Monica MechanicChapter 14: To Part Or Not To Part free porn video

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They had been away long enough for AlvaBeth and Ayesha to settle in with their new status – or not. Monty was particularly interested in seeing if their family had adjusted.

The large party rode into town, yet again accompanied with extra horses and goods to sell. Several locals both recognized the returning travelers and the fact that they had more laden horses that when they last visited. That Honor was not among the returnees was noticed and remarked upon, and the growing crowd followed them to the inn hoping for a good story and maybe a bargain.

Autumn hurriedly dismounted and ran inside to find Jesse. Monty and Pēteris following close behind, drew up when they saw Ayesha and AlvaBeth seated with their midday meal before them. The pair, immediately stood and ran to their protector.

“Monica, we’re so very happy to see you and see you well,” Ayesha began while hugging her tightly.”

“Monty!” whispered Monica, “Careful of outside ears,” She glanced over her shoulder at the locals crowding in along with the rest of her companions.

“Oops. Sorry,” apologized Ayesha, who continued, “Were you successful in your missions?”

“Yes, and no,” answered Monty. “Honor is dead, but Pēteris succeeded in rescuing his lady. More later – in private,” he whispered. Then louder, “How came you to be here?”

“Father has reverted to his old ways,” Ayesha told him. “We came here in the middle of the night two days ago, and Father has not yet discovered us. But let’s wait to discuss this all until you are settled into rooms and have eaten.”

At that, Pēteris turned and told the townsfolk crowded into the common room, “There will be an auction of goods and several horses tomorrow afternoon in the inn’s courtyard. Until then, nothing is for sale.”

Autumn returned holding her guardian’s hand and dragging him over to Bron, who stood nervous between Robyn and Miriam. “Jesse,” she told him, “you remember Bron. We want your permission to marry.”

After the evening’s meal, Jesse decided to forgo an evening’s drinking profit and cleared the inn of everyone except his staff, family, and the newly arrived party. There would be a long evening of stories and catching up. A cask of wine and another of ale were set on a table so that no one would miss the tales while fetching drinks.

“You hadn’t been gone a week before Father started up,” Ayesha told Monty. “He began cursing and ranting how we’d usurped his authority in his own home and he wasn’t going to stand for it. That was about it for two days, then he showed up with five men he’d hired – to protect him – he said.” He forbade us to leave our house and told us that his men had authority to stop us any way they needed.”

“All that was before he started drinking, and bad things got worse,” AlvaBeth filled in. “Then he came home one morning with three real prizes and told us both he’d ‘found husbands for the tramps.’ Two days ago, he held a ‘betrothal dinner,’ and all of the men – guards and ‘betrothed’ alike – got falling down drunk.”

Ayesha giggled and took up the tale. “We helped. Kept the mugs and goblets filled to the brim. Even the stable boy was in his cups. We packed our traveling clothes and took father’s keys so we could get our weapons that he’d locked up. His money chest was sitting there, so I took that, too. Then, we went to the stable and took all the horses and came here. Jesse has the horses hidden somewhere.”

“Uncle Gestas probably thinks we were kidnapped. We left a ransom note,” AlvaBeth told them. “Aunt Medina knows that we weren’t – she helped us escape. Cousin Asma was sick, so we dared not bring her. We’ll need to go get her before we leave.”

“Do you think Gestas knows you are here?” Monty asked.

“With all the gossip after your arrival, he might,” Ayesha answered. “Someone who saw us greet you might mention it. You made a grand entrance, you know.”

“I think we need a preemptive strike first thing in the morning,” Pēteris told Monty and the rest of the avidly listening company sitting around the table. “We’ll skip weapons practice and catch Gestas at breakfast. We can eat breakfast when we return.” He turned to Ayesha and asked, “Do you think Asma can leave the house? Remember, we have a healer with us – a good one.”

Both Ayesha and AlvaBeth told him that Asma would be much better off at the inn, no matter how she felt when they came to rescue her. “AND, thanks to Monica, I am her guardian, now,” Ayesha reminded them.

“Then Monty, this is your raid. We’re at your service,” Pēteris told him.

They trooped upstairs and sorted themselves into their several rooms and beds for sleep. Charles and AlvaBeth warmly renewed acquaintances.

Once AlvaBeth’s edge was sanded down, the musical beds began. For a change, the women orbited Charles instead of Pēteris. Already in his bed, Ayesha gently pushed her aunt off and over so she could snuggle up. She rubbed her naked cupcake breasts on him and told him, “You told me that Asma and I are welcome to shelter at your farm. Are you sure? Even if we aren’t ready to marry or to sex you?”

She paused, and then rushed on, “I’m embarrassed, because you’re nice and sexy and brave and so much more – but I’m not ready – and I’m certain Asma isn’t.”

Charles hugged her to him and simply said, “The three of you are welcome. You can be friend, sister, lover, or judging by Maggie and Sarah, wife. We’ll take care of business tomorrow, and when we leave, you’re family, however you choose to fit.”

One bed over, Autumn and Bron were listening closely. Not yet wed, they had watched Charles and AlvaBeth for pointers for their wedding night. Autumn squeaked, “Can we come too? I don’t see a life for Bron and me here.” She hid her face in Bron’s shoulder, and Bron added, “But we don’t see ourselves sharing. Is that a problem?”

“Actually, I’m relieved,” Charles told them. “Not that Autumn isn’t a tasty bit, and I could definitely use a stand-in occasionally.” AlvaBeth and Ayesha both tickled him, and he continued, “You are both welcome, as friends and family, but I think Autumn should be married among her friends here before we leave.”

The door opened with a bang. Maggie and Sarah strutted in climbed over and inserted themselves on either side of Charles. “Charles! Husband! We did it; we’re pregnant!” Maggie declared. “Yes! Now we can start screwing again, the sooner the better. The object of their affection hugged them close and asked, “Ayesha, AlvaBeth, would you mind joining Bron and Autumn? I’ve some catching up to do!”

In the other room were two beds, but one was empty. Pēteris was sandwiched, buried is a better word, in warm, happy, cuddly women. Pussies, some bushy some trimmed, rubbed him. Titties in a variety of beautiful shapes and sizes pressed and rubbed. Lips were nibbling and kissing.

Even Damsel Trudi had become accustomed to friendly exchanges of affection with her Hero. As she had hoped, the welcoming touches, kisses, and licks from the two Companions and her fellow Damsel sated her appetite and eased her anxiety about sex with a male. She wasn’t ready for active sex and penetration, but then it wasn’t yet time.

“You know,” Pēteris told them, “in the morning, if things go as I think, you ladies are going to be insatiable, and we haven’t any restorative like on Crossroads. Can we be content with cuddling tonight?”

“Charles is going to be in high demand, too,” Monica answered. “Trudi can help with the virgins, but we had better get Autumn and Bron married tomorrow afternoon, or they’re going to explode! Do you think they’ll want privacy for their first time?” and she added, “I just don’t understand this virginity thing...”

Then, she told them, “I’m still conflicted about it all, but remember I’m off the potion. When the time comes, I want to be sure it is completely out of my system so Pēteris can give me my baby. Maggie and Sarah are so happy to be pregnant, I’m not sure that I can stand it!”

The faint glow of predawn found the entire party mailed, armed, and mounted. Assignments, made the previous evening, were verified. Before setting out, Pēteris told the assembly, “Remember, the purpose of this little exercise is to rescue Ayesha’s sister – peacefully, if possible. As Hero and Companions, we cannot initiate violence, only return it if attacked or credibly threatened.” He added, “That’s why we are assigned as rearguards and reserves. Monty and Charles are our two commanders.”

Monty turned to Ayesha and asked, “Once more, do we spare your father? We won’t risk anyone with us if he attacks, but if not, what then?”

Ayesha responded, “As I told you, the contract was between him and you and Charles, so the decision is yours; I don’t want it, so don’t force me.” She thought a moment, then add. “The only things I ask is that you consider the immediate circumstances and any requests or concerns from Mother or Asma. But don’t ask them – I don’t want them to feel obligated.”

“So be it,” Monty told her, then to the group, “As planned, anyone shooting or otherwise attacking us is a target. Be careful of hostages or any servants not attacking us. We’ll expect the guards to be positioned where Ayesha told us. We don’t know if they’ll be awake yet, so get to your assigned targets before I knock on the door.”

Few townspeople were about as Monty and Charles led their troops down the street and across town. As they approached Ayesha’s house, Maggie and Sarah peeled off and stationed themselves in command of the stable’s doors. Their assignment was to contain the two guards that slept there and to watch the rear of the house. To do this, they needed to take care not to be caught by a simultaneous movement from both buildings.

Charles and Monty rode directly to the green door with Ayesha and AlvaBeth at their sides. Bron and Autumn were positioned some thirty paces further back and slightly to one side, bows at the ready. Bron’s hunting experience made him a natural, and Autumn had made steady progress during their morning classes. Further back, the Hero and his Companions, though antsy, watched their now competent cadre with pride.

It was growing lighter when all were positioned, and Charles calmly knocked on the door. Evidently, the household was asleep – even the so-called guards – because there was no answer. Knocking louder, Charles was finally greeted by a door opened by a bleary eyed Gestas, flanked by a pair of well-armed men. “Betrothed,” whispered the scornful Ayesha, drawing her father’s attention.

“You! Bitches!” he yelled at her. “She’s a thief.”

“Be that your belief,” Monty told him calmly, “per our contract, she’s come for her ward and the possessions she left behind.”

“The contract is void if she’s dead!” Gestas told them. Then he yelled, “Kill them! Kill the bitches. Kill them all, I say.”

The two men at his side, appeared bemused and reluctant to slay their intended brides and stepped back. Gestas drew a dagger and lunged, trying to pass Monty and stab his daughter. His mouth formed an ‘Oh’ of surprise when Monty’s dagger caught him in the throat. When he fell bleeding, the two former betrotheds raised their hands, and one declared, “Not our fight.”

Same as Monica Mechanic
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Monica Lisa

There are few things as useless as the hobbies of a middle-aged man who has enough money to last a few generations of blatant misuse, but somehow, in my case, it all ended out very well. It all began one fine evening, on the eve of my fortieth candle-blowing occasion. I was the proud owner of a fine yacht, the Sundari, and it was decided that the momentous anniversary of my birth was to be a private affair, with just the three of us in attendance; I mean, it's all fun when someone else is the...

1 year ago
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Monica Seduces Amy

Monica sat studying alone in the living room of the small apartment she shared with another girl Amy. Both girls were students. Being a warm morning, Monica sat wearing nothing but pink panties with a pretty lace trim and it was part of her plan. Occasionally she looked up from her reading to admire her ample breasts and ever-hardening nipples. She felt herself getting turned on by simply sitting around mostly nude. Monica was a pretty tight ass. Her boobs were beautifully shaped and firm....

3 years ago
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Monica Bhabhi 8211 The Seduction

Hello friends, I, Abhi, am a lover of ISS stories and have been enjoying it for a few years now. I also had a feeling that I would some day be able to share my experiences. It was actually ISS that gave me the courage to take a step forward when having a conversation with ladies older than me. This story might be a bit longer than usual but I would like to stress on the fact that how both of us build our relationship till the night we had our first encounter. This encounter happened on July...

1 year ago
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Monica my darling

Hi, I am Vinay. I live in Bangalore. I am single. I am very fond of indian sex stories and i want to share an exciting event of my life. It’s a true incident, which happened three years back. I am self. Monica was my friend’s friend. She was married and workingwoman. Monica was a very sexy woman with 38, 28, 38 & 5’ 7” figure. She was so sexy that every body admires her figure. After three years of marriage, she had no baby. We had good family terms and we used to visit each other’s house once...

3 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 3

I looked across to the counter and saw the same panties from a week ago. I knew I saw her remove that pile that night, so it must have just been some crazy coincidence that they were there again, and right on top, and right there for me to see, and calling to me, and boy did they look cute. But as opposed to that previous night, when I was just curious about them, now I knew without a doubt that they were going to end up around my waist. I walked over, picked them up, and just admitted...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 6

"What's all your fault, Kallie?" "Please don't be mad okay?" She paused a moment. And then another moment. "The first time my mom used that drug on you, I was listening to what she said, and it was pretty crazy that she could do that. And then when she did it again, the phone rang right in the middle and she went into her room to talk for a few minutes. I had been listening again from the next room, and I came in and changed her instructions a little." I already knew what she was...

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Introduction: Scott meets up with his old friend Monica after a decade. Monica, what can I say about her, shes my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. Shes around 56 or something not skinny with soft baby fat over hard muscles from her dancing and exercises. She has dark thick hair which she kept short around shoulder length,...

2 years ago
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Monica Introduction True Stories Of Watching My

What i'm about to confess is all true as I remember it, my fetish of sharing my then wife and watching her with other men and of course also joining in, at times. We are now divorced but still friends, we didn't divorce because of what we were into but due to other pressures.I still think of Monica and what a let her or convinced her to do and it still turns me on to no end, Now in our senior years we have moved on but the good memories will never fade. I will tell what took place over some...

4 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 2

Thank you so much for the kind comments on part 1. This is my first writing attempt, and it's good to know that some folks are enjoying it. Some of you have said that you're interested in where this is going. Well, so am I. :) I have a few ideas, and a couple of key items I want to get to, but most of it is coming out as I type it. Hopefully we'll all enjoy wherever the heck it ends up. Thanks again! LJ PS: Apologies to "Travesty" for the delay. I won't abandon it, but there may be...

3 years ago
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Monica the cum slut

The morning light crept through the blinds and cast itself upon Monica Santiago. She shifted her smooth long legs and tossed in bed. As the light moved further up her body Monica opened her honey brown eyes and lifted her head to look at her clock. It read 11’o’clock. She plopped her head back down on her pillow , her dark black hair falling around her. Monica was a wild child and was loving life and she had no intention of getting out of bed just yet. Monica lived alone in her studio...

4 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 10 Plans and Preparations

The next morning’s breakfast was a cacophony of discussions – happy, exploratory, serious, planning, and more. Sarah and Maggie flanked Pēteris, and they might as well have been second skins. Across the table was Monica, flanked by Miriam and Robyn. Charles sat between AlvaBeth and Ayesha, who had returned for the morning exercises and weapons practice, with Bron stationed at the end of the table by Autumn. The morning’s after-breakfast baths were going to be interesting... Pēteris looked...

3 years ago
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The house was dark when I awoke. Looking at the clock on the cable box told me why, 2:17 AM. Normally, I would just go back to sleep and hopefully pick up where I left off with the girl I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I heard something in the house. Carefully, I got out of bed to check it out. My wife is mean as hell if she gets woken from her 15 hour long sleep. We have three kids and another one is sleeping over tonight so I went to see what was going on. Black as the night was in the...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Payment of bills

My cock was already standing at attention from the sight and smell of her pussy. I unzipped my trousers and quickly pulled them down along with my panties, then I rose from my semi-reclining position and began to massage from the outside and insert my fingers into her pussy. My fingers went into her without any problem, the mucus was thick and there was a lot of it, so I quickly pulled my fingers out and lubed my cock with them. It was already stiff and ready to be basically inserted deep into...

4 years ago
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MONICA A lesbian tale

MONICA (A lesbian tale)Stopped on the side of the road, Madeleine waited for a few minutes, more like 10 minutes, before she drove into the motel parking lot. She always did that. The motel was advertising a lobster festival for that evening. Madeleine laughed out loud.“I’m more in for tuna”, she chuckled, surprised at her own vulgarity.She parked her car in the arrival section, as she always did, and waited again for a few minutes. The space in front of unit 17 was empty. She suddenly felt...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 6 Sex toys delivery

And she tirelessly fucked my ass for the next few minutes. Suddenly she stopped and stepped out of my asshole. She walked over to the bed frame and untied some knots. My legs freed from the bindings fell down. I groaned in relief. She wordlessly climbed onto the bed, knelt between my legs and grabbing my legs at the knees said dryly only: "legs up!" Two days after ordering I received the package. Standard grey box, name and address, no full return address, so I knew that what I had ordered had...

2 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 13 Damsel Trudirsquos Revelation

Riding back to the rendezvous, Charles told Maggie and Sarah, “I think Monica’s reached a decision, but she’ll have a real job convincing Pēteris.” His two wives nodded in agreement, and Maggie responded, “We’ll be okay with Monica as a family friend – a close family friend – but not a wife. Let’s wait and see what she wants.” After two days of driving rain, they rode into the clearing on a warm, sunny afternoon. Every possession or item of clothing was damp or soaked. Looking forward to the...

3 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 16 Return and Consequences

Pēteris, his Companions, and his Damsel stayed at Turtle Haven long enough to visit, settle in their new families, and sort through and maintain their equipment. Robyn spent most of her time with the young healer, Robinblue, discussing their soon to grow medical school. Nights were spent with a very lovely, amorous, and exceedingly horny covey in Pēteris bed. Items to be placed in bank boxes were packed, final baths taken, and a small convoy set out for the town’s bank. There, Pēteris was...

1 year ago
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Monica Discovery

Monica: Discovery I want to tell you about the biggest surprise of my life. It starts with the day I caught my husband. No, not with another woman... No, not with another man, either. Let me explain. I went out to meet some friends one evening after work. I had come home first and changed, and my husband was home from work. I was on my way to the restaurant, when I got a call on my cell. Two of the girls had to cancel for various reasons, so we decided to postpone...

3 years ago
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Monica should have been on top of the world. The 25 year old was a rising star at the local news station, having had a wonderful combination of looks (she was 6’0 tall and had a luscious 38E-28-36 frame wrapped in flawless mocha skin), charisma and an ability to look past the obvious and find the heart of a story. She’d only been working at the station for a year and her editor was already talking to her about being an anchor woman. The problem was her husband, Malcolm. The two had met in high...

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Monica Bhabhi Ne Jannat Dikhai

Apko bor na krte hue seedha story par ata hoon hamara or monica bhabhi ka ghar amne samne hai main upar wale floor ke kamre main rehta hoon meri family main main papa mumma hi hai or samne monica bhabhi rehti hai kafi sexy or hot hai 38 saal ki hai unke boobs bhi bade bade hai or gand bhi mast hai unhe dekhte hi chodne ka man krta hai vo kisi ka bhi lund khada kar skti hai to mera unke ghar ana jana lga rehta tha jab bhi Main unke ghar jata to unki 3-4 photo kheech ke le aata jaise marzi kbhi...

3 years ago
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Monica Bhabhi 8211 The Inception

Hope you all liked my first part and I purposely left a lot to desire for my new readers. It is titled monica bhabhi – the seduction. Please read through it for the build up Any feedbacks suggestions do let me know on my email id I watched her laying on the bed breathing heavily and swaying her hips. She tempting me by telling me to come get her with her fingers. All this tempting and I started stroking myself … She smiled and said “abhi aaj lamba chalega jo karna hain chut mein kar haath se...

3 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 3 Rescued Maiden

In mid-morning, following a week of dreary weather, they came to a crossroads with a small village, large enough to have an inn-tavern-livery combination, a smithy, and a small store. Along each arm of the crossroads were several small cottages – nothing more. But small as it was, the stench was huge. Upon entering the familiar inn, Charles greeted the innkeeper and the serving wench by name and inquired after rooms for the night. “We have only the largest left. Another party straggled in...

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