ReginaldChapter 20 free porn video

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Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited.

The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?”

“Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful.

“I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Would you care to avoid saying ‘yes, sir’ to everything, and instead give me some explanation about what is going on?”

“Sir, I and the four ladies concerned have fallen in love with each other, and are sharing a home belonging to the parents of one of the girls. We intend to live together as a family on a permanent basis, and this ceremony is the equivalent of a marriage ceremony as far as we are concerned. A friend will be conducting the ceremony, where we commit ourselves to each other in public.”

“I see. You are not afraid of the possibility of a charge of bigamy?”

“No, sir. Bigamy requires one partner to have been previously married and still legally married, and conducting a second marriage with a new partner. This is not the case here. None of us are in a marital relationship, and the ceremony commits us all at the same time. Even if it was a marriage, there is no sequential marriage involved, so it does not fit the definition of bigamy.”

The Dean looked at him again, with a seriousness evident on his face. “The complaint came to me from the university chaplain, so I have to view the matter with some concern.”

Reg looked at him with some alarm. “Oh, dear. I did not realise that the chaplain might feel snubbed at not being asked to officiate. Perhaps I should have a word with him, and offer him a belated opportunity?”

The Dean laughed aloud, in his surprise.

“Robertson, you are a card! The Chaplain did not want to to officiate. In fact, she – the chaplain is female, Mr. Robertson – she saw it as being near as dammit illegal.”

“Illegal, sir? In what way? There is no legal contract involved. It is a social device, forced on us by the law of the land insisting on monogamy as the legal definition of marriage. I would quite happily have the chaplain marry us all if the law allowed it.

Please assure her that we are doing nothing underhand. We are completely above board and public in our commitment ceremony. All our parents have been invited to attend, and if you wish an invitation, we shall be happy to oblige, sir. One of my intendeds is waiting outside for me, should you wish to ascertain the bona fides of our commitment.”

“Is that so? Perhaps we should invite her to join us.” He buzzed through to his secretary. “Mrs Taverne, please invite miss...” he looked at Reg, who whispered, “Prudence Gower”; “Miss Prudence Gower to join with us in my room?”

Quickly, Prudence was escorted through, looking unsure of herself. The Dean took a careful look at the tall, thin, woman, for a moment, then said to her. “Please sit down, Miss Gower.”

When she was comfortably seated, Prudence reached out and took Reg’s hand for support. The Dean took note of this.

“Miss Gower, please relax. I have been discussing your commitment ceremony with Mr Robertson. Is it true that five of you are committing to each other for life?”

“It is, sir. We love Reg and want to spend our lives with him. He is a most attentive boyfriend and lover. You may not know about the other girls, sir, but none of them are pretty when you look at their faces, but Reg sees them as lovely. That tells you a lot about him.”

“Really? That is interesting. Let me call their records up on my computer.” He tapped a few keys to bring up the student database, then asked, “Names, please?”

Reg said “Erika Platts; Freda Dangerfield; Francis LeBrun, and of course Prudence Gower.”

The dean pulled up each record in turn. These included a head and shoulder photograph, which he examined one by one. He checked their class results, mumbled to himself, then asked Reg, “Mr Robertson, these girls have recorded improvements in all their classes recently. Do you have any explanation to offer for that observation?”

“Only that I have been tutoring them over the last month or two, while they have been teaching me social skills that I lacked.”

“So it is down to tutoring, not young love?”

“I would say so, sir. Love does not assist educational attainment. Application and an ability to understand makes a great deal of difference. I have tried to make them see the basics of what the lecturers are saying. Most students spend too much time looking at detail and fail to see the point of the lecture. It is like not seeing the wood for the trees.”

“Interesting idea. Have you plans to become a teacher, Mr Robertson?”

“Actually, I don’t have any plans formulated at all, sir, other than getting my degree. I haven’t considered my future, until now. The girls are having some influence on rectifying that defect, sir.”

“Excellent, excellent.” He cast his eyes over the pair in front of him. “Having examined the facts, I can see where these girls are coming from. Their options for the future must have been fairly limited, I would say. So why you, young man? Why you?”

Reg sat up straighter, and gripped Prudence’s hand. “Sir, you malign the girls. These young ladies rescued me from a straitjacket existence that I wrapped myself inside. I was a loner with no social skills to speak of, deliberately cutting myself off from society, and sheltering within a cocoon of education.

They saw my problem as something they could devote themselves to, and they have done that with great skill, perseverance, and patience. I have been the beneficiary of their energy, their enthusiasm, and later their love. I cannot envisage my life without them, so I am happy to commit to them in this ceremony.”

The Dean now focused on Prudence. “Can you speak for the girls, Miss Gower?”

“I can, sir. I was the latecomer to the group. Frances formed it as a two-way study group, and Reg proved an excellent explainer of almost every subject that we are studying. He is widely read through his solitary life, and he uses this knowledge to help us understand what we are studying. The results appear in our class results. Being in love with Reg has had no adverse effects on us, sir.”

“I can see that. My only concern is whether you four girls can get along; with all of you committed to Mr Robertson. That is a big ask, Miss Gower.”

“We are aware of the risks, sir. We have discussed them in depth. Frances, Erika and Freda have been best friends for a while, and I believe I have been able to include myself within their sphere of friendship. We think we can all be wives to Reg; it is a prospect we all look forward to. Reg has shown that looks aren’t everything, and we have shown him that other people are not all bad.”

“Children?” The Dean wanted to know.

“Not until we have achieved our degrees, sir. Reg would want it no other way.”

Reg interposed, “That is so, sir.”

The Dean concluded the meeting, “Send me an invitation to the ceremony. See my secretary about it as you leave. Thank you for coming.”

Later, he phoned the chaplain, and said, “I have interviewed the man and one of his ladies. All I can report back to you is, that I find no fault in this man.”

The chaplain was no fool. She recognised that these were words from the Bible, where Pontius Pilate reported to the Jewish leaders on his examination of Jesus. She knew that the Dean was washing his hands of the accusation she had raised.

She told him, “I am grateful to you for you looking into the matter, Dean. We have done what was needed; we can do no more.”

This was code for “I am covered as well as you, should there be any comeback.”

The Dean smiled to himself.

“Farewell, Chaplain.”

Surprisingly, all the parents replied saying that they would try to be there. There were a few questions about what the commitment ceremony actually meant. The girls thought they were completely clear in the original invite, but happily phoned the parent concerned to clarify it. They emphasised being wives to Reg for life, even although the law did not allow such recognition.

Despite trying to keep everything low key, Frances got a real surprise when she was collared one day as she left her final class of the day.

“Frances?” She turned to see who was speaking, and found the Blackstone identical twins in front of her. She had seen them around in some of her classes.

“Yes? What can I do for you girls?”

“Is it true that you and a couple of other girls are marrying Reg Robertson next week?”

“Girls, the answer is yes and the answer is no. Technically and legally speaking, only one of us can legally marry Reg, so we are not doing that. What we are embarking on is a commitment ceremony, where we commit ourselves for life as a family. It is in effect a marriage, but has no legal validity. We will all insist on being described as Mrs Robertson from that day on, and we will act as wives from that day. That is what we are publicly committing ourselves to.

Does that answer your question?”

“Yes. So if we find one boy or man that is in love with us both, we could have a commitment ceremony to be his wives together?”

“Yes, BUT, you have to be sure that you all are certain that every last one of you, is seriously determined to make it work. It is just as final as a wedding ceremony, but because it has no legal validity, you have to be sure that your man is in it for the long run, and not as a short-term thing to get his jollies for a while.

I would recommend that you get him to sign a cohabitation agreement, signing you as his joint heirs should he die suddenly, and have him acknowledging himself as the father of any children you have together. You need this as a legal document tying his finances to you, to stop him getting cold feet and deserting you in a year’s time. Most men are not terribly reliable, if you go by the divorce rates.”

One of the twins said, “What if he won’t sign such a document?”

“Then that is proof that he is not committing himself wholeheartedly. Drop him at that point, before you go any further. You girls have the looks to attract plenty of men, unlike me.”

“You managed it, Frances.”

“Only because Reg is highly unusual. I doubt if there are many like him in the whole UK, so finding another is a tall order. I will stick with the unique and wonderful man I have.”

“You are okay with sharing him? Presumably you are, as you are committing to him.”

“Yes. The others are my best friends, including Prudence, who joined us late. I know I can rely on them to be close friends for ever. After all, at times we might be in bed together with Reg; not all of us at once, but perhaps two of us with Reg at the same time. You have to be able to live with that, before you start.”

“We were thinking about that, Frances. Being identical twins, our man may not know which twin he is with, but if we teamed him together, he would know it. N either of us wants to get pregnant, though.”

“All of us girls have implants to prevent pregnancy, and Reg goes along with that. We want to gain our degrees, and perhaps get a professional job, before starting on children. You should do the same. It also gets you a couple more years to settle as a family and become sure of your future together.

Do you actually have a guy in mind?”

“No-one definite, yet, Frances. We have both been dating fellas at the university, but we are getting to the opinion that we would prefer not to have to split up when we marry. Your solution might suit us, if we can find a man who is comfortable with it.”

Frances laughed. “Most guys would be comfortable with bedding twins. It is whether a man could be depended on for many years ahead; that is a tougher proposition. I wish you girls luck. You can come along to our ceremony if you want, or we can give you a copy of our commitment promises to adapt according to your own needs.”

“So your Reg has signed a cohabitation agreement?”

“Actually, no. We didn’t think we needed one, with Reg. Perhaps we should, though, in case he drops dead when we have five or six kids, and so less chance of work. Yes, I’ll speak to him about it tonight.”

“Frances! There you are.” Another girl came running up. It was Freda. “We were wondering what had happened to you, as you are the one with the car.”

Frances turned back and apologised to the twins. “Sorry, girls; got to rush. I am the chauffeur for my mob. They can’t do without me, it seems. Bye for now. Keep in touch!”

As Freda and she hurried to reach the car park, Frances said, “Your Dad is a lawyer, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. Always busy, it seems. Why?”

“Do you think he could run up a cohabitation agreement for us?”

“You mean, for the five of us?”

“Exactly. It would be a precautionary measure, in case Reg drops dead in a few years and we otherwise would have no access to his assets at that time.”

“Oh, I see what you mean. I can ask him, certainly.”

As they got to the car park, Reg was standing with Prudence and Erika, looking slightly concerned. His face lit up as the other two appeared, and he welcomed them with a kiss each.

Frances hurried to get the car out of the by now almost empty car park, and they were soon on their way home. Frances waited until they were in the house before broaching her idea with Reg.

“My darling, I was talking to a set of twins who want to consider doing what we are doing, and I told them they should get a cohabitation agreement drawn up in advance, and then realised we haven’t done that, ourselves, as we didn’t think we needed one. Now I think we were wrong, for if you were to be knocked down and killed in an accident, none of us would have access to any assets you had. We should draft one out and get it signed before we begin our lives as an official family.”

“I get your drift, Frances. I agree. How do we go about it?”

“Freda’s father is a lawyer. We can maybe get him to draft it out, for us to cast our eyes over. Freda thinks she can get her father to do that job. Fine with you?”

“Certainly. I want my wives to be as protected as possible, as you know.”

Prudence put in, “Is there anything else we have neglected to consider, folks?”

Freda brought up a small point. “At weddings, it is customary to give a small gift to the officiant, in thanks for his services. If Tom is acting in that capacity, shouldn’t we give him something of that sort?”

Reg nodded. “Good point, Freda. Any ideas, folks?”

Blank looks were the response. Reg asked, “Does anyone know what he does, apart from martial arts?”

“Wait a minute,” said Frances. “I was telling him about Prudence being afflicted by a migraine, and he mentioned having had one or two in the past.”

Reg was puzzled at this remark. “So? What are you getting at, Frances?”

“Sun blockers. These are wrap-around dark glasses to cut down sunlight, if you are liable to get a migraine. We could buy him a pair, in a holder, that he could keep in his car as a protection. He might like to have that available.”

“That sounds a good suggestion, Frances,” said Erika. “I say, go for it.”

Reg suddenly said, “I just remembered. We have to invite the Dean to the ceremony. I asked him at my interview, and he decided he would accept if invited. I have his card from his secretary ... I have it somewhere, I am sure.” He fished in his pockets, and eventually pulled it out. “Can someone have an invitation handed in to his office?”

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Well, hell. This was the last thing I expected see at the end of a very long day. At first, I was thrilled to see a hot little Latina, naked, in the shower. She had her back to me, and the first thing I noticed was her long black hair. Then my eyes traveled south, and I was really impressed with her ass, a cute little bubble butt. As she turned, I saw small but very nice breasts, one of her hands pulling on a nipple as she moaned. I could see her hand working, and knew she was stroking...

2 years ago
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A Dream A Dare A Beach

My dream was coming true… actually what was happening was beyond my wildest dreams. The sensation of her mouth enveloping my cock, a cock that was almost painfully hard. Watching my wife, Ann, sucking more and more hard flesh into her mouth as I lapped the musky taste of pussy milk and nibbled on the protruding nub of clitoris. Ann’s eyes were shut tight as she relished the texture, the heat, the hardness and the girth as she slid her head back and forth so that her mouth wanked the cock. Added...

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Black VelvetChapter 11 Pack Activities

“Thanks, Noza. I appreciate the help,” Jules said as he walked beside the giant male at the front of the pack. His strides were so long that Jules had to practically power walk to keep up with him. He was still somewhat wary of the giant creature, his sheer mass alone made him intimidating, even if he seemed friendly enough. Zuki was being guided along behind them, two of the pack members still supporting her weight as she stumbled and chatted incessantly. “It is our duty,” the Alpha...

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HSA033 TEST001

Author comment: Welp guys and gals, I’m trying a new format with this story inspired by SCP logs, I’m not very experienced with the SCP content or writing in general, but I mainly wanted to know whether you like the idea of it, any advice or comment is very appreciated! —---------------------------------—---------------------------------—------------------------------ Item: HSA-033 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: HSA-033 is to be held in a sufficiently big reinforced...

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The Slut Wife Chapter 11

On my way to Amber’s I thought about how I’ve been leading this double life. I came home after Rick’s, cleaned up quickly, picked the little ones up from after care, came home and was a good and decent mom. Same when my husband came home. But after they were put to bed and I closed the door to our bedroom my husband came up behind me, groping my boobs dying to fuck me. Sex with him wasn’t bad but it wasn’t the wild, rough sex my body began craving. I needed it rough, needed lots of cock. ...

1 year ago
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Cum on Mom Part 5

Still a little shell-shocked from her stepson’s visit, Sharon took a long swallow from her third glass of wine for the afternoon. She was already feeling a little tipsy and it was just past 3pm. Her earlier session with Tommy had left the voluptuous MILF feeling more than a little horny as well, and she eagerly looked forward to her stepson Billy arriving home. Her husband Howard was still away on business so they would have the whole house to themselves.Sharon had finally got dressed, several...

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GirlsWay Kira Noir Jade Baker Office Intrigue

Bachelorette Charlotte Stokely opens her eyes, groggy after passing out from exhaustion the night before. She is disoriented for several seconds, clutching at her head as she tries to remember what happened last night. Her eyes go wide as the memories come flooding back – the lap dance, her hands going onto the stripper’s body, going down into the panties, FUCKING the stripper while everyone watched… and then one last horrifying memory surfaces: her best friend Kira Noir...

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Daddys a Cowboy

than honorable in the states eyes, wasn't a candidate to get custody of me. I asked him "Daddy are you a cowboy?" He responded, "yes babygirl." Then he gave me butterfly kisses. Now here i was again, about to meet him again. Memories flooded me on the way to the house he was staying at with his friend. He had left his wife to come live near me again. As we pulled into the driveway my hands shook. I had worn my tightest jean and the lowcut shirt I had just picked up yesterday. I had...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 4

As usual the next morning I drove around to the other side of the block and waited for Holly. She only took a minute and she was climbing into the car next to me and we headed off to school. “Well, come on, how’d it go?” “Well, if you want to know, yes. I did go out with Linda again last night. And everything went fine.” We chatted a bit and I told her I was making progress on the storyline I had worked out. I told her some of my ideas until I got to school and went to our classes. The...

1 year ago
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Sudden Urges2

Yesterday I invited Dennis, my neighbor over in a moment of weakness. I was horny and tired of masturbating on my own. I had gotten into using a butt plug to increase the experience and imagining what women must feel like when they do anal or suck a cock. I had been looking at porn on the computer, riding my plug when a sudden urge came over me. I called him and offered to suck his cock. When I invited him over I hadn't thought it through. Now he's calling me his bitch and man-pussy. It...

4 years ago
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Eleanors DescentChapter 6

It was Saturday night, the night of Teresa's birthday party. I arrived at 8.00 pm, to find the party in full swing and about thirty people present. I squeezed through the crowded kitchen and made my way to the living room, meeting Emma along the way. She kissed me full on the lips and whispered "Still can't get over the excitement of last Saturday night, it was awesome!" "Where is Eleanor?" I asked. "She is in her bedroom!" Emma replied. So I continued but now heading for...

2 years ago
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Whos your Daddy

My new husband wanted to get me pregnant and have his baby. We had only been married 4 months but he was 48 and I was 44 so the clock was ticking. I told him we would give it a try but if I didn't get pregnant in a few months then it probably wasn't going to happen. We had been trying for four months with no luck. We had sex all the time. He took me every chance he got. Sometimes three or four times a day. He was a great lover with a huge cock. I have known him for a very long time and we have...

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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 7

We traveled south down Maryland's Eastern Shore. By the time we crossed into Virginia, it was getting late in the day, and the sun was setting as we pulled into the parking lot of a motel just a few miles short of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tunnel. It was a good place to stop, and we were both ready for a shower to rinse away the sand and salt. Isidora's fascination with Western plumbing was somewhat diminished, but she was still enthusiastic about the shower. She scrubbed me with her...

3 years ago
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My Auties Darker Side

MY AUNTIES DARK SIDEBy stryker53        My name is James Marshall.  I grew up in Chicago on the south side.  A pretty rough part of town full of gangs and violence.  To keep me out of all that, my mom insisted I work hard through school.  It worked since now at 18 I had been accepted into a special college in San Francisco, the SFC school for gifted writers.  I was excited and so was my mom.  She said she only knew one person out there.  Her name was MS Carlson, the white lady mom used to house...

1 year ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 28 Things Neglected

When I get home, I phone Sorrel right away. “Hello, Sorrel speaking.” “Good day, this is Trent. I’m sorry, I didn’t phone you sooner. I meant to, but with everything going on, it slipped my mind.” “I can understand that. It isn’t every day I see somebody being escorted away by a military big-wig and a bunch of military police.” “Ya, sorry about that. It was a matter of national security. They were supposed to wait until after I got home from our meeting, but they thought it couldn’t...

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OVERBOARDChapter 31 We Work on Plans for the Future

"Have you thought about things since last night, Kay?" "Some, but I still have a lot of thinking to do." "Are you at a point where we can start talking?" "Yes, and I have two or three things I want to start with, if they're okay with you." "Shoot." "I think the first things we should talk about are marriage, children, getting to where we can have children and jobs. Are those okay with you?" "Not surprisingly, they're all near the top of my list, too. I want to marry you....

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Penny Pax Jaycee Starr Embrace The Ginger

Cute ginger Jaycee Starr has yet to embrace her red hair. But her sexy neighbor Penny Pax has long since realized that redheads do it way better. When Jaycee watches Penny fuck a big cocked stud through the window, they catch her in the act and invite her to join. She explains her insecurities, but Penny assures her that guys love gingers. Jaycee joins in on the phone and our stud fills both their pussies up with all the man meat they can handle. He plows them hard and then gets ready to bust a...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 02 Donna and Troy

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 02 = Donna and Troy Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...

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Lonely Shores Resort

Sarah and I had been working our butts off, and we decided on a vacation. We thought of getting away from the usual hubbub of our lives. We devoured every pamphlet of every resort in the Caribbean and were about to give up when we found the one brochure that sounded close to what we wanted.Lonely Shores advertised good food, a private beach, a relaxed atmosphere, and no children. They promoted older couples from the 30 to 60 age range. We were on the young end of that range, but it sounded just...

4 years ago
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First LoveChapter 29

Matt had tried to forget about Jen after that night when they'd played poker, and told himself he had. He didn't see her anymore at Mike's. He asked another girl, Lindsay, to Homecoming. He liked her too. But he didn't ask her out, and eventually they stopped talking. But Jen was always in the back of his mind, whenever he saw her he felt the same rush of nervousness, feeling sick to his stomach. One time during lunch, she walked by his group on her way to the parking lot. One of his...

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Beginnings A Winnisimmet Tales story

This story was made possible with the help of Josette Du Pres, Ib12us, Nuuan, Sammi, Portia Bennett, Erin G, and Dawnfyre. All of you helped out in multiple ways with personal stories and recollections and pointed me in the right direction. It was a dreary day in mid-June as John Finn and his two elder sisters, Leslie Sylvester and Karen Smith, stood over an old, weathered grave marked only with a number in Forest Hills Cemetery in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They were alongside...

2 years ago
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Aces and EightsChapter 3 Shopping trip

Monday the 16TH I jerked awake when the alarm went off. I rolled over and slapped the button. Looking at the time, I saw it was 7am. Throwing the blankets off, I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I turned on the sink and it quickly filled it. Opening the cabinet I stopped as I saw the note inside. I picked it up and started reading it. Walter, Buy stuff for near the sea. You will be on the coast, but they do get snow, so plan well. I would advise deep-sea fishing gear, and...

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The Snow Maid

The dying man got dressed.Not that dying was going to be very hard, Bill Carter thought with a weak thread of his old humor. Easier than dressing, at least. Pain hampering every move in his hands and wrists, he managed to zip and button his heavy parka. A thick wool cap was forced over his head and ears, and he pulled the hood of his coat over it all. He eyed his boots with a malevolent glare, then bent down to force them over his numb feet.Lastly, the gloves. Using his teeth to aid his clumsy,...

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Public nudity

( Credits to the Lamppost and the other creators at for the original story and posted with it's explicit permision) We all know the usual Enf story, a girl is going normally in her day, she gets naked for some reason, like an accident, she freaks out and tries to get clothes, is seen by some people and gets humiliated along the way, she finally get's the clothes, and everything goes back to normal. After all why wouldn't anyone want to be seen naked,...

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What If Whence Came the Spider Chapter IV

Although I'm not happy with the idea, this may be the last chapter. There's still plenty of story to be told, but it's not easy getting enthused about writing a story when you get almost no indication the story is being read. It seems time - past time, in fact - to leave the "What If" world behind. What If: Whence Came the Spider - Chapter IV By Bill Hart I am Uatu the Watcher of this particular section of the multiverse. Welcome back once again to this one of many...

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Deep and Lovely Dark Final Chapter1

The grave had been set up in their back garden. It was large. Going up the sides were flower beds with a hundred different types of plants. At the end of the garden, two rose bushes had been created by Vlad with Lisa's grave in between the two of them. On the left was a red rose bush and on the right was a blue rose bush. Rachel approached as far as shield around the grave would allow. She kneeled down in front of the grave for one final word with her friend. "I'm so sorry that this...

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The day my life changed part 1

It was my turn to pick up my s**ter in law from school that day. She was a senior but she didn't have a car yet. I'm sitting there waiting for her and I see her walking out the door, her long tanned legs, cowboy boots and a short yellow sun dress. With her long curly blonde hair swaying in the wind, she got in my car and I could immediately tell something was wrong. As we started on our drive, I asked Abigail what was going on. She told me she had gotten caught skipping class and that they had...

3 years ago
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Meri Mami Ki Pyass

Hi dosto kaise ho aap log aaj mai aapko apni real kahani sunsne ja raha hu this is my 1st story so koi mistake ho likne me sry gys mai ba first year ka student hu average body 6 inch lund aur aunty bahut pasand hai mujhe wheatish in colour ye kahani tab ki last year ki hai jab mai 12th me tha bf sex stories padh kar main sex ke liye pyaasa ho gaya tha mai kahi bhi aata jata tha to bus aunty nd ladikyo ko hi dekta tha aur Sochta tha kaas mai esko chod pata kitna maza aata aur mujhe ye mauka...

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Mistis Adventures Part 167

Brenda relaxed for a little, enjoying the feelings that James had filled her with. Among the other things. She laid in the bed for a few more minutes and decided that it would be safe to go to the new house. She had heard all of them talking about how nice it was, and she was curious to see it for herself. She went ahead and took a quick shower, to cool off, and dressed in her shorts and a thin shirt. She had figured that it was enough for around here, with all of the other ladies running...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 6 Bailey Gets a Taste

I woke up fresh and revived, with last night feeling a million miles away. Everything was fine, my brother just thought he caught me having an erotic dream that he created. If anything, that probably made him more likely to think I was pretty, so, yeay. It was a good enough rationalization. Mr. Gadsten really liked my new outfit. He made sure to be out in the yard when I went for a run and again when I came back. I suppose a young girl wearing tight fitting sexy clothes going for a run was...

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