It was only meant to be a coffee Pt 1
- 4 years ago
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Passion In James County IX
By D.C. Roi
Chapter thirteen
Mitch was on his home from work, debating whether he wanted to go to the diner and see if Bonnie was available, or just go home, grab a sandwich, and got to bed. Then he saw a small foreign car sitting next to the road. The hood was open and a petite young woman, dressed in sweatpants and a snug T-shirt, was leaning into the open engine compartment.
Mitch braked, made a U-turn, and pulled his pickup off the road across from where the car was sitting. He turned on his four-way flashers and got out of his truck.
‘Having problems?’ he asked as he walked across the highway.
The girl turned and frowned at him. ‘My damn car just quit on me!’ she exclaimed. She kicked a tire, then winced. It never pays to kick something harder than your foot. Especially when you’re wearing sandals. ‘Goddammit!’ the girl said. She began to cry. ‘Why the hell does everything in my life have to go to shit?’
‘Hey, come on,’ Mitch said. The girl was reasonably attractive, petite and thin, with long dark brown curly hair she had pulled up into a fluffy shoulder-length pony-tail. She looked like she was in her teens, but could have been older. ‘You want me to take a look at it and see if I can get it running for you?’
She looked at him, tears streaming down her face, and sniffled. ‘Sure,’ she snorted, ‘go ahead. You sure as hell can’t make things any worse! Damn!’ This time she hit the door with her small fist.
Mitch bent over and looked into the engine compartment. Almost immediately, he spotted what he thought the problem was. The coil wire had, for some reason, come out of the distributor. ‘There,’ he said, shoving the wire back in where it belonged. ‘Try starting it now.’
The girl got behind the wheel, turned the key, and the car roared to live. She let it run and got out. ‘Damn!’ she said, ‘You fixed it! What was it?’
‘Your coil wire came loose,’ Mitch said. ‘You been driving on rough roads or something?’
‘Yeah,’ she said, blushing. ‘I was. My boyfriend’s been running around on me and I was cruising some back roads looking for the asshole!’
‘Well,’ Mitch said, ‘it’s OK now.’
‘Hey, thanks for stopping and helping me,’ the girl said. ‘What do I owe you?’
‘Nothing,’ Mitch said. ‘All I did was stick the wire back in where it belonged.’
‘You want to come to my place for a cup of coffee?’ she asked.
‘Sounds good to me,’ Mitch said. ‘By the way, my name is Mitch Hathaway.’
‘I’m Kristin Albrecht,’ she replied, smiling. ‘Nice to meet you, Mitch. God, I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t stopped.’
‘Somebody else would have,’ he said.
‘Sure they would,’ she snorted. ‘You got any idea how many cars passed me before you stopped?’
‘Not everyone’s a good Samaritan, I guess,’ Mitch said.
‘You got that right,’ Kristin snorted. ‘You want to follow me to my place and I’ll get that coffee for you?’
‘Sounds good to me,’ Mitch said.
They got in their vehicles and Mitch followed her as she drove through town and out into the country. Eventually they pulled up in front of her house. They got out of their vehicles and walked up onto the porch of a big old farmhouse. Kristin unlocked the door and they entered a big kitchen. It was very neat and homey, with a large round table covered with a red and white checked tablecloth in the center of the room and ladder-back chairs arranged around it.
‘You want something to eat besides the coffee?’ Kristin asked. ‘I was gonna make supper for myself anyhow.’
‘Sure,’ Mitch said.
‘Make yourself comfortable,’ Kristin said. ‘I’ll see what I can find.’
Mitch sat down at the table while Kristin walked to the refrigerator. She turned to him. ‘You want coffee or would you prefer something else?’ she asked.
‘Whatever you have,’ Mitch said.
‘Is soda OK?’ Kristin asked.
‘Soda’s fine,’ Mitch told her. ‘I drink too much coffee anyhow.’
She got a can out of the refrigerator and handed it to him. ‘I hope diet’s all right,’ she said. ‘I don’t have nothin’ else.’
‘It’s all I ever drink,’ Mitch replied. ‘So, I take it you and your boyfriend had a fight?’
Kristin got herself a can of soda and sat down at the table next to him. ‘Yeah. All of a sudden he says he can’t handle living with me, so he takes off,’ she replied, a catch in her voice.
‘Sounds like you didn’t expect it,’ he said.
‘I try, I really do,’ she said, ‘but everything seems to piss him off. Sometimes I get so tired of trying. I mean, it’s like he’s always pissed about something. If I don’t do things exactly right, he’s pissed, if my kid isn’t good, he’s pissed, if his kids aren’t good, he’s pissed.’
‘You have a child?’ Mitch asked.
‘Yeah, a little boy,’ Kristin replied. She swallowed some soda. ‘My brother took him to Canada fishing for school vacation.’
‘And your boyfriend thinks your son isn’t well-behaved?’ Mitch asked.
‘Sometimes,’ Kristin said. ‘He’s not a bad kid, actually, but when he isn’t, my boyfriend always takes it out on me.’
‘You mean he hits you?’ Mitch asked, feeling his muscles tighten. He’d never been able to understand why a man would hit a woman. It went against everything he believed. And hitting a woman as attractive as Kristin was a real crime.
Kristin rubbed her shoulder. ‘I still got bruises from the last time,’ she said softly. ‘I mean, I guess…’ She shrugged again. ‘I mean, every time it happens he says he’s sorry, after, but…’
‘Nobody deserves to be hit,’ Mitch said, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.
‘Hey, look, he’s really not that bad, you know?’ Kristin said defensively. ‘I mean, he’s under a lot of stress on his job, and his ex-wife’s always bugging him and…’
‘Did he hit his ex-wife, too?’ Mitch asked.
Kristin nodded. ‘Yeah, I guess so,’ she said. ‘She says that’s why she left him.’
‘Does he hit your son?’ Mitch asked.
‘No way!’ Kristin said, her eyes flashing. ‘He ever lays a hand on Tad and I’ll kill him! Nobody is going to hit my kid! No way!’
Mitch shook his head in amazement. She was willing to let her boyfriend pound on her, but not her kid. Well, you have to draw the line somewhere.
Kristin looked at him. ‘Look, I…I really appreciate what you did for me, Mitch,’ she said softly. ‘I mean, there’s probably nobody else who’d have done what you did.’
‘Maybe,’ Mitch said, feeling his face get hot.
‘Ah…’ Kristin said. ‘You got to be anywhere?’
‘No,’ he said. ‘I was just trying to decide if I was going to go to the diner or go home and make myself something when I saw you.’
Kristin got up and got some things out of the refrigerator. She put something in a microwave oven, and put some other things in a toaster oven, then she got some dishes out of the cupboard and put them on the table.
‘I don’t have a lot of fancy stuff,’ she said, ‘just some frozen things. I…I hope you don’t mind.’
‘I’m not fussy,’ Mitch said.
They had Salisbury steak, French fries, and frozen peas. All-in-all, the meal wasn’t bad. Not fancy, but Mitch had eaten worse.
‘You aren’t like most guys I know,’ Kristin said as they ate.
‘I’m not?’ Mitch asked. ‘How am I different?’
‘You listen, you know?’ she said. ‘I mean really listen. When I talk to Bud – he’s my boyfriend – it’s like he doesn’t hear what I say half the time.’ She smiled at him. ‘You married?’
Mitch shook his head as he forked a piece of meat into his mouth.
‘How come?’ she asked. ‘Good-looking guy like you, I’d have figured you’d be married.’
Mitch finished chewing and swallowed. ‘I haven’t found the right person, I guess,’ he said.
‘Bud and I, we been together five years,’ Kristin said. ‘And I was with Tad’s father from when I was sixteen
They finished eating and Mitch helped her put the dishes in her dishwasher.
Kristin seemed surprised that he helped. ‘You always help with the dishes?’ she asked as Mitch put the last of his dishes in the machine.
‘I don’t get the chance very often,’ he said. ‘Seeing as how I live alone, there’s nobody else to do it, you know?’
‘Bud never helps around the house,’ Kristin said. She leaned against the counter. ‘All…all he ever does is bitch about what I didn’t do, you know?’ Her eyes started to redden and her voice caught. She looked forlorn. ‘I…I don’t know what’s the matter with me? Why can’t I be a real woman?’ She looked at Mitch. ‘Is…do you think there’s something wrong with me?’
‘No,’ Mitch said, ‘I don’t think there is. Except, maybe, you don’t give yourself enough credit.’
She sniffled a little. ‘If you were married, you wouldn’t hit your wife, would you?’ she murmured.
Mitch shook his head. ‘I wouldn’t,’ he said, ‘and you shouldn’t let Bud hit you.’
She sniffled again. ‘I…I know,’ she said. ‘Other people tell me that, too. But…well, I mean, I’m not getting any younger, and I got Tad and all, and sometimes Bud’s nice, you know?’
‘A man should be gentle with his woman,’ Mitch said. ‘A real man is.’
‘I wish…’ Kristin began. She sighed softly. ‘I never knew anyone who was gentle. None of the guys I been with were like that. I mean, even Tad’s father – he said he was really in love with me – he used to smack me once in a while. It’s gotta be something about me.’
Mitch moved closer to her. ‘It isn’t you,’ he said. ‘The only thing you’re guilty of is bad judgment in men.’
She looked at him, puzzled. ‘Bad judgment?’ she snorted. ‘I guess! How come I pick guys who want to beat on me all the time? Why can’t I find someone nice? Like you.’
Mitch shrugged. ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘But I think you ought to be glad your boyfriend’s gone.’
‘Yeah, sure,’ Kristin said. ‘Thing is, I’m not sure how I’m gonna manage on my own.’
‘Do you own the house?’ he asked.
She nodded. ‘My folks gave it to me and my brother when they retired,’ she said. ‘They’re in Florida now. My brother already owned a house, so he let me and Bud move in here. I have to pay my folks every month, though. They set up something through a lawyer, you know? When they die, Bud gets half of it.’
‘Could you get by on your pay?’ he asked.
Kristin shrugged. ‘Probably,’ she said, ‘but it wouldn’t be easy. I mean, I kinda got used to having Bud’s income, you know?’
‘Someone as attractive as you are doesn’t deserve to be beat up,’ Mitch said. ‘Maybe being on your own wouldn’t be so bad.’
Kristin gave him an odd smile. ‘Attractive, hah, that’s a joke,’ she retorted. ‘I know what I look like, and it ain’t attractive.’
‘Kristin, you are attractive,’ Mitch said. ‘I think you’re very attractive.’
‘Yeah, sure, with no makeup and in these grubby sweats, sure!’ she snorted. ‘I’m a real cover girl, just like Christy Brinkley.’
‘I think so,’ Mitch told her.
‘You’re the only one,’ Kristin said. ‘All Bud ever does is talk about how hot this one or that one looks. He does it, then he says he wished I looked that good.’ She shuddered a little and a tear seeped out of the corner of her eye. ‘Just once, just once I’d like to have someone say that I’m pretty and really mean it.’
‘I told you I thought you were attractive. What makes you think I don’t mean it?’ Mitch asked.
Kristin started to cry. ‘Be…because…’ she blubbered. Then her sobbing made it impossible for her to talk.
Mitch was moved. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms. She moved against him and buried her face in his chest, sobbing so hard her tiny form shook. Gently, he rubbed her back while she cried.
Mitch’s desire to soothe Kristin, though well-intentioned, was causing him problems. The pressure of her body against his, and her vulnerability, was turning him on. He pulled his hips back so she wouldn’t feel his erection.
Kristin took a deep breath, leaned back in his arms, and gazed up at him. ‘That…that was nice,’ she whispered. ‘It feels good when you hold me.’
‘You should feel safe,’ Mitch said, his throat thick. ‘It’s a crime that someone as lovely as you is hit.’
Kristin shuddered a little, and her mouth opened a bit. She continued to look at him, her arms around him. ‘I…I feel kind of funny,’ she said.
Mitch cleared his throat, which seemed thick. ‘Ah…me, too,’ he said, then he kissed her. He wasn’t sure what told him he could, but he knew it would be all right. When their lips met, Kristin’s arms tightened around him and her body melted against his. Mitch no longer worried whether she could feel his hard-on. While the kiss went on, he slipped his hands under her sweatshirt onto the smooth skin of her bare back. She groaned into his mouth and her tongue sought his and lashed it.
Kristin continued clutching Mitch and kissing him as his hands roamed under her clothes. After caressing her back for a brief period, he slid his hands under the elastic waist of her sweatpants. Passion surged through him in overpowering waves and, judging from the sounds she was making, Kristin was experiencing similar sensations.
The kiss seemed to go on forever, and while it did, Mitch shoved her sweatpants down. Then he cupped her bikini-clad bottom, pulling her against him. One of her legs locked behind his and she pressed herself against his swollen penis.
Her hands went between them, working desperately at his belt. She got it open, then she opened his pants, which dropped around his ankles.
Mitch moaned when Kristin’s tiny hand encircled his swollen shaft and thrilling sensations ripped through him. He had to have her! Now! He stepped back and peeled her sweatpants and bikinis off, then he cupped her bottom, pulled her to him, and lifted her off her feet.
Kristin groaned, grabbed his cock and, as he held her, she centered the head on her pussy. Carefully, Mitch lowered her and a tremor of joy shook him as his cock slid into her warm, wet opening.
‘Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!’ Kristin moaned. Her legs locked around his waist and her arms encircled his neck.
Clutching Kristin’s small, firm bottom, Mitch began raising and lowering the tiny woman on his impaled organ, rocking his hips, feeling his cock probe deep into her snug opening. He’d never done anything like this before! It was incredible! Locked together in the middle of her kitchen, their bodies joined, they strained against one another, seeking the release they both desperately needed. He hadn’t planned for this to happen, but he wasn’t sorry it had, not in the least!
‘Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!! Ohhh!!!!’ Kristin cried as Mitch hauled her up and down on his rigid pole. He could feel the muscles of her buttocks clenching and releasing in his hands as he slid in and out of her. She weighed little, but what they were doing was strenuous. Her mouth was all over his face, licking, sucking, nibbling his ears, filling them with her cries of passion.
Suddenly, Kristin’s arms and legs tightened on him and a powerful shudder went through her. ‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!’ she cried. Her insides were vibrating on his cock and her tight bottom rocked wildly in his hands as she came.
‘Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Mitch’s cry of delight mingled with Kristin’s as he hosed her insides with his hot spend.
‘Wow, was that ever intense!’ Kristin murmured, still clutching his neck, secure in his hands, after their passion ebbed a bit. ‘I…I never felt like that before, you know?’
Mitch lowered her to her feet and she put her arms around him and leaned against him. ‘I…I don’t usually do stuff like that,’ she murmured. ‘I mean, I don’t just let anybody come in here and bang me.’
Mitch hugged her. ‘I didn’t think you did,’ he said. ‘I
‘m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. You…you were very vulnerable and…’
Kristin looked up at him and smiled. ‘You didn’t take advantage of me,’ she told him. ‘I wanted that as bad as you did. I…I just ain’t sure why.’ She shuddered a little. ‘You don’t need to go right away…do you?’ she asked hesitantly.
‘No, not right away,’ Mitch said.
‘Good,’ Kristin replied and hugged him.
Mitch wasn’t sure what would happen next, but if it were anything like what had happened so far, he knew it would be wonderful!
They stood there in her kitchen, naked from the waist down, their loins sticky with the remnants of their stand-up love-making, looking at each other for a few moments. Then Mitch picked her up in his arms. ‘Where’s your bedroom?’ he asked, looking around.
‘Upstairs,’ Kristin whispered. She put her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.
Carrying the tiny woman up the flight of stairs was no problem. Mitch doubted she weighed more than a hundred pounds. Once they reached the bedroom, he set her on her feet, peeled her T-shirt off, then he shed his shirt and undershirt. While he undressed, Kristin laid down on the bed and watched him.
When he was undressed, Mitch looked down at the woman on the bed. They’d already fucked wildly, but he hadn’t seen her naked. She was a delight to look at. Her body was slim, almost boyish, and she had tiny breasts that sagged slightly back into her chest as she lay there. Her nipples, small but hard, jutted from her pancaked breasts. Her eyes were wide. She licked her lips and watched him carefully.
Mitch knelt next to the bed, grabbed her slim legs, and turned her so he was between the pale columns of flesh.
‘You…you’re going to eat me?’ she murmured. ‘We…Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’
As his lips and tongue began punishing Kristin’s pussy, Mitch discovered that she was one of the most enthusiastic lovers he ever had. She was the loudest, that was for sure. Her cries of delight echoed through the house as he delved into her slit, thrusting his tongue deep into her, licking the swollen nub of her clit.
‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ she cried, her legs jerking, her body twisting frantically.
Mitch was delighted. Kristin responded to being eaten more enthusiastically than any woman he’d ever been with!
‘I’m commmminnnnnnnngggggg!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ she shrieked, her body stiffening and quivering. ‘Eeeeee!!! Eeeee!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!! Yessssssss!!!!! Yessssssss!!!!’
Kristin’s pussy was still quivering around Mitch’s tongue when he pulled it out of her, stood up, gripped his cock, slid over her and slammed it into her.
‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin’s screams of pleasure grew louder as his cock plunged into her again and again. Her legs locked behind his and her pelvis strained against his. ‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’
Still in her, Mitch turned her on her side. It felt as if his cock was reaching to the very mouth of her uterus when he rammed into her. She squeezed her tiny breasts, pulling at the nipples.
‘Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin’s passionate screams continued. Each movement of his embedded cock drew a cry of delight from her. Mitch had never known anyone who liked being fucked as much as she did!
He managed to get Kristin on her hands and knees, still pounding his cock into her. Her exclamations of joy continued as he slid his hands up and down her slim back. He wet his finger and pressed it against her anus and she went even wilder.
‘Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Yessssssss!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!’ Kristin wailed. Her lean body quivered and shook as she drove back against him. Then she stiffened. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!’ the slim woman cried, pressing her ass back against Mitch’s invading finger as what seemed like an endless orgasm ripped through her.
Mitch was close, so close, but he called on every bit of self-control he had and managed to keep from coming. He pulled out of her still-quivering opening, rolled her on her back, then he plunged into her again.
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Holly Wood is getting her new home ready for a house-warming party when Nicky Rebel arrives with a gift. Except he’s way too early. He claims he made an error about what time the party starts. That’s a lie! Nicky just wants some alone time with the statuesque Holly before the other guests arrive, and Holly knows it. We don’t blame him for using this strategy since it was our idea anyway. Nicky can’t decide whether to stare at Holly’s big, heavy, traffic-stopping...
xmoviesforyouDear fans of ISS kindly read the part one of this to know how I made this women fall into my trap. At afternoon she came for work, I let her finish the work. When she came to my room, I called her in, she looked towards me and then letting her face down she said “I have something to say, if you don’t mind”, I told go ahead. She told me “ Mein nahi kar paugi, is time tak mein ne koi bhi ladki se baat nahi kar paihoon”. And she had tears in her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulders and said “ koi...
Firstly I'd like to thank 'IamRay23' who has been a massive help to me and my writing. Although the style may still not suit everyone's taste, he has helped me make great improvements to my writing style. I'd be so appreciative of comments on all my stories to help guide my writing in future. Thank you. I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to traveling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would...
EroticThe Princess and the Pauper. Chapter one. They lined us all up in a single row. A beautiful young girl then walked in front of us looking us over. "I want that one, that one and also that small one as my personal messenger." I was the third one that she picked from the line. That made me happy. That meant that I would have food and a place to sleep this night. When you are ten years old and have not eaten in three days, it was the best possible thing in the world for...
I came home from class Friday afternoon with Rose. Senior exams were finished. The rest of the casa planned to join us by the end of the evening. We had 'senior week' ahead of us. Oh, there were things we had to attend, like picking up our gowns and commencement rehearsal, but everything else was done. As Mr. Darnell told us in our class meeting Friday morning, our job now was just to stay alive until commencement. Please. And not to go out and screw up our scholarships and college...
Over the next couple of weeks, there would be several developments for which some or all of the employees at J.A.M. Aluminum would soon become partially or fully aware. Mr. Morris announced at one of the daily meetings that he and Gene Kennedy had decided to bring the nomination of Tim Davis to the panel for a vote to elevate him to the Senior VP vacancy left by Gavin Riggs’ ouster. The unanimous vote formally sealed that deal. They would begin consideration of replacement candidates to fill...
One day I was in unusually early because of a conference call toEastern Europe—-which I found out (upon arrival) had been cancelled. I grumbled to myself as I opened my email and saw my most recent message was from Jennifer. She was back in the office as of that morning. She’d been gone on vacation, I hadn’t seen her in more than a week. I thought of her bronzed body, speculating on whether she’d have any tan lines or not underneath what I saw her in at work. Then I felt someone’s presence at...
I lay there breathing hard with a big shit eating grin on my face. It was a couple of minutes before Kay roused from her stupor. As she started moving I fell out of her. Her first words puzzled me, "It wasn't a fluke." "What wasn't a fluke?" "What you did to me on the beach. You did it to me, again." "Oh, that." "Yes, that. This was as great as it was on the beach, maybe even better." "I think that's because you were in charge of this one." "I want to do it this way...
Our next home game didn't relieve my slump, even though I borrowed a fat bat from the kid outfielder, Cary Zane, and used it through all five at-bats. I did get a base on balls, though -- and I noticed that when I held up on a swing, the first-base umpire held out both hands in the "safe" gesture -- meaning I'd successfully avoided a "strike" call. That, alone, gave me some encouragement. Enough, at least, to try it again the next night. I went two for five -- a single and a smash...
“When can we see them?” Scott asked. “Brad will likely be the first to wake up. They’re both in ICU and will be monitored closely until they are awake and alert. You’ll be able to see them in about an hour or so.” “My office is in room 269 just down the hall on the right, if you have any questions.” “I’d love us two to do a sixty-nine on him,” Vicky muttered to Karen. Everyone could now finally relax somewhat and for the next hour tried to get some much-needed rest. Every magazine in the...
Hi. I'm Gerald Mills. And welcome to nowhere.There's the sound of that same damn dog barking. Occasionally, the wind picks up and shakes the neighbor's porch chimes. And then I guess we're pretty loud too, as we kick up dust, my fiancee in her knee-high pink boots and me in my demolished hiking shoes. But otherwise, this town is dead - quiet, brown and barren.I guess I shouldn't be complaining though. After all, we have a home now, away from her parents' judgment. What's more, I have a...
CheatingDec .18th, 2018 Have you ever done full contact sparring without the pads? That’s how me and my buddies trained. We pulled our punches a bit. Head shots, Neck shots, Joint breaks, and the ever famous groin shots had to be pulled completely and stop just close enough so you both knew the defender could not have prevented them. Even with those areas protected you would wake up the next day so sore sometimes. Or imagine that you’re a piece of paper that someone has crumpled up in a tight ball...
My best friend’s boyfriend and I have always had this crazy chemistry. In the beginning we tried to hide it, but soon others noticed how we looked at each other. Even my friend would ask me if there was anything going on between us, and I would tell her no. It got so bad that I decided to stop coming around. One night after about six months of not seeing them, I had a dream about him. The dream was so powerful that I decided to find out where they had moved to and pay them an unexpected visit.
Teri had the house picked up, beds changed, and laundry done by the time I got to thinking about checking in with her. The children were remarkably well behaved, but I did look forward to the apartment being finished, so I could have my space to myself again. When I walked into the kitchen, Teri was setting out lunch for herself and the children. "Your lunch is on the table in the dining room," she said merrily. Having a roof over head had made a big difference in her outlook. Looking at...
------------------------------------------------------ Life is tough as a high school boy, especially when you fall into the geek or nerd category. No, I wasn't some 300 pound, thick glasses wearing, heavy breathing troll of a nerd. I was a skinny 150 pound, average height of 5'10", average looks kid. I got lumped into the nerd category though early because I loved history, math, and enjoyed the latest Marvel movies. It also didn't help that I was pretty pale and I always had my brown...
HOUSE SITTING Part TwoSome of these events are true and happened in my life.I’ll leave it up to the reader to fantasize which ones.Sometimes Being Naughty Pays Unexpected DividendsI tried opening my eyes, but all I could see was darkness. I tried sitting up, but realized my hands were tied down. And moving my legs resulted in the same conclusion.Laura spoke again, “So tell me Sarah, did you enjoy wearing my underwear?”“Ahhh,” I didn’t know what to say.She laughed, “Never mind. I’m in agreement...
The next night, Friday, both my mom and I ended up going to pick my dad up at the airport.My mom was wearing a tight jean skirt that fell a little above mid-thigh and a lacy black v-neck shirt. I'm sure it was part of her attempt to make sure that my dad stayed erect all weekend long as payment for the sex show she had agreed to put on the night before via webcam.Before long we spotted him and he made his way over to us. He gave her a big hug and kiss."Look's like someone is going to be having...
Hot Night with Lisa and Mark, Sue too. Nick was the best Boss, I never thought what my new Venture in finding a better paying Job. I did like my job, but worked my butt into the ground, Heating and Air cond. great certain times of the year. Summer was the best me being Bi was great I did service you be surprised when people get hot they do not wear much clothing, well Damn. remember one call it was over 100deg. 4:30 in afternoon after 7 calls fixed most of them. Long day the office called well...
My dad was a very good looking guy and when we were out together, I would notice women looking at him all the time. He was about 6'4, very well built and one time I saw him naked in the shower and his cock was huge! I myself was really young then and it made mine look like a roll of certs!...LOLHe and my mom were divorced and had been for some years now and I was a Sophomore in high school. I played on the football team and had practice almost every afternoon and games on Friday nights. Dad was...
Jim took off from his house to get a few things at the local Walmart. Just a few grocery items. It was about noon, and he was home because he had recently retired from a government job after working there almost 35 years. Since he was only 55, he still felt young, but, better yet – his mind thought young. He may have matured and even gained some wisdom through the years, but sometimes he was no different than a horny teenage boy. His mind was still sharp, and it seemed to always focus on sex –...
"Clark! Are you up yet?" my Dad called from downstairs. I groaned and rolled over. "Coming Dad!" I yelled back. Having been disturbed from my deep sleep I decided that I might as well get up. Sliding out of bed I opened the curtains and then walked over to my wardrobe to decide on what to wear. After a bit of a debate, I decided on a blue short sleeved t-shirt and some skinny jeans which I laid out on the bed. I then picked out a matching bra and panty set and then crossed out into the...
Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to...
SpankingI sat in my second class of the first day of my senior year in high school. The teacher droned on about another syllabus, and what was expected of us in class. I tuned her out, knowing that the marine biology she was going to be teaching us was probably inadequate compared to my own knowledge on the subject. I am officially a senior in high school, but I technically have enough knowledge and test scores to be a graduate student. Instead of listening, I started to reread the Iliad. ‘And on the...
There was a full month to the day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend they were getting bored. "Hey, Scoot," Crystal said Sunday afternoon, "What do you say we get out and do something, get some exercise?" "I could be talked into it," Scooter agreed. "You got any ideas?" "The first thought that comes to mind is that we go out and knock the rust off our skiing and snowboarding," Crystal shrugged. "Sounds like a reasonable," Scooter...
I was having a cup of coffee at a local diner in my area, I had woke up early and was too lazy to make my own, as I read the morning Daily News, I had the strange feeling someone was watching me. I looked in the mirror behind the counter and notice this older woman watching me, as I returned her stare, I realized I had seen her in my building before, as she caught my return stare she smiled softly at me and I smiled also. She was a very sexy lady, I mean she was up there in age but still...
MatureI knew what I wanted and I didn't know what I wanted. I sniffed the fingers that Lana had pushed up into her slippery wetness, and I knew I wanted more of that. But then I looked at my own cock, rockhard and pink with the day's workout, and... did I want that too? I didn't think so, but that was the deal, according to Lana. Going to bed with her meant going to bed with her husband too, and-- what? Sucking his cock? Letting him fuck me in the ass, for crying out loud? No fucking way. I...
Jenny Cooper wasn't planning on stopping for a drink after work but the dim, cool interior of the BRANDYWINE looked so inviting, she was drawn in and found herself sitting on a bar stool before she quite knew what was happening. "Uh... a glass of white wine please," Jenny said timidly as the good-looking bartender came over to her. "I... I don't want to stay too long. I've got to get ready for my wedding tomorrow." Dave's eyebrows raised in surprise. For a girl getting married...
By: vijay saraswat Bihar mein patna ke paas ek gaaon hai jis ka naam khagaul hai. Main usi khagaul ka rahne wala hun. Bachpan mein hi mere mata pita chal base the aur mere chacha chachi ne mujhe paal pos kar badaa kiyaa. Paanch saal pahle meri chachi bhi chal basin. Unke marne ke gham mein mere chacha bahut dukhee rahne lage aur unke marne ka sadma bardaast nahin kar paaye aur meri chachi ke marne ke do mahine baad voh bhi sansar se guzar gaye.Mere chacha chachi ke koi aulad nahin thee aur main...
Lt. Tracy Parker was the only passenger on board the special MAC flight from Andrews to Hickam. From there, after an hour's rest, she boarded an A-2 sent from the U.S.S. United States to pick her up. It was obvious she was an important passenger. The pilot, Lt. Bobby Gates from Kerrville, Texas, was a "nugget" or Navy aviator on his first tour aboard an aircraft carrier. So was his co-pilot and flight school partner, Shelly Schlumburger, a sarcastic brunette from Amsterdam Avenue in...
Sam loved it. It looked like we were three-for-three after the first sex positions. How could there possibly be a better video of this sort?Di and I wondered to each other (and to Sam) whether I could in fact have pushed enough sperm past the lethal bio-adhesive gel so that she could get pregnant despite her precaution. I think we all knew that this could have increased the risk of impregnation, but none of us knew how much the risk increased.For the next few days I continued to feel that Di...
I was still awake when Sally gently lifted the covers and slid her naked body underneath. It was our first 'normal' night in over a week, with both of us in bed at the same time. Janey was sleeping comfortably now, and with her maternal link, Sally would be awake at the first sign of trouble. I had observed this 'link' in action on numerous occasions and, while it seemed to be abnormally strong, I didn't think of it as odd or unusual. At first, Sally stayed completely on the far side of...
Leyota practically skipped from the building, tugging Jorgarn along with her. She reached the exit to find at least 20 people waiting for them. Fieth and Renoit came forward and gave Jorgarn and Leyota a cup filled with ale and pointed laughingly to another wagon with three casks on the back of it. "Hail," Pernice yelled. "The happy couple!" The crowd broke into spontaneous applause and many people stepped forward to congratulate the pair. Leyota looked taken aback. "You didn't...
I have talked a lot about keeping my secret, and was very right to do so, because people will try to use others to get to you. Nathan did it, when he killed those three people, and if people were to find out who I really was, they could easily use my friends and loved ones to get me do things against my wishes. My powers allow me a wish list of things I can do in order to protect from any and all harm. Like for example the story I am about to tell you. It was about 3 years ago, at a bank in...
I settled into the camper quite well during the next week. I spent my days answering the phone, which almost never rang, and reading the fish and game laws, which took only a couple of hours of intense study. The rest of the time a I day dreamed and watched old tv shows on line. By the time my week on the desk was over, I was absolutely going mad. I was also able to move around a lot easier on simple OTC pain meds. So I guess the Doctor and the SBI agents were right. I would add Captain...
Nancy stepped out of her bikini panties, at last, and wiggled closer to Carl Nash. His big, thick penis looked better all the time, she was turning on in a different way than she had with him earlier, she was feeling deeper and sweeter. It was still fun, but a warmer kind of fun that was heating her entire body, a rich glow. Her pussy was swelling out more, too! Moving her ass and rocking her cunt toward him, opening her legs in the age-old gesture of sex need and invitation brought her clit...
My figure is 36-32-38.yes i m little bulky from my gaand. Mera colour thoda sanvla he.but nain naksh kafi teekhe hain. Ye meri kahani ek mahine purani pichle ek saal se indiansexstories padh rahi hoon. Mujhe iski adat ho chuki thi.meri umra 29 years he..mere pati engineer hain. Mere pati ko ek phone aya.kisi ladki ka.wo kisi bank se tha.mere pati usse ragular bat karne lage.mere pati ko sharab ka shouk tha.ek din raat ko mere sone ke bad wo phone par baat kar rahe the.wo gande shabdo ka...
CHAPTER 30: THE VIDEOS … AND …It had been much longer for the videos to be completed and Juli and Harry were beginning to think they were never going to be invited over to Nikki and Joe’s for the first ever, private viewing. Truth was that Nikki and Joe had decided to make changes in the final edited version of the videos. Things were about to change for them and they were rethinking some aspects of this video thing. They had also been out of town several times over the past two weeks and the...
Kiera finally came to the decision that she didn't want to hold back her feelings for her brother Caleb. She came to that decision while riding out the waves of her third orgasm while his dick was nine inches deep into her pussy. She told him that she wanted to be his girlfriend, but a second after, there was a knock on the bathroom door. It was her prom date, telling Caleb that his sister has gone missing for about thirty minutes...Caleb and Kiera scrambled to their feet, throwing their...