Bright Star Quest I: The Book Of BaysilChapter 5: Elm, Thief free porn video

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He awoke with the first light, savoring the strange smells of the fresh woodland air. Almost all of his young life had been spent in the Thieves Quarter of Pordigran. He'd known its every sound, every smell. Now he was learning a whole new world of the senses, with the added spice of danger to speed his learning.

Kletta's blankets were already neatly rolled, but even as he saw to his own pack she appeared from Bartan's direction.

"Don't make it too obvious," he cautioned in a low voice. "This bunch doesn't need any stirring up. There's more than enough bad feeling between Bartan and that crazy Dwarf without making it any worse."

"What's the matter, Slippery," she teased. "Don't tell me you're jealous."

"Not one bit," he answered bluntly, irritated by her use of his childhood nickname. "But the other night it was Baysil, last night it was Bartan. Who'll it be tonight, Darrick?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Do you think it should be you, again?" She frowned, looking across the fire to where Kargh tore oily strips of flesh from the breast of a wild duck. "It won't be Kargh, though. I don't want to get anything started with him. I think he is crazy!"

"We all are, or we wouldn't be here," Elm grinned slyly. "But I know what you mean. He scares me too, but he's a good fighting man."

By the time the sun was over the hills they were well on their way. The ground had been rising all day yesterday and now they marched among good sized hills. They had left the lush stands of hardwoods far behind, and now the road wound among huge evergreens. The floor of the forest was open, little brush surviving in the shade of the forest giants.

Elm was struck anew by the diversity of the wilderness. If he'd thought about it at all, he had pictured the world outside of Pordigran as all villages and fields tended by cloddish peasants. Beyond the farms had been a vague area made up of close packed trees infested by monsters and wandering bands of Orcs.

Now he realized that his picture of the land of Orris Kayn was far from complete. For one thing, it was far larger than he'd ever dreamed. For a dizzying instant he wondered what lay beyond even Orris Kayn's far flung boundaries. He pushed that thought away hurriedly, saving it for some time when he could examine it at his leisure. Now was not the time...

"Close up," Baysil warned. "There could be Orcs in these hills."

"How much farther to where we turn off?" Kargh growled, eyeing the trees nervously.

"I don't know. Just pray that I recognize the place when we reach it."

Their feet were silent on the mossy ground. The only sounds were of their breathing, the creak of leather, and the soft clash of chain mail as they marched.

"Look there," Anji called softly. "Isn't that a trail?"

They had just entered a natural clearing where only a few bushes pushed up between scattered boulders. They were high on the north facing side of a ridge, the road wending ever to rau'rd.

"It's a trail all right, but is it the right one?" Bartan asked. "What do you think, Baysil?"

"The mountains are that direction, but I can't see them clearly. Darrick, you've got the best eyes of any of us. What do you see?"

Even as the others were talking the Half Elf had been gazing into the distance. They fell silent, waiting for him to speak.

"High mountains, growing ever higher in the distance," he said at last. "Mountains no traveler has seen for a hand of centuries, but their names are still recorded in the archives of Elf Home. Once this was a busy land, alive with the comings and goings of Elf kind, and before them even older races. Some walked like men or beasts, some crawled like serpents, some even flew like the very eagles. All are gone, and not even the land remembers them. There are ruins of cities hidden there, but the very mountains have changed their shapes since any walked their streets. The trail? Yes, it could be the one we want. Even if it was only made by animals they would have taken the easiest way, perhaps a way that had been smoothed by the passage of men and their wagons."

"And what if it isn't the right path?" Kargh snarled, then laughed, "Maybe we'll find a ruined city."

"We should still find some traces if this ever was a road," Darrick answered. "If not, we'll double back and follow this road on farther."

The new trail led through a jumble of boulders, angling down the side of the ridge and up a winding canyon. Only the sun's rays told them which way they were traveling.

"This stone has been carved," Kargh announced, pointing to where a ledge of rock overhung their path. "See there, where the weather hasn't reached. Though what tools could cut such gouges I could not tell you."

Even Elm's unpracticed eye could see where some instrument had sheared through the living rock as though it was half dried mud, carving out great chunks to broaden the trail and hurling them into the canyon below. Heartened, they marched with renewed energy for a time, but it didn't last. The sun reflecting from rock walls made the canyon an oven, and boulders cut them off from any breeze.

Elm's sling whistled as he sped a smooth pebble on its way. With a low cry of triumph he swarmed up a pile of boulders and snatched up a furry creature about the size of a large rabbit.

"Mountain beaver," Bartan smiled. "Good eating later in the year when they've put on more fat. Not bad at any time."

Elm fastened it to his belt, and by the time they camped for the night he had three more to keep it company. The only other life they'd seen had been an eagle, circling on motionless wings.

They camped where a fall of rocks made a natural barricade. A spring fed pool supplied them with fresh water, and they built a fire of dry sticks against a sheer rock wall. The meat of Elm's prey was dark and gamy, but filling. A few bites of smoked venison rounded off their meal, washed down with water.

Some time in the night Elm woke as a hand gripped his shoulder.

"Hush!" The voice was Furdick's. "Something's out there. Wake the others."

In moments the camp was alert. The fire had burned down to a few coals, the only light a few vagrant beams from the late rising moons. From the darkness, the clatter of a rolling rock betrayed an incautious foot. Burdock added twigs to the fire, shielding it with his cloak.

"Let them come closer," Darrick muttered. "I'll tell you when."

Perched on a boulder next to Elm, Tarr was only a darker shadow. Another rattle of rock, and he could almost make out dark shapes moving toward them.

"Now!" The fire blazed up, and Tarr hurled her spell. Five shaggy Orcs hurled themselves forward, clubs swinging, only to collapse in an untidy heap.

"Some Orc band," Kargh sneered. "Cut their throats!"

"Hold it!" Darrick snapped. Elm and Kletta paused, daggers ready.

"What for?" Kletta grinned eagerly, the corner of her lip lifting to show sharp white teeth. "Afraid of a little blood?"

"Dead Orcs can't talk. Tie them up."

"Dead Orcs can't talk, live ones won't," she shrugged. "Who talks their jabber?"

"I do," Darrick answered calmly. "When they're tied, kick them awake. Do they have any weapons worth keeping?"

"This one's got a pretty good knife." Elm held it up so that the blade caught a crimson gleam from the fire. "Hey, Kargh. You need a dagger, don't you?"

"Yeah." He looked it over carefully before clipping the scabbard to his belt. "Anything else on them?"

Elm reluctantly handed over a few coins. Kletta sliced leather pouches free from the Orcs' belts and dumped them out on a flat rock, finding a few more.

"Thirty five coppers and a few silvers," Kargh frowned. "Not what I'd call a fabulous treasure."

"And one dagger," Elm added. "Shall I kick them all awake, or just one at a time?"

"All at once."

A few hearty kicks did the job. The Orcs strained at their bonds, glaring at their captors. Kargh glared back at the largest Orc, eye to eye since the Orc was sitting on the ground.

"All right, you! Which one of you is the boss?"

The Orc looked blankly back at him, then answered in his growling, barking speech. Darrick repeated Kargh's question in the same language and the Orc nodded at the smallest of the band, the one who had owned the dagger.

"Him. Big Nose. Him boss."

"Where rest of tribe?" Darrick asked the smaller Orc, who would have stood just under five and a half feet tall and was about average build. With his face covered he could almost have passed for Human, but his nose was broad and trunk like, almost the snout of a pig. "Speak up!"

"Big Nose not tell! Big Nose kill!"

At Darrick's nod, Kletta slashed the Orc's throat. She grinned wolfishly as the twitching body spurted blood and was still.

"Who else wants his throat cut?" Darrick glared at another Orc, one as short as Big Nose but stockier. "You?"

"I talk! I talk true!"

"You shut up!" the biggest Orc snarled. Six foot two and stocky, he strained at his bonds.

"Kill that one," Darrick ordered, and Kletta dispatched him as easily as the other.

"What's your name?" he asked the small Orc sternly, looming over the cringing captive.

"Jabber! Me Jabber." He looked toward the other two surviving Orcs. "Them Stabber and Crusher. Deader, him called Hulk."

"All right." Darrick's smile was that of a cat looking at a scruffy mouse. "Where your tribe?"

"No got tribe. No! Me tell true! Tribe dead gone! Just we us left." He squirmed under Darrick's penetrating gaze.

"Is that true?" Darrick asked Crusher, the larger of the other two Orcs.

"Me not tell! Me kill Elf Kin filth!"

Again Kletta's knife flashed red, and blood spurted. The Orc spasmed and kicked, bursting his bonds and fouling himself as he collapsed.

"It true! It true!" Stabber confirmed Jabber's words. He was taller than Jabber, but skinny. "Tribe dead gone. Fat Ass tribe all dead."

"How come be dead?"

"Big lake. Big lake by OldCastle. Not go near to OldCastle. Bad. Big bad. Old Castle Orc tribe kill Fat Ass tribe if catch. We us go hunt. Catch kill nice fat goats. Then big rains. We us come back. Lake all gone. Fat Ass tribe all gone. All wash away. We us run far."

"Stabber tell true?" Darrick asked Jabber.

"Is true! Is true! Fat Ass dead gone. Tribe dead gone. No food. No swords. All wash away. We us run so Old Castle Orcs not catch kill."

"This OldCastle. Where at?"

"Up in hills. You go there?"

"We go there." This debased dialect of Orcish wasn't suited for anything but the simplest of thoughts and ideas, but it sufficed. "How far? How we find?"

"Go up trail. Go many days. See two big hills. OldCastle there. You go up trail. We us go down trail?" He smiled sickly, showing rotted fangs. "We us go fast far!"

"What else in hills? Other old old things?"

"Not know other things. Just hills. Holes in hills. Holes bad. Stay out of holes." He eyed Kletta's dagger warily. "Let us go?"

"So you can get other Orcs to kill us?"

"Not do! We us go fast far." He grinned loosely at a sudden thought. "You go OldCastle. You die. Not need we us bring other us. Other us not talk to we us, just kill."

Elm watched interestedly. Darrick passed on Jabber's words, and he grinned as he heard the words 'OldCastle'.

"I say to slit their throats!" Kletta hissed the words, dagger upraised. Furdick and Baysil nodded ready agreement.

"No need," Darrick answered calmly. "Only two of them, no weapons or armor. They'll head out of here as fast as they can move."

"Yes, let them go," Anji agreed. Elm nodded, moved by a vague feeling that enough blood had been spilled.

"It's up to you," Bartan shrugged. "Let them go if you want."

"I don't know," Furdick wavered, glancing at Anji. "Oh, well. Let them go."

"It isn't worth arguing over," Kletta shrugged. Kargh glared impartially at all of them, but kept his mouth shut.

"It's getting light," Elm spoke up. "We'd better get moving."

"You two!" Darrick snapped the words at the Orcs. "We let you go. You go! Keep going!"

"We us go!" Jabber babbled, almost slobbering in his eagerness to please. "We us not stop long long time!"

"Cut their feet loose," he told Kletta. "It'll take them a while to work their hands free."

They marched up the trail in the gray light of morning. Elm looked back and laughed. The two Orcs were stumbling and scrambling the other way, anxiously looking over their shoulders as they blundered along. A stone from Kletta's sling whistled past their ears, and they redoubled their frantic efforts to escape.

The trail wound its way through hills that grew rougher and rockier with every hour. They scrambled and puffed their way up each hill, only to pick their way carefully down the other side. Elm found himself almost dizzy from looking up and then down nearly sheer cliffs.

"How in the Nine Hells did they get wagons through here?" he panted, throwing himself to the rocky ground. He was glad for once that the sun was hidden by high clouds.

"They didn't," Darrick chuckled. "Once they left the main road, they would have loaded everything on pack animals. I suppose they had a shelter of some kind for their wagons where the roads came together. Maybe a cave."

"I didn't see any cave back there," Kargh argued. "No sign of a building, either."

"Long since gone," Darrick agreed. "Maybe covered up or wiped out by a slide. Baysil, did the records say anything about a cave or shelter?"

"Not that I can remember." Baysil sat with his back against a wall of rock, massaging his leg. Elm thought that he looked tired, and wondered if the Cleric would make it through the day without falling on his face.

"We might as well have a bite to eat while we're sitting here," Anji suggested. "It's about that time of day."

No words were needed as they dug into their packets. Elm gnawed off a chunk of journey cake, savoring the rich taste as he chewed. This was another thing he'd learned of on his trip. It was almost unknown in The City, though travelers in all parts of Orris Kayn knew it as a light, compact and long lasting source of nourishment. Made from coarsely ground grains, dried meats and various berries and herbs, it was tasty enough to tempt the most jaded appetite.

"All right." Baysil was on his feet. "Let's get moving."

"A moment." Darrick was on his feet too, peering off into the distance. "What did those old records say of how the monastery looked to travelers?"

"'In a cleft between two peaks, with higher mountains rising to either side, lies the monastery of the Priest of the Abyss'," Baysil recited, closing his eyes to better picture that faded parchment. For a moment he could see the ancient crypt that held long undisturbed records, even smell the hot oil of the smoky lantern.

The shifting layers of clouds parted and distant mountains loomed, massive and indistinct. Then the horizon closed in again, if indeed it had been other than a trick of the light and their fevered imaginations. Elm rubbed his eyes, but all he could see was a jumble of ridges and canyons. The only certainty was the crumbling, time eroded steps that led from their resting place down to a broad ledge. The clouds dropped down, as though following them along the ledge. The ridge above cut off the light of the setting sun, forcing an early halt.

"A cold camp, tonight," Bartan growled. "There's nothing here to burn, unless one of you knows a spell for setting fire to solid stone."

A fold in the cliff gave an illusion of shelter. Elm picked a spot where two boulders touched overhead, drawn by a fancied resemblance to the culverts and arched bridges he'd nested under as a child. As he unrolled his blankets, Kletta joined him.

"Well, welcome back," he teased.

"Oh, shut up," she answered matter of factly. "I just don't feel like being squashed tonight."

"You're so romantic," he chuckled, then ducked her playful fist. "All right, I'll be still."

He awoke gradually as a grayish light filtered into the niche where they slept. Kletta stirred, burrowing deeper under their blankets. The silence around them was absolute, all sounds muffled by a dense fog. All his senses alert, he freed himself from the clinging blankets. Unmoving lumps lay huddled about, and a single lean figure perched silently on a convenient boulder.

"Awake, I see," Darrick smiled.

"What's wrong? What time is it?"

"Nearly mid morning," he answered the second question first. "Nothing's wrong, except for this fog that's closed in on us. No, I feel no threat within its folds. It's just a particularly dense fog. Rouse the others. It'll soon grow light enough for us to travel if we watch our steps."

They groped cautiously along the ledge. On their right the fog hid a drop off of unguessable depth. A pebble kicked by a careless foot simply disappeared. The wall of rock on their left might have ended only a few feet over their heads, or it might have gone on up forever.

"What's wrong?" Elm stopped to keep from bumping into Darrick's legs. "Why're we stopping?"

"End of the ledge," Anji called back.

"Can you see any way up or down?" Darrick asked.

The answer was 'no', and they started moving back to where the ledge was wider. Elm kept one hand against the rock, bothered by a sudden feeling that the ledge was about to tilt and slide them all off into the mist. He stumbled, catching at a projecting rock. There was a grinding crunch, and the wall of rock shifted with the weight of his shoulder.

"Hold it," he called softly. "I think I've found something."

A section of rock that looked no different than any other slid back and turned to reveal an arched opening. Within was only curdled blackness. He froze, listening. A faint breath of dank air swirled past him, but there was still no sound. He eased forward, peering into the darkness.

"This must be where the road goes," he whispered hoarsely.

"It's so dark!" Kletta pressed close to him, trying to see what lay ahead.

"Back off," Darrick ordered. "We'll light torches. Bartan, spike that door so it stays open."

They marched forward, torches held high. Kargh led the way, tramping into the heart of the mountain with confident step. The flames of their torches flickered orange, streaming out behind them. They were well inside when there was a grating crash. Their torches flickered low, then burned high and still as the current of air that fanned their faces abruptly stopped. Baysil went back a few steps and returned.

"Closed," he reported. "Bartan's wedges just slid on the smooth stone. There's a latch, though. We can open it again from this side when we return."

"Leave it be," Darrick ordered. "Less chance of something sneaking up behind us."

The tunnel was straight and level at first. There was room for three men to walk abreast, and the ceiling arched to twice even Darrick's height. Behind him Baysil's breathing grew labored, and Elm realized that the tunnel was rising. It widened, narrowed, widened again, twisting and turning. In the light of the torches a few stalactites reached down to where stalagmites grew, and he realized that the tunnel had become a cave.

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To Catch a Thief

Things were disappearing in my neighborhood. Jewels, expensive-looking heirlooms, some medicines and spirits. There was a thief in the area; Harry Moser's wife had gotten a peek at him, and a rendering was put up on the town board. He was handsome, if the likeness was true. A strong jaw, sharp eyes beneath a dark brow, bearded. The day of St. Valentine drew near, when any man or woman without the warmth of another body in their bed was a thing to pity. I'd gone five years without that joy,...

Straight Sex
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IT WAS NOT THAT LONG AGO,That i got around to setting this thing up, in the first place, After meeting two very nice polite large Women here i wantedto add my personal touch to things and as most people know me as SIR or MASTER would expect me to revert to type and would DOMINATE THEM yes no you descide how this pans out. so what to do diffrently yes i like these two women and from our chats they seem to like me, but its not enough (Typical MALE) i want something more something Special,...

1 year ago
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Quest For Orgasm

Find yourself a beautiful girl and make her cum. It's essentially a Quest for Orgasm. This website delivers premium porn for those who love watching hot girls rub their wet pussies or use a vibrator on them until they cum. Quest for Orgasm is a part of the LetsDoeIt brand of porn. So, initially, I'm already going in expecting something pretty good. On the surface, starting with a masturbation genre and seeing how the site is presented to me, I'm pleased.As I start to unravel what this site is...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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A Nightmare on Elm Street invades Hollywood Freddy Kruegers Sexual Nightmares of female celebrities

Freddy was real there was never no movie, He was restless he hated that he had thought that revenge would feel better once he did so, but it did little to ease his wicked mind, however the dream demons had told him that the Elm Street sign was going to be planted in Hollywood, and that he could invaded the dreams of any eighteen year old and older celebrity in Hollywood, however Freddy was not allowed to kill any female celebrity, and also that his premiere purpose was to sexual own Any female...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 6 Monstrous Mating

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I patted Purity's neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across game trails. The trees were too thick to ride. My feet...

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Satanic Mirror Comara Thief

SynopsisFor those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift. For the background to this story read Satanic Mirror-Its Acquisition. In this episode she is caught shoplifting a vibrator and subjected to the rigorous Comaran punishment regime.Satanic Mirror: Comara Thiefby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Punishment If you...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight of two humans in their woods. I was still naked. It was wonderful to not have to wear the robe. As an acolyte of the Temple of Pure, I had...

2 years ago
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The Thief

It was a restless night for me. Hi I’m James, A retired, single, restless man who lives in a quiet street. In fact a cul de sac. It is generally quiet, but it does have a walk way to the next street. We have had a few car break in lately and the police seem to do nothing. This night, I was sitting outside, in the dark, when I saw the thick set person come through the lane way. What struck me odd was, he had on black gloves. I got my phone camera out and started to film him. He was trying all...

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Vision Quest Accelerated Launch

Vision Quest, Accelerated Launch By: Bernice 14 "Mike, I'll take care of her." I wedged myself between them as I guided her out into the hallway. There were others there too, moving as if they were in a hurry. "Alexis, is that Monique?" asked Jasmin. "This is Patty, she's part of our overall team now too." Patty looked just as scared as Monique, and I saw that she was also Eurasian. Then I met Toya and Taya the Japanese twins. But they weren't scared just unsure about what...

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Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 1 Rescue

There will be gay sex and lesbian sex eventually, but mostly straight stuff. Also, there will be incest even though the relatives in this story have never met each other. It’s kind of like a love story at the same time but not really. I can’t quite explain it properly, so your best bet at understanding my ramblings is to just read the chapter and review. That way, I’ll know what to edit and change for the next story. Suggestions for sex scenes are accepted, but do send them to me via PM...

1 year ago
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Kellys Quest

Kelly's Quest - Part 1 by The Techniciansbf - caught - self inflicted painMy name is Kelly.  I am 28 years old, brunette, about 5' 6" tall, and I weigh 132 lbs.  I have some curves, but I think Iam closer to skinny than voluptuous.  I wanted to post my story on line, but when it comes to writing, I really suck, so Iam telling my story to my friend [The Technician], and he is putting in all the right words and stuff.  How I met him is astory all to itself, but I think I will let him tell that...

2 years ago
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Q Is for Quest Academy

Quest Academy for Wayward Girls specialized in teaching and disciplining naughty girls between the ages of 14 and 16. What the girls learned was to accept their discipline and submit to all figures of authority. At the end of their training they would be sent back to their parents or guardians who invariably were delighted with the results and never regretted the tuition costs. The school, staffed exclusively by men, did not strive to purge its students of their naughtiness. Rather its regimen...

2 years ago
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Vision Quest Summer Camp

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...

3 years ago
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The unlucky quest of Luck

Luck was so excited for today he was to be give a quest by King Julio himself. The young squire tossed and turned unable to will himself to sleep. A quest a real quest just like to ones Sir Tristan road of into the sunset on. He had spent 10 years of his life in service to Sir Duncan the aging captain of the guard. He had never so much as gone beyond the town of Holly. But now a real live quest he would be off saving maidens, slaying dragons and on day his story would be within the book of...

3 years ago
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Vision Quest Summer Camp wk2

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...

4 years ago
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Kilarin I am a quiet drunk. A fact for which the innkeeper is insufficiently grateful. Or perhaps he is merely resentful that I picked his inn. The old ways are vanishing, true, but the Quest Law still holds. A knight on a quest ... even such a knight as I ... the fool! ... does he think I am so befuddled with the alcohol that I don't see the contempt in which he holds me ... is entitled to certain things. Benefits, if you will. Including free food and lodging. The Crown is supposed to...

4 years ago
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The Thief

THE THIEF by Anyport I'm a thief, not one of those despicable animals who hold people up at gunpoint. I'm more of a currency dealer. I steal from the very wealthy homes, and they in turn steal from the insurance companies by lying about what was stolen. Then, since I use the money I make from the theft to support my family and pay my insurance premiums ?well you can't be too careful, there are some bad people around -, the money circulates. Actually, I've been unable to practice ...

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It wasn’t that I felt unprepared; I was twenty-seven years old with a Masters of Business Administration. I had worked summers in all of the departments of the company from the time I was seventeen until I’d graduated with my MBA then I’d started full time. Most recently I’d been vice-president of marketing headquartering in our Birmingham office. My father had followed my grandfather as the head of the firm but with his recent, unexpected death the mantle fell to me, I was coming home to...

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You Little Thief

You Little Thief When I turned sixteen I bought my first car. Oh it wasn’t much and my father put in half of the money and put me on his insurance. I had worked for two years mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and on a rare occasion babysitting my little sister. I knew the value of money and hoarded it for gasoline and going out with my friends. Victoria was thirteen years old and a royal pain in my ass. She was just a little brat and as I found out recently a little thief too. I had...

3 years ago
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A Life As A Phantom Thief

John= Your real first name Doe= Your thief name You look out at the city before you, from the top of the Atlantis Hotel, you can see everything, including the patrol cars. As the helicopters circle the museum, you can't help but swallow hard and half expect a baby alien to erupt from your stomach. You can't believe you're about to do this, but you know in your heart you should. "It may be breaking the law, but the rich keep taking the cash that should go to everyone, yourself included, John...

1 year ago
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Reforming A thief

Beyond the vastness of the harvested fields, on the eastern horizon, appeared stealthily a tint of red arc, but soon expounded itself into a huge orb of bright orange. Birds started testing the melodies of their own voices. The color of the rising sun and the sweetness in the air borne voices implied a fortunate omen…A jeep approached through the country road, raising dusts….I was steering my flock through the same country road, on the opposite direction, for grazing. A shepherdess I was. The...

1 year ago
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The lost book of Slytherin

((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...

3 years ago
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Quest Story Proving Grounds

Welcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...

4 years ago
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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 4 Musical Chairs Starfleet Style

"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...

2 years ago
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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 2 Accepting the Quest

At the brunch table, she observed, “Lois to Harold? Come in? You seem somewhere very much elsewhere.” “You know that I’ve got some special insight. I hope you don’t think I’m insane, but the first reason I am here is to prevent a nuclear war. Believe it or not, I just could see a report that the CIA just gave to the President. They are seriously concerned that the Soviets are sending offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba, but they don’t yet have hard proof. During the summer, an American spy in...

2 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 103 Wolf Quest

Masjena loped through the winter woods and across the winter hills. For months something had been itching at her. She was the strongest of the Demon Prince's witches, but she kept feeling she should be capable of more. The ancient books on magic held in secret by the breeders of the mage-slaves said almost nothing about witches beyond the fact of their existence. The Prince had tried to strengthen the link between them -- to no avail. She had tried to push her limits, but just didn't know...

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Jojos Quest

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn’t work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromised in this area and marry a guy even though the sex isn’t...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2

Author's note: Hello folks, This is book 2 of The Adventures of Reggie Starr. Those of you who have read my stuff, know that I like Action/adventure/Si-fi/and a little Physic stuff thrown in too. One of my problems is I tend to melt all my characters together and give them all the same kinds of abilities. Reggie Starr is a small departure from that formula as, I want Reggie to be as physically normal as the circumstances will allow. Reggie has been placed in unusual conditions...

1 year ago
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Trap Quest

You surely haven't seen a video game like Trap Quest on the internet before, and if you have...well, TrapQuest is in its own league, practically untouchable by all the other competitors. Most of us are used to these super-basic adult video games that aren't challenging, video games that do not even have a complex story or even a bunch of characters or anything like that, but hey, TrapQuest is everything but an easy video game with no story at all, which is great. Enjoyment is guaranteed,...

Free Sex Games
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The Thief

The Thief Author note: This story is set in the same world as, "The Security Consultant." Magic which has always existed is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% have the ability to earn a Magic- User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. However, it takes hard work and training to develop that raw talent. ...

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Tina the little thief

One evening as we were working late, I walked into her cubicle and saw her stuffing a bunch of money into her purse. She was in charge of the petty cash and it was laying open in the bottom drawer, empty. "Can you explain this, Tina?" I barked, scaring her. She tried to hide what she was doing, but knew she was busted. "Oh my God....please don't say anything. I needed some quick cash for the weekend and was going to put it back on Monday. You believe me, don't you? ...

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The Panty Thief

by Just4kinks ([email protected]) Kathy settled into her window seat after boarding the plane. Forty-minutes after take off, she began drifting into a dream about the curly headed Bajan man she had a pleasant affair with during her vacation in Barbados. Her lover was gently massaging her inner thigh in the dream when she realized she was being groped. The hand belonged to a balding, pot-bellied man with a Jamaican lilt. He was cooing to her gently, ‘Baby, you so sweet. Me want to eat you...

4 years ago
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The Panty Thief

by Just4kinks ([email protected])Kathy settled into her window seat after boarding the plane.Forty-minutes after take off, she began drifting into a dream about the curly headed Bajan man she had a pleasant affair with during her vacation in Barbados. Her lover was gently massaging her inner thigh in the dream when she realized she was being groped. The hand belonged to a balding, pot-bellied man with a Jamaican lilt. He was cooing to her gently, "Baby, you so sweet. Me want to eat you...

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The thief

Woman I'd had a late night, I stayed up late watching tv then went to bed around 3am and quickly fell asleep, I liked sleeping naked and it was summer so I wasn't using any blankets either. My apartment was small but nice, it only had 1 bedroom but it had everything I needed, and a little more. It had the newest kitchen and bathroom, a laundry too, I even had a dishwasher and dryer. My lounge had the newest tech as well, huge tv, get stereo system and a few game consoles to go with it....

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5: The Quest sets sail We all turned and I saw a large woman standing at the entrance to the courtyard. She was at least six and half feet tall and had a large double-bladed axe hung over her shoulders. "Tesmi? We thought you lost in the forest beyond the fence," the king said. "It was a near thing, my king. But I survived my scouting mission. The reports we've had are true, The Weres are back in the forest in numbers." "Any sign from the...

2 years ago
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MultiQuest The Pokmon Apocalypse

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin on the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

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Quest for the shattered pearl

This story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...


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