Fluffy Duffy & The Devonshire AffairChapter 8: All Is Revealed free porn video

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"Thank you, Ray!" Fluffy leaned across and kissed Mr Devonshire on the cheek. "It really fits! Do you know what size it is? Do you want to know? You weren't there when he measured me. Thanks for the new shirts, as well! And those rude panties, they're even naughtier than yesterday's. Are you going to try on your new trousers for me when we get home?"

"You may have to go straight home, Fluffy. You shouldn't really be around if Mrs Devonshire is home..."

"She'll have hung up the washing, won't she? All those sheets and towels. And she'll be able to wash your white trousers, too. It's a nice day for drying the washing," Fluffy mused, looking out of the window of the speeding BMW. "You didn't ask about my new bra, Ray. Aren't you interested? Look how huge it makes me look!" She stuck out her unbelievable chest. "I'm so much bigger than yesterday. It must be all the sex we did afterwards. All the fucking. I know I get much bigger when I'm excited, but I've stayed bigger, and they're still all wembley inside."


"Warm and trembly. Hey, if I've grown ten inches since yesterday, and we have more sex when I get you home, will I be ten more inches bigger tomorrow morning? Maybe it was all that lovely cum we rubbed into them. It must make them grow, mustn't it! It can't just do nothing. All the girls say it makes them grow, so it must be true."

They roared down the main village street and turned into the Devonshire's select little cul-de-sac. The driveway was mercifully empty and a relieved Mr Devonshire drove straight in and turned off the engine. "Come on, we've got some clearing up to do!"

"Okay, Ray. I'll hang out the washing while you put another load in the machine, dry that big wet patch on the chair, hide the tape measure. Then you can fuck my tits while we watch the test match again. We've missed the first hour and a half. Ouch! They're so full! And my little pussy's still sore..."

"Ssshhh! The neighbours..." The phone rang as Mr Devonshire unlocked the door, but it stopped before he could get to it. "I wonder who that was?"

"I bet it was Mrs Devonshire, trying to tell you she won't be home for another three days. Gosh, I could be forty inches bigger by then! Imagine how big I'll be by Christmas! A hundred feet bigger! Wouldn't it be lovely if your cock grew as much as my breasts do all the time. You'd never fall over, you'd be like a tripod. Gosh! I'd be sore after a night of that!" She tugged an armful of wet washing out of the machine and flounced into the garden. She was quite a good flouncer now.

Five minutes later she was back.

"There, they'll all be dry soon in this lovely wind. Most of the stains have come out of the sheets. Another couple of washes and you won't be able to see the blood at all. Hey, are those your white trousers? Look at that stain! Did all that stuff come out of my cunny?"

"Don't call it that, Fluffy, it's not a nice word!"

"Okay. My cunt, then. It's still sore, Mr Devonshire. I think I'll go and sit down for a while."

"You can't..."

But she sashayed into the sitting room, turned on the television and settled down to watch the cricket. "They've scored another hundred and fifty this morning! This is terrible!"

The phone rang again.

"Telephone, Mr Devonshire," she sang out blithely, but by the time he could dry his hands and get out of the kitchen, it had stopped again. She patted the seat beside her. "Never mind! Come and sit next to your Fluffy, and I'll talk you through Gerard measuring me for my new bra."

He groaned and sat down, not too close.

"You remember when I held them up and breathed in, you said I was nearly fifty-five and a half?"

Mr Devonshire remembered. "Yes."

"Holding them up and breathing in doesn't work, does it? Gerard told me, I can hold them up the way a bra does, but it makes my nipples stick way out and they couldn't do that in a bra, so it exaggerates the measurement, makes it seem bigger than it really is. On the other hand, my little hands aren't big enough to hold them up properly, 'cos they kind of overflow my hands, so the real measurement is actually more than you think. Well, anyway, I'm a 38S cup now. That's fifty-seven inches. It must be all that cum. Make some more and do it between my breasts, Mr Devonshire! While we're watching England getting stuffed out of sight. Come on! It's working, it's getting hard already, and I haven't even touched it yet. You sit there and have a nice slow wank while I just watch, then when you're ready, I'll unbutton my shirt and you can do it straight between them, right? In fact, I'll start with the buttons now so I don't get caught if you come too soon. Go on, then, what are you waiting for?"

Fluffy sat back, placing a finger between her full lips, sliding it in and out. Then she looked at it and replaced it with two fingers, a big grin spreading over her face. Mr Devonshire was hugely erect, and he unzipped himself and brought his organ out of captivity. Fluffy's eyes widened as she wondered how she'd ever got that gigantic thing inside her. It had hurt, sure, but it had still been surprisingly easy. She undid another button. Her bottomless cleavage was unbelievably deep.

"Do it! Do it in here. Make them vast! No, they're vast already, make them even vaster! Vasterer."

Mr Devonshire couldn't help himself. He stood up, Fluffy leaning forward and offering her breasts with something like a whole foot of cleavage ready to accept his cream.

"Uh, uh, uh, unnnnh!"

Fluffy rubbed it in gratefully. "It feels nice. Why does it get cold so quickly? Anyway, it's all warm now. I bet that's made me at least another inch bigger! I wonder what happens when you reach Z... ?

There was the sound of a car horn outside and the rattle of the front gate.

"Oh, my God!" Mr Devonshire sprang to his feet, a long thread of semen trailing from his knob-end. He tried to wipe it off, shaking his fingers.

"You'd better put your cock away if Mrs Devonshire's home," Fluffy advised him.

"It's not her." He was peering round the edge of the curtain. "Her car's not there."

Somebody fumbled with the front door catch, then there was a protracted banging on the knocker.

"That sounds like the way Danielle always knocks on doors," said Fluffy, as her lover zipped his pants and hastened to answer the door, tucking in his shirt and trying to make himself decent. She curled up her legs under her and buttoned her shirt. She had no idea why, but from the muffled voices of father and daughter it seemed as if her bestest friend had come home on her own. Then the all-too-familiar footsteps thundered up the stairs, and the bathroom door slammed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I knew you were coming home this morning. And we haven't got satellite..."

"And what have you been eating?" Danielle interrupted, planting her fists aggressively on her hips and sniffing the air with suspicion.

Fluffy shrugged. "Me? Nothing."

"You and my dad. There's a funny smell in here. A bit like ... I don't know, fish... ?"

"Oh, we had a bacon sandwich earlier. I made your dad a special bacon sandwich using a special Fluffy recipe."

"What for? Don't you get breakfast at home?"

"Of course," Fluffy shifted uncomfortably and hunched her shoulders.

"That's a nice shirt. I haven't seen that before, have I?"

"No, it's new."

"Show me. Is it silk?"

"Kind of. Where's your mum?"

"She's not coming home, ever again. She's staying with my nan until she moves out perm'nently. Where did you get it?"

"A shop."

"They don't sell silk shirts like that in Brocklehurst."

"They might."

"Stand up. I want to see."

"It's just a shirt."

"Stand up, Fluff-eee!"

Fluffy unfolded herself and stood up with an anxious glance down at her bosom to see that none of Mr Devonshire's latest volley had left any tell-tale stains.

Danielle gasped, then looked round at the door to check that her dad wasn't coming back downstairs. He wasn't, so she felt free to use industrial language. "Fucking hell, Fluffy!" she said.

"I grew," Fluffy explained. "I still am growing."

"I can see that! Shit, you were huge a couple of days ago. You can't have grown that much since then! Is that a new bra, too?"

"My old one won't fit any more. I mean my old two won't fit any more."

"You've outgrown two bras in two days? What size is that one?"

"Only a thirty-eight, but it's on the tightest set of hooks..."

"What cup size?" Danielle demanded dangerously.

"Cup sizes don't matter, Gerard says..."

"Who the fuck's Gerard? What happened to your other bra woman? And that's enough of that 'size don't matter' bullshit. How big?"

"Gerard works at another Discoveries shop, not the one in Brocklehurst. We ... I couldn't go to the usual shop, they couldn't fit me in. I was a kind of emergency."

"What size, Fluffy?"

"S cup."

"Fucking hell! S cup? How big's that?"

Fluffy prodded the side of her breast with a finger. "This big. You can see."

"What's your bust size?"

"Fifty-ish. About fifty-four ... five or so. Fifty-seven, maybe. It depends, Gerard says..."

"'Gerard says, Gerard says... ' How can a man make bras?"

"He's a poof."

"I don't care. Did you let him touch your tits?"

"Of course he did. You can't measure breasts without touching them."


"That's what they're called, Dan." Watched by her enthralled friend, Fluffy flicked open a couple of buttons and peeled back the edge of the bra to reveal a whopping brown semicircle. "And this bit's called an areola."

Danielle had probably heard the word before, but she could never have seen an example like this one. She sat down. "Your bum's bigger, too."

"I know. Tell me about it!"

Danielle frowned suddenly. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

Fluffy nodded to the television. "I keep telling you, I'm watching the game. We haven't got satellite at home."

"How long have you been here?"

"All morning."

"Why haven't you been answering the phone? I tried ... is five more than three... ? Five times while I was at the station, and there was no answer. I wanted dad to fetch me. That taxi cost me two pounds."

"Maybe the bell isn't working," Fluffy suggested.

As if to mock her, the phone rang immediately. Danielle picked it up. "Hi, mum! Yeah, I just arrived. Yeah, he's okay. I'll look after him, right! Yeah, right!" She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Yeah, later. Yeah, shepherd's pie from the freezer, right! Okay! See ya. Byeee!"

"Shepherd's pie?"

"She wants me to cook for dad."

"I'll help you. Come on!"

The girls wandered into the kitchen. "He's done the washing," said Danielle wonderingly. "Only sheets and towels. And another load in the machine. I didn't know he knew how."

"That's trousers and stuff," said Fluffy. "I suppose."

"How do you know so much about it?"

"You can see his trousers going round and round in the machine."

"It isn't going round and round. It's still filling up with water." Danielle stared at Fluffy, who was bending over to stare through the window of the washing machine. "Your arse is fucking enormous!"

Fluffy straightened up with difficulty. "I know."

"And your tits! Show me them properly. I want to see how big they are without your bra."

"What, in here? What if your dad comes downstairs?"

"Oh, he won't mind," said Danielle craftily. "I think he enjoys looking at tits; he looks at mine a lot, like out of the corner of his eye. So, seeing as how you must be twice as big as me, he'd probably shoot his load all over yours!"

How much did Danielle know, Fluffy wondered. "Twice as big?" she said. "These are tons more than twice as big as yours."

"Show me, then. If dad comes downstairs we can tell him you spilled something on your shirt. You have, anyway, look. There's a stain just there." Danielle reached out and felt the sleek material around the side of Fluffy's left breast. "It's wet. Where did it come from?" She leaned closer to investigate more thoroughly.

"I sneezed just before you came downstairs. A blob of snot must have landed on my boob."

Danielle looked disgusted. "Right round there? How can you sneeze round corners?" Her face was on a level with Fluffy's shirt, and she suddenly pulled it aside to thrust her nose right into her cleavage. Five seconds later, she emerged, red-faced. "You've got cum all over your tits! That's a cum stain on your blouse."


"Don't give me that innocent stuff. You know what cum is, and I've swallowed enough of it to know what it smells like. But that means..."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Unless you've got a boy in here..."

"Of course I haven't!"

"Then that means ... Fluffy, you pervert! My dad!"

"I'm not a pervert!"

"My dad isn't, either. He wouldn't ejaculate over a young girl's tits!" She stared at Fluffy, shaking her head. The game was clearly up, as Fluffy's crimson blushes made abundantly clear. "You let my dad do that?" Danielle's eyes were huge as she considered this awful yet somehow wildly erotic scenario. She squeezed the crotch of her jeans. "What else ... did he ... try to fuck you?"

Fluffy thought about that one for a moment. "No," she said with absolute conviction.

"Well, thank God for that, at least. I couldn't stand it if my own dad had ... with my bestest friend."

The kitchen door opened and Mr Devonshire came in. Had he heard anything? Danielle's voice was piercing enough at the best of times, even when she wasn't trying to make herself heard above the sound of the washing machine. "Hello, Mr Devonshire."

"Hello, Fluffy," he said, for all the world as if he hadn't just spent the night with her - to say nothing of spending a significant sum on her intimate wardrobe in the past twenty-four hours. "I just came down to see if the washing was done."

"It's only been in there ten minutes," Fluffy reminded him. "We'll hang it out to dry, won't we, Dan?"

"Will we?" Danielle was looking at her father with an appalled expression. She was looking at his crotch, mostly, Fluffy observed, but that was reasonable enough under the circumstances. Not for the obvious reason that Mr Devonshire's pale tan trousers were so well-filled. What had Danielle's attention was the stain which had spread down one leg almost to his knee. He must have been tucking himself away more tidily, the way he did quite regularly, and somehow he had failed to notice the leakage.

"Hey, Mr Devonshire," said Fluffy, taking his arm and steering him out into the garden. "You've got a fucking great wet patch of cum down your leg," she hissed. "And Dan's guessed about us! Wow, Danielle," she added loudly for the sake of her friend. "We'd better bring the washing in to make room for the next load. I'll bring this sheet, you get the towels."

Mr Devonshire bleated and escaped indoors, walking with his legs akimbo.

Danielle shook her head in disbelief. "Fluffy!"

"You've got a wet patch round the cunt of your jeans," Fluffy pointed out helpfully.

"No, Fluffy, Danielle will see..."

"No she won't. She's having a poo. She always takes twenty minutes. My breasts hurt, Mr Devonshire, they want you to rub them better."

"Stop it!" he hissed with an anxious glance over the girl's shoulder towards the bathroom door.

Fluffy pulled her shoulders back and wobbled her fantasy chest under his nose. "Suck my big nipples, Ray. Make them enormous again. No, they're enormous already, make them even more enormous. They really really hurt. They feel as if I'm going to need another bra tomorrow. Shall we call Gerard now, or wait until we see how big they are in the morning?"

"You can't still be growing!"

"Why not? There's no law that says a girl only has to grow so much and then she has to stop. And I haven't stopped, 'cos of how they feel. They feel full. I wish it was milk they were full of, so you could have drinkies."

"No, Fluffy. And button your shirt."

"Oooh, have the buttons come undone? Have I got the buttons in the right holes? You've got to get things in the right holes, Mr Devonshire..." She unbuttoned her shirt completely and began elaborately counting the buttons.

"Put them away, please!"

"My hole's sore, too, Mr Devonshire! You're so huge and thick, you've stretched Fluffy's pussy-hole. Why don't you kiss it better?" She forgot her shirt buttons and began fidgeting with the fastening of her pants. A gleam came into her eye. "Is your willie sore too, trying to push it into Fluffy's pussy-hole? I suppose I must have a pretty big pussy-hole, if you could get that thing into it. All the way in. In and out and in and out? Let likkoo Fwuffy kiss it better for you. In the bedroom!" And she propelled him backwards through the bedroom door with such sudden determination that he slammed against the bed with the back of his knees and sprawled on his back. "It's okay, we'll hear Dan when she finishes her poo. There, Ray's little willie's getting big again. Ray's big willie's getting gigantic!" She reached behind her and deftly unhooked her bra, releasing its monstrous load.

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What had been on my mind since Malgarath first ripped his way, kaiju-style, out of a mountain and decided to show up to wreck my shit was the tale of Old Man Henderson. It is a tale that made it’s way around 4chan back in the day, about some asshole who decided to take his aggression out on an (allegedly) shitty GM by power-gaming and manipulating the GM to letting Old Man Henderson, a character that was dreamed up to specifically wreck the shit of the Call of Cthulhu game he was in, with a...

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High on Kinky Leather Boots

It was in Camden Town, London, late 2015 I discovered a store that housed imperfect but seriously sexy leather trousers, jackets, skirts, even dresses. The kind of place that would make you become a leather addict if you weren't already. The best part was I had already been on the kinky dark path of leather. By this stage, I was 24 & I'd worn high heeled thigh boots & elbow length leather gloves at the same time to masturbate in front of a mirror watching as I shook with incredible...

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Fluffy SuxCox 1

I tremble with nervous excitement, butterfly's in my stomach! I could not believe that I had actually won an argument with my wife! You see I am a bit of a wimp so this victory was unusual. Still after a heated debate she had to concede to my logic. What were we arguing about? Well, she wanted a new car and admittedly we did need a new car! But she had her eyes on a brand new Mercedes soft top sports car which was way out of our league. "Honey you would have to get a second job to pay...

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MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...

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When my brother came to stay with my wife I

First I'll start off by saying, I'm no great story teller, but here's what I got about a recent event. Now, my younger brother & I have always been close. Since our late teens, we have always been attracted to the same type of women. We used to date & share a lot of them also, by means of we look very much alike with the same type of build & we attracted the same type of girls, ones that loved to have a good time & fuck. Occasionally we would get into fights about certain women...

4 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 2

"Bob, I have a favor to ask of you." Catherine and I had just finished a long and hot fucking session; now both of us were trying to recover our breath. "Anything for you. What is it?" I responded. We had been seeing each other for over a month now, and not only was the sex hot, but I could see this relationship lasting for a long while. "You remember that I have to be out of town for three days next week, right?" "Yes, three days that I'm not sure I can survive" I said with a smile. I said...

Straight Sex
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Mother in law sister in law together

This was monday night the mother in law rang to say she wanted me to do her a little job, ok I said i will be down in a hour knowing full well I would finish up fucking her, When I got to the mother in laws the sister in law was there, she ask me if I would like a drink of tea, yes I said, the mother in law says to me can u look at the tap in the kitchen so I follow the sister in law in the kitchen & close the door, I have fucked her a couple of times before, we was just chatting I got...

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Fav Story Me my Bhabhi brothers wife

Hi. My name is Adit & I am 19 years old. Mine is a true experience which I will recount now. It was 2 years back. I was born at Naroda near Ahmedabad. I was in Bombay for my college studies. I already had my elder brother staying at Bombay since about a year. My brother is a Production Engineer & had landed a very good itself. After a few months of we two staying together, we were joined by third one. My brother got married & brought my ‘Bhabhi” to stay with us. She was 23 years...

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BFF I went to nudist camp 3

We only have a few hours left before we had to leave to catch our flight home. We had to get breakfast.We slept through the rest of the afternoon & night. Who could blame us?I was done showering. Vanessa said it was OK for Kim to go next. There's always plenty of hot water in a hotel.Kim & I had a towel wrapped around us. That's the most we've been covered in 2 days. It almost felt funny. We were sharing the mirror fixing our hair & putting our makeup on. We talked a little about...

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Nanban Kozhutha Mallu Athaiyai Oothen 8211 Part 1

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin athaiyai eppadi sight adithu usar seithu oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vasanth vayathu 26 aagugirathu. En udan college paditha besi friendku thirumanam nichayam aagi irunthathu. Avan enaku call seithu thirumanam oru naal munbe vanthu thirumanathai nadathi thara vendum endru solinaan. Nanum sari da nan kandipaaga varugiren endru solinen, pinbu en nanbanai paarthu 10...

2 years ago
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Nympho Fallon Southern Lights

An author favorite : a story I grappled with and thought I shouldn’t write but was glad I did...enjoy. There are nymphomaniacs then there is Fallon. Our lass take on four lads in a gang bang under the big bridge as the full majesty of the Aurora Australis lights up the night sky....There was a rare energy everywhere this particular night. It was in the reverberating cylinders of Jarryn’s supped up i*****lly modified car. Copiously coarse get up and go in the snide loads of crass nonsense...

1 year ago
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Mother in law two lads me

On holiday abroad,Me & the mother in law are on the beech, talking to two lads about 30, there looking at her tits and ask if we would like to go to the happy hour with them, I said yes & asked the mother in law yes ok she says, I know we was going to get pissed so I told her to bring her stuff with her, We gets in the bar & I get the drinks whisky & orange for her & beers for us, Well we sit & we are talking, she says I will have to go for a wee ok I says, when she gone...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Quintessa (Tess) and her daughter, Rosa. Quintessa is 39 and Rosa is 18. Both women have dark hair. Quintessa’s hair is black and long while...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story around a mother, Michelle and her daughter, Natalie. Michelle is 40 and Natalie is 20. Both women have dark brunette hair that...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story around a mother, Irene, and her daughter, Jade. Irene is 47 and Jade is 22. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an office-slut story.This is a story around a mother, Connie Mason, and her daughter, Dawn. Connie is 36 and Barb is 19. Both women are trim with blonde hair that is...

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Mathew and Beth part 3 Trip down southquot

It was a warm night in Georgia when I arrived for a very special meeting, This was not about business but it was very important to him as he was coming to meet for the first time his internet “friend”. Shannon his friend was a very subservient women who was proud to be just who she was and although for this first meeting they had something a little different in mind to give her master a new experience. What she didn't know was that I had a surprise for her as well, he was a bit of a romantic...

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its been a rather cold winter the inc

I just hate dictators, well at least I know for a fact that I myself being of that of my person dislike them, I mean after all I can't really hate anybody be they themselves of those who are, or is of some, or of such dictators, or not, or be of the likes of dictators, or otherwise being that because believe it, or not that being of the, or a person of I myself am a believer in God as in Christian, &/or Protestant, & although, or regardless of how at times I myself can, or could...

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Christine her mother sister

Last night I stopped at Christine's, when I got there she was watching the tv, so I put my arm round her kissed her on lips & moved my hand towards her ginger minge moving her knickers to one side finger fucking her, I opened her dressing gown & pulling her nighty up feeling her tits I then got her a lay down on the settee I was feeling her all over kissing her then sucking her tits with my fingers in her cunt, then she said it fuck me please so I got up removed my jeans & underwear...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 37 Stronger Beer

Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 10 Sexual Healing

Tempe’s Bedroom, North London, Ontario 10:24pm, Friday, November 16, 1979 “I gotta go pee, Mike,” Brick said after she recovered from her a body shaking orgasm I gave her with my tongue and long digits. As my young brunette girlfriend made her way to Tempe and Tina’s Jill & Jill co-joining bathroom, I scanned her now seriously slender body. Lisa said she’d lost seven pounds while in the hospital and she now tipped the scales at a whopping ninety-five pounds. My busty beauty joked that...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionAfterward lsquoWelcome to the lsquo Concert Playlists and Book 6 Chapter Song

With the NIS program finally over, here are the playlists from the Welcome to the... concert that Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the Shania Twain Band played at the John Labatt Center in London. I regularly used ‘unique’ web-links to songs to get a feel for how other bands have played these songs. For example, I used Nickelback’s cover of ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man as a guide for what Mike and the Time Bandettes, and the lighting crew did during this song. In the Chapter Songs’ list, I did...

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The Full Photo Shoot Gallagher White Chapt

(Author's note: if you've read my short story "The Photo Shoot", this story might be similar. "The Photo Shoot" is a heavily edited version, done to meet the word count for a magazine submission. This is the un-edited version, the first chapter of a much longer erotic novel. If you liked the edited version, then hopefully you'll really like the full version!)The theft was reported at around nine fifteen, when someone investigated the cause of the draught in the stockroom. Lord Gallagher, the...

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Mother Son Part II

I don't quite know how it happened but I found myself, on my knees, my panties soaking wet staring directly at my teenage son's large, thick throbbing erection, glistening in the dim light, covered in his girlfriends juices, her musky scent filling my nostrills. His cock looked amazing & I felt my already wet pussy gush with another discharge of fluid as I watched pre cum oozing from the tip of his cock & drip onto the floor in front of me, his penis now just inches from my eagerly...

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Rectal thermometer suppository story

Part 1Well, this is it. A while now i was thinking of writing a story, and i guess that time is now.I post my story here, and not in the blog. Due to the fact that is’t a true story, it happend to me a few years ago… over 15 to be exact…but i still remeber it as if it happend yesterday. One last thing, if you’r not into medical stuff, you probably won't get much of a kick out of it, but for those out there who do, just like me, here it is…When i was 19 years old, i was going to nursing school...

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial sex story.This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only c***d. Both women have long blonde hair...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 21 Rock Rock Till You Drop

Medway High School, Arva, Ontario 8:47am, Monday, November 26, 1979 “As most of you know by now, our girls’ basketball team won ... no, they dominated ... the double-A Ontario basketball championship in Guelph on Friday and Saturday,” Mr. Williamson said from our gym’s stage. After a brief announcement in our homeroom, the whole school was brought down to the gym for this set of morning announcements and championship celebratory event. “In case you didn’t know this, these girls, along with...

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Christine sister Amy there mother

I was up early this morning, Feeling horny I fancy a little black bush, so off I goes to Amy's knocks on the door & it opens after a bit she standing there in a very little nighty you could all most see her hairy cunt, Hello you ok I says, yes she says are you coming in well yes please,Well I'm following in to the kitchen I couldn't keep my eye's off her arse, She turns and says what bring s tyou here at this time, I looks at her & says you don't know with a smile, then she says you...

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The Chauffeur 22 Tampa and Dallas

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As we got on the plane, I couldn’t help but think about John and Diane. Is Jill, right? Can I trust Diane? What do Tina and Dakota think about Diane? Too many questions roaming around in my brain. I sat down and buckled myself in before take-off. Dakota sat next to me. Jill sat on one of the couches with Tina next to her. As we propel down the runway, I ask Dakota her thoughts about John. “He’s trying really hard to live up to your expectations....

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Pollack Bball Coach Black Femboi

Coach L stood up from the golf cart. “That was a good round, fellas,” he smiled.“Sure was, Coach,” remarked his former player and retired NBA forward Taj Howard.“Enjoyed it,” the coach’s younger son, Brian, added.“Yeah! Thanks for having us, Taj,” the older brother, Jack, said.“Anytime,” the towering, dark-skinned man nodded. “Quick drink at the clubhouse.”“Of course,” the senior citizen agreed quickly.The four men headed up the sidewalk. Taj flashed his pearly whites at the hostess and they...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Nine Vampiric Hungers

Chapter 9: Vampiric Hungers by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust....

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Angel Beckys 1st time together

Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...

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My Mom Maureen my Fatherinlaw Doug

Doug has always had a thing for my Mom. From the day he first met her he has wanted to fertilize her, to plant his seed deep in her & impregnate her. Since I married his son, Bradley so many years ago he has fucked her so many times, but never accomplished his goal of turning her into his personal bun oven till now. About eight weeks ago he had the opportunity to have her stay with him for two months. Needless to say he kept her naked most of the time. Her outfit was a little French Maid...

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Cheer Raider Sabre PantherEpisode 11

[Opening Theme: “Violet Skies” by In This Moment] “Mecha Meets its Match? Cheer Raider Captured!” “Alright, Matt, come at me,” Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. “Very good, Jennifer, that was well done,” said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle...

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