MageChapter 25 free porn video

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The voles were released and we gathered all of our belongings between us. I held two of the crystals in my hands and concentrated on a good location. This one happened to be right on top of a very high cliff.

We felt disoriented. The sun was now directly overhead again but we were relatively safe for the first time in many weeks. We checked to make sure then looked at our location.

"You want us to fall off of this cliff and go all the way down there?"

This area was larger than the Grand Canyon in depth and breadth but was not as majestic for its full length. There was a lot of wind that rose out of the canyon and a sailplane could use this to gain a lot of altitude. The depth of this valley was enough that we would gain quite a bit of air speed and the width was great enough that we could do something with that speed once we got it.

I showed Sonya what I thought of much more clearly with my mind than my words.

"I read about sailplanes too. They work only in the daytime when the sun heats the ground. I don't know how high the vertical winds get to but we need a lot of margin to work above the mountains. I think we should see about pushing air with our PK first. When I do this it is tiring. We are going to need a lot of altitude and I doubt if we can push or pull against anything solid when we get that high."

"So, you're saying we need a motor?"

"Yes I do. Maybe even two. It will have to be more like a plane but we can build it light enough that it can use the thermals too. Have you ever thought of turning a shaft with a propeller on it?"

I took a dried stalk of grass and turned it with my mind going slow was easy but when I tried to do it fast it became uncontrollable.

"I don't think I can do this fast enough or long enough. We rebuilt the engines in the 'Lady' and didn't know everything we know now. We could probably build a lightweight diesel engine to do the pushing. I don't think it has to be very big if we have the size of wing a sailplane uses. If we use thin materials we can change them to tar. We would have no problem with heat or weight."

Sonya said, "There were all those other things that pumped the fuel into the cylinder at the right time. We had an existing design with a crankshaft and camshaft. We are going to have to make this from scratch. Then we have to make the plane from scratch and we will be here for years. There are jet engines, and some are very simple. One just has a flap in front of it."

"That kind is a lot simpler but it is very loud. I remember seeing one in a 'Popular Mechanic's' magazine once that powered a go-cart. We can make that even easier if we make propane, for that is what it used in the magazine article."

"Could we do the same thing with an electric motor. The power we make could be converted but I don't know if anybody has used it directly other than in an attack. Remember how it wrecked the house wiring in Toronto?"

"Yes, I do. It was a small group of crystals too. I have never heard of any research done on this either. An electric motor is much simpler though there are a lot of minor tweaks that are done to it to get improved performance and efficiency. A device using our power may be similar."

Sonya and I made a home and workshop first. We hollowed an area out in the cliff ten metres down from the brink. We made the area a hundred metres wide and deep with a headroom of only three metres. Posts had to go in until we converted everything around us to tar. The opening was partially closed with thin material to keep out the wind. We needed the room for a sailplane that we needed may have to have a very long wingspan.

Usually we worked together and this was no time to not do so. Sonya had a lot of good ideas and most of them were quite practical. At this point we could start with a clean slate. We knew of no information on how to use the power stored in the crystals.

When we really thought about it we used our minds to tap the crystal and this must mean that it used the forth or fifth dimension. It was logical then that our mind took this energy and channelled it the way we wanted. We wanted now to start the release of the power but to direct it other places to see how it effected matter.

The crystals we used were the smallest possible. The energy was still enough to give us problems if it rushed out uncontrollably. I held a crystal the size of a grain of rice but this was still too big. A smaller crystal required a way to support it. We simply bonded a crystal the size of a grain of sand to a large rock.

When I tried to release the energy the crystal disintegrated and I fell to the ground with a massive headache. Sonya was a safe distance away and came rushing to me. She healed me with her spells and then said, "What happened?"

"I don't know. It happened too fast to monitor. It just blew up."

We investigated the rock and found a large pit in it where the crystal was. "I see it effects matter."

"Maybe it is how you released the energy. I was monitoring you but it was too fast to see just what you did. I want to do the next."

"I was going to do that."

"We are partners or I am your slave. Which is it?"

"At times like this I like the second choice. You are just too precious to me."

"And what do you think when I see you experimenting?"

We made an even smaller crystal and mounted it to the rock but this time I used a time spell on some of the air so that nothing would hit Sonya. She looked a bit exasperated at me but kept her thoughts hidden. There was another blast but I felt most of it through our link. Sonya was still standing though she was leaning on the time frozen air for support. I had a healing spell ready when I got there and she now smiled at me gamely.

"It started the way I wanted but the energy rushed out so fast that the control I had on it was not enough."

We destroyed all of the smallest crystals and at noon we entered our subterranean home with a great view of the valley. I asked, "You want to make some whoopee?"

Sonya smiled and agreed. We made the crystals in a variety of shapes and in some we built a strong shell around the crystal to direct the discharge. In all the cases the shell was many times more massive than the crystals themselves. We experimented with tar encased crystals but these were difficult to make. We charged up all the new crystals and then did the same for the ones we usually used.

After I had nice meal of Sonya we had regular food and returned to our testing. We had some different results with the bare shapes and different again with those clad with regular and tar materials.

Over the next three days we found that Sonya had a better grasp of this than I did so I started working with materials for our powered sailplane. Glue was an important item. I rightly thought that the stronger the item was originally the stronger it would be after the conversion. The strongest thing I knew of was carbon fibre but this was a difficult commodity to make. A clear canopy would be great if we could shade ourselves from the sun if we wanted but I couldn't make anything that was clear.

I made models with a two metre wingspan and launched them from our home. Most plunged while making some very convoluted manoeuvres. Usually I just had to move the wings forward or back just a bit to make them more stable. To make the process go faster I just formed the shield I wanted over something roughly the right shape and put the thinnest paper possible on it. The wings were made separately then attached as was the tail assembly.

My glue was not bad but it was not good either. The parts were assembled and after being forced to dry were converted to tar. The weight of the ship was close to that of a balloon. Rocks were glued into the cockpit to represent our bodies and the plane was thrown out our large open window.

Sonya continued her research but looked on at what I was doing with a lot of interest.

I was up to models with a four metre wingspan when Sonya said, "I found out something about the crystals. The first is that we may not need an motor and propeller."

"Are you going to turn the shaft directly?"

"Something better. The crystals that were made like a teardrop work the best. I tap the energy at the tip. If it is inside a tightfitting tar container it will not rapidly disintegrate. It pushes the air at that point with a lot of force. We can have a rocket engine. The major problems is that the crystal heats up and breaks down from the inside. If I can get some cooling then this should go away. I have to start each of the crystals working individually."

She had her mind open and I looked at her research. It was a lot easier to learn this way and I pointed out, "Do you think you can you turn off the flow? The crystals may naturally cool this way. We can also make a metal device to help radiate the heat."

"I have thought of that too. While you were making carbon fibre, I was trying to make metallic hydrogen. As long as it is in the tar it will stay as a metal but it cannot radiate there. I used aluminum fins then but they had to be in a tar cage to hold the pressure. There is still a cooling problem."

We both went back to engine development and we made all of the designs that were in Sonya's mind and a few more that occurred to me. Sonya was happy with the results but I didn't pry into what they were.

I made a full scale model on the prairie. With my PK I gave it a good push to get going and it tipped over and crashed. Sonya had been watching but didn't let the smile reach her thoughts. She helped me move the wings forward and then turn the area back into tar.

It was two days later that I actually flew across the land at a height of a metre. I only went up to three metres as a safety precaution. It was nine days later that I had a similar sized plane but now I had the control surfaces that I would need to fly the plane. What I had before was the equivalent of a large paper aeroplane with everything fixed.

Sonya presented me with two tubes about ten centimetres in diameter and just under a metre in length. "These have a lot of thrust. I learned to turn the crystals on and off for cooling and the amount of power we want to use. When you are ready we can mount these on your plane."

I looked at her smiling face then into her mind and I saw how much thrust they really had. "Those would rip the wings off any plane we could build if we didn't have tar."

"We can use just a little of the power at a time but I don't know about charging them in flight."

"That may be fun but dangerous I think."

"We are living on the edge anyway."

I refused to have Sonya in the plane for the first powered flight and had a bag of rocks instead. It was good that I did. The acceleration was so much that the plane rose almost vertically and did a roll to crash into the ground. It was Sonya that caught the plane and kept me from being hurt.

After working out what went wrong we altered the design again. The design worked and Sonya demanded her place by me. I didn't want this but had no way of changing her mind.

We climbed to a hundred metres with a minimal thrust but when we increased it ten percent the plane became unstable. When we eased back she said, "This is a lot nicer than riding a modda. How fast are we going?"

"I'll find out soon." I swung around a marker that was ten kilometres from our home and headed back while using my internal clock. I was thinking of the time as we went over the edge to the large gorge. An updraft caught us and we almost flipped though we gained a lot of altitude.

I banked and tried to return to the prairie but the plane didn't react as I thought it should. I had never flown before and had to learn all this as I went. Sonya thought she would help and allowed one rocket to push just a bit more.

The plane now went out of control and spiralled towards the river so very far below. Sonya was frantic and so was I but I couldn't get the plane to straighten out even if it was in a dive. We were spiralling so fast that it was difficult to push against the cliff to slow our rotation.

The rotation slowed but our descent didn't. I forcibly grabbed Sonya's mind and tried to calm her as I used our combined push to get us away from the cliff and to widen our circle of rotation. There was no way I could stop the plane from rotating on its axis.

I tried thrusting with the engines to see if it would pull us out of our spin but it only brought our nose up. We were still falling with no airspeed. I used my eye and knew that the rocks were getting close very quickly. I pushed with both of our abilities so we would go over the river. With something to push on, I got the plane to stop the spin. I cut in the engines just before we hit the water. The shock of the landing was hard, even on us but then we were pushed back in our seats by the thrust. We gained altitude slowly but the bank was close.

Sonya used her PK to pick us up but that put another shock to us and the airframe. We gained enough height to miss the bank then we had to turn quickly as we were now aimed at the cliff. I banked once again but used my PK to make sure it went as I wanted it to be.

Sonya was shaking and I said, "I love you."

"I almost killed us."

"You were trying to help. This plane is experimental. We are learning as we go. We came out of this with our skin still whole. Now let's go home and see what we can do to make the plane more stable."

I stayed far from the cliff face and soon caught a thermal to assist us in climbing. I banked away from the valley only after gaining a lot more altitude and then flew low to the prairie and home.

I had to help Sonya into our home and we curled up on the bed. It was hours later that she was over the most of her fright and we made tender love.

It was five weeks later that we had a safe enough plane. The wingspan was sixty eight metres. And we could carry perhaps six more people if they stayed in place or a lot of cargo. We found that size equated with stability and size gave us room for a bed and lots of room for equipment.

Two more engines were added but these were to keep us flying longer without recharging the original set. We had not found any transparent tar so we made a large glass canopy that was specially treated to make it strong and hard.

The cabin could be airtight so we made a cylinder of air if we needed it. The day before the departure date we tried to find out our maximum ceiling. We took it easy as we circled for altitude. We were well above the clouds now and using only the engines.

Sonya said verbally, "I flew three times in my life, but I don't think I was ever as high as we are now. With a few more motors we may even get into orbit. I am not sure if the engines can give thrust then or not."

"We can try it later my pretty little engineer.

We landed and the ship was placed in our hangar. It looked small compared to the size of the opening. It was a simple arrangement but we loved this place. It was cool and had some very good ventilation if we chose to use it. For an aviation school it would be great.

That night we charged up all the crystals in the nicest possible way. We were going back into a dangerous environment and knew that we had to keep our guard up a lot more in the future. We held each other close as usual during our sleep and felt much more comfortable for doing so. I was sure our minds and dreams somehow were linked on a much deeper level.

The next morning, we showed more joviality than we felt. We tidied up the hangar of anything that could blow away after having a good breakfast. We got into the cockpit and Sonya kissed me tenderly with her mind tightly shut. She was worried.

The seats were strong because we accelerated the three hundred metres to the opening at one earth gravity. In less than eight seconds we were out the opening and into the thermal that came up this early in the morning. We circled within the thermal and climbed very quickly.

Sonya was in charge of the thrust and monitored it very carefully. She shut off crystals that had been on for a while others were turned on. It was a joy to fly this plane and I estimated that we were forty thousand metres which was higher than any planes that flew even the high altitude planes could not reach this high. It looked like we were going slow but the little motors pushed us at what I thought was three and a half times the speed of sound. At this speed the mountains we wanted came up very quickly.

We both focussed our need and tried to get a mathematical bearing. We turned very slowly at this speed and from a position more north and east we took another bearing.

With the motors now off we started to glide. We had no radar but I suspected that our glide ratio was at least seventy to one. With enough time and effort I knew we could get an even better figures.

We shot past the area we wanted at thirty thousand metres and had to drop much further so the thicker air could slow us down. We had no spoilers to arrest our speed but we could form insubstantial hands that cupped the air to slow us down.

Far ahead I saw a single colcha flying about twenty degrees off our course and looked as small as it appeared when we were on the ground. We were by him in seconds and I doubt if he even knew we were here. We used our speed to do a turn and lost more altitude in doing so. We were headed back the way we had just come but this time I think the colcha saw us.

We shot past the location one more time before making one more turn at only twenty thousand feet. The mountain we wanted was only seventy kilometres away now but we had a fast approaching colcha coming right at us. I brought my mental hands in and engaged the engines and climbed over the colcha. He could not move as we could but we got back on course for the mountain once more.

"Adam, I think that we better put a time spell on the ship. I was trying to say hello to that colcha at his frequency and I think he is very angry at us."

"We can fly a lot faster than him but he has a lot of weight and a lot of power in that jaw and claws of his. I think we better have a way of anchoring the plane to the mountain too."

We came to a high mountain valley with a lot of large caves. There was some level spots but they were all covered by some trees. I didn't know his this kind could grow at this altitude.

On a large boulder I brought the nose up to stall and we put out our PK to hold us. We slowly settled to the rock but there was very little room to even get out of the plane. Sonya got out first and cast a spell to keep us in position while I got our packs. Sonya caught them when they were thrown and I jumped out too. I reached back and closed the canopy then used the time spell to freeze the craft so nothing could disturb it.

Sonya and I got safely to the ground when a shadow came over us and in seconds we saw that colcha bank and come again. We moved only a few metres from the rock when the animal came to a rest not twenty metres from us. We could feel the thump to the ground and were buffeted by the wind from his wings.

I said, "Hello, we came to visit a friend."

The colcha tried to strike at us with its beak but we were prepared and moved. Sonya said, "That is a poor way to greet a visitor."

He seemed to suspect that Sonya was talking at him and he made a quick snap at her. I had no weapon that I wanted to use so I took a hefty limb and sheared it then cut off the smaller branches. He had tried for me now and Sonya had to distract him. When he took another snap at Sonya I rushed in and swung the ten centimetre thick club at the colcha's leg. It screeched and hopped out of the way.

"If you leave us alone we can talk. I have no interest in hurting you or anybody else."

Without knowing the thoughts of the colcha, I knew somehow that it was still very angry and not about to listen to reason. It took another try at Sonya and when I came in to bruise its leg more its tail came in to catch me instead. I had time to put up my shield and I was thrown quite a distance away.

When I got up in a few seconds I saw Sonya in close throwing rocks and dirt at the colcha to distract it. As I ran to the creature it used its beak and tail again but this time it used one of the two lower pair and was able to grab Sonya.

Sonya quickly said, "My shield is up. I am not in pain."

I knew this was not quite true but I raced forward with my PK, I was able to climb on the willy snake himself. My PK went out and I tried my best to squeeze the snakes neck. It twisted its head left and right very quickly trying to throw me off but I held on for not only my sake but for Sonya's.

The wings came up next trying to strike me and they did but my shield was ready to protect me. Sonya was using her PK to hold one of the wings a bit so the colcha would not take it into its mind to take to the air with us.

Our gyrations brought us close to the bolder supporting our plane. Seeing a chance I used one portion of my PK to hold the colcha's upper neck while I tried to draw the bolder closer. The colcha's head struck the bolder three times before it released Sonya. I did it once more and we both slid to the ground in a heap.

Same as Mage
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 19

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Friends Slut

I always knew one of my three friends was bi. I just never knew about the other two. I'm writing this story to make sense of a situation that happened that is both embarassing, and erotic. Maybe someone can relate. But it's a secret I've been carrying for a little while. Maybe because of another situation I had this was my punishment. Or maybe it was just a way of me finding a way to...I dont' want to give any names so I'll just call them Friend 1, Friend 2, and Friend 3. I am a very...

2 years ago
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The Story Of Roger Part 2

It was Monday morning and the interesting thing about the weekend was that Ben didn’t come home for the weekend, was everything OK? Roger had got the impression that not everything was rosy in the garden next door but being the good neighbour he was he kept himself to himself for the most part, Ollie kept coming over to talk football and girls but they were back at school now and Sam had taken them first thing.Roger pottered about and just before lunch saw Sam out in the garden putting the...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 2 Di

Di's new room had a bed, chest of drawers, and a small desk near the door. The walls were a dull yellow with dingy white lace curtains over the window. Setting her box on the desk, she turned in a slow circle while Jason watched from the door. She schooled her expression to hide her excitement. "Whatcha think?" Jason asked as he leaned against the door frame. "It's okay," she whispered as she shrugged off the backpack and sat it on the bed. "You said there was a bathroom?" "Just...

3 years ago
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Randi Maa ki Chut Chodi

Hello ISS readers. Main aap ko apni randi maa ki chudai ke baare mein bataunga. Mere ghar par hum teen log rehte hai; main (Ishant), maa (Saroj) aur papa. Papa kaam ke silsile mein out of India chale gaye, aur fir kabhi wapas nahi aaye. Meri maa ki umar 41 saal hai. Unka figure hai, 38DD ke doodh se bhare raseele chooche, 35″ ki lachkeeli kamar, aur 40″ ki baahar ko ubhri hui gol-gol gaand. Meri maa ki chut bahut garam hai, aur unhe har samay lund chahiye apni chut ke andar. Baat 4 saal pehle...

1 year ago
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Mother In Laws Birthday Present

It wasn't my birthday sadly. It was my ex girlfriends little brother. He had just turned 18 and I decided to take him to the strip club. I was waiting for him to get ready and during this time I got to catch up with the mother in law. We barely talked now that the ex and I split.It was the usual how are you things like that. She took it to an entirely different route this time. She asked why I was still single and such. She kept caressing me and feeling my muscles. She was suppose to go out...

3 years ago
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You My Slut

You glance up at the clock as you are making dinner. I would be home from work in a half hour. A small smile spreads across your face, and a sensual warmth and slight throbbing begin within the most feminine part of your body. You place the roast in the oven for a late dinner, and then run off to prepare for my arrival. You hurry to be sure you are in place and ready when I come through the door, because you know what happens when you're late. You smile again at the thought, rubbing your ass...

3 years ago
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Cindys Sex Service

A month ago, my girl friend Mandy and I got to talking with a waitress at a local restaraunt and we really hit it off. Her name was Cindy and she said she had two hung guys who were coming over to her place when she got off work...and we were welcome to join them. We accepted her invitation quickly and met her when she left the restaraunt. About a half hour after getting to her place, Cindy disappeared to get out of her "work clothes". I was sitting right next to Don on the sofa, while Mandy...

2 years ago
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Change is Good for Hemangini Ch 03

Introduction : Avinash continues to interview Hemangini for his new writing. As she pursues with her story, the revelation at the next stage tends to get harrowing from where it started. She welcomes him into an all new ambience which leaves Avinash in the absolute stupor.I would just like to add an advanced disclaimer to any Indian religious reader advancing to this part. This part of the story doesn't directly or indirectly intends to cause offensive desolation to any religious beliefs or...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty One

DarkFyre Chapter Twenty-One Rael sank back into the large brass tub sitting in the middle of their room. The room’s furnishings were modest, but the bed was large enough for them both to settle into comfortably as long as Silmaria curled in tightly to him, and the room was clean and tidy. The bedding was simple cotton spun, with a thick wool cover and soft, fresh straw stuffed into the mattress. There was a small ash wood table and two small chairs set under a shuttered window. A patterned rug...

3 years ago
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Closing Time

Chapter 1 I barely remember the night before, with the sensation of getting silly and crazy, and the bartender laughing his head off, presumably about my typical drunken foolishness. I then lost all sense of time, and eventually consciousness itself, dozing off into a drunken sleep. I must have slept for a good 6 hours, or so, before I felt something on my cock, surrounding it, and I panicked, waking up to find out what was trapping my manhood. There was Jessie, the hot, sultry waitress...

2 years ago
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Deedee Does Sally

Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...

1 year ago
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How had my first time with my virgin GF

100% fiction! Well to begin with myself Arjun an 20 year old guy from Ahmedabad. And this story involves my gf who is, let's just call her 'A' who was 18 at that time and me too was 18 when all this happened. Well it all began with me proposing her and we got in a relationship. Well to be honest she is damn beautiful and sexy but very conservative and narrow minded when it comes to sex as all indian girls are. She won't even let me touch her private parts. . It all was progressing at very slow...

First Time
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A Fathers trash is a Sons treasure

It was the 15th November 2008, there is a lot of rain here in South Africa during this time of the year especially thunder storms. The time was 20:10 we were having dinner. That was mom and I, my younger brother went to visit a cousin of ours and my younger sister was with her boyfriend for the week end. It was a different Saturday for me because normally by this hour I’m out with my friends or with one of my lady friends for a drink or under covers working the register but, for mom it was...

2 years ago
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A Trial of Fantasy

It has been far too long since I posted a's one written for a friend...plaease enjoy and comment if you will  grins   It had been a long hard road to get this far, and Neotha was weary; most surely ready to have the final test done and gone.   ‘Two weeks’ she thought silently as her eyes strained again and again to read the texts of case histories, legal precedents and points of law.   At 26 she was almost done with it, she stretched as she sat in her chair, her lithe...

3 years ago
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Boss Finds Out My Secret 2

About 3 weeks after our new relationship had started Rick asked me come into his office after work for a meeting. He said this in front of the whole tech staff nothing out of the ordinary. I came into the office a little early and went into the bathroom where I pulled my get ready kit out of my bag and cleaned myself inside and out. It took about 15 minutes. I had put everything away when I heard Rick talking out in hall to one of the admins. Rick came into the bathroom and stood pissing...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 30 Sales

Trixi took me to see the herds nearest herds to town, which were was sick. I explained my methods of overcoming the sickness to the people she introduced me to. I healed the worst animals and informed them that feeding the mash with the extra salt should get the rest back into good health along with checking that the hay didn’t have the tell-tale mould that seemed to be partially responsible. They had the mould on all three properties, and I told them of my better storage methods for the...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Jamaican Delight

It was almost dinner time before the plane arrived and then it took another half hour before she appeared at the barrier.She looked gorgeous in a little pink vest top over a white mini skirt that showed off her deeply tanned legs, she saw me immediately and handed her case over to Errol as she ran towards me and jumped into my arms.“Oh God I’ve missed you,” she laughed and kissed me open mouthed without bothering what the onlookers thought about a young woman who’d travelled with her black...

Wife Lovers
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Nevada Day

On October 31, 1864, the Nevada territory was granted statehood into the United States, making it the thirty-sixth state. In 1993, the Nevada State legislation designated October 31 as a state holiday, or Nevada Day. Then, in 2000, they decided to make the last Friday in October the day Nevadans celebrate Nevada Day. This is a fancy way of saying school and state government buildings are closed on the last Friday of October. So why am I boring you with a history lesson? So you better...

2 years ago
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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 4

“This area right here is going to be glass enclosed. It will serve as the cafeteria,”Herb said, quickly spreading out the blanket he had tucked under his arm when theyleft the car. “Sit down right here, Gail, and I’ll point out where all the classrooms aregoing to be built.”She sat gingerly on the blanket, making sure she was close to the edge so that Herbhad ample room to sit. It really was lovely out here. The new school was going to bebuilt on the edge of town. There were no houses near and...

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Neighbors niece

I knew my neighbor pretty well. His niece, Lola, would visit from Japan once or twice a year, so it was no surprise when he told me she was coming to visit. Lola was a pretty, 21 year old Japanese girl. She was about 5’6′ , dark hair, brown eyes, and skinny. My 20 year old son had a thing for her. I would always catch him checking her out when she was around. A couple of days after she arrived, Lola and my son started hanging out a lot. She spent most of the day at our house. I didn’t mind, but...

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Landlady Garima Aunty

Hi i am faisal from hyderabad india se i am 26 years old boy aur meri story ek sachi story hai to 3 mahine pehle huie hai koi agar mjhse frndshp karna chahte ho to plz mail karein main der na karte hue story pe aata hun.Aur main jis ghar me rehta hun usme garima aunty jo landlady hai unki year34 ki hai aur unka size 34 28 36 hai.Aur wo bohut hi khubsurat hain aur wo ek bohut sex aurat hai aur main hamesha unko dekhte hi rehta tha q k mjhe unke boobs bohut pasand hai aur main unko dabana chahta...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 9

"Oh Dear!" the Smith groaned in distress at the table. "What is it, my Sweet?" he asked, as he quickly rose to see what was the matter. He never did make it to the bedroom, as his wife led a small boy and girl out into the main room. She was followed by a girl a few years older than the pair of youngsters, and Clare and Cathleen. "Look at them, Henry!" the wife demanded, excitedly. "This morning, they could hardly hold their heads up, and now they are as well as you, or I. How could...

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Promises Promises

The emails between Cheryl and me had dropped to a bare minimum in the last couple of weeks. We had established a pattern. When she could, Cheryl would appear in our apartment around ten in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The only emails we exchanged came when there was some reason when she was unable to keep our arrangement. The ping I heard announced something in my inbox. I started to feel dejected. Cheryl couldn’t join me this particular Monday. “Family obligations,” the...

Straight Sex
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The Toy Partys

My girlfriend sells sex toys to help make a little extra money while in school. She doesn't make much, but she does get access to a lot of great toys and of course I get to play with them.Since we have opened up our relationship to share sexual adventures with others, we have been discussing the idea of having an all girl toy party at my place, hoping that it might turn into something even more. Beth started advertising with little fliers that we could personally invite women that we felt...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Sheril Blossom Filthy Fashion Model Fucking

Interviewing platinum blonde model Sheril Blossom, high fashion mogul Mike Angelo tries to convince her to showcase her wares in skimpy attire. He lustfully peels off the shy stunner’s top, revealing her splendid, natural tits. ‘Relax, you can trust me,’ he promises, unwrapping her like a birthday present. Mia takes his hard cock in her mouth for a blowjob. Mike manhandles her snatch as she squats on his prick from atop his desk. Mia’s mounds bounce alluringly while she...

3 years ago
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Sex story with a divorced lady

My name is Raj. This is my first real story posted to ISS. This story shares my erotic experience with a young divorced lady.This incident took place before 2 years back. I used to try to chat with ladies through and yahoo common rooms regularly. After many attempts, I was successful in finding lady, who was interested to chat with me. She was a divorced lady (Rani.). One evening, I joined a yahoo room and started pinging ladies. I pinged Rani like any other girl. She responded...

4 years ago
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First Time Sex Stories 6 Basic Instinct

Introduction: A young girl and boy lose their virginity after watching Basic Instinct First Time Sex Stories #6: Basic Instinct By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. Wed known each other since infancy...

2 years ago
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The Reunion Ch 04

‘I’ve never had sex in public before,’ she spoke quietly. ‘Attempted once, at the beach, but a cop nearly caught us. That killed the mood.’ They both laughed. ‘What do you think?’ ‘It might be exciting.’ His hand reached in between their bodies, rubbing her through her panties. ‘Mmm. Been waiting all week to feel you touch me again.’ He kissed her, and brought his hand around her neck to untie the straps of her halter dress. Once undone, his fingers trailed down her chest and pulled the top...

3 years ago
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DEMON Part 2

“Yeah, that's God.” She leaned forward, her large breasts pushing against my chest, and her arms to the sides of my chest, rocking back and forth slowly In my cock. “Oh my god. Our Lord and savior is an asshole.” I sighed, wrapping my hands around her, except my hands were at the bend of her back. “So you're literally a demon? Or an angel?” “It's all just a profession really. Choose whether you wanna chill with humanity or fuck with them.” There was one big question on my mind though....

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A young teen with an extraordinary talent is confused as it manifests itself in the form of personal changes and new perceptions one summer at camp. As a result, he accidentally makes a victim of a jealous camp mate, leading to permanent changes and realizations for both of them. ------ When I was thirteen, my parents sent me to a boys' summer camp for two months. I was very excited to go. Swimming, sports, various activities, and making new friends sounded like the best summer...

1 year ago
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My Cousin MaeChapter 5

I followed her into the master bedroom. From the closet she removed a plastic case and snapped it open. Inside I saw an open-top red bag, a length of white plastic hose with a metal snap clamp attached, nozzles, surgical lube, a plastic quart measure, a length of cord with an S-hook and a small plastic box. I started by looping the cord around the top rail of the canopy bed and securing it. I carried the rest of the gear to the kitchen. "When I do my Saturday routine," Mae explained, "I...

2 years ago
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Stag weekend fun

I was recently on a Stag weekend where I finally had anotherguy on guy experience. Thought I’d share this with you. It’s not a quickie, but it is pretty much what happened. I’ll call him Jack. Years ago, I was at a party hosted by the groom where there included a group of three girls, one of which was called Jo. She was with her then boyfriend and to some extent she become part of our circle of friends. Jo has always had that really cute, if not stunningly beautiful, look, and frankly I’ve...

4 years ago
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I’m a divorced guy. My wife used to be really inexperienced in sexand lacked initiative. I was trying my best to introduce some new forms of sex to her. We tried oral and anal sex, but she didn’t like it, she said I was a pervert and that she preferred classical positions and no light, please. By the way, we had sex about once a month. Can you imagine that? I’d been always drawn to older women. After having sex with my mother-in-law (she was 30 years older than me) I realized I really liked...

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Deana and Mark have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true, they have booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they’d fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture. She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seats and when the plane took...

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Training of a Cum Slut Chapter 7

It was six weeks since Karen's visit to the Adult theatre; she was on edge looking for further excitement along her path to becoming the ultimate cum slut. I wracked my brain trying to find the right test for her; I knew we were reaching the point where my expertise was reaching the limit and Karen would soon need to be released to find another Master. I eventually came up with a new scenario; which I was sure would stave off her ever wilder desires for excitement. So on the Wednesday...

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The Cheerleaders Mom Is a Halloween TreatChapter 3

Candy’s mom, Gertie knew she was running low on fuel and hated the fact she had to stop at one of those stations where there were so many ogling eyes and leering faces. Of course, she was still wearing her daughter’s cheerleading costume, but it certainly wasn’t illegal and it helped boost her enjoyment of having sex with some of the eighteen and nineteen year old boys that had lots and lots of energy to spare. She also liked the copious loads of creamy spunk that they gave her reminding her...

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