Chrysalis Of Gor Part III free porn video

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This story is based on the "Chronicles of Gor" novels written by John Norman. I claim no rights to these characters, ideas or specifics listed here. This story is a work of fan fiction. Chapter Twelve Fifth Hand, First Day of the Month of Camerius Four Months Ago It seemed as though we would never arrive at the Slave Bells. The trip took months. We stopped often to pick up additional slaves that Master had purchased for the tavern. We picked up a young slave, still very new to her collar, in Argentinium who the Caravan Master named Dina. She spent the trip sobbing and speaking in English and broken Gorean to whoever would listen about her Master who sold her. I was sick of her after about two days. Eventually, the wagon driver gagged her and made her walk next to the cart. We traveled into Ar. It was Glorious; the buildings and the shops, the silks and jewelry and the perfumed slaves. The sounds and sights and smells...I had never seen such an amazing place. We stopped at the Belled Collar and picked up a slave named Dorna. She had been a scribe in Helmutsport until she was sold and then trained as a dancing slave. In Treve, we picked up a free woman who approached our cart begging for food. Our caravan Master gave her some and she, in turn, asked to be collared. Once that was done, he lay her on the floor and put the bread in a bowl making her eat from there. She learned what it was like to be a slave. The nicest people we met were a Master from Lara and his unnamed slave. She had just been sold to this Master a few months ago. It was she that told us about the Tahari; some of their customs and traditions as well as stories about the area. She had spent a few years as the Master of a Tahari warrior. They left at the edge of the desert, near the city of Tor, as we continued on our way. Eventually, the four of us arrived at the Slave Bells. It was a small tavern, resting in between an inn and a blacksmith's shop. As we were unhooked from the cart and taken below to the pens, I could see why it was called The Slave Bells. The Master had hooked a number of bells to the top of the door so that it jingled as the patrons entered. Also, stationed at the front door was a belled slave, her hips moving and dancing from the constant stream of music played inside. We were taken down, stripped, and washed with rough towels by other slave girls in service to the tavern. The towels rubbed my skin almost raw. I looked around nervously. I had never been inside a tavern before. The girl washing me sensed this and smiled. "Greetings, sister. I am Alisa," the girl said as she washed the sand and dirt from my arms. "Greetings. I am Tana," I replied. It was good to meet a friendly face in the pens. She giggled. "There is no need to be nervous," Alisa said. "This is a very nice place and we are treated well by the Masters" I smiled at her as she washed the back of my neck around my collar." A man walked by and stopped as we talked. "Silence, slaves!" he yelled, placing his hand on the whip on his belt. "You will have time to talk later." He stood there for a moment and then walked away. Alisa whispered in my ear as she washed my back. I could feel her warm breasts against my body. I tried to ignore it. "That is Farvus" She continued. "He is Master's right hand man." I looked at her oddly. "That is not a very Gorean expression," I replied. She blushed. "Sometimes, I forget and slip back into Earth sayings," she replied. "Do you know of Earth?" I reached down and splashed water on my face to hide the tears filling up my eyes. It had been so long since those days in Philly. It seemed like three lifetimes ago. I nodded. "I used to live in Philadelphia," I said slowly and softly, as if I might someday get back there. "Greenwich Village in New York." She sighed thinking about her home and laughed. "Living in a fourth floor shithole apartment hoping to make my way as a Broadway actress." "How long have you been here?" I asked. "In the tavern...about eight months. On Gor...A looooong time. Years, even. You tend to lose track of time here." She laughed and scrubbed my stomach. As the rag touched the underside of my breasts, I shuddered slightly. She noticed this and laughed. "There is no modesty for you here, Tana," she said. "Step out." I stood up. The water fell off me and back into the bath. I stepped out on to a small towel on the floor. She handed me another towel to dry myself with. I wrapped it around my body and went to sit on a bench along the side of the pen. She walked over to grab a comb and then joined me. She ran it through my hair. I didn't realize how long it had become. It was still a bit knotted and tangled. "What did you do in Philly?" Alisa asked. "I was an accountant. Corporate tax returns were my specialty," I laughed. "Can you read Gorean? Do you know the numbers?" She asked. I shook my head. "I will show you. Sometimes Master uses slaves to keep track of his holdings. It's a lot better than dancing." She combed for a while long and when she thought the knots were out, she pulled the towel off me and began to dry my hair. "Tell me of the Earth. I've been here so long that I don't remember what it was like." We sat for a while talking of home. She'd been gone for about 10 years. She told me what she remembered and I tried to fill in the rest. Never paid much attention to current events, but was able to tell her of the latest sports teams to win titles and who won the last elections. We laughed and sometimes slipped into English, then quickly corrected ourselves. It seemed like hours that we talked when Farvus walked back to the pens. "Lights out, wenches," he yelled. "Some of you have big days ahead of you tomorrow." He blew out the small candles that lit the room and the entire area was suddenly plunged into darkness. I felt hands around my waist and jumped slightly until Alisa whispered in my ear. I smiled and closed my eyes...falling asleep. Chapter Thirteen Fifth Hand, First Day of the Month of En'Var Three Months Ago I quickly learned the ways of the Slave Bells and was made a paga slave. They are slaves that serve to Masters in the tavern and are also permitted to be used by them if they are found pleasing. The price for girls such as me is the price of the cup of paga. Most evenings, Master would have girls serve and then switch off and have them serve while another dances. I had become well liked in the Slave Bells. This was a nice change from the torture in the pens of house of Kamaras. Meanwhile, Alisa became my best friend and would talk about everything, when we had the chance. Master kept us rather busy. "Watch this one, Tana," she would say laughing. "His breath stinks of sip roots," I would laugh as well as I dashed from table to table. Serving in a house is very different from serving in a tavern. Alisa also taught me the numbers and a little bit on how to read. I was probably at the level of a 1st grader right now. I could read small words and phrases. I laughed thinking about my High School French class where they taught useless phrases like "Where is the bathroom?" When I told her this, she laughed. "I felt the same way in High School Spanish," she said, quietly in English. I danced one particular evening to the chain dance. It is similar to the whip dance but in it the girl is dancing as if chained to a post, which she sometimes is, the chains encircling her. She uses the chain as a prop, first fighting it and then kissing it and becoming its lover. It is a sensuous dance and the men will throw more coins for that dance rather than the whip dance. When the dances are over, I am to collect the coins, placing them in my silks and give them directly to Farvus who counts them and delivers them to Portous. I had just finished my dance and was lying on the sand floor, when a man caught my eye. He was a soldier. His uniform was scarlet and he had a helmet adorned with what I found out later was sleen hair. He sipped his paga slowly, nursing it, and watching my every move with extreme interest. Next to him was an ugly man. His nose was too large and his eyes were too close together. He didn't wear a uniform. They both stared at me as I walked off to give Farvus the coins. "You did very well tonight, Tana," Farvus said. "Thank you, Master," I said, absently. My attention was still on the soldier. Farvus, as if able to read my mind, spoke up again. "His name is Cillus Abruzzi. He is a Lieutenant in the army of Scimitar." He paused, continuing to pick up the coins. "He has become favored in the house of his Ubar. The man with him is the advisor to the Ubar. His name is Haikeem." I nodded, looking at them. Farvus pulled on my silk, ripping it from my body. "Ohh, Master!" "You may serve them...naked," he said. He grabbed the coins, placed them in a box and walked away. I blushed and laughed to myself. It felt odd that I was embarrassed about my nakedness. Many Masters had seen me naked. Many others have used me in the alcoves in the tavern. But for a change, I was nervous about meeting this man. Master often says that Modesty is not permitted in slaves, they own nothing...not even that. I walked out and Haikeem called me over. I darted quickly to the table, kneeling at their feet. "How may this girl serve you, Master?" I asked. I strained to look up at Abruzzi, knowing that it might get me beaten. I had never felt this way about a man before. Haikeem spoke, not to me though. "She is beautiful, isn't she?" he said. The man hissed like a snake as he spoke. Then turning back to me, he continued. "You dance very well, girl. By what name are you called?" "My Master has named me Tana," I said. He touched my hair. I tried not to recoil in disgust. He moved his hand to my chin and lifted my head. His hands were iced cold. I could see both men now. I tried to avert my eyes from their gaze. "I...I hope that it pleases Master." Haikeem waived his hand. "It is unimportant if it pleases me, girl. I do not own you," He turned back to Abruzzi. "Look at her, boy. Luscious curves, full breasts, skin like soft silk," He laughed and touched my cheek. I bit my lip so that I wouldn't scream. "It has been a while since you've used a slave. Why not this one? Especially since you so intently watched her dance." Abruzzi sat there, still sipping his paga. He turned to look at me and then looked to Haikeem. "Fetch me a key, girl," Abruzzi finally said. I stood up quickly and grabbed a key for one of the alcoves along the far wall. I brought it back to him and placed it at Haikeem's feet. He picked it up, walked towards me. "Leading position," he said. I knelt before him, head down and he placed his left hand in my hair. I then led him to the alcove that corresponded to the key he carried. I secretly wondered what pleasures this man would give to me. When we arrived at the door, I knelt before it, his hand still entwined in my long hair. He placed the key in the lock and stepped inside. The alcoves are dark and sometimes musty. I made sure that I picked one that was the better of the group available. This one had the mat on the floor cleaned just this morning and the walls were scrubbed and dirt removed. He picked up the alcove collar and placed it above my collar, snapping it shut. He shortened the leash, giving me no slack between the wall and the area where I was kneeling. He then snapped the ankle cuffs on each of my ankles and pulled the chain tightly. I was flat on my back, unable to move more than a few inches up. My arms were still free and I was using them to support my weight. "Master?" I asked. He ignored me and moved to a spot between my legs. "Tana, is it?" he asked, touching my thighs softly. I began to moan. "Yyyy..yes, Massster....ohhhhh." "Hiakeem was right. You are a pretty thing," he said. His hands moved up and down my legs and around the thighs. My body tingled and I squirmed in the chains. My arms felt weak and began to shake. I looked up at him and could see him smiling. "And wet," he said, touching my inner thigh again. "Ohhhh...Yesss Master. This...this girl wishes only to pleassssse," I cried, nodding my head. His touch was light and tender and he traced over my thighs as if his fingers were feathers. He moved one hand to my breast. He traced around my nipple, flicking at it lightly. My body jumped as he touched me. My ankles strained against the chain holding them. I arched my back, trying to entice him more. "Ohhhh...Massssterrrr!!!" I cried. He ran his hands up from my breast to my arm, tracing it and then quickly and effortlessly slipping it into the chain on the wall. I didn't care. The touch was like nothing I had felt since before. He continued on my other breast, touching and teasing it before sliding that wrist into the other bracelet. My arms were stretched above my head and my ankles stretched out. I could feel the strain against my body but his touch was cancelling that out. My body was on fire! His hands moved back down my arms and resumed playing with my breasts, running his hands along the outside and then moving between them before working on the other. I moaned louder, I thought everyone in the Slave Bells would hear. I didn't care. I was a slave girl in the throes of pleasure. His hands roamed back down my body, touching my stomach and heading back down to my wet pussy. "Mmmmasssstterrrr!!!" I yelled. He leaned up and whispered in my ear. "You will not yield, girl." I nodded, my tears in my eyes. My body burned. Every inch of my skin tingled and I could feel myself dripping. Juices running slowly down my leg, taking every ounce of strength I had to hold on. His hands touched the outside of my pussy and I jumped. I don't know how I didn't explode at that moment. He expertly moved his hands around my lips, touching me in such a way that I had to bite my lip not to scream. I needed to cum... "Pleasssse Massssster..." I cried. He shook his head. "So, what did Haikeem tell you to do to me once we were in here, hmmm?" He asked. His voice was harsh but soft as he continued to touch me. I looked up at him, tears in my eyes. "Mmm...Massster???" I asked. My body shook as he moved his fingers around me. "There must have been some orders, Tana," He continued. He had an evil smile on his face. His fingers moved dangerously close to my slit. I was so wet. I could hear the moisture on his fingers as he worked. "Did you notice how eager he was for you to serve me?" "Massster...this girl has....uhhhhh..." I moaned as his finger expertly entered me. He moved around slowly, as if feeling his way around. "..has never met...met him before....ohhhhhh.....Masssssterrrrrr...," My voice trailed off as he slid another finger inside me. He flexed and moved them so that he touched all the right areas. For an instant, I thought back to Master Lolar and the first time I was used; long before I was brought to Gor. It was those kinds of feelings. "You're lying, slut," he said, pulling the fingers in and out of my body. "It is well known in Scimitar that Haikeem wishes me dead. This is a perfect way to achieve that. Tell me, Tana. Tell me and I will let you yield." It was at that moment I noticed that his sword was still in its scabbard. "This girl swears, Mmm...Masster..." I replied. "She has never....never seen him...before...before thissss...evening...uhhhhh..." My body was shaking as he moved his fingers in and out of my pussy faster. It became difficult to concentrate. I started to sweat. My arms and legs bucked against the chains holding me. I threw my head back, my hair brushing the dirt above the furs. Everything was a blur. I would have told him that I shot Kennedy or was the mastermind behind terrorist attacks if he wanted me to. I needed to cum...more than anything else.... Suddenly, he stopped. I felt his fingers pulled out of me. He wiped his hands on my naked body and stood up. I lifted my head and looked at him, longingly. "" I yelled. "This slave begs to yield." He stood up, adjusting his clothes, before staring at me. "No. You have not been pleasing," He turned to walk out through the door. "And I will be sure that you are beaten for it," He left the alcove. I lay there, hanging a few inches over the fur rug, my arms and legs securely fastened to the wall, still unable to move. I began to cry. I wanted this man...more than I had wanted any man before. "I love you Cillus Abruzzi!!" I screamed. And I wept. I cried tears that seemed to come from the bottom of my soul, every pain...every anguish I ever felt could not compare to the feelings that I had now..that feeling of lost love. Chapter Fourteen Third Hand, Fourth Day of the Month of Se'Kara Present Day I was beaten severely by Master Portous that night. he said 'firstly for being displeasing to Master Abruzzi and, secondly for speaking his name out loud'. A slave is not permitted to speak the name of a free man. I received 10 lashes for each one and Master forbid me to wear clothes for three hands, which was about 15 days, except when dancing. I started to become depressed. I continued to work in the Slave Bells, dancing for the enjoyment of the Masters and being taken and used in the alcoves when they desired it. Master Abruzzi came into the tavern almost every evening, sometimes with Master Haikeem but more often without him. He would sit and drink his paga slowly, watching me dance. I would look to him, but he would have no emotion in his face. I was nothing..nothing but a lowly slave. When I finished, he would slap his right shoulder with his hand in the traditional Gorean fashion and then would take another girl to the alcoves and use her. One night after I danced, I ran over to his table..nearly knocking over Alisa in the process. I grabbed a glass of paga from one of the counters. "Here is your paga, Master," I said, breathlessly, my body still drenched in sweat from my dance. "This girl begs to serve you further in any way that she can," I put the cup to my lips and held it before him. He looked at me, but did not take the drink. He called over to Alisa. "Bring me paga, girl...warmed," he said to her. I spoke again, louder this time. "Do not forget that this girl comes with the price of the cup. Use me as you will, Master." I kissed the cup again and held it up to him. My eyes were pleading. It had been some time since our one and only session in the alcove. I was needy. I was wanton. I had to have him... I tried again. "This girl serves you, naked and collared. Take me later to the alcoves. I beg to be taught my slavery!" I cried. My arms were shaking and the liquid inside was swishing around. I could feel drops of it falling on my naked thighs. Alisa returned nervously with the warmed paga. She was my friend, but she needed to be pleasing before Masters, no matter what. Before she could say anything, he took it and placed her on his lap, knocking me over and spilling the drink on the floor. The other men in the Slave Bells laughed and Farvus, the manager, quickly came over and grabbed me by the hair. He pulled me roughly from the floor and beat me 5 times with the slave whip he carries in his belt. "You will leave Abruzzi alone, Tana," he said when he had finished whipping me. I lay my head on the floor, weeping. "Hasn't he caused you enough trouble or do you just enjoy being beaten?" Farvus walked away growling; leaving me on the floor. I kept crying. Couldn't they see that it was he that I wanted. I thought about ending it all. I couldn't see any reason to go on. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Portous. He had seen the entire incident and walked out from the floor. I saw him and knelt quickly. I could still feel the sting marks on my back. "Head to alcove 10, Tana," he said. "You are being requested. Hurry, girl!" I dried my eyes and stood up quickly, darting past the other patrons and heading to the alcove. I could see that Dorna, one of the girls that came with us on the original caravan from Bazi, was dancing the whip dance. She was excellent. I glanced at her as she moved, hoping to remember some of the moves that she used so that I could use them when I danced. The hallway to the alcoves was dark, but you could hear the moans of slaves in the throes of pleasure as you walked by. I learned to recognize some of the voices and knew when they would be close to yielding. A slave is not permitted to fake their longings. They have been trained mercilessly to respond to a Master's touch and Gorean Masters, unlike Earth males, KNOW when a girl is not responding. This situation is resolved very easily with the whip. I reached number 10. The door was opened slightly and knelt quietly before it. "Enter, girl." I shuddered. I knew who it was. Cillus Abruzzi. "Yes, Master," I replied, my voice shaking. I walked into the room and knelt quietly. I spread my legs as wide as I could, in the position of the pleasure slave. I didn't dare look up. I could hear him pacing around the small room. I shook softly. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run, but I knew neither was an option. "You have embarrassed me tonight, Tana," Master said. "Acting the way you did." I continued to kneel silently. "I did not wish you tonight. Yet, you continued to bother me." He stopped and sat behind me on the fur. He touched my back, feeling the lash marks. I winced slightly, hoping he didn't feel that. "You were whipped well for your actions, Tana," he continued. "Yes, Master," I said, my voice shaking. His hands were soft on my back, tracing the marks. I held back my emotions. "And, you used my name a few months back," he continued. I straightened my back, his hands falling lower. I had forgotten about that. "For these actions," he said "I could have you killed. All it would cost me would be your worth to your Master." I turned to him quickly. "Master??" He sat there. No change in his facial expressions. "Position, kajira," he said. I turned back around and returned to the position of the pleasure slave. My body shook again and my mind raced. What would he do to me? Would I be beaten again? Killed? Feed to wild sleen? I could hear him moving, but wasn't able to see what he was doing. Was he going for a whip..or worse? "Turn, kajira," he said. I turned slowly, not breaking my position. I could see that he had removed his clothes, tossing them in a pile next to him. "Master?" I asked. "I have paid for your use, Tana. I intend to get my money's worth," he said. I crawled over to him. I pressed my lips against his body, kissing his chest and stomach. I could feel him breathing and could hear his heartbeat. He groaned softly as I kissed him. My naked breasts pushed up against him, nipples hardening as I moved up and down. I moved up to his broad shoulders, then to his lips, pressing his against mine. He responded by reaching back and lacing his fingers in my hair, pulling me towards him and holding him in place. I moaned and could feel my body reacting to him as it did the first time he touched me so long ago. He pulled my hair, pulling my lips from him. I smiled at him and moved back down his chest and stomach, more quickly this time, to his hard cock. I kissed the tip and flicked my tongue against it. I could taste his wetness as I did. He groaned again and I ran my tongue and lips along the shaft, moving up and down. His body jerked slightly as I licked and I smiled quietly to myself. "Do not dally, girl. I haven't all night," he said. I moved back to the tip and slid it past my lips and into my mouth. I sucked him slowly, sliding my lips over him and pushing him deep into my mouth. He arched his back, sliding in deeper. I gagged slightly, pulling my head back, but he reached up and held my mouth on him. I felt tears in my eyes as I held him. He eventually let me go and I coughed before he shoved himself back in again. I could feel my body shaking as I sucked him harder almost pulling his skin as I slid up and down. He grunted again and quickly shot a huge load deep into my mouth. I coughed again, feeling it spill out and land on my thighs. I swallowed as much as I could, trying not to choke. It felt like it wouldn't stop. I could feel my body react to the taste of him by becoming wet again and I could feel myself dripping against my legs. He leaned back and grabbed the alcove collar and placed it above my collar again, shortening the leash and keeping me close to the wall. He turned me on my back and pushed my legs apart. I gasped as I saw him slide between me and press the head of his cock against my wetness. "Masterrrrr...." I purred. He slid in easily, being already very wet, and began to move deeper inside before pulling out again. I moaned, my hands grabbing the fur rug, my body tensing and lifting as he began to take me. " are a hot slave, Tana," he grunted as he shoved his cock in again. I nearly screamed as he fucked me. "Yes....Yes, Masssterrrr..." I moaned. I felt his warm body on top of me, my breasts pressed against him. I could hear him laughing as he pumped harder, feeling him fill me. "May...may this girl....girl yield, Master?" I asked, breathlessly. "No," he replied, grunting again pushing harder and faster still. I could see the sweat on his brow. I bit my lip to keep from screaming again. He grunted and groaned as he fucked me. I lifted my head, feeling the tight collar against my throat. For some reason, it made me more excited. I pulled my head up and down, my hair brushing against the dirt behind the fur. I began to shake, pleasure overtaking my body. I needed to yield..... "Please...please, Master....please...," I begged. I looked into his eyes, they stared back at me from a man fully in control of his situation. "When I have finished," he replied, pushing again. He flipped me over on all fours and pushed in from behind. His hands reached up and began to massage my clit as he fucked me again. I lowered my head. It became difficult to see or even concentrate. My body burned with desire for him. My arms shook and I had trouble holding myself up. He pinched my nipples and my body became electric. It took everything I had to stop from exploding right there. "Aaaiiiii!!!" I yelled. I sunk down on the rug. Master removed his hands from my breasts and put them on my hips. He was now above me, pumping down, pushing deeper than I think any other Master had ever taken me. My face was in the rug and I screamed again, burying my lips so that he hopefully wouldn't hear me. A moment later, he arched his back and I heard his scream as he exploded into me. Without waiting I exploded, feeling our juices mixing as they ran down my legs and on to the rug. Again, he continued pumping until I thought he couldn't release anymore. He fell on top of me, covering my body. Eventually, he pulled out and sat next to me on the rug. I moved close to him, nuzzling in his arm. His breath was heavy and his heart raced. I could feel the sweat in my hair mixing with the sweat on his chest. "I love you, Master," I said. He lay there, silently. I looked up at him and smiled. I watched his face, there was no expression in it. I had been used by a Gorean male. That was it. "Master? May a slave speak?" I asked. He nodded. "Buy me, Master," I begged. "I love you and wish to serve you, wholly, in my slavery." He stood up sharply. I slid down his body and my head was now resting on the mat. "No," he replied, grabbing my hair roughly. The entire mood in the room changed. "I do not need a kajira like you," he continued. "You would do nothing for my career and make me to look like a fool. Just as you did in the tavern tonight." I screamed and began to fear for my life. "No, Master. No. This girl would humbly serve you. She wishes to make Master happy. Not to embarrass Master. Please." I reached up to touch his wrists and he pulled my hair harder. "Please, Master!" His free hand slapped me hard across the face. The alcove collar kept me from moving very far. I tried to roll over to protect myself, but he continued to slap me. Whatever rage was stored up inside him was coming out and there was nothing I could do about it. Any free man may do what he wishes with a slave. He struck me again and finally let me go. I could taste the blood in my mouth and feel the sting on his hand on my face. He stood up and slipped his clothes back on. "You will have your Master beat you for being displeasing...again,slut," he finished. "Be assured, this is the last time I will have you in this place," Once he finished getting dressed, he walked out the door. I was still chained to the wall. I didn't dare try to get myself free. I lay on the floor, crying, curled up in a ball on the soft furs. I could still smell his scent as I lay on the furs. I thought, for a moment, that things might be better. I thought that I could be happy here. Master Farvus returned a few minutes later and proceeded to beat me as Master Abruzzi commanded. I received 10 lashes from him before he unfastened the chain and led me out of the alcove. I couldn't stop crying. My body shook uncontrollably. He grabbed me by the hair and led me to the pens. Instead of being put in the large pen with the rest of the girl, I was placed in a small cell. I had to crawl to get inside and once there, all I could do was kneel. "You will stay here for the evening, Tana," he said. "You will continue your duties tomorrow," He left the room and I was plunged into total darkness. I cried again and heard a pounding on the outside door. "Be quiet in there!" Master Farvus said. I bit my lip and lay there in the dark. There was nothing left for me. I wished that I could die. I couldn't think of any reason to live anymore. In the middle of the night, Alisa came in and snuck me some food. After a few bites, I put it aside, I couldn't eat. I didn't know what to do. She sat with me for some time. "After Master Farvus put you in here, I saw him talking to Master Abruzzi," she said. I laughed nervously. "Probably to find out if I was sufficiently beaten," I replied, touching the marks on my back. "Coins were exchanged," she said. "I've seen that happen before. A Master uses a slave, has her beaten and then buys her later." She shrugged her shoulders. You never know, Tana." "I'm just interested in getting out of here, Alisa. To go as far away as I can. I don't know what else to do." She touched my arm through the bars. "Try to think good thoughts. I think that something positive might happen soon," I smiled at her. She looked around and left the room. Since that time Mom and Dad, I've been dancing and serving patrons here at the slave bells. I do hope that he buys me. I'm still not entirely sure why I wrote this in the first place. Master Portous insisted that I do...but I don't think it helped any. At least if you read this, you'll know that I'm alive. Don't worry about me. I'll be ok. Just be sure that I think about you and I miss you both very much. Your....son Harold. Chapter Fifteen Fourth Hand, Fourth Day of the Ninth Month I lay my head to the sand, the silk and bells still moving from the breeze. My body was covered in sweat, heart racing. All around me, I could hear thunderous noise; men slapping their shoulders in approval. I dare not lift my head until ordered to. After all, I was only a slave. Men threw their coins to me and I collected them quickly. Master Farvus was waiting for me outside in the hall. I knelt before him, smiling, as he took them from the pouch I made in my silks. "You did very well, Tana," he said. "Portous has told me what a good job you're doing. He wants to see you when we are finished here." "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master," I waited as he carefully counted all the coins. His job was to check that all items were accounted for. Slaves are not allowed to own anything, even their name, so if coins are found on a slave they are whipped mercilessly. I saw it happen to one of the girls. She had put a Silver Tarsk in her mouth and never told Farvus about it. She hid it under her straw and when it was found, she was whipped so badly that she wasn't able to stand up for a week. Farvus finished and I darted to Portous' office. The door was open so I slid inside and quickly dropped to my knees. "Master? You called for me?" I asked. He was going through papers on his desk, standing up and throwing things to the side. "What is this?!" he yelled. I looked up. He was holding my papers in his hand. "Master?" I asked again. I heard the door close behind me. I shook a bit but did not look back. It was at that moment, I noticed that Alisa was kneeling at the side of the room, chained to the wall by her collar. She didn't look at me. Her eyes were on Master Portous. "A MAN??!" he yelled. "YOU WERE A MALE BARBARIAN?" My face drained of color. I'm sure I was going to faint. I felt myself wobbling and fought to stay upright. "Master...I....I..." I replied, but stopped. What could I say to him? "" My voice trailed off. He pointed over to Alisa with the papers in his hand. "This girl is able to read your language. I wanted to know what you wrote...and I find THIS!!" Alisa put her head back down. I tried to judge the look in her eyes. It seemed to be disgust and betrayal. I began to cry. "Master...may this girl try to explain?" I asked. He put his hands up. "There is nothing to explain.." he said with distain in his voice. "This explains everything." "Yes...your story explains everything," a voice behind me said, very matter of factly. I spun around. Master Lolar was standing in front of the door. He walked slowly past me, touching my hair as he passed, and continued walking to the desk. "I'm going to be ruined," Portous said. "Everyone will question my slaves. My business will go under. I might as well head North and start again among the Red Savages," He yelled, dropping into his chair. "I told you that I would handle this, my friend," Lolar said. "Have I ever lied to you?" He laughed heartily. "Plenty of times," he replied. "Like those two slave girls on the docks in Port Kar..." Lolar laughed as well. "I had no idea they were lure girls," he said, falling in the chair next to him. "Remember it took us three months to get off that ship?" They continued laughing. Portous took a piece of bread and bit into it, getting more crumbs in his huge beard. "We have been through a lot, you and I," Lolar continued. "We shared adventures, fought fights...and bedded slave girls." Portous nodded, brushing the crumbs from his beard. They landed on his lap, where he then pushed them to the floor. "Yes. Yes," he said. "Have there...I mean, are there other..." His voice trailed off. Lolar shook his head. "I promise my friend, by the Priest Kings, that she is the only one. All the others are genuine." Portous stood up, staring at me again. The look in his eyes was frightening. He picked up the stack of story..pointing them at me. "THIS is the cause of my problems," he said, walking over to the fire. My eyes went wide. "Master...please," I yelled. "No one must know of this," he continued and began tossing sheets of paper into the fire. I leapt up, running towards him. "Tower, kajira," Lolar yelled. If by instinct, I fell back to my knees and put my head down. I looked up. I could see Portous tossing the sheets of paper into the fire, watching them quickly catch and causing a thick layer of soot to form on the bottom. He would throw a dozen pages into it, wait and then throw in more. I wanted to run up and grab them out or knock them from his hand. I could see Lolar looking at me, his eyes like daggers. In a few moments, they were gone. My life flashed before my eyes. As each stack burst into flames, I cried. It was as if a small piece of me died each time it was thrown to the fire. "There. Now we shall never speak of this again," Portous said, falling back into the chair. The floor nearly shook as he flopped back into it. "We said two silvers for the girl, right?" Lolar nodded. That was the most that I have ever seen a slave sold for. When I was sold from Master Kamaras, It was more than double what Portous paid for me. He turned to Alisa, who was still kneeling by the wall. "Bring more paga, girl. Quickly!" She leapt up and headed for a bottle sitting on the far side of the room. Lolar sat down next to Portous again. They talked of old adventures, laughing and joking. They ate some of the bosk meat that Portous had on a plate in front of him. Alisa took the bota and Lolar stood up and met her before she got to the desk. She knelt, handing the bota to him. Lolar then went back and closed the door, before returning to the desk. Alisa was kneeling a few feet from me and to my left. I could see the disgust in her eyes. I looked down and away from her gaze. I could feel it piercing my soul, burring into me. Lolar took the bota and got two fresh goblets from the table. He poured the drinks and handed one to Portous. He held it up. "To you, my friend," he said. Portous nodded and took a huge sip from his cup, draining the glass. "Now," Portous said, putting the goblet down on the table and wiping some of the liquid off his beard. "Let us discuss....uh..." I could see Portous close his eyes, his head slump back in his chair. Alisa saw this as well. "MASTER??!!" she yelled. Lolar saw her and glared. She leapt up, running for the door. She pulled hard on it but couldn't open it....Lolar had locked it when he entered. I watched Lolar speak softly to Portous, leaning in close. I was unable to hear what he said. Alisa was pounding on the door with her fists, screaming. "Help! Help! Master is being poisoned! Please...someone!! Help!!" Lolar looked up, still ignoring her and continued his whispering. Alisa looked back and saw Portous laying back, then began screaming louder. "HELP!! PLEASE!!" she screamed, her fists were red from pounding so hard. A moment later, Lolar sat down in the chair and Portous opened his eyes. He looked over and watched Alisa pounding on the door. "GIRL! TO MY FEET!" he yelled. Alisa was startled and turned. Portous glared at her. "Must an order be repeated?" he continued. She quickly ran up to the table, kneeling before him and kissing his sandals. "What is all this about?" he asked. Lolar smiled. Alisa looked confused. "Master. It appeared were being poisoned." She looked at him, embarrassed. "Poisoned?!" he questioned. He turned to Lolar, who shrugged his shoulders. Portous laughed, his body shaking. "That's ridiculous, slave." He looked at the one clock in the room. "It is getting late," he said, standing up. "I must prepare for the evening's entertainment." "Of course, my friend," Lolar replied. "We said One Silver for the girl, correct?" he said. Portous nodded. He took a silver out of the pouch on his belt and laid it on the counter. "I shall gather my girl and be on my way. I wish you well, my friend." Portous smiled, gripping his hand. "I too wish you well." He turned to Alisa. You will clean the glasses and plates and then report to the pens." "Yes, Master," she said as Portous left the room. She began to walk up, cautiously, to the table where Lolar was sitting. She did not meet his gaze as she approached. "Kneel, slave," he said to her. She quickly fell to her knees, the tray of glasses and plates at her feet. He reached down and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back. She moaned and reached up to touch his wrists. "None of this will ever be repeated, is that understood," he asked speaking to her in English, hissing through his teeth. Her eyes went wide, not knowing he was able to speak and understand Earth language. "Not the events in this room nor the contents of the now burned manuscript. If you disobey, be assured that I will be back....and your tongue will be cut out," he finished, then let go of her hair. "Yes, Master," she replied quickly. "As you say, Master." "Do not think that I'm joking, girl." He reached down and pulled out a knife, making sure she saw it. "I will...cut out...your tongue," Her eyes filled with tears watching the knife, her gaze never left it. He smiled and put it away. "You may go back to your duties," he said. She wasted no time in rising and gathering the rest of the plates and cups and heading out of the room. Lolar walked down to me, slowly. "Master...what..." I asked. He held his finger up to his lips. "All will be explained shortly, Tana," he said. "Open your mouth." I did as he commanded and a wadding was placed into my mouth. He tightened it behind me and then slid a slave hood over my head and tightened it under my chin. The world became dark and quiet. I felt myself being lifted up and carried out of the slave bells. A hand slapped me on the ass as I left and I jumped slightly before Master Lolar pushed my head back down. I felt the warm night air on my naked body as I was moved outside. I closed my eyes, as the bouncing movement was making me a bit sick. I was dropped on to a hard piece of wood and my ankles were fastened into bracelets. I lay quietly on the floor and felt the cart move. A few moments later, the cart started off. I could feel the bouncing movement as we headed down the bumpy road. Chapter Sixteen Fifth Hand, Third Day of the Ninth Month We traveled for three days. Master Lolar only stopped to water the Thalarions and to give me small bits of food and water. My mask was lifted and the wadding taken out of my mouth. Master then shoved a small bit of dried meat into my mouth, which I had to chew quickly before being given a swallow of water and then started the process again. A few times, I gagged on the meat or choked on the water and he would stop for a moment. By the start of the third day, I was able to get the rhythm down. I was never taken out of the cart. Fortunately, it was long enough for me to stretch out or sit on the bench comfortably, but it wasn't comfortable. I longed to be able to stand and run or even walk. We rode a shorter distance that last day and I felt the cart stop. Master jumped down from the driver's seat and opened the back of the wagon. He then walked in, unhooked the bracelet from around my ankle and dragged me out of the cart. He put me on his shoulder again and carried me a short distance before stopping. I could feel him pressing against something and a moment later, we moved through. I was placed gently on a soft fur and I knelt immediately. My legs were still slightly cramped from the long trip, but I stayed there as obediently as I could. I felt Master's hands on the strap under my chin and the mask was pulled off my head. I blinked to adjust to the light and then opened my mouth so that he could remove the wadding. It was wet and squishy from being in there so long and he tossed it into a small fireplace that was along the wall behind me. Master knelt down and got the fire going. He went over to a small cupboard and picked up a large piece of meat, which he then placed on a small rack over the roaring fire. "You may rise, Tana," he said to me. I stood up. "Please, relax. You must be sore and tired from the long trip. He walked over to the cupboard again and took out two small glass bottles. "Scotch or whiskey?" he said. I blinked, looking at him. "I don't have any ice, but I can dilute it with some water, if you'd like," He poured a small bit into a goblet, poured a bit of water from a bucket into it and then handed it to me. I slowly took it, wondering what kind of trick he had up his sleeve. "No trick," he replied as if he was reading my mind. He poured himself a bit of Crown Royal straight. "Please, sit down." I walked slowly over to a wooden chair at a small table. It felt nice to be able to sit somewhere other than the floor. I took a sip of the alcohol and gagged. It had been so long since I've drank any. He watched my expression and laughed, taking small sips of his drink. I could feel the warmth flow through my body and sighed. It felt so good. He took a pot out from another cabinet and put it on the fire next to the meat. It smelled wonderful. I watched as he took a few potatoes and mashed them up, tossing them into the pot with a bit of milk and began to stir it all together, still watching the meat on the rack. "I assume you're hungry," he said, poking the meat with a fork. "There wasn't much to eat over the past few days." I took another sip of the scotch. It felt much better going down. "M...Master?" I asked. "Jim. Please, call me Jim." "Jim?" I asked. He laughed. "Lolar is a name that I took when I came to Gor. My real name is Jim Connor. I used to be an insurance salesman from Minneapolis." He laughed again. " did you get here?" I asked. "That isn't important," he replied, still playing with the meat. "Is Medium Rare ok for you? Cooking over an open fire isn't the most scientific method. I used to be a pretty good griller, though." He took the meat off the rack and placed it on a plate, putting it aside for a moment. He checked on the potatoes, stirring them again, before taking them off the fire and bringing them and the plate with the meat over to the table. It smelled amazing. "I've never seen this type of meat on Gor. What kind is it?" I asked. "Kansas City Sirloin," he replied. "I picked up a few pounds the last time I was back on Earth." He cut the large piece in half and gave one to me before taking the other. He didn't wait and sliced greedily into it, taking large bites. I took the knife and sliced myself a piece, slowly putting it into my mouth. The flavors danced across my pallet as I chewed it. "Mmmmm. That is AMAZING," I said. He laughed. "I know. It's so much better than Gorean meat." He took another bite and scooped some mashed potatoes on to my plate. "Try this. Idaho potatoes with some bosk milk. Unfortunately, there's no way to bring regular milk here. No refrigeration." He laughed again and I took a large scoop of the food. It was warm and slid down my throat. It was wonderful. "Mmmmmm. Ohhhh," I said. He nodded and took a bit more. "How did you get all this?" "I am a crew member on the Voyages of Acquisition that are taken to Earth to find kajira, from the Priest Kings. While I'm there and in- between assignments, I pick up a few necessary things for myself." He tapped the glass. "In fact, I have a ? dozen cigars sitting in a small humidor that I have to get to soon." I nodded and kept eating. It was the best meal I'd had in three years. I took small sips of water as I ate and then finally finished the glass of scotch. I leaned back in the chair, noticing that I was still naked. I covered my breasts with my hands, absentmindedly. He took the last bite of the steak and finished the glass of scotch before leaning back himself. He watched me and smiled again. "It seems your modesty has returned, Tana," he said. I blushed, but didn't move my hands. He cleared his throat and leaned forward. "I feel that I owe you an explanation." He got up and took the bottle of scotch, holding it out to me, asking if I wanted another one. I shook my head and he poured himself another glass before returning. "You were part of an experiment," he began. "We have been taking the women of Earth to Gor for hundreds of years. The men of Gor are much different than the men of Earth, as you well know." He laughed. I nodded. The men of Gor are unlike almost any Earth man; confident, aggressive, masculine. "We wondered how the men of Earth, who were already emasculated by their women, might act as female slaves on Gor. The technology exists to change peoples' appearances, so why not find out? We looked around for almost a year to find a suitable candidate. You were the first to be tested to see if this theory would work. If it was successful, we would have a whole new pool with which to bring slaves to Gor." I shuddered briefly. I couldn't imagine hundreds or thousands of men, men like me, being taken from their homes, changed to females and having to serve the men of Gor. "What...was your conclusion?" I asked. He took another sip of scotch. "The experiment was a success. You proved that a male could be an adequate female slave. Your actions and behaviors proved it. You did everything that you were told to do, without question. You were no more difficult to train than any other slave..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "But you are going to be the only one to undergo this experiment. Even though you behaved properly, the risks are too great." I sighed. At least no one else would have to go through what I went through. "What's going to happen to me now? Will I be returned to Earth? Returned to my male self? Surely if you can go one way...." He stopped me, laughing. "No. You will not be returned to Earth nor changed back to a male. We couldn't have you telling anyone what happened to you." "I wouldn't tell anyone," I replied quickly. "Honestly. I promise." Suddenly, he was himself again. He snapped his fingers and pointed down. I paused a short moment and then moved off the chair and knelt as his feet. He smiled. " are too well conditioned," he replied, his fingers moving through my hair. I leaned into him and purred at his touch. "You will stay on a slave," He finished. He removed his hands from my hair and I blushed as being so easy to manipulate. There was nothing I could do about it. Three years here have conditioned me to do as the Masters command. "" I asked. "Master Portous may not remember that I am..." I blushed again. "A man," I finished. "But he will remember me or I might meet Alisa again." He stopped me. "Do you remember 'Plan B'?" he asked. I thought back to the large operating room and the doctor with his thick accent. 'No need for you to worry about that. It's only used as a last resort.' He had said. I hoped I'd never have to worry about Plan B. Apparently, I was wrong. "Yes....Master," I replied, sliding right back into my role. "Plan a....reset button, so to speak," Lolar said. "It will change your appearance one time only. This body will be changed and you will be a different body AND MIND," he said. "Master??" I asked. "Plan B will erase all memories of your time here on Gor and change your appearance drastically. The nanobots have one more cycle in them. After that, they will die. You will look completely different and not remember anything, including Gorean language. You'll have to learn everything all over again. It won' pleasant," he finished. I gulped and shuddered again. His hand reached up and into my hair softly again. I forgot, for a moment, about everything but that touch. An idea suddenly popped into my head. "Keep me, Master," I exclaimed. "You have already bought me. Please keep me. Let me show you how good a slave this girl can be," I said. I leaned into his touch, brushing my cheek against his hand. My fingers moved up his leg, touching his body. My eyes were begging, pleading. I didn't want to go through all that. I didn't want to start all over again. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I felt his lips against mine and instantly became arroused. My body was betraying me again. His hands moved to my breast and touched me softly. It was like the first time in the hut on Earth. I moaned loudly, not taking my lips off of his. My hands reached his tunic and removed it from his body. I touched his cock which hardened in my hands. I began to stroke it softly, feeling his wetness. My lips left his and I leaned back into his hand again, letting his fingers touch my cheek and lips. My mouth was open and I gasped for breath. My hands gripped him firmer, stroking him faster. His cock was fully hard now and I slid them up and down slowly along its length. I slowly moved my cheek away from Master's touch and moved down his body to his cock. I licked the tip as I stroked him, tasting how wet he was. My tongue flicked along the head and then moved to the underside of his cock as far as where my hands were. He moaned slightly, arching back in the hair and letting his hand fall from my hair. I took the opportunity and opened my mouth, letting his cock slide past my lips and into my throat. I began to suck slowly, running my lips along the shaft. My hands rested on his thighs, sitting there patiently waiting for something to do. I sucked a bit harder on him and tasted him. I moaned, knowing that I was pleasing him, and continued my sucking. "Uhhhh...Tana..." he moaned. I smiled still sucking. I could feel myself getting wetter and reached down casually to touch my throbbing pussy. As my finger reached it, I felt a jolt of electricity that coursed through my body. I jerked a bit and moved my finger away. I could never control myself if I kept doing that. A moment later, he exploded deep in my throat. I swallowed quickly, keeping almost all of it in my mouth. He pushed a few times before falling back in the chair. Master lifted me off him. I stood before him. "I assume.." he said out of breath. "That you are no longer a white silk girl." I shook my head. "No Master, not for some time." I blushed as he lifted me off my feet and placed me gently on the table. The plates were on either side of me. Master took my legs and threw them up over his shoulders. I spread them as far as I could. I wanted this...from the first time that he used me, I wanted this. He took his cock and pushed the tip against my wet pussy. I moaned and thought that I would explode right there. I felt his tip against me and wanted to grab him and push him deep inside me, but I waited. My hands were firmly holding on to the table. He took the tip and moved it against my lips, not quite pushing it inside me. I screamed this time, feeling his cock against me. "Please Master....please.....use this girl....please...this girl begs to be used!" He smiled, his body beginning to sweat. He took the tip and finally pushed it past my lips and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I had been with many men; Master Kamaras and his men, men in the alcoves of the slave bells, even Master Abruzzi...but none had ever made me feel like I felt now. My body tingled, danced with excitement. You always remember your first love. Master grabbed my hips and slid the rest of his hard cock deep into me. My body arched, letting him go deeper and he began to slide in and out, slowly at first then increasing in speed. I gripped the edge of the table harder. I was sure that I was going to snap the wood in half. I arched my back as much as I could. I needed to feel him inside me. I need to feel him use me, as a Master needs to use his slave. "Uuuggghhh!!! Master yelled as he started to pump harder. I could feel his balls slapping against me. I spread my legs wider, feeling the strain against my thighs, the muscles burning. "Aaaiiii!!!" I yelled. I opened my eyes to look at his face. He stared down at me, sweat on his forehead and upper lip. His eyes sparkled as he continued. He grunted and grit his teeth. My body bucked against his. I needed to yield. I could feel how wet I was and I was sure that he could feel it too. "Mmm....Masssterrr!!!" I yelled. " may yield," he said, breathlessly. I felt my body buck once more and exploded all over him. I could feel it dripping down the back of my ass and hitting the table. I screamed loud enough that I'm sure Master Portous could hear me three day's ride away. A moment later, Master stopped and shot his load deep into me. I screamed again and felt myself explode one more time. I threw my head back against the table, my body covered in sweat, my hands straining to hold on to the table, a small puddle under my thighs. A moment later, my body collapsed. I loosened my grip on the table and my legs fell from his shoulders, bending as they hit the table. Master fell backwards, letting go of my hips and back into the wooden chair. "This girl hopes she has pleased Master," I said, slowly taking my time with each word. He laughed, looking at me. "You are...adequate, girl." "Does this mean...Master is content to keep this girl?" I asked, confidently. He laughed again. There was a long pause..... "No," he replied. "You attempted to manipulate me. To use and control me for your purposes. To exploit me. It is not wise to do that to a Gorean male, girl." He stood up and adjusted his tunic. "For this, you could be beaten." My heart dropped. I jumped off the table and fell to my knees. I could still feel the wetness inside me and against my legs. "Forgive me, Master. This slave begs for forgiveness for her actions," I yelped. I put my head down to his feet and kissed his sandals, then looked up again. "It does not matter, Tana," he continued. "In short time you will have other troubles to contend with." He looked down at me. "Position, slave," he said. I moved as I was taught..the position of the pleasure slave. In this case...a used pleasure slave. "Master? May a slave ask one last question?" I asked. He nodded. "When Master Portous said that he had methods to allow information to be sent to Earth, did he mean you Master?" Lolar nodded. "He did." "Can you get a message to my parents, Master? Let them know that I'm all right?" I felt tears filling my eyes. He touched my hair softly. "I will do my best, Tana." He cleared his throat. The next words were in English. "Nanobots...Code X273Lolar...." I felt a buzzing in my head. My vision blurred and my mind went blank. I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. I couldn't scream. "Nanobots...initiate Plan B protocols. Verification LolarX273 Alpha." The buzzing got louder. I tried to close my eyes. I couldn't do anything...except feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Nanobots...begin Plan B procedures. Continue until completed." I heard a click and my body went numb. I fell to the floor, my body lying there. The pain running through me made my head spin. I tried to mouth wouldn't open and nothing came out. Through the pain, I saw Master Lolar kneel down next to me. "Goodbye, Harold," he whispered. The buzzing got even louder. My body convulsed as I felt the changes starting. After a few moments, it became unbearable and I blacked out... Chapter Seventeen Monday, The Eighth of December I woke with a start, wiping the sand off my face. I blinked, trying to adjust to the bright sunshine that was now in my eyes. I brushed my blond hair out of my eyes. I reached my hand up to it and touched it. It wasn't that long yesterday. I stood up, shakily on my feet as they sank slightly in the sand. I brushed the sand off my breasts. It was at that moment I noticed I was naked. I quickly tried to cover my body with my hands, laughing as I needed one more hand to do that effectively. I took the opportunity to look around. I noticed a tent in front of me, about 20 yards ahead. I tried to walk that way and was stopped in my tracks, feeling a pain in my ankle. Looking down, it was then I noticed the cuff around my ankle and the chain....leading to a post that had been sunk in the sand. I walked back to the post and tried to pull the chain free. It wasn't moving. I surveyed my surroundings and tried to remember the last thing that happened. I was asleep in bed. It was snowing. I shook my head, trying to clear it out. I looked up and saw a figure standing about 50 feet away from me. He was just...standing there...staring at me. "Hello?" I yelled. "Hello! You there!" The figure ignored me, just standing where he was. "I could use a bit of help! Hello??!!" I waved to him, but he stood rigid. I thought for a moment, he might be a mirage. Quickly, a hand reached into my hair and I was thrown back to the sand. I looked up in time to see a five lashed whip coming towards me. I reached up my hand to cover myself, but the lash fell before I could. I felt the sting against my skin and screamed. "Stop!! Stop!! Please!!" I yelled. "Da, Kajira. Har-ta. Har-ta," he said, firmly. He was pointing to his feet. "I don't know what you're saying. Please! I can't understand you," I said again. The lash fell on my body one more time. The pain was amazing. "Da, Kajira! Har-ta! Har-ta!" he said again. He was louder and more insistent. I crawled slowly to him feet, kneeling in the hot sand. He used the handle of the whip to spread my knees wider. I fought to keep them shut but each time I did, he pushed them open again. "Nadu, Kajira!" he said. "Please, I don't know what you're talking about. My name is Harriet Masterson. I don't know where I am or how I got here. Please, I need your help," I said. I turned around and the figure standing on the other side of the post was still there. "Sir! Please! If you can understand me...I need help!" The whip hit my back again and the pain went through my body like a knife. I screamed. I looked up again in time to see the stranger walk silently away. Chapter Eighteen Monday, The Twenty Second of December Epilogue The large black car sat across the street from the small semidetached house. Three men sat in the car, two in the front and one in the back. The snow fell lightly and the wipers on the car easily swished away the flurries. "How long must we wait?" asked the man in the back seat. He looked at the man in the front passenger's seat. The man was silent. "I think," the driver stated, "that you are getting weak, Lolar." Lolar moved catlike, smashing the man's head against the steering wheel several times before pulling his head back by the hair, a dagger at his throat. "I should kill you right now for making a remark like that," he said, hissing. The driver shook slightly. Lolar smiled, pushing the dagger deeper into the driver's neck. "You still think me weak?" The driver shook his head, tasting the blood from his broken nose. Lolar took the dagger and placed it back in its sheath. "Next time, you will die," he said. The driver looked forward not making eye contact with Lolar. Lolar looked back out the window. The snow was beginning to coat the driveway of the small house. "I made someone a promise," he said. "I plan to fulfill it." The man in the back sighed quietly. Lolar shifted in his seat and the man squirmed uncomfortably. Earlier in Lolar's hand was an envelope, closed with a wax seal. He had placed it in the mailbox of the house. Now, he waited. He turned on the radio and changed it to a rock and roll station. He smiled, slightly. Shortly, a car pulled up in the driveway of the home and two people got out. The man, grey haired and looking to be in his mid to late sixties, took a few grocery bags out of the back seat and trudged slowly up to the door of the house. He kicked the stoop, knocking some of the snow off his boots and grumbled. The woman, wearing a bonnet, walked over to the mailbox and opened it. She saw the letter and looked at it curiously. She touched the wax seal and flipped it over. On the front, Lolar had written "Harold wanted you to have this" in a fancy script. She called up to her husband, who was coming out for another few bags of groceries. She handed him the letter, he stared at it...touching the wax seal and ripped it open quickly. He unfolded the pages inside and started to read. Lolar looked out the window again. He could see the look of shock and disbelief in the man's face. He started to wobble and sat down in the snow. His wife knelt next to him. They were unable to hear what was said, but the man handed the letter off to her. She read it and shook, unable to believe what she was reading.

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Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

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Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

3 years ago
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Daughter of Gor part 3

Author's disclaimer This is a work of fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman, and no financial or other gain is being made or intended by the author of this work. This work must not be reposted on other sites. Warning: If you don't know anything about Gor, you should be aware that this story is likely to contain descriptions of strong violence, including sexual violence. The story so...

2 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 2

This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorises the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. Enjoy. What Has Gone Before: Armand of Tellus is an Earth-born agent of the secretive...

2 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 1

This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorises the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. Enjoy. Agents of Gor by Albedo Chapter 1 Armand of Tellus pulled on the six-rein, and the...

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Daughter of Gor part 2

Author's disclaimer This is a work of fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman, and no financial or other gain is being made or intended by the author of this work. This work must not be reposted on other sites. Warning: If you don't know anything about Gor, you should be aware that this story is likely to contain descriptions of strong violence, including sexual violence. The story so...

3 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 6

Agents of Gor: Part 6 Two Girls are Prepared to Serve in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination...

2 years ago
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Cosplayers of Gor Part 9

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

3 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 7

Agents of Gor: Part 7 Two Girls serve in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. He can be contacted via his...

3 years ago
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Cosplayers of Gor Part 2

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

2 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 3

This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. What Has Gone Before: Armand of Tellus is an Earth-born agent of the secretive Priest-Kings of Gor....

1 year ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 2

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter two: I awake in Corcyrus after a long drugged sleep, where I swiftly discover the limitations of my new body. I dreamt such vivid dreams during the time I was encased within the capsule. It seemed perhaps that several lifetimes went by in my dream state during my gradual transformation and, I suppose, the subsequent space flight. I know now that the strange cube like building situated...

2 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 4

Agents of Gor: Part 4 A Girl is Trained and Has a Glimpse of her Possible Future by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission,...

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Mistress of Gor pt 3

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter Three: I think I am in love with the former Miss Rachel Evans of Oakhampton. "Are you satisfied with your new lodgings, Felice?" Kurgus drew back some ornate velvet drapes to permit sunshine to flood the room through the bay windows. The windows led out onto a small balcony overlooking the gardens to the rear of the property. I was now dressed as a typical Gorean Free Woman of Corcyrus of...

4 years ago
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Daughter of Gor combined version featuring bonus sequel The Short Second Life of Gunter Rahmsdorf

Author's disclaimer This is a work of fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman, and no financial or other gain is being made or intended by the author of this work. This work must not be reposted on other sites. Author's Note: I wanted to combine the sections of Daughter of Gor and correct some minor typos and editorial issues that came from posting in parts. But before I disappoint you - most of...

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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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Agents of Gor Part 8

Agents of Gor: Part 8 A Girl prepares to Sleep by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it for themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. He can be contacted via his...

3 years ago
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Cosplayers of Gor Part 6

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

2 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 5

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 5: Kurgus gives me a mission. I am now very scared indeed. One of the things I have most difficulty with as I write this account of my adventures on Gor, is forcing myself to think as I did in the early days, and recollect only what I knew than and not varnish the account too much with the privilege of hindsight. Foreshadowing is a great thing in a narrative story, but too much of it can...

3 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 6

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 6: I speak my mind to Kurgus, which it transpires is a mistake "I have a distinct fondness for sleen," said Kurgus as he lifted a large chunk of raw meat on the end of a spiked pole and placed it before the great beast's jaws. The broad, triangular head tapered to a whiskered snout with beady eyes and a mouth set with two rows of fangs that quickly jerked forward and snapped at the chunk of...

1 year ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 1

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a direct sequel of sorts to Olga Turlovna's amazing 'Daughter of Gor' story on Fictionmania which, if you haven't read it yet, comes with my cast iron recommendation as being one of the very best TG stories I've ever read, full stop, end of paragraph. Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery, and so after devouring the final episode I contacted Olga and...

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Mistress of Gor pt 12

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 12: We arrive at the gates of Patashqar and deliver the Lady Sakkara to her Free Companion to be. The great gates of Patashqar stand as tall as twelve men and broad enough for eight kaiila riders to pass through in line abreast. It is said that 1,001 spear points guard the gates and that there are only two ways in which a woman may pass through into the city: firstly if she is a collared...

2 years ago
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Cosplayers of Gor Part 1

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

1 year ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 4

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 4: Jacinta and I attend the Theatre in Corcyrus. I enjoy tormenting a male slave called Brinn. I am such a bitch these days. I have been very happy these past few days in the company of the delightful former Miss Rachel Evans of Oakhampton. On this wild and barbaric planet I seem to have made a friend, and that. coupled with the fact that the initial shock of capture has receded, meant I...

1 year ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 8

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 8: A Caravan to the Tahari. The Free Women play a game that is not to my liking. The caravan moved slowly, ponderously even, as if time itself was a relative obscurity that held no sway in the vast desert expanse of the Tahari. From one end of the line to the other it stretched perhaps ninety beasts long, but in addition to that number there were perhaps a dozen outriders on either flank...

4 years ago
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Gor Wish

Author’s note: All characters in this story are fictional and any similarity to real people is unintended.  All characters are aged 18 or above.  This story is copyrighted and may not be copied or published, or displayed without author’s permissionDear reader this is my first story so please be gentle.  I simplified the world of Gor some so that those unfamiliar with it wouldn’t have to worry about ahns or hours in the day.  If this story is received well I plan on writing more.  I have got...

2 years ago
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Harem Girl of Gor

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter One: The Floating Market of the Oasis of the 23 Palms As I stood there in the dust, naked, in a collar and sirik chain arrangement, perspiring under the heat of the late morning sun, I remember thinking to myself how strange it was that there were only 21 palm trees growing in the so called 'Oasis of the 23 Palms'. The 'floating' market met once a week and like many markets formed around a desert oasis it broadly consisted of three tiers of...

3 years ago
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Agents of Gor Part 5

Agents of Gor: Part 5 A Girl has a Bath and Meets a Stranger by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Two

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Two: Kara and I enter the public pens of Banu Hashim where I am forced to fight the slave-girl Kima and where I gain a chain sister. I have been writing this account of my time on Gor for sixteen long nights now, by the light of the three moons, inscribing words on paper from early dusk in the place I now call home, and during that time I often speculate on who you are - that is, you, the person reading this account of my adventures here. I suspect you...

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Mistress of Gor pt 9

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 9: We are attacked before dawn. Now everything changes. I reclined on a pile of soft velvet cushions and stretched my hand towards the silver bowl of sweet dates that a slave-girl belonging to Lady Sareena was holding before me. A silken pagoda had been erected for the richer members of the caravan, a place in which we could eat, drink and converse in luxury. Captain Arturius sat to my right;...

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Mistress of Gor pt 11

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 11: We rest for the night with consequences "Stop pressing against me, slut!" snapped Sakkara as once again the rocking motion of the sand kaiila caused the two of us to nudge one another. The space inside the kurdah was as cramped as I had feared it might be. There was no getting away from the fact that Sakkara and myself would be in close proximity to one another for several long...

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Agents of Gor Part 75 Second Interlude

Agents of Gor: Part 7.5 - Second Interlude A Girl Reflects on her Night of Service in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves....

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Seven

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Seven: My downfall is complete. The dried blood on my upper thighs was evidence of what I already knew - that I was no longer white silk. I lay now on my belly on the tiles of the alcove floor, the slave ring and chain still locked in place around my ankle. The length of white silk lay near the curtain where Seremides had cast it aside. It was no longer appropriate for me. In future if I was to be given pleasure silks to wear, they would almost certainly...

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Agents of Gor Part 85 Third Interlude

Agents of Gor: Part 8.5 - Third interlude Some Girls Consider the Meaning of Silks before they Sleep. by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the...

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Agents of Gor First Interlude

Agents of Gor: Interlude A Girl Considers her Situation in the Morning Light by Albedo This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. ...

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Mistress of Gor pt 10

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 10: The Oasis of Jallabad To say the sand kaiila was on its last legs was an optimistic assessment of the poor beast's rude health, as it now lay on the ground by a water hole, gasping, exhausted, with blood matted around its hind leg. "It will go no further," was the assessment of Seremides. "The lance thrust that it received during the attack on our camp was severe. We are fortunate...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Five

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Five: Erin I was dressed in clinging white pleasure silks as I danced before two men on mosaic tiles on the ground floor of the slave pen building that surrounded the open courtyard of metal grilles which in turn provided light and air for the dismal slave caverns below. It was the first time in six weeks that I had been taken up out of the cavern and onto the surface of Patashqar and the first time since then that I was breathing clean air. One of the...

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Cosplayers of Gor Part 3

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

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Mistress of Gor pt 7

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 7: I am alone with Brinn in a stable barn where no one can help me. "There is straw and empty sacking over there," said Brinn as he slid a locking bolt on the inside of the stable door, securing it in place with a padlock. "Make a bed of sorts with it." I was frozen practically motionless with fear. Inside the stable it was gloomy, with light only filtering through a series of arched...

4 years ago
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Mistress of Gor pt 13

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 13: I enter the House of Abdul-Hamid and learn the truth of what is required of me. The House of the celebrated Taharian slaver, Abdul-Hamid, lies on Muqtadir street, not far from the Inn of Rashid off the square of Muntasir, on the street of Sariyah. It is one of the better and more respectable of the slave houses in Patashqar, and is one of the Seven ruling Slaver Houses within the city,...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three: Our slave training begins in earnest. "Not good enough, Emma!" The switch struck my thigh with a sharp crack, causing me to scream for the third time this morning. Tears welled in my eyes as I knelt on the floor in what I thought was a very good Nadu position. I wondered what I had done wrong this time. "Head up!" The switch tapped under my chin and I raised it another inch. "Shoulders back!" Bahira now tapped my shoulders with the switch and...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Six

Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Six: ' Tarn-Five-Elipse-Fathom-Eighteen-Cable-Nine' I was dancing in the mosaic tiled room before the two men who conversed together as they watched me move. Aside from them there were two musicians in the corner providing the rhythm and melody for my dance. One sat with a czehar - a Gorean eight stringed instrument shaped like a large flat box which is held across the lap when sitting cross-legged and played with a horn pick. The other set out a beat on a...

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Harem Girl of Gor Outtake

Harem Girl of Gor: Studio Outtake The final chapter of the Emma trilogy should be posted next week, but in the meantime I thought I'd post a couple of 'outtakes' from the various books that never made it to the final draft. This is one of them, and it would have appeared somewhere in the middle of 'Harem Girl of Gor,' after Emma's experiences in the slave pens of Banu Hashim. This was originally written before I decided that Brinn would buy Emma outright at the Oasis. I originally...

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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Four

Harem-girl of Gor Chapter Four: A Thousand Years of Suffering I tried not to smile as Kima, the bully who had made my life horrible these last couple of weeks, wept floods of tears as she knelt in the training room to the left of Bahira. You're not so tough now, are you, bitch, I thought to myself with a considerable degree of smugness. Oh, but this was wonderful. She looked like the most pitiful of slaves now, as if her life had practically ended. As I watched, Bahira told Kima...

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Mistress of Gor pt 14

Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 14: I am led naked and on a leash to the Slaver House of Banu Hashim I was just another girl - just another girl being marched naked through the dusty sand covered streets of Patashqar, naked that is save for my steel collar, now with the added inscription of my slave name, Emma, and naked except for the slave bracelets locking my wrists behind my back; naked save for the iron belt locked...

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Chrysalis Turns to Butterfly

This story is fiction as are the characters. Caggetts Wood is fictional. Please do not confuse this tale with real life. The attitudes described should not be read as the norm for British standards or Government policy (whatever that is). Marion and Marianne are the same person. There is little graphic sex in this story. THE CHRYSALIS AND THE BUTTERFLY A French accommodation for an English marriage. CHAPTER ONE The customary faces of the High Street greeted Marion as she made her way from...

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Chrysalis of Kirsten

Date: March 22, 2019 Author: Kirsten Addison Subject: Chrysalis of Kirsten Chapter 1 By KirstensubTS My name is Steven aka Kirsten. This story is about how I went from a closet cross dresser to becoming a full time transsexual slave. This story is mostly true, based on my journals with dramatic license to make it more exciting and readable. Names have been changed. This is who I am. Chapter 1: Youth and Confusion I grew up in San Francisco. The City is a haven for personal freedom and...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

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kia kajira formerly kajira red silk of gor

Dedicated to Kia kajira formerly kajira red silk of Gor Kajira va was once jan very best me'shan, that could have been. Ki once did va dishonor or complaIn, trik va was never lay va only ever gave Mayam not just to me. Roh va shak was ki other who would tale what va did. I was nerak van an van I did ki wali va. Even when fori Ma I stood in your vee. My own needs where hab on my kana even after jan jula of your kan. I could not bare to loose va. Or ever wished to! The tor and parabu of kajira...

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Victoria and the ChastityGuard MK III

Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...

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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part III

Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part III Copyright 2001 by A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. ------------- Chapter Seventy-one Darla I was sitting in the office reflecting on recent events and on balance things could...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part III

Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message: you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...

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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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