- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
Tuesday Afternoon
He was about forty, forty five years old, very tall, almost gaunt, and not very well groomed. The man was, in fact, slothful looking in a peculiar, potbellied sort of way, and was wearing greasily tattered green chinos and an old, untucked plaid short-sleeved shirt. His sneakers were foul looking, and probably even fouler smelling, Officer Amy Breedlove thought as she watched the suspect through binoculars from her unmarked patrol car, a battered, twenty-six year old silver Pontiac Grand Am coupe. She was parked beside a fragrant trash dumpster off Harry Hines Boulevard, deep inside the industrial wastelands of central Dallas, Texas, in an almost war-torn district full of taquerias, strip joints, peep shows and barren industrial warehouses. She had been following this ‘perp’, a guy named Bruce Walker, who was a ‘just released from prison’ pedophile-rapist, for three days, ever since CID had received an anonymous tip that Walker was downloading kiddy porn and had been seen roaming around schools and playgrounds.
Yet here he was in an area full of homeless addicts, scabby-legged hookers and tired old gays cruising glory holes for their next load – and not working the parks and playgrounds the detectives in CID were hoping for. Still, Breedlove had her orders, so she pulled a battered old Canon 1Ds from the seat beside her and slapped a 400/5.6 on it, then swung it to her face. She lightly depressed the shutter and centered the guy in the viewfinder, then fired off a five frame burst when his face was clearly visible.
It was around two in the afternoon, two hours to shift change, and it was hotter than Hell outside – maybe ‘110 in the shade’ hot, and of course the air conditioner in this stinking, fucked-up old car had seen better days – ‘like maybe ten years ago,’ she thought. Breedlove was baking in the afternoon heat, sweat was pouring from her neck down her back, and she wanted an ice cold Coke in the worst sort of way. She leaned forward and tried to pull the water-logged bullet-proof vest away from her skin, sure the goddamn thing was adding about ten extra degrees to her internal temperature, when she caught sight of really odd looking person following the suspect.
‘What the fuck! Is that – a woman?’
The woman was short, dressed in black fatigues – including a black hood covering her head – and every instinct Breedlove had screamed ‘wrong!’ – that this woman was following the suspect. Breedlove raised the camera to capture this woman, but just then she stopped, turned and looked directly at the unmarked car. Breedlove instinctively fired off a burst with the Canon – and the woman turned and ran off into shadows between two buildings. Breedlove noted the time and location on her notepad, started the engine and slowly made her way over to the area where she had seen both the suspect and the woman, and when she came up empty she started to drive around the area looking for any trace of them.
‘I don’t fucking like this,’ Breedlove said to the hot air in the car, so she picked up the mic dangling from the radio and pushed the transmit button:
‘317 to 310 on two,’ she said, calling the district patrol sergeant on the tactical frequency.
‘310, go head.’
‘Uh, 310, I’ve got a female over here in what looks like a black ninja suit, including a hood, following a signal 7 suspect.’
‘317, what’s your 20?’
‘Harry Hines at Freewood.’
’10/4. 247, are you clear yet?’ the sergeant said on the primary frequency.
‘247 to 310, 10/4, clearing now.’
‘247, back up 317, Harry Hines at Freewood on a signal 13. Contact 317 on Tac2 for information.’
‘247, code 5.’
‘Central received, 247 en route at 1420 hours.’
Breedlove circled the area, was driving north on Harry Hines when she saw someone running west from a Church’s Chicken a block ahead, so she jumped on the accelerator.
‘317 to 247, got the suspect running west on Mrytle Springs, away from the chicken place, black fatigues, black hood, looks like a large knife or machete in hand.’
’10/4, almost code 6.’
‘310 to Central, get me some units heading to 317s location, and notify CID.’
‘Central received at 1422 hours.’
‘317, suspect running south on Maybank, through the trees!’
‘247, code 6 in the area.’
‘247 at 1426 hours.’
‘247, this is 310 and I’m about a minute out.’
‘Received, uh, 247, Signal 33, officer down, repeat, 33, officer down on, on Maybank, just south of Myrtle Springs…’
‘310, get some air support headed this way, and all responding units go Code 3, now!’
‘1426 hours.’
‘310, code 6, oh, crap! 310, two officers down, repeat two down! I want a full tactical callout, now! Advise Watch Commander…oh, shi…’
‘310, received at 1427 hours.’
‘141, Code 6 in the area.’ ‘141’ was Ben Acheson, a traffic officer assigned to motorcycle patrol in northwest district, and as he was close when the call came out he headed to the area to provide extra back-up. He was the next unit to roll up on the scene, and he nearly vomited when he saw the carnage.
He jumped off his BMW R-1200-RT-P motorcycle and let it fall to the ground while he drew his Sig-Sauer P-226 from his holster and covered the scene.
‘141, I’ve got three officers down, decapitated, no suspect in sight.’
‘141 at 1429 hours.’
Acheson kept his 9mm moving, his senses acutely tuned to pick up the slightest sight or sound, but all he heard now was a rolling avalanche of sirens, then a helicopter overhead. Within a minute he was relieved to hear a herd of patrol cars approaching, and he knew a mobile Command and Control Unit would be on the scene soon. He holstered his weapon and walked over to the three slain officers, their bodies were artificially positioned, leaning against one another, the heads placed neatly in their laps. He fell to his knees and vomited just as the first back up units screeched to stop behind him.
Acheson could hear several helicopters over the crime scene now, and he knew the entire area was being cordoned off as detectives and Crime Scene Units from the department arrived. He saw techs from the Medical Examiner’s office looking over the bodies and his stomach lurched again. Looking around, Acheson guessed there were more than fifty patrol cars searching the area now, as well. He had poked his head in Breedlove’s unmarked car, looked it over, read her notes, and now was back on his BMW, trying to trace 317s route from where, he’d read on her notepad, she had first picked up the suspect.
He circled around a particularly seedy area on Harry Hines just south of Lombardy Lane, looking around a cluster of adult bookstore/video arcades that were usually full of gays and hookers worshipping cocks on their knees, when he thought he saw something odd behind a tire store on the corner. He motored over and saw a leg sticking out from behind a pile of old, worn out truck tires, and got on the radio.
‘141, out on a possible Signal 1 at 10499 Harry Hines, believe this is related to 317s case.’
‘141 at 1455 hours.’
‘105, get some backup and CID over there, Code 3!’
‘1455 hours, 309, 315, respond Code 3 to 10499 Harry Hines, at Lombardy, back up 141 on a possible Signal 1.’
Acheson got off his bike and walked over to the tires, looked down and suddenly felt like vomiting again. There on the ground lay what was left of an old man, his head severed and his green pants pulled down past his knees. The man’s penis had been cut off, his abdomen cut open from the sternum to the pubic area, and his intestines were spread out randomly on the dirty concrete. He walked around the tires, heard sirens closing in on his position when he found the man’s head.
Acheson fell to his knees again and vomited uncontrollably when he saw what he assumed was the man’s severed penis lodged in a hideously conto
rted mouth.
Wednesday Morning
Captain John Wayne Dickinson, usually called ‘The Duke’ by his team in CID, was in charge of the investigation, and he was tired, dog-tired, having been at the scene on Maybank since late afternoon the day before. He picked up another glazed donut and took it down in one bite, then downed a pint of ice cold milk in one long pull.
‘Look, I want to get some sleep sometime this month,’ he said as he looked over the crime scene photographs one more time, ‘so let’s summarize what we know so far.
‘First, Breedlove was assigned to tail this perp, Walker, and had been for three days,
‘Second, she had him near the cum-palaces on Harry Hines, south of Lombardy,
‘We also know she was detailed to photograph the perp, so she had one of the department’s Canons with her, a 1Ds with a 200 and a 400, and those are missing,
‘Third, she calls in and advises she has a suspicious person, dressed in some sort of ninja get-up, stalking the perp, this Walker guy…
‘So, do we assume she got some images of this suspect?’
The Duke looked around his briefing room.
‘Sounds reasonable to me,’ Ben Acheson said.
‘Remind me, Officer Vomit, just why you’re here?’
‘Watch Commander assigned me, sir, in case I can fill in any gaps.’
The Duke sneered derisively. ‘Fine, but if you barf on my floor, you’ll be working Animal Control for the next five years. Got it, Meathead?’
‘Well, again, assume she got some images of the suspect, as well as the perp she was tailing. So, where does that leave us?’
The Duke looked around the room. ‘Anyone have any ideas?’
‘I do,’ Acheson said.
‘I don’t give a fuck if you do or don’t, Meathead. Anyone else?’
The room was silent.
The Duke fumed.
‘Okay, Meathead, let’s hear it.’
‘Well, okay, assume she shoots them both, but the suspect sees her with the camera. Taking her photograph, that is. If that’s the case, it seems to me the suspects first priority would be to recover the camera, get the memory cards. So she disappeared, briefly, then lured Breedlove into a kill zone, took her out but then had to deal with two other officers who got on the scene quicker than she anticipated. So, she took ’em out.’
The Duke nodded his approval. ‘Then what?’
‘She circles back to her original target, Walker, and takes him out, then gets the fuck out of Dodge.’
‘Okay, I like it, makes sense. What about the crime scene? What does that tell us, Meathead?’
‘First, she treated the officers’ bodies with respect. She placed the heads neatly on their laps, so my guess is she killed them reluctantly, out of perceived necessity. I guess we can assume the suspect was pretty pissed off when she did Walker, sir.’
‘Okay, the rest of you take off, get some sleep. I want to talk to Acheson for a minute before I go home.’
The room cleared, leaving The Duke and Acheson alone.
‘That’s pretty much what I took from things, kid. Good work.’
‘Thank you, sir.’
‘No sirs when we’re in here chewing the fat, kid. So, why are you on motors?’
‘Calculus, I guess, sir.’
‘I have an engineering background, BS in Mechanical, UT Austin. When I finished my probation here they moved me to Traffic, sent me to reconstruction school…’
‘Oh? Where?’
‘Northwestern, sir.’
‘No shit. So, you’re one of those hotshots, eh? You’re not exactly young. What did you do before?’
‘Air Force, sir. Right seat on C-17s.’
‘Really? Why aren’t you flying for American or Delta or some such shit?’
‘I did. For a couple of years. Layoffs got me, in 2008.’
‘Oh, yeah. Shitty times all over.’
‘Duke. Call me Duke.’
‘Sorry sir, ain’t in my DNA.’
‘Alright. So. Did you know her?’
‘Breedlove. Did you know her.’
‘Yessir. Academy.’
Ouch, Dickinson said to himself. Academy classmates were always close. ‘You okay about that?’
‘I will be, sir. In a few days, I guess.’
‘Okay, understood, but don’t keep it bottled up. Any interest in coming to CID?’
‘No sir, none. I love it out there on motors.’
‘Yeah, I did too.’
‘I was in motors, Traffic, for about five years. Bad crash, fucked up my arm.’
‘You miss it, sir?’
‘Somedays, but not when it rains.’ The Duke laughed, then shook his head. ‘Fucking shoulder is like a goddamn barometer now. Every time a fucking storm heads this way my whole fucking arm feels like it’s going to implode.’
Acheson nodded. ‘Sorry, sir.’
‘You ride out there long enough and you’ll know what it’s like to feel like a barometer. Don’t you forget that.’
‘Yessir. You still ride?’
‘Yup. A hawg, every now and then. Electra-Glide.’
‘Heavy bike. Where do you ride around here?’
‘Hill Country. Llano. Usually run down to Cooper’s BarBQ and pig-out, then come back up next day.’
‘I’ve heard about that place, sir. Good grub?’
‘The best.’
‘Well, next time you head that way, give me a yell if you want some company. I’d like to get out on the open road, away from all this, anyway.’
‘Sure, kid. Well, I guess you’re with us on this one. You finish your report?’
‘Yessir, two supplementals, for each crime scene.’
‘Okay, I’ll look ’em over later, but tomorrow. I’m going home now, get some shut eye. Report to me after briefing tomorrow morning, but write up your theory about what happened, put it in a supplemental and drop it in the Watch Commander’s box. Tell him I told you to.’
‘And good work, Meathead.’
Acheson turned, grinned. ‘Thank you, sir.’
Acheson wrote the report Dickinson wanted, dropped it off at the WC’s office, then walked to the locker room, grabbed his helmet and a fresh ticket book before he ambled through the station and out to the parking lot. He started the BMW’s motor and turned on the strobes, then walked around the bike, checking to see that all the emergency lighting was working properly. He mounted the bike, turned off the lights and was getting ready to retract the side-stand when a patrol car pulled up alongside.
‘Hey,’ Carol Denison said as she rolled to a stop.
Acheson looked over at her and smiled. ‘Hey, yourself.’ Then he looked at the thing next to her, and groaned. ‘Hey, Rookie,’ Acheson barked.
‘Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, ever let me see you picking your nose when you’re in a department squad car. Got that?’
‘And that bugger on your fucking finger? You put that mother fucker in your mouth and I’ll put three rounds in your fuckin’ face. You, like, hear me, Rookie?’
‘Sir! Yes sir!’
‘You his FTO?’
‘Yup. Hey, someone’s gotta train these kids…’
‘Guess so.’
‘Well,’ Denison said – rolling her eyes, ‘How you hangin’?’
‘Low. Like down in the weeds low.’
She nodded. ‘I don’t know how you did it, man.’
He looked away, didn’t really want to go there today.
‘So,’ she said when she saw his eyes, ‘Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Me and Brad are doing up some steaks by the pool. Maybe a salad and ice cream?’
‘Y’all still over in that complex off Northwest Highway?’
‘Well, sure. Unless…’
‘Yeah, I know, I know. There he is, ladies and germs: Joe Ace, Traffic Reconstructionist Extraordinaire. Gets called to go work every bad wreck in the county.’
Acheson grinned. ‘I never, ever shoulda taken calculus. No good ever came from taking too much math.’
‘You finally figured that one out, like all by yourself?’ Denison smiled. That knowing smile he remembered.
‘With a pencil, too. Say, that reminds me. Rookie!’
‘Yes sir!’
‘Do you know how a mathematician gets rid of constipation?’
‘No, sir!’
‘Works it out, with a pencil.’
Stone cold silence.
‘So, you get it?’
‘No, sir.’
‘Where do they did up these morons,’ Acheson moaned.
Denison shrugged. ‘He’s not too bad, Ben.’
But not as good as you were, she said to herself. She and Amy Breedlove and Acheson had become inseparable halfway through their Academy class, and for a while there had been even money on who loved Acheson more, Carol Denison or Amy Breedlove. Yet Acheson had been oblivious to everything, was always the serious student and had never let on that he noticed what was going on.
And who knows, Denison thought, maybe he really hadn’t caught on. Better for him now if he hadn’t.
‘So, got a girlfriend yet? If so, bring her along!’
He shrugged. ‘You know me, still flying solo. You and Brad engaged?’
‘No way! He’s still married to his job…’
‘Still selling cars?’
‘Cadillacs, Ben, not cars.’
‘Oh, right. Silly me.’
They laughed.
‘Well, okay. Seeya around four thirty or five?’
‘Sounds about right, and Rookie? Keep that finger out of your nose.’ he said, then he looked at Carol: ‘Be careful out there.’
‘You too, Ben.’ She slipped the car into gear and eased away, pulled out into traffic and was gone.
‘141, are you in service?’
‘141, 10/4,’ he groaned, knew what was coming next.
‘141, 27B, Lemmon at Turtle Creek. Vehicle on fire, one fatality reported.’
‘-41, Code 5.’
‘141, at 0910.’
‘Well,’ he said as he pulled away from the station, ‘there goes the day.’
Acheson cleared from the wreck a couple hours later, then headed out Lemmon Avenue past Love Field, then wound his way over to Harry Hines and began cruising the area Amy had been working the day before. He didn’t have any idea what he was looking for, in fact, he felt kind of lost as he cruised up and down the streets around the crime scene. He stopped on Maybank, looked toward the tire store as a Southwest 737 lined up on final for Love Field, then made his way back to Harry Hines. He was waiting to make a left onto Lombardy when something, some sort of insight, flashed through his mind. The light turned green and he turned east on Lombardy, rode a few hundred yards, then stopped on the shoulder and looked around again. Something was bugging him, but after a minute he pulled back onto Lombardy, then turned south on Denton Drive. Another few hundred yards and he crossed a little concrete bridge over a paved storm-water runoff ditch that carried floodwaters down to the Trinity River, and there it was again – he knew he was missing something important. But what? He pulled the bike over onto the shoulder again, and something in his gut twitched, some little alarm in his head went off.
‘So, if I ran from Maybank to Lombardy, killed Walker there, where would I go next?’
He looked through the trees to his right. He could just see the tire store, there beyond the drainage ditch. And the crime scene on Maybank – was at the far end of an imaginary line running from here through the tire store.
‘Well, I’d keep on running, away from the scene on Maybank.’
He drew a line on the map in his head, and it led to right here. He pulled the BMW off the road, parked under a shade tree and walked down the concrete slope of the drainage ditch, then over to the bridge that carried traffic on Denton Drive over the ditch. He saw a couple of water moccasins in the shallow, brownish water and skirted them warily, then walked under the low bridge.
He saw it immediately.
A white towel, folded neatly on top of a small blue duffel bag.
He walked over to pile, took a pencil and unfolded the towel.
A blood-soaked knife. A notepad.
And some writing on the notepad.
‘Better luck next time, Ben,’ was written on the pale yellow pad, and in a daze Acheson ran up to the BMW and called dispatch.
The mobile crime scene unit arrived before anyone from CID, and they secured the scene while Acheson paced around and around, obviously agitated.
One of the techs came up a few minutes later.
‘Any idea who this ‘Ben’ is?’ the tech asked.
‘Yeah. Me.’
‘No shit? That’s fucked up, man.’
Acheson looked at the guy, cold smoldering fury in his eyes.
‘Well, right, anyway, the camera is in the duffel, along with a bunch of shots of that Walker dude, probably from the CF card.’
‘That sounds about right,’ he said as the implications of the note pounded away inside his head. He went to the radio again, shook his head, took a deep breath.
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Hi guys, this is an incest story in a family. I usually compare the woman in the story to actresses. Hope you guys like this like you liked . Let’s begin the story about texting about sex. First, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Jack. I am the eldest. My dad is Frank, a bank manager. My mom Shilpa Shetty (actress), is a housewife, and my sister is Yasika Anand (actress). We live in a small town, our house has two bedrooms. My mom and dad use the master bedroom and the second one for...
Incest“Hi, honey; you're home early,” Mike said.Liz replied, “Yes; for once, traffic was light.”Mike pointed towards the kitchen table and said, “A package came for you; what is it?”Liz examined the box and responded, “It's a gift for myself since someone forgot my birthday.”It hit Mike with a jolt. “Oh my gosh, honey, it was three days ago.” Mike stumbled over his words. “I am so sorry. Happy belated birthday. I’ve been so busy lately I can't believe it slipped my mind.” Then Mike moved towards...
ToysSince it was cold enough to be blowing snow outside, this time Kutzley couldn't leave the fire hall doors open, although the trucks were outside, gathering snow. The building was even more packed than it had been for the meeting in July, when the special assessment district had first been brought up. For the hundredth time, Kutzley wondered who the hell had told Mike McMahon about the retention pond, and in deer season, too. That wasn't good; half the cars in the back would have...
Lady in the House Part V By Michele Nylons From Part IV Then Eddie looked down at my body and noticed the semen pooled at the front of my panties. My semen! He looked down at his tight belly and saw a slimy stain that was the result of my ejaculate spread there when he had pressed his body against me. I watched the terrible storm brood in his eyes as he reached out and smashed me across the face. "You dirty Cunt!!!" he screamed, and pushed my face into...
My first online to offline meetingWe met on a website as I was starting out, he was a male Dom, in to electrical play. It started as messages on a chat room then on to text messages. He took over control of my wanking habits and started me on a journey in to kink.I could be at work or at home and I would receive texts telling me to play with my cock or come for him. He would make me use straps, harnesses, candle wax and sounds on my cock.I received a text from him telling me not to wank and...
Hang Over Red rose from her bed And said "Ow my head! That party last night was a doozie!" "All of those toys I used with those boys have turned me into a floozie!" But Red despaired not as she rubbed her poor twat and noticed it had been shaved bare "Oh dear me! How can this be? Someone has stolen my hair!" She walked to her mirror as her vision became clearer and looked at herself in full view The hair on her head was still curly and red but below her bare slit did protrude "Too many...
It was a beautiful hot day and I was walking along the wide suburban street to my friend Chris' house. I was wearing shorts and a t shirt and thought he might like to go down to the river for a swim. I knocked on his door and his mum answered. She was wearing a short red dress and showing a lot of cleavage. Her long black hair was flowing over her D cup tits and looked great at 45. Hey David she said with a smile. I was a little shocked by how much flesh she was showing off and how friendly she...
First TimeI wanted to tell my story in short so here how it goes. Myself Raj, and when I was around 18 years old I was already a fully grown man. I was strong with wide and hairy chest. 6 ft tall; Handsome looks. I had 1 year elder sister Ramya who was more handsome than myself due to the factor of good genes running in our family. She was fun loving bubbly at the same time breath-taking sexy. She was just 19 yrs when my story started, but already she made me masturbate like a million times with her body...
IncestThe bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...
ToysI must make an admission right here. Having two gorgeous women, naked and kneeling at your feet, telling you that they are your slaves is one hell of a mind blast. Don't let anybody tell you any different. So, how does one actually deal with such an event? I looked at the two lovely ladies, and they were looking up at me expectantly. I ended up asking probably the stupidest question you could think of. "What do you mean, 'slaves?'" Mary looked up at me. "That's not the right word,...
I am a senior partner at the top law firm in the city and my wife is the chief neurosurgeon at the top hospital in the city. We both have a rare weekend off together and have an opportunity to enjoy one of our sexual pleasures. We are both voyeurs and exhibitionists. This weekend we are indulging in voyeurism. We live in an exclusive, private residential tower on the twentieth floor. I am just getting home at six in the evening. My wife Julie calls out, ‘Hurry up Jake, the show is just...
Andie's Story (part 1) By Robin Y. Andie is the lead Stylist at the salon I name is Robin. He does great work and is a people person. His normal work dress is androgynous at best and often downright girly. He always wears some makeup fundamentals like nail polish, but sometimes his pretty face and hair is as feminine as his dresses and skirts. This particular day I unexpectedly met him at the mall while shopping for shoes. He was wearing leggings with a tunic top with a...
Now that you know a little about how my affair came to pass, I will tell you some tips. Lets start with Jealousy. That big green guy. Some people feel it more so than others. I didn’t for a very long time. Not in love, at least. Sure, I have been jealous over cool shoes, or amazing sex stories. But the type of Jealousy I am talking about is for the cheater's significant otherIf you are cheating, there have to be spouses, girl/boyfriends, just plain old friend friends involved also. If you are...
CheatingI arrived at Paul's house about an hour later. I'd stopped off at the office and talked with Adriana and explained that if Deanna called, I was out of the office on a local job. She'd raised her eyebrow at that, but not asked questions – her famous 'I don't give a fuck' demeanor in full force. I knocked on the door to Paul's house and there was Solomon, tired, bleary eyed and obviously just gotten up. He recognized me and shouted, "Uncle Ryan!" and embraced me. He was just wearing...
When Pyx came in from work two hours later, I explained what was up with Vonda. I met her in the entryway, as she was just coming in. I told her about her responsibilities, involving the straps. I didn't mention the hypnosis. Pyx tried to pay attention to what I was saying, but seemed distracted. "Are you okay, Pyx?" I asked. Tears formed in her eyes. "I'll be okay. Give me a second. She took off her cook whites. Underneath, her clamped nipples had gone from pale pink to cherry...
"I am buying Jack a Condo as soon as I can." I chirped as I entered the house. I am Bob, just plain Bob, an average guy with an average life but a momentous problem. My wife Lynn, the high and mighty Mistress Lynn of my house, was a controlling bitch who showed her true colors three months after we got married and since then, in the ensuing three years, my life has gone from bad to worse. Jack has just made my life much easier. Lynn looked up and said, "What?" "I'm going to buy Jack a...
This is my first story hope you like it and excuse me for any mistakes please send your comments. Thanks for ISS team for getting this published.The following story is completely fictional any relation anyone or anything dead or alive is simply a coincidence. A note to the readers, all conversations will be in English no translation will be provided. Chapter I – Indecent exposure: Ever since I decided to seduce Swathi I had gotten all my plans ready. Since I already knew my dick was bigger...
As you read this story, you'll soon se that time was one thing we never had on our side. For weeks we had tried to get together. Each time being interrupted or the meeting failed for one reason or the other. We had been attempting to show each other the love and wonders you receive when two people make love and offer up their bodies, minds and soles to each other. The thrill of sex with someone for the first time is one thing but when it's attached with love, the first time is usually...
EroticI got the job yesterday, and it doesn’t look good that, if I am not mistaken, the owner is trying to flirt with me. It’s just a waitress job, but it took me long enough to find this. His wife hired me. She was impressed by the fact that I have experience, but my being a size 7 clinched the deal. The woman before me was a size 7 which meant she wouldn’t have to order new uniforms. Beatrice explained that the colors of the uniforms had just been changed before the previous girl left. She was...
Johnny’s stepmom has a rockin’ body, she loves to workout and get naked directly after. He decides to sneak into her room and spy on her and film a little video of her naked. He goes to the bathroom to jerk off to the video and she catches it. She’s not mad, instead she’s turned on. She finds it hot and decides to help him get rid of those urges he has. She sucks his dick and takes him to the bedroom to fuck him. They fuck in multiple positions and he leaves a huge load...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Another darkish tale of a girl, a boy, and a lot of other boys, having a fucking good time on a lonely, foggy beach. A little OTT but thats the way I like em. SEX ON THE BEACH Maria thought she might be in love with the new guy in her life. His name was Michael and he was tall, dark, and definitely handsome. He towered over Maria but she loved the way they fit together and she always felt so protected by this tall, masculine man. Theyd met at some obscure party Maria had ended up...
HER NIGHT As she stepped out of the shower, he stood there with a large warm towel. He gently wrapped the towel around her shoulders and started to dry her. First the arms and back and then around to her breasts which he lovingly cradled as he dried them. The warmth of the towel felt wonderful and he pressed just hard enough to both dry and massage her. This was going to be a great night, she thought. Usually, she was his submissive. Always eager to please and following his wishes. He kept a...
It had been a few weeks since I had had my first man on man, “Gay” experience. It had happened outside a club, in a drunken haze. I had met him there and although there were lots of girls, we had both struck out. On thing lead to another and before to long, I was sucking his cock. It just sort of happened.On thing I knew for sure afterwards though, is I was gay for cock. I mean, cock crazy. I found myself searching out gay porn online and quickly admitted to my self, I was totally into men. I...
Like most guys i learned about masturbation and sex through experimentation at a young age with both sexes. I played 'doctor' with the neighbor girls beginning around 6 or 7 and had actual masturbation explained to me around around 9 or 10 by older boys. It was during the later times that mutual masturbation and occasionally mutual oral went on regularly with close friends. I had several male friends that liked to jerk off on sleepovers and camp outs, or whenever we could manage some...
This is a repost of an earlier piece since in the original post all the apostrophes and speech marks have been converted by the site into question marks for some reason. Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be a day that would inspire adventures out of doors. Debra was disappointed at that for...
My name is Cody and I recently turned 19 years old along with my twin sister Cassidy. She is older by 4 minutes and is the apple of our parent's eyes. She is in almost every aspect a goddess. Her beauty, intelligence, humor, sex appeal, and just about any other trait you can think of she is flawless. Not only was she valedictorian she was homecoming queen, prom queen, student council president, first chair in orchestra for violin, and lead in practically every play. She got a perfect score on...
Introduction: Part 1 of 4 by PurpleCat42 Amanda Blake was alone and bored. She wasnt supposed to be alone but her big Brother Timmy who was supposed to be her sitter was across the street at the park, playing ball with his friends. Her Mom and Dad were visiting her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry Barrett. They visited them one or two times a month and spent the whole weekend with them. They were very close, Aunt Cindy was her Dads sister and Uncle Jerry was her Moms Brother, They were married in a...
I watched as Marcus came forward. I still carried very hard feelings for this man. He had been a family retainer, who had betrayed his trust and tampered with my memories. He had screwed with me for some time on earth, sicking an NSA off shoot organization onto me. While I had decided not to seek any further punishment or actions against him, I was still angry and hurt at what he had done to me. Ok, so he had aquited himself well during the war with Salvadi, but, damn it! He came to a stop,...
Author’s Note: Okay, this one is to make up for all the months I made you go without Reni and Dev. I admit I decided you all needed a break from all the troubles and tribulations the two of them have been suffering. It was pretty clear to me that Dev and Reni needed a break from them too, so the following is a weekend getaway at a fancy hotel and you can guess the two of them didn’t just sit around all weekend playing cards or lounging by the pool. If anything I just wonder how bad the bill...
When I got home that early evening, I found my sweet wife getting ready to go out. I asked her where we were going and Anita smiled.She said she wanted to go out to a dance club, since she was in the mood for meeting somebody to fuck. She wanted a black guy.I asked about her Black Master, but she said that Jerome was busy with his wife tonight. But Ana insisted, she wanted someone new.We would join her girlfriend Helena and her black lover at the local nightclub. Helena would introduce us a new...
Stuart came into the office for some samples before he left on the Monday. He packed the Mondeo estate with everything he needed. Kate had once wondered why he drove the Ford; after all he had a Jaguar that was only six months old. Stuart had explained. "Customers expect to see you in a relatively new car, but not a car that is superior to the one they drive. It's the same with the suits. Wear something too high class and they will think we are making too much money, and will want to...
Chapter 25: LAGOON After that wild night, I wake the next morning curled against b**st. I slowly rise, careful not to disturb him. It is just getting light, the lagoon surface is quiet and calm. The birds are making their morning calls and songs. I look around for Gongon and Landda and see them sleeping together at the entrance to the hut where their young are sleeping.I walk to the edge of the lagoon water and look out over the surface, then survey the area and up the cliffs. All seems as it...
I rolled my head and arched, opened my eyes….and screamed. Master stood there in my bedroom doorway watching me, arms crossed, sexy arrogant smirk on his face. I stared, frozen, as he said to the man standing next to him. “Filthy whore always has her hands in it.” He walked over and grabbed one ankle pulling me to the edge of the bed, running his hand up my leg. I opened my mouth and gasped, lifting and spreading my legs prettily. He shook his head and grunted a short laugh as he...
You sit on your couch, impatiently watching the second hand tick away on the clock on the wall. It's still several hours before you are supposed to pick her up for your third date. You can't keep her out of your mind. From the moment you first saw her at a party earlier in the summer, she has been haunting your thoughts and dreams. You think back to that first time you saw her like it was something out of a movie. The crowd parted and she was laughing, talking to someone. Her summer dress clung...
RomanceI slowly lowered you down on a desktop (I had a soft quilt for you) and I kept kissing you and slowly worked my way down over your stomach flicking my tongue in and out of your belly button for a little and leaving a trail of kisses as I worked my way down between your thighs! You spread your legs wide for me and I slid my tongue right along the edge of your sexy thong and sucked on your inner thighs right beside your pussy area... As I licked and sucked, I flicked my tongue under the leg band...
It was my day off and again it was a lovely day as it had been all week. My husband had disappeared early to go to work and wouldn't be home until about 8 this evening for I know he's working overtime. What to do, well this morning there's the housework but just as soon as the sun appears on my patio it time to stop and take in a few rays. By 1 the sun had cleared the trees and our back garden was in full sunshine. I had a quick shower and changed into my bikini bottoms and picked up a...