False Reality
- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving.
He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by her supervisor, although from the prying questions their driver made, the actual reason wasn’t known. Whitaker dodged his questions and before long they were being dropped off at the airport again.
Taylor was a bit surprised at that. He got why they’d flown them out the first time. The FBI was a bureaucratic institution first and foremost, and the self-preserving nature of bureaucrats is to protect their careers. Taylor knew this was the main reason he’d gotten so much push back from his path of investigation. It proved the FBI’s theories wrong and by inference put the blame of that misguided investigation on the agent leading it. In their world, being blamed for being wrong was worse than actually being wrong.
It wasn’t a failing unique to the FBI. He’d seen it often enough during his time in the service. And that of course didn’t apply to the guys in the trenches. Like Whitaker, they took their duties seriously, even if they needed a nudge from time to time.
So when a voice from several rungs up the bureaucracy demanded they assist him, they did just that. But their being called back either meant Dorset was willing to push back against the people above him, either because he thought they were wrong or, more likely, he thought there would be blow-back from what had happened today and he didn’t want any of it landing on him.
Either way, Taylor would have thought that would mean a long car ride to Dallas, not a hop on the company plane. And yet, here they were at the small airfield they’d arrived at with the same plane, or one just like it at least, waiting for them as they pulled up.
Which Taylor was having a hard time deciphering.
“Why send the plane?” Taylor asked Whitaker when they got airborne.
“It’s Tony’s way of intimidation. When he’s going to come down hard on someone, he likes them off balance. And he wants us to remember that he has the balance of power between us.”
“Seems a little petty.”
“I used to think it was just strategy for managing problems. But you’re right. It’s petty.”
“I’m not sure what exactly we’ve done wrong. We know there’s explosives’ missing and we know that Samar’s girlfriend was kidnapped and murdered by a bunch of home grown radicals with a serious hate for the US government. It doesn’t take a genius to map this out.”
“That’s what we think’s happened, but we’re going to have a harder time proving it. All we have is the murder of a girl who may or may not be connected to Samar. On top of that, my car being shot up and the stuff at the farm was all done in chasing a murder case we were specifically told to back off from. During which events a deputy sheriff was killed. Basically, we have theories with no support and a clear cut case of insubordination.”
“I don’t work for him,” Taylor said.
“I do.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Whitaker turned away from him, staring out the window of the plane for the rest of the flight. Taylor left her alone to her thoughts. She was a good person, but she was still a Fed and by following him, she’d put her career in jeopardy, which mattered to her. Taylor understood that and even felt bad about it, but at this point there wasn’t much he could do.
Taylor had a moment to wonder why he was still chasing it. True, Dorset was still focused on Samar, but that wouldn’t last much longer no matter what Taylor did. The Sheriff down there knew the connection between Samar and Julie, and had made some noise about it. Taylor would be shocked if the farmhouse shootout didn’t make the news as far as Dallas and Houston. A radical militia, a gun battle and a dead hero, in the form of Wade, was going to be too good for news stations not to pick up. And once they started looking they’d make the connection with Samar and the armory. Dorset’s case against him would fall to pieces in days, Taylor was pretty sure.
But that still left the question, why keep going? He’d done what he’d promised to do, more or less. Of course, Taylor knew there wasn’t much chance of him walking away. Not with whack jobs running around with a mountain of high explosives. Years ago he’d taken an oath. He might not be in the service any more, but that still meant something to him.
When they landed, Dorset had another car waiting for them, with another nameless Fed behind the wheel. Whitaker didn’t even make a pretense of small talk this time, and shut down every effort the guy made at finding out what was going on.
Gone was the confident woman he’d first met. Even when she was a hard-ass “Yes woman”, she had an air of security around her. Now she seemed on edge. He couldn’t help but wonder how much this crisis was professional and how much was personal. She hadn’t actually said anything, but he had a strong feeling that things had gotten personal between her and Dorset.
The driver pulled into the FBI building’s parking garage and escorted them all the way to a meeting room. Taylor supposed Dorset didn’t want to chance him convincing Whitaker of ignoring more orders and go off on some other fool errand.
The room was the same conference room they had briefed at just two days ago, although it seemed somewhat more ominous as the light through the windows quickly faded from day to night. Taylor took a seat at the conference table facing the door, but Whitaker just paced up and down the other side of the table like a caged lion.
Considering the effort that had been spent getting them back as quickly as possible, Taylor would have thought they’d see Dorset as soon as they arrived. It seemed, however, Dorset subscribed to just about every petty power move a person could make, and left them stewing in the room for over an hour. Taylor wondered how anyone could be this big of a jackass, but considering some of the commanders he’d met in the military, he knew there was nothing exceptional about Dorset.
Eventually however, Dorset ended up joining them. He burst into the room and slammed the door behind him. Storming to what Taylor thought of as the ‘head’ of the table, Dorset tossed a thick file folder on the table in front of him and grabbed the back of the chair, standing behind it.
Considering he’d only been on the case for two days with little direct contact with the FBI outside of Whitaker, Taylor couldn’t imagine their exploits had generated as much paper as filled the file folder sitting on the table between them and Dorset. He thought there was a chance he’d open it and find a stack of random memos pulled from the bottom of someone’s desk or to-go menus. Having a thick, official looking file to point to from time to time, regardless of what was in it, was straight out of Management for Assholes.
“What did I say?” He said after giving the meanest stare he could manage.
“To me? Nothing. You did hang up on me, once though,” Taylor said.
He knew Dorset was talking to Whitaker, but Taylor had already decided he wasn’t going to back down. He didn’t like bullies, and incompetent ones even less so.
Dorset ignored him and looked at Whitaker, “Loretta? Was I unclear about what I expected from you?”
“No, sir.”
“What?” he said, finally acknowledging Taylor’s presence.
“I said, ‘bullshit.’ Here, in this office, you told her to offer whatever assistance I needed in my investigation. I assume from the fact that we’re sitting here having the riot act read to us, you gave her a second set of instructions. I mean, you had to’ave. Because if all you told her was to offer me assistance, then there’d be no reason for this little show. And I’d say giving your subordinate two contradictory sets of instruction is the very definition of being unclear. Hence ... bullshit.”
“Taylor,” Whitaker said in a warning tone, circling round the table and coming up behind him.
“No, Mr. Taylor’s right. It’s possible you were confused about what I wanted from you. Is that what happened here?”
“No, sir. I was clear.”
“I’m not clear. I was told I had the support of your task force.”
“Ohh, you did, Mr. Taylor. But that was before you decided to interfere in a local murder investigation, and start a gun battle that left five men dead, including a law enforcement officer.”
“So you still think this is all some wild theory, and Abbas was a fundamentalist extremist.”
“We’re working on a lot of angles, but that is still the working theory.”
“And his girlfriend dying just before the explosion was, what, a coincidence?”
“I’ve seen nothing to say she was in any way connected with Samar Abbas. And even if she were, there is no evidence her murder was in any way connected to the events at the armory.”
“You have his phone records. I’m betting it’s filled with calls to her.”
“Like I said, there’s nothing saying her murder was connected.”
“So you’re going with it being a coincidence that she was murdered by anti-government radicals just after someone blew up a US Military installation?”
“We’re looking at it, but we need more than your guesses before we move away from our prime theory.”
“And the stolen munitions.”
“Yes, I saw that in Loretta’s last update. Our technicians disagree with your conclusions. We believe all of the material stored at the armory was destroyed there.”
Taylor looked at Whitaker, who’d moved to stand more or less parallel with him, out of the corner of his eye. He hadn’t been aware of her sending Dorset regular reports and couldn’t help but wonder what had been in them.
“Have your people look again. How’s your career going to go when another government building is blown up by these explosives? This stuff is tagged at the molecular level. That makes it possible to trace residue from expended munitions to be tracked back to the source. You won’t be able to sweep it under the rug.”
“Let us worry about the safety of US Government property.”
“You probably don’t even have that long, Dorset,” Taylor said, continuing. “Has the local news picked up on Julie’s murder? Do you think it’s going to take them long to tie into Samar and your investigation?”
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Having visited a morning magistrate's court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...
Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...
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Taylor said his goodbyes to Naziah and Colonel Keene and headed out to join Robles in the SUV. “How’d it go? he asked, as John opened the passenger side door and slid into the seat. “I told them I’d look into it.” “See, I told you there was something here!” “I’m not going that far. It’s possible this kid is innocent, but all they have is how they feel about him. Mothers are usually the last to know what their kids are really like.” “Yes, but Colonel Keene agrees.” “Sure. That and your...
Whitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...
The drive to the campus took a lot longer than either Taylor or Whitaker expected. It wasn’t the campus itself that was the problem, the in-dash GPS took care of getting them on campus without much trouble. The problem was, the GPS didn’t know much beyond where the campus itself was, and they found no entry for the registration office, which was their next stop. Texas Tech isn’t a huge campus, but all the buildings looked similar, and the street signs weren’t helpful. Eventually they stopped...
As Whitaker and Taylor headed out of the hotel and toward the location, Whitaker was texted by the Deputy. There had been a lot of tense silence between them since they’d met, but Taylor could feel the anger coming off Whitaker. And yet, she hadn’t thrown in the towel completely. Taylor knew he’d been too dismissive of Whitaker from the beginning, but he wasn’t sure how to make any of them listen to reason. He promised himself he would try and go easier on her if at all possible. The hard...
“So, we can’t get help from your people or anything off of Julie’s car. Where does that leave us?” Taylor asked as they drove away from the morgue. “I want to go back to the pizza place,” Whitaker replied. “I saw some security cameras around the building. I want to see which way she headed when she left work that last Friday before she disappeared. While it’s not exactly in the middle, she’d have to go one way to go to Samar’s place, and the other direction to head back to her...
“A robbery?” Whitaker said, surprised. “Yep. The explosion was to hide any trace of it, most likely. And it’s not like you can go out and buy two-hundred pounds of C4. The inconsistent blast radius, plus the fact that multiple guys are involved in kidnapping Julie, all point to it, unless we go with the abduction being a coincidence.” “No, we don’t. But that doesn’t let Samar off the hook. He could have been in on the crew stealing the explosives.” “Sure, but then why kill Julie? What...
As it turned out, they couldn’t leave right away, much to Taylor’s annoyance. There weren’t enough deputies to interview the AC shop owner, search for Mullins and sit on their SUV until it could be towed, so the three of them had to wait for a tow truck to come for Whitaker’s SUV. When it finally showed up, Whitaker pulled all her possessions out and loaded them into a messenger bag. “What are we going to do to get around?” Taylor said as she loaded up her things. “I mean, Wade here offered...
The next morning, neither talked about the night before. By the time she’d showered and dressed in another of her ubiquitous dark pantsuits ... which, it turned out, she had an entire closet full of ... Whitaker was back to her normal self. It didn’t take them long to figure out their plan once they got going, since it was pretty straight forward. They would stake out Brooks, and see where he went. If he had been hired to grab Julie, then this would be all for nothing, but it was the only...
Taylor felt himself being bumped around and a hand pressing down on his shoulder as he came to. Opening his eyes, he could see the sterile white interior of an ambulance, as the paramedic pressed down on him to hold Taylor steady when the vehicle swerved around a turn. “Whitaker?” he said, trying to sit up. The paramedic pushed him gently but firmly back down. “Your friend is in another ambulance. You’re both ok, mostly cuts and bruises, but we want to check both of you out for...
They took the SUV back to the Sheriff’s office and picked up Whitaker’s car. Even though the sun was already down, she drove them all the way back to Dallas. Neither of them spoke the entire trip. It felt like they were back to the first day they met, and Taylor didn’t care for it at all. This silence wasn’t like when Dorset had come down on her. That silence had been caused by concern that she’d made a mistake and thrown away everything she’d worked for, up to that point, away. It wasn’t...
The trip took just over an hour. Even with the headphones, any conversation was more than challenging thanks to the noise of the helicopter, so they both opted for silence. As they closed in on Oklahoma City, it got eerie. Except for a building here and there, the city was black. Most of the suburbs around the city still had power, making it look even more unusual like someone had carved out the center of the city, leaving nothing behind. While Taylor was looking down contemplating how...
Whitaker slept peacefully, her dark hair a sharp contrast against the bleach white pillow she rested on. Her face was calm and restful. Staring at her as she slept; Taylor thought back to how she looked in that gray, smoky concrete hallway, two days ago. When he’d returned to her, Whitaker was in bad shape. Her skin had gone ghost white, and she was sweating profusely, lying in a pool of her own blood. She had only briefly opened her eyes when he’d gotten to her, and started basic first aid...
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A Night Out To RememberI had known Sue for almost five years but had known Liz for a lot longer. We had met while she wasstill at school although I was four years older we still became good friends. After she left school Ihelped her with her college work and more importantly when she needed advice about boys and latergirls. I helped her pass through that difficult stage when she was just discovering her sexuality. Shesoon became aware that although she liked boys she liked girls a whole lot...
I’m lucky, my tub is big enough for 2… so my man and I start off our long weekend together with a warm bubble bath, relaxing, sexy, some music, some drinks… after a while we are making out, you on top of me, slowly kissing my neck and shoulders, working your way down to my nipples, which are so hard you can feel them against your chest. As you are kissing me, you feel my hand slip between us and take your cock, which is getting hard from the making out. As I take it I push you off of me and we...
And now it was Saturday night again. July thirteenth. It had been just eight days since that passionate French kiss in Roxanna’s garage. Neither of them knew it yet. But this would be the night the song "You Can't Hurry Love" would cease to be both of their anthems. Love and lust would at last find them both. Dan and Roxanna both arranged sitters for their kids. They went out dancing at a ballroom just three blocks from Dan’s house. Dan and Roxanna both enjoyed ballroom dancing. That shared...
Love StoriesHere I am again. Another bed. The silken sheets cleaved to our sweaty bodies as I neared the climax of my performance. I could hear the woman, whatever her name was, moan in pleasure. She muttered something in my ear. I think it was French. I tried focusing on what I was doing. I could feel her hot, wet pussy engulf my cock... But something was missing. She clawed at my back as she came again. What was it, something like three times now? She was an animal. Don't get me wrong, if felt...
IncestSATURDAY MORNING, after Pilates, I was delegated to pick up Sandra, Amy, and Kate and then ordered to drive all five girls to the mall for a beauty treatment. Yeah, I make it sound like I was really put upon, but just having those five in the car with me ... Well, the temperature was rising. The teasing kept me red in the face. When we got to the mall, Lissa sent me to her store and told me to ask for Rose. Rose would dress me. I was not to ask about prices since the purchase was going on...
September 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I went to my study to make a surreptitious call to ensure that the surprise I’d planned for Kara was still going to happen, and after confirming that it was, Jesse, Matthew, Michael, and I began preparing for the Labor Day party by getting beer and soda into coolers, getting the grill ready, setting up tables and chairs in the backyard, and ensuring the liquor cabinets were stocked while my wives and daughters worked on food prep in the...
It was a bright sunny Friday afternoon in mid June when Bobby, and his best friend Joseph turned their bikes into the driveway of the Hill house. Both the boys as Joseph said " guess ill see you later dude " and rode back to the Gribbles house as he pulled his bike into the drive way he saw John Redcorn exiting through his parents bed room. For year's know he had known that his very seductively beautiful mother Nancy had been cheating on his so called Father Dale. He...
I slipped silently into the kitchen where Mom is standing at the sink. Fot a brief momemnt I pause to admire her legs which are short and strong and support her wonderfully solid ass. Without the slightest stimulation I could feel an erection beginning to stir in my pajama pants. There was no stopping it pogression now. She was still unaware of my presence when I moved my hand under the hem of her short nighgown and began to massage her cunt through her panties. Her reaction was similar to...
On Monday morning Helena woke up at 7am with a worry and immediately thought of the airport. Fred looked at her. Getting out of bed they dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Calling Bill they asked for a ride to the airport. Julie picked them up at 8.30. Calling into the office Lisa mentioned “Funny over the weekend they changed the fuel payment system for this business. We must pay for the fuel immediately and not on a weekly basis as in the past, our previous business is not effected...
Aaj apnader ami Baba Maar phool sajyar golpo bolbo. Aaj thake 5 bochor ager kotha. AMaar tokhan 18 bochor boase Baba 2nd bia korlo choto masi ke. Natun Maar age 34 ar Babar 49. Maar name Rina figure 34-30-36 khara untouched Maai ekdam achoda dakhlai mone hobe kamuk. Jai hok registry kore bia holo. Biar ratae phool sajya. December Maas besh thanda. Amaar paser ghore Baba Maar ghar. Majkhane ekta dorja aache ja du dik dia bondho. Sob kotha sona jai, ar ami age thakae dorjate phuto kore rakha...
I was one of the many young Irish men who emigrated to Australia to find work and a better life, due to return to Ireland for a few weeks, to spend Christmas with my family. I was already planning who I wanted to see for other reasons. Laura, Katie and Sheila were close friends in a group of maybe seven or eight girls. They were all aged 18 or 19. What these three girls had in common is they had all got my attention.Laura was my fuck buddy before I headed abroad. She had actually gotten into a...
FriendThis story is about my first experience with my girlfiend and her cute ass...I knew she wanted it..The Story It all started when I was at school. I went to a school in South Carolina and hated being away from my girlfriend. It was frustrating being on the other side of the country when my girlfriend lived in Arizona and went to another college. I tried as hard as I could to keep our sexual intimacy up but it still wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. I was almost out of school for the summer...