Monica Vecina Mea free porn video

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Era prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem filme. Baiatul despre care vorbesc se numea Nicu, pe atunci avea 45 de ani. Era divort, fara copii si locuia singur intr-o casa superba la curte. Ne stangeam la el acasa baieti si fete, tot grupul de cunoscuti. Unii dintre ei erau casatoriti si veneau cu sotiile. Spre dimineata se obisnuia sa ne uitam la filme porno, cei care nu vroiau sa vada astfel de filme plecau. In general ramaneam baietii. In acea perioada s-au mutat langa mine niste vecini noi. Un cuplu tanar, venit de la tara, sot si sotie. Nu aveau copii. Pe ea o chema Monica, avea in jurul a 29 de ani iar el in jur de 35. Il chema Ion dar ai spuneam Nelu. Era de profesie pompier si de multe ori lucra de noapte. Fiind vecinii mei ne-am imprietenit cu usurinta, mai ales ca ei nu cunosteau pe nimeni acolo unde se mutasera. Ea Monica, era o tipa blonda cu parul lung si cu ochii albastrii. Era o femeie bine facuta, genul de femeie tapana de la tara. Avea tate mari, un gaoz mare, ce sa mai… era buna de pula. Eu inca nu dadusem la buci pana atunci, dar in schimb ma masturbam. De multe ori ea venea singura pe la mine cu diferite pretexte. Imi placea de ea, dar fiind timid niciodata nu am incercat sa ma dau la ea. Intr-o sambata barbasu era de serviciu, lucra in schimbul de noapte. Ea a trecut pe la mine si ma rugat daca pot sa o iau si pe ea la video in acea seara, ca este singura acasa si se plictiseste. Seara am plecat impreuna la Nicu sa ne uitam la filme. Eram doar grupul nostru de prieteni, cativa baieti si cateva fete. Eu si Monica staeam asezati unul langa altul pe jos pe mocheta. Era o mocheta misto, simteai ca te scufunzi in ea cand pasesti. Ne-am uitat noi la filme ce ne-am uitat si deja se facuse destul de tarziu. Uni dintre cei aflati acolo deja plecasera. Mi ramasesem eu, Monica, Nicu propietarul, un baiat Bebe si cred ca mai era cineva, nu imi mai amintesc foarte exact. Si cum era obiceiul am pus casete porno. Era destul de stanjenitor pentru toti sa ne uitam la acele filme. Monica cum era asezata langa mine, la un moment dat am simtito cum ma ia de mana si imi spune ca vrea sa se aseze cu spatele in bratele mele, sa se poata sprijini de mine. In timpul scenelor de sex petrecute in film, am simtit-o excitata. Ai simteam respiratia usor accentuata, si devenise agitata. Si eu eram excitat dar nu indrazneam nimic. Nu stiu ce ma excitase mai tare, filmul la care ne uitam sau Monica. Ca sa ma relaxez putin eu am iesit sa fumez o tigara afara pe veranda din gradina casei. Am revenit apoi si i-am spus lui Monica ca eu vreau sa plec acasa, si am intrebat-o daca merge cu mine sau mai ramane. Ea mi-a raspuns ca mai ramne. Am dat sa plec si afara l-am gasit pe Bebe care bea o bere. Bebe era mai mare ca varsta decat mine, cred ca avea in jur de 30 de ani pe atunci. Vazand ca vreau sa plec a insistat sa raman sa bem o bere impreuna. Am baut berea si Bebe a intrat apoi in casa sa se uite in continuare la filme. Eu am mai ramas putin, am mai luat o bere intre timp si m-am asezat sa o beau pe tocul de la fereastra unei camere care avea geamurile larg deschise.In spatele geamurilor erau niste d****rii lungi pana la podea, dintr-un material gros si inchis la culoare. Stateam acolo deoarece nu erau scaune in locul respectiv si imi placea sa privesc gradina din curte. Ma simteam bine, beam bere si admiram cerul instelat si florile din gradina lui Nicu. La un moment dat in camera respectiva am auzit ca a intrat cineva, dar nu am dat atentie. Numai ca apoi am inceput sa aud niste voci in soapta si gemete de placere exact ca la video. Am crezut ca au mutat televizorul acolo. Eu am coborat dupa tocul ferestrei in casa in spatele acelor d****rii, era o oarecare distanta intre perete si d****rii. La capatul d****riei cand am vrut sa ies am vazut ca era lumina stisa in acea camera. Apoi l-am vazut pe Nicu cum o freca pe Monica care era asezata cu cracii in sus si cu fundul pe masa. In acel moment mi-au crescut bataile inimii de le auzeam in urechi. Curpins de emotie si teama nu fiu surprins acolo dupa d****rie, am ramas hipnotizat de ceea ce vedeam. M-am ghemuit si am ramas ascuns acolo sa urmaresc ce se petrece mai departe. Nu am avut curaj sa ies de acolo si sa ma alatur si eu. Timiditatea si emotia de care eram cuprins m-au impiedicat sa ies de acolo. Ma uitam la Monica vecina mea cum o freaca Nicu si nu imi venea sa cred ce vad. Monica gemea de placere acolo pe intuneric in timp ce Nicu o ardea in pizda iar cu o mana o freca pe tate. Inima imi batea din ce in ce mai tare si imi era teama ca respiratia mea sa nu ma dea de gol. La un moment dat am vazut cum Nicu scoate pula din ea si se aseaza in genunchi in fata mesei pe care o freca si incepe sa o linga in pizda pe Monica. Moment in care am reusit sa admir atat cracii si tatele frumoae ale Monicai cat si pula belita care tocmai o sosese din ea. Imi venea sa urlu, sa gem, sa ma urc pe pereti, ma uitam cum o linge in pizda si imi doream la nebunie sa fac si eu acelasi lucru. Apoi am vazut ciocanul belit si indoit al lui Nicu care atarna in jos cu o ditamai capatana de pula. Apoi a prinso iar de craci si a bagat pula in ea. Nicu gemea si se framanta de placere in timp ce o freca, iar Monica era in culmea extazului. Am simtit…., pot spune ca am simtit momentul in care Nicu a varsat in ea. Cu un geamat prelung de placere si satisfactie Nicu slobozea pula in ea. Am vazut apoi cum a scos ditamai monstrul de pula din ea. Era belita si semi sculata, atarna in jos cu ditamai capatana de pula din care curgeau ultimi stropi de sperma. Cred ca Monica era plina toata de sperma. Ea a ramas ca si amortita pe acea masa, cu cracii desfacuti si sterganduse cu mana la pizda. Nicu a deschis usa de la camera, era in pula goala si a iesit. In acel moment l-am vazut pe Bebe ca intra. Eram terminat, nu stiam ce sa fac, imi era teama, eram cuprins de o senzatie ciudata, inima imi batea cu putere. Bebe sa dezbracat repede si a inceput sa o linga in pizda pe Monica. O lingea acolo unde daudse Nicu si unde varsase pula in ea. Monica gemea si avea spasme de placere. Apoi Bebe a puso capra in picioare, aplecando peste masa si a inceput sa o frece pe la spate. In acel moment eu am iesit afara pe unde intrasem, adica pe geam. Am plecat tremurand catre casa. Pe drum am simtit pentru prima oara cum ma cuprinde o durere cumplita de coaie. Aproape ca nu mai puteam sa merg de durere. Am ajuns acasa, era aproape de dimineata. Eram excitat ca un caine. Am luat un prosop, mi-am infasurat pula in el si m-am intins la marginea patului cu un picior in pat iar cu celalalt si o mana pe jos in care ma sprijineam. Am inceput sa ma frec de marginea patului precum cainii cand sunt in calduri si se freaca de stapan. Ma frecam cu pula infasurata in prosop de pat si ma gandeam la pula lui Nicu si la cracii lui Monica. Acele imagini mi-au ramas vii in mine. Ma frecam si imi imagineam cu o ling in pizda pe Monica plina de sperma din pula lui Nicu. Mi-am dat drumul ca un caine. Mi-am luat-o la laba de multe ori de atunci cu aceasta imagine intiparita in cap. Nu la foarte mult timp dupa cele petrecute acolo, Monica era gravida. Acum nu stiu daca a rams gravida cu prietenii mei, dar sa-ntamplat sa la scurt timp dupa cele petrecute. Intre timp a nascut, azi are un baiat in varsta de 23 ani. Anii au trecut, Monica s-a schimbat fizic. Am ramas prieten cu ea si cu sotul ei, continuam sa ne vizitam. Acest lucru a fost cunoscut doar de mine, nu l-am povestit nicodata prietenilor mei sau ei.

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© Copyright It was a few days before spring break in my senior year of high school, when I first saw Monica as a sexy lady. She was about 40 years old, and always had a very sweet smile on her light, skinned face. She had, short brown hair with streaks of blonde running through it. Most times, a very big smile and a little sparkle in her eye for me. Being a dumb shit 18 teen year old high school guy with hormones going wild for my fellow female students. I never really noticed. Monica,...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 6

Monica began to pick up the pace of her porn film acting, and she soon found the studio publicists standing ready to help her get more publicity and visibility to further enhance her rapidly budding porn actress reputation and public following. One thing the publicists found much easier with Monica than many porn film actresses was the fact that she'd come to the business with a reputation already established. In one meeting, one of her female publicists told Monica that not only was she an...

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It was a Saturday morning and the door bell rang. I went to open it but Melinda had beaten me to it. Opening the door she screamed, “hey look who’s here. Monica.!!.” I was equally surprised to see my wife’s sis, so asked her what brought her here. They all stay about 500 miles from us. We keep in touch over the phone. Visits had been quite minimal. “I had a week’s off from my job and thought of visiting you all” chirped she. The sisters had a lot of things to catch up. So they left me to myself...

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 Monica and I met in our freshman year in college. We had both enrolled in the same history class and she occupied the seat beside me. We'd frequently make small talk while waiting for class to start, and It wasn't long before we became friends. Very good friends actually. We looked out for one another, studied together, watched movies, had dinner and went drinking together. We had sex, hot torrid sex. The kind of sex that... No, that's not true at all. We never had sex. We never even kissed,...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 5

"Yes we had the talk, and he knows about what happened. But there's something that you don't know, and we don't really understand it. Somehow, his desire to wear panties has been extended to other kinds of lingerie as well." Kallie let out a giggle, and Jackie looked confused. "Wait, mom, how could that happen? What kinds of other stuff?" "Well, I think it probably applies to any lingerie, but the only real evidence we have is that night gown that you bought yesterday." "Wow, I...

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A road on Chaos would likely be charitably considered an improved trail on Earth or Cassandra – maybe. The one traveled by Monty was seldom more than a pair of ruts and barely wide enough for a wagon plus, perhaps, a rider. The ruts were typically wide, as there had been no Roman Legions to standardize axle or wheel sizes. Trees, or at least scrub, usually closed in on the road except where it bordered or ran through a meadow – or where it bordered farm fields near towns. Now, Monty rode the...

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Monica Building on Her Past ExperienceChapter 3

Monica was really enjoying this business of making adult films. She'd never envisioned that it could be so fun to actually have sex in front of a camera and know that her naked body, and her sexual activities with the other porn film actors would be seen by an untold number of people, and Monica found it extremely hot and arousing to know that she'd have such a wide audience for doing something that she was loving so much. Monica made more and more porn films and she found herself in even...

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MonicaChapter 2

We looked at each other across the breakfast table and sipped our coffee. Neither of us wanted to be the first to speak, but both of us had a lot to say and I guess neither of us knew where to begin. Monica had somehow unwittingly become the center piece in a gangbang the previous evening and even though it should have been obvious to her from the way I had fucked her when everyone else had done with her that our marriage was not in danger, she still had cried and begged for forgiveness all...

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Monica Getting What Shed Wanted All Along

Monica had known early in her teen years that sex and sexual pleasure were something she was always going to want more of and to really enjoy. She'd had several very hot and lusty sexual relationships but none perhaps as hot in its own way as the one she'd enjoyed with Bill. But, the one thing Monica had always wanted more than anything was sex -- hot lusty fucking both sucking her lover's cock and having him thrust his hard cock inside her pussy and fuck her until they were both consumed...

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There are few things as useless as the hobbies of a middle-aged man who has enough money to last a few generations of blatant misuse, but somehow, in my case, it all ended out very well. It all began one fine evening, on the eve of my fortieth candle-blowing occasion. I was the proud owner of a fine yacht, the Sundari, and it was decided that the momentous anniversary of my birth was to be a private affair, with just the three of us in attendance; I mean, it's all fun when someone else is the...

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Monica Seduces Amy

Monica sat studying alone in the living room of the small apartment she shared with another girl Amy. Both girls were students. Being a warm morning, Monica sat wearing nothing but pink panties with a pretty lace trim and it was part of her plan. Occasionally she looked up from her reading to admire her ample breasts and ever-hardening nipples. She felt herself getting turned on by simply sitting around mostly nude. Monica was a pretty tight ass. Her boobs were beautifully shaped and firm....

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Monica my darling

Hi, I am Vinay. I live in Bangalore. I am single. I am very fond of indian sex stories and i want to share an exciting event of my life. It’s a true incident, which happened three years back. I am self. Monica was my friend’s friend. She was married and workingwoman. Monica was a very sexy woman with 38, 28, 38 & 5’ 7” figure. She was so sexy that every body admires her figure. After three years of marriage, she had no baby. We had good family terms and we used to visit each other’s house once...

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Introduction: Scott meets up with his old friend Monica after a decade. Monica, what can I say about her, shes my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. Shes around 56 or something not skinny with soft baby fat over hard muscles from her dancing and exercises. She has dark thick hair which she kept short around shoulder length,...

4 years ago
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Monica Part 3

When we got to the room I opened the door and let her walk in first. Stepping past her, I went to the desk and placed my wallet on top of some papers as a reminder not to leave them behind. I then turned around to see her leaning seductively against the door. That familiar grin spread across her lips as one hand reached for the hemline of her skirt. She very slowly raised it, exposing her legs, and as it crept higher she beckoned me with her other hand. “Hungry?” She smiled. Famished better...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Monica Introduction True Stories Of Watching My

What i'm about to confess is all true as I remember it, my fetish of sharing my then wife and watching her with other men and of course also joining in, at times. We are now divorced but still friends, we didn't divorce because of what we were into but due to other pressures.I still think of Monica and what a let her or convinced her to do and it still turns me on to no end, Now in our senior years we have moved on but the good memories will never fade. I will tell what took place over some...

4 years ago
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Monica the cum slut

The morning light crept through the blinds and cast itself upon Monica Santiago. She shifted her smooth long legs and tossed in bed. As the light moved further up her body Monica opened her honey brown eyes and lifted her head to look at her clock. It read 11’o’clock. She plopped her head back down on her pillow , her dark black hair falling around her. Monica was a wild child and was loving life and she had no intention of getting out of bed just yet. Monica lived alone in her studio...

4 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 10 Plans and Preparations

The next morning’s breakfast was a cacophony of discussions – happy, exploratory, serious, planning, and more. Sarah and Maggie flanked Pēteris, and they might as well have been second skins. Across the table was Monica, flanked by Miriam and Robyn. Charles sat between AlvaBeth and Ayesha, who had returned for the morning exercises and weapons practice, with Bron stationed at the end of the table by Autumn. The morning’s after-breakfast baths were going to be interesting... Pēteris looked...

2 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 4

Okay, does "mortified" adequately describe the situation? I'm thinking that I'm almost home free, that I can step into the bathroom in a moment, grab my old underwear out of the corner, and be done. But no, Monica has found them first. She doesn't look mad really. I think it's more a confused smirk she's got on her face. Has she told Jackie what she found? I don't think so -- that's probably why she waited until the gals were gone. Does she also know that I took the pink panties off the...

3 years ago
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The house was dark when I awoke. Looking at the clock on the cable box told me why, 2:17 AM. Normally, I would just go back to sleep and hopefully pick up where I left off with the girl I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I heard something in the house. Carefully, I got out of bed to check it out. My wife is mean as hell if she gets woken from her 15 hour long sleep. We have three kids and another one is sleeping over tonight so I went to see what was going on. Black as the night was in the...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Payment of bills

My cock was already standing at attention from the sight and smell of her pussy. I unzipped my trousers and quickly pulled them down along with my panties, then I rose from my semi-reclining position and began to massage from the outside and insert my fingers into her pussy. My fingers went into her without any problem, the mucus was thick and there was a lot of it, so I quickly pulled my fingers out and lubed my cock with them. It was already stiff and ready to be basically inserted deep into...

3 years ago
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Monica Part 2

I bolted upright. My heart was pounding and my cock was in Monica's hand. She was sitting on the edge of the bed slowly stroking me. "Shh, it's okay," she said soothingly, "it's just me." She smiled warmly looking down at my cock and then back into my eyes. "I couldn't resist any longer. I hope you don't mind..." Adrenalin was coursing through my veins, startled awake from my dream and my heart pounding in my chest like a child's toy drum. It took what seemed an eternity to get my bearings,...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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MONICA A lesbian tale

MONICA (A lesbian tale)Stopped on the side of the road, Madeleine waited for a few minutes, more like 10 minutes, before she drove into the motel parking lot. She always did that. The motel was advertising a lobster festival for that evening. Madeleine laughed out loud.“I’m more in for tuna”, she chuckled, surprised at her own vulgarity.She parked her car in the arrival section, as she always did, and waited again for a few minutes. The space in front of unit 17 was empty. She suddenly felt...

3 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 1

It wasn't like I had never had a date. I had certainly had my share of them. All types of gals -- the good, the bad, and a few that had just gotten ugly (the dates that is!). I had had a couple of "long term" relationships which, when you're in high school, means they lasted for at least a few months. But once Jackie showed up at school, I became totally smitten. And now, after considerable work, I had to be the luckiest guy alive. Somehow, I had managed to land a date with what I...

4 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 3

I looked across to the counter and saw the same panties from a week ago. I knew I saw her remove that pile that night, so it must have just been some crazy coincidence that they were there again, and right on top, and right there for me to see, and calling to me, and boy did they look cute. But as opposed to that previous night, when I was just curious about them, now I knew without a doubt that they were going to end up around my waist. I walked over, picked them up, and just admitted...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 6 Sex toys delivery

And she tirelessly fucked my ass for the next few minutes. Suddenly she stopped and stepped out of my asshole. She walked over to the bed frame and untied some knots. My legs freed from the bindings fell down. I groaned in relief. She wordlessly climbed onto the bed, knelt between my legs and grabbing my legs at the knees said dryly only: "legs up!" Two days after ordering I received the package. Standard grey box, name and address, no full return address, so I knew that what I had ordered had...

3 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 6

"What's all your fault, Kallie?" "Please don't be mad okay?" She paused a moment. And then another moment. "The first time my mom used that drug on you, I was listening to what she said, and it was pretty crazy that she could do that. And then when she did it again, the phone rang right in the middle and she went into her room to talk for a few minutes. I had been listening again from the next room, and I came in and changed her instructions a little." I already knew what she was...

2 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 13 Damsel Trudirsquos Revelation

Riding back to the rendezvous, Charles told Maggie and Sarah, “I think Monica’s reached a decision, but she’ll have a real job convincing Pēteris.” His two wives nodded in agreement, and Maggie responded, “We’ll be okay with Monica as a family friend – a close family friend – but not a wife. Let’s wait and see what she wants.” After two days of driving rain, they rode into the clearing on a warm, sunny afternoon. Every possession or item of clothing was damp or soaked. Looking forward to the...

2 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 14 To Part Or Not To Part

They had been away long enough for AlvaBeth and Ayesha to settle in with their new status – or not. Monty was particularly interested in seeing if their family had adjusted. The large party rode into town, yet again accompanied with extra horses and goods to sell. Several locals both recognized the returning travelers and the fact that they had more laden horses that when they last visited. That Honor was not among the returnees was noticed and remarked upon, and the growing crowd followed...

4 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 16 Return and Consequences

Pēteris, his Companions, and his Damsel stayed at Turtle Haven long enough to visit, settle in their new families, and sort through and maintain their equipment. Robyn spent most of her time with the young healer, Robinblue, discussing their soon to grow medical school. Nights were spent with a very lovely, amorous, and exceedingly horny covey in Pēteris bed. Items to be placed in bank boxes were packed, final baths taken, and a small convoy set out for the town’s bank. There, Pēteris was...

2 years ago
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Monica Discovery

Monica: Discovery I want to tell you about the biggest surprise of my life. It starts with the day I caught my husband. No, not with another woman... No, not with another man, either. Let me explain. I went out to meet some friends one evening after work. I had come home first and changed, and my husband was home from work. I was on my way to the restaurant, when I got a call on my cell. Two of the girls had to cancel for various reasons, so we decided to postpone...

4 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 2

Thank you so much for the kind comments on part 1. This is my first writing attempt, and it's good to know that some folks are enjoying it. Some of you have said that you're interested in where this is going. Well, so am I. :) I have a few ideas, and a couple of key items I want to get to, but most of it is coming out as I type it. Hopefully we'll all enjoy wherever the heck it ends up. Thanks again! LJ PS: Apologies to "Travesty" for the delay. I won't abandon it, but there may be...

3 years ago
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Monica should have been on top of the world. The 25 year old was a rising star at the local news station, having had a wonderful combination of looks (she was 6’0 tall and had a luscious 38E-28-36 frame wrapped in flawless mocha skin), charisma and an ability to look past the obvious and find the heart of a story. She’d only been working at the station for a year and her editor was already talking to her about being an anchor woman. The problem was her husband, Malcolm. The two had met in high...

2 years ago
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Monica part4

This is how it happened.It was my last year of grad school and I was working my ass off. Sure, I was tense, but I had a great sense of purpose. My professors, on the whole, liked me, and as hard as their courses were I always did pretty well. Of course, blowing off steam was an integral part of that. Without that safety valve, I might have exploded - or imploded from the weight of all the things on my mind. But I was happy to discover that grad students, most of us, are on the same page where...

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