- 2 years ago
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I'm sitting on a coach late one night. We're headed north from London up to Scotlandand I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep, especially since the seat next to meis free, as are many others. The lights have just been darkened as it is approachingmidnight, and around me my fellow passengers are slumbering.
And then somebody slips into the seat beside me. I glance left. It is a blackman, quite young, younger than me. Early 20s. He is staring straight at me,and meets my eyes. ?Good evening,? he says softly with a slight smile. ?Keepyour eyes straight forward.?
In reply, he turns his hand, resting on the thigh nearest me, around to reveala sharp blade. ?Look forward or I'll use this.?
Oh my God. I'm in a coach, surrounded by people. How can this be happening?My eyes snap instantly forward, but I hiss, ?I'll scream and they'll throwyou off the coach.?
In a moment he had the knife up against my ribs. ?Before they get to me, thiswill be buried inside your body.? He leaned closer until his lips were rightnext to my ear. ?Is that what you want, to feel this steel slide into you??
I risked another glance at him ?Why? Why are you doing this??
His other hand came around to pinch my cheek, cruelly twisting my flesh. ?Isaid, look forward.?
Pain stabbed my cheek as I whipped my head forward. Panic raced through meas I rapidly reviewed my options. I could take the risk and call out ... butwhat if he stabbed me seriously? His being captured by the others on the coachwouldn't be of much comfort to me if I was bleeding to death anyway. He stillheld the knife against my ribs. I could feel the prick of it every time I tooka shaky breath. Was I willing to take that risk?
As I thought the word, I felt a curious sensation come over me of resignation.Whatever happened to me now, I was allowing it to happen. In this moment Iwas giving myself over to this black stranger with a blade. I was going topermit him to take whatever liberties he intended with my body. Heat rushedbetween my legs at the knowledge, despite my fear, and I caught my breath. ?Whatare you going to do to me?? I whispered, and he chuckled.
?That's a better attitude from you, cunt. You show a little respect, you hear??
I nodded.
?Answer me.?
?I hear,? I breathed. ?I'll show you respect.?
?I will show you respect, sir.?
?Good. Now, I have a mate sitting in the seat behind you. Reach up your armsover the back of the seat so that he can grab your wrists. He has a blade too.One moment of disobedience from you and he'll slice you. Understand??
?Yes, sir.?
Slice me. A mental picture of bright red blood fountaining out of my wristand down over my body shivered through me and I lifted my arms. A hand closedaround my vulnerable wrists, trapping me. The position thrust my breasts forwardand exposed my entire body to the man sitting next to me. Instead of takingimmediate advantage, however, his right hand merely closed over my left thigh,hot and heavy. I felt the heat of it through my cotton skirt. Oh God, why hadI chosen to wear a skirt for the trip tonight? And since it was the middleof summer I wasn't even protected by tights.
His fingers clenched around my thigh, tightening until I knew they would leavebruises, loosened, only to tighten again.
?So where's a cunt like you going tonight?? His voice was so quiet I doubtedour nearest neighbours, two rows in front of us, could hear it over the dullroar of the bus's engine, but it seared straight through me.
?Scotland,? I managed, wincing as his hand squeezed me again. ?Sir.?
?Where are you getting off??
?Inverness, sir.?
?Travelling for business or pleasure??
What was this? He wanted to have an ordinary polite conversation while hemolested me? I almost snapped my gaze back to his but remembered just in timehow vulnerable I was to him. His hand moved to my other thigh and repeatedthe painful squeezing.
?Answer me.? His thumb dug deeply into my tender inner thigh.
?Business, sir,? I gasped.
?Mmm.? With a quick flick he pushed up my skirt so that his hand rested onbare skin. ?You have a nice lot of meat on you, cunt. I knew I'd enjoy playingwith you.?
No longer squeezing, he rubbed his hand hard down to my knee and back up again,not stopping until his thumb rested against my panties. Then down again andback, flattening the flesh he'd spoken of, scraping his palm against me.
?Do you like the feel of my hand on your thigh?? Before I could answer, hechuckled. ?Be truthful, now. I already know the answer.?
His thumb traced my panties, barely touching except to tease, but enough tofeel the blazing heat between my legs.
?Yes, sir,? I whispered.
?And why is that, cunt? What does that make you??
Instinctively I knew what he expected me to say. ?Because I'm a cunt, sir.?
In reward, he scraped his thumbnail down my slit. ?Indeed you are. I knewyou were, the moment I saw you.? Another scrape, slightly harder. ?I saw youat Victoria, waiting to board the coach. You were eating a chocolate bar. Nowonder you're such a meaty little cunt. Aren't you??
?Yes, sir.?
?What are you??
How could I say it? Wasn't it humiliating enough that I was sitting here lettinghim feel me up and talk to me like this? How could he make me participate inmy own humiliation?
His fingers grabbed a chunk of my inner thigh and twisted sharply. ?What areyou??
I bit my lip sharply to prevent a gasp of pain, then dragged in a breath. ?I'ma meaty cunt, sir.?
?Yeah, you are.? He twisted my flesh again, even harder. ?Do not hesitateagain or my mate behind you will cut you.? His hand left my thigh to pick upthe knife he'd casually balanced on his own leg. ?Or is that what you're after?Do you want to be sliced, cunt??
?No, sir,? I whispered desperately.
?I think you do.?
?No, please!?
I felt the prick of his blade against the thigh flesh he'd just abused. ?Wantme to slice you like the piece of meat you are??
?No, sir, please. Don't!?
He dragged it along my skin, not pressing hard enough to penetrate. Wouldhe? Would he really do it?
?Fine,? he said abruptly. ?I'm going to push up your top and take off yourbra. I want to see those big tits of yours. Maybe I'll cut them instead. Wouldyou like that, cunt? Want me to slice off your nipple??
?No, sir,? I whimpered.
He pushed my top up to my neck, then muttered a curse as he discovered mybra did up at the back. In an instant he lifted the blade, gripped the centrefront of my bra and sliced straight through it. A moment later both of my breastswere bared to him. He reached up and twisted the dial for the air conditioningoverhead. Icy air blasted through straight down onto my chest and I felt mynipples tighten.
?Such fat tits you have,? he whispered, and I knew he was staring at them. ?Bigfat round tits, just like I knew you had.? He was now sitting sideways on hisseat, facing towards me, and he lifted his hands, leaving the blade restingon my thighs. He held them just in front of my breasts.
?Ask me to touch your titty meat.?
?Please, sir, touch my titty meat.?
?How do you want me to touch your titty meat??
Shit, why couldn't he just touch them and be done with it? ?Please, sir, covermy t-titty meat with your hands and -- and squeeze them.?
He did just that, closing his hands over my balloons of flesh. They were bigenough to completely cover them, and he began to squeeze, just gently at firstand then progressively harder until his fingers were digging painfully intome.
?Do you like this, meat??
His action sent spurts of heat straight from my tits to my cunt, and I nodded. ?Yes,sir. I like you squeezing my bare tits.?
He kept squeezing and then he caught fingersful of my tits to twist and pinch.For several minutes he devoted himself to pinching every inch of my tit flesharound and around except for my nipples. Those he left completely alone asthey throbbed beneath the icy air conditioning. Pain was arcing through mewith each pinch and twist yet I found myself lifting my tits, pushing themforward into his grasp.
?So what job do you do?? he asked casually, as though we were polite acquaintancessitting across a dining table from each other, as though he wasn't maulingmy bare tits so painfully I could barely breathe.
?I-I'm a defence lawyer.?
?You work in court?? An extra hard twist just above my nipples on both tits.
I shuddered in pain. ?Yes, sir.?
?Do you ever feel the criminals looking at you? Ever suspect they might bepicturing you like this, with your tit meat naked and exposed for them to playwith and hurt??
Sometimes a fantasy similar to that was all that got me through a monotonouscourt morning. ?Occasionally, sir.?
He chuckled again, low and deep, obviously enjoying himself. His pinches movedto focus just beneath my nipples, taking in more flesh at a time, holding forseveral seconds on each agonising twist. ?You ever represent rapists??
?I have, sir.?
?Do you ever imagine being alone with them, trapped there, knowing they'regoing to rape you and there's nothing you can do about it??
?Sometimes, sir.?
?Does that fat cunt of yours want to be raped??
How did I answer that? Right now it was so wet I feared I was leaking allover the seat. I felt a throb deep between my legs and gasped raggedly. ?Sir,? Iwhispered, unable to bring myself to answer either way. ?Sir, please.?
His fingers closed over my nipples and twisted. Brutally. Nearly bringingme out of the seat as I jerked forward, instinctively trying to lessen thevicious pain.
?How about by a blade, meat?? he hissed into my face as I could no longerkeep myself from looking into his eyes. ?Want to feel my blade between yourlegs??
Instant melting in the part of me he'd just threatened. Why, oh why? I staredat him, lungs seized by a mixture of shock and terrible desire. Of course Ididn't want his blade between my legs.
His fingers tightened on my nipples again, squeezing tighter, tighter, tighter,as my mouth opened in a silent scream of agony, then he snapped his fingersoff. My head dropped as I struggled to drag in oxygen. Oh God, oh God, oh God,what was happening here? How could this be happening? How could I be sittinghere while this perfect stranger abused my body? How could I be letting him?
I opened my mouth again, this time determined to scream because I had to putand end to this -- only to feel the blade prick against my cunt, right throughmy sodden panties.
?Want it right in your clit??
?No! No, please. Please don't do that, sir, please!?
?Close your mouth.?
I snapped it shut.
?Spread your legs,? he ordered.
Mute, I obeyed, spreading them as wide as I could on the coach seat, deliberatelyopening myself up to him even as every nerve in my body screamed at me notto, to instead protect myself. But I couldn't. All I could do was let him pushmy skirt up until he exposed my panties to his gaze and to his blade.
Changing the angle of the blade in his hand, he drew his fingertip down mysoaked slit. At the bottom he poked gently, forcing the material up into me.My hips instinctively lifted towards him.
?You're nothing but a slut,? he said, disgust thickening his quiet voice. ?Justa slut piece of meat who'll willingly open her legs to any man who asks.?
?Yes, sir.?
To emphasise the humiliating point, he pinched my plump labia together. ?Wantme to slice this meat between your legs??
?No, sir, please!?
The knife twisted in his hand, now blade down. ?Sit very still then,? he commanded,and proceeded to lacerate my panties. ?Lift your hips.? I obeyed and he slidthe wet material out from under me. ?Open your mouth.? I obeyed, and he stuffedthe remnants of panties into my mouth then pinched my lips closed. ?No morenoise out of you. And keep your eyes straight ahead.?
It was the most effective bondage I'd ever experienced. I couldn't look athim or touch him, and now he'd deprived me of my only means of communication.I fixed my eyes on the back of the seat in front of me, concentrating hardon its dark form, trying not to anticipate what my tormentor was going to doto me next. How he was going to hurt me.
Instead his hand returned to my steaming cunt, brushing against the outside. ?Ah,? hesaid, ?cunt meat. My favourite. Bare and raw and stewing in its own stickyjuices.? His fingers slipped easily between my labia and one thrust hard anddeep up into my cunt. ?That could just as easily have been my blade,? he remindedme, as if I'd forgotten, ?slicing right up inside your cunt.? The finger withdrewthen slammed home again, eliciting a gasp from me muffled by the panties. Withdrewagain. ?No noise, I said,? he chided, and I felt him grab a handful of my pubichair and twist viciously, nearly lifting my hips off the seat. ?That hurt??
I nodded.
?Good. It was meant to.? He did it again. ?No sound at all out of you. Meatdoesn't make a noise.?
Meat. That's all I was. Trapped there in the coach seat I felt like nothingmore than tit meat and cunt meat for this black man's pleasure. Just a juicypiece of meat waiting to be used.
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With bags in hand we got in the elevator and headed up to 4th floor and room number 415. Coach Jim slid the key card and opened the door. Bob and I ran in and jumped on a bed, claiming this bed to be ours. Both coaches just laughed, told us that bed assignment was left up to them, and it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. Bob was my new best friend. We had a lot of things in common. We even had birthdays in the same month. He and I are both going to be eighteen next month. Also, his...
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I had just been through pure bliss. Now it was my turn to return the wonderful favor the coach had just performed on me. I slowly and softly placed my mouth around the head of his cock, lightly licking all around as my mouth slowly slide down his cock. I heard a soft moan, I wasn’t sure if it was coming from me or the coach. I couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt to have his cock in my mouth, it was so warm and silky feeling and I couldn’t wait for it to erupt that load of ‘feel good juice’...
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I had been her coach for all four years of high school, but had always followed 2 simple rules; 18 and graduate. We became close, over the years I coached her all three seasons for all 4 years of her high school career. She became like a daughter to me and then one day she became so much more. She had during the years, discussed sex with me often. We talked about the differant boys she had satisfied orally as well as the partners she had been with, I was often turned on by the discriptions that...
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I Am Your Meat Since Sarah was a little girl she had always enjoyed being in the kitchen, watching food being prepared, helping set the table, sometimes washing the dishes afterwards. She found the whole process very enjoyable, creating something for herself and others to eat - she liked to serve and found this a great way to put these feelings into practice. Her family were very appreciative of this attitude to what some would call menial chores, and were happy to let her carry on. Sarah...
Her mom said "The deal is in order to stay with us you must become a slave too the rest of the family. If you refuse to do what they have asked you to complete, you will be punished severely in as many ways there are that we can do to you. You are not allowed to masturbate yourself only if someone wants to masturbate."So her mom thought it would be a great idea to lock her in chasity belt which only she had the key too. Her big brother then said "Mom, please can I fuck her pussy hole."...
[u]Chapter One I just had my thirty-second birthday. I have one sibling; my younger sister Deborah - or Dee – who’s twenty-eight. Since early adulthood my work has taken me all over the country and we lost touch, meeting up for Christmas and birthdays, but apart from that contact was infrequent; just the odd phone call or flying visit now and then. Despite that, we have always been close, and I have finally returned to our home town on a permanent basis, so we see each other regularly...
DARK MEAT This is story in the Master Santino, The Arena series.? You do not need to read the others since each story pretty much stands on its own.? This is fantasy and should be treated as such.? Enjoy. DARK MEAT I glanced at the piece of paper before me.? There were just two words on it. ?Dark Meat?. ?Exactly what do you want? ? I asked the young late 20s gentleman across the desk from me. He had been screened by several employees before he had finally entered my office. ?I want...
Coaching p1He felt horrible. Matt had never ended a practice early in his life. These girls were making a commitment to get better at volleyball and their parents were paying a lot of money, so he prided himself on making sure they got their money’s worth. But today, he had to make an exception to his rule. After all, if the girls had noticed the hard-on that was growing, he would have a whole new set of problems. While all of the girls had just turned 18 within the past few months, they were...
I found this story on the web, it's not from me.She was prepared in the upper master bedroom of her owner's mansion under the guidance and care of two younger housebroken hand maidens, naked except for their collars and ankle bracelets.She was bathed in lightly scented water, her body shaven and waxed smooth only an hour before. They scrubbed her skin clean, tutting over each mark or the slightest speck of dirt or facial spot. Below them they could just hear the sounds of the many guests...
Entering John's house, the two made their way to the kitchen, her tight black dress flattering her pert developing teen body, swaying her tight young ass for him as he followed her. "An entire night alone," John thought as he felt his dick tingle and grow with excitement. Tori had her heels in one hand, removing barrettes out of her hair with the other. Her long dark hair spilled over her shoulders, with strands from her bangs now cutely in her face now. She clearly could see Johns...
So I text my friends not to wait up for me and he drives me to his place. It's a bit out of the way. It's got one of those really long driveways, where you can't see the house at the end because of all the trees. It's very quiet there. Once we get inside though, he fixes this by blasting some music. "Aren't your neighbors gonna call the cops on you?", I shout. "Nah, I soundproofed the place, and there's a bunch of trees between me and anyone else. They can't hear nothin'!",...
Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. I met the cutest guy at the club last Saturday night. His names Mike. We really hit it off. Now, I dont usually go back to a guys place when we first meet, but he was really cute, and wouldnt take my number, saying its either now or never. I didnt want to miss my chance at him. So I text my friends not to wait up for me and he drives me to his place. Its a bit out of the way. Its got one of those really...
She sat there on the floor, dressed in her tight white t-shirt and short-shorts, her legs tucked under her body, and gave me that same idiotic look. A look like she didn't really comprehend what was happening to her. I mean, really, there's only so far you can bring a person before reality sets in. Just a minute ago this girl was crawling across the floor on her hands and knees, desperately trying to tempt me to fuck her. Now that I've called her on the promises she's made, she...
FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...
Here I am in a small town in Louisiana with hardly any black people. I just knew life for me was going to be hell. I was proven wrong, after only being at my new school for a two weeks I had fucked three girls. I had been in the gym practicing my free throw shots after everyone had left practice, when I heard coach Rachel Leadeux ask me if I would be long? I'm going to be here for about an hour and than take a shower. Ok, just let me know when you're finish. I told her ok and went back to...
InterracialThe Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...
I have this incredible craving for meat. The craving is so intense, I can think of little else – how it looks and especially how it feels and tastes on my tongue and in my mouth. Just the thought of it makes me hot. Since I can’t have the meat I’m really after, I go downstairs, go to the freezer and remove a four ounce steak. I fill the sink about 1/3 full with hot water. I slip the steak into the water and go into the living room to pass the time while the steak thaws. I decide to watch an...
meatbyW. L. TelfordAlthough I believe this story can stand alone, it might be a sequel to WORLDS APART.No one knows what happened to Carol Edwards after she stepped naked into an elevator on the fifth level of underground parking beneath a Los Angeles office building. This is one possibility.1With apologies to T.S. Eliot: This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends: Not with a bang but a whisper. A life ended as an elevator door closed...
PRIDES, BRIDES AND MEAT ©2005 by C. A. Smith Part 1 To: Jason Moore From: Curt Hollowell Jason, I cannot stress this too strongly: that nothing less than the foodsupply for the entire human race depends on keeping the world's female populationunder tight control. We cannot afford to become squeamish, sentimental or fuzzy-mindedon this issue. If we slip backwards into the dangerously out-of-date thinkingof the pre-DED past, we invite disaster. My God, man! Think about it! Who inhis right mind...
Douglas Jackson looked at his phone for the directions. It was January 17, 2012. The 53 year-old, super tall man found his destination. He was at the historic Chicago Medical School to begin his practicum for his education specialist degree. The old man had taken a semester off in vacation time from his job at Eleanor Roosevelt High where he taught health and coached the girls’ basketball team to two state championships over the past twenty years.Doug found a parking spot and whipped his dark...
A longer story about Erik-Jan's side of the story. A spinoff from the 21 part series I wrote earlier about Robby's endeavors. "A meeting in Leather." THE SWIMMERS' MEATFrom an early age, Erik-Jan already regularly had sex with his girlfriends. According to them, EJ was quite a good lover. His latest flame, Jessica, was the very best. They had been going steady for a few months when she asked him if he wanted a blow job. Of course, he did not say no to...
Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out after graduating college, and I no longer needed a two bedroom apartment. I found a cute little one bedroom in the same neighborhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men...
Finally, moving day was here, and it was time to get things going. My son had moved out , and I no longer needed a two bedroom house. I found a cute little one bedroom,groumd floor flat in the same neighbourhood, but a hell of a lot cheaper. I had everything all boxed up and ready to go, and decided to put up a pot of coffee, in case the movers needed some extra energy. As I hit the button on the coffee machine, the doorbell rang. I opened up the door, and there were two huge black men standing...
>?> > The coach just returned from his winter retreat with his special > boys. All the boys on the team want to go on the winter retreat of course, > but the coach only selects the very best. The boys who have maintained > strict control and discipline over their exercises and development. No boy > who has shot a load in the last six months gets to go on the winter retreat. > No boy who has spoken to a girl gets to go on the retreat. Only boys who are > totally focused and dedicated to the...
One fine day, we got the chance to roam all alone in the park. It was around 7:45 pm and the park was almost isolated. We were roaming and on every few steps, he grabbed my boobs and squeezed. I was just fed up with him. Though I liked him squeezing my boobs he was doing too much. I stopped and asked him when he would stop squeezing them. He explained that he doesn’t get enough time to squeeze them properly to his satisfaction. He continued that if he gets enough time to squeeze them, he’ll...