Verisoara Mea free porn video

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Pana nu de mult nu o cunosteam pe vara-mea, Sandra. O vazusem prin poze, ii stiam pe ai ei, dar nu ma intalnisem niciodata cu ea. Eu eram a XII-a, ea era in anul II la Drept si era draguta foc: avea parul lung, negru ca pana corbului, dar il tinea de mult ori strans la spate; ochii ei erau de un verde atat de clar, incat ziceai ca erau pietre pretioase; Sandra era destul de inalta, cu niste forme savuroase, voluptoase si zambea mai tot timpul. Evident, imi era rusine sa-mi recunosc ca imi parea asa de frumoasa si ca ma simteam neasteptat atrasa de ea
Intr-o zi, ne-a facut o vizita mie si alor mei; venise cu parintii cu masina tocmai din Constanta, pana la noi acsa. Eram emotionata, mai mult decat ar fi fost normal, sa o vad. A venit, am facut cunostiinta, ea a ras, ne-am imbratisat si ne-am sarutat pe obraji. Intr-un fel intrasem in panica... Parintii mei au vrut sa iasa in oras, dar Sandra a refuzat politicos, spunand ca e obosita, asa ca m-am oferit sa raman cu ea acasa. La inceput, am vorbit, ne-am cunoscut mai bine, am recuperat timpul in care nu ne cunoscuseram. Eu stateam pe fololiu, iar ea se intinsese confortabil pe canapea. Pozitia ei ma facea sa ma gandesc doar la prostii; nu reuseam sa-mi "filtrez" cumva ideile care nu-mi dadeau pace. Fata imi spusese ca ii plac foarte mult filmele de groaza, asa ca am pus unul si ne-am asezat amandoua in patul din camera mea, pe pernele imense si pufoase. Ea statea cu capul sprijinit de mine, urmarind cu atentie actiunea.

Ma simteam nemaipomenit langa ea. Nu am trecut mult pana la primul moment intr-adevar horror. Sandra s-a speriat, a tipat tare si m-a strans tare in brate. "Eu nu mai pot sa ma uit" mi-a spus ea terifiata "Nu-i decat un film... nu te speria" incerc eu sa o linistesc, mangaindu-i obrazul roz. Sandra ma privea adanc in ochi, in timp ce isi presa sanii tari si rotunzi de mine. Nu stiu cat a durat, dar nu vroiam sa se mai termine. Sandra s-a lasat asupra mea si m-a sarutat pe gura, grabita si sfioasa. Nu stia la ce sa se astepte din partea mea. M-am excitat si i-am raspuns tot cu un sarut, dar mai profund. Avea buzele umede si catifelate. Parca am uitat ca eram vara mea. Si am continuat tot asa; am pierdut notiunea timpul si nu mi-a mai fost rusine. Stiu doar ca Sandra si-a desfacut parul si a m-a sarutat fara oprire. Ne obisnuiam una cu celalalta si lasam valul sa ne duca departe.

Instinctiv, m-am trezit cu mainile pipaindu-i sanii. I-a placut si ei, fiindca nu mi-a zis nimic; m-a lasat sa merg mai departe. Am dezbracat-o de tricoul mulat si sutienul negru. Ne atingeam nebuneste si amandoua vroiam mai mult, mai ales eu. Eram fermecata de parfumul dulceag al Sandrei, care imi dicta unde si cum s-o ating. Fata s-a urcat deasupra mea si si-a lasat parul sa se reverse peste mine. In scurt timp, am ramas doar in chiloti, despartiti doar de straturile subtiri de textile. Ii masam mamelele libere, cu sfarcurile lor impietrite. Excitarea mea devenea tot mai tare, parca n-o mai puteam controla. Am descoperit pasarica Sandrei si am tras-o spre mine, fiindca vroiam s-o ling. I-am desfacut labiile cu grija, cu mainile si cu limba, dupa care mi-am indreptat atentia asupra clitorisului. Avusese grija sa-si netezeasca zona intima, care era fara fir de par. Simteam cum fata se umezea tot mai mult, cum se misca usor peste mine, in timp ce eu imi afundam fata intre picioarele ei. Inevitabil, a inceput sa scoata niste sunete tot mai adanci si mai provocatoare, apropiindu-se rapid de orgasmul pe care in cele din urma i l-am oferit. Imediat, fata parca s-a linistit si dorind sa-mi intoarca favorul, a coborat spre pasarica mea, care statea uda si firbinte

Am mangaiato cu varfurile degetelor, incet, de cateva ori, dupa care a vrut sa mi-o cuprinda intre buze; am mangaiat-o incet pprin par ai vedeam curu cum statea cu el in sus asa ; i-am dat un sarut aromat si ea, cu multa pricepere, mi l-a fixat pe pizda. L-a netezit apoi cu cateva "acorduri" de sex oral, care m-au urcat repede pe culmile placerii, facandu-ma sa-mi pierd rabdarea. M-aluat sandra si ma asezat capra. Printre gemete, am mieunat: "Hai baga-mi-o! Te vreau in mine! Trage-mi-o-n pizda" cu limba ta ... si asa a si facut. A alunecat in ea imediat, aproape fara sa-mi dau seama. Asta nu insemna ca stransoarea usoara a pasaricii ei nu-mi rezerva o placere de nedescris. . Nu s-a oprit decat pentru a schimba pozitia; m-am asezat pe spate si fata a ramas in genunchi, instalandu-si confortabil funduletul pe pizda mea. Nu am renuntat la a-i sustine miscarile. La un moment dat, s-a oprit si a inceput sa-si indoaie formele, avandu-ma in fata ei. Faza asta m-a adus aproape de a termina, ceea ce nu planuiam sa fac ... inainte de-ai da Sandrei o a doua "explozie de placere". Pentru a-i grabi orgasmul, i-a sugerat sa se ridice de pe mine, dupa care am lipit-o cu sanii de peretele de la capul patului. I-am departat usor piciorele, i-am netezit parul pe spate. Sandra, nestiind la ce sa se astepte, a intors capul sa vada ce am de gand. Mi-am inmuiat aratatoarul intre buzele ei, dupa care l-am folosit pentru a-i penetra gaura fundului. Ea a gemut usor, dar nu s-a impotrivit. Cand am considerat ca-i pregatita, mi-am fixat limbuta pe directia anusului ei si am inaintat cu grija. Am intrat usor, intampinata de un gemet lung, fara sa intampin rezistenta asa de mare cum ma asteptam, ceea ce m-a facut sa trag concluzia ca fata mai avusese experiente de genul asta inainte. Am continuat prin a pompa inainte si inapoi in stransoarea fundului frumoasei brunete tot mai des. La fel ca si mine, Sandra se ineca in oceanul de placere.I-o dadeam Sandrei cat puteam de repede; suprapuneam peste miscarile mele, un du-te-vino al bazinului ei, de care o tot trageam inainte si inapoi. Ii simteam ocazional salturile violente si jucause ale sanilor neastamparati sau parul lucios, deja ravasit Drept dovada, incepuse sa urle tare: "Trage-mi-o tare! Fute-ma in cur! Nu te opri". Nici nu aveam de gand. Ca si cum nu i-ar fi fost fundul destul de stramt, ea a mai si strans din fese puternic, aproape facandu-ma sandwich. Ca raspuns eu am tras-o de par nu prea tare si i-am oferit un nou orgasm; odata misiunea mea indeplinita, am etranspirat , eliberandu-ma o data cu ea am avut orgasm demential
Inca mai aveam pofta de prostioare, asa ca am decis sa facem dus impreuna. Am dat drumul la apa rece si ne-am sarutat din nou. De data asta insa ne-am limitat doar la sex oral: eu i-am alintat iar pasarica fetei, pana la un al treila orgasm. Ea s-a apropiat de mine pe la spate, m-a strans in brate puternic, mangaindu-ma cu sanii mari. A coborat cu mana spre pizda mea, pe care a masturbato isteric, pana am ejaculat in cada. Ne-am sarutat, ne-am sters de stropii reci si ne-am imbracat. Satisfacute, am adormit una langa celalalta, in pat. Ne-am trezit abia dimineata. Parintii nostri venisera mai tarziu. Ei se bucurau ca eu si cu Sandra ne inteleseseram atat de bine, fara a banui macar ce se intamplase intre noi doua. Mai mult decat evident, noi ne-am comportat cat mai natural, pentru a nu da de banuit. Am facut un fel de intelegere tacita, de a nu povesti nimanui despre cele intamplate, intelegere pe care acum o incalc, spunandu-va voua aceasta istorioara...

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Fuck WeedChapter 6 Business Meating

"God I want your cock." Mindy moaned into Chase's ear as he slowly woke up in the warm muggy cabana. His beautiful wife lay next to him, her firm thigh between his, and her warm soft hand stroking his erect cock. She smelled lightly of soap and perfume, having taken a shower without waking him. Chase looked at her pretty face as he inhaled the scent of her aroused pussy. Without saying another word she deftly slipped over top of him, straddling his hips, and slid onto his erection with a...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 9 Countermeasures

Amanda, Mark and Sam casually strolled up the sidewalk to Sly's, an open-air restaurant with a park like atmosphere. Scanty clad waiters and waitresses quickly tended to the needs of the diners. They never stayed any longer than it took to write down the orders, fill the orders and replenish cups of coffee or stronger drinks. Hans Steiner sat at a table overlooking the foot traffic on the sidewalk. The diminutive man stared down at the passers by, a king surveying his kingdom. He waved the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 394 Worrying News in Noumea

Saturday, September 8 to Sunday, September 16, 2007 The trip to Noumea was one I was looking forward to very much. A week on a tropical island with sun, sand, sea, sex and scuba; and sadly, some shopping, sigh. Donna was very eager too, probably for the same six reasons, although hopefully not too much because of sex. Her sex education was progressing slowly, exactly how Mom and Dad - and me to a lesser extent - wanted it to progress. It was a safe bet that Donna wouldn't misbehave with...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 8 Master Alamea

Everyone thought it would get easier after we got used to the stress and workload, but it did not, our instructors pushed us even harder. I was sent for 24 hours into the no light lock up for having a bad shave after returning from a 75 kilometer force march through the Jungle in just my underwear and a combat knife. The instructor argued that the knife was perfectly usable to perform a shave before reporting back. Narth did not fare much better and was send washing dishes by hand for the...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Captain Skinnerrsquos Meanderings

“I, Georgina, take thee, Eustace, to my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.” The bridegroom placed a ring on Georgina’s fourth finger (digitus annularis), and then said, in a thin, weedy, voice. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly...

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Porn has shown the world the complete insides and outsides of many different women that come from all kinds of backgrounds – nobody 30 and under can say that they haven’t jacked off to a cute Asian babe stripping, or a sexy ebony chick riding dick like her life depended on it. By now every race knows what every other race’s women look like clothed, undressed, and bent over on a bed while getting slammed by some guy’s meat rod. Now I don’t like to play favorites when it comes to which race...

Premium Latina Porn Sites
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Vicki decent gang fuckmeat

I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...

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A Hike To The Meadow

‘What would like to do today?’ ‘I thought maybe we could take a hike in the woods, try to a meadow full of wild flowers. Are you game?’ ‘That would be wonderful. Let me get dressed and we can leave right away.’ While you are getting dressed I pack a knapsack with a blanket and a bottle of wine and patiently wait for you to get ready. You come out dressed in a flannel shirt and pair of tight jeans and your hiking boots. ‘You look ravishing!’ ‘Thanks! Are you ready?’ ‘Absolutely, lets go.’ ...

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Like A Wind in the Meadow

Like a Wind in the Meadow... by Andrea Lena DiMaggio A steady but calm breeze whisked across the broad meadow that nestled in safety below the city...a village, really...that sat on the hill above. A solitary figure stood by a large rock; a boy of about fourteen; thin, almost reedy in fact. His clothes were simple and dark against the bright sun which seemed to glisten ever so slightly off his long yellow hair. The boy toiled away at the laundry by the stream that ran behind the city...

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SouthwesternStyle Ass Hair MeatLoaf

INGREDIENTS: • 1 pound ground beef, lean • 3/4 to 1 pound ground veal • 1 egg • 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs • 1 can (approx. 4 1/4 ounces) chopped ripe olives • 1 can (4 ounces) chopped mild green chile pepper • 1 cup corn kernels • 1/2 cup salsa, plus more for topping • 1 teaspoon onion powder • ¾ teaspoon garlic powder • 1/8 teaspoon pepper • Hair from one moderately hairy ass • 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste PREPARATION: Ass Hair - spread a portion of newspaper on the...

2 years ago
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Puzzle How Demeaning

How Demeaning! - A Puzzle By Tar Baby Gene couldn't believe his luck. His girlfriend had finally invited him out to her apartment overlooking the Las Vegas Strip. Of course, he hadn't told her that he was carting four of his friends with him to Nevada. He booked them into cheap motel rooms so they could all go gambling together, but the temptation to bring them up to Tara's penthouse apartment was too great. As soon as Gene arrived in Las Vegas, Tara had noticed his four...

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Roleplay Starter Mountain Meadow

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Mountain Meadow"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Mountain meadow in the early fall. Not quite above the tree line. Small clusters of evergreens dot the area. They'd been hiking for several hours now and decide to stop and make camp for the night near a clump of pines. They take off their large packs and begin to make camp. They work well as a team and soon there's a cozy fire, plenty of dry fuel and a small tent. Their canteens filled from a nearby...

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Orgasms in the Sunny Meadow

Jennifer got me to volunteer for the local woods cleanup day that our College was sponsoring. We lived in the same dorm and had talked a few times. She was perky and seemed fun, but I had been so busy trying to keep up with my classes that I had not had time to really get to know her. I wasn't sure if she was my type or not, but I figured it would be nice to help cleanup the woods around our school. I would enjoy being outdoors in the sun on a nice spring day rather then cooped up in the...

Oral Sex
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 31 A Moment In the meadow

The east meadow, as locals and members of the family called it, was not a grand expanse of land. Some, one might suppose would insist it be put to use for planting yet Lord Katsuhito had decreed long ago it should not be. Saying it served its purpose simple by being a restful break between hills, woods and lakes. In truth, he himself had attempted planting it. Back in the twilight of his years upon his adopted world. Finding the plot, stubborn even to one of his keen agrarian...

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The Annual Measuring

Not so long ago he'd still been just a boy, but now that he was fifteen he knew that Michael would have more difficult of a situation with discovering puberty. Michael himself was starting to ask questions about sex and girls as school sex education had raised so many more questions. Living in the countryside, neither could turn to the internet. Anyways—as the family celebrated, the two boys readied themselves up for their annual crotch measuring event. By the time night fell, the two boys...

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Disciplinary Measures

Disciplinary Measures Disciplinary Measures My name is Ruth Martin. I am thirty-seven years old, happily married with two children, both girls in their pre-teens, and I work as a District Nurse. I make house calls in my capacity as nurse all over the district during the day and usually return home to my family in the early evening. My life is interesting, well regulated and happy. I think I can say I am good-looking, with my dark, shoulder length hair tied back in a tail, though I am,...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 28 Defensive Measures

"Michael, I am delighted to see you!" Jon'a-ren exclaimed. "Where is Dee'rah? She is not with you?" "No, father-mine. She is sleeping. She is completely exhausted, emotionally and physically. If it weren't for her exhaustion and that she has finally agreed to submit to a sedative, I doubt that she'd be resting even now, and she certainly wouldn't let me out of her sight for this visit!" "Michael-mine, you do know how deeply she loves you. Your misadventure during the mission to...

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The Meadow

Imagine a still-warm day in October, walking through the trees all ablaze in bright reds or yellows and oranges, The sun is shining through the trees, bright rays dancing with soft shadows upon the ground, the rays kissing your cheek, warming your soul as much as your body. We dance as much as walk, holding each other’s hand, traipsing through the woods. We see a soft, small meadow and walk toward it. Across the grass there is a small hut, stone walls and partially overgrown — obviously old...

2 years ago
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Sleeping In The Meadow

In a small town of only three thousand people it wasn't a challenge to find out the details of your neighbors life. The where, the when, the who. It was a blessing and a curse, as a kid I could never get away with anything, and I never had to keep a secret that was just too juicy to withhold. So, it was no surprise to me when I heard about the arriving of Charli Rioux. Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, "She has a sharp...

Love Stories
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California Central Valley Summer HeatChapter 4 Kissing Sam in the Meadow

WE WERE OFF for our annual summer week at University Camp, not too far up in the Sierra Nevada range near Tahoe National Forest. Mom and Dad were in one cabin, really more of a large tent with a wooden floor and a couple of wooden shelves for stuff, and us kids were stuck in little tents right outside, Sam and our little sister, Debbie, in one, me and our big brother in the other. Sam and I didn’t care. As on earlier visits, we knew we had all day to do stuff together. Maybe until late at...

3 years ago
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EmbersChapter 2 The Meadow

We walked out of the picnic area, toward the lake, my arm entwined in hers and her curvy body jostling against mine as we walked. That, and smelling her natural, feminine fragrance so close to me along with the scent of mown grass and wild flowers, was having a stimulating effect and causing those memories of my sister and I, as horny teens, to return. DID she ever think about it? I asked myself again. Was it in her memory, right now, that she had once given herself to me and that I had...

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