Her Destiny Revealed free porn video

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She knew this day would come. In meeting him, what had only been considered a dark fantasy to be lived out within the confines of her mind had been made a reality. Having her feet placed upon a path never thought possible, the unimaginable had happened.

For a long while she had known she was different from those around her. Her wants and needs being of a nature that many would not understand, they had been kept locked up inside her self. Only in her mind had they been made real. Kept from the purview of others she had learned to keep that part of her secret.

Only in meeting him had that all changed. That their paths had crossed only served to further confirm the belief as to where her destiny lay. Taking her in hand, her world had been changed forever. What had been thought impossible was made real. Embarking on a journey of self discovery, that path had brought her here. Tonight that destiny which had been secretly desired for so long would finally be realized. She would become what she was meant to be. That it would occur here was something never imagined. In many respects, it was here where it truly all began. To be back here now, kneeling naked in anticipation of embracing her rightful future was something she would never have predicted.

She had come so far since first meeting him here. For most of her life in not completely understanding her own thoughts and feelings, in not believing them to be possible she’d avoided having her mind plagued by turmoil. Her naivety had kept her safe from such distress. Here it had all changed. What had been believed impossible was revealed not to be so. What had always been considered the realm of wistful fantasy was proven otherwise.

What had happened earlier tonight at her apartment building was evidence enough of that. To have even contemplated such a thing a few months ago would have been inconceivable. He had changed all of that.

?You know where you belong and it isn’t in front of a keyboard and monitor in some office.?

Instinctively she knew he was right even if it was disconcerting to have someone she’d only just met understand her on such an intimate level. He had brought her to this small private club located in an upscale part of the city. That she would return to the same place with him was never imagined. Had he told her that first afternoon that in the space of a number of weeks she’d be here once more only stripped of all clothing and on her knees waiting to greet her future she might have considered him insane. Adjusting her position slightly on the hard floor while ensuring her legs remained properly parted, she was reminded how wrong that judgement would have been. She had but one single destiny she just hadn’t known it then.

Listening to him that first day, she found herself nodding her head in agreement as he spoke of the wants and desires she’d barely been able to admit to herself. The need to give of one’s self, to serve another no matter how base the demands might be. Ideas that had been with her for years, but sitting with him and hearing them put into words, a whole new world had been revealed. Deep down knowing he was right, all that he talked about was what she had been desiring for so long. Then it happened, no longer the subject of just conversation, the words were made real. The framed photograph of herself sitting on the table in her living room being an enduring testimony to that day when her life was changed forever.

On that day the smiling woman in the photograph had been filled with doubts and questions. It was as if she had been a stranger to herself for a large part of her life. Feeling out of step with those around her, her heart and soul being drawn in another direction and it was one that was more than a bit intimidating. That attraction had been kept locked away. To admit to it was impossible. Proper young ladies didn’t think such thoughts. To wish to be treated in such a manner, no, so many times she had corrected herself, to need to be treated in such a manner, to be ordered and to obey, it was like a flickering flame that could not be extinguished. To crave such things was something not done. To simply banish those wants from her mind though had proven impossible. It was something he had recognized when they had first met.

Arriving at the private club on that fateful day they had shared a leisurely lunch. The warmth of the day allowing them to dine at one of the outside tables. That in him selecting such a table, they would be away from possible overhearing ears had been an erroneous assumption. Believing had others been able to hear, surely they would have wondered about what was being discussed, returning here tonight she knew that concern had been completely unfounded. Those other diners that afternoon would have viewed their conversation as a natural course of affairs. They might have been having similar discussions themselves.

?You are unique in your desires. Your needs are different from many others. That doesn’t make them wrong. It simply means that having other wants and desires, it is natural for you to feel as you do.?

His words being most unexpected, she was caught off guard by his statements. That their lunch conversation would begin in such a way was never anticipated. Finding herself speechless she had simply nodded her head in agreement as he resumed talking.

?In submitting to another you feel you will find fulfillment. You find joy in obedience, in the prospect of giving yourself to another completely and without reservation.?

Calling her a submissive, it was the first time she had ever heard such a term. It would not be the last.

Barely aware of her food, the time had flown by as she listened to everything he said. To deny any of what was being heard was impossible and he knew it. Although she had hardly been able to remember taking a bite, the meal had concluded and they had departed the club. Not knowing it, they were strolling in the direction of his home. It was only when beginning to make their way along the sidewalk that she had noticed the camera. Thinking nothing of it, she had fallen into step beside him. With the skirt she had selected to wear ending above her knees, the warmth of the sun had felt good on her bare legs.

After walking a couple of blocks he had guided her across the street to the entrance of a park. Entering it and having walked a couple of hundred yards into its heart she had sensed the slowing of his pace. This part of the city being an area that she rarely visited, the park was totally new to her. Aware of them having strolled to a secluded part of it, seeing him stop she too had halted.

?I am going to take your photograph so that it will be a constant reminder of the day your life was forever changed.?

Confused by his words, that lack of understanding must have clearly shown on her face.

?Beginning today you will start to truly learn what it is to be a submissive.?

As if instilled by a volition that was not her own making she had quietly replied. ?Yes Sir.?

Hearing him resume speaking, it was as if she was watching someone else while following his every direction.

Made to raise her skirt, she had given a quick look around to see if anyone was near. Even while doing so, her hands were grasping at the hemline and slowly drawing it up over her hips. The idea of voicing a protest that they might be caught not ever entering her mind. He had nodded appreciatively seeing the lacy panties she was wearing.  Ordered to remove them, again her eyes had darted about as her thumbs hooked the waistband and began pulling them down. Stepping out of them and holding them in her hand, not sure what to do, the unspoken question was answered as he took them and they disappeared from sight into his sports coat pocket.

Not being allowed to lower her skirt he’d made her sit. Despite the warmth of the day, the grass had felt cool against her bare bottom. Arranging her skirt so that while it showed almost the entire length of her long legs, she had been posed in such a way that in giving the picture a quick glance one might not notice the state of her undress. Even after closer inspection one might still be left with a lingering doubt if what seemed to be truly was.

Next she was made to partially unbutton her blouse. With the top two already undone, releasing the next two ensured that her bra encased breasts were almost totally revealed. The bra being of a design made to unclasp at the front, being ordered to unhook it, she had again looked around, for the first time being nervously apprehensive at possibly being seen by others, her fingers were still already moving in obedience to his direction. Undoing it, the lacy material had fallen free from around her breasts so as to be no longer be visible. Being daringly revealed, while the blouse did conceal her now erect nipples, the inner curve of each breast was clearly revealed to the maximum extent possible. 

With the picture taken, not being allowed to re-button the blouse, they had continued on to his house. With each step, she had been reminded of her state of undress feeling the cool air against her bare buttocks and her breasts being free beneath her top. Arriving at his home, with the closing front door, the life she had been leading until that time was left behind. Being led to the living room and ordered to kneel before him, she had begun to learn about her desire to submit.

He had opened a world to her that had never truly been imagined. Having always kept that desire hidden it was now allowed to be experienced in its every facet. Behind that closed door she became accepting of her true nature, her obedience to any command had become instinctive. In being ordered to kneel before him, she had come to understand her place was on the floor by his feet. It was from there she had learned many things and come to understand herself in a whole new light.

That education beginning the first afternoon, it being an extension of what had begun in the park. Her body was no longer hers to control. Ordered to remove what few items of clothing she was still wearing, not being allowed to stand, quickly stripping off the blouse, she had then to balance herself while slightly raising each knee so as to slip off the skirt.

For the next two weeks he had kept her naked. Even when receiving visitors at the house, it has been required that she be unclothed by his feet in the foyer to greet whoever might be arriving. If called upon to serve drinks to those visiting, that too was done naked, her body sometimes receiving appraising caresses as she carried out that task.

To be used at anytime for sexual pleasure, no part of her body being denied the intrusion of his erect manhood. Whether they were alone, or when given to others, to obey and please them as she would him, her submission found no limit that was not transcended.

When during those early days, when she had failed to please or been slow to obey, she had felt the biting caress of leather as punishment. In being ordered to lay across the upholstered ottoman and present her upturned bottom, she willingly received what the smooth curves of her buttocks were accorded in being flogged until they were a vivid scarlet. Much to her surprise, another unanticipated lesson being learned, even when not done in punishment she found herself coming to desire such treatment, to have the effects of the crop or flogger linger so as to be a continuing reminder of her new found place in life.

In coming to find that place, more had been learned more about herself than she would have ever imagined. The life she’d led up to that time had become meaningless. She was no longer the same person as when she had met this man. In him opening the doors to many unanticipated discoveries about herself, never had her lips voiced any refusal.

With time of her tutelage under his control soon coming to an end, in having found the capacity to give totally and completely without reservation, simple submission was no longer enough. Kneeling before him naked one evening, her bottom raised in the air as she was bent forward resting on her breasts and shoulders with her arms extended ahead of her, she’d humbly begged to be sold as a slave. Desiring to be considered nothing beyond being the property of another, their pleasure her only concern, the right of refusal forever denied, only in slavery would complete fulfillment be found.


Two nights ago he’d called her apartment. As always his instructions had been succinct. She would ready herself for his arrival so as to be taken out. Providing only a time for when he would be there, he had promptly hung up. Giving no indication as to where they might be going, to ask was unthinkable, to be prepared for him at the stated arrival time was all that was important. That he would be at her apartment Friday evening at 6 pm was all she needed to know.

With Friday’s arrival, she had been eyeing the clock all day in anticipation of being ready at the ordered time. When it began nudging 5:30 she had begun her preparations. It was more than enough time. She had only to shower and apply the small bit of make up she always wore, her natural beauty allowing her to only need the minimum in the way of cosmetics. Her skin possessing a slight olive tone, with her long shoulder length black hair and dark eyes she was often mistaken for possessing a Spanish heritage. Beyond her personal grooming, the rest took no time at all but that didn’t lessen its importance.

Anytime when he was expected at the apartment she was required to be naked, the only items she was allowed being her black leather collar, wrist and ankle cuffs and a pair of the four inch stiletto heeled shoes from her collection. Thusly arrayed, she would  take her place on the floor in the entryway to the living room. There she would kneel and lean forward until she rested on her shoulders with her arms extended in front of her. The position never failing to remind her of the request she had made of him. With her upturned bottom presented, her knees spaced apart and her forehead touching the floor she would await his arrival.

Hearing him enter the apartment she would remain silent, her nude body openly presented and available to be enjoyed as he so decided. Whether he chose to spill his passion in her mouth, either of her two intimate passages or her bottom received a flogging with the riding crop that he kept at the apartment for just that purpose, only when he was finished and he bid her to rise would she move from that position. If they were going out, it would be then she would seek permission to be allowed to dress.

Tonight had been no different except for one big change. Positioned on the floor as she always was, upon his arrival he had stepped towards where she was kneeling. Saying nothing in the way of greeting, he had remained silent for what had seemed several minutes while standing over her. Had he been debating how to make use of her, what form of pleasure he might avail himself of? Finally he had ordered her to stand. Moving to her feet, once standing she had remained still, her arms hanging at her side. He had then slowly begun to circle her. She was accustom to being inspected. There was no part of her body she would not freely present when ordered to. Once he was behind her he had paused.

?Put your wrists behind your back.?

?Yes Sir.?

Quickly complying, moving them behind her he had taken them in his hands. Hearing a metallic click she knew the two heavy D rings that were embedded in the leather had been locked together.

?Now, open your mouth.?

?Yes Sir?

Not closing it after finishing speaking, after a brief moment, seeing his hands coming up around her head she felt her mouth being filled by the ball gag that he had used from time to time on her. Feeling the strap being tightened to secure it in place she had begun wondering what change had occurred to his voiced plan of them going out. With her jaws stretched open to accommodate the red ball, to ask would have been impossible even if such a query had been permissible.

With the gag firmly secured he had returned to stand in front of her. Slipping a hand into his suit jacket pocket, it emerged holding the silver chain lead that he was accustom to attaching to the heavy steel ring at the front of her collar. Seeing it she had automatically raised her chin so as to present the ring more openly to his hand. Feeling it being snapped into place a small wave of pleasure had washed over her as it always did in realization of being once again bound to his hand.

It was then that the evening changed as it had never done before.

?Come slave.?

Falling into step behind him, seeing him leading her towards the apartment door her eyes had widened. Surely he couldn’t be planning to?? What if they were seen.??? What would her neighbours think seeing her neck, wrists and ankles encased in black leather and being led by a length of silver chain. Living on the twentieth floor, the only way out of the building besides the stairwell was the elevator and she was already sure he had no intention of walking down that many flights of stairs.

Seeing his hand reaching to grasp the doorknob it had seemed surreal. It couldn’t possibly be happening. Feeling a tug at the collar as he gave the lead a small pull, before she knew it she was in the corridor. Giving a quick look around, she had breathed a small sigh of relief at seeing it empty. Continuing to follow as he began making is way towards the elevator, she had been swept by an odd sense of excitement striding along the hallway. Already she was aware of a slight wetness between her legs.

Stopping in front of the elevator her eyes had remained fixed on the lighted numbers above the doors. What if someone got on at another floor? To have to make the trip down while sharing the elevator with a stranger???  All of the possibilities began playing themselves out in her mind. Finally the car arrived. Bracing herself as the doors opened, again she had been able to relax seeing it empty.

Seeing him press the button to the lower parking level she was happy to see that he had no intention of parading her through the building lobby. Rarely was there not at least one person there. Arriving in the parking area, seeing his car a short distance away she had again been glad there had been no need to walk any great distance.

Crossing the concrete floor, the sound of her heels echoing hollowly around her for some strange reason had reinforced her sense of nakedness and vulnerability. Arriving beside the car he had paused before unlocking the door.

?Spread your legs?

Unable to reply, she had opened herself to him. Feeling his hand slide between them, a small moan escaped around the ball gag as his fingers explored her intimate slit.

?Mmmmm. The slave is wet. She enjoyed that I see.?

Taking his hand from between her legs he had turned and opened the car door. To deny her wetness was impossible. Had she truly enjoyed it? Had she just learned another lesson about herself?

The drive had been brief. In passing the now dark park she was again reminded of the photograph in her apartment and the day when everything changed. Seeing him pull up in front of the club where they had dined that day, while admitting that she had no idea where he might have been taking her, to be stopping here, the place where it all had begun, was something she never would have guessed. As if able to read her thoughts he spoke.

?It is here where your wish will be granted. It is here you will be sold into slavery, to become the property of another, to whom all obedience will be absolute.?

Hearing his words, her heart raced, the anticipation of what was about to happen had done nothing to lessen the stirrings being felt between her legs. With her wrists secured behind her, needing to wait for him to open the car door, she had quickly scanned the street. Grateful for the darkness of the evening, while the street was not a busy one, it was not completely deserted. Guessing the front door of the club to be about thirty feet away, she figured she would not be visible on the street for more than a few moments.

With the door being opened and stepping from the vehicle, the evening air feeling cool against her naked body, approaching the entrance of the club, he had suddenly changed direction as she found herself being led towards a darkened alley. How eerily strange it felt being naked in such a place. The night sounds of the city had only strengthened the sensation of being so openly vulnerable.

Entering through a side entrance, she had been immediately aware of the sounds of subdued conversation. Were they all here for her? That she would soon be calling the owner of one of those voices Master had not been overlooked. Being led along a narrow hallway, entering a dimly lit room and seeing the raised dais, she knew it would happen here. Feeling a light tug of the lead, being guided towards the raised platform, the auction block upon which she would be sold into slavery, now seeing where it would take place, it all seemed surreal.

?On your knees slave and prepare to greet your destiny. Make sure your legs are properly opened.?

?Y,y,yes Sir.?

Moving to position herself in the centre of the dais, while ensuring her knees were correctly separated, his hand was moving to detach the lead from the D ring. With it returned to his pocket,  his fingers began unbuckling the collar. With it removed, moving to each of her wrists and ankles, the process was repeated.

?The slave will greet her new owner free of such adornments. It shall be their collar and cuffs that the slave shall proudly wear from now on.?

?Yes Sir. This slave shall humbly wear the symbols of enslavement that her Master might choose.?

With those few words, watching him leave the room, she was left alone with her thoughts. Would he be one of the bidders? Would it be he she would humbly crawl to on hands and knees to offer up her now naked neck and feel his collar once more?

Now alone, her eyes were drawn to the closed double doors that were in front of her. The small gap between them admitting what little light illuminated where she was kneeling. From the other side of the two doors, the subdued sound of conversation could still be heard. Unable to hear specific words so as to know what was said, that in some way would be involving her she had little doubt. It was why they had gathered. To view what was being offered up for sale, to judge her in relation to their own tastes, wants and desires, that all of them had been spoken to, her potential value as a slave discussed, it would be here that their own eyes would compare what they had been told with what they would see displayed kneeling before them. It would be then that bidding would commence and in it ending, her enslavement to another would begin. Seeing the doors beginning to swing open, she knew she could now only wait for her destiny to unfold.

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The Force of Destiny

It was the Sunday after the Friday when Team USA beat the Soviets in the so-called Miracle on Ice in Lake Placid, New York. Who could forget Al Michaels’ now iconic call, ‘Do you believe in Miracles? Yes!’ The upstart USA hockey team’s upset at the 1980 Winter Olympics is the first thing Paulette Mirkin and Warren Kogan talked about when they met on that blustery February night at a singles mingle thing held in the community room of an apartment complex. Neither of them wanted to go. Not...

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Knowing My Destiny

Knowing My Destiny By Mistress X This is the story of one Halloween when a long held tradition changed my life. I was laying on the couch on Halloween afternoon when I heard shuffling at the door. "I got the costumes!" yelled Mike as he finally wrestled his way inside. "Well it's about time," Steve complained as he came down the stairs. "Hey Pete, get in here so we can see what he got." I rolled off the couch and shambled over as Mike pulled three adult Halloween costumes from...

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Cassandras Destiny

Well, here's the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn't selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I'd have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...

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Destiny tour

Destiny tourBy Ah FookSince he was just a little boy, Simon had had fantasies about slavery and submission to Asian men. He never had any idea where this vision came from, but it kept coming. When he reached 41, he was in the midst of a promising career, but suddenly he follows an impulse to realize his dark fantasy. I have translated the story from Danish in order to reach a broader audience. The plot builds on a mix of memories andfantasies.  That morning, just awakened, Simon went straight...

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DestinyChapter 7

I was wrong. Next morning, I went down and found Charlene looking delicious in her bikini and doing one of her special breakfasts. Today, she made a wonderful egg casserole with salsa on the side for the strong at heart. I helped with the fruit bowls and coffee. Tyler staggered in looking tired. I handed him a cup of coffee and winked. "Too much activity?" "I feel like a kid asking for a second helping of ice cream. It's a great idea, but he has no room. Then, you were just a little...

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DestinyChapter 14

The next morning, I felt the immediate need to go referee any difficulties in the kitchen. Paul had made coffee and was in the process of cooking some cranberry pancakes, one of his specialties. Maybe he'll take Charlene's place as the breakfast maven? We chatted a minute about our situation with Dad home and decided that we had to play everything by ear. I certainly didn't want everyone feeling anxious and thinking they shouldn't be here. Charlene came in and kissed us both. Then, she...

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Destiny As a Vampire

So Im definitely an amatuer writer, but this fantasy has been on my mind lately. I felt the best way to indulge in it was to get it out on paper, so to speak. Keep in mind, I was writing this more for myself than anything, but I felt like I should share it, in case any one else enjoyed it. This is only the second erotica story Ive ever written, so please, go easy on me. Id love constructive criticism or comments, and if I get positive feedback, Ill consider a sequel, or series, or whatever...

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Destiny by The Dream Weaver There are many who believe that a persons destiny cannot be altered. In some cases, though, the magic that comes from a meeting of two souls can intervene and cause destiny to rewrite itself. The desires of mortals are sometimes taken in to consideration by the Gods and they bestow a gift for the sake of love. Chapter 1 Angel laughed so suddenly, she choked on the soda she had been drinking. "Jeez, Ian" she sputtered, "warn me next time you are...

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The Labyrinth of Destiny

I'm almost a bit embarassed to be offering this up as my first story. I've been writing stories on and off for almost as long as I've been reading them, and I have a huge backlog of half-finished stories that are a lot longer and a lot more meaningful. But since TGfiction is little more than a passing hobby of mine, my progress on them has been slow. I'm sure I'll get them all finished and submitted eventually. Until then, enjoy this bit of fluff, a story so short that I could actually...

3 years ago
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Destiny Delayed

One The band was the most important thing in my life. And, here I sat, one week before one of our biggest gigs, watching it disintegrating. And, it was all my fault. My name is Sara. Sara Keeling. I'm the keyboard player, and the lyricist. We call ourselves One Night Stand, a fitting name for a band, especially one that has three guys and three girls in it. We're all sophomores here at the University of Massachusetts, and the band got together right at the beginning of freshman year. We...

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DestinyChapter 8

Last year at school, I ate with the senior girls and made some nice friends with Tommy's group. This year, Tyler ate with us. Being a little uneasy in my status, I asked him if eating with us wouldn't lose him points with the seniors. "It would if I were running for office. Football season is over and I played well enough for an honorable mention. So, I still have points that they can't take away. You and Charlene are old enough to go to all the parties and dances, so I'm happy to be...

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A True Encounter Created By Destiny

Dear Friends, This is my first attempt of penning down an encounter in my life which still fills my heart with strong feelings. I am basically from Goa, having my business operating from there. Because of my business compulsions I need to travel to neighboring state cities especially Belgaum, Dharwad, Hubli etc. This happened in those days when I was travelling back from Belgaum to Goa during the month of July. There a shorter route which is actually a forest internal road. This road is open to...

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The Sands of Destiny 1

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. Members.home.net/dow75stories The Sands of Destiny: (1) Where It Lands, Nobody Knows By Ron Dow75 [email protected] Occasionally, he had a semi-awareness, as the lifepod asked him for instructions. It was suppose to maintain course for the most trafficked parts of the space lanes. Evaluating the chances of rescue, it's next option was to find...

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Kens Destiny

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to any anime or anime characters mentioned, especially Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, the character of Nene Romanova (Both property of Studio AIC), or Evangelion's Misato Katsuragi (Property of GAINAX) or their voice actors. The Ken character however, is based loosely on me. May contain traces of OOC, and slight 2040 and EVA spoilers. KENS DESTINY By Apsm My name is Ken. Well, it used to be, but it's the events of why it used to be that way,...

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As strange as it may sound to some, my best friend is a lesbian. I'm a divorced, thirty-two year old male that flies a helicopter for the Washington State Police. Denise is the twenty-eight year old paramedic/observer that works with me every day. Both of us are sworn troopers and both of us have done street time of course - it's a departmental requirement - but, due to the specialty skills we possess, we found ourselves fast-tracked through the mandatory patrol time and put as quickly as was...

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DestinyChapter 12

Mom drove us to the ice cream store where we found a booth with privacy. She said, "What we talk about is just between us right now. We'll tell the others after I've done my homework. Basically, my plan is to McDonald-ize the Dial-A-Meal Corporation. If they don't agree to my plan, if I think it's right, I will seek financing and go into competition with them." I must have looked completely lost. She laughed. "Okay, now Dial-A-Meal pays regular wages and benefits to the sales staff,...

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Shard of DestinyChapter 3

Deland, Massachusetts June 8-9, 2003 Ben That, young man, is a very long story. Ben’s mind reeled, bordering on full blown panic. He was asleep, but also awake, and there was someone in his mind speaking to him. Was this demonic possession? Was this schizophrenia he was experiencing? He thought the latter was more likely, never being able to rationalize the possibility of angels or demons in his engineers mind. Ben also remembered reading an article that said people of high intelligence...

3 years ago
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A Date With Destiny 8211 Part I

Hi guys this is Schmuk, coming with a very recent hot experience to pleasure you again. I am not a big believer in fate, destiny or luck.. I believed those were words made by us to explain good or bad things that happens to us. But after what happened, i became very much a big fan of fate, destiny and luck.. Someday, god just puts things straight into your mouth.. 27th march 2014, was one such day.. I was working in Hyderabad for the last year or so, and given my good salary i was staying alone...

2 years ago
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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

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A Date With Destiny

(note from Author? (note from Author?.. This is my first attempt at writing a story?feedback is welcome. Thank you. )   It began simply enough, a dream, a wish, nothing more than a reoccurring fantasy. That simple beginning has plummeted into a mass of complex feelings and emotions, leaving me in this current situation. I steal a quick glance into my rear- view mirror and I take stalk of the reflection I see staring back at me. Strong, yet feminine features, warm brown eyes...

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A Correct DestinyChapter 10

It was one o'clock on a cold, bright January afternoon when Ken wheeled his Mercedes into the parking lot of the Marshall Medical Plaza of Roseville office complex. Meghan sat next to him, dressed in blue jeans and a fuzzy cashmere sweater. A red scarf was wrapped around her neck and trailing down over the swell of her breasts. Her face was tired and worried, almost as tired and worried as Ken's. Ken had a 1:15 appointment with Dr. Susan Berkenstein, the internal medicine specialist Dr....

4 years ago
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DestinyChapter 9

All seemed to be in order. I gathered Amanda and Charlene and took them to my room. "Charlene has a killer suit that I want you to try," I said to Amanda. "I like to go down looking good and have them panting. You guys will give them a thrill." I wanted Amanda to feel comfortable naked among the girls. I also wanted to see all the body under her suit. "You're expecting me to ... I mean, uhm be one of the girls?" she said. "Let's get naked and take a shower. My bathroom is...

2 years ago
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DestinyChapter 15

When the night of the ball arrived, Dad had arranged for Tyler to drive them. He said that he planned to have drinks and wine with dinner. Since they wouldn't be out late, it wouldn't be much of an inconvenience for Tyler. From his description of it, I think Tyler considered it to be an honor. I decided to ride with them to the hotel and then let Tyler get up and retrieve them when the time came. I helped Mom get dressed in her new gown, elegant with side splits, and glorious cleavage. She...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 19

Two weeks later, I stood in Warner Bros’ studio set one, stage right. Amelia looked up at me, so worried. “I want to go home, Mike.” “You’ll be fine.” “I think I’m going to be sick.” Hugging her slender shoulder, I told her, “It’s normal to feel that way. Everything will change the moment you step out there. Just be yourself. I’ll be here.” Smoky, beautiful eyes studied me, insecure, nervous. “When they see you, they’ll love you. It’s impossible not to.” “ ... so let’s welcome our next...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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Destiny of a housewife

I created a dominant profile in a BDSM site and with my pictures. I didn't get lucky for around 2 years, in the mean time I used to go to BDSM munches and had a couple of one-night stands but haven't had a steady relationship. I had a message in my account in the BDSM site with a heading Sir, and it was a simple message - that she wants to get to know me. I saw her profile she was 42 and married. And her profile said she is a masochist and she is looking for a monogamous relationship. I was...

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Eternal Destiny Chapter Two Final original

____________________________________________________________________________ I'm am sorry to say this my dear fans. This is the final chapter written by captius during his original posting of this series. Please enjoy and remember you can read his new form of this series on Wattpad.com just search for Eternal Awakening or Captius. I will be posting City Guardsman by Ka Hmnd next. Remember if you have suggestions you can PM me or post them in the comments, I will try to find your author and...

2 years ago
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Destiny in Sweetwater Ch 01

The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission Happy reading and remember to vote if you liked it! Chapter 1 Emy looked out of the dusty window of the diner she was sitting in and didn’t even hear the...

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Cassandras Destiny

Well, here’s the deal, I entered this story in a contest, unfortunately for me it wasn’t selected as a finalist. Luckily for you guys you get to read it before the contest begins since the rights have been released back to me now. I ask that you accept it as a slightly rewritten version of the original (which I found much too short for my style of writing) and send your comments and votes to let me know how I’d have done if it had been chosen. For this I give you my heart felt thanks. So, here...

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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse’s cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies. Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

3 years ago
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Destiny Islands Harem

I woke up on the Destiny islands to see seven insanely hot women all wearing bikinis "Hello are you okay, i'm Aqua" Aqua had dark blue hair and pale white skin, almost as pale as my own "I'm Larxene" Larxene had short blonde hair and a very slight tan "Hi my name is Namine and these two are my twin sisters, Kairi and Xion" Kairi and Xion waved at me Namine had long blonde hair she looked absolutely beautiful in her bikini her skin was even more pale than mine Kairi had shoulder length red hair,...

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Your alarm interupts yet another deep and peaceful dream. You frantically search for your phone on your wooden bedside table to switch off the repetitive alarm sound blasting into your ear. You turn it off and sit up in your bed, the sunshine seeping through the curtains, nearly blinding you. You stand up and stretch your muscles, still half asleep. You get ready for your boring office job as you usually would, take a shower, get dressed, breakfast, brush your teeth and out the door for 8am. As...

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Guardian Of Destiny

On a day like any other you are walking out of your home to buy something in a hurry. On the sidewalk is a strange glistening surface floating in the air. Humanity didn't end up where it is now by ignoring things that stimulate its natural curiosity. You do the only sensible thing and touch it to see what it is. To your surprise what you had taken for a surface is a hole! As soon as you put a finger in it you are sucked into it to reappear in the dark immensity of space. A large figure,...

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Nerd learns of his space bound destiny

"You're joking... Please tell me you're joking!""Jacob, I'm sorry," said a mildly sympathetic voice from the opposite end of the phone, the owner of the voice's attention firmly on the last minute touches of her up-do hairstyle. "No, Courtney, you're not. You call me an hour before prom to tell me you're going with your ex instead? You know what? Fuck off!" As Jacob put up a strong front he was broken on the inside.He threw his phone across his bedroom and ran downstairs. In his moment of rage,...

2 years ago
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The Sands of Destiny 2

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. members.home.net/dow75stories The Sands of Destiny, 2) Family Crisis By Ron Dow75 [email protected] [ Note: This story is only ? completed. I have published it in the hope that someone can help me kick-start it again. I know how the technology works, it's the action visuals I'm having trouble...

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Dancing With Destiny

To many I am quite mild mannered and sort of quiet, but my friends on the Internet see a different side of me and this is what inspired this story so I'd like to thank my dear friends for this story. Conrad Lee Dedicated To: Michael one of my friends in the darkness. Dancing With Destiny By Conrad Lee Tara sat quietly at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Martin from work. He was late as usual so she decided to take in a little television while she waited, all she...

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Nisha8217s Tryst With Destiny

Hello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...

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