The Softening of Jessie Part 2
- 3 years ago
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The two began heading out when Jessie realized that he did not have his wallet. "Hey Ashley, how the heck do I carry my wallet? There aren't any pockets in this dress." "Yep, most dresses and skirts don't have pockets," Ashley replied. "I have something that will help," Jessie's mom said. She left the room and came back a minute later with a small light peach colored purse. "Put your stuff in here and carry it along." "Cool. I could put some cool stuff in here," Jessie...
Amanda crept into Jessie's room and reached over to turn off his alarm clock. "It's ok honey, go back to're not going back to school until that infection goes down," she calmly explained to Jessie, who had woken up. He laid his head back down and drifted again off to sleep. Amanda eyed her son as he slept. He looked so peaceful, and dare she say happy? Although the idea of changing him into a female was extreme on all scales, she felt that this was the only solution to...
Jessie grabbed the phone and gave Ashley a call. "What's up Ashley?" "Hey, I wanted to see if I could spend the night at your house. Jason is having some of his friends over and I don't want to be here with those boys." "Jason invited friends over for the night and didn't include me huh?" Jessie replied. He knew that his friendship with Jason was strained but it still hurt to be not included. "Yeah...sorry, but I'll hang out with you tonight. I promise I don't snore. Besides we...
"What are you thinking Ashley?" Jessie asked. He knew she was always full of great ideas. "Well, seeing that you enjoy wearing your pantyhose so much, why don't we just buy you some shorts? Then you can keep your nylons on?" Ashley plainly stated. She knew it would not be hard to convince her feminine friend to take this leap. "I don't know. Are you sure you that people won't be able to tell I'm wearing pantyhose? I don't want to take the risk and look like a sissy, cause boys...
The two headed over to the miniature putting course. Jessie was so happy with how the day was going so far. He was befuddled as to why he could not remember how throw a baseball, but the fact that Jason seemed to genuinely like him again more than made up for that. It was just like the old days again and he was hoping it would stay that way. "I'm going to use the restroom real quick," Jessie told Jason. "Oh ok. I'll join ya. I gotta go too," Jason responded. As they headed to the...
"What did you buy mom?" Jessie asked with a sense of excitement. Amanda handed her son the bag, noticing his curiosity. Jessie pulled out some of the contents. He noticed three bras with underwear attached in matching colors. "Matching bras and underwear mom?" "Yes dear, I was lucky to find some underwear that came with the bras so that you match," Amanda replied as she made little attempt to hide the bra panty sets. In Jessie's state of mind she knew she would not have...
Jessie woke up in the afternoon the next day. Ahhhh, Saturday school, got to love it. He rolled out of bed and stretched a bit. The fabric of his "borrowed" delicate, soft top felt much nicer on his sore chest than his rough, course t-shirts. "Man, Jason really did a number on me," he thought. With that, Jessie groggily went into his bathroom, sat down and peed. It struck him a bit odd that he was sitting to pee. After all, he couldn't ever remember sitting down before to...
"So you want to know about different kinds of panties, do ya?" Ashley asked her inquisitive friend. "Yes, you might think it's kind of weird, but I seem to have forgotten. I know I wear panties everyday, but I guess I never paid attention," Jessie replied. He felt a little odd not knowing about something he felt he should have. "Okay, let's see...these are called boy short panties. They are just like the boring old underwear boys wear, but they are frilly'd and lacy'd up a bit,"...
As the two sat at the food court eating lunch, Ashley couldn't help but how much her friend had changed. He now sat there with his nylon covered legs crossed in a very feminine manner and spoke with an unmistakable high girlish tone. Wow, how could he not know what was happening to him? "How does your bra feel Jess?" Ashley asked out of the blue. "It feels good. My chest doesn't jiggle all around like it was before. I think that the bra may actually help my swelling go away by...
Jessie sat impatiently in the principal's office. He knew his chances were running out since his behavior record at school was anything but perfect. After just 3 months of school in the 9th grade, Jessie had been in 3 fights, had been caught ditching out after lunch a half dozen times and had complaints filed on him from the girls in the school for inappropriate behavior. He sat back and awaited the arrival of his mom and grandma. The thought of being expelled did not bother him much and,...
"Okay sweetie sit down and let's do your makeup. I'm thinking of something smoldering with your eyes." "Cool. Don't do anything too drastic though." "Don't worry Jessica. You are in good hands." "Before I start I'm going to put your hair in some rollers. It will give you some added volume and really enhance your appearance." Ashley deftly rolled Jessie's hair into several curlers and marveled at how he didn't bat an eye at being put into curlers. He just took it with stride like...
"Hey, they have a cool log ride here if you guys feel like it," Ashley stated to the other three. "Oh, like the one at Knott's?" "Similar on a smaller scale." "Cool! Let's go." The four headed over to the water ride weaving through the mass of people at the park. As they made their way through the crowd Jessie found himself falling a little behind. He didn't want to get lost from the other three but he kept bumping into people and getting stuck in front of others. Jessie...
"Here Jessie, let me help you over to that bench," Scott said as he sent the elderly couple on their way. "Good thing I was walking by here... I was just in the nick of time!" he joked with Jessie. "Scott right? Thanks for stepping in there. I was about to go off on those two. The old guy should feel lucky I didn't pound him into the pavement!" Jessie emotionally replied. "Well you do have spunk, that's for sure," Scott stated. He found the whole feisty, tough girl thing a turn...
Ashley came over a short time later. "Alright Jessica, are you ready to have some fun in the sun?" "Yes I am. You're still on that Jessica kick huh?" "Yep, I think it suits you," Ashley teased. "Sure it does...not!" Jessie replied. "So your mom is gonna drive us to the water park. I've got some sun screen but we need some towels and you're gonna need a swim suit." "Cool. I'll grab some towels and I have a swim suit," Jessie replied as he ran into the hall closet and grabbed...
Jessie agreed to Ashley's ultimatum and headed over to her house. He didn't necessarily see the issue with the clothes he had on, but he knew how fashion conscience she was and that she didn't want to go out with someone who didn't fit her social standards. He felt he could probably use some fashion tips as well. Jason was leaving the house as they approached the front door. Jessie didn't know what to think and became very nervous at the sight of his former friend. "Hey...
Sunday morning Jessie got up at went downstairs to watch whatever sports were on. He had been a sports fanatic all his life. If it involved anything physical and testosterone laced, he was all over it. He decided to skip his shower today and sat himself down comfortably on the couch. Jessie flipped to the football game and quickly caught up on what was going on. For some reason though, he couldn't get into the game. He decided to flip the channels some, tough man,...
Ashley reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of white open toe heels and presented them to Jessie. "These will look good with your outfit. Why don't you try them on?" "I don't think so Ashley. You're not going to get me to wear heels... those are girl's shoes," Jessie replied. He was taken aback from the offer. "Oh come on Jess, you can't wear a pretty dress and sneakers! Get real sweety. You need to complete the outfit. Besides, these shoes will show off your pink
"Wow, you look so pretty Jessie!" Ashley exclaimed to her feminine friend. "Thanks. I've never worn makeup before...but I think its ok to," Jessie replied a little confused. "Sure it is sweetie. You never want to use too much though. Makeup is only there to enhance your natural beauty." Jessie nodded his head in agreement. What Ashley was saying made sense in an uncomfortable kind of way. "Let's do our nails," Ashley suggested. "I don't know. This isn't what I'm used to doing...
Jessie woke up the next day feeling especially groggy. He felt a little light headed and out of sorts. As he rolled over to check the time he found it odd that the clock was blinking 12:00. What happened? The power must have gone off overnight. Jessie pulled off his headphones which didn't have the normal music playing in them. In fact, there was no sound whatsoever. The power outage last night must have affected his CD player as well. "Oh well," he thought as he slid out of bed....
The two girls headed downstairs. "Well, look at you two. Very lovely!" Susan and Amanda commented. "Thanks!" "Jessica you look so grown up but don't you think that skirt is a bit short?" Susan asked. "Come on grandma. It's not that short. Besides, Ashley wears this outfit all the time." "She looks fine mom. How do you feel Jessica?" Amanda asked her son. She felt some guilt at that moment. A couple months ago he was a young man & now she was looking at a very feminine...
The "girls" finished up their nails and got ready for bed. Ashley noticed Jessie putting on his headphones. Was that where he received his subliminal messages from? "Hey Jess, can I listen to what you have in the cd player?" "Ok, but I gotta have it back before I go to sleep." "You listen to this every night?" "Yeah, I can't fall asleep unless I am." Ashley put on the headphones and pressed play. The music was soft and relaxing, but had jumbled voices throughout the sounds....
"Wow Jessica, I can't believe how great that top looks on you." Ashley stated finding herself a tad jealous at the thought that he may look better in that shirt that she does. "My bra doesn't look silly?" "No sweety, that's how it's supposed to look. That's the style." "Yeah I know but I really don't want to ruin my chance with Jason. I don't think he knows I wear a bra & if he can see it through my shirt than he may call me a sissy again." "Honey, you have breasts and...
A while later Ashley arrived at Jessie's house. The two had a bite to eat then headed up to Jessie's room. "So you're serious about Jason wanting to be my friend again Ashley?" "Yep, he has been asking about you a lot. It's kind of annoying actually." "I'm sorry but I'm just stunned. I really believed that we would never be friends again. He really despised me for quite a while. I wonder why he has had a change of mind." "Well you've changed quite a bit over the last month or...
Jessie finished helping him mom clean up the broken plate and headed upstairs to listen to his room. He turned on the television and his favorite show was on. Well perhaps it used to be his favorite show. It was the sport illustrated swimsuit edition and he used to do the deed every time it was on. Out of routine he ran and locked his door and sat on the bed as the first model was shown strutting her stuff on the beach. Jessie knew what to do next as he lifted his nightgown a bit...
"Mom, you must see Jessie's nails! Not only did he do a beautiful job on my toes and fingers but he also glossed his toenails with guess what? Yep, pretty rose!" "That is wonderful dear," Susan replied, "He is progressing as we had hoped. All that anger, mischief, and all around bad attitude is giving way to a beautiful, blossoming child." "I just had the best time with him since...well, since I can remember. We actually bonded which is something I had all but given up on,"...
After a long day of shopping Jessie returned home just in time for dinner. "Perfect timing Jess. Dinner is served," his mom said. She noticed that he had a couple bags with him. "What did you buy dear?" "Oh, Ashley likes to buy me things," he replied as he pulled three garments out of the bag. One was a jeans mini skirt, the other was a white colored top made of a stretchy fabric with short sleeves that puffed slightly. The last piece of clothing was a black cocktail...
What a fun day! Jessie had such a great time at the water park and talked his mom's head off on the way home. She had doubted her decision to transition her son to a female in the past but had he ever been so darn happy before? She couldn't remember a time. She was pleased with the transformation and his new outlook on life. The fact that he now answered to Jessica was the icing on the cake. After dropping Ashley off at home Jessie went up to his room to take a shower and get into...
Watching Jessie(bedroom camera part 6)It was late Sunday afternoon when Jessie got back. Frank showed up a few minutes later. Frank told me to go to the office and pull some reports and email them to him. He would keep Jessie entertained. Apparently he had told Terry he was going to the office to do what I was now tasked with. I pulled up the bedroom camera on my phone as I drove to work. Frank and Jessie weren’t in the bedroom as of yet. At least I wouldn’t have that as a distraction as I...
"So is there anything else you want to do today Jess?" Ashley asked her feminine friend. "Well we've done a lot! We have been here for 5 hours and I'm ready to go home," Jessie replied. It was an action packed day and he was ready to go home and relax. "Okay, let's get out of here then." The two left and walked home. Jessie was surprised at the number of cars that honked as they were walking. Some people even made catcalls as they passed them. He thought of how rude it was...
Ashley pulled a denim skirt out of her bag followed by a light blue colored dress. "What do you think Jess? The skirt is made out the same fabric that your jeans are made out of, so it's not a big change. The dress, on the other hand, would look great on you." Ashley held up both of the garments to show Jessie. He was having second thoughts about this. He never had worn a dress or skirt before and although he couldn't think of a reason why he hadn't he was still...
"How was school today Jessie?" Amanda asked.# "It was fine. Jason was acting kind of weird but then again when isn't he haha. Ok, I'm going up to my room mom, I think I'm getting sick or something." "Why dear, what's wrong?" Amanda asked. "I wasn't my normal self in PE today. I got tired really quick and I wasn't as fast as I normally am. I usually run rings around those other chumps but I couldn't keep up today." "You may just need to relax for a day or so sweetie, and then...
Jessie sat on his bed as Ashley left to get the garment. How lucky was he to have a new friend as incredible as her? Most girls probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with a guy in his predicament, but Ashley was so supportive. Ashley entered the room carrying a white piece of material. "Okay Jessie, take off your shirt and I'll help you get this thing fitted right." Jessie was a little reluctant, but did as his new friend instructed. He had lost most of his muscle mass...
Jessie had just finished with Luke and Robby, so now it was time to talk to Emma about what had happened with Luke. She walked into Emma's room and both Emma and Jessie were only in their robes. Jessie went and sat by Emma and said, "What were you thinking about having sex with your own brother?" she said in a calm voice. Emma responded with the shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I hope you know that it is wrong, and that if you got pregnant, who knows what would have happened." replied Jessie....
This is a continuation of the story Watching Jessie (glory hole).By the time I got Jessie dressed to leave the glory hole booth another cock appeared through the hole in the wall. Jessie wasn't about to leave it there. Jessie promised that she just wanted to practice her sucking skills. Jessie knelt down in front of the cock and began kissing and stroking it. As the cock began to grow Jessie stroked it more and licked it all over paying special attention to the head. When the cock was fully...
Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...
This story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...
It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...
What a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...
Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine.The sun hung high and unobscured in the cool and clear autumn sky. Two professional football teams were making preparations for week six of the National Football League's season while I fought my way through masses of cars, pedestrians and traffic cones. I'd actually never been to a football game, and that streak would continue despite the fact that I was trying to get to the stadium on game day as quickly as I...
Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...
I woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into Khym International The Agony of Jessie Part 1 Amy woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into the international airport. Seated beside her on the flight was Jessie Gomez. The 18-year-old was still asleep, oblivious to the stares of the male passengers in first class, who could hardly miss the blond teen in her tight blouse and short skirt. Adding to it were her air-conditioned chilled nipples clearly visible...
Jakob leaned against the door as he watched Jessie drive the truck, her long slender fingers wrapped easily around the wheel. He was lost in thought, mostly recalling their last night in the Webster farm before leaving for college. He had come in late from his last job—harvesting 1500 acres of feed corn. The ground had been unusually rough, possibly a result of the long drought, and the ensuing vibrations had tired him terribly. He was surprised that the house was mostly dark—it was only...
Watching Jessie (part 8)Frank was in the bedroom with Jessie when I got home from work on Friday. He hadn’t been over since last week. Now that he had Jessie pregnant I wondered if he was working on getting someone else pregnant. I was happy knowing that his wife Terry had given me an awesome blow job in the very same room at lunch time. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Terry I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt my cock getting hard as I thought about Terry’s beautiful black body and...
No girl has impacted me like my friend Jessie, and no sexual experience has affected my life more than the one I shared with her on December 26, 2013. Yes, we did slip up earlier that year when I took her in during a snow storm. It wasn't our intention, but we ended up having sex that night, the result of nearly 10 years of unresolved sexual tension. By then, Jessie had been married for a little while, so we both knew it was wrong and swore to never let it happen again. We meant it too, so I...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...
And back to the present Distantly I heard someone saying, “Sam? Sam? Sam?” then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was standing beside Janice and was grinning like crazy. She had a small bandage on her forehead. “The doctor has finished his exam, Sam, and there is no sign of physical ... or mental problems,”...
What neither one of us anticipated was that Brian, Jessie's husband would be one to share. Then came that fateful date, when the couple, who had moved away not long after Jessie and I slept together, was back home visiting family for the holidays. It was six months after Jessie had a baby, which, if nothing else did, seemed to rule out any possibility that we would stumble again. There wasn't possibly a scenario that would serve nothing better than ruining someone's life. Still, Jessie...
1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: 1.02 Jessie, Lisa, Aron: 1.03 Jessie, Lisa, Aron, HDTV Condition: 1.04 Mira, Jessie, Introduction: 1.05 Mira, Jessie, First Lesbian Orgasm: 1.06 Mira, Jessie, Jacuzzi: 1.07 Lisa, Aron, Hair Removal: 1.08 Lisa, Aron, Deepthroat: 1.09 Lisa, Aron, Sibling Mating: 1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: The House of Pleasure, THP, is a high end, sexual complex in the Center of Bangkok. It opened two years ago and has become a must layover for business...
Jakob, Jessie, and Sandy took a break for lunch on Sunday. They were covered in saliva, cum and pussy juice--sticky in most places. After showering together, Jakob fired up the grill while the girls made some burgers. Jessie brought them out to Jakob wearing absolutely nothing-her tan lines disappearing since she started sunbathing nude. Jakob admired her lean features accentuated by her large firm breasts that seemed more suited for a much heavier woman. He noticed her nipples were...
From the minute he’d gotten the Sheriff’s phone call Jakob had known what he had to do. It was like killing a rabid dog or the feral hogs that had threatened his father’s stock. It was either kill Howard Holmes or live their lives in fear—fear that he’d get out of prison and hunt them down to wreak his “revenge.” In the end he’d done what he had to. He had rescued Jessie, his wife of less than a day, from a certain death at the hands of her father. Jakob had carried Jessie, insisting she...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...
Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre...
2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: 2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat: 2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting: 2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer: 2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and Son Mating: 2.06 Lisa, Golden, Bedroom Services: 2.07 Aron, Creatures, Bedroom Services: 2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: Sara knew Jessie was ready and walked her toward the mounting frame. Without hesitating, Jessie entered the frame, kneeled down and...
Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...
Introduction: The following is an account of my long-awaited first sexual encounter with my friend Jessie, coming with a wild twist. Some details are exaggerated for the enjoyment of the reader, but the integrity remains. Also, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. The shot glass shook in my hand as I endured the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Ive never been a drinker, but the alcohol was needed tonight to calm my nerves as I sat across the glass coffee table...
Street and Smith's _New York Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks -- Outlaw Queen By Nicholas Varrick As Told To Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c) 2003 Chapter 1 -- "Riders in the Night" "One... Two... Three!" Jessie Hanks yelled, as she swung the saddle back and forth, then upward. This time, it worked. The heavy saddle went over the top of the tethered horse, settling unevenly on the blanket on its...
Again, I suggest reading the first four chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. Jessie & the Tornado, Ch. 5 Distantly I heard someone saying, ‘Sam? Sam? Sam?’ then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was...
(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times...