DestinyChapter 15 free porn video

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When the night of the ball arrived, Dad had arranged for Tyler to drive them. He said that he planned to have drinks and wine with dinner. Since they wouldn't be out late, it wouldn't be much of an inconvenience for Tyler. From his description of it, I think Tyler considered it to be an honor. I decided to ride with them to the hotel and then let Tyler get up and retrieve them when the time came.

I helped Mom get dressed in her new gown, elegant with side splits, and glorious cleavage. She had her hair up with a little tiara to hold it in place. We actually had to put sticky tape along the side of her breasts to hold her dress to the skin. In public, she is a lady. When she was finished, I said, "I don't know when I've ever seen you looking more elegant. I'm sure glad you're over your envy of Charlene."

"Hey, thank you. Anyway, she's gone, so all they'll have to compare me to is her memory."

Dad complimented her new dress and her appearance profusely when we came downstairs and I think she actually blushed. She said, "Thank you. You always look cute and debonair in your Penguin tux. With the chauffeur, I feel like a prom date." She giggled. "No hotel, though, I didn't pack a bag."

Tyler and I both found her quickness funny and laughed out loud. Then, the ham went into his livery accent and said, "Madame and sir, your chariot awaits."

Mom and I sat in the back. I whispered, "Are you nervous or anything?"

"Not really nervous. I haven't had a date in so long I hope I can remember how to act. I'm glad you guys warmed me up with the graduation party just to remind me of the details."

I said, "Well, you know how he is about wanting to be at the ball with the best looking woman. If you're not she, I'd surely like to know who is."

She replied, "That is my goal. I'll be devastated to be second best. I'm glad he's showing me off tonight, because you never know who's going to be there." Then, she whispered, "I think he wants to show me off to get even with a couple of his old cronies who don't know of our difficulties." She pinched my arm. "There might even be some candidates there to help me move on with my life."

That remark gave me an uncomfortable feeling in my belly. I had about all the change in my life that I wanted right now. I knew she had to have a life and Tyler wasn't it, but the uneasiness remained. My God! I could have a step-dad. That realization put me into a funk.

When Tyler and I returned home, we went immediately to bed. I asked, "Did you throw me on the bed to ravish me because you'd been lusting for my mother?"

He said, "She looked so good tonight that I wanted to throw her on the bed. I'm jealous of Daniel."

"Play your cards right and I'll bet that you can get some of that when she comes home. I don't think she's going to sleep with him, so she'll be in here all over you. Going out to parties and dancing makes girls horny."

"If we ever double date with them to something nice, I'll spend the whole evening lusting for both of you."

I climbed on top of him and found what I sought quickly. When I had him completely captured, I said, "I'll just warm you up and get you in the mood, then you can take it all out on her. Be aggressive." We kept it up long enough for me to get satiated before he flooded me. I guess he was looking forward to Mom.

We were asleep when his cell phone rang about one AM with Dad requesting to be picked up. He offered to get a cab, but Tyler wouldn't hear of it. It must have been about two when Tyler climbed back in bed. I asked him, "How did it go?"

"I think they had a nice time because they were laughing about other people most of the way home. He sat in back with her because you weren't there to keep her company." He chuckled, "When I opened the door for her where he couldn't see, I stroked her butt and squeezed it. I hope she joins us."

After a few minutes, Mom came in wearing her ball gown. Tyler jumped out of bed quickly to remove it and let her hang it up. Just as she finished, he took her arm and turned her to face him. He said, "Deirdre, you looked wonderful tonight. I told Destiny that you turned me on so much that I had to come home and take it out on her. What I want is you."

Her reply was just a little throaty, "Thank you, Tyler. Let me get ready for bed and we'll talk about it."

"We aren't going to talk about it. We're going to do it." He pulled one arm behind her back, holding her close to him and started his kissing and nipping routine as he first removed her strapless bra with one hand. He's been practicing. As soon as her breasts fell free, he put his mouth on one of them while pushing her boy panties down with his other hand. He massaged her butt, causing her to start a series of gasps and moans.

She said, "Oh, god. Oh, god, Tyler."

He picked her up and brought her to the bed, laid her on her back, mounted her and began pushing violently inside her within just a few seconds. A few seconds later, she signaled her impending orgasm with more mutters and moans until it hit her, causing a dramatic string of "oh, god, oh, god," with each louder. She threw her arms around him as she drew him in with her legs. He stopped.

She said, "No, don't tease me tonight, just fuck me hard."

He obeyed quickly and I heard her go through three more intense spasms before he made his trademark "ugh, ugh, ugh" sounds announcing his release.

When they stopped breathing so hard, I said, "He's been hot for you all night and I'm glad you got around to it. He would have been impossible to live with."

She sighed contentedly. "That's good to know. As you might guess, it felt pretty good in here, too."

I asked, "You have a good time?"

"Yes. I'll tell you more in the morning. We danced enough to make me tired and I don't want to spoil my glow with talk. If you have to have another session with him, try to be quiet."

Suddenly, it was morning. While we prepared and ate breakfast, she told me how the party exceeded her expectations, both in terms of meeting former friends and acquaintances. I hadn't heard her animated voice like this since we last went shopping where she found some outstanding bargains, including the dress worn last night. After a brief time to recover from our meal, we went to the gym to do our workouts.

As I did my weights, I wondered about Dad. Charlene was gone, Deborah stayed in Asia, and I hadn't enjoyed the pleasure of his company since Mom came home. That meant that he slept alone for the first time in perhaps weeks. I knew well enough that he wouldn't be happy with that arrangement, so after my shower and Mom left to do errands, I went immediately to his room to find him busily working on his computer.

He looked surprised to see me, but then smiled and said, "Good morning."

I sat immediately on his lap, wearing nothing but a flimsy robe. I said teasingly, "I miss my daddy. He doesn't love me anymore."

He kissed me instantly and said, "Don't ever doubt that your daddy loves you."

"If he really loved me, he would spank me for being a bad girl."

Those words barely left my mouth before I felt this stiff object poking my butt. I think the pervert enjoyed this charade as much as I did. He stood up and took me to the bed. He took off my robe and put me over his knee, where he gave me what I deserved — maybe desperately needed. When I finished writhing from the spanking and the ensuing orgasms, I moved to my knees and offered myself.

He hadn't forgotten the next move as I felt him fill me completely and dramatically. He said, "God, Destiny, that's good. I have missed that wonderful little twat."

In my state of arousal, I couldn't find a way to conduct a coherent conversation, so I just moaned and made sounds of approval. The feeling in my pussy and my butt being pounded by his belly magnified the intensity caused by his thrusts and I came repeatedly until he let a loud "Mmmmmm," before unloading inside me. After recovering he withdrew and cleaned us both with some towels he kept nearby.

He put both arms around me pulling my body to his as he kissed me. He chuckled, "Was that some kind of mercy offering?"

I said, "Well, I noticed that you'd been alone since Charlene left and I wondered if you'd remember how to make me feel good, so I examined both our needs and took a chance you'd be available."

"Does your mother know?"

"About today, no. About our relationship in general, yes."

"How is she with that knowledge?"

"I think she's okay. Before you returned from your trip, I wanted her to be a full member of the club. She needed to get laid in the worst way and I urged her. Anyway, I told her that you and I had become intimate and all she said was that you were a damn considerate lover and I shouldn't expect others to be as good."

He paused and then said, "Okay. I don't want to walk around the house thinking that she believes I wronged you."

"After I told her how much effort I put into the effort and how long it took, I know she believes that I did it on purpose and I knew exactly what I was doing."

He squeezed me and said, "Thank you for taking me on. I'm not much on celibacy."

As the days passed in our normal routine, I noticed that Mom and Dad were spending a lot of time together around their respective computers. Sometimes, they would be talking in the den, but I rarely overheard them. So, I asked her.

She said, "Part of the time, it is about my business and how I can get back into the field. Part of the time, it is about his business and whether he really wants to spend any more time in Asia. He already has more money than he knows what to do with, so I don't fully understand his motives. Then, we talk about our favorite daughter and her plans for the future."

"You sound comfortable and cordial."

"Those other people living here and being around made it much easier for us to be friendly without feeling awkward or making demands. When I told him I would move out, he realized that I wasn't here to give him a hard time and I think things have been just fine."

"I can't bear the thought of your moving out. I love you and I need to have you around."

"I know. I love you, too, and I enjoy our escapades together. I couldn't have imagined before. Now it seems normal."

Several days later, I was in the kitchen having coffee and making some plans for calling on leads. Mom came in wearing her flattering workout clothes. We were talking about something and nothing when Dad came into the kitchen. He smiled at me, kissed me softly, and then looked at her. No doubt in my mind about that look; it was pure lust. I know he didn't think I saw him.

He said, "Morning, De De."

She smiled nicely and replied, "Good Morning, Daniel."

I know that people who are close have their own ways of communicating that might not be obvious to others. I also know that she saw that lust in his eyes because her smile seemed almost flirtatious. The tone of her voice was friendly and mellow. Then, it hit me. I had last heard that voice timbre when she talked intimately to Tyler. Dad and Mom spent a lot of time together in friendly conversation during the week after they went to the ball. As I sipped my coffee, she poured a cup for him and put it on the table. He moved around her with his hand on her back and took his seat. I think I was seeing a mating dance just like those on the Discovery Channel.

I finished my coffee, stood up, kissed them both, and said, "I'm going to get dressed. Tyler and I have some calls to make." When I winked at her, she actually blushed, although I think Dad was looking at the paper. I walked upstairs in total amazement. Just like teenagers when the parents are out of the house, they were going to mate as soon as Tyler and I left for work. I just knew it.

As we drove to our first appointment, I said to him, "Well, I'll bet you a quarter that Mom and Dad are going to get physical while we're gone."

He took a deep breath, "That's a lot of money for you. What makes you think so."

I described the little interaction that I witnessed just before we left. I said, "I could almost feel the desire permeating the room. Remember how hot we were for each other when we first dated and I had my period?"

"Do I ever remember. I thought we would never get together. I know how much I wanted you."

"About half as much as I wanted you. I don't think a divorce is imminent." I couldn't wait to get home and hear Mom's version of the seduction. That thought made my panties wet.

We presented our pitch to three prospects, but I'm afraid my mind was on Dad's bed. It didn't seem to matter today because they all wanted the service to begin immediately. We couldn't have kept it from them.

On the way home, I called Mom and left a message on her phone inviting her to lunch. Tyler had been putting off visiting his parents, who seemed increasingly resigned that he was effectively gone. They could still put guilt on him for not visiting. He'd be with us during the summer and then go to the university in the fall.

When I went in the house, Mom was in the kitchen looking beautiful and glowing. I asked, "Where is the lucky guy?"

She smiled broadly and sighed, "Oh, he's gone to play golf. Why don't we stay here to eat. I don't feel like getting dressed to go out."

We chatted about trivia until we sat down to eat our delicious shrimp on top of a large green salad. I smiled and said, "I want to hear the details."

She laughed. "Okay. I have nothing to hide. That night when we went dancing, we fell into a familiar groove dancing all the rumbas, sambas, and slow, romantic ones. I found my head on his shoulder more than once, a position that he seemed to enjoy. I almost kissed his neck, but that was too great a step to take."

"That's why you attacked Tyler when you came home?"

"I needed loving bad. Real bad, and he gave me what I wanted. Well, almost. Daniel did his usual job of making the date a success and saying all the right things, but no propositions.

"The following week, we spent a lot of time talking about our circumstances, his work, and my work. I began to feel close to him again. It was weird, but it seemed like I was supposed to be here. This morning, he caressed my back, touching me for the first time since the dance. It gave me chill bumps, causing me to want him right then right there."

"I'm sorry that I got in the way."

"Funny, but I think your being there made it all easier. We had exchanged glances just like in the old days and I wanted him as soon as you guys left. I had the feeling that he felt it, too."

"I sure felt it. I saw him look at you like some wild animal."

"He came around the table when you left and lifted my face to kiss me. I stood and put my body against him, feasting on the lengthy kiss. He was every bit as good as I remembered. We must have kept our mouths locked for five minutes. I felt his interest rise against my belly and by then, he could probably smell me. So, we walked upstairs to undress each other."

She ate a bite of her lunch. I said, "Hearing about his kissing you and then taking your clothes off makes me kind of horny."

"I felt like I hadn't been laid in years. He feasted on my swollen pussy until my body could take no more. I guess by then he was wanting me pretty bad, so he assumed the position and fucked my brains out, as they say. After we finished, he held me close like he always did and then said, 'I missed you bad, De De.' That's when I cried my eyes out and he kissed the tears away for several minutes."

I cried instantly when she said that. She put her hand on my arm and said, "It was pretty emotional in there for a while. I finally stopped crying long enough to breathe a few times and told him that I missed him, too.

"You know, after that dance and our lovemaking session, if we hadn't shared our feelings, I would have had to go. Being around him for the past weeks made me realize how much I loved him and missed his attention to me. If he wouldn't take me back, I'd have to go start over."

"Did you decide what happens now?"

She laughed. "Oh, yes. I am moving back in to take Charlene's place in my bedroom. I had to tease him about that. He told me he loved me and that he wanted me back today. I told him that I loved him and that I was ready to have my bidet back."

I cried again. Life here improved greatly when she came home and even more so when he returned from his trip. I figured that Deborah was now out of the running. So I teased her, "After you kissed and made up, did you do it again?"

"My nosy daughter might be a little jealous. Yes, we did it again and exchanged lots more words since the urgency had passed." I saw some tears as she sighed. "God, I feel so much better. A great load has been taken from me and passed on to some other unfortunate soul. I feel giddy."

Same as Destiny
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Another Welcome GuestChapter 13

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration,...

2 years ago
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ShopliftingThe mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out...

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Episode 28 Twins at Play

Since Sweet and Tangy-Ami, the beautiful, dark-haired, dark-nippled identical twins married Jason and Derek they rarely slept together as a foursome, but this morning the sunlight pouring through the studio roof-light illuminated a tangle of limbs, stunning breasts and eager mouths.Sweet-Ami woke up to find her s1ster's always-moist cunt just inches from her mouth and couldn't resist sinking her tongue into her juicy folds. Tangy-Ami awoke, her pussy streaming into her twin's mouth: "good...

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Camping DiscoveryChapter 3

As Jim was nearing his breaking point, Debbie pulled Fred's cock from her pussy and dropped to her knees. Stroking the big dick, she licked the head. Fred groaned and his balls twitched as warm cum shot out of his cock into Debbie's waiting mouth. Jim let out a yell as his balls were ready to burst, giving vent to a load of cum into Ann's pussy. The four then collapsed for a few minutes without saying a word. Debbie took Ann into the bathroom and the two women washed up and talked. They...

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Fishing For Fun

I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...

Gay Male
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The Squad Car

I’m a cop in a big city and here is one of my stories, more of it true than false. I was working in uniform on the south side, by myself. I kept busy and certainly loved my job, but after a certain hour it got pretty boring and routine. I was totally bored at home too. The wife and I had grown quite a bit apart, our differing methods of raising the kids being partially responsible for the depth of the divide. I had started surfing the chat rooms and one night encountered a woman who lived in my...

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Principal Price Chapter 3

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

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Lifelong Exhibitionist 20

Continuing on the theme of flashing my girl friends, I used to stay at my friend Chris' house quite often. He had a sister, Chloe about 13 years old and she had a friend Louise and she often slept over on the same nights. I was 15 at this time and always trying to find was where my cock would be seen by Chloe or Louise or both. My friends father was a widower and he was not in the house very often and we had a lot of freedom whilst staying over. I spent a lot of time there to be honest,...

2 years ago
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In College With Allison

Chapter 1 *This is my first story, so please don't be afraid to comment, because I would love your opinions. Everyone in this story is 18+* It was a really hot day. So hot that I wanted and wished that I could pull my t-shirt off and walk half naked to my dorm room. It was my first day of university. I was excited a week ago, but now the heat was just killing me and I wish I could just get to my dorm sooner so I can have a cold shower. I was nearly there with my backpack on my back. Being...

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The Tower of Astrielle

The Tower of Astrielle by Arcie Emm Sir Garmra of Vilimar tried to pull his weapon from the corpse of the gargoyle, the last of many beasts he had slain that day; however, in its death it had returned to its stone form, trapping his sword forever. He sighed, even in defeat, the infernal guardians of the Tower of Astrielle continued to serve their Mistress by weakening the attackers, making every step taken difficult. First it had been William and Duese, neither old or skilled enough,...

4 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors Chapter 2

Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 2 I am pleased that many of you took the time to give me feedback on Chapter 1. All were encouraging and some was good constructive feedback. I already had the draft of Chapter 2 together but I reworked it some after the feedback. Where we left off: Bill Nelson's top research scientist - Tony - pushed the highly secret 3T machines too far in his lustful desires to explore the mind of one of his Iranian sex slaves. Now his...

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Sex Anthology Plus

STORY: DOWNFALL Abigale was the only child of a famous pastor of a large church. She thrived in her fathers religion. She was a goddess in the looks department, with d cup boobs Beautiful Green eyes waist length red hair and an Ass that men would kill to touch. Being Sheltered by her parents she has never gone on a date or even kissed a boy. She has just turned 18 recently and at the bus station ready to travel to the Christian college she would be attending. This is where she comes in to this...

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Wendy52 young cock slut

Hi, my name’s Wendy and I have to tell you I’ve been a bit of a dirty girl. My husband was away, again! I had woken up feeling horny and really a rabbit doesn’t quite “do it” for me. I love feeling a hard cock thrusting into me and being able to grab onto the owner with both hands. So I just got dressed and went to work. I’d spent the day looking at the young men in the office and my pussy was getting wetter. I’m amazed I didn’t have a wet patch from my seat I was so wet. But work isn’t the...

3 years ago
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Owner Chaya Mulisobat First Time

Namskar mitrano aani maitrini…. Me yethil sex stories cha khup motha fan aahe jase tumhi sarv aahat … Tumhi jase stories vachun svatala satisfied karta tasech mi hi hoto… Mazi hi story vachun tumhi hi satisfy hotal ashi hope karto… Internet var pushkal english and hindi stories aahe… Special marathi madhe story lihit aahe… Maze naav aditya ahe..Pune la family sobat rahto… Mi 23 years cha ahe and eka mnc company madhe job la aahe..Hi fantasy story aahe…Hope tumhala avdel. Nuktech mothya bhavache...

1 year ago
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Taking care of a lady

I had know Lynn for a few years now. I met her when she worked at the Target where I shopped a lot. I had gotten use to her cute smile and her auburn hair cut short. I had heard that she was dating a guy but I did not know much more than that really. So when I saw her that evening at the check out line I did not think anything was wrong until she noticed me. Then her face went from the paste on smile for customers to sad. "I need to talk to you real bad Officer Duke" she said. She only called...

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Deputy PorterChapter 158

When I got to the house, and it was becoming a house, first thing I did was ask, "So after we lay the tile how long before we can walk on it." "At least five hours," he said. "How long will it take you to lay it?" I asked. "No more that three hours," he said. "So we want to start about noon with the floor and leave it over night to set up?" I suggested. "Yes Ma'am that would be good," Tomas said. "There is no need to put tile under the built in items so lets work on those...

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It was the year 2032. The world had changed a lot and technologies had reached new heights. Basically everything had become high tec.Zara was a college student. She really wanted to become a mechanical engineer. She had always been fascinated by technologies and the theory behind it. One of her greatest interests was robotics and futuristic machines that had now been introduced all over the world, and always changing.It was Friday! Yay! The last day before the weekend! Zara had arrived at...

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Helping a neighbor on a 4day weekend

I was in the Army, barely 20, and married with a wife 6 months pregnant. We lived off base in Silver Springs Maryland - I was stationed at Walter Reed Amy Medical Center as a hospital orderly. The apartment we lived in was part of a large brownstone that had been converted into a 3-level group of apartments - we lived in the top floor level. The basement apartment was vacant at the time, and the couple living on the main floor had recently moved out. Soon, I saw the new occupant moving in - a...

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Hot encounter with mother in law part 2

Louise and I just looked at each other. She was totally spent, and I was as horny as I was 45 minutes earlier. Then the phone rang. I picked it up and handed it to my mother in law. Her son Mike, a civil engineer, was being sent home early from a road job because of thunderstorms. “Thought I’d come by on my way home. Is there anything you want from the supermarket?”Louise wanted desperately to stall him, as he worked just 15 minutes away. “How about milk?”“You had more than half a gallon in...

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Gender Studies

Gender Studies A story by Kayooger Note: The character of Dr. Neuman and his technology are from Morpheus' "Four Days." PART ONE: PROPOSAL "What makes a man a man? What makes a woman a woman? What defines our sex?" Dr. Miranda Meyer paced the front of her classroom, eyeing the students in her Advanced Theories in Gender Studies seminar. It was a small class, only 10 students, five male, five female. The gender balance had been ensured by Dr. Meyer when winnowing down the...

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Not Your Day

"Happy Mother's Day, dweeb!" That was what Ted heard before he was shoved to the sidewalk. His bag fell open and a pink and white card tumbled out of it. Inside was a simple handwritten note: 'To Mom, love Teddy'. The culprits laughed as their leader smirked. "Aw, what's wrong Teddy? Hurt yourself?" he asked sarcastically. "Why don't you go home and ask your mom to kiss it better?" Ted did his best to blink away tears. "Th-that's not funny, Bill!" Bill's smirk just widened into...

3 years ago
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Vampire LifeChapter 11

I paced around the parking lot, waiting for the line to disappear. Aaron leaned against the wall and I watched his shoulder drop. It was as if he was resting, letting his guard down slightly since there was nothing for him to do at that moment. I watched him for a moment as he slowly chewed on some gum, which for some reason I found very funny. I sucked in another breath and blew it out, then walked up to him. “Hey there.” I said, trying to force a friendly voice. “Hey.” He said in a...

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Quiet longtime Family friend became my FWB

This is a true story. One day, I ended up fucking a woman who was a Sister to me. We lived in the Midwest and we had about 5 families that grew up together. Our parents became friends with the parents of the other families due to work, and living in similar neighborhoods. It started when I was about 8 years old. Each family would have the other 4 over for special occasions like Easter, Christmas, and New Year’s. The Parents would get together downstairs, play cards, drink, and smoke. Us k**s...

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They Are AOK Ch 32

*Authors note: This chapter doesn’t fit into any neat category, it is more story than sex and helps transition to John’s new adventures. Adam and I awoke so early the next morning that the sun was not yet above the horizon. When I suggested a shower and more sex he told me that the sex would have to wait. He wanted me to come to his house in town. I didn’t really see any reason for the change of venue and protested mildly, even though I knew I would give in. While we showered he told me that...

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Milk of Desire Book VI Chapter 1

“Me, and you were amazing last night,” Samantha teased as she stretched her almost nude lingerie clad body across her comfy queen-sized bed. Her small pert round breasts swelled as she arched her back and I made myself look away from her to glance over to Jackie who had just burst in with the news of Sasha's departure, but was in just as much trouble there as well. “Then I call dibs,” the feisty young girl cheered throwing off her oversized sleep shirt to reveal her still only budding...

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Lasst mich mal ueberlegen, wie das alles anfing. Es muss letzten Sommer gewesen sein. Es war Samstag und meine Frau war mit einer Freundin shoppen gegangen. Sonja, die Tochter unserer Nachbarn, war bei uns, um auf unseren Sohn aufzupassen. Ich arbeitet im Garten und die beide waren im Haus. Nach einiger Zeit kam Sonja zu mir nach draussen. Mein Sohn schaute drinnen einen Film und Sonja war das zu langweilig. Aber am besten beschreibe ich Sonja erst einmal. Sonja war 19 Jahre alt und hatte...

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MylfBoss Lauren Phillips Selling Sex 101

Smoking hot MILF Lauren Phillips is the head bitch in charge at her world famous dildo company. Her corporation cranks out the best sex toys in the game, and because her standards are so high, she needs a premium salesman to move the product. Thats where our stud comes in. He shows up looking for a job, but will not take anything that does not impress him. To make sure the guy is on board, Lauren gets down on her knees and slobbers on his veiny shaft. She runs her wet mouth up and down his big...

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Taylors Girlsquad III Tay Karlie

“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...

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Motherrsquos my pimp ndash 2

Hi I’m daisy, I’m 34 prostitute and in first story I told how my mom made me a slut and was my pimp at the age of 17. As time moved on we had a lot of regulars who loved the idea of mother-daughter fun. When I was 19 I had my first couple experience. This guy contacted my mom looking for someone to join him and his wife. My mom worked out a price for them. The guy wanted sex bareback, after my mom agreed but only cum over her body or in her ass. It was arranged for me to their house ( I’ve only...

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Sams HoppingChapter 2

Returning to Everett was not what I thought it would be. I had been gone more than two Vorian years. For Mom and Dad, I had been gone almost three Everett years. It seemed to me that Everett had changed, but it was actually me who had changed. Vora is a very different world than Everett and most of the differences are due to Vora being a Level 2 world, while Everett is a Level 5 world. For Member Worlds, the difference between two consecutive Trade Levels (i.e. Levels 1 through Level 20) was...

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Part 2 June School Holidays

It was soon thursday morning and our parents said goodbye to Amy and I as they set off on their long weekend away, leaving the house to my stepsister and myself. Once they left at 8am my stepsister returned to bed and with it being rather cold I decided to join her. I hopped into her bed and laid next to her as we watch series on tv. My hand soon wondered and landed on her soft firm belly. She glanced over at me and gave me a naughty smirk as she placed her hand on top of mine. We continued...

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An Unintended Seduction pt 1

An Unintended Seduction (Pt 1)This is a story of an accidental and unplanned seduction and of a man’s struggle with his feelings. It is, I hope, a sensitive yet erotic tale of unlooked for passion and irresistible desire aroused when two kindred spirits meet.Meeting Donna.About 70 yards from where I live is a convenience store, very useful for those little things you forget when you do the main supermarket shop or items like milk and the daily newspaper that you need on a regular basis.Bottom...

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