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Author’s note: All characters in this story are fictional and any similarity to real people is unintended.  All characters are aged 18 or above.  This story is copyrighted and may not be copied or published, or displayed without author’s permission

Dear reader this is my first story so please be gentle.  I simplified the world of Gor some so that those unfamiliar with it wouldn’t have to worry about ahns or hours in the day.  If this story is received well I plan on writing more.  I have got many stories in my head just waiting to be put down.  I know some of the story was slow and the stories I have in mind would be a mix with some being for character and story than erotic but don’t worry I have plans for more erotic BDSM stories to go along with them.  Also I would highly recommend John Norman’s Gor series for anybody into erotic fantasy or just fantasy writing they are all in electronic versions.  Hope you enjoy.


Someone was nudging me awake.  I didn’t want to get up I had had a long day at work the previous day and all I wanted to do when I got back to my apartment was sleep.  I turned over hoping whatever was nudging me would go away but then my mind began to work and I realized that nobody but me should be in my apartment so who was shaking me.  That thought woke me up completely.  I shot up from my lying position and tried to make sense of the world around me. 

It took me a second but I realized I wasn’t in my apartment but in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but forest.  I took in my surroundings and then noticed my own self.  I was very different from what I was yesterday.  Today I was a well built man with strong muscles all over and no fat whatsoever on my body, no scars, no pimples, mostly hairless and no blemishes.  I was in my own mind a perfect example of a healthy athletic male.  Previously I had been a slightly overweight regular guy with plenty of hair on my body but now I was the exact opposite.  What the hell was going on?  I was also wearing a tunic and crude pants with leather boots. 

I turned to look around and noticed a fire going with a pot on top cooking something and a naked woman kneeling in front of me.  She was beautiful, long red hair, white skin, not too pale but not too tanned either, she had brown eyes, full lips and a great set of tits.  I judged them to be about a size 42DD but that didn’t make them great they were firm no sagging with big pink nipples.  Though she was kneeling I could tell she was thin with a flat stomach and toned legs and arms.  I also noticed an iron collar around her neck. 

As soon as she saw me looking at her she lowered her eyes and head quickly and said, ?I am sorry Master but I was told to wake you after sunrise and once you had collected yourself to present you with this.?  She held out a letter to me.  Her hands were shaking and her voice though pleasant had a bit of fear in it. 

I took the letter without speaking and she lowered her hands to her sides waiting.  Something was going on but I didn’t think I would get much information out of her so I pulled my eyes away from her body and opened to the letter and began to read.

Dear Mr. Scott;

You have always wished to visit the Planet Gor since you first read John Norman’s Gor books.  I have granted this wish.  You are now on Gor.  This is no joke as you can see from the changes made to your body I have a great deal of power and simply wanted to grant your wish in return for doing me a kindness.  You are on Gor, you body has been transformed into a warrior’s body.  Your body is the pinnacle of a Gor Warrior.  Your strength, speed, stamina, and reactions have all been enhanced.  I did not stop modifying with just your body.  Your mind now contains all the information you need to be a warrior of Gor.  You can speak, read, and write fluently in Gorean, as well as knowing all about the culture of Gor.  You body and mind have been trained in the standard techniques of combat and in the future you will be able to learn new information quickly whether it be a new weapon or a different dialect of Gorean not available in the mainstream.  In general it will be as if you have lived on Gor your entire life.  You continue to retain all the knowledge you have gained yourself while back on Earth including all the books written about Gor.  Also I took the liberty of finding you a slave though she knows you are her Master she doesn’t know anything else.  She was purchased and brought here without any knowledge of who bought her or why.  She was told before being left at your side, hooded, that the man lying next to her was her Master and to wake you after sunrise and present this letter to you.  Also you will find all the stuff you will need around you including sword, shield, helmet, and spear.  I have deposited you in this field only a few hours walk to Port Kar and a few days before Tarl Cabot arrives in Port Kar under the alias of Bosk.  You know what is going to happen but by you being here you can change it if you want to or you can simply do whatever you want Gor is yours; I hope you enjoy yourself. 

P.S. If you ever want to go back to Earth and resume you life wish for it and it will happen but you will be unable to return to Gor.

       I read the letter three times and I was still shocked.  Was this some kind of prank no it couldn’t be or else my body wouldn’t have been so different from what it was.  Also the note was in gorean and I had read it perfectly.  I looked around again and sure enough there was a everything I would need.  In particular there was a sword not a gladius like I would have expected but a hand and half long sword.  The blade was made of the finest steel and by a master blacksmith with a strong silver hilt and a leather grip.  It came with a sheath that I could wear over my back.  Also present was a red cloak signifying my status as a warrior.  There was a blanket to keep warm and use to sleep on.  There was a crude backpack also with a red tunic in it, some chains, a whip, and about 50 gold coins, 100 silver coins, and 100 bronze coins. 

       I turned to the slave who had been silent the entire time I had been reading the letter and examining the camp site.  I bid her to stand.  She stood quickly; head still bowed, back straight, chest out, hands at her sides.  I examined her closely.  Her skin was flawless, she was about a head shorter than me, and she had toned muscles as if she had been through a lot of exercise not to build muscle but to tone them.  Again her tits were great and her ass was excellent just how I liked it firm and round, big enough to be gripped hard but not fat so it stuck out greatly.  Her hair was down to her hips which were in perfect proportion to her body.  Whoever JN was he certainly knew what I liked.

       The slave stood perfectly still while I thoroughly examined her.  I noticed a small gorean K on her thigh meaning she had been branded with the common K for Kajira.  It looked very good on her.  I lifted her chin to examine her fact and I could see she was blushing from my examination which made her even more desirable in my opinion. 

       She flinched a little when I spoke, ?What is your name??

       It took her a second to answer, ?My Master has not given me a name.?

       I smiled, this was getting good.  I said, ?True, what are you??

       ?I am your slave my master.?

       ?Good answer slave, for now I will simple call you slave until you earn a name.?

       ?As my master wishes.?

       ?Tell me about yourself.?

       ?Yes my master.  You are my third master.  I was the daughter of an unsuccessful merchant who was sold in order to pay my father’s debts when I was 16 years old.  I was trained in the basics of being a pleasure slave by my first master.  Once I knew the basics I was taken to Ar to be sold in the market.  I was sold to a rich builder who had many girls and for a time I was one of his favorites but he soon got bored with me and forgot about me.  I was used by his guests and guards when called upon.  I was never whipped excessively but I have felt the whip before.  The builder died a short while ago and I along with his other slaves was sold by his son.  I was purchased for 2 silver coins and 5 tarsks and brought here where when the sun came up I took off my hood and saw you lying on the ground Master.?

       ?That is enough for now slave.?

       ?Yes my master?

       Her story was given without much emotion except for the parts where she was a favorite and when she was purchased for me.  I took her collar in my hand and examined it.  It read property of Scott.  Well I guess my benefactor took care of pretty much of everything.  I began to fondle my new slave.  Having never been much of a success with women on Earth I couldn’t resist fulfilling my greatest desire now that I had it.  I teased her nipples which became stiff very quickly, she was breathing harder now.  She pushed her chest further out to make it easier for me.  I pinched her nipples hard and she gave a little squeak.  I continued running my fingers down her body and grabbed her ass hard with one hand and thrust a finger into her pussy with the other.  She was wet very wet.  She moaned when I removed my finger and I moved my now wet finger to her lips where without delay she opened her mouth and began to suck her juices off my finger.   I released her ass from my grasp and took my finger out of her mouth. 

       I wanted to throw her down on the ground and use her body thoroughly.  But I knew it would be better to wait until she begged for it.

       When I ceased my examination there was a slight sigh from her.  I ordered her to pack up the camp and watched her race about packing away my belongings which of course included a slave whip and switch.  Her movements were graceful and sexy as hell.  She probably was trying to entice me into using her properly.  When she was done she came before me and knelt.

       She said, ?Master may this slave speak??

       I considered it rubbing my chin as if deep in thought and replied, ?Go ahead slave speak.?

       ?This slave begs your touch master.  I have not been used since I was bought and crave your touch.?

       I looked down at her and it took great restraint to not rape her there and then but I held back.  I grabbed her hair and pulled her into a standing position and began to fondle her again.  Keeping hold of her with one hand I used the other to explore her body.  She moaned in pleasure from my touch.

       I looked into her eyes and said, ?You are a hot slave aren’t you?  I can feel the heat in your belly slave rising to the surface begging to be released.?

       ?Yes Master it is from your strong touch.  I beg for my master to use me however he wants.?

       She was pleading for my touch.

       ?What are you??  I asked in a stern voice with a great deal of authority.

       Her eyes fell and she replied, ?I am nothing Master, just a female slave.  Your slave my master.?

       ?Anything else.?

       ?No, just a slave master.?

       I couldn’t stand waiting any longer.  She was in my grip begging to be used knowing that she was under my power.  I threw her down on the ground on her stomach.  Before she could lift herself I was behind her.  I opened my pants letting my large hard cock out and quickly plunged it into her.  Her pussy was wet and eager for my cock.  She gave a loud shout of pleasure as I entered her.  I held myself in her for a moment for I began to pump in and out of her.  Her pussy gripped my cock hard not wanting to let it go.  I hammered her hard and fast not giving her a moment to relax.  I took my pleasure from her body not caring if she was feeling any pleasure.

       I exploded inside her and as I did her pussy milked my cock for all my cum.  When I was done I looked down at her and she had a content look upon her face as she breathed hard with her chest expanding and collapsing.  But I was not done with her yet. 

I gave her a moment and then in a harsh voice said, ?Slave, clean me with your mouth.?

She jumped to her knees immediately and replied, ?Yes master.?

She started licking the head of my cock and then down my shaft cleaning the mix of her juices and my cum.  Once she initially gave my cock the once over with her tongue she parted her lips and took in my cock.  She sucked on my cock while using her tongue to massage it.  Her hands were not empty as she massaged my balls.  I watched her take my cock in and out of her mouth.  It was a great feeling and soon enough I was hard again and pumping in and out of her mouth.  As I looked down grabbing the side of her head she was staring up at me with a look of happiness.  I could feel I was about to explode so I pushed her head all the way down my shaft so her nose was touched my skin. I let an animalistic growl as I exploded in her mouth feeling the back of her throat with my tip.  She did not gag or cough but swallowed all I released. 

I did not order her to stop pleasing me and she continued to use her mouth to please me.  And once again I was hard I told her to stop and once I was released from her mouth I pushed her onto her back.  There she was fully exposed to me, legs spread pleading to be raped.  I leapt on top of her quickly sliding into her.  Her pussy was even better the second time.  I gripped her luscious tits in my hands as I pounded in and out of her.  This time I took my time with her and paid attention.

She was moaning and screaming in pleasure, ?Yes master, use your slave.  Thank you master, thank you.  I can feel you inside of me.?  Her screams of pleasure encouraged me and I sped up my thrusts.

She continued to call out, ?Yes master use your worthless slave.  I am a female slave and you are my master.  I yield to you Master.  I yield to you my master.  I am your slave for your pleasure.?  Her pussy gripped hard as she shuddered from a hard orgasm.  Energy left her body but I was not done.  I continued to thrust until I climaxed again and when she felt my seed enter her body she came again louder and harder this time.

We lay there for a few minutes catching our breaths; me on top of her.  When I had collected myself I stood up looked down on my slave that seemed to be completely content with her life.  I grabbed her hair and used it to clean myself.  I quickly dressed and slung my sword over my shoulder.  I looked down.

She kneeled before me legs spread, back straight, arms at her side, chest out, and head lowered.  I said, ?Carry and the backpack and let us be off we have a destination to reach.  Be quick about it slave I mean to get where we are going before dark.? 

She rose and picked up the heavy backpack and replied, ?Yes Master.?

       ?Hold it? I ordered.

She stopped I went around behind her and reached into the pack.  I pulled out some slave cuffs.  These were wrist cuffs linked together by a small chain six inches apart.  I pulled her hands behind her back and put her in these cuffs.  Her hands were located just above her ass and she was unable to move them.  She looked sexy as hell when I examined her. 

I started walking towards Port Kar, I couldn’t tell you the direction but I knew I was going the right way.  I didn’t even glance back to see if the slave was having any trouble I just kept walking for what I guessed were many hours.  Finally we saw Port Kar ahead of us perhaps no more than an hour’s walk. 

I stopped to gaze at the city built by slaves and my heart started beating fast.  I was excited I was thrilled to be here this was my dream world and I was going to fulfill all my fantasies and have a grand adventure. 

The slave stood behind and the right of me.  She looked tired but she made no protest knowing if she did she would be punished.  I turned to her and said, ?We are almost there slut, Port Kar, perhaps when we get there I will sell you for a few copper bits.?  I started to laugh at the look she had on her face as if what I had just said or what I told her I was going to do was a death sentence.  She fell to her knees quickly and started kissing and licking my feet.

She looked up in between kisses and pleaded, ?Please my master don’t sell me I will be pleasing to you.  I will please with all my heart.  I will do anything to please you.  Please keep me.  Please.?  Her pleading was enchanting.

I replied to her, ?You would be pleasing to any male who owned you slave.  For you are a slave and nothing else and slaves are to be pleasing at all times.?

She looked up and I could see tears in her eyes, ?Of course Master, I am a slave and will be pleasing to all free males.  I hope in my heart that I may be of some interest to you master.?

?You slave may be of some interest to me.  You are of enough interest to me to keep until I find another.?

?Yes Master thank you master.  I will strive to be pleasing to you.?

?Of course you will you are a slave and a slave who is not pleasing to her master is punished harshly.?  I had a smirk on my face when I said this; enjoying the power I held over her and imagining all the things I could do to her and in fact she would beg with all her heart for me to do them to her. 

I picked her up from the ground and set her on her feet and said, ?Let us be off I need to find a room to sleep in and dinner to eat.  I have important business to attend to tomorrow and need to be rested.?  I started to walk and she followed.

It didn’t take long for me to find a boat willing to take us across the channel, for a few copper coins, to the city.  The trip didn’t take long and the rower suggested a convenient inn near the docks. 

We climbed out of the boat and made our way to the inn.  I was wary taking in everything I could without being too obvious and watching my purse of coins.  I knew from reading that Port Kar had a recognized caste of thieves and didn’t want to be robbed the first day I arrived. 

The inn was in a wooden three story building with chipped paint and a rundown look.  I pushed through the door and stepped into a dimly lit room with a desk to the right and to the left were chain rings for securing slaves.  Further back away from the door I could see tables with benches, booths, and in the middle a big fire pit.  The room was empty obviously the nightly crowd hadn’t gotten off work yet.  Behind the desk was an older man with a slight hunch, a creased face and a large stomach.  He was watched me examine the surroundings and then gazed at my slave, evaluating her.  I approached him.

He looked up and greeted me, ?Tal.?

I replied, ?Tal, I will need a room for the night, with a bed and clean sheets.  I want a hot bath also and will need soap and a towel.  And I assume you serve dinner in the next room??

?Yes we do, sir, we cook only the freshest catch and the bread is fresh.  The room won’t be a problem and the bath shouldn’t, though it will take some time to heat the water and fill the tub but I can have the slaves do it, no problem. Half payment upfront for the room, bath, food you can charge to your room and pay before you leave tomorrow.  I will also need some kind of security deposit.?  He named a sum and I was not in the mood to haggle so I gave it to him.

?Your slave is not allowed out of the room unless you are with her.  Please keep her leashed if you plan on using the dining room.  Of course we do have slave cages if you wish to store her for the night.  Those are located downstairs and she will be fed slave gruel in the morning and if requested tonight.  If you decide to keep her in your room, for a small extra charge I can have some slave gruel brought up to your room tonight and in the morning.?

?That is alright I plan to keep her with me.  She is a new acquisition and she hasn’t learned my tastes yet.?

?Very good, sir, your room is on the third floor second door on your right.  The baths are on the second floor I will have someone call you when the bath is ready.  Do you need to be escorted or help carrying your belongings??  As he said this he handed me a key on a heavy thick chain.

I shook my head signaled for my slave to stand and follow. I headed up the stairs to my room.  It wasn’t much of a room but it had what I needed, a cot with a blanket and cushions, a small open frame that gave it some natural light covered by drapes and some candles for when it got dark.   Along the wall next to the bed were slave rings to chain slaves to serve.  There wasn’t an extra blanket or cushion for the slaves but they weren’t needed. 

It didn’t seem that long until there was a knock on my door informing my hot bath was ready.  By the time I was done washing and dressed it was dark and time for dinner.  I leashed my slave and she followed me down to dining room which now was occupied by various people eating and drinking.  I ate a small meal and ordered slave gruel for the slave.  She was about to use her hands to help her eat when lightly kicked her and shook my head.  She understood and began to eat without her hands.  She was on her knees lapping up a bowl of gruel with her hands behind her back.  I didn’t feel like staying in the dining room so went back to my room. 

I was planning to fully enjoy my new slave.  I told her to lay out the blanket on the floor and she jumped to do it.  When she was done she laid back and lifted her foot for chaining.  I chained her ankle to the wall and stared at her.  Though she was chained to the wall there was enough chain for her to move anywhere in the room. There before laid a beautiful woman, naked, exposed and willing.  Not just willing but eager to please.  She was blushing a little when she saw me examining her. 

I am no expert in pleasing women, I wasn’t not exactly a popular fellow back on earth but when I knelt beside her I knew what to do.  I knew how make her quickly climax, how to postpone her pleasure for as long as I wanted to.  I knew without any hesitation how to use my fingers, tongue, or cock to excite, control and dominate her.  I had confidence I never knew I had.  She was mine and I knew how to use her.

I wanted to take my time and explore my new knowledge.  I took her hands and cuffed them to the wall above her head.  She was stretched before me.  I started with my hands gently caressing her body, my rough hands slid up her smooth skin starting with her legs and moving up slowly to her breasts.  I slid my hands underneath her feeling her smooth back and her firm ass squeezing gently at first.  Her reaction was instant I touched her.  She squirmed and started to breath hard.  She moaned when I squeezed her ass and then yelped when I squeezed hard.  I spread her legs and started to caress around her pussy which was already wet at my touch.  I continued teasing her for a few minutes watching her reactions. 

She looked at me and in a pleading tone she spoke, ?Please master.?

?Please what slave??

?Please master stop teasing your helpless obedient slave.?

       ?Oh I see. Your tired from the walk today and don’t want to feel your master’s touch.?  I said in a serious way.

       Her eyes went wide and her she shook her head, ?No master, your slave begs the master’s touch.  Your slave only wants to please you master.  Please master use your slave for your pleasure.  Your slave begs for your touch, she yearns for it constantly.?  She said this and her voice had a tinge of fear as though I really thought she didn’t want my touch.

       I looked at her and replied seriously, ?Well I don’t know if I should now.?

       ?Please master your slave begs your touch, please use this unworthy body to please yourself.  Your slave begs to serve her master.  Please master, please.?

       I had continued to caress and tease, she was hot and starting to sweat a little. As an answer to her begging I entered her with one then two fingers.  She arched her back as if to pull more into her.  My fingers began to move in and out slowly at first then faster.  My other hand began to massage her breasts.  Gently squeezing then pinching her hard nipples, she was squealing in pleasure.  Just as she was about to reach climax I stopped.

       She opened her eyes in bewilderment.  Before she could ask why I stopped or beg for more I thrust my wet fingers into her mouth and ordered her to lick.  She sucked on them tasting herself.  Her tongue moved around the fingers making sure not to miss a spot.

       I removed my fingers from her mouth and kissed her hard.  Our tongues swirled around each other.  I could feel her desperate need for release.  I bit down hard on her lips drawing blood reminding her that she was female and a woman.  I let up on the kiss and began to kiss and lick my way down her body stopping to suck on those large breasts with hard nipples. 

       I continued down to her pussy.   I lifted my head to look at her and she stared back at me.  I lowered my head, starting with her hard clit and eventually my tongue was inside her.  She was moaning loudly.  In between deep breaths she would beg for more from her master.  Her juices were sweet tasting and I wouldn’t have minded continuing and if I was on earth I would have but I was on Gor.  She was my slave, her pleasure meant nothing, and only my pleasure had any meaning.

       I stopped when she was on the edge and this time I let her beg for more.  Her pleading became more and more heated as I stared at her.  Finally I was done waiting.  I lifted her lower body to meet mine.  I thrust into her savagely, she climaxed the instant I entered her.  Her muscles squeezed tightly on my member.  I waited a moment and then thrusted in and out of her altering my pace and rhythm as time went on.  Her legs wrapped around me, her body would thrust up to meet mine.  My hands went to her breasts and gripped them hard.  Her back was arched, with her head on the floor and her hands chained to the wall. 

       I could see she was lost in the pleasure and I smiled as I took pleasure from using her body.  I continued to use her in this manner for a while not letting her reach climax again.  Eventually she was begging helplessly for release.

       ?Please my master, have pity on this slave.  Your slave begs release.  Please master please.  Your slave yields to you master.  I am your loving obedient slave.  I yield; I yield to you my master.? She kept repeating these phrases. 

       I could feel myself about to cum and with one last thrust I exploded inside her.  She came at the same time, her muscles clamping down on my milking me for all of my seed.  We collapsed on the floor.  Our bodies sweating and breathing deeply; I rolled off her, reached up to unlock her hands which fell to the floor as they were released. 

       She rolled over to me laying her head on my thigh, gently caressing my leg as she regained her breath.  She looked beautiful at that moment, covered in sweat, hair matted to her back, her chest heaving up and down.  I quickly got hard again. 

       I smiled and in a stern voice said, ?Slave please me.?

       She looked up and was off guard for a second then smiled and replied, ?Yes master.?

       And so she did, she started by kissing and licking my body.  Then used her mouth to get me rock hard, cleaning both out fluids off my stiff cock.  Her tongue work was even better than earlier in the afternoon.  I came in her mouth and it didn’t slow her down a bit as she swallowed my seed and kept going.  When I was hard again she mounted me.  She started slowly bouncing up and down her hands on my chest but it wasn’t long before she was speeding up.  Her inner muscles squeezed and massaged me as her body went up and down.  I grabbed her tits hard and thrust up to meet her as she came down.  Neither one of us could keep it up for long before climaxing.  We came together again. 

       We rested after her lying on top of me.  We fell asleep that way both contented from the night’s pleasures. 

Any comments  or suggestions please feel free to send them to [email protected] please put in the subject line GOR story so I know it’s not junk.  Thanks

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 23 Renewal in Sydney

I registered, thanked Cook and went for a walk across the bridge to the more fashionable side of Batemans Bay. I walked back to the hotel, went to my room and took a long shower. I got dressed and went down for lunch on the terrace. I had a salad and a beer and went back to my room. I must have slept as it was 15:00 only a minute or two later. I washed my face and went back to the terrace. I took volume II of Sturt’s Narrative with me. I was well into 1846 when a voice asked “How was the...

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Gregory Mom

Gregory and MomThe story of a Young Ebony Sissy Boy pt1I lie between Gregory’s large smooth thighs and slam my cock in and out of his boy-pussy harder and faster as I feel myself about to cum. He grunts and throws his phatt Brown ass right back at me, matching be stroke for stroke like the complete bottom Bitch he has become. I know that I am going to cum in another minute or two and I know that it’s going to be big. At that moment I hear the door to the house open, then his mom steps in and...

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Gorillas in the MistChapter 5

Evelyn woke the next morning feeling cold. Coming to, she groggily realised that Charity was nowhere to be seen. The smells of sweat, stale milk, and unwashed sex reminded her that heir torrid night together had been no dream. The clattering sound of a metal pan told her that Charity was up and already preparing breakfast. Unzipping the tent, Evelyn was immediately assaulted by the pungent smell of wet wood and paraffin from Charity's makeshift fire. Evelyn scrambled out of the small tent...

4 years ago
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Gori gaon ki

MBBS kee degree milte hee meree posting HYDERABAD ke ek gaon men ho gayee. Gaanv’vaasiyon ne ap’ne jeevan men gaon men pah’lee baar koyee doctor dekha tha. Iske pahle gaon neem hakimon , ojhaaon aur jhaar phoonk karnevaalon ke havaale tha. Jald hee gaon ke log ek bhagvan kee tarah meree pooja kar’ne lag gaye. Roj hi kafi mareej aate the aur main jaldi hi ganv ki jindagi main bada mahatva pooran samjha jane laga. Gaanv wale ab salah ke liye bhi mere pass aane lage. Main bhi kisi bhi waqt mana...

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The Worm TurnsI thought that I would let you, the reader, know how my life has changed, some would say for the better! It all started as a normal day at work, where I am sales manager for a team of guys who sell fitness equipment. As a totally non P.C. team, we have chosen our office staff for their, shall we say, flexibility to work procedures, which they are quite happy with as it is reflected in their bonus payments. This afternoon I had just closed a big deal, and as I reflected on the...

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Sissy Training Assignment 1 For all Sissies wishi

Sissy Training Assignment 1:Now the first assignment is pretty simple. Just fill out and answer all the questions below and then send it to me at [email protected] . You do not have to fill out all fields but the more you fill out the better your grade will be. Also fill free to send me a picture of you as well but that is for bonus points and is completely optional. Also I will not be posting personal information, such as real name, address or phone number, unless given...

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Slavery for Wisha

Slavery for Wisha (rev. 2) M/f, Slavery, NC, Abuse, BDSM, humil, leather, whip, tort, By: Kray [email protected] Intro Wisha is sold by her parents to her Master and she must comply with him.Story She’s so nice, Wisha. An exotic creature, slim, beautiful, perhaps her tits are not so big, they stay inside a hand, they stay inside my hands. Her left tit is very often in my left hand, and her right one in my right one. Typically I grab them from behind her back and I enjoy them for hours....

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Fucking Mehwish

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at This is the story of those days when I was in third year. When I was in third year I had a class fellow named “Mehwish”. In my first meeting with Mehwish I noted that...

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Mr Wishart

Last night I couldn't stop smiling. At sixteen, I'd lost my virginity, to my teacher nonetheless, my favourite teacher. My mum barely noticed my confidence grow or the love bites covering my neck.Then again, my mum doesn't come into my room or bathroom whatsoever, and even if she did, it's not like she's paying much attention.Waking up, I couldn't help looking down at my uncovered naked body, smiling. I couldn't get it out of my head. The memory of his rock hard cock ramming in and out of my...

1 year ago
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Do you have a Virt Wish you’d like to see granted? For that matter, could you even tell me what a VirtWish is and what you’d do with it? I know some of you pervs are confused, but don’t worry because we’ll get to the bottom of this thing. I’m guessing it’s short for Virtual Wish, which doesn’t tell you exactly what kind of smut they’re peddling. It does hint at the experience, though. So tell me, fellow internet deviate, what type of porn sites would you visit if you were looking to see a...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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gorom gorom

“Hi, Mrs. Sherman,” Steve said nervously, “Pam said you wanted to talk to me!” “That is correct young man,” she replied sternly, “sit down, please!!!” After taking his seat, Steve fidgeted a bit and after looking out the window offered, “Nice weather we’ve been having, isn’t it!?!” In almost a harsh tone, Mrs. Sherman retorted, “I didn’t ask you here to talk about the weather, so let me get right to the point!!!” “Uh, sure,” Steve replied, “what ever you say, Mrs. Sherman!? Although he didn’t...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 8 Nockatunga Waterhole Cunnamulla

Before noon the next day, Cook told me there would be visitors today. About an hour later, there was a good deal of noise and two ATVs popped over the bank of the waterhole and “parked” near the humpies. There was a crowd around them in a moment, so I hung back. Then one of the riders called out “Mornin’, Gordy!” and I realized these were two of the hands from Epsilon Station. “G’day. I thought you told me it was a three-day-walk!” “It is ... if you walk. Graham let us borrow ATVs from time...

2 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 12 Hastings River

The Hastings River starts high on the Great Dividing Range running east down through the picturesque Hastings Valley, through unique river towns such as Mount Seaview, Ellenborough and Wauchope before entering the Pacific Ocean at Port Macquarie. Fishing is popular particularly from October through to June each year with peaks during Christmas and Easter. The river has a wide range of fishing opportunities from freshwater bass and catfish in the upper reaches to estuarine species such as...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 13 Leaving Port Macquarie

I felt much better as I walked back to Settlers Inn. Much better. I though of just where I was. Northern coast of New South Wales. I had old friends nearby. Well, only a few hours away. I got my phone book and sat down. There they were: Evans. South Grafton. And a phone number. I tried to call. Busy! What nerve! I’d shower, dress and try again before going out for a drink. But first I looked at the directory beside the phone in my room. There was a LandRover dealer here in Port Macquarie! My...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 18 Grafton to Moree

After dinner I called Patrick and spoke to Rachel about invading her parents. With her encouragement, I called Chaz in Canberra. He was quite enthusiastic about a visit and wanted to know when I’d arrive. “It’s Monday. I won’t leave before Wednesday. I thought I’d cross the Dividing Range, look at the MacIntyre in Inverell and stop in Moree. Then through Narrabin to Dubbo and from there to Canberra. But I want to stop in Cowra. I was there when I was a grad student, but the woman I was with...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 20 Canberra I

I walked to the front door and knocked. Michiko opened the door – petit, wearing a blouse and dark slacks, smiling. “You’re here!” “Obviously.” “Welcome to our home.” I gave her a hug. “You seem well.” “I’m OK. It’s been difficult. But the past week or so have seen improvement.” “Charles will be home in about an hour. Perhaps less, as it’s Friday and as he knew you would be arriving. Let me show you to your room.” “Should I get my stuff?” “No. Charles will want to help. It will make...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 22 Kiama

I registered, thanked Cook and went for a walk across the bridge to the more fashionable side of Batemans Bay. I was relatively unimpressed. The cafes and windows looked like those near the Opera House, but Cook had been right: there were certainly more seniors than I’d have expected. I was too young to be retired. Or at least I thought so. I thought of having a drink prior to walking back, but picked the wrong venue. I wearing neither jacket nor tie. I shrugged to myself and walked back to...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 25 In Sydney

Dinner with Winnie was a pleasure. We chatted about my wanderings and about the whole notion of loss and search; it was serious, but constructive. “I understand,” Winnie said. “I may not have been devastated when I became a widow. But it was sudden and unexpected. And it changed my life.” “Ten years ago.” “Over a dozen. Time flies.” “‘Tempus edax rerum‘ is what Ovid wrote in Metamorphoses [xv: 234]. ‘Time destroys all.’ Did you ever see Golding’s translation?” “What?” “Arthur Golding. A...

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The Nature Of The Wish

The Nature of the Wish By Robyn I use to think that if everyone got what they wished for, the world would be a happier place. It's true isn't it? Hungry people wish for food. Poor people wish for wealth. If everyone got what they wished for, how much more happiness would be in the world. Yeah, I use to think that. But I was wrong. I never really understood the nature of a wish. A wish states two things. I want what I wish for and what I have isn't good enough for me. That's...

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Mothers wish

Jack had decided upon a real razor today instead of electric one. It was the day before Christmas and there was some nostalgia in the air. Sure, he had an electric razor, but there was no romance in using this droning device, especially on such a special occasion. When the kids were still at home and it was oh so many years ago and Jack was still much younger, still before the war and even afterwards, he was preparing for his early Sunday morning ritual in the kitchen before church. ...

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The Real Wish

The real wish by QModo and Monica Rose Tuesday is a pay day at Lemon Tree cafe so I went over there despite it's my day off. Then I took my cheque to the bank to deposit it into my account. I deposit my tips into my little bro's saving account. I haven't told him about it, but few years from now, when he graduates Millinocket High, he'll have something to go on. It's not much, but week after week, I hope to donate a few thousand to his graduation next year. I had empty pockets...

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Aladdins Last Wish

Aladdin's Last Wish Imperator Mentus Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp's powers were the...

1 year ago
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Change For A Wish

Jeff and Kyle had a hobby. Normally it's good for 16-year-old boys to have a hobby, but this might be the exception. Their hobby was getting turned down for dates. Now men compete over the strangest things, but this was certainly a unique case. It began in junior high school. Jeff Thomas was a gangly kid with severe acne, while Kyle Collins was just fat, and they got into an argument over who was the biggest loser. The argument ended with each boy asking out as many cute girls as he...

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The Retrograde Wish

The Retrograde Wish by Pretzelgirl My name is Jeffery Lindstrom, and I'm an outcast. Or at least that was my name a few years back. I'm still an outcast, though. But in a different sort of way. I still know in my mind who I'm supposed to be, but my body just doesn't match my spirit any longer. Things kind of got out of control and now I'm not who I should be. But I digress. Let me start at the beginning. It all began when my girlfriend, Zoe Burbank, broke up with me. We had...

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The Conquerors Wish

There once was a king called Fergus the Conqueror, a former adventurer and veteran of innumerable campaigns. He was a handsome man in his youth, and valued the conquest of beautiful women over even the most notable deeds. As a youth the injuries from his many adventures merely turned his good looks rugged, adding a layer of danger and mystery to his features. But the years passed, and the scars continued building. He lost an eye to an assassin's blade, was badly burned by dragon's...

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My Wishes

My Wishes By FLA527 Chapter 1 Having been happily married, for the most part, for a little more than 30 years, Rich Barnes was privately dealing with a mix of emotions. My wife, Rene, was still the love of my life and still so beautiful in my eyes. As a matter of fact, rarely did she walk into or out of the room that I didn't watch her appreciatively. Though, like myself, she'd developed a bit of a middle-aged spread, her hips and tush still stirred my desire. I still very...

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Genie Wishes

Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...

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Lovers Wish

Lover's Wish Chapter 1 It all started when I was driving home from college on a Friday night. There was nothing special about that night. I just got paid from work, so I was pretty happy. I stopped in front of my girlfriend's house. I grabbed the flowers I had bought for her, and walked towards her front door. She must have heard my car door shut, because she was waiting for me at the door. Alyssa was gorgeous! 5'6", blonde hair down to the middle of her back, green eyes, and...

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We were too old for a babysitter, but our parents didn't think so. Not when they were going to be gone all night and out of town. Dad called it house-sitting instead and Mom hired a college student named Stacy to hang out with us. My twin brother thought she looked cute, but since I'm a girl, I didn't think much about her at all. After dinner, after my bath and halfway through a boring movie, Stacy returned from her shower. She wore a small t-shirt and some old jeans. I didn't think she...

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Tony was sitting alone in a downtown gay bar contemplating his sexless marriage. After forty years of marriage his wife Liz was no longer interested in sex. In desperation, Tony had turned to gay sex, something he had experienced in his youth, but had avoided for many years. He now frequented gay bars hoping to be hit on for NSA sex with other men. He truly loved having his cock sucked and was fast becoming addicted to sucking cock. He had not yet given up his ass to another man.While drowning...

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Aladdins Last Wish

Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp’s powers were the source of his ridiculous pomp, and also the...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 1 The Wish

The Wish Chapter 1 He was about to get all he wished for, but he should have read the fine print. THREE steps up to the front door, a fumble in the pocket of his suit jacket for the key, one turn and he was standing in the hall. He was glad to be home in a way, although the whole house reeked of his loneliness. Derek Ross was forty-five years old, his hair was noticeably starting to thin, he was unfit, overweight, and had been suffering depression,...

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Leprechaun Wishes

Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

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Three Wishes

Three Wishes By The Bann SidheSummer held her breath as she dug out another box from the heap. The air grew thick with dust and the light that shone through the small attic windows showed thousands of motes hanging in the room. They just inherited the house, she and her boyfriend Jared were still unpacking and many of her grandmother's things were still lying all around the place. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away was not to Summer's liking. She barely knew where to begin. But if it...

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Make a Wish

"Miss Morgan?" the nurse said quietly. Julie turned in response, her face pale as she sat between the two hospital beds holding her parents, both in comas. "Yes," Julie said, her voice rough. "Dr. Terrance would like to speak with you, and I'm sorry to say that visiting hours are over." The nurse, Alia Easton, spoke very gently, trying to be as kind as she could to the young woman sitting between the beds. Jim and Ilsa Morgan had been recovered from the site of their plane crash, for...

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SRU Friends are Thicker than Wishes

Here's my SRU anniversary story that I mentioned last week. I had hoped to have it ready for the October 8 anniversary, but fell a little short. Either that or I got a little longwinded ... again. This story is a little different from the others as I've written in the SRU universe in that its also a prequel of sorts to one of my non-SRU stories posted last month. It didn't start out that way, but given some of the characters I needed for this, I think it worked out better. You...

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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

2 years ago
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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

3 years ago
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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Bad Wishing Erins First Wish

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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The Wish

One day, there was a young Trans-woman named Sandra Lee. She had begun transitioning in high school with her parents consent and love and was ready for the final transition when tragedy struck. Both of her parents died while on vacation, leaving Sandra all alone with a farm to run. She called upon her best friend to come help her as she was not a farmer. Bobby Joe agreed to help her as he loved farming and was sweet upon her. He fell in love with her and she with him. In school,...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

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Make a Wish

© 2009 All rights reserved. * ‘Miss Morgan?’ the nurse said quietly. Julie turned in response, her face pale as she sat between the two hospital beds holding her parents, both in comas. ‘Yes,’ Julie said, her voice rough. ‘Dr. Terrance would like to speak with you, and I’m sorry to say that visiting hours are over.’ The nurse, Alia Easton, spoke very gently, trying to be as kind as she could to the young woman sitting between the beds. Jim and Ilsa Morgan had been recovered from the site of...

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