Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 07 free porn video

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The stark, cramped, utilitarian architecture which comprised most of the interior of Deimos was severely depressing after spending most of the last year ‘outside’ in an artificial forest traveling through space. Her father, however, was… breathing easy; actually happy to be home.

In this plain, inartistic environment, Sibilius radiated contentment. He felt free of the stress of his position as Regent for the first time in several years – at least for the first time since Béla and her father had come aboard the great ship to begin the long voyage to Jupiter. Béla suddenly realized that, as strange as it was for a member of a space-faring race, her father didn’t actually care for space travel.

‘I must be too self-absorbed,’ Béla decided. She hadn’t noticed the strain her father had been under all this time until now.

They would be here for six long weeks while the great ship was refitted once more for the Earth-fill project. Then it would still be three more months before they actually arrived on Earth.

‘That calculates out to fourteen boxes of blasting caps, Darling,’ Beth said in her mind. ‘In the meantime, you know your way around here? Where can we get some private time together? It’s been almost a whole day, now!’

‘Go take a walk! Or practice your flying, or something!’ Béla snapped back. ‘I’m as horny as you are! Leave me alone!’

That didn’t make any sense, Béla realized, but she didn’t care. Even this far from earth, she was feeling the effects of the little yellow sun that, for the time being, still sustained all life in the solar system.

‘The damned thing must have just finished its eleven-year sunspot cycle,’ Béla realized. ‘It’s going to be really noisy for next couple of years, now.’

‘Oh! Is that what this is?’ Beth asked, surprised. ‘I thought this was just a bad headache! Is it going to be like this all the time now?’

‘It is for a while,’ Béla replied. ‘Sorry.’

Beth didn’t reply. She was looking for some place to bury her head until that awful noise went away.

Béla went to the library to look up their orbital timetable. She planned to coordinate her sleep schedule with Deimos’ orbit so that most of her waking hours would occur when Deimos was orbiting behind Mars. The small, red planet would offer more protection from the sun’s noisy radiation when the tiny moon was behind it.

‘Well, in three hours, Mars will eclipse the sun. I guess I can live until then.’

She was going to have to schedule her days. In three hours, she would be good for the next ten, then she’d be hiding under a thought dampener for the next twenty hours after that, then the little moon would swing back behind Mars, giving her, at a rough calculation, another ten hours of relief.

She looked up Earth’s rotation periods. She could read them, but she couldn’t calculate in her head how to figure when which surface would be on its ‘night’ side when Deimos was on the ‘day’ side of Mars. She would actually have to dreamwalk to earth and then coordinate what promised to be a complex timetable indicating where she could go and when. Her head hurt more, now, and it wasn’t just from the distant, yellow sun screaming in her psychic ears.

Having spent the last several hours checking out what was really important, Béla decided to find out where she’d be living for the next few weeks.

“You can always stay on the ship,” her father suggested. “You already have quarters there, Child. Of course, you are welcome to stay in the lab.”

Another good look around Deimos and she was beginning to think that staying on the ship was a good idea, especially ten hours later when Deimos peeked its head around from behind Mars to bask in the sunlight again.

Bleary-eyed and short-tempered, Béla flew the three miles up to the great ship parked in the gravitational center of the hollow moon. As soon as she flew through the open doors of the busy cargo bay, the annoying noise from the sun was diminished and she immediately felt better. She’d forgotten that (of course!) the ship was shielded from outside radiation. She went up several levels to Officer Quarters and found her room. Entering it, she found her sister already there.

“I was wondering how long it would take you to get here,” Beth said, slyly. “I’ve been waiting…”

She radiated lust and physical pain. She had done something to herself and wanted her sister to guess what is was. Béla looked closelyat her darling demented sister. Beth was kneeling on the floor, her knees wide apart. There was blood dripping out from between her legs, forming a pool on the floor. Beth’s breathing was labored. She was in exquisite pain. It was radiating from her between her legs.

Béla mind-linked with her sister and staggered backward against the wall as orgasmic sensations flooded into her, overwhelming her senses. Beth had shoved one of those wickedly vicious fighting knives deep up and inside her vagina. She couldn’t heal because it was still inside her, but not deep enough to be digested in her central core.

Béla made an image of the arborium and teleported herself, Beth, her embedded knife and the expanding pool of blood out of her quarters and off of her clean floor while she could still concentrate enough to do it.

As Béla pushed her sister back into normal space in the arborium, she noticed that, besides the wicked knife, Beth had also secreted an explosive cap deep inside her belly.

‘I want you to hold me while I come, Sister,’ Beth cooed in her mind. ‘I need to come so badly. Embrace me tightly, Darling, hold me together while I'm being blown apart!’

Béla body reacted instantly and erotically to Beth’s tormented plea and her radiated lust for pain. She was suddenly so horny her legs wobbled.

‘Put a knife in me!’ Béla pleaded. ‘I need to feel it, too!’

The other fighting knife appeared in Beth’s hand. Béla dropped down on her knees in front of Beth, offering her body as a sacrifice to her sister, the Goddess of Lust.

‘Hey! I thought of that first!’ Beth complained, petulantly.

“I even have a sacrificial routine worked out to appease my personal Goddess of Lust.” Beth continued excitedly. “Do you want to see it?” Beth seemed very exuberant about showing her sister her self-created sacrificial ceremony.

“Go ahead,” Béla grinned, curious enough to forget the knife for a moment. “Show me!”

“It’s very simple,” Beth exclaimed. "But, Gods! It's hot! Watch me!"

She bent backward until her head almost touched behind her bare feet. The knife inside her sliced outward as she flexed her belly backward, its sharp, bloody point sticking out of her pelvis to glisten in the light from the artificial crystal sun embedded in the roof of the arborium. The sudden, intense pain of the fresh wound caused Beth to shudder in orgasm as the front of her belly was sliced open, along with her bladder. Red, yellow and clear fluids sprayed down between her widespread knees. Beth legs and belly shook and a strange, mournful groan came out of her throat.

“That… wasn’t… part… of the ceremony,” Beth gasped when she could speak again.

She was still bent backward, displaying her breasts and taut stomach to the open air above her. Her voice was strained with the effort of maintaining her position with all that orgasmic destruction going on down there.

“This… is the ceremony,” she promised, breathing heavily.

Straightening up her back so that she was parallel to the ground, she held out her hands and teleported two blasting caps into them. As the blasting cap in her left hand vanished, her left breast quivered and expanded slightly to accommodate its presence. The same thing happened with the blasting cap in her right hand as it disappeared into her other breast.

‘Do you know how hard this is to do with a knife sticking out of my cunt?’ Beth dramatically broadcast at her sister, her thoughts strained with the effort of holding her position amid all that sexual sensation.

“Would you like me to remove it for you?” Béla asked, politely.

She was really enjoying her sister’s performance. Beth’s body was incredibly sexy, especially in that position. She felt her sister radiate her answer.

‘No. Leave it. I like it there.’

‘I do, too…’

“I offer… the Goddess of Lust… my body, my mind, my soul,” Beth chanted, her voice still strained from holding her position for so long.

Béla was impressed. As horny as she knew Beth was, she thought it was remarkable that her sister could hold still at all.

“I offer… the Goddess of Lust… my perfect breasts,” Beth cried.

Her breasts erupted explosively, spewing gore a foot or so into the air and splattering down on Beth’s sacrificial body and face. Bright red blood flowed down her rib cage from her freshly ruptured breasts. Beth cried out and came so hard the knife actually squished out of her ruined cunt and out onto the ground.

When she could speak again, she continued, “I offer… the Goddess of Lust… my perfect belly!”

Her smooth, tight abdomen suddenly ruptured just below her belly button, spewing blood and half-cooked meat. Beth was screaming in agony, trying to force her body to stay level, even as the muscles holding her in position were ruptured and torn apart by the blasting cap. Blood and girl-cum leaked out of her wounded pussy. Losing her battle for control, Beth’s head and shoulders slowly sank down to rest on the ground behind her feet.

Blood and lumps of her own flesh flowed down her body toward her destroyed breasts and down her rib cage, dripping and plopping onto the ground. Beth was coming continually, gasping in agony and trembling violently. After several moments, she was able to continue. She was getting down to the best part.

“I offer my goddess… the Goddess, holy fuck, I’m coming again!” Beth cried, still gasping for air.

She cried out, her voice wavering in the air. Béla stared, completely enthralled by her sister’s performance, her hands working hard between her legs. She knelt on the ground, moaning and trembling in ecstasy as she watched her sister destroy herself sexually.

“I offer… my god… Goddess of Lust… my perfect… perfect… cunt!”

Beth exploded the device buried deep in her vagina. Blood and gore spewed out from between Beth’s legs in a final, body-rending orgasm. She passed out, unable to maintain the energy necessary to experience that much burning, orgasmic agony.

Béla tore at her own body, coming again and again, finally collapsing forward on the ground and landing her face in her sister’s gore. She lay, gasping in orgasm, her unseeing eyes finally focusing on the knife... just a few inches away... that hot, lovely sacrificial blade that had fallen from between her sister’s legs... I can reach it! Oh, God, I need that inside me!

Sliding one arm up through her sister’s blood and half-cooked pussy meat, Béla grasped the knife and dragged her arm and the knife back down toward her belly. She needed the knife to help her come harder. She needed to come harder – much, much harder!

Béla worked the knife around, using both hands, until she was holding it between her legs and pointed inward, toward her belly. In one spastic motion, she rammed the blade up through her tender flesh, deep into her pussy, slicing through her vaginal walls in the front. Sobbing with pure, unreasoning agony, she jerked the knife forward, still sawing inward and ever deeper with each stroke until the knife handle rested against her clitoris.

Béla lay on the ground in her sister’s blood and gore, whimpering in the agony she'd caused to herself. Her body trembled with her orgasms as sheradiated her sensations into her unresponsive, half-dead sister.

‘Where are you?’ Béla cried. ‘You’re supposed to come with me! We’re supposed to come together!’

Béla lay gasping on the ground, knowing she was alone, now. Beth hadn't waited for her after all. Savagely, Béla pulled the knife up, sawing into her pelvic bone and slicing her own clitoris in half. She stopped, unable to control her body as another orgasm raged through her entire consciousness.

As soon as she was able enough to control her trembling, she began sawing up and down with the knife again, cutting through her pelvic bone and into the soft tissue of her lower belly. Blood poured out of her body and she was starting to feel lightheaded and dizzy. Her world seemed to spin wildly as she came again, then passed out. In her mindless dreams, she continued trying to saw her belly open, trying to come harder! Ever harder!


Rivers of blood… flowing down my throat… hot… sticky sweet… The pain… the pain makes me come… Need to come harder… even harder… make me die coming… Light… Bright!

Béla blinked. As her eyes focused, she recognized the sun crystal embedded in the roof of the arborium. Something dark and heavy was lying on top of her, crushing her.

Can’t breathe…

The crushing, dark weight moved upward, eclipsing the bright light. It slowly changed from a dark fuzzy blur into dark haired young girl.

‘I know you… don’t I?’

The face was smiling down at her, a bright halo of light around her lustrous dark hair. A bright red design glistened on the side of her neck.

‘Are you an angel? I remember… the goddess… you're the Goddess of Lust! I sacrificed my body… my blood… I come just for you!’

Béla jerked awake, banging her head painfully against her sister’s chin.

“Ow!” they both said, Béla holding her head and Beth holding her chin, moving it back and forth.

As Beth blinked away the pain, she looked hard into her sister’s face, inches away from her own.

“You have the weirdest thoughts when you’re waking up!” Beth chirped. “You really thought I was the Goddess of Lust?”

Béla looked back into her sister’s grinning face, rubbing the stunned soreness out of her head and blinking away stars.

“Who else could you be? Béla asked. “There I was, lying on the ground wallowing in your blood, carving on myself and wishing I could come harder, just for you! You affect me that way. Every time you have some idiotic, erotic, stupid, cunt-rupturing idea, I totally lose control! When that happens, all I want to do is show you how hard I can come for you!”

‘Wow!’ Beth thought. ‘She feels the same way about me as I do about her! How neat is that?’

Then she said, “I thought you were just really, really horny all the time – like me! When you’re around, I want to do the same thing – display my sexiness for you, to perform for you, to come for you. I blow up my tits for the pleasure you get from watching me do it. I carve myself open so that you can enjoy my pain and my orgasms.”

Béla listened to her sister telling her the exact same feelings she felt for Beth.

“Maybe we’re the same, you and I,” Beth concluded. “One soul ripped in half in the beginning of time, only now coming back together as one…”

‘Boy, that sounds dumb...’

“Do you feel like half a person?” Béla asked, curious.

“Well, no,” Beth admitted, a little embarrassed about what she’d just confessed. It was easier to blow herself up for her sister’s pleasure than it was to explain why she did it. “But, I don’t feel like a whole person either... a lot of the time, anyway.”

“I don’t think anyone does, really,” Béla replied, sitting up and looking thoughtful. “There’s always something missing. Maybe it takes two people to make one whole person… But then, if that were true, two people could make two whole persons, together. Am I making any sense at all?”

‘This conversation is getting really weird...’

“Yeah, I guess,” Beth said, philosophically. “We like to perform for each other. That much I know. Maybe we should leave it there. That’s easy enough to understand.”

Béla agreed, more than glad to be off that odd subject.

‘Me, too!’

“Next subject: Why did you haul all these guns here?” Béla asked. “We haven’t used hardly any of them, and they’ve been setting here for months!”

“That’s because I discovered these darling little explosive gems!” Beth replied, adding a heavy sex flow to her thoughts. “These little blasting caps are so much more erotic, don’t you think?”

“Well, let’s see,” Béla was feeling horny again, even though she knew that Beth was the one putting the sex flow there.

She got to her feet and examined some of the toys they’d ignored in favor of those long, sexy little dynamite caps.

“How could you not think something like this,” Béla picked up a green leather belt with a gun holster, “isn’t sexy?”

She strapped the belt around her waist. Much too large, it slid down her legs, stopping as she bowed her bare legs to catch it with her knees. Béla clumsily pulled it back up and tightened the belt so that it fit around her tiny waist.

With a little effort, she pulled the clasp loose that held the pistol in its holster, then pulled the pistol out, examining it. It felt heavy and awkward in her hands. A lever on one side said “on” – “off”. The lever was pointed to “off”. Béla pushed it to “on”, aimed the gun in Beth’s general direction and squeezed the trigger. The trigger felt really tight. Holding the gun with both hands, she put both index fingers on the trigger, aimed at her sister as she sat watching and squeezed again, really hard this time. The trigger wouldn’t move.

“I think you’ve got the safety on…” Beth suggested.

She sat on the ground, calmly, but very closely, watching her sister fumble around with the gun. Béla looked at the heavy instrument of death more closely. The level she had set was pointed to “on”. She moved the level back to the “off” position.

“I thought I was turning the gun on…” Béla muttered, feeling really dumb.

She started to aim the gun at her sister again. The trigger depressed as she held it up and the gun went off with a deafening report, almost leaping out of her hands as it recoiled. The ground next to Beth exploded into the air.

Beth didn’t even blink.

‘You missed!’ Beth casually thought at her gun-toting sister. ‘You realize that if you’d hit me with that, you’d need a mop to pick me up, don’t you? That’s the second time you’ve nearly vaporized me...’

“Can I try out some different guns and practice on you some more?” Béla asked, somewhat chastised but still wanting to play with the guns.

Beth shrugged, pretending not to care. Her new tits bobbed as she moved her shoulders. ‘Sure, why not? I don’t think there are any more energy weapons in there, so the chances are fair that I’ll live through this…’

Béla rummaged over the stack of deadly hardware. She used to be pretty good with guns and was surprised at her apparent ineptness with them now.

“Hey! I found my bows!” Béla called out. Those were what she’d wanted to play with all along. “Do you know where the arrows are?”

Image of a duffel bag underneath everything else Beth had piled on top of them.

“Thanks!” Béla replied, half sarcastically. 'The fiberglass shafts are probably warped all out of shape with all that crap piled on top of them.'

She located the bag of arrows, then teleported the entire bag out from under everything. A precarious stack of lethal weapons slowly toppled over, suddenly deprived of its support.

Holding the bag out in front of her, Béla dumped the arrows out onto the ground, then tossed the bag on top of the clutter she'd made. Squatting down, she began to examine the arrows.

“Most of them seem to be alright,” Béla decided. “You want to play?”

“Sure!” Beth told her, “What do you want to be?”

“Hunted!” Béla said, laughing evilly. “Come find me!” Bending down and grabbing several arrows, she vanished. ‘The only rule is you can’t leave the arborium!’

‘Another rule!’ Beth called out in her mind. ‘No teleporting to cause your opponent to miss!’

‘No teleporting at all?’ Béla queried, disagreeing with the very idea. She had already just teleported.

‘No, that’s not what I said,’ Beth clarified very patiently. ‘Just no teleporting out of the way of a shot or teleporting an arrow once it’s in the air.’

‘Okay, find me, shoot me if you can…’

Getting to her feet and walking over to the deadly pile of goodies, Beth chuckled to herself and picked up the remaining bow. She was good enough with a bow that, If she could see her sister, she could shoot her, especially with a steel and pulley bow like this. She examined the bow more carefully, decided it was undamaged, and picked up a couple of arrows, noting the positions of the ones still on the ground. After all, she might need to teleport them to where she was, later.

‘Okay, now,’ Beth thought to herself, ‘Where are you, big sister?’

The arborium took up the entire middle deck on the great ship. The ship was over two kilometers in diameter at its widest, which was this middle deck. It was so large it barely fit inside Deimos. (That wasn’t quite true; there were several miles clearance in every direction, but it was a tight fit, especially if you were accustomed to navigating in open space.)

‘She’s off in that direction,’ Beth realized, hearing her noisy sister thinking out loud.

Teleporting most of the distance, Beth dropped down on her bare belly, seeking once again with her mind. She kept her own mind quiet, which was something that her sister either couldn’t do, or chose not to.

‘This is too easy!’ Beth thought, grinning and licking her upper lip in delight.

She was in a low area where several trees had been removed, probably replanted in New Eden. Scanning the surrounding area visually, Beth determined where she could be ambushed. ‘There’ and ‘there’ were the most likely places. Béla could get a good shot at her from either elevated position if she were to suddenly teleport to ambush her sister.

‘She’s just sitting there, waiting for me. She must know I’m nearby and has an ambush planned. Probably just waiting until I get to a certain spot…’

Beth decided not to wait. She stood up, notched an arrow and pulled it back. Tteleporting behind where Béla was sitting waiting for her, she loosed her arrow at her sister’s bare back.

Her arrow whizzed over Béla’s head as the false image faded. Béla’s true body lay on the ground, her own weapon aimed at where Beth materialized. Béla’s arrow sank into Beth’s taut belly, grazing her hipbone as it penetrated completely through and stuck out of her rump.

Béla quickly notched a second arrow and sank it into her sister’s belly right next to the first one. She jumped up and cheered as Beth sank to her knees, her mouth open, completely overcome by surprise and the sudden piercing agony of being unexpectedly shot in the gut, twice.

‘Nobody said anything about dreamwalking, ha-ha,’ Béla chortled in her thoughts.

Beth suddenly realized how she’d been deceived. She’d been stalking Béla’s astral form. The noise of Béla’s thinking in words camouflaged her physical form and hid it from Beth’s mental scan. Béla had been actually, or rather, metaphysically, sitting on top of herself, making it seem like she was an easy target.

Notching her third and last arrow, Béla walked up to her sister, her arrow pulled back tight on her bow.

“Where do you want it, darling sister?” Béla said, grinning. She radiated lust. “Belly or breast?”

Beth radiated her sister’s lust back at her, glad for any violent penetration. She didn’t care where she was shot, she just wanted to be shot. Right now would be great!


Béla released the arrow. It thudded heavily into Beth’s breastbone, knocking her backward onto the ground. Teleporting an arrow up off the ground where Beth had dropped it, Béla notched it and shot it up between her sister’s legs as they splayed out in front of her.

Beth lay on the ground, whimpering and shaking in pain and orgasm as Béla sat down on Beth’s legs and painfully jerked at the fiberglass arrows buried in her sister’s body. Beth screamed in agony as each arrow was twisted out. Béla had to kneel down with her knees on her sister's chest to hold her still while she twisted and yanked on the arrow she’d buried in Beth’s breastbone. After a moment, she finally jerked it loose and pulled it out.

“We can’t digest this stuff!” Béla informed her. “It’s like silk. Neither material is compatible with our digestive systems. Just be glad nobody makes fiberglass bullets. Those could poison us. Once they were in you, you couldn’t get them out.”

She tossed the gory arrows to one side, next to her bow.

Still kneeling on Beth’s ribs and holding her down, Béla held out her hand in front of her. One of the long, wicked fighting knives appeared in her hand. Béla raised it over her head, preparing to plunge it into her sister, trapped beneath her.

“And now you must pay the price of failing to kill me,” Béla intoned, grinning wickedly, “I offer the sacrifice of your beautiful, bloody tits to the Goddess of Lust!”

She plunged the knife down into Beth’s left breast, just missing her heart. At least, she would have, if the knife had still been in her hand. Instead, as Béla’s hand smashed into Beth’s tit, Beth was sticking that same knife into Béla’s soft belly, just below her navel. Both sisters cried out in pain at the double impact.

“The… Goddess of Lust accepts… your sacrifice of your… sweet belly,” Beth grunted as she carved into her sister’s gut.

‘God! You squashed my tit, you Bitch! That really hurts!’

Béla slid back and spread her knees to lie down on top of her sister, forcing the knife Beth was using deeper into her belly, the twisting blade making her come as she grimaced in agony. She sank her teeth into Beth’s bruised left breast, almost biting off her nipple.

‘You’re still sacrificing that tit, you double-crossing little cunt!’ Béla thought savagely, but playfully, at her sister, still trapped beneath her.

Béla bit down hard and shook her head, completely separating Beth’s tender, hard nipple from the rest of her left tit. She radiated her cannibalistic pleasure down through her sister as she forced the gristly little piece of flesh down her throat.

She felt Beth’s orgasm radiate upward through her body, her own pussy responding with its orgiastic wave of sensation, spurred to even greater sensual agony by the knife in her belly.

Beth lay, crushed and defeated by her sister, gasping as incredible waves of orgasmic sensation flooded through her body, reflected up into her sister, and swept through her again, amplified by Béla’s own orgasmic sensations. She trembled in shock and extreme pleasure, unable to even breathe until the sensual waves reflecting between them began to subside. She let her head fall back against the ground, breathing heavily and covered with sweat and blood.

Béla was in the same sweat-soaked condition, having ridden her own waves of ecstasy as they flowed through her body, then were amplified by her sister’s orgiastic pleasure and swept through her again.

Béla lay on her sister, holding herself up with unsteady hands so that she could gaze into Beth’s face. Sweat ran down her face and breasts in rivulets, speckling Beth’s torso and breasts with her wetness. She was breathing heavily, too.

“Wanna do it again?” Béla asked, still panting from the recent exertion and sensual pleasure. “I won, you lost! Nyah-Nyah-Nyah!”

“Who won?” Beth asked, still pinned beneath her sister. ‘I got more wonderfully holed than you did, I had more orgasms than you did, and…’

“You’re still gutted!” Beth panted, grinning at her sister, who was still holding her down. Beth squealed in laughter as she tried to prevent Béla from pulling the slippery, blood-soaked knife out of her belly.

After several moments of fierce wrestling and playful squealing, Béla managed to get the knife turned around and buried in Beth’s pelvis. They both came again from the exertion and the sensual pain that Beth radiated when that beautiful, white-hot blade sank into her, slicing her clitoris and cutting sideways through her vaginal walls.

“Now who’s gutted?” Béla asked, grinning through her clenched teeth, her face inches from her sister’s.

Beth was pinned again with Béla’s knee in her stomach and right arm pressing against her throat. Beth rolled her head back, experiencing another orgasm as her sister cruelly twisted the knife between her legs.

When Beth could talk again, her voice wavered unsteadily. “You knifed me in my cunt, not my gut, you sweet slut... You did what I wanted. I still won...”

She cried out in agony, twisting her torso around beneath her sister’s weight, having another orgasm as Béla savagely twisted the knife deeper into Beth’s shredded pussy.

Béla’s pussy quivered with desire as her sister’s orgasm swept through her. Suddenly getting an idea, she released her hold on her sister and positioned herself right over the knife handle. Lowering herself down, she began fucking the knife handle sticking out of Beth’s pelvis like it was a double dildo stuck into the both of them, which, after a gory fashion, it was.

Beth lay whimpering in orgasmic bliss as Béla humped herself up and down on the knife handle, forcing it in and out of Beth, cutting a new furrow in her already shredded, bleeding flesh with each of Béla’s downward motions. She radiated her agonizing orgasmic pleasure through her sister and felt it radiated back through her, causing her to come even harder with each thrust.

Catching her breath after one long series of orgasms, Beth just had to ask, “How can you come from that?” indicating the round handle of the knife Béla was humping up and down on.

“It feels good!” Béla panted as she bounced up and down. “I like it!”

“How can you feel anything?” Beth responded, grunting with each downward stroke her sister was making. “All it’s doing is going in and out, like a stupid dick.”

“I like dicks!” Béla gasped, her voice sounding strained from her efforts.

She was getting ready to come again. She arched her back and pressed her pussy against the knife handle harder as she came. The knife changed directions and carved a new slice across Beth’s cunt. Beth cried out from the agony and orgasmed simultaneously with her sister. They radiated their orgasms through each other, both sisters shaking uncontrollably.

Exhausted, Béla fell forward. The knife handle, still deep in Béla’s pussy, moved with her, causing the blade to carve its way back down and stick out a bit between Beth's legs. Whimpering in new agony, Beth came again.

They both lay on the ground, softly whimpering and sighing at each other for several minutes.

‘I came eight times from that knife jabbing me and you only came once!’ Beth thought into her sister’s mind. ‘So, how is a dick better than a blade carving through your insides?’ She was gasping in pain and too exhausted from her orgasms to speak verbally.

“Why… are you… so… competitive?” Béla asked, gasping for breath. “I came! I’m happy! I feel good!”

‘I have a fucking cramp in my leg!’

‘If you’d used the sharp end, you wouldn’t have to work so hard for that little bit of sensation…’ Beth admonished her sister, teasingly. ‘You can get a lot of sensation out of one little jab! It takes an hour of bouncing up and down on some guy’s dick to accomplish the same thing…’

‘I like to bounce, okay?’ Béla fumed. “You’re ruining my mood! Just shut up, will you? I love you. Now be quiet!”

‘It’s your leg cramp that ruined your mood…’ Beth began, and then she cried out as Béla twisted her hips, causing the blood-soaked knife to carve another path of white-hot agony through Beth’s already sliced up pelvis.


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Another week down the drain, Darren thought as he started to close down his computer. He was putting some papers away when his computer dinged. He looked back to see one new email. Email was the only program he hadn't shut down. He opened the new email, smiling. It was from Stephanie. "Hurry home. You're cutting in on my time. S" He shook his head and closed the email program and the computer down. Her time? Just because it was her fantasy weekend, how did it get to be her time? He...

2 years ago
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Mels First Time

This is my friends story. male pov. I got his permission to post this. True story.she came over that day and we both knew what the other wanted so, we went streight to my bed. we made the useual small talk for a few min and i just grabed her neck and pulled her into me kissing and holding her as i threw her down so i layed her down and started biteing and nibbleing up her neck slowly and softly at first all the way up to her ears licking and tickleing them with my tough, as she sigghed and...

2 years ago
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Road Trip With MomChapter 2

"C'mere, baby, it's time for your oral exam to begin." A shiver of excitement ran down Josh's spine as he listened to his mother. How many times had he fantasized about burying his face between her gorgeous legs and eating her until she couldn't take it any longer—and now, he was going to have his chance. With her crooked finger beckoning him, he leaned forward and moved between her spread thighs, mesmerized by the dizzying display of her lush mature body. His mother Erica looked so...

3 years ago
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Ill Never Leave Your Side

Lane was just 29 when he felt like the whole world was against him. It had been six years since he last had a girlfriend. He wanted to be with women before, he just never had the balls to ask them out, and in fact his last girlfriend asked him out. This was beside the point though. Lane was frustrated. His job was becoming hectic and his boss was being a major prick about everything He wanted to be with someone, and he wanted his job to be less frustrating but he wasn’t. And his job wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 5

ELENA The name ‘Prestira Rasloraca’ was familiar to me, and since my worldly news came in the form of barracks gossip, that meant she was probably a big deal. Upon further investigation, I learned that Miss Rasloraca had been First Mage of the Ardeni University for fifty years, which was no small feat. After that, she’d served as Arcane Master under the late Rondar Dreus, the previous regent of the Lowlands, of which Ardeni Dreus was the capital. There were several categories of witches and...

2 years ago
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My Sons Migraines Ch 3

[Read Chapters 1 & 2 before proceeding] Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Alex and I settled into a new normal over the next weeks and months. He’d be symptom free for a while and then be struck with another migraine. One pill later and he’d be peacefully asleep while I sucked his sweet cock and eventually swallowed his cum while masturbating myself with a growing array of sex toys. If I had the energy and erotic need I could help both of...

2 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Day 10

Day 10 - Monday The first thing that made me notice I was alive and awake was the pounding of my heartbeat in my head, the pain emanating from my temple and the back of my head, where I could also feel my hair was matted with dried blood. I couldn't see a thing, except for an incredibly thin dot of light at the edges of my nose, and I was unable to move from the sitting position I was in. Trying to ignore the pain drilling through my skull, I tried to take stock of my...

2 years ago
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Kates Begining Sunday

For once, it was Katie who woke up first. Despite Carolines bed being smaller than Tricia's both of them had managed a good nights sleep, Tricia more than Katie as she had still to wake up. She cuddled up close enjoying the feeling of just being close to Tricia something she had previously been denied. That morning snuggle in a bed with someone that loved you was so comforting to her. She considered starting a nipple hunt but decided that it wasn't her right to suckle when she decided...

3 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 16

***More of the twins in this chapter. 0_o —————- Rita saw the ’59 Chevy as it pulled into her driveway. She thanked her mother again for agreeing to baby-sit on such short notice and walked out of the house. Consuela’s convertible started again with a low rumble, as Margarita got in and searched for the seat belt. ‘You know, this is pretty cool, ‘Suela. I think you got the better husband. All Jose can build for me is a faster way to get fat!’ Consuela laughed as she backed out, and dropped...

4 years ago
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Totally unexpected

Imagine my shock when I opened the door to Linda, stood there in a very short tight skirt and bra less buttoned shirt. Her medium sized tits and semi erect nipples held by only three or four buttons.She was very toned and had a fantastic figure. Shoulder length mousy colored hair enveloped a pretty face with green eyes and full unpainted lips. She smiled and asked if she could come in. All thoughts of my recent break up with my live in girlfriend disappeared immediately as I scanned her perfect...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend

I was 28 and Lori 18. We had lived next door to each other since we very young and I had watched her grow from a gangly little girl into an absolutely gorgeous teenager. I worked in a local grocery, only a few doors away from the Cafe Lori worked in so we saw quite a lot of each other. One thing did strike me as odd and that was the fact that Lori didn’t seem interested in boys. We were sitting having a coffee one day, with Lori looking very young and sexy in a short navy blue skirt and white...

1 year ago
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The Worlds First Futa 10 Futas Wicked Campaign Chapter 1 Futas First Nubile Intern

Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...

3 years ago
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Ding Dong! Yes, who is it? Asked Jen. It’s me Lucy! Hey, Miss landlady, what can I do? Jen, I’ll be in a trip this coming hall week so I hope you can take care the apartment properly? Yes miss landlady! Jen replied. Ok I’m going now god bless! As Jen steps back in the apartment she decides to clean the apartment since she was boring as she cleans the room of Sam she accidentally saw some porn movies. She was shocked at first but she taught of watching it. She enters her room and played one of...

1 year ago
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My desire for USED CONDOMS

The part of my morning that keeps me sane is my morning walks. Something about being out there as the sun is coming up and birds are chirping really helps center myself. It’s in a great location near Lake George but sadly it’s not properly taken care of. Benches are broken, trash is everywhere and on top of that condom wrappers! I’m trying to meditate while I walk not think about some gross middle aged guy buying a hooker and using her right here on this path. I shouldn’t be thinking about how...

3 years ago
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I did it again

About once a month a group of us from work go out for dinner and drinks after work. It is not uncommon for us to close the bar and we have loads of fun. We were all surprised to see Fred come with us. Usually his wife is very controlling and does not let him come. He told us she was out of town for a conference so he was rebelling. We welcomed him and went through our usual routine. As the night went on and people were filtering home, Fred and I just kept drinking more. We were...

3 years ago
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Intergalactic Roller Coaster 5

Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 5 By: Malissa Madison Sitting next to her sister inlaw Tarriana beamed with pride as she watch the last TCP Scout deactivate her TCFB, flip the base up with the toe of her boot and catch it on her shoulder as she turned to sprint for the transport as it started past. Already Tom was sprinting for the rear door, his own TCFB in his right hand, his left reaching for the hand bar. "Scouts recovered," reported Saniya. "Transport secure, Commit Markers...

2 years ago
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You really are a Slut PT 2 Lesbian

Emma had changed everything that day. I was now an addict to her. I was hooked. I could not get her off my mind. She had left me a dishevelled, soaking mess on that toilet floor and I had to work out how to get my phone and portfolio from the networking room. I attempted to fix myself up as best I could in the mirror and made a very quick entry and exit. It was clear some noticed my now less than perfect look, but I knew they had no idea what had just happened.I drove home, my mind raced a...

3 years ago
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32 Dawns gangbang surprise

32. Dawns gangbang surprise.It was a for her normal Saturday, her master had sent for her calling on Thursday and instructing her to meet him at 10 am in the centre of the town. Andy her loving cuck hubby had got her ready; dressed as he had instructed bathed, shaved, and wearing her collar the key of which was in his pocket. In turn she had secured his cock in a cage the key of which she wore on her collar. So far things were just as usual for a Saturday in this household.Just before she...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 9 Strapped In

A little after four o'clock, I called the suite. Pyx was working at the Flames, filling in for a sick co-worker, so Vonda crawled over and answered. I spoke before she could say a word. "Get your belt on." Vonda hung her head. "You saw." "Of course I did. You stood up and stretched." "I'm sorry, Master. My legs were cramping and I did it without thinking." "That's alright. Wear your belt for three hours, and all is forgiven." With trembling hands, Vonda locked herself into...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 3 Sorority Shenanigans

The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 3 (January 7-10 2019) Revision Feb 10, 20 2019 Oh gee I hope this makes up for the other day, Claire thought as she sat in the front living room of their student house. Claire had on a nice if a bit functional outfit: a long sleeved red-black blouse with a low cut area around her bosom, showing off her fantastic assets there. Matching with that, she wore a short dark pencil skirt and then a pair of black 3 in heels, which were upon criss-crossed...

3 years ago
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First public bloat

The First Public Bloat Never have I been so nervous in all my life, my hand on the car door, popping it open, then letting it close, popping it open, letting it close. I keep looking at the clock, minutes seem like hours, time is almost frozen. 2 am, 2:10, 2:15, 2:20, now almost 2:30. Finally the parking lot of Sheetz clears out completely, the store is empty. I do one last nervous check of my makeup in the mirror then step from the car. The warm humid summer air feels wonderful on my face and...

3 years ago
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Loving Lilly

I was thankful that it was dark in the theatre; in broad daylight my nervousness would have been so much more apparent. At least in the back of the large dark room no one would be looking at me, except perhaps the girl sitting next to me. I had only known her a month, yet I felt like I had spent my entire life getting to know her. She was the picture of beauty in my eyes: long light brown hair, hazel eyes, and thin pink lips painted with clear shiny lip gloss positioned perfectly on her pale...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Larrys Story Part 2

Larry woke. He was a little disorientated at first. He couldn’t understand why he was in bed in the afternoon and then suddenly he started to recall the earlier events. Ginny suddenly appeared from the bathroom, dressed in a pair of figure hugging blue jeans and wearing a red bra; she must have awoken earlier and showered and changed. She smiled at him and came round the bed and sat down at his side. “Sleep well?” she asked him as she kissed him. He smiled. “All this fantasising can make you...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Louise

I've come to the conclusion that the only thing worse than not knowing that your wife is cheating on you is knowing that she is. It's like that Country Western song, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." What makes it even worse is that I see the guy she's fucking everyday when I go to work - he's my boss. My wife has admitted to the affair and has made me promise not to say anything about it because she wants to keep on fucking him, but doesn't want him to know that I...

3 years ago
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Freshman hookup turns into a surprise facial finis

I was a freshman (1st year) student at my university, and I noticed a cute girl in my psychology class. I wouldn’t call her hot or gorgeous, but she had a cute innocence about her. She had brown hair and blue eyes, she was 5'3, had a nice curvy body that she was almost trying to hide, but I could tell she had something special there. She also had the cutest pair of librarian glasses, and topped it off with braces on her teeth. The first few times I sat near her in class, she looked over and...

3 years ago
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En Athaiyai Kutha Aasai

Enaku ippozhuthu vayathu 18 aagugigrathu naan 12th mudithu ippozhuthu vidu muraiyil irukiren. Eppozhuthum naangal vidumurai vidum naakalil sontha kaarargal veetirku selvathu pazhakam. Enaku oru sexyaana athai irunthaal avalin peyar Susila avalin vaythu 34 ippozhuthu avaluku kanavan illali oru pen magal matume irukiraal. Athai veru thirumanam seithu kola villai aanal ennaku theriyum aval niraiya aangaludan ullasamaaga oothu sugathai anubavaikiraal endru. Naan en siru vayathil irukum pozhuthu...

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods Ch 02

Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn't been lost, she corrected herself. She'd been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she'd stepped out of the portable bathroom, she'd been stunned to find herself alone....

Love Stories
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Me And My Virgin Cousin Love To Fuck In Public

I live with my immediate family. However my entire family (aunts,uncles, cousins etc) all come over very often as we love to have family get together s. Well we are about 12 cousins and i have only one younger cousin who is a girl and since all my other cousins were much older we used to get along with each other allot and also hang around with each other a lot during family vacations. Well my cousin’s name is Rhea (name changed) she is quite a fair girl but has very cute features nice round...

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My name is Dan, I'm a 39 year old father of four. I'm married to Megan, the mother of my children, who also happens to be 39. We were high school sweethearts, I fell for her then because she was an absolute knockout, with a strong personality to match. Megan was a sporty girl 5'6" medium wavy brown hair and had the body of girl who works out. Firm legs, strong arms, flat stomach, an amazing bubble butt and smallish but quite perky breasts. I got a little too into her too early and knocked her...

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Science UnFair

[If you're trying to read these stories in their intended chronological order, this one occurs after Dots and Dashes of Color 9.] Every year for the past twenty or so, I've volunteered one day to the local City-Wide High School Science Fair. As a technologist, I enjoy seeing the innovations the students come up with. As an eternal lecher, I enjoy checking out the young ladies, dressed up to make a good impression with the judges. The event was held in the corner of a huge museum. All of...

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For Money or MayhemChapter 11 A New Client

The brunette in front of me at the Analog had her hair pulled up in a Saturday-morning-and-I-don’t-care knot on top of her head. I saw her often. You get to recognize people in a neighborhood like this. Usually, her hair fell straight below her shoulders and was brushed so silkily shiny you could almost see through it. This morning, as she leaned on the counter chatting with our friendly barista, she was wearing a short jeans jacket that left several inches of grey t-shirt exposed, cutting...

3 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 6 Ink Inc October

JOE REFLECTS ON THE EXPLORER'S RETURN Jenny is back after her first week. She seems very happy and relaxed and - fulfilled. She was really keen to talk about her week. That surprised me, but I am glad that she feels she can. Actually, I am relieved that she feels she can share this with me. She was full of how much she learned and how the data was really what she hoped for and how well, what she had recorded this time corresponded to her own experience, last time. Her enthusiasm for the...

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Lap Dance

"Nora, get dressed. We're going out." Nora was lounging naked on her sheepskin rug on the floor of the living room reading a novel on her tablet when he spoke up. He was seated in his easy chair and had just finished going through the mail and paying the bills. She quickly put down her tablet and stood up, placing her arms behind her back. "Yes, sir. What would you like me to wear?" "Short skirt, T shirt, no bra or panties, no shoes." She blinked. Their dynamic really didn't include public...

1 year ago
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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Book 2 Part 2

By Tuesday afternoon at work, I was a mess. Horny beyond belief, unable to concentrate, my mind caught in some electrical storm bouncing between the clit-melting feeling of my third pair of silk panties worn under my boring office chinos and thoughts of him, Daddy - everything about him coming back to me in flashes; the first taste of his cock there on my knees in the hotel, the taste of the base of his cock when he forced himself into my wet, gagging throat, the feel of his dominant...

4 years ago
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A NOT so Welcomed Guest 1

-------------- Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. Egyptian Deities ---------------- Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Sekhmet- Goddess of fire, war, and dance Anhur - God of war and the sky bearer - Full brother of Bast and...

3 years ago
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Obeying Katie ch03

Gary   After Katie and Chloe both fucked me twice we relaxed and talked for a while. I was sitting with my back against Katie’s chair and she had her legs draped over my shoulders. I was massaging her calves while she stroked my hair. They told me both her and her sister were curious about the female led lifestyle and had some success in finding boyfriends that allowed them to experiment but so far no one had come along who was as eager as I was.. They told me they were both thrilled....

2 years ago
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Space Alien Girlfriend From Gliese is Sperm Hungry

I was at my favorite Sports Bar watching Monday Night Football when the most beautiful waitress I had ever seen came up to my table and said “Hi I am Angelica what do you want to drink”? I was dumb struck by this Scandinavian petite blond with an absolutely perfect body and the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Well, Angelica was coming onto me like no women had ever done before. She unbuttoned her referee’s jersey and bent over to display her luscious tits to me whenever she came to my...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 40 The Demonrsquos Wicked Lash

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Forest I waited for an answer from Plumdrop and Flutter, my arms folded across my chest. I needed to know why we couldn’t go to Drakin...

4 years ago
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Catfight 3 black v blue

Ebony - the 5' 8" muscular black fighter, who had dominated cat last week, laughed at her new opponent.Amy was sculpted from steel, Kevlar and blue silicone to appear as a skinny, 4' 6", 32A-24-32, always smiling 15 year old sexbot.What Sam didn't know when he arranged the private contest in the circular steel cage, to avenge his favourite sub's defeat, was that Amy had been remanufactured from a submissive sextoy into an u******e fighting machine.Ebony screamed "I'm going to rip you limb from...

4 years ago
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Innocent But Sexy Mom Part 2

Please mail your sexy comments and feedback to As I and aunt got up displaying our wet cum soaked genitals, mom handed us juice as if everything is normal. My cock even twitched once making a dollop of cum to fall off on the carpet. Now, mom went in to get a cleaning cloth to clean the cum off the carpet. I removed the Capri off aunt and my shorts too and put it in mom’s bedroom. Mom came back with a cloth, topless, and started cleaning. Her boobs were jiggling. Aunt was in a sex daze. Mom now...

2 years ago
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Part 2

My Husbands overseas business tripTuesday and Wednesday went by rather well and Thursday night after fetching my daughter from school I went past my husband's parents and had supper their. They loved the fact that they got to spend time with their grandaughter and during supper I asked them if they would mind looking after her Saturday afternoon and night till Sunday midday as I was invite to a friend's birthday ( which was obviously a lie).They said sure no problem at all and were looking...

3 years ago
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The Promotion1

Her boss, Jack, asked her how things were going and Maureen said that some things were just fine but other items were not. When questioned she replied that she really wanted to be an engineer, and then she could be happy. Jack told her that even if she did not make the grade this time, she should not get discouraged as there would be future oppertunities. Maureen said that she wanted to make the most of her present opportunities and stood up. She then stunned Jack by removing her blouse and...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Sister True Story Part Two

My best friend’s sister waited patiently on the bed as I made my way up to her. She was all woman, beautiful and nude, and the sight of her perfect pussy, in all its smooth splendor, was enough to make me want to peel those vertical lips apart as I climbed up into the bed with her. I knew, however, if I started there first, she would not get the full effect. I wanted to tease her, to bring her to the edge just as slowly and rhythmically as she had done to me. As I crawled past her succulent...

3 years ago
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Wanting EveryoneChapter 7

Melinda and Phil stepped from the shower and playfully toweled each other dry. Naked and still laughing they walked into the kitchen, where Melinda cooked eggs and bacon for both of them. "The life of luxury," Phil chuckled. "I feel like a million." "So do I," Melinda replied. "Last night..." "This morning," Phil corrected. "It's 2 P.M." She smiled. "This morning was terrific. You're really quite a man, Philip Howard. I was beginning to believe that there weren't any men...

3 years ago
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My Wife Continues Her Slutty Ways

The love of my life unintentionally got involved with a shady guy with a huge cock and can’t stop fooling around with him. At first, I had a hard time with it – a guy with a twelve-inch dick is screwing the hell out of my beautiful, petite wife – but ultimately, if it makes Jen happy, I’m ok with it. If I’m being completely honest, I’m turned-on by the whole thing, even the nasty pictures and videos he sends out of their fuck & suck sessions. I could do without everyone knowing and seeing the...

2 years ago
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W Little D 02

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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My Innocent Daughter YeahChapter 2

While Lucie and Madison were in the shower I tried to get my head together. It was bad that I’d kept watching of course - continuing after the point where I knew there was no danger to my daughter. I’d made it even worse by stroking my cock to two orgasms, while I’d spied on her naked body and on her fucking, cumming and being cummed on. Even worse, I was going to keep watching. The sight of Greg’s huge cock sliding into Lucie’s lean, lissom body had been amazing, and I had to know if it was...

1 year ago
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Latino Threesome

It was something about the way he gazed at me over his glasses. Kind of teacher like, but not really. I got a slight kick out of it anyhow, I knew he wasn’t interested and that fuelled me a little to try and tease him. The flight had just landed at Mexico City Airport. Beautiful Latin America awaited my arrival. The flight from Florida had been a bit hair-raising due to turbulence and I was now in desperate need of a sharp one. The alcoholic variety that is. The company had sent Mike and me out...

4 years ago
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The Steamy Forbidden Affair

Princess Annabelle of England sat in her bed chamber one evening in late 1871 and watched as super classed snobs arrived at the palace ready to eat her food, drink her wine from the window. They made her sick. The door opened and her busty French maid called Marie stepped in. ‘Marie, how many times do I have to tell you,’ Princess Annabelle said, irritably. ‘Always knock before you come in.’ The French maid curtsed, ‘Sorry, your highness, but a gentleman wishes to see you,’ she said, her French...

1 year ago
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A Mother in Need

It had been a very odd day, everything was not going the way I had planned, but I would never have believed how it would end. My life would be nearly turned upside down before the night was though. But the moment I got out of work, all I could think about was seeing my baby. Now an hour minutes late with no time for a shower or change, going out that night wasn't looking very likely. Tina was going to be pissed, and the last thing I needed was to get an anal reaming. I made it to her house...

3 years ago
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Modern Aunty From Cuttack

I am Mr X from Cuttack. I am a huge fan of this page and have been jerking out since standard 7 now just completed my 12th boards. So let’s come to the story let me describe it in Hindi. I am a well-built guy having a cock size of 7″ and I had my encounter with my friend’s mom. Unki umar 41 thi aur unke stats 38-32-40 thi dekhne main gori aur bahut sundar thi. Main standard 12 se hi unke bare main sochke masturbate karta tha like she was my lust. Bahut try karne ke eak din mauka mila. Sardiyoon...

4 years ago
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Summer of 97

Summer of '97Luara and I were both 17 when we met. She was pretty and very popular. We hung out together every day during the summer. So it was nothing for us to end up in my backyard by the pool tanning our young bodies.She had a beautiful body of 5'5" 110 lb.And a chest that would satisfy a starving man.Where as me, I was 5'5" 125 lb. and nearly flat chested. The only imperfection she had was a scar on her chest where she had surgery."That is the summer I will never forget"It was the summer...

2 years ago
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45 Saal Di Aurat Di Chudai

Hi friends mai preet patiala(punjab) to ehhe kahani meri real te hai es kahani da maksad ehhi hai ki jo aurata apni sex life to dukhi ne ja ohho ikaliya ne ohna li hai hun tam sama jahda kharab nah karda hoya storie te auona han (mail id ) for contact me Hun storie te auone han ehhe ajj to 3 month pehla di hai january di hai jithe mai rehna han othe buhat vadia vadia families rehndiya ne buhat vadia area hai patiala city da so jahda pahde likhe log hon karke sarre log working he ne ehhe kahani...

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cucks first time to try bbc

I was attending my local swimming club which Im a member and theres this one guy ive seen there couple of times, who is really big and really black, he works out so much. For some reason I could never take eyes off him every time I see him I cant stop myself looking, maby because he wears really tight sweat pants which you can basically see everything he is packing downstairs. I tried to put these taughts to the back of my mind.So a couple of weeks ago on a quite morning I was leaving the pool...

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Innocent Chachi

Hi m akash from gujarat and m 26 years old this is a real experience with my chachi. We live in a joint family and i have an uncle and aunt,me jab chota tha tab mujme sex ki samaj nahi thi but i use to fondle with my penis against mattress. Khatye pe lund ragad na muje alag ehsas deta tha, chachi ki umra tab kariban 30 hogi aur muje us umr me itna kuch idea nahi tha ki boobs kese hote hai aur wo bhi kabhi dekha nahi tha kisi aurat ke.Chachi mere sath ache se rehti thi like a kid i use to play...

4 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 10

“So, tell us, David, are you ready to accept our proposition so that we can guide you to someday take over the mantle of the leader of the council?” How are you supposed to answer that question, especially when you are being asked by twenty of the most powerful beings on the planet kind enough to provide you with tutelage? If I refused their offer, I would only come off as an arrogant, idiotic boy who hadn’t yet earned his place in the world. On the other hand, I could only see advantages...

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