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By Brewt.Blacklist

September 2012

THE SUBMISSIVES I have encountered have all been quite delicate creatures, easy to frighten, easy to offend. Mouthy as hell.

When they are not on their knees, of course.

Indeed. It's as though they save all their strength for then.

Probably a defensive mechanism. I suspect the verbal attacks are that, too.

Possibly. Take this one, for example.

My Lord, I . . .

Shut up. Don't interrupt me. God damn it, what was I saying? Oh, yes. When this one isn't here with me, she, as you well know, is a bubbly energetic little feminazi, hating all things male, always making sure all the little boys around her are kowtowing to her every whim. Which, interestingly enough, she completely recants when she's here with me.


Yes, she repents of all her little put-downs and control-grabs and paper efforts at being a dominant and in control of her life that she doesn't let anyone ever get out from under. Like with you.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Here, she's a gutter hole, and allows herself to be used and abused until someone else is happy: me. It is quite amazing, her little hocus pocus act of a quick change in and out of something her mother would be proud of. She goes from princess to slave when she walks through that door.

So she segregates her life. She lives in boxes.

A box for when she wants to feel good about herself, a box for when she doesn't feel good about herself, a traveling box, an in-front-of-her-mother box, a working box, a shopping box, a god-I'm-bored-entertain-me box, an admire-me-look-don't-touch box, a leave-me-the-fuck-alone box---which she keeps you in, by the way, and a box that she hides from everyone that she is deeply ashamed of and cannot keep out of no matter how hard she tries. She hides it from everyone except me. Here. And now, of course, you.

Why me?

Believe you me, this wasn't her idea. You were pretty much the last person on earth she wanted to have this part of herself exposed to. She said so. Which is why I picked you.

I'm not sure that makes me feel any better.

And that doesn't matter in the least little bit to anyone except her. At this point, if we were to ask her, she would rather you had never even been born. And your foolish admission that you are even slightly uncomfortable here gives her a glee you can't see.

So she really does hate me. I'd suspected, but I never gave credence to that thought before. Tried not to think about it.

Before tonight, she actually didn't care about you one way or the other. You were just a fly to her, a speck, an annoying gnat. You were kind of a name in a hat. Now her interest in you is through the damn roof: now she'd just as soon see you die a grisly and horrifying death than have you be here with me. In flames. Wouldn't you, my dear?

. . .

Why isn't she answering? I thought you said she was submissive.

Because if she answers with the truth of her feelings and insults you, she knows she'll be punished quite severely, and if she lies and tells you how wrong I am and how much she cares about you---please don't do this to you for your sake, ha, ha---she'll be punished most severely for untruthfulness. And if she doesn't say anything, she'll be punished exceedingly severely for not answering my question. A lovely quandary, don't you think?

So it doesn't matter what she does, she'll be punished.

Yes, she will be. Interesting how she picked the one she thought she could save face with, don't you think?

I HAVE never done this before.


Do you have a suggestion?

First of all, you don't need to tie her up.

Why not?

She's not going anywhere. And it will be harder for her; it's amusing to have to force herself to stay there and submit to you without the added benefit of being forced from the outside.

So what keeps her here?

You'll have to ask her that, but she won't have an answer. She doesn't understand it herself. It's nothing rational. She can stand up and walk away at any time. She. Just. Doesn't.

So what, she'll just endure it all right there?

Absolutely. Watch. Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh! Hhhh.

Quite the act.

Not an act. You do it. Convince yourself.

I don't know that I can; it goes against everything I've ever been taught.

So? It goes against everything she's ever been taught as well. Not to mention her feelings. And the endless prattle about respect for women she carries on with day in, day out, about how men are supposed to be nice to women, to care for them, put them on pedestals? Puh-lease. Ooohh, and now our poor little baby girl hurts; see? Tears. Here. Take this, and do it.



Harder, you fool.


You're not even going to get her attention that way. I suppose just using your hand isn't going to be any better. Hang on. Let me look around . . . here. Use these.

I would hate those.

Not as much as she does. Come on; man up. Do something to her you wouldn't allow to happen to you. Something horrible. It's what you're here for.

I don't think this is what I had in mind.

It'll be alright. Tell him.

. . .

I said tell him.

Y-you can u-u-u-use those. On me.

Be more adamant, bitch. Beg. Persuade him.

Pl-please. Put themmm in in in me.

More. Put your heart into it. For your friend.

I want you to do it. Please. I beg you.

Con. Vince. Him. Whore.

I'll I'll help. And I'll . . . I'll suck your cock.

You haven't had the time of day for me for months. And now you'll suck my cock to get me to hurt you with . . . these.


Before, or after?

. . .

Uuhhh! Sometimes, I do not know why I put up with this little moron. She doesn't seem to want to learn. Uuhhh!!

Maybe this is fun for her.

Uuhhh!!! Answer him: before, Uuhhh!! or after? Uuhhh!!!

Arrgh. Hhh. Both. Hhhh.


I don't know how to answer that. Sir.

Are you going to take that?

I don't believe you. Prove it.

Ow. Mmmm. Ow. I'll just would you like how about if I . . . this? Please, sit down, I'll show you. That's it. Yes. Let me touch you here, yes, oh, oh, there it is, there you are, mmm, mmmmnngkygnk mmmm mmm

She's sucking your cock. Think about it; how long have you fantasized about that? Dreamed about it? Whacked off to the idea of her putting your cock in her mouth willingly?

A lot.

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk.

Really? Because it doesn't seem to be doing it for you.

'Cause you're here.

I don't think so. It's because you wanted something else from her; a blowjob just isn't enough, is it.

Mngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk.

Yes. No. Shit, yes. Something else.

Mngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk.

. . . hhh . . .

Mngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk ngyk.

This is boring. Let's get at it. Put this in her. While she's doing that.

Hhhh. Fine. Where, here?


Murmph. I suppose I'm taking a chance here that she's going to fucking bite me, huh.

Nonsense. If she bites you, we'll do something truly terrible to her. She knows that. Again.

MmHmMM! MMhhmmMM! MngkygknmMMM!

Fuck, this is starting to work for me.

Doubtless. Having a woman rape her own mouth with your cock while you are hurting her, while you are sticking her with something like THISSS!!! is one of the best things in the world. I live for that shit.

MMMANNhhhhh hhhh hhhh hhhh.

Close your lips around his cock. Suck him down. Make yourself uncomfortable. Now stick her. Ssslllooowwwlllyyy.


Jesus Christ! I have never felt anything like that before!

You know where it's even better to have your dick? In her ass. While you're pulling on her hair with one hand and choking her with the other, and someone else is whipping the ever loving shit out of her tits, her stomach, her pussy, and oh, let me tell about what the cane can do to her. Cigarettes. Wax. Electricity. Alligator clips being ripped off her like a zipper. You will never feel anything else like that in your entire life. There's no point in hurting her if you're not inside her. And that is why you are here. You, you fucking lucky-ass bastard. Give me those. I'm going to stick them all in her ass . . .


That's what I want. Stick her slower. Oh, god. I'm gonna want her fucking ass, come here, deeper, you slut, take it all down, make as much noise as you can, fuck you, you cunt, do it, I'm gonna cum down your throat and when I'm done I'm gonna slap your pretty little dolled-up face until I can't lift my hand and you're going to have to explain the bruises as an accident to all your friends and I'm going to hang you by your hair yes yes YES YES YES . . . .


What do you mean, 'no'?

Exactly what it sounds like. It is not gonna happen.

So what, you think it's all going to go back to the way it was?


That's not what I want.

I don't care. You don't get it, do you. I didn't do that for you; I did it for Him. And now that it's over, it's never going to happen again. Ever.

Uh huh.

Besides, who's going to believe you? Now fuck off, you shit-eating bastard. Leave me the hell alone. Don't you even try to talk to me again.

. . .

. . . Good talk . . . Shit. You forgot your coffee.

HEY. YEAH, you were completely correct. Practically verbatim. Uh huh. Abso-fucking-lutely. Wouldn't. Miss. It.

YOU REMEMBER your friend, don't you?


What was that?

Yes. Yes, of course, I remember him.

There is a long string of profanity running through her head right now. Watch her face; you can see it all. See how the breathing stress has kicked in? She's adjusting herself. Lowering herself. Fighting whatever the fuck it is she believes she comes here to conquer.

She is really struggling with all this right now, isn't she? Has she ever run away?

Wouldn't you?

Of course I would.

Not her. Of course, I thought she was going to call you a motherfucker.

Well, you know, I've thought a lot about what she said, and I think that would actually be a good idea. Except it should be a shit-eating bitch. Do you still have any of those needles?

Of course. Whole box of them.

That is just great. May I?

Be my guest.

Thank you. Now then. Which finger do you use to masturbate with, honey? It's cute how her hand is shaking, isn't it? Oh, you use two of them, do you? You slide them on either side of your clit, right? Show me. Er, us.

. . .

Uhhh! Do it, cunt. God damn it. Obey him as you would obey me. Christ.

Oh, yeah. That's it. I want you to be wet for this. Mmm Hmm. More. That is just lovely. Does she always sluice up like this?

She's a fucking whore.

Yeah, she sure as fuck is. Hey, did you want to fuck her in the ass while we do this to her?

You need to ask? Atta boy.

Uhhhgh ughr ahh ahh ahha hh.

Okay, give me your hand, baby. Just going to slide this . . . right . . . under . . . the . . . nail. Does that hurt? Answer me.

Fuck, yes.

How 'bout that. Next one. Mmm hmm.

Ooojjjhhhh . . .

Damn, she's twitching right around my cock! Yer doin' gooood.

Given what you've said, I'm not surprised. Alright. So. Two in the good hand, now let's put a few in where it matters on her. Uhhh; nipple. Uhhh, other nipple.

Hhhh. Hhh. Hhhh. Hhhh.

Is this hard yet, darlin'? Heh, heh, good. We'll put a few here where it's so wonderfully wet. Right . . . along . . . there. Yeah.

Oh, godddd.

Gotta match.

Pl-please. Aarrgh!

Can you guess where the next one goes, sweetie?

Please, please pleasepppelease no no no no no . . . !!


Aarrrggh! AAARRRRGGH! Hhh. Hhh. Please take them out!

Not a fucking chance. Now play with yourself. Make yourself cum

Iiiittt hhhurrtsssss.

Yes, I'm sure it does. Now do it.

I have to say, I am impressed. I didn't know you had it in you.

I-I don't knnnooww that I c-c-can cum llllike this.

Then this is going to go on for a while.

Uhh. There. There. I came. Please let me stop.

You lying sack of slut. Did she?


That's why he's in your ass.

Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

That is what we're doing; we are going to fuck the bejesus out of you. Now get yourself off.

Oh god. Ow. Ow. Ow. Owwww.

SHE REALLY loves this, doesn't she?

You bet your ass she does. There is a puddle down here.

Good, 'cause it's about to get worse for her. I need more needles.

Pleasenopleasenopleasenopleasenononono . . .

You talk too much. We're gonna fix that. Hold your god damn head still.

No! No! No! No! Not there!

Could I trouble you to bend over here a bit, maybe hold her head a bit stiller than she seems to be able to do? Yeah, by the hair is good. Okay, so, good, her head between my thighs, now I'll just pull her upper lip up . . .


Right. In. Along. The. Lip. Three more.


Two to go.


One last one, then my fun begins.


I love how evil you've turned out to be, but you know, at this point, she probably will bite you.

Naw, I'm not putting my cock in her mouth. She's gonna lick my asshole; I feel a shit coming on.


Here, sit up, maybe put a little weight on her tits, rub them around some. Yeah. Now get your tongue out of your mouth and into my ass. We're gonna be here until you cum, darling. So. Get. To. It . . . Wait a minute. What the fuck are you doing?

You didn't think this was just going to be hard for her tonight, did you? Don't you fucking move; you do not get to stand up and walk away from this any more than she can. You have the same trick to perform. Here. Get the needles into your own cock, nine of them, just like are in her, two into your own jack-off hand, and we'll do this until YOU cum, or I'll tell her cut your dick right off and eat it . . . she'd love that, you know . . .

. . . AARGHGH! HHH! HHH! HHH!! HHH!!! . . .

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AftermathChapter 20

"What are we going to do?" Sherrie asked, trying not to let panic overcome him. "Is there any way to land this thing without those pedal thingies?" "Well, there's an auto-rotational landing," Brett said, "but that's not really the ideal solution." "What's an auto-rotational landing?" Sherrie wanted to know, locking onto that in desperation. "If it'll get us down, let's do it." "That means he cuts the power and lets us fall to the ground," Jason said. "At the last...

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A MILFs Craving for Teenage Testicles and Cum

It has always been unsettling to me to read magazine articles or true online stories about families having incestuous relations, especially those involving either of the parents and their kids of either sex.  I just couldn’t understand how a parent could subject their child to sexual advances, although it made sense that some children might find it erotic and enjoyable.  But now, I’m actually contemplating having sex with my sixteen and seventeen-year-old sons and their friends. My husband has...

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Mera Pehla Chudai Ka Experience

Hello everyone my name is Rishika Bajaj. Since I am getting a lot of time nowdays I thought I should write my real life incidents that no one knows except me. I just love myself. And feel lucky to have such a life. I am currently 24 years old. I like to be watched. I have a fair skin. My stats are 34-32-34. I have long black hairs. I regularly go to gym since I was 17. Ye tabki baat hai jab main junior college mein thi. Tab meri ek ladki (Bhakti: fair 32-28-32) se dosti hui. Hum best friends...

4 years ago
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Mommy Tries To Resist

Introduction: Divorce leads to Mom/Son fun. My first story ( didnt go so well so I got help for this one. Let me know what you think… My mother Helen divorced my dad when I was 16 years old and I chose to live with her. I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my mother standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. Its funny because I spy on her when...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 10

As the weeks passed, Imogen found she was able to work harder and more effectively as she gained experience. She resorted to the time-turner with increasing frequency, and her typical day was thirty hours long. She was beginning to truly believe that she would meet her self-imposed goal of catching up with her peers by the start of the second term. She'd kept the list of curses given her by Professor Flitwick, and had learned a few of them. Anyone challenging her to a duel now might get a...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Sawyer Cassidy Mina Moon We Promised We Wouldn8217t

Mina Moon arrives at her best friend’s house to hang out but is greeted by Sawyer Cassidy instead, who is another member of the family. As soon as their eyes meet, the sexual tension between them is clear as day. Mina is flustered as she asks where her bestie is, only to be told that she’s running late. Not wanting to be alone with Sawyer because of the unspoken chemistry between them, she offers to wait in the car but Sawyer invites Mina in instead. Although Mina is nervous, she...

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Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I Part 8

About that time, Kelly and Marcus came up to us. Marcus was as hard as a rock and Kelly said “Well, we are heading back upstairs. Have fun you two. I know we will!” They left and I was about ready to take Becky upstairs too. Before I had a chance to, Becky said “Can I please have a glass of wine?” I told her sure and we walked in the kitchen to get it for her. She said she was a little tipsy from the daiquiris, but wanted some wine to mellow her out. I said “Don’t get so hammered that...

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Shadowsblade Fight for the right to Wedding party

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

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My Wife Katrina

(MMM+/F, intrracial, wife, gangbang)I couldn't fucking believe my wife! Here was this proud outspoken black woman screwing and blowing a bunch of white guys for money. It was just fucking amazing to see. Carlota crawled over to another one of my white bosses and dipped her face down over his crotch, I looked wide eyed as another one of the naked company executives snugged up to her raised rear-end and fumbled with his stiff dick, trying to shove it into her. I was also naked -- and if the truth...

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Just Like a Girl Part 5

Just a Girl Part 5 by Mellissa43 After the last part there was feedback that the end seemed rushed - which it was, and the end was a bit dark/horrific - which it was. So given my extremely limited writing experience I am going to carry on. Well if Dallas can do it for a season......... I awoke suddenly with a jolt. What a nightmare I had had, it was far worse than my reality - a grown man, cuckolded by my wife, dressed as a baby, unable to speak. If the nightmare I had just had...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 26

After breakfast Vicky and I returned to the room to change. Craig took Hanna and Melinda to the palace steps to get set up. The Portugal media was to be notified of a VIP event ten minutes before we arrived but like most capitals, a few approved media always staked out the legislature halls and the presidential palaces. Hanna - being the experienced open field reporter - quickly took advantage of the wait to film material for the lead in to the other news reports and local interest shows on...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kate Dee Like Father NOT Like StepSon

When my father gets booted from the house for cheating, I’m left alone with my voluptuous stepmom Kate Dee. She doesn’t seem to be taking this well and I (Brick Danger) catch her arriving home at 5am one night! She seems exhausted from being out all night so I help get her into bed, her massive tit keeps poking out of her top… she tells me it’s been months since she has gotten laid. She doesn’t want to fuck strange men, but she needs something! This was all so...

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Body Positivity

Nobody knew who was funding the operation. But as much research as anyone could do the challenge seemed legitimate. It was the stinger at the end of a fairly heartful and persuasive documentory. Going into the need for the human body to be normalized and the cycle of shame broken, siding with and siting the free the nipple campaign as a good first step. But jumping from there into a need for better sexual education and the taboo of female sexuality and slut shaming. Showing a nipple isn't...

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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 14

I take her bag to my room and she goes to talk to the girls. I hear them talking and laughing from the bedroom and head out to see whats up. Svetlana is just in the doorway to my daughter's room and looks over at me as I walk torwards her. The girls get quiet when I get there and I ask them what they were talking about. Svetlana just looks at me, smiling, and says; " Oh it's just us having girl talk, boys are not aloud to know what we talk about. " The girls laugh and say; " That's...

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Jaq Has Photo Session

Many members will know all about Jaq. Jaq is my wife and a very sexy lady. A few years back, Jaq was asked to do some modelling work for her employer; this was just to show off some of the products that the company had for sale. The company sold many products that are used in the building trade. The idea was to have a member of staff demonstrating the products in a provocative manner, something that Jaq was more than capable of doing.The day of the photo shoot arrived and Jaq certainly looked...

Wife Lovers
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 5 Sapphic Siblings

Dearest Eileen, You made me feel so much better with your last letter that I'm writing again before I have another from you. I can hardly wait (I've said that before) until you're back home and with me. Are we oddballs? I mean, to think so much about sex? (Or is it just me that thinks about it all the time?) I told you that I thought my cousin had done something to Sue. Well, now I'm sure he did. Mom left them alone when we went away and when we got back today I could tell just from how...

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Honeymoon With Grand fatherIn law 8211 Part 3

Hi this is 3rd part of my honey moon with grand father in law Bandu mama. All the night he caressed me all the body. But we slept later and took rest. In the morning, we separated. He freshed and then finished all his morning work bath etc. Later he went outside. Then i also prepared myself. He went outside for some work. i gave him tea before leaving. Then i was busy in some kitchen work. I felt knock on door. Bandumama returned with unknown person with him. He was Nana his friend of age...

2 years ago
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My Cute Little Aunty Rama

Hello my dears today I would like to tell you about a secret relationship between me and my aunty .This is my 1st real life incident I am writing. If you feel like giving a feedback send me in . Yes my name is Vijay and my aunt’s name is Rama . We both are from southern part of Tamil Nadu but both from different cities. I did my engineering in Chennai . That is the time I enjoy each and every day with my aunty . Ya like all other students who come to Chennai for studies I too rented a house...

4 years ago
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The Transsexual Rapist

Let me explain myself, as my mom and I seem to be the only normal people in this god-forsaken town. My name is Nicole, but I usually go by Nyx (you know? The goddess of night), I'm 16, Black hair, half White and half Hispanic, blue-grey eyes. I would say my ass is my best asset, just the right size and firmness, I'm skinny, and according to my (almost obese) physical education teacher, on the verge of anorexic. I have a D-cup breast's, with pink, velvet like nipples. My mom is a single...

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Monday morning. Time to get up, have my breakfast and go to school again. After a few moments, I sat up in bed, brushed the hair from my eyes, yawned and stretched, swung back the duvet and put my feet into my low- heeled mules before standing up and re-arranging my nightie which had managed to wind itself round my waist again during the night. Into the bathroom for the morning wash and brush-up before returning to my bedroom to dress for the day's activities. As it was a...

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Preferably DeadChapter 7

I had aimed us for the Kilgore ranch to return Mary Sue home first. I had some sort of idea that I should return her first because she had been the reason for my going after the rescue. We pulled into the front yard of the ranch about the middle of the afternoon, and Mary Sue jumped down and ran into the house screaming for her mother. Only moments later, the whole family showed up on the front veranda to meet the other girls and to thank me for the rescue. Abe Kilgore said, "Mr. Jackson, I...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose 05132021

And all we taught Millie Melrose today was EVERYTHING… That’s the understatement of the year, and let me tell all you out there in PORNville something about Millie. This girl is innocent, special and is more beautiful, both inside and out, then there are stars in the sky. You see Millie’s been through more in life by the tender age of 18 then most, no I can pretty much guarantee she’s been through more then most all of you putz’s out there will ever go through in your entire lives. She’s what...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 30

Out Of Afrika, Chapter 30A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and WunderboiThe journey back to Hawksville of the Professor Steeves Research Group was a subdued one. Each and every one of them was completely fatigued from the sexual exertions of the past few days and the flight back over the Atlantic in the company Gulfstream was mainly spent sleeping. In their waking moments, the events of the farewell celebrations they had enjoyed in Lerotica loomed large in...

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Double Headed Dildo

My wife and I perused the online catalogues of sex toys and finally settled on a 45 centimetre clear double dildo. It served our purposes well. I fucked her in pussy and ass with it, she fucked me in the ass with it, and we both came with it. I never really wondered why it had two heads or what to do with that feature of it. Obviously my wife of 36 did, and being as creative in the bedroom as she was with our three kids, she managed to capture my interest. The kids were staying with the...

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The Horny Hypothermic

I was awakened at a little after midnight by a constant pounding on my door, combined with someone yelling out my name. I got up out of bed, grabbing my glasses and putting on my robe and walked down the hallway to the front door. “I’m coming, you can stop knocking.” I yelled as anger began to fill me at who ever it was waking my ass up at this hour. I opened the door; I was shocked to see 19 year old Ben there, barely able to stand, drenched from head to foot, shivering uncontrollably. “Dude,...

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Mistress Bs House of Fetish

I'm pretty sure it was early on in the semester when Mistress B thought it was a good idea for us to try some chastity. She had bought a device for me to wear and one Monday morning before we went back to school, she decided to put it on me. She would wake up a good 2 hours before me Monday mornings, as I recall being woken up and her asking me if I was ready. Before I knew it, the device was firmly attached to me and she put the keys around her neck on a necklace. It would be 5 long days...

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Aunt Mandy and Me

My name is Nate and I am in a wheelchair. I have a neuro-muscular disease which makes my limbs weaker and unable to walk and perform simple daily tasks without help from others. This story starts when I was 17 years old. I have an Aunt named Mandy who for the past couple of months or so has been my "employee" of sorts. I receive government aid to hire people to help me in and out of bed, cook, shower... etc. Before it was usually my parents helping me with this. But now, as I am becoming an...

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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 5

I lay quietly in my room with my laptop on my knees, providing the only light in the room. My duvet cover was down to my ankles as my fingers glided over the cotton of my panties. The gentle caress of my fingertips along the ridges of my camel toe gave me tingles. Playing on my laptop was a video from a huge collection of porn films my mom made when she was younger. IN this one she played a girl named Barbara who was experimenting with a friend for the first time. I couldn't take my eyes off...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Abbey Rain Subscription For Some Fire Crotch

Abby Rain is a ginger with a very tight and very fuckable body. She is wearing a cute skirt and sporting some beautiful curly read hair while playing video games. Her game is suddenly interrupted because her subscription needs to be renewed. She doesn‘t have the money for it, but her stepdad does. She runs to the counter, grabbing his wallet to make off with it. She is spotted and called back by her stepdad. She races him, but he catches up to her. He says he‘ll pay for her videogames but it...

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Military Bus Driver

So, this is a tricky story to tell. It took place several years ago while I was working as a civilian bus driver for a military base in North Carolina. It was a large one and men and couples were constantly coming and going. I was one of the drivers that would transport them to and from the barracks and the airport, etc. Being parked at one of the barracks a commercial 18 wheeler pulled in beside me and asked if I'd picked up sergeant Brassel yet. It was Sarah, a young female civilian driver...

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