Reckless Dungeoneer
- 4 years ago
- 43
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Kelly left the lab at four on Friday. She had parked her car over in the student lot and Don knew she had to change and stash her regular clothes there before she went to meet Randall. She had shown him the outfit she planned to wear that morning before they had left for the school. It consisted of a plaid skirt, cut several inches above her knees, and a light yellow blouse with ruffled collar. She wore flats on her feet and her only underwear was a black thong. "Not really comfortable," she had remarked, "but he'd expect a hot little teeny bopper like me to wear something like that."
"Teeny bopper?" Don teased. "That expression was old before you were born."
"Well, I heard it in a movie once. Anyway, I have the recorder all set. I'll turn it on before I go into his office so he won't see anything but my purse. By tomorrow, we should have him."
Now, as Kelly left, she told Don, "I expect I'll be back home by ten tomorrow. From what Jan said, he never keeps the girls later than he has told them." Then, sarcastically, "He's so considerate."
Don watched her from the lab window until she disappeared around the corner of another building. This is the hard part for me, he thought. Now the waiting starts. But it had to be a lot harder for Kelly. He closed his work, knowing he would accomplish nothing else that night, and shortly after five he started for home.
Don spent a very edgy night. He ate a TV dinner for supper and first tried to read a novel. When he couldn't concentrate on that, he turned on a movie, but that, too, proved no distraction. When he finally went to bed at eleven, it was another two hours before he slept and when he awoke at seven the next morning, he felt as though he had rested no more than an hour or two.
For the next three hours Don fidgeted around the house, not able to concentrate on anything. A quarter after ten he heard Kelly's car pull into the drive and half a minute later she came in through the garage door. Before he could say anything he saw the look on her face. It was a combination of anger and frustration and something else he couldn't identify. She was carrying the recording device in her hand and set it down on the kitchen table on her way towards him. She dropped her coat on a chair and headed to the hallway door without saying a word. But before Don could make a sound she stopped and turned towards him. "Don, I'm going to take a shower. Make us a fire, pour me a Scotch, and I'll tell you everything when I come back. OK?"
Don nodded dumbly. He moved to the family room and soon had a nice log fire burning in the hearth. He retrieved the bottle of Scotch and poured a healthy amount into each of two glasses. Neither he nor Kelly drank much at all. Wine with dinner and occasionally, like now, a single glass of Scotch. They had found that both preferred the "good" stuff: single malt, well aged and straight, so the smoky flavor mingled with the smooth taste.
He sat down on the love seat facing the fireplace and waited. Kelly was spending a long time in the shower. In fact, Don realized, she was spending longer than he had ever known her to. When at last he heard the water stop, he looked at his watch and found that forty five minutes had passed. He heard the hair drier going and in a few more minutes, Kelly appeared in the doorway. She was wearing a terry robe, her hair had been dried and brushed and hung down her back. The look of frustration was still there, but her face had softened and she seemed more composed and a little less tense.
Don walked over and handed her the drink. He waited while she took a long swallow and then led her back to the couch. He sat and she lowered herself beside him, snuggling close and resting her head on his shoulder. "Hold me for a minute," she said. Don pulled her close and slowly he felt more of the tension leave her.
Finally she began to talk. "I know you're wondering, so first I'll tell you, we haven't got anything we can use." Don looked surprised, but before he could say anything, Kelly continued, "No, the unit worked OK. But the bastard made me leave my purse in the car. I couldn't object without it sounding suspicious. Anyway, let me just tell you what happened."
She took another drink and then began. "He was ready when I got to his office and we left immediately for his car. Once we got inside he drove off campus and we started out Route 35. But he pulled over in a mile or so and made me put on a blindfold. A very good one. I couldn't see a thing. I tried to keep track of where we went, but he made so many turns I quickly lost any idea. That doesn't really matter. We do have the GPS data, so we can pinpoint exactly where he took me."
"Anyway, we drove for about forty minutes and then pulled into a long gravel drive. When he stopped the car he let me take the blindfold off and I could see we were at a small farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Couldn't see another house at all, just fields and woods. He told me to get out and when I started to bring my purse and back pack, he said to leave them in the car, that I wouldn't be needing them."
"We went inside and he was very polite - took my coat and everything. He'd brought some carry out dinner and he said we'd eat first. He didn't say first before what, but he didn't really ask: he just told me to get the food ready. I set things out on the table and he even held the chair for me as I sat down. I acted very nervous during dinner. Actually, I didn't have to act too much because I wasn't real sure what he was planning, but nothing happened at all."
"But when we finished eating he said something about being ready for his dessert. He took my shoulders in his hands and pulled me towards him. He simply said, 'Take off your blouse.' I tried to pull back and told him that I'd changed my mind, that I didn't want to do this, but he didn't pay any attention. He held me in place and said, 'It's a little late for that, Kelly. You don't have any choice.' I decided that this might be a good time to give in a little and went ahead and took off my shirt. He took me into a bedroom and had me kneel down in front of him. You can guess what happened next"
"When he finally came - all over my face - I thought he would leave me alone for awhile, but he wasn't done. He made me strip the rest of the way and then started pushing me towards the bed. I told him 'No', but he pushed me onto the bed. When I tried to fight back a little, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me to the headboard. He told me that either I did what he wanted, when he wanted, or he'd force me. To make the story short, he fucked me, and left me cuffed to the bed. I spent the entire night like that, naked and cuffed, and he had me twice more before he let me go."
She turned to look in Don's face. "I knew I was taking a chance on that, but I was still surprised at how it made me feel. It wasn't like when we play at all. I was so helpless and it just felt like he was using me and I didn't have a damn thing to say about it. I'll get over it, but I can't help but think how much worse it would have been for a real, inexperienced freshman. I mean, I'm used to sleeping nude and even tied to the bed sometimes. But for someone who never had, it would have been really traumatic. I'm just mad that I didn't get any hard data. He even wore condoms, so we couldn't even use DNA even if I could convince someone I didn't agree to the whole thing." She became silent for a few seconds and then said, "Now, Don, just hold me close for awhile."
She quickly finished the rest of her drink and pushed her head down against Don's shoulder. He gently stroked her hair and lightly rubbed her neck, feeling the tension recede. After some time had passed he noticed her breathing had settled in to a slow, regular rhythm and he realized she had fallen asleep. He held her for a while longer and then arranged her so she was stretched comfortably on the couch. He added a light cover and then moved to another chair to let her rest.
The fact that Kelly had been effectively raped only increased his concern. Of course, he didn't blame her for anything. He had never understood how any man could feel disrespect for a woman who had been ravaged although he had heard and read enough to know that some did. Instead, he now worried some that maybe he had encouraged her too much in this venture and that maybe they should just withdraw her from the class and drop everything. So far they hadn't gotten any real evidence that they could use to bring down this predator.
Kelly slept for several hours. Twice Don built up the fire again and the sun was sinking behind a thick bank of clouds in the west when Kelly finally began to stir. Don left the book he had been trying to read and quickly moved over beside her as she awoke. Kelly blinked open her eyes and looked up at him. "Hi," she said, and her voice seemed normal and the tension seemed to have vanished from her body.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
Kelly thought for a few seconds. "Actually, not too bad. I'm still angry and frustrated that we didn't get anything usable, but otherwise I'm all right." Don looked at her with a somewhat inquisitive look on his face, a little disbelief showing in his features. Kelly smiled at him. "No, really, I'm all right. I was pretty well prepared for what happened and it didn't get to me enough to do any real hurt." Then she grinned at him with her usual sense of humor. "I told you I've been fucked before. Just usually I want to have some say in the matter."
Don hugged her to him and kissed her. "Maybe we should just drop this whole thing," he suggested.
Kelly's face flashed with hard determination. "No way! Now I want to get him even more. It's just I'm not quite sure how. I'm sure he won't let me take anything inside, so I don't know where I can hide the recorder. Let me think about it for a while."
They fixed dinner, working together in the kitchen in companionable silence. As they ate they talked about other topics and Don was surprised to see that the events of the previous night really didn't seem to have hit Kelly too hard. After dinner Kelly brought the recorder out and dropped it onto the table. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." She picked the unit up and examined it. "Maybe we can use it to make our own porno movies," she kidded.
Don smiled at the remark. "Well, if we do, at least we could put it in the right place and leave it there," he quipped. "Mount it in the playroom and we could get some good shots."
Kelly started to replace the device on the table and then stopped. She held it up and looked thoughtfully at it. "Don, do we have enough parts to build three more cameras and transmitters?"
"I suppose so, but if he won't let you take one inside, what good will three do?"
"I don't need to get the recorder inside, just the cameras and transmitters. If I could do that, the recorder could stay outside in the car. That would be close enough to still get a good signal."
"Yeah, probably. But if next time is anything like this one, how could you get even one camera in place. Even if you could smuggle it inside, he made you strip and he certainly wouldn't let you take a camera into the bedroom."
"No, I'm sure I couldn't bring it in with me. So I'll just have to put them in place first." Don looked at her, curiosity plain on his face. "I don't think he goes out there except when he's taking a girl," Kelly continued. "And Wednesday night I know he won't: he has a Department faculty meeting then."
"Are you seriously thinking about breaking and entering his house?" Don asked. "You don't even know where it is. And how could you get in if you did?"
Kelly smiled back. "Ah, but we do know where it is. At least we will when we read out the GPS data. That part, at least, didn't depend on getting the unit inside. And as for getting inside - well, I noticed that the door lock was one of those they tell you never to rely upon. All I need is a thin strip of plastic. And even if he caught me there, what would he do? He wouldn't want the police involved. He just wants to use me, not have me create a big case with a lot of accusations."
Don studied her for a minute. "You really want to go through with something like that?" Kelly nodded. "Even though you know he'll probably rape you again next time?" Another nod. "Well, then, there is only one thing wrong with your plan. We'll have to wear rubber gloves so neither of us leaves any fingerprints that could later be used to prove entrapment."
"Don, you don't have to go with me. I can place the cameras and it would probably be a little more awkward if you got caught there than if I did."
"Then all the more reason for me to go. With two of us we'll finish twice as fast. Tomorrow we'll start on the cameras and transmitters."
Kelly moved over to him and put her arms around his neck, kissing him hard. "I love you, Dr. Jefferson."
"And I love you, Dr. Madison," Don whispered.
"Then take me to bed and prove it," Kelly whispered back. "Show me it can still be good after last night."
It took a lot of work, but by Monday night they had three small camera and transmitter units which could send video and sound to the receiver and recording unit hidden in her purse. Each camera was only an inch long, and half that in diameter. Since they only needed to operate for twelve hours or so, one battery would power each unit - if they could turn them on when needed. They had discussed several methods of activating the units, but each required some kind of receiver with the camera which would have increased the size. In the end they settled on the simple plan of using the timing unit from a digital watch and setting the cameras to come on at six on Friday night.
Wednesday night they waited until six thirty and then drove by the campus building where Randall's meeting was to be held. His car was parked outside and since the meeting was supposed to start at seven, they felt he would be very unlikely to be done before they finished and, even if he was, the chances of his coming out to his country place were still almost zero.
The GPS data had given an exact location for the house and Don and Kelly had no trouble finding it. The drive was the only one within a half mile in either direction and was curved so that when they drove up it to the house, they were completely hidden from the road. Kelly hadn't seen Randall deactivate any kind of alarm system, but they checked carefully for evidence of any before taking a thin plastic ruler and sliding it around the old door frame to release the latch.
With both of them wearing surgical gloves, they moved inside and Kelly led them directly into the bedroom. "I want to put them where we can get anything he does in here," she said. They ended up putting two up in corners with the crown molding and the third in back of a dresser where it looked out from between the top surface and the bottom of the mirror, aimed directly at the bed. Unless Randall did a thorough examination of the room, he would never see them located as they were back in the shadows. In less than thirty minutes they were finished and left, carefully resetting the lock and replacing everything as it was. By nine they were back home.
Kelly was wound up with excitement. When they came inside from the garage, she threw her arms around Don and hugged him to her. "Now we can get that bastard," she exclaimed. She kissed him again and her hand slid down his back, across his rear and around to the front where she grasped him through his jeans.
"Horny little wench tonight, aren't you?" Don teased.
"You know it, Lover. I'm high as a kite and I need to be sorely fucked."
"Do you mean fucked sore, Woman? Or maybe sore and fucked,"
Kelly laughed. "I didn't, but that sounds like a good idea. Take me downstairs and beat my body first. I'm one horny female tonight."
"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to disappoint a horny female. Especially one I'm in love with and am going to marry. So lets get you naked and into the playroom, Wench."
Laughing, the couple made their way downstairs. In five minutes Kelly was indeed naked and strapped to the new table Don had finished. This device was only about a foot wide and three feet long. And of that three feet, there were two small wings which folded down to leave only a fourteen inch long surface. All of it was padded and covered in the leather like material and there were a number of straps and eye hooks for fastening the victim. Kelly had her ankle cuffs clipped to either side on the legs at one end so that she faced away from the table, her legs open and spread. The leaves were folded down and she was arched backwards over the smooth surface, her arms stretched behind her head and attached to the bottom of the legs on the other end. This left her face up - or rather pussy up -, fully open and exposed, her flat stomach stretched tightly and her clean shaven pussy as her highest point.
Don, also naked now, began to slowly tease her breasts. Her nipples were already hard and protruding, but he rolled them between his thumbs and fingers, making them even more firm and engorged. He sucked hard on them with his mouth and ran his tongue teasingly around their edges and along the creases of her flattened breasts. He kept this up for ten long minutes and then stepped back to pick up a cat with soft leather tails. He began to gently lash her exposed front, often snapping the ends against her nipples and sometimes landing them across her hairless mound. He began to increase the strength of the blows until he had her making small cries and gasps at every blow. Then he stopped again and began to once more torment her hard nipples.
After a few minutes of this treatment, Don picked up a pair of nipple clamps and let them close over the hard nubs as Kelly sucked in her breath and made small moaning sounds. Next he took a pair of long, thin cords and laced them through two screw eyes on the ceiling directly above the girl's chest. He tied one end of each cord to one of the clamps and then held up two large fishing sinkers for Kelly to stare at with wide open eyes. He fastened one to each cord and let them drop, their weight pulling her nipples towards the ceiling and stretching her breasts upwards from her arched chest. Don could see the grimace on her face as the two heavy weights suddenly pulled at her swollen nipples, but she didn't cry out. Don checked the clamps and tightened them slightly. Then he added another pair of weights to the first two and lifted them up several inches. Kelly watched wide eyed as he let the weights fall until they came up short against the cords and this time she could not hold back a sharp cry.
Don moved back once more and picked up a slightly heavier cat which he began to swing against her stomach and thighs, landing near, but always missing, her pussy and stretched breasts. He swung harder until Kelly was crying out at almost every blow. Then he began to land a few on the now supersensitive flesh of her swollen pussy lips and her tits. He continued for a minute or two and then dropped to his knees between her legs where he immediately applied his mouth and tongue to the hard nub protruding from its hiding place at the top of her slit. He licked and tugged with his lips and even bit lightly with his teeth.
Kelly had been becoming steadily wetter and more excited. Now, as Don attacked her clit directly, she began to lose control and began to tremble as she started towards a climax. Don, whose own excitement had his cock rigid and sticking straight out, stood and plunged into her soaked slit. He began to pound into her and torment her stretched nipples with his fingers as her moans turned into loud cries and joined his own excited sounds. In less than a minute he was spurting stream after stream into the stretched girl as she convulsed uncontrollably against her bonds.
Afterwards, Don removed the nipple clamps, bringing cries as the blood returned to the tormented flesh, and then released her from her awkward arched position. Kelly pulled him against her for a deep kiss and then moaned as her sore nipples crushed against his chest. When they pulled back slightly from the kiss, Kelly asked, a little breathlessly, "Want to play a little more? I might like to work you over a little if you feel like it."
Don grinned at her. "I'd like that. As long as you don't try to take out your frustration at Randall on me."
Kelly laughed. "Don't worry. Right now I'm not feeling too frustrated with him. I think we're ready to get him in another couple of days. But I do think I feel the need to whip your ass."
"I guess I can go along with that," Don replied, and Kelly led him over to the padded saw horse. Soon she had him bent over the frame from the end, his ankles widely spread and fastened to the legs at one end and his wrists to the legs at the other. The end of the crosspiece pressed against his pubic bone and his cock was once again hard and sticking out below.
Kelly began to lightly tease him with her fingers, stroking his flanks, lightly rubbing his nipples, and occasionally brushing against his balls and the sensitive skin between them and his anus. Then she began to pinch his nipples and soon was ready to get even for earlier. She picked up a pair of nipple clamps, ones with serrated edges, and let them close over each of Don's nipples. As the sharp steel bit into his sensitive flesh he gave a small cry, but made no move to stop her. Kelly added a small lead weight to each and spent a little time flicking them back and forth. Then she began to flog his ass. She first used the heavier cat he had last used on her and soon Don's rear was a nearly uniform red all over with some darker stripes showing where the individual tails had struck. Then Kelly picked up a short riding crop and landed a series of five blows across his ass. These were quite hard and each brought an immediate cry and left a white line which quickly changed to a dark red across his stretched flesh.
When Kelly put down the crop, her hands immediately began to slide across Don's hot and tormented ass. Then she reached over and returned with a finger slick with lube which she began to apply all around his anus. Her finger slipped inside and spent some time in twisting in and out movements as she applied ample lubricant to Don's excited opening. When at last she pulled her finger from his rear, he gave out a groan of frustration, but Kelly didn't return her digit. Instead she moved back behind him so he couldn't tell what she was doing.
He heard her come back behind him and suddenly he felt the slick end of a lubricated piece of plastic touch his puckered anus. After the lube, Don had been expecting to be penetrated with something, he just wasn't sure with what. Both of them had found that they enjoyed the feel of plugs or dildos in their rear openings, and had several of these items available. Now he felt the slick shaft begin to push deeper inside his rectum. It didn't seem to greatly taper like a butt plug, but rather remained a nearly constant diameter as it drove deeper and deeper. Just when he thought it was almost all he could take, he felt Kelly's bare legs touch the backs of his thighs and he realized that she was using a strap on to fuck him.
This wasn't the first time. After they had discovered how much Kelly - and Don! - enjoyed anal sex, they had decided to reverse roles and both had found they enjoyed this variation also. Now as Kelly pulled slightly back and Don's muscles tried to grasp the slick shaft to hold it embedded, Kelly began to let her hands roam, touching his hot skin and tugging at the sharp clamps. She slowly withdrew and then just as slowly began to drive the plastic shaft back into his willing body until it was once again seated as deeply as possible. Several times she repeated the slow, teasing movements, almost completely removing the shaft and then gradually forcing it in once more to the hilt. Then she began to speed up. Both she and Don were rapidly becoming more excited and she helped him along with her hands on his hanging balls and stiff cock. She was soon slamming into him as hard as she could and each time giving his balls a good squeeze. Both began to moan and in only a few more strokes Kelly felt Don's balls contract and his cock jerk into the start of his climax. She let herself go and soon joined him in her own wild orgasm.
All day Thursday and all Friday morning, Kelly remained excited with the anticipation of springing her trap on Randall. Finally Friday afternoon arrived and Kelly left the lab to go change into her freshman persona. Don once again expressed concern and tried to find some way to follow or otherwise stay close to her. "I'll be all right, Don. Please don't try anything. I know we'll get him this time and I don't want to take a chance on anything putting him off. Just wait for me at home like last week, OK?"
Reluctantly Don agreed and Kelly picked up her backpack and ducked into the restroom to change clothes. She didn't come back into the lab when she emerged, but Don saw her through the window, walking in the direction of the Sociology building. He knew that today she had on a tight tee shirt and jeans and wore only a thong underneath. Although her long coat covered her to below her knees he could still see the saucy sway of her bottom as she changed herself into the sexy seventeen year old character Randall was expecting. He shook his head at the uncanny transformation and then, as she disappeared around a corner, went back to his desk and tried to concentrate on his work. He knew that this night would be even longer than last Friday as he awaited her return in the morning.
Kelly stopped just short of Dr. Randall's office and reached into her purse to activate the recorder and the one camera still there. She took her coat off and hung it over her arm, tugging her shirt so it fit even closer over her full breasts, wet her lips, and then knocked on his door.
"Come in," Randall called and Kelly entered his office. The professor looked her up and down and smiled at her. "Sit down a second, Kelly. I'm just finishing up something and then we can go." He watched as she took a straight chair in the corner, and then went back to his computer where he typed for another thirty seconds. Then he clicked "Shut Down" and pushed his chair back to wait while the computer finished its power down routine.
When he turned to Kelly, she immediately said, "Professor Randall, I really don't want to do this. Isn't there anything else I can do to help my grade?"
The smile dropped from Randall's face. "You don't have any choice in the matter, Kelly. You're committed to it now." When she started to say something else, he stood and simply said, "Come on. We'll pick up something for supper again along the way."
He locked his office and led her out to his car. Once they were both inside, he immediately drove off. He stopped at a restaurant a couple of blocks off campus and Kelly found that they had a carryout order waiting for him. She assumed he must have called ahead, and if this food was anything like what he had brought last week, she at least wouldn't starve. It was definitely gourmet quality - she doubted Randall had had fast food at any time in the last ten years.
Back in the car, he again blindfolded her and then began the trip. although Kelly now knew where she was going, she still could not follow where they were, so finally she just gave up trying and sat in silence for the ride.
When they pulled up at the country house, he removed the blindfold and again had her leave her purse and backpack in the car. They got out and he locked the car behind them. Kelly wasn't sure if this was from force of habit or because he didn't want her to be able to get at it until he was ready. He unlocked the house door and they entered. Evidently the furnace was on some kind of timer, because the room was quite warm when they entered and Wednesday the temperature had been down in the fifties.
Randall set the food on the dining room table and then took Kelly's coat and hung it with his own in a front closet. Kelly knew that, although they were out of range of the cameras out here, the audio would still probably come through, so she tried talking with him once again. "Dr. Randall, I really don't want to do this. I'd rather just take the bad grade. Or drop the course."
"Kelly, I told you, you no longer have any choice in the matter. You have to get a reasonable grade in this course or there's no way you can get into your program. I'm the only one who can do anything about it, and this is what I want."
"I could still go to the dean or someone and tell them what you're doing," Kelly threatened, but in a somewhat half hearted manner.
"Now, Kelly, you know what would happen if you tried that. I'd just have to tell them about how you were flunking and came to me offering sex in exchange for a better grade. I might be a little embarrassed, but you would be disgraced and probably thrown out of school. It's not like it's really costing you anything. You're not a virgin, Girl. I know that. You kids start sleeping around when you're in the seventh grade. You're seventeen and I'm sure this is nothing new to you."
Kelly didn't say anything and kept anything from showing on her face, but she felt an unreasonable anger at his comments. She had actually been a virgin until she was twenty and had in reality slept with very few men. She forced herself to ignore these feelings and looked back at Randall.
Disclaimer: Elizabeth, Rosalind Lutece and related characters are property of Irrational Games or 2K Games or someone who isn’t me. All artificial persons herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. WARNING: Spoiler alert for Bioshock Infinite. I don’t normally give a lot of spoiler warnings, but in this case, the characters end up discussing the ending to Bioshock Infinite and, to a lesser extent, the Burial at Sea expansion in some detail. So, if you haven’t...
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Chapter 6 Nergal was crouched over an empty alley, scribbling incantations on the ground in human blood that he was reading off a sheet of the flesh from a man’s back. He was mumbling curses as he tried to keep count of the symbols and remember their specific order. There were thousands of different symbols, all drawn around a ring that was a hundred feet in diameter and even stretched into the third dimension on the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley. Abaddon...
Man, I’m just a repair man. I fix basic problems around the house, maybe clean a gutter or two. White girls tied up to a bed, nah dog, that ain’t me. It’s 2016 and being black and big dicked gets me in enough trouble without crap like this. Still, JoJo was calling out for help and I’m a good guy and couldn’t just leave this little white girl tied up on a bed. She said her boyfriend tied her up and bounced, but I’ve been here before and I never saw any signs of a guy living here. I think it was...
xmoviesforyouThe morning sun hit Zane’s face and he heard a strange, unfamiliar sound. He opened his eyes to see Olivia in her swing and Katherine in a chair sipping coffee. “Morning,” she said. “Morning,” he moaned. “Coffee?” “Please.” “How do you take it?” “Black.” “Get your pants on please,” she said, tossing his slacks to him. Katherine left the room as Zane slipped on his slacks. She returned a moment later with a steaming cup of coffee. “Thanks,” he said. “Carmen said she’d be here in an hour to fix...
Love StoriesWhen I retired we started taking more holidays each year and some of those we went on were organized by our local over 50s group. The holidays tended to be in early or late season when the hotels weren’t full and the owners wanted to fill their bedrooms and charged a lower than normal rate to a large group.We always selected a holiday at an hotel that had an indoor swimming pool. There were two reasons for this, the first being I find older women in one piece swimming costumes very attractive...
Keith and Sam returned to their old neighborhood and set up camp. Keith couldn't help remembering the way Sam looked without her shirt on. Being basically a nice guy, Keith had given Sam as much privacy as possible, considering the circumstances they were living under. He had avoided her when she was bathing, though he had stayed close enough to go to her aid if she was attacked, and the courtesy had been reciprocated. Nevertheless, as the ache from the loss of his wife began to fade, Keith...
We’d been sent to Saudi Arabia as part of a special operations unit, formed specifically to find and retrieve downed airmen from all branches of service, and all coalition countries. It was a mix of special operations forces from the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Air Force contingent, except for twelve Combat Controllers and six snipers including JT and me, were all Pararescue, otherwise known in the Air Force as PJs or Rescue Rangers. Pararescue is a unique group of special operators. When...
It was a subdued group who met back at Morgana's Manse, we'd come so close to exposing a traitor to humanity on the Council. "I'm sorry." I said. "I shouldn't have started questioning him in such an exposed place." "Not your fault, John," Morgana said. "Whoever sent that spell knew exactly what they were doing, it was precise and sufficiently low powered so as not to illuminate the caster to our vision. I'd like to know who it was and how they knew that Johannes would fail...
Pushing her blonde hair from her heart shaped face she began walking. Kim’s boots clicked on the pavement as she looked around. It was already eight o’clock and everyone seemed to have hunkered into their homes for the evening. Her phone flashed that she had reached her destination. She stood in front of a beautifully restored three-story house. The front porch light was on and she could see that a few people might still be awake. Quickly she approached the front door and rang the bell. It...
Naughty stepdaughter Theodary Day waits for the first chance she can get alone with stepdad Ryan Mclane for a taboo rendezvous. The studly father figure tries to thwart the young temptress’ advances, but it takes only a little prodding and he’s soon eating out her shaved snatch and getting his rock hard rod sucked. Watch the young brunette babe not only get her tight pussy pummeled, but beg for daddy to fuck her in the ass for a hardcore premium Penthouse anal scene you don’t...
xmoviesforyouAs a frequent visitor to adult sites, and as a bi male, I am always open to M and F connections. On Friday last, I connected on an adult site (other than xhamster) and engaged in a great chat w/a young (20 y/o) guy. He was amazingly open, candid and mature - especially for his age. We chatted a great deal, and ultimately got down to the carnal histories and desires of each of us. Two things became clear: 1) he is somewhat inexperienced, as he only began to act out on his cock love a year ago,...
By: AWC Some boys may forget the first pussy they fucked but not me. The story I am going to tell is really not about the first pussy fucking but it is definitely about the first pussy I fucked. Please bear with me, I know, it is very confusing so far. Let me start once again. My name is Rafael. It was the first pussy that I fucked with full intent and might. Before this, my cock was used and a pussy was fucked but to be true, it was my cock that got fucked by a lady about 5—6 streets away...
It was last summer and there was a conference of feminists at the local Marriott. Normally, I wouldn't go to this sort of conference, but my local gaming group was having a small convention, so we were in the hotel as well. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rob Carpenter, and I am 38 years old. I've always been fascinated by mind controlled sleeping women, negligees, and big busts. I hadn't planned on what happened and wasn't expecting it at all. But like the saying goes, strike when the iron...
Mind ControlThe area of southern California Patrick Burgstone called home lay thirty rough and desolate miles back into the high desert canyon country, halfway between Tehachapi and Mojave, about one hundred and fifty miles from Los Angeles. The desert was a harsh place to live. Patrick didn't know any different though. His pa and he had traipsed across the Mojave desert all his life. By caring for a small herd of goats, they managed a living, of sorts, but the water and forage the goats needed kept...
Ever since I could remember, my younger sister Bella has always been the center of attention. She was the good student, aspiring artist, aspiring singer, dance team captain as a sophomore, and so on. I'm not going to lie she was all those things and more, but it was annoying how every time relatives would visit or when I saw people we knew, they would always ask about Bella.When I was eighteen and a senior in High School, Bella was a sophomore, and the dance team captain. Most of her friends...
Oral SexTuesday morning, Bobby was in my office as soon as I walked in the door. I removed the ankle monitor and reminded him not to get into any more trouble - that he was on probation until January like the other five students were. Even minor trouble could be a serious thing for them. I followed up by sending an email to Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Short so they could bring their personal files up to date. With the repairs to the damaged dorm completed and the contractor back to construction on the...
Most folks avoid the woods. Strange things lurk there. That's probably why they feel like home. I never truly fit in, always felt a world apart even when among my few friends. I've never been able to express just why that is, but it's haunted me my whole life. Like many misfits in this corner of the world, my differentness resulted in a career as a mercenary, adventurer and professional misanthrope. I don't regret my choices, or lack thereof. I saw a good portion of the world as a...
Vanessa sipped her coffee, enjoying the warm breeze and the evening sunshine as she sat in the park with Dieter, her boyfriend.Had Dieter been more attentive, he would have noticed that she had a faraway look in her eyes, as she stared away into middle distance to her left. Any psychologist would tell you that she was remembering, and her cute smile, showing her neat white teeth, affirmed that the memory was a pleasant one. What Dieter did not know either, was that as she sat there in the...
Krystal and Nini had been friends for the last 5 years of their time in school. It was their final year and they were both 18 and having one of many sleepovers that they had had over the years. Sleepovers usually involved normal activities like watching dvds and the such, but things were to change this time. Nini was from an indian background with a very shelted up bringing where the topic of sex or anything related was taboo. Krystal on the otherhand had known about sex for a long time....
First Time"D" is another member of this site. He contacted me first and we exchanged many sexy steamy erotic messages. We live in the same city and D confessed to me that he never has been with another man sexually and he really wanted to have a gay sex experience. We are both very cute. D is black, I am a white slut for black men with huge thick cocks, and he was into white guys just like me. I have a big and gorgeous 8 inch dick and D said his is even bigger than mine - 9 inches plus a little more of...
By Woodmanone copyright May/2012 Another story of the old West that takes place in the turbulent, exciting, and sometimes bloody time just after the Civil War. I’ve taken some literary license with this story but several of the characters, events, and situations are based on fact. They are part of our country’s history. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are more than welcome and very much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my story. I hope you enjoy it.
Brooke was the oldest of three children. Her two brothers were three years and four years younger than her. She was born when her mother was fourteen. Until a year ago there was never a father in the house. Her mother never married any of the fathers. She did not even know who the father of her youngest was as she knew that the night she had gotten pregnant, she had a gangbang with three guys. Her mom had finally married a year ago and her stepfather wanted all the kids to call...
My name is Kamatchi and I am a 22-year-old college senior.There is this guy I am friends with, his name is Gajakolan, and we usually hang out in each other's dorm room.I have been friends with Gajakolan only about a year, but I recently got to know him a lot closer. One day he told me he would meet me at my room for a few hours of studying, and I arrived back two hours earlier than planned because my class was cancelled.I went inside my dorm and was on my way to my room. I opened the door and...
BisexualGrace walked across the yard. She had arrived last night and had been puzzled by everyone's behavior ever since walking in the door. It was as if they were sharing a secret. She glanced over her shoulder. "What's so important in the barn?" she asked as Wendy ran up to her. "You'll see, Mommy," Wendy giggled. "I want you to see the horses Amy and I bought a few months ago," Martha said. "I didn't have to come rushing up last night," Grace said, "just to see a horse." "Oh,...
Roughie..right off the rack!! Hope you enjoy it.Day OneShe growled at her husband as he knocked on the bathroom door again.“You ready yet?”“Hold on! Just one more curl!”Diane was used to this. John was always an impatient man. She knew it from the very beginning. They were seniors in high school and he wouldn't take no for an answer when he asked her on their first date. The pressures of life were hitting her head on and she was just lonely enough to give in right away like he wanted.Now here...
First Dates are Kissing Dates 7 By Frances Penwiddy Murmuring with Starlings Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 Murmuring with Starlings contains material of an adult nature and is not suitable as reading material for minors. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. A dance lesson or two from the Butterfly who would be a Hawk. 7 When we got back to the boathouse, John took the carton and then I handed him the picnic...
As his daughter stepped onto the artificial grass court of their club resort, McWillis couldn't help but notice the sexy fullness of her body. She was twenty, an aspiring lawyer following in his footsteps, but she had definitely gained all of her mother's good looks - and more. There was this familiar stirring in his crotch as he watched Catherine bound across the turf, her heavy chest heaving, towards where he sat, shirtless and relaxing. Ian McWillis, a third generation Irishman, was a...
Oh Sardman, give us clever hands to dig and lusty hips and kissing lips and plenty food to eat Oh Jimbo keep the peace between the fangers and the 51 or let justice be done Oh Lady Tiger be not vexed and teach instead the feel of "Whee!". Feast prayer of the Rowdillan tribe Olady God-Mother thanks for your blessings and bedtime stories. May you always kiss our booboos. God-Mother Day prayer from the Pwetorika tribe The fifty one tribes all spoke the same language, and all...
He sat on the curb, swigging from the bottle in the brown bag, and wondering how the fuck all this had happened. Four days ago, he'd been happily on his way, his wings bright and white, his arrows red and ripe with love. His diaper was just the way he liked it, freshly pressed, nicely starched, every fold perfect and precise, and everything had been rosy in his world. Then, he got the message. That dreaded message from the big guy. He was needed. It was urgent and only he, Cupid, could do...
Len had a little flat on the top floor of a three storey Victorian building. She called it a flat, but in essence it was one room for sitting, eating and sleeping, a very small kitchen, and equally small bathroom. She showed me the kitchen asking me to make coffee then said she was going for a shower. "Got to get all this make-up and body cover off. Won't be a sec." I found mugs, instant coffee, milk from the small fridge, and boiled the kettle. I looked askance at the power plug. It was...
Tanya had always wanted a baby. And now she was getting her lifelong wish. Nine months pregnant, and ready to burst with new life. Her doctor, Dr. Franstein, was a nice man. Always ready with advice and the latest medical updates. He seemed to know everything there was to know about pregnancy, how a woman's body worked, all the ins and outs.His intimate pelvic exams during her pregnancy had been conducted with the utmost care and thoroughness. On one occasion, maybe just her imagination, she...
November, 2005 „Why do you have to do that to me? Don’t you have any shame?!†Alice was leaning against the bed post, clenching her fingers tightly round the neck of an almost empty bottle of beer, a desperate edge to her slurred voice. She had been drinking since the early evening. It showed. November, 2005 „Why do you have to do that to me? Don’t you have any shame?!” Alice was leaning against the bed post, clenching her fingers tightly round the neck of an almost empty...
IncestReid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...
A Novel by Paris Waterman ***** Six Years Earlier Robert peeled off his surgical gloves. The operation had been a difficult one, but after 7 hours of grueling work he had succeeded in repairing the damaged heart valve. His brow was deeply furrowed as the tall, lean black man allowed thoughts of Alice to enter his mind for the first time since entering the operating room. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He wondered. There was no denying he was profoundly in love with Alice. Of that he was...
I. WEIRD MEMORIES 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 Half past eight...shit. Okay, I'm my own boss, but I don't want to show up late again. I don't want to be a simple boss: I want to be a leader! I want my employees to esteem me, and who respects a boss that shows himself half an hour later than everyone else? I'd better speed up my walk. I'm such in a hurry that, some steps later, I drop my expensive smartphone. I don't even notice that, until the sound of it hitting the sidewalk wakes me up...
Jose opens the shop at 7am. Monday morning the door opens to the sound of moans and groans coming from the back Jose listens a bit to the lustful noises and her womanhood starts to moisten this worries her a lot the moans are her daughter Tess and what ever slut she picked up last night, but still the more she heard the hot she got so very quit she goes back opens the door there in front of her Tess is hammering a woman with a strap-on the redhead has her head buried in the pillow and ass in...
Hoot worked hard the next two days, keeping his mind busy. He and his Dad worked on his little hotrod coupe each night until 9:00 except for Wednesday, when church services were held. By Friday at 4:00, Hoot was smiling outwardly and inwardly, he wasn’t sure what the tonight would bring, but he knew it would be good, whatever it was, this was his and Little Tom’s first ever date. Hoot hurried home and took a long shower, resisting the urge more than once to jack-off into the warm water. He...
School transfer PART TWO I followed Mr. Washington through the halls of the African American school for boys known as Jerome Jackson and I felt very conspicuous. All the boys at the school were black. I was white. They wore white button up long sleeve shirts and black kaki slacks. I had on a white short sleeve blouse with sewn in breast like padding and extremely tight kaki slacks that hugged my ass like bicycle shorts. They wore dress shoes; I had on what were basically high heel...
Teen girl Melissa Moore begins to receive anonymous phone calls from a stranger , who does nothing but breathe into the phone. At first, she is creeped out by the calls but, as they keep happening, she realizes that it’s probably just her boyfriend playing a joke on her. So, she starts to talk back to the ‘stranger’, playing along, and threatening to find him and expose him for being a pervert … referencing the fact that she knows who he is! But, no matter how much she...
xmoviesforyouGilleena and I were lying in my bed, basking in the afterglow of a long, very satisfying bout of doing nice things to each other’s bodies. As much as I look forward to the energetic, rough and tumble encounters with Ellana and Mallya, the slow, sweet, gentle sessions with Gilleena fill me with such a sense of happiness and well-being, I can hardly wait for our next one. As I lay there, I wondered in passing if any mortal human in history felt as satisfied with his lot as I did. I think if I...
By Dunchad© She sat alone in her kitchen. Her husband had just left for work and her son was in school. She was sitting at the table in a short white terry cloth robe with a lacy red bra and matching red thong underneath. Her husband liked it when she wore them and she woke up very horny this morning. They had sex, but as soon as he orgasmed he climbed off his wife and immediately went in and showered and shaved for work. A few minutes later he was dressed and waiting for breakfast....
Hello i am sonam sharma.i am 22 years old. Mera rang gora chitta hai.meri figure hai 34-28-36. Aur sabh log meri gaand pe apni jaan chidakte hain.main bhi poori chudakad ho chuki hain.itni baar chudi hun ki abh to lund ke bager raha nahin jaata.abh ungli lene se kaam nahin banta…..aaj main aapko ik aisi baat batane jaa rahi hun jo pehli baat to sach hai.doosri ki ye delhi ki hi baat hai.teesri ki isme mujhe sachmuch darr laga tha… aaayiye main aapko apni is aap-biti par roshni daalti...
The morning dawned, bright and sunny. They met for breakfast, as was their habit now. They chatted about the day ahead of them, and she was looking forward to the drive to Jasper. He was looking forward to the trip as well, but more for the fact that he would be in such close quarters with her, in the SUV. He was falling in love with her. His feelings were growing by leaps and bounds, and the thought of them, being together tonight in a cabin in Jasper caused his body to react in a way...
Though late when we entered the old Parisian hotel suite, four of us shared passion and horniness for a fun hour before exhaustion overcame us. We had gotten over the critique of the wonderful jazz show on the ride home, so we stripped and gathered together and loved each other as soon as the suite door closed, with nothing but moans and murmurs of appreciation and needy instructions for each other exiting our mouths. We began teamed up on Angelique, whose presence in both Lindy's and my...
Hello fnds…………..Dis is ‘Karan’ from Bhubaneswar(at present) belong from Jamshedpur. My age 20 is & well build body having fair colour with attracting personality………….its my intro! Iet me share my real sex xprnce wid all my frnds.The incident was occurred in Kolkata during my vaccations went to spend there. Now about the incident-The sex encounter with my hot –sweet bhabhi.Her name is ‘Jaya’,residence of Kolkata.She is bright in skin with hot slim figure of 34-25-35 having a mirror cracking...
I can't believe I'm sharing this to everyone, but I have to tell someone about it. I am 28 years old an have been single for about 3 years. I love the ability to do what I want, when I want and I am single by choice. I work as an assistant in the real estate field working towards my liscence. I am known as a "prim and proper" type of girl. I dress conservatively and professional at work, but when the weekend comes I turn into a little devil. I love my freedom and love to dress sexy and...
Group SexYou wake up to the noise of your alarm. You notice 2 women sleeping next to you completely naked. You get up and head to the washroom to brush your teeth. Another day, another women you need to fuck. You can’t complain about it too much, but it ain’t the best scenario you could be in. 3 months ago, you uploaded a couple videos on porn sites. You didn’t think much of it, you just wanted to make some money while having sex. Well, those videos blew up! You have all kinds of women willing to pay...
FantasyIn the late 2300's humanity spread to the stars, discovered new sapient species, began to colonize new worlds, and joined the greater galactic community. As Human colonies grew across the galaxy occasional pirate raids would take place on the colonies themselves, or on the frigates that provided them with supplies and took their own goods off to be traded elsewhere in the galaxy. Such is the fate of the Athena, a small trade frigate making her way to a small remote human colony. "Damage...
BDSM[AN AFTERNOON IN JUNE:] Roger stroked in and out gently, running his hands over Melissa's beautiful body. He couldn't get enough of touching her—her skin was so perfect, her breasts and legs and ass were all so firm. "Nothing like a 25-year old body," he thought to himself. This was their second time making love that afternoon. It was nearly always the same when they got together: the first time they coupled energetically, almost frantically. Roger was always extremely excited to see...
Captain Hardesty, You've probably already heard that things didn't go quite like we planned. Two of the girls were sick, so Mom didn't come to the restaurant, more about that later. So there we were at the table, waiting for them to bring our pizza out to us. I'd had half a glass of beer, but dad had already polished off the rest of the pitcher, and was calling for more. I think he'd started before he got there too. Our usual server, Marcy, brought out a full plastic pitcher and set it...