False Reality
- 4 years ago
- 29
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“A robbery?” Whitaker said, surprised.
“Yep. The explosion was to hide any trace of it, most likely. And it’s not like you can go out and buy two-hundred pounds of C4. The inconsistent blast radius, plus the fact that multiple guys are involved in kidnapping Julie, all point to it, unless we go with the abduction being a coincidence.”
“No, we don’t. But that doesn’t let Samar off the hook. He could have been in on the crew stealing the explosives.”
“Sure, but then why kill Julie? What possible reason could Samar have for holding her alive for four or five days and then killing her just before or just after he blew up the armory? None of that makes sense.”
“Maybe she learned of the plan?” Whitaker said in a voice that suggested even she didn’t believe it.
“But why did guys jump her in a parking lot at night. It was a good setup, sure, but they could have been seen. That’s a hell of a lot riskier than Samar just calling her up on the phone and asking her to come over. And it’s not like he needed to keep his phone records clean. With his code being used, he was always going to be a suspect.”
“Ok, but then why did he use his code.”
“I have a thought, just bear with me. Maybe these guys started planning the robbery, but couldn’t figure out how to get in the door without getting caught. I mean, this is a building with trained soldiers and a bunch of weapons and ammo. Not exactly an easy score. So they find out one of the kids on the night shift has this coed girlfriend, snatch her up and then say ‘do this for us, or the girl gets it.’ Afterwards, they get rid of the evidence.”
“I don’t know.”
“I get that I have literally no evidence to back that theory up, but it’s the only thing I’ve got that fits all the facts. I mean, Samar loves this country! Everyone that knows him says no way did he betray his oath. But he’s this young kid, raised by a single woman, with this pretty girl friend who apparently was crazy for him. It’s not a stretch to say he made the wrong call and agreed if he thought he could get her out alive.”
“Maybe, but now we have to do the hard part, and actually get evidence. If you think I’m a hard sell, Dorset will need someone standing in front of him signing a confession before he buys into any of this.”
“You know what really worries me?”
“If I’m right, someone out there was willing to kidnap and murder a young girl, blow up a Army instillation and kill multiple servicemen, all to get a truck load of military grade high explosives. It was an amazingly risky operation that had a mountain of fail points all along the way.”
“What are they planning to hit, that’s worth all that risk?”
“Shit!” Whitaker said, looking down as she considered the ramifications.
“So, let’s go to the AC place. The next link in the chain is the guys who grabbed her.”
“All right,” she said and got up to go back to her room.
Taylor took one last moment to appreciate her in short shorts and a tight t-shirt before she disappeared out the door.
After ten minutes the buttoned up Whitaker in a pants suit and tasteful makeup appeared. As they walked towards the car, she grabbed him by the elbow, stopping him.
“About last night,” she started to say.
“I get it. You were just blowing off steam, and having some fun. We’re good.”
“Ok. Good,” she said, and then punched him hard in the chest. “And stop telling people to call me Lola.”
“Oof!” he said, half from the impact and half in exaggeration. “Sure thing, Princess.”
She gave him a glare, but smiled as she turned away and headed to the SUV.
They made one stop on the way to the AC shop, at a small electronics retailer. After flashing her badge, Whitaker talked the kid behind the counter into pulling some items they had for sale that allowed users to digitize VHS tapes, and had them print out a snap shot of the two men from the van. Even so, when they arrived at the AC business, they found its doors locked tight and a sign indicating that it wouldn’t open for almost an hour.
Looking in the shops windows, Taylor couldn’t see any people or lights. That wasn’t terribly surprising considering it was more than an hour before the business would normally open. In the parking lot sat two vans that matched up with what they had seen on the surveillance tape, including the logo as it had been described to them and each with a number on the back right door. Neither of these van’s numbers matched the one from the tape, however.
Taylor checked the paint on those numbers, but both seemed weathered enough that he seriously doubted if either had their number changed any time recently. Both vehicles were locked, but looking in he could see they shared a similar layout, with an open back area easily accessible from the driver’s seat, with a row of drawers and a very narrow work bench on one side of the van’s cargo area. It wouldn’t have been hard for them to keep Julie hidden while they’d taken her to wherever she was held prior to her death.
While Taylor was poking around the trucks, a younger man walked up wearing a button up shirt with the same logo over the pocket.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
“Sir, I’m Agent Whitaker with the FBI. Do these men look familiar to you?” Whitaker asked, holding up her badge in one hand and a print out of the surveillance tape in the other.
“It’s a little blurry, but I’m pretty sure that’s Willie on the left. No idea who the other guy is.”
“William, ma’am. William Mullins. He’s a technician, here. That picture kinda looks like him, and he has this big tattoo on his arm that is where that dark spot is on the person in the picture. I’m not a hundred percent sure, of course; but if I had to guess, it’s Willie.”
“What’s the tattoo of?” Whitaker asked.
“A big snake that’s curled up at the bottom and the top part is sitting up. You’ve probably seen it before. It’s off that yellow flag you sometimes see at protests and stuff on TV.”
“The one that says ‘Don’t tread on me’?” Taylor asked.
“That’s the one. The tattoo is just the snake, though. No words or anything.”
“Has Mullins worked here long?”
“I’m not sure. I got hired about a year ago, and he already worked here then.”
“Have you seen him recently?”
“No, but he had some kind of big install job out of town. He’s been gone for almost two weeks.”
A car pulled into the parking lot and parked next to the vans.
“That’s Mr. Brooks. He owns the place,” the younger man said.
The man got out of his car and walked over to them.
“Can I help you folks?” the man in his forties said as he walked up.
“They’re with the FBI, Art. They were asking questions about Willie,” the younger employee said, probably thinking he was being helpful.
“Did something happen to him?” Brooks asked, concerned.
“No. We just had a couple of questions for him.”
“Well, he’s been in Oklahoma for two weeks, finishing a big contract.”
“Have you talked to him in that time?”
“A couple of times. He knows his job; so, normally I just leave him to it, so he can finish and get back.”
“And he’s still there?”
“As far as I know.”
“Do you have a number for him?”
“Sure, I have it in the office.”
They followed Brooks around to the front of the store, and waited while he unlocked the shop. He was a little rattled, which most people are when the FBI shows up asking questions, and started to pull the door closed behind him. Taylor reached out and stopped the door from shutting.
Brooks gave a nervous chuckle and held the door open for Whitaker and Taylor to follow him into the shop. He headed back to an office along the back wall and, after flicking on the lights, he pulled a binder off a shelf and flipped it open.
Looking over his shoulder, Taylor watched as he flipped through sections in the binder, each with a different employee’s name. He got Mullins name and opened the page to a sheet that had phone number and address on it, which Whitaker copied down.
“If you hear from Mullins, please have him call me,” Whitaker said, handing him one of her cards.
“What next?” Taylor asked as they left the store.
“I’ll call in a BOLO on Williams. Let’s go over to his home, just in case he’s there.”
“You don’t want to call him?”
“Not yet. I don’t want to spook him into running.”
They got into the SUV and, after consulting Whitaker’s GPS, drove a few blocks to a small apartment complex. Finding his apartment, Whitaker parked the car out front.
“So how do we do this?” Taylor said, as Whitaker walked around to his side of the car, stepping up onto the curb she had parked next to.
“Well, if he’s not home, we could try for a warrant, but there’s a good chance word would get back to Dorset. The other choice is to take the tape and ID to the Sheriff, and see if he’d let us piggy back on his investigation. Of course, he might be pissed we haven’t turned over the tape already, and shut us out.”
“Man, doing things legally is a pain in the...”
Taylor was interrupted by the sound of squealing tires. A dirty green truck accelerated towards them at a high rate of speed. That alone would have been notable, but what made it really concerning, was the two men on the back of the truck who were both holding assault style weapons.
Taylor grabbed Whitaker around the waist and pulled both of them to the ground, interposing the black SUV between them and the truck. Almost as soon as they hit the ground, the staccato crack-crack-crack sound of semi-automatic rifle fire filled the air, followed by the thunk and crunching sounds of bullets impacting on their improvised cover.
Lying mostly on top of Whitaker, Taylor saw a bullet impact on the crevasse that joined the curb they were laying on and the road a few inches lower. Taylor recognized a fairly low speed impact, and experience told him it was most likely a ricochet hitting the curb, making it slow enough to not bounce further once it hit the cement, but rather dig into the concrete.
Taylor felt a burning sensation as sharp chips of concrete were sent spraying up from the impact, peppering the side of his neck.
The entire barrage lasted mere seconds, and then stopped as the truck passed beyond them and sped down the street. Taylor rolled off Whitaker and both were up in a flash, weapons in their hands ready to return fire. Unfortunately the truck was turning onto a side street and neither had a shot at their assailants.
Whitaker ran around the vehicle, only to skid to a stop. Taylor followed behind her and saw what she saw. The SUV was riddled with bullets and even as they looked at the damage, smoke started billowing from under the vehicle’s hood.
“Shit,” She said, pulling out her phone. “I’ve gotta call this in.”
She leaned against her car and started dialing a number. Taylor walked away and headed towards the apartment while she was on the phone. Trying the door, he was surprised to find it unlocked. Looking back and confirming that Whitaker was otherwise occupied, he pushed the door open and walked in.
The apartment was a tiny one-bedroom, but seemed generally fairly clean. The first thing he noticed was the lights were all on. The second thing that drew Taylor’s eye was the small table next to the kitchenette, where a single plate sat with a fork perched on its edge. Walking over, Taylor held his hand over the rice and stew-meat that filled the plate, and felt heat radiating off it. In the kitchenette he found a pot with more of the same food that was on the plate, the sides still too hot to touch.
“What the hell are you doing,” Whitaker said from the doorway behind him.
“The door was open,” he said.
“I don’t give a shit. We don’t have a warrant. Anything you find in here now will be inadmissible, later. You want to let Julie’s killer walk on a technicality? Get out of there, right now!”
“Sorry,” Taylor said as he walked out the door and Whitaker shut it behind them.
“Did you touch anything?”
“I sure as hell hope not. How will you feel if he skates.”
“I get it. Sorry. But...”
“But what?”
“Did you notice all the lights were on?”
“They were like that when I walked in. Food was on the table, still hot. He high tailed it out of there only a few minutes ago. Someone tipped him off.”
“I think the guys in the pickup truck could have told you that.”
“They could have been following us.”
Whitaker shook her head, “I would have noticed it by now. Also, we were all over town yesterday, we were at the hotel last night. Why pick this moment to take a shot at us?”
“‘Cause we were going to look into Mullins’ activities.”
“Bingo. If I had to guess, I’d say someone tipped him off we were coming.”
A squad car, lights wailing tore around a corner and slammed to a stop right in front of Whitaker’s car. The deputy they had met at the pond hopped out.
“Shit, we got a call of a gun battle happening over here,” he said, slowing down when he recognized Whitaker and Taylor. “Didn’t expect to find you folks.”
“I just called it in. Three men in a pickup, one driving, two in the bed with assault rifles. They took some shots at us and then hauled ass,” Whitaker said.
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Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...
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Whitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...
The drive to the campus took a lot longer than either Taylor or Whitaker expected. It wasn’t the campus itself that was the problem, the in-dash GPS took care of getting them on campus without much trouble. The problem was, the GPS didn’t know much beyond where the campus itself was, and they found no entry for the registration office, which was their next stop. Texas Tech isn’t a huge campus, but all the buildings looked similar, and the street signs weren’t helpful. Eventually they stopped...
As Whitaker and Taylor headed out of the hotel and toward the location, Whitaker was texted by the Deputy. There had been a lot of tense silence between them since they’d met, but Taylor could feel the anger coming off Whitaker. And yet, she hadn’t thrown in the towel completely. Taylor knew he’d been too dismissive of Whitaker from the beginning, but he wasn’t sure how to make any of them listen to reason. He promised himself he would try and go easier on her if at all possible. The hard...
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As it turned out, they couldn’t leave right away, much to Taylor’s annoyance. There weren’t enough deputies to interview the AC shop owner, search for Mullins and sit on their SUV until it could be towed, so the three of them had to wait for a tow truck to come for Whitaker’s SUV. When it finally showed up, Whitaker pulled all her possessions out and loaded them into a messenger bag. “What are we going to do to get around?” Taylor said as she loaded up her things. “I mean, Wade here offered...
The packing didn’t take Taylor long, considering he had only the one duffle bag and he’d just thrown out one set of clothes he’d brought with him. Even with that, he was only a few steps behind Whitaker when they checked out and both were on the curb when yet another non-descript black SUV pulled up with a male agent Taylor hadn’t met, driving. He and Whitaker made a bit of small talk, but that quickly fell off. It seemed there was little secret being made of Whitaker being yanked home by...
The next morning, neither talked about the night before. By the time she’d showered and dressed in another of her ubiquitous dark pantsuits ... which, it turned out, she had an entire closet full of ... Whitaker was back to her normal self. It didn’t take them long to figure out their plan once they got going, since it was pretty straight forward. They would stake out Brooks, and see where he went. If he had been hired to grab Julie, then this would be all for nothing, but it was the only...
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Masseur Alex Legend arrives for his shift, and a fellow masseur asks him to take their client, which Alex agrees to. When his colleague tells him the customer’s name, Alex’s eyes slowly widen with alarm and he swallows hard at the realization of it being the same name as his ex-girlfriend’s. ‘Uh…’ His colleague claps him on the shoulder, thanking him while hurrying away. ‘Thanks, Alex! You’re a lifesaver!’ the colleague calls out on their...
xmoviesforyou“Ok, so, tell me, what made you take this job?" I said.“I have kids to feed. I lost my old job not too long ago... Not that it was a good one.”“People romanticize stripping. It is sexy but it’s dangerous,” I said. “That being said, let me give you a few points by working here. The first and most important one being: It will take more than that beautiful curvaceous ass of yours to make men crumble. Watch the performances, you'll see.”“Coming to the stage... Peaches!" the DJ introduced.I looked...
MoneyWe were in our early thirties. Jill (my wife) and I were at a small party with six other couples... the kind where you drank and talked. We all had young k**s upstairs. The times of all night parties, discos and getting crazy were over. We were adults now, upright members of the community. We had responsibilities.The women of the group knew each other through the Junior Wives Club. I was tuned out on whatever they were discussing, and checking out one of the other wives, a good-looking redhead...
Hi friends I am 45 of age now well settled and happily married this is my real experience when I was in class 9th before I start the story you all will have to know me I was born and brought up in mussoorie my father had a plum and apple orchid and had many paid workers and their family staying who used to work in the orchid my family has dad mom and two sisters one is 1 year older to me and the other 4 years younger to me in mussoorie We have 4 months winter school holidays so in these days v...
IncestLily Glee is a brunette nubile with a mischievous smile and a penchant for pleasure. She wears a baby blue choker necklace and skintight denim shorts that ride all the way up and show off her tender pussy lips. She’s only 22 years old, but she already has some fun sex stories to share. She used to fuck her co-worker in the breakroom at work, and now she wants to take the leap and make some money with her insatiable sexual appetite. Our stud pinches her nipples and shoves his huge cock in her...
xmoviesforyouSAGE’S OBEDIENT BOYSManfred Wettington watched Sage leaving her apartment, holding hands with Figgins Clarke, her balding, geeky fianc?e. Manny didn’t know Fig well, but in the few conversations he’d had with Sage while they were walking their dogs in the front of the building where she was his tenant, he’d learned that Fig was ?intelligent and talented? and was a Computational Linguistics something-or-other? But Manny could care less. He just LOVED Sage, who was as demure as a Jane Austen c...
I suppose there are lots of ways to carry off, despoil and utterly ravish a virginal Princess of the Blood-Royale, but in many ways I'm a traditionalist. I was looking forward to doing it the old fashioned way. While awaiting my lovely young Lady to return I amused myself by searching all of the Princess's storage chests, drawers and other things. I found a few odd daggers and other weapons and tossed them out the window into the courtyard. One cupboard I found contained enough whips,...
‘How goes the resource gathering?’ the senior Master asked the collected group of Masters overseeing the operation. ‘We successfully regrew the storage and processing vessels and have now begun to fill them again,’ the head of the group replied. ‘What of their security?’ ‘We are keeping them near our core vessels and using smaller tenders to bring the materials to them. Inefficient but, we believe, effective.’ ‘Yes, the group looking for any observation craft or sensor devices of this...
Elizabeth: Elizabeth was furious. Not only was her slave not at the door, she wasn't even in the house! At first Elizabeth thought it was Lucy's way to get her to 'punish' her, but now she was unsure. "I give her everything and she just leaves me? It makes no sense!" Elizabeth pushes over a cabinet, breaking it and sending sex toys flying across the floor, "Fuck, now I have to clean this up myself." As she begins collecting the various dildos, vibrators, whips and bindings, she...
Now, Jane - by L.S.J. Part I: Friday Lydia's car wasn't there when I drove up to her house a little before one. I wasn't surprised that she hadn't arrived yet. I'd been able to leave my office just after noon and had rushed over because I'd been aching to get there ever since listening to the message that was on my machine when I arrived at work that morning. "Hi, baby. I'm looking forward to playing with you this weekend, all weekend. As a matter of fact, I want you to get...
Late teens had my driver’s license for a couple years as most days took a drive in my convertible with the top down. My skirt just above my stocking tops and garter straps so everyone could see as I passed them, my long black wig blowing as the air passed through it, of course my hard falsies pushing out my tight top from under my bra. Who could resist looking and flashing their lights, sounding their car/truck horns waving as I sped by. So much for the highway I took a few back roads then up...
As far back as I can remember I hated wearing clothes. I'd strip down every chance I got. After my father left us we had to move somewhere my mom could afford.We ended up moving to a big city, into some cheap apartments.Mom took a job that had her working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I'd get home and strip down in my room and start doing my homework. Not knowing at the time, the sheer curtains that let you see out in the day, allowed people to see in at night with the lights on. One day it...
As you can probably tell by the title, i'm a pretty big fan of BDSM culture and specifically being dominated. Well, here's a true story from last year that still turns me on every time I think about it.--Me and my ex-boyfriend had been going out for almost four months, and we had got to the level where things had started to get a bit boring. We both use recreational d**gs, and one day he came up with a brilliant idea. One day over the next couple of weeks, he would d**g me, tie me up and...
Freezing rain pelts agains the window as you dump your backpack on the bed and direct a tired glare at your roommate. "No, I'm not leaving. This is absurd and you know it." "Come on," she says in a tone that somehow managed to sound both pleading angry, "I've been trying to set this up for weeks! Can't you just let me have it?" "Taylor..." You pinch the bride of your nose as you try to figure out how to explain just how insane this is. "Even if I were willing to let you kick me out of our...
FetishHi there friend its me vinay back again with the final part of the story anna nagar aunt Ok for those who don’t know me a small intro I’m vinay(pen name) 24 years old from chennai adayar a rich spoiled teen working in amazon as associate good at rowing skating and swimming 6 feet tall athletic physique with a decent tool to satisfy any girl or ladies with high stamina and “Any divorced , unsatisfied , widowed , desperate ,lonely females from chennai can contact me through “” that my mail id and...
I would like to thank my friend Angela for her help in co-writing this story. It was her idea for the plot as well as l lot of the story line. Except for her beauty, especially her eyes and lips, there are no other similarities in this story. It is strictly a work of fiction. I would also like to thank her for her editing. All other typos are mine While the beginning contains a lot of non-consensual elements, the overall story is a romance, hence the category placement. ...
Monday was going to be one busy day for all of us. Vicky and I were at Morton Field at 0600 leaving for Minnesota in one G5. When I was finished there, we were flying on to Columbia SC. I carried my dress blues and portable office on the plane. Howie and four of his helpers were going in another G5 carrying two of the new bigger drones and upgraded devices. Both C5s were flying to Windhoek; Bob’s Construction and crews were ready to go with the cargo split up between the two planes....
Rosie and George had dressed after their fuck and suck session and were sitting together on the sofa watching television when they heard the front door open.“I’m home, and I've got a surprise,” Mary called out as she walked up the hall.Rosie's mouth dropped open as her aunt came into the room. She was followed by a smiling man. If her Uncle George hadn't been sitting next to her, she would have sworn it was him.“I don't suppose you remember your Uncle Harry do you?” Mary said, smiling at...
IncestI stood right behind my closed bedroom door naked with a racing heart as the clock struck noon on a Saturday afternoon. I bit my bottom lip as my right hand grabbed the door knob. I opened the door calmly and stepped out. Sweat flowed down every part of my body as I tip toed to the bathroom through the hallway. "Fuck, that's no foul!" my dad yelled. My dad and step mom were a mere twenty feet away in the living room and I tried to not make the floor creak on my way to the bathroom. It was the...
Love StoriesI met her on CLCE. She lived in a city where I travelled frequently on business. She had posted looking for a FWB. We emailed back and forth quite a bit and there were several missed opportunities in the for m of trips where I stayed over in her city but she was no quite ready to go through with it. Finally, on one of my trips, she agreed to meet me in person. To help break the ice, we met over drinks at a bar near my hotel, then headed back there and to my room where I had some more drinks...