Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 10 Anji Soldier
- 4 years ago
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He repressed a shudder, watching his footing as they clumped down the winding stair. He was near the head of the column. Orcs ahead, Orcs behind, Orcs to either side. The rancid, musky smell of them clogged his nostrils, caught at the lump of fear in his throat. Kargh's muttered curses drifted back between a pair of Orcs, falling silent as orange light washed about them.
The walls fell away. The steps wound down around a central pillar into a circular room. Pairs of broad double doors opened in at two places, each guarded by what looked like a couple of particularly large and hairy Orcs. It was only as he reached the bottom of the stair and approached one portal that he realized that they were huge!
Brutish faces leered down at them, dented helms almost brushing the high ceiling. The portal they flanked looked tiny, though he knew that any three of this party could pass through it side by side without brushing against one another.
"Faw gworsh!" The Orc leader's words sounded as though they might be some debased tribal dialect. "Gworsh Ka. Gamoog, nakh gworsh. Kwah Gorrick."
"Gahh mooog. Gah worrush." The words slurred from between jagged fangs, in a voice so deep it almost lost itself among the echoes. The Ogre stepped aside, eyeing them warily. Or hungrily, Bartan thought to himself. The paired doors swung open to the Orc leader's tug, revealing a broad corridor lighted by torches in wall holders.
They stopped where the hallway made a right turn, and Gorrick kicked the wall on his left. He was answered by a startled yelp and a spate of Orcish.
"It's me, Gorrick." Bartan had a good ear for languages, and by now could follow Orcish fairly well. A lot of it seemed to be made up of words from the Common tongue, twisted and slurred. "Open up, Griggo. Or I have gizzard for supper."
"Where Foggip?" the unseen voice whined. "Him say, open for him."
"Foggip dead. You be dead, you not open door!" Gorrick glared as though he'd bore a hole through the hidden panel with the force of his anger, but he couldn't repress a fearful glance back at the room of the Ogres. "Now! Open door, or I feed Griggo to cave monsters. In chunks. Live chunks!"
A section of wall fell away with a rattle of chains. Griggo was a scrawny little Orc in greasy leathers, armed only with a notched short sword of tarnished bronze. He cringed back against the wall to let them pass, securing the door after them.
They ignored a door in the left wall, and it stayed closed. A door in the end wall of the passage revealed a further stretch of hallway that went a short distance before turning left. Before they reached the turn, Gorrick stopped at a door in the right hand wall.
"Griggo! Come! Open door."
He stood well back as the smaller Orc pushed the door open, then followed warily into a room that was set up as a rough barracks.
"Sleep where you want." Gorrick gestured widely, mouth half open in a gap toothed grin. "Plenty room now. But not shit here. Go out in hall, let cave monsters clean up."
He seemed to have picked Bartan as the leader of the group. Not about to argue with the burly Orc, he waved toward a partly empty corner. The few Orcs already there, clad in leather rather than metal, gave them plenty of room. All but one, that is.
"Come on, move it!" Bartan snarled.
"Go! Over there!" He pointed toward the other end of the room where some of the other Orcs were watching.
"No! Not go! This Dalbur place."
A few inches shorter than Bartan, the Orc stood flat footed, a gnarled club dangling from his fist. In one easy move, Bartan plucked away the club. Spinning the Orc around, he used the small end of the club, jabbing Dalbur in the buttocks. The Orc stumbled forward, tripping over another Orc's outstretched leg, and crashed to the floor. Bartan tossed the club after him, ignoring the other Orcs' guffaws.
"You handled that well." Darrick spoke in a low voice. "We don't want to start anything yet, but be on guard."
"Don't worry," Kargh snarled. "We can handle these bastards."
"I thought Orcs could smell out Humans," Elm whispered.
"Not in this stink." Kletta wrinkled her nose. "We'll be all right as long as we stay well away from them."
The room quieted as the Orcs settled down. A few of them huddled together under a torch that burned feebly, throwing knucklebones for copper pieces. The others stretched out on the stone floor, pulling tattered cloaks over themselves.
"Now what?" Darrick sat with his back to the wall, and Bartan knelt to whisper in his ear. "We can't stay here."
"Wait until more of them sleep. Then we'll slip away. You probably didn't spot it, but there's a secret door back down the hall. If we're lucky, it could lead to another stair."
"Hey, you! Bard'n. C'mere," Gorrick commanded.
Bartan obeyed. Gorrick sat at his ease in the far corner of the room, conferring with a couple of his underlings.
"What you want?" Not hostile, but not whining.
"Talk. Where you from? How long you here?"
"Us woods Orcs. From big swamp hole."
"Near Shurr'd?"
"Some near. Us just come here."
"Yah! That good. You in Gorrick tribe now. Do what Gorrick say. This Gorrick den. All right you go out, but stay close. Bad things out there. Eat one, two Orc. Stay away if see more."
"Where food?" Bartan growled, shielding his face from the light with a fold of his cloak.
"Food come. Food, drink. Plenty for all."
Bartan retreated, finding his knees strangely weak. The Orc leader's attention had been centered on the bone he was chewing, or he'd have surely seen that it was no Orc he was dealing with. Bartan breathed a silent prayer of thanks for Tarr's paints, then slouched back to their corner and reported what had been said.
"Watch what you eat and drink," Darrick repeated the warning he'd given earlier. "Water should be all right, and fresh meat if it comes from outside. Don't touch the ale or wine, or any kind of fungus."
The torches burned down, adding their resinous stench to the foul air. They couldn't be too far below the surface here, the stairs hadn't been that long. Yet Bartan felt as though he had the weight of a mountain on his back. Once or twice an Orc stirred, stumbling sleepily out into the hall and returning. Then the door shook to a mighty blow. He sprang to his feet, sword in hand, surrounded by his companions, but the Orcs only glanced up, unafraid.
"Food!" Gorrick shouted happily. "Griggo! Open door for Glomp!"
The scrawny Orc scuttled to the door just ahead of a hearty kick, and yanked it open. He cringed back out of the way as an Ogre squeezed through the opening, one hand dragging a sack made from the mangy hide of some colossal beast. Under the Ogre's other arm, a battered keg dripped alarmingly.
"Foo ood. Glomp bring foo ood," the creature rumbled. "Where Fo oggip?"
"Dead!" Gorrick snarled. "Me chief now!"
"De ead? How de ead?" Glomp lowered the keg to the floor, let go of the sack of food. This creature might not be terribly quick on the uptake, Bartan guessed, but it wasn't as stupid as some of the Orcs in this room, either.
"Monsters gottum. Us kill monsters. Now us eat."
"Nooo Ee eat. Tell Daahrk One!"
"Tell later. Glomp go away. Us eat now."
The Ogre ducked out through the door, its helmet scraping the top of the opening even with its knees bent. As soon as the door closed, the Orcs swarmed around the food, tearing the sack open with clawed fingers. A scaly haunch of some unknown beast was quickly torn into bloody chunks, and slabs of pallid fungus were snapped up avidly. Snarls and curses subsided as fanged maws were stuffed with food. Each Orc crouched by itself, ready to fight off anyone who came near.
Bartan, Kargh and Furdick backed away clutching lumps of evil smelling fungus, and pretended to eat. As soon as the Orcs were done feeding, they gave up the pretense and ate from their own packs.
"We'll dump this fungus out in the hall," Darrick muttered. "We'd better move out soon. This Dark One just might decide to check up on Gorrick."
"Think that Ogre'll pass the word to him?" Bartan asked. "He looked pretty dumb."
"Not dumb enough to suit me. We can't take too many chances in this place."
With food enough for a whole Orc band divided among half their original number, the Orcs were soon snoring lustily. Even Gorrick nodded where he sat, then jerked awake as his helmet slipped from his head and clattered to the floor.
"Huh? Whuzzat?" He fumbled for his helmet and jammed it back onto his head, then got to his feet. Stumbling over prone bodies, he set his back against the door and slid to a sitting position. Soon his snores mingled with those of the rest of his band.
"Klond's Basalt Balls!" Kargh snarled. "How're we gonna get past him?"
For answer, Elm slid his dagger from its sheath, fingering its sharp edge.
"No," Darrick shook his head. "You'd have to come at him from the front. He just might let out a yell. A spell would be better, but I hate to waste one we might need later. Kletta, you're the best one at moving quietly. You and I'll check the walls for a secret panel."
"And if we don't find one?" Kletta glanced back over her shoulder before moving off.
"Then we try Elm's way, and fight our way out if we have to."
Creeping silently among sleeping bodies, they examined the walls foot by foot. Around them, snores rose and fell, building to a thunderous peak as several Orcs breathed in unison, then smoothing out to a steady rumble. For a moment, Bartan was reminded of all the soldiers' barracks he had ever slept in over the years, all over Orris Kayn. The sounds, even the smells were much the same, though this time he was surrounded by deadly enemies. One missed step, and the room could, no, would erupt. In that kind of a fight, there was no telling who might survive.
He heard nothing over the rising and falling snores, but he could almost feel Darrick's tension ease as a stone moved under his hands. With the faintest of scraping noises a section of wall was replaced by darkness. The skin of his back crawling, expecting attack at any instant, he followed as Kargh and Anji led the way. The panel closed behind them.
A faint scratching. A spark of light. It wavered, then grew as Elm's deft fingers coaxed a torch to life. This room was about the same size as the one they'd left, but empty. Doors opened out to left and right, but the floor and piles of debris were evenly covered by a layer of dust. Nothing had come this way for some time, if appearances could be trusted.
"Well?" Kargh stood spraddle legged, looking first to one side and then to the other. "Which way? Or do we flip a coin?"
"We can hope to come at the secret panel from that way." Darrick nodded to their left. "Might as well try that door first."
"Smells foul." Elm knelt by the door, wrinkling his nose. "Might be something moving in there, but I can't be sure."
The door was hinged to swing toward them, but was blocked by a shattered length of timber that had fallen against it. Bartan wrenched it away, and the door swung open, thrust wide by a tide of horrors!
"Yaa haa! Corr Lannth!" His sword flailing with deadly effect, Bartan was forced back from the door. Somewhere Baysil and Darrick were chanting, holding their Holy Symbols on high, and suddenly the pressure lessened as some of the horrors he faced went to dust.
Anji chopped at an attacker. It fell back, but not before its claws raked her leg. She stiffened and fell, dropping her sword. Bartan ripped at two of the things, but no blood flowed from their gaping wounds. They would not die, but they could be smashed and crippled.
Kargh and Furdick ranged themselves at his side, dealing death, if indeed these things lived. Kargh's sword dripped orange flame, then guttered out as he crumpled under rending claws and fangs. The creature shuddered as missiles from Burdock's wand crashed home, then slid limply to the floor.
Beating one aside with his shield, Bartan split another's skull. Reaching claws raked his armor, but failed to catch. Shadows danced as Kletta and Tarr flailed at mewling creatures with their torches, skipping away from clumsy attacks. The room was a chaos of weapons and lurching bodies as two more of the Company fell beneath poisoned claws and fangs.
Pain! Bartan fell back as claws ripped at his throat. Before the thing could follow up its attack, Burdock was there with his deadly wand. He staggered, but kept his feet. A thing came at him, screeching and waving stumps of wrists. A last blow from his sword and the room was still.
"Klond's Basalt Balls!" He borrowed Kargh's favorite curse. "What are these creatures? And what of our friends?"
He knelt at Anji's side, but she was already stirring. Kargh, Furdick and Darrick were alive, but still paralyzed by whatever poison these things carried.
"Kargh's coming to," Elm reported, and Furdick was next to recover. The last to wake was Darrick, but then he'd been the last to fall.
"Don't you know what they are?" Elm asked in mock surprise. "I thought that you knew about all the different creatures that ever lived."
"I'm not sure that these things could properly be called living," Darrick answered from where he sat half propped against a wall. "Undead, called back to a semblance of the living by unclean magics. Devouring any true life they encounter. Neither dead nor alive, time would have no meaning for them."
"You think they guarded treasure?" Kargh peered at the open door, a gleam of avarice in his deep set eyes.
"That may be, but wait until our wounds are bandaged."
This was quickly enough done, and healing spells repaired the worst of the damage done by the monsters. Bartan would have held back, but Kargh pushed eagerly through the doorway.
"Here's something!"
The Dwarf tugged at the lid of a massive stone crypt. The carved slab crashed to the floor, shattering with a resounding crash.
"Nothing in here but old bones, and..." His words choked off as the bones moved. Up from the coffin rose a human skeleton in full armor, the rusty metal hanging about the bleached bones by virtue of crumbling leather straps. Bartan deflected a swing of the ancient sword, and Kargh's blade only rang harmlessly against the corroded shield. Baysil limped forward, his mace swinging in a deadly arc, and the skeleton backed off a couple of steps.
"Begone! Back to the evil that raised you up!"
Darrick's voice rang out clear and strong, as though a sudden ray of sunlight pierced the gloom. The skeleton reeled back like a warrior taking a mortal wound, and crumpled. The ancient bones fell to powder, released from whatever enchantment had bound them, and suddenly weapons and armor were only piles of rust.
Kargh was reaching into the coffin before the echoes of its fall had died away, searching for whatever he might find. His clutching hand came up with only a couple of scraps of parchment, and he stood peering down at them doubtfully.
"We'll take those!" Burdock deftly plucked them from his hand, giving one of them to Tarr. "They're not for the likes of you to fool with."
"What? Give them back!"
"They'll do you no good. Ah, there's more here."
Kargh looked down, distracted, then made a grab for what Burdock had spied. He lifted up a leather sack whose rotting sides spilled a torrent of coins.
"Gold! Bright, shining gold!" Kargh clutched at them, letting torrents of yellow metal run through his fingers.
"Divide it up, and keep moving," Darrick snapped. "We've more important things to do than to squabble over a few paltry bits of metal."
Kargh glared, but at least he shut up. Bartan watched as the pile of coins was roughly divided, each of them taking a hundred or so of the golden tokens. If they ever got out of here with their lives they'd be well off, though not perhaps truly rich. They'd have tales to tell around the campfire, to boot. If they got out of here.
A door on their left led only to an empty room. The room beyond that was also empty, and had only the one door.
"Back the way we came," Darrick ordered. His voice was calm, but Bartan glimpsed the strain he was under. Though it might only have been a trick of the light as flickering torches accented the lines of his face.
Anji slung a short spear across her back. He'd noticed her pick it up after the fight with the skeleton, wondering why she bothered with it. Still, the head was of good metal, the shaft short enough not to get in her way.
Nothing stirred as they back tracked. The skeleton was only a vague pile of dust, adding a minuscule bit to the gray that veiled the stone flagging. In the next room the undead lay in tangled piles, no longer a menace.
"Hold it!" Kargh growled a warning as something moved among the unclean bodies. A strand of silvery twine stretched down from an air vent, and a hairy body the size of a dog scuttled toward them on eight hairy legs.
"Missiles!" Anji's bolt glanced off, but Kargh's quarrel and his own arrow sank deep. Fanged jaws gaped soundlessly as the spider tried to attack, but its wounds were mortal. Gray slime leaked out and the circlet of jetty eyes lost their luster. Its legs twitched, scrabbling at the hard stone, but that was all.
"Try the other door."
Elm nodded assent to Darrick's command, removing his iron cap to hear better. A moment of silence, then he shrugged. "Don't hear anything, and I can't tell if what I smell is from what's already here."
Kargh pushed at the door. It yielded slowly, squashily.
"Klond's frolicking fleas!" He swore his disgust. "A whole room full of shit!"
"Rotten fungus!" Bartan sneezed at the stench that seemed to roll forth in an almost visible torrent. "How're we going to get past that?"
"There's a door in the far wall." Anji's voice was muffled as she peered through the gloom. "It's only ten feet or so. We can wade through it. It's only up to our knees."
"To your knees, maybe!" Kargh snarled. "To the Nine Hells with it! I can make it if the rest of you can."
Slipping and sliding, they waded through the muck. Even in the light of the torches the stuff gave off a sickly glow that fooled the eye, making it hard for Bartan to keep his balance. Sure, the others would help him if he fell, but he'd still wind up covered with glop from head to foot.
"Oh, shit!" Kletta slipped to one knee, grabbing at Elm as she struggled to her feet. "Hey, I found something!"
She fished it out of the muck, dabbing at it with a corner of her cloak to reveal a gleaming shield. Scraping off the worst of the filth, she slung it from her pack. The room was narrow, only ten feet across, but the far door was offset to the right. By the time Baysil entered behind them, Kargh had reached the other door. It opened easily, held only by a simple latch.
"Oh oh," he whispered. "We've got troubles."
"Let me see." Tarr slithered through the muck to where she could peer through the narrow opening as he held it barely ajar. "Oh. Bugbears. I think I can handle them. It's worth a try, anyway. There are too many of them for us to fight if we don't have to."
Bugbears. Creatures much like Orcs, Bartan remembered. Like, but unlike. A different breed entirely. Wide fanged mouths and bulging eyes, with a flat nose that was almost lost in the middle of their faces. Fierce fighters, hard to kill, but not too bright. Large, pointed ears that twitched and turned at every sound. Hairy bodies clothed only in random scraps of armor.
Kargh pushed the door open far enough for Tarr to step through. In one upraised hand she held her ceremonial silver dagger by the blade. As the Bugbears jerked around to face her, she chanted a short phrase in some unknown tongue.
The leader of the band, a hairy monster with a huge spiked club, roared a command that silenced his fellows. Bowing his head nervously, he licked his lips with a pointed orange tongue.
"How I serve?" The words were Orcish, but slurred and distorted.
"We are called to serve the Dark One. You will let us pass."
"Us let pass. Go to Dark One."
She stood proudly erect as Kargh led the rest of the Company to a door that opened inward across the room to their right. When they were safely past she turned to follow, then hesitated.
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Kelly's Quest - Part 1 by The Techniciansbf - caught - self inflicted painMy name is Kelly. I am 28 years old, brunette, about 5' 6" tall, and I weigh 132 lbs. I have some curves, but I think Iam closer to skinny than voluptuous. I wanted to post my story on line, but when it comes to writing, I really suck, so Iam telling my story to my friend [The Technician], and he is putting in all the right words and stuff. How I met him is astory all to itself, but I think I will let him tell that...
Quest Academy for Wayward Girls specialized in teaching and disciplining naughty girls between the ages of 14 and 16. What the girls learned was to accept their discipline and submit to all figures of authority. At the end of their training they would be sent back to their parents or guardians who invariably were delighted with the results and never regretted the tuition costs. The school, staffed exclusively by men, did not strive to purge its students of their naughtiness. Rather its regimen...
Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...
Luck was so excited for today he was to be give a quest by King Julio himself. The young squire tossed and turned unable to will himself to sleep. A quest a real quest just like to ones Sir Tristan road of into the sunset on. He had spent 10 years of his life in service to Sir Duncan the aging captain of the guard. He had never so much as gone beyond the town of Holly. But now a real live quest he would be off saving maidens, slaying dragons and on day his story would be within the book of...
Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...
Kilarin I am a quiet drunk. A fact for which the innkeeper is insufficiently grateful. Or perhaps he is merely resentful that I picked his inn. The old ways are vanishing, true, but the Quest Law still holds. A knight on a quest ... even such a knight as I ... the fool! ... does he think I am so befuddled with the alcohol that I don't see the contempt in which he holds me ... is entitled to certain things. Benefits, if you will. Including free food and lodging. The Crown is supposed to...
((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...
FantasyWelcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...
Non-Erotic"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...
Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...
At the brunch table, she observed, “Lois to Harold? Come in? You seem somewhere very much elsewhere.” “You know that I’ve got some special insight. I hope you don’t think I’m insane, but the first reason I am here is to prevent a nuclear war. Believe it or not, I just could see a report that the CIA just gave to the President. They are seriously concerned that the Soviets are sending offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba, but they don’t yet have hard proof. During the summer, an American spy in...
Masjena loped through the winter woods and across the winter hills. For months something had been itching at her. She was the strongest of the Demon Prince's witches, but she kept feeling she should be capable of more. The ancient books on magic held in secret by the breeders of the mage-slaves said almost nothing about witches beyond the fact of their existence. The Prince had tried to strengthen the link between them -- to no avail. She had tried to push her limits, but just didn't know...
Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn’t work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromised in this area and marry a guy even though the sex isn’t...
Sgt Rock: Badass American Soldier Sergeant Jonas Rockwell heard the annoying static of the field radio in the outer room of his command tent. He paid little attention to the clamorous chatter emanating from the device. Better things occupied his mind. At the moment, the sergeant had his two hands full of soft, smooth, female ass. Pfc Jessica Sampson was sitting astride his prone body and was riding his cock with the wild passion of a berserk banshee warrior. This female soldier...
Author's note: Hello folks, This is book 2 of The Adventures of Reggie Starr. Those of you who have read my stuff, know that I like Action/adventure/Si-fi/and a little Physic stuff thrown in too. One of my problems is I tend to melt all my characters together and give them all the same kinds of abilities. Reggie Starr is a small departure from that formula as, I want Reggie to be as physically normal as the circumstances will allow. Reggie has been placed in unusual conditions...
You surely haven't seen a video game like Trap Quest on the internet before, and if you have...well, TrapQuest is in its own league, practically untouchable by all the other competitors. Most of us are used to these super-basic adult video games that aren't challenging, video games that do not even have a complex story or even a bunch of characters or anything like that, but hey, TrapQuest is everything but an easy video game with no story at all, which is great. Enjoyment is guaranteed,...
Free Sex GamesQuest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5: The Quest sets sail We all turned and I saw a large woman standing at the entrance to the courtyard. She was at least six and half feet tall and had a large double-bladed axe hung over her shoulders. "Tesmi? We thought you lost in the forest beyond the fence," the king said. "It was a near thing, my king. But I survived my scouting mission. The reports we've had are true, The Weres are back in the forest in numbers." "Any sign from the...
Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin on the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...
FantasyThis story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...
FantasyDear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin to the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...
FantasyAuthor's Note: This is a quest-type story. Quest stories rely on the readers to choose what direction the story will take by telling the writer directly. This is most often done through multiple choice questions. Important details and Questions will be bolded with their options(if any) underneath. Voting continues until there's a clear consensus or I(the writer) am ready to write the next chapter. After which I will put *Voting Closed* in the comments and begin on the next chapter. Note that...
Mind ControlThe City of Syrada The City of Syrada was established nearly a thousand years ago. It started as a fortress on top a large hill but quickly grew due to its easy-to-defend location. It was ruled by a Council that became known as "The Council of Nobles". Its members became the city’s first nobles. For centuries Syrada prospered as an independent city-state. Then from the north came the Tynian Empire, named after its first self-proclaimed Empress Tynia. The city’s rulers realized that they could...
FantasyQuest for privacy Quest for [email protected] I had seen her all summer. Seen her and secretly admired her. This beautiful woman in the nice summer cabin over at the hillside, charmingly overlooking the east end of the long beach. Since I didn?t know her or her family - and neither did my parents - I got used to think of her just as the ?cabin lady?.She must have been in her mid- thirties, a dark blond, classical type beauty, just the kind of woman that got me drooling all...
The following is the beginning of a serial, which will continue as stand alone books. Just for the record, I know much about the subject as I was in a much similar environment. This character is a mixing of several police investigators I have known over the years. Here is the first book in the series. I have tried to keep the sex and violence to a minimum. I have been trying to keep an ?R? rating. That means, no one under 18 should read this. If you are 18 and do read this,...
"The question is, can you do it?" Word, it seemed was getting around about the willingness of Clegg Enterprises to take on apparently difficult projects. Peter Hananni was the latest of a series of individuals that had appeared with a range of challenges to Clegg's research and snatch teams. "I was put on to you by a mutual friend. The Kalinin of Kushtia? He indicated that you had been able to help him out with some of his requirements." "Yes," I said. "The Kalinin is a valued...
Bloody and Blondie - The Quest Starts Chapter 11 - Adjustments What a great day!! I'm riding a horse like a lady, holding on the body that used to be mine, with two things shaking a lot in my chest. I can't stand it. Taliaron is distant, now without that Flishter bastard around, I can make this trip less horrible. "Hey Sila, stop the horse!" I scream to my old self. She stops and we dismount. My old eyes are very red, she must be crying all the way. "Princess, sorry, but I...
I don’t obsess over them like some of you sex-starved cucks out there, but sometimes I’ll play a hentai game or two if only to show you betas how this shit is really done. But I’m picky. I don’t want to play half of the shitty games out there that string you along for days without seeing so much as a tiddy. I need some instant gratification. I mean, why would I sit here and toil away when I could go out and have some real pussy within the hour? And the game has to be fun too. I’m not sticking...
Best Porn GamesSister Therese Marie’s Star Pupil NOTE: This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental. I am an ex-nun—Sister Therese Marie, Sister of the Society of Thomas Aquinas. I have Michael to thank for that “ex.” As you may have guessed, the Sisters of the Society of Thomas Aquinas are a teaching order. I was 23 years old and in the third year of my novitiate, less than a month away from taking my final vows. I was teaching eighth grade...
First TimeChapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...
The fire popped and crackled, consuming the last of the orange fish's bones. "A good fish," I said, patting my impressive stomach. I chuckled at my now almost forgotten nickname: The Portly Poet. "Getting a bit more than Portly!" I glanced around. Now was not the time for another surprise visitor, for inside the fish I had found something. Looking like a series of dull white rings chained together with fine mesh, it unfolded into a fingerless half glove. Not silver, it wouldn't take a...
(Please note that this story is bilingual and you can read the french version after the english one. / Cette histoire est bilingue, vous pouvez lire la version française après la version anglaise.) Welcome to this [Quest.] The principle is quite different from other multiple choice stories, you choose and influence the elements of the story by letting a comment like that: (A1, B2, C2, D5) and I would follow the story according to what the majority will have chosen. If you want to know more,...
Welcome to The Quest. Embark on the quest with a woman. Throughout her journey, she will encounter many ordeals. Battles of will and might are down her path. It is up to you to decide if she will come out unchanged or if she will fall along the way. The Quest can be of anything whether it be getting a cake for a birthday or defeating a tyrant. The choice is yours. To the right of your screen, you can change various details about your protagonist to make her truly unique. Perhaps she will look...
FantasyIn a time long forgotten to the mists of time in the land of Eyeon, a young man by the name of Richart made his way to Karin Kingdom. He had just turned seventeen years of age, Richart was short in stature with straight blonde hair hanging over a chiseled face. Darting amber eyes were set rooted within their sockets and surveyed all they saw. A fire had left a mark stretching from just under the left eyebrow, first running towards thin lips and ending on his left cheek. This was a painful...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVision Quest, Enroute By: Malissa Madison Mission time two months three days in space; The day I was dreading finally arrived, of course I only knew it was day because of the clock that displayed in 24 hour time. I was a bit nervous getting ready. Both Cami and I had to report to the Central Medical Station for our Dental appointments at 13:35hrs, ships time. It had been a very busy two months and to tell the truth I had been hoping they'd forgotten about us. Of course not all...
My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn't work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromise in this area, and marry a guy even though the sex isn't that great and figure it will get better as the marriage progresses. This does not make sense to me....
"One Tin Soldier" is the name of the original song my parody is based on. It was performed by the Coven in 1972. One Fem Soldier Listen, sweeties, to a story That was written moments ago, 'Bout a kingdom in some danger And a real unhappy prince. The kingdom was out of treasure Really deep colossal debt. See the king took all the treasure. And he made a really stupid bet. Go ahead and place your bets king, Go ahead and cheat your land. Do it for the sake of...