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I was happy to hear the familiar sound of a new email arriving. Hoping it wasn't just more spam, I checked and it was Greg's folder that was highlighted. I clicked my brother's message open and settled back to read the letter. They were always long and chatty.

I was only twelve and he was twenty when he left home, I was too young to recognise his qualities as a man and there was too much of an age gap for us to be friends – he had always just been my big brother. My parents would never tell me why Greg left home so suddenly but he sent them letters every few months – they both read the letters but I think only Mummy answered them. He went to London looking for streets paved with gold. They weren't, of course.

He did manage to get a decent job eventually. He settled down and married but didn't tell us until afterwards. They never had children and Ethel would never come north, among the savages, as she said so Greg never came north. Or so my parents led me to believe. His marriage just kind of fizzled out a few years ago. They sold the house and split the proceeds. Greg now had another mortgage round his neck, it was on a dreary house on a dreary estate in a dreary suburb. And he was stuck in a dead-end job he didn't really like. He still didn't come north.

Then Mum and Dad died under the wheels of one of those huge trans-continental trucks and Greg came north. He got here as soon as he could and was a big help to me with all the endless phone calls and papers to collect and sign. Why does death have to be so complicated and so darned expensive?

He asked if he could stay in the spare room – his old room – and of course I agreed but we were strangers in the same house. He stayed on for just a couple of days after the funeral then went home again but we swapped email addresses before he left. I didn't expect to hear from him very much but there was a message from him nestled amongst the 'forwarded' stuff from some of my American friends in my inbox next morning. He didn't say much, just that he got home safe etc. I responded rather perfunctorily but got another message from him next day, a bit longer and on a tasteful stationery which he had designed himself. Again I replied fairly briefly. He wrote to me every day after that, usually with a lovely background picture, and soon we were chatting by friendly email on a daily basis. Over several weeks we caught up on each others' lives.

Not that mine was an exciting life. I've always been a quiet person and as a teenager I was shy and retiring – bookish without being a swot and a little overweight – so I missed out on the excesses of my generation. I made a few friends but they didn't last much beyond school except for Janice until she moved away when her husband got promoted to the Cardiff office and we lost contact.

I never married: just never met the right man, not that I ever really felt the need to go looking for him, especially after Sebastian. I've never considered myself attractive, which is why I'm shy, so when he asked me out I nearly died. In retrospect I supposed it was my bust that attracted him. I've always been ashamed of the top heavy figure and generous flesh I inherited from my mother and tried to hide it in loose frumpy garments.

All the girls talked and drooled about him. Trouble was, Sebastian knew it. So we went out together a few times in his car. He would usually want to kiss me but to be honest, I didn't really enjoy it. Soon, of course, he wanted to go further and paw at my breasts. I reluctantly allowed that and even more reluctantly allowed him to touch me 'down there', through my panties but I refused to go any further. "Not yet," I told him, "Give me time." He seemed to accept that but in my heart I knew this arrogant, selfish boy, for all his film star looks, would never have my virginity.

We had arranged to go to a night club so the next night Sebastian collected me and I had made my mind up to finish with him that night. Maybe I dressed up a little for the club but certainly not provocatively, I just don't have that kind of wardrobe, but Sebastian seemed to be more attentive to me that evening, and he tried to get me to drink more than I wanted but I knew the dangers of that. He had several beers and wanted to slobber his kisses on me all the time. I felt quite uncomfortable when he held me close the couple of times we danced; he pressed his chest into the cushion of my bosom and he kept clutching at my bum in public.

I was relieved when it was time for me to get my taxi home. I told him 'goodbye' and that I wouldn't be seeing him again but he escorted me out of the club and suddenly pulled me into the dark corner of a car park. He fumbled at his trousers then pulled out his thing, muttering something about a fucking cock-teaser. It was visibly growing as I stared in horror at the dimly-lit pink shape advancing on me.

We often get posters advertising various women's groups at the library. One of them had offered a free one-day seminar on women's basic self-defence. I remembered the rather forceful woman who led the course and the savage triumph in her eyes as she acted out her strategy with the battle cry, "Stomp his Foot, Kick his Balls!" She was a real man-hater, that one, but she had been raped as a teenager and later gang raped by a half-drunken football team so I suppose it's understandable. I even felt sorry for the man-shaped punch bag she used for practice.

Anyway, I was well armed with my four inch spikes so, with my bloodthirsty instructor's mantra ringing in my mind and putting all my ample weight to good effect, I stomped. Hard! I stepped back and I kicked as hard as I could using that pink thing as my target. Maybe the kick was overkill because the stomp alone caused him to squeal like a stuck pig. Which seemed appropriate as I had well and truly stuck that pig's trotter.

I stepped round him as he puked up his beer, smoothed my dress and marched to the taxi rank, heels striking to the rhythm, "Stomp his Foot, Kick his Balls!" Next time we met he was wearing a plaster cast on his left ankle. Well, we didn't quite meet: as soon as he saw me he hobbled away rapidly in the opposite direction. Since then I've never been bothered about men so if Mr Right ever does appear, then he shall have my virginity.

I've been a librarian all my life and now I drive the fifteen miles to the Central Library in town each day. I suppose I'm lucky still to be working after the savage cuts in the library service. Back home, my evenings are spent mainly maintaining my internet contacts and surfing the net. I had to learn 'computers and the internet' when they started getting introduced in the branches and that's when I got the surfing bug.

Wednesdays are a little different. I stay on in town for the literary society meeting, have some supper in the same cheap and cheerful café each week then drive the fifteen miles home to a glass of wine or cup of cocoa while I check my emails, maybe responding to one or two of them before snuggling into bed. As I say, not an exciting 42 years.

In their wills, our parents had left me the cottage and the bulk of their modest estate apart from a few small bequests to charities and Mum wanted Greg to have some family keepsakes. There turned out to be some 'slight legal problem' with the wills, according to their solicitor, so the wills were all in limbo for a few months until it was sorted out.

Once everything had been cleared Greg asked if he could come and collect the items Mum had left him. Would I mind if he spent Christmas with me in the cottage? We had got very friendly in our emails so I readily agreed. I quite liked the thought of having him around and the house had seemed so empty without my parents so I hadn't been looking forward to spending the holiday alone.

It was late on Friday evening when he arrived. He had driven here to the Yorkshire Dales after work and was grateful for the warm, welcoming log fire burning in the grate, the bowl of home made soup with wedges of fresh bread and butter and the beer I placed at his elbow. I sat opposite him enjoying the wry wit and self-deprecating humour as this entertaining raconteur told me about his day and the horrendous traffic the start of the holiday brought. I sipped at my wine and kept his beer supplied and could have listened to him all night but he pleaded exhaustion and went off to bed. I wasn't far behind him: the library had been tiring today as we prepared for the Christmas close-down.

Next morning I had to get my groceries in for the holidays and asked if he would be OK for a couple of hours? No problem, he'd go for a walk around the village but could he use my computer to catch up on his emails? "Sure, help yourself," I told him as I started my car.

When I returned he helped me unload and put away my shopping then invited me out to lunch. I agreed and drove us up to the moors to a remote pub set in the bleak high moors landscape. He had phoned around and managed to get a cancellation. We were lucky because everywhere was fully booked so close to Christmas.

There was a big coal fire making the place warm and cosy. It was busy and it was crowded with people making an early start on the Bacchanalian festivities but we settled down to a tasty lunch, accepting the slow service as par for the course this time of year, then decided to get some fresh air. We strolled along one of the farm roads that snaked up the hillside, our breath steaming in the clear crisp air. Our conversation was wide and varied but we were both panting from the unaccustomed exercise when we turned back and descended to the pub. The drive home took us through villages of stone cottages nestled along the rocky mountain stream which rapidly became a river bubbling in its urgency to reach the distant sea. The sky was beginning to darken as we wound through the narrow roads to our destination.

"God, I miss this place," he said as we got out of the car. He stretched his arms to encompass the fertile valleys and starkly beautiful moors beyond. I followed his distant gaze and saw the lights of the cottages glimmering against black shadow of the hills in the rapidly descending darkness of night.

I love it myself, I thought. It was all so real, so solid, so eternal. The cottages were built of the backbone of England and the rugged land fashioned the people with the same down-to-earth permanence. We watched night fall in silent companionship which he broke with his hand held up open to the sky, "I haven't seen stars like these since I was a kid. Way too much light pollution down south. Even on a clear night I can only make out a couple of the major constellations. I had forgotten how beautiful it is." His voice faded to quiet reverence as I turned to face the points of light shining adamantly against the blackness that is not black of the limitless universe.

Was it the awesome beauty of the stars sprayed unwinking across the void that made me shiver or the temperature now plummeting below freezing? I opened the cottage door and we removed our outer clothing then he stirred the fire back to life as I blinked my way through to the kitchen peering through steamed-up spectacles to put the kettle on. We watched a re-run of Judy Garland's "The Wizard of Oz" then we were mutually delighted to learn that we both played backgammon. He set the board up and piled enough logs on the fire to last all night as I made a plate of sandwiches.

With the sandwiches and bowls of nuts and some Wensleydale cheese on the coffee table between us and both of us drinking freely of the wine, we set to battle. He played a safe defensive game and gave my more adventurous tactics a testing time but after four hard-fought games we were evenly matched and set the board up for the decider. I left my home board a bit ragged and his lucky string of doubles decimated me. I was stuck with three on the bar and only my first point open as his string of doubles continued and he quickly bore off.

"I like your style, you play with fire. Bubbly and adventurous." His comment as we packed the game away, made me smile. Then, "Just as I would expect from 'DoubleDee42.'" I felt myself blanch and he had to rescue the glass which threatened to slip from my fingers. "I've followed her stories ever since I came across them."

DoubleDee42 was my nom-de-plume and alter ego, the secret side of me that nobody knew. I put my hand to my mouth as I realised that I hadn't set him up with a guest account on my computer. "You never replied to any of my private messages. 'ShigalegBoy.'"

"I seldom reply to men," I replied. Even to myself I sounded like an automaton. "Too many complications. I didn't expect you to pry."

"I didn't pry," he said gently. "'Betty's bOObs 01' was there when the screensaver faded." I had forgotten I'd been working on it that morning before breakfast – often my most creative time. Damn it all, I'm just not used sharing my computer so have no internal privacy.

Greg continued, "I guessed maybe the lack of response was something like that but I wanted to discuss styles and so on. I was also hoping I could get you to collaborate with me. I have a story idea but I know you have the writing skill."

His relaxed acceptance of my alter ego surprised me, as did the coincidence of him being a 'fan' whom I did vaguely remember from his encouraging messages. I had never given thought to collaborating on a story and I always ignored the semi-literate demands with too many capitals that 'he/she/they should do... ' whatever was his (invariably his) favourite obsession. Not that I recall ShigalegBoy being in that category.

I do remember clicking through to his stories but couldn't recall any of them. "Let's look at them together, maybe you can give me some pointers, from the woman's point of view. How the heck would I know?" he asked with a shrug.

And how the heck would I know? I thought. My heroines bimbo their way through life with their 42DD tits hanging out everywhere. They're always 42DD breasts, it's a kind of 'watermark' with me. But the stories I read had been my classroom and my small collection of toys were my teachers. I was only technically a virgin: I had surrendered my hymen to eight inches of cold plastic years ago.

"Would you believe, my knowledge is as theoretical as yours?" I said with a wry smile. No, he didn't believe it until I found myself telling him about Sebastian. I had never mentioned it to my parents or anyone else and just talking about it now brought back all those sickening memories buried within. Even my victory march seemed shabby after all these years. The tears started as I told him and soon they were gushing uncontrollably. I felt his arms go round me and I wept my grief out on his shoulder.

As my sobs subsided to the last few hiccoughs he rubbed the back of my shoulder consolingly and whispered that it was OK now and in the past. His soft words and comforting arms soothed me. He finally gave me a quick hug, pecked a kiss on my forehead and stood up from his squatting position by my chair. Or tried to stand: his knee had stiffened up while he was dawn there and he hobbled back to his own chair massaging his knee.

"Sorry about the amateur dramatics," I sniffed.

He smiled back at me, "You've carried that load a long time. It needed to come out."

He was right, I did feel 'cleaner' and refreshed. I thanked him again and told him I was OK now then went on to explain how I had gained my knowledge just by reading the stories on Storiesonline, especially the female authors. "And from my bedroom toys," I added without further explanation.

"Feel like reading some porn with me, then?" If it hadn't been for our previous conversation, that would have sounded like the corniest of pick-up lines but it was delivered with a friendly grin.

I had moved into my parents' lovely big bed after the funeral. I had always made it known to my Mum that I loved the way it caught the early morning sunshine and the view across the Dale was so peaceful. I've always had her blessing that it would be mine so my old bedroom had been turned into my study as soon as Greg had left after the funeral.

He pulled a spare chair up and sat looking over my shoulder at the screen. He navigated me to his own stories list. They were all in the Incest category but writers often have a favourite theme and I noticed all but one had a good score next to it. I opened the first by date of publication.

It was a teenage boy/man being seduced by his mother. The plot was credible with a nice switch, he had brought out the angst of the boy's conscience and the sex wasn't shot through with upper case obscenities. The rest of his stories, including a four-part mini series, were all variations of the son/mother relationship, seduction being either way or mutual. Except for the one story with the poor score they were all well-written and Greg told me he had agonised a lot over the odd one out. He'd switched it round a lot, heavy editing and even a complete rewrite but just couldn't get it right and had published it almost to bury the ghost. I knew that feeling. I also knew the feelings reading the stories evoked in my body.

But something was disturbing me a little. I recognised Greg as the youth in his stories, but the mother always looked like me. Suddenly the tumblers clicked into place. It wasn't me he was describing. "So that's why you left home so suddenly," I accused. "You and Mummy." Maybe because I'd just being reading so many stories with that theme, the idea didn't seem as alien as it would have done had I come across it 'cold' as it were. I was curious. No I was nosy but I asked which of the stories told the truth about them.

He didn't deny my accusation, just said, after a few moments of thought, "I suppose the first of the 'Just you wait' series is the closest. Every night after Dad had gone up to the pub at the crossroads and you had gone to bed, she would flirt with me, getting more and more outrageous as she flashed those gorgeous big breasts in front of my eyes. Maybe it was Mum who turned me into an unashamed tit man." He looked pointedly at my breasts and, contrary to my usual 'hide them' mode I found myself pushing mine towards him. The floppy cardigan camouflage fell on one side to reveal my rounded contours straining the weave of my burgundy top. It took all my self-control not to correct the action but I felt somehow 'safe' with him, maybe even ready to come out of my shell a little.

"I guess you took the name DoubleDee42 from those. Is that your size?" he asked and I smiled my confirmation.

"Then one morning," Greg continued, "Dad had taken the early train to Leeds and would be gone for the day, you had been sent to Aunt Jane's and Mum walked into my bedroom in just her underwear. I was masturbating at the time and the rest is history." He grinned and shrugged and was still staring at my bosom.

It was becoming slightly embarrassing, especially as my nipples were beginning to respond and make themselves visible so I caught his attention again by asking, "So what's this story you want to write?"

He looked away from my breasts and collected his ideas. "I thought to continue that series – it's mostly true stories of me and Mum – we were pretty outrageous sometimes and maybe lucky we weren't caught earlier. Anyway, we were always willing to experiment and had planned the next time Dad went to the city to have a day hurting each other. Nothing severe, just maybe pinching nipples and spanking and so on as a prelude to hot sex."

Funny coincidence department. I had been half toying with the idea of putting Betty (her of the bOObs) through that kind of treatment. She is going to be kinky, that character. But I was up against my old problem that somehow couldn't get 'into the heads' of the girls I read about in 'Fetish' and 'BDSM.' I told him so and he glumly admitted the same problem. Stalemate.

"How did you get found out?" I asked after we had sat lost in our own thoughts for a couple of minutes.

"You wouldn't believe the cliché. Dad came home from the pub early one night. It was snowing hard outside and, well you'll know how quickly that road can get blocked, he didn't want to get stuck up in the Pig and Whistle so left early. Mum and I took our chances where we could, having to dodge around you all the time." He smiled and reached over to pat my arm. "You gave us a couple of real scares, not knowing it. Anyway when Dad walked in, Mum was over the kitchen table, skirt flipped up and getting it from behind from me. When Dad finally calmed down we came to an agreement. I was to pack my bags and leave in the morning and if I ever set foot in Yorkshire while he was alive he'd take his story to the police."

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"Thank you, Ray!" Fluffy leaned across and kissed Mr Devonshire on the cheek. "It really fits! Do you know what size it is? Do you want to know? You weren't there when he measured me. Thanks for the new shirts, as well! And those rude panties, they're even naughtier than yesterday's. Are you going to try on your new trousers for me when we get home?" "You may have to go straight home, Fluffy. You shouldn't really be around if Mrs Devonshire is home..." "She'll have hung up the...

3 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 6 The Mission is Revealed

I entered the mess hall to find the room only just starting to fill. I could not see Yvette or any other sponsor I recognized so I quietly claimed my usual table and sat down waiting to see what was going to occur. There was no rush of sponsors, but I could see a trickle of bodies entering as we came closer to the announced starting time. I contented myself with guessing if those entering were part of the sadist majority that Ensign Bates had warned me about. As I did, I noticed a subtle...

1 year ago
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Man Of My Dreams Love Revealed

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tim and I walked upstairs holding hands and my heart was pounding so loudly I thought the whole neighborhood might hear it. Tim squeezed my hand. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was. We were about to reveal that we were lovers to our parents. Tim had kissed me in front of all of our friends at prom and if we didn't tell our parents we were lovers, then they would eventually find out from someone else, which was something we didn't want. We...

5 years ago
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A Gift is Revealed

I dropped by Caribou for a quick snack. It was one of those perfect spring days, just a little warm with a fresh breeze, the type of weather that entices women to abandon their winter clothes and strut their summer dresses. I chose a table outside, across from an attractive brunette in her late 20s wearing very short jean shorts, a black T-shirt and flip-flops. She was reading from her iPad and sunning herself as she sipped an iced coffee. Her legs were long and luscious ending in the most...

4 years ago
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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Three Secrets Revealed

A few months into my school life here and it’s been brilliant. I’ve been laid by two of the steamiest guys High Hill has to offer, with none of the drawbacks. Lessons just seem pointless now I’m just chasing to see who’s best! We’re still in the depths of a miserable November as I’m writing now, so it’s been tricky trying to find guys who just want to keep warm. Everyone’s after a boring relationship now, can’t people just have fun nowadays? My Chemistry lesson (or should I say “Hour Eyeing...

3 years ago
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IVY Revealed

*'s IVY Newcumer Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 5 A long story, but worth it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very few people know I'm bi. I didn't realize it myself til 2yrs ago. Being raised by a strict church going parents I was raised to think sex was dirty. And why wouldn't believe it since seemed like from the age 3 and on every time an older male got around me, he would cop a feel of my chest or my pussy. Then there was an...

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Fantasy Revealed

Stacy breathed a sigh of relief as the door to her room clicked shut behind her. She knew she had been lucky to get a resident advisor job as a university senior, as most of those jobs were awarded to graduate students. The money was good. Dealing with the problems of freshmen got tedious quickly, though, and she savored the start of some private evening time free of responsibilities. She cast off most of her clothes and smiled as she felt the air on her bare skin. She was fit, healthy, and...

2 years ago
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Daddy and I Secret Revealed

I was in the car with my dad. We were coming back home from the work and as mom was out of the city with a friend, it was obvious that Dad and I were going to fuck and sleep in my room. These naughty dirty things started between me and Dad about eight months ago. I could surely say that in these eight months Dad had fucked me more than he had fucked Mom. As we reached our house I stepped out of the car. It was around 10:00 p.m. and the night was beautiful with a full moon in the clear sky. I...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Revealed

"You know we have spent a lot of time discussing my fantasies but no time at all talking about yours...." She waited for a reply with raised eyebrows.I cleared my throat and rubbed my chin stalling for time because I was debating just how honest I should be."Honey, stop spacing out and talk to me." She pleasantly implored."What would you like to know?" I finally replied."Well for starters what's your fantasy?" She asked."I have fantasies like a lot of guys, you know." I answered evasively."I...

2 years ago
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My Sluttiness Revealed

My name is Nisha (not my real name), a telugu girl born and brought up in bangalore, fair colour, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34.I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had lot of sex experiences which includes ffm, mmf, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this only with my friends and while sex chat on fb. One of my boyfriends gave this idea of penning down my experiences as stories in ISS. I though its a good idea and then here it...

2 years ago
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Fucked in the Train Toilet fantasy revealed

I was on the Edinburgh to Glasgow train, when I went to the toilet, the type with the revolving halve door. The carriage was empty as it was early morning.I checked the locking mechanism which showed the toilet as open and empty, so I pressed the button, and it opened.I saw some articles of clothing, but being a tad desperate for a pee, I stepped inside, looking at the close door button, in my desperation to close the door, and it started immediately, as did I, raising my dress and hooking my...

3 years ago
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Surprise revealed

The time had come to begin getting ready. I had my first batch en femme..... using mistress' slipper bath I drew a long bubbly bath and quickly stripping slid into the bubbles. The hot water caressing my cock and breasts was wonderful. I particularly took time washing my breasts and cock. It was lovely. I gave my self a through douche and started to lay out my clothes.A black basque with matching thing. Back seamed fully fashioned stocking and high black strappy stiletto heels. A black silk...

4 years ago
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Velvet and Denise Secrets revealed

Velvet: While I was in LA, I decided to visit my first husband and our two twin daughters. They were both nearly 15 years old and it had been a while since I had seen them. I hadn’t been back to see my former gang members since I was using d**gs and about 5 years had passed. I had moved back to LA and was living on the streets, with my pimp, and hooking when I had decided to visit my ex back then. He had seen me and took me in to help, pressuring the man, who was selling me on the streets each...

4 years ago
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When My Cuckold Fantasy Was First Revealed

It was such a beautiful day, and I will never forget how my life changed on that fateful day. After a long, gray winter, the sun shone and it was actually warm enough to open the windows for the first time in months. By two o'clock I was itching to start my weekend and I decided to shut the office down and give everyone a couple extra hours on the weekend. It had been a long successful winter and nothing was getting done anyway. After I made the announcement, it took all of about 5 minutes...

2 years ago
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Ronnie Revealed

When I woke up in the barn it was starting to get dark. I probably would have slept there all night had it not been for all that water I drank earlier. I woke up having to piss like a race horse! I found a corner and emptied my very full bladder. I was tempted to head back to my make shift bed but it gets cold at night in upstate NY and my body was filthy with the smell of piss and dried cum. I decided to just go to Stephen’s apartment and just shower off. I couldn’t believe what a...

4 years ago
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My Sluttiness Revealed

Hello everyone, I am a very big fan of ISS. I’ve started reading Indian Sex Stories from 16. Now am 24 years old working in banaglore mnc. My name is Nisha (not my real name), a telugu girl born and brought up in bangalore, fair colour, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34. I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had lot of sex experiences which includes ffm, mmf, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this only with my friends and while sex...

2 years ago
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Secrets Revealed

I’ve been married to Laura for 22 years.  I’m sure I rebelled against the rigid, authoritarian  attitude of my father.  The word sexism did not exist when he used to give my mother the back of his hand. But sexism it was. I could not construct myself according to this male model and I became nearly its opposite.  I was a gentle, kind, open-minded male in the face of women.. Where he was intolerant, abrupt and even violent, I was kind, patient and understanding.  This might have never changed...

4 years ago
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Coming Out A Strange Fetish Revealed

This is a story about a really strange fetish. Most people will not be able to relate to it. Maybe a few will and maybe they will even get aroused by it. There are very few of us who share this fetish.The other day, I was browsing my favorite fetish blog. A came across an ad that caught my attention. It said, "I am a professional dominatrix, named Phoenix and I am interested in strange fetishes. Not the usual stuff, like feet, latex, leather etc., but really strange ones that only you seem to...

3 years ago
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SLFS Revealed

I've been teasing Kasey all college football season about a game I had planned. I told her that it was called SLFS (pronounced slifs) and each letter stood for a verb and it would be based on the scoring of the local college football team. She had been wondering about it and every now and then would ask me what it means. I always put her off after giving her the clue about all of the words being verbs. For a bunch of different reasons, we hadn't been able to find a time to play SLFS until...

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Rich Guy 2Chapter 7 Revenge and Secrets revealed

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of rape, torture and death. It’s not overly graphic, but it’s there. Be prepared for some disturbing content. I woke up an unknown time later. The first thing I felt was a shooting pain in my nose, followed by a throbbing in my dick. I looked down and saw that I was naked and there was a rubber band wrapped around my cock. It was only then that I realized that my arms were above my head. I looked up and saw that I was tied up to one of the rings coming...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 24 Secrets Revealed

Reverend Ebenezer sat at his desk and sipped Jack Daniels. He rarely drank because the evil of strong drink was one of the things he railed against when he wasn't railing against the evil of extra marital sex. Perhaps the surprising thing is that he drank rarely, considering the way he handled the sex bit. In any case today he was trying to recover from a very stressful week. The alcohol was one part of the stress-cure. The other was Ruth Tanner, young Felicity Tanner's mother. But first...

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DeannaChapter 7 A Secret Revealed

Tara and I made our way to the kitchen finding Dee, all smiles putzing with breakfast. She looked over and gestured for us to sit. With a grin, she poured two large mugs of coffee and set one in front of each of us. "I was beginning to wonder if I needed to send out a rescue party," she laughed. I looked at her and with a chuckle said, "We figured we better come down to assure you we hadn't eloped overnight." "I knew better than that, but you two old folks may have needed a...

4 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 10 Jacks Secret Revealed

Eventually these four tourists found a small cafe and sat down and waited to be served. They were soon approached by a young eighteen year old waitress wearing nothing but a very short, red and white apron tied around her trim waist. If you’d asked the waitress she wouldn’t have even had that on but health regulations stipulated an apron as minimal apparel in commercial food preparation establishments. In the first year of Cedarcrest’s Nudity Friendly status these regulations had been a lot...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 21 Goddess Revealed

Wesley watched from his hiding place as the argument came to an end with Pol leading a reluctant Doc and Margaret away from the rostrum into the West where they seemed to disappear into the sun. Had they realized he was missing earlier, he would never have been able to remain hidden in this small world. But Pol’s plea to Doc and Margaret was so insistent, and their memory of the warning against the night so clear, that they disappeared along the Aquarius Avenue with a pang of...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 187 Anniversary Present Revealed

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Carol stopped studying early, so she could have a shower and start getting ready. It hurt to watch her go to the shower alone. It would be a CONSIDERABLE understatement to say she'd been a temptation all day. I REALLY wanted to take her in my arms, a desire that was not helped by Carol's dressing so attractively. Not overtly sexy, but certainly good enough to easily remind me how good she looked naked. If it wasn't for my ability to concentrate having...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 8 The Fishing Lure Revealed

Siza!! Come on. Stop teasing me. Please? I don’t have to do that. “I’m not teasing you. You’re living in Hawaii now. Things are different.” She had put her hands on both sides of my stomach and squeezed like she meant it. She was doing things to me no girl had ever done before and I was scared yet oddly taken with her, entirely. Wally said she was a lesbian but she sure was interested in me. She was cute, simply so. The entirety of my religious background was coming down on me like bricks...

3 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 9 The Fishing Lure Revealed

I drove back to Pepo to get to work, mind whirling, ego bent-dented, wanting to rewind my life as if maybe I’d not come to Hawaii ever. I drove around and took the back entrance through the junk cars to park behind my work shed. There were customers out on the front line, Wally feeding them his line of B.S. I got out quietly and went into the storage shack to change my clothes. When I came out there was my boss Dave smiling at me. “Hey Killer!” He was laughing, my heart sank with a thud....

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 6 Realizing Love A Secret or Two Revealed

"This isn't turning out quite the way I thought it would," Jim mused to his best friends. The way he expressed the sentence, anyone could tell that he was happy. Matt nodded in agreement. Bob asked, "What do you mean?" Jim started, "Well, I thought I'd set this goal of fucking 'Sheila the Ice Princess, ' I'd fuck her maybe a few times, and then I'd forget her so to speak. Instead, I've fallen in love with her ... and with Monica and Zoey, and I've gotten to fuck Zoey too,...

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Repo Auto CenterChapter 12 Linda Revealed

Her name was Linda and she was a local, hapa haole, born in Hawaii on the big island. Her father was a doctor and she grew up in Kona but came to Honolulu because her family was Catholic and they wanted that Jesuit run education for her. But she was Hawaiian in spirit through and through. Her older brother also went to school with us, a couple of years ahead. He was a tall handsome dude and I would often see her with him. I thought them a couple before I found out they were siblings. That...

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Emilys Crime and PunishmentChapter 4 Bribery revealed

I stared at the splash headline on the front page of the Bistonbury Chronicle and then at the photo of father in his pulpit and the two photos showing me naked front and back. The photos were taken the previous evening and I now guessed that Rocky had a hand in it. As I stood under the dryer after my shower, a man burst into the room and took several pictures before I turned my back on him. The flash went off a number of times until Rocky ushered him out of the room. "Must have left the...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 14 Roxanne Revealed

Dave could feel the mysterious soft hands traveling all over his body. He finished cleaning his hair then rinsed out the shampoo so he could be sure whose soft hands they really were. He finally turned to look into Sarah's smiling face. As he took her into his arms and kissed her passionately, he felt her soft flesh press again his with her round mounds pushing against his stomach. As their lips parted he spoke softly, "I'm glad you decided to join me." She replied, "I tried to convince...

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Three Square MealsChapter 10 The trio finally arrive at Karron Some mysteries revealed

Alyssa looked down over her lovers and saw that she had their undivided attention. They listened to her eagerly, intrigued to learn more about the beautiful blonde girl they cared so much about. “As you know, I grew up on Karron. It’s a bleak inhospitable place, a massive asteroid that’s been gradually hollowed out as the mines have dug deeper. Slums have built up in the old abandoned tunnels and there’s thousands of people living there now.” Calara didn’t know much about Alyssa’s history...

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Three Square MealsChapter 18 Secrets shared and new mysteries revealed

The impenetrable blackness of John’s sleep began to brighten, as his unconscious mind realised with some trepidation that he was experiencing another dream. The swirling ethereal eddies of the dream world began to coalesce into a distinctive form and then abruptly they snapped into sharp focus. John was bestride a world, vast numbers of subjugated women kneeling at his feet in worship. Scattered around him were the husks of minions he had used up and cast aside, casually discarded when they...

3 years ago
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Forgotten FamilyChapter 4 The Bad News Revealed

The cry brought Sophie dashing out of the movie room. I spun Theresa around so she did not see Sophie and then waved her back. Sophie nodded silently, and stepped back into the room as I pickup up Theresa and carried her into her bedroom. She was nearly choking me as she sobbed brokenly into my chest and I sat on the bed and just held her, saying nothing. Outside, I could hear Sophie taking charge of feeding the others, as I held my mistress and let her cry herself out. It seemed like an...

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