Lakeview Discount Meats free porn video

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Joseph Hurley was a wealthy man looking for lucrative ways to increase his wealth. Often the least legal paid the best dividends. As his limo entered the gate of Lakeview Discount Meats slaughterhouse for a meeting, he thought to himself, “No one would ever suspect that anything was going on here. The building looks like an abandoned warehouse. And no other buildings around. Perfect disguise.”

“Mr. Hurley, welcome. I have been expecting you. I am Fred Wilson, General Manager of Lakeview Discount Meats. Please call me Fred. I will personally conduct your tour and answer your questions. As you know, we desire your investment so that we can expand this facility and even open some branches in outlying areas.”

“Thank you, Fred. You may call me Joe. I don’t like to waste time on preliminaries, so I am ready to begin as soon as possible.”

“I like that. Please follow me. I suspect you are familiar with general slaughterhouse operations, so I won’t bore you with detailed explanations. But if there is anything specific you want to know, I will give you as much detail as you wish.”

After a short walk: “This is our receiving area. As you can see, there is ample security. And even if some of the meat girls escaped, our entire compound is surrounded by electrified fences. We have never had an escape. The meat girls are ages 15 to 25 with most being in the 17 to 19 age group. Younger than 15 they don’t have enough meat, and our market isn’t interested in any older than 25. We process them as quickly as possible. First, they are herded through the depilatory baths which removes all body hair. We keep their head hair because some of our specialty markets prefer it.”

Fred and Joe were in a wide walkway separated from the meat girls by a thick, wire-reinforced glass wall that allowed them to easily observe all processes.

They continued along to where the meat girls exited the depilatory bath and where they were showered and scrubbed by staff.

“We like our stock to be exceptionally clean, and we pay attention to detail. As the staff clean them they look for deformities or problems of any kind. Those are separated and put down. Inspectors also look for a federal meat inspection stamp, and if there is none, we give them one.”

Fred looked at Joe, knowing that this action was illegal and wanting to see Joe’s reaction. Joe merely smiled. Everything about this place was illegal. A bootleg stamp was nothing. They continued walking.

“Next we herd them single file past our next inspector. He has a list of special orders we have received. Special orders is where we make our biggest profit. We sell live fully prepared meat girls, ready to BBQ or oven roast. Customers frequently specify a certain body type, or breast size, or hair color, or height, or any combination—and they always want them live. Our inspector looks for meat girls who match the order and separate them out for special treatment. The rest stay in the herd and go to general processing.”

“When you say ‘general processing’, what do you mean specifically?”

“These go onto our main slaughter line. They are hung, upside down, throat cut to bleed out. Then they are gutted and beheaded, split and put in the cooling room overnight. From the cooling room they go to the butchers who separate them into the various cuts that you would find in any meat market or butcher shop. Typical slaughterhouse processing.”

“Do you use a circular saw or band saw for splitting?”

“We have tried both and prefer the band saw. We have fewer industrial accidents with it. We want to cut only the meat girls, not the staff. . . . . But our specialty line is what I am most proud of and where most of our profit lies. About half of the meat girls go to specialty processing. Follow me through here and I will show you what we do with the meat girls our inspector separates out.”

At the end of a connecting hallway they passed through a door into an area totally separate from the main slaughterhouse processing line.

“This first area provides live oven roasters. We bring meat girls here who meet the requirements of these special orders, and here we process them in one of two ways, whichever the customer has specified.”

“What are the two ways?”

“We can provide them stuffed, with or without stitches.”

“How do you manage that?”

“Here’s one about to be processed. Let’s watch.”

Just six feet away, behind the reinforced glass they saw a meat girl forcibly laid on her back upon a table with gynecological-type foot stirrups. She was strapped into place. A large garbage can was placed on the floor under her ass. The attendant took an electric tool and stuck it in her asshole and pulled the trigger. The business end spun rapidly and he pressed in as the meat girl screamed. Soon there was a bloody ring around her asshole.”

“What is that tool he is using?” asked Joe.

“That is a simple electric drill you can buy in any hardware store, and the drill bit in the end is also available in any hardware store. It is used by carpenters to cut 2-inch holes in wood. We use it to separate the anal sphincter from the perineum.”

“In other words, you cut out her asshole.”


The meat girl had begun screaming as this was done and the guards quickly inserted a ball gag.

As Joe watched, the attendant took a device with a hook on the end, used it to snag the asshole and started pulling.

Fred explained, “They are going to completely gut her through this oversize asshole. By pulling, they can get the mesentery to let loose of the colon and small intestine. Sometimes they have to pull quite hard but their experience has taught them how to get it done. It goes out of her and into the garbage can. Our best technicians know when they have it all, and then they stretch the opening and reach inside with a special tool and cut the stomach loose from the esophagus. Using that same tool, he cuts the vagina loose from the vulva from the inside, and cuts the bladder loose from her pee hole. Ovaries, uterus, bladder—it all comes out through the asshole. Now he’s flushing out the cavity with clean water. Next he is inserting a large diameter hose which is pumping stuffing in. We have our standard blend, or some customers prefer their own stuffing recipe. We can put in enough to make the body look normal and buff, or we can pump in enough to make her look 9-months pregnant. Whatever the customer wants and is willing to pay for. The pussy hole is sewed shut and the new asshole, too, to keep the stuffing in. The benefit is that there are no stitches on the belly, because the belly was never cut open. This improves the appearance and some of our customers are willing to pay more for that.”

“Doesn’t the gutting cause shock or death?”

“Rarely. We have specially trained medics standing by are watching the meat girl’s vital signs and prepared to administer drugs to prevent shock. And most cases of death are caused by blood loss, but our method causes a minimum of blood loss.”

“You said there were two options.”

“Yes, the other option involves regular gutting by cutting open the abdominal cavity and scooping out the guts. We use a former surgeon who is able to do it without causing any deadly trauma. Again the medics are standing by to prevent shock. This method is faster, cheaper, and makes it possible to harvest liver and kidneys which are nearly impossible to remove through the asshole. These organs can be ground up as part of the stuffing for those who request it. The only down side is that the belly must be sewn up again after inserting the desired stuffing. . . . . Oh, one more thing. We can also provide whole, live, gutted, unstuffed meat girls. Some people have special uses but they don’t like to do the gutting, so we gut them the same way we do our stuffed roasters, except that we don’t stuff them.”

“You go to great pains to keep these meat girls alive, but surely their lifespan is greatly shortened.”

“Indeed it is. We prepare them for same day delivery and cooking. We guarantee them to arrive alive and ready to pop into the oven. We haven’t lost any yet, and our record of repeat customers speaks for itself.”

“Very impressive, Fred. Now I’d like to see what you are doing with spitted BBQ meat girls.”

“Of course. Follow me.”

It was just a short walk to a different area where they could see rows of Jessica 3000 spitting machines.

“I see you do mechanical spitting.”

“Of course. We have so many orders that we couldn’t keep up if we had to do it manually.”

“How many Jessicas do you run?”

“Right now we have 20 operating, but I want to double that. That’s why we need your investment.”

“So exactly what products are you offering your customers here?”

“Live, spitted meat girls, ready to go over the coals. They can be gutted or ungutted, stuffed or not. BBQ meat has never been more popular. We can’t keep up with the demand. The Jessicas cut down on labor. Our machines have an option switch to eliminate the gutting part of the cycle for customers who want whole, spitted, ungutted meat girls. The Jessicas also have a good track record of producing live spitted meat girls. Number of deaths is negligible. Still, once they are spitted, it is important to get them to the customer as quickly as possible. So, you see our delivery truck through that large, overhead door. The technicians toe tag the meat girls with their destination address then carry them out and load them on the delivery truck immediately. A truck has racks to hold sixteem meat girls at a time. If the trip is too long, they may not be too lively at the destination. That’s why we will use part of your investment to open more branches where we can be closer to customers and can deliver them faster with fresher girl meat.”

“Well Fred, I’m convinced. You can count on me to invest $10 million.”

“Thanks, Joe. You won’t be sorry.”

Just then, all the lights went out and all electric appliances—like Jessicas and electric drills—came to a dead stop. Then they head an amplified voice saying, “This is the police. This slaughterhouse is surrounded. Everyone is under arrest. Do not try to leave.”

An hour later all the staff, including Joe and Fred, had been arrested. The unprocessed meat girls had been put on trucks and carried to a safe location, and a police sergeant went up to the officer in charge and said,

“Lieutenant, sir, you know, we have some real problems here.”

“Show me.”

They went first to the oven roasted area.

“Sir, this meat girl says her name is Lisa. She has been gutted and stuffed and is still very much alive. And this next girl has been cut open and even more of her organs removed than Lisa. She is not stuffed, but she is lying there wide open and very much alive. And the next two are much the same.”

“Is that all?”

“No, sir. There’s even more problems in the BBQ area.”

They took the short walk.

“There’s 18 girls on these machines. All have a BBQ spit started through them. When the power was cut, the spit stopped wherever it happened to be; some are a little spitted, others are nearly done. We can’t put the power back on because we think the machines will start up and finish spitting these meat girls, and gutting some of them. Over here is one with the spit half way through her and her belly cut open and her guts hanging halfway down the garbage chute. Out there (he pointed to the overhead door) there is a delivery truck with fourteen live spitted meat girls in it. They were supposed to be delivered and cooked today. What do we do?”

“First, put a guard so that nobody turns the power back on. Then get me a secure line to headquarters.”

After the secure line was found and a call made:

“Captain, Lieutenant Smith here. We have a mess.” He explained what the sergeant had told him.

“Look, Lieutenant you know we are already way over budget. City Hall won’t give us any more money. No way will we be able to pay for all the medical care those girl meats will need. In fact, I don’t even know if they can be saved. Probably need a lot of expensive Intensive Care and then they will die anyway. It would be much better if you can convince them to go ahead and get roasted or BBQed. Tell them that their families will be reimbursed when we liquidate the assets of Lakeview Slaughterhouse.”

“Is that the truth?”

“Hell, no. But that doesn’t go beyond you and me. The best we can do is sell their meat and use it to relieve some of the pressure on our budget. . . . Just convince them not to ask for medical care.”

Lt. Smith hung up the phone.

“What did you find out, sir?” asked the sergeant.

“We can’t save them. Let’s go to the delivery truck first. How many are in there?”

“I think 14.”

The lieutenant walked to the front of the cargo hold of the truck. He could see 28 eyes looking pleadingly at him.

“I am Lt. Smith from the police. We have raided this illegal slaughterhouse and stopped their operation. I am sorry that we came too late to prevent you from being spitted, but at least we got to you before they delivered you. That’s the good news. The bad news is that I have spoken to the doctors at the hospital and they said that you can’t be saved. You have been completely spitted, and the damage that was done to you internally will cause your death, some sooner than others. They said they could operate and try to fix you up but it would at best just be a short delay. In the end you would still die. But I have more good news. You can still be a benefit to your families. You could agree to go ahead and be BBQed and sold. You girls are beautiful and will bring top dollar. That money could go to your families. Also, when we liquidate the assets of this illegal operation, those funds, too, will go to your families. I know that you can’t speak, but I will come to each of you and if you agree to this settlement, blink your eyes twice.”

“Did they all agree?” asked the sergeant.

Only two of the girl meats blinked twice, but the lieutenant said, “Looked that way to me, and I’ll call any man a liar who says different. There’s a number of BBQ pits out back behind the factory. Get them fired up.”

“All of them?”

“All. We’ve got a lot of girls to cook. Next I’ll talk to the ones only half-spitted.”

He walked to the first Jessica. Then, speaking so only the first girl meat could hear him, he said, “Hi, what’s your name?”


“Sandi, here’s the situation. Your spit seems to be in your throat. A couple more seconds of power and you would have been completely spitted and not able to talk.”

“Tell me something I don’t know!” she replied angrily, coughing and swallowing due to the pressure of the spit in her throat.

“I see you’re really angry. That’s understandable. We’re going to do everything we can to save you. The problem is that we can’t move you still attached to the machine. The doctor suggested that we turn the electricity back on and let the spitting process finish. Then the machine will release the spit and we can extract you and get you to the hospital. The problem is that eventually you are going to die no matter what we do. Maybe a week, probably just a day. But if you let us BBQ you, we can sell your meat and give the money to your family. What do you say?”

“I say HELL NO! I WANT TO LIVE!” she shouted.

All the other spittees heard that part. So much for trying to have a private conversation. Soon, they were all yelling, I WANT TO LIVE!”

“What are we going to do, lieutenant?” asked the sergeant.

“We have to stop this before it gets out of hand,” he replied.


“Sergeant, go and reconnect the power cables.”

He ran off and did as instructed. The lights suddenly came back on, and the Jessicas all started humming, and the spits started moving, and the girl meats all started screaming as the pain from the spits started again. But their screaming stopped as soon as the spits exited their mouths, and a second later, the Jessicas stopped humming. Lieutenant Smith said to himself, “Ah, blessed peace and quiet.”

The sergeant returned. “What now, boss?”

“How are those fire pits doing?”

“Ready to roast.”

“How many are there?”

“There’s 30.”

“But we have 32 girl meats. 18 here that just finished spitting, and 14 in the truck. You have a pit, don’t you? Why don’t you take one home for your family, and I’ll take the other. Put the other 30 on the pits here. I’ll make the corrections in my report.”

“What about the live roasters.”

“How many of them?”


“Search this place and see if there are any ovens here, then put them in to roast. I think the Captain prefers roasted girl meat over BBQ anyway; and we mustn’t forget the Police Commissioner.”

The sergeant ran off to do as instructed and the lieutenant said to himself, “Case solved. All done but the paperwork.”


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Her mom said "The deal is in order to stay with us you must become a slave too the rest of the family. If you refuse to do what they have asked you to complete, you will be punished severely in as many ways there are that we can do to you. You are not allowed to masturbate yourself only if someone wants to masturbate."So her mom thought it would be a great idea to lock her in chasity belt which only she had the key too. Her big brother then said "Mom, please can I fuck her pussy hole."...

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Mikes Pet Meat

So I text my friends not to wait up for me and he drives me to his place. It's a bit out of the way. It's got one of those really long driveways, where you can't see the house at the end because of all the trees. It's very quiet there. Once we get inside though, he fixes this by blasting some music. "Aren't your neighbors gonna call the cops on you?", I shout. "Nah, I soundproofed the place, and there's a bunch of trees between me and anyone else. They can't hear nothin'!",...

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Mikes Pet Meat

Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. I met the cutest guy at the club last Saturday night. His names Mike. We really hit it off. Now, I dont usually go back to a guys place when we first meet, but he was really cute, and wouldnt take my number, saying its either now or never. I didnt want to miss my chance at him. So I text my friends not to wait up for me and he drives me to his place. Its a bit out of the way. Its got one of those really...

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Good Meat

She sat there on the floor, dressed in her tight white t-shirt and short-shorts, her legs tucked under her body, and gave me that same idiotic look. A look like she didn't really comprehend what was happening to her. I mean, really, there's only so far you can bring a person before reality sets in. Just a minute ago this girl was crawling across the floor on her hands and knees, desperately trying to tempt me to fuck her. Now that I've called her on the promises she's made, she...

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FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...

5 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 3 MILF Meat

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...

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I Have A Craving For Meat

I have this incredible craving for meat. The craving is so intense, I can think of little else – how it looks and especially how it feels and tastes on my tongue and in my mouth. Just the thought of it makes me hot. Since I can’t have the meat I’m really after, I go downstairs, go to the freezer and remove a four ounce steak. I fill the sink about 1/3 full with hot water. I slip the steak into the water and go into the living room to pass the time while the steak thaws. I decide to watch an...

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meatbyW. L. TelfordAlthough I believe this story can stand alone, it might be a sequel to WORLDS APART.No one knows what happened to Carol Edwards after she stepped naked into an elevator on the fifth level of underground parking beneath a Los Angeles office building.  This is one possibility.1With apologies to T.S. Eliot:  This is the way the world ends.  This is the way the world ends.  This is the way the world ends:  Not with a bang but a whisper.  A life ended as an elevator door closed...

3 years ago
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Prides Brides and Meat

PRIDES, BRIDES AND MEAT ©2005 by C. A. Smith Part 1 To: Jason Moore From: Curt Hollowell Jason, I cannot stress this too strongly: that nothing less than the foodsupply for the entire human race depends on keeping the world's female populationunder tight control. We cannot afford to become squeamish, sentimental or fuzzy-mindedon this issue. If we slip backwards into the dangerously out-of-date thinkingof the pre-DED past, we invite disaster. My God, man! Think about it! Who inhis right mind...

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Drain the swimmeat

A longer story about Erik-Jan's side of the story. A spinoff from the 21 part series I wrote earlier about Robby's endeavors. "A meeting in Leather." THE SWIMMERS' MEATFrom an early age, Erik-Jan already regularly had sex with his girlfriends. According to them, EJ was quite a good lover. His latest flame, Jessica, was the very best. They had been going steady for a few months when she asked him if he wanted a blow job. Of course, he did not say no to...

2 years ago
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Cuddlyanne BBW White Meat

Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out after graduating college, and I no longer needed a two bedroom apartment. I found a cute little one bedroom in the same neighborhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men...

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White BBW Meat

Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out , and I no longer needed a two bedroom house. I found a cute little one bedroom,groumd floor flat in the same neighbourhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men standing...

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Acquiring a Taste for Brown Cock Meat

I’ve made a good living with my commercial landscaping company, servicing mainly neighborhood community associations, and I owe a lot of that success to my Mexican American crew, and especially my crew chiefs. I compensate my employees above the going labor rates in the Houston area, and even provide medical benefits. I’m paid back with their loyalty, hard work, and attention to detail on the job, that keeps our customers happy.We provide landscaping services most of the year, and even snow...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 25 Fresh Meat

Spring had arrived in our sleepy little town. Mom's tulips were in full bloom, and the trees were greening up. I was taking in the signs of change of season as I saw my first robin. It was predicted to be in the low 60s this weekend. I was looking forward to the warmer weather, because we had our baseball tournament. Lincoln High lost their first game on Wednesday. Our record stood at 7 – 1. I had started three games and my record was 2 – 0 with a 1.37 ERA. Justin was also 2 – 0 with a 2.43...

3 years ago
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Taras Bayou Level 1 Fresh Meat

Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...

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MEAT ©2005 by C. A. Smith Part 1 Blue wouldn't admit it to the other girls, of course, but she was a littlescared. The next regular meat collection was tomorrow. Her twenty-second birthdaywas last month. She'd already delivered seven babies and the Products Managerhad turned down her request to start an eighth, so now here she was in theholding area waiting for the Gaths to pick up their next shipment. The Foxbush staff had started her prep routine this morning. She'd been puton the...

2 years ago
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Piece of Meat

My mother warned me about sex. She always said that if I gave it up too early, I would be treated like a piece of meat by my man.Well, Mom, you almost had it right. Turns out I’m the one who treats a man like a piece of meat.Tonight there’s a party at the Sigma Epsilon Xi fraternity house, a veritable buffet of hormones and desire. Nothing beats a frat party for some quick and dirty sex with no strings attached.When I arrive, I look for any guy who isn’t currently sucking face with a chick, and...

College Sex
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Confessions of a Cock Slut Craving for Dog Meat

As a young girl, I frequently fantasized about fucking a dog. And now, to this day, I still rub my hot pussy until I cum hard while thinking about being filled with dog cock. As a child, our neighbors had a couple of medium sized dogs, some kind of Pitbull mixes, and I first caught a glimpse of dog sex while watching the male fuck the female out in their backyard while I stared from my bedroom window, fingers slick with juices while I rubbed my tingling pre-teen pussy, loving the new...

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Pass The Dark Meat

Sarah was seated at the dining room table between her brother and cousin, shoulders slumped, napkin folded in her lap. She was nursing a grade-A hangover and trying her best not to spoil Thanksgiving dinner. "Shall we say Grace?" her grandfather asked from the head of the table. No one said anything. The first person to agree would get the honors. Sarah looked at her older brother who gave her an elbow. "How about you, Sarah?" her grandfather said. "Now that you're in college, we hardly get to...

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Dead Meat

Dead Meat By Margaret Jeanette Katherine Lubbock sat at her desk talking to Jerry Smith who sat across from her. He handed her an envelope, which contained pictures. She looked at all of the pictures. They were of her husband having sex with three different women. She had suspected he was cheating on her so she had hired Jerry who was the best private investigator in town. He left and she wondered about what to do with her husband of eight years. She didn't want to divorce him...

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Fresh Meat

FRESH MEAT A tall statuesque blond suddenly leaned forward and stared predatorily at a young guy sitting alone at the bar. Ummm thought Sarah, slim build, not too tall, longish legs, cute butt, but best of all and at this point Sarah Jane purred, rather akin to a leopardess eyeing its quarry, he was "ALONE," fucking perfect!!! Jimmy Kaminski had just had a shitter of a day, he'd been for yet another job interview and again another fucking knock back, he couldn't understand it, he...

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Wife8217s first real taste of manmeat

A true story never told before. I married one of the most beautiful girls in my area. She had long blonde hair slim 104lbs five foot four nice legs good hips and ass, known to her I had a bi side, she had small tits you cannot have everything, and throughout our married life her looks got better. Unknown to her, I had a bi-sexual side, after twenty years of boring sex between us; same thing every night, I started to fantasize about her having sex with other men. What I did was, I began to ask...

3 years ago
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Fast Meat

Daniel had always been lucky with women. He was a decent enough looking guy, six feet tall and fourteen stone with an athletic physique who spent a lot of time cycling. But for some reason, there was just something about him that drew a certain type of woman. Every since he was a teenager at college and then into his twenties, he routinely get approached by women who just want to fuck. Most of the time it was just a one off thing with no commitments. At times it had turned into something more,...

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Tales of a HustlerHunterFresh Meat

Tales of a Hustler----Hunter---Fresh MeatAnother rainy night. Fuck—it's getting hard to make a living lately.Most of the bois were gathered in the common area, watching some cheesy black n white movie. I decided to go out a bit, headed down to Jerry's. He ran a 'bar' so to speak down on the edge of our neighborhood. I guess these days you would call it a sports bar, but had a teen environment. IE, TV's video games, and cokes and juice. No alcohol. As I approach the entrance, I noticed a dude...

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Fresh Meat

It was a small shop. It carried the oddities of the world. The things that odd people needed for their potions and lotions and curative powders. It was dark, no matter how many lights he lit. The windows were covered with old dust and cobwebs. Shelves lined every wall, and every shelf was lined with vials and bottles and boxes of ingredients needed for many an unusual concoction or elixir. It was not a lucrative shop. But it was all he had. All Harold and his mother had, inherited from his...

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Moguls The Meating

Douglas Jackson looked at his phone for the directions. It was January 17, 2012. The 53 year-old, super tall man found his destination. He was at the historic Chicago Medical School to begin his practicum for his education specialist degree. The old man had taken a semester off in vacation time from his job at Eleanor Roosevelt High where he taught health and coached the girls’ basketball team to two state championships over the past twenty years.Doug found a parking spot and whipped his dark...

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the wife as ghetto meat

This one started out as a fun experience. She had arranged for a cheap motel hook up with two black bulls. Finally I was allowed to watch, however I was to remain hidden in the closet. She made it sound real, if they were surprised by my presence she didn't know what they would do to me. Usually she goes out with these two and I am left to imagine what she's doing to them, with them.She dressed nicely, a skirt, pantyhose, silken panties, a nice bra and blouse and a pair of nice boots....

2 years ago
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fully trained anal meat

Shortly after being divorced at the age of 35, I frequented adult video theatres. Several times my full 8" hard cock wasslowly sucked off by willing men. At the same time I was reluctant to reciprocate being attractedto breasts and pussy as most healthy men.One evening I was visiting Dallas, Tx on business and stoppedby a major porno store there. Inside the theatre connected tothe book store I met a nice gentlemen in his 50s and agreed toaccompany him to his hotel room nearby with the...

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punk meat

Wow. So here i go...I had the best sex of my eniter life last weekend, with a man who ive known for years now...sort of odd at first, well mainly the day after, but then with the second incounter it was even more amaizing. Probably becuase we wernt shit face drunk. Any who, He ate my ass, first time for me, and all i can say is wow! I want his toung in my ass again, it felt so good, he stuck all his finers inside me and almost a whole fist. He fucked my wet pussy and ass until dawn, and then...

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Dungeon Meat

DUNGEON MEAT By Llabmik Chapter 1 – Highborn Bitch Grand Duchess Isabella lifted her nose in utter contempt as she watched thatdespicable worm, Lord Escobar, toady to the Grand Inquisitor. The lickspittlecourtier had a peculiarly fawning expression on his face as he talked to theancient priest. She would never have invited either the Grand Inquisitor orLord Escobar to one of her parties, but their hostess,the Queen of Spain, sadly had to cater to all factions. Feeling immensely superior...

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