways spoons.

"Incredible," she said. "You did not cum for so long. Am I not ... tight or something?"

"You feel incredible. You smell incredible. You are incredible and so exciting, Consuela."

"Not to complain, but how... ?"

"Practice?" I shrugged, which she felt rather than saw.

"You learn to hold back?"

"I didn't ... hold back. With your amazing and surprising first cum, I knew you had gotten relief for your needs." She giggled at that. "And I even felt on the edge that second one before I stopped and turned you over. Maybe that delayed things. I don't know. But I felt like I hovered at the precipice, ready for release but not releasing, hanging by a thread or the sheerest and most delicate of fabrics that, pressing against it, filled me with ecstasy in and of itself. And when I finally tore through, with that final surge of pleasure that couldn't really exceed that ecstasy but maybe just adding a new dimension to it, and maybe that proved too much, because I lost all senses and entered a void, most peaceful and relaxing."

"Ah yes," she replied. "Me too. We were nowhere together."

"Mmm," I murmured in agreement, kissing the back of her neck.

I felt a presence in the small bedroom, somehow knowing it had been there for a while. "Seraphine," I said. "Didn't my friend's seed take?" I felt my Spanish lover tighten, and kissed her ear. "Ssh," I breathed and she relaxed.

"Vas-tu faire foutre, " the Jewess Princess cursed, exiting the room. Maybe I projected, but I heard unsteadiness in that proud voice.

My lover must have heard it as well. "She is jealous," Consuela muttered, the surprise embedded. "She know I am but a woman to stud, and yet she see you and me make love. She need ... force to get Bob and to get Michiko."

"First," I said, "You are a friend whom I love as a friend and as a lover. Second, Michiko needed swaying but I don't think Bob did. I think she fascinates him."

"Fascinate enough to be sexy for him?"

"Definitely. In so many ways she's unattainable for the likes of Bob, some middle class Jew from the middle of America. She's clever and charming and beautiful and proud and profoundly aristocratic. She's way out of his class. And yet she is attainable. She finds him charming, disarming, attractive, sexy, and even loving. Class walls dissolve, and a woman he desires desires him right back, and even better, desires his girlfriend as well. Not just a dream come true, but a fantasy come to life. No, she needed no magic or drug to persuade him, and she never will."

"Even with Michiko mistrust her?"

"That has more to do with this ... place than with Seraphine. Michiko likes women. And if nothing else, Seraphine is quite a woman."

"Not another one," Consuela muttered.

"I sincerely hope not," I told her in all honesty. "She may charm Bob, but she kind of gives me the creeps."

Consuela giggled. "Me too. Let's get dressed. I have a chateau to show you."

We didn't even wash. "I want to feel you dripping out of me," Consuela explained.

The chateau impressed me. It had a thickness to it in the sense that every room we looked into expressed decades and even centuries in remarkable synthesis. State of the art shared the space with the 19th or early 20th century with an ease and even a beauty that I had never thought possible. And despite that beauty, both in the interior design and the actual masterpieces of art that lined walls, it felt like a home. And even with the presence of the Jewesses, whom I felt to be inherently dangerous women at least in their influences on politics and history, and even more the presence of Simon to whom this place had probably been established and dedicated, I felt comfortable.

Same as Africa
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Yesterday you and Danielle arrived at the hotel in Puerto Rico. Your holiday has started in the best possible way. First Danielle rode you in an airplane, then she sat on your face as you licked her and after that you fell asleep. You didn’t sleep for very long though, because Danielle was too horny to wait. While you slept she pulled your pants down and engulfed your cock in her lovely pussy. After you fucked her roughly after waking up, Danielle complained that she had a sore pussy. Too bad...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery 2

“What’s up Mario? The guys want to have some pizza tonight, can you deliver?”, he asked. “I ‘ll be happy to,” I said, “what time? I work 4:30 - 8:30.” “That’s great, how about dinner around 7, can you do it? We need to prepare the “topping”, you know…and then you get here some time before 9, okay?” “Sure,” I answered feeling my cock getting hard, “call me to order around 6 and I bring you dinner.” Time flies and now it’s 6:40 and I am at Jake’s house doorstep ringing the bell. He opens...

3 years ago
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Back to the Farm Ch 03

Melissa put a hand to her cheek and drew in a deep trembling breath. She’d called him Matt. So what? He’d persisted in calling her Lissy. Like he said, old habits died hard. But she knew it was neither the name nor the caress that had unnerved her so much. It’d been the surprisingly tender look in his eyes. The bathroom suite was the same faded yellow she remembered from her childhood, except now the taps were solidly encrusted with lime scale and the bath ringed and pitted as a result of more...

1 year ago
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Naked Society Volume 1 Isaac

We were in his garden, at the back of his house. Or at least, that's what I thought, but everything seemed a bit hazy. Like I couldn't quite focus properly. "I'm right here Isaac." Came the soft yet masculine reply from behind me. I smiled and turned to look into those intense, dark eyes and there he was; my best friend, the coolest person in the world. To me anyway. Immediately I began to relax, having been reunited with Zack. But something was wrong. There was a passion and a...

2 years ago
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Sweet Sally

As (almost) always, this derives from real life, in this case, real life was merely a spark to ignite the story, which is mostly fictional. * What do two teenagers — one a tall, gangly male, the other a roly-poly female — have in common? Well, more than one might think. I was the tall male, a skinny kid with big thighs who had to wear pants three sizes too large to accommodate them. Sally was the female, a rotund blond with lots of girlfriends and not a single male suitor. It was the first...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Threeway and My First DP

An Unexpected Three-way…a true story.I have been estranged from my family for a long time. Recently we re-connected and my father announced he had sold his house and I could have a lot of my family’s belongings. One of my black playmates has a moving company and he generously provided two men to help me move the stuff into a storage unit. It turns out the two men were brothers, black, sexy in a rough way and super sweet. I had no intention of any hanky panky, however getting all sweaty with two...

2 years ago
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Fun on the Road

I had a conference in Houston and with the airport hassle and costs I decided it would be easier to drive than fly. I had driven down from our home via I-10 with no problems and the meetings all went well. That all changed on the trip back. I decided to take smaller roads home due to stretches of highway paving on the west-bound lanes and the resulting back-up that seemed to run for miles. Around midnight on a deserted stretch of highway miles out from home it started raining and turning...

3 years ago
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BeckyChapter 5

Becky’s turn: A little house in the woods. Ever since I figured out that I wasn’t going to have kids, I thought that I wanted a little house in the woods, a little garden in a sun-lit spot in back, a neat kitchen with a great stove, a cozy living room, maybe a reading nook with a window out into the edge of the woods. I imagined a fireplace, either a real, in the wall fireplace, or maybe one of those Scandinavian stoves with the window in front. Trouble was, I never quite saw Keith there...

1 year ago
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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 11 The Darkness of Truth

I watched Sherri run crying down the hallway. I knew she was running to seek comfort from her mom and Cathy. Those three drew strength from each other when they are united. However, for the past few years they have been against each other. Each of them had found a spot in my heart however; my heart was heavy with doubt about each of them. I did not know why they had turned suddenly against each other especially Kay and Cathy. All I did know was I was not going to stand for it. My family...

3 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 5

Jack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 12

Cindy awoke after daybreak and discovered she was alone. She continued her search for several hours without success, and then heard a number of human voices coming from nearby. She climbed a ridge to investigate and was horrified by what she saw. Cindy guessed there were seventy dead human bodies in the field before her. The snow was red with their blood. About thirty men and ten women were moving among the corpses. Cindy climbed a tree and stared at the carnage, trying to make sense of...

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Yes please

Suddenly, a knock at the door shakes me. "Oh, God, is this real?" My mind is racing with thoughts of who it could be. Initially, I think its Sir G back to prove I'm not at all worthy of being your slave. Or, maybe its the girls. Or, is it the guy next door? I try to concentrate on the noises that might be made by whoever is entering my space. But, it's as if no one is there. The stinging of the paddle across my tit both wakes me from my fantasy, and scares me! I scream out in shock! Again...

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Molly and Tim After the ReceptionChapter 5

Several hours had passed since Tim left Molly and returned to the hotel lobby. He went directly to his new room, which was ready as he had expected. Even though Tim had showered once already that morning, when he got into his room he immediately stripped for the calming waters again. When he emerged, Tim felt more tired than refreshed. More than anything, he wanted to climb into his fresh bed and sleep for a long time, in hopes that life would make sense again when he awoke. But, he knew...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 119

February 1988 The sun was low on the horizon, and would be setting soon. It was cold out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, a quarter mile out from the shoreline, off of the city beach; a stiff wind was blowing, but at least it was clear. That wasn't entirely a blessing; while it would mean that they'd have a moon after a while, the clear, windy night would be cold, and there were a lot of places where the railroad line ran through open country, where the wind could get at them. Mark felt...

1 year ago
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Lonely Week Night

I was about 35 at this point. I was living alone and one Wednesday night (Hump Day)I went to the neighborhood dive of a tavern. There were a few people there. a couple of old guys at the end of the bar, a female bartender, a couple of couples in the back playing pool and a couple at a table. This couple got my attention. The long haired guy was about my age or younger. His date was in her 60's. She looked every bit of it or more. Long straight nose, blue grey eyes, long salt and pepper hair and...

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No Accounting for TastesChapter 21 A New Office

George surveyed his new office. It was quite a contrast over the way that he used to work but he had to agree that it was a lot easier to get things done with all the clients' documents neatly arrayed in box files rather than in the selection of carrier bags, folders, ring binders and piles of bulldog clipped documents that had been there previously. He had a tidy desk too; just one lot of papers was waiting for his attention. He owed it all to his new secretary, of course. She was the one...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 179

The following are compliments of a friend of J & G. A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. “We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods”. The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said “I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!” A pretty young woman, visiting her new doctor for the first time, found...

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River 10

CHAPTER 10 So far: Shortly after a traditional religious ceremony at the river had been a huge success, River and Wayne are running full tilt through the reservation towards the highway, where Moonie's chicken hatchery stands. Two shotgun blasts had been heard, and one squeal from a wounded wolf. River was a few dozen yards behind Wayne as he veered away from the river, running at full speed. Even so, she nearly caught up with him as they neared the hatchery, where they saw an old...

1 year ago
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Straight students locker room

Dean threw a towel over his shoulder and stomped into the communal showers. His team had lost the afternoon game and he was pissed off. He had missed a conversion and because of that his team had failed. No one was talking to him and he felt wretched. He thumped the silver button on the wall and the shower burst into action. It was cold to start with but he hardly felt it. Once it started to warm him though he began to feel better and the mud slid easily from him as he scrubbed himself down...

4 years ago
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A mothers concern

A mother?s concern Synopsis: Near the beautiful Treasure Beach on Jamaica ? Meditation Inlet ? the famous behaviour modification facility is placed. Please visit our homepage and see how we at the facility can make your teenager have some emotional growth. ( To fully understand the concept of our business, please consult Wikipedia for further info: A mother?s concernHow did it come to...

1 year ago
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Cheryl's back ached. She did not know why she continued to work now that she was almost eight months pregnant. Cheryl and were excited about her first pregnancy. Although encouraged Cheryl to stop working, she just could leave the law firm where she worked. Cheryl felt she was doing okay until this past month.Now with her stomach so large, Cheryl's back constantly ached and her feet were always swollen. Now Cheryl just wanted the pregnancy to be over. In the beginning it was fun with all the...

3 years ago
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Riding Rena

Marcus yawned as he looked at the clock that hung on the office wall. It was nearing eight in the evening, well past the end of his usual working hours. But had a boatload of emails that had accumulated over the course of the last two weeks while he'd gone on a vacation to Thailand and the urgency of the emails mandated that they be cleared as soon as possible.Which, of course, meant that he was going to be staying late that evening. He sighed as he opened his drawer and grabbed the emergency...

First Time
1 year ago
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The patient

Dana fidgeted nervously on the couch while Dr. Wallace studied the patient history form that she had filled out an hour earlier! "I see that you've been married for about three years now, is that right," the doctor asked casually?!? "Uh, yes," she replied, "it was three years last month! And everything was pretty much all right between you and you husband until you had the baby!?!" "Yes, we had a wonderful marriage," she answered softly, "but now............." "What do you think went wrong,"...

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The visitor part 2

As we walked into her room in towels and began to dry off, I couldn't help but notice how horny I still was. Watching her towel dry her smooth sexy skin was really beginning to turn me on again. I couldn't help but stare at her freshly done Brazilian. As she slid her panties up and put on one of my big t-shirts on, I couldn't help but think about how sexy she was. I put on a pair of clean boxers and climbed into bed with her. While lying next to her I couldn't help but run my fingers through...

College Sex
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Little Black Dress

I, like every woman, have a little black dress. A dress designed specifically to accentuate my look and to draw in the unsuspecting man. My little black dress is silk with a sweetheart neckline that curves over my breasts and allows the onlooker a teasing glance at the tops of my breasts. It’s floor length with spaghetti straps and fitted snugly but not so tight as to reveal all the details of what lies underneath. Finally, it has a scoop back that goes down to my lower back and pinches the...

2 years ago
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From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 2

From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 2 by Sissy Jen ([email protected]) This is porn. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it is illegal for you to read it, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy it. Feel free download or share this, but contact the author for permission to use it in a way that makes you profit. Please direct any comments criticisms, or deviant proposals to [email protected]. I couldn't believe it. My lovely wife, Lesley had tricked...

3 years ago
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The New SonChapter 2

Tara gave him a shy smile and started posing as her sister had. Jason was glad he was laying on his stomach, because his bathing suit would not hide the thick, seven inches of his cock. Tara had not even started to develop yet. Not really. Like her sister's, the bikini she wore barely covered her body, and she had a really cute body. Her hair was a red/brown and her eyes were blue, and she was nicely tanned. Her chest was very flat, except for her obviously hard nipples. Once again, the...

3 years ago
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Kylie relaxed as she let her boyfriend push her down onto her knees in front of him. Wearing thigh high black leather boots, a tiny black leather miniskirt, a tight boob-tube and a spiked collar, she was ready for her boyfriend to have at her. It was a nasty fantasy of hers, to have a guy use her like his own little whore and give her a throatjob she'd never forget. She'd tentatively asked her boyfriend, who'd happily accepted the challenge, already familiar with her deepthroating talents and...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 38

“And then it was six months after the death of the big man. GMC was where Flo and I got our meds and treatments per our AIDS. It was also where the cons being helped by the Grimes Org. had been getting theirs as well. The schedules were all different of course, but on any given week day it was more than possible that we’d run into one or another of them. Rare though such meet ups actually were, they did happen. We didn’t socialize with any of them, the cons, but did get and give waves as...

1 year ago
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The Stalker

The Stalker  Author’s disclaimer: The characters depicted in this story are all 18 years of age or older. The language used is designed to reflect the state of mind of the central character. The sole and heel of my 4” stiletto courts meet the Underground platform in unison giving of a satisfying click. Steadily I work my way along revelling in the rhythm of my feet on the echoing granite.There is an art to walking properly in heels; not the hip swinging parody of Marilyn Monroe in “Some Like...

Oral Sex
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 12

It was still dank and drizzly when I left the hospital—when we left, Susan was right there with me in my head—and I headed toward the car quickly, pulling my keys out of my pocket as I went. Vaguely I wished I had something newer than this old clunker. Newer cars had these remote access doohickeys, you just mashed a button from anywhere around and they obligingly unlocked so you could just get in. Not for me, I'd have to stand there and manually key the door open. As I was doing so I was...

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Naked in the Trailer Park 2Chapter 4

“Milking? What is that?” Heather’s eyes gleamed mischievously. Rally was already picturing the intense feeling of being ground beef getting tenderized under a jagged mallet as the chubby girl’s used all of their might to spank his erect cock back to soft with the hair brush bristles. He imagined the pain on his tender most man part as they brought each whack down as they had done to his sister and mother moments before. He regretted watching and secretly enjoying the girl’s torment but now...

2 years ago
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"Sean!" Mum yelled, "Wake up" "Aww" i groaned, loud enough so she would hear. "Whats wrong?" She asked doubtfully knowing that since i had obtained my drivers license i had been trying to get off sick for the last few weeks. "My head, it really hurts" I said, trying to sound sick "You're not just saying this to get out of school are you?" She asked. "No Mum i swear I've got a real bad headache, can i just sleep for another thirty minutes and see how i feel" i asked...

1 year ago
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Home for Summer

Travelling back from uni for the summer Jasmin thought about her breakup with Chris, he was headed back to Manchester whereas she was on her way to good old boring Norfolk. It had been three weeks since they broke up and she couldn't help wonder if he was still single, or if he'd found someone else, not that it ever took him long the bastard! Still put out by thinking about Chris Jasmin was even more dismayed when she was greeted by her stepfather Mike. She'd forgotten how much he bugged her,...

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After Sex Ed Class 2

His cock was hard, even though only a half hour ago he had gotten his very first blowjob from Wanda, the beautiful older sister of one of his female classmate. Wanda had told him what a wonderful cock he had and had sucked it till he filled her mouth with his cream. Then she had told him that if he came back again the next day, she would let him fuck her pussy. Only a couple days ago Robert had wondered about being adequate between his legs because he only was comparing himself to...

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

1 year ago
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Storytime!When I got up this morning and my “date” from the previous night had finished orally polishing my peen, I had a revelation. I thought to myself, “I am really tired of having to teach tricks about how to do sex well. Wouldn’t it be nice to get someone with experience?” And so, I considered trying my hand with older ladies but ran into a snag. “These ladies and I come from different generations; how best should I go about macking on them?”To improve my technique, I thought I should try...

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Time for Grace

I’m not sure when it first hit me that she was no stranger to me, and it took several weeks longer to realize the entire disturbing truth. But why am I awake and why did I wake to this thought? I don’t think I was dreaming anything about this. Or was I? I do remember something like this in a dream, but was that just now or last week? Get a grip, girl. Either snap awake or drift back off into sleep. Angel has buried her furry little muff into my neck. She’s tickling me with her whiskers, which...

1 year ago
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Bholi Surat

By: Littlehealthy Hi readers, mera name Vinu hai aur mai ambala (haryana) ka rehne wala hu meri height 5’11 aur thoda sa healthy hu. Shadi 4 saal pehle hui hai aur apna ek business karta hu. Shadi se pehle mera ek ladki sey relation tha jo mai apko My first girlfriend Story mai bata chuka hu. Meri ye story tab ki hai jab mai Jalandhar (punjab) mey job karta tha. Senior post pe honek karan sab ladke ladkiyan meri respect karte they aur mere frindly nature k karan apni sab official aur kuch...

4 years ago
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Strangers in the NightChapter 27

The desk was set up in the main lobby. Very official looking officials were being officious. The work was being done by what looked like a 12 year old girl. Wendy approached. Cautiously, the girl said, "May I help you?" "We," she made the wave in my direction that signified we meant us, "Want to register for the Historic." "Have you made the reconnaissance runs?" the girl asked. "No. It's Finland ... tomorrow the weather will change and it'll all be different," Wendy...

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She finally had our young neighbour

So it happened. My wife had a sexual encounter with our young neighbour. Unfortunately it was not something I was aware of until I accidentally discovered them together.Let me start by saying that my wife has had many fantasies involving our young neighbour Troy. He’s currently 22, blonde and a muscular 6 foot, hitting the gym every day after work. She is 45, fit, petite and extremely hot. We’ve dirty talked many times about her fantasies with Troy but she has never had the courage to try to...

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High School Beach Trip

In our H. S. it was traditional for the students that qualified by making grades such they did not have to take the exams, got out of school a week early and went to the beach. We, all girls, had chaperons and rented a beach house. Most of the girls were from wealthy families and had steady boy friends. My parents both worked, Dad was a electrician and Mother was an secretary, we were middle class. I worked while in H. S. every afternoon after school at a Cleaners. I paid my own way from money...

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