Reginald's PeopleChapter 7 free porn video

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The manager grabbed the papers and looked at all the markings Freda had made. His face expressed amazement, and a touch of anger when he admitted, “Such a case is unheard of, Mrs Robertson. Only the fact that there was a considerable gap between each payment prevented us noticing this fact and bringing it to the notice of the university. I note that the account belongs to a different banking group, so we would not expect to have any concern over it. The finance would be with them, so I cannot advise you on any other transactions pertaining to that account. I can, though, speak to my colleague there and ask for a similar openness with you, as there is indeed a suspicion of fraud. We do not like fraud, Mrs Robertson, no matter what the bank; it impinges on the stability of the whole banking system. Damage to one client implies the possibility to all clients, and they do not like that idea, that their account may not be secure. Your investigation will have our full support.”

“That would be helpful, sir. Where is this other bank you mentioned?”

“Right across the road, my dear. Most of the local banks are in the town centre. I shall give you a letter of introduction to Mr French, the branch manager, to expedite matters.”

Freda looked over to her police escort. “Are you available to go to the other bank as well?”

“I am. I was instructed to accompany you while you attended to the bank visit, and it appears to have been extended somewhat, but still within my instructions and jurisdiction, ma’am. I am recording the events in case it comes before a court. I want to make sure I have everything covered.”

It did not take them long, once they had the letter prepared, to transfer their search to the other bank. There, Freda presented the letter of introduction and her company’s authorisation from the University to view the university banking details.

Once shown to the office of Mr French, Freda explained that they were pursuing banking details relating to the Development Fund, and that their enquiries had led to an account with this bank.

Mr French was affable, but just as stuffy as his colleague over the road. “Quite so, quite so. We can’t have any fraudulent use of bank accounts. Jimmy told me over the phone which account was doubtful, and I have asked for that account’s transaction log to be printed out and brought to me. We can expect it momentarily.”

Sure enough, an assistant hurried through with the printout, looking harassed. Mr French glowered at the long face of the assistant, and vented his displeasure.

“Enough of the dismal faces, Shawn. Your duties are not that much of a trial.”

The lad stammered, “It is not me, sir. It is this statement.”

“The statement? What can have got you so upset, boy?”

The lad wordlessly handed over the statement and left the room, visibly shaken.

French quickly skimmed through the transactions... “Hmm ... money in, money out, so what has got him bothered?” His eyes drifted to the customer name, and he paled. “Oh, my God!”

Freda and the young policeman were intrigued at this reaction.

“Sir? Mr French?” ventured Freda.

He returned his gaze to her, and came out with, “This account, Mrs Robertson. It is in the name of Julius Devereaux!”

The other two had no idea what he was talking about, and their faces showed that, so Mr French enlightened them.

“Julius Devereaux is the Chief Accountant at the university!” he blurted out.

“The Chief Accountant?” Freda repeated in her astonishment. “Why would he want to steal from the university?”

“Exactly.” agreed the manager. “I have always seen Mr Devereaux as very upright gentleman. I know of no financial irregularities associated with him, EVER!”

Freda was thinking furiously, and now put forward a suggestion.

Mr French, your man Shawn; does he have any financial worries?”

He glowered. “What has that numbskull Shawn got to do with anything?”

“Bear with me, sir. Does he have any problems with finance?”

“Of course not. He has built up a good reputation in the branch. Outside, he is reputed to be a bit of a gambler, but so are many of our clients, so that means nothing.”

Freda was thinking fast, and made another guess.

“Might it be that Mr Devereaux’s account, at least this account in his name, is always handled by Shawn?”

“I have no idea, Mrs Robertson. What are you getting at?”

“I just wondered whether someone from the university does Mr Devereaux’s banking for him?”

“That often happens, young lady. If he is too busy, a businessman will often send a junior member of staff to attend to routine banking arrangements.”

“So it might be that you never see Mr Devereaux in the bank concerning this account?”

“Don’t tell me you are suggesting that someone else was operating this account in Mr Devereaux’s name? But he would have to sign for at least some of the transactions!”

“And who would witness this signature, sir? - assuming Shawn was the teller.”

“Why, Shawn would be able to confirm the signature, having seen it many times.”

“Humour me a little, sir. Would you be able to produce examples of Devereaux’s signature from another reliable account, and Devereaux’s signature for this account?”

French was seeing where this was going, and called for his branch accountant to come see him. The man tall thin appeared, and stated, “There was something you wanted, George?”

French beckoned him closer.

“We have a bit of a worry here, Tom, and you might be able to clarify it for me, but VERY quietly: do not let anyone else see what you are doing. I want examples of Julius Devereaux’s signature from another account, and also from this one, so that we can compare them.”

“I see. Oh dear, I am beginning to have a bad feeling about this, George. I’ll get right to it.”

He turned and hurriedly exited the manager’s office, leaving the others pensive. The young policeman was rapidly noting down all he had heard, anticipating a crime to be revealed shortly.

It took less than five minutes before the branch accountant was back. He entered and carefully closed the door behind him before laying two bank slips on French’s desk.

“They don’t match, George,” he said quietly to his boss.

“Thanks, Tom. It is what we were afraid of. Someone else is using this account in Julius Devereaux’s name. Is the discrepancy consistent?”

“It is, George. Right from the time this account was opened five years ago. The teller’s initials are always the same. Shawn dealt with this customer who was supposed to be Julius Devereaux. ONLY Shawn dealt with him, so we can’t say what he looked like if Shawn won’t tell us who he is. Shawn HAD to know this was a scam; how else would it always be him who dealt with this one client? The usual practice is whoever is on duty, and that is random among our staff.”

Mr French told him, “We have a policeman with us just now, Tom. Would it be convenient to confront Shawn with the matter at this time, or later?”

“Let’s get it over with, before he twigs we are on to him.”

“That suit you, constable? Mrs Robertson?”

They both agreed it was fine with them, so Tom went to fetch Shawn, and a couple of minutes later brought him in. The accountant explained the delay. “He was with a customer, Mr French.”

“Thank you, Tom. Shawn, do you know why we have called you to my office?”

He replied, hesitant, “Something to do with Mr Devereaux’s account?” he ventured.

French responded, “Exactly so, but WHICH Mr Devereaux are we talking about, Shawn? The real one, or the you have been catering to for five years?”

The lad’s face went white as the blood drained from his face. Looking frightened, he stammered out, desperately,”You mean there are two Mr Devereaux?”

French was not taken in.

“Shawn, you have made a point of ALWAYS being the teller for this account, so you must have had a strong reason for doing so. It is contrary to the ethos of this bank, and an unhealthy link between you and the person operating this account in Mr Devereaux’s name.

Now, you will either name the person who you dealt with on this account, or give us an accurate description of him, such that he can be identified. I don’t need to point out that what you say is being recorded by a policeman and may form part of any criminal proceedings against you.”

The probationary constable intruded now, to ask the manager a question.

“Sir, does this bank operate a CCTV system, and does it keep such records for a long period of time? If you have a recording of the last transaction in this account which took place at the counter, the client should be identifiable.”

French was stopped in his tracks, and his face lit up in triumph.

“We do, constable, and the digital recordings are held for us online with a security firm. Tom, can you check the last transaction for this account and access the recording attached to that occasion?”

Shawn’s shoulders slumped, and he gave in the moment the accountant left on that errand.

“His name is Clement Dryborough,” he confessed. “He works in Mr Devereaux’s office at the university, and does much of the routine banking for the university. He paid off my bill at the betting shop, in return for accepting his Devereaux signature. He told me when he wanted to operate the account, and I arranged to be there for him.”

The constable asked, “What is your full name, sir?”

Being told it, he declared, “Shawn Galbraith Morris, you are under arrest on suspicion of assisting in the commitment of a crime, i.e. fraud or embezzlement. You will be taken to a police station and there be charged with the offence and questioned. You do not have to answer questions but if you fail to mention something which you may later rely on in court, this will harm your defence. Do you understand?”

Shawn admitted, “I do.”

The constable produced his handcuffs and cuffed the man. He was pleased to do this, for it was the first time he had actually arrested and handcuffed a suspect. He peered round at everyone to confirm that they had noticed his actions. Freda gave him an encouraging smile, and he got a nod from the manager. He preened at this recognition.

The constable activated his radio communication unit and called the police station, saying “I have a suspect under arrest and cuffed. Can I have a car to take him into custody, please?”

He cursed himself inwardly for saying ‘please’ like a youngster, but politeness never does any harm, he thought. He suddenly remembered about the bank account, and spoke to the manager.

“Mr French, can you freeze the account until our experts get here to confirm the evidence?”

Getting that assurance, he led Shawn out to the door of the bank to await a police car. He made sure to keep the suspect inside the door, and kept a tight grip of him in case he might do a runner, despite the handcuffs. He didn’t want his first ‘collar’ to escape.

Freda wanted to clarify what sums were in the account, before doing anything else.

“May I see the closing balance, Mr French?”

She noted that some sums had been removed, but most of the payments into it had remained in the account, earning interest over the last five years. The culprit obviously wanted to keep money movement to the minimum, to avoid alerting bank regulators. It was probably intended as a secret nest egg, hidden from the tax man.

She told the branch manager, “Mr French, this money must belong to the university, so once its function as evidence is complete, can you ensure that it is returned to the Fund that it was illegally transferred from, so that it is back where it belongs? There is a lot of money involved, I see. On another matter, can you establish where the portion that has been withdrawn went to, as further criminal evidence for the police case?”

“I can do that, Mrs Robertson, though recovering such withdrawals may not be easy.”

“Speaking as a law student, Mr French, I can tell you that the culprit’s lawyer will advise restitution to avoid an even longer sentence by the court.”

French declared, “Excellent, excellent. You should do well in your degree course, Mrs Robertson.”

“I intend to do just that, sir. My father has promised me a place in his law firm if I do well in my course.”

Freda heard a car draw up outside, and went to the window to see Shawn being put into the police car for transport to the police station. She reckoned she had done her bit here, and went back to say goodbye to Mr. French. She asked to keep the printout of the account’s transactions, and was presented with it in a stiff folder with the bank’s logo on the front. He clearly wanted her to remember how helpful the bank had been.

She took a taxi back to the university, and caught her next lecture. The previous one she would speak to the lecturer about, to get a copy of his notes for herself and Reg to go over. Reg would read almost anything that he could get his head around, and this occasionally meant he had an inspiration that assisted her own understanding. During the lecture she texted Reg to apprise him of the main results of her bank visits. She would give him the full details this evening.

Frances had indeed visited the Finance officer and found he was not as ready as she expected. He said to call back just before lunch; he would postpone his own lunch till after that.

Once they met, he explained the problem. There were considerable purchases that had vanished, but it was unclear who had purloined them. He was proposing to interview all the Chemistry building staff, establishing when the purchases had last been seen and who was in a position to remove them. Frances agreed his strategy was sound, and offered the R.E.G. company’s help if required. She also offered an insight, telling him that the missing student had obtained a building key from a member of staff, so that the same member of staff would be worth examining in detail, on the possibility of the key being obtained through blackmail associated with the missing supplies. The police had the details, she said.

He thanked her for that advice, and promised to look into it.

She didn’t have time to look through the Chemistry Department’s accounts, so stuffed them into her bag for later.

Hurrying to her lecture room, she almost bumped into two men, and realised with a start that they were twins. She wondered if Freda had got a chance to speak to the male twins, if these were they. She shelved that for later.

The afternoon rattled past, and soon Frances was at her car, waiting for the other girls. When they joined her, she asked Freda if she had spoken to the male twins in her course. She started: “Oh, damn; forgot about that.”

Frances shrugged, and told her, “No rush. Tomorrow will do. Invite them to dinner with us some evening.”

“Will do. Do I tell them about Carol and Holly?”

“You do not! I want them to discover our twins when they serve the meal. We don’t want the boys to think we are forcing them on Carol and Holly, and we want our twins to discover the lads at the same time, without advance warning. It should be fun to watch.”

“Ah, yes. I get it. No mention at all, just a friendly get-together as law students socialising?”

“That’ll do nicely, Freda.”

Freda managed to put off until they got home any enquiry about the bank. “I want to hear what Reg thinks about my findings, so leave it for now, girls.”

Even after arriving home, she refused to approach Reg until after dinner. As the table was being cleared, Reg caught her gaze and raised an eyebrow in query. She nodded and move round to sit beside him. Other eyes watched, and the dining room quietened as inquisitive ears strove to hear what was being said.

“Well, Freda? Anything more on your bank visit?”

“Visits to TWO banks, reg. The account receiving the payments was in another banking group, but fortunately the branch was just across the road, and both managers were friends. Thank goodness the national programme of branch closures hasn’t hit here yet.”

“Yes, yes, love. Please get to the point!”

“Sorry, Reg. Me and the policeman supplied by the local force went in and got to see the branch manager in his office. He was very helpful, anxious that the bank not be tarred by association with any criminal activity. He gave me a printout of the university’s Development Fund account, and I was able to spot that all the payments, to a variety of companies, all went to the same account, strongly suggesting a fraudulent transaction. The manager agreed, and told me where the account was held. He was happy to say it was in another banking group entirely, but the sort code indicated the bank across the road. He gave me a letter of introduction to the manager (whom he knew well), so that there would be no delays in getting to the facts.

The policeman and I went there and were quickly escorted to the manager’s office. He summoned his Accountant, and asked for a printout of the suspect account’s transactions. It was soon brought in by a lad in his mid-twenties, and I thought he looked shifty when he handed the printout to the manager.

To the manager’s surprise, the account was in the name of the University’s Chief Accountant!”

Reg frowned at this revelation. Such a simple solution seemed too good to be true. It was.

Freda told him, “To establish whether it was indeed the Chief Accountant, I asked if the bank had examples of bank slips signed by the account holder; and if they did, were there other accounts held by Julius Devereaux, the Chief Accountant?

There were, and the accountant was soon back with slips pertaining to both, and they did not match! One of the accounts was spurious, and remembering the look on the lad’s face, I asked who was the teller who dealt with each transaction: was it the same person each time, and was that normal?”

Reg gave out a satisfied, “Ahh!” and waited for the dénouement.

Freda revealed, “We discovered that every single transaction relating to that account was with the same teller – the young man I mentioned. The genuine Devereaux’s account was dealt with by a random choice of teller, with no consistency.

The lad was called in by the manager and asked to name the user of that account, or give his description. He refused to admit knowing, but the constable asked if the bank routinely used CCTV to record clients at the counter.

They do, and they kept the recordings for a long while, enough to find a shot of the person operating the account. The manager was expecting that it was not Devereaux, and so was the lad himself! The lad confessed as to who it was before the CCTV evidence was even sought, for he knew what it would show. The culprit had paid off the lad’s gambling debt in return for not querying the signature used.

It ended with the lad being arrested by my policeman – a probationary constable, delighted to make an official arrest, and the teller was removed to the police station for questioning.”

“So who was the fraudster?” Reg demanded insistently. “One of Devereaux’s staff?”

“Correct. The teller named him as Clement Dryborough, one of Devereaux’s team. The man was authorised to do banking for the university at the local branch. I expect the police will be speaking to him tomorrow as soon as he gets to work.”

“Excellent work, Freda. A thoroughly well-executed investigation on behalf of our company! Do we know how much was embezzled, and can we get any of it back?”

“I asked the manager to freeze the account as a criminal asset, as the police would be doing that anyway. I had looked over the figures, and not much of the ill-gotten gains had been removed. It was probably intended as a long-term scam, with the account to be emptied when Dryborough thought it was safe to do so and was ready to retire with his money. There is at least a quarter of a million sitting there to be recovered.”

Reg was delighted at this fact. “Great! Freda, you have proved that our company is a force to be reckoned with. All we need is for the Chemistry department matter to be resolved to our satisfaction, and we will be up and running as a viable business.”

Freda commented, “And without much expenditure as well!”

Fiona chipped in, “You ought to warn Devereaux what is about to happen, so that he knows we were responsible for rescuing the university’s money!”

“True,” admitted Reg. He had a thought. “Why don’t we get Freda’s mum, as our company accountant, to reveal all to Devereaux? That will have more impact. Freda, can I ask you to brief your mum, and ask her to phone Devereaux with the glad news, on behalf of our investigators? She doesn’t have to say it was her own daughter who revealed the scam.”

Freda’s eyes lit up. “With pleasure, Reg. It will show her that, like her, I am much better than any pretty face: I am competent, which is much more important.”

She went off to make that call, after grabbing the university’s staff phone list from her handbag.

Reg grinned. Alicia Dangerfield would have fun, phoning the university’s Chief Accountant at home with the tale of a thief in his own office. She would, as suggested, not reveal that the principal investigator was her own daughter; just say: a member of staff from the Recovery Enterprise Group. The Chief Accountant would be horrified at being duped by one of his own staff, so that would probably lead to a tightening up of procedures.

Frances congratulated Freda, then turned to speak directly to her husband.

“Reg darling, how is the wound feeling now?”

Reg blinked, guessing at what would come next. “So-so. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering whether you are ready to up your performance on last night?”

“Oh? You expect me to do a song and dance act as well?” he grinned.

She pretended to slap him. “No, I meant do your husbandly duties. Do we need to rev you up, or are you not firing on all cylinders yet?”

Reg considered this, then answered, “I am not sure about my starter motor. You see, some of my brakes are still stuck, and it may need some lubrication to free them and get me moving.”

Frances was getting into this banter. “Tricky. Do you need to get under my bonnet to check the oil nipples?”

Reg laughed. “Now that you mention it, you are getting me into gear!”

The other girls started applauding. One called, “How’s your skoosher bottle? Is it ready to squirt?”

“Perhaps, but then I might get ‘tyred’ before long!”

“Seriously, Reg,” Frances said, concluding the banter,”Are you up to a bit more tonight? You have plenty of volunteers ready to roll.”

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Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Poore duniya mein corona ka atank faila hua hai. Sabhi se anurodh karunga ki filhaal ghar se bahar na jaaye aur apne aur apne parivaar ko iss bimari se bachaaye. Aap sabhi ko ghar mein hi rahne ki ek choti si koshish ke sath mein is lockdown ke time har do din ek story upload karunga. Padhiye aur ghar mein hi rahiyega please. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part 3

iCarly: One Night Part 3 - Dream Escapesby ProfNigmaCarly Shay stared up at the ceiling for a couple hours after getting home. She barely said anything to her br*ther once she got home, deciding to spend, with the exception of a 10 minute dinner and a 20 minute shower, the whole evening in her room. Try as she might, she could not keep her mind from drifting to the last 24 hours. It was crazy to think that she had gone from incredibly virginal, barely even touching second base, to having full...

3 years ago
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Priya Call Girl Kasee Banee PART I

Mera nick name Suckhot haa. Mee delhi me rahtaa huu.. Mene ISS site par pahlee bhee kaee kahaneeya likhee haa jo puree sach haa. Yeh sab kahaniya mee apnee hot net -frends see mujhee e- mail/ chats dwara ya aamne samne baith kar batayee gayee thee. Yeh bhee ekk sachee kahane haa jo is kahanee kee nayika Priya nee mujhsee dostee honee kee aadhee ghantee kee andar hee chats dwra bataa dee. Mee Priyaa kee saafdil svabhav kaa apnee dil kee ghrayeoo se prashansa kartaa huu kee kitnee vishvas kee...

2 years ago
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Slave Follows Her Masters Instructions and Meets H

The night before her mind was going in circles imagining what would transpire the next day. Just the ideas that filled her mind made her so hot, but she was told to be a good girl and not touch herself. The next morning she awoke with a dripping wet pussy, even in her dreams she was filled with excitement about today's events. She left the house that morning excited and anxious. Her master gave her a very specific set of instructions. She did not even need to read the instructions, she had...

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Hum Dono Ne Kinjal Ko Patake Pure Week Choda

Hi I m Kapil from Ahmedabad , this is my second story , thank u all for great replies of first story . This other story is about I had sex with Rahul’s(Mausi’s son 22 year)’s Cousin sis Kinjal, 21 year. Now onward in Hindi. Vo badi hi sexy and beautiful thi , jab mai mausi ke ghar jata tab hum sab log sathme time spend karte the kyoki vo ek joint family thi. Vo ek chalu type ladki thi vo muje pata tha. Mai use chodna chahta tha par kabhi mauka hi nahi mila. Third Year k vacation me muje pata...

1 year ago
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A Man And A Maid

The Old Man's Tale Drink and vanity have always been my two besetting sins; well vanity usually made worse by drink. Oh, and lechery but... I'll explain. I'd been for a drink with my mate James one evening and as usual, after several pints of bitter, we had gone back to his place for a drop of scotch. Well, there I am, stretched out in a chair in front of the fire, single barrel malt in hand, when he tells me that he has a bit of a problem that I might be able to help him with. Ha -...

4 years ago
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I like to watch my huband fuck young girls

I watched her as she walked into the room. She is so beautiful and her body is amazing. Her bronze complexion looks like the sun has gently kissed her body to give it a dark tan. Her eyes are large almond shape with perfectly arch eyebrows and two amazingly deep dimples that enhance her gorgeous smile. I can tell that her parents invested a lot of money to give her those perfectly straight and white teeth. She looks like a model. Her breast are about a 38 DD with a really tiny waist nice, ass...

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mature lady as blossom flower

....while it was dark one day in amid of my walk to nearby small garden area in solitude, i was much tired up, had no energy to do any sort of activity, simply while walking few steps towards my solitude i bummed a smoke just to get some relaxation to reach till garden, but completely unaware of what i am gonna see right ahead next to my way, while it was not much walk i seen on my right there was a hut , i seen it with all curiosity that hut seemed to be some abondoned place, there was just a...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 9

I cleaned my pussy real good, only because I was told to by Candy. Normally I like to proudly walk around with everybody’s dick sauce running out of my holes and splattered all over my body. Because this was a normal, boring party, I do my best to stay clean. I made sure my skirt was in place, my small top covered my giant boobs and I stepped out to my adoring fans. After the screaming subsided a couple of brave guys began grabbing my tempting boobs, I did not stop them, but Candy...

3 years ago
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The Wrong Idea

The Wrong Idea It was a warn, windy day and I was having very naughty thoughts. I wanted an adventure that ended with me having a very sore, red bottom and cum in my mouth. So I put on my favorite dress, complete with petticoat, slip, matching bra and panties, black stockings, a white garter belt and black high heels. I put on a pair of dangling earrings and styled my shoulder length hair so it would frame my face and flow down to my shoulders. Since I was going to make a day of it,...

2 years ago
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Jacking Off to Sis

"Honey I got called into work," you hear your mother, Heather, say as she's walking down out of the bathroom getting ready. She woke you up. You roll over and look at the clock, not even 8 am yet. 'Great. So now I'm up early," you think to yourself. But you notice she's wearing that skimpy little nightgown you got her for her birthday. The one that she told you "sons shouldn't buy for their mothers". "I won't be back till later, so you're on your own for lunch, hun," she says, interrupting your...

1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 19

I will not brag that my chat with my people in December resolved all the difficulties facing our budding community, and I will not imply that my relationship with the other women improved once I’d bedded Binda. In truth it didn’t, in either case, though life did get easier in a manner of speaking. People started coming to me to arbitrate for them when something came up. Even Sygor seemed to have relaxed a bit. It helped that he’d taken an interest in Trika. Trika was a cute girl who was...

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Tim And Abbie 71 Brians Matchmaking Jessica

Brian does not forget his promise to himself after the first dinner with Mark’s mother and sisters. Well, the girls, no, now definitely women at forty, deserve to meet men who will cherish and care for them. Their youth and young adulthood were totally ruined by the tyrant father they had.It is bad enough what Mark has endured from him, but to see his sisters and Mark’s mother so repressed just chills Brian’s soul. Well, perhaps repressed is not the correct term for all of them, but held back...

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Evas Long Run

Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front of the mirror, she admired her large, 38C breast.The c***dren had not taken any of the firmness from them; her waist was still very...

2 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 20

As we walked down the corridors to the audience chamber, I asked Uphotep if there was any special protocol that we should follow. I explained that none of us had ever met a Pharaoh, so we weren't sure of the exact protocol. He said, "Oh, there is nothing special, just prostrate yourselves and wait to be recognized. That usually happens within the hour." I stopped where I was and said, "OK, folks, time to go back to the river. We don't have to put up with this kind of...

1 year ago
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Jack Naked on SetChapter 10

Friday, May 11, 2000 Filming on the new movie tentatively titled "The Premier's Daughter" was going well. The movie was getting a lot of early buzz, and my parents were being nice to me in expectation of the money I'd bring in. There were only two problems. First, shooting ran from 4:00 to 11:00 on weekdays and 9:00 to 9:00 on weekends, which meant that I barely had time to finish my homework, let alone maintain any sort of social life. Second, the producers had insisted that I date my...

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How It all Started

I was the k** who was a little behind when it came to puberty. I was awkward, shy, and skinny. I started noticing girls about the same time that I started noticing all of those cocks in the locker room shower. I was so afraid of getting an erection that I would often would hang back and take a quick shower at the last minute when very few others were still in there. One day I was taking my usual late shower when I was startled by someone else entering the shower. It was the new guy, Bill. He...

3 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Fifteen

Thanks to Charlie for the guidance help and wonderful editing skills. I dressed quickly and left for work, it was going to be a big day. We were getting close to completion and we had the big party to organise. Siobhan and I worked on the invite list and gift baskets for all who attended. I organised the band, security, lighting and caterers. I left Candy to organise the models. I worked with the construction team finishing the runway in the new area. I ended up driving the...

4 years ago
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A girl knows what panties are available in her undies drawer

A girl knows what panties are available in her undies drawer. I know I do. At least until last laundry day. Mother and I have worked out a schedule. She has taught me that boys should know how to wash their own clothes, and how to cook their own meals. So I've been doing my own laundry since I could first operate the washing machine. I'd been hiding some panties I'd collected in my bedroom for a while now and I just slipped them into the washing machine. Mother would never know I wore...

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Its Morally Wrong

She knew she shouldn’t respond, knew she should just delete the message and move on. But something lingered, something kept her eyes glued to the words printed on the screen of her phone. It was wrong, she knew, but the curiosity burned deeper and deeper the longer her eyes played over the message. As much as you’re right, I can’t let you win like that, she thought, reading over the message one last time before typing out her response. “You keep forgetting I’m a married woman,” she replied,...

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HussiePass Indica Flower Double The Pleasure

Louisiana coed Indica Flower joins us today and this is the 1st time the juicy newbie has ever been with 2 guys at the same time. After a very interesting interview, our guys lube up her 32DD all-natural funbags and her non-stop twerking ass. The action starts with Indica taking a cock in her mouth while our other guy licks & fingerbangs her pussy, followed by the customary Row Your Boat sucking of our 2 hung studs. The guys then put Indica on the rotisserie, let her ride & twerk on...

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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 5

One of the boys looked up at Delon anxiously and asked, “Now?” Delon smiled and nodded. The boy exclaimed, “Hot damn!” He jumped to his feet and began to tear his clothes off. Delon tossed me a blanket while my first attacker was undressing. He ordered me to spread it out on the floor in the middle of the room and lie down. Even though I knew it was going to come to this the moment I walked through the door and saw all these boys I nearly freaked out now that it was starting. I felt the...

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BoobDay Claudia Bavel Challenge Accepted

Here, on Cumlouder, we all love to give our girls a good challenge, especially if they are as wild and fun as the voluptuous Claudia Bavel. Raul Lora’s perverted mind has come up with a bunch of sex challenges that this hot Spanish will have to cope with. But she’s not alone today. She can count on the help of Angie White, Potro de Bilbao and Kevin Coto. The final award is the consumption of her first ever MMF threesome, that will be filmed exclusively by our cameras. Are you gonna...

2 years ago
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What This Woman Wants

My slick pussy exposed in the precarious position but just as I feel myself slipping back towards the ground, his strong hand will grab my buttocks and spread me further for his view. One thumb swirls over the pearl of my desire, causing me to cry out his name and arch my back. Just as I am about to sit myself up, he will place a hand in the middle of my back, press me back down and enter my pulsing love canal with his hot tongue. Curling and licking her tunnel, she squirmed and moaned louder...

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The Haunted Mansion

"Come visit the HAUNTED MANSION Hotel, your ultimate experience of horror and unfathomable dread! Also suitable for children." When the advertisements first came up, people were sceptical; but as the hotel's opening drew near, and new information surfaced about this wonderful and luxurious project, they gradually became excited and started to book the rooms. The very locality of the building hinted at the fact every stay was going to be a special experience. The Haunted Mansion was situated in...

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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 7

"I don't think your place is haunted Kim!! Your neighbor told you stories and your mind was playing with you!! Your mind does things to you without you even controlling it!!! I mean before last night you didn't have nightmares in that place!! Well did you?" asked Desiree, Kim's colleague. It was lunch break and both girls were eating at a Subway!!! Kim was having a 6-inch teriyaki sandwich and Desiree having a 6-inch vegetarian, since she was a vegan. "No!! That was the first night in...

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Swingers Meet

In the late 1990s I used to attend swingers clubs in London. The nearest and my favourite was a small club near Maryland station in Stratford East London. Downstairs was a Jacuzzi, sauna, rest area with sofas and pool table and a bar (serving soft drinks). Upstairs were several playrooms and the changing areas. It was usually full of single guys and occasionally couples (and a single woman who came along frequently and who would take up occupancy in one of the playrooms until every guy in the...

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Strip Club Fantasy

It was a Vegas wedding but it was nothing like you think. The super religious, super hot Anna was still a Bible-thumping virgin at 29. She was active in the church since she was a little girl and was true to her faith and her convictions but she was still a horny little girl. All her life she waited for her honeymoon night. Her big perky tits had nipples as big as walnuts and they would get stiff as a board whenever her fiancé was around. Spencer was 6' 4 which was great since Anna was so tall....

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Teaching Mikey

Re-written from the original I posted as posh-slut A few days later and I was up for more fun with Michael.As soon as he returned home from college I asked him if he wanted too. Of course mum, when?Tonight okay? Get yourself an early shower and I'll get a take-away ordered so we can start early.Dinner over and a quick freshen up and we were readyUp in the bedroom we were both naked, Michael's cock aroused and erectMichael I want to try something different, okay?'Why not', Michael said 'what did...

4 years ago
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The Only Solution To Long Distance

We had been dating for close to eight months by this point. We met each other on campus one day and got dinner together - it quickly moved from friendship, to friends with benefits. Before we knew it we had become a couple, spending all of our time together, going on dates, and constantly talking. And the sex - I quickly came to realize that two horny teens without supervision have a lot of sex.There was still the issue of my roommate, though - but he spent most of his nights partying. As it...

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Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom) *** Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she'd have four kids - two boys, two girls. She always said we'd settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I'd go to law school, and that she'd be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other....

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The Two CrossesChapter 3

Grant spent Christmas morning with his daughter, Cathy and her family as they opened their presents. He excused himself near noon to visit Jennifer and would return for turkey dinner. Cathy mentioned she’d like to meet Jennifer someday soon. “Merry Christmas, beautiful!” He smiled, entering Jennifer’s room. She held her arms open for a hug, and he gently caressed her body to his. Quickly becoming more comfortable with Grant, she willingly kissed him. “Can you manage to sit in your chair by...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 2

Kristen: Well, I've got him poised to shove his really beautiful, pink cock into me and am I ready. I'm really turned-on being naked with a guy less than half my age whose cock tastes so nice and fresh. Ah, it was sliding in now and I must say, it felt wonderful. I wish I'd been my nephew's first but this would have to do. He was rubbing my breasts as we fucked and I was flexing my pelvic muscles, squeezing tight to give him a real tug when he pulls back. Oh that felt delicious. We...

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Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she’d waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he’d be bunking up with his younger brothers. “Meet us in the hall as soon as you...

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Steaming Sex With Mom 8211 Part 2

Hey, this is Vishnu(name changed). I am back after a long gap, in my last story I had told you all how I started to have sex with my mom. Thank you for all those comments and feedback’s. Let me clear about some things first this is not a story, second I m not going to share my pic or my mom’s pic. If you have not read my first story then above is the link Any aunty or girls interested can mail me at Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in my family my...

4 years ago
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Automaton Lover

The year was 1887 and many scientists made headway for the betterment of mankind.Eleanor Poots looked at the clock. It was getting late and it would soon be getting dark. She stood up from her work table and took a small box of candles from the drawer. She walked around the room, putting candles in their holders and lighting them with a match. The room was soon alight with the flickering of candlelight.Eleanor was a woman in her mid-thirties. Her long brown hair was held back by a headband. She...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 28

Thursday morning was a change in my routine. We were going back to the Palace for final discussions on the security agreement; we had gotten much further along than I expected the day before. We were close to an agreement and it was going to be a major contract. It was going to take one hundred and sixty men and ladies to give them the coverage they wanted, and they wanted a lot. Each minister wanted a driver on duty 24/7 and their own Suburban. Along with the driver each was to get two...

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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 14

The cab pulled up in front of their home. ‘Wake up my dear, we are home,’ he said, gently nudging the sleeping Chelsea. She had fallen asleep on his lap on the ride home. She roused, her disheveled hair falling in her face. ‘I’m sorry for falling asleep on your lap, Master,’ she said, brushing her strawberry hair out of her eyes. ‘That’s ok little one – you were pretty tired on the plane. And the whole trip has been pretty hectic. It’s only understandable that you would be tired.’ ‘Thank you...

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Gulbarga Ke Big Bazar Ki Lift Main

Hi friends main ayub ali Gulbarga karnataka se ek aur kahani le kar aaya hun Jaisa ke maine pahli story main bataya tha ke main electrician hun aur puc ka student hun meri height 5fit.9inch hai aur lund size 5lamba aur 1mota hai to baat kuch dino pahle ki hai main 18 year ka hone wala hun to mere ek frend ne mujhe gulbarga bulaya aur kaha ke aaja yaar thodi shopping karte hain Main subha 10baje aland se nikla bus se aur 11 baje main gulbarga cbs pohancha phir main city bus se big bazaar...

2 years ago
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CHASTE SISSY SELECTIONS"What's the matter, lover boy?" Tanya asked with an amused expression onher pretty face. "You're the one who wanted to be locked up in thattight little chastity tube, Billy. I mean, sure, you thought it wouldjust be for an hour or so, and that I would let you out so we could havewild sex. But I did warn you that I can be very mean, didn't I? Whenwe started two weeks ago?" She laughed breathily, a soft and sinistersound. "So now you're stuck. I've got the key and...

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