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"Miss Morgan?" the nurse said quietly. Julie turned in response, her face pale as she sat between the two hospital beds holding her parents, both in comas.

"Yes," Julie said, her voice rough.

"Dr. Terrance would like to speak with you, and I'm sorry to say that visiting hours are over." The nurse, Alia Easton, spoke very gently, trying to be as kind as she could to the young woman sitting between the beds. Jim and Ilsa Morgan had been recovered from the site of their plane crash, for what good that did. Both of them lay comatose. To make it worse, their brains had survived just enough for basic functions. They breathed on their own, their hearts pumped blood through their bodies, and IVs kept nutrients in their systems, but they would never wake up. And poor Julie, thought Alia, she comes every day.

"Thank you," said Julie. She stood, gave each of her parents a kiss on the forehead, and walked out of the room. Dr. Braydon Terrance was waiting for her, going over a chart at the nurses' station. "Doctor?" she inquired. He gestured her over to a chair in the waiting area.

Dr. Terrance felt badly for this young girl. He'd rarely seen a more faithful visitor, even for patients that were conscious and alert. He was guessing that guilt of some sort was driving her, in addition to the love he knew she had for her parents. She sat before him, her dark blonde hair pretty but untidy, her grey eyes surrounded by dark circles. He wished very much she had a sibling or other relative to share the burden, but it seemed she was alone.

"Julie," he said. She raised her eyes to him. "I've made arrangements to have your parents transported to a hospice."

"But..." she started to say, then stopped. She had no idea what to say anyway, and decided she should hear the doctor out. Some reflex had made her protest, she guessed. After all, hospices were where people went to die.

"It'll be a much nicer atmosphere, there," he continued. "Certainly cheerier than here. They'll be in a room together, with windows and fresh air, and you can see them whenever you like; the visiting hours will be much more flexible. The staff there can provide any necessary medical care, and there are always doctors on site and on call. There's really no reason to keep them here." He didn't want to mention that the hospital staff simply couldn't baby sit her fairly healthy but unconscious parents.

"All right," she said, somewhat dully. It made sense. Her parents simply lay there, taking space away from people who were probably more seriously ill and had a chance of recovering. It would be nice not to come so often to the hospital so often. The staff were all wonderful, people like Dr. Terrance and Alia tried very hard to keep her informed, to make her comfortable, to work around a rule or two if it helped. But it was a hospital, with sterile white hallways and sheets, the hydraulic beds and that antiseptic smell that you simply couldn't escape. Perhaps a hospice would do some good for her, too. Perhaps if she were in a place where death was prepared for, instead of avoided, she could cope a bit better.

Dr. Terrance gave her a small smile. "We will move them over the weekend, probably Sunday when it's a bit quieter. Here's the number of the hospice." He handed her a card that said Fleming Hospice Center, with an address, phone number, and the name of the hospice director. "Give Josie, the director, a call when you have a chance, and mention my name. She's very friendly and would be happy to have you over for a tour and answer any questions."

"Thank you," Julie said. "I really do appreciate it." Dr. Terrance nodded.

"I have to go," he said, patting her hand, "but don't hesitate to call me if you need anything." He stood up, grabbed some charts, and left to do his rounds. Julie stared at the card in her hand for a few more moments and then stood as well, putting the card in her pocket.

Alia came over before she could go. "Are you all right?" she asked, knowing how inane the question sounded.

"I guess," said Julie. "I hoped it would get easier, I suppose, but it doesn't seem to be. Maybe a change of scenery would help." She didn't sound as though she believed it.

"It will." Alia squeezed the other woman's hand gently. "It's a nice place. We took my grandmother there when her cancer became terminal. It's amazing how a place like that can help you. Now, go on home and rest up. I know you have to go to work tomorrow."

"Thanks," said Julie. She sighed and made her way through the brightly lit hallways, down to the dim parking garage. She found her little blue Dodge Neon, and drove home.

"Come on, Julie, let's get a coffee." Julie held a finger up to indicate she'd be ready in a minute, typed a few more keystrokes and saved her file.

"All right, I'm ready, I could use the caffeine," said Julie as she stretched. She stood up, grabbed her purse and caught up with Mindy, who was already walking to the elevator. Mindy Rogers was a gorgeous Latina with silky dark hair, lovely eyes, and a name that belied her heritage. She'd never figured it out, she told Julie. Her mother, so traditional in so many ways, somehow decided her daughter looked like a "Mindy" when she was born. Could be worse, Julie had told her. You could have looked like a Bertha.

"So how are you holding up?" Mindy asked as they sat at one of the outdoor tables with their drinks. Julie noted with amusement the countless admiring looks Mindy received from nearly all the men in the vicinity, and Mindy's obliviousness of them. It kept her mind off of other things, such as the answer to Mindy's question.

"I'm all right, I guess," she said, then shrugged. "What's to say? They're each in a coma and God knows they most likely won't come out of them. It's a strange waiting game." She stared down at her coffee, then took a sip. "The hospice is nicer than the hospital, I'll say that. It's a less oppressive atmosphere, certainly a lot quieter. Luckily the insurance covers it, at least for now."

"I have something for you," Mindy said. She reached into her large handbag and pulled out a gaily wrapped box.

"My birthday was last month," Julie said, eyeing the package warily.

"I know. It's not for your birthday. Go on, open it." Mindy pushed the box toward her friend.

Julie took it and slowly unwrapped it. It was tall and rectangular. When she finally got through the ribbons and paper, she opened the box and found herself holding an antique bottle of some sort. Was it wine, she wondered? Finally, she said, "It's lovely, Mindy, but what exactly is it?"

Mindy smiled widely. "It's a genie in a bottle."

Julie smiled in return, figuring her friend was trying to lighten things up a little, and she appreciated the gesture. "Thanks, then. It really is beautiful craftsmanship. I'll find a place for it when I get home."

"No," said Mindy, shaking her head. "I mean it. It's a genie in a bottle. It's been in my family for ages."

"You have got to be kidding me," said Julie. Mindy shook her head again. "You mean, this is a bottle and if I rub it or something, someone will come out of it dressed in harem pants and tell me I have three wishes. Min, it's great of you to try to make me feel better, but come on..."

"Just try it when you get home," Mindy said. "I don't know about the harem pants, or exactly how many wishes you get, but there's a genie in there, honest to God."

"Have you seen it?"

"No, but my grandmother has, and my mother."

Julie narrowed her eyes at her friend. "You're serious." Mindy nodded. "Fine, I'll take it home. It's lovely. But I'm not going to be making any wishes."

"But, Julie," Mindy protested. "Think of how you could make things better. You could wish for your par--"

"No," Julie cut in, more sharply than she'd meant to. "I mean, thanks, but no. I don't believe in making wishes." Mindy looked about to say more, but Julie pointed out the time and they hurried back to the office.

Julie cleared a spot over her fireplace for the bottle she'd received from Mindy. It was the size of a wine bottle, with a light blue tint, but with a body sort of like a snowman -- three globes stacked on each other. There was lovely etching and other decoration on the glass. She wondered how old it was, and figured it had to be at least fifty years old, if it dated back to Mindy's grandmother. Genies, she thought, right.

A couple of weeks later, Julie was cleaning the house. It wasn't her favorite thing to do, but it had to be done and it kept her mind off her parents, still sleeping -- it was hard to think of it as anything else -- in the hospice. She would go over later, as she did nearly every day, but she needed a break. She wanted to believe that they heard her when she talked to them, discussing the mundane details of everyday life, but she didn't, not really. She couldn't, not when she knew there was no higher brain function happening in either of them. Still, she visited, not sure what else to do.

Mindy had been after her constantly, asking if she'd rubbed the bottle to bring out the genie. Every time, Julie gave her a dour look and changed the subject. How could Mindy believe that, she wondered. Sure, perhaps her grandmother was into mysticism, and had told it as a bedtime story. Her mother passed it on. But Mindy was adamant. Julie considered that she might have to rub the bottle while Mindy was there if only to show her how ridiculous it all was.

As she began to move items on the mantle to dust it, her elbow hit the bottle. It teetered in what seemed like slow motion, then fell into the bucket of water Julie had next to her. Relieved there was only water on the floor, and that the bottle wasn't broken, Julie retrieved it and used a towel to dry it.

Suddenly there was a small flash of light, a strange little sound, and a man was standing next to her. Startled, Julie backed away and nearly tripped over the coffee table, saved only by the stranger grabbing her arm.

Tact deserted her. "Where the hell did you come from?" she demanded.

A soft chuckle came from the stranger. He was tall and lean, which made him look even taller. His hair and eyes were dark brown. His nose was ... Roman? Not just Roman, Julie thought, but Roman like the pictures of Caesar on ancient Roman coins.

"I came from the bottle," he said, gesturing at it.

Julie stared at him silently for a few minutes. "I'm hallucinating," she said, finally. This brought an outright laugh from the man.

"No, no, you're not, although I can understand the reaction," he said, after he had settled down.

"Let me guess: you're a genie." Julie took short-lived refuge in sarcasm.

He nodded. "Yes, I am." This woman was quite something, he thought. Very different from most people who came into possession of his bottle. She was, perhaps, the first one who did not really think there was a genie inside it. This should be interesting, he thought.

"You don't look like Aladdin," she said, realizing how ridiculous it sounded even as the words came out.

He simply nodded again. He was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a denim shirt, unbuttoned, over that. His feet were bare. "Yes, that's true. But Aladdin wasn't the genie in the lamp, you know. He was just a street waif who got lucky."

"Do you have a name?" Julie asked.

"Marcus. Marcus Antonius."

She stared at him again. "Marcus Antonius. Marc Antony. Like Caesar and Cleopatra, that Marcus Antonius?"

"Well," he said, looking a bit sheepish. "I did admire Marc Antony. He was quite nice to me when I was a young soldier in his army. So after a while, I took his name, I liked it better than my own." He paused. "I never did meet Caesar or Cleopatra, although I did see her from a distance. She was quite a woman."

"I need to sit down," said Julie, letting herself collapse on to the sofa.

"It's hard to take in, isn't it?" he asked, moving over to sit in a chair opposite her.

"Oh, no," she said, waving her hand dismissively and affecting nonchalance. "I run into people who are thousands of years old, named after famous Roman generals, who claim to be genies all the time. You're the third this month."

Marcus laughed once again. He liked her spirit. He could tell she was trying to digest it all, and that the sarcasm was her attempt to do so, not a means to offend him. "I can prove this to you," he said. "Or at least, I can perhaps do something that would lessen your doubt." Julie nodded cautiously. Marcus held his hand out towards the flowers on her kitchen table. She'd bought them nearly a week ago and they were starting to brown and wilt. As Julie watched, a soft light surrounded them like an aura, the brown faded and the flowers came back to life.

"So Mindy was right," Julie said in almost a whisper. "Her grandmother really did see you..."

Marcus nodded. "Oh, yes. Miss Guadalupe was a wonderful woman. She never abused the privilege of her wishes."

"I need a drink," said Julie. She went to the kitchen and got herself a drink of water. She had considered some wine, but figured that wouldn't help. Hallucination or not, she wanted as clear a head as possible.

"So, I get three wishes?" she said, returning to the living room. She didn't sit, instead leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her chest.

"Well," said Marcus, admiring her as she stood by the wall, "there's no real limit on the wishes. It's more to do with the quality of them. At least, I think so. Anyway, there are rules, of course. No wishing for mountains of gold, or world peace, or that sort of thing. Each one must be prefaced by 'I wish... ' I can tell you before hand if your wishes are grantable."

Julie shook her head. "There's no need. I don't make wishes."

Marcus stared at her. "What?"

"I don't make wishes," she repeated.

"But, but... ," Marcus groped for words. Never before had he encountered someone who wouldn't wish. Some had been greedy, others amazingly altruistic, but none had ever refused outright. "But that's not possible. Everybody wishes for something."

"I don't," she said firmly.


"Because for one thing, I'm sure there's a catch. If I asked for a raise at work, someone would be fired so I could have it. If I asked for a new apartment, someone would be kicked out of theirs."

"You've read The Monkey's Paw too often," Marcus told her.

"Maybe." She shrugged. "But whatever you may think, I don't wish for things anymore."

"But why?" Marcus was still baffled.

Julie was getting angry. "Because," she snapped, "the last time I wished for something -- and there wasn't even a genie around, mind you -- I wished for my parents to get back in time for my birthday. Next thing I know, they're being retrieved from the site of a small plane crash, and I got to spend my birthday in the hospital with them while they were each in a coma." She had to fight back tears now, and took a deep breath.

"I'm very sorry," Marcus said softly. He wanted very much to put his arms around her, to let her rest on him for a while, but he didn't. She wouldn't appreciate it, he was sure, and he couldn't quite figure out where the impulse came from. Genies obeyed their masters, of course, and there was often an implicit love in the situation, but this was different. He found that for the first time in centuries, he genuinely cared about someone. It was a bit unsettling.

"So," she continued, staring past him at the far wall, "if I were to ask for them to be home, they'd be home in the same vegetative state they are now, with no prospect of recovery. If I were to ask for them to be better, the question would be 'better relative to what, ' and I would probably end up with zombies who could function but not talk, or something like that. I'm not clever enough to phrase things to prevent a loophole. So, no, thank you for the wishes. It would only come back to hurt me." The words all came out in a rush, and when she was done, she found she was out of breath.

"It doesn't have to be like that," Marcus said, after considering her words. "I mean, I can't work miracles, but really, Poe had the wrong idea."

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction," Julie said. "There's a price for everything. I won't chance it."

"You're going to make my job very difficult," he said, "if you won't wish."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I could give the bottle back to Mindy, perhaps. She could wish for things."

Marcus shook his head. "It doesn't work that way. You released me, you have to wish. I can't leave or go to anyone else until you do."

"Can't I just pass?" Julie asked, feeling a little desperate. She didn't like having Marcus beholden to her when he hadn't done anything. It smacked of slavery and made her very uncomfortable. "Can't I just refuse? Isn't there a time limit or something?"

"No," Marcus said gently. "Look, why don't you leave it be and think about it. Perhaps you'll find small things to wish for, that you'd be comfortable with."

"And in the meantime, what?" she asked. "You're my roommate?"

He grinned. "I suppose so."

"Do you need a bed, or do you stay in the bottle?" she asked, dryly. I give up, she thought. Maybe I'll wake up in the morning and find out this is all a dream.

"Either," he said. "You can make that choice, if you want."

"Can you cook?" This time it was Marcus who nodded warily. "Good, you can do that to earn your keep."

"Are you serious?" he asked, incredulous. "You've got someone at your disposal who's hundreds of years old, with magical powers, and you want me to cook?"

"You bet," she said. "I've had a hell of a last couple of months. I'm exhausted and I can barely think. I've been living off of Starbucks and store-bought sandwiches. It's not doing much for my physical or mental health. So, you can cook." Besides, she thought, if this is my dream, I might as well go for the things I'd really want. What she really wanted, even though she hated to admit it to herself, was someone to rely on, someone to take care of her. Mindy was being as supportive as possible, but there was only so much even a best friend could do.

"How do you know I can even use your cooking appliances?" he asked.

Julie gave a short laugh, and Marcus found that it warmed him. She should laugh more often, he thought. The sadness, the depression that he saw in her was not the way she should be. "For one thing," she said, "you called them 'appliances, ' so you've at least seen them. You're wearing jeans, which tells me you're not unacquainted with some of the more modern aspects of the world. Besides, I can show you how it works. Surely with all you've experienced, you can adapt to a gas stove."

"All right," he said. "Show me where everything is."

Julie cocked her head at him, raising an eyebrow. "Really? You'll do it?"

"I don't have much of a choice," he said. "You're my master, or mistress, or whatever you'd like to call it. Aside from granting your wishes, I'm at your command. I'll do what you tell me."

Now Julie reddened and bit at her bottom lip. Marcus wondered why her demeanor changed so suddenly.

"I didn't realize that," she said. "I don't want to take advantage of you. You don't have to cook. I'll try to figure out what to do to end your obligation as quickly as I can."

Marcus was stunned. No one -- no one -- in all the time he'd been a genie had ever not taken advantage of this situation. Julie's concern for his well-being, his captivity and freedom, touched him as nothing had before.

Julie turned to go to her room. She was mentally drained and needed to rest. Needed to close her eyes and try to clear her mind. This was all too much, and she had the suspicion that she was, in fact, not dreaming. She hated the idea of having this kind of control over anyone, genie or not. It wasn't right. She liked her relationships to be equal, or at least as equal as possible. Most relationships were a little unbalanced, she realized, but there was no reason to consciously abuse the difference.

"You, um, you can take the guest room, if you'd like," Julie said, not looking at him. "I don't know how comfortable that bottle is. I guess ... I guess feel free to do what you need or want to while I'm work and at the hospice. I'm going to lie down for a bit now, I..." but she ran out of things to say and began walking slowly towards her door.

"Wait." Marcus swiftly crossed the space between them. He wanted to lay a hand on her arm, but was afraid of being too forward. "Thank you," he said earnestly. "I can explain more about this, later, if you want. But I don't mind cooking ... as a genie, it's in my nature to help wherever I can, or do whatever I'm told. In fact, I'd like to. You're the kindest master I've had in I don't know how long. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she whispered, then dashed into her room and shut the door, leaving Marcus to stare after her and try to make sense of his new situation.

A few days later, Julie sat with Mindy at the same coffee shop. She chose a table outside even though it was cool, because no one else was outside. She'd finally accepted that Marcus was real, that he was a genie, and that she had to figure out what to do. She hoped Mindy would be able to help.

"I told you so," Mindy said, teasingly. She was so excited. Julie had had such an awful time lately, and Mindy was sure that the genie was the key to fixing everything.

"Yes, yes, I know," said Julie. "I believe it now, okay?"

"So what will you wish for?" Mindy asked.

"I told you, I don't make wishes," said Julie. "That's why I need your help. I thought maybe your mother or grandmother would have an idea. He says he can't go to anyone else until and unless I make my wishes. But I don't want to. There has to be a way out of this."

"You're kidding!" Mindy couldn't believe this. The answer to Julie's problems was at her disposal -- at her command -- and she was refusing it. "You aren't going to wish for your parents to be healed?"

"Absolutely not," Julie said firmly. "I told Marcus and I'm telling you, there would be a catch, a price that I'm not willing to pay or have anyone else pay on my behalf. So I need to find another way out. I can't wish him free, that's against the rules. There's no time limit, so he's here indefinitely."

"Is he cute?" Mindy asked. She winked. "My mom said he was terribly handsome."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Julie asked, amazed. Mindy simply waited and she sighed. "Fine, he's very good-looking."

"So why don't you wish for him to sleep with you?" Mindy asked. That seemed like an easy enough way out of it.

"Because I don't want anybody that way. If he -- or anyone else -- wants to sleep with me, I want that to be their own genuine desire." Julie surprised herself with the honesty of her answer, but Mindy's question had startled her and she had replied without thinking.

"Do you think he wants to?"

"I don't know. I haven't asked. And I won't."

"So what is he doing, anyway?" Mindy asked, sitting back and sipping her coffee.

"He's cooking," said Julie. "I told him he didn't have to, but he said he liked to, so..." she shrugged. "Beats having subs all the time."

"I'll ask Mom and Nana," Mindy said, "but I really think you're stuck with having to make wishes."

"I know," Julie grumbled. "But I need to explore all the options."

Marcus adjusted the heat on dinner -- a simple but filling chicken soup, and fresh biscuits -- while he waited for Julie to return home. He found the cooking to be quite fun. The appliances Julie had were amazing -- the blender, the food processor, and his favorite, the toaster. So much easier than doing everything over an open fire. Julie had taken to coming home for a meal after work before going to the hospice to spend time with her parents, so he tried to have things ready to eat when she got home. He laughed at himself, too, for that. In his time, it certainly wasn't the men who had to worry about having dinner ready.

Although Marcus didn't begrudge Julie the visiting -- he couldn't even if he wanted to -- he found that he wished she would stay home one night. He wanted to talk to her, to get to know her. That was happening slowly, since you couldn't live with someone for over a month and not learn some things about them. But he hoped that one night she'd simply stay in so that they could talk. He imagined how he could massage her shoulders, or her feet, to help reduce her stress. Then he sighed, wondering at the irony of a genie wanting to make wishes.

He heard the door unlock and reached into the cabinets for soup bowls and plates for the biscuits. Julie came in and he heard the familiar sounds of her purse dropping to the floor and her keys to the tray on the small table she kept in the entryway.

"Hello," she said, stepping into the kitchen.

"Hi," he said, giving her a smile. Julie smiled back. She had discovered that Marcus' smiles always made her feel warm inside. They made her feel special. Then she would shake her head at herself. Surely, with all the experiences Marcus had had, there had been women, and no doubt that smile had been used on many of them. Still, it was a killer smile, and she didn't mind having it directed at her.

"Dinner smells delicious. Thank you." Marcus found that her gratitude for his efforts gave him the same warm feeling as her laugh. He loved it.

"I hope you like it," he said. "I kind of made it up as I went along. Based it on what I had sometimes in the army."

"So I'm eating an ancient Roman soup, made by an ancient Roman?" She gave him a small, teasing smile.

"Well, I guess so," he said, setting a bowl in front of her, "although I have to say, it sure dampens my ego to think of myself as ancient."

"They say you're only as old as you feel," she said, breaking off a piece of biscuit and dipping it in the soup broth. "This is wonderful."

"In that case," Marcus said, sitting down with his own bowl, "I guess I feel no more than, say, four hundred years old." As he'd hoped, that won a laugh from Julie. At first, she'd had to tell him to sit and eat with her, and finally had told him that it was silly for her to say it every night. He'd been uneasy the first night he'd sat down without her gentle permission, but his discomfort lifted as he saw that she meant it. This was the first time, he realized, that he'd had a relationship. In the army, he'd been a low-ranking soldier, with no real hope of rising to the officer ranks. Then he'd become a genie, and that meant that every relationship had him in the inferior position. Until Julie.

"Are you going to the hospice tonight?" he asked. She nodded. He was silent, working up the courage to ask his next question; he'd thought of it only moments before she'd come in. He didn't think Julie would take offense, but centuries of following orders made it difficult to ask questions. "Could I ... could I go with you?" He held his breath, waiting for her reaction.

Julie stopped eating, leaving her spoon in her bowl. "You want to go to the hospice?" Not even Mindy had offered to do that.

"Only if you want me to," he said, suddenly very interested in shredding his biscuit. "I just ... I guess I'm kind of curious ... and it must be hard for you to go alone all the time ... and like I said, it's in my nature to want to help..." He stopped as he started babbling.

"Thank you, that would be very nice," said Julie. He looked up to see tears glistening in her eyes. "It is hard."

Once more, Marcus fought the urge to pull her into his arms. He'd gotten this far, but he didn't want to push. He smiled and touched her hand, then went back to finishing his soup, although he didn't taste a drop of it.

Julie laughed as Marcus explored the car as best he could. He'd never been in one before, but she began to think there must be something inherent in men that came out when they were around cars, even if the man himself pre-dated automobiles. She had to look away before she laughed too much as he nearly twisted himself in knots trying look around in the back.

"Really, Marcus, all of the gadgets are up front here," she said, gesturing at the dashboard and console. "The only thing in the back seat is the back seat."

"This is amazing!" he exclaimed. "I've heard about them, of course, and I've seen them, but I've never been in one before." He had unintentionally delayed their departure as he started randomly fiddling with knobs, and Julie had stopped him to explain what everything did. She showed him the radio, the CD player, the AC and the heater. She also pointed out things like the hazard lights and noted that he should not touch any of them, especially when the car was in motion. Luckily, she had the foresight to demonstrate the volume knob before they started off, or he would have probably blasted both of them out of the car.

"Do the armies have these?" he asked. What a way to move troops! So much faster than horses.

"You bet," said Julie. "They have all kinds." She did her best to explain trucks, jeeps and tanks, before moving on to helicopters and airplanes. Marcus was about to press her for more information on airplanes when he remembered what she had said about her parents and how they had come to be in the hospice, and decided it was better not to. Besides, she had begun to show him how to use her computer to find information on all kinds of things. He could learn about airplanes there.

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Do you have a Virt Wish you’d like to see granted? For that matter, could you even tell me what a VirtWish is and what you’d do with it? I know some of you pervs are confused, but don’t worry because we’ll get to the bottom of this thing. I’m guessing it’s short for Virtual Wish, which doesn’t tell you exactly what kind of smut they’re peddling. It does hint at the experience, though. So tell me, fellow internet deviate, what type of porn sites would you visit if you were looking to see a...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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The Nature Of The Wish

The Nature of the Wish By Robyn I use to think that if everyone got what they wished for, the world would be a happier place. It's true isn't it? Hungry people wish for food. Poor people wish for wealth. If everyone got what they wished for, how much more happiness would be in the world. Yeah, I use to think that. But I was wrong. I never really understood the nature of a wish. A wish states two things. I want what I wish for and what I have isn't good enough for me. That's...

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Mothers wish

Jack had decided upon a real razor today instead of electric one. It was the day before Christmas and there was some nostalgia in the air. Sure, he had an electric razor, but there was no romance in using this droning device, especially on such a special occasion. When the kids were still at home and it was oh so many years ago and Jack was still much younger, still before the war and even afterwards, he was preparing for his early Sunday morning ritual in the kitchen before church. ...

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The Real Wish

The real wish by QModo and Monica Rose Tuesday is a pay day at Lemon Tree cafe so I went over there despite it's my day off. Then I took my cheque to the bank to deposit it into my account. I deposit my tips into my little bro's saving account. I haven't told him about it, but few years from now, when he graduates Millinocket High, he'll have something to go on. It's not much, but week after week, I hope to donate a few thousand to his graduation next year. I had empty pockets...

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Aladdins Last Wish

Aladdin's Last Wish Imperator Mentus Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp's powers were the...

2 years ago
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Change For A Wish

Jeff and Kyle had a hobby. Normally it's good for 16-year-old boys to have a hobby, but this might be the exception. Their hobby was getting turned down for dates. Now men compete over the strangest things, but this was certainly a unique case. It began in junior high school. Jeff Thomas was a gangly kid with severe acne, while Kyle Collins was just fat, and they got into an argument over who was the biggest loser. The argument ended with each boy asking out as many cute girls as he...

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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

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The Retrograde Wish

The Retrograde Wish by Pretzelgirl My name is Jeffery Lindstrom, and I'm an outcast. Or at least that was my name a few years back. I'm still an outcast, though. But in a different sort of way. I still know in my mind who I'm supposed to be, but my body just doesn't match my spirit any longer. Things kind of got out of control and now I'm not who I should be. But I digress. Let me start at the beginning. It all began when my girlfriend, Zoe Burbank, broke up with me. We had...

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The Conquerors Wish

There once was a king called Fergus the Conqueror, a former adventurer and veteran of innumerable campaigns. He was a handsome man in his youth, and valued the conquest of beautiful women over even the most notable deeds. As a youth the injuries from his many adventures merely turned his good looks rugged, adding a layer of danger and mystery to his features. But the years passed, and the scars continued building. He lost an eye to an assassin's blade, was badly burned by dragon's...

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My Wishes

My Wishes By FLA527 Chapter 1 Having been happily married, for the most part, for a little more than 30 years, Rich Barnes was privately dealing with a mix of emotions. My wife, Rene, was still the love of my life and still so beautiful in my eyes. As a matter of fact, rarely did she walk into or out of the room that I didn't watch her appreciatively. Though, like myself, she'd developed a bit of a middle-aged spread, her hips and tush still stirred my desire. I still very...

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Genie Wishes

Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...

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Lovers Wish

Lover's Wish Chapter 1 It all started when I was driving home from college on a Friday night. There was nothing special about that night. I just got paid from work, so I was pretty happy. I stopped in front of my girlfriend's house. I grabbed the flowers I had bought for her, and walked towards her front door. She must have heard my car door shut, because she was waiting for me at the door. Alyssa was gorgeous! 5'6", blonde hair down to the middle of her back, green eyes, and...

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Aladdins Last Wish

Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp’s powers were the source of his ridiculous pomp, and also the...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 1 The Wish

The Wish Chapter 1 He was about to get all he wished for, but he should have read the fine print. THREE steps up to the front door, a fumble in the pocket of his suit jacket for the key, one turn and he was standing in the hall. He was glad to be home in a way, although the whole house reeked of his loneliness. Derek Ross was forty-five years old, his hair was noticeably starting to thin, he was unfit, overweight, and had been suffering depression,...

1 year ago
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Makeing the Park fun for adults

The day was young and the sun was full over-head. Sitting together on the pool was getting old and somewhat tiresome. Thoughts of what to do that day were going through Kristen and Adam's head. Going inside and watching t.v is what Kristen really wanted to do. But like any guy one thing was on Adam's mind. Sex and lots of it! He knew that Kristen was not the one to just give it up to anyone. She had made it very clear that she wanted to wait until it was the right moment with the right guy...

First Time
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Leprechaun Wishes

Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

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Three Wishes

Three Wishes By The Bann SidheSummer held her breath as she dug out another box from the heap. The air grew thick with dust and the light that shone through the small attic windows showed thousands of motes hanging in the room. They just inherited the house, she and her boyfriend Jared were still unpacking and many of her grandmother's things were still lying all around the place. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away was not to Summer's liking. She barely knew where to begin. But if it...

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SRU Friends are Thicker than Wishes

Here's my SRU anniversary story that I mentioned last week. I had hoped to have it ready for the October 8 anniversary, but fell a little short. Either that or I got a little longwinded ... again. This story is a little different from the others as I've written in the SRU universe in that its also a prequel of sorts to one of my non-SRU stories posted last month. It didn't start out that way, but given some of the characters I needed for this, I think it worked out better. You...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

2 years ago
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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Consequences of the wish

Consequences of the wish Six months ago ... The handsome arabic man smiled at me, and asked, "Are you sure that's your wish?" I nodded. "Yes. I want all the boys to know what it's like to wear skirts or dresses. I can't believe how they tried to look under my skirt today, so the shoe should be on the other foot." "Granted," he said, and vanished. The next morning, I hurried to school, anxious to see how embarrassed the boys would be to be in skirts. Then they started to...

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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

4 years ago
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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Bad Wishing Erins First Wish

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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The Wish

One day, there was a young Trans-woman named Sandra Lee. She had begun transitioning in high school with her parents consent and love and was ready for the final transition when tragedy struck. Both of her parents died while on vacation, leaving Sandra all alone with a farm to run. She called upon her best friend to come help her as she was not a farmer. Bobby Joe agreed to help her as he loved farming and was sweet upon her. He fell in love with her and she with him. In school,...

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Being JimCh07Barbras Wish

* Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven from many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, a part of Barbra's story, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim-Ch.07-Barbra’s Wish By Frodov * This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past, names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer every day. I reached...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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One Wish

Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape a...

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A Christmas Wish

Lauren watched her younger brother play basketball with his best friend, Jeremiah. At twenty-one, they were only six years her junior. She had just come home for college, only to find that both her step brother and friend had grown into very attractive young men. Garth was the shorter of the two. But he still towered over her 5'10" height. And Jeremiah actually made her feel like a midget with his 6' '7" frame. It was obvious that both men had played basketball in high school. It showed...

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The Wish

The two friends were having a coffee, a ritual that had been in place since they both retired from the workforce. "You know mate" said Trevor who was just a few months older than his companion. "It amazes me how people can fall for this sort of rubbish". "What rubbish is that", Harry replied. "These fortune telling advertisement", Trevor replied. "This one for example says 'Your wish is guaranteed, just a small cost of ten dollars and what you have wanted will be yours within...

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Not Quite Three Wishes

After reading a lot of stuff I've finally written one for everyone else. Sort of a return favor. -This is my first story of this flavor, so bear with me. But I written many stories before, and published a few. So I can't imagine it being too difficult. But I may be wrong. Oh and feel free to post this anywhere.- -Suzanne Not Quite Three Wishes by Suzanne Dave walked lazily along the street. He noticed that the sun seemed particularly bright this autumn day, but other...

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“Monica.” The sound of her name caused Monica Doyle to look up from the envelopes she’d just removed from the mailbox and glance past the open vestibule door into the hallway beyond. The twenty-four year old smiled when she saw the white haired septuagenarian stepping out of the front apartment, but delayed a response until the woman closed and locked her door, taking those few moments to lock her mailbox as well. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Pulaski,” Monica said as the woman turned back in her...

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Matchmakers Folly

This story is a collaboration between my editor, Ray, and I. The concept was my idea, but I stopped writing the story halfway for some reasons. Ray didn’t want to see it incomplete, so he finished writing it. This is the last story I’ll ever post. Thank you to all the people who’ve sent me such encouraging emails about my work. Chapter 1. A Fallen Angel. ‘He’s really angry you know,’ Hera informed Giselle. ‘You really messed up this time.’ ‘I know,’ Giselle said miserably. ‘But they loved...

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Dressmakers Dummy

I was happy now that Kasia and I had moved in together. Not only did it mean that we no longer had to take turns going to each other’s place, but it also meant that I had closer access to a supply of her soiled panties. Kasia was a cute Polish girl, 23 years old, with deep blue eyes, shoulder-length hair trimmed in a cute bob, and a body to die for. We had decided trying to live together to see how we would manage as a couple, with the intent of marrying the following year if all went well. So...

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GayMaker Turned Another One

I'd just turned twenty one and was exercising my new right to drink in a bar. I met this guy there. Frazer was an average looking guy. Probably late twenties. I thought he was just being friendly at first, so I was just being friendly back. We talked about sports, then women, then oddly, sex.We drank for quite a while. During the course of the evening I noticed that Frazer would occasionally bump his knees against mine. I thought nothing of it, since the bar was getting crowded.When the noise...

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GayMaker College Frat

It was fall and I was starting my freshmen year in college, which was three hours from home and absolutely no one from my hometown was at the university. I thought that was the best part of the university but after my first day of orientation I started to think I made a big mistake going to a school where I didn't know anyone. After going to a few mixers thrown by the school I even felt even more out of place and my roommate wasn't much help either considering he was in the school band and had...

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GayMaker topping a Straight Man PT2

"Cancel it," I demanded, "It is time for you to get your ass fucked.""But..." he began."But nothing, do as you're told, faggot!" I ordered. "Unless you don't want my cock anymore."Realizing my threat, he sighed, "OK, I will get out of my date.""Good girl," I responded, which I knew he hated. "I expect you to make me supper and," I paused, deciding to push him further, "I expect you dressed completely as a girl.""What?" he asked, confused."I want you in a dress, wearing a bra, panties, your wig,...

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GayMaker topping a Straight Man

Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a distinction...

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GayMaker Takes Skips Ass

Training of Skip continues as his oral skills improved it was time to take his ass. Invigored by the idea Skip came over , I slid my muscular torso out of my tight V-neck and grabbed both of his wrists with one of my hands. I used the shirt to tie his wrists together, and Skip's aversion to this, a small gasp, was surprisingly minimal."Um," he heaved. "What are you doing?"I didn't answer him, choosing instead to take off his clothes. I unzipped his pants and yanked them off, before he could...

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GayMaker Strikes Again

I kept telling myself, "how the hell all of this happened?"I was a common straight guy which likes to do weights at the gym where I had been for years. John was the coach there, and we became friends. He had a girlfriend and I wanted to have one, everything was normal until the day I saw him naked in the locker room. "Wow, what a lucky man!" I thought when I saw his cock. I felt envy and shame, because mine was tiny compared to him.I could not help staring at it while we were talking. He caught...

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GayMaker Florida Keys

We’d managed to get away to the Florida Keys for a few days, just my wife and I. She was enjoying a little quiet time reading on the beach and I was getting in some much anticipated tarpon fishing. I’d spent the day on a boat with a guide and had great success, landing my first tarpon ever. My guide and I had just parted ways at the dock and I was getting ready to walk back to the hotel to meet my wife. I really had to take a leak, it’s kind of a pain in the ass to go on a small boat. There was...

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Dressmakers Dummy

I was happy now that Kasia and I had moved in together. Not only did it mean that we no longer had to take turns going to each other’s place, but it also meant that I had closer access to a supply of her soiled panties. Kasia was a cute Polish girl, 23 years old, with deep blue eyes, shoulder-length hair trimmed in a cute bob, and a body to die for. We had decided trying to live together to see how we would manage as a couple, with the intent of marrying the following year if all went well. So...

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Ropemaker Aftermath

Ropemaker Aftermath ( RopemakerStory III)by C The band of fifty or so fairieshad waited at the northern border of the kingdom for three days. Likeall fairy military personnel, they wore uniforms: a shift, sleevelessbut with epaulettes, along with the usual panties and pumps, all matchingtheir hair.A messenger reported to the commandress, a strong-featured fairy withsilver tresses: "No word yet, Mistress."The commandress turned to her officers. "Your assessment?""They've been caught most likely,...

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Omake Devilla and Lucy in the woods Not Demon Queened 61 a softfork

Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...

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Rick Johnson is wellknown businessman. He owns many companies and has a lot of money but there is one downside he is ugly. Rick has wrinkled pimpled face, yellow teeths and he is fat. Lately he discovered that he loves ntr or more specificaly netori and since he is rich he may try to do that. He post an advertisement on his website that he will rent a part of his house for some family.Nobody found that strange since he lives alone in a huge villa. So imagine his hapiness when wellknown model...

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BabymakerChapter 1

The first time I came inside a girl, I was hooked. Not only because it felt great, but more because I imagined my sperm swimming around one of her eggs, a million of them wriggling like crazy until one got through. I'd seen a video at school just a few days before, in health class, and I'd thought that had to be the coolest thing ever. Seeing a girl get pregnant. After that, all I could think about was knocking someone up. That might sound a little strange, I'm not sure, but I was only...

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BabymakerChapter 2

Sunday afternoon probably wasn't the best time to be sneaking my thirteen year old girlfriend up to my bedroom, but I was just fifteen anyway ... What did I know about it? I'd never had a girlfriend before and when Julie told me she wanted to "do it" again, I wasn't going to try and talk her out of it! Jules was a little hottie anyway, except she was just in the seventh grade. That pretty much sucked because I was in high school and having a little kid for a girlfriend wouldn't impress...

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BabymakerChapter 3

"Ummm..." Lisa sighed into my mouth as she reached between us. The thirteen year old girl smiled at me, nodding her head and she had the most amazing hazel eyes. Her auburn hair was beautiful too, not very long, but kind of loose and wild around her cute face. Her breasts were small, just hard bumps topped with incredible nipples. I loved her nipples, all puffy and dark now that I'd been rubbing and kissing them for almost an hour. Lisa had a soft, warm body too and I held her perfectly...

2 years ago
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BabymakerChapter 4

I was doing my homework, sorta, but mostly I was just laying on my bed and thinking how my sheets smelled like Julie after we'd had sex twice. I'd cum inside her both times too and I wasn't exactly sure if her plan was a good one or not. I mean, yeah, I wanted to knock her up and everything, that would be seriously cool, but she made it sound like after that we'd get married or something! There was no way I could marry a seventh grader though! Man! My parents would kill me if I told them...

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