Monica – More Than A Cleaner Again free porn video

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Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.

Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to have a low cleavage. He, therefore, wasn’t so surprised that Dave wanted to at least get a glimpse of her, as, like him, he also liked looking at girls in their late teens or early twenties.

The doorbell rang and Jeff immediately went and opened the door. He saw that Monica was dressed exactly as he had described to Dave. He stood back and let Monica in, and, once the door was closed, he welcomed her with his now normal very respectful, “Hello Mistress Monica.“

As he said the welcome Dave came into the hallway and there was a look of surprise on his face at how respectful Jeff had been. What Jeff had not told Dave was that, whilst Monica was technically his cleaner, it was she who monitored his cleaning of the house with a very strict regime that meant his legs or bottom was smacked for minor offences, right through to a bare bottom spanking with her hand or hairbrush for more major deficiencies. That was why he was already wearing just a T-shirt and sports shorts, because, although again he did not tell Dave this, he would have to get undressed and clean the house whilst naked. That was intended to ensure that his bottom and legs were freely available to be smacked whenever Monica decided that was required.

Monica smiled as she saw Jeff, but was surprised when she saw Dave coming into the hallway. She looked inquisitively at him.

Jeff saw the questioning look on Monica’s face, and, explained, “Dave is a long time friend of mine. He was just going.” As he made that final comment, he looked meaningfully at Dave.

Dave, though, was so taken by the way that Monica looked he certainly didn’t want to leave for the time being. He was going to be quite happy following her around the house and gazing at her, and therefore said, “Oh, Jeff, I need to stay here a little while longer. Mavis will be coming to collect me in about an hour. I hope that’s okay?“

This was the first time that Dave had mentioned that he was going to stay, or that his wife, Mavis, was going to come and collect him. However, if that was going to be the case, then he wasn’t quite sure what to say in order to get rid of Dave any earlier.

Monica could see the look of concern on Jeff’s face but wasn’t concerned about how humiliated he might be or by what was likely to happen to him within that hour. After all, she was in the dominant role and nothing was going to happen to her that would embarrass her. It was Jeff who would be embarrassed, but, on the other hand, once his friend knew what happened, there was no reason for Jeff to stop the arrangement. It was quite common for subs to, albeit unwillingly, make their friends aware of their submissive nature because it was part of their ongoing ritual of personal humiliation.

Therefore, Monica looked at Jeff and ordered, “No matter, Jeff, so please get undressed so you can start cleaning the house.“

Dave was again startled by the announcement, and his mouth partly dropped open in surprise. However, as he saw Jeff immediately pulled his T-shirt over his head he realised that Monica wasn’t joking and that Jeff really was going to get undressed. Presumably, that also meant that it would be him who was cleaning the house, he supposed.

Jeff felt so embarrassed as he undressed but knew he had to obey his mistress Monica or suffer the consequences. He supposed he didn’t mind getting undressed in front of Dave as they had showered together often enough at the gym or after playing football or tennis or the like. However, he had kept his submissive tendencies a secret, and that secret was about to be blown wide open. 

So, for the next hour, Jeff cleaned whilst Monica read a book but from time to time went to check on Jeff’s standard of work. It wasn’t good, Dave reckoned, by the number of comments Monica wrote on a pad she carried around with her.

Dave did have a brief conversation with Monica, and happily admitted how he had fantasised about his wife spanking him. Then, although he would have loved her to tell Mavis, he blushed as he asked Monica not to tell anyone that. His heart was pounding though as he pictured himself across Monica’s lap, as he had pictured himself being spanked when masturbating when alone in bed.

Other than the brief discussions, Dave but was mainly finding it amusing that Jeff was walking around the house in the nude. However, he followed Monica around as well, and watched as she admonished him about some shortcoming or other and then smacked his legs a few times, as well as his bottom, 

However, after about fifty minutes Jeff said he had finished the cleaning and asked, “Mistress Monica, was my standard okay today?”

Monica got out her pad and reeled off several shortcomings and, at the end, said sternly, “So you deserve a good long hard spanking.” She then went and turned a dining chair into the room and sat down.

Dave saw a thick wooden-backed hairbrush on the table behind Monica but within easy reach, and assumed that was going to be used as well.

Dave then watched with continuing surprise as he saw that Jeff had a stiff erection as he bent over the teenage Monica’s bare thighs. To be fair, Dave had mixed emotions because, as well as being surprised, he was also thinking about how he would enjoy going across those same bare thighs and having the same close-up view of Monica’s bare upside down legs. He knew that he had kept a secret of his own submissive tendencies for so many years, and was so surprised to find that Jeff seemingly had those same tendencies. Yet, he saw Jeff now bent across Monica’s lap having his bottom rubbed by her just seconds away from getting the spanking that he had thought about so much himself. 

Jeff couldn’t quite forget the fact that Dave was there as he settled down across Monica’s lap. He had now been spanked by her so often, and actually looked forward to it, but this was the first time that he was going to be spanked with someone watching. Of course, it wasn’t just someone, but his longtime friend.

Monica could tell from the way that Dave was blushing, and in quiet thought, that he too probably had submissive tendencies. She had that confirmed when she saw the front of his trousers being pushed out by what she knew was his erect penis. She was therefore quite enjoying herself as she watched Jeff undress and bend across her lap so submissively, as he always did. She then enjoyed rubbing his bottom and the tops of his legs before glancing up at Dave to make sure that he was watching, and then started to scold Jeff. “Your standard of cleaning was very poor today, Jeff. I saw three poo spots in the toilet pan, and some dust that has not been cleaned off on two of the windowsills, as well as a poor standard of hoovering in the corner of the living room.”

Monica decided to refer to Dave in her admonishment, and said sternly, “I don’t know whether your standard was slacker because your friend was watching, but that was no excuse, nor any reason for me to give you less than the full spanking that you have earned.“

Monica glanced up and saw that Dave was blushing an even deeper red. Then looked at the back of Jeff’s head and saw that he was staring at the floor, and so knew that both men were being truly submissive to her. Happy in her position of authority, she raised her hand and brought her palm down firmly on Jeff’s far bottom cheek.

She always loved it as she watched his bottom cheek surrender to her hand, bounce back and swirl around, and turn a slight pink colour, whilst, not stopping, she landed the second spank on Jeff‘s near the bottom cheek and saw the same reaction. Not wavering, she proceeded to land spank after spank on Jeff’ bare bottom cheeks, watching them surrender each time, bounce back and wobble, and turn darker and darker shades of red.

Jeff never minded the first part of the spanking. He loved it that his erect penis was pressed down on to Monica’s bare thighs, as well as the close-up view he got of her upside down legs. He also loved to watch her calf muscles tense knowing that that meant that her hand was raised, and so knew that only a few moments later the first spank would land. He also didn’t mind as the spanks continued to land because that was exactly what he wanted each time that Monica was here. Admittedly, as he was doing the cleaning this morning, he thought that perhaps he should clean to a better standard and so not to get spanked. However, he was pretty sure that Monica had already made the decision to spank him no matter how well or badly he cleaned.

Monica kept on landing spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, and, as always, enjoyed turning Jeff’s bottom darker and darker shades of red. After several minutes she altered to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again, before focusing on the other bottom cheek. She could tell that Jeff was struggling a bit more as he was squirming around on her lap and tensing his legs. She knew that her own hand was stinging slightly and, therefore, that Jeff's bottom would be stinging much much more. However, she actually enjoyed the feel of her hand stinging because it did mean that she was teaching Jeff the lesson that he needed to learn. She was so well aware that Jeff wanted to be spanked, and even today she made up the reasons to spank him. To be fair, the three spots of poo were on the toilet pan, but the dust was not there. She was pretty sure, though, that Jeff would not even bother to go and check.

Once Monica had turned Jeff’s bottom cheeks the rosy red colour that she loved, she then started to spank the backs of his legs. She knew that this hurt Jeff much more, but, as always, he stayed in position knowing that he had transferred authority directly to Monica. On and on she spanked the backs of his legs until they were as darkly red as his bottom cheeks.

Jeff could feel the stinging intensify as the backs of his legs were spanked, but continued to feel turned on by having to be submissive to his teenage cleaner. He even started to accept that, as he turned sideways and saw Dave’s legs, it was even more of a turn on being spanked in front of such a good friend. He was a little surprised that Dave did not raise a verbal objection to Monica spanking him, and he even started to wonder whether Dave had similar submissive tendencies to himself. However, he couldn’t focus too much on that thought, because his bottom and legs were stinging as they always did, making each subsequent spank more and more difficult to deal with.

Once Monica was happy with the red colour of the whole of Jeff's bottom and the whole of the backs of his legs, she stopped spanking with her hand, turned and picked up the hairbrush, turned back and tapped it twice on each bottom cheek, glanced at Dave to make sure that he was still focusing, saw that he was, then raised the hairbrush and immediately brought it down with a heavy thwack on Jeff‘s far bottom cheek. She glanced up again and saw the look of concern on Dave’s face as Jeff let out his usual yelp which Monica knew he would let out after each heavy spank. Even so, she continued to land heavy spank after heavy spank, now turning both bottom cheeks a bruised blue, knowing that that would make it so difficult for Geoff to sit down for hours to come. However, as Jeff never complained about that, she knew that that was exactly what he wanted, and, having such dominant tendencies herself, she knew that that was what she wanted to do.

Monica was still spanking Jeff with the hairbrush when the front doorbell rang. Jeff wasn’t aware of the ring, but Monica was, looked up at Dave, and ordered, “Go and open the door. Presumably, that is your wife.”

Dave licked his lips as he knew that he had to obey the, “Do as I say or else,” tone of voice. So, he left the living room, went out into the hallway,.

When Dave was going towards the door he told himself that he should just leave straight away so that Mavis didn’t know that Jeff was being spanked by Monica. Even though he had those same submissive tendencies he had never had the courage to ask Mavis to spank him. He was pretty sure that she would, I knew that it just took asking one time, but he never did pluck up the courage. Maybe this would help get her to spank him, he thought and reckoned he would let Mavis see Monica spanking Jeff.

He opened the door and was about to warn Mavis of what she was going to see, and only then realised that she wasn’t alone. He recognised the young girl with Mavis as being Ella, an eighteen-year-old student at the local six form college. She was dressed in her summer school uniform of a green and white check gingham short-sleeved dress, with a hem halfway down her thighs and, as she wasn’t wearing ankle socks, had bare legs. He got a bit of a shock because he had fantasised so often about this exact young lady spanking him, just as he saw that Monica was only a little bit older and was spanking Jeff

However, as he stood glancing at Ella, so the sound of the hairbrush thwacking down on Jeff’s bottom was heard by them all, and Mavis and Ella did have a look of surprise on their faces as the spanks continued and Jeff’s yelps continued to be heard.

Mavis recovered first, and asked in a stern tone, “Is Jeff spanking someone?“

Dave was lost for words as he stuttered, “Well, erm, no, erm, I mean, erm.”

Mavis got annoyed with Dave’s incoherent reply and walked past him so she could find out for herself. She told herself, as she walked into the hallway, that she would be so surprised that Jeff would actually be spanking someone because he always seemed such a non-aggressive man and half wondered if it was actually him being spanked. So, she wasn’t altogether surprised to find that it was Jeff being spanked, but, what did surprise her, was the age of the girl spanking him.

A few moments later Ella walked into the living room and was equally surprised to see a man who was Jeff’s age being spanked by a girl her own age. She shook her head in disbelief but was smiling broadly, more so when she saw the look of surprise on Mrs. K’s face. 

Monica kept a straight face but was really enjoying herself as she looked up at Mavis and Ella and said, “Jeff has earned this spanking because his standard of cleaning was so low.”

Mavis was now open-mouthed as she glanced from Monica, down to Jeff's blue bruised bottom, and then at Dave. She literally couldn’t speak for a few seconds trying to process everything that she was now looking at.

Monica had stopped spanking Jeff but was rubbing the hairbrush around his bottom in circles. She decided to have some more fun, and, looking up, asked, “Are you, Mavis?”

Mavis was surprised that this young lady knew her name, but, recovering her composure even more, replied in a slightly surprised tone, “Yes, I am.”

Monica continued to keep a straight face as she said, “Oh right. Well, Dave has told me how he would rather like you to spank him and impose a strict discipline regime at home.”

Mavis was shocked by what she heard, and looked immediately at Dave and saw that he was blushing a deep red. It, therefore, struck her immediately that this young lady was telling her the truth. She therefore said, sternly “Maybe you need your bottom spanked as well as Jeff?”

Monica still kept a stern look on her face and she said to Mavis, “I agree with you. I don’t think it matters that he wants to be spanked, but more that it certainly makes me feel better when I spank Jeff when he deserves it.”

Mavis took the comment on board, glared at Dave, and ordered, “Well, I think this young lady is perfectly correct.”

As much as Dave had previously thought how he would like to be spanked by Monica, faced with an angry looking Mavis he lost his courage once again. He, therefore, tried, “Please, Mavis, and you, Monica, I don’t think I have done enough to justify a sparking. Anyway, I am much too old.”

It was Ella who laughed at Dave’s comment as she said, “I thought you were the same age as Jeff?“

Mavis couldn’t hide her smile at Ella’s comment, and, again ordered, “There you have it, Dave. Jeff isn’t too old and so neither are you. So, I think I’ll give you the bare bottom spanking you deserve.“

Dave again panicked and said, “Please, Ella is here and you can’t possibly spank me in front of her.”

Monica stepped in with, “Look here, Dave. You are clearly deserving of a spanking. From now on you will not refer to anyone here by their first name, other than Jeff. It is Miss Ella, ma’am for your wife, and mistress Monica for me. Also, you don’t get to decide anymore whether you need to be spanked, just as Jeff doesn’t get to choose.”

Dave was totally flustered as he said, “Please, Mistress Monica, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Monica sneered as she replied, “Well, I think the way that you have looked at me, and particularly my bare legs and bare arms and cleavage, I think you have deserved a spanking.”

Mavis could see how Dave was struggling and had to admit that she was getting turned on by the thought of spanking her husband. Not just that, she also liked the idea of instigating a discipline regime at home because she reckoned spanking Dave would be great foreplay”

Dave again struggled to find a response and was also blushing knowing that he had been gawking at Monica who we found such a turn on in a disciplinary way.

Monica saw how Dave looked and ordered, “In fact, I think it should be Miss Ella who spanks you now with your ma’am spanking you whenever you need it at home.”

Mavis was suddenly really enjoying the whole conversation, and said in a very stern tone of voice, “I agree with that Dave. Miss Ella, will you please give Dave a bare bottom spanking right now, and, under the age-old rules, Dave, if you earn a spanking when away from home you get another spanking when you get home as well as being sent to bed early.” Mavis was already thinking about having sex with Dave after she spanked him later on.

Mavis smiled at Ella and asked, “Are you up for spanking Dave?”

Ella smiled back and happily replied, “Sure thing, Mrs. K.”

Mavis glared at Dave and instructed, “Get undressed and across Miss Ella’s lap.”

Dave wasn’t happy because as Jeff was already undressed he couldn’t see any reason not to be naked as well when being spanked. So, realising it was actually what he wanted and he was with his wife and long time friend so that wasn’t really a problem, he succumbed and pulled his T-shirt over his head and put it on the table. He then undid his jeans and pushed them down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, stepped out of both, and put them both on the table with his T-shirt. 

Dave swallowed hard as he saw Ella turn a chair into the room and sit down and thought she looked so dominant sitting there in her school uniform. She had come to the house quite often and he always thought she had one of those, “Do as I say or else, haughty voice tones and one he had often used when fantasising about being spanked. So, maybe getting spanked once by the authoritative Ella wasn’t so bad, he told himself.

Monica said to Mavis, “There’s another hairbrush in that drawer,” pointing to the side cabinet, and Mavis smiled as she got it out and put it on the table behind Ella.

As Dave stood naked and looked down at Ella’s lap, the three women saw that he had a stiff erection and so must be finding the thought of being erotic.

Monica knew what might happen and so advised Ella, “Hike the hem of your dress up so he lies across your bare thighs. These men have a habit of leaking and that would stain your dress.”

Ella realised the advice that Monica was giving her was good advice and made quite a point of standing up and yanking her hem right up to the top of her thighs before sitting back down. She then glared at Dave, even though until today she had always treated him with the utmost respect, and ordered, “Get yourself across my lap.” 

Dave swallowed hard as he heard the instruction and realised that he was getting ever more turned on because he was about to live his long-held fantasy of being disciplined by a teenager. Dave also saw Mavis nodding her head towards Ella, indicating that she fully expected him to go across her lap. Therefore, without any further ado, Dave stood to Ella’s side, took one final look at her bare thighs, and then eased himself down and across her lap. As he lowered his full weight across her lap he looked at the backs of her legs and loved the feeling of submission, realising that, in fact, he wasn’t really concerned about the age of the woman who was going to spank him, but just that she was authoritative in attitude and tone of voice. He knew that both those qualities applied to Mavis as well as Ella, and realised that if he was at home when Ella came for a tutorial he would obey his wife and go across her lap and to be spanked by her if she ordered it.

Ella was very excited as she saw Dave lower himself across her lap. She was glad that Monica had advised her to raise her skirt so that her lap was bare because she actually enjoyed the feeling of Dave's erect penis pressing down on her bare thighs. It also gave her a feeling of superiority over Dave, knowing that, until today, she had always thought the older person would be the one who gave the spanking and the younger one would be on the receiving end. This was so erotic, though, being the reverse to that. She felt quivers flying around her vagina, pretty much as she did when she watched films where the men were bare chested and sexy looking, except this was even better than that as she looked down at Dave’s bare bottom as she started to rub it in circles with her hand. As she rubbed she glanced up at Mavis who was smiling at her and again nodding her head in support. She then glanced at Monica who had now started to spank Jeff again, and, nodding her head as well, indicated that she should start to spank Dave. So, without any concerns, she raised her hand and bought her palm down on Jeff’s far  bottom cheek and loved how it surrendered to her hand, and bounced back and swirled around as she had already raised her hand and brought it down again on his near bottom cheek. Knowing that she was the one in charge she happily spanked Dave on alternate bottom cheeks turning each one darker and darker shades of red.

Mavis looked on as Ella was spanking her husband and could not stop yourself from smiling. After all, this was simply emphasising the fact that her husband was happily being a submissive because being spanked this first time meant that he would not be able to object to being spanked in future by any of her or any of her friends. Of course, she fully intended being the main authoritative figure in Dave’s life going forward and knew it would add some spice if he were to be spanked by other women as well with her watching. 

As the spanks continued to land Dave again told himself that it didn’t make much difference whether the woman spanking him was a teenager like Ella or Monica, or an older woman like his wife. After all, it wasn’t the age of the woman, but more the fact that he was submitting to her authority and accepted whatever punishment she determined he needed. Indeed, he was more and more turned on by the thought and prospect and actual experience of exactly that.  As the spanks continued and his bottom was stinging madly he still told himself that he was glad that he had watched Monica spanking Jeff and that Mavis and Ella had arrived and were now dealing with him. When Ella spanked the backs of his legs it certainly hurt more, but still, he was living out his fantasy and so stayed across the teenager’s lap even as he gasped with the pain and tensed his legs and shook his head from side to side.

Once Ella had turned Dave’s bottom and the backs of his legs a lovely shade of red she glanced up and saw Mavis nod her head towards the table, turned, and picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush. She happily tapped both bottom cheeks and wondered what Dave would be thinking of just then. However, she didn’t wait, but simply raised the hairbrush and brought it down with a loud thwack on his far cheek. She loved how his bottom cheek was flattened by the hairbrush and then swirled around and bounced back just as his other bottom cheek surrendered to the next spank. 

Dave felt the light taps with what he knew was the thick wooden-backed hairbrush and tensed his bottom, presuming it was going to hurt much more than Ella’s hand. He was right and yelped as the hairbrush was spanked down onto his bottom and yelped again as the second spank landed. Unable to cope at all well he then yelped or gasped after every spank and wondered how come such a lovely teenager like Ella could make the spanking so pain-filled. Still, she was and he couldn’t stop her, although suddenly realised that he was saying, ‘Sorry, Miss Ella,’ after several of the spanks and really did feel like a naughty boy being disciplined. With Mavis just a foot away from his face he also felt humiliated that he was being spanked with an audience, albeit of one, but it was his wife watching and he knew he would be going across her lap later on today. The feeling of submission flowed over him as he continued to yelp and gasp and tense his legs and shake his head all to try to cope with the spanking that was reducing him to tears spank by spank.

Ella was very conscious of the fact that Dave was now crying pretty much uncontrollably, but she was enjoying the feeling of power she had over the much older man, particularly as his wife was watching. She felt an increasing wetness deep inside, much as she did when getting ready for bed and knowing that she was going to give herself a series of lovely orgasms. So, wanting to increase that sensation, she continued to land spank after spank on Dave‘s bottom cheeks, sometimes alternately, but particularly enjoying landing six or seven spanks on the same bottom cheek followed by six or seven on the other. 

Dave was not expecting to be reduced to the blubbering tears that he was now experiencing, and he could no longer even have the enjoyment of studying those upside down legs with the beautiful muscles tensed because his vision was so blurred. Even so, and as much as his bottom cheeks were now stinging so badly, he also knew that he would experience the difficulty in sitting down after a spanking that he had wanted to experience for all these years.

Mavis watched with some surprise as she saw Dave stay in position even now that the spanking must be hurting so much. However, it reinforced her belief that he wanted to be spanked, and she was getting used to the idea of being the loving wife who spanked him.

Once Ella had turned Dave's bottom almost completely bruised blue, she decided that she would have to stop and release him. She glanced across and saw that Monica had already stopped spanking Jeff who had stood up and was now rubbing his bottom feverishly, stepping from foot to foot, and wiping the tears away from his face. So, she put the hairbrush down, and ordered, “Okay, Dave, you can get up now.”

Dave eased himself up from Ella’s lap and, as soon as he stood, his hands flew to his bottom cheeks and rubbed furiously, and he stepped from foot to foot and wiped away tears from his face with the back of his hand. Ella found it almost comical although the sex-filled feeling of power remained.

Monica smiled at Ella before glaring at Jeff and ordering, “You need to say thank you for teaching you a lesson, Jeff.”

Ella and Mavis did look surprised when they saw Monica slip her hands under her skirt and push her knickers to the floor and scoop them up and put them on the table behind her before turning back and glaring up at again, this time with her legs wide apart, and ordered, “Do it.”

Jeff looked down at Monica’s stretched pussy lips and immediately knelt down onto the floor between her legs. He started to kiss her inner thighs doing what he had clearly done so often before. Monica took up a very relaxed position and sign erotically as Jeff got to her pussy lips and his tongue was licking them up and down. 

Ella was suddenly excited and looked up at Mavis and asked, “Can I have Dave do that to me please, Mrs. K?”

Funnily enough, Mavis was thinking the same thing as something that Dave should do to her after she spanked him later on this evening. However, as Ella had asked, she didn’t see this as Dave playing around but rather his further submission because it would only be Ella who had an orgasm and not himself. She, therefore, smiled at Ella and said, “Sure thing, Ella.”

Ella smiled broadly as she glared up at Dave and ordered, “Get on your knees in between my legs. I think you now know what you have to do.”

As Ella made her demand she slipped her fingers underneath of dress and into the elastic of her knickers, pushed them down towards the floor, scooped them up, and she then turned back towards Dave and pointed at her stretched pussy lips and ordered, “Your turn, Dave. Better make it a good one.”

Dave glanced towards Mavis and saw that she nodded her head and so he quickly knelt down between Ella’s legs and started to kiss her inner thighs. He didn’t see it as being unfaithful but rather having to follow an order from a very dominant young lady who had just given him a particularly hard spanking. He had to admit that he was so glad that now he had experienced being spanked as an adult he did enjoy being submissive in this way as well as when across Ella’s lap, and loved the feel of her thighs as he worked his way up towards her pussy lips which, when he started to lick them, could tell straight away were extremely damp which told him that Ella was turned on by spanking him, and he knew that Mavis would be as well.

Ella was enjoying the attention that Dave was giving her with his tongue and, just as Monica had done, let out a series of erotic gasps and knew that she was getting close to an orgasm. She kept her legs wide apart as Dave kissed and licked her pussy lips and edged his tongue inside her. This was so much better than when she lay in bed and masturbated, she told herself and knew that her dream was now to find a boyfriend who was happy to be as submissive as Dave was. As she was on the edge of her orgasm she gyrated to make it as though Dave’s tongue was pushing hard against her pussy lips, just as she would with her own finger, but many many times better, and then she came, wonderfully, with what she thought was the best orgasm ever.

Ella allowed herself to recover slowly, knowing that the flutters were still flying around her vagina. However, she saw that Monica had slipped her knickers back on and so knew that she couldn’t demand a second orgasm herself. She was still very happy, though, as she reached behind and picked up her knickers and slipped them back onto her legs and pulled them right up as she stood up and flattened out her hem.

Monica turned to Mavis and Ella and said, “Well I think my job is done here today, so I’ll leave you to it.”

As Mavis and Ella said their good-byes and watched Monica leave the house they were both thinking about the future discipline of Dave, and Ella asked, “Can I spank Dave again sometime, Mrs K?”

Mavis smiled at her and said, “Definitely.“ She then said to Dave in a very stern tone, “Well, Dave, don’t forget that from now on when Ella is at your house being tutored, you only refer to her as Miss Ella. With me, when we are alone you will only address me as ma’am, and if anyone else is in the house you will definitely only speak to me with the greatest respect. I will be supervising you doing the cleaning and will also be introducing several rules and if you break any of them or your cleaning is sub my very high standard then you will be subjected to an even harder spanking than the one Ella has just given you.”

Mavis and Ella looked at each other as both were surprised to find that Dave had once again got a rather stiff erection, and both fully expected Dave to readily accept the new discipline regime in his house.

Dave was still rubbing his bottom as Ella asked if she could spank him again and he knew his penis was getting more erect by the second has Mavis replied that she would be spanking him again. Then, when Mavis told him how he had to address the two of them, he felt even more aroused. This was pressing so many buttons for him and the one thing he knew for sure was that he was certainly looking forward to Miss Ella coming to their house to be tutored and Mavis being an ever so strict disciplinarian.

Mavis was looking forward to her new position of authority, although knew that as she was getting wet at the thought of it she was going to use it to spice up her sex life.

Ella knew she was a natural dom, and even though just eighteen-years-old knew she would be on the look-out for men and women to dominate and discipline and use.

Monica was very happy when she got home as she sent a text to Jeff and said, “I think we need to increase my time supervising your cleaning and I should move into your second bedroom.”

Jeff was so relieved when he saw the text as he was worried that Monica would refuse to come again. His response was, “Yes, please, Mistress Monica. In fact, I can move into the spare room if you want the main bedroom.”

Monica smirked as she replied, “No, way. We’ll share the main bedroom and the main bed. That way I can monitor you round the clock.”

On reflection, all in all, the day produced so many good results. It was nice to think how a good spanking could change your life, but it did.




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Monica Bill and Their Lusty Desires

Chapter 1 Monica was 21-years old and she was already a very mature young woman physically. Maybe she wasn't really that mature mentally at that age, but that maturity would come and come in a big hurry. Monica had some sexual experience by that point in her life -- she certainly wasn't a virgin, and she'd gain much more sexual experience in the days ahead. Monica had boyfriends and even a married lover before she moved to Washington DC and there was one thing for sure about Monica, when...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 1

Monica knew she was sexy and she knew she could turn me on and turn their heads when they saw her. Monica had experienced that more than a few times and she'd known that her public notoriety hadn't hurt her appeal to a lot of men at all. But, in the aftermath of her experiences with Bill, Monica knew that she needed to make the most of her natural physical beauty and her hot sexiness before the opportunity passed. Monica had taken the offer to pose for Playboy and she'd thoroughly enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Monica At Home

Monica At Home By Jason Fleming Simmonds sipped some more Merlot and smiled across the table to his beautiful Italian wife, Monica.?A superb meal, darling. You excelled once again.?She smiled. That perfect, desirable smile. Her shoulder length, curly dark hair fell over her face and she flicked it back, and looked over to their guest for the evening. ?And what about you Mr Fleming – was everything good???Oh yes,? smiled Fleming. ?Very good. Including the hostess.? His gaze lingered, and...

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Monica My Mother8217s Best Friend

I am Varun Arora, aged 20 years old. I live with my widow mother Seema whio is 40 years old good looking woman. She is the Principal in Govt School and I am preparing for my medical entrance test. My mother has a teacher friend Monica, also a widow about my mother’s age. Monica is modern and fashionable and very rich. I am often asked to do small things for her and sometimes have to stay the night at her huge house. Monica aunty is very friendly with me. She had been a motherly figure to me...

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Monica MechanicChapter 1 Monty

Sometimes a solution turns out to have unintended consequences, and so it was with Pēteris. He and his Companions had created what amounted to a honey trap to lure ‘bad guys’ who had Damsels. Unfortunately, as part of their scheme they left behind too much honey, and Hastert made a connection. Fortunately, not the connection, but while his wound was healing and he was regaining strength, he decided that his year’s supply of potions could be used to resupply himself with Damsels. It wouldn’t...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 2

The next day, Monica went back to the filming studio and they got ready for the next scenario in their adult porn film project. This time she was going to be seduced by Larry's girlfriend and the two of them were going to engage in girl/girl sex for the camera. This fuck scenario would be shot on another set -- this one supposedly the house and master bedroom where Larry lived and Monica had been sent over to meet with his live-in girlfriend and the two of them end up in bed. It was the warm...

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Monica Part 4

Monica was casually cleaning herself up, using the towel that the young woman from housekeeping had handed her. As I lay there spent from our activities, my mind was frantically trying to come up with something plausible to tell my wife about how I missed my flight. She would not be pleased.I was looking at the young woman from housekeeping.Without my glasses, I could barely make out her name tag. Bernadette… yes, that’s it. Bernadette was busily shifting her gaze from me to Monica and back to...

Straight Sex
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Monica part2

I got in late, somewhere in the hazy place between late night and early morning, but the heat had not let up. The inside of the house was just as dark and humid as the outside, and I waded through it as I made my quiet way from the door to the kitchen, fumbling a little until I saw the light peeking from around the corner. As I said, it was hot, so it figures that my sister would be looking for something cool to drink. She was silhouetted in the light of the refrigerator, wreathed in the vapor...

3 years ago
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Monica Saves Hubbys Job

"Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man's job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it" I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi's wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy's and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...

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Monicas Birthday

I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're worthy of being posted.This one is my favoriteIt’s mid-October of senior year, with the smell of fall break in the air; time for several friends and me to head cross country for the week. We decided we wanted to go somewhere memorable and have an unforgettable experience. There had been a long debate over where we...

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Monica Saves Hubby8217s Job

“Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man’s job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it” I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi’s wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy’s and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...

2 years ago
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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 5

Monica had quickly gotten more and more confident in her newfound career as an adult photo model and porn star. She'd never envisioned her life would take such a direction, but now she felt so confident with her own physical beauty and she'd quickly discovered that her innate sexual skills and tastes seemed to be what turned her audiences on bigtime. When Monica met with her producer and director after returning from her successful home visit, she found herself confronted with one of the...

4 years ago
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© Copyright It was a few days before spring break in my senior year of high school, when I first saw Monica as a sexy lady. She was about 40 years old, and always had a very sweet smile on her light, skinned face. She had, short brown hair with streaks of blonde running through it. Most times, a very big smile and a little sparkle in her eye for me. Being a dumb shit 18 teen year old high school guy with hormones going wild for my fellow female students. I never really noticed. Monica,...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 6

Monica began to pick up the pace of her porn film acting, and she soon found the studio publicists standing ready to help her get more publicity and visibility to further enhance her rapidly budding porn actress reputation and public following. One thing the publicists found much easier with Monica than many porn film actresses was the fact that she'd come to the business with a reputation already established. In one meeting, one of her female publicists told Monica that not only was she an...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 4

Monica had been pursuing her new career in porn films for nearly six months when she got that phone call she'd longed for, but now that it arrived, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him or not. Bill had disavowed any connections with her after their sexy activities had become known but now that Monica had established a national reputation as a very sexy woman and a very accomplished porn film actress, Bill couldn't resist trying to make contact again. "Hello, Monica," Bill said...

2 years ago
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Monica vecina mea

Era prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem...

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Monica and Sandi

orgasm of the evening. Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over her creamy skin. Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out the blonde's tasty pussy. The taste of strawberries was unmistakable. (That was a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Her new craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over the prickly surface of Sandi's shaved twat. To watch them it would be difficult to tell that this was only Sandi's first...

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Monica part3

It was late, and the minutes passed slowly. Midnight had been long ago, it seemed, and yet the night remained in that timeless hollow that are the wee morning hours. The lamp beside me was burning low and I flipped the page of my textbook, shifting ever so slightly. Against my chest, Monica stirred, and for a moment the words became gibberish and all I felt was her soft breast rolling against my skin, all I smelled was the vague fragrance of her shampoo. I watched her face as she blinked awake,...

4 years ago
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Monica Me

I would like to share my experience which I had while I was working in US. As the guest house allotted to me by my office is far from my office I stayed at a house near my office. There was a couple named Vishal Reddy and his wife Monica Reddy. They had a 2 year old baby girl. They had rented the side portion of the house only because Vishal lost his job and were finding it difficult to meat their ends. I saw Vishal was moody fellow but Monica was calm & working very hard going to job and...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 7

Monica had never really thought her new career as a porn actress would go as well and as far as it had since she'd made her first contact with the adult film executives. Now she knew that she was definitely very popular in the business where men and women enjoyed watching and knowing about young men and women who used their bodies to sexually satisfy themselves and their audiences as they had sex in front of the cameras. Monica thought back to her days in college when she'd contemplated an...

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Monica Chapter 1 An American Sailor

After all the discussions and bedtime talk it was time for me to push things a little further to actually happening. An American navy fleet came to town from the Middle East unleashing some 5,000 sailors onto the city. I suggested Monica should have a girls night out.After all the bed time talk and confessing of my fantasy to see the woman I loved with other men and Monica somewhat taking an interest, or should I say more than an interest, in the possibly of getting it together with a man other...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 7 concluded

"Ummmm... this is really weird. A moment ago I honestly wasn't feeling the urges. And now, I think I am again." "But you were able to take all of it off to shower. That is so weird." "Yeah I don't get it either." Things were building rapidly, and she could see it on my face. "Oh dear. Do we need to get you dressed again?" "Uh, yeah, please. It's building up really fast." "Okay, but let me get you some clean things to wear. Just try to hang on for a minute." She went down to...

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Monica makes a visit

It was a Saturday morning and the door bell rang. I went to open it but Melinda had beaten me to it. Opening the door she screamed, “hey look who’s here. Monica.!!.” I was equally surprised to see my wife’s sis, so asked her what brought her here. They all stay about 500 miles from us. We keep in touch over the phone. Visits had been quite minimal. “I had a week’s off from my job and thought of visiting you all” chirped she. The sisters had a lot of things to catch up. So they left me to myself...

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 Monica and I met in our freshman year in college. We had both enrolled in the same history class and she occupied the seat beside me. We'd frequently make small talk while waiting for class to start, and It wasn't long before we became friends. Very good friends actually. We looked out for one another, studied together, watched movies, had dinner and went drinking together. We had sex, hot torrid sex. The kind of sex that... No, that's not true at all. We never had sex. We never even kissed,...

Love Stories
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 5

"Yes we had the talk, and he knows about what happened. But there's something that you don't know, and we don't really understand it. Somehow, his desire to wear panties has been extended to other kinds of lingerie as well." Kallie let out a giggle, and Jackie looked confused. "Wait, mom, how could that happen? What kinds of other stuff?" "Well, I think it probably applies to any lingerie, but the only real evidence we have is that night gown that you bought yesterday." "Wow, I...

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Monica MechanicChapter 2 Staking A Claim

A road on Chaos would likely be charitably considered an improved trail on Earth or Cassandra – maybe. The one traveled by Monty was seldom more than a pair of ruts and barely wide enough for a wagon plus, perhaps, a rider. The ruts were typically wide, as there had been no Roman Legions to standardize axle or wheel sizes. Trees, or at least scrub, usually closed in on the road except where it bordered or ran through a meadow – or where it bordered farm fields near towns. Now, Monty rode the...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 3

Monica was really enjoying this business of making adult films. She'd never envisioned that it could be so fun to actually have sex in front of a camera and know that her naked body, and her sexual activities with the other porn film actors would be seen by an untold number of people, and Monica found it extremely hot and arousing to know that she'd have such a wide audience for doing something that she was loving so much. Monica made more and more porn films and she found herself in even...

3 years ago
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MonicaChapter 2

We looked at each other across the breakfast table and sipped our coffee. Neither of us wanted to be the first to speak, but both of us had a lot to say and I guess neither of us knew where to begin. Monica had somehow unwittingly become the center piece in a gangbang the previous evening and even though it should have been obvious to her from the way I had fucked her when everyone else had done with her that our marriage was not in danger, she still had cried and begged for forgiveness all...

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Monica Getting What Shed Wanted All Along

Monica had known early in her teen years that sex and sexual pleasure were something she was always going to want more of and to really enjoy. She'd had several very hot and lusty sexual relationships but none perhaps as hot in its own way as the one she'd enjoyed with Bill. But, the one thing Monica had always wanted more than anything was sex -- hot lusty fucking both sucking her lover's cock and having him thrust his hard cock inside her pussy and fuck her until they were both consumed...

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Monica Lisa

There are few things as useless as the hobbies of a middle-aged man who has enough money to last a few generations of blatant misuse, but somehow, in my case, it all ended out very well. It all began one fine evening, on the eve of my fortieth candle-blowing occasion. I was the proud owner of a fine yacht, the Sundari, and it was decided that the momentous anniversary of my birth was to be a private affair, with just the three of us in attendance; I mean, it's all fun when someone else is the...

1 year ago
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Monica Seduces Amy

Monica sat studying alone in the living room of the small apartment she shared with another girl Amy. Both girls were students. Being a warm morning, Monica sat wearing nothing but pink panties with a pretty lace trim and it was part of her plan. Occasionally she looked up from her reading to admire her ample breasts and ever-hardening nipples. She felt herself getting turned on by simply sitting around mostly nude. Monica was a pretty tight ass. Her boobs were beautifully shaped and firm....

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Monica Bhabhi 8211 The Seduction

Hello friends, I, Abhi, am a lover of ISS stories and have been enjoying it for a few years now. I also had a feeling that I would some day be able to share my experiences. It was actually ISS that gave me the courage to take a step forward when having a conversation with ladies older than me. This story might be a bit longer than usual but I would like to stress on the fact that how both of us build our relationship till the night we had our first encounter. This encounter happened on July...

2 years ago
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Monica my darling

Hi, I am Vinay. I live in Bangalore. I am single. I am very fond of indian sex stories and i want to share an exciting event of my life. It’s a true incident, which happened three years back. I am self. Monica was my friend’s friend. She was married and workingwoman. Monica was a very sexy woman with 38, 28, 38 & 5’ 7” figure. She was so sexy that every body admires her figure. After three years of marriage, she had no baby. We had good family terms and we used to visit each other’s house once...

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Introduction: Scott meets up with his old friend Monica after a decade. Monica, what can I say about her, shes my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. Shes around 56 or something not skinny with soft baby fat over hard muscles from her dancing and exercises. She has dark thick hair which she kept short around shoulder length,...

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Monica Part 3

When we got to the room I opened the door and let her walk in first. Stepping past her, I went to the desk and placed my wallet on top of some papers as a reminder not to leave them behind. I then turned around to see her leaning seductively against the door. That familiar grin spread across her lips as one hand reached for the hemline of her skirt. She very slowly raised it, exposing her legs, and as it crept higher she beckoned me with her other hand. “Hungry?” She smiled. Famished better...

Straight Sex
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Monica Introduction True Stories Of Watching My

What i'm about to confess is all true as I remember it, my fetish of sharing my then wife and watching her with other men and of course also joining in, at times. We are now divorced but still friends, we didn't divorce because of what we were into but due to other pressures.I still think of Monica and what a let her or convinced her to do and it still turns me on to no end, Now in our senior years we have moved on but the good memories will never fade. I will tell what took place over some...

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Monica the cum slut

The morning light crept through the blinds and cast itself upon Monica Santiago. She shifted her smooth long legs and tossed in bed. As the light moved further up her body Monica opened her honey brown eyes and lifted her head to look at her clock. It read 11’o’clock. She plopped her head back down on her pillow , her dark black hair falling around her. Monica was a wild child and was loving life and she had no intention of getting out of bed just yet. Monica lived alone in her studio...

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Monica MechanicChapter 10 Plans and Preparations

The next morning’s breakfast was a cacophony of discussions – happy, exploratory, serious, planning, and more. Sarah and Maggie flanked Pēteris, and they might as well have been second skins. Across the table was Monica, flanked by Miriam and Robyn. Charles sat between AlvaBeth and Ayesha, who had returned for the morning exercises and weapons practice, with Bron stationed at the end of the table by Autumn. The morning’s after-breakfast baths were going to be interesting... Pēteris looked...

2 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 4

Okay, does "mortified" adequately describe the situation? I'm thinking that I'm almost home free, that I can step into the bathroom in a moment, grab my old underwear out of the corner, and be done. But no, Monica has found them first. She doesn't look mad really. I think it's more a confused smirk she's got on her face. Has she told Jackie what she found? I don't think so -- that's probably why she waited until the gals were gone. Does she also know that I took the pink panties off the...

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The house was dark when I awoke. Looking at the clock on the cable box told me why, 2:17 AM. Normally, I would just go back to sleep and hopefully pick up where I left off with the girl I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I heard something in the house. Carefully, I got out of bed to check it out. My wife is mean as hell if she gets woken from her 15 hour long sleep. We have three kids and another one is sleeping over tonight so I went to see what was going on. Black as the night was in the...

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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Payment of bills

My cock was already standing at attention from the sight and smell of her pussy. I unzipped my trousers and quickly pulled them down along with my panties, then I rose from my semi-reclining position and began to massage from the outside and insert my fingers into her pussy. My fingers went into her without any problem, the mucus was thick and there was a lot of it, so I quickly pulled my fingers out and lubed my cock with them. It was already stiff and ready to be basically inserted deep into...

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Monica Part 2

I bolted upright. My heart was pounding and my cock was in Monica's hand. She was sitting on the edge of the bed slowly stroking me. "Shh, it's okay," she said soothingly, "it's just me." She smiled warmly looking down at my cock and then back into my eyes. "I couldn't resist any longer. I hope you don't mind..." Adrenalin was coursing through my veins, startled awake from my dream and my heart pounding in my chest like a child's toy drum. It took what seemed an eternity to get my bearings,...

Love Stories
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MONICA A lesbian tale

MONICA (A lesbian tale)Stopped on the side of the road, Madeleine waited for a few minutes, more like 10 minutes, before she drove into the motel parking lot. She always did that. The motel was advertising a lobster festival for that evening. Madeleine laughed out loud.“I’m more in for tuna”, she chuckled, surprised at her own vulgarity.She parked her car in the arrival section, as she always did, and waited again for a few minutes. The space in front of unit 17 was empty. She suddenly felt...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 1

It wasn't like I had never had a date. I had certainly had my share of them. All types of gals -- the good, the bad, and a few that had just gotten ugly (the dates that is!). I had had a couple of "long term" relationships which, when you're in high school, means they lasted for at least a few months. But once Jackie showed up at school, I became totally smitten. And now, after considerable work, I had to be the luckiest guy alive. Somehow, I had managed to land a date with what I...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 3

I looked across to the counter and saw the same panties from a week ago. I knew I saw her remove that pile that night, so it must have just been some crazy coincidence that they were there again, and right on top, and right there for me to see, and calling to me, and boy did they look cute. But as opposed to that previous night, when I was just curious about them, now I knew without a doubt that they were going to end up around my waist. I walked over, picked them up, and just admitted...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 6 Sex toys delivery

And she tirelessly fucked my ass for the next few minutes. Suddenly she stopped and stepped out of my asshole. She walked over to the bed frame and untied some knots. My legs freed from the bindings fell down. I groaned in relief. She wordlessly climbed onto the bed, knelt between my legs and grabbing my legs at the knees said dryly only: "legs up!" Two days after ordering I received the package. Standard grey box, name and address, no full return address, so I knew that what I had ordered had...

2 years ago
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Vacuum Cleaner Shopping

Yesterday, my vacuum cleaner died. I was devastated when I found out. I'd had terrible day at work and really needed it. But when I turned it on, it gave off the most horrible rattling sound I'd ever heard. I turned it off straightaway, but it was already too late. It squealed once before it started belching black smoke. I cradled it in my arms as it gave a final wheezy whine. It's not much to look at. It's one of those old Eastern European models: bakelite brown, chunky and with a brand...

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CLEANER By Emma PART ONE Once I had eaten the breakfast my cook had made for me, spent an hour or two picking out the clothes I wanted to wear for the day and lounged by the pool for a while, I caught myself looking at my reflection in the wall high mirror in my dressing room. And yawned. Not because I was tired. I was very beautiful you see. Actually I was gorgeous. Many men had told me so. But this (though very...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 6

"What's all your fault, Kallie?" "Please don't be mad okay?" She paused a moment. And then another moment. "The first time my mom used that drug on you, I was listening to what she said, and it was pretty crazy that she could do that. And then when she did it again, the phone rang right in the middle and she went into her room to talk for a few minutes. I had been listening again from the next room, and I came in and changed her instructions a little." I already knew what she was...

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Monica MechanicChapter 13 Damsel Trudirsquos Revelation

Riding back to the rendezvous, Charles told Maggie and Sarah, “I think Monica’s reached a decision, but she’ll have a real job convincing Pēteris.” His two wives nodded in agreement, and Maggie responded, “We’ll be okay with Monica as a family friend – a close family friend – but not a wife. Let’s wait and see what she wants.” After two days of driving rain, they rode into the clearing on a warm, sunny afternoon. Every possession or item of clothing was damp or soaked. Looking forward to the...

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Monica MechanicChapter 14 To Part Or Not To Part

They had been away long enough for AlvaBeth and Ayesha to settle in with their new status – or not. Monty was particularly interested in seeing if their family had adjusted. The large party rode into town, yet again accompanied with extra horses and goods to sell. Several locals both recognized the returning travelers and the fact that they had more laden horses that when they last visited. That Honor was not among the returnees was noticed and remarked upon, and the growing crowd followed...

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Monica MechanicChapter 16 Return and Consequences

Pēteris, his Companions, and his Damsel stayed at Turtle Haven long enough to visit, settle in their new families, and sort through and maintain their equipment. Robyn spent most of her time with the young healer, Robinblue, discussing their soon to grow medical school. Nights were spent with a very lovely, amorous, and exceedingly horny covey in Pēteris bed. Items to be placed in bank boxes were packed, final baths taken, and a small convoy set out for the town’s bank. There, Pēteris was...

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The Cleaner at the Swimming Pool

Rob and Jan would swim every morning at a local public pool. At 5am they would head out before work and the crowds to do their laps. The pool was heated which made it less of an effort on those cooler mornings and there were only those dedicated swimmers hoping to make it into a state or national team who also came every morning. There were also a handful of staff around to keep an eye on things.Jan would put on her one piece swimsuit at home before leaving for the pool. She would usually slip...

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The Carpet Cleaner

The carpet cleaner wearily strode to his last customer’s door. He peered down at his work order. ‘Mrs. Bachman. Hmrph.’ Probably another old saggy bitch, he mused, adjusting himself as he made his away towards the door. You see, the carpet cleaner wasn’t exactly getting satisfied at home by Mrs. Carpet Cleaner, so he derived enjoyment from teasing lonely housewives whose husbands were far too occupied with office matters to tend to their bedroom duties. The carpet cleaner rang the doorbell....

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 2 My Sisters Cleaner

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional...

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Monica Discovery

Monica: Discovery I want to tell you about the biggest surprise of my life. It starts with the day I caught my husband. No, not with another woman... No, not with another man, either. Let me explain. I went out to meet some friends one evening after work. I had come home first and changed, and my husband was home from work. I was on my way to the restaurant, when I got a call on my cell. Two of the girls had to cancel for various reasons, so we decided to postpone...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 2

Thank you so much for the kind comments on part 1. This is my first writing attempt, and it's good to know that some folks are enjoying it. Some of you have said that you're interested in where this is going. Well, so am I. :) I have a few ideas, and a couple of key items I want to get to, but most of it is coming out as I type it. Hopefully we'll all enjoy wherever the heck it ends up. Thanks again! LJ PS: Apologies to "Travesty" for the delay. I won't abandon it, but there may be...

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