OK, Smile! free porn video

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OK, Smile! Synopsis: Baby Boomers! How sweet that sounds as Ms. Kingly watches the expansion of her pharmacy coming together. Four out of ten men and women are incontinent after fifty and that grows by two every five years. It's a growing business and all Ms. Kingly needs now are the pictures for the ads when that new section opens. Someone cute she muses as Mark walks by. Players: Mark Evans; Tracy Mattes; Helen Kingly; Rose Kingly, Helen's house keeper and mother; Shirley Jones, photographer; "Listen, is it OK if I think on it? I mean I really could use the extra money and all but I'd like to consider it if that's OK?" I said hemming and hawing over Ms. Kingly's question. Pictures of me wearing diapers wasn't exactly what I'd expected when she called me into the office. That wasn't exactly as bad as it sounded, but it was bad enough. Ms. Kingly was asking that in a context to an expanded section of the store and a huge ad insert to follow its completion. Adult diapers for the baby boomers now growing older and becoming slightly incontinent. Diapers, she noted, were becoming a fairly substantial part of the Pharmaceutical business. Ms. Kingly often used us in ads and always paid us what a real model might get if she was to use models. She wanted to keep the money she spent in-house and that wasn't all that bad as a concept, but this. I didn't mind looking like a gardener for the Spring, or a guy barbecuing for the Summer but an adult in diapers? That, I'd decided right off, wasn't something I was willing to do. I'd already decided on not doing it, but asked for the time to think on it so I could come up with a good reason. Something that wouldn't make her mad when I told her no. I don't think she would be mad but why take chances with the woman that signs your checks each week. Damn thing was I could have really used that extra money. I was home almost an hour when the phone rang. "Mark? Hi, it's Tracy!" Tracy said, although I'd recognized her voice. She was sort of my heart throb if I was a foot taller, more athletic and perhaps a bit more masculine. She was my heart throb but she didn't know it and she was admired only from afar. "Hi Tracy, what's up?" I asked wondering how she got my number which I would have given in an instant of her asking, and of course curious over why she was calling. "Ms. Kingly told me that she asked you to do the diaper ads for the guys shots and she worried that you'd say no. She asked me to call you and perhaps change your mind," Tracy said. The fact that Ms. Kingly had told the woman of my dreams I might be willing to wear diapers made me almost curse out loud. The fact that she was trying to use Tracy to make me consider it was unethical to say the least. I calmed myself. "Right? Well, she did ask and she's right about me saying no. I mean she's right about me not wanting to do that. It's just not something I'm willing to do?" I said trying to sound casual enough but deciding not to lie. "Hey, trust me, I understand. There are a whole lot of guys who get hung up on that sort of stuff. Never could understand it frankly, but I do get it." Tracy said pausing. "I'm not hung up on it. It's just not something I want to do!" I said hoping to correct her over that part about me being hung up. Sounding insecure or hung up on something might be mistaken for some other reason for not doing this and that made me nervous. "I know, I know. Don't bother trying to justify it to me. It's really OK. I just promised Ms. Kingly I'd try and talk you into it. Actually Rick did it with me last year and, frankly if he was still here he'd most likely be the one doing it again. Unfortunately he graduated and has since gone off to greener pastures." Tracy said. "Ms. Kingly did diaper ads last year? When?" I asked. The fact that it had already been done made it seem less odd. Not a lot less odd but a little. The fact that a guy had also done it made it also a little better. "She did them, but changed to emergency stuff like flash lights and bandages for the flood season. The ad Rick and I did never went to press." Tracy said. "You?" I asked more than a little surprised. I'd missed that part at first then it struck me. Tracy had posed in diapers. "Me! I would have been the girl in those pictures last year and since I've said yes to this one, I'll be the girl in the ones for this year!" Tracy said and added, "was hoping it would be you with me this time. I'm kind of comfortable around you. But, like I said, I understand." That last bit of conversation put that whole thing into a different light suddenly. Tracy in diapers left me giddy at the images it posed. Me in a diaper sitting next to her or standing or whatever the pose was didn't make it sound any better, but a reason to be near Tracy was a good thing. "Nothing I can say going to change your mind?" Tracy asked over my long pause. That you love me, you can't live without me and you'll do anything to have me! I thought to myself before saying, "man, it's just that it's diapers! You know, like what babies wear! I'd never live it down!" "Not true! First of all it's adult diapers and not baby diapers. Secondly, no one is going to know. Fact is Ms. Kingly is very sensitive about that. No one at work knew it was Rick and I last year since Ms. Kingly let it leak that she'd hired models. "In fact, she's doing the shooting again at her place this time instead of a studio. More privacy and a great get away as far as I'm concerned. She's got a mansion and she's promised us, or rather me and whoever goes with me the royal treatment. There is that and, of course, about six hundred dollars for a couple of days and nights." Tracy said. "She didn't say anything about doing this at her place!" I said. "As I understand it you didn't give her much of a chance or she would have. We'd get dinner Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday and Sunday and the run of her place." Tracy said. "And where did she come up with six hundred dollars? Thought it was four hundred?" I said savoring that extra two hundred and a whole weekend with Tracy. It would be practically a retreat of sorts. "It was four hundred but the photographer suggested a couple of night time shots in some of the bedrooms for more realism. An extra four hours over those two nights at twenty five dollars an hour. Personally I can't pass up that kind of money up. It's about twice what we get for time and a half," Tracy said. "Man! Me too on that money part. I could really use it! Damn!" I said wavering. "Big screen TV in our rooms? A couple of hundred cable channels? Food fit for a king and queen? She's even got a DVD library and I'll bet we could talk her into just about anything for this? Any of this helping my cause?" Tracy asked. "All of it is helping!" I said warming up to the idea and added, "so no one would know?" "Just you, Ms. Kingly, me, the photographer and a house keeper!" Tracy said and added, "and no shots above the waist. All it is are shots of the diapers by different brands. It would be impossible to tell even if it was a guy or not in that kind of picture! Come on, don't leave me stuck with one of those gorillas. At least I know you." "Is it going to be a male photographer or female?" I asked and added nervously, "I'm not sure I can run around in a diaper with a guy watching me." "You know, I'm not sure, but I'll make that a point when I talk with Ms. Kingly." Tracy said. "So when is this going to happen?" I asked finding no reasons left other than saying yes to wearing a bunch of diapers for a weekend. Although I had other designs on my mind. I even imagined a dinner date or movie sometime down the road. You share diapers with a gal and she's yours I thought making me smile. "Near as I can tell it's the weekend after next. They want the ads ready to run when that new section is finished so they need pictures no later than a couple of weeks. At least that's how I've estimated it. Ms. Kingly only mentioned it casually so I'm guessing it's still in the air. I'm sure we'll know tomorrow if you say yes. You are going to say yes I hope?" Tracy asked. "OK, yes!" I said seeing far more upside than downside. "Great. I'll call her back right now. Don't leave me out to dry on this OK? Get it? Out to dry? OK, never mind, bad joke. Anyway, promise you'll go in tomorrow and say yes! You've got to sign the photo release anyway." Tracy said. "I promise. I won't 'leave you out to dry'. Besides, I wouldn't do that to you!" I said hoping she caught the meaning in that last statement. "Great! Thanks a million. OK then, let me call her right now and you can go back to what you were doing! Oh, before I forget, let me give you my home phone and cell numbers just so you have them." Tracy said. A moment later I actually had Tracy's home phone and cell phone numbers. That was the easiest phone number I'd ever gotten. I ignored what that was going to cost me. Meanwhile, as my microwave popcorn grew before my eyes, Tracy dialed Helen Kingly's home phone. Helen's housekeeper announced who it was before Helen laid her book down. "Hi Helen! OK, he's all yours!" Tracy said and then remembering what Mark had hinted at with the photographer added, "listen, he's also going to be a little hung up on a male photographer so I'd suggest getting a female." "When?" Helen asked excitedly. "I said roughly week after next. I sort of ran a quick schedule for when pictures would be needed and that sounded reasonable. Is that enough time for you?" Tracy asked. "More than enough. I've got most of it already. Not really much to do but find a photographer again. Tracy, you did good!" Helen said happily before she hung up with an affectionate good-bye. Tracy, after setting her phone down, smiled. Tracy knew about Helen's odd taste because Helen occasionally liked women as well. Of course Tracy had always liked women. Tracy had also done good with Rick last year when she did the same to him or as she liked to think of it 'for' him. Unfortunately, Rick had run off when school ended and with him went Helen's adult baby. This time though Helen would have a freshman instead of senior running around her house in his diapers. A freshmen with three and a half more years of collage ahead of him. A very cute freshman that would look as wonderful in something frilly as any girl after a few minor changes. Helen, meanwhile, shuddered a little as she stood and said to her housekeeper, "Rose! We're having another baby! Let's make sure the nursery is ready!" Rose smiled at Helen's smile and started working on a mental list of things she had to do with this new news. There wasn't much she decided, except freshen the nursery up a bit. She'd do that in the morning and take an inventory of what was missing for just in case. Mark, after arriving at work and giving his yes to Ms. Kingly, spent the better part of his work day thinking of the weekend that lay ahead of him. He also avoided the adult incontinent section as much as he could while stacking shelves and that only because it made him think of what he'd be wearing. Mark saw Tracy a couple of times and she waved back when he waved. Mark also spent some of his time imagining Tracy running around in those diapers. That, he decided would be a real big turn-on. Mark dreamt of him and Tracy in diapers, plastic pants and baby tops playing in a nursery together. He wasn't sure, when he woke, if it was a good dream or bad dream. He had that dream and a couple of others as the days ticked by. "Mr. Mark Evans?" Rose asked when she answered the door. "Yes ma'am!" Mark said still amazed over the size of the house he was looking at. He was amazed when the driver picked him up and thought he was in Hollywood when he realized that the last road wasn't a road at all but a driveway. "They are in the Sun Room!" Rose said taking Mark's overnight bag and summer weight jacket. It was spring or the beginning of it and while days were comfortable, mornings and nights still chilled a little. "This way!" Rose said. "Mark! So glad you are here! Mark, this is Shirley. Shirley Jones. Shirley, this is one of my better and bravest employees," Helen said. Shirley extended her hand, Mark took it and smiled. He was looking at the room. It was twenty feet wide and perhaps fifteen feet deep and at least a story and a half high. It was all glass. Comfortably warm with lots of flowers, plants ornate white wrought iron furniture and, to Mark's shock and off in the corner... diapers. Mark didn't see Tracy. Although he wasn't sure about asking and when he decided to Helen started talking again. "Mark, we're going to shoot the least expensive disposables first, then move up to the more expensive brands, then the heavier styles for night. We can break then and do the cloth after that. There are only three styles of cloth diapers and when we do the plastic panties... Sorry, I meant diaper covers, we can just use the last diaper style you'll be wearing," Helen said. Mark's head was swimming. Diapers? Cloth diapers? Plastic pants? Tracy never said a word about cloth diapers or plastic pants? Baby pants? Not a hint of those either by Helen or Tracy. And where the hell was Tracy? "Mark?" Helen said softly. "Oh, sorry. I was just admiring your Sun Room," Mark said and added, "it's so open!" "My most favorite room! Anyway, we can do the accessories and specialty clothing tomorrow. That way, if we need any new pictures from today or if we've forgotten something we can do those as well," Helen said. Mark was in a daze over that part about cloth diapers and plastic pants. He worried that Tracy wasn't here and what did she mean by 'accessories' and 'specialty clothing'? Mark had to ask and did. "Accessories? Accessories like water proof changing pads and sleep pads. I want to get some shots of you in your diapers on top of those, then in a limited line of 'incontinent clothing'. Adult size bibs, a new onesie for adults that holds the diapers up even when wet, smocks and... let's see? Have I forgotten anything?" Helen said using her fingers to count off the items she mentioned. "I don't think so?" Shirley said looking at a list that she picked up. She was by her camera and was making adjustments to that and an aluminum umbrella. "Am I early? I mean I don't see Tracy yet?" Mark said hoping it sounded casual. "Tracy's not coming and that's a problem I haven't worked out yet. She's got the flu of all things. Went home early yesterday, but she thought she could fight it. Didn't call me till late last night. Of all the times for her to get sick?" Helen said in frustration. "Not coming?" Mark said in a panic. This whole thing was because she'd be here. The money, notwithstanding, wasn't nearly as important as being with or near Tracy. "Afraid not. Look, if we have to we can just shoot the stuff that's not too gender specific." Helen said. "Not too?" Mark asked as his adrenaline began pumping through his system. "Mark... Listen... I know this is going to sound odd, but there are some things meant for women but in a picture it's not going to be obvious it's a woman wearing them. I was hoping that perhaps, for a bit more money obviously, you could model those." Helen said trying to sound as nonchalant as she could. She was far from being nonchalant at the moment. What she wanted to do was march Mark right up to the nursery and diaper him that instant. Of course if she did so the boy would faint dead away. As it was she was on the verge as she spoke. "Gosh Ms. Kingly I'm not sure I can do that?" Mark said cringing at the prospect of what would happen if he said no. "Of course you can! Mark, honey... It's not like a dress or something. I'm talking about those onesies for example. They are identical or nearly so with the only real difference being color. Same with the bibs. Look, tell you what! If you can do those I'll pay you what Tracy was going to get. That's double what you were going to get. Deal?" Helen said but using a voice suggesting he deal. "I guess?" Mark said with a great deal of anguish. Different colors hell. She was talking about the difference between powder blue and pastel pink. That's a really big difference and he'd just said yes. Dummy! Mark thought to himself but smiled at Helen's smile. "Hey you two, we're losing my setup lighting if we don't start," Shirley said. "Oh! Right! Sorry about that Shirley. Mark, want to step over there?" Helen said as she moved off towards the different bags of diapers. There was a folding room divider and behind it a sort of folding hospital gurney. Helen went behind the partition with Mark and added, "Rentals. Why don't you go ahead and undress and I'll get the first diaper." Mark hadn't thought about who, if anyone, would be diapering him. In fact he assumed he'd be doing it himself. He was hoping he'd be doing it himself but as Helen had said that she was snapping her hands into a pair of latex gloves. "I... I... I was expecting.... I mean I was expecting that I'd be doing this?" Mark said as he tugged his tee-shirt off. "Really? OK, something you don't know about me and now is as good a time as any... I was, make that 'am' a registered nurse. Worked my way through collage as one. Do you have any idea how many men I've diapered in my life?" Helen said. It wasn't a casual boast. In fact, most of her male patients, back in those days, were diapered. At least when she was in charge of the wards. So too a lot of collage students as well since she liked the younger men for this sort of thing. The younger and cuter the better as long as they were adults. "Oh!" Mark said lamely. This wasn't going at all as he had thought it would. Diapers, real diapers, plastic pants, baby clothes, possible... No make that girl baby clothes and now his boss was getting herself ready to diaper him. What had he gotten himself into? "Your pants as well?" Helen said coming back behind the partition. She was holding a folded disposable diaper in her hand. "Right!" Mark said with a voice that had climbed a little. What he wanted to do was grab his clothes and run until he was back inside of his room at the dorm and with the doors locked. He could find another job. Instead, he dropped his pants and a second later his shorts. "Go ahead and climb up. Hey Shirley, we're almost there!" Helen said to Mark but called out that last with her head turned towards where Shirley was. "I'm all set!" Shirley said. "Lift your bottom!" Helen said as she unfolded the diaper. Mark did and heard the crinkle of that disposable as Helen slid the diaper under him. "OK!" Helen said a second or two later. Mark lowered himself back down. It was like trying to sit on newspapers as he heard the crinkling sound when the diaper conformed to his bottom. "Legs wide big guy!" Helen said tugging the sides at the small of his back. Mark looked straight up at the glass overhead. He was flushed crimson as he felt the diaper come up between his legs. It got worse as the diaper touched him. "Hey, don't fret that. Happens naturally. Doesn't mean you like getting put into a diaper." Helen said watching Mark's erection get slightly worse... or better depending on ones point of view. Helen fought the urge to play. She was glad she'd padded herself before this. If it got any worse she'd need a diaper herself she mused. She fought for control as she moved the diaper over Mark then carefully, just for a second, slipped it sideways a little. 'There you go sweetheart, now doesn't your cute little diaper feel wonderful?' Helen said to herself. "There we go!" Helen said as she fought to keep her blood pressure down. "Great!" Mark said thankful that the diaper was at least thick enough to hide his excitement. The fact that he was excited left him glowing from his cheeks. He was still blushing when he came out from behind the partition. No shoes, socks or tee-shirt. Just that diaper and the damn thing was way too loud as he walked. Too loud, too thick and there was this lady waiting to shoot his picture in front and his boss watching him in back. Mark wanted to shrink into nothingness. "Right there in front of the backdrop Mark!" Shirley said. Mark nodded and moved towards the backdrop that hung from a portable stand. "OK, I want you to plant your feet flat and just slightly apart then twist slightly to the left as if you are looking off in that direction." Shirley said as Mark reached the front of the painted fabric. Mark did as he was told and then put his hands on his hips as Shirley asked. "Great! Hold that! OK, smile!" Shirley said. "Smile? I thought this was just pictures of the diapers?" Mark asked. "Figure of speech. Just means hold that pose till I shoot." Shirley said and then added, "ready and smile." Mark smiled. He didn't want to smile. He felt like a giant baby idiot. This was the last time he'd ever do this! He decided. "OK, twist left!" Shirley said and added after Mark twisted, "OK, smile!" It went on like that for at least fifteen minutes. She took pictures of him facing the partition, a few standing sideways and a couple with his arms in different positions. Even Shirley, who wasn't into such things, thought this guy looked very cute in a diaper. Shirley, as it happens, took pictures of children, but, she mused, she could do this happily. "I think I've got enough for this brand!" Shirley said to Helen who had been sitting at one of the wrought iron tables sipping tea. Watching Mark posing had left her wobbly through most of it. Worse and best part of this, Helen mused, as she savored her little baby. What made it so wonderful was that this was only his first diaper. There were twelve more brands to go not counting the ones for women. You can only be mad for so long. Mark found himself not nearly as mad as he was by the end of that first set of pictures. It didn't appear that the three women, counting Rose, really cared that he was wearing a diaper. That lack of attention helped a little. It took some of the embarrassment away. It was still embarrassing, but not nearly as bad as it had been in the beginning. It was also difficult for Mark to ignore those moments when Helen diapered him. He didn't like it. He didn't like getting diapered and he didn't like diapers. Only that wasn't exactly true. He had liked getting diapered and, when he allowed his thoughts to drift, he sort of liked that diaper. He couldn't explain why even if he'd tried, but those damn thoughts kept creeping back. "I'll be ready for the next shots as soon as I change the film pack!" Shirley said as she pulled the back off of the camera. "OK." Mark said. "You OK Mark?" Helen asked. "Sure." Mark said walking over with that ever present crinkle to his steps. The diaper had worked itself around him and that was kind of nice he thought, then ignored the thought. Helen had another diaper in her hand. "I don't see much difference in the one I'm wearing and that one?" Mark said as Helen brought the diaper to the table. "More tapes, three to a side, and this one has a bit of elastic around the legs and waist for comfort. Hugs you for a better fit." Helen said opening the diaper before laying it on the table. Although she placed it off to the side. "Oh!" Mark said wondering if he should take the one he was wearing off himself and be naked for that next one or climb up with it still on and let Helen do it. Helen stood there patiently waiting for the same thing. She knew, instinctively that Mark would let her remove his diaper. "Here, I'll help you with that!" Helen said patting the table top after those few seconds. Mark, almost relieved that the decision was made climbed up on the table. Another voice inside, this one lacking reason and with more emotion was thrilled. He fought that voice only because he was instantly excited again and cursed himself for allowing that to happen. "Look, you are going to be in these things for a couple of more hours so, for that reason, I'm going to suggest a little baby powder to help with the moisture. It will be a little more comfortable for you. OK?" Helen said as she untapped the diaper Mark was wearing. "If you think that's best?" Mark said sheepishly. He'd wondered what it would be like getting powdered and hated the thought of it a little. He knew he was lying to himself. "It doesn't take much for a rash to form and the last thing I need for you do is call in sick Monday with a diaper rash." Helen said with a soft but slightly sarcastic laugh. "Wouldn't dare! You'd make me go get a doctor's excuse and how would I explain a diaper rash to my doctor?" Mark said laughing himself. Helen joined in again with a more robust laugh and removed the diaper Mark was wearing. "This is really embarrassing!" Mark said over his reaction but feeling comfortable enough with Helen now to say so. "Don't be silly! It's a purely physical response to a stimulus. If you didn't react I'd wonder why!" Helen said wishing she and Mark were in her room at the moment. She had a number of ways of introducing that 'stimulus'. "Still!" Mark said lifting his bottom for the next diaper. This one, more shaped as well, cupped him softly only increasing his excitement because of that. Helen only compounded it when she twisted the baby powder open and began covering him in the white aromatic powder. It was intoxicating and Mark savored both the smell and feel of Helen's hand. Mark was suddenly glad that Tracy wasn't there as Helen brought the thick diaper between his legs and tapped it closed. 'There you go precious, nice and clean,' Helen mused to herself as she used both hands to smooth the sides, those three tapes and, just for a second the front. Mark fought back the moan that wanted to escape. "Hey you two! We've got a lot of pictures to take." Shirley hollered. Mark was more relaxed, a bit more animated this time as Helen watched him walk off towards the backdrop. His large padded bottom moving back and forth made her giddy and even Shirley saw the changes in him. She'd give him more time in his new diaper for this series. Brand number two took twenty five minutes. Brand three, four and five were similar. Although, with those, it was the changes that Helen wanted more than the pictures. Brands six, seven and eight brought them up to the thicker night time diapers and a chance to break for lunch. Brand eight was the thickest for day use and had a wide soft gathered elastic around the legs and waist. This one felt wonderful to Mark. It was also the nosiest as well which somehow began adding to the attraction he was feeling. The baby powder was helping and a constant smell now. Suddenly Mark was beginning to wonder about how the cloth felt. "Look, we're a little behind schedule but I'm getting hungry. Can we hold on this shoot and have a bite to eat?" Helen asked. "Sure!" Shirley said. "I'm a little hungry myself," Mark said. "Great! Rose, we'll take lunch out here!" Helen said to the woman that had been in and out all morning with tea and snacks. She nodded and walked off. "Come back over here Mark and I'll give you a robe. Can't take the thought of you running around in just your diaper. Too hard on my libido," Helen said making it sound like a joke but giving him a hint of how she felt. Mark didn't realize he'd be wearing the diaper through lunch. Although, in a way it made some sense. Truth was it didn't bother him that he was going to wear it a bit longer. He really favored this brand over the rest so far. The robe was a thin summer weight cotton in a soft pastel yellow that tied with a narrow sash. It fell about mid thigh as Mark moved to the wrought iron table. It wasn't exactly a girl's robe but Mark wouldn't have owned it. It also didn't do anything to hide the diaper Mark wore after he sat. Rose noted that very thing when she brought out a tray of cold cuts and one of cheese. She smiled, it would be nice having a baby running around the house again. Silver trays with meats and cheeses half of which Mark had never seen as Rose left into the house. A picture of lemonade and water followed, with another try of crackers and breads. The last tray she brought held small rich looking little cakes that made Mark smile. The diaper he sat on made him think a lot of it as he moved just slightly hoping not to be noticed. Rose noticed as did Shirley although neither paid any attention to it. Both already knew that Mark was being impacted by what he wore. Lunch meanwhile was excellent and filing. Helen, also still eating, was beside herself at the moment deciding to switch from the night time disposables to the cloth for the next photo shoot. She had an idea as she said, "Mark, Shirley, we're running a bit behind so I thought we change the schedule a bit. I'd like to end this around three so let's focus on just the first cloth diaper and a couple of the plastic... I mean diaper covers. Is that OK?" Shirley was actually there at the bidding of Helen and agreed instantly, "no problem." Mark as well didn't have a problem with trying out those cloth diapers and plastic pants. He almost smiled at Helen's attempt to keep reminding herself that those panties were diaper covers and not plastic or baby panties. Mark had already stopped trying to think of them that way. "OK with me as well," Mark said. "There is one other thing and I wasn't going to worry about it, but it will keep you on the clock money wise. That is if you are willing to do it?" Helen said looking at Mark. "What's that?" Mark asked. "The manufacturer of this next diaper, the cloth one, has asked their distributors to consider them from a customer's perspective. They've sent a marketing survey and I was going to supplement the ad with some sort of request offering customers a discount for their participation. Only I'm thinking it might be better if that was you, Mark? That is I think it would be better if you were providing that information." Helen said. "How's that?" Mark asked not sure what she meant. "After the shooting and before Shirley returns for the night diaper shots, I was hoping you'd stay in that particular set for a bit and consider them as you do so. Mostly from the perspective of comfort. I'll keep you on the clock for your normal wage if you do that. This way I sort of get two uses with the same diaper." Helen said. "How long would you want that to last?" Mark asked secretly happy if not just a little bit thrilled. "If we quit at three and pick this back up at say seven, which gives us time for dinner, I'm sure that would be enough time. We can shoot the night time diapers then. I'd need a couple of paragraphs from you and you can relax in one of the guest rooms. Is that OK?" Helen said. "Sure! I mean that's OK if you need it. I don't mind, and that extra money is a nice addition, thanks." Mark said. "You're welcome." Helen said almost fainting. This was going better than expected. She might even talk him into an overnight evaluation as well. It would depend on how he reacted to the cloth and her support. She quickly thought about which diaper to use and, more importantly, which pair of baby pants. She decided on the soft pastel yellow print. Shirley was changing the film as Mark moved back to the changing table. When he arrived he'd had two cups of tea, a few sips of water since then and for lunch nearly eight ounces of lemonade. That lemonade was just starting to join with the other liquids. "I'm going to need a bathroom?" Mark said with a touch of embarrassment. The fact that he was wearing a diaper hadn't escaped him and the urge to use it had grown almost overwhelming. "Excellent?" Helen said. "What?" Mark asked. "Just a second Mark. Shirley, can we get a few shots of the moisture line changing color on this diaper?" Helen asked. "Sure? Why?" Shirley asked. "Mark needs the restroom and I was just thinking how much better it would be if we actually shoot a wet diaper already on him before we switch. Those strips change color when they are wet. Is that OK?" Helen asked. "Of course!" Shirley said. "Mark, do you mind?" Helen asked keeping her fingers crossed. "You want me to wet into this diaper?" Mark asked not sure how to react. Of course that was his first thought when the urge came on, but doing so made him flush red at the thought. "I wasn't until you mentioned it. Fact is I was going to simply use one and pour water into it so the moisture strips change color and I can still do that if this is going to bother you. I was just thinking it would make a better picture with the diaper on someone." Helen noted. "Oh? Well, I guess I can." Mark said sheepishly and added for the sake of his ego, "if that's what you want?" "That would be great. Shirley, can you do that?" Helen asked looking at her photographer. "Of course. I'll set this one up for a close up." Shirley said as she began making adjustments to the camera. Mark was in front of the backdrop and amazed at how difficult it was wetting. He had to go but the act of wetting into something kept him from doing so. Shirley waited as did Helen. This was another little milestone she was hoping for. Mark's face said it all as it softened. Shirley began snapping pictures and Helen beamed as her little baby wet into his diaper. Mark couldn't believe he was doing this as the warm liquid spread from the front to between his legs then just slightly around him. The camera was clicking away but had stopped long before Mark did. He was relived as the urge passed. He was amazed at what he'd just done. He couldn't wait for the cloth diaper and plastic pants. He stood there suddenly embarrassed beyond belief over his wet diaper. Shirley, thankfully didn't seem to notice and Helen was behind the partition. He moved in that direction feeling the diaper conform differently as he did so. He saw the cloth diaper then. The diaper was very thick. Soft looking and shaped like an hour glass. Helen had it still folded and was holding several pairs of baby pants. Two pairs were definitely for girls simply because one was pinkish and another in a lavender color. Helen chose the soft pastel yellow pair as planned. There were small baby bunnies in pastels. "Here we go again!" Helen said as she patted the changing table. Mark was up on that table again in an instant. He'd been on that table almost a dozen times getting changed only this time he was 'really' getting changed. The thought of that made his head swim as he spared his legs. He was almost faint when Helen brought over a plastic box of baby wipes. Soft with aloe and lanolin the label read and below that it noted: "Won't harm your baby's skin!" He reacted just at reading that as Helen peeled the seal on top that tugged one up into the ready position. She undid his tapes and bundled the sodden diaper into a ball before Mark lifted himself so she could pull it free of him. A moment after that she tugged the baby wipe free and Mark closed his eyes. "Going to be a little cool!" Helen said as the moist baby wipe touched him. Mark nodded and felt himself react to the wipe as Helen pressed it against him. He imagined himself in a crib suddenly with a pacifier in his mouth or a baby's bottle. Those images were not nearly as scary as exciting now. It felt so oddly exciting. He couldn't help himself. 'You like that, don't you baby? Yes you do! You like mommy changing you, don't you precious?' Helen thought to herself as she spent as much time as she could with the second wipe. Mark's face couldn't hide what he was feeling, although even if it did his reaction was obvious. "Lift your bottom for me!" Helen said softly as she put the second wipe she used with the diaper she'd rolled into a ball. Mark did and the soft cotton diaper went under him. The baby powder followed and Mark began wondering how he could make this last. He wanted to make it last forever and this time he didn't ignore the feelings. His eyes were dreamy as Helen spread baby powder over him. She took longer than she had any time before this and she was guessing she could take as long as she wanted. She also played with the diaper more. Helen tugged gently, moved it side to side, then laid it gently over his young man stretching it just a little so the soft cotton teased. Mark almost couldn't stand it. It was getting worse with each diaper but this.... This was blowing him away. It felt like a baby's blanket between his legs. He was amazed at how soft cotton could feel and how wonderfully it formed around him. Helen smoothed the sides against his skin bringing the back layer over the front before adding Mark's first diaper pin. It was the best diaper she could find. Eleven layers of cotton hemmed with a soft stitch and formed nearly perfectly around him. Since he was going to be in this particular style for nearly the rest of the night she wanted him comfortably aware of his fate. She closed the second side slowly tugging the flaps together before pinning it closed. Her little baby was off in baby land and of that she was certain if the eyes were mirrors of the mind. When Mark lifted his legs for the baby pants it was all he could do to hide what he was doing. It came upon him the instant his legs moved up causing the diaper to ease a little and thus move, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. He flushed beet red. Helen, noting what had happened, was happening, turned quickly as she said, "Give me a minute, I need to check something." Mark was alone and thankful for that as he moved his hand over his diaper. He was almost beyond speaking as he brought himself to the end of his orgasm. He was almost back to normal if you didn't count his eyes as Helen returned. There was no doubt about Mark now, Helen mused, as she gathered his baby pants to slip them over his feet. There was no doubt left in Mark's mind either. He had never done that and amazed that he had. He was also very sensitive as he lifted his feet for his baby pants. Helen, realizing that Mark's brain was awash with endorphins decided to take a chance with his mood. "Listen, I know you're not very keen on the girl stuff, and frankly I don't blame you, but I was thinking that if we swap these baby pants for the pink and then add the onesie for its shot we can get most of what Tracy would have done out of the way." Helen said. Mark, not thinking of anything else but those incredible few moments nodded. It would mean he'd be in pink baby pants and a pink onesie till Shirley returned at seven. It also meant he'd be in his diaper from now until then. "I can handle that!" Mark said not giving it another thought. His voice strained but his face soft. "Excellent!" Helen said lifting the pastel pink baby pants. She paused only for a second before adding, "might just as well change these diaper pins. Those white tips will blend too much with the white diaper." "Oh! OK." Mark said hoping she wasn't going to actually remove the diaper. Last thing he wanted was for Helen to discover what he had done. The thought of those pink baby pants with their cute little pastel baby animals covering them made him giddy. It got better as Helen gathered them in her hand. "Hate to say this, and I know guys don't like hearing such things, but I've got to tell you Mark that you look adorable laying there in that diaper." Helen said taking another chance to push him a little further. "What? Oh!" Was all Mark could get out over that. He was pondering his new baby pants and those diaper pins with the pink bears at the tip that Helen was using to pin his diaper closed. His face flushed at the complement that he should have challenged but didn't. He felt 'cute'. It was what Helen had hoped for as she added the second pink diaper pin. He was hooked as much as she hoped and amazed that it had gone as quickly as it had. It was two thirty and he'd been in diapers since just a bit after nine. Not quite six hours and he was in cloth and about to be put into pink baby pants. Shirley was also amazed as Mark came from around the partition. He was in pink! Now that was really something and even Shirley began thinking she could have fun with a young man that looked like that. She also knew Helen wanted a lot of pictures and as much time for Mark to appreciate his condition. She would do that for both their sakes. "Helen, do you have something I can put on the floor?" Shirley asked. "Sure!" Helen said as she moved to where everything was stacked. She grabbed the pink baby blanket and brought it over. Mark blushed but stood aside so Helen could lay it flat in front of the backdrop. Shirley, meanwhile, had gone over to a large bag and was returning with a pastel colored backdrop that she added to the first. Mark watched till Helen left the scene and then Shirley as she moved back to her camera as she said, "Mark, why don't we get the floor shots first. I want you to lay flat on you stomach with your legs towards me and bend both up with your right bent slightly more than you left." Mark got down on the baby blanket and adjusted his legs a little as Shirley directed and smiled happily as the firmness of the floor pressed against his diaper and baby pants. He was in pink on a pink baby blanket. The only thing missing was something to nurse as he laid there and smiled over that as well. "OK, smile!" Shirley said as the camera began clicking. It was more than Helen could stand in those minutes and Mark, as it happened, wasn't the only one that slipped slowly into a blissful state of euphoria. Helen shuddered as her own orgasm passed in waves over her. Shirley meanwhile had reached the end of the film in this series. "OK, I think I've got enough. Some really great shots even if I do say so myself," Shirley noted as she lifted the clip board to note the film number and content. Mark stood up from the floor and Helen stood from her chair, both looking slightly flustered at the moment. Enough for Shirley to notice and smile over. "Great! OK then, Mark why don't we get you into that onesie so you can relax a bit and Shirley, if you don't mind, this would be a great time to take a break." Helen said. Mark almost skipped to the changing table and Shirley picked up her film case after planting the last small canister into it. "I'll get proofs made so you guys can see what I've shot so far. We're going to pick this back up at seven, right?" Shirley asked. "Seven it is." Helen said shaking the pink onesie open. It looked identical to the white and powder blue onesie with one small difference. The difference was that this one was lined in nylon. A small difference that Helen hoped would have a big impact on Mark's psyche. They didn't come that way but that seamstress was very good. The lining was in pink. Of course if Helen could read minds she'd of known that Mark's psyche was already being impacted. Of course Helen didn't actually need to read minds as Mark came over to settle on the changing table. No hesitation this time. No frowns and his diaper and plastic panties didn't hide his thoughts on such things. "I'll see you guys at seven!" Shirley said hefting the large bag onto her shoulder along with her purse. Mark nodded as he watched the onesie in Helen's hands. Helen nodded as well and Shirley was gone without either of them noticing. The onesie was styled like a baby's tee-shirt and went over Mark's head and in an instant. Mark felt the nylon against his skin. His reaction was instantaneous as well before Helen had him lay back so she could tug it snug and snap the bottom closed. Five snaps closed it before Helen stood back. "There we go. I've had Rose put a note pad and pencil in the guest room for you. Dinner is at five so we've got a couple of hours before then. You are more than welcome to take a nap as I plan on doing." Helen said almost rubbing the front of Mark. She resisted that and a warm motherly hug. Mark nodded and was about to stand again when Helen held a hand up before noting, "Something for your feet! Hope you don't mind but these were intended for Tracy." The pixie style slippers were color matched to Mark's onesie in a soft quilt that was definitely for a girl but by this time Mark wasn't paying much attention. The soft silky nylon lining was having its way with him and he simply shrugged. "I'm wearing pink baby pants, a pink style onesie so it hardly matters what I've got on my feet!" Mark said trying to sound sarcastic but failing. Helen nodded as she helped him into them noting that he'd feel differently when it was a cute pair of Mary Jane shoes. Although she was almost certain that by the time he wore those it really wouldn't matter. "Rose, would you show Mark to the West guest room?" Helen asked. Rose always seemed to be there when she was needed, Mark noticed. Rose also didn't say much Mark also noticed as he stood. It was in standing that Mark was caught off guard as the nylon moved over his chest as it stretched slightly. It was snug, not tight and clearly it was designed to do just what is was doing as he felt the diaper being gently lifted between his legs. That, Mark decided, was a good thing. Helen watched Mark walk off with Rose and swooned like a school girl at the image moving off. Mark was heavily padded giving his bottom a decidedly babyish look and that onesie very definitely a little girl baby. She was thinking of the dresses and which of those she favored that would look cute on him, deciding that all of them would. The room was ornate, comfortable looking and on his nightstand was a pad and pencil. Rose has also left a small picture of lemonade and a glass sitting on a silver tray. She excused herself noting that dinner would be at five. Mark thanked her and waited for the door to close before moving to the mirror. Mark ran his hands from his chest to his bottom in a slow exploratory way. Helen watched from her office. They fall so fast, she mused, and this young man had tumbled the fastest of all. She also did another inventory of things she'd need to change him. He hadn't asked about that but it was two hours till dinner. Helen switched off the television but not the feed from the Nanny Cam. Mark wrote key words on the pad of paper: 'Soft, comfortable'. He spent another ten minutes explaining why he liked the contoured shape and the wide elastic on the 'diaper cover'. He didn't write down baby pants but that's what he was thinking. The urge, at first, was mild. Mark wasn't sure what to do as he laid there on the bed. It would be embarrassing to summon Rose or Helen but he was going to given that only a half hour had passed. "Rose!" Mark said to the small speaker on the wall next to the light switch. "Yes sir?" Rose said cordially. "Is Helen available?" Mark asked. "I believe so, shall I check for you?" Rose asked. "Ah, yes. Yes please." Mark said after pausing. Moments passed and Mark found himself wetting again. "Mark?" Helen said after a single knock. Mark opened the door feeling flush with what he had done. "I forgot to go to the bathroom and..." Mark started to say before realizing Helen's hands were full. "I just realized it myself when Rose called me. That was my fault. I should have said something but it didn't dawn on me until now. No big deal, I can change you in here." Helen said moving past Mark before he could say anything else. Mark was thrilled as he watched Helen lay the changing pad on his bed. His fresh diaper and a second pair of baby pants were laying with the baby wipes and powder. Mark sheepishly moved to the changing pad when Helen was ready. It seemed to Mark Helen was moving in slow motion as she undid each snap of his onesie before Mark lifted a little. Helen allowed it to gather past his diaper and plastic pants then he watched as Helen undid both diaper pins after moving his baby pants down slightly. Mark's wet diaper and baby pants were tugged gently down his legs together leaving the diaper in the plastic panties as a bundle. Helen used three baby wipes to clean him this time. One more than last time. That too was a good thing Mark mused as he ignored his reaction this time. It was the baby powder that Helen used after slipping the diaper under him that made him close his eyes. A great deal of baby powder and a lot of effort on Helen's part to rub it everywhere. Everywhere and slowly as her own eyes glazed. Mark had already slipped past caring and if he'd had a choice she could have stayed there forever. Helen was sitting at the beds side a moment later and carefully bent at the waist to meet Mark who watched in rapt fascination as she did so. He knew what was coming but didn't fight it. He couldn't as Helen's lips touched his in a very gentle way. Mark felt almost helpless or wanted to be as he kissed back. Helen's left hand took the rest of Mark's will away. Helen wasn't wearing panties as she gathered her skirt and slip before moving a leg over to straddled Mark. She eased herself into a position that allowed her to kiss Mark as they joined. Their kiss was far more passionate this time. Helen was very careful, as was Mark. Their urges were feverish and both knew, instinctively, that they could climax in an instant if they hurried. It was slow. Slow, sensuous and so very soft. So very soft and loving. They both faced the inevitable though and something almost primal hinted to each that it was time. Helen sensed Mark's legs stiffen slightly as his back arched a little. Helen allowed herself, in that same instant, to ignore any more restraints and join him. There was no conscious thoughts as their bodies took hold of their mind and everything but that moment and the deepest emotions. Minutes past before there was no further need to go on. There was a last kiss as soft as the first before Helen slipped back to the side of the bed. They both allowed themselves to collapse into their emotions and that momentary exhaustion. Reality, as it always does, eased back into their thoughts but slowly as their endorphins flooded and held their passion and those so very pleasant seconds. Helen moved a finger over Mark's cheek as she whispered, "I needed that desperately." "Me too." Mark whispered back savoring the feelings that still held him like invisible arms. "This does change things a bit." Helen said just as softly. "I know. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!" Mark said taking the wrong assumption in what she had said. He was an employee and she was his boss and this sort of thing was taboo. "You're so silly! Of course you couldn't and neither could I! Honey, I wanted this to happen. I've wanted it since this morning with your first diaper! I want this to happen a few more times. Lots more, every time I change you! That's the part that's changed." Helen said as she bent to kiss him. "Oh!" Mark said after their kiss ended and then added, "me too." "Good! So I'm going to go and take a shower and give you a chance to take one as well, then I'm going to return, put you back into your diaper and baby pants and take a nap with you. I want to cuddle you for a bit. Is that ok?" Helen asked. "Yes!" Mark whispered. He was overwhelmed by the messages he was getting. "Then I'll see you in a few minutes!" Helen said moving to kiss him again. Mark watched her walk to the door and out. He laid there for a few more minutes still relishing his mood and those feelings. He also felt giddy at the prospects of her returning to diaper him. This time it wouldn't be for pictures. This time he was going to actually be diapered. Diapered, he mused, as he rose and stood on rubbery legs. "Hi!" Helen said ten minutes later as she came into the room. She was holding something filmy and pink. It was nylon and girlish and Mark wasn't sure what it was other than it looked feminine. Very feminine as she laid it at the foot of his bed. Mark was wrapped in a towel from his own shower as Helen moved to the changing pad and diaper. "Put that pretty bottom of yours right there honey!" Helen said patting the changing pad. She had dropped all of her pretenses by now. Making love took away any other reasons to be coy, creative or covert. Mark dropped his towel and moved to the bed before sitting over the diaper. It wasn't the same as the one he'd worn before. This one gathered in a pucker from the elastic at the back and front of the waist. It gathered at the legs as well. It also seemed thicker. It was very thick as Helen tugged at it from beneath him. She hadn't used baby oil before this, but that was first and Mark's only regret was that she hadn't used baby oil before this. Baby powder followed and his first diaper pin closed the right side. She did the same to the left as the diaper formed itself around his waist and legs. Mark could have said just about anything when he saw the baby pants but he was well beyond most things a guy might want to say. They were pink again but this pair had a ruffled feminine lace around the waist and matching lace around the legs. They were cute and Mark lifted his legs as if this was something he wore every day. That thought made him smile given that he wouldn't mind such a notion. They matched the color of that nylon sitting at his feet and when his baby pants were set in place it was clear the top went with them. It reminded Mark of an old style baby doll top, but then again it was slightly more little girlish even for those. Almost a dress he mused as he slipped his arms into the opening that she presented to him. Helen was in her own nightgown under a matching robe in a pure white. She had walked in looking like a goddess. She was lovely sitting there as Mark took a small chance to caress her as she fussed with his little dress. Mark wasn't sure why she'd chosen something so feminine for him nor why he was allowing this, but he was and somehow that was all that mattered. "You look adorable precious!" Helen said as she embraced him into another kiss. Mark lost the chance to say anything as their lips touched. What would he have said anyway he mused as their kiss lingered for a time. Helen eased her face from Mark's and moved onto the bed fully encouraging Mark to lay at her side and a moment later he was being cuddled. Sleep took them both within minutes. "Dinner is nearly ready!" Roses voice said softly from the other side of the door waking Mark from his dream. He'd heard Rose say that same thing before this but wasn't sure. Helen was laying there with her arm over his side and it moved to his chest in a caress as she asked if he was awake. Mark said yes but not willing to move yet. "I'm famished!" Helen said. "Me too!" Mark responded. His hand was on hers as he added, "I just don't want to move is all." "Me neither. Tell you what! Let's get something to eat and then sneak back to my room before Shirley gets here." Helen said kissing Mark's ear. That suggestion, a hint of things to come, was all Mark needed. "What do you want me to wear to dinner?" He said smiling as he sat up. He felt the little night gown or dress or whatever it was fall straight and hang just at his curled finger tips. Those finger tips could also touch the lace of his baby pants so he knew the little gown didn't fall past his baby pants. "No need to change yet," Helen said tugging at the hem of his little dress. "But what about Rose?" Mark said in a mild panic. It was one thing to be seen by Helen but quite another by someone else. He's slipped sideways a little and was slightly shocked at how cute his outfit was. He was more than a little shocked that he was letting this even happen. "Rose has been with me for a lot of years honey. She's come to know as much about me as anyone. She also knows my taste in men and, just so you know, she thinks I have excellent taste and that you are, without a doubt, adorable." Helen said. "I don't follow?" Mark said not sure what he was hearing. "Would it bother you to know that I very much like you this way?" Helen said as she slipped her arm around Mark's waist as they stood there. Helen had moved over to Mark and was looking at him from the mirror. "It might! I mean it might have? I mean earlier? A little? I'm not sure! NO? Gosh, I'm not sure? OK, I don't think so? I mean not now. Is it this nightgown thing you like? Or... Or, diapers?" Mark asked slightly confused still and blushing now over what he wore. "I know sweets! Confusing a little I'm sure. To answer your question, it's both! Can't help it! It's just something I really like. It's one of the reasons I wanted you for those pictures. I've wanted you since you began working for me." Helen said before kissing his cheek. Her right hand was tugging at his top in a playful way. "Oh." Mark said. He wasn't sure what else to say, but he was sure he liked some of it. Perhaps all of it. He didn't dare think too much on any of it. That would force him to be logical and he didn't want to be logical. There was a rational part of him darting in and out of his thoughts but the fantasy part was winning. She was his boss, he was a guy, he was dressed as a baby girl. No, he decided as he shut that part down. He was not going to get too heady with this. If he gave it too much thought he'd give in to that rational side and that rational side had no room for these things. Without these things there would be no Helen or that moment he'd had. He'd lose all of the other moments he was sure waited for him. No, this wasn't the time to be rational, so he shut off that side. "Is it OK?" Helen asked again, suddenly looking concerned. "More than OK." Mark answered. Helen smiled. She smiled, hugged him, they kissed and stood there together in their own thoughts. Another milestone had passed. So had most of Mark's inhibitions. Too late now he mused as his nightgown moved over Helen's. They broke apart almost wishing there was still time to play or at least Mark did. "Then come on sweetie and let's see what Auntie Rose has cooked up for us." Helen said taking Mark's hand. Mark allowed her that and walked alongside. He had always considered himself nearly everyone's equal and while that was still the case Helen was definitely in charge. That exchange of power if that was what it was seemed to have happened naturally. "I've put you two together." Rose said as she moved in with a plate of something looking and smelling very delicious. Mark noticed their chairs and two settings side by side. It wasn't so much the settings, which was very odd, but the bib hanging on the chair in front of what was clearly a little girl's motif on what he decided was his plate. Mark tried remembering the figure he was looking at. Strawberry Short Cake with her floppy hat and cute little outfit. His cup, plate and even his utensils held the theme. As did that bib. His bib he thought. It was a bit much and he paused a moment to consider even sitting. He was flushed a little that Rose had set the table like that, wondering what she was thinking of him when she did so. What was he to her that she would assume it was OK for those things to be OK? That slight hesitation was a tug of Mark's hand in Helen's. Helen sensed it and understood what it meant. She may be pushing too hard and too fast she decided. She'd told Rose to set out a little girl's place for Mark but she had doubts now. "That was my idea! I'm sorry! It's a bit over the top isn't it? It was just that I wanted to play a little before we went back to my room after our meal." Helen said and then added, "I'll have Rose set a regular place for you." That word 'play' was kind of an explanation although Mark wasn't sure how him eating from a girl's setting would be play. He wasn't sure how this feminization of him did what it did for Helen. What was it about this that seemed to hold such an interest for her. Although there was that word 'play' she'd used. "Can I asked you something?" Mark asked. "Of course, anything." Helen said. "Does this sort of thing really turn you on?" Mark asked. "Very much so?" Helen answered. "Why?" Mark asked. "Now that might take some explaining. What I don't want to do is lose what we've got so far so let me ask you this before I give you a history of Helen: Does the thought of me mothering you a little bit over dinner turn you off?" "No!" Mark said answering honestly. Actually it had the opposite as he thought about it. He was sure that was some of it, almost sure he didn't mind and almost laughed at that because he was already wearing things he should be wearing and doing things he shouldn't be doing. That 'no' was as definite as he could make it. "Thank you!" Helen said kissing him on his cheek before allowing him to sit. She remained standing and the bib went on a moment later. Terry on one side, heavy plastic on the other with Strawberry Short Cake decorating the front. It tied at the back of Mark's neck but what got his attention was the scale of it and the fact that it fit. Helen began filling Mark's plate and Mark sat there happily with his hands in his lap which was actually an opportunity once again to play with the edge of his little dress and sneak a feel of his baby pants. They were so soft and pliable and wonderful to the touch. "So? The history of Helen? First, do you understand the concept of a dominate and submissive?" Helen asked. "I think so? One, the dominate, is the one with the whips and chains kind of thing and the other in those chains?" Mark said smiling. "Actually those whips can be feathers or, for some, diapers!" Helen said as she began cutting what looking like veal. "Oh. OK. So I guess the answer is yes then." Mark said realizing suddenly how he fit into that statement. He hadn't thought of diapers or these clothes as something for a submissive and dominate. He'd always picture leather and some odd contraption that often made him shudder. "Well, this is some of that but the reason for it goes back to my parents I suspect. My father actually. Right after I was born he was wounded in Korea and ended up being incontinent. I wasn't sure when I discovered that, but by then it wasn't a big deal. "Dad opened two pharmacies and worked long hours and mom stayed home with me. Very traditional roles one would guess. Only when I grew a bit older I began to realize that they sometimes switched roles. Seems that when bed time came, dad became the submissive to mom while mom diapered him. "Like most girls, and guys I suspect, we fashion ourselves after our parents and one day I brought a diaper and pair of plastic pants home from the pharmacy to put my boy friend into. Turned out to be one of those kinds of things like when you take your first bite of chocolate. "You don't understand why you like it, but you suddenly realize you do. Some of that because my boy friend liked it and we instantly switched roles. Before then I was a girl that liked boys that liked being a girl with a boy. All of that changed that day. I was sort of in charge and liked it. "My hang-ups were about being in charge and my boy friends hang-ups was about not being in charge. Pretty much the way it is for boys and girls. Only there we were and I was that dominate and he was the submissive and we both liked that. "As I grew I started finding ways to do that to boys routinely. Cleaver little ways of talking them into things they wouldn't get into if

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The Hidden Chamber

He had arrived at the resort apartment, the stress of his work routine far behind him. The relaxation had immediately stirred his sexual feelings and he had fantasised about every air hostess and smartly dressed female airport worker as they had strutted primly about their duty; the clack of the one woman's spikey heels on the marble floor; her tight fitting skirt and blouse accentuating her blissful authoritative form, the woman in her 40s gave him a sweet smile as she passed – he thought of...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 01

© 2011 All rights reserved "I gotta go, man," said Mark. "I told Hilary I'd meet her." "Right." Brody grinned. "You're just mad because I was kicking your ass at Madden." Mark rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's it. I'm so pissed about losing that I'm using my girlfriend as an excuse. Jesus, Brody." Brody snickered. "You have been whipped since she moved in with you." "Just get out." Mark glared at him. "Man, I never thought I'd see the day. . . ." Brody dodged Mark's half-hearted swing at his...

Love Stories
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Emerald Princess Chapter 6 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Crystal Rush Carmen Rae Fostering Naughty Habits

Lady of the house Crystal Rush is willing to do anything for her new foster kids. The young stepsiblings are looking for her love, affection, and a little extra nourishment. In fact, Crystals foster daughter, Carmen Rae, is absolutely thirsty for Crystals tits! She wants to suck and nibble on her pretty nipples. At first, Crystal is appalled. But after a little consideration, she realizes she needs to the roll of foster mom to its utmost. Her new foster kids lick her titties and then ravish her...

3 years ago
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Hi! My name is Joanna. I am twenty-five years old and for three years I’ve been married to Mike. We met at university and dated for two years before tying the knot. One day we will (hopefully) start a family but there is no great hurry.At present, we are both pretty wrapped up in the early years of marriage. We have a very active sex-life and to reflect that fact I call Mike “Unicorn” because of his impressive rampant member. I’ve even had a small unicorn tattooed on my groin.Early on in our...

2 years ago
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Restrained violation

As I lay there, listening to him trying to slow down his breathing (an old insomniac’s trick of the trade), staring at the back of my eyelids, I thought about a few things over and over, “How are we going to afford the purchase this new apartment and get his car completely fixed, go on holidays, pay the bills, buy the new laptop and help his mother out, without having to live on brown rice and tea? At least the car repair will be discounted – how wonderful that he struck an enthusiast of...

2 years ago
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White Lactating Wife is Impregnated at a Black Stag Party

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That is the case for my wife, Cindy, and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help.My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

1 year ago
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He was a nobody by anyone's standards. Tall and yet still overweight, he was the butt of many crude jokes, but he never cared. He always brushed people off with little concern for the petty snipes and jokes. He only wanted to be left to his art and now even that was in jeopardy as the last bus he could catch to his own art show blew past the stop without a care. He was forced to walk in the slush that his city called snow. His coat kept him warm and his boots kept his feet dry, but the walk was...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 93 You Shook Me All Night Long

Alan came to with a start. It felt like he'd only closed his eyes for a few seconds, but he realized he must have been out for a while. He reflexively sat up in bed, worried that he'd let too much time pass and that this once-in-a-lifetime evening was already over. Only after he'd started to bolt up did he realize that his body had been snuggled up against his mother's, and that he'd had an arm draped over her. He hoped he hadn't woken her up with his quick movement, but it was too...

3 years ago
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Massage for a friend

Massage for a friend Davina and the family have been friends of mine for many years, now she is divorced and had been overworking, Davina was in need of a little TLC but no heavy stuff. The open plan lounge has low lighting, with the curtains drawn in mid afternoon, candles burning and a bed laid out in the middle. A light warm oil has been prepared and I wait for Davina to come in she has a robe on, she is a little coy for this is the allowed me to massage her. Davina undoes the robe at the...

First Time
1 year ago
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A Mothers Job

It was Summer, so the Roberts family was relaxing at their coastal beach house, soaking up the sun. Clair stretched out on a big beach chair and watched her 16 year-old daughter Lilly frolicking in the waves. Clair was 35, but she seemed younger, not that she looked younger, but she oozed with the playfulness and vivacity of a woman half her age. Of course, Clair's secret source of energy wasn't some sort of a miracle diet or a workout regime, it was her sexuality. Clair was a slut, and she...

4 years ago
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Neptunia ENF

There are many girls across the different Neptunia dimensions. There is the four main goddesses and their CPU Candidates, as well as other goddesses, makers, and more. While Neptunia is already full of Fanservice, there are still so many possibilities and scenarios not explored in the games that we shall explore here. What kind of lewd things could happen to these girls?

1 year ago
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I’m just about to start making dinner when you call to say you’re bringing a guest home with you. I’m a little surprised but say ok. By the time you both arrive home dinner is done and I come in to meet your guest. You introduce him as Steve and say that he is a client that you’ve known for years and that he’s only in town for tonight so you invited him home for a good meal instead of a hotel dinner. I let you both know that dinner is done and we can sit down and eat when your both ready. ...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Boy

Chapter 1 "Mom, I'm home" I yelled as I walked in the door having just gotten home from a long and boring day at school, dropping my backpack on the floor as was my usual routine, and headed for the fridge. "Mom?" No answer, which normally meant she was either out, or in a part of the house where she couldn't hear me, so after grabbing a soda from the fridge, I proceeded to search the house to find her. After searching the house from top to bottom, checking both inside and out back by...

1 year ago
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My sexual past with Margret chapter 2

I don’t think Margret and I slept four hour’s last night and were up and going at 6 am. I have to admire her devotion to her family and the strength she has to tackle the chores around the farm. You don’t have to stay , you can go home and I can see you later” she said on route to her home. Since it was Sunday I told her I would stay and help out,holding her hand on the way. “I am thankful you stayed in contact with me while we separated”she said “my parents never knew we weren’t a...

3 years ago
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Chapter 3

After each of Mistress Dee’s guests had ample opportunity for a close examinations, she had her assistant spread my legs wide apart and fasten a stretcher bar to my ankle shackles. With my legs spread wide and the cock leash pulling me up and forward, the difficulty of maintaining my balance caused the ball weights to swing. Mistress Dee began to ask her guests if there were any additional questions or comments before the bidding began. As she spoke she walked around me sliding her riding crop...

2 years ago
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Oh mommy is going to be so upset with me when i get home from school

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school!!! Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy I get off the school bus with my brother, who is two years younger than I am, and we fight constantly because he is taller and all around bigger than me. My little sister Miley, and little brother Jeff and I, all get off the bus and start walking to our house. Both my brothers and my sister are all laughing because of the situation I am in. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself. It all...

1 year ago
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Reddit GWNerdy, aka r/GWNerdy! Do you find yourself getting a fucking boner every time you see some cute teen slut dressed in a Legend of Zelda t-shirt that’s obviously two sizes too large for them? What the fuck is it about the girls that dress like this, anyway? Have some of you played video games and watched anime so much that any time you see a pair of breasts sitting gracing the head of a plush Deku from My Hero Academia you immediately want to fap and fuck the bitch?So wait, are you...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Did I Cheat On My Husband 8211 Part 1

That day was very special as well as very important for me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity because it could be the turning point of my career. So I have to give my best in every way, not only my presentation but also my outlook. As like every day, I had a fight with my husband for some minor issues. He was a very frustrated guy, had no job then. Maybe his male ego hurt him every time as he had to live under his wife’s salary. He lost his job some time ago, that’s why I had to take the...

2 years ago
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Fucking a college girl in Chennai

Hi readers of Indian sex stories. I am big fan of ISS and have read almost all stories which inspired me to share my true life experience with u. This is a story about a girl friend called Deepika. Deepika is 18 years old, 5”5, 57 kg weight, 34-28-36, extremely fair complexion, brown hair, in short a truly sexy and gal whom anyone would die to fuck.. I am 19 yr, old student studying at one of the reputed deemed universities in Chennai. Besides studying I like to, make friends, meet people, and...

3 years ago
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The Neighbour Part 2

"Oh no, we might be in trouble here..." he whispered to himself. He looked down at me and started gently rubbing my very sensitive pussy lips and turned the vibrator in my asshole up a bit more. "Now Jessica, dont make a sound baby, we dont want anyone seeing you like this. You know your parents would be very angry if you were having sex before marriage. You know mummy wouldnt like that and daddy would be very angry aswell, who knows what might happen." His smug smile after that made me...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 6

Alba – Occupied city center, eight hours after slip-space rupture. The Kig-yar snapped their jaws gleefully as the patrol emerged onto an open plaza, surrounded on all sides by native buildings wrought from glass and steel. There were fewer derelict vehicles here, it seemed to be reserved for pedestrians, and the ground was covered with regular patches of alien grass in places. The center of the open space was occupied by a group of Covenant and a deployable watchtower, there was enough room...

2 years ago
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Supprised by my Bosss 19year old son

This past weekend I was invited to a party at my Boss's home which was odd because he never throws parties so I decided to go the invite said it was a costume party so I had to find myself a costume I found a costume of a Female Devil but it was so thight that I wasnt able to wear any panties and or a Bra it came up just above my knees and had a tail on it and a heard piece with horns on it so I did my make up and went to my Boss's house when I arrived the party was underway there must have...

3 years ago
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Her Rules

Imagine my cousin and I.Saturday night, near midnight, you're at a storefront business in Seaside, CA. Music plays low from behind the counter, some eighties rap song. They're all looking at you. You look like a total whore. This is the intended effect, but you're embarrassed and try to cover by acting aloof. This is stupid, counterproductive. This is why you're standing in the fourth liquor store of the night. You keep losing nerve, then acting too stuck-up to be approached. You want to do...

1 year ago
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A Sleepover with Tammy

Mother asked Miss Johnson if she wouldn't mind watching me on a Friday night through Sunday as she had some out-of-town business to attend. Miss Johnson's daughter, Tammy and I are in the same class at school and she really is my best friend in the whole world. I don't get into sports and all that and enjoy spending time just talking with her. It's not like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, mind you. Though I'm sure everyone in the school thinks so. We sit together at lunch and play...

1 year ago
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Horsing Around For Halloween

My twin sister Sandy and I grew up in a rural town, population about a thousand or so, and most of the time the only playmates we had were each other. For that and other reasons we were really close. Our parents were pretty liberal too, and it was common to see another family member with little or nothing on, especially in the summers when it was hot. So nudity was no big deal. Well, not until Sandy started growing these really nice breasts. She had always had nipples, like me, but now they...

3 years ago
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First Lesson

"Normal, I suspect. What is she, thirteen?" He nodded and exhaled. "Fourteen actually. Like to sign her up for the summer session, let you teach her some manners and some sexual techniques. Right now her own pleasure is all she thinks about. Really squirms and squeals when I take her from behind, and she's a lousy cocksucker." "Yes," I said, getting out the forms. "We've seen it before. Just selfish." I was already picturing the young beauty with her lips about my thick cock and the...

2 years ago
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We are two women in Holy Communion with the feminine. We sit quietly on the couch. I am wrapped in a silk bath robe. The sensation of the fabric on my bare body arouses me. As I shift my posture the cloth rubs my nipples driving me to distraction. And you are so close I feel the heat of your body. Your demure eyes reflect the firelight in sparkles of green luster. Your scarlet hair falls like ocean waves. Your dimpled face looks like a school girl. The fresh smell of freesia wafting from your...

4 years ago
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End Of School

The interim time when the little school girl was changing into the woman she wanted to be Randy and I had been playing around for months and I was deeply in love, but at the same time worried that I had fallen too hard for him. Randy was more than a few years older than me, I had just turned seventeen .He had everything the other little boys didn’t have cars , bikes , money , credit cards and a gorgeous seven and half inch cut cock that I loved….we were perfect fit together. Randy...

2 years ago
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Hottie at work pt 3

I was trying to hide the obvious cum stains on the front of my pants. God, I looked like a 12 year old. Arriving at work, sheepishly sliding into the office without being noticed, I saw an envelope lying on the desk. I dropped everything to get to it, forgetting about work AND the cum stains. The note was from Katie, and it instructed me to replace the note with $300 cash and then leave the envelope on her desk before she left for the day. I don’t carry cash hardly anymore, who does now days....

3 years ago
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Alexis Season 2

----- PART 1 It was four in the morning, and it had taken John all night, but he finally found the piece of porn he wanted. It was nothing more than a twenty-second sample clip, but he put it on repeat and watched it over and over and over. In the clip, a guy sucked a shemale's dick, and the shemale came in his mouth. It was the first clip he'd ever found of that specific act, and he wanted to save it, but it was his parents' computer and they might find it. At first he watched...

2 years ago
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Wife looses a game of beerpong

I have shared several of the experiences my wife Mandy and I have had. On a normal day Mandy comes off as a very conservative good girl type, but your mix in a little alcohol and a challenge she turns into a cock craving deviant. I am somewhat of a voyer so I love seeing her with other people, weather it be another man, or a woman. We have threesomes regularly with our friend Nick, but when the right situation presents itself, she will take all the attention she can get. Our only rule is that...

1 year ago
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An Evening Off

I was actually looking forward to a quiet evening at home, Lisa was out with friends and I had no jobs booked so I decided to have a shower and chill out with a smoke and a few beers in front of the TV. The phone rang and it was Amanda, “Hi Frank” she said in her usual chirpy voice, “Are you busy?” She asked and I told her I wasn’t and that I was chilling out for the evening, “Great” came the reply, “I have some wages for you, is it ok to drop round?” Well I wasn’t going to say no as cash was...

3 years ago
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A Lush Reaction

I was filled half with dread and half with nervous excitement as I made my way to rehearsals on a slightly warm, March evening. Tonight would be the first time I would see Ted since I’d written the stories about our passionate encounters in July, while the play was being performed. Part of me just wanted to clap eyes on him, but the other part wasn’t sure how much I would be able to take. He would be there in front of me, in the flesh, and I had imagined him with no clothes on. But there would...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Pleasure

It was Saturday 9th October and I had arranged to go away with some of my friends to London it was Cheryl's 25th so we had agreed to go to London, we are all big fans so seemed like the thing to do.I have been friends with Cheryl since I was 13, she is a gorgeous girl with a sexy little figure and shoulder length brown hair. She has the most amazing hazel eyes, and cheek bones not to mention lips to die for. She is the kind of girl I would love to be, outgoing, strong and very sexy.As much as I...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 9

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Nine The Royal Grand Ball Or "The Things I do just to Keep People Happy." "So how am I supposed to act tonight?" Deirdre nervously questioned Jessica resplendent in her gold gown, as the pair waited for their men to arrive. "Just be yourself, dear," the other answered with a shrug then rearranged the...

2 years ago
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Inception 8211 A Beautiful Beginning With Rohit 8211 Part 1

People have their opinion about life and I have mine too. Expressing oneself is what I solely believe in. Many times I have withdrawn from situations which I do repent of not having done so and many a time I repent responding to advances. One such episode changed my entire outlook towards life and that was when I met Rohit though this website itself. It is one amazing journey of myself that I would take you through here today which might be a little long a little emotional a little enigmatic...

2 years ago
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A Night Out

A Night Out This is my first attempt at writing a story of any kind, erotic or otherwise. It is a bit long in the beginning and I apologize ahead of time. Any and all feedback shall be accepted and well received. The night was filled with copious amounts liquor and laughter that led to the events of this evening. Ed was playing the third wheel this evening while out with his close friend Larry and his longtime girlfriend Robin. The three friends were all out having a little fun before going to...

First Time
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iXXX Taboo

I don’t know about you (but I can make a perverted guess about a few of you) but everyone likes, let’s say not-so-orthodox porn. Maybe not always, but it’s fun to get turned on by taboo smut, right? Well, to give you an additional potential resource for you all to look into, I’m going over this genre that you can freely fap to on iXXX.com.The Number Of Search Results Isn’t Nothing To Sneeze AtOne of the weird things that I find about certain aggregators is that their search results are piss...

Incest Porn Sites
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The Touch

She noticed the warmth of the room as he kissed her bare shoulder.  The goose flesh that appeared on her naked skin was not due to coldness.  The bumps were the result of her want, desire, and lust that attempted to escape its epidural confines. “He has done everything for my comfort,”  she thinks as she presses her hand to the side of his face.  She wanted more kisses.  She wanted more teasing bites.She wanted his lips sucking and pulling at her flesh.She wanted him.The room was quiet.  No...

2 years ago
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If the Rock Is Wet Its Raining

I always got a chuckle out of the hand painted sign on the big rock that sat just at the entrance to the trail. ‘If the Rock is Wet, it’s raining’ it read. So many times over the years Sarah and I went to the trail that led to the top of the cliffs overlooking our valley. The trail wasn’t long, just a few hundred yards, a beautiful climb through trees and wildlife. It opened at the top to a glorious view that was usually clear all the way to the mountains of darker blue to the East. The...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Kyler Quinn Rachael Cavalli Aiden Ashley Her 100th Foster

Penny (Kyler Quinn) arrives at the beautiful home of Charlie Foster (Rachael Cavalli). However, the woman who greets Penny at the door is not Charlie but Jacqueline (Aiden Ashley), who doesn’t seem too fond of Penny. As Jacqueline leads Penny through the house and explains the rules, it is revealed that Charlie likes to rescue homeless girls by inviting them to join her harem. Charlie is into family roleplay, so she requires that the girls in the harem refer to her as a parental figure...

3 years ago
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Tyler Breaks His Rules

“The name's Tyler, how’s your evening going sir.” I was startled, a little confused. In these events I’d run the gambit of weird fetishes, women who liked getting caught, liked their husbands to rough me up, husbands who liked to watch, the husband dynamic was always far more unnerving than the women’s wild buck fantasies... just weird vibes. That was not the case with the man shaking my hand. “Marcus, I ugh... it’s been good, these types of gigs usually tip better.” “Right, the big wigs...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 12

Charles had over an hour before he would have to be out of the room and it would take him only about 20 minutes to get ready. What can I do to kill some time? He decided to go out to the pool area and have a drink, enjoy the warm sunshine and relax for a half hour or so. He went to the bar near the pool and ordered a beer and then sat on a lounge chair by a table. He watched the people playing around in the pool while he sipped on his beer. The sun was a little warmer than he expected. He...

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It was a happy homecoming party. Steve had returned home after four years of traveling the less explored parts of the world. As a talented writer and photographer, he’d paid expenses by doing articles for magazines and other publications. He’d become a bit of a local celebrity. Plus, it was his twenty fifth birthday. He was tanned, buff, and even better looking than when he had left. After the buffet some music was started in his parent’s back yard and the dancing began. As...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Mina Luxx Mina Goes Below Stepbros Belt For BBC

Super hot teen Asian stepsister Mina is very eager to convince her stepbrother Jon not to go to New York and to stay for the party with family and friends this evening as a proper farewell. Jon is really not interested but as Mina keeps dropping the hints and then just grabbing a hold of his cock, finally got Jon to realize what “spending more time” meant to Mina. Jon was blown away with her bbc cock sucking skills as she was able to get his whole black cock down her throat, getting...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 7 Back into the Pit

Ashley was the first to exit the mall, but I caught up to her as we came around the building and could finally see the small seating area for the outdoor café. Her mother was sitting quietly at a table sipping from a cup as she scanned something on a tablet. We could see Jason approaching from the other side. All three of us managed to reach the table at the same time. Mrs. Roberts did not look up. "I set up a pizza delivery back at the house in forty-five minutes," she told us as she...

1 year ago
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Lost My Virginity To Maid Rani

Hi Friends, I am Ramesh 30 M from Chennai. I back again with one more story of my child hood by the way thanks for the wonderful feedback from many people especially aunties for my previous story Hot sex with mature Sreelekha. http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Couple/hot_sex_with_mature_sreelekha__120329.html This was my first experience where I lost my virginity at the age of 14. We had a maid at home. She was an average looking woman and was in her mid 30’s (later came to know she was 40)...

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