Indiscretions Ch. 13 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter thirteen

Mitch was on his home from work, debating whether he wanted to go to the diner and see if Bonnie was available, or just go home, grab a sandwich, and got to bed. Then he saw a small foreign car sitting next to the road. The hood was open and a petite young woman, dressed in sweatpants and a snug T-shirt, was leaning into the open engine compartment.

Mitch braked, made a U-turn, and pulled his pickup off the road across from where the car was sitting. He turned on his four-way flashers and got out of his truck.

‘Having problems?’ he asked as he walked across the highway.

The girl turned and frowned at him. ‘My damn car just quit on me!’ she exclaimed. She kicked a tire, then winced. It never pays to kick something harder than your foot. Especially when you’re wearing sandals. ‘Goddammit!’ the girl said. She began to cry. ‘Why the hell does everything in my life have to go to shit?’

‘Hey, come on,’ Mitch said. The girl was reasonably attractive, petite and thin, with long dark brown curly hair she had pulled up into a fluffy shoulder-length pony-tail. She looked like she was in her teens, but could have been older. ‘You want me to take a look at it and see if I can get it running for you?’

She looked at him, tears streaming down her face, and sniffled. ‘Sure,’ she snorted, ‘go ahead. You sure as hell can’t make things any worse! Damn!’ This time she hit the door with her small fist.

Mitch bent over and looked into the engine compartment. Almost immediately, he spotted what he thought the problem was. The coil wire had, for some reason, come out of the distributor. ‘There,’ he said, shoving the wire back in where it belonged. ‘Try starting it now.’

The girl got behind the wheel, turned the key, and the car roared to live. She let it run and got out. ‘Damn!’ she said, ‘You fixed it! What was it?’

‘Your coil wire came loose,’ Mitch said. ‘You been driving on rough roads or something?’

‘Yeah,’ she said, blushing. ‘I was. My boyfriend’s been running around on me and I was cruising some back roads looking for the asshole!’

‘Well,’ Mitch said, ‘it’s OK now.’

‘Hey, thanks for stopping and helping me,’ the girl said. ‘What do I owe you?’

‘Nothing,’ Mitch said. ‘All I did was stick the wire back in where it belonged.’

‘You want to come to my place for a cup of coffee?’ she asked.

‘Sounds good to me,’ Mitch said. ‘By the way, my name is Mitch Hathaway.’

‘I’m Kristin Albrecht,’ she replied, smiling. ‘Nice to meet you, Mitch. God, I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t stopped.’

‘Somebody else would have,’ he said.

‘Sure they would,’ she snorted. ‘You got any idea how many cars passed me before you stopped?’

‘Not everyone’s a good Samaritan, I guess,’ Mitch said.

‘You got that right,’ Kristin snorted. ‘You want to follow me to my place and I’ll get that coffee for you?’

‘Sounds good to me,’ Mitch said.

They got in their vehicles and Mitch followed her as she drove through town and out into the country. Eventually they pulled up in front of her house. They got out of their vehicles and walked up onto the porch of a big old farmhouse. Kristin unlocked the door and they entered a big kitchen. It was very neat and homey, with a large round table covered with a red and white checked tablecloth in the center of the room and ladder-back chairs arranged around it.

‘You want something to eat besides the coffee?’ Kristin asked. ‘I was gonna make supper for myself anyhow.’

‘Sure,’ Mitch said.

‘Make yourself comfortable,’ Kristin said. ‘I’ll see what I can find.’

Mitch sat down at the table while Kristin walked to the refrigerator. She turned to him. ‘You want coffee or would you prefer something else?’ she asked.

‘Whatever you have,’ Mitch said.

‘Is soda OK?’ Kristin asked.

‘Soda’s fine,’ Mitch told her. ‘I drink too much coffee anyhow.’

She got a can out of the refrigerator and handed it to him. ‘I hope diet’s all right,’ she said. ‘I don’t have nothin’ else.’

‘It’s all I ever drink,’ Mitch replied. ‘So, I take it you and your boyfriend had a fight?’

Kristin got herself a can of soda and sat down at the table next to him. ‘Yeah. All of a sudden he says he can’t handle living with me, so he takes off,’ she replied, a catch in her voice.

‘Sounds like you didn’t expect it,’ he said.

‘I try, I really do,’ she said, ‘but everything seems to piss him off. Sometimes I get so tired of trying. I mean, it’s like he’s always pissed about something. If I don’t do things exactly right, he’s pissed, if my kid isn’t good, he’s pissed, if his kids aren’t good, he’s pissed.’

‘You have a child?’ Mitch asked.

‘Yeah, a little boy,’ Kristin replied. She swallowed some soda. ‘My brother took him to Canada fishing for school vacation.’

‘And your boyfriend thinks your son isn’t well-behaved?’ Mitch asked.

‘Sometimes,’ Kristin said. ‘He’s not a bad kid, actually, but when he isn’t, my boyfriend always takes it out on me.’

‘You mean he hits you?’ Mitch asked, feeling his muscles tighten. He’d never been able to understand why a man would hit a woman. It went against everything he believed. And hitting a woman as attractive as Kristin was a real crime.

Kristin rubbed her shoulder. ‘I still got bruises from the last time,’ she said softly. ‘I mean, I guess…’ She shrugged again. ‘I mean, every time it happens he says he’s sorry, after, but…’

‘Nobody deserves to be hit,’ Mitch said, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.

‘Hey, look, he’s really not that bad, you know?’ Kristin said defensively. ‘I mean, he’s under a lot of stress on his job, and his ex-wife’s always bugging him and…’

‘Did he hit his ex-wife, too?’ Mitch asked.

Kristin nodded. ‘Yeah, I guess so,’ she said. ‘She says that’s why she left him.’

‘Does he hit your son?’ Mitch asked.

‘No way!’ Kristin said, her eyes flashing. ‘He ever lays a hand on Tad and I’ll kill him! Nobody is going to hit my kid! No way!’

Mitch shook his head in amazement. She was willing to let her boyfriend pound on her, but not her kid. Well, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Kristin looked at him. ‘Look, I…I really appreciate what you did for me, Mitch,’ she said softly. ‘I mean, there’s probably nobody else who’d have done what you did.’

‘Maybe,’ Mitch said, feeling his face get hot.

‘Ah…’ Kristin said. ‘You got to be anywhere?’

‘No,’ he said. ‘I was just trying to decide if I was going to go to the diner or go home and make myself something when I saw you.’

Kristin got up and got some things out of the refrigerator. She put something in a microwave oven, and put some other things in a toaster oven, then she got some dishes out of the cupboard and put them on the table.

‘I don’t have a lot of fancy stuff,’ she said, ‘just some frozen things. I…I hope you don’t mind.’

‘I’m not fussy,’ Mitch said.

They had Salisbury steak, French fries, and frozen peas. All-in-all, the meal wasn’t bad. Not fancy, but Mitch had eaten worse.

‘You aren’t like most guys I know,’ Kristin said as they ate.

‘I’m not?’ Mitch asked. ‘How am I different?’

‘You listen, you know?’ she said. ‘I mean really listen. When I talk to Bud – he’s my boyfriend – it’s like he doesn’t hear what I say half the time.’ She smiled at him. ‘You married?’

Mitch shook his head as he forked a piece of meat into his mouth.

‘How come?’ she asked. ‘Good-looking guy like you, I’d have figured you’d be married.’

Mitch finished chewing and swallowed. ‘I haven’t found the right person, I guess,’ he said.

‘Bud and I, we been together five years,’ Kristin said. ‘And I was with Tad’s father from when I was sixteen

They finished eating and Mitch helped her put the dishes in her dishwasher.

Kristin seemed surprised that he helped. ‘You always help with the dishes?’ she asked as Mitch put the last of his dishes in the machine.

‘I don’t get the chance very often,’ he said. ‘Seeing as how I live alone, there’s nobody else to do it, you know?’

‘Bud never helps around the house,’ Kristin said. She leaned against the counter. ‘All…all he ever does is bitch about what I didn’t do, you know?’ Her eyes started to redden and her voice caught. She looked forlorn. ‘I…I don’t know what’s the matter with me? Why can’t I be a real woman?’ She looked at Mitch. ‘Is…do you think there’s something wrong with me?’

‘No,’ Mitch said, ‘I don’t think there is. Except, maybe, you don’t give yourself enough credit.’

She sniffled a little. ‘If you were married, you wouldn’t hit your wife, would you?’ she murmured.

Mitch shook his head. ‘I wouldn’t,’ he said, ‘and you shouldn’t let Bud hit you.’

She sniffled again. ‘I…I know,’ she said. ‘Other people tell me that, too. But…well, I mean, I’m not getting any younger, and I got Tad and all, and sometimes Bud’s nice, you know?’

‘A man should be gentle with his woman,’ Mitch said. ‘A real man is.’

‘I wish…’ Kristin began. She sighed softly. ‘I never knew anyone who was gentle. None of the guys I been with were like that. I mean, even Tad’s father – he said he was really in love with me – he used to smack me once in a while. It’s gotta be something about me.’

Mitch moved closer to her. ‘It isn’t you,’ he said. ‘The only thing you’re guilty of is bad judgment in men.’

She looked at him, puzzled. ‘Bad judgment?’ she snorted. ‘I guess! How come I pick guys who want to beat on me all the time? Why can’t I find someone nice? Like you.’

Mitch shrugged. ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘But I think you ought to be glad your boyfriend’s gone.’

‘Yeah, sure,’ Kristin said. ‘Thing is, I’m not sure how I’m gonna manage on my own.’

‘Do you own the house?’ he asked.

She nodded. ‘My folks gave it to me and my brother when they retired,’ she said. ‘They’re in Florida now. My brother already owned a house, so he let me and Bud move in here. I have to pay my folks every month, though. They set up something through a lawyer, you know? When they die, Bud gets half of it.’

‘Could you get by on your pay?’ he asked.

Kristin shrugged. ‘Probably,’ she said, ‘but it wouldn’t be easy. I mean, I kinda got used to having Bud’s income, you know?’

‘Someone as attractive as you are doesn’t deserve to be beat up,’ Mitch said. ‘Maybe being on your own wouldn’t be so bad.’

Kristin gave him an odd smile. ‘Attractive, hah, that’s a joke,’ she retorted. ‘I know what I look like, and it ain’t attractive.’

‘Kristin, you are attractive,’ Mitch said. ‘I think you’re very attractive.’

‘Yeah, sure, with no makeup and in these grubby sweats, sure!’ she snorted. ‘I’m a real cover girl, just like Christy Brinkley.’

‘I think so,’ Mitch told her.

‘You’re the only one,’ Kristin said. ‘All Bud ever does is talk about how hot this one or that one looks. He does it, then he says he wished I looked that good.’ She shuddered a little and a tear seeped out of the corner of her eye. ‘Just once, just once I’d like to have someone say that I’m pretty and really mean it.’

‘I told you I thought you were attractive. What makes you think I don’t mean it?’ Mitch asked.

Kristin started to cry. ‘Be…because…’ she blubbered. Then her sobbing made it impossible for her to talk.

Mitch was moved. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms. She moved against him and buried her face in his chest, sobbing so hard her tiny form shook. Gently, he rubbed her back while she cried.

Mitch’s desire to soothe Kristin, though well-intentioned, was causing him problems. The pressure of her body against his, and her vulnerability, was turning him on. He pulled his hips back so she wouldn’t feel his erection.

Kristin took a deep breath, leaned back in his arms, and gazed up at him. ‘That…that was nice,’ she whispered. ‘It feels good when you hold me.’

‘You should feel safe,’ Mitch said, his throat thick. ‘It’s a crime that someone as lovely as you is hit.’

Kristin shuddered a little, and her mouth opened a bit. She continued to look at him, her arms around him. ‘I…I feel kind of funny,’ she said.

Mitch cleared his throat, which seemed thick. ‘Ah…me, too,’ he said, then he kissed her. He wasn’t sure what told him he could, but he knew it would be all right. When their lips met, Kristin’s arms tightened around him and her body melted against his. Mitch no longer worried whether she could feel his hard-on. While the kiss went on, he slipped his hands under her sweatshirt onto the smooth skin of her bare back. She groaned into his mouth and her tongue sought his and lashed it.

Kristin continued clutching Mitch and kissing him as his hands roamed under her clothes. After caressing her back for a brief period, he slid his hands under the elastic waist of her sweatpants. Passion surged through him in overpowering waves and, judging from the sounds she was making, Kristin was experiencing similar sensations.

The kiss seemed to go on forever, and while it did, Mitch shoved her sweatpants down. Then he cupped her bikini-clad bottom, pulling her against him. One of her legs locked behind his and she pressed herself against his swollen penis.

Her hands went between them, working desperately at his belt. She got it open, then she opened his pants, which dropped around his ankles.

Mitch moaned when Kristin’s tiny hand encircled his swollen shaft and thrilling sensations ripped through him. He had to have her! Now! He stepped back and peeled her sweatpants and bikinis off, then he cupped her bottom, pulled her to him, and lifted her off her feet.

Kristin groaned, grabbed his cock and, as he held her, she centered the head on her pussy. Carefully, Mitch lowered her and a tremor of joy shook him as his cock slid into her warm, wet opening.

‘Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!’ Kristin moaned. Her legs locked around his waist and her arms encircled his neck.

Clutching Kristin’s small, firm bottom, Mitch began raising and lowering the tiny woman on his impaled organ, rocking his hips, feeling his cock probe deep into her snug opening. He’d never done anything like this before! It was incredible! Locked together in the middle of her kitchen, their bodies joined, they strained against one another, seeking the release they both desperately needed. He hadn’t planned for this to happen, but he wasn’t sorry it had, not in the least!

‘Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!!’ Kristin cried as Mitch hauled her up and down on his rigid pole. He could feel the muscles of her buttocks clenching and releasing in his hands as he slid in and out of her. She weighed little, but what they were doing was strenuous. Her mouth was all over his face, licking, sucking, nibbling his ears, filling them with her cries of passion.

Suddenly, Kristin’s arms and legs tightened on him and a powerful shudder went through her. ‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!’ she cried. Her insides were vibrating on his cock and her tight bottom rocked wildly in his hands as she came.

‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Mitch’s cry of delight mingled with Kristin’s as he hosed her insides with his hot spend.

‘Wow, was that ever intense!’ Kristin murmured, still clutching his neck, secure in his hands, after their passion ebbed a bit. ‘I…I never felt like that before, you know?’

Mitch lowered her to her feet and she put her arms around him and leaned against him. ‘I…I don’t usually do stuff like that,’ she murmured. ‘I mean, I don’t just let anybody come in here and bang me.’

Mitch hugged her. ‘I didn’t think you did,’ he said. ‘I
‘m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. You…you were very vulnerable and…’

Kristin looked up at him and smiled. ‘You didn’t take advantage of me,’ she told him. ‘I wanted that as bad as you did. I…I just ain’t sure why.’ She shuddered a little. ‘You don’t need to go right away…do you?’ she asked hesitantly.

‘No, not right away,’ Mitch said.

‘Good,’ Kristin replied and hugged him.

Mitch wasn’t sure what would happen next, but if it were anything like what had happened so far, he knew it would be wonderful!

They stood there in her kitchen, naked from the waist down, their loins sticky with the remnants of their stand-up love-making, looking at each other for a few moments. Then Mitch picked her up in his arms. ‘Where’s your bedroom?’ he asked, looking around.

‘Upstairs,’ Kristin whispered. She put her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

Carrying the tiny woman up the flight of stairs was no problem. Mitch doubted she weighed more than a hundred pounds. Once they reached the bedroom, he set her on her feet, peeled her T-shirt off, then he shed his shirt and undershirt. While he undressed, Kristin laid down on the bed and watched him.

When he was undressed, Mitch looked down at the woman on the bed. They’d already fucked wildly, but he hadn’t seen her naked. She was a delight to look at. Her body was slim, almost boyish, and she had tiny breasts that sagged slightly back into her chest as she lay there. Her nipples, small but hard, jutted from her pancaked breasts. Her eyes were wide. She licked her lips and watched him carefully.

Mitch knelt next to the bed, grabbed her slim legs, and turned her so he was between the pale columns of flesh.

‘You…you’re going to eat me?’ she murmured. ‘We…Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’

As his lips and tongue began punishing Kristin’s pussy, Mitch discovered that she was one of the most enthusiastic lovers he ever had. She was the loudest, that was for sure. Her cries of delight echoed through the house as he delved into her slit, thrusting his tongue deep into her, licking the swollen nub of her clit.

‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ she cried, her legs jerking, her body twisting frantically.

Mitch was delighted. Kristin responded to being eaten more enthusiastically than any woman he’d ever been with!

‘I’m commmminnnnnnnngggggg!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ she shrieked, her body stiffening and quivering. ‘Eeeeee!!! Eeeee!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!! Yessssssss!!!!! Yessssssss!!!!’

Kristin’s pussy was still quivering around Mitch’s tongue when he pulled it out of her, stood up, gripped his cock, slid over her and slammed it into her.

‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin’s screams of pleasure grew louder as his cock plunged into her again and again. Her legs locked behind his and her pelvis strained against his. ‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’

Still in her, Mitch turned her on her side. It felt as if his cock was reaching to the very mouth of her uterus when he rammed into her. She squeezed her tiny breasts, pulling at the nipples.

‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin’s passionate screams continued. Each movement of his embedded cock drew a cry of delight from her. Mitch had never known anyone who liked being fucked as much as she did!

He managed to get Kristin on her hands and knees, still pounding his cock into her. Her exclamations of joy continued as he slid his hands up and down her slim back. He wet his finger and pressed it against her anus and she went even wilder.

‘Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Yessssssss!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin wailed. Her lean body quivered and shook as she drove back against him. Then she stiffened. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!’ the slim woman cried, pressing her ass back against Mitch’s invading finger as what seemed like an endless orgasm ripped through her.

Mitch was close, so close, but he called on every bit of self-control he had and managed to keep from coming. He pulled out of her still-quivering opening, rolled her on her back, then he plunged into her again.

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A story I found in one of my sisters old ntoebooks

I've tried not to change too much as not to ruin the original story, but I've placed the correct terminology in places where it was absent. After reading through it, Ive come to the conclusion that it would be more enjoyable from a female perspective. That being said, anyone can read it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it. If i find anymore stories, I'll be sure to post them. Also, the story just ends. I don't know why, but it does. So be prepared for it.I had always heard that sex in an act of love...

2 years ago
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Sex on a Train

PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a six foot tall, thirty something ex football player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years.He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape.Oh, and he loves the ladies! StoryTom has been in Edinburgh for a business meeting. A nice summers day had been forecast, so he is dressed in beige chinos, brown brogues, a white open colour shirt and blue blazer. With his...

3 years ago
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My wife's 44 but she can still turn men on. When we go out she gets more than her share of lustful stares. When I'm not around, guys hit on her left and right. When I first told her about my fantasies of seeing her and other men, she didn't believe me, but it wasn't long before we were both getting off pretending there was another man in bed with us when we had sex.Thinking about it really got me hot, but not as hot as the real thing did. The fantasies were nothing compared to the reality. The...

1 year ago
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Thats How the Cookie Tumbles

The author would like to thank gandalf4217 for his edit. For readers who are looking for a full story of how it came to be that I had sex with my own niece, I'm afraid that this will only disappoint you because about the only thing that truly sticks out in my mind was our first time of sex, which is basically what I've put to writing. The lead up consisted of many, many, little things starting from the time when she was about 12, but nothing that would take up more than a short paragraph or...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 23

It was still dark outside when Hailey awake to the sound of the shower. She felt Phil’s warm body nestled against her, his arm wrapped around her protectively. She lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed it. She had fallen asleep before she had provided him with release the night before. Any other guy would have shaken her awake and reminded her. Phil had crawled in beside her, given her a soft kiss, told her that he loved her and then rubbed her hair until she drifted back off. “I love you,...

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Wifes New Bff

Suggested by a friend A Vegvisir tattoo crowns my wife’s ass crack since we visited Iceland in 2016. Originally I had fantasized about a much larger tramp stamp for her but she would only allow something decent. So she’s got this in Reykjavik and when she’s on her knees and I am behind fucking her, it doesn’t take long until I shoot my spunk into my beautiful redhead. I’m 49 and Ines is 53. We live in the bacon belt of a half-million inhabitants east German city. Actually we bought the house...

3 years ago
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My Job Interview at the Foreign OfficeChapter 3

I had been on the job at the Foreign Office for almost two years when my domestic life fell apart when my husband decided to divorce me only two weeks before I went into the hospital for my first delivery. I remember crying onto Diane’s boyfriend’s shoulder feeling rotten over the whole marriage situation because I knew down deep inside I wasn’t cut out for the housewife routine and I knew I had failed my test as a wife. Adding to my misery was the doctor telling me that their testing showed...

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JordanChapter 4

Over the next few weeks, as promised Jordan was outside to wave at me. Sometimes she even ran with me the last stretch from her house to mine. One day I missed seeing her and wondered if she was sick but the next day she was back. I knew that Trish worked Thursday to Saturday one week and Wednesday to Saturday the next. Monday would work for my plan, I thought as I called Trish on the phone. "Hello Brian" Trish said as she saw the number. "What can I do for you?" "It's not what you...

2 years ago
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Drugged Dad To Fuck Mom

Let me describe me first am 5’5 tall with athletic built body and my tool is 6 inch which I hope can satisfy any women. My family consists of my mom, me and my dad. This happened a few days ago, my dad visited me and my mom from US. Since he is around we could not make out and we were missing each other. Days passed but I could not find a way to fuck her so I was getting frustrated and want her at any cost and my dad surprised us in their wedding anniversary by telling us that he is going to...

1 year ago
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3 Old Timers and Lynn

I received an urgent call on my mobile asking if he could possibly go to London the following day, I’m not impressed, but I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to expand my work operation into London and I tell work I’ll be on the first train in the morning. Lynn’s a little disappointed but with how things have been going over the last few days she’ll be glad of the rest. I make the arrangements and I drive home. That evening Lynn packs my case ready for the morning, with the excitement of late...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend To Sex Teacher

Hi all readers, I am a great fan of ISS not sure if all stories written are true or not but turns me on. Thank you guys for posting those stories. Well coming to the story soon after my grad I joined a IT firm and that to night shifts and had so many girls around who were mostly working to enjoy life. I am 5.9 average built and may be not bad at all at looks and use to have a gf wherever I go. I am a batchelor stay with friends on a flat in Hyderabad. Then here comes Shalu into picture my...

4 years ago
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Dancing Daughter

(Can be read on its own but it is a follow up to the backstory provided in "Daddy's Desires") Her hips sway side to side, moving to the beat of the music. The bass beats in my ears as I keep my eyes on her curved ass. Her arms raise slowly into the air as she begins to spin, entranced by her body’s own fluid movement. Her plump lips move as she sings along to the music slowly, the voice of an angel taking over the air between us. Her tight pink underwear clings to her supple skin with every...

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Affair with Aunt

Let me start by saying this is a true story, all people involved are above the age of 18.My story is a culmination of a fantasy coming true. Let me tell you a bit about me, I am 22 years old I think I'm a good looking guy but one thing for sure just like any other 22 year old male I have high sex drive.Every guy has millions of fantasy's of the woman they would like to have sex with and more ways of how they would like to pleasure them, well this was one of my fantasy's and now its a...

2 years ago
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Katy Perry and The Birthday Boy

Six years ago I went on the best date of my life, and funny enough, it had nothing to do with the girl I was with… It was the summer of 2014 and I had been seeing this girl for about a month. She was cute enough, funny, easy to talk to, but she wasn’t 100% my type. She was rather petite…I prefer my girls on the bustier side — thick thighs, booty, big boobs, just something you can really grab on to. Ironically, my luck with those girls had been thin. But again, she was fine and pleasant to be...

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MillpondChapter 4

Becky literally dragged Jason down the road in the gentle moonlight to the old mill. Neither said a word until they were inside the ancient structure. Becky slammed the old oak door behind her and began feeling her way along a nearby shelf. "There's a candle or two and some matches here somewhere," said Becky. "Becks, I don't understand what just happened," Jason mumbled. Becky struck a match and suddenly Jason was visible to her. He had a look of utter confusion. She lit several...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Remi Jones Hazel Heart 3way

Wonder lez sweetness-as-fuck powers ACTIVATE again! Yes it’s 18-year-old duo Hazel Heart & freshly off her de-virgining the day before lover Remi Jones. Jay is one lucky bastard getting to fuck these girlfriends again and for their first 3way ever by the way! I think every guy would agree that they’ve always wanted their GF to have a GF. Just saying. So this little soiree begins with these two sweeties on the ExCoGi bed raring to go and just itching to lick pussy and take their...

1 year ago
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New Jock Tales Freshman Year PT 2

It was now Thursday of week one of pre-season training. Coach asked me how it was going, to which I told him I think it's good. It's a slow process at first, but by the third week, it will pick up really fast. “They just think Im wearin them out now coach---just wait till week three” I said to him with a big grin. “Just be sure your working yourself, Matthew, as well as your teammates. No good to have a winning team if the quarter-back turns out the weakest link”. “No problem coach—Im on...

2 years ago
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Dream Come True With Naresh

Hi ISS Readers, this is Harish from Chennai. I am 24 yrs, 5.6′ height, 8′ inch tool, handsome and having six packs which helps me for sex encounter with my neighbors, girls and with my friends. I belong to Kerala and I am working in Chennai. I live here in a rented house. I am a biggest fan of ISS. Now I’m going to narrate one of my experiences with my colleague named Naresh. That was the time he joined our office. He is black, well built guy and his face looks very cute. I was always...

Gay Male
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Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad Part 5

  Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad   Part 5   By Ms Marca   The trade show was over and I just had dinner with Bert and the other company people and Bert informed me that he and I were out of here and on the Southwest flight by 10 in the morning. “Marca no late night shit tonight get packed and be in the lobby at 8, oh I’ll have you a check for you when we get back to Fort Worth .” I just nod and after dinner I cut out before the others and went to my room.

1 year ago
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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 01

I’ve been away for a while. Real life and other projects have kept me busy. Things have stabilized a little and I hope to get back to writing shorter stories. This is a return visit to one of my characters that I like very much. It is a standalone story but I would suggest that you read the other two installments of ‘Cold Steele’. Those stories will give you insight into the main characters and their personalities. Either way, I thank you for reading my work. Constructive comments,...

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No Game No Panties

(If you don't click "Start Game" before reading, things might look confusing at times due to some pages requiring certain conditions.) "This is the Utopia that you guys dreamed of, the world on top of a game board, [Disboard]--everything here is decided by a game, even one's life and country borders!" ― Tet, the One True God In the land of Disboard, the reason everything is decided by games and not bloodshed is due to the god Tet. He established what are known as the Ten Pledges, which are...

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Youngsville Part 9 Consequences

I opened the door to my cottage and took out the bundle of cash I had been given by Mr. Wayland. I rolled away the carpet on the floor and opened the hatch down to my personal safe. It was brand new that Mr. Wayland had given me as a present after I had finished the nursery. He claimed that he was forced to give me a place to protect my valuables and money that I had earned. I enjoyed the loud slam it made when I closed it shut. I sure did not want to get my toe stuck in-between the 2 inch...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister K Sath First Sex

Hello friends.. Mera naam singh hai or main aaj apna ekdum saccha sex anubhav batane jara hu waise mai karnal ka rahne wala hun or main chanigarh mai job kar raha hun. Dosto meri umra 22 saal hai or mera lund 8 inch lamba hai or mujhe bhabhi, aunty ke sath sex karna bahut pasand hai. Dosto main aaj aap sabhi ko apni ek sachi sex kahani sunane jar aha hun.. Yah chudai story mere or meri cosine bahan ke bich hui ek ghatna hai. Dosto mujhe sex ka bahut shok hai or main ek din mai 5-6 baar ladkiyo...

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Take Care of Me

I had no job because no one wanted to hire a fresh outta high school newbie with no job experience. Next year, I’d be starting college, and I didn’t even know what I wanted to do. Right now, it was too damn hot to think about anything but getting my ass home. My piece of shit bike squeaked down my neighborhood, passing the same houses with the same people in them since I was in elementary school. I was stuck riding my bike again since FJ left for college last August. He, with his 2016...

3 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 5

"What's wrong?" I asked and took a step towards her. "I'm fine," she replied through her tears and looked at me shaking her head. "Why me?" "Because I really like you. And well you are, you're everything I want in a girlfriend." Abi scoffed at me, "I'm really not who you think I am. I am not everything you want, trust me. I have a lot of baggage and I will end up hurting you, and I don't want that." My heart was beating furiously and I searched around her lounge for...

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Hinter den Kulissen

Die Film- und Fernsehwelt ist faszinierend und abstoßen zugleich. Viele Schöne und Reiche werden hier abgebildet. Doch jede Ausstrahlung hat ihre Hintergründ, eine Geschichte. Rollen werden auf einmal ganz anders besetzt, die ursprünglichen Drehbücher sind ganz andere, als was dann tatsächlich verfilmt wird. Die Akteure haben ein Privatleben, oft sehr verborgen, manchmal sind es richtig öffentliche Personen. All das – manchmal Fiktive, manchmal Wahre – soll in dieser Story beschrieben...

1 year ago
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The Spanking Couples CFNM Party

The Spanking Couples CFNM PartyChapter One:Two days after one of the monthly Spanking Parties, Debbie and Marion were sitting in Marion’s home office discussing their sexual appetites.  Both were dressed as normal when relaxing in one of their respective houses.  Both had casual clothes – for them, at least.  Both sported normal, everyday bras and tops, but were butt naked below the waist (unless you count their stiletto heels as below the waist clothing).  And both were enjoying the...

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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 7

The next morning Wendell, the chauffeur, met the Leer as it landed at the small private airport it was kept at. He saw the Hawaiian kid, Garry exit the plane leading a dog on a leash. An Asian girl followed with an Asian boy and woman following her. Willie, the pilot, brought up the rear. Wendell walked by all the rest and drew Willie aside. "What's with the gooks?" the Vietnam vet asked the pilot. "The kid showed up with them and the dog when I called and said we had to return to...

2 years ago
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Beautifully ugly including part two

couldn't help but to his cock huge like his hands and feet? He had the biggest hands and at least size 16 feet.In a deep voice he just says" 6' 6” "without being asked.As if he knows what I'm thinking.If he only knew.Just then the doctor walks in.I work as a nurse for a doctor who's patience have all been white or Asian up till today. Mister Walker was a referral from another doctor. I wondered how he would react if i just unzipped his pants and pulled out his big black cock. Just...

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GeraldineChapter 3

Oh man, six o'clock comes early. I don't know how I woke up, but I looked at my wrist watch to see it was six. I jumped up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair before putting it into a ponytail. I found a clean pair of shorts and a T-shirt and was just opening the door when DeDe pulled up in small white pickup truck that had S&S air charter on the door, but along with that, there were cartoon characters all over it. She waved at me to get in, so I locked the trailer...

1 year ago
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The Choir Director Part 3

The next day Janet and I were having coffee, my husband was gone playing golf with his buddy's and my kids were playing in the back yard. So I asked Janet how do you feel after last night? Janet said that her pussy was a little sore from the big cock of Joshua but if given the chance she would do it again in a heart beat. That's good to hear because I was hoping to get the boys together again soon so that they might fuck us in all our holes, well are you game? Oh fuck yeah I had a dream about...

4 years ago
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With my lips clamped tight around his shaft, I moved my mouth up and down the length of his hard cock. As I bobbed up and down, I couldn’t help wondering how a 100% heterosexual male like me wound up on my knees in the apartment of a guy I just met today, with his big dick in my mouth. And I mean big, it must be over eight inches long and thick. Stroking my hair he said, “I haven’t cummed since last weekend so be ready for a mouth full.” It had all seemed so logical when we were sitting around...

Gay Male
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Inside Pair

My family, including my hot little sister, went off to the beach for a week and left me home to take care of my lawn-cutting jobs, and, of course, the dozen or so grass widows I had been servicing regularly. I was learning, and earning, a lot. I now could last twice as long before I came, and I'd swear my cock was bigger too although I hadn't measured it recently. It was not only long, which it had been since my last growth spurt, but really thick, like the handle of my tennis racket. The...

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The Art of DeepThroating Big Black Cocks

The first time I tried to deep-throat a BBC, I gagged, my eyes watered, I couldn’t breath and even so I wondered why it was so exciting. Choking while giving head isn’t very appealing. It is not a sexy blowjob if the woman is coughing and have to apologize for her inadequacies. I had known some well-endowed white boys previously and had given plenty of blowjobs, but when my black Dom pushed his massive cock as far down my throat as he could, I immediately realized of my limitations and how much...

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My Mom8217s Desire To Have Sex Part 2

Hey guys. Dev here once again with the next sexstory part. First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your feed backs and mails. I really appreciate it. Before coming to the story I want to say this that a lot of people are asking for pics of my mom. Please stop asking for it. I cant share any pics. Those who are new to this story. Read the first part for better understanding. Okay so lets come to the story. The next morning I woke up and recalled the night scene. Wow, what a night it...

1 year ago
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the long weekend fuck continues

I took time to speak to Steve again, he was more than happy with the number of guys last night and said Saturday night should be busier still, also he told me he brought in 4 new horses for us, three we had used last night, as well as some of his, but one was maybe too big. I told him tonight, we could get the girls to put on a lesbian show, then let a dog fuck each of them, before letting a horse fuck them too, as one could fuck a dog next to the other with the horse, he liked that idea,...

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What Are Friends For

BY : AWC Yes, Brandon always admitted. He had fooled around with the boys when he was younger but soon after, he made up his mind of never doing it again, no matter what happened, until last week. Of course CJ was his best friend and Brandon could not imagine anything, ever coming between their friend-ship. He figured out that if he was ever alone with CJ but they did not talk about the cock sucking he gave to CJ, it would not happen again. He knew CJ also did not want it to be repeated but...

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Narutos New Look Day Seven

~~Day 7: Naruto Uzumaki~~ Naruto groaned heavily as he slowly came to. What had happened...? He was heading home after training and nice dinner at Ichiraku's, but after that it was just a blank. Looking around, Naruto quickly began to panic as he realised he didn't recognise where he was; it was some kind of large, empty room, the only source of light being a large spotlight . He attempted to jump up, but he quickly discovered another problem: he couldn't move. Looking down,...

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Indulgence Chapter 1 "Ok, we can try it out," my wife said with no particular enthusiasm. I've been interested in chastity and femdom as long as I can remember and while the topic had come up a couple of times in our marriage, we never ended up actual trying it out. Until now. The topic came up while watching a TV show about voluntary chastity. I asked out of the blue if we should try out chastity where she would lock me up and my wife suddenly agreed! We've been married for a...

3 years ago
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December Swap Meat Journal Entry

December chill has hit us but I still long for attention and fun. A few recent swingers parties were okay at best — but they keep me hungry for more.I'm very fortunate that I live this lifestyle and I wish that I’d started younger. My husband is awesome — he just is. I never really write about him much because he doesn't know I keep this journal. And he certainly doesn’t know about some of the things I do. They would probably crush him. I step out more than I should but we have a “don't ask,...


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