Dark Coercion 3
- 4 years ago
- 24
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I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won't go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct... probably not. But it wasn't really illegal. Obviously I don't want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously, saucy, so utterly wicked that it makes you giggle just a bit? To plan it, to execute it, to get away with it--and then be unable to tell anyone... it's maddening. It is not fair. God bless the Internet. I'm going to tell you what I did, what I will continue to do.
I'm writing this story under my pen name "Jaz". It's not the first one, far from it. I've posted 27 nasty fics before this. The only difference is this one is really true. I've been fascinated by rape, and to a lesser extent incest since I was a teenager. It was a dark, dirty secret that I kept hidden from all who know me. The idea of forcing, tricking, humiliating a tasty, little cuntwich, breaking her, bending her to my will... I don't have the words to express how much I wanted to do that in real life. It's been my fantasy for as long as I can remember, but I never have crossed that line. You see, I am a coward. I was simply too afraid to act on my desires. Oh I'd dream about it, write about even. But I am an intelligent man. I know myself. It was a simple equation, If I rape a girl/woman once I will enjoy it. If I enjoy it I will do it again and again with other women. If I do it enough times THEN the law of averages demands I will be caught. THEN I will lose my job. Then I will go to jail. As a Rapist in Jail, I will be raped myself. Being a gutless bastard, I never took the chance, never had the courage to take the risk. I am 32 years old and I thought rape would forever be just beyond my grasp. Then god (um ok maybe it was someone else) smiled upon me, and showed me how to get what I wanted. Better still it is completely legal, I won't go to jail, ergo I won't be raped myself. Here's how it happened.
"Bring!!!!! Professor Jaz! Wait up I need to talk to you."
I could not quite place the face of the young lady calling my name. She was very pretty. She looked like a friendly, intelligent, kid. Not quite innocent, but certainly no slut. She was sexy, but did not seem to know it. In a few years she'd grow into herself. Perfect, the kind of girl I would love to humiliate, dreamed of raping. The ass on her swayed seductively. Her sweet tits were made to be sucked. Her mouth looked like it would just barely fit around my dick, she might gag a little but she was a good girl, I knew she'd swallow.
"Yes, what can I do to you, Ms..."
"Johnson, Susan Johnson. I'm in your Intro to Creative Writing class this semester. I need some help passing it... I have missed a few classes, " she mumbled as her voice trailed off to nothing.
Oh god I remembered her now. I had barely seen the girl in months. As a tenured professor in a major eastern university I have seen it before. It always made me mad. Students take a puff class like Creative Writing, so they can coast along to an easy B, while devoting the extra time and energy to other classes, or partying. I've seen it, but rarely to this degree. There was less than a month to go in the semester. That meant a term paper, and the final exam. It did represent a combined 60% of the grade.
Theoretically there was a chance...
"Ms. Johnson I don't see how I can help you. It is too late. I'd have to check my records but you are failing quite severely. You have not been attending class other than to take the tests, and have missed several quizzes. What precisely do you expect me to do?"
We had been walking the whole time and finally reached my office. I sat down and scowled at her from across my desk.
"Please Professor Jaz, I need your help. I don't know what to do. I failed Chem. class already, My parents won't continue to pay if my grades drop below a B-. I can't fail Creative Writing. I'll do anything. Special projects, extra assignments. Just help me... pleasse," she said as she whined, and begged, and dripped her tears on my floor. I remember getting very hot, and itchy as the plan came to me. She'd do anything?!! I could have this girl against her will but with her consent! I had to be careful, I did not want to expose myself, or scare her off.
"Ms. Johnson, stop crying. I hate to see a pretty young woman in tears(Sigh). I'll try to help you, but I need to give it some thought. You will have to work around my schedule. Here is my address. Meet me at my apt at 10pm."
"Oh thank you Professor Jaz, I can't believe this, thank you," she squealed as she gave me an impulsive hug.
The tips of her nipples mashed into me, and I wondered what they tasted like. Were her tits salty, or sweet? Were they fat round ones, or perky cone shaped tits that sat high and proud on her chest? I would find out soon.
I had work to do. I spent the rest of the afternoon on the Internet, and in the law library. I needed to know what the Code was in my state. I checked, Susan was 19 years old, so I was safe from statutory rape charges. Next I looked up blackmail. It was quite confusing. In essence it is a puzzle, wrapped in mystery, surrounded by an enigma. No two definitions completely agree.
In my state here is the legal definition:
"BLACKMAIL - A criminal act of extortion, malicious threatening to do injury to another to compel him to do an act against his will. Usually involves the threat to release information, often true, about the person that will defame his reputation or bring criminal actions against him. The criminality lies not in the release of the information - at least if true - but in the extortionate aspects of the threat to do so."
What I planned would be very different than this. I would not be malicious. Susan would get something she wanted out of our arrangement. It was straight Quid Pro Quo. I got what I wanted, she got what she needed. I really would help her. I certainly had no desire to "release information" about what we did together. I wanted it kept secret as much as she would.
The other legal concept I investigated was coercion.
Here is an excerpt from what I found on Coercion law: "... but only because of force or coercion in the form of intimidation and threats of bodily harm to himself or his family... intimidation or coercion must be present and immediate, and must be of such a nature that it induces a reasonable and well-founded fear of death or serious bodily injury to one's self or someone else; and there must be no reasonable opportunity to escape the coercion..."
I was not going to threaten her with bodily harm, she would have every opportunity to leave. No statutory, no blackmail, no coercion, no rape, no crime, no jail. Bottom line, Susan would make the decision--it would be her choice, every step of the way. If she said no, she was free. Free to leave, free to fail, free to accept responsibility for what she had done, free to flip burgers, or type in an office. She was free to sell her body on the street or worse sell it to her husband. No, if I read her right that was not the freedom Susan wanted. She would give herself to me, allow me to have her sweet tender young body. She just would not like it, heh. Tough shit. No it was not rape, it was BETTER.
She arrived at 10pm on the dot.
"Ding Dong Susan come in, have a seat."
"Thanks Professor Jaz, I love your house."
"When we are not at school how about I call you Susan, and you call me Jaz. Now then here is Roger Berkeley's first dissertation on creative thought. Why don't you read through Chapter his essay on Dissociative thought and we'll get started."
I had intentionally picked an advanced, and confusing author for Susan to review. Roger Berkley was a pompous ass who liked the sound of his own voice. His conflicting ramblings would be impossible for Susan to decipher.
It took her an hour to realize it. When she did, when she was desperate she started to cry.
"Susan, what's wrong how can I help... come here tell Jaz all about it."
More than anything else the teenager wanted comfort. She wanted someone to hold her and tell her everything would be ok. She came to me as I held open my arms and held her in a fatherly embrace. I walked her to the couch and pulled her down next to me, still keeping one arm around her shoulders as I made gentle shushing sounds and stroked her hair.
"What am I going to do? I can't understand anything he is saying! I'm so stupid. My life is over, I'm going to flunk, and get kicked out of here. Oh god Jaz what am I going to do?!"
"Sigh... you are in a tough spot Susan. You have put yourself in a difficult position. I'm sympathetic to a point. I think we have to give up on you passing this course legitimately. It's just too late."
"Professor... what do you mean. Is there a way you would let me pass this course another way? I'll do anything... uh, well almost anything..." her voice trailed off.
"I said I was sympathetic, there is a reason for it. When I went for my doctorate. I almost failed. I would have but my Professor allowed me to pass. She needed a service done, and I needed a grade. We worked out a fair trade. Nobody got hurt and we were both happy with the results."
"Er, um what did you have in mind?" Susan began to realize how close she was sitting to me, how my arm wrapped around her possessively. My hand was touching the side of her left breast in an innocent, friendly manner. She was alone in a large man's house, practically sitting in his lap. For the first time she became uncomfortable. Heh, not for long.
"Susan, I'm going to tell you a secret, how you can help me. If you do, will make sure you pass my course. You can never tell anyone. If you do, you'll ruin me, and I'll destroy you. I'm... gay. The Dean of this University is a raging homophobe, and so are most of the senior faculty. If word gets out they'll find a way to fire me. Some people are already suspicious. I've been discreet, but shit, I'm 32, unmarried, and don't date. So here's the favor. I need a distraction. I need a young, attractive female to pretend that she is madly in love with me... That we are lovers. Nothing major. A few steamy public kisses, some light petting, and slight nudity where others can see. A few love letters from you. Then a major, screaming breakup. I'll get a slap on the wrist for dating a student, but they'll all think I'm straight and will leave me alone. You will pass my class. Win/Win. Do we have a deal?"
She he was quiet for a few seconds. Then she agreed.
"Ok, then let's figure out how we are gong to make this look realistic."
First I pulled out some old student's term papers, and helped her understand them. We studied for about an hour. I gave her several to review. She had to be able to write her own, convincingly enough, so that if her grade was questioned her work would be believable. Susan was a bright girl, and she did fine. I could tell she was in a good mood. She would pass, and would not have to go home. Now it was my turn. "Susan we have a problem. Um, I have never kissed a girl. I can't look like a gay man kissing a woman when we do it in public. I have to look like an experienced kisser. More than that--WE have to look like people who are used to kissing each other, who like it. We are going to have to practice a lot. I don't see any way we can avoid it. " She blushed prettily, but said she understood. I asked her lot's of questions about how she liked to be kissed, where I should put my hands, where to put my tongue. I pretended to be a shy, nervous, pansy. It was easy. My brother is gay. I can just imagine him, or one of is friends making out with a girl, I acted the way I thought they would act. The first time I kissed her I intentionally bumped her head. Then I missed her lips and kissed the side of her nose.
" Stop laughing at me. I'm sorry, I'm trying, I don't know what I'm doing. It's useless, I'll never pass for straight."
"Jaz it's ok, I'll teach you. We have time. We'll practice until we look convincing. " I spent the next hour sucking Susan's pretty face. Slowly I learned how to kiss. Nibbling her pouty lips, holding her close, hugging her tight as we made out. My hands played with her belly and her ribcage. She gripped my ass. I wanted her so bad, but I knew it would be a mistake. Around 1am I knew we had to stop. Susan was clearly worked up. She was breathing hard and almost ready for me. Yup it was time to stop. I erased all traces of lust from my face.
"Thank you for helping Ms. Johnson, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Why don't we meet back here tomorrow and practice some more. Here are two papers for you to study, as well as my personal lecture notes and the final exam from 3 years ago. Study them well. You will really have to learn the material. You are not just a beautiful young woman. You are an intelligent student, and I know you can do this. I'll see you tomorrow."
She kissed me quickly and hugged me tight before saying, "Thanks again Jaz, you are the best".
Over the course of the next week my evenings were very busy. Susan came over every night and we practiced being on dates. Watching movies, talking like lovers, holding hands. I purchased several gay porn mags. I left them out where she could see them. I told her that I used them so I could get hard for her. You see, to be realistic I needed to get hard after a passionate kiss. Occasionally I brushed her nipples through her clothing and grinded my cock deep in her crotch area, while kissing her. Sometimes I played with her jean covered ass, while sucking her tongue, or playing with her tits through her clothes. When things started getting too heavy I'd stop so she could study. I really did teach her the material, she would be able to pass.
I helped her write her love letters to me. She told me how much she needed me, how much she wanted me to fuck her. I made it sound like it was all one sided., that nothing had happened yet. Here is the excerpt from one: "I love you Professor Jaz. I know we can be together one day. I need you so bad. I want to give myself to you, to surrender. It drives me crazy when other women look at you. I need you, you are mine. One day you will admit that to yourself. One day you will make me your wife. I dream about you every night. How it will feel when I am pinned beneath you. When your strong hands cup and caress me, mold my flesh. Fuck me Jaz, please god fuck me! I am your property, and I need to be thickly fucked by you. I will be so good master, I will obey you. Please just give me a chance. Sincerely, Your little slave, Susie". She was quite embarrassed by the letter but agreed to sign it, doused it in her perfume, and lipstick kissed it.
It was time.
Susan still did not understand what I had planned for her. You see I did not want to simply kiss her, play with her ass, and fondle her tits. Thrrough her clothes I wanted to RAPE HER!!
She had no clue what I was setting her up for. Remember, I'm not gay and nobody on campus thought I was. That was all a lie. I needed to convince people that Susan was an obsessed stalker, who had fixated on me. I took Susan's letter to a few of my friends. co-Professors, and Sr. faculty. I told them all how I was shocked and very upset about the wild crush one of my students had on me. I did not want to ruin the poor girl but I needed to protect myself. I went to these people in confidence and asked them not to tell anyone. I was careful not to give Susan's last name. I wanted people to know I had a sex slut student, who was obsessed with me. If it ever got out I wanted my version of events to be the only one that counted.
I instructed Susan to meet me at my office, at 4pm. She didn't know it but I had scheduled several of my students to meet me there that afternoon to help them with their term paper. They were all gathered in the hallway, waiting for me to come out, when Susan knocked on the door demanding to see me.
"Jaz, please let me in, I love you. I need to talk with you, I missed you so much. I'm so horny, I need you inside of me. Pleassse! " She said in a loud tone that could be heard in the hallway, as she closed the door behind her.
I came around the desk to meet her and began kissing her wildly. I opened her blouse and fondled her tits roughly, squeezing and pinching her nipples through her bra, the way I knew she liked it. She had become used to my touch, craved it on some level. The public display excited her, and it only took a few seconds to get her visibly hot. I pressed her up against the door sucking her bottom lip and thrusting my crotch into her skirt while playing with her juicy ass.
Then I opened the door, so everyone could see us.
" Ms Johnson, please let me go. Stop touching me this instant. I am your teacher, control yourself. As I've told you before there can be nothing between us. It would be unethical. Button your shirt and never, bother me again. Are we clear! " I said as I thrust her away from me. Susan was stunned, completely surprised. She burst into tears, with a dazed look on her face.
It looked exactly like a woman who had been spurned and betrayed by the man she loved. One of the female students went to console her. A glance at the crowd around her and we both knew the rumor would spread quickly. She wanted me, and I refused her. Perfect!
Susan did not call me that night. The next day was the final exam. She came to class and barely looked my way. All around her people were whispering. She seemed focused on the task ahead and blocked them out. Susan did an amazing job. She earned an 81.For a student who had missed most of the year that was incredible, our study sessions had paid off.
I gave her a 73.
She was not happy. That night she pounded on my door. She had clearly been crying but now she was just angry.
"Why did you treat me that way yesterday. You made me look like a total slut, a whore. Then you give me this bull shit score. How could you do that, a 73, that does me no good. I'm still going to fail!"
"Susan, our agreement was very clear. I needed people to believe I'm straight. I also need to keep my job. I can't have them thinking we are really lovers. Especially if I am going to give you a passing grade that you don't deserve. We would have been under a microscope if people knew I loved you. This way I get what I want, and so do you, with no risk to either one of us. I said I would help you pass the course. I will honey. You need a 91 on your term paper to receive a 69 for the year. You will get it. I promise."
"B,bbut I don't just want to scrape by with a D, I need at least a B," she whined.
"Susan, you've got to be kidding me, that was not our agreement. You'd be exposing us both to extreme risk. For an F- student to suddenly get As and Bs on the Final and Term Paper is unheard of. Why would I risk it?"
Here was the tricky part. I needed her to make the offer, to come up with the suggestion. It needed it to be her idea.
"Well, maybe we could work out another deal... ?"
I pretended to think about it for a long time. I knew exactly what I wanted. I decided to go for it.
"Susan... I have to admit, our kissing practice has sometimes left me a little horny. I know I'm gay, and you are a woman but sometimes... I, well I guess I'm a little curious. What does a nude, aroused beautiful woman look like. I'm an amateur photographer. It occurred to me that I'd enjoy posing you. Seeing you naked, wet, and spread wide open. I've never wanted to see a woman that way before but I want to see you like that. I want you on film. If you let me, I will change your scores to get you a B. So do we have a deal?" She was quiet and shaking.
"I'll do it, but nobody can ever find out. I mean these have to be private, ok?" I opened my arms and she came to me. I held my little girl tight and began kissing her hard. I played with her more aggressively than I ever had before. Slowly I opened her blouse.
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My Mom is an actor by profession. She’s been part of plays and has done many theater works. Mom despite all these years of hard work in the industry never got to work on any film project. It was always her dream to have starred in a movie but it never really happened. Maybe part of the reason was because she had me at such a young age that she could never fully pursue her dream. She got pregnant with me when she was 19 with some big name Producer who told Mom at that time to sleep with him in...
Incest"Mr. Roberts?" I didn't even have to look up from my paperwork. I knew that voice all too well. Good thing she couldn’t see my pants. "Ms. Robinson," he said in an only-slightly annoyed tone -- not even bothering to lift my eyes from my work. "To what do I owe the honor?" "I came by to check my grade, but they weren't posted." Although I certainly was in no mood for delays, I knew he had to look up. In my office was Stephanie Robinson. In my 17 years of teaching, she was, hands...
The school was empty as 18-year-old Sharon sat alone in her English Lit class, awaiting the return of her teacher, Mr. Smyth. It being a Friday, the school emptied even quicker than usual, and Sharon,herself! pretty 5 foot 7 blonde senior, doubted anyone, from students to faculty, were still around.Perhaps some administrators in the main office downstairs, but here on the third floor it was as empty and quiet as a tomb. She was also in danger of not graduating, since she was holding a solid F...
desperate student wants to improve her grade, a dirty Professor is only too happy to oblige...The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the...
Lynn had been an "A" student since grade school and graduated number one in her high school class. Her father, a cardiac surgeon, and her mother, an attorney, both doted on her as their only child. They always set high standards for her, and it was always important to Lynn to meet their expectations. Although she could easily have become a geek, she was always popular among her classmates. She was vice president of the student body in high school and was first runner up for home coming...
As the graduate assistant instructor for a first aid class, I really wasn't much older than my students. At least I didn't think so. I was 30, they were 18-22, so not much of a difference anyway. There were often female students that I would flirt with, innocently of course, as I wanted to keep my job. The school had an open door policy, which meant that if you were confering with a student of the opposite sex, your door should remain open. That way there could be no allegations of...
EroticI sat in wonderment at the embarrassing fix. I shook my head as hard as I could, trying to convince myself it wasn't true, that I didn't just do the single most embarrassing thing I've ever done. My cheeks burned with the blood from my blushing. My whole body was quivering with fear and anticipation. I just wanted a reply so I could explain myself. Then the realization kicked in, and I decided only time would fix this mistake. Still, I sent a naked full-body picture to my English professor. ...
TabooI have loved her since the first grade.Jean, the beautiful brown haired girl who lived across the street from our school, was my first love. In fact, she is my only love.We never really dated in school. Oh, we talked some and we hung out a little. But she always had boys interested in her and I was always afraid to ask. But I worshipped her from afar. Her brown eyes and soft, angelic voice never ceased to arouse me. To me, she was perfect.After high school, we went our separate ways. That was...
Later that evening, Karen was sitting in her home feeling better than she had in a long time. She would never have believed when she moved to this small town that she would ever be as sexually satisfied as she was right now. She smiled to herself as she thought of the men in the town. For the most part, they had little or nothing to do with her. She assumed that it was because she was still an outsider... something she would probable always be. She knew that most of the people in Lincoln had...
Being the mother of children can be a wonderful and exasperating role to fulfil. It becomes even harder when the man you married works the rigs and is away from home a month or more at a time. When you then add in the teenage years of rebellion, the role of 'parent' can be a very difficult one at times and I was entering one of those 'difficult' times. My son Jack, who is normally a very bright and industrious kid, had hit the 'why bother' phase of his 15 years of life. Of course, this...
I was the new k** at school, I was having a difficult timeFitting in, everyone disliked me for no apparent reason.Expect for my 11 grade English teacher Mrs. Glass.She would go out of her way to make me feel comfortableIn my new environment. After a few weeks I lost the name New k** it changed to teachers pet. Mrs. Glass told me to forgetAbout what the other c***dren said about me behind my back.She even sent me a friend request on Facebook. It seemed as ifOutside of school Mrs. Glass had no...
Twins Part 2 - Eighth Grade (Alex's gynecomastia progresses, he begins singing in a chorus and lets Allison style his hair.) Eighth grade was fun, but next year we'd be going to the high school. Like, most of us were looking forward to it but were apprehensive about it at the same time. Like, we'd been in middle school for three years and knew the teachers and they knew us. But next year we'd be off to a different school, and teachers we didn't know, and a lot of the kids would be...
The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the snow, partly because of the imminent arrival of the long Christmas break, and partly because of...
Anal"Ah, fuck this motherfucking paper!" Henry shouted to himself, slamming his copy of The Great Gatsby closed and throwing his pen down onto the paper in front of him, a scene of student frustration echoed countless times in teenage bedrooms throughout American history. "Why the hell does Mom always have to assign papers due on Monday mornings? She knows how fucking horny I get on Sunday nights! All the girls from school are always at home with their families doing family non-sexual shit,...
The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the snow, partly because of the imminent arrival of the long Christmas break, and partly because of...
by LindsayO© I have brought this story over from another site...enjoy! Sitting at her desk in the back row of her Advanced Calculus class, Hilary is hiding behind her text book and a bottle of Iced Tea nail polish. This is the most boring class she has ever had to sleep through. When will she ever need calculus to get her through a psychology exam. She has wanted to be a psychiatrist for five years and finally, in six months, high school would be over and she would be off to college....
So, anyway, I wasn’t some kind of genius or anything. I was in the 12th grade but had just turned 16 years old. You see, when I was in second grade, my teacher thought I had some good potential in the academic stuff. So, they called in someone from the state board of education, tested me, and put in the next higher grade, third. I had always been the smallest in the class. Now it was even worse. If it wasn’t for my friend, Lonnie, I would have been beat up everyday. Kids just hate anyone they...
As a professor of communications at a local community college, I have often thought about the possibilities of hooking up with a cute college coed. I had heard stories of professors doing so, but I didn’t dare be so forward as to think I should try. All professors were well instructed on maintaining a professional standard when they are hired. We know the consequences if there is even the slightest hint of inappropriateness.I guess I am the exception to the rule. My first year of teaching, I...
OccupationsI was standing at my locker packing up my backpack with all of my homework. I really didn't want to spend all night doing this, but my math grade is really low. I sit in class daydreaming about Miss Noor. She has amazing tits, and always wears pants so tight you can see her cameltoe. I'm going to have to go home and beat off just so I can concentrate on my work. I held my backpack in front of me to hide the bulge rising in my pants.As I was near the exit, I passed my my math classroom. Miss...
TabooSo, anyway, I wasn't some kind of genius or anything. I was in the 12th grade but had just turned 16 years old. You see, when I was in second grade, my teacher thought I had some good potential in the academic stuff. So, they called in someone from the state board of education, tested me, and put in the next higher grade, third. I had always been the smallest in the class. Now it was even worse. If it wasn't for my friend, Lonnie, I would have been beat up everyday. Kids just hate anyone they...
MILFLondon-Middlesex Board of Education Building, London, Ontario 9:05am, Saturday, October 6, 1979 “Bertha McGregory! Long time, no see!” Mr. Williamson said as the new vice-principal of Timmins High School walked into the conference at the L-M Board of Education Building on Hyde Park Road. “We missed you at our last planning session in August.” “Good to see you, TR,” Paul’s and Cathy’s mother said to Medway’s vice-principal and now NIS administrator colleague. “I had a tough call to make at...
Right after the incident in my room with Joyce, Mama and I got into a little situation. That Saturday afternoon, I was in my room eating some sandwiches that I'd asked Gerta to make for me. Mama opened my door, saw me sitting in there eating, then came walking into my bedroom. "Here you are. I wondered where you'd gotten off to. I think you were very insensitive to Joyce's feelings the other night, and I wanted to get a chance to discuss that with you." I put my half eaten, half of a...
Ms. Ball took the wine glass from Maria and sat it down on the coffee table in front of the large soft couch. She turned the young girl to her and kissed her softly on the lips as she again told her how sexy she was. She then took the bottom edges of Maria’s top in each of her hands and began to pull it upwards seeking to remove it from the girl and began the girl’s undressing for her sexual fun with her. Maria quickly pushed her top back down as she stepped back from Ms. Ball and told her no,...
LesbianMaria sat in class as her professor walked around during the class. She made it a point to come and stand behind Maria several times taking long lustful looks down the front of Maria's low-cut top each time at her 36-C teen breasts. Maria could literally feel her fiery eyes looking down her top and would pull her top up each time trying to cover more of her exposed flesh. Her professor, Ms. Ball (who was in her 50's and secretly a lesbian) would then walk on but kept coming back for another...
LesbianGrade ImprovementBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Both of you are the Star players of the college Tennis team, both of you are rooming together in the dormitory room and both of you are failing in my class”. Luigi and Paul did listen the loud and clear voice of the Mathematics Professor, who saw them leaving the department premises but gestured them to get back to his office. “Bolt the door behind you”. He ordered. Luigi jumped to obey and then turned to face Prof. Shah who had taken a seat by now behind...
By the end of my first semester, I had regained the popularity status that I had been accustomed to in high school. The softball team was coming along good for it being our first season. We had not yet won a game, but we were beginning to gel as a team, which was considered progress. We mainly had games with small colleges around Georgia due to the low budget. Personally, I was having a good season, I thought. I was hitting well, and my pitching was improving. Coach Jared helped me to develop a...
TabooMr. Parsons came back home that Friday night. I saw him mostly at dinner time, because he was in his study most of the rest of the time. On Saturday, Mrs. Parsons and I went to the country club and played eighteen holes. I had a hundred and seven, but she shot a seventy three. We didn't stay at the club for lunch because we were going to have an early dinner with company coming over. I went into the kitchen when we returned, and Gerta took pity on me, making me a nice sandwich. We were...
A few really caught my eye..as i have jerked off thinking about them many many times...the first one was tracy she was 18 in grade 12 5ft10 black hair beautiful face pouty lips.108lbs 32 c breast long legs and the tightest most round little ass ...the next was katie she was only 14 she honestly looked like a barbie doll..the face of a model..she kinda had britney spears face when she was 16.. katie was very petite maybee 98lbs had small 32 b tits but her too had one hell of a sweet ass on...
So, I am walking through a museum with a group of my community college freshmen students and I’m not really paying very close attention to things, as we have a guided tour. One of the students, a nice looking young girl by the same of Sasha suddenly loops her arm undermine and gently pulls me aside from the main group.I liked Sasha, because she was very astute and always very attentive in the classroom. I didn't’t pay her any special attentions, simply because, well, first of all, it would be...
OccupationsWhen Liz and I first got married almost twenty one years ago I supported our household while she finished her degree. Those of you that have read my other stories about my lovely cheating wife will remember that we discovered my passion for watching her fuck other men early on in our relationship.Liz was very active in school and I think, kind of thought of college as an extension of her high school days. She loved to party (didnt we all ?) and take part in womens sports as well as you guessed...
Once I got stopped for speeding and showed my boobs to a cop to get out of a ticket. He didn’t ask. I just unbuttoned my shirt as he was looking at my license. He seemed torn between arresting me and letting me strip, but he didn’t say anything, so I kept on going and unclipped my bra and took it off my breasts. He glanced around to see if anyone could see, and then he helped himself to a feel. He felt both breasts. It made me wet. It wasn’t his touch—he was rough, but the whole situation that...
ReluctanceJohn was burned out. He had graduated from university five years ago and in a very short time had achieved his life long dream of becoming a teacher. That all seemed so long ago now and he struggled to remember the last time he had ever been truly happy. The past six months had really taken it out of him, his wife had left him, his father had passed away after a really painful and long battle with cancer, his brother looked like he was going to be a serving a very long stretch and he just...