Double Dare
- 4 years ago
- 65
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Don Simmons recommended a family services law firm, and I took his advice and gave them a retainer. I had made a decision that I would not try to hide my new income during the divorce. Although it would hurt to have to give any of it to Judy, I really didn't need the legal problems and extra expense if and when she found out the truth about my new business. I would disclose everything, but I would make any trade I could to prevent her from getting alimony. I was not about to reward her for her treachery.
My lawyer was an older woman in her sixties, Marta Kinsey. Despite her age, she was sharp and more importantly, she was out to protect my interests. I revealed everything to her, and she made an interesting suggestion. She was proposing that we play a game of bluff with Judy.
Assuming Judy still didn't know much about my new job, she might be encouraged to abandon the marriage with a promise of division of current assets and no alimony. We didn't have to spit out what those assets were unless we were deposed. I could also suggest I wouldn't sue the lab and her boss for marital interference. It would be worth a try. I told Marta I would let her know when I intended to serve my wife, but she could draw up and record the appropriate documents immediately.
The next week went by uneventfully. Judy had two more "overtime" sessions, but I didn't bother to follow her. Marta called and indicated all the documents were prepared and I could serve Judy whenever I wanted. I thanked her and immediately called Cindy.
"D-day, Cindy. I've got the papers, and now I just have to work out how I'm going to do it. Want to come over?"
"Sure. I'll be right there. Get the coffee ready."
We sat at the kitchen table and drank our coffee, chatting about inconsequential things. I couldn't stall any longer.
"The way I see it going down, I'm going to confront her tonight. I'm going to tell her I know about Robert Turnbull and if necessary, Al. Then I'll hand her the divorce papers. If she decides to kick up a fuss, I'll show her the pictures and tell her I have witnesses that will testify. I'm gambling Mrs. Turnbull doesn't know anything about their little affair, so my threat to sue might turn the tide. Marta said it was important to make it look to Judy like she didn't have an easy way out.
"The rest is going to be up to her. I have no idea how she's going to react, but I'm going to have to be careful I don't let on I'm bluffing her. If she gets aggressive, then all bets are off and I'll move out, and she can get a lawyer and we can duke it out. I hope that doesn't happen, but ... you never know with Judy."
"Have you packed a bag?" Cindy asked.
"No ... but I will before she's due home. Apparently there's no "overtime" tonight," I smirked.
Cindy leaned over and kissed me lightly and gave me a hug. "Good luck. Tell me all about it. When this is done, we need to figure out how to deal with Al. That's going to be a lot uglier."
I nodded. She was right. Al was undoubtedly going to be a problem. His ego would be wounded and I was pretty sure he wouldn't go quietly. Cindy and I had already decided that she wouldn't move out of their townhouse until the dust had settled. If Al refused to leave, she would sleep in Annie's room until she was ready to go.
For the sake of continuity and confirming my confidence in Marta Kinsey, I loaned Cindy enough for Marta's retainer, and we set about double-teaming our wayward spouses.
That night we went through our usual routine at supper, and when we finished I told Judy and wanted to talk to her. I could see her stiffen, probably assuming it was another "we're not close enough" talk.
"Judy, I am aware of your affair with Robert Turnbull. Since you have such little regard for me or our marriage, I have decided to divorce you. Here is the paperwork," I said in a calm, level voice. I was surprised at how unemotional I was considering this woman had consumed the last seven years of my life.
The look on her face was something to behold. To say I caught her by surprise would be an understatement. I thought for a moment she was going to choke to death as she gasped for air, coughing and spluttering. At length, she got herself under control.
"How ... how... ?" was all she could manage.
"You weren't very discrete. Quite a number of people beside your co-workers were aware of your affair with your boss."
"Oh ... god. I'm sorry, Jake. I wish I could say something ... I'm sorry."
I shrugged. "I'm proposing we split everything fifty-fifty. We can put the townhouse up for sale and split what equity we have in it. You can buy me out if you want. I won't be living here." Again, I was calm and clear-headed.
She nodded. "That's fair," she said, not being able to look at me.
I couldn't resist. "Why?"
She didn't say anything immediately. I wondered if she was trying to formulate an excuse, but that wasn't the case.
"I thought Robert would give me a better life. He's very successful and ... I thought he would give me a better life."
I toyed with the idea of bursting her balloon, but decided not too. "Do not overplay your hand," were the last words Marta had said to me.
"Well, for what it's worth, I hope you can be happy. You obviously weren't happy with me."
"It wasn't you, Jake. You were kind and hard-working and always there for me. I guess I just wanted something more out of my life than you could give me."
"An upgrade," I said absently.
"What? No ... no not that ... well ... maybe. Robert is very well off. He will give me a good life after his divorce."
"He's married?" I feigned surprise.
She nodded. "I'm not proud of that. Me cheating on you and him cheating on her. But ... we were so good together and..." Her voice trailed off.
I'm moving out, Judy. I'll be in a local motel for a while until I find a place to live. If you agree to the settlement I suggested, you'll find the papers in here and all you have to do is sign them. You may want to consult a lawyer, just for your protection," I said, almost holding my breath. I wanted that offer at least on record.
"No ... no ... I won't fight it. I've hurt you and I'm to blame. Fifty-fifty is more than fair. I'll sign them tonight. You can take them with you when you go." She still hadn't been able to look me in the eye.
I stopped in the living room when I came from the bedroom with my bag. She registered some surprise when she saw I was already packed, but said nothing. She handed me the signed papers and I looked to make sure they were properly done, then folded them and put them in my pocket.
"If you don't mind, I'll stop by tomorrow and get most of my things. I need to download my files from the computer too."
"No ... no ... of course not. This is still your house, Jake." She looked up at me finally, and the sadness in her eyes was almost enough to make me reconsidered. She looked so defeated. I took a step toward her, leaned in and kissed her cheek.
"Goodbye, Judy." I turned and walked out the door, closing it quietly behind me.
I had won, but I had lost. I would have my freedom on my terms, but I had lost what I had hoped for. It seemed such a shabby business, but I would never kid myself that I could live with her after what she had done. I drove to the local motel and went directly to my room. I had checked in earlier that afternoon.
I phoned Marta the next morning and told her about my confrontation with Judy. She was pleased that it had gone so easily. No bloodshed. No recriminations. Not even any tears. Some remorse, some apology, but all-in-all, a quiet ending to my marriage. I thanked her for her advice and hung up. I would drop the papers off on my way to my former home.
I let myself in and instantly I was aware that it was no longer my home. I set about removing the rest of my clothes and personal items. I really didn't want anything else. Judy could have the pictures of us. The furniture and furnishings would probably be split down the middle, so it was just a matter of settling what went to whom when the time came.
I sat in my office quietly contemplating what was happening. I was putting an end to something I had started nearly eight years ago. I didn't feel particularly good about it. I had to get on with the rest of my life and when I thought about it, I remembered Cindy and I instantly felt better. I began the tedious task of downloading my files into my new laptop. It would take most of the rest of the morning.
I had advised Mr. Louie that due to personal problems, I would be unable to provide him with any translations until next week. I apologized, but he was very understanding. It was the first time I had not been able to complete my week's work on time. I promised him I would catch up next week and he was completely satisfied with that.
I would have quite a bit of time to work on my backlog from my motel room. The motel had high-speed wireless so I was at no disadvantage working there. It wasn't as quiet as the townhouse, but I could manage. I did miss my morning coffee sessions with Cindy, but we were both being careful until she served Al with the divorce papers. That would be sometime early next week. I didn't envy Cindy that task.
We did meet at an espresso shack on Friday morning, and then parked in an unused lot so that we could talk.
"How are you holding up," I asked.
"OK. I'm not looking forward to telling Al. I've decided I'm going to do it in the morning, after the kids have gone to school. It's about the only time we're alone in the house. Marta gave me some advice about how to handle the situation. She said I can insist he leave if there is no reasonable place for him to sleep other than the marital bed. One thing for sure, I'm not having him in my bed one second longer than I have to."
"What about the kids? When and how are you going to tell them?"
"Assuming Al will be gone or at work when they get home from school, I'll tell them then."
"You think they can handle it?"
"Annie will be OK. I found out something else about Al that puts the final nail in his coffin."
She stopped and sniffed as she sipped her latté. "Annie was being teased by one of her classmates the other day. The two girls got into an argument and when the other girl looked like she was losing to Annie, she said something about Annie's father being a regular visitor to one of her friend's mother's house.
"Annie started screaming at the girl but she held her ground and said if she didn't believe it, ask the mother. Apparently her name is Mimi Tremonte and she's a divorcée." Cindy looked sad and almost defeated. I didn't ever remember seeing her look like this.
"How's Annie?" I asked.
"Upset. I calmed her down and told her not to believe everything she hears, but I think she knows ... maybe has known for a while. She might be only ten, but kids grow up so fast these days."
"I'm sorry, Cindy. It shouldn't happen to them like that."
"It isn't going to be easy telling them that I'm leaving their father. They'll still get to see him, but he's not going to be living with us."
I nodded. Despite Al's behaviour, taking the kids away from him was going to hurt him and them. I knew Cindy didn't want to deny Al visitation.
"They asked about you, you know," Cindy said after a silence.
"Oh ... I'm surprised."
"I don't know why you should be. They like you ... a lot. I think all of us being together will make it easier on them. You're more like a dad than anyone I can think of."
"Thanks. I'm looking forward to that part. That and having you nearby each day." I said.
She reached out and took my hand. "You said you wanted to see me. What about?"
"I wanted you to come with me to look at this house I'm thinking of buying. I'd like your opinion, especially since you'll be living there."
"Sure. Let's do that. It will take my mind off ... the other shit," she said with a weak smile.
I had arranged to meet the real estate agent at the house at eleven that morning. We were both right on time. I took Cindy through the house and showed her all the rooms and the areas that I thought needed improvement. It wasn't a luxury home, but it was a nice size with private bedrooms for everyone and two-and-a-half bathrooms. I was also pleased it had a two car attached garage and a three-quarter basement. Room for storage, a playroom, or if necessary, my office.
"I like it," Cindy said with a smile. It needs a bit of work, but nothing we can't handle ourselves. Lots of room for the kids and a potential playroom for them in the basement. If you're looking for my OK, you've got it," she said, staying well out of earshot of the agent.
"OK. Let's go talk turkey. We'll put in an offer and then see what happens. It's been on the market for four months and you know how slow things are right now. We may just buy ourselves a bargain."
We approached the agent and suggested we were willing to make an offer. He nearly jumped when I said that. I suspect he hadn't had too much activity in the past few months due to the economy. Finding a live buyer willing to make an offer was something to celebrate.
I deliberately made a low-ball offer, knowing that there would be a counter. I was hoping the counter would be a "tell" as to how desperate they were to sell. There was no furniture in the house, and I wondered if the previous owners were carrying two mortgages.
We left before noon and Cindy offered to buy lunch today. I agreed and we stopped at a Sushi Bar, Cindy being positive she would never find Al in a place where they served "bait" for food. I had to laugh. She was getting her old sense of humour back, but I thought it would probably be temporary until she dealt with Al next week. I wished I could be with her to give her support, but that was out of the question.
The weekend was terribly lonely at the motel. Judy was gone from my life and even though we weren't close near the end, at least it was someone to talk to. Someone to have around. That was gone now, and I couldn't see Cindy either, so I was on my own.
Saturday I went for a walk along the river, just to give myself a break. I had decided to use the time to catch up on my work, and I thought by Sunday afternoon I would be current again. I knew Mr. Louie would be happy with that.
I got through Saturday and Sunday, and as I expected, by Monday morning I was current with my work. I called Mr. Louie after I e-mailed my last manual to him and he was surprised and happy that I was once again up to date. He wanted to see me soon if I could find the time. He had a special project that he wondered if I would be interested in. Naturally, I couldn't say no to the man, so we agreed to meet on Tuesday morning.
I called Cindy and she had received word from Marta that all the paperwork was in order, and it was now up to Cindy as to how she would notify Al of her intent to divorce him. She was about to call me when I called her, and she wanted to meet to discuss her strategy. I think she was very nervous about this, and I thought perhaps it might be wiser to have someone serve Al with the papers. Cindy was having none of that.
"No ... absolutely not. He'd go ballistic and anything could happen. No ... no ... this is something I have to do myself. Maybe I can make him understand just how much he's hurt me and the children. I'm not going to change my mind and I'm not going to forgive him. He brought this on himself and I'm going to put an end to it. I let him get away with it before, and all that did was give him a chance to step on me again. Fool me once ... that's the limit."
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Straight SexFor the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face, obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue.Come Christmas we never had to buy a tree because my uncle would always suddenly appear with one, along with the biggest turkey...
Straight SexIt was another hot summer day as I took a break from work to go to my favorite sandwich shop. There I can get away from work and relax during my hectic week. I sat down in my favorite corner table to read my emails in private on my laptop.My favorite waitress came over and said, "Emily, would you like your usual iced tea today”?“Yes. That sounds perfect, Samantha."She winked playfully and said, “I'll be right back with that,” as I nodded in approval. She was a beautiful young woman, in her...
BisexualA Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...
A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...
There is little sex in this story, and the little there is implied rather than described graphically. The reader will have to use imagination. * Chapter One I first met Eve Chatsworth at the behest of her husband, Aubrey. We worked for the same company, Sunrooms. We supplied and fitted double glazing units, conservatories, Fascias and conservatory furniture. I was one of the working cogs in the business, and he was the best performing salesman. That he was an egotistical, condescending,...
Casey was born in the fifties, twenty minutes later her twin sister Tracey was born. Both had strawberry-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, but Tracey was the chubbier one. As the years went by, they were inseparable. They’re now in their 50’s, both single, after a failed marriage, and the two, have decided to date, play, and fuck together. After all, each one knew what turned the other on, and a man in the mix, just added to the term "double-the-pleasure-double-the-fun.Casey was five-two, with a...
IncestMy lady and I had spent several years together and had really enjoyed each other in most every way. We traveled together, did adventures together and finally lived together. Although not married, we may as well have been. I was in my early 40's and she is in her late 30's. I am 5'8” about 170 lbs in fair shape and she is 5'4” about 120 lbs. Her shape is quite attractive, thank you. Not large but very well formed breasts, her waist is not tiny but emphsized her absolutely gorgeous ass! I find...
While their wives lick whipped cream from each other’s breasts; the guys cream muff and butt....“Double cream are you sure? This is a very rich recipe.”“Oh as if it’s going to bother a slim skinny piece like you…besides I know you like cherry cheesecake…I’m the one who has to watch my weight now I’m seven months pregnant…shit I’m a whale… and the cravings…talk about eating for two” sighed Pauline… envious of her lost shape.“Not much eating out now I suppose either” queried Tanya.“Pardon “said...
Double PleasureI have a special treat planned for you tonight and Iwanted to surprise you with something you have never triedbefore. You once had told me that you had always wanted toknow what it would be like to have a cock in your ass andpussy at the same time. Now I am not able to arrange foranother man and not sure that I would have liked to shareyou even if I could but I did have a very nice twelve inchvibrating dildo that would do just as well. I lead you to thebedroom and told you I had...
Just short of nineteen, being a horny guy was nothing unusual. Chasing after everything of the opposite sex was supposedly normal, what wasn’t so normal was the lust I had for my mom and my aunt. For the past year I’d been having wet dreams about my mother or my aunt. Not that this was unusual for a teen male, but it was not the sort of thing a boy was supposed to do. Especially for me, a skinny awkward k**.What made matters even worse was the fact that my mother Eve and her sister Ellen were...
Double Fantasy – And More …She tugged at the cock as she sucked hungrily on it. Hands grabbed her hair and dictated the rhythm of her passionate movements on the stiff shaft.Her ass cheeks were pulled apart and she felt a hard knob against her pussy lips – suddenly a hard cock thrust into her wetness as she choked on the other cock deep in her throat.Two men. Two cocks. Double the pleasure …It had been a fun after-work get together for drinks at the office. The women were out-numbered...
Hey friends mera naam dev hai or mein Indian sex Stories mein regular apni stories upload karta rheta hun or aaj mein ek or nayi story narrate karne jaa rha hun is story mein 3 jane involve hai ek mein or ek mera friend rohan or third or sab se main humari tuition teacher Miss Dimple . Ab mein aap ko mere bare mein batata hun mein delhi mein rheta hun vasant vihar area mein or 12th standard mein study karta hun or mein dikhne me bhi average looking boy hun mera skin tone kafi fair hai . Mere...
I was traveling from Chennai to Cochin and in a renowned AC sleeper Bus, It was a few days back I was going back to Cochin after long weekend at Chennai, By the way I am jason 31 yrs old normal average looking guy, people say I look younger than 28 yrs. I just boarded the bus from Koyambedu and it took off in some time, it reached perungulathur where I noticed this young boy along with someone in early 40’s boarded the bus. This twink was so cute and just like a shade of north east guy. The...
Gay MaleDouble Your Pleasure by Gabrielle Chapter one, The Morning Damn, another runner in a new pair of nylons! Luckily, Gwen always bought in two's and had a spare leg to turn to. "Make a mental note to stop by Sinsations for a couple of new pair", she thought to herself. Changing the ruined stocking, Gwen slid her hands up the silky smooth, nylon sheathed skin of both legs and felt the involuntary shiver course through her torso. Not much in the world felt sexier that a taught...
Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Five: Good Vibes, Big Apple After two nights without sleep, Sandy was having trouble keeping his eyes open as he drove down Santa Monica Boulevard towards the Hollywood Hills. The evening rush was thinning out, but the surface streets were still a better bet than the freeways, and he tried to unwind with his favorite shock jock as he coped with the stop-and-go traffic. His cell phone rang. It was Ashley, asking him what time she...
Double Fucked In PublicThe following is a true story happening on September 25; 2011. I had the most amazing public sex experience Sunday afternoon at The Club, a gay gym in Dallas. The club was having their year end BBQ out by the swimming pool and there were about 50 guys all hanging out eating burgers and dogs, most were naked or just wrapped in a towel. I am a nudist so I was one of the naked guys I am 63 in great shape for my age, only weigh 140 at six feet tall, and tanned with no tan...
Writer's Note: This story is based on a very popular existing work, Double Insanity, by an anonymous author. It is my sincere hope the original author will consider this an homage to a wonderful story, and not any attempt to steal his or her idea. Double Insanity - Part II - Daniel's Revenge "Goodbye Doctor Moore," Danielle Dalton said as she turned and started to walk out the front of the Lexington Institute for the Mentally Challenged. "Thank you for all you have done for...
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I can't believe we pulled this off!" Melanie said, breaking a kiss with her boyfriend, Steve. "This is going to be an incredible weekend." "I'm so psyched," said Steve, wiping his sweaty palms. "You're sure your dad won't be home? You tell me how over protective he is, and that makes me pretty nervous." "Relax, he's so excited about taking Brenda away for a romantic weekend for the first time,...
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Good morning sleepy head." Brenda came in and turned on the light. "Morning," replied a groggy Steve, barely cracking open his eyes as he started sitting up. "Come on sweetie, breakfast is served, and the boys told me you guys all had such a wonderful night together," said Brenda. "I'll give you a minute to wake up, but I don't want it to get cold." Steve swung off the covers once Brenda closed...
DOUBLE OR NOTHING Chapter 1T.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to...
DOUBLE TROUBLE INTERREGNUMBackground, about 18 months before Alexis and Tito enter the picture ---Lori Lavalle was a sexy-luscious package six months short of her 21st birthday. She had a 36 C/D bosom, her breasts firm and round, with 37? hips, a terrific bubble ass and, thanks to her penchant for wearing restrictive corsets, a waist that barely measured 24? around. Also, her near-daily 1 ? hour aerobic exercises helped keep her flat-tummyed and sleek. At 5’ 7? and 130 pounds, with long...
Hi guys, I’m here with a story about double penetration sex on ISS. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m Sarah and I live in Mumbai, and I’m not your typical Indian girl in her 20s. I’m very bold and a little bit of a slut, and I’m crazy for sex. My stats are 36-26-36. So the two main characters of this story are my driver- Rajesh, a 27-year-old guy from a small village in Gujarat, and the watchman-Prashant, who’s 38. Getting to the story now. I hope you all like it, and it makes you...
"Can I help you?" the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. "I have a reservation. Tonya Benton." The woman's smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, "I'm terribly sorry, but we don't have any rooms available." Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she'd just heard. "What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago." "I see it in the computer, but I'm afraid we had a software glitch...
Casey was born in the fifties, twenty minutes later her twin sister Tracey was born. Both had strawberry-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, but Tracey was the chubbier one. As the years went by, they were inseparable. They're now in their 50's, both single, after a failed marriage, and the two, have decided to date, play, and fuck together. After all, each one knew what turned the other on, and a man in the mix, just added to the term "double-the-pleasure-double-the-fun. Casey was five-two, with...
DOUBLE TROUBLE VThe reader is strongly recommended to read the previous chapters in the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IJosh and Tito had gone to a ballgame that Saturday afternoon; Lori didn’t know where Alexis was. Lori hadn’t exercised her love of self-bondage in quite some time; Josh usually ‘helped her out’. With a full afternoon ahead of her, Lori decided that now would be a great time to tie herself up and tease herself.She didn’t bother with...
DOUBLE TROUBLE IICHAPTER ILori Lavalle was a luscious package; barely 22 years old; she had a 36 C/D bosom, her breasts firm and round, with 37? hips, a terrific bubble ass and, thanks to her penchant for wearing tight corsets, a waist that barely measured 24? around. At 5’ 7? and 130 pounds, long lustrous black hair, with startling green eyes and high cheekbones, she was as innocent-sexy as could be. Especially when she wore the long, snugged-up-to-pussy sheer lycra stockings, almost always...
DOUBLE TROUBLE IIIThe reader is strongly recommended to read the DOUBLE TROUBLE series for background to the following narrative.CHAPTER IThe front door chimes dragged Josh away from his washing of the morning dishes. Lori had left for an appointment just a few minutes earlier to get her hair done, and wouldn’t be back until the afternoon. Drying his hands and picking up his coffee, Josh went to the front door to see who was calling at 8:30 in the morning. He was somewhat surprised to see...