Chrysalis BugChapter 2 free porn video

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We had to manage our space, considering that we HAD to eat, and everything else could be found again elsewhere. We did over-stack those semis, though. Since we never went over 45, who cared? We started to think about making a wider sweep for equipment, but decided to limit ourselves to passing thru areas with the places we wanted to salvage from. For example, Bass Pro Shops and Cabella's were two national sporting goods chains. We wanted to hit a couple of military bases to see what was available

Mark Twain's bluffs got a uniformly positive vote. By April we'd shaken out pretty well. We'd combined lists and stolen an idea from the Walgreens warehouse. We kept everything in transport tubs with labels on the tubs and each tub labeled. When you took something out, you marked off on the label. Another database kept track of all the tubs and what was in them. It worked pretty damned well! With ten people (more on that later) consuming and replenishing stock levels we really needed a centralized inventory. We walked the inventory once a week for a while to see what we were consuming. Yeah, I was a programmer way back when. I fixed computers too. Fat lot of good that'll do me now.

We ended up the spring by picking up two more women that wandered into our lives.

Pat was a real surprise at a seventeen-looking sixty-two, was attracted by the music when we were out playing Frisbee one afternoon. She was a retired organic- and bio-chemistry teacher from the next college town over, Dekalb. Damn, but I'd missed the ball. I didn't catch any trouble for it though, because everyone else forgot about the college library too. That was another semi full we pulled out. They had a REAL nice agronomy and animal husbandry section. April was a black girl we picked up at a truck stop near Springfield Il. She scared the hell out of me, a hitch hiker in the middle of a desolated highway like that. It was like something out of a twilight zone episode. She was my age, 49, looking like 17 like everyone else but the young kids. April was a helicopter mechanic, back in the day.

Ruth started talking turbines, gearboxes, collectives and mount points. We never knew what hit us. Next thing we knew, we were headed for Fort Knox, Kentucky. I never thought it was so big! We spent two weeks there prepping a Sikorsky dual bladed whirlybird for a test cruise. It sure made finding a place to settle down easier.

We left the semis at Fort Knox until we knew where we were going. The next addition was a real surprise. It was a rescue, really. It was almost comical, except for Tom's viewpoint. That's Big Tom, the farmer we found half stomped to death in his bull's field. Terri spotted him and Cindy damned near landed on that bull. It took a while to get the story out of him, but we finally did. The bull played dead until it was between Tom and the gate, then went after him. I must say, that bull made a nice May Day barbeque once Tom was back on his feet. Tom's place was just what the doctor ordered. It was damned near perfect. It was up on the bluffs a half mile from the river. There was a blacktop out to the highway, not a gravel road. The bluff was over eighty square miles, split over several farms, and over 70 feet high. We had to put up a couple of pole barns for storage of all the semi's, and expanding the kitchen with commercial gear was actually fun. We got tired of filling propane tanks, and connected four delivery trucks into a two-tier distribution farm. I set up the lines to feed two sets of two trucks at a time. When one set ran out, we switched over and went to fill the others. I knew we'd be in trouble when the propane ran out, but that was a question for many tomorrows.

We found a mobile hospital at Fort Knox, and a couple of ambulances, four water buffalo (tow able tankers), a fire truck and MREs galore. I kept an eye out for explosives and grenades, but all I could find were 25 M-79 grenade launchers and a couple thousand rounds of HE. I found four field mortars and 60 cases of rounds. It would do.

One morning I woke up with a stiffy planted somewhere soft and warm. I'd never even thought about sex since the die-off, and here was my closest friend. Cindy woke up and sort of nuzzled me with her back end. "Damn, that feels nice. We thought you were neutered." "Looks like not. Lucky me." "Lucky you? Don't expect to sleep alone for a while. You're going to see some improved attitudes around here. Now stop teasing me." Well, I stopped. Or started. Whatever—it sure felt nice. She was right. As soon as she left the bed I started hearing bits of conversation— just the loud parts. "You what?" "About time!" "Me next!" "Hot Damn!" I felt like a pouter pigeon.

I got buttonholed by Jean that morning. She wanted to do a motility test to see if I was shooting blanks or not. Nope. Well, I got cut off again for a month until the birth control cycled. What did I do? "Well, it looks like it's you and me again, Rosie." I wasn't the only one grousing, believe me.

Pole barns aren't that hard to build if you can borrow the trucks Ma Bell uses to plant telephone poles. The concrete floors were harder. We dug out and concreted ramp pits to accommodate the semis so that we could load and unload directly to the docks at each pole barn. We had to keep pumping 'em out because we forgot drains and lines—the damned things kept flooding with each rain. Think mini-swimming pools. With oil slicks. Guess what we re-dug as soon as planting was over the next spring. You damned betcha.

We had about 400 head of whiteface cattle. Ruth spotted some light brown cattle about 30 miles away. Tom called 'em Swiss, and said they were good milkers. Lots more butterfat. We went to get 'em, Tom and I. If there's anything I dislike it's herding cattle. Now THAT was an easy discovery to make. We did eventually get 'em moved. It took over a week. Good news—there was a bull, too!

We got heroes' welcomes when we returned. I swear, the next morning I laughed, because he was grinnin' like a shit-eatin' dog. Funny, he said the same about me. We were both walking funny. June. The birds were coming back. I noticed bees, too. Thank god, or we wouldn't have pollinated fields.

Ruth kept making wider and wider circles in her helicopter searches. She finally found horses near Lexington Kentucky. They were underfed and slightly wild. Twenty horses came to the salt block and found the grain we'd left. Tom and I'd set up a water tank, too. We quietly closed the gate on a seven acre field that we'd chosen as a pen. No troubles. They must have been truck fed before, because I drove out with Tom the next morning with grain and hay in a pickup, and they came right up to the truck. Within a week we were riding most of them. I didn't know any other way to do it, so we geared up and trailed them home. It took over a month and a half, start to finish. The girls took to the horses like kids to dogs. The things were spoiled in nothing flat. We had horses walking behind the girls all day long, hoping for a petting or a sweet.

August. The clan had been throwing excess milk away. That had to stop. I asked Terri to figure out how to make cheese. You'd think that I'd handed her the Holy Grail. I didn't see her for days. We had cottage cheese right away, and sour cream. Then white cheese, then Colby and cheddar. Pizza again! Mozzarella! Romano!

My schedule boiled down to replenishment. I pumped one LP tanker into the others via the piping and refilled it at the tank farm. I hit grain elevators for ground corn and wheat mix for the livestock. I stole hay from neighboring farms. We stocked up on canned vegetables and fruit. We collected straw and chipped brush for bedding. Who would have thought of stealing manure piles?

We mapped out the fields and scattered manure to fertilize 'em for the next year. I remember my uncle would run a three year cycle of crops—corn, hay and clover, plowing under the clover to bring the nitrogen back. Tom was surprised that I knew about crop rotation and fallow years. He found some books on no-till agronomy. Boy, that made the corn crops easier to prepare after that. We did spot some porkers, but they proved too hard to catch. I dreamed that night of my old book collection. The Foxfire books! I tore into my stored books like a wild man. I found them. It took a bit of reading, but there it was. This old lady used to dump corn and mast into the woods every day for a month before the slaughter to get them used to people feeding them. We kept looking for horses. We needed a stallion.

October. Who would have thought it? Horses in Ohio. We found our stallion and more. Karl was an old farmer, 72 years gone. His wife and family took the big sleep long ago, then this hit. He was tired of being alone. I held out my hand and he took it. It was funny, he looked 17 but acted ancient. The kids saw it and took to him immediately. We all looked to him for advice.

I remembered the foxfire books and decided to emulate 'em. I got the kids in on it, too. One book described the questions that they'd give anyone they were interviewing for the books. We started with that and went nuts. Karl was from the back of the back. He'd plowed with mules, hunted coon and deer, and knew his business. He's the one that taught us to store sausage in lard and how to butcher hogs. He remembered his ma cooking on a wood stove and learning as a teen. Where was that place? Layman's? Lyman's? I'd have to remember. They had everything from horse drawn buggies and wagons to wood stoves to grain mills. We HAD to raid that place. We kept looking for chickens. No good. It seemed that the avian symptoms were reversed to that of man's. The larger birds were gone. Everything larger than a crow was extinct. No more turkey.

What did we do over the winter? Why, get into trouble, of course. I took a long look at a bank, and my curiosity got the better of me. We found one with an open vault. The guys and I took a generator, big drill and lots of bits in there one day and started in on the safety deposit boxes. We collected the silver coins for smithing, the bulk gold for jewelry. Any nice jewelry we collected, too. That took care of the Christmas presents for the ladies. We had so much fun, we decided to do it again the next year. I told the guys what I'd read about a burning bar, also known as a thermal lance. It's a long piece of gas pipe packed with thermite (iron oxide & aluminum), with a small hole run down the middle. You run an oxygen hose to one end, crack it open and ignite the other with an acetylene torch. You need an aluminized suit, draft fan and welder's helmet to use it, but it'll melt about anything. We screwed up more safes than the James gang. We eventually found some bantam hens and a rooster. It took four long years, but that's for later.

Year Two

We were well into the winter blahs. Linda finally let me know that she took her job seriously. She came up to me with an open encyclopedia, pointing at a picture of a Persian rug. "Have you been holding out on me?" I had no idea what to say, so I deadpanned it. "Yeah." She just looked at me like I'd fallen off her boot. "Bastard." She turned and walked away. Well, hell. Time for some Linda stuff, I guess. Every city of any size has a Persian/cashmere rug dealer somewhere. We just had to find one. We knew the western Kentucky main track was clear. Lexington had a nice ring road to let us navigate the city. I talked it over with Cindy, and we agreed. Ruth flew us out and we drove another semi back. It was probably the most expensive—dollar-wise—semi we'd ever put together. We figured over six million bucks in silk and wool hand-made rugs. It sure brightened up the place. Linda was my best bud for a while after that, but I was in trouble and knew it. She had figured out that I could be had.

We planted corn, hay, oats, soybeans and wheat. Have you ever farmed? Spring is hell.

You plow, disc and harrow the ground. Then you plant. That's once over each square foot of the land for each step. Then you weed between the corn rows and bean rows with a special tractor. Then you harvest. Nobody sleeps during harvest. Then you've got to STORE what you've harvested. We found seed at the ag co-op the first year. We needed to keep our own each year thereafter—seeds don't germinate when they get old.

That's the livestock fields. Then there were the truck gardens. We planted sweet corn, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, celery, lettuce, radishes, squash, potatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, beets, more tomatoes, cucumbers, peas and beans At least we remembered popcorn and sweet corn...

My god, we had 4 varieties of onions, six of peppers, eight of beans and peas. The six varieties of squash had to be kept from each other or they'd cross-pollinate. We dug and flooded lowland for rice. We had four varieties of tomatoes. Six of lettuce. It was insane.

I never wanted to see another potato hill again as long as I lived. We had over forty acres in truck garden, just to keep the seeds alive and survive the next year.

Oh, and did I mention marigolds? We had fucking marigolds growing out of our ears to keep the bugs and slugs out.

We had to put in two commercial refrigerated rooms just to keep our seed. Some seed needs to chill to under 40 degrees for a while to "prime" the germination, but they can't freeze for long durations. They dry out and die. I could never remember which did and which didn't, so we chilled 'em all.

The propane situation was bothering me. Our success or failure hinged on a non-renewable resource in our current environment. I decided to trace back the supply chain, and got a shock. The LP Gas delivery companies were supplied by the train car full.

What else was in train cars that we'd forgotten about? We figured we could find semi's anywhere. Ruth loaded a generator in our Sikorsky and we headed for St.Louis. There had to be rail yards there. There were.

It was a situation of too much success. Do you know how hard it is to figure out railroad switching? How to run a diesel engine? how much FUEL those damned things use??? Well, my old answer surfaced. Fuck it. I could tow anything with a D9 cat, and I did. Four cars at a time. Two hundred forty miles. twenty miles an hour. Over and over again. The stock would deteriorate before we could use it all. We spent weeks here and there flying into intermodal transport yards and just inventorying the containers. What do you do with twelve tons of baby food? At least we stayed in coffee and chocolate... I also made sure to bring in several rail cars of coal. Yep, coal. Best thing for blacksmithing. They came from long lines of cars destined for the old power plants. We could always find more.

I got hungry for fish. There was that big old river just looking at me. There I was. Hmm. I got fifteen people together in boats cabled across the river, with gill nets. I got up above them a quarter of a mile and set off four M-79 HE rounds into the river. We had more than we could deal with. Those old turkey fryers make nice deep fryers for fish, too. This might get to be our new thanksgiving party—deep fried fish and cornmeal hushpuppies.

One more thing to learn—how to press corn for corn oil? A hydraulic press? steam? A combination of both? No more olive oil. I guess we could use lard, but we'd need soap, too. Maybe corn oil soap would work. We needed Lye. By Christmas I'd finally gotten a library built, temperature and humidity controlled. By spring, I'd gotten most of it indexed and found some glaring holes we needed filled, like metallurgy, welding, and blacksmithing.

Lehman's! Kidron, Ohio! That was the place. Some big city bookstores kept copies of their catalog for sale. I could find tankers of kerosene easily. Kerosene lanterns would help a lot. We flew out and convoyed back three semis full of books, horse gear, blacksmithing gear, Aladdin lamps, grain mills, pumps, windmills—you name it. We took a flight to Kidron Ohio, found a truck stop, used our generator to start three semis and get them filled up. We loaded the generator onto one semi so that we could refuel in transit. We loaded those puppies to the gills.

Year Three

The next year brought in a few more stragglers, some worth it, some not. Some were just lonely, or not doing well on their own. Some thought they were entitled to a free ride. Not. We did kick two guys and a girl out. We ended up shooting one of the guys and the girl. She had a knife and wasn't bashful. She didn't think much of a single-six pistol till the end. It brought us from twelve to twenty-six people.

It had been a few years since the drugs we made had been produced, and they were losing their potency. We needed a good antibiotic in case we got something nasty and systemic. I asked Pat, our resident biochemist to look into it. She came up with Chloramphenicol—It had one side affect—irreversible aplastic anemia in one person in 25,000. That's pretty good odds, I figure. She began trial production. Another good thing—it's good as a veterinary medication, too. I introduced the Sauna to our clan. I swear, all you need to do to get really lucky is to show a woman another way to keep clean. It works every time. I damned near died with a smile on my face. Next year, a huge hot tub. We were feeding up 60 pigs in an open field supplemented by the whey milk and a grain trough. We had 'em in an open barn on wood chips over the winter, spring and fall. They got used to the end loader cleaning up in no time.

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The night with Tamara was exhausting and memorable for Laura, but having the girl fall in love with her caused some troublesome problems at work Together they had worn out Tamara's small twin bed in a night of enthusiastic fucking that came close to some of the most fatiguing sexual experiences Laura had survived in the past. Being in love made Tamara a hot partner, and of course Laura would never turn her back on an opportunity to enjoy the young girl to the fullest extent possible. But at...

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FidleChapter 27

His fingers slid across her cheeks and into the luxuriant softness of her hair; not to grip, or hold, or tug, but simply to create yet another point of connection. His touch signaled that he was fully awake, and she began suckling his rod with more urgency, sliding her tongue down the bottom of his shaft to cradle its length while she fed more of it into her throat. Humming with pleasure, she worked herself downward inch by inch until she’d taken the entirety of his erection. For a few...

4 years ago
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ZoeChapter 7

In the morning, Zoe's expression was shadowed. I'd thought I'd managed to dispel her concerns. "Morning, sweetheart," I kissed her forehead and she snuggled against me. "Okay?" "Oh, yes," she sighed, "just ... having to wait until next Friday to do this again." "We'd better get on," I said, "if we don't turn up for church, your parents might not let us do this again. I don't want to wait until you're eighteen..." That got a giggle. "I don't really think they'd be so...

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House Hunting With Suzy

My wife, Marge, and I had known Don and Suzy for three or four years. Don is medically retired from the military; something with his heart. Suzy sells real estate near our second home. Ever since we found our mountain cabin through another agent, they have been giving us a hard time about not using through them.  My wife became a senior partner at her firm, so we had to look for more property, or at least more expensive property for our second home, for tax purposes. I called Don, told him I...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 165

Laura ran into Rhonda at a retirement party for a person they both knew. They rarely saw one another at work, though Laura knew that Yvette, and especially Sholandra, still spent some time in Rhonda's bed. She had made her peace with it, but she and Rhonda still were very suspicious of one another and had a complex relationship governed by hate, mistrust, and undeniable sexual attraction. They also had slept together, and their last encounter, in Rhonda's office in the middle of a work...

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Couple expands to Threesome with new 22yo female f

Its amazing how a flake couple and a flake date can turn into some of the best sex ever seen or felt....[/image]what started off as dis appointing, turned into quite the night, where i was able to watch hubby introduce a 22yo women to what she called a "porn star size cock" I took hubby out to Korean as he loves it, we had plans and purchasdd tickets to watch a movie with a couple. They picked the movie and the deal was we paid for movie and drinks (we got tickets to the Village cinema...

4 years ago
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Shy BBW wifes first time

No amount of research would have prepared me for what happened to us. The abuse of her body, the lack of concern for her life, the overwhelming amount of euphoria. I convinced my shy innocent wife of 12 years to try something out of the box, giving herself up to another stronger, bigger, dominate man. After posting her pics online the opportunity quickly developed, and my reluctant loving wife decided she’d try. It was the beginning of her sexual destruction. The guy I found, Jerome, decided it...

4 years ago
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It May Be Adultery But I Want It

The beginning of my adulterous affair was not something I was proud of. In fact, I had been very reluctant to start it in the first place. But, god knows, I was so horny and starved for affection and sex that I allowed myself to be overcome. I enjoyed every moment of it. I had become involved with Jack Johnson soon after he moved next door to our town home. My name is Beth and my husband is Tom. He is almost completely engrossed in his computer activities so I have been having an affair with...

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The Memorable Night In Chandigarh8230

Hi everyone, I have been a dedicated reader of ISS for the last five years but depicting a sex encounter for the first time. Myself Rohan from Kolkata, 28 yrs old, currently staying in Bangalore for the last 2 yrs , and Gurgaon for 1 yrs prior to that ,height 5’11” average built guy who is a big time party animal and very fond of women flesh. The below narration is a true incident about one of my affairs and so it’s a bit lengthy. Some1 who needs immediate dashing and pushing can avoid this...

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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 1

said, "Hello?" "Janice" a smooth male voice said. "Good morning." "Hello" said Janice wondering who it was that knew her first name when she did not recognise the voice. The voice on the phone said "unlock your front door so that I can come into your house and then go stand in your front room" the voice continued "In five minutes, no matter what you're doing, you'll stop and be unable to move or speak." With out replying Janice hung up a nutter she thought. As she put the...

2 years ago
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Cerulean DreamsChapter 17

The Gym was dark when they arrived, and as they entered the living quarters it was obvious that Misty's sisters had yet to arrive. Feeling strangely guilty, Miranda followed her lover down the dark hallway. Their fingers linked as they hurried quietly past several closed doors and darkened doorways, a strange aura of mischief permeating the scene. At the end of the hall, Misty turned and embraced Miranda. With a giggle as they pressed their lips together, she turned her lover around and...

1 year ago
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The Brown Cock I Want

Behind the disguise of MSN, the two flirt. An old youth of his, and he a married man. There are only 6 years between their age, but he is married. She is 19 years old, brown hair and eyes, and a height that suits him fine. And her tits, 36D are beautiful. She knew that he wanted her, if not for the bind of being faithful to his wife, he would be over in a minute pounding his meat into her cunt. The issue of adultery, how to get around it. She had not been with a man before, nor had she been...

2 years ago
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ShilohChapter 17 Planning

Charlotte knocks at the doorway to Kyle’s bedroom. When he looks up to see who’s there she feels pain emanating from the depths of his soul. She’s never seen her son like this before. Being a good mother she naturally tries to console her son, even if she’s in the dark as to the problem. She sits beside him, and wraps him in her arms while she asks, “What’s wrong, Kyle?” “We went down to open the CyberFun safe for Stanley. The new owners refused to even shake our hands. What’s worse, they...

1 year ago
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Learning the Meaning of No

"Eric, not tonight, I'm really not up to it. Guess it's PMS," Sandy said trying to remove his hand from her breast. Eric then went down to her labia thinking I know I can turn her on when I stroke her clit and get her juices flowing. Feeling her love button get hard, he continued feeling her outer lips expand as he stroked them and inserting a finger he smiled to himself as she began to get wet. Squirming Sandy said, "I said no and I mean it Eric. I'm bloated and my vagina is sore." Mad...

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wife fucked by another guy


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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 25 Mississippi and Louisiana

The song ‘Jackson’ had turned into a fifteen-minute jam-session between Ashley, Dave, the backup singers, and each member of the band. Everyone in the entourage was onstage at the Mississippi Coliseum. The others in the large arena were fifteen-thousand fans of Ashley – a sell-out crowd. They were wild, and they LOVED Ashley. There were signs, t-shirts, banners, and a hundred other ways they expressed that love besides making one helluva lot of noise after every song she sang. Dave was...

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Coed SlutsChapter 7

The girls helped me clean up the front room and make up the bed. I complained to myself about how much I hated taking summer school, but I never did miss one particular class. I hopped on my motorcycle and just made it on time. The class was Psychology 69- -Sexual Psychology. At least, that was the joke around campus, except it wasn't any joke in Magdalena's class. She was a great teacher, and Sexual Psychology was certainly her best subject. That wasn't hurt by the fact that she was...

2 years ago
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Getting to Know my Sons New Friends

I was reading a book in my room when I overheard one boy tell my son, “Your mom is so hot.” I put my book aside and walked closer to the door. My son and his two new friends were in the hallway and the boy obviously didn’t know that I could hear him. He said something else to my son but I wasn’t able to hear it. My son’s room was next to mine and we had a bathroom that connected our rooms, so I quietly walked to the bathroom and locked both doors.“Her ass is amazing,” I heard the other boy say....

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BangbrosClips Alex Coal Shiny Fucking

Alex Coal was knocking on the bathroom door. Jay Bangher was taking his time. Finally he opened. He couldn’t find his lotion. Alex said she would let him use hers, if she could rub it on. So she was spreading some oil all over Jay’s body. Then she pulled down the towel he was holding around his shy area. His dick was enormous. She spread oil over the dick. A lot of oil. She poured half of the bottle on the dick. She kept massaging it. They went to the living room. She started to suck his dick....

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WildOnCam Harley King Loves Getting Sloppy Fucking Codey

Fucking fun and wild Harley King is looking sharp in her black bra and panty set showing off every sexy curve. Codey is a lucky man fucking and tasting this babe. Harley gets sloppy all over his dick while she gives him a blowjob licking up his shaft and balls. How much can Codey take before he bends Harley over grabbing that ass and pounds that beautiful pussy like she desires and craves like a good little slut?!? Codey is on a mission to make Harley cum holding the vibrator tightly on her...

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Erotic Fiction

The stories posted are saved from a Yahoo Group I visited back in 2006. "Charlotte" is the author, and the hot, dirty young starlet. [/b]***********************************************************************************Two of my boyfriend's friends, Peter and Steve, dropped by to see himwhile he was out playing golf. I was home alone, just relaxing. Itwas a warm day and I was wearing a pair of skimpy cut-offs along witha tight tee shirt, accentuating my large breasts. I'm consideredattractive,...

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Motorcyclists WifeChapter 4

"It didn't happen... it didn't happen..." Sandi muttered. There was a note of near-hysteria in the naked nineteen-year- old's voice as she stood soaping her body in the pink-tiled bathroom of her suburban Lakeview Estates suburban home. For almost an hour now she'd been standing here under the cleansing cascade of the shower, trying her best to scrub away the desperate guilt she felt about the shameful way she'd allowed the photographer, Tony Fletcher, to seduce her into horrifyingly...

2 years ago
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Honor MattersChapter 9 When Rape Ainrsquot

Kelsey Wright had to help me to the shower. My legs were like rubber—foam rubber. I massed almost twice Kelsey’s weight and I topped her height by a head, yet she didn’t show any strain as she walked me into the rain room. The falling water refreshed me. Scented soaps sluiced sweat from skin, then was in turn rinsed. “Total submission,” Kelsey told me. “You wondered why everybody was bald. It’s a Zheeyad tradition. First, the woman is stripped of her glory, her beautiful mane. She is made...

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A Monkey on her Back chapter five

I awoke the next morning alone in bed and wondered about a repeat performance, but she wasn't even downstairs, then propped up on the kitchen table, I saw a note.Darling, I've nipped out on an errand, ring me on my mobile when you get up, love mum. xxxxx."Hi darling," she said as soon as I rang. "I left you to sleep, I think I wore you out last night.""I'm ready for more mum, anytime you are.""Ooh yes please," she laughed. "Why don't you shower and drive into town, I'll meet you outside the...

2 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 24

Château de Carrouges February 1386 “Jean, I beg you,” Marguerie pleaded with her husband. “do not take this to the Count. Nothing good will come from pursuing vengeance. Le Gris is the Count’s man.” Jean stared at his wife, with his rage barely under control. “How can you ask me to not seek vengeance? He raped you, and he will pay. I swear to God, I shall have justice!” “There will be no justice for us in Argentan!” Marguerite argued. “If you go there and accuse Le Gris, they will destroy...

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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 1

Rachel Graham's Precious Little Life - Chapter 1 Work. They say your work should be something you love, and I have to agree with "they". What they fail to mention is that you had better love doing something that pays the bills, or you're gonna be in for a world of hurt. That world of hurt is where I find myself most mornings. Forget about Julie Wells, she's a nobody. She's a bitch, but she's a friend. But the place where I work is no friend to me. Projekt

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Sweat. It matted my hair, stung my eyes, and left my bare torso looking like I’d just taken a shower. I had ditched my t-shirt hours before once it was soaked. That left me wearing shorts and running shoes. Sitting down on the grass in the shade of our largest tree, I took a long swig from my water bottle and surveyed the yard. After weeks of being too busy with other stuff, I had managed to pick the hottest, muggiest day of the summer to get caught up on the yard work. In four hours, I had...

Quickie Sex
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His Obedient Pet

A Loving Wife's Birthday Present He was running late for work, but before he left, he had some business to take care of.  Walking into the bedroom, he pulled down the sheet, exposing her to his gaze. She remained asleep, exhaustion from their lovemaking the previous night taking its toll. She lay on her back, her legs relaxed and slightly apart, one arm over her head. The threadbare t-shirt she wore hid very little of her body. Her small plump breasts were clearly outlined through the...

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Introduction: Heres my second story, thats hopefully better than my first. Please, no harsh comments. Thanks & thanks for reading. I woke up in an unfamiliar place, naked. As I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness. The lights were turned off, off course. I had a headache, intoxication. Although I was warm and under some covers, I could feel the cold breath of someone behind me, on my neck. I got goosebumps from each feeling, but who had their arm around me? I looked over and saw...

1 year ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 6 A Brief

Although in the same room, its expanse allowed privacy between Bess and Devi and young women ranging in age from 17 to their mid-twenties to talk without a man--meaning me--hearing. I sat at a desk and read through several files. Both the information written and photographs taken involving the rapes and assaults disturbed me. I had involved myself in enough assault cases to gain some distance, but the relentlessness cracked already sensitive emotional responsiveness. Women baffled me and...

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Tights from the waitress

About 5 years ago there was a small cafe in town that i used to go into now and again on my lunch break to get a cup of tea or can of juice and a roll to take away although they also had some tables and chairs for customers who wanted to sit in and eat also. The lady who had bought the shop and was in charge was older and friendly enough as were the other part time staff who used to work there also. Then one day when i went in i saw a young female about 18 years old who was bringing a tray out...

4 years ago
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Camping With Uncle

I had gone hiking with my aunt and uncle, who I adore. My uncle was my mother's younger brother. We were very close. He was in his mid-20s and had recently married my aunt, who is seven years his senior. My uncle had my mother's dark hair and was a swimmer in college. I remember going to see him swim since he was in his teens and I was just a young girl. His small waste and broad shoulders had attracted my beautiful aunt. She was a vision. She was so feminine. She had blond hair and striking...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Chapter 7 The Mages Desires

Book Three: Barbaric Passion Chapter Seven: The Mage's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Ghost Wolves' Tribal Land, Federation of Larg As the lust died down in my body, the powerful orgasms fading and leaving behind buzzing bliss, confusion gripped me. What had just happened? One moment, Thrak was a berserker fucking me harder than I had ever been taken in my life. And then...he changed. He kissed me now,...

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