False Imprisonment
- 2 years ago
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Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it?
Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast.
"Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you are in court in fifty minutes."
Tony sat up slowly, his head was thumping and then he realised that he had a bandage on his arm. He could remember nothing clearly about the previous evening, except that he had drunk an awful lot of wine. He sat up carefully his head thumping and looked down at his clothes and he realised that he was still wearing a skirt and blouse and he still had his black fashion boots on, w hich were his pride and joy. On the other bunk was his fur wrap and a handbag which was also part of his female clothes.
Tony struggled to think about how he had got here and realised that the gaoler had called him "Miss" and Tony knew that was definitely wrong. He had a very big and very active 18 year old cock under his skirt constrained by a pair of ladies briefs. He looked at the handbag and realised that it belonged to Rita. It was full of her make-up and her driving licence with her a photo. Tony had to admit that the photo did look very like him. In fact Tony had always modelled his female appearance on Rita, and they were much the same size.
Although Tony was a transvestite. He was not gay, but like many men he enjoyed dressing as a woman and last night had been a meeting of like minded chaps of the Beaumont Society. Rita was his girl friend, she was nineteen and a part time prostitute and a neighbour of his. She had a strong interest in the TV community and attended meetings to help and advise members with their make-up and dress. She gave Tony especial attention and in fact they were also casual lovers as well. Quite frequently they would swop clothes and she would help him with his shopping to buy his girls clothes.
Tony knew Rita had been in court for soliciting a few times and she had a young daughter of three, who he was very fond of, so if she went to gaol her daughter would be taken into care by Social Services and he knew Rita would do anything to avoid that. Tony began to remember now that when the police had arrived on the scene of the fight, she had pushed her bag into his hand and snatched his bag.
They had got a sort of loose arrangement, that one day they would perhaps marry. She had for a long time had a key to his apartment and Tony guessed that was where she would be hiding now. After a few moments and a cup of nearly cold tea his memory of the night before started to become clearer. He remembered, how that they had both been arrested and the police had taken them to casualty to have their slight injuries dressed after they had been attacked by a bunch of young thugs and a fight had developed. At the hospital, Rita had pleaded with him to keep the change of identities with her as she could not afford to go to prison and have her young daughter placed into care.
The hospital had been busy and the change of identity was no problem as they had their injuries treated. Rita had used his femme name of Jane and had produced his credit card with his feminine name on as proof of her identity. It was one of those cards with a photo on which was not terribly clear. As Tony's name was not known to the police she had been released with a warning and Tony now impersonating her, was being charged and prosecuted as a common prostitute.
It seemed terribly unjust when the fight had been deliberately started by trouble makers, none of them had been arrested and Rita or Tony having being charged as a prostitute, when she was not soliciting, or had even been the subject of a complaint by a member of the public.
Tony vaguely remember later being charged as Rita Stubbs and being brought to this cell. He presumed that very soon his real identity would be discovered and they would have to release him, but he was almost sure the police could not charge Rita after making such a big mistake over his identity when he was arrested. So in fact she would be in the clear. Tony was a little surprised that his true sex had not been discovered last night, either by the hospital, or here at the police station.
As he was pulling himself together the cell door opened and a policeman came in with a bag of clothes and toilet gear.
"Your sister brought these in for you." he said, as he dumped the bag on the floor.
That must have been Rita, bless her she had sent him changes of clothes and toilet gear and make-up, together with some safety razors, so Tony quickly washed and renewed his make up, changed his blouse and skirt into something more modest and waited for his court appearance.
Tony stood no chance in court, the lady magistrate in summing up said after Tony had pleaded "Not Guilty"
"You are a menace to the people of this city. You have had plenty of warnings in the past, Rita Malloy and you even lie about your identity, therefore I have no hesitation in sentencing you to three months in prison and one years suspended sentence. Let us hope that it will teach you a lesson. If you offend again then you will be rearrested and returned to prison to serve the full term."
Tony had been given no real chance to speak at all and so here he was now at Parkgate open prison for ladies, with three other girls also sentenced for soliciting at the same court. One girl looked at him and said.
"You aint Rita Stubbs."
Tony put his finger to his lips and went "shhh."
She smiled and guessed Tony was up to something and had a little giggle as she whispered to the other girls.
Tony whispered to her "I am a bloke in drag."
He explained what had happened and they thought it was a big giggle. They were not going to shop him for certain and were obviously looking forward to the fireworks when it was discovered that Tony was a man.They were taken inside to face two middle aged aggressive lady warders and a man warder. They were told the prison rules and were told they could keep their own clothes as this was an open prison. All their personal luggage was searched.
Then came the command "Strip off girls time for your search."
The first girl went into a cubicle with a female prison officer and came out looking a little flustered her face all red "the fucking cow" she murmured.
The second girl went and Tony knew that soon the game would be up for him because as soon as he was undressed they would soon know that Tony had an eight inch cock where there should be something much more feminine.
Then came his turn as Tony started to slowly undress in the cubicle the woman prison officer stood impatiently muttering "come on girl". Then suddenly a loud bell sounded "stop there" she said and went rushing out. Tony finished undressing, but after about five minutes he decided to dress and went back into the reception room. The girls were grinning as they guessed Tony had not been searched.
"The one girl whispered "You lucky bastard, saved by the bell."
Tony was also thinking that if he could gain a little time it would give Rita a better chance to get away if that was what she wanted to do. Tony noticed that the girls were treating him like a hero and one of the girls whispered that this was the normal weekly fire drill and each officer had to go to a predetermined fire station. Tony stood waiting and eventually one officer came back smiling to herself.
A senior warden came in and asked "Do you need any help Mary?" No Liz thanks, we are all ready to take them to their rooms, we have done the searches as she initialed their record sheets and they can have the medical with the others tomorrow."
After a few moments having been read the rules of the establishment again which showed the chaos of the prison that day. The three other women Liz, Mandy and Lee were put in the same room as him. The door clanged shut and Liz obviously the leader closed in on him. She kissed him boldly on the lips and as she did so she was feeling under his short skirt. Her hand embraced his cock which was now well and truly excited.
She turned to the other two "Wow girls we have something very special here."
She turned to Tony " The one thing we miss here is a little bit of cock now and then, So darling you are going to be kept very busy."
She pushed him back on the bed stripped his girlie panties off and took his cock between her lips, stretching her mouth wide. It was incredible, so hot and wet, She ran her tongue around the head of his cock. It felt good but he wanted more of his cock in her mouth. He could hear the other girls giggling and laughing as they waited their turn with him. Tony knew that he was probably in for an exhausting time. As Liz started sucking, with just the head in her mouth her mouth seemed stretched to extreme. Her cheeks hollowed as Liz increased suction around the tip. Still the need to push deeper in her mouth was overwhelming.
That is when he snapped, with his hands gripping her hair, Tony pushed his hips forward. At first he was not very forceful and only a half inch more of his penis slipped past her lips. Liz was resisting further intrusion causing him great pleasure. It was a chain reaction, the harder Liz resisted him the harder Tony pushed and the deeper he got. To his mind Liz looked beautiful as she did with him trying to cram his cock down her throat. As hard as Tony was trying though, he barely had two inches in her mouth. As it was, her mouth looked impossibly stretched.
His orgasm started to boil and when Liz looked up at him with her gray eyes, Tony started to spurt. "Oh Liz!" was all that Tony could moan as Tony let loose. Tony not sure if Liz tried to retreat from his cock, his hands were straining to pull her face even closer to his groin. The orgasm shattered his brain, each spurt of cum rang through his spine sending him to oblivion. Tony felt Liz swallow each load Tony was giving her. He was in heaven, he never wanted it to end. But it did.
His senses slowly returned to him, yet Liz continued to milk the last drops from his spent cock. Tony was in love with Liz's mouth. Finally, Tony released his fingers from Liz's hair. She gingerly slid her lips off his cock, causing another tremor to hit his body.
"You are going to be a real joy with that thing aren't you," she said with surprisingly little malice. "You mean if I get past the medical somehow tomorrow."
"We will get you past that - no problem."Liz replied, "But you have to understand that favours have to be paid for and one cock between about 300 women - wow are you going to be busy"
Liz giggled at her statement. While she had been talking Liz was now spread eagled herself in front of him. Tony was between Liz's legs and his still hard prick was banging against her wet panties in an instant. He did not want to kiss her because he did not want to taste his own sperm. So Tony went for her neck and ears. Tony continued to push against her panties covered pussy while Tony bit her neck and nibbled her ear, for a short time.
Then Liz whispered, "Your are a bastard."
But her hands spoke a different message and not only moved her panties to clear his entry, they also guided his cock to her wet hole. Even just the tip sliding inside of Liz's pussy was amazing. So warm and wet, not to mention she was incredibly tight. Instincts over took him and Tony continued to press his hips forward. Liz's pussy was tighter than her mouth but gave way much easier to penetration. Liz was panting so loud in his ear that Tony could hear nothing else.
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Introduction: A mother allows a man to use her daughter This is a fictional story for adults only and describes sexual activities between an adult male and an underage female. Please do not continue reading if this offends you. This story was written for entertainment only and the author does not condone any illegal activities or abuse of any kind. This is a 3rd attempt at story writing and feedback is welcome. CHAPTER 4 – Brians Story Brian knew how to get what he wanted, and he had specific...
The man had an idea of who at least one of the children was. That of General Baron. He glared silently at the thought. This was good. He had been going up to the lodge, and had left the road forty minutes ago, trying to remain unseen. He didn't really have a plan, but wanted to look over the home of the man who had had his brother killed. Silently, he moved closer until he could also hear what the children were saying. He was not unaffected by the beauty of the two nude teen girls. He...
I had invited Kim to view one of the loft's and get her perspective.As Kim and I entered the warehouse I reached back, I quickly turned the door's deadbolt . Then I faced Kim and said in a calm clear voice, "Let's take the elevator to the 2nd floor." Arriving on the second floor walking to a finshed loft. As we enter the loft I turned locking the door, Kim resembled the perfect female. Her blonde shoulder length hair gracing her shoulders, the halter top revealing her 36C breasts that...
'We need to change for the wedding,' she said and left the room. Last night's events started to come back to my mind and in the bright day light, I found myself extremely embarrassed. I always found Bruno handsome for an older man, but never, not in a million years I would have imagined that one day I would watch him masturbate while he watched me doing the same, much less have sex with Nathan twice while I pretended, he was his father. I had no idea how I would be able to face Bruno and...
I haven't had the chance to fuck around with a guy in a couple of years. The last time was before craigslist personals got shut down. That was always my go to. I found a married guy who traveled from Chicago to Raleigh regularly for business. I let him be my cocksucker in his hotel room. His request was that I walk in, Drop my pants and sit down on the couch. I was to let him have control of the situation from there. It was cold outside and I remember sitting in the parking lot for a while...
I was at a porn theater and had just gone a blown a guy eating a huge load of cum. My cock was out as I sat and slowly stroked it. The hot encounter that I just had made me incredibly horny and I was hoping for a little help with my cock. After about 15-20 minutes, I decided pull up my pants and try a local porn shop with gloryholes to see if my luck would be better. The movie on the screen was getting close to the money shot, so as I walked up the isle I looked over my shoulder. I got...
Sometimes things happen for the better and I guess bitch slapping Eva in the storage-room was one of them. The slap had built up for a long time, over weeks and months actually and I thought it was well deserved, but my boss didn’t, even though he knew what a bitch Eva was. So, about five minutes after delivering the slap and watch Eva run off crying, I walked out of the supermarket unemployed but pretty happy.I wasn’t too concerned about finding gainful employment. I had languages, and...
BisexualEvery Summer we rent a caravan on the coast for a fortnight and I leave my wife there all week and go back at weekends. Normally we get the same neighbors, a family with kids, but this year there was a retired couple there. I thought nothing of it when I dropped Jenny off, but when I got back did she have a story to tell. I am twenty years older than Jenny, who is 32. She is a tall brunette with a half decent tanned body that she doesn't worry too much about showing off, so I suppose I should...
MatureIt all started about 10 years ago. One Friday night I was in a bar in the city where I live, when I noticed that the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen was looking at me across the room. I could hardly believe it, but before I knew it she walked over and started talking to me. I was still thinking "What's wrong with this picture?" when she suggested we go to a nearby hotel.Once we got to the room, she offered to get me a drink from the mini bar. Suspecting nothing, I drank the whiskey and...
I suffered the cock cage for another two weeks. Roberta did not make it any better with her erotic text. I should really have ignored then, but I guess I am a sucker for punishment. So finally two weeks later we were at Roberts and Margarets for dinner. After dinner without being asked Robert and I headed to the kitchen to do the washing up. As we left Penny gave me a knowing smile and a nod, which was strange. We talked about this as we did the dishes and how they had been strange in...
Introduction: widowed rich bitch will go to any lengths to gain her inheritance Bartholomew Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald, the deceased long...
I got home from my meeting and set my briefcase on the table. I loosened my tie as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. As I opened the door, my heart began to race. I had fantasized about this more often than is healthy, but there lay Eve's cheerleader kit on the floor next to my bed. Muffled sounds of the shower running flowed out the narrow gap, as the chocolate hardwood door to my master bathroom stood slightly ajar. I didn't want to think. If I hesitated, I feared I'd lose my nerve. I...
Straight SexChapter 9 — Dinner with the Prime Minister The next morning Maria Elena was awake early to set up the kitchen, in spite of having had only a few hours of sleep. Cecilia was up as well, fixing breakfast for her nephew, who was still in bed sick. The Dominican clearly was exhausted from having spent the entire night with Jason, but she also felt guilty from having dumped caring for Pedro on Victor while she spent Saturday out of the house. She’d have to make it up to both of them on Sunday,...