Fresh Meat free porn video

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FRESH MEAT A tall statuesque blond suddenly leaned forward and stared predatorily at a young guy sitting alone at the bar. Ummm thought Sarah, slim build, not too tall, longish legs, cute butt, but best of all and at this point Sarah Jane purred, rather akin to a leopardess eyeing its quarry, he was "ALONE," fucking perfect!!! Jimmy Kaminski had just had a shitter of a day, he'd been for yet another job interview and again another fucking knock back, he couldn't understand it, he was more than qualified for that position of warehouseman. Jimmy was approaching 30 and had worked since leaving high school, but since he got made redundant at Home Depot three months ago he just somehow couldn't seem to get back into the ranks of employment, this was the fifth fuckin interview now and Jimmy was starting to get desperate. His savings would only stretch so far and the rent was due on the apartment plus the fact his girlfriend had just dumped him, "fucking bitch," he tried to explain that everything would soon be back on track but no, all Janine would say was, "sorry Jimmy, but I'm not down with this unemployment thing, it's just so not cool and all my girlfriends in the salon are starting to talk, like, you can do so much better and how you gonna afford D&G when you're dating "A LOSER." At that point Jimmy cursed silently, fuckin whore's that's all they were good for, the lot of em, if only women realized they were actually all sat on a fortune, that last bit brought a smile to Jimmy's face and suddenly he had an idea, he wanted to get laid, indeed when all else goes to shit and the good ship "LIFE'S SO FUCKED UP" starts to sink, then It's surely time to un-holster the Jimmy Kaminski six shooter and go poon hunting. It was exactly at that point and incredibly as if right on cue that a breathtakingly beautiful tall blond Amazon positioned herself directly in front of Jimmy and placing a taloned hand on the upper part of his right thigh said. "I've been watching you for ages you fucking stud muffin and you're making me sooooo fuckin horny baby," at this point two things happened to Jimmy Kaminski, (1) his eyes nearly popped out of his fucking head and (2) the six shooter instantly armed itself and because Jimmy was wearing skin tight jeans, to all and sundry it appeared that Jimmy Kaminski had grown an extra leg, which grew even larger when the same taloned hand accidentally brushed against it?. It was all Jimmy could do to speak and could only say what most men do when their brains have suddenly migrated south too their dicks, "you're place or mine?" Sarah Jane had now positioned her whole body firmly up against Jimmy's crotch area and leaning slowly toward her hapless prey she whispered, "Do you have a Porsche baby?" Jimmy shook his head like some demented moron. "Do you own a house with a swimming pool darling," cooed Sarah Jane? Again with his eyes looking like a rabbit with myxsamatosis, Jimmy shook his head in the negative, slowly though and unfortunately for Jimmy, Sarah Jane ever so slowly reversed out of Jimmy's crotch area then gently taking him by the hand she switched on a smile that should surely have been sponsored by the atomic energy commission and said, "well I have, wanna see em?" The unlikely couple departed The Thirsty Traveller and sure enough, there parked directly in front of Jimmy's disbelieving eyes was a silver coloured Porsche 911 Carrera, aiming a small black key fob at the Porsche, the silver dick on wheels unlocked itself amid a flurry of blinking lights and beeps. Jimmy was in rapture and had this "fuck me I'm in Poon heaven" glazed look on his face as the Porsche sped away to what appeared to be North Hollywood. At last, at long fucking last, Jimmy had landed on his feet, fuck the warehouse jobs, this bitch was not only single, she was hot, she was stinking fucking rich which meant of course as well as all his sexual needs being sated all his financial problems would be over too, "fuckin A, thought Jimmy to himself and at that point the six shooter cocked itself again. After about 30 minutes the silver Porsche entered the grounds of a large house and a short time later pulled up outside the front entrance. Switching off the engine Sarah Jane turned toward Jimmy and said "so what's it feel like to be hunted dickhead?" Jimmy just stared back at this vision of beauty and at first wasn't so sure as to what Sarah had just said but how she'd said it, all of a sudden this lady's tone of voice had changed and Jimmy had a bad feeling. "Cat got your tongue stupid?" Asked Sarah, those azure blue eyes now sparkling with purpose, "now you just lis," "SMACK," a sudden and quite vicious left hook caught Jimmy Kaminski square on the kisser and poor Jimmy slumped back in his seat, out like a light. Sarah Jane casually got out of the car and plucked a cell phone out of her jeans pocket, a few seconds later she spoke, "Hi darling, missed you, yea, got another one and I really think this one's gonna make us quite a bit of money," at that point Sarah Jane reached down and grabbed an unconscious Jimmy by the scruff of the neck and sort of inspected him as if he were goods in the supermarket. "Yea," she continued on, "kinda cute this one, won't have to do too much on the outside as the inside," at that point Sarah Jane smiled evilly, "but you know me babe, breakin em in is my speciality and I'll have her jumping through fucking hoops in no time." After letting out a deep raucous laugh Sarah Jane hung up and then incredibly effortlessly lifted Jimmy up over her shoulder (fireman's lift style) and walked toward the great house together with the unconscious Jimmy Kaminski. Jimmy awoke with a start and instantly a searing bolt of pain jolted through his lower jaw, in a matter of seconds he remembered what had happened in the bar and more importantly as he tenderly rubbed his jaw, the punch in the face by of all things "A BROAD." As those thoughts flashed through Jimmy's head another startling revelation hit him, he was naked, buck naked as the day he was born and not only that, he was bald. Jimmy looked down at the rest of his body and gasped in disbelief, every fucking hair from his body had been removed, even the pubic ones, running both hands over his face he realized not only was he bald but his eyebrows had been removed too, "what in the fuck was going on," he cried aloud? Jimmy after the initial shock of discovering sudden hair loss and nudity familiarized himself with the room he was in, which incidentally appeared to be some sort of gymnasium, there were various pieces of equipment associated with getting fit, treadmill, bench press set up, an assortment of weights and so forth. Plum smack bang in the middle of this all white painted room was a long leather bench, a bit like the ones people are wheeled into operating theatres on, except this one was heavily padded and appeared to have leather straps attached to it, two for arms and two for the legs, why thought Jimmy and who in the fuck did this fucking psycho think she was popping him on the chin like that. Suddenly a door opened at the far end of the room and all of Jimmy's questions were about to be answered. He couldn't believe his eyes, there striding toward him was the same chick who caught him with the cheap shot on the jaw , but its how she was dressed that had Jimmy Kaminski gawking like a virgin on prom night. Sarah Jane walked slowly toward the bald naked male in front of her with all the athletic prowess of a panther, her blond hair had been scraped right back severe fashion and then tied into a pony tale. Her face was made up, though not too much, that is apart from the deep scarlet lipstick from which a little pink tongue now darted snake like, Sarah was clad entirely from head to toe in an ultra skin tight black kid leather cat suit accompanied by equally skin tight black leather gloves with no linings and paper thin, this attire was finished off with black patent leather knee length riding boots. In her left hand Sarah Jane was holding what Jimmy perceived to be a long silver chain which was in turn attached to a thick black studded collar, but the underlying fundamental feature about this leather clad Amazon that was now stood towering over a terrified Jimmy Kaminski was the thing that was jutting out from Sarah's crotch. JESUS CHRIST," cried Jimmy, the thing that was protruding out from Sarah Jane's crotch was a cock, albeit a strapon cock but a fucking cock none the less and it was bobbing up and down as if only to accentuate it's effectiveness in the freaking you out factor. Sarah Jane smiled that fucking killer smile again and glancing down at her bobbing phallus slowly stroked down the entire shaft from the balls to the Jap's eye, yes it actually had balls, with a single leather clad finger almost in a of sort of teasing fashion. Sarah still gently caressing her cock but at the same time locking those beautiful eyes onto the bald naked terrified Jimmy spoke in voice so husky it could have been smothered in treacle and said. "Ummm, like what you see hon?" Jimmy didn't say anything, he couldn't, here was the woman of his dreams dressed in the ultimate fetish attire but wearing what must have been at least a ten inch strapon cock, he was confused and the neurons in his brain were sending mixed signals as was now evident in the sudden stirring between his loins. "Well well look what we have here," rasped Sarah, "looks like you've just answered my question you little faggot bitch." The word FAGGOT seemed to release something in Jimmy's befuddled brain and suddenly he had a moment of clarity, "now you listen here you crazy fuckin bitch, I ain't no faggot and I don't know what the hell's goin on here but I'm leaving!" Sarah Jane and much to Jimmy's alarm smiled an even wider smile, then slowly stepping back raised both leather clad hands in the air toward the still open door and said, "go right ahead hunny be my guest?" Jimmy hesitated for a few seconds and then started rather warily but constantly keeping an eye on this fuckin leather psycho toward the open door and possible freedom, then another neuron fired and his brain informed him he was still naked. He turned toward the crazy bitch that was still watching him and then said, "where are my clothes, I need my clothes?" Sarah Jane all this time still stroking her cock and now much to Jimmy's abject horror she seemed to be moaning softly plus her eyes were rolling in her head, like she was having a fucking orgasm. Then she stopped suddenly and staring directly into Jimmy's eyes she said out loud and clear "only if I can fuck your brains out." That right there was enough for Jimmy Kaminski and he turned and made a break for the open door, Jimmy considered himself pretty fast and was an even timer at the 100 metre sprint, however he was no match for Sarah Jane. In a heartbeat she'd sped forward lightning fashion, aiming a swift vicious kick behind Jimmy's left knee she dropped him instantly another swift boot to the temple quelled any further resistance, locking the door Sarah Jane extracted the key and dropped it down her cleavage, (lucky key) Jimmy awoke from yet an another bout of involuntary unconsciousness to find himself strapped face down and secured to the leather padded bench he'd spied earlier, he tried to move but couldn't, both his arms and legs had been tightly bound, alarmingly Jimmy noticed that his ass was slightly raised in the air. Just as poor Jimmy was pondering that very issue a blinding bolt of pain seared through his brain again, "THWACK," "that's for trying to escape, "THWACK," that's for not letting me fuck you and "THWACK," At this point Jimmy almost screamed his lungs out, "that's for not admitting you're A FUCKING FAGGOT. " Jimmy suddenly ceased screaming when he saw what Sarah Jane had in her hand, "see this bitch?" Holding a large pair of pliers Sarah grinned horribly and said, "One more fuckin word out of you and I swear to god, I'll personally rip every fucking tooth out of your head, taking a five minute break between each one, do I make myself fuckin crystal ya stupid fuck up?" Jimmy was absolutely petrified, this woman was really fucked up, so the only obvious course to take was to comply with everything she said or did and when the time came, try and make a run for it, so he whispered the word "YES." Sarah Jane then on placing the pliers down suddenly and without warning backhanded Jimmy across the face, swiftly picking up the pliers again in a daring him to scream motion, however Jimmy didn't, he had nice teeth and wanted it to stay that fucking way. "From this moment onwards you will address me as Mistress, is that clear dickhead?" Jimmy said "yes," which prompted another backhander culminating in the strangled answer of "yes mistress," "Louder faggot," screamed Sarah Jane reaching toward the pliers, "YES MISTRESS," barked Jimmy, she smiled, patting him on the head like you would with the family Labrador. Sarah disappeared for a few minutes then returned, Jimmy's eyes bugged again at what Sarah was holding in her leather encased hand, it was a hypodermic and then showing it Jimmy close up she whispered the words, "say please and no hesitation, I meant what I said about ripping your fucking teeth out. A desperate Jimmy warily eyed the now dripping needle but knew whatever the hell it was in there he had to go with this, he just had too, so Jimmy acquiesced and said "please," Sarah Jane's eyes widened in horror then suddenly the penny dropped and Jimmy quickly added the word "mistress" at the end of "please." The syringe was promptly stuck into Jimmy's left shoulder and not a single whimper emanated from him, Jimmy was learning, seconds after that Mistress Sarah Jane leaned over and directly into Jimmy Kaminski's face then said, "K, here's the deal, the stuff I just pumped into you was a cocktail of extremely aggressive female hormones, this," at that point and much to Jimmy's abject horror, Sarah Jane produced another hypo and reaching under Jimmy's raised buttocks pulled out the famous Jimmy Kaminski six shooter. Slowly placing the needle into the Jap's eye she pumped another dose of fuck knows what directly in Jimmy's uthera, Jimmy gagged but didn't scream, his mistress returned back round to face him and said, "what do you say?" Jimmy knew this time but for the life of him couldn't understand why? "Thank you," he whimpered, "the stuff I just injected into your former dick is a potent form of Viagra, which means that no matter what, you'll always have a hard on and the reason I said former dick stupid," at this point Sarah Jane smiled wickedly again then said, " is because from this moment on your dick isn't a dick it's a clitty and your butt hole sweet cheeks," before she finished the sentence Sarah Jane laid a gloved hand softly onto Jimmy's left buttock then said, " is a pussy. Are you taking all of this in baby doll," laughed Sarah Jane in a somewhat mocking tone? Jimmy's head was reeling, where in the fuck was all this leading too, he was about to find out. Sarah Jane began to speak again, "once I've finished with you here you will be processed, as in transformed, throughout the coming weeks you will be subjected to constant hormone injections as well as learning how to be a compliant obedient member of my household. You will be attired always as a woman in fact," Sarah Jane cracked another smile, sitting in my car baby was the last time you'll ever wear male clothes again, but don't worry, Sarah Jane laid a gloved hand on top of Jimmy's bald head and in a soft cooing voice said, "I'm gonna make you every mans's fucking wet dream baby, though most of them will be homosexual." Jimmy nearly became a heartbeat from losing all his teeth but stopped himself just in time, a gloved hand lifted Jimmy's head up so his gaze met his mistress's and Sarah said, "well slave what do you say?" Jimmy said "thank you mistress," then realizing his whole life was about to change, suddenly started to weep freely, he was beaten and he knew it, this woman was just too powerful, physically and mentally, in fact superior in every fucking way and Jimmy's free flowing tears became a potent symbol of that very fact. Stepping slowly backwards Sarah Jane steadily held Jimmy's head with one black gloved hand while the other guided her monster cock towards Jimmy's mouth, Sarah Jane waited for a few seconds to let Jimmy continue blubbering then gently said, "say thank your mistress for unveiling your homosexuality and pay homage to my cock, DO IT," urged Sarah Jane though Jimmy didn't know why he automatically told Sarah Jane he was grateful for her knowing he was actually gay, though Jimmy knew deep down he wasn't he also knew he soon would be under this leather goddess's guidance and tutelage. After saying those pivotal words, Sarah Jane reached down and grasping the back of Jimmy's neck, gently guided his mouth toward the waiting rubber phallus, inches away from the tip of the cock, Sarah Jane held Jimmy's head still and said, "follow these instructions I won't tell you twice, do ya understand?" Jimmy still looking into Sarah Jane's eyes for at least some kind of mercy then on seeing there was none answered by saying "YES MISTRESS." Sarah Jane proceeded with the instructions, "look lovingly at my cock, then slowly, pop out your tongue and flick it around the jap's eye, once you have done that, slowly lick the head of the cock, immediately after that plant a large sloppy kiss onto the tip of the cock telling me in a lispy faggotty fashion why you love cocks, do you understand?" Jimmy did, though hated what he was about to do, however he was now owned body and soul by a leather clad dominatrix who just happened to be mind conditioning Jimmy the six shooter Kanminski into a cross dressing fag tranny queen. Whilst Jimmy was getting acquainted with Sarah Jane's cock another tall leather clad figure silently entered the white walled gymnasium. By the time the leather clad stranger reached Jimmy, he was already in cock slurping oblivion and audibly worshipping Sarah Jane's rubber phallus, the conversion from hetero to homo obviously hadn't seemed to have taken that long, but having said that, Sarah Jane was good, oh yes she was fucking good, though having a psychology degree at Harvard probably helped there. Lady Sonya stood momentarily behind an unsuspecting Jimmy, dressed entirely the same way as Sarah Jane was and also sporting a huge black rubber phallus. It was only when Lady Sonya placed both her hands on Jimmy's butt cheeks that Jimmy was aware of her presence and stopped sucking head, Sarah Jane instantly clattered Jimmy across the right ear with flat of her hand with such force she nearly knocked his head off. Leaning forward and with terrible fury in those beautiful pools of cobalt, Sarah gobbed a ball of spit directly into his eyes and screamed at the top of her voice, "DID I TELL YOU STOP SUCKING MY COCK YOU FAGGOT , WELL DID I?" Jimmy just nodded vigorously, Sarah Jane, relaxing just a tad then said, "whatever happens next I want you to moan in ecstasy and I want it to be loud, as well as that I want you intermittently beg my beautiful wife to fuck you for all you're worth, understand?" Jimmy didn't know who the wife Sarah Jane referred to was, but judging by the sudden intrusion into his ass or pussy as it was now called, he knew he was going to get sodomised and there was fuck all he could do about it! As Sonya eased into Jimmy's virginal back passage, she leaned across toward and embraced her beautiful lesbian lover. Both Amazon goddess's touched tongues entwining with pure lust, as they did this they both began to rhythmically to fuck Jimmy in the face as well as in the ass and all Jimmy Kaminski could do, was BEG MOAN AND SUCK!!! THE CONCLUSION Three months later A gorgeous looking redhead pouted into the mirror then blew a kiss, stepping slowly backwards Jennifer turned and glancing over her shoulder blew another soppy kiss toward the reflection Marilyn Munroe style . Jennifer was dressed in a black leather whalebone corset, which had pinched her waist down to an amazing 24, her underwear consisted of only the finest French lingerie, though you couldn't see it. Skin-tight paper thin soft black leather pants adorned her long luscious legs, around her waist Jennifer was wearing a studded belt that had a large silver buckle, embossed into the silver buckle was the shape of a cock. Her top half consisted of only a very short equally shin tight black leather blouson, Jennifer also wore black leather gloves and ankle length boots with one inch heels. Her makeup matched her hair, dark shades of red mascara and high arched eyebrows, to finish off, Jennifer had deep scarlet red lipstick that glistened when she ran her tongue over her lips seductively as she was doing now. To all and sundry Jennifer spelled wicked lady and was every teenage boys wet dream oozing pure sex, however most teenage boys would have run a mile when they saw what was visibly bulging through the skin tight leather pants. You see, Jennifer love doll, formerly Jimmy Kaminski had now completed his/her transition from male moron to a homosexual sex object. This was achieved through intensive therapy and mind conversion the CIA would have been proud of. Indeed, both lesbian lovers and prominent LA socialites Lady Sonya Kline and her prot?g? Sarah Jane Jackson had nurtured and guided yet another hapless male into slavery and fulfilment. Jennifer would perform any act of depravity both Lesbian goddesses' saw fit and any trace of Jimmy' past had now well and truly been erased thanks to slaves who were well connected in high government circles. Jennifer would work at the house mostly, sating the various needs and sexual requirements of the Los Angeles gay elite, who were mainly movie directors and producers as well as a sprinkling of other well known though still closeted pop stars. Periodically though Sarah Jane would take Jennifer out and into some of the really well known straight clubs in Venice or even Beverly hills that catered for the really well heeled and perverted. Dressed entirely both the same in kinky skin-tight black leather, Sarah Jane would chat up then seduce an unsuspecting male, drugging him and with Jennifer's help, both would then place the drugged male into the Porsche and drive back to the house. Restraining the now naked male, Sarah Jane would wait until he'd regained consciousness, at that point Sarah Jane would exit the stage and leave it to her new apprentice, Jennifer love doll. The first Jennifer thing would do is open mouth kiss the still unaware male then slowly work down his torso toward his cock, that's as far as it got though, for him that is. Rising slowly back up and still clad in in that wonderful tight black leather, Jennifer would release one hand and taking hold of it she'd guide it toward the huge Viagra induced cock, which by this time was throbbing through the soft black leather, pulsing in homosexual anticipation. Suddenly realizing he was being seduced by a transsexual, the hapless male would attempt to resist, though any such resistance was entirely futile, eventually he would tire and then after whipping him a few times and reminiscent of the occasion his beautiful subjigator and now owner Sarah Jane, Jennifer would take out her own beautiful thick throbbing cock then slowly and inevitably acquire the young guy's virginity, in just the same way and in the very same room as Jimmy just three months ago. Of course all of this was being filmed and recorded and not just for posterity, both Lady Sonya and her darling lover knew exactly who to target, wealthy, connected, fucking rich but more importantly with everything to lose if anything of this magnitude should reach the LA press. So it wasn't long before the now newly deflowered and sexually confused male paid in full then swiftly exiting the house with a DVD disc tucked securely away in his jacket pocket. So there you go, that was the story of the goddess that is Sarah Jane Jackson, aggressive, beautiful, smart, indeed there are so many adjectives that could describe this vision of feminine superiority, but the one that stands out more than all of them is "HUNTRESS." And remember the next time you're sitting in a bar guys, lamenting and thinking that the only way round it is through your dick, it could just be YOU that's top of the shopping list and under the heading entitled FRESH MEAT!!!!!! THE END S.Garside

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I’ve made a good living with my commercial landscaping company, servicing mainly neighborhood community associations, and I owe a lot of that success to my Mexican American crew, and especially my crew chiefs. I compensate my employees above the going labor rates in the Houston area, and even provide medical benefits. I’m paid back with their loyalty, hard work, and attention to detail on the job, that keeps our customers happy.We provide landscaping services most of the year, and even snow...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 25 Fresh Meat

Spring had arrived in our sleepy little town. Mom's tulips were in full bloom, and the trees were greening up. I was taking in the signs of change of season as I saw my first robin. It was predicted to be in the low 60s this weekend. I was looking forward to the warmer weather, because we had our baseball tournament. Lincoln High lost their first game on Wednesday. Our record stood at 7 – 1. I had started three games and my record was 2 – 0 with a 1.37 ERA. Justin was also 2 – 0 with a 2.43...

4 years ago
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The First Meating

I sat outside in the car for a few minutes. Questions kept running through my mind without answers. Is this what I really want? Is this safe? What if I make a fool of myself? Am I going to die? What would my parents think? No answers; just questions. With a deep breath I got out of the car and walked to the house. Nice house with good yard I observed in the back of my mind without notice. The doorbell rang as all doorbells do. The dogs barked as all dogs do. I stood there...

1 year ago
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 2 Team Meating

He was laying in her bed, pants strewn across the floor nearby. For the first time in over 2 weeks, his girlfriend was giving him head. Ally looked up at him wordlessly from between his legs, and kept working at him. He'd asked for a quick BJ before the two of them left for school, which she'd agreed to, under the condition that it was indeed, "quick". Jake, however, wanted to make the experience last. Ally'd been giving him major blue balls, lately, and he was trying to milk the...

3 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 6 Business Meating

"God I want your cock." Mindy moaned into Chase's ear as he slowly woke up in the warm muggy cabana. His beautiful wife lay next to him, her firm thigh between his, and her warm soft hand stroking his erect cock. She smelled lightly of soap and perfume, having taken a shower without waking him. Chase looked at her pretty face as he inhaled the scent of her aroused pussy. Without saying another word she deftly slipped over top of him, straddling his hips, and slid onto his erection with a...

2 years ago
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Taras Bayou Level 1 Fresh Meat

Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...

3 years ago
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MEAT ©2005 by C. A. Smith Part 1 Blue wouldn't admit it to the other girls, of course, but she was a littlescared. The next regular meat collection was tomorrow. Her twenty-second birthdaywas last month. She'd already delivered seven babies and the Products Managerhad turned down her request to start an eighth, so now here she was in theholding area waiting for the Gaths to pick up their next shipment. The Foxbush staff had started her prep routine this morning. She'd been puton the...

1 year ago
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Piece of Meat

My mother warned me about sex. She always said that if I gave it up too early, I would be treated like a piece of meat by my man.Well, Mom, you almost had it right. Turns out I’m the one who treats a man like a piece of meat.Tonight there’s a party at the Sigma Epsilon Xi fraternity house, a veritable buffet of hormones and desire. Nothing beats a frat party for some quick and dirty sex with no strings attached.When I arrive, I look for any guy who isn’t currently sucking face with a chick, and...

College Sex
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his fuckmeat

he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...

3 years ago
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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

1 year ago
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Are you hungry? Looking for some "Fresh Scat"? Is there really a need for me to introduce a site with such a straightforward name? Sure, some people might be confused as to what has to offer, but then those people are probably too young or not into this particular fetish. Well, if you do not know what scat means, that is basically pornography that includes a lot of disguising (for me) yet tasty (for some) fetish with shit, and sometimes other things as well.If you do not have a...

Scat Porn Sites
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Fresh MMS! Greetings, freaks, and deviates. On today’s menu of amateur sluts, we’ve got super hot Bengali girls slithering into bed to show off their tits and muff, Arab girls in hijabs getting fucked hard, and Desi girls railed from behind in hotel rooms. has this and more, all for free.I have to confess, I’m a little late to the Fresh MMS party. The site showed up around 2016 and has been steadily growing in popularity. The last year or so has been fucking great for these...

Indian Porn Sites
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It was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...

She Males
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

2 years ago
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This is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...

2 years ago
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Fresh Flemish Female Friends 1

Fresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Cock Slut Craving for Dog Meat

As a young girl, I frequently fantasized about fucking a dog. And now, to this day, I still rub my hot pussy until I cum hard while thinking about being filled with dog cock. As a child, our neighbors had a couple of medium sized dogs, some kind of Pitbull mixes, and I first caught a glimpse of dog sex while watching the male fuck the female out in their backyard while I stared from my bedroom window, fingers slick with juices while I rubbed my tingling pre-teen pussy, loving the new...

2 years ago
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Pass The Dark Meat

Sarah was seated at the dining room table between her brother and cousin, shoulders slumped, napkin folded in her lap. She was nursing a grade-A hangover and trying her best not to spoil Thanksgiving dinner. "Shall we say Grace?" her grandfather asked from the head of the table. No one said anything. The first person to agree would get the honors. Sarah looked at her older brother who gave her an elbow. "How about you, Sarah?" her grandfather said. "Now that you're in college, we hardly get to...

1 year ago
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Dead Meat

Dead Meat By Margaret Jeanette Katherine Lubbock sat at her desk talking to Jerry Smith who sat across from her. He handed her an envelope, which contained pictures. She looked at all of the pictures. They were of her husband having sex with three different women. She had suspected he was cheating on her so she had hired Jerry who was the best private investigator in town. He left and she wondered about what to do with her husband of eight years. She didn't want to divorce him...

2 years ago
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Fresh Start

Fresh Start By Julie O Synopsis: Dr. Liz Reid takes a job at a spa following the death of her husband. For her son Josh, the trip will result in a life changing experience. Fresh Start By Julie O Edited and with menus by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Eighteen-year-old Josh Reid stared out the window of his mother's Land Rover as they drove towards their new home. He was lost in thought about how much his life had changed in the last year. His life had changed dramatically...

2 years ago
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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...

4 years ago
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Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread By Wonder_DadStory #3Our high school was where all the food that was prepared for the lunch programs throughout area cooked. Every morning we were greeted by the smell of fresh bread cooking in the kitchen, loaf after loaf of fluffy white bread lined the tables of the kitchen. Some students worked in the kitchens with the cooks until their classes started. For a quarter, these students could buy a loaf of fresh hot bread. They were allowed to sit and eat it before class. If you were...

3 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand II Language School

Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...

3 years ago
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Fresh Start 2

Fresh Start 2 By Julie O, Amelia R and Bob Arnold Edited by Amelia R Synopsis: Josh Reid was a typical teenage boy before he was transformed physically into a young woman. She became Jirra Reid and struggled to accept her new female persona. This is the continuation of her journey to find balance in her life. This tale also contains cameos of characters from many of Julie's other stories, including Ambition, Celestial Awakenings, and the Turbulence series. It also features a...

2 years ago
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My tranny friend Kim had an idea, as she often has. She wanted to dress me up as a sissyslut and take me down do some party as her sissy slave. I always enjoy playing the part of being surrendered to the lusts of anonymous others, whatever their gender may be. She had me on hormones for a while and saw with delight my perky boobs emerging and my facial features growing finer in a feminime shape. The whole afternoon we spent shaving, deciding on clothes what already was such a turn-on that I...

1 year ago
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GF Tricks Me Cumeater

My girlfriend Jennie called me about an hour ago. It was good to hear her voice. I had been so busy with my work and her with both work and school, that we hadn't gotten together for sex in almost a week.She told me to pick her up at 7 o'clock, because we were going to Brad's apartment for a party.Brad was a close friend of mine, who had a lot of cool and good looking friends.Let me tell you a little about Jennie. She was by far, the best looking girl I had ever dated. We met in a bar and...

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This is not my story I found it on the internet. It is however a favorite fantasy for me, it has 5 partsI take no credit for this story Group SexCockometer Ch. 01Cockometer Ch. 01byvoucher776©(This story contains bi-curious situations. If you wish to avoid reading about two married couples exploring all aspects of their sexuality, please choose another story.) *Ben and I finished the Oahu project ahead of schedule and had two extra days, and more importantly, we had two more nights. The four of...

2 years ago
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Mardi Gras Meatfest

While in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, my husband and I left the Quarter very late one night after some serious partying. On the way back to our hotel, we passed a porno theater and on the spur of the moment, decided to go in. We found a couple of seats at the back and I slumped down in my chair. It wasn’t very crowded but I was sure I was the only woman there.Having never actually seen a porno flick before, I was shocked at the action being displayed on the screen. The actress was sucking on...

1 year ago
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Bad days for me have a way of getting worse long before they even think of getting better. The clock didn't go off when it was supposed to and I was already running late to start the day. I jumped in the car and backed over the kid's bike and the handle bar punctured a tire. I got the spare on and headed for work and a mile from the house I got pulled over for doing ten above the posted limit. Fifteen minutes and six blocks later I stopped for a light and got rear-ended. Naturally there was a...

3 years ago
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Dark Coercion 1 Grade A Pussymeat

Copyright © 2001, Jaz1701. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit or on another website without the written permission of the author. I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won't go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct... probably not. But it wasn't really illegal. Obviously I don't want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously,...

3 years ago
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Fresh Fish In The Tank

Fresh Fish in the Tank (It is the Roaring 20’s, and in a large city in the USA, an innocent 18 year old girl is arrested for prostitution. She does not notice it but the county jail seems a little unusual.) This would be Sally’s first time in the prison shower room. She was terrified. I assured her that as her bull, I would protect her. I led her to the shower room by the hand. Guard Catherine looking all beautiful as ever in her guard uniform. She looked at Sally. In a commanding voice...

2 years ago
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Fresh Creampie Blacken

Sweat dripped from his naked torso in beads, his dark body's muscles rippling in a primal rhythm while continuing to fuck into Joy's gripping cunt under the lights. With each lunge the young stud buried the entire length of his enormous dick, banging his black balls into the blonde's crotch. Thirteen inches of steel-hard cock! The bulbous head of his invading weapon ploughed up into Joy so far that he could see the bulge ripple along her abdomen right up to her navel. "God!!! Fuck meeee...fuck...

3 years ago
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Fresh Batteries Ripe Tomatoes

"... and the Stratham's cancelled. Well, actually I do have an idea. I found something while I was cleaning... stop guessing, it's a surprise. No, I'm not telling you." BEEP. "Darn, the battery's low. Oh, any preferences for dinner. You're hopeless... I love you anyway, bye." Virginia set the phone down in its charger and looked at the old shoebox with an anxious smile. She turned the box over dumping its contents on the bed: Velcro handcuffs, nipple clamps, vibrating dildo, ben-wa...

1 year ago
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Wife8217s first real taste of manmeat

A true story never told before. I married one of the most beautiful girls in my area. She had long blonde hair slim 104lbs five foot four nice legs good hips and ass, known to her I had a bi side, she had small tits you cannot have everything, and throughout our married life her looks got better. Unknown to her, I had a bi-sexual side, after twenty years of boring sex between us; same thing every night, I started to fantasize about her having sex with other men. What I did was, I began to ask...

2 years ago
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Fast Meat

Daniel had always been lucky with women. He was a decent enough looking guy, six feet tall and fourteen stone with an athletic physique who spent a lot of time cycling. But for some reason, there was just something about him that drew a certain type of woman. Every since he was a teenager at college and then into his twenties, he routinely get approached by women who just want to fuck. Most of the time it was just a one off thing with no commitments. At times it had turned into something more,...

3 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerHunterFresh Meat

Tales of a Hustler----Hunter---Fresh MeatAnother rainy night. Fuck—it's getting hard to make a living lately.Most of the bois were gathered in the common area, watching some cheesy black n white movie. I decided to go out a bit, headed down to Jerry's. He ran a 'bar' so to speak down on the edge of our neighborhood. I guess these days you would call it a sports bar, but had a teen environment. IE, TV's video games, and cokes and juice. No alcohol. As I approach the entrance, I noticed a dude...

4 years ago
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the wife as ghetto meat

This one started out as a fun experience. She had arranged for a cheap motel hook up with two black bulls. Finally I was allowed to watch, however I was to remain hidden in the closet. She made it sound real, if they were surprised by my presence she didn't know what they would do to me. Usually she goes out with these two and I am left to imagine what she's doing to them, with them.She dressed nicely, a skirt, pantyhose, silken panties, a nice bra and blouse and a pair of nice boots....

1 year ago
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fully trained anal meat

Shortly after being divorced at the age of 35, I frequented adult video theatres. Several times my full 8" hard cock wasslowly sucked off by willing men. At the same time I was reluctant to reciprocate being attractedto breasts and pussy as most healthy men.One evening I was visiting Dallas, Tx on business and stoppedby a major porno store there. Inside the theatre connected tothe book store I met a nice gentlemen in his 50s and agreed toaccompany him to his hotel room nearby with the...

3 years ago
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punk meat

Wow. So here i go...I had the best sex of my eniter life last weekend, with a man who ive known for years now...sort of odd at first, well mainly the day after, but then with the second incounter it was even more amaizing. Probably becuase we wernt shit face drunk. Any who, He ate my ass, first time for me, and all i can say is wow! I want his toung in my ass again, it felt so good, he stuck all his finers inside me and almost a whole fist. He fucked my wet pussy and ass until dawn, and then...

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