Monica free porn video

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Introduction: Scott meets up with his old friend Monica after a decade. Monica, what can I say about her, shes my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. Shes around 56 or something not skinny with soft baby fat over hard muscles from her dancing and exercises. She has dark thick hair which she kept short around shoulder length, her eyes are hazel, and her lips are so luscious and full always in a smile or laugh. Her raw and oft times crude sense of humor always with the sexual undertone makes her a thrill to talk with. As I mentioned she was always with me as a friend, one of the only girls I allowed to keep me in the friend-zone willingly. I think I was just content with what I had, possibly I was too afraid to ever try for more. That was when we were in our 20s. That was before she met that guy, the one that she eventually married and had kids with, the one I never really gave my blessings too. Of course I wouldnt, not with my underlying motives and sexual desires clouding my friendship.

I eventually stop trying and we drifted apart. This wasnt a surprise as these type of friendship often ends up this way and I was a willing participant in it. During the decade following I dated and slept around but I always seemed to be comparing them to Monica. Small things I would nitpick and dismantle from my relationships, those that got that far. More often than not I settled into my brutally honest persona and slept with women I tell honestly that I am just after a good fuck. Its a little jarring that some of these women would take I just want to sleep with you and translate that into save me with love. NO. On a side note I knew that some women love the challenge of trying to change a man but honestly, just stop.
After thirteen years of this one day I happen to receive a text message from an unknown number.

(Unknown number) Hey Scott? This is my new number. Not sure if this is you.

(Me) Umm hi, who is this?

(Unknown number) Its Monica, its been a while but Hi!

I am dazed at the name, all that time of trying to live my own life and now all of a sudden I feel like I might hurl from my anxiety from one text message. I quickly grew angry at myself for being so weak against her. I thought to myself Im the conqueror of pussies old and young, ugly and hot, I can deal with an old friend right?!? As it turns out I couldnt so I ignored it.

About a week go by, its Saturday now and I have stared at my phone every day since trying to make sense of my own feelings, I knew I could easily enter her life again and it will be just as it was before but worst because I would have to constantly be reminded that someone else is enjoying that body. But I was deathly curious and I hate not knowing and regretting so I picked up the phone and brought up her chat:

(Me) Hey, Im sorry for not responding I was busy with work.

(Monica) For a week? (before I could respond)

(Monica) Haha anyways what are you up too? Are you busy? Wanna grab lunch today?

(Me) Umm sure Im free. Want to meet at that Bistro on Fifth near the coffee shop?

(Monica)The new Italian one? OK give me about two hours? I cant wait to see you!

As I put the phone down I knew I couldnt escape this urging inside of me. It was excitement and trepidation roiling all through me. I couldnt help but think of her last statement cant wait to see you. I oddly found myself smiling as I went about taking a shower and getting ready. I decided to dress my age and brought out my most stylist blazer, jeans, plain white dress shirt, and boots. I was out the door in an hour, I figured I get coffee and calm my nerves a little.

She was late about thirty minutes but as I watched her walk up in front of the Bistro from my coffee shop vantage point I nearly forgot everything I have been mulling over for the hour I waited. She was wearing black leggings with knee high black boots with a white top that definitely showed her shapely mother figure. I dont say that in a bad way at all, I can tell she kept up her work out even after her pregnancy because she was full figured but tone in a way only a person who moved around a lot can be. Her once small A cup breast were at least a couple cup sizes larger (thank goodness for breastfeeding). Her hair was long and wavy and came down to her ass which at the moment was facing towards me, it looked soft and perky in her tight leggings. I was getting a hard on just looking at her.

I went out to meet her and as I was approaching from behind I couldnt help but feel anxious and worried. Worried that I would torment myself again with fantasies of her to the point that I would rather be alone if I couldnt be with her. This feeling kept getting stronger up until the point she turned around with her energetic smile and embrace. She smelled so good being this close, like field of Lavenders. She was so soft and warm as she held me, melding into my arms perfectly as if we were two parts of a mold. Hey handsome! she exclaimed happily.

Before I could help myself I blurted out Holy shit you look amazing! I saw her register what I said in shock than her face soften and slowly she began to blush a little as she held me at arms length. My eyes leering all over her body. I felt helpless and a little greasy but I couldnt help myself, she was gorgeous! Her already curvy body gained definition and swell, I didnt realize how dramatically until I was up next to her.

Thanks, you are looking great yourself! She responded with big eyes and a big smile. I wanted nothing more than to grab her and kiss her deeply.

Lets go grab a table and catch up. I suddenly felt relaxed. I had a revelation as I stood watching her while waiting for a table, I realized I have never truly been honest with her about my feelings and that in turn reflected on how I acted towards her. After we were apart and I began my methodical honest heartbreaking I was brutally honest with all those girls. I swore to myself as we were seated that I would be honest with her no matter the cost.

As we ate we caught up on our lives. She has two kids and has been a housewife and mom. She said she misses me and that shes glad that we could catch up because she was moving to New York. Apparently her husband got a promotion and will have to work in NY, he and the kids are already there settling in while she finishes some things here and will be flying in a couple days. Needless to say I was somewhat disappointed in hearing this but at the same time I realize she is alone at the moment without having immediate responsibilities. She loves her children and I knew I couldnt compete with them with her time. I began to plot my move, I needed her to know exactly how much she makes me crazy with lust and love.

As we were finishing up I asked if she had any pressing business left today. She responded with a huge smile and told me she did not and that I should keep her company as she is alone and misses her family. I responded with of course I will keep you company, just treat me like a substitute anything…..anything you need. Im not sure if she caught on to my implications as she just smirked and said ok.

After lunch we went and got coffee and then to the movies. We caught a early slot for a romance comedy. I didnt really pay attention as I kept looking at her and trying to keep my hands from touching her. Halfway during the movie I notice that the armrest was up and her sexy legs were fairly close to my hand so I carefully leaned over whispering in her ears thats totally me while patting my hands on her thighs in sync with the protagonist telling a joke on screen. I kept my hands there and she tightened up but didnt really gave any implications to her discomfort. As I already promised myself that I would just say whatever I thought I leaned in again after a couple minutes and said does it bother you that my hands are on your legs? I like the feel of your pants. I can move them if it makes you uncomfortable.

It took a couple seconds as she continued to stare at the screen but she finally responded I dont mind. I couldnt believe it, I was about to blow my load just from touching her thighs, how could I even have sex with her I thought. After a while I wanted to push the boundaries so I began to rub her a little and to the inside. I felt her tense up but she continued to watch the movie. I got a little more bold and with my little finger I began to slide it up into her crotch almost touching but not. I could feel the heat coming from her and it drove me crazy. Embolden with my new found honesty I leaned in again.

She is really hot (speaking of the actress on screen), but I still think the way you look today… are way hotter. I watched her shocked reaction and furtive glances at me.

I dont think so but thanks anyways. she responded. I smiled and watched the rest of the movie while my hands gently rubbed her upper right thigh. After the movie was over it was already dark. The movie theater was full and people they were walking every which way. I thought it was a good opportunity to grab her hands feigning that I didnt want to get split up. Her hands were soft and warm as I pulled her along towards the exit. It reminded me of the past when we would hold hands everywhere, the curse base of the friend zone: holding hands.

Outside the air was nice and cool with a slight breeze, I looked over and saw that her hair was gently blown over her face. It was the cutest thing as she brushed her hair out of her eyes, sadly this made her break our hold to do so. She caught me staring and asked why are you just smiling looking at me? I caught a hint of playfulness in her voice.

I was thinking that we should go grab dinner and drinks so I can continue to tell you how beautiful you are. I said with a tinge of fear that I might have scared her off.

I couldnt quite read her face through her hair but I think it was surprise with a touch of amusement. Ok, do you know a place?

I do, lets go! I said and led the way. Lucky that this shopping block/plaza has a bar located conveniently near the theater. The bar was a small pub that you would find anywhere that has a downtown. We sat furthest away from the big screen TVs so we could hear each other while still able to see the whole bar.

We settled into our comfort zone easy as the drinks kept coming. We decided on sharing a bunch of appetizers since we were still full from lunch. We joked and laugh, talking about everything and anything. It was easy to forget that we havent seen each other in so long when the synergy was so palpable. As we got to our fourth round I remembered that we use to joke about Robot sex of all things. It was a long inside joke about the future when we would be able to put our minds inside robots. I would say that I if I could, I would have the most advanced robot penis ever being able to move in every which way with vibration settings and lots of horse power for thrusting. She would always insist that it would be obsolete at that point because anyone not in a robot would be dead from all the STDs due to people like me, we would agree and laugh.

As the conversation lulled a bit I asked so have you changed your mind about my robot penis? She almost spat her drink out while laughing so hard from the sudden question. This led to a long debate on synthetic lubrication or organic lubrication, then it went into a debate on firmness of a penis, if too hard can be a bad thing. Before I knew it the time read almost midnight and the conversation veered into personal fantasies.

So what is/was your ultimate fantasy girl and what did you do? She asked with a wicked smirk, eyes only slits leaning over with her tits resting on the table. My mind went blank as I stared at her not so covered cleavage.

After a minute I took a sip of my drink and leaned over until we were almost nose to nose which brought a bout of snorts from her. I composed myself and with a stern face said My fantasy dream girl is staring me right in the eyes right now. She has always been so and I believe always will be, as for the act I would first please her with every appendage I have. I would eat her pussy until the slop dripped down to her toes, I would clean every inch of her skin with my tongue and then some. I would use my fingers, toes, elbows, knees, mouth, and body to give her such pleasure that she would forget her own name. When shes lying drained from all her wet orgasms I would fuck her in every hole until my body breaks and I am no longer able to move anything! I said the final with an evil grin and settled back to take a drink.

By the time I finished her eyes were as big as saucers and her mouth hung open slightly, I reached down and stuck a chip into her mouth from the nachos. She jerked back and chewed on reflex still staring at me unblinking. I think she was pondering how to answer or maybe formulating an escape plan. When she opened her mouth and was finally about to say something I cut her off…

Whew that was a dinner, did you like the nachos? I said changing the subject, at least trying to. She didnt bite. I almost said just kidding but I decided that the truth felt good to let out.

She scrunched her face a little and let out a WHAT THE HELL!?! no you dont get to not explain! When I played deaf for a couple of seconds she almost shouted WELL!

Well what? What I said was the truth. Im sorry you dont want to hear it but Im sure you knew, you cannot not know……right? I said mildly.

I……uh….um……I kind of figured so, I guess. She seemed to deflate a little as she pondered what to do next. Finally she said quietly for how long?

I decided to be a smart ass and responded with Im willing to go all night and through the week if thats what it takes! She finally let out a laugh and smile and swatted me on my head.

Ass! You know what Im asking. She exclaimed.

Well pretty much since the first time I met you at that party I guess. It…..I mean the feeling never left, it dulled a little but it wasnt gone. When I saw you today, it was if we were back at the party so long ago and I saw you in that cute black fuck me dress. I never forgot how sexy you are, age and motherhood didnt seem to have diminished your looks. If anything I think you are many tiers more sexy now, especially those…(here I cupped my hands on my chest and pretended to squeeze).

She looked exasperated at this and started to laugh so hard that she almost spilled her drink. Oh my god, youre so still the same! Well thanks but I dont feel the way you explained about me, me with milk and god knows what over my clothes all the time. She says while shaking her head in submission. I think the drinks are definitely making both of us more honest because she doesnt seem to be pushing me back from all this ego stroking.

I came to a conclusion that I should definitely make my move, its now or never. I have nothing to lose, and the alcohol is making me far more confident than I should be. I leaned over again with a pitiful expression on and said look, I really love you. (I paused for dramatic affect and hoped to catch her heart string) When we stopped talking I was really lonely I lost my fantasy and best friend. I know you needed to live your life with your family and I respect that but my life wasnt the same. I looked down and sighed deeply hoping she would feel guilty. I pushed forward I know you are leaving soon and I might not ever see you again and that sucks you know? I was wondering if you could……maybe……..stay with me tonight so that I might at least get to know what heaven feels like. It was the most disgusting and cheesy thing I have ever said but she is worth depraved actions

I think the alcohol is doing its duty because she seems to be considering it. She was looking down at the table for a while and finally looked up. What do you mean stay with you? She knew damn well what I meant, I guess she wanted me to specify before she conceded or denied my request.

In an innocent voice as not to sound too eager I said I just want you by my side tonight, I need you in my arms like we are in love. We use to sleep together all the time remember? It was true that in the past we sometimes slept in the same bed but I didnt mention that those times it was because we were too drunk to care or fuck.

Just sleeping? With clothes on? She asked with brows up skeptical.

Clothes, no clothes…..does it matter? I said trying hard not to smile.

Scott…..I dont think my husband would appreciate it either way. She said almost firmly.

I had to think fast, I needed to convince her, short of pouring shots down her throat. He doesnt have to know, besides he hates me and he was the one who took my friend away from me. I think he owes me some consideration. I just missed you so much and I cant remember the last time I had so much fun. The last part was convincing as it was true. She finally conceded that we should spend more time tonight to talk. We took a taxi to the hotel she was staying at since she was closing on the sale of her house here. When we got to the room I was trying to not look to happy, keeping a neutral face on. She excused herself to go to the restroom to change and what not.

An hour past before she came out but what she had on almost made me forget the anger and curiosity at why she took so long. Her face was newly scrubbed and I can see how soft and shiny her face was without make up. Her hair was pulled back into a knot and it looked damp. She was wearing an oversize T-shirt with no bra, I couldnt tell if she wore panties or not but her legs were damn sexy. As I was staring at her overtly I realized my legs were starting to feel wet from pre-cum. I wanted nothing more than to pull it out and relieve the pressure. She must have notice as she settled on the top of the blankets. I pulled my shirt over my head forgetting it had buttons and undid my pants. I didnt pull my pants down yet as my raging hard on was in full firmness. Finally she turned off all but one light and I turned around facing away from the bed and pulled my pants down and off along with my socks. I was just in boxer briefs as I sat on the edge.

Why are you sitting that way? She asked laying down.

Because my cock is in full salute and its your fault. I said honestly. She seemed to chuckle and expressed with a sigh why she was doing this.

I finally lay down next to her with a bit of adjustment and stared at the ceiling wondering what she was thinking. She was turned away from me and I can see from the corner of my eyes that she was wide awake like me. Finally after a few minutes of silence she pulled the covers over her and settled in. I did the same thing still looking straight up. I can feel the warmth of her so near me and I can smell her sweet citrus face cream. I slowly turned towards her and debated if I could spoon her, I longed to feel her ass on my bulge. After a heated debate in my head I decided that I should push her as far as I could, maybe Im still drunk at this point.

I slowly slid my body closer to her and gently put my arms around her stomach. She immediately placed her hands on top of mine, the gesture wasnt lost on me, it meant dont touch anywhere but here. I put my face at the back of her neck and pulled her to me, she allowed this but it meant that my hard cock was pressed between her ass. As soon as I felt this I almost came right there. I think the mental strain on my hormones was too much for me because I pulled her tighter and grinded a little. She didnt seem to hate this as she started to grind her ass into me. Thinking in hindsight I think she had a little bit too much to drink as well and its hard to control these things once your already half naked and pressed together like lego blocks. My breathing hasten and it was right against her neck and I can see goose bumps forming over her exposed skin. Her grip on my hand slacken and I quickly brought it down to her thighs right where her shirt ended. I began to slowly rub her thighs while discreetly pushing her shirt up. I can feel her body tense up and start to fidget. I inched my way up to her hips around her ass and squeezed a little, this time she once again brought her hands on top of mine. I wasnt deterred this time, my lust was boiling over at this juncture so I reached around quite determined to get between her legs and put my hands on her pussy. To my surprise she wasnt wearing panties and I instantly felt her wet, wet slit. I used my thumb to subdue her clit as my other four fingers worked their way between her slippery lips and began to rub.

She let out a moan and curse as her hands once again shot on top of mine and her legs closed over my hand. This actually worked against her as my fingers were already trapped inside of her and all she did was put pressure onto herself. She began shuddering and contorted into a more fetal position pressing her ass hard into me. I was driven at this point, closed legs or not I kept my fingers working deeper into her and side to side. The same time I was full on grinding into her with my hard bulge. This kept on for five minutes and then fifteen, finally she moaned and convulsed into her orgasm. Her walls were crushing my fingers and soaking them in an instant.

Once she subsided in her throes I slowly pulled my fingers out and brought them to my mouth sucking all of her sweet juices up. She was laying there panting with her face pressed into her pillow, my movement had pulled the cover off of us except our legs. Her hips were so curvaceous laying on her side like that with her shirt pulled up and bunched at her stomach, I can see her smooth perfect ass and the shadow between them that hinted at the most wonderful experience if I were to stick my cock there. As I reached to pull my boxers down she suddenly threw cold water on my fantasy.

No more please. She said shakily. My boxers were right at my knees when I stopped what I was doing, cock shooting straight at her ass.

You seemed like you liked it. I stated simply.

She seemed to draw more into her pillows because I barely heard her. I did, and I really am sorry that you didnt get to do your thing but this is wrong, Im married with kids!

If you like it, you like it. Dont justify cheating with stopping now. I said testily. I was very angry and very horny. Two things combined can either go very good or very, very wrong.

Im so sorry. She said almost tearful.

Seeing her almost in tears made me go a little soft, just a little. Can you at least tell me honestly that you would it if things were different? I said in an exasperated voice.

She turned around and looked me in eyes and flickered down to my cock and up to my chest before settling on my face. Yes, of course. I am a woman first and foremost. In a different situation I would fuck your robot penis until it broke! She chirped with a smile.

I couldnt decide if she really meant that or just took pity on me. As I concentrated on her face I saw that her expression switched from guilt to lust and back. I decided to leave it at that instead of saying something snide I said Im going to take a shower and go home. I then walked towards the bathroom kicking my underwear off and walking butt naked into the restroom before she could say anything. As I showered I replayed everything that happened tonight in my head. The way her body moved and felt, the way she responded to my touches like she loved it. The more I thought about it the more angry I got, the image of her ass and legs kept playing in my mind. My cock responded in turn, getting hard again. As I stood there under the spray of water stroking my cock I snapped.

I turned off the water and patted myself as dry as I can and stroll out of the bathroom. Monica was laying on her back with a arm resting on her head. I couldnt read the blank look on her face but she seemed to be deep in thought and didnt notice me standing there naked looking down at her. I walked up and jumped on top of her straddling her hips, knees on either side. I leaned down holding myself up with both arms I kissed her deeply. She didnt respond for a couple seconds but then I felt her kiss me back. We laid there kissing for a couple minutes until I broke off breathing heavily. Her eyes were still closed. I dont buy your bullshit guilt, if you want me take me. We dont have to see each other ever again when you leave yet again!

Before she could respond I pushed myself down and dove face first between her legs, at the same time my hands swept up her shirt. I began sucking her clit almost instantly upon contact, she let out a groan and a oooooh shit. It drove me to tongue fuck her pussy as deep as my tongue would go. As I pulled my tongue out and over her clit I replaced them with my fingers and began to milk her G-Spot. With my hands I reached under her shirt and began to play with her nipples which were hard as diamonds. I tweaked them between my fingers and she let out a yelp. My anger kept building the more I pleased her that I didnt even wait until she came before I got up pulled her to me by her hips and placed my cock just inside her. I reached and grab a leg in each arm and rammed my cock to the hilt into her. The pain of entering her so fast just added to my anger and I began pumping in and out furiously. She let out a hard breath but didnt say anything but you can see it in her face that she felt the pain too.

Pulling her legs further into her in a bend and lifting my balls began to smack into her asshole. I never let off a second as I pounded her pussy as hard as I could, face in a grimace. She began to ease up from the pain and I can tell from her moans and face that she was starting to feel good. It was apparent from the amount wetness that was coming out of her, running down her ass crack and cheeks. After what seemed ages (when in reality was seven minutes or so) I pulled out. I turned her over by force but she realized what I wanted and completed the turn on her own onto all fours. I placed a pillow under her and quickly stuck my cock back into her, hard. She was moaning incoherent words as I began to pound into her ass. After a bit I stuck a finger into my mouth to get it wet and started to tease her asshole which was a cute little pucker. She tried to bring a hand around and stop me but I brushed it aside and stuck a digit in. She let out a scream of pleasure or pain, I dont know. I leaned down and began to kiss her sweat soaked back and neck while thrusting deep and putting my weight down, alternating between leaning over and leaning back and smacking her ass red.

After a couple minutes of angry pounding, I couldnt hold out anymore and said I was going to cum soon. She told me not to cum inside her because she wasnt on the pill right now. I said its either going in her mouth or her pussy and that she needed to pick fast. Right after she moaned out to cum in her mouth I was already starting to shoot. I got off and reached down to her shoulders to flip her and didnt make it to her mouth but shot ribbons of cum all over her hair, face, and neck. Some got on the pillow she was laying on. After the last spurt convulsed out of me I collapsed on her half turned body and gave small kisses on her stomach. There was no words spoken as I got off next to her. She got up and went into the bathroom and the last thing I heard before darkness took me was the sink running.

I woke up early the next morning around six, Ive always woke up early when drinking the night before. It seems like a cruel trait to have as my head was pounding into a hangover. I looked to my left and saw that Monica was laying right up to me with her head buried into my sides. The memory of my angry fuck with my married friend came rushing in and I smiled. My long sought after obsession finally came to fruition in a most conclusive explosion. I gently sat up and just stared at her sleeping form, ass out to the side, T-Shirt pulled up to tits exposing her soft body and stunning legs. After a while she murmured something lost in the grogginess of sleep and rubbed her eyes. She seemed to be struggling with her current situation nestled next to me half naked and me fully naked. She had this startled deer look on her cute face and I couldnt help but let out a little laugh as I got up and started to search for my clothes. Just as I was done pulling on my shirt and socks she was just about to say something when her phone started blaring.

Hello? She said sleepily.

Hey hun………yea I just got up. Listening. No its OK, I should have gotten up already. I can only concur that it was that dastardly husband of hers. I quietly put my shoes on grabbed my keys and looked at her.

How are my babies doing?…………………. Are they driving you crazy yet? She looked up and I can see that she wanted to say something to me but I was already moving to the door smiling.

Yeah…..yeah….really? She said that? She looked up again and gave me a tight smile as if saying this is my life and you made me cheat. I gave her my most charming apologetic smile and went out the door.

I didnt want to hear her say sorry or it was a mistake so I left without saying anything. In reality I didnt want to hear myself try to cling onto her, I didnt want to see me try to express how one night could never be enough and that I wanted all of her. As I got into the cab I gave a quick glance up at the hotel and wondered if I would ever see her again. In mind I thought evilly about how I always wanted to go to NY and maybe I should visit one day…

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Hyderabad Chat Sexperience

This sex story is surely not for those who just want to get into the action without garnishing their inner self. I can assure you that as we move further, there are surprises, jerks, thrills and aesthetic feelings you would surely mesmerize. This happened a year back but the memories are as fresh as the dawn of the mornings. There was this stupid chat website online which I searched from google and I ended up getting a huge crowd of men and women. I tried my luck with few women and nothing...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 231

The Hinge: While installing a new door, I found that one of the hinges was missing. So I asked my wife, Mary, if she would go to Home Depot and pick up a hinge. Mary agreed to go. While she was waiting for the Manager to finish serving a customer, her eye caught a beautiful bathroom faucet. When the Manager was finished, Mary asked him: “How much is that faucet”? The Manager replied: “That’s a gold plated faucet and the price is $5,000.00.” Mary exclaimed: “My goodness that is an...

3 years ago
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I was tied to a bed, nude, with nipple clamps on my very swollen nipples with a large black dildo jammed in my hairy sopping cunt and another dildo in my gooey asshole. I was being fucked senseless by a machine that the 2 dildos were conected to. My cunt was all gooey from my cunt juice and from being gang bang last nite, absolutely soaked in cum, at least 20 guys worth. The dildo was covered in my juice and their cum, going in and out, in and out-goo was leaking out of my hairy cunt, running...

2 years ago
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By LynnThere was no such thing as dogging in my youth, at least I had never heard of it. I lived out in the wilds of Yorkshire and I learned there were two types of boyfriend: Those who expected you to open your legs in some field to be attacked by creepie crawlies, bees and nettles; and on one utterly humiliating occasion: to be gawped at by the local riding club who just happened to wander across that field.Then there was the other type: Boyfriends with cars. Warm, snug cars with comfortable...

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Seasons Greetings

I suppose I was something of a cad back in college, but I didn’t see it that way then. I thought I was just making up for the lost time of high school and then my freshman year.  At the very end of that first semester in 1974, circumstances started to break in my favor. I wasn’t involved in casual sex or one-night stands, but I had several overlapping girlfriends for a while. Two of them even offered several threesome sessions to me, and I happily obliged. In my mind, with pornography openly...

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The TGI Chronicles Part 2 Daves StoryChapter 2

I got in at about half past eleven that Friday evening, feeling very awake and surprisingly sober, and hungry. I did a quick check on the kitchen and commitment was made. Egg and bacon sandwich was an attractive solution, but that left the inevitable question, what to drink? In the end I chose a reasonable bottle of soft red wine from Australia, but thought that someone should write a wine guide on what to drink with everyday food. Once I'd finished my little bit of cooking, I took it all...

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Pinni Pukunu Pagaladenganu

Hi iss readers, my name is krish from hyderabad. English stories chadivi chadivi bore kotti untundi ga. Anduke nenu telugu lo rastunnanu. Ippudu naa age 26. 5.8 height and 6.5 inches cock. Ippudu nenu cheppe story maa pinni ni ela dengano cheputanu. Idi na 1st sex experience. 4 years back jarigindi. Plz send ur feedbacks and commenta Appudu nenu pg chadivevaanni. 22 years undevi. Maa pinni peru vanaja tanaki 34 years. Chinnappati nundi nenu maa pinni to chala closega undevadini. Maa pinni...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 945

The following are compliments of Pete C. Start the day with a smile. After that, ... you can be your nasty old self again. A man walks in to the country store and asks the clerk for a package of condoms. The clerk asks “what size are you”? “I dunno” replies the man. Well the clerk tells him to go out back where there is a plywood fence with numbered holes in it. He is told to stick it in various holes to determine his size. Well, this big ‘ol fat girl sees the man heading out back and...

4 years ago
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Out for a run part 11

It has been another fun and exciting week, with my move to the new spot in the park and my Tuesday with the guys. I let the guys know about moving to a new more seclude place in the park that I jog in, and that on Tuesday I would meet them at our old spot and we could all go and have fun playing at the new spot. Kim was going to meet me at my house, so that we could both meet the guys together and head on over to the spot. Tuesday morning rolled around and I got a call from Kim, her mother...

3 years ago
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Sons Turns His Sexy Mom Into Slutty Girlfriend

This is Varun here and this story is about how seduced my mom and ended up loving her from head to toe. I am in the first year college doing my engineering. Natasha is my mom’s name and she is a 44 years old hot and sexy woman. Not that I always fantasized about mom but my first semester in the college changed everything. My friends introduced me to this incest concept and I heard a lot of stories about how they fucked their cousins and aunts. Hearing those used to give me a hard-on. What I...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 717

This one is compliments of J and B. Marine Humor The Korean War in which the 1st Marine Division fought and won some of its most brutal battles was not without its humor. During one such conflict, an ROK (Republic of Korea) Commander whose unit was fighting along with the Marines called legendary Marine General “Chesty” Puller to report a major Chinese attack in his sector. “How many Chinese are attacking you?” asked Puller. “Many, many Chinese!” replied the excited Korean...

4 years ago
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Best Buddies

Part One.Hank and Titch were best buddies. From the age of five, they were inseparable. They first met when Titch’s father was employed by Hank’s dad as the foreman on his farm. Hank’s parents were wealthy farm owners and had a very successful business. The two buddies spent their entire school careers together and at the age of twenty, had completed a further three years at an agricultural college, living in an apartment that Hank’s father rented.They had been born a mere ten days apart, Titch...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 257

Special thanks to squaddie117 ‎ for this submission. ✧ ✧ ✧ She was only the... Admiral’s daughter, but her naval base was always full of seamen. Astronaut’s daughter, but she knew how to take off. Athlete’s daughter, but she was always ready to play ball. Barman’s daughter, but she knew how to pull them. Blacksmith’s daughter, but she knew how to forge ahead. Bookbinder’s daughter, but she knew her way between the sheets. Bricklayer’s daughter, but she was certainly stacked. Butcher’s...

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Kumar Apartment Part 14 Raah Me Mili Ek Nayi Bhabhi

Sabko mera hi, hello. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last ke kuch episode mein aap logo ne Shobha aur Akash ka sham ke liye plan banate dekha. Aur wahi teena aur Swati ka lesbian pyar dekha. Mujhe maloom hai ki aap sab Shobha k eagle hisse ka besabri se intzaar kar rahe hai. Par aaj ka episode bhi Shobha ka nahi hai. Niraash na hoyiye aaj ke episode mein aap ek nayi bhabhi se milne wale...

3 years ago
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Woman of Mystery

I don't have much time. So I have to get this down fast. At best, I have 2-4 hours... before he wakes up. I'll try to put this somewhere, where... I'm not sure, but I have to warn people of me. And the one I now work for. NO! Mustn't look at myself. That's the failsafe. The moment I do that I realize what a babe I am and wonder at how fine he is to have done this for me... I have to record this. I didn't used to be a Babe. I didn't used to call myself Liz Helton. I was Harry Eddings. I...

4 years ago
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My first time a fantasy

As I grew up and matured, I was curious as my body changed and developed, which ended up feeding my hunger for sex. When I found my father’s cache of magazines from the fifties and sixties when I was 17, I learned a lot more about sex and grabbing my hard cock to create an orgasm. I am the youngest of five and, at the time, 6’4” 160 pounds and almost eight inches when hard. I had just met my first girlfriend, Janet, and had great fun learning how to kiss sensuously and copped my first feel of...

First Time
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Genetic Influences Fourth Installment

Here is the fourth installment of Genetic Influences. I'm currently working on the fifth (and most likely final) installment. Chapter Five: Not Without a Hitch I ventured out of the girls' dorm Monday morning, feeling optimistic. When I'd logged onto the netstream to check my messages, I'd found one from my advisor. She thought my new outline looked extremely promising and believed I had made a good decision in scrapping my old project. "I'm excited to see how you flesh this...

2 years ago
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How An Indian Housewife Made Me A Perverted Submissive Cuckold

Hey everyone This is the first time I am submitting one of my real encounters as a submissive cuckold slave. I have read great stories on this fantastic site and I felt it was time to quit being lazy and tell readers about the seedy side of Indian cuckolds. The events narrated below tell the story of how I was cuckolded, humiliated and dominated by a real Indian housewife with a huge and hung bull. Well, I’m a 30 year old guy. Decently built and working in a good company at a managerial...

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The Storm continues

Quinn watched the girls…dumbfounded. The storm had caused Scott and him to have to return earlier than expected, but never in a million years did he figure that Kat would cheat on him and with another girl to say the least. Fuming, he continued to watch, all the while getting madder by the moment. Scott knew just how old fashioned his buddy was. While he enjoyed all the pleasures of the flesh, Quinn was as vanilla as they come. He knew that there was trouble brewing, but couldn’t help enjoying...

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Risen Star Mutiny

She turned from the kitchen counter and looked straight into my eyes. Her finger went down to her fly-zip and she smiled. “You know what the Ghurkas say about their kukris don’t you?” I nodded. “Say it.” Her look was stern. “If you take it out you have to use it.” Her grin was the grin of a wolf spotting a lame goat. ~~~ I met Lady Maria Picton, wife of General Sir Peregrine Picton, in the restaurant of a huge mausoleum of a Victorian hotel facing the sea. Sun sparkled on the water and small...

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How I became my Roommates Bitch Gay PT3

It was easy to keep myself busy at work – too busy to have time to think about recent events. I made it all the way to five o'clock without once feeling the need to reexamine my sexuality or my relationship with my roommate but as soon as I walked into the door of the apartment, as soon as I laid eyes on that couch – the one that John had stretched back in just a couple of night ago while I sucked his cock for the first time – it all rushed back to me. I was both drawn to and repulsed by it. I...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 45

That Jane Driscoll had made a move on me was not as surprising as might have at first seemed to be the case, at least not to me. Our situations were in a number of respects quite similar. “Jane was bereaved of her husband, me of my wife. Neither of us was destitute, but neither of us was well off either. Both of us had a daughter, though mine was fully grown and hers was just entering puberty. And the biggee, neither of us had family that we were close to in a traditional sense. Still, Jane...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 70 The Houris of the Oasis

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Mumal Oasis, The Halani Desert I groaned as the female entity in the water of the oasis engulfed my cock. She suckled at me with a passion. A hunger that...

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Julie 2 edited

After our first time, Julie and I didn’t get a chance to really spend any time together for a while. She went off to cheer camp for the end of the summer, and her mother did pretty much anything she could to keep us apart for a while, apparently to make sure the birth control had plenty of time to start working. We would still see each other to talk, either at home or around school once school started. But we didn’t have a chance to just hang out together like we always used to do. Finally...

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Geheimnisse deutscher Promis

Immer schon sind mir die schönen deutschen Promis aufgefallen. Besonders freut es mich, wenn ich auf dem Bildschirm hübsche Frauen wie Bettina Cramer oder Mareille Höppner von SAT1 oder die rothaarige Monica Lierhaus von der ARD sehe. Oft schon habe ich mich gefragt, wie es denn wäre die eine oder andere der Damen mal so richtig durchzunudeln. Leider mußte ich während des letzten Sommers für mehrere Wochen in Deutschland umher reisen, so daß das Fernsehen für mich oft nicht in Frage kam. Doch...

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The Love Train N Kiran8217s Ass Cheeks

Hi this is Jay again, thanks a lot to all the readers who read my first story the orgasm she never had. Your response meant a lot to me. Now coming to this story, I am 5’8” fair guy, bulky athletic built. This incident happened when I was in my second year of college. One of my classmates ‘Kiran’ who is very fair but little chubby n has a cute face. I always had a thing for her. She was a good friend but one trip changed our friendship. It was a college conference in Lucknow n almost whole of...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Joseline Kelly 24969

Good thing I can afford to pay for good top notch sex from hot porn stars. Tonight, it’s Joseline Kelly. She shows up to my hotel with her long dark hair and sexy eyes that have me in a trance. I love short conversations and then getting right to the punch. I never want to get too deep, not trying to fall in love. I love slutty girls and Joseline is a good slut. Tonight she’s going to show me what she’s really made of, I’m paying, she has to deliver. She slips into...

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SisterInLaws Tuneup

Sister-in-Laws Tune upby ReebThis story is about my very sexy and sultry sister-in-law, Deedee. Let me paint a picture of her beauty in your mind. She is in her early thirties, long beautiful dark black hair, dark complexion, dark brown eyes and a perfect heart shaped ass. Her boobs are a little small but very nicely shaped for a body that went through having two children. In my eyes, she reminds me of an Italian or Greek goddess who exhibits pure sensual sex. If I had to relate her to a sexy...

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Dartmoors Revenge

Evening approached as he rode through the forests towards Highbury Road. His body was still hard and toned from years of riding and fencing, and he rode swiftly. The steady gallop of the horse and the familiar terrain allowed his mind to wander, as it often did, to 15 years ago. Lord Raith was his friend and mentor then, Claudia his lover... Her red flaming hair flowed over her naked body, but there was not enough of it to hide her full breasts, which were bouncing up and down with each of...

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The Spider King

MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...

3 years ago
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Mothers and Daughters Motel Fuck Part 2

“You cunt” the mother said “$100.00”, “no way $50.00”, I said “unless you want to go for broke and give up that ass of yours”. “$5 K” the mother said, “Fuck off” I said, “$500”, “no way” said the mother, “that monster cock is not going in my ass for less than $3 K”. “There are a 1000 dollars in the nightstand, take it or leave it” I said.“YOU Cunt” said the mother, turning to her daughter she stroked her hair kissed her forehead and turned and said “Show me”, standing and walking to the...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 1 Accidental Death

Pauline Bollington was driving back to Oxford from a visit to a friend in Banbury, and she was driving far too fast in the wintry conditions. When she saw the cyclist in the road she had to brake hard and swerve; she missed him by a hair's breadth but lost control on the icy road and the car slammed into a tree still doing forty miles an hour. It took the emergency services two hours to cut her lifeless body out of the resulting mess. "The only consolation I can offer," said the...

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My Sissy Life Part 2

Remember, This Is Just A Story! It is NOT real. My Sissy Life By - Bobbie Doll Part Two Before we drove home my mother said, "You were a good girl today. I'll allow you to sit in the front seat on the way home." I rarely got to sit up front. Even when it was just me and my mother or father. I'm not alone in the car with my father too often. But when I am, I'm always in the back seat. When I was being 'trained' to be the kind of sissy my father thought I should be, he...

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Making up for lost time

Camille and her husband had been away in Australia, visiting his parents. This is what happened when she came back.Camille had told me the previous day that her husband would be returning to work the next day and she had the day off. She had told me to come round early just as her husband had gone to work.Waiting in the car for the call from Camille to say it was ok to come round. After waiting ten minutes Camille gives me a call and I make my way.Camille had left the door open for me to come...

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Chrissys Little MistakeChapter 1

“Daddy?” I was sitting at the computer, finishing up some work. I turned to look at Chrissy, my seventeen year old daughter and one of the lights of my life. Her brother, Bobby, was the other one. He was in his eighth week of basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, in what he called the scenic Ozarks in the one phone call he’d been allowed so far. He said he’d finally found that place everybody talks about where you can’t see the forest for the trees. The locals all called it “Fort...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 69

We drove the whole way to the cabin that used to be Mark's in total silence. I had a hunch what Butter was thinking about, but George seemed to still be in a bit of a daze. Unlike Butter, I had a hunch George was still thinking about Doris, trying to rectify his feelings for her and weigh it all against the guilt from the loss of his wife and kids. I had gone through the same thing so I had a feeling about what he was thinking about. When we came to the gate, I identified us and the gate...

3 years ago
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Building UtopiaChapter 12

Finally, nearly a year after the sinking of the English Frigate and the capture of the surviving crew Roger decided it was time to make the trip to England. It was now 1606 and they had three of the new warships in commission. He took two of them on the mission along with a freighter carrying items the Captain thought would sell well in Great Britain. The cargo consisted of furs, some native handicrafts, oak mast timbers, samples of food, and some fish that had been salted down. Also included...

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Alpha Bravo Team Ch 08

Mia’s feet seemed to have a mind of their own and she cursed once more as another shape lumbered out of the darkness to come toward her at a speedy clip. The curse fell from her lips and she felt Aidan reach out and grab her camo vest by the sandy leather weapon holster. ‘You okay Mia?’ She cursed again though this time, his name was at the end of her sentence. ‘Quit asking!’ Aidan let her go almost too fast for her to catch her balance. ‘I ask because I’m concerned, Mia. You don’t have to...

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Down Mexico Way

Judit and Ray Bulger went to Mexico, from their comfortable semi detached house in Downlands Road, Olivers Battery, Winchester. They had heard of the donkey shows from a wealthy pal in the Royal Winchester Golf Club, a retired consular executive and they wanted to see for themselves whether it was true that a girl could fuck a donkey. Bestiality had been a minor interest in a varied childless marriage, but they shared an avaricious curiosity about it and she’d had a liking for, if not a desire...

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Sadie was a well paid whore. She was beautiful and very sexy. She also loved to fuck and was good at pleasing men. She sold herself the first time at a very young age when her dad's friend paid her to get naked and let him lick her tits and pussy. Then he would finger fuck her but when he first fucked her cunt he paid her a lot. He loved fucking her young body and she loved the money. He soon was fucking her once or twice a week. She would meet him after school and they would go park in his car...

3 years ago
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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 06

group sex – bisexual – tranny – strapon – harness – anal – nipple play – bdsmWe were having such a wonderful time sitting together on the beach and watching the sun begin to set. The weather only changes a few degrees between morning and night and the evening breeze brought in the fresh smell of the ocean, crisp and clean. We gathered our belongings and walked towards the house. I was holding Emily's hand as our arms swung between us with a lilt of happiness. Jess and Chrissy followed close...

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Sperm Donor in the Philippines

My work takes me around the world but I found myself on repeated trips to Manila which eventually grew into a year long assignment. After getting accustomed to the country and settling into life a bit I couldn't help but notice Filipina women were very much into western men like myself. I also found them to be attractive, with their petite frames and tan skin. A very attractive woman named Rosa was actually the manager of the building I stayed in and I began to hit on her a bit. She was...

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My 7 year older sister continuously leaves her wet panties and nylons in our bath. One day,out of curiousity, I SIMPLY HAD to enjoy the fragranance of her damp pretty pink panties ! Taking them to my face ,I could see the wet spot on her panties and inhaled for the 1st tim a female vaginal secretory soaked pair of satin panties. My cock got hard instantly ! along with the wer pink panties, a nice pair of sheer pantyhose was laying next to them. I quickly picked up her panties and pantyhose and...

1 year ago
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More Louise tales from the man who broke her into oral sex

After that fantastic sex session with Louise and my daughter Sue, it became a regular thing. Whenever my wife left the house for any long period of time or, when Louise's family left and she alone, we would get together. Sometimes with Sue sometimes w/o her. About once a week for an hour, maybe two we would enjoy . Sue was getting much better at giving and receiving oral sex. I look back on this time in my life and think sometimes, Louise and I had created a monster. Sue loved having her pussy...

2 years ago
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Amanda and Me Chapter 2

I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life.As I lay there thinking about the night before I was surprised at how many new sexual experiences I had in one night. I sucked dick last night. Not only that but I got fucked too. I knew I wasn't gay...

2 years ago
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Learning Dizyntk 1Chapter 3 Making Dizyntk

Feya felt strange, she had for a couple of weeks. She could not figure out exactly why she was feeling off but there was no doubt in her mind that she was. She tried to push it to the back of her mind as she tended the garden. The sunlight felt good on her back, warming her in the chill morning. Michael was off checking the fish traps they had set in the nearby river. He had been her mate now for two months. That thought filled Feya with warmth from the inside to match that coming down on her...

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Susans Revenge

He found her at a Starbucks in Englewood, Colorado and he had to smile to himself because he almost always found them at a freaking Starbucks! He was a well dressed man and yet almost invisible in the crowd, just another customer sitting all alone at a window table. He had a cup of decaf and a USA Today planted in front of him but in reality he was staring out the window and waiting, waiting for his prey to come. He noticed a flash out of the corner of his eye and he turned and looked with...

3 years ago
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My First Real ValentineChapter 6

She put her heels back on to go up the walk to her front door. The shawl was firmly wrapped around her, covering her front. It was cold and she tried to hurry. The heels clacked loudly on the cement. I went with her, of course. I wasn’t about to miss the chance of another kiss before the coach turned back into a pumpkin, and Cinderella turned back into my best pal, who might only want to climb trees together again. I actually thought about taking one of her shoes with me when I went home....

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