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The sound of her name caused Monica Doyle to look up from the envelopes she’d just removed from the mailbox and glance past the open vestibule door into the hallway beyond. The twenty-four year old smiled when she saw the white haired septuagenarian stepping out of the front apartment, but delayed a response until the woman closed and locked her door, taking those few moments to lock her mailbox as well.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Pulaski,” Monica said as the woman turned back in her direction.

“Good afternoon, Monica,” the building owner echoed as Monica stepped into the hallway. “I’m so glad to see you. I was beginning to worry that you might have gotten stuck at work again.”

Monica glanced at the watch on her wrist, noting that she was indeed running about a half hour late, but confused as to why that would’ve worried Sylvia.

“I would’ve been so disappointed if you had to miss our dinner tonight,” the older woman said, almost as if she had heard Monica’s unanswered question.

“Dinner?” Monica said, making it more of a question than a statement.

“You haven’t forgotten, have you?” Sylvia asked, a touch of disappointment clear in her tone.

‘Oh God, was that tonight?’ Monica asked herself, having so put the invitation out of her mind that she had indeed forgotten it.

The brown haired veterinary assistant was just finishing up what had indisputably been an extremely trying day, made all the more so by one of her co-workers at the Westside Animal Clinic going home sick after lunch. It had been too late in the day to call in a replacement, so Monica had to do double duty for the rest of it. All she wanted to do now was have a bit of dinner and crash in front of the television.

That notion, however, vanished in the wind as she saw the look of expectation on her landlady’s face. She had indeed promised Sylvia that she would come and didn’t have it in her heart to disappoint her now.

“Of course not,” Monica lied, putting on a look of expectation even as she tried to imagine an excuse she could use to make only a abbreviated appearance at dinner. One that wouldn’t hurt the old lady’s feelings.

“Excellent,” Sylvia said her smile returning. “I just have to run around to the corner grocery for a minute, but dinner should be ready about six-fifteen.”

With that she was gone.

Monica had lived in one of the second floor apartments of the two story walkup seven months now, and up until six weeks ago had little contact with the owner other than dropping off her rent. In fact, that was what she had been doing the night the elderly widow had come to the door in a state of panic. Her beloved poodle, Puddles, had gotten a small bone stuck in his throat and was choking. Reacting instinctively, Monica had picked up the small dog and used a technique she’d learned at the clinic to safely dislodge the bone.

From that point on, Mrs. Pulaski never missed an opportunity to show her gratitude. Every simple hello carried an inquiry if she needed anything and, more days than not, Sylvia would just show up at her door with a treat from her kitchen. Monica didn’t mind too much, especially since the treats were usually delicious. At least she hadn’t minded until two weeks ago when Sylvia’s desire to do something nice for Monica expanded to include an interest in her love life. Or more precisely, her lack of one.

“No one should be alone,” Sylvia had told her one night over tea and cookies, “especially not someone as young and pretty as you.”

Monica tried to explain that her work schedule allowed little time for dating. In fact, it had been her work hours that had been a primary cause in the collapse of her last serious relationship - just before she’d moved into Sylvia’s building.

“Nonsense, if something is really important, you make the time,” Sylvia insisted, thinking that a poor excuse.

Thinking that agreeing with the older woman was the easiest way to put the subject behind her, Monica promised to make more of an effort to meet someone. No sooner had those words left her mouth than she realized her mistake.

“Wonderful, I’m so glad you feel that way,” Sylvia pounced with the intensity of a jungle cat, “because it just so happens that I have a very nice grandson, Andrew is his name, and I think the two of you would really hit it off.”

Before Monica could say a word to discourage her, Sylvia was expounding a well practiced litany of the virtues of her only single grandchild. Including the fact that he was thirty-two years old, quite handsome, in her unbiased opinion, well educated, and a partner in an up and coming accounting firm.

“He does sound quite nice,” Monica said as she tried to think of an excuse that would express her disinterest without hurting Sylvia’s feelings. Finally she settled on the fact that the clinic was understaffed at the moment and she didn’t know when she would be able to find the time to meet Andrew.

An excuse that was repeated each time Sylvia brought the subject up. Eventually, Monica hoped, the older woman would decide it was a lost cause and give up on it. What she didn’t realize was that women like Sylvia Morgan thrived on lost causes.

After two weeks, though, Andrew’s name stopped coming up and Monica erroneously concluded that Sylvia had finally gotten the message. With the matter no longer on her mind, Monica didn’t think twice when she replied to a casual inquiry about her weekend plans from her neighbor across the hall, Jane Walsh.

“No plans at all,” she told the curly haired blonde as they passed each other on the stairs. “I’m just glad to finally have a weekend off.”

It wasn’t until she reached the base of the landing that she saw Sylvia standing by the basement door, a basket of laundry in her hand.

“Did I just hear you say that you were off this weekend?” Sylvia asked, the excitement in her voice quite clear.

“Well, yes,” Monica said after a brief hesitation, adding in way of explanation, “there was a last minute change in schedules.”

“Wonderful,” Sylvia beamed. “because it just so happens that Andrew has Broadway tickets for this Saturday night. He originally asked me to go, but I know he’d much rather take a pretty girl instead.”

Taking a breath, Monica glanced up the stairs where she saw that Jane had lingered just long enough to have overheard the exchange. The blonde gave Monica a look of sympathy, then vanished into the front apartment. As she closed the door behind her, Jane was thankful that she had a steady boyfriend and her days of being fixed up were long behind her.

‘Truth time,’ Monica thought as she turned her attention back to Sylvia, hoping what the nice woman wouldn’t be offended by what she was about to say.

“Sylvia, I need to tell you something,” Monica said, taking a second long breath, “something that I probably should’ve told you right in the beginning.”

Sylvia looked at her with a mix of confusion and interest.

“I’m sure that Andrew is as wonderful a person as you described him to be,” Monica said, “but the thing is, I don’t date ... men.”

“Oh?” Sylvia said, her tone and expression saying that she didn’t immediately catch Monica’s meaning.

Rather than trying to clarify it further, at least immediately, Monica decided to give Sylvia a few more moments to think about it.

“You mean you’re a...” Sylvia started to say, hesitating on the word lest she be wrong.

Monica smiled and nodded her head slowly in the affirmative.

“Oh,” Sylvia repeated, this time with a clear understanding.

Ever since coming out in her freshman year of college, Monica had faced moments like this with trepidation. It was impossible to know how anyone was going to react when she told them. Friends who she’d thought would freak merely shrugged their shoulders, while others she thought of as family unexpectedly disappeared from her life.

“My dear, why didn’t you simply tell me that in the first place?” the old woman laughed. “I never would’ve tried to fix you up with my Andrew. Lord, what a disaster that would’ve been.”

“I guess I wasn’t sure how you would take it,” Monica replied, recalling, but not mentioning, that one of her own aunts, a decade younger than Sylvia, had called her a disgusting pervert and not spoken to her since.

“Well, I know that some folks my age have a problem with that sort of thing,” Sylvia said, almost if she had read Monica’s mind, “but we’re not all homophobic idiots. I’ll simply have to find someone else for Andrew.”

“You don’t know how glad I am that you understand,” Monica said, her sense of relief quite genuine.

“Think nothing of it, child,” Sylvia replied. “We are what we are, and that can’t be changed.”

‘It’s a pity that you didn’t have a granddaughter instead,” Monica laughed, caught up in the moment.

“Sorry, no granddaughter,” Sylvia smiled, a fact Monica already knew from earlier conversations, “but, since you brought it up, I do have a great-niece who is a year and a half older than Andrew. Heather is her name and you know what, she doesn’t date men either.”

Before Monica could say another word, Sylvia had said that it just also so happened that Heather was coming to dinner this Friday night. What better opportunity for the two of them to meet?

“This Friday?” Monica said, trying to stall while she desperately tried to come up with a way to graciously decline.

“Yes,” Sylvia confirmed. “I did hear you tell Jane that you didn’t have any plans, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did,” Monica said with a barely perceptible touch of resignation.

“Wonderful,” Sylvia beamed. “I know you and Heather are going to get along splendidly. Not like that Janine she used to date, I knew that girl was trouble the first time I met her. She was nowhere near good enough for my Heather. Breaking up with her was the best thing that could’ve happened.”

That last comment sent a warning bell off in Monica’s head. Rebound relationships were on her short list of things to be absolutely avoided. Circumspectly, she inquired how long ago that had been.

“Oh, it must’ve been two, no, make that three months ago,” Sylvia replied. “Don’t you worry, dear, I’m sure she’s totally over her by now.”

‘Oh yeah,’ Monica heard her inner voice say even as she forced a smile, ‘three months is more than enough time.’

Still, there was little she could do but resign herself to dinner with Sylvia and her great-niece. How bad could it be, she asked herself, not really wanting to consider an answer.

Closing the door to her apartment behind her, Monica stepped into the small living room and dropped down on the couch, letting out a very loud sigh as she did. As not looking forward to dinner as she was, Monica promised herself that she would nevertheless be as sociable as possible. Even if Heather turned out to be the disaster most fix-ups, at least in her experience, turned out to be.

A glance down at the slightly stained scrubs she had worn home reminded Monica that she needed to hop in the shower before changing clothes. She might be used to the smell of the animals she handled all day, but others weren’t so acclimated. Normally, she would change and wash up before leaving the clinic, but, the way the day had gone, she had rushed out the minute her shift was done.

Once in the bathroom, she stripped off her scrubs and the underwear beneath it, depositing both in the hamper. Reaching past the shower curtain around the old fashioned bear claw tub, she turned on the taps, adjusting the water mix until it was a comfortable temperature. Then she turned the small lever that sent it through a rubber hose up to the showerhead, letting it sprinkle downward another few moments before climbing in under it.

Monica closed her eyes and lifted her head, allowing the warmth of the water to engulf her. A hot shower at the end of a bad day was something she looked forward to. As she enjoyed the wetness against her skin, she let her mind wander and found herself entertaining a hopeful possibility.

‘What if, this time, things turn out different?’ she thought, ‘Heather and I might actually hit it off.’

As nice a notion as that was, Monica dismissed the idea almost as quickly as it had formed. Things like that only happened in Lifetime movies, not real life.

Stepping out from under the shower stream, Monica reached for a pouf sponge and body wash, working both across her body until it was covered with a thick, soapy lather. A slippery film that allowed her hand to smoothly roam back and forth across her upper body.

“Mmmmm,” Monica moaned softly as her motions sent small ripples of pleasure across her body.

Stepping back under the water, Monica’s hand found its way deep between her legs, causing her to let out a long, soft moan as her fingers passed over her sensitive clit. Masturbating in the shower had been one of her few joys since breaking up with her girlfriend, but Monica couldn’t remember the last time she’d not been too tired at the end of the day to do so. Now, with pleasing warmth spreading across her body, she couldn’t resist.

Time slowed as her hands darted back and forth across her body, one playing with her clit while the other did the same with her breasts, bringing her equally sensitive nipples to rock hardness. It didn’t take more than a few minutes for her legs to began to feel weak beneath her and a long absent but quite familiar pressure to begin to built up inside of her.

She closed her eyes as she leaned against the far wall behind the shower curtain, her face reflecting the anticipation of the whirlwind within her. She was close, painfully close; it would only take a little more to put her over the edge.

“Oh yes, yes,” she whispered softly to herself as her fingers once more found her special spot, “oh my...”

Suddenly her voice went from a whisper to an excited shout, the volume of which rang off the walls.

“Fuck!” Monica cried out in distress as the water around her abruptly turned ice cold.

As fast as she could, she turned the water valves off, and with the fading shower went any desire she had to complete what she had started. As much as she loved this old building, the plumbing sometimes took unexpected turns.

“Can this day get any worse?” Monica called out to the empty room.

This time an answer did come to her. Having totally blocked the dinner from her mind, Monica only now realized that Sylvia had never described her great-niece other than saying she was a few years older than Andrew. She certainly hadn’t shown her a photo, something she had done with Andrew a few days after she’d first mentioned him. Monica didn’t want to read too much into that, but couldn’t help but think that couldn’t be a good sign. She liked to think she valued personalities over looks, but even that had its limits.

Monica finished drying herself off and, wrapping the towel back around her, headed back into the bedroom. She put on a clean bra and panties, then spent a few minutes in front of the closet deciding what to wear. After some consideration, she decided on a plain, almost conservative gray dress that she liked to think of as a ‘first date’ outfit - not that she’d had much occasion to wear it this last year.

Checking her appearance in the mirror, Monica was pleased with the image looking back at her. The dress was respectable enough to wear to a casual dinner, yet at the same time showed, if not a lot of flesh, at least the shape of what was beneath it. Her body might not be centerfold material, Monica thought, but she’d hadn’t ever had a complaint from those who’d had occasion to examine it more intimately.

Slipping her feet into a comfortable pair of flats, she headed for the kitchen and took a bottle of wine out of the back of the refrigerator. The wall clock said it was half past six, just enough for her to be fashionable late, but not exceedingly so.

As she might have expected, Sylvia was at the door seconds after she knocked, welcoming her as if she hadn’t seen her in a week. The elderly woman complimented her on her dress, even as she directed her towards the living room and its very comfortable couch.

“Heather called a few minutes ago,” Sylvia mentioned as she began to step back into the kitchen to check on dinner. “She had a bit of trouble finding a parking spot, but should be here in about ten minutes.”

‘So much for being the last to arrive,’ Monica thought, her plan for alleviating the awkwardness of a first meeting tossed out the window.

With a little time now to kill, she found herself drawn to the collection of photographs on the nearby piano, wondering which might be Heather.

“If you’re looking for Heather, she’s not in that bunch,” Sylvia said as she stepped back into the room, noting Monica’s interest in her collection of family photos.

“I wasn’t, I mean I...” Monica hesitantly said, a bit embarrassed at having been caught.

“Oh of course you were,” Sylvia laughed. “I know that if I was in your place, I certainly would’ve been.”

Monica smiled, realizing as she did that her curiosity was indeed only natural.

“I guess I should’ve shown this to you in the first place,” Sylvia said as she took a small frame off a side table on the other side of the room, handing it to Monica. “Its a few years old, but she hasn’t really changed much.”

Monica tried to be nonchalant as she took the photograph, determined to act as if Heather’s appearance was the furthest thing from her mind. Especially if Heather turned out to be as plain looking as some of the other girls in the pictures she had already looked at. The family resemblance among the cousins seemed to be quite strong - with average being the description that most came to mind.

They say there’s an exception to every rule, and it appeared that Heather was it. The woman in the picture appeared to be about twenty, an estimate partially based on the college basketball jersey she wore. About two inches taller than Monica’s five foot four, Heather had an athlete’s build, which seemed appropriate, seeing that she was holding a state championship trophy in her arms. Her blonde hair was cut exceedingly short, in an almost boyish style, framing warm, pleasant features that centered on bright brown eyes. As much as Monica hated labels, she would have described the girl’s appearance as soft butch.

“My Heather is certainly something, isn’t she?” Sylvia smiled as she looked over Monica’s shoulder at the photograph.

‘That she is,’ Monica thought, reminding herself at the same time that the photo had to be over a decade old. She knew women that had undergone total transformations in less than half that span.

A new question came to Monica as Sylvia headed back towards the kitchen. If Heather still looked anything like she did in that photo, why in heaven’s name would she need to be fixed up? You would think that girls would be beating down her door. Was there something she wasn’t being told? At face value, at least, Heather was definitely the sort of woman Monica dreamed about, but never met outside of those imaginings.

The consideration of both questions was interrupted by a knock at the door, followed a few beats later by a strong voice calling out, “Aunt Sylvia?” One way or the other, Monica thought, she was about to get her answers.

As Sylvia headed for the door, Monica rose from the couch and moved to a few feet behind her, just close enough to be introduced once Heather had stepped inside. She watched as Sylvia wiped her hands on her apron, then opened the apartment door.

Heather had her back to Monica as she stepped in, wrapping her arms around Sylvia in a manner that prevented Monica from getting a good look at her face. What was obvious, even from that angle, that the thirty-four year old still had a well developed physique and an even shorter hairstyle than she’d had in the photograph.

Releasing her hold on her great-aunt, Heather turned in Monica’s direction, finally giving her a clear view of her. A partially opened, green plaid shirt covered a white v-neck undershirt, both atop black jeans, which in turn topped a pair of equally black boots. Not that Monica disliked the look, but the woman did seem a bit underdressed for a first date.

Even more surprising was the look that filled Heather’s face as she looked past her great-aunt and noticed Monica standing there. After a heartbeat, she glanced back at Sylvia, then turned back to Monica.

“Hello, I’m Heather Reynolds,” she said.

That slight glance had spoken volumes. Monica was willing to bet her paycheck that she was a total surprise and that Sylvia hadn’t told Heather anything about having invited a guest to dinner. Especially one she was trying to fix her up with.

“Hi, I’m Monica Doyle, I live upstairs,” she replied. “Your aunt was kind enough to invite me to dinner.”

“Nice to meet you, Monica,” Heather said, the surprise on her face now replaced by a warm smile.

“Why don’t you two girls have a seat in the living room and I’ll call you when dinner is ready,” Sylvia said, urging them in that direction with gentle hand motions.

The two young women did so, with Monica returning to her seat on the couch and Heather taking the chair just off to the right. They’d barely sat down before Monica leaned over to Heather.

“Heather, it’s obvious that you had no idea that I was going to be here,” she said. “So if it’s a problem in any way, I’ll make my apologies to Sylvia and head back upstairs. I’ve had a real long day anyway so saying I’m a bit tired really wouldn’t be much of a stretch.”

“Nonsense,” Heather replied, “there’s no reason for you to leave. Believe me, this is hardly the first time my aunt has done this to me. She likes to think of herself as the family matchmaker and I’ve pretty much gotten used to it by now.”

“Okay, then I’ll stay,” Monica responded, glad that Heather had insisted that she do so.

“I’m probably stating the obvious,” Heather added, “but I’m assuming you like girls. Otherwise, you’d probably be sitting across from my cousin Andrew instead of me right now.”

“Actually, she originally tried to fix me up with Andrew,” Monica offered.

“Well, it’s a good thing you told her you weren’t into guys,” Heather interjected with a grin. “I love my cousin, but there’s a reason why he’s still single and boring doesn’t even begin to cover it.”

“Well, to be honest, it took me almost two weeks to get up the courage to tell her that I wasn’t into guys. I was so worried that she might have a problem with that.”

“Aunt Sylvia?” Heather asked in a mix of surprise and laughter. “Honey, that’s the last thing you’d ever have to worry about with her.”

Heather paused for a second, then elaborated.

“I’m guessing that she hasn’t told you yet any of the stories about her escapades in the early days of television back in the mid-fifties, when she was right out of high school,” the older girl added, mirth still in her voice. “She used to say that just about every third person in the industry was either gay or bi, and even those that were totally straight usually spent so much time bed-hopping that you needed a scorecard to keep track of who was sleeping with whom.”

“Really?” Monica said, greatly surprised since she never imagined people being that openly sexual back in those days. To listen to her grandmother, people barely had sex inside of marriage, much less what Heather just described.

“Oh come on, you don’t think that we’re the first generation to get our freak on, do you?” Heather asked as she noted the look of surprise on Monica’s face.

“I guess not,” Monica smiled. “I guess I just really never thought that much about it. I mean, after all, who ever imagines their parents, much less their grandparents, doing the nasty?”

“Well, after listening to some of Sylvia’s stories, I certainly can,” Heather grinned.

“You mean she...” Monica heard herself ask, pausing in mid-question as she realized how inappropriate the question was.

Heather, on the other hand, didn’t seem to think the question out of line at all.

“I’ve never asked it outright, so I can’t say for sure,” Heather replied, gesturing to a black and white photograph of a very attractive woman in her early twenties, the resemblance to their hostess evident even across a half century, “but I always got the impression, from the way she talked about it, that she had been quite in the thick of it at the time.”

“In the thick of what?” Sylvia asked, having heard the tail end of the comment as she walked into the room with a tray of fruit drinks and appetizers in hand.

“Oh, nothing, Aunt Sylvia,” Heather said, flashing Monica a conspiratorial smile which she shared.

“I’m afraid dinner will be at least another fifteen or twenty minutes,” Sylvia said as she laid the tray down between them on the coffee table. “So I thought you might like something to snack on in the meantime.”

Then, just as quickly as she’d appeared, Sylvia retreated back to the kitchen.

“Well, since I’m sure she actually planned that so that we’d have some get acquainted time, why don’t we do that?” Heather suggested as she picked up one of the glasses and took a small sip.

“Sounds like a good idea,” Monica agreed, volunteering to go first.

Long ago, back when she’d first started dating outside her immediate circle, Monica had worked out three capsule biographies. Which one she used was based on the person she was trying to impress. It only took a few seconds to decide that Heather called for version B. A choice that proved correct, as not only did the other woman seem genuinely interested, she interrupted three times to ask questions.

Then it was Heather’s turn and Monica listened with equal interest as she described her life as a loan officer for Northside Savings and Trust. Of greater interest, however, was her brief but telling mention of her last girlfriend, the one that Sylvia had alluded to. The shift in the tone of her voice told Monica that their parting had not been an amicable one.

The glimpse into Heather’s dating past caused Monica to hope she might learn more. Unfortunately, Sylvia reappeared just then and announced that dinner was on the table.

The dinner conversation was a lot more conventional, with Heather pressing her great-aunt to share some of the more conservative stories of her television days. As entertaining as they were, Monica couldn’t help but wish she was learning more about the young woman sitting across from her.

“So who’s ready for dessert?” Sylvia asked as she surveyed the collection of empty dishes in front of both girls.

“I don’t think I could eat another bite,” Monica said, having eaten twice what she normally would’ve. “Everything was just so delicious.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass too, Aunt Sylvia,” Heather chimed in. “In fact, I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave in a bit as well. I promised someone I’d meet them almost a half hour ago.”

Hearing that, Monica’s heart dropped. Things had been going so well, at least she had thought so.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Sylvia said, disappointment in her tone. “Can you at least stay for coffee?”

Monica held her breath, trying to will Heather to say yes.

“Not really,” Heather said, her tone apologetic. “I really should’ve left already.”

As if on cue, Heather’s cell phone started to ring. As she removed it from her pocket, offering apologies as she did, Monica had a fleeting glance at the photo attached to the caller’s profile. It was just long enough for her to form an instant dislike for the beautiful, twenty-somethingLatinathat she learned, from the brief conversation that followed, was her competition for Heather’s attention this evening.

“I’m sorry, but I really have to go,” Heather said, after having just lied, saying she had already left.

“Well, if you must you must,” Sylvia sighed.

“It was really nice meeting you, Monica,” Heather said as she rose from the table.

“You too,” Monica responded, a forced smile hiding her disappointment. “Perhaps we could have that coffee another time?” she added hopefully.

“That would be great,” Heather replied in an even, noncommittal tone.

As Sylvia walked her niece to the door and hugged her goodbye, Monica started to clear the table, piling one dish atop the other. On her return, the older woman said that wasn’t necessary but the younger insisted, staying downstairs until the last of them had been washed and put away.

“Damn, damn, damn,” Monica said softly as she closed her apartment door behind her, storming right past the living room and into the bedroom.

It was obvious that whatever her opinion of how the dinner had gone, it obviously hadn’t been shared by Heather. If the short haired blonde had been even the least bit interested, she told herself, she would’ve at least asked for Monica’s number.

Kicking off her shoes, she pulled off her dress, tossing it over the small wooden chair in the corner. Just as quickly, she tossed her bra and panties on top of it, grabbing the blue nightshirt that had been earlier laid out on the bed. She held it in front of her for a moment, then tossed it aside as well. Angry as she was, she wasn’t in the mood for the kittens and flowers that decorated the nightwear.

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The plan at that point was for me to resume a normal touring and speaking schedule, but for the time being, limit myself to strongly Republican areas where I wouldn’t be challenged on this. Matt Scully was redoing the standard stump speech and would be traveling with me to edit it as new information came in. We would work up a healthy portion of outrage into the speech based on this, with me attacking Bill Clinton at every conceivable moment. Ignore John Kerry; damn Bill Clinton; Al Gore is...

1 year ago
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Taking Sarah part 4

Leslie I never saw Cindy or Leslie again that nite. I did tell her where the camera was and after that nothing. At one point I did over hear one of the guests ask Anne where Cindy was, her answer was that she wanted to spend some quality time with Leslie and was upstairs in her room. I thought to myself,"quality time", from what had occurd I surely wondered what was going on upstairs. As was normal, I was the first one up Sunday morning, I made coffee and jumped on the computer to...

2 years ago
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I have been married for seven years and never once even considered cheating on my husband. I can’t say that anymore. I have now not only thought about cheating, but I have cheated. I love my husband, but I guess my excuse is I got bored.My name is Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy. Steve and I got married right out of high school. We dated through our senior year. Steve was always very careful to have plenty of condoms available when we needed them. We needed them often. Our carefulness...

Wife Lovers
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Bodysuit Planet

When it became impossible to tell whether or not someone was wearing a bodysuit - and almost everyone was, anyway - how could you know anyone's true age or gender? BODYSUIT PLANET by BobH (c) 2023 Robin Dukayne: "Yes, oooh yeeesss!!!" I cried as Grant's powerful, skillful ramming brought me to orgasm. Seconds later he came too, filling me with his seed. Afterwards, we lay together smiling and gazing into each others eyes, he caressing my breasts and me running my fingers...

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A Colleen In Clover

A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...

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Wife getting her first BBC part 2

The next day I missed the ballgames that I wanted to see. But that is another story all together. Jamal had plans and this time it involved video.The next morning I awoke lying in bed next to my wife who was still a sleep. I began caressing her body and thinking about the surreal events the night before. It was so unbelievable it was hard to imagine it really happened. My wife was always so prim and proper and would never stoop to the level of a common slut fucking a nigger cock and...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 8

I arrived at Emma's flat about seven that evening, after first checking that my eldest child could fit me into her hectic social life. As astute as her mother had been, she must have guessed something was amiss as she immediately invited me over; this was unusual, as she rarely spent any time alone. If she wasn't with one of her many male admirers; her impending wedding had reduced but not eliminated them all, although now her fiancé Luke was now at their centre; then she was putting the...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 3

Seventeen years earlier... “No, she isn’t!” five-year-old Corec said to his half-brothers. “Yes, she is,” Toman insisted. “Your mother’s buried in the crypt. Father’s just never taken you down there because you’re too little.” Corec couldn’t remember his mother, but there was a portrait in the sitting room with Father, Isa, and Mother all together, dressed up in their finest clothes. Isa was Father’s wife, and she was also Toman’s and Branth’s mother. Corec liked to look at the portrait...

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I Know Hes A KingChapter 8

Although I more considered Alexander as my best friend than anything else I would have loved to hear him say that he loved me. I loved him, it took all of my willpower not to hug him and whisper it to him every time we met. The longer time we spent together the harder it got to say goodbye. Once when he was about to leave I tried to hide my disappointment in his short visit. It turned badly. We yelled and I tried to kick him, and then he just left. He did not return for a full week, and I...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Prisoner

"Those are the rules" Mary Ellen confirmed feeling some pangs of sympathy for her unfortunate prisoner as the tears began to stream down the adorable redhead's cheeks."Couldn't you ... is there any way you could make an exception" Heather pleaded. Diabolical thoughts began to take shape in the young clerk's mind. 'She certainly seemed to enjoy the attention Sarah gave her yesterday ... I wonder if she's as good at giving as she seems to be at receiving.'"I don't know ... I could get in a lot of...

3 years ago
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Abbeys New Client and Old Habits

"It's my company, so I am biased.""Does anyone else freak out like this their first time?""Most new clients get nervous, Gretel," Abbey told her from the other side of the imposing mahogany desk.Her arms were shaking."Let's sit over here." In her Italian wool suit, Abbey guided Gretel across the floor of her executive suite to the loveseat."I am usually a calm person, really, I am." Gretel's calves wiggled in her yellow rain boots."To answer your question, you are correct. It's...

Oral Sex
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Its a dirty job but someone has to do it

It was my third day in Mexico , and I was still waiting to find some good dick. I’ve seen plenty of males around, but I don’t know why they are afraid to talk to me. Sure, they’ll sit there for hours drooling, but I haven’t met one that had the balls to come up and talk to me!   It’s hot here, that’s why I’ve been forced to wear almost nothing (wink wink) plus I’ve seen the way Ricardo has been looking at me, and I even caught him in my room going through my panty drawer. I can’t lie to...

1 year ago
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Surely Hell

All the usual disclaimmers. Over 18s only. This is imagination, not based on reality.Surely Hell.This is surely hell. The bed is soft, but that is the only comfort, and for his benefit rather than mine. I roll a little to ease the pain on my arms, which are folded tightly behind me, secured together across the small of my back with cable ties. My legs are bound separately with more of the unyielding plastic, but with ankles tied to thighs, thus legs folded, I cannot move even enough to fall off...

2 years ago
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The Office VisitChapter 2

As instructed, Janet Simons returned to the doctor’s office the following evening, arriving a few minutes after five o’clock. She was met at the door by the doctor himself who double checked that the door was locked after admitting her into the waiting room. They immediately walked down the hallway to the exam room where Mrs. Simons began to disrobe. She did not bother to put on the exam gown that he offered. “Tell me about last night,” Doctor Miller said. “I did as you told me. I knew that...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 45

There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...

2 years ago
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My Experience As Nudist Made Me To Break My Virginity

Hi sexy guys and girls. I am Neha and I am back. In my previous story I told about my experience of carrying myself in sexy clothes. Now I am sharing my first sex experience.I was alone in my rented home. I moved in to this home few days back. As I was alone, I felt very horny. I thought of watching porn but my net connection was down. But I wanted to do something. I removed all my clothes and was walking nude in my home. I made sure that all the windows and curtains were closed. But I wanted...

1 year ago
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Origins of a Whore

The Origins of a Whore I really became a prostitute by accident. Okay, well, not really, but sort of by accident. I had been going to a chat room online and found there were quite a number of admirers of t-girls, she males, cross dressers, chicks with dicks, sluts with nuts, whatever you want to call us. I hate the term drag queen because it is so demeaning and inaccurate. I much prefer to refer to it as dressing “en femme”, and call myself a “girl with something extra”. But I digress. There...

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POW/MIA AMBUSH!!!! The convoy of Hummers in the desert was being held up by a bunch of crazy Iraqi insurgents. The convoy came to a complete halt. The American men in the convoy wondered why the Iraqis were not killing them. The strange men ordered the soldiers out of the Hummers. They forced several other Iraqi men into the vehicles after the soldiers got out, and preceded to burn the vehicles, and the Iraqi men alive. Once the bombed convoy was discovered by American forces, they...

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My older boyfriend

Hi my name is Ruchi and now I am a respectably married woman working as an accountant with a private firm.But like Shilpa on this website I too have been forced in to the role of a part time call girl in my college days.Only difference is that most of the time I had a small roaster of about 2/3 clients and I was more like their keep than a call girl.My first john was an elderly merchant called Sumant Deshkar. This is the story now.I had applied for an educational loan in a natinalised bank and...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 23 Bang Bang

Mark had been right about the company wanting to settle before the news services got all of the details about the lawsuit. One of the news channels had gone into great lengths about the court sealing the settlement of the previous lawsuit. There was a lot of speculation about the the current lawsuit, and its relation to the previous one. The pundits were having a field day with the topic. Things really started to move fast. For a quick fifty million, they would settle with Dexter, as long as...

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Amazon Part 7 Charm School Week 3

Amazon - Part 7: CHARM SCHOOL Week 3 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. ********** Monday, January 22, 2001 Washington, D.C. The orders were clear, even if the scope of the task itself was not. Carson Sinclair had been directed to follow up on a company known to...

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My changing fortunes 03

I was bored and horny, so I went to the gay gym I had recently joined up with; when it got dark. I go at night, so I can go out dressed in my drag clothing and not be noticed; in the gym I would wear guys gear. After my work out, I showered and dressed back in drag; and I was about to exit. When I walked by a bunch of toilet cubicles, I heard a noise and noticed someone was in of them; 3 cubicles from me. It sounded like he was jacking off, I thought I imagined it. So I had a sticky...

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Sophie My Playgirl

Sophie My PlaygirlBy: Londebaaz Chohan How it all started, I really do not remember and I do not give a fuck if anyone else knew or not. Honestly, I worried a little that Sophie shall be hurt if she knew that I was fucking her mother as well but my friend Mathew would surely do something drastic, if he found out that I was fucking his sister as well as his mother. However, it happened and it went on. Sophie always gave me that demur kind of looks that said, she wanted to suck my cock, whenever...

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Imagine Theres Still Love Ch 07

Jon was up extra early the next morning, showered and shaved and sleeved in his device. He presented himself to his Goddess and she secured the lock once more. He was on his way to work even earlier than usual, sure that he would discover that even though he was only planning on working a three day week, that there would still be at least five days of work to be done. Angela kept him organized and on task all day, and it was very late when he straggled home. Lucy had dinner waiting, and was...

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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
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The Least She Could Do Pt 1

It caught us by surprise, the way the weather changed so quickly. It shouldn’t have, we both knew better, both had a wealth of experience in the outdoors with years of backpacking, hiking, kayaking, and canoeing behind us… and besides, it was that time of year. It was late October, when the weather this far north can be unpredictable; we’d known that but we’d fucked up, and now our negligence might cost us everything.We’d let the clear, dry, unseasonably warm and beautiful autumn lull us into a...

Wife Lovers
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My cousin from a previous story came to visit

A far away cousin, (from one of my earlier stories), came to visit during the memorial day holiday with his wife. I was a little bit nervous and a little bit excited. By now he would a man cock...wonder what it looks like? How would it feel now? Would he let me suck it? A far away cousin, (from one of my earlier stories), came to visit during the memorial day holiday with his wife. I was a little bit nervous and a little bit excited. By now he would have a man cock...wonder what it looks like?...

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 3

Chapter FiveHe began undoing the closure to his Master Guardian’s uniform. Her wide golden eyes were riveted to his actions, making him ache in anticipation. Going right for the kill, Zak-o? Remi snickered in his mind. Zak clenched his teeth. Get out of my head, Red. But Remi wasn’t the only presence he felt… or heard. Zak, she’s really innocent. Anniel’s concern-laced voice chimed in next, making his hands freeze. Why don’t you let her stay with me, and we can have some girl talk. Alluna’s...

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NewSensations Keely Rose Keely Welcomes Him To The Club

Sexy big tit redhead wife Keely invites her husband’s long time friend Scotty into the room as she lets him know he missed his flight, but he can hang and wait for him there with her. This being the first time she meets him, digs in a little more on their history with the ladies and quickly tends to her agenda of sucking and fucking his big cock. Scotty was not down just yet as he was newly married and did not want to fuck her. But she said if not him then it will be someone else and with...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 86

New Naval Ships Female Quarter Regulations: Department of the Navy is now assigning females to quarters in a separate private “OFF LIMITS” area on all aircraft carriers. While addressing all personnel at Pearl Harbor, CINCPAC advised, “Female sleeping quarters will be “out-of-bounds” for all males. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined $50 the first time.” And the Admiral continued, “Anyone caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $150. Being caught a third time will...

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First Orgasm

I had been masterbating for a couple of months rather unsuccessfully. Meaning I would play around down below but would always stop before the big "O". Fear held me back. I can't really explain it other than that.I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm. My panties were moist from the dream I was having. It involved Peter from school and my vision of him undressing me and covering my body with kisses. When he finally stopped between my legs is when I abruptly awoke with my pillow trapped between my...

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Kimberly Nicole

KIMBERLY NICOLE The Wizard was bored. The little bell over the door to his shop hadn't rung in days. He even checked it to be sure it wasn't broken. But, how do you break a mechanical bell?! He had even moved his store to other malls, and still no action. Finally he took to sitting in his dusty little office, just staring at his magic ball. He had it on auto-scan, looking for anyone that could use his services. It finally stopped on a young couple having sex. He smacked the ball,...

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Bahen aur uski saheli ki chudai 1

Hi dosto,kaise ho.Shayad apne meri story bahen ke saath masti,maza 1,2,3,4 padi hogi aur aapko maza aaya hoga.Me aur meri bahen abhi tak sex ka anand lete he.Hume jabhi bhi moka milta he hum humara time waste nahi karte.Hum kam se kam din me ek baar tho karte he chaye woh 10 min ke liye bhi kyun na ho.Me usko uske periods ke din me bhi chodtha tha.Aur uske khoon ko pita bhi tha.Hum log din par din dirty sex karte rehete the,kabhi kabhi woh mere muth peeti he aur kabhi me.Hume bahut mazza aata...

2 years ago
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Daddy and daughter Veronica

I flipped the cell phone open and downloaded the pic. It didn't make sense at first, mostly a white blob but the screen resolution caught up and the picture started getting clear from the top down. I saw her face like she was looking down, then I saw... her tits? Wtf? The rest of the picture came in and I could clearly see she had a glass dildo in her pussy. She had taken a masturbation shot of herself naked and sent it to... me? It had to have been an accident since her boyfriend "Dave"s...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 10 The morning

We slept like the proverbial log. I awoke in the early dawn and felt Olga stroking my cock. She giggled when I woke up. We both had to go to bathroom. Our bladders were so full, and we forgot to go before we fell asleep. She went first and turned back to me with a wink in her eyes as I went to the toilet in the bathroom of the bedroom, when she was behind me at the toilet and she took my cock with her hand and said, "Your cock is mine, but my pussy is yours." She giggled, I laughed, "An...

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Size Discrimination

Fanny regarded her teacher with fascination from where she sat at the back of the classroom. Qafira was so very thin. Were they all as thin as her where she came from? Almost all skin and bones. Hardly any fat on the woman at all. She knew that Qafira would get plenty of stick for her thinness. People would wonder whether she’d eaten well. Or whether she wasn’t weak with hunger. But despite her skinniness, Fanny decided that Qafira was actually rather attractive. A difficult thing to admit to...

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Sucker For MomChapter 3

"You gotta be kiddin'! We can't do that! Jesus Christ, Wendy! I can't fuck a girl in my mother's bed! I'd feel... kinda..." Terry stammered, feeling a strange stirring in his nuts when he thought about her suggestion. "Don't be silly, Terry. I think you'd like to fuck me in your mother's bed. I'll bet Sheila's bed is softer than yours, more comfortable. I prefer nice silk sheets, Terry. And besides, doesn't it turn you on just thinking about it? Wouldn't it be nasty?" Terry...

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InLaw LoveChapter 7

As I have explained in my previous stories my wife Peggy and I have undergone a real change in our sex lives because of our experiences with our inlaws. The first time was with my wife's sister Ruth and her husband and swinging friends. When we returned we were looking expand our circle of sexual friends and managed to first lure my brother Rob's wife Pat into a hot sex orgy with us. Then got Rob involved with my wife Peggy and his wife Pat making us all one big fucking family. My chance...

3 years ago
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Kissing Sister

My sister backed away after our first kiss. I mean, real honest-to-god kiss. Not a sisterly peck. Full, wet, even a bit of tongue. Me, I’m just hanging on to dear life. My soon to leave for college sister is kissing her sixteen-year-old brother in a very intimate way. She said it was ‘PRACTICE’. Me, I’m Rick, Richard. Don’t call me Ricky ... unless you are a girl. Then you can call me anything you like, ‘cause at least you recognize I exist. At least at that moment. Now understand, I don’t go...

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Awakened by Candy

It was a Saturday and I was just strolling down the High Street, going nowhere in particular, when I noticed a commotion down a side alley. A largish male was pushing two girls around; they both looked pretty distressed. I grabbed the bloke as he slammed one of the girls into a door, and he went arse-over into the road, got up and took a swing at me. I dodged, and gifted him a right hook; his nose took the brunt and spurted blood instantaneously. He thought about coming again, but the blood...

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Work Experience part 2

We finished our lunch, her foot on me or rubbing my leg for most of it, and as we were at a table in the corner with no-one near us, the conversation turned to sex, more specifically her experience of it. This was without too much prompting from me, either.She technically wasn’t a virgin, as speculated, mainly because her boyfriend had managed only once to get his cock right inside her once before he started to cum. She had been with him for four months, and that was as far as he had been able...

3 years ago
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Open Minded

"What the fuck?" A bit rough for a beginning, I am aware. Sorry about that. It was my initial reaction, and I'm afraid it's still a very accurate portrayal of what I'm feeling. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've been aroused by mind control of various sorts for as long as I can remember. Long prior to understanding what erections were, I was experiencing them while watching television show characters "put someone under". It was uncomfortable ... and thrilling, and I spent furtive...

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The TeacherChapter 15 Lisa would you care to join us in the shower

Lisa answered, "It's not really as bad as all that, Harold. Meredith and I were having a great time this afternoon hanging out naked in the pool." "It's just not my cup of tea," he said. "I don't see any value to it." "Well, there are many studies out there that show that people who practice social nudity in a positive setting reap the benefits for their entire lives," Lisa replied. "What kind of benefits?" "For one thing, being with people who are not afraid to show their...

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Fortnight 8211 Found My Soulmate

Hello everyone! This is Ddevil here with the Last Part of the Fort Night for you all. I hope you all enjoy my story. Pls do read them and mail me all your feedback and comments on Before coming to the story, someone asked me why I don’t write Incest Stories.. I believe there are supposed to be certain boundaries in every relationship which shouldn’t be crossed. And apart from that I find it completely disgusting and disrespectful to write a story about how a person had sex with his own Parents...

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The Night Ferry from Kefalonia

The ferry was due to sail just before midnight. While we were waiting to drive our hire car onto the ship, my wife and I had sat in a taverna knocking back Metaxa Greek brandy. By the time that we had stowed the car and found the lounge I was shattered. Susan, my beautiful but wanton wife, had consumed enough Greek brandy to feel horny, so she told me to get another round of drinks and then find somewhere quiet for us to fuck.I had been driving all day and badly needed a few hours sleep, so I...

3 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 7

The next three days were the longest of his life. He plowed through the week and in one of his few magnanimous spells, postponed all the work that he had originally scheduled to be due on Friday until the next Monday. The kids were overjoyed since he never cut them any slack when it came to schoolwork. During that time, he only briefly spoke to Ann Marie. They flirted a little, but were otherwise professional to the point that it seemed like they were ignoring each other. When the final...

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Past experiences First love 2

Two days day passed since I had talked to either Tanya or Sarah. My anger turned into sadness as I wept thinking of the event at the jazz bar. Tanya was ignoring my phone calls and I was ignoring Sarah’s. My phone rang once more and as I picked it up to switch it off thinking it was Sarah, the screen said Tanya, “hello?” I answered very anxiously. “I’ve been thinking about what happened, I don’t blame you for anything” “…really?” I was still very nervous. “Yeah we cant help how we feel about...

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Joy finds a BBC

Joy and I always went out on Friday night to have a good time. Joy always wore very sexy and revealing clothes with no bra or panties. We went to clubs, parties and swimming in the nude. Joy liked to go out with her girl friends twice a month and would get home about four in the morning having that fucked look about her. She would tell me that one of her friends liked to eat pussy and so I let it pass. After several months of this she ask me if she could fuck another man. I thought for awhile...

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