Quest For Orgasm
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Quest for Privacy
I had seen her all summer. Seen her and secretly admired her. This beautiful woman in the nice summer cabin over at the hillside, charmingly overlooking the east end of the long beach. Since I didn?t know her or her family - and neither did my parents - I got used to think of her just as the ?cabin lady?.
She must have been in her mid- thirties, a dark blond, classical type beauty, just the kind of woman that got me drooling all over. For I was that kind of girl, no question about it. I hadn?t seen her family there before, so they obviously had their first season out here this year.
Compared to my parents they were quite a bit younger. Their children were even too young for school yet, something that clearly allowed them the liberty of coming here to relax even way longer than most other families. My parents were quite well off, and because my father ran his own business in pharmaceutical consulting, he had the possibility of moving most of his necessities out here when tings got right for it. He installed a broadband connection, an IP phone, fax machine and took his laptop from the office downtown. Then he could manage quite a lot from his special ?office? while we enjoyed the sand and the beaches and the water and all the other possibilities that the area offered.
I myself was actually quite a bit too old to be going out here all the time. I must admit that I?d come so far that the city-life was a lot more tempting in many ways. But on the other hand I could understand that my parents didn?t fancy me running around without anyone at all keeping an eye at me back in town. Still, no matter what, there was no way around the fact that a lot of this understanding of mine actually came from my interest in the beautiful blond family mother in the hillside cabin at the other end. If it wasn?t for her, they?d probably had a hard time bringing me along like this year after year.
And why would I, a young lady just turned seventeen, the young and aspiring Lois Miller, find any interest in such a woman?
The answer is quite simple really. At least to those who know the way I am and the way I feel. Even though I had felt the attraction even before that, the whole thing was set off by a single event that rocked my soul more than anything that ever happened to me before. And since that was the first time I was faced with the real me, I take it something even close to it will never happen to me again. Not to such an extent, anyway.
My younger brothers had ran off to swim somewhere over at a dainty little playground close to one of the beach hotels on the other side of the bay. They liked it most of all over there, although I found the whole thing exceptionally silly and boring. I didn?t feel like swimming either, so I decided to take a walk along the beach and possibly get a glimpse of my secret goddess as I passed by her cabin.
It was a nice, sunny day with just the right kind of breeze that kept the sand from getting too warm, so I could walk along just above the waterline and enjoy its dry, powdery essence as it slipped between my toes. That?s one of my favourite things, something that can prompt me to just keep on walking, sometimes much longer than I originally planned.
Anyway I soon passed by the cabin, and noticed that the cabin lady?s car was gone. All in all the place looked quite deserted, and after a little bit of hesitation, I decided to stroll up and have just a little peek. After I got up on the little lawn, and I knew that I was trespassing already, my heart started hammering the way it always does when I know I do something I really shouldn?t be doing. I was still outside of the little wooden fence though, so nothing could be that wrong after all. Only that the little gate down to the beach was wide open, as usual, and it was just a small step to kind of slip through and then just accidentally happen to be up between the tight, beautifully cut trees forming a small ?jungle? around a cutely plastered path up to the terrace and the house.
I was just thinking about the possibility of having a peek inside when I heard a sound. A very faint and distant sound. A kind of muffled humming, almost like if somebody should be running a food processor or something far away. Then there was a different sound? I couldn?t quite figure out what it was at first. But then I heard it again. The unmistaken sound of a deep moan.
All of a sudden I got totally shaky all over. Small creaking sounds accompanied the initial ones, and I suddenly had a vivid picture rolling through my mind like a megaton loader. Could it be?!?!
I sank down to my knees, partly from fear of being noticed, but most of all because my legs all of a sudden felt too numb to support me. I sat motionless for a moment as I tried to figure out what to do now. Instinct told me I should crawl back and get the hell out of there as soon as possible. But the images that had flown through my head made that a completely unthinkable notion.
Instead I started the opposite direction, practically crawling almost soundlessly along the plastered path in the direction of the sound, with my suppressed breathing and hammering heartbeats the only things so uncontrollable I felt they might actually tell on me from far away. The humming got more distinct as I got closer, and so did the moans that seemed to grow out of the regular background of heavy breathing. It was a woman?s voice all right. And I kept whispering to myself over and over again to let it be her. Let it be her. My mystery cabin lady! The woman of my wildest and most heated dreams?
Very slowly I peeked out from under a tightly grown hedge, and was able to see the outer part of the small terrace. My heart skipped several beats as I spotted an elegant leg, shining moistly in the sun.
I stiffened like I should have had 5000 volts through my body! It was impossible to breath as shivers of ice-cold fear ran down along my spine.
The leg wasn?t more than about four feet away, its red painted toenails sending stinging reflections into my eyes! It relaxed casually on the wooden floor, just jerking lightly every now and then with the ripples running through the entire body.
The humming sound was much stronger all of a sudden; its mute steadiness muffled by a regular cadence of some light extra load, nicely matching the movement of the toes visible in front of me. And I knew exactly what that extra load was. My heart now hammered so violently I got afraid that alone would betray my hide. On trembling arms I lowered myself all the way down into the low-cut grass to get a little bit better view through the leaves of the compact hedge.
I still couldn?t see much though. The green wall of leaves was way too compact. It protected me from being spotted obviously, but it didn?t take long until curiosity got the better of me. Slipping just a tiny little bit further out, I could at least get a glimpse of her profile. Still it was hard to make out the whole scene, but suddenly a flash of reflections helped put things straight. There it was again. A bright, shiny spark in the intense afternoon sun, almost absorbed by the thick layer of leaves, but still. Wet and shiny, kind of metallic and cold in texture, like a knife, or a sword? or a gun! Associations kept floating over my mind, seemingly without any rational reason. Because I knew exactly what it was; exactly, no matter the derailing images clouding my crippled logics.
She moaned again. Much deeper this time. The jerk in her leg more powerful. The metallic object, the humming device sending out the sparkling reflections, seemed to drive her pleasures higher as time went by. I finally let the realisation flush over me, gasping breathlessly as I absorbed the undeniable fact of what the woman of my secret dreams was doing. It was so? wild, so completely outrageous? so beyond anything I could possibly have imagined. I mean? I know that even beautiful women do it, at least from time to time. But still? somehow? still it was mind-bogglingly wild to realize that this particular woman, in this particular place, at this particular time? would do something like this.
There was no way I could possibly resist it, I just had to crawl a little bit further out, getting more of the wonderful scene into view as my eyes nearly popped out of my head in my efforts to suck in every last detail of it all. Now I could see almost everything through just a fairly thin layer, and again I really had to struggle to withhold a gasp of excitement.
?Ohhhhhh,? the woman suddenly groaned, shuddering lightly in response to a particularly intense surge of pleasure. Then she whispered something else that I couldn?t quite catch as her head seemed to sink back to the side again, leaving her golden locks flooding freely over her shoulders.
She continued guiding the glistening dildo in an almost inconspicuous bob up and down over her clitoral shaft, letting the sticky tip all but touch into the opening of her vagina as she did. Then she sighed deeply and drew her lower leg up all the way onto the armrest, opening herself even more to the humming instrument of pleasure. With feverish eyes I saw the elegant fingers adjust the position of the vibrator ever so slightly, making the silvery tip slip just a little deeper, pushing the swollen outer pussy lips brazenly to the side as it worked wetly along the pink flesh deep within.
A spastic jerk in a slim thigh flashed down to her buttocks and made the dark anal opening convulse delightfully as the ripples of pleasure soothed the fabulous body.
Then I heard that whisper again. That same unrecognisable word. Almost like a hiss. Kind of drowning in her shuddering sighs and moans as she clearly approach her final crisis.
And again. ?Ooooohhh? ssssss? Oh Loiiiissssshh??
?Lois!!? I stiffened again. ?Lois!? My name!! She was whispering my name!! Or was there somebody else around called Lois too? With my heart nearly bursting out of my chest I scanned through my memory for somebody else of that name, but really couldn?t think of anybody. Maybe it was somebody she knew from her hometown? Or from any place else, for that matter?
?Ohhhh Lois? come? oooooohhhhh?
Who could it be? Again a kind of numbing sensation starting deep in my belly seemed so spread like a wispy fog throughout my body. There really was a possibility ? very little, but still ? that it could be me. Me, imagine! We had been introduced, and had chatted together on the way to the little supermarket, as well as on a few other occasions. She should know my name by now. And somehow the looks she had given me on a few of these occasions kind of gave me a gut feeling about it. Yes? it really could be me. All of a sudden the hope and realisation kind of flushed in over me. So much I felt that if it wouldn?t be so, I?d be totally devastated for the rest of my life!
As my thoughts roamed through all the situations where we had met ? and all my fantasies of our erotic meetings ? I recalled this one time when we talked outside the supermarket. The time when I had bought my favourite tropic juice - the one that nobody seemed to like but me - and was enjoying it on the bench in front of the entrance. She had come by with her grocery bags, dressed in that green summer dress of hers ? actually just a kind of knee-long tee shirt with a tiny red belt around her waist ? and bumped them down on the table in front of me to do some rearranging. As I took a deep sip she stopped to look at me and got a strange twinkle in the corner of her eye.
?You like those sweet juices, don?t you?? Her face transformed into that gorgeous smile of hers.
?Uh? yes.?
?Mmmm yes? you?re practically made for them!?
At the time I didn?t have a clue what she meant, but now it struck me with full force. Of course! She had seen my eyes. Brazing all over her face, her legs, her tits and ass as soon as she was in sight. Hungry and audacious like any boys?. I thought she hadn?t noticed, of course. But she had, just the way I noticed the boy?s eyes on my own body from time to time. You feel it even when you don?t see it. That?s just the way it is. And still I was the one too stupid to know?
And she hadn?t just noticed my stare. She had liked it! There was even a chance that she had been dreaming of me, fantasizing about me, wanting me. Or wanting my mouth, maybe. At least that was what I was really hoping for. Because that?s what I had been dreaming about giving here all this time. My devoted oral service. The best I could give to an extraordinary beautiful and deserving lady.
I met her beautiful eyes. Saw the glowing passion in the depths of them, almost close enough to see my own mirror in their moist, reflective blankness. Then I stiffened. I met her eyes?
Suddenly I realized that she was looking at me! Staring right down at me as I peeked up from under the hedge! Her little friend was still humming, but she had stopped her massaging motion with its tip as she sat motionless, clearly in a state of laming shock as she realized she was being watched.
And still? if she was in shock, she managed to conceal it remarkably well. She must have been extremely close to her crisis, judging from the way her hips had started bucking spastically, and the only noticeable change beside the hand holding her silvery friend was the absence of those small, but very telling movements.
I gasped and felt a cold shudder running down my spine. I was dead meat, no doubt about it! I could just see my parents paying up a major fine at the local town hall, telling me I wouldn?t be left alone for a single second for the next half year, at least.
I was as lame as she was, unable to move a muscle as I kept looking stiffly up at her eyes. I had never ever been caught so totally in the act before. Not even close. Never been so frightened, terrified, severely petrified and scared gut-drained shitless as at that very moment.
Several minutes passed like this without any of us moving a muscle. Not until she got a slightly tensed expression on her face and moved her hands to switch of the vibrator. Her extinguished passion had maid the humming stimulation almost painful.
?Lois?? she whispered, still breathing heavily from a combination of shock and fading orgasmic build-up. ?I ? I didn?t see you??
My lips moved, but I was totally unable to produce a single sound in response. I tried several times, but there was no way I could form any meaningful sentence the way my throat tightened into a knot, almost choking me in its mental consternation.
There was another moment of silence. Ms Brown?s tits kept rising and falling deliciously as she continued breathing heavily in an effort to calm down and get in control again.
I finally got around to form at least partly recognizable words again, and knew the heat was on me to try to say something for an explanation. As though there was anything at all to explain.
After trying to come up with any kind of credible excuse, I scrapped that idea, and decided to stay bluntly by what I had done. She could report me ? or shoot me. There was still no way I could tell her anything to get me even the slightest bit off the hook. Instead I started stuttering out the next thing that just happened to blow across my mind.
?I ? If you want? you can? switch it on again, and? continue.? I was hardly able to speak from the affection of having her gaping pussy lips just inches away from my hungry lips. ?I mean? it must be terrible to be interrupted this way? I suppose??
She looked down at me for a second, seeing me swallowing hard in nervous anticipation, obviously unsure of how to respond to my offer. Then all of a sudden, her other hand came down to twist the shiny device on again. As it started it?s familiar humming once again, she slowly put the tip back down into the right groove at her swollen clit, where it had done its tricks all up until the brutal interruption.
Slowly I started crawling further until I was up at the terrace in front of her. At first it seemed to make her tense up again, but then I noticed some visible signs of relaxation as she slowly started responding to the feelings generated by her little mechanical lover again. Her thighs contracted spastically and a low gasp escaped her as the sensations then hit with full force. The hand holding the glistening tip in position started trembling lightly, and the knuckles whitened as the grip hardened with the intensity of the stimulations.
I could see small, almost milking movements of the pink interior between the soaked inner pussy lips, revealing the rapid approach of a fierce orgasm. Thighs and belly continued pulsing and convulsing delightfully in front of me as she drifted towards the peak with no possibility of holding back.
The shyness from a moment back had evaporated completely, and she squeezed her eyes hard shut as her hips started making small, involuntary bucking movements towards the pleasure device driving her on. I opened my mouth automatically as I slowly moved closer, unconsciously awaiting the squirt of precious elixir I was hoping to catch onto my tongue as her orgasm exploded. She seemed to be completely oblivious to me or anybody else, focusing fully on the approach of her imminent crisis as I held my gaping mouth just centimetres from her pulsing slit. We were both in paradise, both determined to make the best out of the eruption that was going to blow us away like nobody had ever been blown away before.
Suddenly the cell phone on the table sprang to life, the vibrations sending it sprawling over the wooden surface with a rattling sound that violently crushed the breathless atmosphere of blind lust that had built between us. We both jumped in shock. It could just as well have been an atomic bomb going off ten feet away.
We needed a few seconds to get around before we even understood what had hit us.
The lady again switched off her instrument of pleasure and shook her head in confusion for a moment before she got grip to flip over to the side to reach for the phone. In the process the moist vibrator slipped off her belly and fell down through a hole in the terrace floor. She tried to grab it, with the result that she almost lost her balance, nearly sending the cell phone the same way.
A quick check on the display made her bite her lip before she pressed the button to answer.
?Hello? oh? yeah? yeah? Oh no? nothing? Just sitting in... I was just going to?. What? Already?? She looked down at me with disappointment written all over her face. Then she sighed a couple of times before she suddenly seemed to get an idea.
?Okay, darling. I was just going for a run along the beach. Was planning for a long one this time. Don?t count on me for a good couple of hours, okay. Can you handle that??
The answer clearly indicated that to be no problem at all, and there was a tangible expression of relief on her face as she hung up and looked down at me once again. I was still lying between her legs, my mouth still agape from awaiting the squirts of her orgasm.
?Shit! We?ll never be able to recover it from under there. Not in time to finish this anyway,? she groaned, fervent frustration written all over her beautiful face.
I gulped. The thought had hit me immediately, but I felt sure I would never be able to put it into words. Still, if it was ever to be, this was the crucial moment.
?I ? I? uh?? I coughed breathlessly and felt my cheeks glow furiously from embarrassment. ?I ? I would? love to? uh? help you? to do it for you??
She looked at me. Straight into my eyes. Phaw, didn?t that woman have nerves at all? I felt her stare like a burning ray scolding my inner soul with its intensity. My instinct told me to get up and run off, but I knew that no matter what, that was the last thing I would ever want to do. I sat there, looking down, between Ms. Brown?s parted legs, feeling my pulse hammering noisily in my head as I awaited the consequences of my words.
?Do it to me? How? What do you mean Lois?? Her voice was quizzical, at least all up until the last words. My name was spoken almost in a soundless hiss, as she seemed to catch the drift and get along with my thoughts.
Again I felt completely lame, unable to move a muscle or say a sensible word. But this was the moment ? the moment - and I just had to pass this test or I?d be sorry for the rest of my life.
Mustering all my strength, I lifted my head and looked at her, right into her heavenly eyes.
?I ? I would like to? uh? help you? uh? with my lips? my tongue? oh??
Ms. Brown gasped. My eyes overflowed, and I had to look down again no matter how I tried to be brave in this decisive moment. I wiped them desperately with the back of my hands not to appear like a complete wimp in front of her.
?I have no idea how long it took, and I couldn?t know what went on in her head as I had told her those last words. But all of a sudden she seemed to get to herself anyway. She got up from the chair and grabbed my hand.
?Hurry Lois! Gary and the kids are right up the road on their way here. And I just can?t play it cool the way I am right now. Let?s split and find something a bit private over at the cliffs. I think I know exactly the place!?
After hunting around for her bikini bottom for a while, she disappeared inside to rinse her hands. As she returned, with a couple of towels over her arm, she almost dragged me after her out through the gate and down towards the beach.
?I take you on your word, Lois. And I really hope you?ll stand by it, because I?ll be needing you terrible once we get by ourselves up there.?
The cliffs she was talking about were just a short walk away from there. They were like a familiar landmark in the distance from where our own cabin was ? something I had grown up with as one of the beloved sights to greet us every time we came out here. Now they were almost frighteningly close and overwhelmingly huge, especially when my feverish mind raced through all the scenarios of things that might happen up there in just a very little while!
Miss Brown didn?t talk at all as we ran more than walked across the fluffy banks of sand. As we arrived at the foot of the mighty rocks, she resolutely took the lead and started climbing up a tiny path that seemed to lead all the way up to the little group of trees almost at the top. I followed right behind, my heart again racing like a runaway train by the sight of that magnificent ass wiggling about right in front of me.
Again she noticed my barefaced stare. Suddenly I met her eyes over her shoulder.
?Like what you see Lois?. All of a sudden I realised she was peeking down at me over her shoulder and smiling at my rapturous expression.
?Uh? oh? yes? Miss Brown??
?I hope you?ll like what you?ll taste as well,? she giggled almost girlishly, making a few extra wiggles of her ass for good measure. ?If I can?t cum in your mouth very soon now, I?m gonna have a heart attack and die!?
With that she continued upwards in an even more elaborate tempo, forcing me to run more than walk to hang on.
When we were finally on the top, we were both breathing heavily. Ms. Brown rested for just a moment, having just a quick look around to check that we were alone before she jumped graciously along some rocks down into a little grassy dip in between the low trees. There she resolutely shed her bikini bottom and proceeded to spread out the towels in the grass. The place was unknown to me, but seemed completely ideal as a spot for relaxation and tanning. Again I was unable to concentrate on anything but the gorgeous sight of her behind though as she bent all over to smoothen out the sides of the towels for better comfort.
I was drawn to her like to a magnet. I was with her in a few seconds, still gasping from exhaustion and excitement as I stared into the bobbing behind in front of me. It was no doubt in my mind that this woman was an exhibitionist beyond the usual the way she loved to show off absolutely everything as an appetizer to what was coming.
When she straightened up and turned towards me, she once again had to laugh at my totally transfixed look. But then she reached out for my hand as she let herself sink down to sit on the towels.
?Oh Lois? Lois? please,? she moaned as she let herself sink backwards. ?If you really want this as much as I do, please be quick. I?m so terribly hot!?
She didn?t even take time to put off her top as she got all the way down on her back and graciously opened her chocolate-tanned legs for me.
It all happened so fast. Although this was what I yearned for most of all in my life, I still felt unprepared when I was faced with the unparalleled beauty of her dripping vulva right under my nose. I wrung myself down on my elbows between her legs, putting my hands under her mighty buttocks to hold her up to my mouth. As she spread her legs even further, the pussy lips burst apart; making a tiny droplet of her juice hit my cheek right under my eye. As she wiggled to find a good position, one tit fell out of her top to reveal an impressively erect nipple standing up almost right in front of her smiling face.
?Oh Lois? eat me? please! I need id bad? real bad!?
Instinctively I moved forward, a little strand of saliva seeping out of the corner of my mouth. She lifted her hips softly to meet me; her thighs trembling in strained anticipation as the moment of love finally arrived.
But alas, it was not to be.
The very moment my tongue was to touch the pink inner lips of her glistening labia, we heard voices right over us. Almost like somebody should be standing just a few feet away. They were so loud and clear that we immediately recognized is as the voices of an elderly couple. They were still out of sight behind the cliffs, but we both knew they would come into view any moment now.
We were up in a flash. Ms. Brown grasped the towels and jumped like a tigress for cover in between a couple of huge rocks at the side. I followed right behind, still completely dizzy by the unparalleled near-heaven experience.
?Shit, my bottom.? She hissed, looking over at the tiny piece of material still left behind in the grass.
The older couple came into view and slowly worked their way down towards us, followed by a seemingly endless line of other people carrying baskets of food and even equipment for grilling. Ms. Brown cursed between clenched teeth as we both realised that there was no way in hell we would be able to stay around anywhere even near this place to complete our passionate mission.
?Lois, let?s go. I know some place else.?
?But ? but your bikini??
?Screw the bikini. I?ll come back for it later. After dark. Unless these idiots drag it away. Let?s go, hurry!?
With ardent movements she wrapped the largest towel properly around her waist. Then she grabbed my hand and we started walking quickly away. Of course some of them saw us and started shouting something, but Ms. Brown just continued without even looking back until we were finally out of sight behind the rugged rocks. To me it was a major relief. I had a feeling everybody had to understand what we?d been up to down there.
Now we could see the coastline beyond the rocks as it stretched out into the misty horizon in the direction all the way south to Baja. Ms. Brown didn?t stop to admire the view though. She kept on downwards with and urgency that almost made me nervous. What if she would fall and break a leg or something?
Then, all of a sudden, she swerved over to the side, waving for me to follow her in between some huge rocks approximately half way down the ravine-like hill.
The towel came off as we moved along a rough path between the rugged walls of solid granite, once again baring the luscious pare of wobbling globes right in front of my nose. Holding it in her left hand, she pretended too crouch down for cover, thus putting her wonderful behind on unashamed display as the cheeks practically cried out for my devoted caresses. Again my blood started boiling riotously in my veins. I jumped up close, putting my face right under her delightful cheeks as I followed her deeper in between, almost plunging my face in between the twin hillocks as she stopped to find a better step on the rocky path. She knew where she had me, and took extra delight in arching her back a little extra and giving me a full view of her glorious behind.
Not almost either, by the way. As she stopped for a moment to adjust direction, I actually plunged my face directly into the deep crack between those glorious half mounds of female delight, sinking my nose deep into the soft entrance of her anal opening before I got around to a halt. Had I been able to think, I would have just stayed in there until the end of the world instead of backing off totally confused to see what was going on.
?This is it,? she finally murmured as she reached a little green spot a little to the side of the path. Resolutely she bent down to spread the towel over the fresh grass, wiggling her delicious ass the usual way as she did. I couldn?t help but sinking to my knees and let my hands slide caressingly over the beautiful curves and felt my mouth being dragged as by sheer magnetism into the secret ravine between the mighty cheeks.
Just before I got there, with the intriguing smell tickling my nose, she almost threw herself on her back onto the towel and spread her legs widely.
?Please Lois? I?m burning? come? come and??
The last part of her plea faded into a trembling hiss as she grabbed her knees by the hands to open herself completely to me.
I practically fell in between her legs, squealing with joy as I finally go to the shrine of eternal worship that I had been lusting for so long. Finally it was mine to devour, mine to lick the most heart- bursting orgasm out of as my lady sighed out her passion.
My tongue found the way along the pink cleft of her inner pussy lips all up to the shaft of her clit. Her hand came down to pull the hood back up, revealing the shining knob to my heated gaze as she impatiently urged me on with her other hand. The ardour of her insatiable needs drove me wild, and I let my face sink in deep in her succulent softness as we melted together ? lips upon lips ? in the ultimate embrace. Oh, I would love her? suck her, eat her, lash her throbbing clit with my tongue until she?
Then voices again? right beside us!
Ms Brown stiffened, a violent shiver rushing through her. She still had her tight grip on the back of my head with one hand, and our position was so hot and wonderful that we found it almost impossible to break up. Me most of all. Realizing that we were going to be interrupted once again, I flicked my tongue violently over her clit as to pull the last strands of pleasure out of our sweet coupling before we were split apart anew. Her body shuddered even stronger, and I almost yielped in pain as she finally got around to use both hands to tear my head away by the hair. Desperately she rolled around, twisting the towel along around her waist at the same moments a series of heads came into view over the rocks beside us. I hurriedly turned away as I wiped my mouth and face desperately with the back of my hands, feeling how I smeared myself up with the earth I had got on my hands as I threw myself down to devour my lady?s treasures.
I could hear her damped curses as she worked herself up on trembling legs, securing the towel around her waist. Then she had to lean against a huge rock to regain her breath as she used her fingers to try to straighten her wildly dishevelled hair.
She was frustrated beyond words, and so was I. The people ? an older couple with three or four kids ? passed by and disappeared, but we could hear new voices coming up right after them.
She used both her hands to throw her hair back and looked at me. I must have looked funny with my animal like lust shining out of my smeared face, because she suddenly started laughing. A sweet, playful ? again almost childish ? laughter that added another dimension of beauty to her intriguing personality.
?This is plain impossible.? Then she looked at me with a sly look in her eyes and grabbed my hand. ?Come with me, I?ve got an idea. A wild but great idea!?
A moment later we were on our way the final part down to the almost endless beach we had seen from the top. I was quite curious about what she had in mind, because I had noticed that there was actually nothing down there. No place to hide away from anything. In the future this place would probably be packed with beach hotels and all kind of resort facilities, but right now everything that could be seen was people walking or jogging along the waterline or passing up and down to the road on top of the bank behind the beach. I kept wondering why so many of them made it up to the cliffs we had just come from. From here it looked almost like it was swarming with people, and it was easy to see that there would never be a chance to do anything private up there until after dark ? and possibly not even then.
?Can you swim? I really hope so, because we?re going out there.?
She pointed to a low tower- like concrete construction on a small, lonely bank several hundred feet out from the shore.
?Out there?? I was stunned. I had seen it from the top of the rocks, but never even considered it to be an option as a hideout for some heated intimacy.
?Yes, out there.? She smiled at my expression. ?It?s not that far, and most of the way you could actually walk along the bottom. But it?s better and faster to swim.?
She looked over at me as her smile broadened. ?And besides you need to clean up that face of yours. You look terrible.? Again she laughed that special laughter of hers.
Resolutely she glanced around to see there was nobody too close. Then she started walking out into the water as she unfastened the towel from her waist. As she went out deeper, she proceeded to tie both towels under her neck into a huge knot on her head, thus attempting to protect them from getting wet.
Again I was treated with the sight of her fantastically moulded body as I followed right behind.
We actually could walk nearly half the way before the water reached to our waists, but then it got deeper and some quite powerful undercurrents made it difficult to keep on.
Miss Brown carefully slipped into the water and started swimming. Again I followed right behind, and soon we were kicking our way side by side in direction of the grey tower ahead.
?How far is it out there miss??
?Lois, call me Georgia, will you??
?Oh, okay? Georgia,? I sputtered as a little wave hit my face.
?Oh I dunno, maybe another hundred feet or something.?
We kept kicking for a while, and just when I started getting tired, I suddenly felt the bottom sand against my knees again. We got to our feet and proceeded to splash our way up onto dry land and up under the concrete foot of the old lighthouse wall.
To me it looked grey and shabby, and wasn?t at all anywhere near my idea of a romantic spot for some heated sexual excesses. Again Georgia saw the expression on my face.
?Don?t worry. I?ve been her before. Once we get upstairs there?s an entirely different look of things. Just you wait and see.?
We hurried around the huge cylindrical wall to the entrance door, passing a lot of debris laying around on the way. It screeched open and I kept following right behind Gloria into the darkness inside. Next we climbed some creaky wooden stairs bringing us across some unstable platforms some three floors up. Then up to another door and? here you go!
The inside gave quite a different impression, although it clearly wasn?t a place for much more than housing the keeper on his long hours of duty. To my surprise it looked like it had been occupied quite recently, and I started wondering if there really still were manually operated towers like this along the coastline. I thought they were all automated. Gloria had put the towel around waist again as she had peeked around inside and out on the platform, just to make completely sure we were alone. On my question about the automation, she told me that it indeed was, and because of that it was now just used by some people from Langtry as some kind of home base for deep water fishing off the coast a bit further north, where the conditions were good for stingrays and swordfish.
At one side there was a huge table with a lot of old maps on it. On the other there was a little, but neatly cleaned kitchen corner complete with a coffee machine and a microwave oven. The windows went all the way around from about waist height up, and they definitely could have been a lot cleaner to give the place a better look. The floor was hard concrete, but it was swept clean and all in all the place gave a reasonably good impression of cleanliness and tidiness.
?I know Mr. Toth, the guy who runs the fishing boat business a little. He?s a very nice fellow. He told me it?s a great place for undisturbed tanning, and that I was free to use it whenever I liked.? Gloria gave me a snug smile. ?And now seems to be an excellent time, don?t you think??
I smiled back at her, a little nervously though. What if anybody would just show up in here while we were at it? She followed my gaze out at the sea below and resolutely went over to lock the door we had just come in. A definite and convincing answer to that reservation. Finally alone, definitely and positively alone!
She turned against me, and our eyes met. Again passion shot up through my chest like a surge of heat as millions of signals picked up on what had been postponed for so long. Seductively she let the towel slip off of her waist to bare the beautiful bush of plain desire between her legs. For a moment I stood like spellbound, until she stepped over to the table to grab the back pillows of an old couch behind it. Hastily she lined them up on the floor and put the towels on top. Then she turned and got down on her back. Looking up at me she raised her arms invitingly as she displayed the full grandeur of her fantastic body.
?Please? Lois, come to me? we?re all alone, finally??
My legs simply failed me, and I literarily bumped down on my knees at the mere effect of her raspy voice, and the message it brought over. I knew we were there, and now there was nothing to derail us from our way to the ultimate ecstasy.
I knee-walked over the rugged floor until I was up at her feet. As her legs parted graciously, I let myself sink down between them, cupping my hands under her juicy buttocks as they rose to give me access. Her pubic bone made an impatient arch up against my mouth as I homed in on the dripping slit right underneath. We both shivered uncontrollably as the moment of contact finally arrived, and then we sighed breathlessly as we got there.
For a moment we remained frozen like this, stiffly aligned in perfect unison, as electrical shocks of passion and joy went back and forth between us. Then I got around to push my tongue in between her soaked lips and into the incredibly hot wetness inside. Her belly convulsed violently, and she groaned almost sorely as the hormones of desire spread like a spray into her veins.
As I started tonguing her slit in long, powerful strokes, she kind of fell together, landing her butt determinedly into my hands as I continued feeding on her.
We lay like that for a while with an occasional moan and sigh the only thing to be heard in the little room. I noticed how she made small, very well controlled movements against my mouth every now and then. I could clearly feel they were done for me; kind and generous gestures for my submissive pleasure. Little, exciting things to make the experience great even for the sole giver of sexual stimulation. But it was also something to noticeably invigorate her own passion, no matter how well she tried to hide it. As I was able to figure out a pattern in her movement and respond to her wicked nudges with energetic tongue flicks, she gasped sharp and breathlessly, unable to help her belly convulsing deliciously as my intensive work got to her. That was a sight powerful enough to drive me completely insane, and my hunger for her orgasm got so intense I almost sucked her inside out in my relentless quest for the ultimate moment. I could feel her toes curl against the skin of my lower back as she strove harder and harder to control her rocketing hormone levels.
?Ooooooh Lois? this is soooo fantastic! I can?t believe that you?re finally there. Finally here with me??
The last couple of words came in an uptight hiss as she grasped her knees to press them up in order to give me even better access to her dripping pleasure source. Her moistness literarily washed over my face as I dove in almost up to my ears to devour the very essence of her passionate soul. I used my hands more urgently to grope and caress the voluptuous curves of her powerful buttocks, literarily lifting her up to my hungry mouth to feed relentlessly on her desire. She responded by giving herself even more freely over to my enthusiastic ministrations, pulling her knees even higher in her eagerness to maximise the intensity of her pleasure. I was so wild I felt like a complete animal, feeding on the source of my life?s essence. Her wild passion fuelled my feverish instincts beyond anything I ever thought possible. I trembled all over, and I felt the sweet sting of orgasmic build in my own crotch without even the slightest touch or stimulation. I had to spread my legs and try lying completely calm to ease the tension and stop me from exploding like a firecracker long before I could enjoy the mind-skewing experience of my lady?s ecstasy. And I wouldn?t like to miss the full impact of that one for my very life!
Her movement became more erratic, more difficult to predict and follow as I strove to intensify my stimulation of the engorged clit. We were approaching her crisis, and I joyously prepared for the rapture of finally receiving the juices of her ecstasy into my insatiable mouth.
Grimly I hung on to her buttocks with both my hands, mobilising all my strength to stay in position and keep my tongue working on her throbbing clit as I took her the last piece of the road.
Then she stiffened and shrieked wildly. Her thighs smashed in on my head with violent force as she shook ferociously and trashed all over her pillowed under layer without even the slightest kind of control of her limbs. We soon were out on the hard concrete as the relentless forces of ecstasy continued driving her on to new peaks of unparalleled pleasures.
Powerful jets of delicious juice literarily squirted into my mouth as her belly cramped, and I gulped it down greedily, completely wild for every last drop of her precious elixir, rubbing her clit tirelessly with my tongue in between. Her physical orgasm was as intense as my mental one. My mind spun wildly as I worked, driving me on to superhuman efforts as I strove to prolong her ecstasy as long as possible. All until her body finally started to relax, and we drifted down into a stage of exhausted lethargy, draining us of every last quark of energy.
For a long time we just lay quietly on the hard floor, her hand caressing my hair with oh-so-loving fingers. I was in the highest of heavens, somewhere far up where life was all blue, airy and shiny, still totally unable to grasp the reality of what had just happened to me, what a fantastic experience I?d just been through. I rested my head on her belly, lazily listening to the squeaks and scribbles of her digestive system as my mind raced from one beautiful flower to the next, dwelling in the sensation of sweet happiness and love. I was unsatisfied, excitedly happy and deeply in love, enjoying the tension of unfulfilled craving as a kind of rare gift. A gift awarded to me only, without any question of if I?d want it or not. She breathed deep and slowly, luxuriating in the blissful lassitude, and for a moment I wondered if she had fallen asleep right there on the hard concrete. But then her voice drifted down to me, almost shockingly loud and clear.
?You?re the best! The absolute best pussy licker I ever came across. Where did you learn to do it so well??
?I ? I don?t know? I never actually learned it?? I lifted my head off her belly to look up into her smiling face. ?I think it comes natural with the woman I desire and love??
?You?re so sweet.? Her hand ruffled my hair in playful adoration. ?There?s no way I?d like to let a girl like you go.?
?Uh? what do you mean go??
?You know? go. I mean; you can?t stay around to be my beck and call all the time, can you?? Her smile broadened even more at the mere thought.
?Can?t I? Why not??
Her expression transformed into one of sudden thoughtfulness, like she was suddenly contemplating something completely weird. She seemed to drift off a bit for a moment, until her eyes suddenly focused back on me almost in a flash.
?You mean? you?d like to do that? I mean? to be? waiting on me??
I looked back at her, mobilizing my most convincing look.
?More than anything? really. You know? I feel almost like I?ve found my purpose in life? somehow.?
She got silent. Her eyes wandering back and forth between my face and her still widely spread legs.
?I can?t believe this?? She murmured more than she spoke, and more to herself than to me. Then more clear again, addressed directly to me.
?So that means you would be ready to help me out like this every time I need it? I mean? every time???
?Every time miss? uh? Gloria. I think I could die for your pleasure!? My eyes suddenly overflowed from the emotions of the moment. It was silly, but I really told her exactly what I felt right then and there. And she knew it.
Her stroking of my hair got more persistent as she comforted me through my outburst of emotions and love. Then, suddenly, she looked down at me with her typical little smile.
?Trouble is, though? I need it almost all the time!? She sighed again with a meek smile on her lips, wiping a tear from my cheek with an elegantly manicured finger. ?At least once a day I use my little automatic friend to help me out while I fantasize about you giving me pleasure with your mouth exactly the way you did right now. You understand what I?m telling you? Every day!?
My heart sang of joy, and it was like a thousand bells were ringing all over the heavens. I had just heard the most fantastic thing of my life, and I know that very moment that there was no way I was ever going to take my mouth off this wonderful woman?s exceptionally delightful pussy. Obviously there were practical things like how to do this with my parents and my schooling and so on, but right now that was merely a light background noise to the angel choir singing my praise as the luckiest girl on earth.
?My husband is a good man. No question about that. And I love my children above everything else I?ve got. So there?s no way I?ll be doing something to jeopardise that. It?s just that he?s unable to provide me with this kind of satisfaction? at all.? She smiled even broader and drew her breath deep.
?I simply need good head! I need it real bad. I need to feel worshipped and cherished? also in a purely physical way. And somehow? it doesn?t feel right to get it from him. It would make him? weak? submissive in a way. And that?s the last thing I?d want from him. Do you understand??
I found it hard to follow her all the way, especially while trying to get my own feelings under control as I enjoyed the heavenly softness of her rounded belly against my cheek. Still I nodded enthusiastically as the question came. If I wouldn?t catch it now, I would later. Couldn?t be any problem as long as we both tried our best to find out about it.
?Whenever you need Gloria. Really, whenever. I ? I?ll find a way to come to you.
?I know you will. I can feel it in every nerve of my body. You told me you?ll be going to high school this autumn. You shouldn?t happen to want to go anywhere near Glendale??
Again my heart missed a beat. ?Well that?s exactly where my parents want me to go!?
?Really? I live just ten minutes away from campus! We could see each other almost every day.?
I was still stunned, awestruck by the prospects of the near future.
?Oh Gloria, that would be just fantastic! I can?t believe how lucky I am.?
As the setting sun painted heaven and ocean glowing read, we walked out of the cabin and out on the platform outside. The breeze was still warm and caressing on our sensitive skin as we stood side by side to admire the magnificent view at the old iron handrail. Hidden from prying eyes from the beach we let all inhibitions go and just stood there in our naked glory ? except for Gloria?s bikini top which she never had gotten around to take off, drinking in the timeless beauty of the nature around us. And soon the darkness would come creeping and make our hideout completely perfect for whatever would come to our mind as romance and love made the air vibrate around us.
?Shit we should have been back again a long time ago.? Gloria wailed as she watched the starburst of colours out there. ?Well, never mind. This is a moment that is worth waiting for, and my husband will have do on his own this one time, don?t you think so??
I nodded with a meek smile. How could I possibly disagree about that?
?Yes, I?m always around for them. They?ll just have to do for a few hours without me this one time.?
I couldn?t help letting my hand wander down her back to the perfectly rounded globes of her ass. The fire in my belly grew to new and unknown proportions, and I felt my whole body shake as I knew I had to have her again? and again? and again. Resolutely I sank down on my knees and pressed my face against her soft warm belly, drawing a deep sigh from her as she instinctively knew what I craved.
?Georgia,? I murmured, still with my face buried against her belly, my hands idly stroking her hips and ass cheeks.
?Why don?t you sit down on that bench at the wall, so we can enjoy the sunset together the best way possible??
She needed a few seconds to grasp the secret of my message. Then she put her hand down to stroke my hair and keep me in balance as she slowly started backing up towards the bench. Sitting down she spread her thighs invitingly, and used her hands to guide my lips to the place we both felt they would belong eternally from now on. I hungrily engulfed her pussy with my lips and let my tongue penetrate her as far as it would go. Again she gasped and trembled, and the grip on my head transformed into a painful drag in my hair as the sensations washed over her once again. My groan of agony made her relax her grip though, and in a matter of minutes we were again sitting like bronze statues as we patiently started out on the delicious journey towards the second ecstasy of the day. Every now and then she urged me on with short, whispering instructions, sometimes using her hand to guide my head for the most pleasurable stimulations. Her requests and demands were like sweet music to my ears, and I used all my expertise and energy to make her feel as good as humanly possible as the impressive nature around us reached its crescendo of flaming sunset colours.
And so did we. The very moment the last slice of glowing sun slipped under the horizon, my lady?s body slowly bowed upwards as she squeezed her head back and came in a furious explosion of trashing and bouncing. More fierce jets of slimy juice spurted into my mouth as her fingers dug painfully into my head to hold me in position as she rode through the violent waves of orgasm. Once again I took a tight grip around her thighs with both hands and struggled mightily to stay in position and let my tongue continue it?s rhythmic pattern as precisely as possible.
She was as vocal as ever, without the slightest chance to hold back the almost feral howls of ecstasy as she fought to stay on the bench throughout the intense ride. My vicelike grip help along a lot though, and we managed to work all the way through it in perfect unison until my stimulation transformed from sweet pleasure to agonizing tickling in her sated pussy.
Totally spent she fell together on the bench, gasping for air after the exhausting exercise. I was right with her, comforting her with tender hands as she enjoyed her descend into the sweet lassitude of sexual satisfaction.
?Ohhhh girl?. You?re wearing me out,? she laughed as she finally caught up with her breath. Then her whole appearance transformed into one of romantic rerlaxation as she stroked my hair and let her eyes wander out over the vast ocean under us.
?I?ve just got to say it again; it?s just fantastic to be out here with you,? she sighed as she adjusted her body slightly on the hard wooden bench. ?To experience such a fantastic sunset, such wonderful weather? this nearness to mother nature. And?? she looked back down into my face as I continued tonguing her drained slit with feather-light strokes, ??and to experience it with you. Out here, alone, only the two of us!?
She chuckled lightly and sighed again. ?We?re going to have so much fun together, me and you? so much fun??
I smiled back, enjoying the inconspicuous glimpse of devilish selfishness in her eyes. There was not question about it. We were definitely going to have some fun together. Lots and lots of it?
Quest for Privacy
I had seen her all summer. Seen her and
secretly admired her. This beautiful woman in the nice summer cabin over at the
hillside, charmingly overlooking the east end of the
She must have been in her mid- thirties, a
dark blond, classical type beauty, just the kind of woman that got me drooling
all over. For I was that kind of girl, no question
about it. I hadn?t seen her family there before, so they obviously had
their first season out here this year.
Compared to my parents they were quite a
bit younger. Their children were even too young for school yet, something that
clearly allowed them the liberty of coming here to relax even way longer than most other families. My parents were quite well off,
and because my father ran his own business in pharmaceutical consulting, he had
the possibility of moving most of his necessities out here when tings got right
for it. He installed a broadband connection, an IP phone, fax machine and took
his laptop from the office downtown. Then he could manage quite a lot from his
special ?office? while we enjoyed the sand and the beaches and the water and
all the other possibilities that the area offered.
I myself was actually quite a bit too old
to be going out here all the time. I must admit that I?d come so far that the
city-life was a lot more tempting in many ways. But on the other hand I could
understand that my parents didn?t fancy me running around without anyone at all
keeping an eye at me back in town. Still, no matter what, there was no way
around the fact that a lot of this understanding of mine actually came from my
interest in the beautiful blond family mother in the hillside cabin at the
other end. If it wasn?t for her, they?d probably had a hard time bringing me
along like this year after year.
And why would I, a young lady just turned
seventeen, the young and aspiring Lois Miller, find any interest in such a
The answer is quite simple really. At least
to those who know the way I am and the way I feel. Even though I had felt the
attraction even before that, the whole thing was set off by a single event that
rocked my soul more than anything that ever happened to me before. And since
that was the first time I was faced with the real me, I take it something even
close to it will never happen to me again. Not to such an extent, anyway.
My younger brothers had ran
off to swim somewhere over at a dainty little playground close to one of the
beach hotels on the other side of the bay. They liked it most of all over
there, although I found the whole thing exceptionally silly and boring. I
didn?t feel like swimming either, so I decided to take a walk along the beach
and possibly get a glimpse of my secret goddess as I passed by her cabin.
It was a nice, sunny day with just the
right kind of breeze that kept the sand from getting too warm, so I could walk
along just above the waterline and enjoy its dry, powdery essence as it slipped
between my toes. That?s one of my favourite things, something that can prompt
me to just keep on walking, sometimes much longer than I originally planned.
Anyway I soon passed by the cabin, and
noticed that the cabin lady?s car was gone. All in all the
place looked quite deserted, and after a little bit of hesitation, I decided to
stroll up and have just a little peek. After I got up on the little lawn, and I
knew that I was trespassing already, my heart started
hammering the way it always does when I know I do something I really shouldn?t
be doing. I was still outside of the little wooden fence though, so nothing
could be that wrong after all. Only that the little gate down to the beach was
wide open, as usual, and it was just a small step to kind of slip through and
then just accidentally happen to be up between the tight, beautifully cut trees
forming a small ?jungle? around a cutely plastered path up to the terrace and
the house.
I was just thinking about the possibility
of having a peek inside when I heard a sound. A very faint
and distant sound. A kind of muffled humming, almost
like if somebody should be running a food processor or something far away.
Then there was a different sound? I couldn?t quite figure out what it was at
first. But then I heard it again. The unmistaken sound of a
deep moan.
All of a sudden I got totally shaky all
over. Small creaking sounds accompanied the initial ones, and I suddenly had a
vivid picture rolling through my mind like a megaton loader. Could it be?!?!
I sank down to my knees, partly from fear
of being noticed, but most of all because my legs all of a sudden felt too numb
to support me. I sat motionless for a moment as I tried to figure out what to
do now. Instinct told me I should crawl back and get the hell out of there as
soon as possible. But the images that had flown through my head made that a
completely unthinkable notion.
Instead I started the opposite direction,
practically crawling almost soundlessly along the plastered path in the
direction of the sound, with my suppressed breathing and hammering heartbeats
the only things so uncontrollable I felt they might actually tell on me from
far away. The humming got more distinct as I got closer, and so did the moans
that seemed to grow out of the regular background of heavy breathing. It was a
woman?s voice all right. And I kept whispering to myself over and over again to
let it be her. Let it be her. My mystery cabin lady! The woman of my
wildest and most heated dreams?
Very slowly I peeked out from under a
tightly grown hedge, and was able to see the outer part of the small terrace.
My heart skipped several beats as I spotted an elegant leg, shining moistly in
the sun.
I stiffened like I should have had 5000
volts through my body! It was impossible to breath as
shivers of ice-cold fear ran down along my spine.
The leg wasn?t more than about four feet
away, its red painted toenails sending stinging reflections into my eyes! It
relaxed casually on the wooden floor, just jerking lightly every now and then
with the ripples running through the entire body.
The humming sound was much stronger all of
a sudden; its mute steadiness muffled by a regular cadence of some light extra
load, nicely matching the movement of the toes visible in front of me. And I
knew exactly what that extra load was. My heart now hammered so
violently I got afraid that alone would betray my hide. On trembling arms I
lowered myself all the way down into the low-cut grass to get a little bit
better view through the leaves of the compact hedge.
I still couldn?t see much though. The green
wall of leaves was way too compact. It protected me from being spotted
obviously, but it didn?t take long until curiosity got the better of me.
Slipping just a tiny little bit further out, I could at least get a glimpse of
her profile. Still it was hard to make out the whole scene, but suddenly a
flash of reflections helped put things straight. There it was again. A bright, shiny spark in the intense afternoon sun, almost absorbed
by the thick layer of leaves, but still. Wet and shiny, kind of metallic
and cold in texture, like a knife, or a sword? or a gun! Associations kept
floating over my mind, seemingly without any rational reason. Because I knew
exactly what it was; exactly, no matter the derailing images clouding my
crippled logics.
She moaned again. Much
deeper this time. The jerk in her leg more powerful.
The metallic object, the humming device sending out the sparkling reflections,
seemed to drive her pleasures higher as time went by. I finally let the
realisation flush over me, gasping breathlessly as I absorbed the undeniable
fact of what the woman of my secret dreams was doing. It was so? wild, so
completely outrageous? so beyond anything I could possibly have imagined. I
mean? I know that even beautiful women do it, at least from time to time. But
still? somehow? still it was mind-bogglingly wild to realize that this
particular woman, in this particular place, at this particular time? would do
something like this.
There was no way I could possibly resist
it, I just had to crawl a little bit further out, getting more of the
wonderful scene into view as my eyes nearly popped out of my head in my efforts
to suck in every last detail of it all. Now I could see almost everything
through just a fairly thin layer, and again I really had to struggle to
withhold a gasp of excitement.
?Ohhhhhh,? the woman suddenly groaned,
shuddering lightly in response to a particularly intense surge of pleasure.
Then she whispered something else that I couldn?t quite catch as her head
seemed to sink back to the side again, leaving her golden locks flooding freely
over her shoulders.
She continued guiding the glistening dildo
in an almost inconspicuous bob up and down over her clitoral shaft, letting the
sticky tip all but touch into the opening of her vagina as she did. Then she
sighed deeply and drew her lower leg up all the way onto the armrest, opening
herself even more to the humming instrument of pleasure. With feverish eyes I
saw the elegant fingers adjust the position of the vibrator ever so slightly,
making the silvery tip slip just a little deeper, pushing the swollen outer
pussy lips brazenly to the side as it worked wetly along the pink flesh deep
A spastic jerk in a slim thigh flashed down
to her buttocks and made the dark anal opening convulse delightfully as the
ripples of pleasure soothed the fabulous body.
Then I heard that whisper again. That same unrecognisable word. Almost like a hiss. Kind of
drowning in her shuddering sighs and moans as she clearly approach
her final crisis.
And again. ?Ooooohhh? ssssss? Oh Loiiiissssshh??
?Lois!!? I stiffened again. ?Lois!? My
name!! She was whispering my name!! Or was there somebody else around
called Lois too? With my heart nearly bursting out of my chest I scanned
through my memory for somebody else of that name, but really couldn?t think of
anybody. Maybe it was somebody she knew from her hometown? Or from any place
else, for that matter?
?Ohhhh Lois? come?
Who could it be? Again a kind of numbing
sensation starting deep in my belly seemed so spread like a wispy fog
throughout my body. There really was a possibility ? very little, but still ?
that it could be me. Me, imagine! We had been introduced, and had
chatted together on the way to the little supermarket, as well as on a few
other occasions. She should know my name by now. And somehow the looks she had
given me on a few of these occasions kind of gave me a
gut feeling about it. Yes? it really could be me. All of a sudden the hope and
realisation kind of flushed in over me. So much I felt that if it wouldn?t be
so, I?d be totally devastated for the rest of my life!
As my thoughts roamed through all the
situations where we had met ? and all my fantasies of our erotic meetings ? I
recalled this one time when we talked outside the supermarket. The time when I
had bought my favourite tropic juice - the one that nobody seemed to like but
me - and was enjoying it on the bench in front of the entrance. She had come by
with her grocery bags, dressed in that green summer dress of hers ? actually
just a kind of knee-long tee shirt with a tiny red belt around her waist ? and
bumped them down on the table in front of me to do some rearranging. As I took
a deep sip she stopped to look at me and got a strange twinkle in the corner of
her eye.
?You like those sweet juices, don?t you??
Her face transformed into that gorgeous smile of hers.
?Uh? yes.?
?Mmmm yes? you?re practically made for
At the time I didn?t have a clue what she
meant, but now it struck me with full force. Of course! She had seen my eyes. Brazing all over her face, her legs, her tits and ass as soon as
she was in sight. Hungry and audacious like any boys?. I thought she
hadn?t noticed, of course. But she had, just the way I noticed the boy?s eyes
on my own body from time to time. You feel it even when you don?t see it.
That?s just the way it is. And still I was the one too stupid to know?
And she hadn?t just noticed my stare. She
had liked it! There was even a chance that she had been dreaming of me,
fantasizing about me, wanting me. Or wanting my mouth, maybe.
At least that was what I was really hoping for. Because that?s what I
had been dreaming about giving here all this time. My devoted
oral service. The best I could give to an extraordinary beautiful and
deserving lady.
I met her beautiful eyes. Saw the glowing
passion in the depths of them, almost close enough to see my own mirror in
their moist, reflective blankness. Then I stiffened. I met her eyes?
Suddenly I realized that she
was looking at me! Staring right down at me as I peeked up from under the
hedge! Her little friend was still humming, but she had stopped her massaging
motion with its tip as she sat motionless, clearly in a state of laming shock
as she realized she was being watched.
And still? if she was in
shock, she managed to conceal it remarkably well. She must have been extremely
close to her crisis, judging from the way her hips had started bucking
spastically, and the only noticeable change beside the hand holding her silvery
friend was the absence of those small, but very telling movements.
I gasped and felt a cold
shudder running down my spine. I was dead meat, no doubt about it! I could just
see my parents paying up a major fine at the local town hall, telling me I
wouldn?t be left alone for a single second for the next half year, at least.
I was as lame as she was,
unable to move a muscle as I kept looking stiffly up at her eyes. I had never
ever been caught so totally in the act before. Not even close. Never been so
frightened, terrified, severely petrified and scared gut-drained shitless as at
that very moment.
Several minutes passed like
this without any of us moving a muscle. Not until she got a slightly tensed
expression on her face and moved her hands to switch of the vibrator. Her
extinguished passion had maid the humming stimulation almost painful.
?Lois?? she whispered, still
breathing heavily from a combination of shock and fading orgasmic build-up. ?I
? I didn?t see you??
My lips moved, but I was
totally unable to produce a single sound in response. I tried several times,
but there was no way I could form any meaningful sentence the way my throat
tightened into a knot, almost choking me in its mental consternation.
There was another moment of
silence. Ms Brown?s tits kept rising and falling deliciously as she continued
breathing heavily in an effort to calm down and get in control again.
I finally got around to form
at least partly recognizable words again, and knew the heat was on me to try to
say something for an explanation. As though there was anything at all to
After trying to come up with
any kind of credible excuse, I scrapped that idea, and decided to stay bluntly
by what I had done. She could report me ? or shoot me. There was still no way I
could tell her anything to get me even the slightest bit off the hook. Instead
I started stuttering out the next thing that just happened to blow across my
?I ? If you want? you can? switch it on
again, and? continue.? I was hardly able to speak from the affection of having
her gaping pussy lips just inches away from my hungry lips. ?I mean? it must be
terrible to be interrupted this way? I suppose??
She looked down at me for a second, seeing
me swallowing hard in nervous anticipation, obviously unsure of how to respond
to my offer. Then all of a sudden, her other hand came down to twist the shiny
device on again. As it started it?s familiar humming
once again, she slowly put the tip back down into the right groove at her
swollen clit, where it had done its tricks all up until the brutal
Slowly I started crawling further until I
was up at the terrace in front of her. At first it seemed to make her tense up
again, but then I noticed some visible signs of relaxation as she slowly started
responding to the feelings generated by her little mechanical lover again. Her
thighs contracted spastically and a low gasp escaped her as the sensations then
hit with full force. The hand holding the glistening tip in position started
trembling lightly, and the knuckles whitened as the grip hardened with the
intensity of the stimulations.
I could see small, almost milking movements
of the pink interior between the soaked inner pussy lips, revealing the rapid
approach of a fierce orgasm. Thighs and belly continued pulsing and convulsing
delightfully in front of me as she drifted towards the peak with no possibility
of holding back.
The shyness from a moment back had
evaporated completely, and she squeezed her eyes hard shut as her hips started
making small, involuntary bucking movements towards the pleasure device driving
her on. I opened my mouth automatically as I slowly moved closer,
unconsciously awaiting the squirt of precious elixir I was hoping to catch onto
my tongue as her orgasm exploded. She seemed to be completely oblivious to me
or anybody else, focusing fully on the approach of her imminent crisis as I
held my gaping mouth just centimetres from her pulsing slit. We were both in
paradise, both determined to make the best out of the eruption that was going
to blow us away like nobody had ever been blown away before.
Suddenly the cell phone on the table sprang
to life, the vibrations sending it sprawling over the wooden surface with a
rattling sound that violently crushed the breathless atmosphere of blind lust
that had built between us. We both jumped in shock. It could just as well have
been an atomic bomb going off ten feet away.
We needed a few seconds to get around
before we even understood what had hit us.
The lady again switched off her instrument
of pleasure and shook her head in confusion for a moment before she got grip to
flip over to the side to reach for the phone. In the process the moist vibrator
slipped off her belly and fell down through a hole in the terrace floor. She
tried to grab it, with the result that she almost lost her balance, nearly
sending the cell phone the same way.
A quick check on the display made her bite
her lip before she pressed the button to answer.
?Hello? oh? yeah? yeah? Oh no? nothing?
Just sitting in... I was just going to?. What? Already??
She looked down at me with disappointment written all over her face. Then she sighed a couple of times before she suddenly seemed to get
an idea.
?Okay, darling. I was just going for a run along the
beach. Was planning for a long one this time. Don?t
count on me for a good couple of hours, okay. Can you handle that??
The answer clearly indicated that to be no
problem at all, and there was a tangible expression of
relief on her face as she hung up and looked down at me once again. I was still
lying between her legs, my mouth still agape from awaiting the squirts of her
?Shit! We?ll never be able to recover it
from under there. Not in time to finish this anyway,? she groaned, fervent
frustration written all over her beautiful face.
I gulped. The thought had hit me
immediately, but I felt sure I would never be able to put it into words. Still,
if it was ever to be, this was the crucial moment.
?I ? I? uh?? I coughed breathlessly and felt my cheeks
glow furiously from embarrassment. ?I ? I would? love to? uh? help you? to do
it for you??
She looked at me. Straight
into my eyes. Phaw, didn?t that woman have nerves at all? I felt her
stare like a burning ray scolding my inner soul with its intensity. My instinct
told me to get up and run off, but I knew that no matter what, that was the
last thing I would ever want to do. I sat there,
looking down, between Ms. Brown?s parted legs, feeling my pulse hammering
noisily in my head as I awaited the consequences of my words.
?Do it to me? How? What do you mean Lois??
Her voice was quizzical, at least all up until the last words. My name was
spoken almost in a soundless hiss, as she seemed to catch the drift and get
along with my thoughts.
Again I felt completely lame, unable to move
a muscle or say a sensible word. But this was the moment ? the
moment - and I just had to pass this test or I?d be sorry for the rest
of my life.
Mustering all my strength, I lifted my head
and looked at her, right into her heavenly eyes.
?I ? I would like to? uh? help you? uh?
with my lips? my tongue? oh??
Ms. Brown gasped. My eyes overflowed, and I
had to look down again no matter how I tried to be brave in this decisive
moment. I wiped them desperately with the back of my hands not to appear like a
complete wimp in front of her.
have no idea how long it took, and I couldn?t know what went on in her head as
I had told her those last words. But all of a sudden she seemed to get to
herself anyway. She got up from the chair and grabbed my hand.
?Hurry Lois! Gary and the kids are right up the road on
their way here. And I just can?t play it cool the way I am right now. Let?s
split and find something a bit private over at the cliffs. I think I know
exactly the place!?
After hunting around for her bikini bottom
for a while, she disappeared inside to rinse her hands. As she returned, with a
couple of towels over her arm, she almost dragged me after her out through the
gate and down towards the beach.
?I take you on your word, Lois. And I
really hope you?ll stand by it, because I?ll be needing
you terrible once we get by ourselves up there.?
The cliffs she was talking about were just
a short walk away from there. They were like a familiar landmark in the
distance from where our own cabin was ? something I had grown up with as one of
the beloved sights to greet us every time we came out here. Now they were
almost frighteningly close and overwhelmingly huge, especially when my feverish
mind raced through all the scenarios of things that might happen up there in just
a very little while!
Miss Brown didn?t talk at all as we ran
more than walked across the fluffy banks of sand. As we arrived at the foot of
the mighty rocks, she resolutely took the lead and started climbing up a tiny
path that seemed to lead all the way up to the little group of trees almost at
the top. I followed right behind, my heart again racing like a runaway train by
the sight of that magnificent ass wiggling about right in front of me.
Again she noticed my barefaced stare.
Suddenly I met her eyes over her shoulder.
?Like what you see Lois?. All of a sudden I
realised she was peeking down at me over her shoulder and smiling at my
rapturous expression.
?Uh? oh? yes? Miss Brown??
?I hope you?ll like what you?ll taste as
well,? she giggled almost girlishly, making a few extra wiggles of her ass for
good measure. ?If I can?t cum in your mouth very soon now, I?m gonna have a
heart attack and die!?
With that she continued upwards in an even
more elaborate tempo, forcing me to run more than walk to hang on.
When we were finally on the top, we were
both breathing heavily. Ms. Brown rested for just a moment, having just a quick
look around to check that we were alone before she jumped graciously along some
rocks down into a little grassy dip in between the low trees. There she
resolutely shed her bikini bottom and proceeded to spread out the towels in the
grass. The place was unknown to me, but seemed completely ideal as a spot for
relaxation and tanning. Again I was unable to concentrate on anything but the
gorgeous sight of her behind though as she bent all over to smoothen out the
sides of the towels for better comfort.
I was drawn to her like to a magnet. I was
with her in a few seconds, still gasping from exhaustion and excitement as I
stared into the bobbing behind in front of me. It was no doubt in my mind that
this woman was an exhibitionist beyond the usual the way she loved to show off
absolutely everything as an appetizer to what was coming.
When she straightened up and turned towards
me, she once again had to laugh at my totally transfixed look. But then she
reached out for my hand as she let herself sink down to sit on the towels.
?Oh Lois? Lois? please,?
she moaned as she let herself sink backwards. ?If you really want this as much
as I do, please be quick. I?m so terribly hot!?
She didn?t even take time to put off her
top as she got all the way down on her back and graciously opened her
chocolate-tanned legs for me.
It all happened so fast. Although this was
what I yearned for most of all in my life, I still felt unprepared when I was
faced with the unparalleled beauty of her dripping vulva right under my nose. I
wrung myself down on my elbows between her legs, putting my hands under her
mighty buttocks to hold her up to my mouth. As she spread her legs even
further, the pussy lips burst apart; making a tiny droplet of her juice hit my
cheek right under my eye. As she wiggled to find a good position, one tit fell
out of her top to reveal an impressively erect nipple standing up almost right
in front of her smiling face.
?Oh Lois? eat me? please! I need id bad?
real bad!?
Instinctively I moved forward, a little
strand of saliva seeping out of the corner of my mouth. She lifted her hips
softly to meet me; her thighs trembling in strained anticipation as the moment
of love finally arrived.
But alas, it was not to be.
The very moment my tongue was to touch the
pink inner lips of her glistening labia, we heard voices right over us. Almost like somebody should be standing just a few feet away.
They were so loud and clear that we immediately recognized is as the voices of
an elderly couple. They were still out of sight behind the cliffs, but we both
knew they would come into view any moment now.
We were up in a flash. Ms. Brown grasped
the towels and jumped like a tigress for cover in between a couple of huge
rocks at the side. I followed right behind, still completely dizzy by the
unparalleled near-heaven experience.
?Shit, my bottom.? She hissed, looking over
at the tiny piece of material still left behind in the grass.
The older couple came into view and slowly
worked their way down towards us, followed by a seemingly endless line of other
people carrying baskets of food and even equipment for grilling. Ms. Brown
cursed between clenched teeth as we both realised that there was no way in hell
we would be able to stay around anywhere even near this place to complete our
passionate mission.
?Lois, let?s go. I know some place else.?
?But ? but your bikini??
?Screw the bikini. I?ll come back for it
later. After dark. Unless these
idiots drag it away. Let?s go, hurry!?
With ardent movements she wrapped the
largest towel properly around her waist. Then she grabbed my hand and we
started walking quickly away. Of course some of them saw us and started
shouting something, but Ms. Brown just continued without even looking back
until we were finally out of sight behind the rugged rocks. To me it was a
major relief. I had a feeling everybody had to understand what we?d been up to
down there.
Now we could see the coastline beyond the
rocks as it stretched out into the misty horizon in the direction all the way
south to Baja. Ms. Brown didn?t stop to admire the view though. She kept on
downwards with and urgency that almost made me nervous. What if she would fall
and break a leg or something?
Then, all of a sudden, she swerved over to
the side, waving for me to follow her in between some huge rocks approximately
half way down the ravine-like hill.
The towel came off as we moved along a
rough path between the rugged walls of solid granite, once again baring the
luscious pare of wobbling globes right in front of my nose. Holding it in her
left hand, she pretended too crouch down for cover, thus putting her wonderful
behind on unashamed display as the cheeks practically cried out for my devoted
caresses. Again my blood started boiling riotously in my veins. I jumped up
close, putting my face right under her delightful cheeks as I followed her
deeper in between, almost plunging my face in between the twin hillocks as she
stopped to find a better step on the rocky path. She knew where she had me, and
took extra delight in arching her back a little extra and giving me a full view
of her glorious behind.
Not almost either, by the way. As she
stopped for a moment to adjust direction, I actually plunged my face directly
into the deep crack between those glorious half mounds of female delight,
sinking my nose deep into the soft entrance of her anal opening before I got
around to a halt. Had I been able to think, I would have just stayed in there
until the end of the world instead of backing off totally confused to see what
was going on.
?This is it,? she finally murmured as she
reached a little green spot a little to the side of the path. Resolutely she
bent down to spread the towel over the fresh grass, wiggling her delicious ass
the usual way as she did. I couldn?t help but sinking to my knees and let my
hands slide caressingly over the beautiful curves and felt my mouth being
dragged as by sheer magnetism into the secret ravine between the mighty cheeks.
Just before I got there, with the
intriguing smell tickling my nose, she almost threw herself on her back onto
the towel and spread her legs widely.
?Please Lois? I?m burning? come? come and??
The last part of her plea faded into a
trembling hiss as she grabbed her knees by the hands to open herself completely
to me.
I practically fell in between her legs,
squealing with joy as I finally go to the shrine of eternal worship that I had
been lusting for so long. Finally it was mine to devour, mine to lick the most
heart- bursting orgasm out of as my lady sighed out her passion.
My tongue found the way along the pink
cleft of her inner pussy lips all up to the shaft of her clit. Her hand came
down to pull the hood back up, revealing the shining knob to my heated gaze as
she impatiently urged me on with her other hand. The ardour of her insatiable
needs drove me wild, and I let my face sink in deep in her succulent softness
as we melted together ? lips upon lips ? in the ultimate embrace. Oh, I would
love her? suck her, eat her, lash her throbbing clit with my tongue until she?
Then voices again? right beside us!
Ms Brown stiffened, a violent shiver
rushing through her. She still had her tight grip on the back of my head with
one hand, and our position was so hot and wonderful that we found it almost
impossible to break up. Me most of all. Realizing that
we were going to be interrupted once again, I flicked my tongue violently over
her clit as to pull the last strands of pleasure out of our sweet coupling
before we were split apart anew. Her body shuddered even stronger, and I almost
yielped in pain as she finally got around to use both hands to tear my head
away by the hair. Desperately she rolled around, twisting the towel along
around her waist at the same moments a series of heads came into view over the
rocks beside us. I hurriedly turned away as I wiped my mouth and face
desperately with the back of my hands, feeling how I smeared myself up with the
earth I had got on my hands as I threw myself down to devour my lady?s
I could hear her damped curses as she
worked herself up on trembling legs, securing the towel around her waist. Then
she had to lean against a huge rock to regain her breath as she used her
fingers to try to straighten her wildly dishevelled hair.
She was frustrated beyond words, and so was
I. The people ? an older couple with three or four kids ? passed by and
disappeared, but we could hear new voices coming up right after them.
She used both her hands to throw her hair
back and looked at me. I must have looked funny with my animal like lust
shining out of my smeared face, because she suddenly started laughing. A sweet, playful ? again almost childish ? laughter that added
another dimension of beauty to her intriguing personality.
?This is plain impossible.? Then she looked
at me with a sly look in her eyes and grabbed my hand. ?Come with me, I?ve got
an idea. A wild but great idea!?
A moment later we were on our way the final
part down to the almost endless beach we had seen from the top. I was quite
curious about what she had in mind, because I had noticed that there was
actually nothing down there. No place to hide away from anything. In the future
this place would probably be packed with beach hotels and all kind of resort
facilities, but right now everything that could be seen was people walking or
jogging along the waterline or passing up and down to the road on top of the
bank behind the beach. I kept wondering why so many of them made it up to the cliffs
we had just come from. From here it looked almost like it was swarming with
people, and it was easy to see that there would never be a chance to do
anything private up there until after dark ? and possibly not even then.
?Can you swim? I really hope so, because
we?re going out there.?
She pointed to a low tower- like concrete
construction on a small, lonely bank several hundred feet out from the shore.
?Out there?? I was stunned. I had seen it from the top
of the rocks, but never even considered it to be an option as a hideout for
some heated intimacy.
?Yes, out there.? She smiled at my
expression. ?It?s not that far, and most of the way you could actually walk
along the bottom. But it?s better and faster to swim.?
She looked over at me as her smile broadened.
?And besides you need to clean up that face of yours.
You look terrible.? Again she laughed that special laughter of hers.
Resolutely she glanced around to see there
was nobody too close. Then she started walking out into the water as she
unfastened the towel from her waist. As she went out deeper, she proceeded to
tie both towels under her neck into a huge knot on her head, thus attempting to
protect them from getting wet.
Again I was treated with the sight of her
fantastically moulded body as I followed right behind.
We actually could walk nearly half the way
before the water reached to our waists, but then it got deeper and some quite
powerful undercurrents made it difficult to keep on.
Miss Brown carefully slipped into the water
and started swimming. Again I followed right behind, and soon we were kicking
our way side by side in direction of the grey tower ahead.
?How far is it out there miss??
?Lois, call me Georgia, will you??
?Oh, okay?
?Oh I dunno, maybe
another hundred feet or something.?
We kept kicking for a while, and just when
I started getting tired, I suddenly felt the bottom sand against my knees
again. We got to our feet and proceeded to splash our way up onto dry land and
up under the concrete foot of the old lighthouse wall.
To me it looked grey and shabby, and wasn?t
at all anywhere near my idea of a romantic spot for some heated sexual
excesses. Again
?Don?t worry. I?ve been her before. Once we
get upstairs there?s an entirely different look of things. Just you wait and
We hurried around the huge cylindrical wall
to the entrance door, passing a lot of debris laying around on the way. It
screeched open and I kept following right behind Gloria into the darkness
inside. Next we climbed some creaky wooden stairs bringing us across some
unstable platforms some three floors up. Then up to another door and? here you go!
The inside gave quite a different
impression, although it clearly wasn?t a place for much more than housing the
keeper on his long hours of duty. To my surprise it looked like it had been
occupied quite recently, and I started wondering if there really still were
manually operated towers like this along the coastline. I thought they were all
automated. Gloria had put the towel around waist again as she had peeked around
inside and out on the platform, just to make completely sure we were alone. On
my question about the automation, she told me that it indeed was, and because
of that it was now just used by some people from Langtry as some kind of home
base for deep water fishing off the coast a bit further north, where the
conditions were good for stingrays and swordfish.
At one side there was a huge table with a
lot of old maps on it. On the other there was a little, but neatly cleaned
kitchen corner complete with a coffee machine and a microwave oven. The windows
went all the way around from about waist height up, and they definitely could
have been a lot cleaner to give the place a better look. The floor was hard
concrete, but it was swept clean and all in all the
place gave a reasonably good impression of cleanliness and tidiness.
?I know Mr. Toth, the guy who runs the
fishing boat business a little. He?s a very nice fellow. He told me it?s a
great place for undisturbed tanning, and that I was free to use it whenever I
liked.? Gloria gave me a snug smile. ?And now seems to be an excellent time,
don?t you think??
I smiled back at her, a little nervously
though. What if anybody would just show up in here while we were at it? She
followed my gaze out at the sea below and resolutely went over to lock the door
we had just come in. A definite and convincing answer to that
reservation. Finally alone, definitely and positively alone!
She turned against me, and our eyes met.
Again passion shot up through my chest like a surge of heat as millions of
signals picked up on what had been postponed for so long. Seductively she let
the towel slip off of her waist to bare the beautiful bush of plain desire
between her legs. For a moment I stood like spellbound, until she stepped over
to the table to grab the back pillows of an old couch behind it. Hastily she
lined them up on the floor and put the towels on top. Then she turned and got
down on her back. Looking up at me she raised her arms invitingly as she
displayed the full grandeur of her fantastic body.
?Please? Lois, come to me? we?re all alone,
My legs simply failed me, and I literarily
bumped down on my knees at the mere effect of her raspy voice, and the message
it brought over. I knew we were there, and now there was nothing to derail us
from our way to the ultimate ecstasy.
I knee-walked over the
rugged floor until I was up at her feet. As her legs parted graciously, I let myself sink down
between them, cupping my hands under her juicy buttocks as they rose to give me
access. Her pubic bone made an impatient arch up against my mouth as I homed in
on the dripping slit right underneath. We both shivered uncontrollably as the
moment of contact finally arrived, and then we sighed breathlessly as we got
For a moment we remained frozen like this,
stiffly aligned in perfect unison, as electrical
shocks of passion and joy went back and forth between us. Then I got around to push my tongue in between her soaked lips and into the
incredibly hot wetness inside. Her belly convulsed violently, and she groaned
almost sorely as the hormones of desire spread like a spray into her veins.
As I started tonguing her slit in long,
powerful strokes, she kind of fell together, landing her butt determinedly into
my hands as I continued feeding on her.
We lay like that for a while with an
occasional moan and sigh the only thing to be heard in
the little room. I noticed how she made small, very well controlled movements
against my mouth every now and then. I could clearly feel they were done for
me; kind and generous gestures for my submissive pleasure. Little,
exciting things to make the experience great even for the sole giver of sexual
stimulation. But it was also something to noticeably invigorate her own
passion, no matter how well she tried to hide it. As I was able to figure out a
pattern in her movement and respond to her wicked nudges with energetic tongue
flicks, she gasped sharp and breathlessly, unable to help her belly convulsing
deliciously as my intensive work got to her. That was a sight powerful enough
to drive me completely insane, and my hunger for her orgasm got so intense I
almost sucked her inside out in my relentless quest for the ultimate moment. I
could feel her toes curl against the skin of my lower back as she strove harder
and harder to control her rocketing hormone levels.
?Ooooooh Lois? this is soooo fantastic! I
can?t believe that you?re finally there. Finally here with me??
The last couple of words came in an uptight
hiss as she grasped her knees to press them up in order to give me even better
access to her dripping pleasure source. Her moistness literarily washed over my
face as I dove in almost up to my ears to devour the very essence of her
passionate soul. I used my hands more urgently to grope and caress the
voluptuous curves of her powerful buttocks, literarily lifting her up to my
hungry mouth to feed relentlessly on her desire. She responded by giving
herself even more freely over to my enthusiastic ministrations, pulling her
knees even higher in her eagerness to maximise the intensity of her pleasure. I
was so wild I felt like a complete animal, feeding on the source of my life?s
essence. Her wild passion fuelled my feverish instincts beyond anything I ever
thought possible. I trembled all over, and I felt the sweet sting of orgasmic
build in my own crotch without even the slightest touch or stimulation. I had
to spread my legs and try lying completely calm to ease the tension and stop me
from exploding like a firecracker long before I could enjoy the mind-skewing
experience of my lady?s ecstasy. And I wouldn?t like to miss the full impact of
that one for my very life!
Her movement became more erratic, more
difficult to predict and follow as I strove to intensify my stimulation of the
engorged clit. We were approaching her crisis, and I joyously prepared for the
rapture of finally receiving the juices of her ecstasy into my insatiable
Grimly I hung on to her buttocks with both
my hands, mobilising all my strength to stay in position and keep my tongue
working on her throbbing clit as I took her the last piece of the road.
Then she stiffened and shrieked wildly. Her
thighs smashed in on my head with violent force as she shook ferociously and
trashed all over her pillowed under layer without even the slightest kind of
control of her limbs. We soon were out on the hard concrete as the relentless
forces of ecstasy continued driving her on to new peaks of unparalleled pleasures.
Powerful jets of delicious juice literarily
squirted into my mouth as her belly cramped, and I gulped it down greedily,
completely wild for every last drop of her precious elixir, rubbing her clit
tirelessly with my tongue in between. Her physical orgasm was as intense as my
mental one. My mind spun wildly as I worked, driving me on to superhuman
efforts as I strove to prolong her ecstasy as long as possible. All until her
body finally started to relax, and we drifted down into a stage of exhausted lethargy,
draining us of every last quark of energy.
For a long time we just lay quietly on the
hard floor, her hand caressing my hair with oh-so-loving fingers. I was in the
highest of heavens, somewhere far up where life was all blue, airy and shiny,
still totally unable to grasp the reality of what had just happened to me, what
a fantastic experience I?d just been through. I rested my head on her belly,
lazily listening to the squeaks and scribbles of her digestive system as my
mind raced from one beautiful flower to the next, dwelling in the sensation of
sweet happiness and love. I was unsatisfied, excitedly happy and deeply in
love, enjoying the tension of unfulfilled craving as a kind of rare gift. A
gift awarded to me only, without any question of if I?d want it or not. She
breathed deep and slowly, luxuriating in the blissful lassitude, and for a
moment I wondered if she had fallen asleep right there on the hard concrete.
But then her voice drifted down to me, almost shockingly loud and clear.
?You?re the best! The absolute best pussy
licker I ever came across. Where did you learn to do it so well??
?I ? I don?t know? I never actually learned
it?? I lifted my head off her belly to look up into her smiling face. ?I think
it comes natural with the woman I desire and love??
?You?re so sweet.? Her hand ruffled my hair
in playful adoration. ?There?s no way I?d like to let a girl like you go.?
?Uh? what do you mean go??
?You know? go. I mean; you can?t stay
around to be my beck and call all the time, can you?? Her smile broadened even
more at the mere thought.
?Can?t I? Why not??
Her expression transformed into one of
sudden thoughtfulness, like she was suddenly contemplating something completely
weird. She seemed to drift off a bit for a moment, until her eyes suddenly
focused back on me almost in a flash.
?You mean? you?d like to do that? I mean?
to be? waiting on me??
I looked back at her, mobilizing my most
convincing look.
?More than anything?
really. You know? I
feel almost like I?ve found my purpose in life? somehow.?
She got silent. Her eyes wandering back and
forth between my face and her still widely spread legs.
?I can?t believe this?? She murmured more
than she spoke, and more to herself than to me. Then
more clear again, addressed directly to me.
?So that means you would be ready to help
me out like this every time I need it? I mean? every time???
?Every time miss? uh? Gloria. I think I
could die for your pleasure!? My eyes suddenly overflowed from the emotions of
the moment. It was silly, but I really told her exactly what I felt right then
and there. And she knew it.
Her stroking of my hair got more persistent
as she comforted me through my outburst of emotions and love. Then, suddenly,
she looked down at me with her typical little smile.
?Trouble is, though? I need it almost all
the time!? She sighed again with a meek smile on her lips, wiping a tear from
my cheek with an elegantly manicured finger. ?At least once a day I use my
little automatic friend to help me out while I fantasize about you giving me
pleasure with your mouth exactly the way you did right now. You understand what
I?m telling you? Every day!?
My heart sang of joy, and it was like a
thousand bells were ringing all over the heavens. I had just heard the most
fantastic thing of my life, and I know that very moment that there was no way I
was ever going to take my mouth off this wonderful woman?s exceptionally
delightful pussy. Obviously there were practical things like how to do this
with my parents and my schooling and so on, but right now that was merely a
light background noise to the angel choir singing my praise as the luckiest
girl on earth.
?My husband is a good man. No question
about that. And I love my children above everything else I?ve got. So there?s
no way I?ll be doing something to jeopardise that. It?s just that he?s unable
to provide me with this kind of satisfaction? at all.? She smiled even broader
and drew her breath deep.
?I simply need good head! I need it real
bad. I need to feel worshipped and cherished? also in a purely physical way.
And somehow? it doesn?t feel right to get it from him. It would make him? weak?
submissive in a way. And that?s the last thing I?d want from him. Do you
I found it hard to follow her all the way,
especially while trying to get my own feelings under control as I enjoyed the
heavenly softness of her rounded belly against my cheek. Still I nodded
enthusiastically as the question came. If I wouldn?t catch it now, I would
later. Couldn?t be any problem as long as we both tried our
best to find out about it.
?Whenever you need
Gloria. Really, whenever.
I ? I?ll find a way to come to you.
?I know you will. I can feel it in every
nerve of my body. You told me you?ll be going to high school this autumn. You
shouldn?t happen to want to go anywhere near
Again my heart missed a beat. ?Well that?s
exactly where my parents want me to go!?
?Really? I live just ten minutes away from campus!
We could see each other almost every day.?
I was still stunned, awestruck by the
prospects of the near future.
?Oh Gloria, that would be just fantastic! I
can?t believe how lucky I am.?
As the setting sun painted heaven and ocean
glowing read, we walked out of the cabin and out on the platform outside. The
breeze was still warm and caressing on our sensitive skin as we stood side by
side to admire the magnificent view at the old iron handrail. Hidden from
prying eyes from the beach we let all inhibitions go and just stood there in
our naked glory ? except for Gloria?s bikini top which she never had gotten
around to take off, drinking in the timeless beauty of the nature around us.
And soon the darkness would come creeping and make our hideout completely
perfect for whatever would come to our mind as romance and love made the air vibrate
around us.
?Shit we should have been back again a long
time ago.? Gloria wailed as she watched the starburst of colours out there.
?Well, never mind. This is a moment that is worth waiting for, and my husband
will have do on his own this one time, don?t you think
I nodded with a meek smile. How could I
possibly disagree about that?
?Yes, I?m always around for them. They?ll
just have to do for a few hours without me this one time.?
I couldn?t help letting my hand wander down
her back to the perfectly rounded globes of her ass. The fire in my belly grew
to new and unknown proportions, and I felt my whole body shake as I knew I had
to have her again? and again? and again. Resolutely I sank down on my knees and
pressed my face against her soft warm belly, drawing a deep sigh from her as
she instinctively knew what I craved.
?Why don?t you sit down on that bench at
the wall, so we can enjoy the sunset together the best way possible??
She needed a few seconds to grasp the
secret of my message. Then she put her hand down to stroke my hair and keep me
in balance as she slowly started backing up towards the bench. Sitting down she
spread her thighs invitingly, and used her hands to guide my lips to the place
we both felt they would belong eternally from now on. I hungrily engulfed her
pussy with my lips and let my tongue penetrate her as far as it would go. Again
she gasped and trembled, and the grip on my head transformed into a painful
drag in my hair as the sensations washed over her once again. My groan of agony
made her relax her grip though, and in a matter of minutes we were again
sitting like bronze statues as we patiently started out on the delicious
journey towards the second ecstasy of the day. Every now and then she urged me
on with short, whispering instructions, sometimes using her hand to guide my
head for the most pleasurable stimulations. Her requests and demands were like
sweet music to my ears, and I used all my expertise and energy to make her feel
as good as humanly possible as the impressive nature around us reached its
crescendo of flaming sunset colours.
And so did we. The
very moment the last slice of glowing sun slipped under the horizon, my lady?s
body slowly bowed upwards as she squeezed her head back and came in a furious
explosion of trashing and bouncing. More fierce jets of slimy juice spurted
into my mouth as her fingers dug painfully into my head to hold me in position
as she rode through the violent waves of orgasm. Once again I took a tight grip
around her thighs with both hands and struggled mightily to stay in position
and let my tongue continue it?s rhythmic pattern as precisely as possible.
She was as vocal as ever, without the
slightest chance to hold back the almost feral howls of ecstasy as she fought
to stay on the bench throughout the intense ride. My vicelike grip help along a
lot though, and we managed to work all the way through it in perfect unison
until my stimulation transformed from sweet pleasure to agonizing tickling in
her sated pussy.
Totally spent she fell together on the
bench, gasping for air after the exhausting exercise. I was right with her, comforting
her with tender hands as she enjoyed her descend into the sweet lassitude of
sexual satisfaction.
?Ohhhh girl?. You?re wearing me out,? she
laughed as she finally caught up with her breath. Then her whole appearance
transformed into one of romantic rerlaxation as she
stroked my hair and let her eyes wander out over the vast ocean under us.
?I?ve just got to say it again; it?s just
fantastic to be out here with you,? she sighed as she adjusted her body
slightly on the hard wooden bench. ?To experience such a
fantastic sunset, such wonderful weather? this nearness to mother nature.
And?? she looked back down into my face as I continued tonguing her drained
slit with feather-light strokes, ??and to experience it with you. Out here,
alone, only the two of us!?
She chuckled lightly and sighed again.
?We?re going to have so much fun together, me and you? so much fun??
I smiled back, enjoying the inconspicuous
glimpse of devilish selfishness in her eyes. There was not question about it.
We were definitely going to have some fun together. Lots and lots of it?
Welcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...
Non-EroticQuest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5: The Quest sets sail We all turned and I saw a large woman standing at the entrance to the courtyard. She was at least six and half feet tall and had a large double-bladed axe hung over her shoulders. "Tesmi? We thought you lost in the forest beyond the fence," the king said. "It was a near thing, my king. But I survived my scouting mission. The reports we've had are true, The Weres are back in the forest in numbers." "Any sign from the...
This story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...
FantasyAuthor's Note: This is a quest-type story. Quest stories rely on the readers to choose what direction the story will take by telling the writer directly. This is most often done through multiple choice questions. Important details and Questions will be bolded with their options(if any) underneath. Voting continues until there's a clear consensus or I(the writer) am ready to write the next chapter. After which I will put *Voting Closed* in the comments and begin on the next chapter. Note that...
Mind ControlThe City of Syrada The City of Syrada was established nearly a thousand years ago. It started as a fortress on top a large hill but quickly grew due to its easy-to-defend location. It was ruled by a Council that became known as "The Council of Nobles". Its members became the city’s first nobles. For centuries Syrada prospered as an independent city-state. Then from the north came the Tynian Empire, named after its first self-proclaimed Empress Tynia. The city’s rulers realized that they could...
FantasyChapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...
(Please note that this story is bilingual and you can read the french version after the english one. / Cette histoire est bilingue, vous pouvez lire la version française après la version anglaise.) Welcome to this [Quest.] The principle is quite different from other multiple choice stories, you choose and influence the elements of the story by letting a comment like that: (A1, B2, C2, D5) and I would follow the story according to what the majority will have chosen. If you want to know more,...
Chapter 3: A Thief in the night She looked at the deformity between my legs and said, "Does it .... work?" "More than I would like. It has been mostly a source of grief for me." "Grief?" "Because of it, I have suffered much," I found myself telling my life story for the second time that day. "Poor child." She gave me a hug and I noticed that I didn't get a reaction from down below. "Now for your bath." The bath was filled with milk. Goat's milk, I'm assuming, but I...
Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 6: A Rogue's tale: Author's note: Again, it turns out this chapter is a short one. So there will be another posting tomorrow. I waited until the others had turned in and followed Orien. He saw me, and said, "I thought you were taken with the sailor, but here you are trying to find my bed?" "I'm after information, not sex. What's your story?" He sighed. "I suppose you do have a right to know. Many years ago, after the Silver Cleric defeated the...
Natasha woke up in a warm womb with low lights emanating from candles on the walls of what looked like a temple. The statue of a beautiful naked woman looked at her and smiled. It was the naked woman in her vision! Natasha was frightened and excited at the same time. But his was no mere mortal she saw, but a statue of the Goddess that came to life. “Who are you?” Natasha wanted to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. “I am Calypso, the Goddess of Love,” came the sweet voice from the statue. “I...
Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2: The Ballad of the Silver Cleric I found myself answering before I even had a chance to think about my answer, "I am both." He took a deep breath. "Then you are the one we've been hoping for." I took a peek at Aeneas. He was still in "soldier-mode" and his expression was blank. I found myself feeling terribly upset by the prospect of driving him away due to the ugly bits between my legs. I forced myself to pay attention to the...
“Ahhh!” the woman screamed as your tongue penetrated her pussy, hitting her g-spot and driving her over the edge. Her naked covered in sweat body, arched as she shook with an orgasm that was the finalization of an hour of love-making. She stays motionless that way for a moment before collapsing on the bed, unconscious. You smile – this is the least that you could do in return for the [A1] cunnilingus {you're a female} {3} [A2] blow-job {you're a male} {4} Anna gave you. You stand up, taking a...
Author Note: This is an experimental Quest story I have wanted to try for a while. Unlike Adventures in Syrada this quest will have strategy elements: Gathering resources, creating an army (or multiple armies), gaining control over territories, etc. Though the strategy elements won't come up until after the first few chapters. The world of Karladia is one of many worlds in the universe. In that world there's just one continent, also called Karladia. No one is sure if the world is named after...
FantasyThe story is placed in manga/anime Naruto. The only difference from the story is that all characters start mature. “Today the genin exam's will commence.” your teacher states. “Your exam starts now!” Finally, after years of learning, you are about to earn your own forehead protector! Finally, you will stop playing ninja – you will be the real thing! All around you, your classmates think exactly the same – they can't hide their smiles and anticipation! Finally, you will be the proud genin...
“Ah! Ah! Ahhh!” A woman screamed as she climaxed. The orgasm was strong enough to knock her unconscious. Her body was dragged to the side, as another woman slowly impaled herself on, now free, erect shaft. You observed all of this, knowing that soon it would be your turn. You kneeled naked on the floor, grinding your pussy against the toes of The Only Man in the room while massaging his leg with your breasts. You couldn’t help, but moan, as his toes brushed over your clit, before diving into...
FantasyPrologue In the swirling mist of forgotten history, one solitary god, the marble white deity, Phallus, reigned supreme over all of Kharbah, the land of men. At the foot of the Cold Mountains stood his High Temple, overseeing the walled city of Je’Mah. Inside the temple, on the black throne of power in the dark divine chamber, sat the five foot naked god, hidden behind his enormous erect phallus. His pride and joy stood three feet high between his legs, its circumference of two and a half...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOn Thursday morning, during her scheduled run through Hyde Park, Sally’s long blonde hair was tied behind her head. Running past the statue of Peter Pan, along the lake and up a small incline, the sexy dancer felt a lightness in her step she could not explain. The sensation was not enough to warn her about what was to happen to her.She was too busy figuring out how to throw out her boyfriend, Jake, and how she got involved with him in the first place. She did not even notice the dazzling...
Fantasy & Sci-FiQuest for the Silver Cleric Author's note. At the beginning of this story there are some words in different languages from English, used mostly to show the fact our heroine doesnt understand what's being said at first. It doesnt last long, so hopefully, it wont be too annoying. Chapter 1: Falling through the cracks It was supposed to be a simple visit to the country. A weekend off work, meet a few of the girls, and head out. We went to the mountains, and it was beautiful at...
Chapter 7 The Companions Leave the Elves. "What do you mean, you don't know where we go?" "The exact resting place of the Cleric was kept a secret so no one but the worthy party could find it." "Then, where do we go next?" "I'm afraid that's up to you, my lady." "I told you before. I have no special abilities. And that includes any special knowledge of where this Cleric is buried." "I actually anticipated your saying that, my Lady. Here. Let me show you a map or our...
We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...
Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...
The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...
The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...
Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...
The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...
The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...
The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...
Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...
Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...
The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...
Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...
Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...
The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...
All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...
The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...
Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...
Reddit NSFW ListAuthor’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...
Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...
The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...
We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...
Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...
It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...
"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...
Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...
I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...
GayIt felt like I was asleep for just a few minutes, but when my eyes finally opened, the rays of the early morning sunlight beamed the empty room awake. I groaned and immediately, everything began to come back to me as I realized my voice was.. different. I went to move my arms, but unfortunately, they were still tied to the bedframe from last night! “F-fuck..” I managed to choke out. My voice felt scratchy, and it sounded.. it sounded way higher pitched than normal, but it was still a...
Time passes differently for the young and old. The preparations for the journey progressed but Nilsen was positive that nothing was getting done. His poise and maturity could fool most people but at the heart of it all Nil was still an eighteen-season young man and once something was decided he wanted it done now! Makro wasn't much better but at least she had this wonderful new toy to play with at night which had a tendency to keep her somewhat subdued during the day. In some respects it did...
When we brought Ron home from the bus depot that day I dragged him straight up to my room and locked the door. We didn't come out until the next morning — Christmas morning! WOW! What a Christmas Eve that was. Ron had been saving up for me for two months. I think he came more times that night than on our first honeymoon night. I know I was insatiable. Christmas in his family was always very quiet, with beautiful hymns, Bible readings, and inexpensive presents that were unwrapped one at a...
The next few days were busy even as they waited for the gathering of the clan chiefs. Each day was spent using the crystal readers absorbing the knowledge of the few crystals the Kushitic owned as well as the ones they had brought with them. Even given the very few crystals they had brought, it soon became obvious it would take many more days than they had to soak up everything that was available, so they each had to pick and choose what they thought was the most important. Jarrah and Makro...
"Nonsense!" Jarrah gasped. ""I will be nobody's wife, let alone that blow-hard brother of ours! Do you hear this, May? Can you believe this?" All eyes turned to Makro who, while looking a little stunned, didn't appear to be particularly disturbed or outraged. "Jar," she said slowly. "You have always said you would be no man's servant, no one's sex toy and I don't remember anyone ever telling you that you had to. So why the vehemence? All you have to do is say no. It doesn't...
"Thank you for inviting us to dine with you, Chief Xolan," Nilsen said nodding to his host. "Is nothing," Xolan said with a wave of his hand. "Is our custom to discuss matters over meal. Insult you?" "Not at all, Chief," Nil answered. He noticed a number of the chief's advisors were also dining with them which was probably unusual, but it did set the tone that this was indeed a working meal and not just a social gathering. The social part wasn't completely missing though;...
"Does it look familiar?" Nil asked Lavender as they stood side by side in the bow. "I think so," she shrugged noncommittally. Before them was a modest-sized port of low buildings stretched wide on both sides of the mouth of a river. "But it doesn't matter." "Why not?" "Because those are my mountains," she said pointing to the horizon beyond the port. "That was my home." It was a clear, bright day but the distance was great enough one could just barely make out the faint...
As much as Nil and even Lavender tried to downplay the incident ashore they were alternately berated and fussed over by Makro and Fobie with Jarrah hovering around in the background. Everything settled down considerably once it was confirmed that nobody, with the exception of Lavender's bruised knuckles, was hurt. "Why didn't you see this?" Jarrah demanded of the twins. They blinked back at her in surprise. "I thought you didn't believe in their foretelling," Nil grinned at his...
Nilsen awoke very early the next morning feeling refreshed and very good, that was until he rolled over and saw Lavender huddled in a chair next to the bed. As impossible as it seemed she actually looked small as she hunched down, looking at him through hair that hung lankly over her face and around her face. The good feeling evaporated immediately and he sighed. Closing his eyes momentarily he wondered if he could possibly make this go away by ignoring it? He couldn't. Opening his eyes...
The morning brought more strangeness. Nilsen was somewhat wary of how Makro would feel about their new sexual relationship given the light of day. He was afraid she would regret it and avoid him but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact if anything she almost smothered him for most of the day. They would have had trouble separating her from his arm with a crowbar if anyone had been foolish enough to try. That didn't bother him overly much, other than the time she tried to follow...
"Shit," Nilsen muttered as he watched the retreating backs of his twin sisters. Turning back he sighed and looked at the woman sitting up in his bed. She had the hint of a smile on her lips and had allowed the sheet to fall down uncovering her very large, and from the looks of them, firm, breasts. "Damn," he said crossly, "you can at least cover yourself up. If you don't want men to stare at your breasts then you shouldn't flaunt them." Rather than the expected angry response, or at...
Lav groaned as she opened her eyes. It was still dark but she could hear Nilsen moving around in his room. He wasn't being overt about it but she guessed he was making just enough noise to wake her. He probably thought she might be having a difficult time of it this morning and he was too right! Although she didn't feel anywhere near as bad as she had when she awakened after taking the drug, it still felt like her body had been used as a practice target for half the student body at the...