- 2 years ago
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Thelma arrived from Dubbo just before noon. Duke, wearing only shorts, wondered should he offer her tea but she kissed him, rather like an elderly aunt, and said her tongue was hanging out, did he have beer?
‘Yeah come and look through the house and then take a couple of cans down to the spa pool in the garden shed. Naturally the heater is switched off.’
‘Why are you being uncivil and not joining me?’
‘I prefer being nude in a spa.’
‘Well so do I so what’s the problem? You’ll have to get used to seeing me walking around nude so why not start with full exposure on day one?’
She looked sympathetic. ‘What’s the matter?’
‘For some reason I thought having sex with you would be unlikely.’
‘God Duke, can’t you go into a pool with a woman without thinking sex?’
‘Or seeing a bit of bared tit or ass?’
She laughed and said he’d better be ready to be trained in the art of restraint.
‘So you’re not mad at me being like that?’
‘No darling, I realize you are male, but you can forget about having sex with me.’
Duke said indignantly, ‘That’s what I suggested at the beginning of this conversation.’
‘Oh yes, so you did. You know I really didn’t expect to have interesting conversations with you.’
Duke had no answer for that. ‘Your car is dusty. I’ll clean the exterior for you at sunset.’
‘In that case I’ll clear away after dinner. I admire your cooperative spirit. Obviously your mother trained you well.’
‘Are you as old as my mother?’
She giggled and said he was such a tease, that she was forty-one.
Later in the garden shed Thelma said admiringly, ‘You have made the interior of this old shed look quite palatial just like your house. I have nothing but admiration for you.’
‘Thanks,’ Duke said, dropping his shorts and staring defiantly at Thelma who just smiled. As he settled into the pool she said, ‘If you get a boner watching me undress don’t worry. I’ve seen many over the years.’
‘I’ll close my eyes.’
‘Don’t bother,’ she said, and ignored him as she began unbuttoning the front of her thin summer dress.
This was the moment Duke enjoyed with a new woman… to see what she had. They all had a slit and tits but were packaged differently. Thelma’s long black hair had a white streak coloured over her forehead and the white dissipated toward the top of her crown. She was quite pretty with dark green eyes and a full mouth that could only be described as very kissable. She was almost as tall as he was but would be much lighter. She removed the dress, exposing flesh bulging at the sides of quite a large bra and she had the rounded belly of an older woman. She obviously shaved under her armpits. Her upper thighs were rather heavy and Duke took in the full peach shaped pussy framed under her tight and cute panties.
He watched expectedly as she reached behind to unhook her bra.
She noticed his intent gaze and said, soundly slightly embarrassed, ‘They flop.’
‘Good,’ he croaked, not meaning to croak.
She looked startled and then dropped them.
They were real beauts and Duke had a great urge to tell her but used, er, restraint, thinking she’d probably appreciate that.
She stepped out of her panties awkwardly as to be expected and Duke saw the black bush was neatly clipped. He looked up to see her watching him.
He stood, unabashed at displaying a half erection, and held out his hand to help her step down on to the inbuilt seat.
‘Thank you,’ she said, offering no comment about him being fully shaved.
He pulled a couple of tinnies from the esky (portable cooler) and tossed one to her. She caught it deftly and the wobble of her tits send his dick into full erection.
She startled him with her next comment. ‘May we do this every evening before dinner?’
‘Yeah, good idea.’
‘Your cat loves you.’
‘Yeah Misty has no one else.’
‘And you do?’
‘Women find me more than I find them.’
Duke watched as she poured beer into her mouth, quite sure her nipples had become more prominent. Hmmmm.
‘I wonder why I’m not surprised women find you attractive?’
He knew he was not expected to reply to that.
Thelma had chosen the bedroom directly opposite Duke’s and he’d half-expected her to come padding across to his bed during the night. But she didn’t. He wondered if she had cancer or a serious STD.
A couple of days later he reasoned she was just not sexually interested in him.
But why not? He asked Misty but she chose not to reply. Well cats can be jealous.
Gretchen and Bevan invited them to dinner on Thursday night, Debra and Rogan had them over for dinner on Saturday night and Gina and Carlo had everyone over for a barbie lunch on Sunday.
‘I really like your three mothers,’ Thelma said drunkenly on Sunday as Duke undressed her and put her to bed.
‘Debra enjoys talking to you.’
‘That’s because I talk to her about babies. I’ve had children and I was the eldest in my family of five and the next one to follow me didn’t arrive until I had started primary school so I became used to helping mom with her babies. Dad left her when I was sixteen and that’s when she began working as a prostitute. Years later I was working long hours, earning big money, and I helped her with finance to buy a brothel. I still lived at home and at that stage and we all shifted into the third floor of the brothel and I took the role of mother. We had our own staircase that opened on to the street. We all had a key and never experienced any unpleasant incidents.’
‘That is a most interesting story. Good night,’ Duke said, kissing her on the lips for the first time.
‘Do you want to have sex?’
Ah, so the moment had arrived. But he hesitated and asked, ‘Do you?’
‘Not really but go right ahead.’
‘No thanks Thelma. I’ll only have sex with you when you really want me to shaft you.’
Thelma began work on the following Friday and that evening she hosted the three mothers and their husbands to dinner, having arranged with the mothers to get in baby sitters. They only organized one, having all the kids sleeping at Gina’s home.
Thelma and Duke had been sharing cooking duties but on this occasion she did everything and pulled out all stops, presenting a sit down banquet that blew everyone away because of her brilliance as a chef and the impressive way she served using Duke as her kitchen hand.
Thelma had been too busy to get drunk so Duke held back on his consumption of red wine expecting to be called into her room to perform. But when he kissed her in the doorway of her bedroom, congratulating her once again for the wonderful meal, she failed to make a suggestive comment and so he retreated.
However when they were in the spa next evening Thelma began to play with her nipples. Her breasts were under the water but floating a little and Duke could see what she was doing.
‘Come over a do this for me,’ she said softly.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yes I wish to have sex, my body is crying for it.’
Duke shot over to sit beside her. Thelma had a hand on his half-erect penis before he’d pulled a tit to the surface to begin licking it.
He cupped and squeezed the swollen tits as if they were his prized possession.
‘God Duke, take it easy,’ she gasped. ‘You’ll be having me cream before you begin licking me.’
Oh did Duke love it when she talked to him like that. So many women wouldn’t talk suggestively when having sex, they’d just go uh-uh, oh-oh, oh yes and sigh as they came or would stay silent and pretend they weren’t sweating and suddenly would scream, scaring the crap out of Duke and moan as their release subsided.
Thelma cooed, ‘Oh god Duke, don’t drown as the pool surges over my pussy or do you call it a cunt?’
His mouth was buried so he couldn’t answer.
‘Attah boy. Oooh that’s right over my button. Bejesus, fuck-a-doodle-doo. Oh god, I’m coming so early.’
She then breathed out with a whoosh.
‘That was great,’ Duke said. ‘You have a nice cunt… er I mean pussy.’
‘Oh thank you darling. Let’s go over to the house and fuck till we go blind.’
They sat nude on the sofa facing each other, both with their legs up. That had just happened without any discussion or instruction. Duke pulled her too him, guiding her legs over his hips and they both watched the fat dick slowly disappear into her.
‘This truly is one of the great moments of sex,’ Thelma purred.
‘Yeah I sometimes am tense waiting for the babe to scream pull out that I’m too big for her but luckily for me you are cavernous.’
‘Oh thank you darling, you charming seducer of women,’ Thelma said sarcastically.
He smiled and said not to be angry with him. He rarely had the opportunity to ‘slosh about’. She had strong thighs so ought to be capable of closing round him when she felt the need.
She stared at him showing a faint smile.
‘Um we didn’t discuss a condom.’
She bared her teeth. ‘I think you know if you give me an STD I’ll kill you. I’m safe because after my second child via my bastard of a husband I had my tubes tied. Both kids elected to stay with the bastard because they didn’t wish to leave the comfort of home. Anna is in her final year at boarding school and Steven began university this year. Their father always forked across money whenever they asked for it so he’d the hero.’
‘Right, enough of that for the moment. Lift while I hook my right leg round under you and you sit on that to keep us close together.’
‘That’s it now brace back on your hands… that’s it… and raise you right leg and allow me to bend up my left leg and place it just under you knee.’
‘Great. Now you lower that foot on to my leg just below the knee. Good, and my foot is now trapped under your knee for additional stability.’
‘God Duke I’m forty-one.’
‘Stop your moaning. I brace back and raise my butt and I swing back and forth into you and you shuffle your ass back and forth as little or as much as you wish. We can talk and look at one another during unhurried sex and it could take up to an hour before we both have ejaculated.’
‘I won’t be able to walk if it takes that long.’
‘Stop bitching. I’ll carry you to the bathroom if necessary.’
‘Omigod Duke, this is beautiful. I’m feeling great sensations and it feels so elegant.’
‘Yeah I reckon women who don’t like to sweat during sex ought to use this position but they will need to be strong with a great back. You have that solid build.’
‘Oh thank you. You are a real fucking charmer Duke.’
Later Duke went to the shed and emptied the pool and cleaned it, a weekly chore. When he and Misty returned Heather said, ‘A Nikki Armstrong called on your cell phone. She asked me who I was and I said I was your friend Thelma. The bitch cut the call.’
‘She is my niece’s best friend and stayed here till she found work in Melbourne. This is the first time she’s called so I have her number. I’ll call her in the morning, giving her time to cool down. She slept with me while she was here.’
‘God it must have felt great having someone that young.’
‘It was okay but she was a bit tight.’
‘God you men.’
‘Stop being a jealous cow. What do you want for dinner?’
‘Can we go out for dinner?’
‘It’s almost 10:00 on a Sunday night so not much will be open. You have the choice of Chinese or dining with the truckies at their Pit Stop. I recommend a steak at the Pit Stop.’
‘Will I be safe there?’
‘Go in showing too much tit and leg and I won’t vouch for your safety. Some of those guys are rumoured to fuck anything that moves.’
‘I have a long summer dress and can flatten out my boobs.’
‘Perfect and just remember to eye me and not any of them.’
As they drove off with Misty who was always made welcome at Pit Stop Thelma said, ‘Never did I expect it to be so enjoyable and… er… creative living with you. You fuck like a buck out of Karma Sutra and take your cat out to dinner. You know, now that we’ve had sex I won’t mind being seen in your company around town.’
‘Thanks I’ll get used to being asked if you are my mother.’
Duke’s eyes watered and his ear rang as she thumped him. Of course she then complained he’d hurt her hand.
* * *
After a fortnight of ravishing each other sexually, Thelma and Duke settled down to having sex morning and night like every other couples do but they kept it interesting with plenty of variety. One Saturday morning after having sex in the bath Thelma said she was missing the kids.
‘Then arrange to meet them somewhere in Sydney.’
‘I don’t wish my husband to see me.’
Duke knew he had to be firm.
‘Look text your kids saying you wish to see them next Friday night and ask them to nominate the meeting place and emphasise you don’t want their father to know about this meeting. Then arrange to see your lawyer late Friday afternoon to be briefed on progress with the divorce and to sign anything he needs to be signed. I’ll drive you to Sydney so all we have to do is to arrange to have Friday afternoon off and leave at noon. If it goes well then arrange to meet your kids for breakfast on Sunday morning and then you meet me and we’ll head home.’
‘I can’t ask you to do this for me.’
‘Of course you can’t so I’m telling you what we will do. Gretchen looks after Misty whenever I go away.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yes, it’s the least I can do for you. Now get out of here and go text your kids.’
‘Why text them?’
‘Because if you call them your husband could hear them take the call and said ‘Hi mum’ before you have time to demand confidentiality.’
‘God you are brilliant. That must be why you were given a big dick.’
During a coffee break next day Duke called Nikki.
‘Oh it’s you. Who is that woman?’
Nikki please be reasonable. Did you expect me to never have sex again unless it was with you?’
‘I… er… I felt a surge of passion when I heard a strange woman identify herself.’
‘Well I’m sorry I wasn’t there to answer my phone. I was out cleaning the spa pool.’
‘Oh yes, Sunday evening. I should have remembered.’
‘Have you found a guy yet?’
Nikki spirit seemed to lift. ‘Yes a very nice guy… what the hell is this, an inquisition?’
‘I could point out in your view it’s okay for you to be fucking some guy but no way am I permitted….’
‘I’m sorry Duke. I was out of line. I was hit by jealousy that’s all. I’m not attempting to control your life.’
‘Thanks, apology accepted. Do you wish to come and visit?’
‘Will that woman be there?’
‘Her name is Thelma and yes she will.’
‘In that case I won’t be visiting you.’
‘Please yourself. Now let’s talk about you, your work and where are you living and what you do when not at work or engaging in sex.’
‘Well there is free time. Bruce doesn’t go at it half the night like you do.’
‘Ah, so his name is Bruce. Is he making your happy?’
The tension was gone and they chatted on like old friends.
* * *
Duke and Thelma left the mine at noon and headed east. Once they got on to the Mitchell Highway near Orange they began to make good time. Arriving in Sydney they went to the Holiday Inn Darling Harbour, where Thelma had secured a two night special off the Internet.
The room was great and Duke said, ‘You have the best part of an hour to spare. Go shopping.’
Thelma said, ‘Wouldn’t you rather have sex on this huge bed?’
She saw his eyes light up and cuddled him to her breast and said he was just like a little boy, she could rea
d him like a book.
The lawyer had arranged a video link with the firm’s branch in Dubbo for the following Wednesday at 10:00 for both sides in the divorce to begin settlement negotiations. That meant Thelma wouldn’t have to make the much longer journey to a meeting in Sydney and her lawyer said the other lawyer had indicated her client appeared confident they could reach settlement in just the one meeting.
Thelma rushed back to the hotel with that news and then she and Duke began a leisurely walk around the perimeter of Darling Harbour and returned to the hotel two hours later for a drink before Thelma went off to meet her kids at 9:00 for dinner. She did not return to the hotel until lunch time the next day, but she’d called Duke to explain why, the kids wanted her to be with them and they would sleep at her sister’s home.
Thelma was very happy when she and Duke left for Thompson early Sunday afternoon.
‘The kids are handling this well, like the young adults they are. My daughter had turned eighteen before my husband and I began our trial separation and that is very fortunate because no dependant children are involved in this dissolution of marriage.’
‘That’s one problem less for you,’ Duke said passively, hoping that ended talk about her husband, the divorce and its affect on the kids. He really wasn’t interested because he wasn’t involved. His relationship was solely with Thelma. She got the hint and no further discussion of family matters followed. He knew a really deep friendship had established between her and Debra so Debs could be the listening post rather than him.
The settlement talks between Thelma and her husband concluded successfully in just less than five hours and she had to return to Dubbo next day taking his ute after dropping him off at the mine. She had to sign the agreement and copies that had arrived by overnight courier.
Duke thought he’d now have a far more relaxed and lively Thelma to share his life but sadly that just didn’t happen. She became depressed and felt the need to be with her children, or at least within easy reach.
Duke said after she’d unloaded her woes, ‘Then you best resign and return to Sydney.’
‘Then you won’t mind?’
‘You bastard,’ she cried and ran from the room, leaving Duke thinking perhaps he could have handled that more sensitively. But then he thought why bother? In her mind she’d already left him and she signalled that later that evening by announcing she was moving back into her original bedroom. He just smiled and said she should do whatever made her feel comfortable.
Although she never went to the spa pool with Duke again, they occasionally had sex in the lounge but they both realized something had gone from their lovemaking. If she knew what it was she never revealed those thoughts. Duke believed he’d simply lost interest in her because of her behaviour and she now regarded him as ‘the bastard’. He made no effort to effect reconciliation, thinking what was the use. He decided to just have sex with her when she wanted that to happen.
Thelma left him a month later when she’d worked out her notice of resignation at the mine. She hadn’t hinted to the three mothers that she was leaving. Duke told them on Friday afternoon, he’d taken Thelma to Orange the previous afternoon to catch the train to Sydney.
The women listened to him in near disbelief.
‘But why?’ Gina asked.
‘We began falling apart after she concluded her divorce settlement and she began talking about moving back to be closer to her children.’
‘Yes she did appear to be showing signs of stress after reaching settlement,’ Debra said. ‘In fact now that I think about it she showed signs of being increasingly depressed.’
Gretchen challenged Duke, ‘Couldn’t you have done more to turn around her black mood?’
He just shrugged and looked away.
‘Well I sympathise with you,’ Gretchen said and the other two women nodded when Debra said, ‘I really don’t think Duke could have done anything to drive Thelma away because if he had she would have told me.’
‘Something will turn up,’ Duke muttered as the women walked off to the school gates.
Like what? That’s bullshit, he scowled, spilling his heart to Misty who looked quite unconcerned.
Two Saturday mornings later Gretchen came over with a cake. Duke, who was washing the ute, was in a much better frame of mind and smiled and said, ‘Nice ass.’
‘You can’t see it head on,’ she giggled. ‘Come on inside and you may have a peep. Bevan has taken the kids to tennis coaching. I can sneak half an hour to be with you.’
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Eventually Donna got a permanent job at the store, she had been working there in a temporary part time position but now she’d landed a permanent part time position. After she’d been there a good couple of months she was doing an extra two hours when her line manager, Sally, asked if she’d sort out the clothes for the sale in the store room at the back of the store.She was walking round to the area when Steve caught up with her, “Oh you’re back with us” he said, “Yes and I’m permanent” she...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...
Ariel woke up at 7:30. Her pussy was sore from the dildos and vibrators she had been pounding into it all night long, but she still craved more. Specifically, she wanted her son's big hard cock inside her once more. She couldn't ever remember being more frustrated. She wanted to go wake him up, but the direct approach seemed to be backfiring for her. Her body was so stunning; she had never needed to tease a guy into approaching her. Subtle seduction was unfamiliar territory for her. "That...
Rae Arizona dozed, floating on her surfboard in the Emerald Sea. Cousin Jan had ridden a wave in to get some cold drinks from their home on the beach. The warmth of Arcturus IX twin suns felt good on her tanned skin, her blonde hair almost white. A sudden wave turned the board over. She went under and came up spluttering to see a huge red eye looking at her expectantly. "Play?" a voice gurgled, "Play?" It was Spot, Sith and Pallas' pet Oxfish. His idea of 'play' was to dive deeply with...
My name is Kira and I am 19 years old. I am proud to say that I have quite a reputation at my college for being such an "all around person". I not only volunteer but also maintain a 4.0 GPA. Plus, all the guys find me to be drop dead gorgeous. I'm average height at 5'6, with long shiny brown hair and bright green eyes. My lips are pouty and full and the center of many guys oral fantasies. The thing guys notice first about me, however, are my large, perky breasts. It is uncommon for a girl with...
EroticIt had all the makings of a good night out, the beer was going down like water, the jokes were flowing, the bullshit was being kept at a minimum and the women were nice to look at. I was in a local pub back in my home town. I was on leave and I was making the best of my short spell of freedom. I noticed a couple walking into the pub, she was rather short and a little rough looking around the edges, and he looked hard as nails, he was dressed all in black, with a top coat on,he walked in with...
It must have been the sound that woke me. A light metallic clatter of silverware jostling. Then my weary eyes opened to the pleasant glare of sunlight filtering in through our bedroom drapes. It was as refreshing a sight as it was unusual for me as I’m normally up hours before dawn. Not having really registered the aforementioned sound of flatware, I gazed in mild disappointment at the empty sheets next to me. I’d hoped my wife would still be asleep, but the cold and vacant sheets that would...
My wife, Marcie, was in London again, shopping. She has been spending more time away from home every year. We no longer have a marriage but I cannot afford to give her a divorce and she has no desire to apply for one. In the last five years my software company has taken off, For over ten years, I was struggling just to keep our head above water, and than the hardware technology caught up with my software package and things went sky high. Three of the big companies had expressed interest and I...
He awoke to find Rose still asleep at his side. He smiled as he ran his hand across her bare ass, giving it a firm squeeze. He rolled himself on top of her, pushing her face down into the bed. He pushed himself between her legs and thrusted his hard morning wood into her pussy. He groaned in pleasure at her tightness, and continued to pound into her roughly. Rose slowly awoke to his pounding. She moaned softly into the bed as he continued and soon finished, spilling himself inside her....
How the hell does Jasmine Jae close so many sales? Her boss, Johnny, is wondering just that, because Jasmine’s numbers are leagues ahead of his entire sales staff, and he wants to know her secret recipe. But Jasmine, being the sly and cunning, not to mention sexy, British gal that she is, is quite vague about things, keeping it all close to her very large chest. But as Johnny pleads to know, Jasmine gradually shows her cards, along with her secret sales weapon – her big tits. Maybe sex really...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is my poersonal fantsay. I can only imagine how wonderful it would feel . Learning From Your Elders Maddie brought coffee with her as she greeted PE, LB and RT. It was 9am and they were right on time as usual. Hey guys, how is your day so far she asked and PE frowned and said Not as good as usual Hon. Maddie sat down beside LB and asked if there was a problem and if there was anything she could do to help. The three old men looked at each other then at Maddie and began to...
Janus. I was working furiously to restore the ships sensors, I had only activated 3 repair drones to ensure what ever had attacked us did not feel the need to do it again. Jacob had just launched the pod and we had not been attacked, I assumed that meant the hostiles would not attack the ship for sending out repair pods. I slowly increased the ships energy production, routing power to the sensor array, I braced myself for the mines still latched on to our hull to detonate. When they didn't...
Introduction: Natalies struggling and nobody is gonna make it any easier… Sunlight streaming through the window in the bedroom wakes me up. Its directly on my eyes. Moaning I roll over in my sleeping bag and stuff my head under my pillow. A hand roughly shakes my shoulder and Tyler swipes the pillow from me. Get up, Natalie! Dont make me drive you to school again! Tyler complains in exasperation. Hes still shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and glare at him. Hes staring at me and still hasnt...
(The Summer of Year Two) I'd wandered up and down the river many times before I chose the location of my wall. As the stream came down from the North it headed West toward the compound inner wall, then turned and flowed back South-East. It was at this bend that the terrain dropped a few feet in a series of three rills. Each small drop wasn't more than three or four feet, but when taken together, the river dropped at least ten feet as it made that turn. Twenty feet further back from the top...
Hi Myself Sanjay. This is my third story here in this website. Thanks for reading and liking my stories and if you want to contact me. My email is now coming to the story. This story is all about my horny bastard Boss Mukesh and my lovely sexy girlfriend Ridhima. This happened few months back. I have been working hard as an assistant accountant in a MNC for more than a year but didn’t get any promotion rather my juniors who were not good at all were getting promotions very quickly. This was...
Hey guys. I have always been reading stories on iss. Never thought I would write one. I had sex with my girl friend many times but that was common for all. About me I am a well built guy studying in a col. I got close with a relative of mine her name is Varsha. She is 35 years old. I am 25 years now. She is plump she her size 35-40-38. We used to chat on Whatsapp. For long hrs I really didn’t have any bad feelings on her. She used to ask me tips on fitness and how to slim down. She also used to...
IncestThis is a true story about real people. Their names have been changed for safety and privacy.I was actually married to Ann until we divorced in 2016. What a wild and fun woman she was. She's with another man now, but I'll bet she still asks him pull up next to 18 wheelers so she can masturbate for the truck drivers. A beautiful woman with a Masters degree, whose philosophy is, these guys work hard, and they deserve a little entertainment. This series of six stories is about this wild and horny...
The alarm began to shriek out, waking me from one of the most contented night’s sleep I’d ever had. I lifted my arms from under the covers and stretched as I opened my eyes and surveyed my surroundings. It all came flooding back to me; that I’d had sex with Gemma and her boyfriend Gary and that she’d asked me to stay the night after he’d left to go home. The alarm clock continued to screech out, it was just after 6.30, night beginning to turn into day as I opened my eyes to see Gemma smiling...
IncestFantasy, Bestiality, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Female solo, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, School, Teen Female Solo, Young Forbidden love in zootopia 1 (rewritten) In another dimension of reality, there is a world much like our own, in some ways and in other ways completely different. Man did not become the head of the food chain by way of a bigger brain. No not in this world, all higher life forms evolved simultaneously. It didn't matter if you were carnivore, herbivore, or...
Four months later, the festival of the high sun... Anuhea sat down alone with Mark at the end of their long afternoon of work. The sun was almost touching the ridgeline of the nearby hills, and the orchards around them were full of the songbirds Mark had come to love, as well as the complex fragrances of the many fruit blossoms. Anuhea wiped the sweat off her brow with her bare arm, smiled, and said slowly and carefully, "So tell me Mark, how familiar are you with Hopewell dating...
Chapter 0ne This is a true story that has begun in the last couple of weeks. The names have not been change. I always enjoy walking at night. I take my video camera along with me on these walks. I really enjoy walking the fire lanes because I like looking in other people windows when the lights are on. Sometimes I get lucky and get a free show. If they look good enough, I will tape them while they are having sex. Anyway I was walking in this part of the city where I knew this family...
This is a true account and unfortunately the only time in my life when anything like this ever happened. After a great night out my husband and I were making our way home, we had planned to jump in a taxi, but as it was the night of the royal wedding and we were aware of one couple who were left waiting over 2 hours for a taxi to pick them up we decided to jump on one of the few busses still running, we were both a little tipsy but far from drunk. The bus was packed, we knew we had quite a long...
ELEAR Vonis moved deftly through the crowds in the market, carrying the small bag he had retrieved from Va'nimia's home. He had stuffed several different sets of clothes in the bag, as well as more of the items she had in her bathing room. He had spent more time in her home on this trip, noticing how neat and meticulous she was. There was nothing out of place, all of her items in a certain spot. His intelligence teachers had told him you could learn a lot about an individual just by seeing...
Isabelle Deltore and Alex De La Flor are in the office, looking over some paperwork at their separate stations. The phone rings and Alex picks it up. She paraphrases what she’s told out loud so that her boss can overhear – apparently there’s a complaint about their newest gel being too dry. As Isabelle listens, she becomes furious. When Alex attempts to calm down the boss while keeping the caller on the line, Isabelle gestures for the receiver, then tells the person on the...
xmoviesforyouWe had to manage our space, considering that we HAD to eat, and everything else could be found again elsewhere. We did over-stack those semis, though. Since we never went over 45, who cared? We started to think about making a wider sweep for equipment, but decided to limit ourselves to passing thru areas with the places we wanted to salvage from. For example, Bass Pro Shops and Cabella's were two national sporting goods chains. We wanted to hit a couple of military bases to see what was...
Not everyone makes the effort to learn or study. I did and had earned my ship engineering degree before I was eighteen. I worked at the port maintenance yard to pay for the courses and the degree. Mostly on shuttles but also on routine lifeboat repair and refitting. Once I had my degree I studied and passed the ship engineer certification exam. I paid the engineer guild and they sent me up to Salvator station. A large yacht was docked and needed a new man. My rating was engineer third class...
My Favorite Fetish – A Golden ShowerI don't recall when it was that I discovered I had a nasty fetish. I do remember what it was that opened my eyes for the first time to water sports. It was a pictures. Just a picture. A woman leaning against a tree in the woods, her skirt lifted to her waist, and there shooting out from her groin was a stream of water.Since then I have been fascinated by the idea of watching a woman pee. It is like I lived my whole life and never even thought about it,...
I have to admit it, I thought that afternoon, as much as I hate being away Helen, I loved the automotive trade shows. Though they were part of my job, the only thing I liked more, was car shows. The only thing that would make it better would be if Helen would come to the shows with me. Early on in our marriage, she had done just that. I smiled remembering her back then. She was smaller then, but so was I. I can still remember my jealousy when guys would stare at her ass in a pair of tight...
Ben’s turn: The rest of the trip home was uneventful. At the home marina, I pumped fifteen gallons of diesel into our tanks. I’ve seen some cruisers make the same trip for a hundred and fifty gallons of gas. Of course, they made the trip in one day. Hurrying is costly. Monday I was back at work and Mandy was back in school. I sat down in my office, mug of fresh coffee at hand. A series of heads peered in the door, many of whom had attended the memorial. Kind words and wishes were spoken. I...
As Rajiv & me were sleeping till late next day as we were busy last night. We were sleeping all nude in bed; i woke up at around 10.30. I covered myself with blanket. Took bra and panty put them on pulled my petticoat and then wore my blouse. And carried my saree in hands went to cupboard and took out new pair of innerwear blouse petticoat and saree and went to bathroom. I did my toilet. Then i went under the shower. Took off my blouse untied the lace of my petticoat. Unhooked my bra and i...
“I can’t fucking believe this.” Katie muttered to herself. She was a hot college freshman for fucks sake! She looked herself up and down with a smile on her face. She was a hot, incredibly skinny blonde that nearly all the boys in her school would do anything for. Though she had many opportunities to be with guys, she really wasn't interested. If she was being honest, she thought she hadn't met a guy that she could have sex with without feeling dirty afterwards; probably a side effect of...
Preparations It all began, oddly enough, in a time that did not yet exist. Steven, in the year 2275, had broken out of a maximum security prison using several high tech inventions that won't be gone into, since this is not that kind of a story. I will say that when he escaped, he knew that the transponder they had planted deep in his skull would lead them right to him if he didn't find either a way to get it out, or some place to hide where they would never find him. Luckily for him, he was...
Last time I told you how having got a part time job in a car salesroom to fund going to college during 1979 and that my boss Steve, tried to have sex with me in his car but I stopped him just before he penetrated me by me jerking him off. It was a close run thing but my virginity remained intact. You may recall that he paid me £20.00p to keep my mouth shut about the incident. As I also mentioned my family was not well off and that going to college was going to be a financial struggle for me but...
Hello mai meenu umar 19 saal ek dum gori chitti ubhrate hue chuchia , gol chuttad ghar mai mummy pappa bhayia hai is ummar mai hum ladkiyo ki chut jyada machlti hai,mai aapko apni chudai ka kissa batati hu, Mai 18 ki thi 12th class mai padti thi us waqt mai bahut chulbuli thi hamare uppar wale portion mai ek uncle rehte un uncle ke mote azgar nai hi meri seal todi uske baad to uncle nai hi nahi unke dosto nai bi meri jam ke chudai ki, 31 dec ko uncle ke pass uncle ke do dost aaye vijay aur...